HEY, EVERYBODY TRYING TO BUY MY MAGAZINE; If you are having ANY trouble buying my evidence magazine let me know.  No problems that I know of but just keeping all my customers satisfied. Some prefer anonymity and I have a mailing address listed below as well. Enclose either $10. or a check for that amount and I’ll send you a copy that way. You can mail me at Steve Lightfoot 800 Scott St. Sand City, Ca. 93955, please. My e-mail is Incidentally, my magazine of evidence is satisfaction guaranteed and that it is PROOF of King’s guilt or your money back So far, thousands sold and zero returns, people.

To those of you who have purchased my magazine or intend to I absolve you from some of the criticism I display in this section regarding the rest of fallen humanity. Not everybody can be lumped into a group and I appreciate that 20 % of you ARE good people and worthy of being saved by my efforts and evidence. To the rest of you, get a clue and stand up for your raped, corrupted selves.  Please. I’ve been in the cold long enough and I need you to all help me come forward. For your sake, even more than mine. This evidence CAN save the world.



Get worthy you cowards. I’m leaving California if you stay stupid and weak. 3-01-’25 deadline. This means that the glory of breaking this historic expose will go to another state, not California. Moreover, it means that shame will apply to California for forcing the messenger to try elsewhere. From glory to disgrace, in a nutshell.


No, you DON’T get to choose your messengers and I’m a little on the truthy side. Buckle up.

Have to get this out of the way – I’ll be leaving California and all it’s blind as a bat morons behind if Monterey can’t find a spine in time before March 01, my birthday, and break this news wide open.-  Yeah. you all ARE stupid and foolish and weak and masochistic NOT to care deeply about whether Stephen King murdered John Lennon or not. The sign I brandish on my van now reads; “SICK PARENTS PROTECTING STEPHEN KING. Ain’t it the truth, too? It’s how I prevent the phony parents from lying to their children about me in the meantime. Also a ten percent homosexual population makes California unequipped to care about such important matters. I learned from the homosexual crowd that they especially resent what I do. Poor them. More wrong with them than I first thought. Utah is more like about three percent, I’m guessing, and I KNOW that part of America is more level headed  and red blooded than California is. Kind of Commie, California. You. I should know. I have lived here most of my life. I’m a hero and you cowards resent me for it, too. Must be all that working class bitterness and misery, I guess.

So, WHY must I move to Utah if you dolts don’t care? Frankly, I will have lost all respect for all of you and will not be able to tolerate living among you is why. I could kidnap one of your persons and find a spot safe and untraceable and get on talk radio and demand you get King arrested before you ever see whomever again. Then you’d all HAVE to get off your evil asses and DO SOMETHING! I could do that. Problem is it’s not that easy. Satellites and such, it’s almost impossible to SUCCEED that way. I don’t want to give you all what you want, anyway, me getting punished for telling the truth so you can go on covering it up. No, I’ll settle for exposing my enemies someday when I have the world’s attention. The point being, a law should be passed ALLOWING such harsh action since the masses are utter asses where the truth and justice are concerned. Your God damned media and the courts and your law enforcement won’t do their job. You phonies don’t WANT them to, either. It’s YOU who are the real monsters. Wicked humanity.

Think of how stupid you all are NOT to hoist me on your shoulders and care and demand truth and justice. This is the biggest news on earth and the fact that Monterey is boycotting my magazine PROVES you all know it, too. Where I live and advertise the most I get the least support. You thought I’d not find that secret of yours out, huh? You poor, jealous, bitter bastards. Right now you are wasting your lives under an unspeakable nightmare that is molesting you 24/7. WASTING YOUR LIVES UNDER EVIL! The man who REALLY murdered John Lennon is and has been molesting all of you with horror all this time. Unspeakable evil, and BECAUSE it’s SO evil and ungodly dastardly you don’t even want to LOOK and see if it’s true or not. PATHETIC! You can pretend Stephen King did not kill John Lennon all you want. It’s what you do after allowing Chapman to skip trial entirely in the first place. My own family and flesh and blood taught me how phony and sick all of you are. They’re no better. You sicko’s KNOW the government was behind Lennon’s murder all this time even without my evidence find. That’s why not one Beatle or Lennon fan complained WHEN Chapman skipped trial. The government already KNOWS you are a bunch of phonies and cowards and boot-lickers, just like they are. They knew, in advance, that you’d let that go under the bridge. The biggest murder of your lives and no trial, after, to make sure we weren’t being lied to. This after Nixon famously tried to deport John in the 70’s too. You people are stupid and weak and might be better off dead after an asteroid takes you out of your misery.. Our government probably, in fact, arranged for a friend of the Bush family, John Hinckley,  to distract you from all that then by pretending to shoot Reagan and switch topics away from Chapman. That means that Reagan and Brady and a few other government employees and doctors and the mass media would have had to lie to you about anyone ever getting shot and play a charade for you to pull that hoax off. I say so even without any evidence except for the fact that the Hinckley’s and The Bush’s live on the same block in Colorado in summer homes and have known each other for 18 years PRIOR to Hinkley allegedly shooting anyone. Just that little inconvenient fact, people. Frankly, they’d have never killed Lennon and omitted a trial for his killer if they did NOT have a smoke screen charade to follow it up with. No WAY! Reagan’s an actor, after all. A commie, too, truth be known.

The government you allow to be evil in the first place probably IS that evil on top of it all. A bunch of New World Order Communists taking over our country by killing John Lennon and letting his real life killer poison you ever after to make you’re weak enough for them to succeed. What you underestimate is that our own F.B.I. and C.I.A. etc. are behind this takeover plot.

My last name; Lightfoot, is smack dab in the middle of all those signatures on The Declaration Of Independence. See for yourselves. I probably AM a better American than all of you. If I break my story elsewhere I WILL ABSOLUTELY punish all of you Californians for torturing me all this time with your jealousy and apathy and stupidity.. Maybe lower your home’s  property value by 20 percent, in fact. Ruin your reputation. I have no qualms about doing so, I’ll be dead in 35 years anyway and you don’t even respect yourselves to begin with or you’d have cared about my evidence long ago. Who cares what Lennon killers think? They don’t rate in my book. They deserve to be humiliated. I have an asteroid to avert in the meantime.

I may sound bitter but I include my own flesh and blood in this chapter. You ALL suck in my book. Just S-U-CK. All of you. Like my sign says; “MONTEREY SUCKING STEPHEN KING’S DICK” There. Suck on those words and get a whiff of what I’ll be like after if I DO break this monster expose elsewhere. ANYONE who would break such a story would automatically become the world’s most famous human being. That scares you all, I think. If the mountain sized asteroid I saw that just missed us in 1966 DOES wipe you all out some day, I will not cry. Not one tear.  Compared to how you COULD live compared to how you CHOOSE to live, under unspeakable  evil, there is no question you’d all be better off dead, frankly. If you, as a species, cannot respond to evidence and punish King for what he did you’re too weak to deserve to survive, I think. Besides, I think I really AM the decider in this matter. Take a read of my ‘avenging angle’ chapter somewhere here and I think you’ll all agree, too. (King’s multi million dollar mansion in Osprey, Florida got flooded by hurricane Milton on John Lennon’s birthday last week after the locals ignored me in 2021 when I was there for three months.  My home town of Santa Rosa, Ca., after ignoring me for decades, suffered it’s worst, ever, fire ALSO on John Lennon’s birthday several years ago.) There are hundreds of similar stories that should scare you all. “The Event” John called his murder may be just that. The event that decides whether we all live or die. Get worthy of life on this planet and punish Stephen King instead of me and yourselves. Or else! You fools don’t know, like I do, there are STILL unstoppable projectiles bigger than a mountain powerful enough to wipe us out. That we are ALL just sitting ducks relying on karma alone NOT to get hit one day. You don’t understand that there are things out there too powerful to survive. Too fast, too big. ‘BLIP!’ fast. If you think you can avoid bad karma like that and let Stephen King get away with what he did to us, when you HAVE hard evidence, all just because you’re too weak and scared to stand up for yourselves and protest for disclosure then think again. You’d be too weak to live right. MayBE better off dead.

God screwed up big time if YOU are the best he can do. Masochists and weaklings under Stephen King. THAT’S who you all really are. Unworthy of this planet so far. SO FAR.

Look at you, now, America; The WORST, EVER, presidential ticket in our lives staring you in the face just weeks away from election night. Bottom of the barrel Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. As if our enemies are trying to humiliate us into surrender with so terrible a choice. “Vote for us, America. I helped Joe deluge you with foreigners and criminals and tanked your economy with record inflation on purpose to shrink you down enough to fit into our New World Order jigsaw puzzle. Trust that I will reverse course after I’m installed, again.” Has our mass media ever been so nakedly partisan, besides? Just like Russia! There is no way even all of you are stupid enough to vote for them. If they win you will know the election was rigged and America is dead, and all because you didn’t stand up to Stephen King in time when you had hard evidence and the chance. You want to trust your media and government. You want. Wake up! What evil pussies you’ve all become. Stephen King and his evil OWN you.


(Q) Whoa, Steve Lightfoot. How do you expect the public to help you when you’re so bitter and accusatory? Don’t you have to be nicer if you want results?

(A) You’d think so. In the case of exposing our government the public is not allegiant to the messenger or even themselves or their children, but to the government. An instinct to boot lick rather than save themselves. The public would rather chop off their right arm than challenge the government with this kind of evidence The public fears retribution if they help the messenger. Moreover, I have taken to singing in public and NOT speaking just TO assuage the public to help me. I know they don’t want to be preached to or lectured or bored with evidence presentation. Still, they have chosen to ignore my plight and theirs. No amount of being nice will overcome the public’s fear of government. They must be dragged kicking and screaming to their senses.

(Q) You say you sing in public. How good are you, anyway?

(A) Good enough to be top artist once my evidence promotes me to the fore of our news culture. I will have the fame, status and charisma needed to compensate for any shortfalls.

(Q) Really? So you’re saying you’re as good as a Frank Sinatra or Dean Martin or other proven top performers?

(A) That’s correct. If not AS good at least as good as anyone I see on the horizon, now. I’m pretty good all of a sudden. I dare say world class. Ever since the local Monterey and Santa Cruz authorities, namely Leon Panetta, began molesting me and my rights and wrecking my van and other bad indications they want to kill me. I have been forced to break through barriers that previously held me back just to stay alive. I call it a miracle form God. I never used to be this good.. Suddenly, one day, I noticed, I could hit notes I never could before and all my artistic senses blossomed as if on cue. I have to do something to let the public know I am a for real hero and not just some nut who lives in a van. That I am a force to be reckoned with that can’t be stopped. I also sing from my van to let the public know I’m going places with or without their help and that they had better get on board or get left behind in disgrace. That just ignoring me will not work in the long run.

(Q) O.K. So you’re not bashful or falsely modest.. Even if you are as good as you think you are how will singing from a website van break your story?

(A) I don’t really know. I only know it’s the best way I can stand out as something more than an oddity. I suppose I could erect a mock crucifix and tie myself to it and add a sign about how society is martyring the messenger but that’s just not my style. I’m letting people know what they are missing by keeping me in the shadows and ignoring me. I appreciate that it took over a year of almost nonstop Beatles music on my Walkman in the early 80’s to CONVINCE ME, to make me brave enough, to understand that this issue was too important to ignore. THAT THIS ISSUE WAS AS BIG AS IT GETS. Of course I have a big head start on being brave while the public still lives in fear. I can’t bear for them to be so stupid in the meantime. If they ever get their nerve they’ll take to the streets and exploit my evidence for their own good, once and for all. Maybe by singing I’m teaching them it’s alright not to live in fear and remain hopeful.

(Q) Don’t you think you should get some public relations firm to help you or at least get some coaching to get people on your side?

(A) Sure. Have you got several thousands of dollars to give me so I can do just that? For that matter I could use some advertising capital. I have to be poor just to keep the government from taking all my money as they have already demonstrated they will do via unjust citations and charges, several I have already had to fight and beat since my arrival in Monterey. I am, in fact, fighting a suspicious citation as we speak right now. The state has already tried to pull my license to drive my website van. Being poor is the only way I can operate right now. Besides, I have lost several dozens of jobs over WHAT I drive over time, already. It’s hard to work when you’re 70 years old and famous for exposing the government. I’m retired and living on social security, like a 70 year old SHOULD be doing. I’m plenty busy with this expose, believe me. When my mother died in 2018 and I inherited over $100,000.00 I had to spend half of it on my mouth from the neglect of having to live in a van all these years. I had just enough left to get a newer van and and a few other things I needed. I’m back to being on food stamps, now. For that matter I could use some therapy to overcome my perception that the public is too jealous of me to ever help me and my belief that they would like it if I were killed just so they could wipe their hands of their duty to expose and punish Stephen King.

(Q) So, you admit to being challenged emotionally. What made you so traumatized?

(A) In 1984, when I told the students at U.C. Berkeley that my father had just been suspiciously killed in plane crash on Nixon’s resignation anniversary weeks after receiving a threat letter from a horror writer, they could not contain their glee and snickered and squealed under their jealous breath. Almost unanimously. It was a spectacle that I’ll never forget that taught me people are not good like we’re all told they are. The whole scene WAS spinning like the scene in Carrie when all the people are laughing at her when the pig’s blood was poured on her. on stage. That they are treacherous demons who like it when heroes suffer. Similarly they snickered at the sight of me with my nose bandaged after thugs broke it on a sidewalk while dislocating my shoulder. I noticed how people are really evil in a sense. It so happens that handwriting analysis of that threat letter proves it WAS written by Stephen King. So people have to take responsibility for their role in my distrust of their goodness and sense of honor. I’m just a human being who knows things about humanity only a monster sized hero COULD know. I doubt anyone else could know what I know about people. Can you imagine how Jesus must have felt when he heard the crowd yell “Free Barabbas.”, the murderer? I am a pioneer in that respect. Nowhere near as big as Jesus, but a free speech pioneer.

(Q) Wow! Pretty harsh indictment of humanity. Are you sure it was not just your false impressions of what happened then?

(A) I’m sure. In fact, my own family members taught me how phony all mankind really is when it comes to busting the government. They all deserted me and left me to twist in the wind. No support or help demonstrating. Just a lot of boot-licking cowardliness on their part. My own family. My own mother threw away half of the magazines I collected that contained my evidence. My siblings ridiculed me and refused to help me at all. My own father turned me in to the F.B.I. initially. No, there is no doubt it is humanity and not my imagination.

(Q) Wow, again. No regret putting your own family members in so dreary a light?

(A) Not at all. We need truth, not ass kissing, here. My family, our mass media and our authorities only PROVES how evil mankind is when it comes to handling the truth. Long after me and my family are all dead the truth is what needs to be given the floor, now. Humanity needs to change and all this only fuels their need to change. It’s also why I gladly blame the public for Lennon’s assassination. They all ARE to blame. If I get killed they are especially to blame and not just the government. If I get killed for trying to save them I fear they will be erased by the asteroid I saw as a child that almost DID kill us all, then. I’m not kidding.

(Q) What if all this evidence you claim is just your imagination?

(A) If it were just my imagination Stephen King would have denied my claims long ago. In fact, his then bookseller friend in Bangor once blurted out ;”He’s afraid he’s gonna FRY!” while listening to me go off about how I’d let King come out of jail to do skits with me on television to redeem himself. 1992. Since that initial visit that bookstore is no more.  It was dead center downtown Bangor, too. I have stood inches away from him in Bangor, Maine in 1992. I was there for several months, then, and all he could do was stutter to me; “T-t-take c-c-care. I w-want you t-to t-take c-care.” before he sauntered away, sheepishly. He has since moved to Lewiston, Maine and Osprey, Florida now that his Bangor neighbors have my evidence magazine. He probably thinks the time a man ran him down while walking was over the fact they all know he killed John Lennon. If it were my imagination I would not have endured hundreds – HUNDREDS – of police episodes and citations and false arrests and endured getting brutalized and had my bones broken and been nationally slandered as a stalker of Stephen King as I was on the national television news in the 1990’s and many other facts that could not happen to a man who was wrong about what he thinks. Not once, but three times, I have had police point a gun directly at me. The first time hours after Reagan was re-elected. The government sure seems to want to stop whatever I’m doing. I am a 70 year old with no criminal record at all, and yet, I have been to court no less than 400 times since going public with my findings. Moreover, Time, Newsweek and U.S. News and World Report magazines, the source of my evidence, would have challenged my claims rather than disappearing from your supermarket shelves, instead. Besides, there was no trial for Mark Chapman. His was to be the trial of the century having killed society’s most famous and loved human being. Instead, his trial never took place, just a closed door meeting with no media allowed a year and a half too late to be legitimate when he allegedly plead guilty “Because God told me to…” And this news was buried on page 16 in the back section of the newspaper in a tiny, tiny clipping. If you need to excuse all that to find I’m just imagining all this you are seriously phony, indeed. Lennon’s murder caused more suicides than any murder in history. It was a bitter crime, and yet, his killer was allowed to completely skip trial and our scrutiny for it. This after Nixon tried to illegally deport John for his anti war politics in the 70’s. Like a small slogan on my van reads; “SILENT PUBLIC INSANE” When will you people grow up and face the truth? Even without my hard evidence; the killer’s face- Stephen King’s face, not Chapman’s, matches the autograph hound we were told was Chapman – Mark David Chapman’s name and attached letter to the editor linking Reagan printed before the crime and what’s in Nixon’s book ‘The Real War’ that discusses why John Lennon must be killed as it sits next to just elected Reagan the day of the murder under the headline; “Who’s In?” “Who’s Out?”, and all the other suspicious coded messages for only four months surrounding the crime in the headlines and everything King writes about including shooting a man between the shoulder blades and getting a man’s autograph before trying to assassinate him. Even without my hard evidence people should be taking to the streets to demand answers just because there was no trial for us to witness to make sure we weren’t being lied to. If we can’t defend John Lennon who CAN we defend, ever? The problem is, people want to be lied to because they know they lack the spine to stand up the government that did this to them. Instead they want to blame me for being a hero and trying to save them from government evil. Get a life all you cowardly phonies and punish King for what he obviously DID TO YOU! If you can’t DO this, people of the central coast, before March 01. 2025, then you’ll have to break this huge news without me and race against me and Utah for the glory. I’m guessing less than year and they’ll break it. You taught me what’s wrong withy society. That knowledge will help, believe me.

By the way, I’m center of downtown Monterey most every Sunday at noon where I conduct rallies. Show up a hundred strong and you will find courage in numbers and join me.

(Q) O.K., Steve, one last question; What’s your take on the 2024 presidential race?

(A) First thing that comes to mind is how it HAS TO BE that our own government is in bed with our enemies,  admitted Marxists. That the Harris ticket is even allowed to run in America for president means that our own F.B.I. and C.I.A., media etc., are all in bed WITH this New World Order takeover of America. The one G.H.W. Bush ADMITTED was on our horizon, then. Ever since Nixon, Reagan, Mondale, Bush, Gore, Ferraro, Dukakis, Hart, the Bush’s, Obama, Biden and Harris came down the pike America HAS BEEN under a hostile takeover being ALLOWED by our own deep state..

(Q) Hold on, you mentioned Ferraro, Gore and Dukakis, Gary Hart and Mondale                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  (A) And by design. I met them all and watched them slip on a banana peel on purpose. I WATCHED them throw the race to toss it to their real boss, the opposition that owns them to begin with. That the New World Order communists that really DO RUN our government almost always sew up both sides. Trump is the accident they never thought could happen but did. He’s not perfect but he’s not part of this world order plot and they want to kill him for challenging their grip on power. They don’t want him to botch their takeover of America that they have been on course with for decades. I think our system has been infiltrated, frankly. Just like Nixon warned us. It’s how the real war between Russian and America is REALLY being fought. He would know as an insider of it all. One who WOULD be soulless and evil enough to kill a John Lennon. And for the purpose of killing America in it’s wake. A deliberate attack on our soul and morality. A demoralizing coup against America. That Biden and Harris have been allowed to seemingly deliberately dismantle and destroy America like a pack of busy rabbits on a mission to destroy us with millions of unvetted foreigners and sack us with the huge tax of inflation and disrupt our economy and be ALLOWED to dare run again smacks of mind games sado masochism techniques being practiced on the helpless, unsuspecting American public. Gaslighting us, almost, with an unreality sales pitch that dares us to see and expose it. :”Can you believe it, Trump is actually threatening to weaponize the D.O.J. against his enemies if he gets elected.” while she has been doing exactly that for four years, not Trump. Every obvious transposing of the points she can throw at us because she knows the 180 degree lie works best. Just like Nixon warned us it’s the Soviets favorite technique. Either she’s taunting us or thinks we’re all stupid as rocks. At least as stupid and masochistic as mind controlled Russians must be to tolerate a monster like Putin.

By the way, I could have added Schumer, Pelosi, Sanders, A.O.C., Schiff, Harris’s husband’s equally Russian sir name, Emhoff, Russian, Jewish, in fact, Walz, etc., but we all know they practically admit to being socialists at heart. It’s a real commie plot going on, everybody. If I were in charge our enemies would be PREVENTED from running for OUR OFFICES to begin with. Automatic disqualification. But our own government WANTS to fork us over to a foreign plot that has to shrink us down to their level first. Oh, and by the way, when Gary Hart was running for president, about the time he came to meet me at my alma mater, obscure Santa Rosa Jr. College, People magazine showed a photo of his Corvette’s license plate; “U.S.S.A” No kidding! He lost on purpose just like Dukakis, Ferraro and Gore and Mondale all did. I watched, up close, and SAW it all. Dukakis actually mocked me at a rally describing my Lennon evidence cause as “garbage”. I was against his opponent, Bush, too. A fraud. Dukakis..

(Q) O.K. Slow down. What about the two wars we’re in currently that are both escalating as the election nears?

(A) Lynne Cheyney, daughter of military industrialist Dick Cheyney of Halliburton defense contractor fame is on Harris’s side? I think it was Eisenhower who tried to warn us about this day. To “BEWARE” I think Putin is evil and Russia is already three times too big to be safe for us all but these are the LAST people we want fighting a war like this. They are in the enemies pocket. The New Word Order plot to fool us into surrender via disingenuous, mismanaged wars. The Bush’s keeping silent? Same thing. They WANT a New World Order. The 20 Republicans on Harris’s side? They, too, infiltrates and enemies of our country. Agents and posers. I only know that under Trump these wars would not have likely happened at all since their intended managers, the Democrats, lately, would not be in control to begin with. They want to direct these wars to our demise, ultimately.

Look at Israel. Doomed to destruction it’s warfare has been so genocidal and evil. The very atrocities unleashed on them, once, they are unleashing on their neighbors in equal amounts of evil. America is doomed as well for being their weapon’s supplier and helper. We, as a nation, were already tricked into having all Asians hating us for the wars our enemies entrapped us in then. Japan, Viet Nam, North Korea. When the push DOES come to shove who will THEY want to align with? Us or our enemies? Our enemies got the results they wanted.

The Jewish mind, in general, is the problem with the world as much as anything I can see out there. They are front and center behind the Chapman lie and Lennon’s murder. Just a fact that automatically prejudices my opinions for good or bad, I’ll admit. I think they feared Lennon may have BEEN the Second Coming they defy, still. How sick is that, if true? SICK! Too much inbreeding has confused their brains to be unduly selfish and deceitful, frankly, and they must change, not for the world to give them their own country, instead. They are too selfish and treacherous to be anyone’s neighbors, now. The very LAST thing the world needs is for them to inbreed even more by concentrating them in so tiny a place like Israel. Israel, a bigger mistake than the Berlin Wall in my opinion. A flash point for violence against the Islamic people just like certain governments want. The Crusades ring a bell? That this war is escalating as our election is taking place is no accident and we should all vote for Trump and, if Harris is declared the winner, that we revolt and demand accountability like we never did in 2020. There is no way even brainwashed America is buying this bottom of the barrel media sell on Harris / Walz. If our enemies already know we’re too weak to defend John Lennon with evidence they know we’re to weak to stand up to a rigged result. Don’t poo, poo such a claim. The 2020 result is suspicious already. We better wake up, fast.

(Q) Aren’t you afraid of the Kinesett or Mossad or the Kremlin assassinating you for being so potentially influential and famous someday AND controversial, here?

(A) Of course and not at all is the answer. Even if I were in that danger I can’t afford to worry about that. I have a good versus evil battle to win and I am not a bit afraid. Once you start an expose like this there is no other way but to finish it at all costs. or invite assassination. Controversy is a weapon I have come to appreciate. By declaring all this, now, they are on notice that all of America is on notice who to blame if I AM killed. That’s how the truth is all our best friend if we know how to use it.

The difference between breaking the Lennon expose wide open and not is night and day and that’s what I want to impress on everybody the most. So big a reward for so little an effort if you all can demonstrate and break this before your apathy DOES get me killed. The value of me ADDED to the expose is incalculably huge. Take advantage of opportunity NOW!

(To be continued….)

You’re All In Denial – and by choice.

To anyone doubting the veracity of my claims  suddenly, mostly since Biden has been in office, I am finding it harder to get on talk radio. My ability to even listen in to distant shows on the internet is harder, too. If this is a view into our future you’re going to lose your free speech rights and your right to know soon. Because of me, for example, (I was a prodigious caller in the 1990’s and MADE talk radio big, no less. You’ll just have to trust me on that.) the standard seven second delay has been changed to up to 40 seconds on many shows. My legendary performances in the 90,s where I got on almost 300 times per year has changed a lot of things. In those days I gave America a shocking dose of reality and, literally, put talk radio on the map. Now it has become condom talk radio. The government has cracked down on my old weaponry. George Nori of Coast to Coast AM won’t allow callers who block their caller I.D.. They have a 32 second delay, too. It’s bad enough that they prey on your sick need to believe in aliens and the paranormal. So much of their content is that that when a real controversial topic or guest is on they can’t be taken seriously amidst the backdrop of all that Bigfoot / alien nonsense. “Red Eye” talk radio, the second biggest late night national show, is 99% hosts only and 1 % callers unless Dan Mandis is substituting. I hope talk radio falls out of favor with America and is replaced by music, frankly. Like it was before 1990. I hate the Soviet tone America has taken lately. By the way, have you all noticed that commercials take up almost HALF of your television viewing time? How sick is that? How do you all stand for it?

In 2016 my 300 national and local talk radio calls that warned the public about how the Clintons and the Obamas invited Stephen King into The White House KNOWING he killed John Lennon succeeded in getting Trump elected. Biden / Harris are taking no such chances this time.

A HUNDRED (?) OTHER CHAPTERS. Listed at the bottom of this lengthy section.

It would take one a month, at least, to read what you will find in this section, my editorial section. At the bottom of this chapter there are maybe a hundred OTHER similar chapters I’ve entered over the decades. Much of it reflects my frustration at the world’s depravity and apathy and I leave it up, anyway, as a testament to my struggle to break this, the biggest news story since, I’ll say it, since Christ. A look inside the mind of this messenger under his ordeal and dangerous quest. It turns out that the curse of human apathy is the real story within this story.


My van’s ready!! Light peach pink flesh tone with these messages;” …  everybody’s business…. Demand media disclosure – Demonstrate….Only you can break this news…Get informed – Get outraged…The cover-up condemns you…Cover-ups are for cowards….Silent public insane.” On the back window in very small script I add “Urgent- See my ‘New Developments’ page” and, on the  other side, my name; “Steve Lightfoot”

Not a word about Nixon, Reagan or Stephen King, Time or Newsweek etc. Let the public log on.


I rally every Sunday at noon in downtown Monterey on Alvarado Street. Just look for my light peach, pink website van and join me before 12:30. After then I’ll know you’re still too yellow to care. and leave. You people have to pull your heads out, now, before Harris / Walz, our F.B.I. and C.I.A. and media all steal the election. After March first, 2025, I move to Utah and get out of cowardly  California. I have a nation that needs saving and California has become Cowardfornia.


OCTOBER 09 RALLY – John Lennon’s birthday AND YOU SLOBS BLEW YOUR CHANCETO LIVE FREE – YOU WERE A NO SHOW, PEOPLE OF MONTEREY!!!!! Look at what you ignored, below.

(1) Matching photos of the killer’s face and true identity; Stephen King, not Chapman, getting Lennon’s last autograph. (2) Mark David King Chapman and Chapman’s letter linking Reagan who’s moving him armed into a hostile square weeks before the murder (3) Bold print headline government codes in Time and Newsweek and U.S. News magazine that plug into Lennon’s then upcoming murder and only for a four month period surrounding the crime and no where else. Up to 75 % just before the crime.(4) Richard Nixon’s book; ‘The Real War’ that is seen next to Reagan the day of the murder under the ominous headline’ “Who’s In?” “Who’s Out?” that explains why people; “..rock stars..” like Lennon MUST be assassinated, the public be damned. (5) The parallel themes in Stephen King’s novels that discuss waiting to kill a man after getting his autograph, shooting a man between the shoulder blades, even the line; “The fellow who killed John Lennon” in two of his books and more. Need more proof to act? No, you don’t.


Guess what, people of the central California coast? You mayor, Tyler Williamson, is, not only a homosexual, he drives a new Tesla AND another $80,000.000 BMW. He must be receiving dirty money from Stephen King is my guess. And you thought he was so above all that seeing him arrive at the meetings on his humble bicycle. Nope, he’s just acting. Not only him but other officials here. Leon Panetta and his son Jimmy? King has probably spread several million here, already, people.

You see, Tyler has been limiting my three minute allowance to speak at council meetings to only TWO minutes AND has been preventing the television to show me WHEN I speak. All this for almost a year, now. Police chief Dave Hober even confiscated a sign of mine once rather than allow me to show it to the public. They and the city of Monterey could be sued for millions if only Monterey had even one good lawyer in it’s area to help me. But there are no good, brave lawyers here. Seems Leon Panetta has thoroughly poisoned the area. Corrupted it. You people, included. Leon Panetta, whose policies led to the 9-’11 attack on us after he waged war with Iraq and rejoiced at how many Iraqi’s he killed while on 60 Minutes, I recall. Leon Panetta, former C.I.A. chief and defense secretary. A very sick man who is a millstone around your necks, Monterey. I’ll bet his influence is WHY you all are so busy having to work to live here you can’t afford to pay attention to anything else, he has you all so enslaved with his control of your purse strings. He might BE the reason you all work so hard to begin with. I DO know that he is the reason I have suffered several illegal and criminal attempts to charge me with crimes I was never guilty of and charges I BEAT in court. Besides that he is the reason my van was wrecked in the process of one charge and right after I got it painted and lettered with my website. Leon Panetta and his corrupt judges, courts and government has cost me over $5,000.00 I should never have had to suffer. I am going to court as we speak, still, he is such an evil pussy. You people are fools to allow him and his son to rule over your entire political structure as they do. Leon Panetta belongs in jail, truth be told. Oh, and did I leave out he is also rooted in Marxism and Leninism? This according to his political peers. His son (Nepotism lives in Monterey) Jimmy is running for congress again. He is in charge of your purse strings. That’s not good. That’s corrupt. No WONDER you’re all so evil in the face of my hard evidence! They run your lives!

Guess what else? The Monterey Herald Newspaper printed not one word of the debate where Trump destroyed Biden. Not a word or headline about the debate at all the day after.. You see, Monterey, you people are mind controlled and weak. You ARE. ALL OF YOU. Plastic Lennon killing drones. You could be free and brave but only I am free and brave, here. Only me. The rest of you are busy, like Leon Panetta, sucking Stephen King’s evil dick. Oh, yes, you all are, too.

The difference between all of you and me is basically courage. That’s it. That and my 165 I.Q.. That’s what you all lack compared to me. Looks like Caesar’s and Pontius Pilate and King Herod’s strategy of scaring you for generations with crucifixion ceremonies and dead men on sticks when he was around to remind you not to speak out against the governments has really, actually WORKED. Look at you all, now, 2024 years later. Too AFRAID of geeky STEPHEN KING to raise a hand in protest of what you all know he did to John Lennon.  P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C-!

You morons are AFRAID to haul King’s evil ass into court and find him guilty with evidence and kill him on a gurney like he deserves. He’s a traitor! He’s our E-N-E-M-Y. He has been LAUGHING at you all all this time just knowing you’re all too stupid and paralyzed with fear to stand up to him and what he did to all of you. To the world. Poisoning us all for our enemies; Russia and China and God knows who else wants us belly up. THE asshole of the universe. And you’re all thumb sucking SCARED OF HIM! A convicted pedophile (Belfast, Maine, 1992 conviction of sex with a 15 year old.) and a murderer. (Evidence proves he killed John Lennon) You pukes can’t stand up to HIM! Wow, are you people pathetic.

Grow a fucking, God damned spine, people. Without my heroism and this evidence you’d all be so screwed America would NOT survive. It would go belly up and HAS been doing so all these past four decades! King’s mansion in Florida is about to get whacked by God tomorrow. A direct hit with the “biggest storm of our lives.” Serves him and his silent neighbors right, too. Like Bangor, Maine, that coast of Florida knows all about him killing Lennon yet sits on their timid, boot-licking, masochistic hands. Yes, they do.

You people need to grow a spine and stand up and fight back and knock ‘evil’ out of the ring, once and for all. If you Californians don’t and very soon, I will gladly remove all the glory of this story from your unworthy hands and give it to the people of Utah who are not so burdened with homosexuality and the fuzzy headed thinking that causes. THEY probably WILL respond to evidence and act on it. Unlike all of you so far. You people are a mess not to help me and hoist me on your raped, stupid shoulders and win for a change.

Get brave you stupid pussies. Punish evil Stephen King, you pussies. Punish his evil ass, now. How do you all live with your phony, brainwashed, stupid selves, anyway? Grow up and act!


Hi, my name is Steve Lightfoot. For over 40 years I have been sitting on the expose of all time. No theory, here, but PROOF Nixon and Reagan arranged for horror writer Stephen King to assassinate John Lennon and covered it up with a look-alike actor Mark Chapman hoax to fool you. The media is our enemy and lied to us all. Our F.B.I. and C.I.A. and the courts, etc. are all bad. They are going “New World Order” on us behind our backs. Chapman was switched with King, after, at a police station by the N.Y.P.D. who was holding Chapman as King was firing the bullets. Yoko Ono, who I ran out of New York a decade ago, is also involved. You may have wondered why Chapman skipped trial altogether then. My trip to the library one day, a year and a half later, to find out what happened to Chapman, led me to stumble onto government cryptography in the headlines in the bold print messages, only, of Time, Newsweek and U.S; News magazines for a four month period surrounding the crime; “Johnny Comes Marching Home…Bam. Pow. Eek!…Thinking About John Lennon…The Real John Lennon…Killing One’s Enemies…..The Job Richard Nixon Really Wanted; Blasting The Opposition…” etc., etc.. Codes that have a double meaning when analyzed in the context of Lennon’s murder. The ominous headline above just elected Reagan in issues released the day of the murder “Who’s In?” “Who’s Out?” as he is seen next to Nixon’s book “The Real War” caught my eye and I found that, in that book, Nixon explains why killing “..rock stars..” like Lennon was vital to national security, in so many words. Several pages, in fact. “Reagan’s in and Lennon’s out.” popped into my head and that was just the beginning of cracking this case wide open. It led to the killer’s alleged name; Mark David Chapman, and Chapman’s letter weeks before the murder where he explains how Reagan is moving him, armed, into a hostile square, etc.. The killer’s face and true identity; Stephen King’ “One great big ‘Zippo’ lighter.” (Get it? What he looks like in his raincoat, his gun blazing fire in the night, three months later.) That’s right, folks, it’s Stephen King, not Chapman, getting Lennon’s last autograph! That and all that King writes about drawing from that act. He, literally, writes, in two of his books, the sentence; “The fellow who killed John Lennon.” My website;, has all you need to know I’m right. I spent six months in his home town of Bangor, Maine in 1992 and he has never, ever, denied my claims. His bookseller friend confided in me one night; “He’s afraid he’s gonna FRYYY!!!” while I was in the middle of a pie in the sky prediction of how he would be marched out on stage, after, and even role play with me on television to help rehabilitate himself and educate America. No kidding, folks. King KNOWS his ass is grass when this all comes out. He’ll likely be executed on a gurney with Fentanyl when it’s all said and done. He’s a traitorous enemy of America and admits as much if you read his works. He’s part of the ‘New World Order’ take-over plot that needs to shrink, poison and dumb down America, first. I even stood inches from him one day while I was playing my guitar singing a song about him. I refused to speak to him and he crouched down and mumbled; “T-take c-care. I w-w-w-ant you to t-take c-care.” and walked away. I got the vibe he wanted me to know I was right and he was sorry and for me not to hate him too much.

So, why Utah? I’m from California these past 65 years. Jesus said it best; “A prophet is never acknowledged by his home town.” In fact, California resents my heroism and extreme good luck. Regretfully, and honestly, it appears the homosexual crowd, especially, resents my efforts to out this evidence. As if they have a reason to WANT humanity to suffer under evil when it doesn’t have to. Wants to hold humanity down with an evil cover-up and PROTECT Stephen King, instead. For those reasons I am sounding the alarm that, perhaps, too many gays spoil the pot where California is concerned. I simply have to move my campaign to a more amenable environment regarding truth and justice. It seems the 10 % gay batch that California probably is is holding back the rest of them and I hope you appreciate that it is their amply displayed heterophobia and hero phobia of me that has prompted this decision. I think their role as a population suppressor may have something to do with why they can’t stand that I have this expose up my sleeve and am in a position to rule the universe with it someday. And as a heterosexual hero figure. I am in a position to save us with evidence. I should have all the influence of a John Lennon as the messenger of this expose. Had they broke my story, demonstrated in downtown Monterey to bring me forward and demand media disclosure, Trump would be president instead of Communist Kamala Harris. Of course the election will be, again, rigged by the deep state. (I am writing this several weeks before the election to show you I’m wise to what’s going on.) My celebrity status would not have allowed America to vote for her or for a rigged result to take place. Instead we are allowing mass media interference and influence to impact our vote. “”Big Brother” knows better than you mere citizens know.” Now, you see why I’m so pissed at California. They blew it, forever. They failed you, Utah, and all of America. Weaklings in a crisis unable to handle the truth. Evil ingrates it also seems to me. I was supposed to be rescued from my dangerous post via protests in the streets for media disclosure and become powerful as a celebrity over this and sway the vote where it belonged but they couldn’t stand giving me the power. They can’t understand how vital it is for our species to depend on a hero. That we’re aimless, highjacked sheep without one. The exact type our government is always killing so they can control you, ultimately. They were probably jealous of John Lennon all this time for being so gifted, too. Jealousy, I think, was also behind their (Monterey and Santa Cruz where I lived..) refusing to even buy my magazine while the rest of America did. Only two sales there in over 250 sold in the last several years I lived there parading all over with my website van for all to see and take advantage of. They were against me. ME, a brave hero trying to save them with the truth and hard evidence. Apparently religion has failed the human race for that to be the case. Can you people believe it? Protecting Stephen King rather than punishing him for what evidence PROVES he DID! They’re not denying I have evidence. They just want to sidestep the issue. Can’t anyone see what a needless nightmare you must live through for you entire lives to do that? A “Bad” is “Good” non reality? Literally being poisoned and STEWING in pure evil by choice. When simple protest and courage to achieve disclosure could save you from all that evil and misery. The media and courts will deny you until you do just exactly that.

So I come to you, people of Utah – I actually lived here  when I was three in Salt Lake City when my father was going to medical school and my mother was a secretary for the governor’s office.- I look forward to calling Utah my home and to die of old age here, someday. I hope to make it to 106 years old, at least, too. I DO know that California IS weird and stuck up compared to normal middle America. I realized this as a five year old when our family made a two week visit back to Montana where I was born from our new home in northern California. I could tell the difference, even then. Montana was so normal while California was so NOT normal. I think they’ve all gone communist, lately, in fact. They care more about protecting King and the government than themselves or even their children. I may not be a Mormon or any other religious devotee, even tho8ugh I was raised as a Catholic. I actually think this expose will trump religion, ultimately, in terms of the change it will bring about. Finally we’ll all have to PRACTICE what we have only been able to preach all this time until now. I HAVE FAITH in your normalcy and your goodness, people of Utah. I KNOW I deserve America’s support and not the reverse. I think you are as red blooded and strong Americans as can be and I am looking forward to all of you helping me protest the cover-up and demand disclosure so this case can be exposed world wide where it belongs. This is the kind of true story that America has been dreaming of it’s whole life. It’s the kind of story that showcases WHY America and free speech and a free press are the best the world has to offer. The “New World Order” MUST BE STOPPED! I will let you know where and when to join me in protest. I am counting on you to rescue me and save America. Remember; only Y-O-U can break news this big. ONLY YOU! I can’t do anything alone.

Sincerely, Steve Lightfoot, your humble servant and hero.

P.S. It should be a cakewalk breaking this news. It’s about the quality of our lives, above all else, and that matters. Do we want to live in a world where certain artists who may be smarter than our rulers are assassinated like a Jesus Christ before they change things away from the status quo? Do we want to live in a world where we must succumb to a horror writer and his needs and wants after killing John Lennon? Should we accept such subservience? Such evil? Do we want to let our government decide who is and isn’t appropriate to pay attention to? Is that philosophy not just like our enemies who practice authoritarianism and totalitarianism? Do we not suspect it was our enemies who may have been behind the whole plot to kill John Lennon in the first place? I mean Stephen King killing John Lennon DOES read like a commie plot if you think about it. Evil killing Good. It certainly has led to our mass shooting phenomenon, it seems.

Breaking this news story holds so much promise you’d all have to be insane NOT to care about it to the point of breaking it wide open to the whole world. You’re all either protecting or punishing Stephen King. You are doing one or the other at all times and you’d better take a look at what kind of fools and boot-lickers you’ve all been for all this tragic span of time. too. There is no fence sitting allowed the stakes are so high. There will be no arrest of Stephen King until AFTER you all protest and get tis evidence on the news, first. FIRST! That’s how it works, news this big and important. YOU PEOPLE MUST IGNITE AND ACT!


You all remember the Door’s song Light My Fire. “The time to hesitate is through, no time to wallow in the mire…”

In 40, plus years of exposing my evidence I have learned that denial is an adult disease, not a child’s. I show my photo comparison of King and the autograph hound to a youngster and they invariably shriek with horror and admit it IS Stephen King getting Lennon’s autograph. “Oh, my G-O-D it IS Stephen King!” When I show an adult they invariably come up with a reason why it’s NOT to avoid having to admit several things. One; that they have been so stupid all this time for this to be the case, that Stephen King has been urinating on them all this time getting away with the crime of the century. Two; they now have to DO SOMETHING about it or be a fool. Three; they fear the government more than they love themselves or even their children Four; they now have to admit that our government is our satanic, abusive enemy and not our friend and they can’t handle that that is the case. They want to think they are “clever, classless and free” like the Lennon lyrics in “Working Class Hero”. That they are, instead, brainwashed, evil, communist douche bags licking the boot that kicked their ribs in doesn’t conform to what they want to believe.

There are other reasons why; Jealousy. They can’t stand that any one person has stumbled onto this evidence and is now in a position of power and influence and huge wealth and fame and they have to still work for a living and they feel that’s just too unfair that it’s me and not them.

Adults are a special case of evil. I suppose it has to do with puberty and sexuality which is, in itself, a dirty, intimate, beastly thing. Not like before puberty when it didn’t matter. Now that adults are confronted with hard irrefutable evidence they have to protect their frail ego and other psychological departments and they almost HAVE to say things like; “It looks a lot like fat Elvis…it could be anybody…looks like Roy Orbison…” ANYTHING but what they know to be true. And so I suggest to you that denial is an act for them. They KNOW what their eyes are telling them but they come up with some excuse to excuse them from having to protest for media disclosure, police arrest, court prosecution and the end result of having to kill Stephen King for his level of treasonous crime against humanity. I tell you all now that until King is injected with a lethal dose of Fentanyl (The most humane method) ALL of you are automatically insane and in need of an exorcism. It should be done live on world wide simulcast television to teach us all a lesson, too. That you’re all sick until that happens. Until JUSTICE rules and evil is defeated ALL of you are EVIL as Hell, itself. Most of you adults can’t stand that that is the God’s truth. You’ve all been sick all this time. Evil too. Tough pill to swallow.

Recently I ran into a man who has minimally and only casually known me since the 80’s when I started. He tried so hard to convince me that I’m wrong I had to tell him that if King ADMITED he killed Lennon he’d STILL deny it. That he’d rather cut off his right arm and even have his head chopped off with a guillotine than stand up to his evil government. He really wanted me to doubt myself, I think, so he’d feel better about his being a urinated on, stupid, weak, douche bag for Stephen King. That’s the case for many of you. I hate to have to say that women are especially good at the silent treatment of just keeping what they think to themselves. They are no guardian for their children, either. They’d rather protect King than them, any day. It’ sad what you people really are all about. You polite, phony, cowardly, jealous, masochistic, satanic pussies.

“SAVING YOU INSANE INGRATES” is a billboard I’d like to erect. I’ll have to, instead, make the case above world knowledge AFTER the story breaks and I AM the biggest celebrity on the planet, bar none. You evil, denial prone adults who helped King get away with his crime all this time, who allowed Chapman to entirely skip a trial to begin with, are hoping I get killed, first. I know. I’ve been doing this for over 40 years and I KNOW more about you than any priest who pretends he has the answer. If he did King would have been killed decades ago by his followers who would have been saved and healed enough to demand justice. But he can’t say that, can he? In this respect I will one up all religion with what this expose has proved about all of you and not just Lennon’s murder. Yup. I will say, with full conviction, that if religion worked we’d be able to handle the truth and act. But religion has already PROVEN impotent in this regard.

You all can’t stand that I will be bigger than religion someday. That I will show even religion up, ultimately. Oh, this is a big story. Probably THE biggest since Christ. I hate to know that your jealousy is against it, too. That you are all against yourselves and your children instead of evil asshole of the universe; Stephen King.

I started off with a Jim Morrison quote. Did you all know Lennon was killed on his birthday? Our sick Moscow based government’s way of admitting they killed him, too. The reason I think they also killed John Balushi has to do with his famous speech in ‘Animal House’; “Where’s the Delta House I used to know? Where’s the spirit? Where’s the GUTS?” It’s EXACTLY the kind of speech you ALL NEED RIGHT NOW. They also killed Doug Kenny, the writer of ‘Animal House’ because they feared him, too. ‘Animal House’ was a brilliant, subversive indictment against the establishment and the status quo. Doubt me? You’re dolts. Admit it. Dolts in denial. If you doubt me ask yourselves what was Catherine Evelyn Smith, Balushi’s killer, doing in a studio watching Lennon record on his second to last day to live a year before? She KNEW he’d be killed the next day is why. She knew she would be Balushi’s killer, too, a year later. A Canadian (Half way to Russia) she served not one day, either, for her crime. Doug Kenny, the government threw off a cliff in Hawaii and called it suicide though he was in the prime of his life, a huge success. All under Soviet actor / infiltrate Reagan. The next time you watch ‘Animal House’ notice how Balushi ran off with the girl and became a Senator while Neidermyer, the R.O.T.C. jerk, wound up fragged by his own men in Viet Nam and how the Batmobile tore down the city council’s bleachers and you’ll know WHAT a genius piece against the establishment it really was and why Balushi was in their sights to be the next assassination victim. They gave his brother, Jim, a gig on sit com T.V. to silence him, too. Doug Kenny’s only cameo appearance in the film was the guy on his defeated ass asking Balushi; “What are we supposed to do you moron?” following Balushi’s speech. Asking US to ask the same question. Now only I am around to sound the alarm and ask the question; “Where’s the America I used to know? Where’s the spirit? Where’s the GUTS?”  Why ARE you all sucking Stephen King’s evil dick? You all are, you know.

It TOOK Balushi’s death to get me off my stupid, apathetic ass in 1982 and ask questions about Lennon’s murder. I knew, then, that I was a phony NOT to. Balushi’s death was the last straw that got ne off my stupid ass. I used to be just as stupid as all of you are now. M-E-! That should be an encouraging word to you all. You have hope. You, too, can be brave and save America if you just try. I became brave and heroic. It’s fun, too. REAL fun. Try it sometime. Courage. It sure beats sucking under a communist takeover of America. Like pussies.

The reason you people know Trump is the good guy and Biden and Co . are the bad guys is this; The Clintons and Obama and Biden invited Stephen King into The White House KNOWING he killed John Lennon. They ARE communists in concert WITH him. What you DON”T appreciate is that our deep state; the C.I.A., F. B.I., the media, courts, our own government, is going communist behind our backs and are enabling this takeover of our presidency with a vapid, traumatized as child – probably sexually abused – word salad invalid of a woman; Kamala. Only good as a puppet she is so emotionally handicapped and insane, in my opinion. Putin, who I think is behind the scenes orchestrating these assassination attempts on Trump, who admits he wants Kamala in, must think we’re as stupid as the people of Russia must be to tolerate his evil ass. You fools need my and my Lennon evidence to save yourselves from a communist takeover. Dead serious, people. Rescue me – save yourselves.


Before Trump was shot the first time Biden was complaining how Trump is; “… too busy playing golf to even be on the campaign trail.” The next week on the campaign trail he was shot. NOW he is shot on the golf course, ALSO just after trouncing his opponent in a debate. Biden just can’t seem to make up his mind. He’s evil people. Pubic hair on top of his head, slits for eyes, evil Just like your denial is also evil. Hillary complained, the next day; “… we don’t use inflammatory rhetoric against Trump ENOUGH.” She actually said it was Trump’s vicious rhetoric in his first debate with Biden that accounted for his being shot the first time. As if he was shot for trouncing Biden on the stage. As if Biden was behind it all. She’s afraid of jail if Trump gets in, I think. Were it not for ONE honest Secret Service agent who save d the day the rest would have let the shooter get away and they even exclaimed’ Where’d he go? Where’d he go?” as if they were intent on catching him. Thank God for the one good agent in their midst, I say, AND the woman who captured the gunman’s plate with her camera. But for those two lucky facts, who knows what might have happened? If he’s with Biden we might find out, now. IF we’re lucky. Jimmy Kimmel is an evil, small man who belittled Trump the next day without a word of the treachery of the would be assassin. Kimmel is a Soviet asshole, like Stephen Colbert (Who actually allowed Stephen King to be interviewed on his show opposite Paul SIMON) McCarthy was RIGHT. The commies are not only coming, they’re all around us.

Biden and Harris are always complaining how we need to get rid of “assault rifles” Is it just a coincidence that only “assault rifles” were used in both assassination attempts on Trump? Why NOT a more effective sniper’s rifle or hunter’s rifle instead? Are they trying to use that as an excuse to get rid of them; if Trump is killed by one? I think so. It’s why they used a gun to kill John Lennon; to grab your guns. It’s just more ammunition that Biden and Harris and the deep state are behind BOTH of these assassination attempts. Besides that, a psychological profile is emerging in these attempts. They are so similar and so close together it’s as if from one mind. NOT TWO, you see? The deep state’s mind. NOT the lone assassin’s mind. If Crooks acted alone why is the same pattern emerging again so soon? Crooks is dead. Biden’s getting scared, is why. The reports of Crooks visiting D.C. in a building close to the F.B.I.’s building in the weeks before the attempt have been squelched. The pro Trump network that aired that report – “Tipping Point” – is suspiciously OFF the airwaves all of a sudden, too. Ron DeSantis is opening an independent investigation into Routh. Let’s see what he will find. Does his phone or computer have any Biden contacts on it or anything else that might show us the truth? The current Secret Service chief seems DISAPPOINTED his lone, single, uncompromised agent foiled that second attempt. The rest of his men let Routh escape without a lead. No other agent scaled a tiny fence and chased after him! A citizen fingered him, instead, or they’d have let him get away! We can’t trust HIS ass. Not at all. He’s no better than now resigned Cheatle who hid her right hand under her left as it danced around like a tarantula as she was being grilled after the first failed attempt. Let’s hope Routh isn’t killed like Oswald, too. I am smart enough to think Biden was behind both attempts, people. Are you? Or are you just too scared to think right? Now you know what it’s like to live in Russia. Like where Kamala the communist and Putin want to take us, too. Things are getting scary and evil here all of a sudden. Moscow probably DID kill the Kennedy’s, by the way. Same old picture, now. The Kennedys, like Trump, were championing American values to the world. Biden and Harris are championing New World Order values, instead. Like Kamala’s slogan “A New Way Forward”. When J.F.K. threatened, on television, to wipe out Russia if a nuke was fired from Cuba Cruschev made up his mind to kill him in a parade while doing a victory lap after kicking their missiles out of Cuba is my opinion. To traumatize us all and subdue us with in your face evil in broad daylight. The 11-22-1963 Time magazine (The editor admitted he is a communist in the McCarthy hearings) issue’s bold print codes PROVE Nixon was involved, besides. Nixon was a double agent who let Stephen King kill John Lennon TO poison us spiritually. Codes PROVE Nixon was involved in that. Nixon, who brags about how he is “Russiaophile”, lover of Russians, in his book; ‘The Real War’..

I say this knowing it will undercut my credibility with mind controlled, brainwashed, unsophisticated all of you. Too bad. I KNOW that Russia is eating America’s lunch, today and is in the middle of a take over coup against us using our agencies and politicians to do it, too. My expose that will destroy their ambitions has forced their hand to act NOW, in fact. I can’t afford NOT to say what I think. Catch up to Lightfoot, you flatfoots. I’m way ahead of you. You all NEED me. You just can’t stand to have to admit it.

You can just me your exorcist in the meantime. I am. I’m brave. You’re all not. Too bad for you.

YOU SICK MONSTERS ARE THE PROBLEM – I’m nicer than you are

While on this exact subject allow me to elaborate; The REASON nobody is helping me in all these years is basic and simple. It’s not because they think I lack hard evidence. No, everybody, in fact, KNOWS I’m absolutely right about my claim that Stephen King murdered John Lennon and that Chapman is a government decoy to fool us. You’ve known Lennon was killed by the government since Chapman was allowed to skip trial. Deny it all you want but I KNOW you all know this. It would take too long to explain why, here, though. You people are, politically speaking, COWARDS. BOOT-LICKERS. My own flesh and blood included. Doubt me? Almost all of you would rather suffer a communist take-over of America, would rather suffer a collapsing economy, massive earthquakes, wars, pandemics, Fentanyl suicide outbreaks, a tripling of teen suicide, massive influx of illegal aliens invading our land, would rather expose yourselves to  bullets and bombs ands even death, itself, than protest to expose this crime against our government. That’s right. And you thought that public speaking was at the top of the list. No, it’s confronting your evil government when they commit a crime against you. Of the, by, the and for the people goes right out the window with you weaklings and suddenly it’s of the, by the and for the government with you. It’s called cowardice. In fact you all have already PROVEN this fact of your lives. The crowd yelled “Free Barabbas!” instead of Jesus 2000 years ago and you’re all still just as sick. Now the earthquakes you may say have no bearing on this but even that might be related to your bad karma. I have already publicly prayed on KSCO Radio while being interviewed that a mountain sized asteroid – like the one I saw that just missed us in 1966 – erase humanity if you can’t punish Stephen King in my lifetime. If you’re all that weak. This after a caller opined; “So what if Stephen King killed John Lennon? That was a long time ago…” That you would all be better off dead than whatever life you would lead after excusing this evil to win over good. I’m a little relieved I DON’T have children who would have to live with your collective slob behavior, in fact. If they were as smart as me they’d be miserable having to live with idiots. In fact, you have all also already proven that you would rather expose your children to school shootings and mass shootings than stand up to evil Stephen King who is actually most responsible for this new phenomenon. In 1975(?) he wrote a book; “Rage” about a student who shoots up his class long before this was a fact of our culture. He ENJOYS that this is happening to all of you, in fact. He brags that he is the biggest murderer on earth because he gets others to kill FOR him according to one person who told me he has said this out loud. You probably wonder why the media never told you about his 1992 conviction in Belfast, Maine for sex with a 15 year old. The media is not your friend. You do nothing to challenge this unhealthy dynamic

You people are congenital COWARDS! Plain and simple. Your depraved human condition is what MAKES people like me heroes. I consider myself just normal and healthy. I think everyone else is just low I.Q., insane, cowardly and foolish masochists. I’m not afraid of what might happen to me for exposing all society and our government. Letting King get away with killing John Lennon would be a fate worse than death. We all have to take a stand. Make a stand. Problem is you dolts don’t see it that way. Hero? No, I just think that all of you are just cowards  is all. Oh, and my last name IS in the middle of all those signatures on The Declaration Of Independence. LOOK!  I must be better stock, maybe, than the rest of you. That your human condition is depraved and weak. God made a bad batch, in my opinion, and maybe he should start over. If he’s so great why are all of you so dim and still sucking under Stephen King like you have been all this time? After he poisoned your future with evil? Why are you unable to capitalize on my evidence discovery that could vastly improve your lives? If you’re the best he can do I pity God. I have to watch the spoiled, brainwashed, media controlled  people of Monterey lick their ice cream cones as they smile guiltily at me just walk by my evidence van and protests. Like zombies. They have NO IDEA what I have to offer them at all. Their minds are property of the state. Apparently Stephen King has clipped their testicles and has them in a jar on his mantle with his act of assassinating their hero..

Now, at this point you’re probably wondering that I must be a bitter, unhappy person. No I was born very happy and well adjusted. I was blessed at birth. After disclosure my real personality will be allowed to breath. I’ll probably become the world’s biggest, most loved celebrity since John Lennon, himself. IF you’re lucky, that is. Only BECAUSE I’m such an optimist do I dare try to save you all with evidence. I had such a large amount of innate happiness that only one such as I I could go through all I have endured and still keep on ticking. I thought you were all as smart as me. I had no idea you were ingrates who resented heroes. But you are. I saw you giggle with jealous glee at U.C. Berkeley in 1984 when I announced my father had just been killed in plane crash for my heroism. It’s YOU people who are bitter and sick and hateful. I’ve had to wrestle in the mud with you to try and bring you around and it’s rubbed off on me is all. My happiness is blunted by YOUR miserableness and weaknesses. The world would be so much better if you weren’t so weak and pathetic and apathetic and dim. There, I’ve said it. If it were different you’d hoist me on your shoulders and march me straight to your lying mass media outlets and demand disclosure. You know, the way you portray yourselves in the movies. You complain how Donald Trump is a little eccentric and unconventional and rubs people the wrong way. No, he started out fine but was almost assassinated for trying to make America great again and become your president and only a handful of us are voicing our outrage over that. I’d be a little peeved at the world, myself. Add his legal problems caused by his enemies and all he has had to deal with and you HAVE NO RIGHT to complain he is not your cookie cutter image of what you think you deserve. You deserve a monster sized asteroid, frankly. That’s what. As you are you’re losing your right to have your vote count and you’re losing America to a communist candidate if Kamala is appointed president this November. She won’t get even 40 percent of our real vote, truth be told. People KNOW she is bottom of the barrel  material who was plucked as a last resort when Biden proved too feeble run. Her running mate is even more pedestrian and unqualified. I think Trump is right when he says she is insane. Some of the things she says sound like a traumatized child speaking incoherently. I am one of the few people who have endured even more injustice and abuse than Trump has endured. You have relished in martyring my youth and wasting my life as much as possible. Your working class MISERY is to blame. You don’t think so but you can’t see yourselves in a sober light. I can. I see you all. I have an invention, for example, that can give you free transportation by tapping the rotational power of your car’s wheels as they go down the road and constantly recharge a smaller battery pack. Just like a wind turbine, but you’re too dim to see the value in that, too. You’d rather heat up the planet and poison the air and work to spend more money that you don’t have to rather than just “GET SMART”. Even if you were smart enough to design such a common sense device you’d need a hero like me to get it to market or the electric and oil companies would prevent it. If you think I’m the problem look at yourselves in a mirror. You made me this way. You don’t deserve nice and polite. Given your state you can’t afford it , either. I started out fine till I ran into all of you. A lesser man would have taken hostages or a single hostage and demanded you protest or some other form of force to get you to act. Then what would you all HAVE to do? Get off your apathetic asses and demonstrate is what  Hold signs with my website address on it until the media gave you attention is what. Frankly, I’m too smart to think I could outfox law enforcement and succeed in such a gambit. Satellites and such and Big Brother ARE watching us all. Saving you is not worth stewing in jail. You can all go to hell if you can’t respond to non violent methods. Maybe you don’t deserve to be in a free country and America is doomed. Cesar Chaves, who I met once, the farm workers advocate and activist, died from complications resulting from his many fasts. I won’t do that to myself for ingrates. There are any number of ways I could break this story. I don’t want to give you all the pleasure of getting sidelined for it. That’s what you satanic masochists want.

Why am I so brave compared to all of you? Why am I a “hero”? I think it has to do with several things; I am a gifted genius of a man (165 I.Q. according to experts) who can relate to one such as John Lennon and I appreciate him more than those of you with normal I.Q.’s and abilities. I am not JEALOUS of John Lennon like most of you must be, apparently. I am smart enough to understand that people like John Lennon are essential to our progress as a species and that without people like him we are doomed to self destruction, misery, tragedy and pain. That the “hero” is a necessary  counter balance against the urge of government to take over. It WAS John who, more than any other person on earth, stopped the Viet Nam war and got Nixon resigned. Most of you, on the other hand, dismiss Lennon as just a rock star who’s absence doesn’t matter to our lives. Your history is that of letting your governments KILL all your heroes, in fact. THEY know that heroes are your best friend. You don’t. It must be terrible being so dim, frankly. No WONDER many of you need money, drugs, alcohol, religion, possessions and ridiculous nonsense to justify your existence. Just watch episodes of Jerry Springer to understand what I’m talking about. You’re ALL a stinking mess!. You can’t even see that money has made monkeys of you all. I was born a doctor’s son and never worshipped money like you all must. I’d rather live in the year 1470 as an American Indian than how millionaires live today.

“Oh!, we CAN’T stand up to our GOVERNMENT and EXPOSE them! Heaven forbid. They’ll nuke us with all those weapons we gave them. They’ll dose us all with Covid – 19  or other pathogens to punish us if we do. We just CAN’T demand disclosure of so monstrous an expose as this. We HAVE to just bend over and say “Thank you, sir. May I have another?””. I don’t see you ingrates protesting over Joe Biden and our deep state’s attempt on Trump’s life. The definition of stupid is “unable to learn.” Blaming a lone assassin is what you want to do. You just don’t want to ever learn. Biden and his handlers have the most motive. ” Whodathunk?”

You poor, pathetic pussies. How do you even stand looking at yourselves in the mirror every day? I wish I was only being hyperbolic. You’re all a mess.

The alternative to staying miserable boot-licking cowards all your days and living under evil is to bring me forward with free speech and protest, while you still can, and demand that the media produce a showing of my evidence or you will block traffic around their station until they do. That’s what real Americans do. If you can’t DO that then you’ve lost your spine, people. Do THAT and honor me for my courage and heroism and you will then have a voice to change the world with. Without me, however, you are all helpless. You’ve all already proven that fact, too. Haven’t you? You just can’t STAND that you need a hero like me. For decades I tried to kid myself I was just the messenger, but I am a big deal. I AM the magic ingredient America and the cause of freedom need right now. Your jealousy is really masochism if you examine the situation. So examine the situation. I dare you. If I move to Utah and leave California and break my story there or elsewhere – and it WILL break – California will reap a legacy of shame like never before. STILL you all seem oblivious to all this. I am not the sort to hold back on my feelings and I have a lot of payback to deliver California if that happens. I don’t need your money or approval. I’ll be dead in 35 years probably, anyway. My brain activity is so much more heightened than yours I am rich enough just being me. Cowardly Paul McCartney, for example, I will never speak to. Ever. I promise. I will shame him for the coward and traitor he is is what I WILL do. His decision to martyr my youth and condemn humanity just so his hide could be safe will not be forgiven.

Grow a f******, God damn spine people. You’re pathetic fools as you all are. If communist Kamala Harris and company are put – rigged – into office you’re all domed. Admit it. You better start demonstrating fast and bring me forward or you will DESERVE to all go to hell. That Dick Cheyney of defense contractor Halliburton is endorsing her is proof of their plans to wage war to oppress you. I think Biden and Putin and China are in bed together behind all our backs, frankly. That this war in Ukraine is a trick to destroy American not a plan to stave off Russia. And, yet, the actors selling you the war hit all the right points about why we have to stop Putin here and now. There is more to it than all that. History has taught me that, if these guys who are protecting Stephen King and his ilk are behind it – and they are – then there’s something satanic behind it all. and we should beware. Yes, stop Russia from expanding but not with these guys and girls. Cheyney, the man called Darth Vader has a mechanically assisted heart to stay alive he’s so inhuman. The man who’s policies resulted in the 9-’11 attack on us. His Halliburton  war machine company and the military industrial complex Eisenhower tried to warn you about. “The New World Order” that G.H.W. Bush bragged about. Kamala has never challenged or denied the many claims being made about her that she is a communist. She IS! Wake up! So is our F.B.I. and C.I. A. and media and government. They will benefit from a Big Brother take over. They are REAL boot-lickers. You’re under a commie take-over and you need me to see it for you and sound the alarm. Wake up you frightened, scared silent slobs. PLEASE!

“OOOH. There goes brave Steve Lightfoot. I hope his story never breaks.” That’s what masochists think. Don’t all of you? This reminds me of the time a man I knew who used to to always taunt me with the line; “Your story will never break” died of a massive heart attack several hours after he and I talked before my next trip back east to confront King. He, again, reminded me that  my “..story will never break.” and I politely responded telling him he’s “…kind of a jerk.” Let’s hope your karma isn’t as dire as his was. He, too, was named Steve..


Your Marxist New World Order media would have you believe Kamala won her debate with Trump. Here’s how you KNOW they’re lying. If you examine CBS’s staff minutes before the debate and examine them right after the debate you will see their expressions went from jubilation and anticipation before to defeated disgust and as if they were hit in the stomach, after. They were hoping Trump would be rendered impotent in the wake of Kamala and her friendly venue. She was supposed to let the air out of his tires but found her own machine stuck without a paddle as Trump left the audience with his opinion that she was the worst vice president in America’s history who failed to do anything she is promising in the three years she had a chance to. The truth. Her advance knowledge of the ABC questions, her sorority sister mediator and her earpiece / earing in her right ear getting coaching while Trump spoke was not enough to do that. Trump DID spend most of his time fact checking lying Kamala but he DID fact check her every lie and deception AND he did so like a winner. Each time she tried to paint HIM he put the stink back on her where it belonged. And about her earpiece. You have to admit she was conspicuously ALWAYS looking sideways at him as he spoke to keep her right earing away from her podium mic so as not to be picked up. Who? Obama? Probably. Not possibly, PROBABLY! You fools underestimate the evils Marxists will employ. Meanwhile, Trump NEVER looked at her but straight ahead all night. And she was giving pleading looks like “Don’t hurt me too much ‘Big Guy’.”  Instead she was often caught looking aghast that he could be so ruthless and frank and honest and correct. Not according to her plans at all. Like Trump said in his Mike Tyson quote days before; “Everybody has a plan until they get hit in the face.” The day after Kamala looked like a forlorn, abandoned child, all but crying, as she faced her North Carolina rally. “Oh, my God, I LOST!”

She failed to answer the first question is America better off now than four years ago. She failed to answer would she abort at seven months. The mediators – now un liked by America – wouldn’t LET her answer if she tried. She was almost never fact checked like Trump was. Her “PLAN” was a handful of band aid money give- always to people to fool them into voting for her but no overall plan was revealed AT ALL! When she tried to steal M.L.K.’s “I have a dream” line with “I have a plan” line Trump hit her back with “She has a ‘plan’ to take away your guns…she has a ‘plan’ to flood our country with aliens, she has a ‘plan’ “etc., etc.. When she failed to deny or challenge Trump’s charge that she is a MARXIST who’s father is a Marxist economics professor she was TOAST! But lots of you don’t think so. Partly because you don’t think anymore. You let others think for you. Like a good Soviet.

Trump DID get a little peeved late in the debate but, after all, he was standing there having to debate a Marxist running for our presidency when he shouldn’t have to if we were better Americans. We’d never allow that in our past. Why do you all sit still for it now? Besides that I’m sure he and half of America suspect she and Biden tried to assassinate him in Biden’s home state of Pennsylvania weeks before. Why else would an anti-Trump woman in a blue shirt with the slogan “MEAN TWEETS”  be center stage behind him if NOT to play mind games with all of YOU when he was killed? It was no lone assassin plot in my opinion. Now, all the Queen’s horses and all the Queen’s men can’t put Humpty Harris together again. And did you notice how masculine a face and neck she has?  Androgynous at the very least. No wonder she is pushing transgenderism on America.

If America wants to vote for abortion ahead of America then you idiots will lose America and remain depraved baby killers in the bargain. You people DO HAVE a death wish for America. Stephen King has made you his cowards and masochists that you won’t stand up to him in the face of PROOF he murdered John Lennon. Not theory – PROOF!!! “The New World Order” or her code name for it; “A New Way Forward” might just have their way with you cowardly, masochistic traitors, yet. You all MIGHT BE the generation that surrendered America to our enemies. Our own domestic enemies: the media, the F.B.I. the C.I.A, our deep state and Rockefeller for all you know..

Meanwhile, Taylor Swift has treacherously and traitorously put her finger on the scales of our election, yet, again. RIGHT AFTER Kamala LOST the debate and was drowning in the water, Taylor threw her a life preserver by endorsing her, never questioning her unchallenged Marxist back round,  AS PLANNED, IN ADVANCE! The words Taylor uses to speak politics are too immaculate to be hers. They are scripted by the C.I.A.. Words to impress upon you using the exact most effective language possible for results. Just before the Super Bowl she used the line. “…to remove the threat to democracy vote for Biden…” as she, I think, used her football player boyfriend to pull in the sports fans with her. I think she may be using him to boost her popularity. That’s right. Her language, this time, too, was too Madison Avenue ad speak to be her idea. I think she may BE a coached, deep state, propped up singer / artist being used by the deep state to influence our election this go around. Heaven forbid she ever aspires to politics! They’d be fools NOT to capitalize on the force they have feared all these years, the pop star and his influence. Like John Lennon for example. I wrote a song yesterday about this possible scenario. Better lyrics and more intelligent than anything she has ever written for all her deep state propped up billionaire status celebrity. And if you think me crazy or conspiratorial to think our enemies would ever groom an artist to manipulate an election, think again. I may be spot on, here.




She´s a BIMbo for the status quo

She’s a show girl on the radio

She´s a BIMbo for status quoooo-0-0-0-

Everybody knows

She´s a STAGE queen with her legs all a showing

She´s the RAGE, now, she’s a big sensation

She´s a BIMbo for status quooo-0-0-0-

Everybody knows

Is Taylor Swift a communist, rigging our election?

Big Brother’s propped up propogandist, is that her real profession?

She´s a BIMbo for the status quo

She´s a show girl on the radio

She´s a BIMbo, for the status quooo-0-0-0-

Everybody knows

She likes Stephen King and that is just not right

Does she know he killed John Lennon? I think that she just might

PEOPLE, BEWARE, she’s TRYING to SCARE you off your VOTE.

She’s a BIMbo for the status quo

She’s a SHOW girl on the radio

She’s a BIMbo for the status quooo-0-0-0-

Everybody knows

She even helped him once before when he was in a fix

Let that bastard walk away with all her P.R. tricks

They both could be together, a very real commie plot

Culture warriors tricking us with everything they’ve got

She’s a BIMbo for the status quo

She’s a SHOW girl on the radio

She’s a BIMbo for the status quooo-0-0-0-

Everybody knows


Just ideas, yet to be organized. Not up to scratch, yet. Take THAT, you over rated, over paid. probably government propped up BIMBO! The real deal is in town. Get ready for a showdown. Must be dicey knowing you’re naked to me, now. Am I wrong? We’ll have to wait and see. Meanwhile my lyrics are law suit proof. I’m too controversial to be brought into any public arena, now, anyway. Then my Lennon expose would be famous. Check mate.


People of America, the time is short. Are you willing to let a Marxist take over your country? You have for almost four years. Dozens of years if you include Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, the Bush´s, Obama, Biden and more. Nixon, in 1980, in The Real War, wrote these telling words;

´Americans must learn to lower their ideals.´

The New World order requires America be shrunken and made smaller so as to FIT into it´s jigsaw puzzle. That´s why I am convinced Biden and Harris DELIBERATELY caused inflation, Fentanyl, alien invasion, debt, et al. DELIBERATELY destroyed America. They knew what they were doing. So do I know what they´re up to. When will ever stop snickering at me and learn?

I used to be stupid dupes about these types, just like many of you are, now. Just a dozen years ago, in fact. There is HOPE for you unwary idiots. Now I see the real life Commie plot they really represent. Kamala SAYS she’s on the side of the middle class and  working class. She wants the exact opposite. She wants to disempower and eliminate the middle class, in reality. She brazenly lies like satanic Joe does. They think you’re so stupid licking your ice cream cones as if you’re so classy and clever that you DESERVE to be steamrolled with their lies. They know you are good with Stephen King murdering John Lennon and now is the time to strike while you’re upside down and vulnerable. Before you wake up and break my story wide open and defeat them in their tracks. That’s why they are doing it NOW. My story has chased them into a corner and they MUST act now or never. I ramped up their agenda a dozen years too early for them to succeed, I think. Nixon warned us that; ” the Soviets use the lie as a legitimate weapon to be used by the weak to defeat the strong. “That you falling for it is on YOU. He warns us of how they transpose the points 180 degrees from the truth to FOOL you. It’s the lie that works the best. When she says “Turn the page” she means; “America had it’s run, time for a new way forward. Time for a New World Order.” They get traction because they have already taken over our establishment agencies that should be there to fight back and protect us. They will not. They are Commies at heart.  Our F.B.I., C.I,.A., media, courts, etc.. Only YOU can prevent commie takeovers. Only THIS EVIDENCE AGAINST STEPHEN KING can save you, now. NOTHING else can in time. My story exposes the satanic intent of where they are taking us, ultimately. This war in Ukraine is a lie. Joe already empowered Moscow with the world’s biggest oil pipeline and the mayor of Moscow gave him 3.5 million. Both our military industrial complexes are being empowered and enriched while they depopulate the planet, deliberately.

I agree that Russia is TOO BIG, already. No one country should be ALLOWED to be so large in size. Too much leverage with resources poses an existential threat to us all. The “thing is”, as Kamala likes to say; Trump stopped Russia while Obama and Biden and Harris did the opposite. Just accept that politicians at the highest level are better at fooling us than Tiger Woods ever was at golf.  You should know that before you blindly vote for a Marxist who won’t even deny the charge on national television. Your evil need to have easy abortions – a sign of  insincere, irresponsible, soul deflating bad sex – is not reason enough to vote for communism over America. Neither are any of her promised hand outs to put quick money in your hands after she took it away with inflation in real life, anyway. You’ll just regret it more than you can fathom. Kamala Harris is a communist working more for Moscow than D.C.. You need a hero like me who has seen the inside of the belly of the beast all these decades to tell you so. I’ve gone where no man has gone before and you should listen to your real life hero. Meanwhile you hope I get killed just so you can walk around with blinders on and not have to work harder and try harder as a people to live better. I plan on making to at least 106 years of age. Don’t expect me to fade away any time ever. I hold the cards with your reputation. I will have the microphone, not you, some day. I don’t pull punches, either. Get over your jealousy and masochism.


I am Steve Lightfoot, first human to ever trisect an angle with just a compass and straightedge. I did so as a 17 year old just one month into my first geometry class and in just 20 minutes, first try. I am Steve Lightfoot, smarter than 97 % of all of you with S.A.T. scores to prove it! And, yet, your go to argument is that I am a nut! You poor sicko’s. I was the best artist in my grade school and high school and I even tried out for the PGA golf tour three times as a young man. THEN I discovered these codes in Time and Newsweek and had to drop all that in favor of ushering forward the biggest news story ever told in America’s history. I am not humble. I can’t afford to be. YOU all need a hero and I’m the only one in sight, apparently. If I don’t save you then America will fall to the communist New World Order that Bush Sr. promised us. Then I’LL be screwed if that happens. If not the only hero then then I am the biggest hero on the scene, bar none. I KNOW how stupid and sinful, cowardly, jealous and evil all of humanity IS! I can’t afford to bow my head and be like all of you. It’s been decades since I have had sex with any of you I find you so unsexy, ignorant, brainwashed and evil. I have a higher purpose than just to work, pay taxes and get screwed by big government like all of you. To cover up John Lennon’s murder like all of you are doing. I have a website and website van; In the eight years I have been in Monterey, Ca. I have sold over 200 hundred of my evidence magazines all over America and the world. Monterey has purchased ZERO of my magazines though I advertise the most right here. WHY? Because my news SCARES Monterey and Santa Cruz who both hope I get killed so they can go back to being Stephen King’s rape victims. They are PROTECTING the evil man who assassinated JOHN LENNON. They can’t deny any of this. My sales record has EXPOSED the true nature of my fellow human being. A miserable, jealous coward licking the boot that kicked them all in the ribs. My fellow Americans all sucking Stephen King’s evil dick! Bangor, Maine is also up the same treasonous behavior as California. They all KNOW King murdered John Lennon since my six month stay there in 1992. His bookseller friend there admitted to me “He’s afraid he’s gonna FRY!!!” You see, people, I have ripped the curtain down and exposed all of you for the John Lennon killing monsters you all really are. Before I die I will either be killed or become the biggest celebrity since John Lennon. One of the two. No one out there has more to contribute to humanity than this story represents. I will either have one of two speeches to make then, too. I will either make the above speech that exposes YOU as the problem of all our evil politicians OR I will laugh at all of you for allowing Moscow and the New World Order to outsmart you and take you over. “Ha! ha! you unjust jackasses!” You will either arrest, try, convict and execute Stephen King or you will lose to the communism that he supports. He is openly against your second amendment. That’s why his handlers used a gun to kill John, to make you hate guns. He taunts us a year after his crime a dozen times in one book; “Beware the Jewish / communist plot against the U.S..” Now we have Hakim Jeffries, Ocasio Cortez, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Hussein Obama and a dozen other communists waiting to take us over AND our deep state, the F.B.I. and C.I.A. and courts and military and media are all on board with that masochistic  plan. When the democrats say “We’re not going back.” they mean back to The United States of America. They insist on moving us “forward” into the New World Order, instead. They have to weaken us, first, to fit us INTO The New World Order. That’s what I see that you poor, brainwashed fools can’t see. Trust me. I AM smart.

Donald Trump must be reading my website and he is calling Kamala “Comrad” Harris and calling her a Marxist communist in public. She’s not denying it, either. IS SHE?! Like Stephen King is keeping his mouth shut about my charges, she is keeping her mouth shut, too. They both KNOW, as trained saboteurs, that we will turn on them both if they dare try to lie about it all.

I used to be stupid like most of you are, now. I used to trust and even support Obama, Clinton and even Sanders before I woke up and paid attention to the FACTS! I learned the hard way, after Obama / Biden tried twice to kill me high speed “accidents” and learning that both the Clintons and Obama / Biden allowed Stephen King into The White House for a secret meeting in 1995 with the Clintons and to award him a medal of the arts award in 2016. THEY are in bed with the globalists, Nixon and Reagan. As presidents they KNOW I’m right. They have a room and a staff all about me they so fear me. They APPROVE of Stephen King killing John Lennon. That’s all you slobs need to know to wake up. They are our mortal enemies.

Get used to my umbrage. It IS warranted. I’m saving you satanic, brainwashed ingrates.

Don’t think I am as bitter and mean as I sound. Only the kindest, most optimistic and talented individual would TAKE ON my story and push this evidence out there. I love humanity that much that I would risk my life to help you all. I’ve already turned down King’s written 1992  offer of “..anything you want.” if I’d quit my expose. Money isn’t what motivates me at all. I, in fact, pity the world for being it’s slave. If I expose this and you punish King and I exorcise all of you I will be able to sing and write songs to nourish you all. I realize Stephen King MADE you all evil. I may be a 55 year old looking 70 year old but I suspect I will outsell anybody you’re listening to now. I know that BECAUSE I have a lot in common with a John Lennon I appreciate him more than the rest of you do. I knew, as a boy, how lucky we all were to HAVE John Lennon on the highest platform looking out for us all, risking his life to help us. He, more than any other human, stopped the Viet Nam war, for those of you who weren’t alive then. You need someone like me, different and smarter than society, to help you beat and survive the evil world of politics. Look at you all. As cowardly and stupid as Paul McCartney not to hoist me on your shoulders like a sane society would and demand media disclosure. If Paul is a douche bag – and he is – don’t doubt me when I say ALL of you are King’s douche bags until he is punished, too. You lack spine, not evidence. You NEED my courage. You NEED this evidence. You need to start caring about it, too.

BIDEN IS CENSORING ME FROM RADIO! True. I can no longer get WABC of New York or WVOM of Maine to answer my phone calls there. Even if I use caller I.D. block. I can’t even listen to them on my phone anymore, either. Biden is SO AFRAID of me he has shut down my right to speak or even listen in and your right to hear my message.


That’s right. I will move out of California, permanently, to Utah, where normal people live, after March 1, 2025 if you dolts haven’t pulled you heads out of your rear ends and avenged John Lennon with protests to out my evidence findings. PERIOD! You don’t want ME ratting California out for the weaklings you have been all this time when I am brought forward and have the world’s microphone. Do you? Oh, and I won’t be bashful about it, either. You’ve all been evil and weak and phony and jealous and stupid masochists, so far. HAVEN’T YOU ALL? I can’t afford to wait for you while America needs truth and justice, now. You’ve taken ME for granted too long, already.


I’m glad you are using bullet proof glass at your rallies. Joe is still hateful and dangerous. A grenade could get through, a bomb under your platform, too. Get a smaller cocoon safe zone that protects you from all of the above. P.S. Congrats on the R.F.K. Jr. endorsement. And R.F.K. Jr., you, too. If I were Trump I’d employ you as an ADVISOR. You DO know a LOT! Not everything, but enough to help America past this dangerous time.

Is our D.O.J. resurrecting old charges to aggravate you before your first debate, Donald? You know ABC and Steponallofus have also already given Harris the question list. I’d wear a hat with my website address on it in public and say it out loud BEFORE THAT. Or, better yet, during the debate on live television. Your enemies would melt like the Wicked Witch of the West if you’d do just that one thing. Are you willing to lose to another rigged election and get jailed wrongfully just because you foolishly don’t want to step on Nixon and Reagan’s commie toes? Those two were communists. Trust me. “FIGHT!, FIGHT!, FIGHT!” You NEED this hero, me. We met and spoke, once. Remember? Pebble beach practice tee in the 90’s?


Get ready to lose this November, you former Nixon employee, communist scumbag. We all will know how YOU tried to destroy me here in Monterey with your D.O.J., Italian mafia and C.I.A. connections. You tell us on television at the DNC that Kamala; “…WILL win…” with a wink and a nod, you former Nixon employee and C.I.A. chief? Don’t count on it. You’re a very sick man and I see you. In fact, I’ll be brandishing my sign “L. PANETTA SUCKING S. KING’S DICK” that your police chief stole from my hands at a council meeting last July. To let Monterey know who you really are.


A Sean O’Hare from Dublin, Ireland swore he’d sink my business there years ago and it seems he HAS. I don’t care. I lose money on overseas orders, anyway. IF you want my magazine get above his jealous antics and add $4.00 extra (Total of $14.) if you want my magazine. I call it The Sean O’Hare tax. Just read this, ignore the $10. price and post $14. and I’ll send you a valuable copy. Don’t be jealous of ME like McCartney and O’Hare. GET informed.

The problem started when I misread Heath for Beach for his mailing address. A delay prompted his response and, by the time the mailing was sent back to me, months had elapsed. It was then he threatened to blackball me in the U.K.. I, not only refunded him his money, I sent him a free copy, after. He has such a hair up his butt I now call him Sean O’Hair up his butt. Do I suspect Sean O’Hair up his butt is a government employee subverting your right to know and illegally meddling with my free speech? Big Brother? I do.

If he is anything like the rest of you U.K.’ers (By the way, Lightfoot is a Scottish / English sir name and I should know all about you people.), if the rest of you over the pond are like him I pity you all. I already pity that your government tabloid media has poisoned your souls and that you adhere to a monarchy that exalts any one family to look up to. They conspiratorially,  virtually MODEL consumerism and materialism to get you all to work harder and make them richer. The oath the King makes is “I am here to serve and not to be served.” The exact opposite is the case in reality. Everybody over here knows that Charles and Queen Elizabeth murdered Dianna, anyway. Murderers of their own grandchildren’s mother. You know, MI-6 agents posing as paparazzi, then speeding after the car to get them up to speed then a Fiat Uno and stunt driver clipping the Mercedes front fender sending it to the pre planned pylon. That’s what really happened. All planned out in advance. Face up.

Besides all that I think McCartney’s cowardliness and jealousy about me is an indictment on you all. Firm up those wrists of yours, U.K..


Had I known then what I know about all of you now I’d have erected this billboard a long time ago;




Instead, I trusted your goodness and courage to see me through to disclosure not knowing how truly boot-lickingly evil all of you are regarding big exposes like this. Exposes that prove just how stupid all of you can be all at once. No wonder no expose this big has ever been broken before. You cowards wouldn’t ALLOW it. Jealous, jealous, guilty, sinful, weak all of you.

Now America is paying for it with a commie take-over with Obama / Biden / Harris, F.B.I., C.I .A. / media, et all. Inflation taxing everyone into communism, rigged elections and a loss of freedom and America, itself. Karma bites, doesn’t it? Can asteroidal disaster be far behind?

Do I now care what you think of me? I won’t even allow big media to ever interview me. (One exception regarding a certain female journalist, and not associated with her current bosses.) You’ll have to pay a small internet subscription to access anything I have to say after disclosure. I’m 70 and will be dead in 35 years, anyway. I prefer the recluses life, now.

One fact has stood out like a sore thumb, all along, about this story, this expose. It’s more truth than you people can seem to be able to handle. More truth than you can handle. Maybe more truth than you all deserve. Only time will tell. More responsibility than you can muster. It’s now obvious to me how Stephen King made you all his masochists overnight when he committed the crime of assassinating John Lennon. Now, in spite of hard evidence that places him at the crime scene posing as Mark Chapman getting Lennon’s last autograph and all the bold print magazine codes in Time and Newsweek that brag all about the Nixon / Reagan goings on behind the scenes while documenting the whole ugly affair, now in spite of Nixon’s book; The Real War that discusses killing John Lennon placed next to Reagan the day of the murder under the headline; ‘Who’s In?” “Who’s Out?” and all that King writes about and confesses to, having never denied my claims, ever. In spite of all that powerful, history changing, hard evidence, all of Y-O-U people act as though he should have the right to kill Lennon and get away with it. That it’s just too much evil and crime going on to stand up to and there is no way to properly punish King so why even try? You V-I-C-T-I-M-S want to let him off the hook because it’s just too embarrassing to admit he did this evil crime to all of us. And fooled us and humiliated us and still is. Every day you unjust jackasses let him GET AWAY WITH MURDER ! “He’s a celebrity. We CAN”T expose him, now. He’s FAMOUS! He’s made movies and written evil books for us. We can’t arrest, try and execute him, now. Even if he did it to cripple us and destroy us and kill America, itself.” Oh, he did, all right. That’s exactly why he did it, too. To humiliate and disempower you. To take away your voice of reason and genius. To replace it with pure evil that he hopes will destroy America. Your apathy and sympathy for the devil, now, is evidence Stephen King has destroyed the American fighting spirit, already. Killed it’s will. How can any of you argue that until Stephen King killing John Lennon gets you all outraged instead of behaving like his silent  douche bags?  You can’t. You have no argument. You can’t even recall a trial for Chapman when it happened.

Which brings us to me, Steve Lightfoot, the man who “bit off more than ‘all of you’ could chew” . What do we do with me? Do you let me rot away and die of old age, as has been your ‘plan’ for decades, now? Do you hope the government kills me and lets you off the hook? Do you boycott me out of business? (As Monterey and Santa Cruz are caught trying to do, now) Do you just keep sucking Stephen King’s evil dick and keep sucking under his evil?”

The alternative to all that cowardliness and masochism is to get informed, get outraged and take to the streets and demand media disclosure of this powerful, life changing, world changing news. This evidence found in back issues of major magazines that prove King guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. What are you all waiting for? If you WERE NOT HIS WARPED MASOCHISTS as we speak you all WOULD expose, arrest, try and execute his traitorous, evil ass. So, get well, America. U.S. public. Land of the free and home of the brave. Right now the only home of the brave is my van. Admit it.

Gavin Newsom, an already outed homosexual, has tainted California’s spirit. So has Monterey mayor and admitted homosexual, Tyler Williamson, tainted the people of Monterey who are ignoring my evidence. Homosexuals don’t care as much about the children and their future as heterosexuals do. It’s a fact that can’t be denied. They happen to be less responsible about huge matters such as Stephen King killing John Lennon as a result. Not morally equipped. As such I may have to leave my home state of California on March 1, 2025, my birthday, and move to Utah and give real Americans a chance to avenge John Lennon and save America. I just won’t be able to look you people in the face anymore if you are so low you cannot avenge John Lennon with hard evidence. There is no excuse for such cowardliness and traitorous conduct. I will have to move on for America’s sake and have to tell everybody, after, what douche bags Californians really proved to be.

This may be my last hand out to the people of the central coast before taking off to Utah. You don’t get to pick and choose who saves you with evidence. I’ve given you plenty to get busy protesting about. Ever try to deny that you didn’t have evidence and I ‘ll just trot out my website, now available for over 23 years that you’ve all seen. No one will believe you didn’t KNOW I was right, all along. Even a child can see it’s King, not Chapman, getting John’s autograph. If you want to call me a nut, well, that’s what phonies, weaklings and ingrates do when they have to make a big moral decision and they lack the testicles to fight back, isn’t it? When they fear the government they’re under. When they envy the messenger for BEING so right. If anything I may have been delusional to think you’d all care and act in your own self interest. Now I know how sick you are from the crime. Calling me a nut is a phony cop out that only hurts you.

Or you can prove me wrong and break this news before that date. It’s very important you do. Stephen King knocked the wind out of all of you when he murdered John Lennon. Now you all have to get up off your asses and fight back. Fight back! Fight BACK! Stand up for yourselves and fight back. Save yourselves and punish evil Stephen King.

I demonstrate almost every Sunday at downtown Monterey on Alvarado Street. Noon. Twelve O’clock. No excuse not to show up in the hundreds. Just look for me and my peach pink flesh toned van and lets get this news disclosed on the media. If you weren’t Stephen King’s warped masochists you WOULD! Until then you lack spine, not evidence.

Sincerely Steve Lightfoot


Let me start with a jingle / parody to the tune of “Camelot” about KAmala, accent on the first syllable, pronounced like Camelot.  I am more than just a super sleuth detective. I am a world class singer and I write songs occasionally.  This one took about an hour, for example. Here goes;

KAmala!, Plucked from the bottom of the jar

KAmala!,  And, yet, they tell us she’s a star


Your right to own a gun she’ll try to outlaw

What’s queer she’ll make the norm if she gets in

Our money she will cripple with inflation

That’s Kamala


The genocidal bombing of civilians

A second war that’s cost us twenty billion

And World War Three now threatens all our children

That’s Kamala!…That’s KAmala!


Who tried to shoot her rival at a rally?

Who’s even trying to jail him with the courts?

There’s even doubt about the last election

That’s KAmala!.. That’s KAmala!



Another commie plot

Is what we’ve really got

If we’re so stupid we would vote for E-V-I-L  KAAAmaaaaLA!  –  “Let’s not!”


The Case Against Kamala Harris:

(If I were Trump and Vance I’d be speaking in these terms to ensure victory over the communist threat to America a Harris / Walz ticket represents. I’d start out every speech with this line; And, by the way, I used to be a Kool-Aid drinking mind of mush until I woke up and SAW this crowd for what it really is. a nest of communists intend on dismantling democracy. Kamala included.)

“Kamal Harris’s husband, Enhoff, a Russian name, is heavily in bed with the Chinese government. His very business has exactly to do with that. Making deals with the Chinese , communist government. That, alone, should disqualify Kamal Harris from even running for president of the United States of America.”

(A few other zingers I’d rotate in the mix;)

“Kamala, you NOW propose lowering inflation, gas prices and medical care prices, grocery prices, cracking down on illegitimate price gouging, credit card debt, our national debt, lowering border crossing traffic, even not taxing tips like I first took a position on et., etc.. But when you HAD over three years time to fix these problems you, INSTEAD, went the opposite direction on ALL of these matters, didn’t you? How can the people of America TRUST you to do ANY of the remedies you NOW suggest when your record has been the exact opposite? Why shouldn’t we be alarmed that you’re trying to hoodwink and con us into buying promises that ring untrue?”

“If I were big oil and big banks and big electricity I’d be delighted with the agenda Biden and Kamala Harris have granted in their favor. Oh, and the military industrial complex, too.. How can we trust ANYONE who has proven to be so wed to the corporate players who decide public policies. The “Swamp”?”

“Kamala, you threaten that I will weaponize the justice department against my enemies if elected. Isn’t that EXACTLY the pot calling the kettle black? Is it not one of your election strategies to hobble me as much as possible with charges that would only have been brought, in the first place, because I’m Donald Trump and standing in your way.? So, who’s already PROVEN to abuse our justice system? Aren’t you relying on a stupid public to think we can’t see that? Do you think we’re all stupid?”

“Kamala, you say I represent a threat to democracy. Whomever tried to assassinate me last summer is the REAL threat to our democracy. Isn’t that true? If the 2020 election was tampered with or fell victim to mail in ballots procedures and such, wouldn’t THAT be a great threat to democracy? Whether it was lone gunman who is no longer alive to tell his tale, or whether it was plot by the democrats to remove me from the race, I think you’ll agree, it was the antithesis to democracy in America to kill your opponent?”

“Kamala, you try to say you’re on the Palestinian side yet it’s a fact you have engaged in a deal with Israel that has allowed Israel to wipe them out in a genocidal bombing campaign with our bombs that you only claim to be withholding after dropping them, first. Over 40 thousand civilians dead, mostly women and children. How can we trust anything you say about the conflict until this glaring fact is addressed?”

“You say , Kamala, that you’re against big government. Isn’t that another contradiction in your lip service versus your performance? Hasn’t your spending and empowering government at every station, even regarding our own children and their gender, hasn’t that empowered big government to rule our lives?”

Kamala, please explain to America’s people why you only NOW claim to want to fix every thing you broke to begin with in your actual service as president and vice president? Isn’t that a hollow promise to be making to the public when you have already proven NOT to be willing to do ANY of the things you want to address now?”

(It should be easy to defeat this commie plot in our midst if Trump even does only the above all the way home to victory. People aren’t stupid. Trump just has to remind them of Kamala’s disingenuous heart and commie roots and intents.- Oh, one more:)

“Kamala, what about the second amendment? Do you appreciate how much of a deterrent it is to our enemies that our civilian population is armed to defend themselves? Can you understand why our people made that amendment only second to the first amendment? Is your claim to defund police really a warning that you’ll do exactly that once you have first taken away our second amendment rights? Isn’t THAT where you’re really going with that?””


Tim Walz and his wife were staring at the ceiling waiting for the agony of Joe Biden speaking to end. Kamala, herself, was squished down low into her chair as if succumbing to an enormous weight in the arena pressing down on her. The crowd was listless and not expecting to win at all. Just going through the motions of another election cycle. Joe got so much applause at his introduction it was as if the democrats were thanking him for taking his senile butt out of play, finally. “Thank you, Joe. We didn’t like you, anyway.” Meanwhile they were all given banner sticks that read “WE (heart symbol) JOE”. Joe was angry and full of lies upon lies. It came into view best when he was trying to blame his border leniency policy of three years on Trump for not caving into a deal that would have aided immigration. He fizzled out with him admitting he LIKES immigrants and wants MORE immigrants, if only to clean up his hypocritical rhetoric. “Come on in all you foreigners. It doesn’t matter if you’re vetted or not. The impact on America I could care less about, just vote democrat, now. We’re going World Order anyway.” Throughout the evening the speakers were over the top pro Harris and anti Trump. Like trumpeters blowing it for all they got. Knowing it may all be for naught. At one point Biden’s daughter admitted they were the “Underdog” in the fight. They are. What I know about it all is that the deep state and the media and the swamp may try to rig this election with the voting machines and or other methods. Don’t buy the media polls. It’s really media mind control. Undermining democracy.

In the real world Trump is leading by 20 percentage points. At least 15. Real Americans all know who opened up our borders and who sat on the middle class with inflation and credit card debt. The very middle class the democrats now vow they are avenging. THEY got hammered under Biden / Harris and they all know it. Real Americans see through the outright 180 degree lies being told about Trump being a threat to democracy when it was the democrats who probably stole our vote in 2020 and may have even tried to assassinate Trump right before HIS convention. Real Americans know who’s really a threat to democracy. That the media is telling us all it’s neck and neck is what they always do when they want to steal an election. They want to create plausible denial by even suggesting it was ever a tight race.

For those of you too weak to admit I’m right about Stephen King killing John Lennon, my mere three month stay in Green Bay, Wisconsin in 2008 with my website van proclaiming a “Nixon, Reagan Stephen King plot” was enough to convince Wisconsin that republicans are bad and democrats are good. Now Wisconsin, thanks to my van, is a blue state when it didn’t used to be. Ditto California where I am from, generally. They all went democrat after they saw my Lennon evidence findings linking Nixon and Reagan. And they were both FROM California, too.

I have an obligation to TELL CALIFORNIA and to TELL WISCONSIN T-H-I-S ! Bill and Hillary Clinton, in 1995, knowing that King killed Lennon, invited him into The White House for a secret meeting a week before the Oklahoma City bomb went off. Similarly Obama and Biden, in 2016, knowing Stephen King killed John Lennon for the globalists, awarded King putting a medal of the arts award around his evil, communist neck IN THE WHITE HOUSE!

Every pie in the sky ideal that Biden tries to spew now is tainted by our knowing this one thing about him. About Kamala, by association, as well. That the democrats are WITH STEPHEN KING, NIXON AND REAGAN and the rest of our globalist enemies. Just commies wearing a different set of clothes this time. So, there, Wisconsin. Try to think beyond what you see on a website van and look INTO THE MATTER AND READ MY WEWBSITE. I had to find out who the bad guys were on my own and you need to try, too. TRY to look into the matter. How can Joe promise America ANYTHING good when he’s in bed with America’s real assassin, Stephen King? The man who HATES us all and would like to blow us up with a nuclear bomb if he could. A man who probably wrote about Covid -19 in the 70’s in “The Stand” with advance knowledge of it.

I predict Putin will hand Biden a last minute showing of victory in Ukraine TO MAKE SURE WE VOTE FOR HARRIS! Ditto, Israel, although I can’t be so sure about THAT evil regime. You see, the REASON Putin released hostages last week and is letting up on Ukraine right now is to get Kamala Harris elected. THAT’S how sophisticated politics, real politics IS! You all had better WAKE UP and use my Lennon evidence or you will probably lose America. Lennon killers can’t win. Don’t you know?

I looked at both crowds and saw more life in the republicans. I have to watch as all you dolts wonder whether or not the woman who burdened the middle class with debt and inflation, high priced them OUT of power, ultimately, is going to be their avenger after she’s elected. Isn’t she really an enemy of the middle class according to her actions? A 180 degree reversal of policies she promises. I have to sit here and watch meathead America decide if theses liars can be trusted. For Wisconsin to actually READ my website before they vote for a communist. For Cowardfornia for that matter. I have to watch as Biden and Harris are now promising $25,000 to taxpayers to buy a new house. To buy their vote. Are there any Americans stupid enough NOT TO KNOW that they are offering a band aid that won’t work for a wound THEY created in the first place? What other band aid remedies are they offering to bail us out of the mess THEY made? The must think we’re all STUPID. We must be, too. Kamala Harris’ husband is a lawyer who mostly makes business deals with the Chinese communist government, don’t you know? Are we not insane to allow her to even BE on the ticket in the first place?

I would be the world’s expert on insane humanity. You certainly all are. Or King would not be free to laugh at you fools. He’d be dead and out of our lives.


It’s and election year and I have to say, right up front, Kamala Harris is a communist bitch from hell. Look up the word “Mandrill” in the encyclopedia if you want to know what I think of her face, too. It’s a particularly grotesque looking monkey with a nose that fits her face. I used to actually trust people like Barack Hussein Obama and Bill Clinton and even Bernie Sanders. I was as stupid as some of you are now who think Kamala Harris is a good idea. Kamala Harris is an evil con woman trying to dismantle democracy and shrink America down to fit into the New World Order that her real bosses, the Kremlin, are trying to fit us into. Nothing less than exactly that. She’s a communist bitch from hell who hates all of you and is PLAYING you from the Soviet playbook she practices. It took me decades to see this, myself. I understand if you think I’m off base here. I am not, though. It’s the fruit of my ordeal. I have seen the commie plot in full focus from all I’ve been through. She has all the tricks to mind control you and she thinks you’re all stupid enough to BE played if she just follows script. Her main tactic is to transpose the  points. For example, if she knows she and Joe (assassin) Biden have been deliberately opening the floodgates of our border to let millions of illegal aliens into our country, she will say how she is going to stop the immigration problem and how Trump, who did ten times better a job there, is the problem. Ditto inflation. Ditto every God damned thing she and Joe have openly and deliberately done to our country. They work for our enemies!!!!!I If she knows that she is a commie agent she will question J.D. Vance’s “loyalty” as she did last week. If she knows that she is lying to all of you that she is a black woman (She is not. Indian and Jamaican doesn’t really count. There is no African American blood in her.) she will charge Trump with being dishonest when he points this fact out and say “We deserve better.” We do deserve a better politician than a pro Moscow con woman communist pretending to be black to fool black people to run against Trump is the reality. As she points the finger at him she is deflecting from herself who she knows to be the real problem she is talking about. Nixon called it “Transposing the points” “Transpose the points and the current fails, the lights go out and all is confusion.” The 180 degree lie is the lie that works the best. He was describing how Moscow defeats us with the lie. Nixon should know. He opened up and empowered China FOR Moscow and a lot of things that only one such as myself has the presence of mind to see and understand. I have managed to stay alive for four decades exposing Lennon’s murder for a reason. I know up from down. My life depends on it. Obama and Biden tried, twice, to kill me in high speed traffic “accidents” after I helped get them elected. I have learned what you all must learn, and quick, before Putin screws you again with a rigged election and puts her in power whether she wins the votes or not. The last election was rigged and we all saw it when the process was shut down for two hours only to change course 180 degrees after opening it up again. We all SAW it!

Kamala Harris left the building in 2011 when I came to her San Francisco Attorney General office to question the weird, near fatal “Accident” (I was T-boned by an SUV doing 55mph in an intersection that was paved over the next day to hide the evidence of an assassination attempt) and rigged red light camera tickets that were happening to me. She knew I was there to see her and she split. Then, four years later, another 75 mph freeway “accident” involving a uniformed navy cadet who rammed me sideways full force that could haver killed me, occurred. That’s when I realized Obama and Biden could only be  communists to come after me that way. ME, an American hero. A pro American president wouldn’t stoop so low.

I have come to understand that Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Biden and a lot of others were our enemies occupying the White House. Moscow is not afraid to do exactly that to us and still is. I found out the hard way what our country is up against. The reason Trump terrifies his enemies, the “Deep State’ “the Swamp”, is because they are so close to forking us over to our enemies and he stands in their way. Apparently Moscow is “buying” our politicians.

I have cracked the rhetoric code that Kamala spews. Barack Obama is giving her script to follow. I could almost see and hear Obama, himself, when she said; “We deserve better..” followed by some abstract pie in the sky platitudes. Barack Hussein Obama all the way! So now I guess we all also know who has been running invalid Biden all this time, too. Every time Kamala speaks I ask you to imagine how it was that she and Obama rehearsed the speech before she gave it. These world order commies must think we’re all just stupid as a pile of rocks not to see what they’re up to. Some of you are, I’m afraid. Not me. I have to have my head screwed on straight just to stay alive. Harris and company have you on a phony wavelength. Jump off, quick.

Wake up. Stop being PLAYED by Moscow’s playbook and the “Mandrill from Moscow”.

P.S. Putin is jumping in to help elect Kamala and to distract from the attempt on Trump and his and Biden’s likely role in it by giving up our Russian held hostages today (8-1-’24) That’s Joe Band Aid Biden. A quick instant gratification fix to fool all of you. Like school debt forgiveness and lowering drug prices, etc. Not addressing the root causes he knows are behind the problems but a quick fix morsel to get you all to bite. “Here, take this candy and vote for me. Forget fixing the root causes. You’re all stupid, now play along. Let me BUY your vote” All these carrot on a stick tactics to buy your vote HARM America. And he and Kamala know it.

Meanwhile, The Monterey Herald newspaper printed NOTHING about Joe and Trumps now famous debate the next day. Not one word or headline at all. At the same time the evidence that proves Crooks was visiting Washington D.C. near an F.B.I. office building several times just before he tried to assassinate Trump has vanished from the media as well.

We’re already under Soviet style media control. Aren’t we? The root cause of everything else that’s bad here. Until Stephen King is tried and executed the infection lingers, too. Until that headline appears you’re all just pathetic, apathetic pawns in a takeover plot. At least overflow the voting boxes this time for Trump to overturn any fraud the communists are trying to pull off. After THAT we can get on with executing King and exorcising ourselves. IF Kamala is declared the winner it will be a lie from Moscow hell. IF that happens we must succeed in overthrowing our Soviet hybrid government. Once and for all. Boycotting all income taxes and other peaceful methods of protest is the best way I know of doing that. They can’t lock us all up. Fact. But we must act as one. You all need a hero to do that. Here I am, just waiting to render my services. With me as a famous hero brought forward we could move mountains. That’s why Moscow assassinated John Lennon. The HERO is what’s missing from the world we live in.

P.S. Her Vice president pick;

If she picks Kelly it will be because she is chomping at the bit to remove the second amendment. His wife, Gabby Gifford, was shot in the head by a crazed gunman in Arizona and he would bolster her attempts to remove your right to bear arms from your lives.

If she picks Budeigeig (She won’t) it will be because she wants to promote a homosexual / transgender culture to weaken America

If she picks Shapiro it will be partly because her husband is Jewish and also because certain Jews are key players in the overthrow of America. Namely our mass media controlled by mostly Jews. Stephen King, a communist Jew, the man who murdered John Lennon, who was secretly invited into the White House by the Clintons in 1995 a week before the Oklahoma City bomb went off, who was also invited into the White House by Obama / Biden in 2016 to have a medal of the arts award placed around his neck by Obama, Stephen King, warns us a year after killing John Lennon in one book about seven times; “Beware the Jewish / communist plot against the U.S..” King would know exactly what I’m talking about. So would Kamala. I just learned that Kamala’s husband’s last name in Enhoff. That’s a Russian sir name. Like Adam Schiff’s name is. What is he, a “Jewish communist?” Incidentally, someone, a master of parody and comedy, should rewrite a song to the tune of “Camelot” to put Harris in her proper place. Let me give it a try;

“The guns will soon be banned from America, the queers will be the norm if she gets in, the economy will tank and sink America, with Kamala.

The competition will be shot at their pep rallies, if not they’ll be assailed in all the courts, elections will be rigged under ‘Dominion’, with Kamala………”

That was my first one minute ad lib. Someone else can take the baton and get it on the airwaves. A longer, more uproarious version. Someone give Rob Carson of A.M. radio a call about it, maybe. That’s his shtick. (O.K., so I did it myself. Who else has his hands on the steering wheel of our lives?) The finished version is at the beginning of this chapter to show you what an additional hour will do to the message with some polish. I’d say Taylor Swift would not do as well with the verse and I sing better than her, too. She, like me once upon a time, trusts Biden / Harris. I got wise. I now know they are communists deliberately trying to dismantle democracy for Moscow and the New World Order. She’s still drinking the peer pressure Kool Aid so many celebrities think will fly and boost their popularity. She’s a billion dollar Bimbo in my book riding a wave of teeny boppers who are starved for any singer / celebrity. She MAY EVEN BE a government plant / artist who deliberately tries to sway public opinion with her platform as she has done lately, even trying to help out Stephen King who shot our last singer when I was in Florida in 2021 exposing him.  Adel out sings her times three. Even I take a back seat to Adel as a singer, but only barely. One of only a handful, if I do say so myself.

Quick update; Kamala picked Walz, a dedicated socialist and an old man with a mean scowl like Biden. He won’t threaten to take her job he’s so old even if she doesn’t lose to Trump. I think Trump will win by 20 % if the results reflect reality. Americans are pretty smart about these things. They know a con woman when they see one. S-O-O- phony and disingenuous, she.


Are you listening Trump? I should be on your advisory board. Maybe I’m just a better fighter, maybe I just know more about the fight due to my experience in ushering forth the Lennon murder evidence findings or maybe that same backround has allowed me to see, in full, vivid, living color, the communist plot that is desperately trying to dismantle democracy in our lifetime and how Biden and Harris et al are leading the charge to do so.

Let’s begin with “A threat to democracy” that Harris / Biden are spewing about Trump. Trump is not the threat, Biden /Harris are the threat to democracy and they both know they are. That’s why they point the finger 180 degrees away from them to Trump to FOOL you all. Transposing the points. I’d say rigging the last election to put Biden in IS A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY! Trying to assassinate Trump to change the 2024 election result IS A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY! Sandbagging our economy with inflation and flooding our border with aliens IS A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY! Trying to take away the second amendment and a lot of things they are up to is a frontal assault on The United States of America. Transposing the points. That is the lie that works, the 180 degree lie. That’s what Biden / Harris are up to. Harris wants to take away your second amendment “We need to have that conversation..” she’s always saying in that regard and that’s why she wants to defund police…. once that is done. That’s the acid test for loyalty to America, the second amendment, the one right behind the FIRST amendment. Take it away and we’re open for invasion from our enemies and our own out of control Soviet hybrid government.

Let’s examine all the freebies Biden / Harris are handing out to buy our vote at the expense of America’s well being. The flagrant printing and spending of money, Student debt forgiveness, $20. @ hour wages for fast food workers, a guaranteed minimum income for everyone, lowering drug prices and even Putin’s throwing Biden a lifesaver with his hostage exchange this week.

Printing money and spending money is a quick fix to fool all of you, until the chickens come home to roost and we’re in shambles for it, later. I know that Biden is doing this to disempower all our citizens by crippling the value of their money and forcing them to work harder. Especially victimized are the Baby Boomer retirees – long targeted –  who now have to work a few more years because retirement won’t pay the freight. Now, instead of collecting their paid out money and enjoying their golden years, they are PAYING the government MORE money, instead. Robbed blind by an evil, infirmed and treacherous con team named Biden / Harris. Food stamp recipients are also robbed of their needs now that their once acceptable allotment runs out in mid month since that hasn’t gone up with inflation. Two entitlements stolen from our citizens by Biden / Harris. Not by happen stance, either. By cynical, long laid out plans! Just wait until the next generation has to pay off the debt they are also creating. Maybe they’re trying to bankrupt Social Security, ultimately. But Biden will be dead by then. He won’t care.

The way to handle student debt is to crack down on the methods lending agencies use to entrap students in the first place. Schools are corrupt and overcharge in the first place. Change the laws in that arena. But Biden wants a Band Aid solution to BUY the votes of students. SOMEONE has to pay those debts he is trying to expunge. Guess who? ALL OF US, that’s who. So HIS solution burdens all of us to pay the freight instead of revamping that lending institution and schools, in general, who gouge the students from the start. He has no concern for our future. He, in fact, HOPES to crash our economy in his wake.

His push to up the pay of fast food workers is a burden on everyone in America except the fast food workers. We’re all the poorer for it except these workers who do not see the big picture only their hand to mouth existence. Harris wants to buy their vote at our expense. I no longer consider buying an In-n-Out double double now that they are $6. up from $4. just a year ago. Ditto fast food outlets in general. I just shop at the supermarket and fix my OWN food and avoid the inflation destroyed “convenience” outlets. I eat better as a consequence and ingest less preservatives and additive as well. Fast food is now off my menu. Biden and Harris’ plan is setting up the fast food industry for a huge fall and they know it. It will crash our economy.

Ditto a guaranteed income for everyone. That will bankrupt our economy and burden the next generation. THAT will bankrupt and end social security and other entitlements. There is no such thing as a free lunch like Biden / Harris are selling. They WANT to destroy our economy and America. They have no compunction of shrinking us down to fit into the jigsaw puzzle called the New World Order they work for. It’s not just the democrats, either. Bush Sr. touted that New World Order. In the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s when the Soviets used the Republicans to do their bidding our government grew by over 25 %. Nixon, Reagan and Bush all upped government by 25 % each! Now that the Lennon scandal is looming on the horizon and the Kremlin knows the liberals will inherit the sympathy of the voters they have switched horses and now use  the Democrats to do their bidding. Clinton increased government as much as well as did Obama. Biden  / Harris are a whole new level of destruction of America. I think my Lennon expose has forced their hand and they are speeding down the rails nearly falling off to beat me to the punch.

Lowering drug prices to buy votes. A Band Aid solution that doesn’t fix the problem. To begin with our government and big pharma are in bed together to mind control us and make us dependent on them. End THAT unholy alliance first and then the prices will not be propped up by an interested government cashing in in the process. There is FRAUD in big pharma and that needs to be routed out, not just a Band Aid on it to BUY VOTES at Americas expense..

Just as a news story has leaked about Crooks visiting Washington D.C. several times before the attempt on Trumps life in a building next to the F.B.I. offices there and subsequently suddenly suppressed,  and just as Biden is a suspect and has been sidelined and off the ticket P-U-T-I-N has come to his rescue with a life preserver to change the subject and has released our hostages to PROMOTE Harris. THAT’S what’s going on there. Putin, our mortal arch enemy, is identifying Harris as his choice for our president. Never mind that the exchange will embolden Russia to take MORE hostages in the future to blackmail us with. Never mind that the stage has been set for even more abuses there, the intent was to prop KAMALA HARRIS up so Putin won’t have to deal with a pro American president like Trump. He’s the only one NOT working for the crowd forking us over to the Moscow based New World Order. THAT’S why he has been a target for our deep state and the swamp. He’s not getting rich selling our America like they are.

So why AREN’T you fighting back harder against all these obvious Soviet style politics, Trump? J.D. Vance was seen with his hands in his pockets in dirty blue jeans on television last week. NEVER put your hands in your pockets as a candidate. That’s dating 101 stuff. It projects insecurity. Fight BACK and level these communists trying  to steal our vote with lies and tricks and buy offs and more. NAIL them for their attempt to overthrow America. Be bold about it. Call them out for being communists and nothing less. They ARE!

And Trump, stop using spray suntan oil. It clogs your pores and looks horrendous. Congrats on the weight loss. Very, very good there. Lose the spray on sun tan oil and clean up your skin pores. When Obama gives Harris a retort to hit you with about calling out her blackness address it head on; “No, Kamala, we deserve better than a candidate trying to buy black votes by claiming she is black when Jamaican / Indian is not black. There’s no African / American blood there. THAT”S what we deserve. Don’t call ME dishonest when it’s you who is dishonest.”

About Trump pulling out of the Sept, debate date with Biden and ABC, he SHOULD! That was a promise to debate Biden. His remark; “Sept 4th with Fox network or not at all.” was perfect. ABC is one evil network and this is his chance to say to America; “Haven’t we all had it with this thumbs on the scale media outlet, ABC? They have lost the right to host a debate with me and Kamala. Besides, I have an ongoing legal case against George Steponallofus and they can’t be trusted to be fair and it wouldn’t be fair to me and, therefor,  America.”

If he gets any flack for it I’d just say; “She keeps saying how she will win. So what does she need to debate me for if she’s so sure? What, does she know something about the result we all don’t know? Is she involved with rigging the results? Otherwise how could she be so sure she is going to win? Especially given her track record with destroying America and world peace? I’m more than willing to debate her. She’ll just have to do it without her pit bull attack dog, ABC.”

Incidentally, about ABC. In 1992 I was at their New York City location, my head poking in through the front door. There stood several Jews in long beards and braids and black suits and weird hats. I asked the doorman; “Are they doing a special on Jews, today?” “Oh, no. These are the big owners of ABC.” he replied. That was an eye opener. Are you taking notes Donald Trump? I think Israel is a disaster of an idea. And Russia over saw it’s creation along with the Berlin Wall at the time. Doesn’t that jog your brain? Is Israel NOT a provocation to bait the Islam world into violence so Israel can then wipe them out like The Crusades when they react to the oppression Israel methodically, deliberately metes out? Is Israel NOT a destabilizing force for America always having to fight their wars? That must please the Kremlin, I’ll bet. All our money being poured into a nation that should never have been erected to begin with and a government that hates America, secretly, and may even be working FOR RUSSIA behind the scenes. Remember the Rosenburgs who gave Moscow our A-bomb secrets AND at the same time we gave the Jews Israel. Don’t let Jarred Kushner fool you. He might not be squeaky clean. If anything the Jews are masters of deception and trickery. It’s a world known fact. Their blood line origins are from the Caucuses of Russia, to boot. Just my opinion. Just saying.


Like you’ve all been doing with your silence and apathy and neglect and messenger envy, like you’ve become world famous for. If you want to prove me wrong about that you have until March 1, 2025 to protest with me every Sunday (A few exceptions) at downtown Monterey, California on Alvarado Street beginning at noon. Don’t be late or I’ll be gone by 12:30 (No time for fools). I’ll be out of Cowardfornia after that, permanently. Me, the next John Lennon of our lives who will hold powerful sway with the public after I am brought forward by real Americans. You think I don’t know that you all know I’ve been right for decades? You think I don’t know you all know I’m SO right, in fact, that you collectively boycott buying my magazine unlike the rest of America? That you’re just jealous cowards too stupid to act in your own self interest? Sucking Stephen King’s evil dick? Molesting your children with him? You have a lot to discuss amongst yourselves. History will decide what kind of people you are. I’m sick of waiting anymore. And I won’t. And don’t blame me that YOUR silence and apathy has embittered ME. That’s on YOU. Your hand sitting and fence sitting and silence and apathy is ANTI- American! Isn’t it? Weak and spineless. It’s pure, human evil, isn’t it?


Insert; 7-28-’24

Ever since mid February or was it March of 1981 when decoy / stand in; Mark Chapman was supposed to enter a plea following his psychiatric evaluation but didn’t, you’ve all been one sick, phony, Soviet slob. A year and a half later, after Hinckley supposedly shot Reagan and distracted you all that time, he entered a guilty plea behind closed doors, no media allowed, and it was buried in a tiny clipping in the back of the paper. The biggest murder of our lives YOU allowed the killer to not stand trial to SEE if we were being lied to. That was the day the Soviet Union B-R-O-K-E you raped fools. That was the day the media admitted the government killed John Lennon and that was the day all of you just rolled over and surrendered and let them get away with it.

To ANY one pretending I don’t have evidence or who doubt my findings, shame on you. In fact, because you’re evil – EVIL – I struggle.

It took me about twenty minutes on July 26, 1982 to solve that there were cryptographic codes in the bold print headlines of Time and Newsweek magazines that proved a Nixon, Reagan connection to John Lennon’s murder. The way that tiny library just happened to have a copy of “The Real War” by Nixon and the way I opened right up to the exact pages where he discusses why Lennon must be assassinated was uncanny and I knew I was in the hands of history that day. A week later I knew, for a fact, that I really did find cryptography as the bigger library downtown revealed this fact, clear as a bell. Months after I moved to Santa Rosa, Ca. for fear of my life I found Mark David King Chapman attached to a letter to the editor linking Reagan. Weeks later I found Stephen King’s matching face and realized what an evil genius Nixon was to arrange for him to be the real killer. Who would ever believe such a tale? All that Rumpelstiltskin bragging by the government about it in these magazine’s headlines suddenly didn’t seem to matter. The story had the aura of unbelievability. More truth than the human mind could grasp at first. That my 165 I.Q. DID grasp it, however, made the difference. A cursory scan of his writings sealed the deal and I knew I had discovered the story of our time. The biggest story on earth in all this time since. In fact, the biggest story since Christ. A story guaranteed to reform human kind.

It took me decades to finally learn that we, America, are under a takeover by Moscow and the Kremlin, and that THEY were behind the crime more than our own government. That they killed the Kennedy’s and Lennon and a host of other U.S. heroes who stood in their way. Knowing what I know I suspect the premature deaths of John Wayne and Steve McQueen were also the work of the Kremlin. Anyone who champions American freedom. I think the Kremlin and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and our F.B.I. and our C.I.A. and our media and our Secret Service just tried to kill Trump in Pennsylvania last week. That the phony dismantling of the Soviet Union that Nixon wrote about a decade before it occurred was intended to fool us and blind fold us into thinking that no such takeover was taking place, after all. It took me all that time to understand that Nixon’s “The Real War” was a confessional by Tricky Dicky who worked for the Kremlin all that time while he was in our politics. He was telling us what he and the Soviet Union have been up to all this time. “The Real War” being waged against the United States involves killing our heroes and taking over our institutions and he spelled it all out, there. He would know. he who, more than any other man on earth, empowered the rise of China.

You people laugh at what I just said. Meanwhile they are laughing at stupid all of you. You who lick your ice cream cone and fiddle with your “smart’ phone. You who slave like a fool too busy to keep track of what is going on. King is laughing the loudest as he has you all fooled and insane and he loves it. He is proud that he is responsible for your societal breakdown and your new phenomenon of mass shootings. He who warned you after the crime a dozen times in one book; “Beware the Jewish / communist plot against the U.S…” (Yes, I believe he’s Jewish) Stephen King knows I’m right. Half of your current politicians who also work for the Kremlin (Pelosi, Schumer, Obama, Clinton, Biden, Kamala Harris, Sanders, A.O.C., Budeigeig, Newsom, Moore, Adam Schiff, Bush and Bush Sr. who touted The New World Order they and Moscow are eying and dozens more) know I’m right. Kamala could lose by 20 percent and still become our president they have our system so rigged including our F.B.I. and the voting machines. And the media who mind controls you all to go along, right or wrong. (Someday I will tell you how I know that our mass media knew, IN  ADVANCE, that Trump was about to be assassinated.) You want to talk about a threat to democracy? Our media works for one party and against the other. THAT is a threat to democracy. Just like the Soviet Union where media mind control decides who gets elected. T-H-A-T is the threat they are aware they represent so they point the finger 180 degrees the other way to deflect you ever suspecting them. Kamala questioning Vance’s loyalty last week is a prime example of the “Transposition of the points” Nixon warned us about that the Soviets use. That and the lie as being a legitimate weapon to use to defeat the strong. S-H-E is the one who rose to power on her knees under Willie Brown’s desk. S-H-E is the one bragging about their attempt on Trump saying “We aren’t playing around…”  a week after Trump was almost killed by them. Nixon warned us that the Soviets are “magnificent actors” infiltrating our politics. That the F.B.I. and Google are dismissing that Trump was almost killed or that a bullet ever hit Trump just shows you how guilty and disappointed they are that they missed. Google was founded by Russian  entrepreneurs. Adam Schiff is of Russian back round, too. A Russian sir name. Gavin Newsom and Pete Budeigeig are both outed queers. They are less inclined to care about anything weighty or concerning the next generation and should never be allowed to have political power. Kids are not on their radar. Like I say, homosexuality is a function of eliminating life, not creating life. The Kremlin is busy trying to gender confuse you dolts as we speak. THEY know how dangerous homosexual leadership and homosexuality are to a country. Even a ten percent ratio can doom a culture turning it into dysfunctional group.

You poor, overworked hamster wheel running worker bees don’t have the luxury of time to THINK about what I KNOW. Keeping up with Joe Biden’s inflation and your credit card debt has you all on the ropes. I KNOW that the Kremlin is determined to inherit whatever becomes of America someday. They are undermining you every day and it is their number one priority. They are relentless and even pretended to disappear in 1992 for a while to get your shorts around your ankles and now they’ve almost completely taken over your country and your lives. Trump getting winged by a bullet just emphasizes the banality of where they want to take you, too. A sick world worse than death itself. Nixon wrote about their “Strategic surrender” in 1980, in fact.

I once prayed, during a live radio interview, (2-14, ’17) that a mountain sized asteroid wipes you all out if you prove unable to punish King in my lifetime. If you fail to try and execute him, period. If you’re all that weak and stupid and evil. That worthless. That just may happen, but even if it doesn’t, you will surely lose America and your freedoms and standard of living if you don’t. It takes a genius like me to see it and for you to listen, only. You CAN’T see it. You are too confused and mind controlled. In fact, you are seduced BY the communist takeover of America. You RESENT me for standing up to it with evidence that can stop it. You do. You do. You people are evil masochists who are biting your own tail the Kremlin has so corrupted you all. “OOOoooh. He has EVIDENCE!!! How DARE HE.” You people are very, very, very, very sick.

Michael Zwerling, owner of KSCO Radio, is hamstringing you locals on the central coast. He is a self confessed Zionist Jew who is supposed to be smarter than me and wash me up without my knowing it. He may be, indeed, the C.I.A. in Hippy cloth. He has publicly maintained his posture that Chapman killed Lennon in spite of his reviewing my website and magazine that proves otherwise. He is not stupid. He is disingenuous and deceitful; and treasonous and is poisoning all of you with, not only his influence, but hired hero assassins like Jack Stine (Now gone), Jim Two and Billy Army and others like Billy Sunshine, all of whom have tried to marginalize me and undercut my evidence and try to portray this hero as a whacko.. B-E-W-A-R-E-!

I will be permanently moving out of 10 to 20 % queer California March 1, 2025 to Utah, soon, where there are more normal and red blooded Americans who aren’t so jealous of one like me, so opposite of me. I knew in 1960, during a brief return to my birthplace of Montana, that Californians are weird. Not caring about my evidence and letting Stephen King remain free after killing John Lennon is too weird for me and I deserve better. America deserves better. Better people to tell my story since the media never will. I have my doubts that California has the stones and the backbone and the wisdom to protest to out this huge news. The crowd at KSCO who badmouth me are queer as hell in my opinion. Not all of them but a lot of them are. These jealous wimps who could never care about the children and their future since they don’t have children are corrupting all of you and I have a duty to break this story with or without California.. If only 10 % of you are queer that’ s enough to poison the whole pot, I’ve learned. Homosexuality, by the way, is a function of ‘culling the herd’, along with suicide, homicide and genocide when the lemmings finally run over a cliff to end their overcrowded conditions.

Of course I dare you Californians who are not queers to prove me wrong and protest every Sunday at noon in downtown Monterey, California, on Alvarado Street, just blocks from where I was when Lennon was killed. I was cooking steak and lobster at the then Doubletree Inn Hotel when King assassinated our future and America and took over with his brand of evil. Look at all of you, now;

No good public ducking hard evidence. When the story DOES break no one will ever believe you didn’t know I was right when my website that I have paraded for decades is revealed to the world and your phoniness is revealed to the whole world. Better start demonstrating, California. I’m already on record blasting Paul McCartney as a horrible, cowardly human being for his silence. His endorsement of me on April 01, 1990 at Cal Berkeley’s concert was cowardly and weak and full of jealousy;

“Yeah, Steeeeeeeeeve! That’s right. I don’t know what you think, Berkeley, but I want you to know we like it and we NEED you as a PEOPLE to GET to the PROMISED land. Oh, yeah the dream, ‘Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty, free at last!…Use your power!”

Then he continued with his song; “Fool On The Hill” I have it all on tape or I’d have missed it and I was in the eight row center stage. What a weakling. Like all of you, too. I met his brother Mike a year before and asked him to ask Paul to help me. Not much help at all. Like you people.

I’m the real deal and everybody has known it since I arrived on the world stage in 1983 with my magazine, then. You’re all just no good or you’d care and expose your enemy Stephen King, before he destroys you all.

One good indication I will succeed is that the Kremlin and Joe Biden (Who withdrew) and Kamala (We’re not playing around” remark a week after the shooting.) and our F.B.I. who alleged a bullet didn’t hit Trump last week and our Secret Service all FAILED to kill Donald John Trump. Maybe God is still on our side. Only if YOU demonstrate over my evidence, though, or you’re all screwed, asteroid or no asteroid. This news deserves your protest, not your jealousy, not your evil, cowardly apathy and denial. Trump’s mistake his first term was sidestepping his duty to arrest and try and execute Stephen King. Stephen King, who mocks Trump, now and advocates against our second amendment. He knew all about me and my findings. As we speak Trump must start addressing the real reason his enemies fear him. He is standing in the way of the communist take over of America, plain and simple. Now that they’re so close to sealing the deal. They are TERRIFIED!

Yeah, I just repainted my van from yellow to a head turning peach pink flesh tone. No longer can you use the excuse you thought it said “Lemon Murder Truth. com” The only lemon is silent all of you, now. I call it “Band Aid Pink. the color of those plastic band aids. It’s not pink, it’s not exactly flesh colored, or peach, but in between. I wanted to achieve a feeling of human flesh rolling down the road and I think I’ve nailed it if Band Aid also uses it. Besides being an arresting, one of a kind color that turns heads, it disappears allowing whatever lettering on it to take center stage. It’s sophisticated, I think. I’m man enough to drive a pink toned van. Not many men can say that, either. I have the balls of a brass monkey and I don’t need silver and black to prove it.

7-30-’24 update;

Tipping Point, a counter balance to the mainstream, sellout media, a televised production, revealed yesterday that evidence and witnesses exist who can prove Mr. Crooks, the failed assassin who was turned into an Oswald unable to speak, was visiting Washington D.C. several times in the weeks before the shooting AND in a building near the D.C. F.B.I. office. They want assurances they can get their information out before a Warren Report type commission blocks it, first. The current “show” inquisition grilling the new Secret Service chief is displaying Warren Report style deception, in fact, NOT asking about this new information. They are merely throwing the public a pound of flesh in the hope you will all go away if they ask a few questions that go nowhere. Mr. Crooks also had sophisticated explosives and devices and drones that I doubt he, alone, could acquire. The question is when will you all care and demonstrate for real answers? And will you then still sidestep what I CAN prove about John Lennon and Stephen King? I dare you to deserve – demand – the truth.

P.S. KMJ, a radio station in Fresno actually HELPED me yesterday when I told them what my website is. They even plugged it and offered honest commentary about it. Congratulations, KMJ. Maybe 2024 will prove to BE a tipping point.  P.S. I made my own “Trump” bumper sticker yesterday. It’s on my website van’s bumper. Just like I sported one in 2016 when Trump won.


If any of you don’t think Biden and Kamala Harris are doing anything BUT gas lighting you to suggest they have a CHANCE of beating Trump, congratulations, you’re an idiot., a fool, a sick, mind controlled, gas lighted puppy. A pathetic weakling in the grip of government evil. Gas lighting, in case you are uneducated, is convincing you you didn’t see what you saw with your own eyes. That you’re a fool to believe your own eyes and you need behavior modification

(Insert; The same applies to now candidate Harris since Biden withdrew and took a leave of absence to keep his guilty face off of television following his failed attempt to thwart democracy and assassinate his opponent. What little of his face is showing shows itself to be consumed with hatred and anger. He is even crafting other ways to do Trump in as we speak trying to overturn his dismissed charges by reversing the Supreme Court rulings.

If any of you think Harris is within 10 percentage points of Trump you’re delusional and brainwashed by a lying media and their polls. It reminds me of a song I wrote in the 80’s. One line goes; “I’m a short haired, yellow bellied son of Tricky Dicky guy and I’ll swallow every tax hike, politician, war and lie. I’m polled I’m media controlled, yeah, I, I’m a short haired, yellow bellied, son of Tricky Dicky guy…”)

Before Biden blew the debate he was behind Trump. Now the media is saying it’s still neck and neck. ANYTIME the polls say there is only a point or two difference they ARE  LYING  TO  YOU,  MANIPULATING  YOU,  RAPING  YOU.  Undermining democracy. You’ll just have to trust that I know more than ALL of you about these matters. Are you all so helpless and pathetic to B-U-Y that crap??? You all really DO need this hero, this super hero, ME, to save your sorry asses from the globalist deep state that rigged the last election. If Trump can’t articulate all that I know about this election cycle he deserves to lose, too. I’d start by addressing Biden’s claim; “I beat Trump before and I’ll beat him again!” “Hold it, there, Joe. I was trouncing you until the voting machines and the vote count was shut down for two hours in the early a. m. hours and only AFTER they were started up again did you ever lead me. We all saw that. You’re gas lighting us all to say you ever beat me to begin with, I think. And what about undermining our democracy as you claim I’m doing? That’s YOU, Joe. Not me. YOU, Joe. You and Kamala. You weaponized the justice system to undermine the outcome of THIS election, Joe. That’s undermining our democracy. Not me. Stop using Moscow’s technique of transposing the points. We’re NOT that stupid, Joe.”

If Trump can’t open up this kind of rhetoric we will all lose our freedom and America to globalists like Joe and “valley girl” / air head / communist, un prepared for leadership, puppet; Kamala Harris. For that mater, until Stephen King is exposed, arrested, tried and executed for treason, you’re all insane and will remain so until that happens. No ifs, ands or buts.

INSERT – UPDATE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!; While writing the above paragraph team Biden (Putin and the globalists) tried to assassinate Trump at a rally. Just like Nixon killed the Kennedy’s in the 1960’s. Now we have BIDEN trying to assassinate Trump. The Kremlin based communists are at it again. Wake up, you fucking, fence sitting, ice cream cone licking morons. W-A-K-E   U-P   !!!!!!!!!)


Yeah, all of you fence sitting assassins. YOUR apathetic ways almost got ANOTHER important man assassinated, didn’t they? And you wonder are you all under evil. Under Stephen King?

(Update 7-30-’24; New information about Crooks activities reveals that he was visiting Washington D.C. several times in the weeks before he attempted to assassinate Trump. He was even found visiting a building during these visits that is very near the F.B..I. offices there. I hope to God that Biden and Harris and the F.B.I. and the Secret Service and the C.I.A. are flushed out and indicted and prosecuted and punished and America gets a dose of reality this time.)

First, allow me to deliver a message to the people of Monterey, California and all of California who have been ignoring my heroic efforts for several years, now, to expose John Lennon’s murder for what it was;

YOU  UNPLUGGED,  MASOCHISTIC  MORONS! That’s right. But for the grace of God your apathy about what I do has encouraged the attempt on Trump’s life. Your lack of outrage at Stephen King’s crime gave the system the green light to commit further atrocities. Your lack of spine. Do nothing, get nothing. Had trump been killed by YOUR  APATHY  REGARDING   WHAT I  DO  you’d bee looking at a Biden/Harris ticket to hell. Admit it. Then Joe Biden might NOT have removed his aging self from our presidency. You’d be on a path to hell. That Mrs, Cheatle of the Secret Service was not charged with attempted conspiracy to kill Trump and was let off with a tongue lashing and a resignation is testament to your moral weakness, too. You poor, pathetic, weakling fools. Am I the only grown up in the room? Apparently, yes, I am. Now Cheatle slinks off to another post in our lives somewhere. I know what the media is suppressing; that R.F.K.’s secret service agent (bodyguard) pumped several bullets into his ribcage, point blank. Not the first time our Secret Service or our media has done us a disservice.

I am now 70 years old and there is no excuse for any of you to NOT  BE  OUTRAGED about my Lennon findings. I don’t need the fame and glory, now. I am, instead, pissed off at the phoniness and spinelessness, jealousy and sympathy for the devil of all of you and do not look forward to entertaining you with my singing someday. Instead, I will properly reform you, after, is all. Congratulations. You have abused your messenger for 40 years of neglect when I deserved your outrage and demonstration to out my findings, all along. I never deserved any of your apathy and silence. I only deserved your support but got none. You monsters! If you think I will not spank you from the highest pulpit from Utah someday, California, for being too queer to care, think again. You have been a tragedy and a traitor to yourselves and me and America. How DOES Stephen King’s dick taste, all you fools? Really. Look at you all. Raped into silence by a geeky horror writer / murderer. Your kids know I’m the real deal and that you are NOT. You Californians have until my birthday, 3-1-’25, to out my findings or forever rue the day you did not. After then I will move permanently out of California. That’s MY option. My decision.

My sister said I would only alienate the public with such a message. I responded they are all jealous and resentful of me already, anyway. And you sicko’s are. You sick, satanic puppies.

We were all supposed to witness the message behind Trump after he was assassinated; The blue shirt and hat on the woman directly behind him that read’ MEAN TWEETS” among a sea of red MAGA hats. Her stand out sky blue colors. It stood out like a sore thumb and it WAS a VERY anti Trump message, admit, it. “Trump was assassinated and he deserved it, too. He made a lot of mean tweets.” That was the intended mind game our government tried to play on your subconscious minds. It took that woman and her male partner days of planning and hours of pre event manipulation to secure so plum a spot in that crowd. It was no accident that that message was front and center for Trump’s assassination. How was she even ALLOWED to sit there with so sick a message? BOTH of these conspirators were caught LOOKING at the sniper’s roof top just before and after the shots rang out. L-O-O-K at the film the next time and you’ll have to agree. They both knew there was something going on on a roof top to their extreme right and they were caught looking at the sniper before and after the shots rang out. In fact, when Trump was struck in the ear the expression on this woman’s face was “Goody, goody, they got Trump” with a SMILE on her face. The smile quickly turned into disappointment when she saw Trump was alive, too. JUST  LOOK,  PEOPLE !!! There was also a man in a fedora hat behind her who was calm and unsurprised as could be, as if he, too, was aware of the attempt to come on Trump.

Then there was the necklace on Margaret Brennan of CBS news “S.S.” around her neck. She was dressed before the fact to show us all that the Secret Service just killed Trump Her way of planting that subconscious message to cripple us with. “The Secret Service did this, people” She looked very disappointed that Trump survived, besides. As did news man Robert Costa whose eyebrows were amazingly arched into a “V” configuration, the kind of hateful look one displays when one is taking part in big evil. He was prepared for Trump’s assassination to have that look. I’ve never seen him look like that ever before. Then there was CBS news man Scot McFarlan who was caught looking dejected and very disappointed sitting on the grass that Trump survived. News man John Dickerson, a homosexual Trump hater, was also caught looking miserable and disappointed after. “NOW what do we do?” That kind of expression.

Then there was the way the Secret Service ALLOWED the sniper to get off his several shots before taking him out like an Oswald. There was the way the police feigned ignorance for three minutes about the sniper on the roof according to pedestrians who alerted them to him. This pedestrian was alarmed that Trump was not already wisked off the stage. THREE MINUTES OF INACTION! That there was no attempt by the police to notify the Secret Service of the threat.

In 1968 when R.F.K. was killed there was a Secret Service man who emptied several bullets into his ribcage. It is not disputed that there were over a dozen entry wounds in R.F.K.. The Secret Service killed him more than Sirhan Sirhan did.

There is more to prove others were aware, beforehand, of the plot. It was Biden, people B-I-D-E-N. It was also Putin, especially, given what I know about our politics, generally.

You people are stupid, apathetic morons not to agree with all that have just presented. Every body KNOWS who had the most motive and who characterized Trump as an existential threat to our democracy.. “Trump must be shot, stopped..”, one woman working for Biden recently said on tape. Just last week Biden said “We have to put Trump on a bullseye.” Are you all such weakling pussies you can’t utter what we all think? Grow a fucking spine, everybody. W-A-K-E  U-P-!!!!!!! Biden is a cold hearted, atheist, Marxist / Leninist asshole. Trump will suffer ANOTHER assassination attempt Biden is SO determined to keep him away from office. In reality Trump represents a threat the the New World Order communist takeover of our democracy. That’s why Biden and his staffers use the transposition of points to fool you with the opposite message. He knows the OPPOSITE message is what takes hold with your puny minds. Only one such as I with Lennon murder evidence could even know all this about the political reality of our lives.

Trump needs a bullet proof glass dome to hide behind from now on in public. Biden is still out for blood. Trump needs to lose his ignorance of the Secret Service. They are his enemy!

As for the malcontented sniper who was killed. That was Biden’s excuse. “It was a nobody hot head with no skills. Why would we use HIM of all people?” From 133 yards you only need minimal skills and Trump’ turning of his head at the last minute is the only reason he was not killed. Also, the sniper was rushed by onlookers who spotted him and were shouting; ” There’s a sniper on the roof!” He was rushed or Trump WOULD have been killed. Biden is PISSED!

Like Stephen King who killed Lennon, this young ma was bullied by his peers in school, mercilessly. He probably WAS suicidal and volunteered to go out with a bang is what I think.

Now do you think Biden thinks he can beat Trump? He KNOWS he can’t. APPARENTLY! The evil media that is telling you the race is close is LYING to you all. Brainwashing you. Undermining our democracy like Biden is to try to kill his opponent. Like he undermined our vote by closing down the system for two hours to manipulated the results like 2020. He DID!

Biden said; “there is no place for this kind of violence,,,….” He’s the one who perpetrated it!

Update. I notice Joe Robinette (Robbing it) Biden is no longer confidently proclaiming how he is “..going to WIN!” Now I know why he was upset last week that Trump wasn’t out doing rallies. He was chomping at the assassination bit, then! His gig is up Even his party knows what he just tried to do with his appointed Secret Service chief “Cheatles” Joe and Kamala the communist thought they would win by “Hook or by Crooks” the name of the would be assassin. “Oh, we can’t talk about THAT. We CAN’T discuss the OBVIOUS TRUTH!!!” Only Putin and Biden had the most motive. Especially just days before the Republican convention and naming of a vice president. That the assassination attempt occurred in Pennsylvania, Biden’s home state, should strike all of you as Soviet in it’s style, too.

To those of you who doubt me or resent that I’m right. I AM right. Eat your heart out.

7-24-’24 Update:

Kamala Harris and Joe Biden belong under a microscope and official probe of what happened to Trump last July, 15. Kimberly Cheatle, while hiding her right hand with her left, her right hand crawling around like a tarantula while under questioning, remarked that that day was a “failure” I think she meant a failure to assassinate Trump. That she and Crooks missed. That she was under Biden and the F.B.I.’s orders to set Trump up and ALLOW Crooks to get his shots off. His amateur status and age was a camouflage to hide a coordinated conspiracy putting him at the trigger. An amateur could have killed Trump from such close range. That was their plan. To make it LOOK like a Hillbilly did it. Too many gaping holes in that story. Too many facts suggest he was supposed to kill Trump. It was no lone gunman like they always tell you slobs. Until there’s  proof I’m theorizing, I’ll admit. But what about all of you not DEMANDING a real probe, not one with Miyorkas at the controls. You know, the Biden agent who refused to give Trump enough protection all along to begin with?  When are you monsters going to intercept all the smiling and glad handing of Harris giggling her way past this specter? As if she and Joe are already in the clear? They are NOT IN THE CLEAR!!!!! they are the prime suspects who had the most motive of anyone on earth and you’re all acting like they couldn’t have possibly had anything to do with it.

And you wonder why I am so pissed off at stupid, phony, weak, monstrous all of you.

P.S. Did you all hear Kamala taunt Trump this week with the line; ” We aren’t playing around..” a week after someone tried to kill Trump? Or was she yelling Rumpelstiltskin in the woods unable to keep keep their secret.? Shouldn’t our system NOT allow Lenin / Marxists to run for office in America? She has never DENIED that allegation. She’s probably proud to be one. They seem to WANT these invaders to take us over. The F.B.I. even tried to insinuate that Trump wasn’t hit by a bullet, but, rather, a piece of shrapnel / glass. Indicative of guilt. How sick are all of you no good members of the public to be ducking my Lennon evidence all this time? Pretty sick, America. You’re ALL pretty God damned sick it seems to me. Brave Donald John Trump is MORE than you deserve, frankly. And yet you love to bitch about everything you’re all so guilty of treason. Dupes being led around by the nose and Moscow’s crowd.

Now, On With My Editorial Section.;

I am often beset with having to deal with our government’s attacks on my life, citations, false charges, (I’ve beaten several recently) etc. and even physical threats to my life (Currently a stranger is making physical threats against my van) and I post all these concerns here. I promise, though, if you keep reading past it all you will find entries where Stephen King’s friend admitted; “He’s afraid he’s gonna FRY!”  when we talked in 1992, you’ll find that King has tried to bribe me with “…anything you want..” if I’d quit my expose that same year, you’ll learn that the insomnia he suffered from that inspired his book “Insomnia” was a result of my six month 1992 visit in Bangor, Maine when the intensity of that debilitated him. If you keep reading you’ll also learn that King has never denied my claims, that all he could stutter to me when we met in Bangor was; “T-t-take c-care. I w-w-want you to t-t-take c-care. ” before sauntering away after I refused to speak to him. You’ll learn that our government may have killed my father in a plane crash the same week King first wrote me a threat letter in 1984, initially. (His hand scrawl then matches a second letter signed by him to me in 1992.) This on the tenth anniversary of Nixon’s resignation. This right after my father’s dog was found hanged in a drape chord. You will learn how Yoko Ono is part of the plot and ordered me kidnapped and beaten unconscious in 1987 for merely giving her my findings to get to the surviving Beatles, then. You will learn that I am the reason King has found it necessary to move to Lewiston, Maine and even Osprey, Florida since I informed Bangor. You’ll learn that King was convicted of sex with a 15 year old in Belfast, Maine, also in 1992, and a lot that proves I must be right about my claims that he pulled the trigger of the gun that killed John Lennon and is the man seen getting Lennon’s last autograph that we were told was Chapman. That Chapman is a government actor / look alike / stand in who’s only time in jail has been for propaganda purposes.

Mostly, though, you will learn how it is you, the public, that has taken prominence in this expose having to do with your insane apathy, fear and denial and, I’ll say it, your jealousy of me for having found so historic and huge and important a news story. THE  biggest news since Christ. THE biggest expose of all time. THE biggest news on the planet since 1982 when I made my discovery by accident at a library near San Diego. For being the lucky son of a bitch who found the evidence that will change the whole world in it’s wake. You will learn how it is that the human race is hard wired to have sympathy for the devil, for evil, when it comes to news this ugly and real. How you’d rather suffer the consequences than take a stand against the evil it represents.

Oh, I have found the killer’s face in print several weeks before the murder accompanied by captions that describe the scene of the crime yet to come. (King, not Chapman) I have found the killer’s alleged name (Mark David King Chapman) attached to a letter to the editor where he explains how Reagan is moving him, armed, into a hostile square three weeks before the crime, I have discovered provable government bold print codes all about the murder in Time, Newsweek and U.S. News magazines including Richard Nixon’s book “The Real War” that describes why John Lennon must be assassinated sitting next to Reagan the day of the murder below the ominous headline; “Who’s In?” “Who’s Out?” and all any sane society needs to arrest, try, convict and execute Stephen King for his treasonous crime against America and the whole human race. King even writes, in two of his books, the line; “The fellow who killed John Lennon.” He practically taunts you all his books so parallel the crime, in fact. That he may be an operative for “Beware the Jewish communist plot against the U.S.” as he warns us several times right after the murder is a matter of speculation. The rest, though, is not. I have discovered hard evidence. PROOF he murdered John Lennon. Now it’s up to all of you to rescue me and save yourselves via demonstration to demand media disclosure. NOTHING  ELSE  WILL  WORK. You people have to now get off your brainwashed, apathetic, scared asses and protest to out this vital news. If you think our media will tell you, if you think our courts will respond to evidence and act, if you think our government is even looking out for our best interests, you are wrong. It’s time to grow up and wake up, everybody. This news story is your business. It’s everybody’s business. There is nothing more important for any of us to be working on right now. Failure to protest and out tis news WILL result in America’s destruction. I have learned that The Kremlin is the most likely culprit behind it all. I have learned that The Kremlin has infiltrated our politics and society in ways you can’t fathom. That even Nixon, Reagan and a host of other presidents are and have been doing our enemy’s business of destroying us in the name of the New World order via assassinating our heroes among other things. If you all fail to recognize me and honor me as your hero you are all insane.

One part of this section will embarrass all of you. The time I told the students at Cal Berkeley in 1984 of my father’s suspicious plane crash and how they squealed with glee at my misery. It’s not just mass apathy I’m up against. It’s the wickedness of all of you that wants to do nothing  about this evidence I have brought forward. A mass masochism, if you will, that wants to protect King instead of you and your children. And me, for that matter. I’m up against a sick, ingrate, boot-licking society.

It’s tempting to think the mafia killed the Kennedy’s following their crusade to root them out of our world. They may HAVE killed the Kennedy’s. There are stories of how a mobster from a street drain gutter fired the fatal shot opposite the grassy knoll, but the bold print codes in the Nov. 22, 1962 (A week before the murder.) in Time magazine prove that Nixon was the central figure in that crime. (Detailed below several paragraphs down) Nixon was focused on what the Soviet Union was up to, however, not the mafia. As if he is one of them to understand his book “The Real War”. I think The Kremlin killed J.F.K. for threatening to retaliate with mutually assured destruction of Russia is anyone launched a nuclear missile towards us during the Cuba missile crisis. That that was too much to fear and they ended the possibility of that by killing J.F.K. in a traumatic way while riding in a parade in front of all our faces to cripple us, spiritually. I’ll bet a hundred dollars with anyone that the issues of Time surrounding R.F.K.’s murder ALSO point to Nixon in THAT murder, as well. And I have never investigated those issues, yet. So, people, it’s our enemies who killed John Lennon if Nixon was involved, and he was. It’s time to fight back and stand up for ourselves and destroy that threat by punishing Stephen King and exposing all that I have discovered to SHAME our enemies into retreat. Anything less would be equal to surrender to our enemies and the evil they represent.

Like Robert Kennedy standing up to the mafia in the 1960’s I am trying to pry our evil government from our lives and it’s a daunting endeavor but necessary for the well being of our nation. Getting the metaphorical monster out from under our beds. If you all fail to demand disclosure and punish Stephen King God will punish America and all of you, I’m certain. I would not rule out a cataclysmic asteroid, in fact. I have to teach you all how to be brave, first, and then to demonstrate BEFORE your apathy gets me killed. I was 12 when I saw such a monster asteroid just miss us as if it was up to me to avert it someday by outing this expose. That sight, more than anything else, has forged me to care about this kind of issue compared to all of you who think we’re NOT just sitting ducks in a world ruled by God. If we can’t stand up to Stephen King for killing John Lennon with hard evidence then God SHOULD end us and start over, I think. What a stupid, self destructive and weak and EVIL species that would be.

Agent Provocateur Incident Update – 7-2-’24;

A man in his 60’s with greyish, semi long hair, about 5’9″ and 180 pounds has recently made terrorist threats to me. This man hangs out by the food pantry on Sundays near the San Carlos Church in Monterey and is most recognizable from his bearded lizard pet he sports on his shoulder. Many in the homeless community probably know who I’m talking about. Last Sunday he said to me; “You have a yellow submarine (Meaning my yellow website high top Chevy Astro van) and all yellow submarines must sink.” I realized he had just threatened to vandalize my van. I immediately replied to him; “My avenging angel takes care of all my enemies. I have magical powers.” This same man was irate towards me a week before trying to cut in front of me and objected when I assumed my rightful place in front of him. (Don’t be taken aback that I receive food pantry goods to get by. I had over 100 thousand dollars a few years ago but spent it all on mostly my mouth ($50K) and life these past several years.) This last Sunday he also tried to get me to shut up. I talk a lot, I admit, but he has no right to try to muzzle me. This Monday, a day later, he was found walking across the street on Alvarado Street as I was singing from my van and shook his head at me like; “When will this guy shut up?” Minutes later he was found talking to a mall cop and another homeless man across the street. This fact makes me think he could be an undercover police operative trying to bait me into a confrontation. A half hour later as I was leaving, he shouted out to me; “August 24th!” as if to threaten me with some impending bad event that he was planning. Several days prior two officers pulled me over and discovered I have low cost insurance that does not provide comprehensive insurance in case I am vandalized. I was not ticketed but I think the local chief Hober wanted to find out particulars about my insurance. So now I find myself being terrorized by a man I can beat up if necessary but that would only damage my standing with the law that Hober has been trying to viciously compromise since 2020. I believe this man is an agent provocateur working for the police. I will be addressing the city council about this matter and start looking for supplemental comprehensive insurance before I find my van attacked. If he is willing to threaten my van thane he must be a coward to go that route rather than stand up to me. The situation feels like a police maneuver. I’m counting on the homeless community, who I have warned about this man, already, to watch out for me in the meantime. Recently I have been outing our homosexual mayor, Tyler Williamson at a council meeting for cutting my speaking time by 50 % these past three months and humiliating corrupt politician Leon Panetta with billboards and I feel this man is part of a harassment / terrorism campaign that these officials are constructing behind all our backs. I will be attempting to cite this man for making terrorist threats at the next available opportunity.

In fact, this latest episode is one of several events the police have been harassing me with lately.


In 1992 Stephen King was CONVICTED in Belfast, Maine of having sex with a 15 year old. He was 42 at the time. The media did not print this fact. I found out while there from the locals who told me. Also from the locals, I learned he is a bisexual and likes boys, too. Florida already knows he’s a pedophile I learned last 2021 while there exposing him near Sarasota where he also lives. My six month stay in Bangor in 1992 moved him also to Lewiston, Maine, a hundred miles away and it’s what also caused him a severe case of insomnia then. His book ‘Insomnia’ was result of that six month stay. So, if you doubt King murdered Lennon, think again. He’s quite sick. In his 1980 Playboy interview he even admits to thoughts of killing his own children.

In 2021 when I momentarily ventured into his private property driveway in Florida and decided to back out in case it was a trap for me a man in a black Tesla was right behind me and had to also back out to let me out. It looked like Stephen King although he tried to look away so I couldn’t tell. I found out from his neighbor a week later that he DOES drive such a black Tesla. Who else could it have been in his private driveway? I think King was plotting to kill me and plant a gun on me, after, and say I was threatening to kill HIM! How else would he be ‘Johnny on the spot’ the one time I dared to drive towards his house? I think this is one of several plots he and the government have to kill me if they can. I also was told by a guard near his property there that he, perhaps, uses ‘adrenachrome’ which is blood from babies killed after they are first scared to excite their adrenaline and infuse their blood with it. It supposedly makes one younger due to their tender T-cells. I’ve also heard that other celebrities drink this evil concoction, including Taylor Swift, who just happened to promote Stephen King on television then when I was there. “I have a thing for him.” she said. Is SHE a government agent / entertainer / plant? I wouldn’t put it past our government. She plugged for Biden at a recent football game, for example. ANY celebrity that drinks blood from murdered babies is sick is all I know. No proof of THAT, but rumors?, yes. (By the way, people, I think Obama and Biden are world order communist saboteurs destroying America on purpose like Clinton and others including the Bush’s, Nixon and Reagan. And to think I once promoted Obama in 2008.)


Most importantly, I want you California readers to attend my noon, Sunday rallies to out this evidence and demand media disclosure. 12 O’clock on Alvarado Street in downtown Monterey. Be there before 12:30 or I’ll not waste my time. You’re either ready or not, Monterey / Santa Cruz. My big, yellow (Now flesh tone) website van is where I’ll be.  A thousand strong is what I am hoping for. Real consensus that this is important enough for you to demonstrate over. Truth and justice, after all, people. John Lennon, for God’s sake. Is there anyone MORE deserving of being avenged? Otherwise, if I get killed, it will be all your fault for being so stupid, ungrateful, cowardly and flat footed. Meanwhile, America’s future and health and the quality of our lives depend on it. I will be moving to Utah, permanently, if you can’t help me before March of 2025. Then you will have the badge of shame, not glory, to carry ever after. I know there are normal, red blooded Americans there. You have to be more than just tolerant of my heroism. You have to help me come forward or the media will never tell you the truth of the matter of John Lennon’s assassination. You all have to practice what your religions only preach, for a change. I may soon give Santa Cruz a venue to also demonstrate there. We’ll see.


I want you to read what is immediately below. All the stuff about Panetta and Hinckley and Chapman, etc. is vital reading but I have to insert this extraneous “stuff” out of necessity. I still want you to read what’s below it, though. That’s why it’s on page one. For current political opinion on current events see my Political Watchtower section several pages down from here. Much of what I will say here will sound ludicrous at first blush. You people have never had to find the truth out just to stay alive as I have. Now 42 years into my expose activities I am doing something right just to still be alive. My laundry list of what the government has already done to me (Listed somewhere below.) should be considered PROOF I’m right about the Lennon evidence or I would not have so much dirt to point to in that regard. The government knows I’m right. Compared to me all of you are very naive and spoiled about what is true and false in our world. I know that if I say certain things it will make some of you think I must be crazy about my Lennon evidence. On the other hand if I don’t say certain things you will all be left with a half truth and be unprepared for the big truth behind it all. And, so, if I say that I think King may have had a hand in The Oklahoma City bomb with Timothy Mcveah, bear with me. I have to KNOW which end is up to stay alive and you have not had that situation forced on you. I can’t afford to baby you with being politically correct and playing it safe. I know, from all I have had to learn, that our United States Of America is under assault by our enemies, foreign and domestic, and that we are all being “played” for fools. I know what fools you all are, for example, to sit on your hands and not take to the streets for what I offer here. I have to just accept that you are all insane to a degree and sinful and weak. Period. If religion worked I’d have been hoisted on all your shoulders to our lying media decades ago, but religion does NOT work, people. Only truth can set you free. This expose will lay bare all that is phony and wrong with our lives.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    For example, King wrote a book titled 11-22-’63 about the J.F. K. assassination trying to spin it that Oswald acted alone, like the government propogandist he is. Like one also involved and fixated in another government assassination. Lennon’s. The role of assassin, in fact. Many years ago I went prying into the November 22, 1963 issue of Time magazine and found these cryptographic codes that prove a Nixon connection to THAT crime;  “Something On The Move…Who’s letting Blood?…Richard Nixon….So Everybody’s Talking…The Sound Of Footsteps….Ten Stop Lights…Greatest Jewel Theft… Danger, Professor At Work….Colliding Ambitions…Gentle, But In Charge Of The Firing Squad….Total Hostility…Meatball Kennedy…I’ve Got A Nice bashed In Face…This Time The Pen Was Not Mightier Than The Sword…(This accompanying a cartoon of a man holding a rifle standing next to another man sitting at a desk)…View From The Street…Colt’s New Rifle…M-16 On The Firing Line…Blockbuster And Bust…” I left out a few of the codes but we all know who’s block got busted a week later. This issue came out on November 15, 1963, a week before the crime. That King would write an entire book about J.F.K.’s murder suggests he is part of this cabal involving Nixon to kill our heroes and cover things up. It reveals, not only Nixon’s central role in that crime, also, but also Time Magazine’s role in it, too. They knew, then, what was to take place and the editor of Time magazine admitted in the McCarthy hearings years before that he is a member of the Communist party. I have solved, not only Lennon’s murder but also J.F.K’s. I have solved the link involving major magazines who document all these “secrets” and that our own F.B.I. and C.I.A. and media are all complicit! A commie plot take-over of America DOCUMENTED in cryptography in major magazines. These three magazines, by the way, you no longer even see on the magazine racks they are so aware of how their goose is cooked over my revelations. Do you people SEE the gravity of my Lennon expose???!!!                                                                                                                                                                                                            You people aren’t aware how significant a player in our politics Stephen King is.  A week before the Oklahoma City bomb went off, for example, the Clintons invited Stephen King into The White House for a secret meeting. As president, Bill and Hillary KNEW King was the real killer of John Lennon. Only The Oakland Tribune printed this fact or I’d have never known. Amazingly, not only does King write about nuking Las Vegas in ‘The Stand’, he is a dead ringer for the never located “John Doe Two” a witness saw riding with McVeah. Pug nose and all. I think King WAS in on that event. I wonder is McVeah living with a new identity and plastic surgery and was his injection death faked with machines only suggesting he died. After the Waco debacle that burned the David Koresh clan the administration needed to take the stain off the BATF and put it on the militia types and that would explain the “Why” of the matter if I’m right. THAT’S how queer our politics ARE. Or as Stephen King is quoted in his 1980 Playboy interview; “The universe is not only queerer than we suppose, it’s queerer than we CAN suppose.” You don’t want to believe that our deep state, the F.B.I. and C.I.A. and media and courts are up to an overthrow of America but they ARE! The New World Order is who they are allegiant to. George H.W. Bush warned us so. I think they rigged the 2020 election, for example, and that we’re in treacherous waters RIGHT NOW! They are desperate now that my expose is about to break and they are making a dash for the finish line. You people may not be aware that Obama / Biden put a medal of the arts award around King’s neck  ALSO in The White House! They also knew, in advance, that King killed Lennon. These bastards all have to be communists in my book. Leon Panetta, Monterey resident and former C.I.A. chief and defense secretary, has been trying to kill me and saddle me with multiple undeserved crimes I’m still having  to fight and defeat since I arrived in Monterey. HE has Lenin / Marxist ties, besides. His son, Jimmy, is a congressman here. They (Panetta is Italian) and the Italian mafia who run the central coast of California are engaged in crimes against me as we speak. What I know that you all don’t know is that Obama / Biden tried, twice, to kill me in very high speed “accidents” that were “set ups” in 2010 and 2015. This after I promoted them over McCain years before! Even I make mistakes every now and then. But I learn from them. Just months after Biden tried to kill me the second time his son Beau died. He died as a result of his father’s need to put him in the military, coincidentally next to a “burn pit”, to gain credibility to become a politician someday. That toxic burn pit, however, gave Beau his brain cancer. That he died right after Joe’s second attempt to kill ME, however, was perhaps due to my avenging angel. Now with a tarnished Hunter there will be no Biden political dynasty that can fork us over to the new world “odor”. Hunter, now a convicted felon, lost his previous plea deal the day after I put a formal curse on “my enemies” at a Monterey city council meeting, for example. That same week Obama’s cook drowned off his property. Also below these pages is an accounting OF my “Avenging Angel” phenomena that defies disbelief. Truly Biblical in scope. I hope my efforts can prevent Jimmy Panetta from ever holding higher office as the silver lining of my tribulations, now. Monterey would be better off without him, now. Monterey has it’s blinders on tight they are so over worked and oppressed.

Stephen King is an integral part of the deep state’s attempt to scare you all into submission using “FEAR” as a weapon to control you. They killed the spokesman for “LOVE”, Lennon. They also used the occasion to subvert the Second Amendment. King is a very ardent and outspoken anti 2nd Amendment kook and his co-conspirator, Reagan, enacted The Brady Bill right after using a gun to kill Lennon to make us all hate our guns. That Hinckley affair may have been staged, a hoax, besides, complete with plastic surgery to cave in Brady’s forehead YEARS LATER to make the hoax stick when there was no dent for well over a year or two or three. Don’t underestimate the scale of the deceit these bastards employ. They think we’re all stupid. They probably get off deceiving you with all their power, besides. Good thing for you I’m not fooled. In other words, Reagan really was mostly just an actor and is really America’s enemy, just like Tricky Dicky was, all along. They both increased the size of government by over 20 % beneath their words to the contrary. Our “deep state” knows all about the deception and is going along with it to land cushy jobs at the top of this evil, Orwellian, “big” government pyramid being constructed behind our backs. Did you people know, for example, that Gary Hart’s Corvette boasted a license plate that read “U.S.S.A.”? Not only does that describe our situation to a “T”, Gary Hart came to my obscure college alma mater; Santa Rosa Jr. College at the time to meet me (We met and I gave him my magazine) only to then deliberately get caught with Donna Rice and fork the nomination over to Dukakis who lost deliberately to Bush. Dukakis ridiculed me at a San Francisco rally right after I suggested he use Reagan’s Lennon scandal against him. He looked right at me and emphasized the word “garbage” at the same time. You SEE, people? It’s ALL smoke and mirrors! The new world order has both sides sewn up and plays us all for suckers. That’s why Trump terrifies them. He’s not part of the swamp and the deception. He stands between them and us. If you people don’t break this expose I suspect Trump could win 60% to Biden’s 40 % and we’d STILL be told Biden won. A lot like the last election, frankly. W- A- K- E   U-P  People! By the way, I like R.F.K. Jr., too, but think he wears the stigmata of being a pot head, same with Steve Garvey. I used to be one, myself, but now enjoy the health of being sober again. No coffee or alcohol, too. (I never liked booze, anyway.) Maybe that’s why Kennedy is slow on the uptake getting qualified for the debate this week. Now I am dreaming again, getting a better nights rest and I no longer have the physical stigmata of “dog poop face”. I quit pot after seeing myself on a television monitor at a city council meeting. Now I have my handsome good looks back again. I’m sure I will become a spokesman for sobriety from pot someday but especially all drugs, period. I’ve never done any other drugs, barring a few experiments with soft drugs once or twice. Life’s good without all that. The government wants us on drugs because it compromises our moral authority and makes us easier to control.

Do I think that Reagan and King and Nixon had the Hinckley “HOAX” all planned out ahead of Lennon’s murder? Yes, I do. They had to find a way to distract the public from the absence of a trial for Chapman. There was just no way the government was going to risk a public trial for Chapman. They didn’t kill him like Oswald. Just as Chapman’s 60 day psychiatric evaluation period had expired by a few months and was due to enter a plea and people were getting antsy about it Hinckley came along and replaced one pudgy looking young man with a gun with another pudgy young man with a gun shooting a world figure. It confused you all. MOST people TODAY think that Hinckley was Lennon’s killer. In all this time Chapman was never tried. His guilty plea was a year and a half too late to be real in the summer of 1982 and it was buried in a tiny clipping in the back section of the newspapers – my first big clue .  A total scam on the public.

You may ask; Why would John Hinckley go along with such a hoax? You may ask why would decoy Chapman go along with a hoax he killed Lennon and spend all that time in jail? To begin with neither of them spent very much time at all in jail. Mostly just photo ops, people. To fool the public. The wardens are all in on the scam, too. I spoke with convicts who were in cell block C of Attica prison and they never saw Chapman at all. They think he’s living with his parents in a witness protection program. I agree. As we speak King lives in a witness protection house on a Florida key. As for Hinckley, he’s in a program, no doubt, too. He was found insane and probably was insane, anyway, and needed institutionalization. His father is a personal friend of George H.W. Bush and they have known each other for decades prior to the alleged shooting. Both Hinckley Senior and Bush share a block in Colorado that support summer homes for the two of them. All before the Hinckley hoax. As for both of their sons, they’re both nuts to begin with. I think Chapman blamed Lennon for his nervous breakdown he had prior to 1980. He had a bad LSD trip, you see? Two sons of friends of politicians who were nuts to begin with used in a Lennon  murder cover up plot? Not too far fetched at all. All it takes is a few corrupt judges, wardens and officials, government employed actors and a compliant government controlled media

In 1983 when Terry Chodash of the San Francisco Secret Service interviewed me, he asked me what I though of the Hinckley shooting. I was naive at the time and thought nothing strange about it at all, then. I know better, now. Chodash knew, I think, that the Chapman and Hinckley shootings were connected. Chodash also asked me if I was a vampire. Weird group our government.

(INSERT 6-22-’24 ABOUT Hinckley and what I think was a hoax / smokescreen to confuse you and make you forget about why Chapman was NOT BEING BROUGHT TO TRIAL.)

The day after the above was posted television replayed the documentary about Hinckley and I could tell it was played for us all many times before as the volume was very weak, an indication of wear. You may think I am unwise to hypothesize about why I think NOBODY was shot, not Reagan, Brady or any of the secret service detail as alleged and why it was a smokescreen / hoax on the public to, one; change the subject off of Chapman and, two; to weaken the second amendment. To anyone who may have suspected Reagan had Lennon killed it also served to paint Reagan in a sympathetic light. Some say that to theorize about a secondary matter only weakens my credibility regarding my Lennon findings. I have to say, balderdash. The WHOLE truth needs to be told. I have no proof like I do with the Lennon murder but it all needs to come out. Like the late Larry King said on KGO Radio in the 90’s when I busted him on air for knowingly peddling a hoax with his Chapman interview; “It’s O.K., Ronn, (The host) It’s all going to come out, eventually, anyway.” (Barbara Walters, by the way, went into utter seclusion before she died after I exposed HER on national radio for likewise deceiving us all with HER interview of Chapman.)

Let’s start off with Reagan killing Lennon. Hinckley was quoted, then,  saying he shot Reagan over Lennon’s murder. He was quoted to say; “America is the land where heroes are shot in the back…..When John Lennon died I died, you died, the world died, everybody died.” Funny how this documentary stayed away from THAT fact. It was in the papers, then. In fact, the documentary was so rife with amazing other things I could spot it fit the profile of a psychopathic liar. Not only did he shoot Reagan but he also was attempting to also shoot Jimmy Carter. Not only that but he did so for the love of Jodie Foster. Not only that but he got the idea from the movie “Taxi Driver”. Not only that but he wrote Ted Bundy and Charles Manson and Lynette “Squeaky” From who shot Gerald Ford.. Not only that, but he had a relationship in the psych ward with a woman who killed her daughter. Not only that, but he kept a diary to enthrall us all with on a daily basis. I once KNEW a psychopathic liar and she told lie upon lie upon lie to bury me with confusion. Only a year after our breakup did I learn her real name. Knowing her and going through that kind of deception educated me above all of you for the Chapman lie that was years yet to come. I knew, right away, that the lone assassin story about Chapman was a government lie. Right away. I knew all about how Nixon had tried to deport him because of his huge influence in politics. John was just too big to be killed in such a random way. To watch this over the top documentary reminded me of the lies the media told us about Chapman, how he would splash the guards with his urine tray and other ghastly things. Just item upon item upon item to weird us all out and confuse us. To tantalize us. A lot like tying a feather to a string and toying with your house cat to chase it. All the while all this amazing fact upon fact being alleged was designed to take your mind and eyes off of Chapman who was due, past due, in fact, for his plea and his psychiatric evaluation report. THAT is what all this circus atmosphere was really all about. To make us look the other way.

Let’s address the Jodie Foster angle. She, unlike a typical Hollywood actress, temporarily gave up acting for college at Yale. SHE was no puppet who could be controlled by Hollywood and had a mind of her own and was a THREAT to the establishment, like Lennon was, BECAUSE she had brains. Her roles in “The Girl Down The Lane” and “Taxi Driver” established her as a force to be reckoned with. She was outstandingly good. People like that in the cultural sphere scare politicians. These trendsetting, captivating influencers have power. Lennon’s influence stopped the Viet Nam war. By involving HER as the REASON Hinckley shot Reagan damaged her reputation immeasurably. They didn’t have to assassinate her, too. Just her reputation and image. Two birds with one stone. I hope you’re reading this, now, Jodie. Most likely you were a victim of our evil government, then. At least they didn’t kill you.

The documentary said the movie “Taxi Driver”, released in 1976, was Hinckley’s impetus. Funny, that’s exactly when Stephen King began writing about “Mark” “Johnny” “Nixon” getting a politician’s autograph before laying in wait to assassinate him, later, shooting a man between the shoulder blades, etc., all elements of Lennon’s upcoming murder. They both must have known around the year 1975 that they would be actors and pawns in Lennon’s murder and the cover up five years to come.

Let’s take a LOOK at Brady. For YEARS after allegedly being shot he had no sign, whatsoever, that he was shot in the fore head. THEN, after I, somewhat famous even then, spouted publicly what a hoax the Hinckley shooting was, suddenly he had a caved in forehead to emphasize the notion he was, indeed, shot. Why the plastic surgery, folks? Really? Do you all buy that? I don’t. How desperate ARE these characters to make their lies stick?! Brady then died young. Weird.

The secret agents shot showed no sign of blood near their bodies as they lay on the sidewalk. They all seemed fat, and sassy years later and were never interviewed the way you’d expect one in such a famous event to be. A lot like how Neil Armstrong shunned the spotlight after allegedly walking on the moon. A secret service agent I recall from old news footage – not shown in this documentary – was holding Brady’s forehead as he lay on the ground. After he removed his hand there was a red liquid on his forehead and a red liquid coming from Brady’s mouth. It’s as easy as dye bladders, one in Brady’s mouth and one on the agents palm both ruptured on scene for the cameras. There’s no way any of you can rule that theory OUT, either.

The aftermath of all this smoke and mirrors was that no one realized that Chapman was never put on trial then. His psychiatric evaluation was never announced as scheduled, his plea never uttered until mid 1982, a year and a half too late to be real and buried in a tiny clipping in the back section of the papers. Most people think it was Hinckley who shot Lennon, not Chapman. Jodie Foster never took off like we had hoped. She was damaged goods and never a threat to the government who once feared her talents. Above all, Stephen King was free to destroy America with his message of fear and fold us, eventually, into the new world order that Bush Sr. warned us about. Wars were conducted and policies enacted and our lives destroyed to an extent, just as King wants. He wrote the passage; “Beware the Jewish / communist plot against the U.S.” several times in “Different Seasons” a year after his crime.

Reagan allegedly was shot through an inch wide gap in a door hinge, the bullet lodging an inch from his heart. The Bethesda (Navy) hospital doctors reported so. I believe they found no bullet anywhere in Reagan and lied to us all for our government. You just can’t trust our Navy doctors, people. They are too wed to our government and the apparatus that killed John Lennon. Boot-lickers looking for a promotion. I think, for the same reason, you can’t believe these secret service agents who claim they were shot. All just a hideous, over the top lie FABRICATED to fool you poor fools. Nancy Reagan was looking rather sinister ands smug throughout all this deception, too. Like she was smarter than all of us dolts. Then there was Reagan’s quip; “I forgot to duck.” line that seemed scripted. And, remember, Reagan was an actor and married Nancy who was on a commie black list in Hollywood at a time when Russians were infiltrating Hollywood to the extent the McCarthy hearings were installed. Reagan just happened to be the president of their union after working for General Electric before that. Reagan never attended church once as president and his son, Ron, is an avowed Atheist. Who but our enemy would arrange for a horror writer to kill the great and beautiful and loved John Lennon? Food for thought. I think Reagan went bad after being jilted by his first wife, Jane Wyman, for being too boring and wed to politics. That put a chip on his shoulder that corrupted him against us all.

After switching subjects off of Chapman and onto Hinckley for a year Hinckley was found to be insane. The man who opined that Reagan had Lennon killed to begin with. Many thought the same thing, especially initially, but now with Hinckley being found insane they let go of that notion out of shame. Similarly the reason a fan of Lennon was chosen to be his killer was to also get his fans to abandon that notion, also out of shame. See how intricate and devious the government bastards really are? They have a room full of psychiatrists and behavior experts in their pocket to outsmart us all. They didn’t outsmart me, though. They made sure that Yoko Ono was with John and exposed, herself, when he was shot to remove her from suspicion, too. She was the one who insisted they go right home and not to a place to eat that night. She, who was seen running well ahead of John to avoid getting double crossed and shot, herself. She, who planted  the marijuana roach in the ashtray that got John deported. She, who notified Japanese authorities that McCartney had pot on his flight when he was arrested. She, who ordered me kidnapped and pistol whipped unconscious at an art gallery (The same venue where she met John, initially.) in 1987 for giving her my evidence to get to Paul, George and Ringo, then. That’s how I saw through her mask. She set John up after putting him in a basement baking bread for years to make the public forget him before killing him. These government bastards are so devious they had their agent marry him as a pretext to killing him. In fact, she wormed her way into his life by putting notes under his door JUST LIKE Salina’s killer / publicity agent did before killing her. Since I exposed Yoko all over Manhattan she has moved to Switzerland many years ago. I have a whole chapter on her; “Yoko’s No Good”. Perhaps another twist to all this mind games manipulation of the public was to get us to forgive Reagan even he did kill Lennon because he was shot, too, after, for it. A lot of us thought he killed Lennon, even without evidence, just because he was killed as Reagan took office.

Judy Woodruff was one of the media talking heads involved in the documentary. She was also used in a documentary about Chapman titled “The Man Who Killed John Lennon” To her credit, after I lambasted her for it, she found out she was being used and demanded her likeness be removed. It was and the last time I saw that documentary she was absent and there was a 20 minute gap with nothing towards the end.

To put a cherry on the cake of my theory about the Hinckley hoax / smokescreen, big lie, Reagan, while under the pressures of Iran Gate and Iran Contra and other scandals, remarked; “I know how to get out of all this trouble. Just get shot again..”


First of all, Leon Panetta and Jimmy Panetta are associated with the Italian mafia who control the central California coast. This according to the long term locals who have told me so. I know he has corrupted the courts and law enforcement here, has a related Panetta as a judge here, and worse. A former C.I.A. chief and defense secretary, I’d be surprised if Leon was NOT a member of Skull and Bones and the Bilteberger group who run our government behind our backs. (Hillary Clinton met with the Bilebergers the night after she lost the nomination to Obama in 2008, for example.) Remember, he worked for Clinton who had a meeting with Stephen King in The White House in 1995 just before the Oklahoma City bomb went off. Leon Panetta puts Stephen King and his murderous, treasonous evil ahead of America and all of you and he has Lenin / Marxist ties according to his political opponents here who say so over the airwaves. One local radio caller remarked that Leon should never hold political office his views are so weird and unhealthy and dangerous. This after spending a week at his home fixing things around this house.

Update on what Panetta has already done to me;

While about to get oral surgery on January 10, 2019, a driver I hired that a police officer introduced me to drove me to my appointment and left my van in neutral with me in the back section and pushed it forcing me to jump into the front seat and stop it from plowing through a fence and into another lot. My just painted and website lettered van was wrecked and I was charged with D.U.I. though there was no alcohol or drugs found in my system. For over two years I was denied my speedy trial rights and had to fire two lawyers and three judges before it was dismissed. Once, in mid ordeal, my trial was cancelled after I hired an investigator to find and subpoena my witnesses TO thwart my efforts to GET witnesses.

On April Fool’s Day, months after this first charge was made, another CHP officer from the same station cited me for unsafe lane change and never showed after he first tried to arrange the trial for the anniversary of the Loma Prietta earthquake that I mentioned to the other officer before as evidence of my avenging angel (It occurred a week after I first visited Santa Cruz and THEY ignored my evidence AND exactly while I was taking the podium in a Santa Rosa city council meeting!) to urge him to get out of a plot if he is in one. He erased the part of the video that would have shown him parked waiting for me to drive my van from a parking lot and I only changed lanes because the driver in front of me saw I was being followed by an officer and quickly slowed down making me change lanes to avoid hitting him.

In the middle of this on August 28, 2020 in downtown Monterey, while attempting to park, five patrol cars descended on me and tried to charge me with hit and run, D.U.I. open container and causing an accident. (There was no accident.) I blew 0.00, twice, and they had to let me go but cited me for a teaspoon of residual Brandy in bottle I mistook for olive oil and violated procedure to suggest I caused an accident when there was none. The driver of the other parked car made no claim, there was NO DAMAGE, but the officer did, anyway, and it affected my insurance for three years.

On July 18, 2021 motorcycle officer Kopp presented himself to me in a 7-11 driveway and followed me and immediately hid in my blind spot to catch me looking for him in my rearview mirror through a series of three lights in a row and he got me to miss one light change while looking for him. Not only was I cited for a red light, six officers failed to honor my subpoenas for court, TWICE!  Totally illegal to do so but the judge went along with the sham result and conviction.

Months later a man in a library / police department parking lot was waiting in a car that was parked halfway into my space requiring me to barely touch his front bumper so I wouldn’t have my van sticking out in the roadway. He tried to start a fight and I tried to call police but the librarian refused to. I left in this man’s presence and he never asked for me to stay. Months later I was summoned for hit and run. This driver was trying to pin me for an asphalt scrape HE made in a place my van could not have reached. It was dismissed but this same driver was found DEAD in his same car in the same exact parking space a year later. W-E-I-R-D-!!!!!!!!!

Recently (2023) an off duty officer tried to pin me for a pre existing mark my van’s paint did not match while opening my door at a court building’s parking lot. (The court knew I was coming at the time.) Initially he tried to point to a dent my door could not have touched. This hours later ten miles away. How could he even know where to find me? He threatened to “F*** me up!”  after I refused to go along with his scheme. Only after calling the police did I learn HE was a police officer.

Just last May 9, 2024, while in route to Los Angeles to help out with the student protests at U.C.L.A. and get my message out, I was pulled over by a CHP officer and cited for swerving while driving in 50 mph gusts. Twenty minutes later the same officer, after hiding in wait and following me, again, pulled me over for “Playing with my watch”. Nonsense. I was LOOKING at my watch. He was stalking me, looking at me as we drove side by side. He claimed he had to respond to a woman having a heart attack and left. I checked. No one had a heart attack in that area on that day. I think he was behind me the first time for several minutes hoping a gust would blow me sideways. The second instance WAS, absolutely, a case of selective stalking. In fact, he told me he recognized my van, years before, from the same court parking lot where the other off duty officer tried to commit insurance fraud.

Five days later and 400 miles away near San Diego another CHP motorcycle officer tried to get me to HIT him as he hid in my blind spot in a 25 mph business zone in Encinitas. Another white truck had been stopping and then speeding away, repeatedly, forcing me to have to change lanes several times. As if the two were a tag team setting me up to have to hit this officer now hiding in my blind spot. No ticket but it was the same CHP district that allowed a Navy cadet to slam his truck into me at 75 mph without a citation after I claimed he tried to roll my van on the freeway. in 2015. (By the way, in 2010 a woman ran a red light hitting my meat delivery truck, T- bone style, at 60 mph knocking it twenty feet and tipping it over and it turns out that Concord, Ca. has a room that can monitor and manually control all the city’s lights. Very suspiciously, too, the intersection was paved over the very next day. To hide evidence of an assassination attempt? Obama’ and Biden’s first of two attempts to kill me, I think.)

Then, on May 28, while on Hwy 17 heading to San Jose, a white unmarked government car with blacked out windows and a searchlight mounted shadowed me for ten miles. When I tried to change lanes and get behind him he slammed on his brakes hoping I’d hit him. I honked, not realizing it was this same government vehicle. These last four episodes in less than three weeks time

Now, late June, 2024, I find myself 86’d from two of my favorite haunts in two days time (See below for details.)

ALL OF THIS is Leon Panetta’s mischief, people. He is a local scumbag, Italian mafia government monster and former C.I.A. chief and defense secretary trying to stop me and my expose and possibly KILL ME! He’s as crooked as they come. He once worked for Clinton who met with Stephen King in The White House!  Avenging Angel, where are you?

(INSERT 6-18-’24) The original title of this was; “I  SCARE  YOUR  QUEER  ITALIAN  MAFIA” Don’t assume I am a homophobe. In fact, my opinion of homosexuals was forged by their heterophobia of ME, first. I used to be a live and let live type regarding homosexuals. Now, after living in the word as a ‘hero’ and seeing how they, especially, resent whomever the ‘hero’ in our lives is, much more than heterosexuals, I have a new take that paints them as jealous and depraved fools. Moreover, I now think that the homosexual crowd is being used to populate our government and help overthrow America since they are more amenable to such treachery than heterosexuals. Maybe HALF of Monterey’s city council may be homosexual, people! That’s a conspiracy. That they care LESS about certain things than straights, period. That all this “transgender” confusion being foisted on our culture, with Biden’s help by the way, is part of a communist plot to destroy America. The reason I think they care less about the welfare of the children, the next generation, has to do with the fact that they are hard wired NOT to have children.  They represent natures depopulation mechanism. In all nature, when things get too crowded homosexuality, suicide, homicide, and genocide take over and that’s the way nature keeps us from overpopulating. They’re not to blame. They have no choice. BECAUSE of this fact of nature I think homosexuals should NOT hold high office because they lack the concern for all humanity heterosexuals have. BOY, am I controversial!)                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Apparently it’s true, too. California is only about 10 to 20 % homosexual, I imagine, but that seems to be enough to affect ALL of California, sadly. I just went to the Monterey city council meeting and chief Dave Hober grabbed my two sided sign so I couldn’t display it. The same sign I now display on my van’s rear section. I chased him out the door to get it back but he threatened to charge me with assault for trying to grab my sign back. I spoke at the podium about officer Newby who was being honored that night and explained how he was part of a conspiracy to sic five patrol cars on me one night while trying to park and how they tried to cite me for DUI until I blew a 0.00, twice. I didn’t have time to also say how he lied, twice, in the process that night. I exclaimed that this mayor is a homosexual and that this area is run by the Italian mafia (It IS!) and that I have previously worked in two of their establishments, Pebble Beach and The Sardine Factory restaurant and that they are both queer run houses. I expressed that there is something funny going on with all that. Personally, I think a homosexually inclined Italian mafia appointed mayor Williamson BECAUSE he is a fellow queer they can control. I think SEVERAL of the council are queer, besides. Lately he has limited the time from three to two minutes for public comment the last five meetings in a row because of ME and only because of me. Now even regular citizens are voicing their displeasure about it, too. My two sided sign that Hober confiscated reads; “L.  PANETTA  SUCKING  S.  KING’S  DICK” and; “QUEER  MAYOR  OBSTRUCTING  FREE  SPEECH” I managed to utter those messages to the council’s chagrin and uproar and they threatened to stop me for it. I will be displaying them on my van for a while and see what they try to do about THAT! In my next appearance I will claim that the mayor and the council are receiving dirty “hush” money from Stephen King, no less, may be part of a conspiracy to cover up Lennon’s ,murder and are accomplices in obstruction of justice and that they are corrupt politicians who should be removed from their offices. Maybe time will find them at the smelly end of the stick. I recall cow Lollapalooza bar, here, hosted Stephen King one night while I was singing karaoke at The Bull and Bear bar across the street. That’s all it took to promptly close both of those bars down for good, too. Let’s hope the bad karma trend continues. Now, back to where I was before being so rudely interrupted.

(My Guardian Angel, apparently, caused me to get a little mouthy lately to flush out my enemies who were plotting bigger things against me, anyway, as the politicians were over at the G-7 summit.)  It seems Panetta has managed to employ his Italian mafia run agencies to bounce me from two of my favorite haunts in two days time, lately. I know from watching Panetta’s 60 Minutes feature on CBS decades ago that he is a sick puppy who giggled uncontrollably over his exploits of killing hundreds of Iraqi soldiers. Like a cross eyed, caved in face looking sadist. Poor Monterey county has his son, Jimmy, for their congressman the nepotism is so rife here. The people here are so busy working to pay for his salary and largess that they need me to point all this out. The Italian mafia and the communists have already got their talons around Monterey and Santa Cruz. Monterey, with a big, fat, Italian mafia butt sitting on it’s face, suffocating them as they toil away in blindness and fear. In Maine, the Baldacci’s, another Italian mafia family, are protecting Stephen King, there. And some of you people laugh at conspiracy “theories” as if our world runs any other way BUT via conspiracies. Not theories, people. Fact. It’s no coincident that Gavin Newsom, California’s governor, is related to Nancy (Italian) Pelosi. He’s her nephew.

The Proverbial Shit Is Starting To Hit The Fan, People;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           (if all this personal harassment campaign stuff bores you do scroll down several pages to my “I’ve Done My Job, Now Do Yours” and “Political Watchtower” sections and pick up from there. Otherwise, the campaign is sinister and petty at the same time. I take comfort that Biden destroyed himself on stage at the June 27 debate in the midst of all their treachery. Karma is creaming these bastards and it serves them right.)

Seems I spoke too soon about going to what’s immediately below this chapter that I have had to now insert because it’s S-O-O-O- scandalous for mostly the Italian mafia who run the central California coast area and the apparently likewise queer community who are prejudiced against ME. Already six people in two days in the Santa Cruz area have emerged as my enemies; Doug Kaplan (Sounds Jewish), a property manager, sheriff detective, Nathanial Kenville, Brant Wilson, golf director for Seascape Golf Course, Michael Zwerling, (Is Jewish), owner of KSCO Radio, Billy Army, an employee there, and an unnamed Italian looking elderly man who tried to stampede the crowd listening to my singing against me the other day. In fact I have been kicked out of two business establishments who may or may not be pro queer establishments. I notice, too, that a lot of these Italian mafia looking types are always by themselves and not with a woman. Maybe they want to turn Monterey into a mecca for queers. They already have a queer mayor appointed, here, for example. The one limiting my free speech time of three minutes to two minutes the last six council meetings. He’s a puppet, apparently, of the Italian mafia.

To begin with, DO go to the regular section immediately below this entry as this expose about Lennon’s assassination and our 2024 election are paramount in importance and, second, go, also, to the chapter titled SATANIC CRUZERS ARE LOSERS where I detail the episode in Aptos at the Pacific Coffee Roasting Company. It’s several pages down from here and part and parcel to this section. There you will learn what I will briefly repeat here about an Italian looking man in Santa Cruz who tried to stampede the crowd listening to my singing against me who I put in his place and a subsequent, suspicious incident in Aptos at the coffee roasting cafe’ the next day who’s property manager bounced me from their parking lot implementing a sheriff / detective. In fact, just after typing that section up I tuned into KSCO Radio and heard Billy Army uttering outright made up falsehoods about ME. All at once my enemies are coming out of the woodworks now that half of the area is on board with how good a singer I am, now gaining their trust and support. I called KSCO right away and rebutted what was being said about me. I pointed out that I have never dressed up in woman’s clothing or ranted things about Yoko Ono in my life. That’s what I heard. Who knows what I missed while typing up my page in the library minutes before? Since I believe that Michael Zwerling and Billy Army and a host of other hosts there are queer (I no longer use the word “Gay” to describe homosexuals, they have too high a suicide rate to be called that) I pointed out that nature has it’s own way of weeding out the weak from breeding by a pattern of deviancy that afflicts overcrowded populations in all of nature, namely homosexual, suicidal, homicidal and genocidal tendencies that finally find the Lemmings, for example, running off a cliff to depopulate themselves. I also opined; “You know you’d all make a lot more sense and sound more believable if you’d un pry your lips from Stephen King’s penis.” I even followed it up with; ” …so pull your heads out of your butts and get your lips off of Stephen King’s penis, everybody..” The following day Zwerling took my call not realizing it was me and I said; “I’m calling to complain about falsehoods Billy Army said about me, Steve Lightfoot, yesterday…” At that point he cut me off saying; “Well, I’ll put an end to that call.” Minutes later he said; “…I feel like MURDERING somebody…”

Let me also prepare you with information that suggests queer / pedophile / murderer Stephen King is being protected by the individuals I will name. In the four decades of being the messenger of the Lennon evidence several groups have identified THEMSELVES as being my most ardent enemies; lesbians, queer men, media Jews and homeless, toothless druggie panhandlers. Lately, also , the Italian mafia. My opposites. Apparently I give them all a case of penis envy. I believe that heterosexuals are pro life and that homosexuals are NOT pro life and my quest to save the human race irks them in a sick way. That they may, subconsciously, be in a process of helping destroy the human race and not even know it. (Aren’t I the outspoken one?) That their weaknesses make them resent me all the more for being so strong and robust a human being that I would dare avenge what our government did to us and John Lennon and risk my life to do so. They could never. I think homosexuals lack the human instinct, the human gene, to protect children from evil like Stephen King since they don’t reproduce children. It has been their obvious prejudices against me, to begin with, that caught my attention long ago. As such I can’t afford to worry about offending that crowd and will have to, instead, appeal to the heterosexual MAJORITY to help me out this expose. Unlike the queer crowd you DO care what the next generation of kids will have to deal with. I may be moving to Utah next March if you heterosexuals can’t find the spine to do so, in fact, where I will find a more normal population who, perhaps, can. Stephen King, known by Mainers to be a bisexual pedophile, was convicted of sex with a 15 year old in 1992 in Belfast, Maine. The mostly Jewish run media never printed this fact they are too busy protecting him instead of all of us. In Florida, the state I ran his ass to after my six month stay in Bangor, Maine, already knows he is a pedophile THERE! He’s not shy about it, apparently. Everybody already knows. (Interesting footnote; There is a sports team named the “Portland Pickles” I heard about last week. Portland, Maine, Stephen King’s birthplace. I know from visiting there that it comes from their park called “Pickle Park” due to the number of homosexual men who cavort there at night. You can imagine what the word “pickle” refers to. hat is America coming to?

A little back round information about the Italian mafia that the locals all know run this area and whether or not they are mostly queer, themselves. In 1979 I was a busboy at Pebble Beach Lodge before Clint Eastwood owned it and I had to give one dishwasher a swift kick in the butt to stop him from making passes at me after management refused to discipline him. I noticed a lot of queer employees there, then. The Italian mafia here would HAVE to be involved with Pebble Beach. A man, a brother of the woman who recently kicked me out of my recent five year long rental of her driveway for my second van, happens to work for The Sardine Factory restaurant in Monterey. Owned by Ted Ballestreri, a rumored mafia man. I once bussed there, too, and was fired for not being queer like most of their staff were. Fact! It was this brother of my landlady and a man at city hall who prodded her to bounce me and they are both Italian. Possibly Italian mafia related, in fact. The man who tried to stampede the crowd against me who I put in his place looked very Italian and I even accused him of being Italian mafia as I left. A John Russo (Italian) rammed my van’s bumper and damaged my large sign on the anniversary of Lennon’s murder in 2021 during my rally a few years ago and the police refused to cite him for malicious vandalism and hit and run. I just recently outed Monterey’s mayor as a homosexual, Mr. Williamson, who admitted as much a month later. I always wondered how he got to be mayor. Now I think it’s BECAUSE he is queer and the Italian mafia appointed him, behind the scenes, because they may be, too. In fact, my next billboard will be a two sided one that will read’ “QUEER MAYOR OBSTRUCTING FREE SPEECH” and; “I SCARE YOUR QUEER ITAL. MAFIA” I will present it at the next city council meeting in a few days, in fact, as well as on the street.

So, now that I find myself having to put an Italian man in his place for trying to stop my progress (One woman, right after, gave me a huge thumbs up for doing so, in fact), I find myself being 86’d the next day from a patio I was welcome at for years a day later and I have to think the two episodes are related. That this man, possibly Italian mafia, himself, made a call to the sheriff’s office to lay in wait for me and bounce me from the coffee roasting patio that he would have known was one of my haunts. There’s no other way the sheriff could have been in my face just minutes after I arrived with the property manager there on his day off. Only two nightmarish dreams this morning (6-16-’24) prompted this realization. That the reason he sat silently after being excoriated by me had to do with the possibility he was scheming his own revenge along the lines mentioned here at that moment. Immediately after typing up this episode and the incident at the coffee roasting patio in Aptos I heard my name being slandered with lies on KSCO Radio. It’s detailed above. I wanted to unburden myself of these two nightmares by sharing the situation with my waitress at the Seascape golf course cafe’. When I mentioned how it is that the queer community were against me she went into shutdown mode and I realized she may be a lesbian, herself. In fact, she told the other waitresses there about what I had said and they all told me they don’t want to talk to me about anything, as if all of THEM were also lesbians. The day before they were all friendly with me, however. I noticed the new male trainee looked queer as could as be, besides. Then I told the woman managing a putting contest about this Italian mafia conspiracy against me and she said she should know, she is married to an Italian mafia member. AS I WAS TALKING to her golf director Brant Wilson approached me to kick me off their grounds. He was accompanied by another man who looked Italian. In fact this man had just apparently told a group of men to enter the putting contest she was manning to get her away from me. They claimed I was bothering her. When I asked her if that’s true she said “No.” I told Brant he didn’t like the signs on my van in the parking lot; “CALIFORNIA  FAILING  MESSENGER” and; “SICK  PARENTS  PROTECTING  STEPHEN  KING” He threatened to also call the sheriff if I didn’t leave. I asked him, as I left; “Are you a heterosexual?” to which he hung his head and said nothing. I wonder is that place a haven for homosexual employees? As I approached my van to leave a man was there waiting for me and asked me insincere questions as if to inquire about my message. He, too, could pass for Italian. He was seen taking photos of my van as I drove away, in fact. As if he was PART of the operation. The whole Italian mafia waiting there to bounce me out of another location in as many days. They are apparently terrified I am making progress with the locals via my outstanding talents as a singer all of a sudden. By the way, as I added more money to this waitresses tip I caught her kissing another waitress on the face.

About my singing abilities, a woman, the day before being bounced from the coffee roasting cafe, patted her heart there as she left letting me know how much my singing had touched her. I have gotten more than one $40. tip (Two, so far) and other $20, $10 and $5. tips from listeners and never just a single dollar I can remember. I must be pretty good, people. I don’t even solicit tips. I just sing from my van holding my comparison photos of King getting Lennon’s last autograph to prove my evidence.

Also. One of the things I said to a member earlier that day that may have irked them was my prediction that Bryson DeChambeau’s heroic style would win the U.S. Open with 36 holes to go and that Rory Mckilroy’s putting would let him down. It came down to exactly those two players and exactly the outcome I predicted. I hope that crowd lost a boatload on any gambling they had on it, too. A haunting portent to how God is on my side and not theirs. I’ll bet they ARE scratching their heads about it, now. (As a young man I tried out for the PGA tour three times.)

So, there, folks. Italian mafia queers ruining the central coast of California or just my imagination? I suggest the former. Now, please read the chapter; “SATANIC CRUZERS ARE LOSERS” a few pages down and THEN read the main body of this Lennon expose section, please. I think they’d like to turn all of California queer, in fact. That should scare you and you should all thank me for sticking my neck out to warn you after what I have just learned about the conspiracy to stop me and protect queer, pedophile, murderer, asshole Stephen King. Also, unseat Jimmy Panetta and Leon Panetta from holding the purse strings here that they have no business holding. They are corrupt as hell and likely Italian mafia.


Now, finally,  back to my regular section about Lennon’s murder and this upcoming election.



Well it only took 42 years of blood, sweat and tears, it only took thousands upon thousands of street protests, usually all by myself, dozens of police arrests, at least four phony misdemeanor charges – all dropped – hundreds of phony parking tickets and dozens of questionable driving tickets. (Lately, in three weeks time, while conducting a tour to southern California, FOUR attempts to entrap me have occurred with mostly the CHP who followed me for several minutes before citing me 5-9-’24 for swerving due to 40 mph wind gusts against my high top van, then laid in wait only to get behind me a second time in five minutes and pulled me over only to lie about a woman having a heart attack (I checked.) as his excuse to leave after saying I was “playing” with my wristwatch. I was LOOKING at my watch, only. On 5-13-’24, four hundred miles away, another attempt tried to get me to hit a motorcycle CHP officer hidden in my blind spot after he and another “motorist” played “stop in the middle of the road and then speed up again” tricks five times to get me to change lanes multiple times in a 25 mph zone, the last almost finding me hitting the officer riding one foot away from my van’s side who then pulled me over and remarked how he had observed me changing lanes for a few minutes prior. Why, then, would he hide himself in my blind spot if not to make me hit him while his unmarked tag team partner stopped, yet, again? The fourth attempt was yesterday 5-28-’24, while on Hwy 17 near Santa Cruz, when a white, unmarked, hopped up government car with blacked out windows and a searchlight mounted shadowed me for ten miles. When I tried to change lanes he suddenly stopped trying to make me hit him. I honked only realizing who it was seconds later. Biden’s getting DESPERATE! It’s good to know my van DOES scare them, though. Also, one 1987 S.F.P.D. kidnapping and beating while handcuffed that left me bloody and unconscious, a dozen unnecessary x-rays of my head that night, the nurse saying; “Why do you think this is all happening?” three gun pointing episodes, the first the night Reagan was re elected, my father’s death by airplane crash that occurred very early on and suspiciously right after Stephen King sent me a letter in his handwriting. His dog was even found hanged in a drape chord weeks before that. Like a mob threat. One physical beating that left my shoulder dislocated and my nose broken on a sidewalk in a two martial artists against one situation, one national, major networks television news slander piece that branded me as a stalker of Stephen King – the phony trespass charge at a bookstore signing was dropped days later – thousands of my evidence magazines sold, thousands of hours of my singing in public to break down your resistance, hundreds of signs made and displayed, about four thousand talk radio spots over 30 years, several formal radio interviews, four vans that I have lived in during this whole odyssey, three of which that were emblazoned with my website; five cross country tours with them, two attempts by the Obama,/ Biden ticket to KILL me in high speed accidents – one a T-bone hit by a woman doing 60 mph, the intersection paved over the very next day, the other a uniformed Navy cadet who plowed into me doing 75 mph trying to roll my Toyota van on a San Diego freeway (Neither driver was even cited.) – a flurry of police / court activity in 2019 and 2020 and 2022  that involved the officials wrecking my newly painted van and trying to paint me with a D.U.I. charge I was innocent of – no drugs or alcohol in my system – in which I had to fire two lawyers and remove three judges before having my case dismissed after over two years of court harassment. In 1984 I watched the Cal Berkeley students laugh with jealous glee at my father’s death; “Goody, goody, Mr. Bigshot. They got your dad. Ha! Ha! That’ll teach you to be a hero.” kind of energy, and watched Paul McCartney’s feckless endorsement of me by name at the April Fool’s Day 1990 concert there. Mostly just so he could sleep at night and not to really help me.(I have it on tape.) and, of course over 40 years of my youth and life that I have martyred to get this news out. Countless nights all by myself watching tv or listening to the radio, the decades of crawling in and out of my vans to do anything. I have suffered poverty and neglect like no one you’ve ever heard of, even lost over 50 jobs due to hero envy and the kind of van I drive, and, still, I persist. No wife, no kids, no normal life at all. Just me exposing what society did to John Lennon in real life. All the while you all have just been spectators, too. I know so much about jealous, bitter, phony, unsexy all of you that I have CHOSEN celibacy since 1995. (Don’t feel sorry for me, I’ve had my 100 women before that. Before you all became unsexy under evil Stephen King’s rule.) Knowing, all the while, that I was right and the whole world was wrong. SO WRONG, EVIL, in fact. Letting Stephen King get away with killing John Lennon in a Nixon, Reagan conspiracy. Letting that geeky, hunchback asshole make movies and write books for our children who he molested ever after. King, who IS responsible for the school shootings epidemic we see today fully fifty years after he wrote about a school shooter before there were any but one anywhere in America. The billboard currently on the back of my website van even reads; “SICK PARENTS PROTECTING STEPHEN KING” (How will they lie to their kids about me, now?)

I am uniquely qualified to have been the one to find the evidence. My father, a doctor, who saw people usually at their worst, taught me early on that most people are slobs and not to be trusted. When I was 23 I met a girl, a pathological liar whose real name I learned a year later, and that taught me not to gobble up the Chapman lie like you turkeys all did. The rest of you just don’t get it that there are certain evil liars in our world, like Chapman, who get off deceiving you. I was born quite gifted, like John Lennon, and didn’t want to end up getting killed, myself, if I ever became the world’s best golfer / political activist as was my dream then. As a high school student, besides being the first human to ever trisect an angle using only a compass and straight edge (Dick Nixon, – no kidding – my geometry teacher, is a witness), while getting my S.A.T. results I learned I was at the top 3 % of America in the language / comprehension skills part of the test. The magazine codes I cracked were laid down by C.I.A, types, after all, and I am no slouch in recognizing the nuances involved in those codes. Most importantly I saw a mountain sized asteroid almost kill us all when I was about 12 years old. BLIP! speed from California to Hawaii in two seconds, its yellow / white / orange contrail taking up a sixth of the sky. I met a man last year who saw it, too, to remove all doubt. I KNOW what awaits us if we misbehave. Nothing our government is telling you about how they can avoid one is the truth. They saw what I saw then and kept quiet so as not to panic you. They are lying to you, now, that they can do anything about so powerful a force. When Lennon was assassinated I knew we were vulnerable to extinction if we allowed that to go under the bridge without a fight. Only our good karma can protect us. A year and a half later, after storing my belongings, selling my car and putting my golf ambitions on hold while I began living outdoors while I luxuriated in listening to The Beatles on my Walkman riding my 12 speed bike all that time, I was directed by some weird force to go inside a library on 7-26-’82 near San Diego and W-H-A-M, the evidence presented itself to me as if ordained from an unseen power that placed each clue in front of me like it was meant to be. It was uncanny. Everything that day. As if I were in the presence of God and his powers .I had to leave the library an hour later I was so nauseous. I was the one CHOSEN to find this evidence, apparently. I was, apparently, the most worthy and sincere of all men and women, it now seems. Two days later I knew this was my calling and nothing would stop me from my mission. A week later I found the motherload of codes at the main library and all doubt was removed. This months before finding Chapman’s letter linking Reagan and King’s matching face.

Today is late May 2024, and I have removed all doubt with most of the public about my claims. They ALL KNOW I am and have always BEEN right about King getting Lennon’s last autograph and all the rest of what my evidence means. To ever deny you DID NOT KNOW I was right will be laughed at once the world sees what you ignored that was on my website and van all these decades. I have DONE MY job. For three decades the public tried to scam me that they had their doubts. It has finally occurred to me that all of you already know that I am right as rain about all my claims. You have never tried to suggest my evidence wasn’t valid. That was never an issue. The issue, instead, with all of you, was; “So what?…Who cares? It’s in the past…. there are bigger issues now…I’m a scaredy cat coward afraid of my government and can’t you let me off the hook for having to care and do something about it? We’re spoiled weaklings living in fear.” Or so many words. People think that there is no downside to ignoring their duty to demand disclosure and justice. They think, like fools, that their orgasms won’t suffer and that their kids won’t be harmed in thousands of ways if they ignore doing their job and punishing King. They think America can even survive the cover-up indefinitely. Like weak fools. That can’t conceive that they are evil parents molesting their children with a horror writer / murderer while trying to duck this issue.

I’m here to say bullshit to all those cowardly notions. America is under assault by our foreign enemies who have infiltrated us since WWII, and are rigging our elections, taking over our media and courts, our drug industry, our very foods and pharmaceuticals we eat and what’s in them and all the global warming that spells our doom if we don’t wake up. 5-G towers everywhere pushing out radiation, etc.. They see us as weak pussies who can’t avenge John Lennon. THEY killed John Lennon via Nixon, Reagan and Stephen King. Israel and Russia, secret partners in my educated opinion. Only our enemies WOULD do such a thing. Israel bombed Saddam Hussein’s nuclear facility months later and Lennon wasn’t around to complain if a war broke out, after. The Chapman lie and cover-up is a Jewish media, only, phenomenon. Our ENEMIES know how vital to a country a hero is and they have killed them all but me. No, you pussies are sacrificing America, itself, just so you can behave like frightened little girls is a crisis and do nothing about so important an issue. As if to spank all of you for being such fear controlled phonies God is punishing America with, not only mass shootings and more, but the most violent tornados in my lifetime as I write this. Almost a thousand over the last two months all over our heartland. Hundreds killed. People are even dying from airplane turbulence. Once a great place, now America has become a cursed land. More weather cursed than any other country on earth. Ironically, the Gulf of Mexico that creates these events is a crater from the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs. That’s how big some asteroids are, people. I saw one.

Now it’s all YOUR TURN to find your spine and act on evidence. It’s TIME you all supported my bravery and stopped backstabbing your hero trying to save you. If you take too much longer to help me come forward I will deny all of YOU my celebrity status someday and WITHOLD my talents and singing (I happen to be world class all of a sudden. Just barely below Sinatra’s level) and four part movie and maybe even move out of America to punish you all. If you refuse to grow up and remain stupid I’m sure I will write books about your money worshipping game show mentality, T.V. violence and plastic foolishness and futility and phoniness galore for all the world to beware. Undressed, you, America, are a pathetic, pitiful sight as you currently are. Only money and materialism and media mind control keep you from revolting. A Hellish culture underneath it all. As it is I will be moving permanently out of California, my home state, if they cannot disclose this evidence by March 1, 2025. None of my vast taxes will go to their coffers. They will only be known as the treasonous state that didn’t care about truth and justice when they had the chance to save us all. Too busy with messenger envy, instead. Doubt me? As it is I will never, ever, speak to Paul McCowardly for keeping quiet while taking up valuable celebrity space while all of us went down the drain. WHAT a douche. I’ve made this known for decades, now. I could save you all from global warming with a vehicle that uses wind turbine technology that recharges your electric car via wheel rotation. You’d be able to use half the batteries and weight and even transport trucks with multiple wheels to tap could use it. You have to be a genius to even imagine so obvious a solution I guess. Even if MY GENIUS IDEA was produced you’d need a brave celebrity like me to override the powers that be who would try to stop it from putting them out of business. To keep YOU working to pay for THEIR lives. Imagine; nearly FREE transportation. I’m already so blessed I GIVE this idea to the world for free with no concern of getting rich off of it. Probably the best idea since the wheel, itself. How much of your lives could you take back under those terms? My 165 I.Q. (According to college experts.) has burdened me with a less intelligent fellow man to have to live with. The one downside. I don’t really CARE about your false God; money. I have already publicly prayed in a 2017 radio interview, after a caller remarked; “So what if Stephen King killed John Lennon. It’s in the past…” that you all get wiped out by an asteroid like the one that almost DID kill us all in 1966 if you can’t punish Stephen King in my lifetime. That means King’s lifetime. If he dies before getting exposed and punished you all probably WILL die by an asteroid. My avenging angel is nothing to trifle with. (See section somewhere below where I list the undeniable phenomenon.) Compared to living in the shame of siding with Lennon’s killer death would be a better reality for you all, anyway. But you have to have CLASS to even understand that. I see everything that is embarrassing about all of you. Your divorce and teen suicide rates, your addictions to money, drugs, booze, television, your imprisonment to work, your arm pits and crotch areas and body fat folds and such. Your obesity. If I ever see you differently it will be because you rose to the occasion and punished Stephen King. Otherwise God will do what is right and that means no more human race. Consciously protecting Stephen King has reduced you all to an abomination. “The Event” John called his assassination. The critical factor, the test, that will decide our fate as a species. Are we (You) life worthy?

Think about how evil all of you ARE to protect Stephen King and his evil act. You all ARE exactly protecting him and punishing yourselves and your children in the process. HISTORY will decide what kind of people YOU all were for 40 years, now. So far, you have been pathetic weaklings and ingrates. Masochists, truth be known. Fools and worse. I may be living in a van but I am not living inside the husk that was once a man who now grovels at King’s smelly feet. Aren’t all of you, though? You all are.

I protest every Sunday (Some exceptions) at downtown Monterey on Alvarado Street from noon to whatever. If I don’t see a crowd by half past twelve I’ll assume you’re all still too sick and evil. I will not abuse myself with waiting for you much more. I will be opening up two Sundays – the third and fourth Sundays – to the people of Santa Cruz who just may be quicker on the uptake.

Oh, and do I sound bitter? You bet I SOUND bitter. Blame yourselves. In truth I’m the only one sweet and good enough to take on this story. Only an ultra optimist like myself would think that you could even grapple with so much truth and horror. I used to be so upbeat and positive until I was forced to wrestle with bitter humanity – all of you – for the past 40 years with your neglect and jealousy, masochism and fear. Instead of acclaim and honor one would expect from his fellow man for unearthing such an evidence find I was punished, instead, with society’s jealousy, fear and loathing and sin. Look at you all now. Oblivious to the fact that you are all making love under Stephen King’s gun and his fear campaign and making love inside Lennon’s bloody ribcage. I have to tell you that for it’s a truth your frail egos won’t allow you to consider. So far, at 161 mass murders to date, (May 29, ’24) your rate is more than one per day. You don’t hear anyone talking about that embarrassment, either. Before King killed Lennon it was about one per 50 years. SEE? I know what I’m talking about and you are too scared to even care. Until you all care, deeply, about this issue, shame on you weaklings, masochists and jealous, cowardly, self abusing, child abusing, treasonous fools.

Me? I’m still free, brave and honorable and proud to be an American. I think it’s worth saving. I look about 55 and I’m 70 years old. My shoulder length brown hair is full and still mostly brown. I’m at a proper weight and I’m fit. I can out golf and out draw and out paint, out sing and out think 98 % of you. According to experts. Especially now that I quit pot, coffee and other stupid choices. I never like alcohol, fortunately. I know WHY you are the most drug and alcohol addicted nation on earth. You live in fear and despair. Underneath all your wealth. I’m the super rare hero in your midst who can change all that. If you’re all too stupid to figure that out I won’t waste my breath, later, even TELLING you WHAT I know that can save you. Do I know more about all of you than all of you combined? Probably, I do. I DO know that no one on earth knows WHAT I know or COULD know what I know. I have paid the price to know. Jesus died mostly in vain, for example. I have the proof, too. YOU. No one else has EVER lived my experience. No movie, no albums, no nothing. THAT would be a pity and shame for all of you. I demand respect and acclaim and to be honored for my heroism. For YOUR sake. I could care less about being famous or rich. That’s something I only USED to care about. I’m evolved beyond that silliness, now. I’ll be dead in 35 to 40 years, anyway. I won’t play your sick game in that respect. Pony up or pay the price. I’ll be golfing in Scotland instead of saving you ingrate fools if you don’t show me some class and self respect. This story will break one way or the other. I hold the cards in our dilemma. You hold the solution – activism –  demonstrating, to demand disclosure of this evidence. Until you figure that out, like my other billboard reads; “DEMAND DISCLOSURE OR SUFFER.” There are no bigger issues on earth to worry about than Stephen King killing John Lennon and cursing, poisoning, all mankind in the process. The biggest news on the planet. Admit it.

My next billboard? “YOU TRAGIC, APATHETIC COWARDS” (?) We’ll see.

The unique quality I bring to the world’s table with this evidence is quality of life. I remember in grade school my parochial nun teachers using our right to choose one’s marriage partner versus being told whom we had to marry as one aspect of why our system is so much better than others. Even a child can relate to something that basic and human. I said earlier than one needs to have class to appreciate these aspects of life and I stand by that. Many of you simply aren’t wired to appreciate the finer things in life. It’s the reason we need a hero to function as a society. Religion is not working, admit it. To many of you making money to pay for life is about all you’re willing to commit your energy and senses to. That a self confessed Jewish communist horror writer killed John Lennon in real life for our enemies and is poisoning us all for the purpose of taking us over, ultimately, is not something you might care about. That we might lose the best artist of our lifetimes and pay for it ever after with having to listen to less enthralling music and do without his heroism and guidance escapes your sense of values. Not me. My very first political thought as an eight year old was how pathetic our world is that most people work almost half of their waking lives to make it in this world. MOST PEOPLE. Is mankind that lame?, I thought, at the time. I still feel that way. That we are all missing something and being used somehow by our politicians when we don’t HAVE to live like that. I can see how we might have to work one quarter of our lives to live well, but not HALF of our waking lives. Life is too wonderful to have to live that way. My idea about a vehicle that taps the technology already in existence that powers wind turbines and translating it to our already rotating wheels of our cars and trucks offers us all a way to cut our need for work by at least ten percent. TEN PERCENT more freedom to live our lives and not have to work just to pay for transportation. It’s doable. It’s possible. It only takes a little common sense and trying to make it happen. And, YET, absent my bright idea and celebrity status to push it past the powers that be who will try to stop it, will any of YOU PEOPLE ACT on my bright idea and demand my celebrity status to wield the power to bring it to reality? I seriously wonder. Right now you’d all rather plod along and work that extra ten percent of your lives and warm the planet and endure heat, tornados, fires, floods and hurricanes and wild weather and stay stupid and miserable. It’s exactly what I’m up against in bringing Stephen King to justice and setting our world right again. ISN’T IT?????. You NEED a hero. You do. I need to teach you courage and how to stand up for yourselves.

I’ve often described victory with this expose as watching all of the world gasping dramatically as it inhales fresh air like we’ve all been underwater holding our breath for ten minutes. WHAT a relief!!!! WHAT a difference!!!! WOW!!! No more suffocating under bad politicians. Right now all of you are that stooge holding his breath underwater for ten minutes just because you lack the class and the courage and common sense to stand up for yourselves and put a needle in King’s arm and demand truth and justice. You HAVE the evidence you all need to do exactly that. And, YET, you snicker jealously as you walk by my van and brave expose and do nothing.

Moreover, you suffer diminished orgasms, a violent upsurge in teen suicide, mass shootings and have to watch some bimbo who makes a billion dollars offering up shlock for musical entertainment INSTEAD of great music and lyrics and messaging like I remember from the 1960’s when the public was roused out of it’s slumber by the Kennedy murders and the Viet Nam B.S. war and sleazy Tricky Dicky. “Nowhere man, please listen, you don’t know what you’re missing. Nowhere Man, the world is at your command….” (By the way, our current mega star singer (Taylor Swift) actually tried to support Stephen King in 2021 when I was driving through Florida with my website van where he lives part time. Saying how she has a thing for him. She also endorsed Biden at a football game recently as if she works for our government. I’m sure the government has figured out, already, that they need a singer super star to add to their arsenal and it wouldn’t surprise me that she was urged by our government to plug for King, then. Otherwise, how stupid can she be? The man who killed the last mega star. I mean Bimbo with a capital B.)

Why be miserable and apathetic when you could all be happy again and brave and free again? You’re not now. Admit it. You’re in a malaise and content to go down the communist takeover rathole drain as evidenced by Biden and others deliberately destroying the United States as we speak. Not on my watch. I really DO know better. You all NEED my expose whether you can admit it or not. The quality of all our lives depends on this expose right now. Sidestepping it will only produce more misery than you’re already in right now. It’s our acid test. This expose. Our ability to respond or not to the evidence I have so bravely provided may even determine if an asteroid puts us all out of our misery. I firmly believe. I also believe we all WILL punish King and protect ourselves and live right and in the near future. I have that feeling and hope for us all.

A television show called “Bar Rescue” reminds me of my job as the messenger. Jon Taffer, the tough, mafioso looking guy who gets failing bars back on track is extremely blunt and direct and abrasive and uncompromising. He walks into a place where there are employees displaying every kind of human frailty; laziness, addiction, selfishness, vanity, immaturity, thievery, ego problems and insecurities, ineptitude, and on and on and gets them spanked back into shape remaking their whole concept of what a bar is and how it should run. After whimpering from his harshness they end up smiling and grateful to him for rescuing them from sure disaster. They were all messed up in their heads and he straightened them out.

I don’t approve of the bar scene and all it’s evils and money grubbing ways but I appreciate the part about whipping a bunch of dysfunctional slobs into shape for their own good. Their parents certainly didn’t do a good job.

You people are those dysfunctional F.O.S. owners and managers and waitresses and bartenders and cooks with a stick up their butts when it comes to Lennon’s assassination. You can’t even see how ridiculous and stupid you all are. When Chapman was allowed to just skip a trial, then, and you didn’t revolt in the streets it should have been the first sign that your heads were already all up you butts and that Satan was sodomizing all of you. I’m the guy who figured out that that Satan was Stephen King in the flesh. So far you slobs are still letting him molest you and your children and your country and your freedoms and your sanity and morals and I have to be abrasive and tell you so or you won’t admit it. You just can’t go on cooing and smiling and pretending everything is all hunky dory. It is not. You’re all a hideous mess and need to change. This evidence find is the vehicle for that change if you’re smart enough to start protesting and demanding it’s disclosure. Nothing else will work, you see. The media won’t tell on itself. You have to MAKE them do their job. Now do yours. Start caring. Start demonstrating.

Thank you for reading this, Your exorcist and evidence HERO; Steve Lightfoot


7-27, ’24;

About Taylor Swifts threatening remarks about not endorsing a presidential candidate, yet. She lied. She already expressed her wishes you all vote Biden to “save democracy”. A real Kool Aid drinker, she. As if she read from the Biden playbook what exactly to say that day around Super Bowl time or a week before. I wrote then that she could WELL BE a government groomed singer / plant to wield the power of peer pressure control on all of you. A government produced singer / star to entrance you all. That’s a base the Lenin / Marxist crowd of politicians would cover. I wrote then that she just happened to stand up for Stephen King as I was exposing him in Florida in 2021. Again, as if reading from an F.B.I. playbook what and when to say it. How STUPID could she be to endorse the killer of John Lennon, she being a singer????!!!! But, then again, she just might be a tad bit uninformed about a lot of things. I think she’s too Bimbo class to have a valid political opinion, frankly. She likely wants to see which way the wind blows and appease her adoring mass of fans. Therefore she see’s the media riding the Democrat ticket and assumes the fans feel that way or are brainwashed that way and she goes along to be liked.

I would handle her as such. She’s a successful, popular somewhat talented artist riding a wave of thirst from a depraved culture who HAS no real artists like Lennon to begin with. They’d all clamor for any other star that came along, I think. She IS Childless and miserable and loves mostly herself and fame and her career too much to make room for children. But she has her CAT, you see? To appease her needs. How depraved and pathetic is THAT? Is she also riding the coat tails of a football star for acceptance? A trophy relationship? Jennifer Lopez is another fame whore who has stupid values. Both of these singers seem to go through a lot of failed relationships. Have you all noticed? Unhealthy as all the “Cat Women” emerging in our power elite. She will endorse Kamala of Willie Brown’s dick sucking past because she is a Kool Aid drinker unknowingly helping Moscow take America over thinking she’s “Saving Democracy”.

About Biden’s Blowup on the June 28, ’24 Debate;

HA,HA,HA,HA, Everybody. TOLD you so, didn’t I? Before the next four years are up I suspect he’ll be spoon fed his oatmeal by June, his wife. It all started when we allowed him to be appointed instead of elected via vote fraud by our deep state in the wee hours of the morning of 2020. We all saw it, it was Trump by a landslide until the machines and the coverage was shut down for two hours only to reverse trend as soon as things were back up and running. Only a fool would buy such a result under those obviously suspect conditions. I’m no fool, though. I USED to be. I USED to trust Obama and Biden until they tried, twice, to kill me in high speed accidents. That’s when I knew they were world order communists destroying America. Aren’t we knee deep in WWIII as we speak? You see? Isn’t he the one with the nuclear football in case things go awry? He should NOT be. That’s the point. He should be convalescing in a home for the infirmed, yet many of you think like morons about it all. He says he is about the nation and Trump only about himself. Is that why he flooded our borders with immigrant beholden Biden voters just to get HIM elected at America’s expense? You see, people. You need someone experienced like me to set you fools straight for your own good. You’re all insane if you think he’s good for president. or America. FOOLS. The New World Order is what he and others are all about and many of you are douche bag idiots in the wake of it all.

I remember Miley Cyrus anguishing at Hillary’s 2016 loss to Trump. She doesn’t know that the Clintons invited Lennon’s real life killer; Stephen King, into The White House a week before the Oklahoma City bomb went off. THEY knew he killed Lennon. Wasn’t he a rock star just like her, too? You SEE, people? I know stuff. You dolts don’t. Obama / Biden gave King a medal of the arts award in 2016 in The White House. They knew he killed Lennon, too. You commies!

(By the way, people, The Monterey Herald newspaper printed zip about the debate the next day. NOTHING! And you doubt me when I say that Leon Panetta, the biggest political fish around here, is Italian mafia with Lenin / Marxist ties destroying Monterey on purpose. HALF of our city council, apparently, are homosexuals, besides. No wonder I am surrounded by douche bags who can’t care about Stephen King killing John Lennon.).

“Humpty Dumpty stood on a stage

And promptly showed the effects of old age

All the King’s Horses and all the King’s men

Couldn’t put Humpty together again.”


Making Radio Waves;

As many of you may or may not know, with about 3,000 talk radio calls under my belt these past three decades, many national shows, I have become a legend of sorts in that realm. I have helped decide at least two presidential elections and more that way, for example. This morning (7-1-’24)  I rang a loud bell,. It was on the Redeye Radio show with host Dan Manis, a weekend fill in host. The weekday hosts mostly don’t take calls from us, the public, but rather hog the airwaves, and so I took advantage of the situation. The subject was the debate and, after waiting on hold for over an hour and a half (It’s work, I tell you.), I said the following;

“Hey Jerry.” (I used another name and location.)

“Hi, Dan. I want to talk about Biden and Putin but I also want to offer a little bit about the alternative candidates. Vladimir Putin, of all the people in the world, had the worst day, June 27, 2024, of anyone else on earth because Biden was his ace in the hole and he’s having triple vodkas right now, no doubt, he’s so beside himself with grief. The man he was counting on to have his way with is now out of the picture. In four years Jill Biden will be spoon feeding Joe his oatmeal, let’s admit it. Now, regarding the other candidates who might come along. Gavin Newsom, if you examine the archives of KGO Radio shows, has been outed as a homosexual and he’s no good for the presidency. I could say the same thing about Wes Moore just looking at him (A black governor of Maryland who looks like the typical communist homosexual token black plant.)  I saw the interview (With Margaret Brenner of CBS)  and Michelle Obama…”

“Hold on, What about Wes Moore? And I have no idea about Gavin Newsom, but what about Wes Moore?”

“He does not LOOK like he’s married to a woman. Let’s just put it that way. And Michelle Obama, she’s un liked. She’s like Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama, frankly, looks like he’s taking pills for A.I.D.S. he looks so cadaverous.”

“Hey, Jerry, hold on for a minute. So, I’m going to say this. I have no idea of the sexual proclivities of Wes Moore. To me it doesn’t make a difference if Wes Moore’s gay to be perfectly candid with you. I don’t care…”

“The reason I bring it up is, because they don’t have children, they have less instinct for the next generation and that does handicap them for holding higher offices. But there’s one more thing I want to say, if I may. There’s a rising star in the op / ed field I came across, and you gotta check this out everybody, it’ll knock your socks off. It’s on the website. Check it out…”

“Well give me the gist.”

“We’ve been taken over by the Soviet Union since J.F.K. got shot and our government has been infiltrated with six or seven presidents that have been working for the New World Order from Reagan to Nixon to Clinton, To Obama to Biden…” (I forgot to add the Bush’s who proclaimed New World Order.)

“All right, hey Jerry, thanks for the call.” And he hung up on me thinking I just went off the deep end.

Dan Manis is a likeable guy and I trust him more than the mainstream hosts in America. He just may not have his pants up yet for the realities of this world that I have been forced to examine more thoroughly just to stay alive. Just days before I was on Coast To Coast Radio and said;

“There is a force out there that wants to destroy all that is good in the world. Russia, because of their tortured past. They are the largest country on the planet, by far. There is empirical evidence (11-22-’63 issue of Time magazines bold print codes – listed near the top of this section) to prove Nixon was double agent working for Russia and that he was a central figure in J.F.K.’s murder…Reagan, a professional actor, never attended mass in his whole presidency and his son, Ron, is an avowed Atheist. He married Nancy Baker who was on a commie blacklist and a lot more…” I was cut off there, too. I wanted to add how Nixon admitted in “The Real War”, that he is a “Russiophile” and loves the people of Russia and how it was he who empowered China more than any other man on earth TO establish them as a powerful ally of Russia someday. Lennon’s lyrics in “Revolution” “But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao, you ain’t gonna make it with anyone anyhow..” references exactly that. “The Real War”, in my opinion, is Nixon’s Rumplestiltskin moment of confession that he is a double agent. “This is what the Soviets (And I) are doing to America…” There is so much more I could say on the subject but suffice it to say that Russia’s tortured, miserable and evil past has destroyed something in their leaders brains that wants to lash out at the rich kid on the block with all the advantages (America) and destroy their shiny car out of spite and that they use evil and deceit as a weapon to bring this about. That they have a screw loose and want to plunge the world into Armageddon hell whether they are aware of it or not. They have a death wish for all mankind over their bad experience compared to other nations. Their leaders ae SICK! LOOK at Putin’s record on human rights. He’s an assassin with no morals at all. A bully terrorist dictator dirtying up the world with his evil ambitions. Having a nation five times the size of any other nation on earth is not enough for him . He wants to be the next Adolf Hitler who’s practices HE practices as if from Adolf’s bible. He wants to rule all the world and brand us with his stink of evil.

On yet another radio show, WABC in New York City, I opined how the trade towers tragedy represented Russia’s 1960’s promise by Nikita Cruschev made good to “Bury (our) grandchildren and use (our) system to do it.” and other provocative opinions that may well be true. Those grandchildren were in the trade towers then and they were buried under the rubble and our own system was used to do it. The Russians don’t make idle threats and not follow through on them, people. You should know that. Just NOT to lose face they would do such a thing, trust me. I pointed out how a helicopter camera angle directly above showed one building billowing out 30 yards on all sides as if by an internal massive explosion just before the building began to pancake. It WAS a government inside job plot, people. Those buildings were wired with explosives weeks before.(Elevator technicians I’ve heard.) The airplanes and the Saudi’s were used to distract us. They remain our number one enemy in all the world. If ANYONE was behind such an attack on us it would BE the KREMLIN!. Those who despise us most of all. And regarding the fall of the Soviet Union, Nixon warned us in “The Real War”, a dozen years before, that they would conduct a “Strategic surrender” as part of their plans then. They’re not  anything less than the largest country on earth, times five, and are still a threat, admit it. I’m convinced they have all but taken us over, already, and are extremely busy in that regard as we speak and lick our ice cream cones and play with our smart phones. Busier than ever! “The New World Order that Bush Sr. pushed is just the name they attach to it all.

You poor, naive fools are miles away from admitting the ugly truth that my evidence proves about all this. It took M-E decades to admit it, myself. Rather than keep it under my hat and sound credible I dump it all out for the world to see BEFORE your ignorance gets me killed. You all need a swift kick in your dumb ass for your own good. A reality pill, if you will.

LOOK at YOU, America. Too stupid and afraid to ask for a trial for Mark Chapman in all this time. Spineless douche bags. Too stupid to address my Lennon evidence findings and hoist me on your shoulders to demand media disclosure (The ONLY thing that will work.) The Kremlin has already demoralized all of you, already! Killed all your heroes and taken over our F.B.I., C.I.A. media and courts and more. You’re all too busy being jealous and afraid of my heroism to respond appropriately. Instead you hope I slip on a banana peel and fail you’re all so sick. My own SIBLINGS hope so, too, only more so. This story is THAT BIG! Your media and courts, ditto. Pathetic. You see, America, all those evil assassinations of our heroes that Russia committed have worked. You have all been decapitated NOT to take my evidence seriously. So think about THAT before you write me off as one gone off the deep end. I’m still alive BECAUSE I have my head on STRAIGHT! Too bad I’m decades ahead of my peers, I say. Now you stand humiliated before the world, your president falling apart like Humpty Dumpty on the world stage. America, you’ve all become a laughing stock. Why? Because Stephen King has so destroyed all of you with pure evil you can’t punch your way our of a paper bag, now. The leaders of Russia are better at politics and psychological warfare than Tiger Woods or Jack Nicklaus ever were at golf. Wake up to the real world that finds you flatfooted with my evidence at your dysfunctional, masochistic, ingrate feet.

SATANIC CRUZERS ARE LOSERS; (This is part and parcel of the paragraphs a dozen pages above titled “The Proverbial Shit Is Starting To Hit The Fan, People” Again, it’s about the police / Panetta plot to kill me. If that bores you scroll down to the next sections.)

(Note; This was written JUST before another episode of getting kicked out of a business establishment occurred and JUST before I caught KSCO Radio telling outright lies about me. It’s all explained several pages up in my chapter titled; ‘LEON PANETTA SUCKING STEPHEN KING;’S DICK” All about the jealous, cowardly Italian mafia here trying to kill me.)

As in Santa Cruz as in Satanic Cruz. That’s right, reader, Santa Cruz, fully 80 % of it, is on the side of the man who murdered John Lennon, Stephen King, and are trying to thwart my activism. And to think I may be giving them honors on John Lennon’s birthday, Oct. 9, to protest for disclosure of my evidence. And they think they’re “so clever and classless and free” so hip and progressive and civilized.. As I told a man today (6-14-’24) who told me “You have to leave. This is MY center..” “You barbarious hypocrite.” A lot of theses high and mighty phonies here are, too.

First, allow me to apologize to the 20 % of Santa Cruz who are on my side and want me to bust Stephen King and protect their children. You people will have to rescue the rest of Satanic Cruz who are against me. Jealous of me. Resentful of me. Those bitter, brainwashed bastards who are too cowardly to lift a finger to get well and stand up for themselves after what Stephen King did to defile and corrupt them. It’s the story within the story that is even more horrific than what happened to John Lennon. The satanic public. As lost as Stockholm Syndrome victims.

The Aptos Center in Aptos has allowed me to sing from my van there for their patio customers for years, now. The owner always smiles at the sight of me and the majority of patrons appreciate my, I hate to say it, my world class singing to various artist’s C.D.s as well as my own karaoke C.D.’s. If any of these patrons had any complaints in all this time they never made their discontent known to me. If I am not assassinated I will someday command the largest venues of any singer in America you can name today. Should I CHOOSE to go that route. I may NOT go that route if I think the public isn’t worthy. No kidding. Suddenly, in the past four years, I have miraculously blossomed out of nowhere from good to eyebrow raising great as a singer. I’m not so conceited that I rate myself better than Sinatra, but almost as good.. As good as Jim Morrison and many others who were great. Perhaps no one shadows these artists as exactly and as impeccably as I do. God is, apparently, on my side, lately.

Today, however, a sheriff was in my face within about 5 minutes of my arrival as if they were expecting me and on standby and close. (It turns out a man I put in his place after he tried to ridicule me a day before may have been a member of the Italian mafia here and set me up here.) He alleged someone claimed I was; “…hooting and hollering and raising a ruckus..” and shouting, etc. I assured him I was not at all but merely singing softly to my low volume C.D. player to karaoke songs. He left after he was convinced whomever lodged the complaint was lying. A man in a yellow bicyclists shirt in his 60’s (Doug Kaplan) approached me minutes later and said, point blank; “You have to leave. You have to leave.” I gave him my patent response and told him what he could do with himself. He replied “This is my center.” I said; “Oh, really? Let me tape record this.” whereupon he gave me his card. He was seen later talking to this sheriff who was still lingering around and the sheriff told me either to leave or be cited for trespass. I told him I will sue this man for discrimination and we’ll see who prevails. If there are any lawyers reading this I have a good case for millions if you are not a wimp / pussy and are a good lawyer. Meanwhile I will be presenting my taped conversations to other lawyers and contacting them to stomp on this man’s bigotry. The sheriff involved, Nathanial Kenville, (I have both their cards), was filming me all the while.

The point is, people, 80 % of all of you are similarly evil. That’s right, EVIL, with a capital E, about what I do. About my heroism and allegiance to America and the rule of law that was not accorded to John Lennon. No, he was shot point blank in the back for all the songs he wrote and for all his political courage he showed when I was young man. For stopping the war in Viet Nam and for getting Nixon resigned with his :Tricky Dicky” lyrics that sealed Nixon’s fate. Meanwhile, no one in Santa Cruz can recall a trial for the man the media told us shot John; Mark David Chapman. What a bunch of evil, brainwashed hypocrites licking ice cream as if their shit doesn’t stink to high heaven. W-H-A-T  phonies!

Just yesterday I was singing on the main drag in downtown here, Pacific Avenue, when a man sitting across the street yelled out to me; “Oh, shut up!” (The man I now think called the sheriff and property owner to bounce me from Pacific Coffee Roasting Co.’s patio and parking lot the next day.) I replied loudly; “No, YOU shut up , you boot-licking, John Lennon killing coward.” As he tried to speak over me I shouted him down calling him a coward and a boot-licker, repeatedly, to show the crowd who he really was and not to be fooled by his trying to stampede all of them against me. This shut him up, right after, too. A half hour later as I drove away I told this man; “How is it I’m so smart to think you’re Italian mafia?” In fact, the Italian mafia runs this town and he probably IS Italian mafia, people. I’m usually used to calling out media Jews and not Italians for being Lennon killing cowards but, apparently, bigotry and cowardliness and jealousy don’t discriminate.

Now that my singing is ringing a loud bell of credibility my enemies are getting desperate and ganging up on me.

How pathetic and evil. How sick are all these types. How satanic, masochistic and evil and jealous and sick. All of them. Their lips firmly around Stephen King’s evil penis. Possible 80 % of all of you readers, too.

Think about it. Think about it. I should have been hoisted on the public’s shoulders and marched down to the lying media outlets decades ago but Stephen King has made you all insane and evil. Hasn’t he? HASN’T HE!!!??? My heroism in the face of society’s evil is the story bigger than my evidence about John’s murder. A bigger story that should humble all you phonies except you seem to lack the class to admit it. Lack the sanity and self esteem that Stephen kicked out of like so much stuffing. I say you’re making love in Lennon’s ribcage and under Stephen King’s gun. THAT’S how sexy you are to me. That’s the REASON I have been celibate by choice for over two decades, now. Congratulations, people of Santa Cruz. You have showed me how evil and unsexy the human race really is in a moral crisis. Have you all not?

I appreciate what has happened these last two days to allow me to illustrate what has bedeviled this expose all this time. A real life snapshot of the evil 80 % of you embrace.

Get a clue you masochistic, jealous jackasses and care about what King did to you and hoist me on your shoulders instead of crucifying the one good man in your midst. Stephen King needs to be strapped down on a gurney and given a lethal dose for what he did to us. He does. Admit it and get well. Frankly, even that is too cruel when just a large dose of fentanyl will do the job we need done. If he gets a firing squad I volunteer to be on that squad just to exorcise the rest of all of you who are offended at what justice demands of us all. You poor raped masochists.

Your hero / exorcist; Steve Lightfoot


Now, back to more generic topics we can all relate to.


Hunter Biden is in court for falsifying records when he purchased a handgun – the exact kind that killed John Lennon, by the way. – The evidence is overWHELMING! His own taped confessions and diaries. And, yet, just watch. They will argue no one saw him do drugs THAT DAY and, even though he is caught dead to right doing drugs all that week and before and after, our partisan, rigged, justice system may try to excuse him on that pitiful argument. In fact drugs stay in your system for weeks and he has no alibi that is real. But this is the era of Big Brother running our country and not Americans. I say this because Biden has already stated that he will not pardon his son if convicted. He must know something we don’t about the result is what I say.

(Update 6-11-’24; I now believe, in light of Hunter’s guilty verdicts, that Biden witch hunted Trump in court to OFFSET Hunter’s looming liabilities in that arena, mostly. To even things out.)

Most interestingly, however, I put a formal curse on all “my enemies” the day before Hunter lost his plea deal while being televised in a Monterey city council meeting. Days after that Obama[‘s cook drowned off his estate. SPEAKING of my very real “Avenging Angel”, just months after Obama  / Biden tried to kill me in 2015 for the second time in five years in very high speed “accidents” that weren’t, Beau Biden died of brain cancer.

While on the subject, I notice how Hunter almost seemed to deliberately scandalize Joe with his misdeeds as if to “Out” his father for his evil agenda that only his son could know about and also because Joe favored Beau over Hunter most of his life, anyway.

Incidentally, have you all noticed how Trump was convicted on the exact anniversary of Beau Biden’s  death? On the same day Chad Daybell was also convicted? Coincidence or by design?

About the Israel and Ukraine wars. Joe Blow Biden is famous for saying one thing and doing the exact opposite. Like a Soviet politician. His attempt to NOW do something about the immigrant crisis is hollow on sight. Purely for show now that it’s voting time. He has deliberately opened up the gates for his first three and a half years, hasn’t he? To flood the voting booths with pro Biden immigrant voters and other reasons to illegitimately shore up his economy. His son is claiming the court is succumbing to Republican pressure to indict him when all this time it has been the courts succumbing to the Democrats pressure to remove Trump from the ticket, instead. It reminds me of when Kamala said; “Can you believe it? Trump is suggesting that he will weaponize the justice system against his enemies if elected.” As if she and Joe Blow haven’t been doing that all this time, instead.

Now we have two wars as we begin to decide our vote. I suspect Biden will ratchet up both wars so as to be so involved that changing horses in mid stream would seem unwise. You know, “Well, we can’t switch presidents now. We are knee deep in two wars and have to stick with what we’ve got NOW!” Famous tactics from our past. Create a crisis to trick the public.

If Biden was smart he’d have been sharper when Putin took the Crimea peninsula when he was Obama’s V.P.. Putin just walked right in under the Obama / Biden watch. Now we have Putin, again, walking in under Biden / Harris. He didn’t for four years in between under Trump, though, did he? No, Putin and Biden are, in my humble opinion, a tag team on the same side secretly playing new world order politics. Just today (6-6-’24) Biden proclaimed how we cannot just walk away from Ukraine now. That would be unTHINKable. And, yet, for over a year he has done exactly that by giving Ukraine just enough to prolong the war but not win it. Recently Ukraine HAS been left high and dry needing weapons Biden was slow to deliver. He even refused to crack down on immigration thus jeopardizing supplying Ukraine recently.

If Biden were serious he’d have attacked Russia the minute they set foot on Ukrainian soil and with a vengeance to PREVENT everything we have witnessed so far with hundreds of thousands of dead soldiers on both sides. He would have seen the signs of an invasion that were apparent for weeks and installed a resistance force THEN! “No way, Putin. Back off or we will push you back hard before you get started.” Now many of you will say; “What about provoking Putin to use nuclear weapons?” He’s threatening us with them now, anyway.

About Israel and Gaza. Netanhayu STOOD DOWN for ten hours while Hamas did their dirty work. Trump even pointed this out recently. He knew, in advance, of what they were going to do, even removing soldiers from the border days before to ALLOW the attack in the first place. That has always been Israel’s tactic. To tie a goat to a post and then attack whomever tries to steal it. To BAIT their enemies who they are, apparently, intent on slaughtering in a genocidal fashion. All a grand plan, all along, to prevent a two state solution. To take over the entire middle east someday. The only nation on earth granted by others on the basis of their religion and race.

Now we have two wars to fool the public with as we near November 5th. It’s a trick both Biden, Putin and Netanyahu are playing to keep Trump from taking the reigns of our government again.

It’s called, as Bush Sr. warned us; “A New World Order.” technique. Wake up you media brainwashed Soviets. Listen to me. I know more about politics than you might think. I’ve lived in the belly of the beats for four decades and watched as they tried to stop me and I know who’s with whom. My life depends on being right and not left guessing like all of you.

Joe is owned by “Big Oil, Big Banks and Big Electricity. BEWARE!

Why else would gas prices be coming down now that it’s election time after Joe almost doubled oil for his first four years? Big Oil WANTS Joe back in is why. The banks are raking in credit card debt interest hand over fist and electric cars are a boon for Rothchild owned Big Electricity. The “Swamp” owns Biden. The New World Order owns the Swamp. Period. As Nixon warned us in his “Rumplestiltskin’ish” confessional book “The Real War” America must “Learn to lower it’s ideals” and shrink itself to fit into this New World Order. Biden operates on what Nixon describes as Moscow’s tactic of overt lying by 180 degrees to say one thing and do the opposite hoping you’ll be a stupid as a turnip about it all and get steamrolled. On January 27, 2021, as I was on my way to Sarasota, Florida to expose Stephen King, when gas was $2.89 @ gallon in California, and said on KSCO Radio; “You watch, Biden will double the price of gas and be cozy with China.” All of that has come true, too. Within one year of his taking office gas was at $6.66 @ gallon in California and has stayed near that all this time. Now that it’s election time it’s artificially coming way down to keep him in office FOR Big Oil. Besides that he is tapping our strategic oil reserve to pull this trick off. Joe Blow Biden. What a piece of lying crap he IS!


First of all I am about equally between Trump and R.F.K. Jr. in this race knowing that Biden is evil incarnate. Biden is our enemy in U.S. clothing and I know this for a fact.

R.F.K. Jr. is flawed if he is at all in opposition to the second amendment AT ALL! There is a reason it is the second and not he twelfth amendment it’s that critical to our remaining free. A psychological disaster would occur if we ever lost our ability to arm ourselves against our government. Then we’d be castrated slobs like the people of Russia, frankly. Our forefathers knew what they were doing. Russia and China hope we forget all that. Our armed populace is why we haven’t been invaded, already, in my humble opinion. Stephen King is a plot, along with media violence, to MAKE you all too irresponsible to own guns as they have demonstrated. Our deep state WANTS you all to be violent with guns. I KNOW THIS FOR A FACT! Our government desperately wants to take away your right to stand up against a tyrannical government with lethal force if necessary.

Trump is flawed in many ways. He is too prone to say things like “Biggest and bestest of all time” when a more rational approach would serve him better. His court traumas have left him a little too angry lately to be as liked as he could be. He is prone to crack down on dissident protests too much and that could fatally derail him if elected. He is not green enough for me and he is too married to dinosaur politics of the past and has not recognized the imposters that Nixon and Reagan were. He is brilliant on many fronts but is about 20 or so I.Q. points lower than my 165 I.Q., frankly, yet he will insist that he is the chosen one and no one knows better than he does. Her is an American, though, and on our side, unlike evil commie take over artist Biden.

Anytime you hear the media touting a 49% to 50% difference in any political race you can bet it is a lie to brainwash you. That tight a race in never possible in real life. In real life it is a 60 % Trump to 40% Biden race as we speak. By suggesting a tight race they can’t be called out, for example, on Trump’s three times larger rallies than Biden’s. They’d LIKE to say Biden is ten points ahead but then they’d be seen as liars. So they lie to you in such a way as to be believable, barely.

It’s no mere boast or imagination for me to say I decided at least two of our presidential elections with my talk radio campaigns. In 1992 Bush Sr. remarked twice on television, once during the Richmond, Va. debate, (See newspaper transcripts if you doubt me.); “You know, nobody likes ‘Who Shot John, but….” He was referring to my magazine at the time titled “Everybody’s Business; Who Shot John Lennon?” whose dispersal in his home town of Kennebunkport a month before  saw him fall over 20 points in a week’s time. I also got Trump elected in 2016 after three years and hundreds of talk radio spots where I reminded everybody that the Clinton’s secretly invited Stephen King into The White House ten days before the1995  Oklahoma City bomb went off and that Hillary was in bed with our enemies. The Trump team was e-mailing me every week for years, after, in recognition of this fact, too. So, there, people. I matter a lot whether I get credit for it or not. Forrest Gump’s got nothing on me.

I made two big mistakes in supporting Clinton in 1992 and Obama in 2008. Obama and Biden tried, twice, after, to kill me in two high speed road “accidents”. I’m not infallible, you see. I know things about the Clintons and Biden and Obama that PROVE they are all in bed with our new world order enemies, no less. Obama / Biden put a medal of the arts award around Stephen King’s traitorous neck in The White House in 2016 and the Clintons met, secretly, with King in The White House. As presidents they all KNEW, beforehand, that King killed Lennon and have spent many hours before just studying what to do about my activism. Only The Oakland Tribune printed this fact or I’d have missed it. These people are our E-N-E-M-I-E-S. Just like our deep state, the F.B.I., the C.I.A., our media, our courts, et all. In fact, Biden is so tone deaf to his overt weaponization of the courts against his opponent I suspect he may be a Russian spy, no less. Isn’t he trying to give China all the manufacturing rights of electric vehicles as we speak? Did his family NOT receive many millions from the mayor of Moscow recently? How dense can a man be not to understand how the public sees right through his machinations? Does he think we’re all as stupid as the people of Russia who put up with this bullshit every year of their lives? His remark the day about the convictions; “It is reckless, dangerous and irresponsible to decry the verdicts just because one doesn’t agree with the results.” was nakedly phony. No, Joe Blow Biden. It is all of that to weaponize the courts as you have against your opponent. THAT is what’s reckless and irresponsible and dangerous! Do you think we’re all stupid? Many of us are convinced you also stole the 2020 election and subverted our election. Furthermore, it was not so much the results but the methods that warrant complaint. “Show me the man and I’ll find the crime against him.” Isn’t that what’s going on, people? Give yourselves a hand, too. You all seem to KNOW this judging by your INCREASE in support for Trump. You all DO see through all the smoke and mirrors. Like I told my sister that day; “I think it will all blow up in Biden’s face. It is, too.

Now you all know that I must be brought forward to save America independent of my Lennon murder evidence status. I am a hero and you all need me to stay free. Deny me and suffer, frankly. Don’t bring me forward and SUFFER! Take head, Trump, too. I suggest he start displaying my website address on his hats or he may be up a creek if he does not. THAT will scald his enemies like nothing else on earth can. It’s called killing the dragon before it kills you, Donald. You wouldn’t be in this mess if you had listened to me in 2020 when I advised the same thing. Your enemies would all be in jail by now. Admit it. WE would be an unstoppable team. Together nothing can slow us down. Apart, well, how’s that ignore me tactic working out? You, too, people of America. Why AREN’T you protesting in the streets with my website address on your signs? Too stupid or just chicken? Beware your messenger jealousy, too.

About Todd Blanche and Trump’s other Jewish looking attorney, are they to be trusted after failing to nail down the charge of discriminatory prosecution, the change of venue and more? That is something I pointed out months ago. Now I notice how they are both smiling in the moments right after the guilty verdicts were handed down. If Trump has one weakness, in my opinion, it is who he surrounds himself with. He’d be better off only hiring family members, frankly.

P.S. About R.F.K. Jr.. I have been supporting him over Trump lately because Trump is too naive to understand that Israel is our secret enemy. As Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Fallon all dump on him from their Jewish owned networks every day does he ever wonder WHY are the Jews screwing him after he made Jerusalem the capital of Israel? Or why the Rosenbergs gave Moscow our A-bomb secrets the same year we gave the Jews Israel? Because Israel is our enemy is why, Donald. THEY let Stephen King kill John Lennon and are the only ones covering it up. Wake UP! Don’t you understand that they don’t allow their children to be named Jesus? That they renounce him and would kill him if he ever came back? THEY WOULD. They are NOT the friend of humanity you seem to think they are. They are the most satanic, backstabbing, deceitful people I have ever witnessed, besides. Is Jared Kushner’s close friendship with Netanyahu a coincidence or they are playing you by marrying into your family? I think you’re being PLAYED, Donald.

That aside, I now am leaning more towards Trump over R.F.K. Jr. Here’s why. I think that brain worm has damaged his brain, frankly. He gives Biden a run for the money in how slow he is to spit out whatever it is he’s trying to say, it seems. According to Trump he is against the second amendment. That is the acid test for me. Smart people are not. Also, Trump has proven himself NOT to be in bed with the bad people of our deep state swamp. And he is a proven fighter and a brave man, besides. I love the Kennedy legacy of clear headed thinking and being out front promoting American values, I just think  R.F.K. Jr. doesn’t understand how important the second amendment really is and how the deep state is desperate to undo it via media violence and by promoting Stephen King.

Post Road Trip Take: 5-21-’24;

Having just spent two weeks driving to southern California via Santa Barbara, L.A. San Diego, Palm Springs and back to Monterey, I have concluded that all of you are bitter or you’d care about my evidence find. It’s not that you need more evidence or a better reason to care, you are just too bitter, collectively, to care. It comes from being raped ridiculous by Stephen King then and now having to explain to yourselves why you don’t care. This in the face of hard evidence like we’ve never had before. Not theory, EVIDENCE! Utterly pathetic, people. Have you all no class, no spine, no back bone?  Well, it’s pretty scary to have to admit that that geeky, hunchback horror writer has sure made a monkey out of all of you. Not out of me, out of all of you. Turncoat cowards at best. Now our enemies know how easily you will all give up the ghost if scared enough. The people who killed John Lennon will have your guns in no time, I’d say.  “And you think you’re so clever and classless and free.” To quote John Lennon. None of you dare deny I have evidence as we all know that someday you’ll have to explain why my website wasn’t enough hard proof for you. For decades, now. The killers;’ face and true identity – Stephen King – printed three and two months before the crime. The same as the one getting Lennon’s last autograph. Chapman’s a decoy, look-alike co conspirator. Mark David King Chapman attached to a letter linking himself to Reagan who is moving him, armed, into a hostile square three weeks prior. Bold print government codes in the headlines of Time and Newsweek and U.S. News magazines surrounding the crime that hint out loud what’s really going on about Lennon’s murder and not just the articles they’re attached to. Up to 75 % just before the crime. Nixon’s book; “The Real War” sitting at Reagan’s side the day of the murder under the headline; “Who’s In?” “Who’s Out?” and what it says about killing John Lennon. King’s many novels that revel in bragging about the elements involved in his killing John Lennon. All this and the fact that he has never, not once, denied my claims. His best friend / bookseller from his home town even admitted to me once;  King is  “…AFRAID HE’S GONNA FRY!!!…” when I was there for summer.

The only thing missing from my efforts and evidence is all of you hoisting me to the media to demand full disclosure world wide.  A lack of character on all your part for not doing that exact thing. Protesting over hard evidence that proves what victims you all are. Only John Lennon as if you need someone important enough to care about. Only the biggest news on the planet and you’ve all been ignoring it like the plague. As if I killed John Lennon and not Stephen King.  You’re all so weak and corrupted and jealous and ashamed and you are definitely all insane.


Hi. Steve Lightfoot, here, with my unusual website and van; I am moving here to Utah because I was ignored by the people of California for four decades and it’s time to admit I may find better luck in a state that’s more normal. I DO have the biggest news on earth to tell and the world can’t afford to wait and, well, there must be something wrong with my home state of California. Stuck up? Stupid? Jealous? Afraid? Too Commie a culture? I don’t know for sure but probably all of those reasons. I was actually born in Helena, Montana and after living in California for a year our family visited Montana for a few weeks and I recall how I noticed how normal the people of Montana were compared to California. I was only six years old then and, even then, I knew there was something awry with the culture of California. I really do miss the normalcy I find in people of our nation’s heartland. I live in my website van and have lived this way for decades due to society’s resistance to me and having to get a new job every six months or so over my employers finding out what I drive and firing me over that. I could not hack the coldness there and I’ve always wondered how it would be to live here in Utah. I made my decision just looking at the nation from a space shot examining the land features and such and Utah it is. I hope you will welcome me in spite of the grizzly expose I am intent on breaking worldwide.

A comparison of two photos; one of Stephen King three months before John Lennon was assassinated and another of the photo of the man getting Lennon’s last autograph before shooting him sums up my evidence. Stephen King IS the same man getting the autograph and Chapman is a look-alike imposter who was used by our government to completely fool you and get away with killing John Lennon. Chapman didn’t kill anybody and is probably not even in prison at all knowing what I know about the situation. In fact nobody ever saw a trial for Chapman or noticed that travesty of justice. That was my first clue to look into the matter. It’s all part of government bold print codes in Time, Newsweek and U.S. News and World Report magazines surrounding the night of the crime I discovered including Mark David King Chapman and Chapman’s attached letter to the editor where he explains how Reagan is moving him, a pawn, armed, into a hostile square weeks before the murder. I have stood inches away from Stephen King in Bangor, Maine in 1992 and all he could say to me was; “T-t-t-ake c-care. I w-want you to t-take c-care.” before he sauntered off after I ignored him while singing a song about him in the middle of downtown. His bookseller friend admitted to me one night, then; “He’s afraid he’s gonna FRY!!!”  So, he has confessed to one of his closest friends that he killed John Lennon. These codes I found are pretty easy to spot. The headline; “Who’s In?” “Who’s Out?” above just elected Reagan the day of the murder was my first real clue. “Reagan’s In.” “Lennon’s Out.” I thought. This was a year and a half after the crime while I was trying to merely look into whatever was said then about Chapman to explain how he skipped trial, altogether.  The December 15, 1980 issue of Time came out the day of the murder, December 8, and there was no murder story except all the headlines were slapping me around like something coded was going on in the headlines. A closer look at that photo of Reagan revealed that he was sitting next to Richard Nixon’s book “The Real War” which, I found out, minutes later, discussed why we must assassinate people exactly like John Lennon. He comes right out and says; “..the rock stars who say ‘war’ is ‘bad’ and peace’ is ‘good’…the ‘Beautiful people of New York’….  who have shown themselves to be brilliant., creative, trendy, who decide how war and our politicians are depicted….” etc. etc.. We all know how John sang “Tricky Dicky’ and his opposition to the Viet Nam War and of how Nixon tried to deport him for three years over a marijuana roach that Yoko planted then. It could only have been John Lennon he was writing about and there it is next to Reagan the day of the murder. Also in Newsweek that day. The smaller headline below that Time magazine photo even reads; “Fitting together the pieces of a complicated jigsaw puzzle…” Well. folks, I did.

That was in July of 1992 and I’ve been brutalized by our government, the police, our courts and our national media for decades, now. All manner of normal avenues to break this news are off limits in real life. The courts and our media are our enemies. The details are on my website for all to see.  I am lucky to be alive, frankly. My father was killed in a plane crash, initially, following a threat letter I received from Stephen King, then, who warned me about “Phase Three” since; “(I) won’t cease (my) investigation….” It’s his hand scrawl and he started the letter; “You haven’t got the whole story yet, but..”  I know it’s his handwriting since a friend of his gave me a signed copy of “Let Me Take You Down” about Chapman in 1992 where he wrote me a letter on the inside flap.

Long story short, I need your help, people of Utah. I’m not big on any religion, though I do, fervently, believe in God, but I know that you all agree we must expose this evidence and demand justice or we will probably lose our country to a communist system that I think killed John in the first place. Only our mortal enemy would DO such a crime against us in the first place. Am I saying that Nixon and Reagan and King are enemy plants who infiltrated our system? Apparently so, people. I have been required to study the matter more vigorously than you just to stay alive and that’s my conclusion. King even writes, several times in one book a year after the murder,; “Beware the Jewish, communist plot against the U.S.” He is Jewish, I believe, too. It’s all very grizzly and as serious as a heart attack and I need demonstrators as nothing less will do to out this, the biggest news on the planet.

California was very nice about tolerating me and my living in van lifestyle and such. They just didn’t have the balls to help me is all. I’m looking for normal, red blooded Americans who aren’t afraid to expose their own government. Actually not even our government, as I said. More like exposing the New World Order our shadow government is trying to replace America with. This is the story of our time and I need you people to help me come forward and break this news. I hope I can count on you. I am 70 years old, now, and started this at age 28. I can’t afford to wait on California any longer. America and all it’s people need you to help me, people of Utah. I’m also looking for a place to grow old and live out my life. I like Utah and hope it all works out that way. It’s a fine place, I know, already. Oh, yeah, I’ll become bigger than just famous, after. I want to spend my taxes on people worthy of them, you see. Right now I get the feeling that’s not California. I promise to remain humble and serve you all, after, if you bring me forward, I promise.

Thank you for listening and welcoming me to your state.

Steve Lightfoot


This will be my next public billboard if Mayor Williamson of Monterey tries to stifle my right to speak for three minutes at city council meetings. The last four meetings he has conspired with his superiors to limit me to only two minutes per meeting. His superiors are Leon and Jimmy Panetta of political fame, here, and, possibly, even Clint Eastwood the famous actor.

I’ll get to Clint first since he has been warned to intercede if he wants to avoid my dredging up his past act of paying an associate to “Ruffi” me while I was dating his girlfriend in 1981. That’s right. On our first date a friend of his who was waiting at the bar next door to the restaurant we were at had an already poured drink (Yukon Jack to mask the taste of a drug) waiting next to him and he offered it to me. Like a fool I accepted.  A half hour later, in the throes of sexual excitement, I passed out for over 24 hours at her place. I knew it was Clint behind my getting knocked out and only refrained from cashing in on it to tabloids because I’m not that kind of guy.  Many years later and after I discovered my Lennon evidence, while watching Jack Nicklaus play a practice round at Spyglass Hill golf course I saw him in the gallery and was surprised to find him shadowing me for a half hour, just feet away from me at all times. As if he wanted to be my friend. I remembered the past and ducked out on him, however. Then, the following year, Clint, now aware that I knew what he had done in 1981, set me up to have me and my website van towed off the  AT&T golf tournament grounds over my snubbing him. This riled me to the point I published newsletters all about that night he had me ‘ruffied’ and passed them all over Pacific Grove. I was let back in the next day and I ended up writing him, after, apologizing for having to go public with my grievance and that was that.  Fast forward to 2018 and I found him trying to kick me off the putting green at Old Del Monte course. I put up a fight and got let back on but I am still banned from entering the bar or restaurant there. I really can’t afford the food there, anyway. I still don’t know for sure if Clint has anything to do with this sudden infringement on my speaking rights at the city council meetings but, just in case, I have temporarily decided to publish his past act here until I get my three minutes back.  He has the power to influence the mayor of Monterey, I’m sure.

Mayor Williamson is a black homosexual and I publicly outed him in retaliation for restricting my time to speak there last month at a meeting. I think he’s more of a compliant, controllable errand boy for others to have his post in the first place. He admitted to being gay the following month and declared how he IS LGBTABCDEFG, etc. all the way and how proud he is to BE. As if he thought I was only armed with that ammo.  Now I have Clint and Leon and Jimmy Panetta still to expose. I said at the last meeting that homosexuality is an act of God to restrict overpopulation and is found in all the animal kingdom. Whenever a population becomes too dense several things occur to cull the herd. Homosexual, suicidal, homicidal, and even genocidal urges take over and the Lemmings, for example, end up running off a cliff to eliminate themselves. Better that than the misery of living eyeball to eyeball with each other. That homosexuality is nothing to be ashamed of since one has no choice in the matter. Conversely, however, I believe it no source of pride, either, as the gay community likes to attach to their cause. (Perhaps they do so to offset the fact that they are more prone to suicide than non gays.) It’s just an unfortunate part of nature that I’m glad has not afflicted me.  I further believe that heterosexuality is akin to animals fighting each other to gain breeding rights to ensure a strong herd having the most powerful males earn the right to progeny of the herd. That it is natures way of ensuring only the most robust males are left to breed and remain heterosexual.  That’s my humble opinion.  In short, I think that homosexuals are weaker about moral issues than heterosexuals. Especially about issues concerning the children and the next generations since they are disassociated from that sphere of life, entirely. I don’t think homosexuals should ever be president, for example. They don’t represent the larger body politic that deserves the strongest, most moral leaders possible. I think my heterosexuality is why I care more than most people whether or not Stephen King is getting away with molesting us after he killed John Lennon. Frankly, I think my hero status represents the possibility that I am even stronger and more moral that even most heterosexuals. I probably DO give the whole world a bad case of penis envy, men included, I think. I have noticed a mountain of public jealousy that I am up against in exposing my findings about who killed John Lennon. I have noticed how certain groups of people resent my heroism in this regard more than others. Toothless, wino losers who resent that I am cleaning up the world and thereby taking away their excuse to BE a loser;  lesbians who I give a huge case of penis envy to, and homosexual males because the next hero is not a one of them but their opposite, and certain, especially media Jews, who think anyone smarter than them should be assassinated  (A la Jesus and John Lennon, for example.) Also any race that is not white, like myself, who resent that the next hero is NOT one of their race. I’ve noticed this fact of life for decades, now and I stand by my opinions in this regard.. I may become the world’s biggest celebrity someday over my status as the “Lennon Man” who broke the biggest expose of all time but I don’t care what people think of me. I know so much about them in the first place.  If people want to deride me for my opinions I say; “Eat your heart out, non heroes.”

Now, about Leon and Jimmy Panetta. The scuttlebutt about them is that they are pro Marxist / Leninist politicians who were tied to these types of people in their rise to political power. I know Jimmy’s competitor for Congress says so over the airwaves and it is not contested by the Panetta’s, so it must BE TRUE!  Others have said as much over the media airwaves, besides. And, yet, these people you citizens allow to run your lives here in Monterey county.  Ruin your lives is more like it, I say.  I notice whenever I expose them Jimmy Panetta is suddenly releasing purse strings that he controls to appease the locals instead of addressing ME.  Millions released to fix this and that all of a sudden. What is he doing controlling our millions of dollars in taxes in the first place, Monterey?!  Especially since the locals all know that the Italian mafia runs the central coast of California. They DO! Panetta is an Italian last name. One local talk show caller once reminded us all that, while doing some work for Leon around his house one week and listening to his political opinions, said that he should not be involved in our politics at all he is so weird and out of step and dangerous.

In 2019 all local courts and law enforcement came out in force to destroy my life with phony charges  Several, all at once, I had to fight and beat and it tied me up for years. One time a relative Panetta judge was slotted to hear one of my cases until I had him removed. They have corrupted the courts just like Biden has done nationally. They are corrupt cowards against the first amendment. You people can either admit it or continue to work like dogs to pay the rent here like they have you doing or you can get rid of them and take my advice.  Mayor Williamson, included. I don’t want to see Monterey become a mecca for gays, do YOU?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      NOW, BACK TO MY WEBSITE’S MAIN CONCERNS;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Too stupid to hoist me on your shoulders and march me down to your lying media censoring the truth? Actually you all really are. In fact, you have been media mind controlled to protect Stephen King for what he did and obstruct everything I am doing to expose this evidence. You are in worse shape than any religion, alone, can get you out of. You need the truth and a hero in your lives or you are helpless. If there is such a thing as the Second Coming, and I don’t think so, then it must be me I have learned so much these past 40 years about how masochistic and insane you all really are. What I know about all of you can’t be taught at a college course or by a book. As the messenger of this monster expose, now for over 40 years, I have exclusive knowledge of humanity and it’s flaws and weaknesses that no priest can begin to fathom or approach. I saw you all laugh at me when my father was killed in a plane crash, I watched the people of Bangor, Maine satanically protect King instead of arrest him and I witnessed his best friend and bookseller at the time admit to me in 1992 that King is ;”…afraid he’s gonna FRY!” I observed how both Clinton, in 1995 and Obama, in 2019, invited Stephen King into The White House. Clinton just days before the Oklahoma City bomb went off (King looks like the famous ‘John Doe Two’ who was never found and writes about nuking Las Vegas in ‘The Stand’!) and Obama/Biden who give him a medal of the arts award in full knowledge he killed John Lennon. I’ve taken note that John Lennon was, not only brutally killed for all his great contributions to our lives, but how all his fans but me turned coat, after, and let Chapman skip trial and all the rest. How they all ignored my evidence all this time and resented me for being a hero about it. I noticed how Jesus was similarly tortured and savagely killed for HIS contribution to our lives, too. Ditto R.F.K. and M.L.K. Jim Morrison and the rest of the heroes our government or Russia’s government killed along the way. I’ve been watching the spectacle of your evil apathy and phoniness curse your lives and all America all this time. I first noticed how you all allowed Chapman to skip a trial, entirely, to see if we were being lied to or not.  Even though Nixon tried to illegally deport John over his high political profile in the 70’s. That was my first clue to look into the matter. That I stumbled onto government headline codes, the killer’s face and true identity, Stephen King, Mark David King Chapman and attached letter linking Reagan who’s moving him with a gun into a hostile square weeks before the crime and what’s in Nixon’s book; ‘The Real War’ that discusses why Lennon must be killed to wage war and how it’s photographed in Time magazine next to just elected Reagan the day of the murder under the ominous headline’ “Who’s In?” “Who’s Out?” is a miracle of providence.  That King writes all about the elements of Lennon’s murder and more is mind bending. I actually uncovered what can only be Moscow’s evil plot to destroy us, morally, using a horror writer to replace good with evil. I uncovered the fact that Nixon, Reagan and many others have been subverting us for a world order plan to destroy America. Biden is the latest enemy of America busy weaponizing our D.O.J. to alter yet another election and steal our right to vote. You poor, sick puppies need this truth hero now like never before. Nobody is denying that I have evidence. It’s all right there on Someday I will be able to say to the world the people of Bangor, Maine and California all had this evidence to use but decided to look the other way and pretend it was just a nightmare and not real. Too jealous that any one man could have so huge a story under his belt, society is bent on denying, not only me, but the whole world, of this evidence find. Everybody KNOWS I’m right about everything and that King belongs on a gurney getting a lethal dose of chemicals for being our enemy and traitor. In fact, until that HAPPENS you’re all in dire need of an exorcism. Decoy, look-alike Chapman, ditto. Yoko Ono, ditto. They all need to pay the price of being our traitors. She was John’s enemy all along and I had to find that out the hard way. She ordered me kidnapped, handcuffed and pistol whipped unconscious in 1987 for giving her a package of my finding s to get to the remaining Beatles. Poor, naive John. After I am honored and the evidence is common knowledge I will be able to PROVE that you had access top my website who’s findings PROVE I’m right and that you all knew but lacked the stones to care. Lacked the self respect and confidence to stand up for yourselves.

I would love to continue along this vain but I must rescue you, now, from a second rigged presidential election you are facing today. I must also warn you, as strange as it must seem, that an asteroid may be in your future if you can’t demonstrate to God you even HAVE a spine to stand up straight with. Trump, with his many faults, is being charged with felonies for mislabeling his hush money payments to Stormy Daniels as legal expenses. If there is a category to list them under that would be it. It is only in court because Biden is, himself, weaponizing the D.O.J. to alter the outcome of the 2024 election. Kind of ironic. Very evil, too. Most of the Trump court cases allege attempting to alter the vote. Biden is guilty of that in spades, though, can’t you all see? The Soviet technique is to call the kettle black and transpose the points 180 degrees from the truth to confuse you. 40 years of disclosing this monster expose has convinced me we ARE under a takeover by our enemies, going down the drain and you all want to go with the flow as dire as it may be. A man has a right to question the integrity of the vote count, does he not? I believe Biden and the F.B.I., C.I.A. and media stole our vote in 2020 when the operation was paused for two hours in the wee small hours until they could reconfigure the results in their favor. That we were robbed in the 2020 election. That’s right. Wake up. Biden lost by a landslide and it was apparent until the machines and coverage were paused. So, now, here we are listening to Valley Girl Kamala Harris spout her fears that Trump will weaponize the D.O.J. against his enemies if elected. She must think, like a Soviet would, that we’re all stupid, I guess. Perhaps they should be charged and jailed for treason and weaponizing our courts to rig the 2024 vote. Kamala has a right to be worried. Meanwhile Biden jokes on the campaign trail how Trump is “busy” with court or he’d be campaigning. We are under attack and a takeover and they all hope you stay asleep long enough until it is a fate accompli. Many other weaponizations of the D.O.J are in play you all know, too. That we are not taking to the streets, now,  protesting all this is shame. It’s a scandal and Biden and our deep state should, themselves, be on trial for weaponizing our courts to alter the results of an election. The world order takeover that Bush Sr. warned us about, bragged about, is in full stride as I speak. I used to support Obama and Biden when I was stupid like some of you are now.  After surviving two very high speed “accidents” in 2010 and 2015 that weren’t accidents I learned they are enemies of America, in fact, and must be stopped. In the first one, a 60 mph hit, T-bone style that toppled my delivery truck and knocked it sideways 20 feet, first, the intersection was paved over the next day to hide any evidence. Really. The second hit was at 75 mph by a uniformed Navy cadet who tried to roll my website van on a San Diego freeway leaving a six foot long tire mark across the driver’s side. He, too, was not cited. That many other episodes loomed then to paint me as a reckless driver to sell to the public come the day I get killed, I’m positive Obama and Biden tried to assassinate me twice. Now I understand how Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, both Bush’s and Obama and Biden are all communists – nothing less – taking over our democracy illegally with our deep state’s help. Trump may not be smart enough to understand that Nixon and Reagan’s toes MUST be stepped on or he is doomed to wrongheadedness. Trump doesn’t understand how Nixon baited the leader of the John Birch Society – Moscow’s most ardent enemy – to his death by inviting him aboard the jetliner, flight 007, the Soviet Migs shot down after Reagan got into office. At the last minute Nixon cancelled and left his seat empty to let him wonder why Migs were surrounding his plane with him next to Nixon’s empty seat. What’s Nixon doing killing the leader of the John Birch Society for Moscow? Many infiltrates have been in our system since WWII, folks. I know so many things we all need to know. Wasn’t it Russia who; “… buried our grandchildren…” under the rubble of the Trade Towers, really? HMMMM? Like Cruschev promised in the 1960’s using our own system against us? They make good on all their verbal threats and HAD to, to save face. Those grandchildren, then, were 40 year old’s working in those towers that day. No proof, but my studied, hard won opinion. I think Bush Jr. knew all about that attack in advance. That’s why he made sure to be in a innocent setting like a school classroom with children when he supposedly learned of it. To fool us all. Some of you have seen how the twenty dollar bills and ten dollar bills even show the scene of the burning towers when folded up right. Nixon explained in 1980 in ‘The Real War’ that Russia would conduct a ‘strategic surrender” at some point to reconfigure their system. Don’t buy it that the Soviet Union since 1994 is gone for good, folks. Trump was warned by me in 2020 to wear a hat with my website address on it or he’s be robbed via vote fraud then. He was, too. He must now play the Samson card and bring down the temple on them all with my website that he is famous enough to give traction to or he will be punished a second time. All of us, too. This isn’t Tiddlywinks, either. America is on the chopping block and our freedom.  You all had better get smart and wake up or we’re all screwed. You all can’t afford to be stupid anymore. Fort years of apathy about my expose PROVES you all ARE stupid, too. Better change, people, and wake up. Being jealous and afraid of this messenger is a luxury America and all of you can’t afford. Like Jim Morrison sang; “No time to wallow in (that) mire..”

There are things about Trump I disagree with. He is too trusting of Moscow and Israel and he’s not green enough for me. He has come along way from being all about himself and he should get credit for that growth. Nevertheless he has proven to be a great president who helped us until Covid -19 was sent our way by China. He accomplished more in his first year than most presidents accomplish in eight years. He, alone, stands between the world order takeover. It’s a fact. His prowess rendered the status quo as bogus, in fact. The swamp is naked, now. Now the Soviet inspired swamp is trying to take away the vote of 65 percent of America that trust Trump over Biden. It’s these common sense, red blooded, die hard, middle of America voters the courts are being weaponized to defeat. Trump is merely the vehicle they are punishing to do so. It’s all of US who should be outraged. Biden is screwing the public’s right to choose who is president. The F.B.I. et all are helping him, too.

I like the notion of an R.F.K. Jr. in office equally. The Soviets killed the Kennedy’s according to Time magazine codes then that implicate Nixon then, too. Now his family members are behind Biden like idiots, frankly. It reminds me of the time I saw Carolyn Kennedy at a San Francisco event praise Gerald Ford for pardoning Nixon. The man who killed her father! I wondered were there recording devices planted next to her pillow as she slept she was so upside down. Now the Kennedy clan is similarly ridiculously ignorant.  All but R.F.K. Jr.. R.F.K. Jr. had better get with it, and campaign more vigorously, too, in my opinion. He HAS a solid shot if he does it right.

Lately the Kansas City Chiefs have been experiencing bad karma following do-do brained Taylor Swift’s praise of Biden. There was the mass shooting at one of their rally events and, just yesterday, Taylors boyfriend’s brother lost his Super Bowl ring in a pot of chili. There was one other event that bode badly for them, I forgot. too. Let’s hope the bad karma for Biden continues and Trump gets the wisdom to go Samson on his enemies and wear my WEBSITE ADDRESS ON HIS HAT that he is famous enough to give traction to and have the finger of evil pointed squarely at them where it belongs. He HAS fame. All he needs is a powerful message to wear. DOES Trump HAVE the stones, or not? Biden and Harris spell the end of America or haven’t you noticed the un democratic weaponization of the courts to subvert our vote, the outrageous inflation that cripples us all, especially the poor and retired, the money printing that renders us a house of cards for future collapse and how he is using abortion as his go to weapon of choice? Something that unites the unholy elements of our nature. And have you noticed how he is trying to buy our vote with this and that; lowering pill prices, student debt forgiveness, and other phony trinkets he is dangling in our faces hoping we will bite the rotten apple he really has in store for us?  Gasoline was under $3.00 a gallon, here, before he took office. Now it’s $6.00 a gallon in California. Groceries are up over 20 %. Wake up, people. Biden, by imposing his outrageous inflation on us has cut social security by 30 % since a fixed income goes only 70 % as far as before he was president. Also, his inflation encourages the elderly to NOT retire as the prices are too high. Another 30 % cut in social security. And tells YOU he is FOR social security. Bullshit. His inflation has made food stamp recipients run out in mid month, besides.  Apparently the deep state has been planning, all along, for decades, to drop this inflation bomb to rob from the baby boom generation and Trump was in their way. Credit card debt and the national debt is at record levels. Big oil and big banks must love Biden, lately. Biden and Alejandro Mayorkis opening our border gates wide is an assault on America and a formula to lower wages. Think about THAT! All they care about is the migrant vote, America be damned. They WANT American culture to be watered down with people who don’t appreciate our heritage and freedoms. And it is, lately. What about WWIII in the mid east, now, and the war in Russia and Ukraine? Russia invaded Ukraine under Obama and, now, Biden, not Trump. Russia had their fingerprints all over the attempts to unseat Trump when he was in office. Because Russia locked up our media decades ago with a 70 % Jewish media monopoly you weren’t given that news. Except for me and this Lennon expose, that CAN SAVE US ALL IF WE USE IT AND DEMONSTRATE, we’re getting mugged by lying politicians. Hoist me on your shoulders and out my evidence or you might find that you were defeated by your own stupidity and not just the new world order that Moscow is pushing.  Oh, and the Gaza strip. He claims he is feeding, rescuing, the Palestinians. At the same time he is, in reality, bombing them in a genocidal manner supplying Israel with all those bombs we see destroying entire buildings because they are too cowardly to fight warfare in a conventional manner. It’s The Crusades all over. It’s genocide and he is behind it as he tries to deceive you otherwise. He’s a trickster and deceiver. Wake up and help me come forward. I may be your only salvation. Really. This Lennon expose that you jealously, masochistically, love to hate. If the college students rightfully protesting our wholesale slaughter of Palestinians would also protest to expose my evidence we COULD be saved.

Now, back to my evidence and why it is the most important thing on our plate right now. The biggest expose of all time and the biggest news since, that’s right, since Christ. It just is. Wake up. Don’t be a jealous, boot-licking masochist like you’ve all been all this evil time.

(Oh, and by the way, having just deleted a mountain of pure, bitter bull crap from this section, I am fully aware that I often sound like an out of control monster, myself, raging against the tide of your apathy and all the abuses your apathy and neglect have put me through. Oh, well. I never claimed to be a saint or perfect, did I? If I am the Second Coming it’s not because I want to be, believe me. If I knew then what I know now I’d have broken the story by committing a victimless crime – the only way your condition will allow for – and saved America sooner that way. I am convinced, however, that Jesus, by being so polite and mannerly, cost himself his life for it. So, there’s that, too. I’ll delete much more of this still existing mountain of bitter bull crap, too, just after I have rested a little for the time being. Shame on me for being bitter? Or shame on you for being to blame for my being bitter? That is a good question.)

Actually, before resuming my site with what’s below, allow me to expand upon the notion I consider myself the number one most eligible – by far – to be such a thing as the Second Coming.  I’d have offered it up in the above but your attention spans wouldn’t tolerate it. So here goes.

To begin with, if anyone was the Second Coming it would have been Lennon who stood out like none since Christ with his powers and talents and influence. If you want to believe in such a concept I’ll settle for the Third Coming. As for myself, I don’t believe in religion and prophesy or such notions. I simply believe people come along, sent by God’s providence, every hundred or so years to save us from our wickedness and our masochistic ways for our own good. I believe the government thinks this, too, and has devoted their efforts to assassinate every last one who DOES rear his head like me and the others they killed already.  The main reason I’m still alive is I have already put the blame, publicly, on all of YOU should I get killed. For being so apathetic and weak and stupid and jealous. John would still be alive, for example, if he warned us in 1980 to beware Nixon wants him assassinated. That would have scared Nixon and the deep state off, believe me. But John was too naive, I guess. I KNOW it’s the public’s fault for being such roll over pussies about it every time it happens. Now, should I die, you’d all be very upset with yourselves, for a change, instead of the government, and HAVE to do something to correct the situation and the government fears that like Kryptonite. I have set the stage for all of you to be too uncomfortable with yourselves if I should be killed to stay silent like you always have before. If I come across as self important and arrogant it’s because I have to just to not be killed by all of you. Jesus and John Lennon were far too trusting of all of you. Too nice for their own good.

It so happens that my job entails, just to stay alive, understanding things about your wickedness that religion and theologians are unaware of and only I COULD know. I am FORCED to examine all of your navels like none other before me. All the evil things you represent are obvious to me like no one else, I assure you. I’ve seen behind the looking glass like only a messenger like me could.  As such I reluctantly have to admit, in spite of my not wanting it, I just might BE that designated hero sent by God’s providence to have to correct your stupid move of allowing Chapman to just skip trial in the first place. You phonies can’t even admit that THAT was wrong. I HAVE to admit it. Now I am convinced that you are all boot-licking, cowardly masochists too jealous of one like me to do anything sane at all. I have to appreciate what a huge job I have and nobody else on earth could possibly know what I know about all of you poor, helpless sinners caught hiding behind phony religion. To be frank, after this news is disclosed, religion will likely die an inglorious death after you all are shown how impotent it has been to leave you too weak to stand up to Stephen King and hoist me on your shoulders to save yourselves. Religion, as I have already exposed, is a fraudulent, feel good notion that makes you feel clean like a bar of soap does but never addresses the cause and corrects it. Once King is executed for what he did and you are exorcised, once and for all, religion will look like a lying con man who has fooled you all this time. Something only weaklings would cling to. I am not alone. Jesus didn’t trust religions either. You can quote me; My expose, this evidence I have discovered that pulls back the curtain on our lives, is more powerful than all the religious sermons and gatherings in churches of the last thousand years. It IS. You’ll see once it happens, trust me. Not that church and religion have nothing to offer us. Just  a fraction what living under truth has too offer. Little league versus major league. The Jews, the Pope  and other religious leaders cringe at these words because they control you WITH religion for their sinful purposes. They want to hide me and what I know from all mankind. Once you taste the truth and deal with THE TRUTH and experience life under THE TRUTH religion will be relegated to the notion of faith, not fact, where it belongs. It’s hard to fathom, I know, that all these centuries you’ve all been barking up the wrong tree in this regard.

My last name, Lightfoot, is alarming. Light – truth, Foot – carry. ‘Carrier of the truth’. It surely didn’t escape my observation. When I was 12  I saw the most amazing sight a human has seen in centuries; a mountain sized asteroid going 170 thousand miles per hour wiz by us almost hitting us. My first thought was; “We all almost just died.”  You see, I KNOW we are sitting ducks and only our deserving life and this planet can save us from so powerful and unstoppable a force of nature. I have a reason to behave NONE of you can relate to. Not even close. I am profoundly changed from that sight. Just last year another man I met in Carmel Valley, California admitted he saw the same one I saw. He was in North Carolina and me in northern California. The size, time of day and angle of trajectory all matched up. To be even more alarming, the way it was presented to me was almost as if God made SURE I saw it. I had just fluffed up my pillow and laid my head down and looked up from our back yard in my sleeping bag when it presented itself to me. “BLIP!” fast and so big it took up a sixth of the sky. Hold your index finger eight inches away above your face, open your eyes for a millisecond, and that’s how big and close it was. Not just white but a churning yellow and orange in the mix, too. Deathly silent for only being about 3,000 mile away I recall.  We almost all died back in 1966. Fact. Fact, folks. You need me to tell you so, too. You need to care about how evil you behave so one like it doesn’t come back and put you all out of your misery.

That’s why I care about not being a sinful slob about Lennon’s murder, unlike you. You have no idea how fragile all this life on earth is. I KNOW we have to behave because nothing else can protect us from such a monster. A mountain moving so fast it went from California to Hawaii in about three seconds? If you want to trust our experts who claim they can stop it then be their fools. Not me. Maybe you want to freeze to death after the dust blots out the sun for decades but not me.  Why do think it is that only mammals small enough to burrow underground survived the one that made the Gulf of Mexico that killed the dinosaurs? The Gulf of Mexico is crater from an asteroid. That’s how big they are and they’re still out there waiting to erase the unworthy.  Right now, ignoring my evidence and making Stephen King a millionaire who is still raping young children as he has already been convicted of in 1992 in Belfast, Maine, is ASKING for another one to wipe us all out.  His reputation as a pedophile is rampant in Florida and Maine where he lives. Lose your messenger jealousy and boot-licking fear of government, stop pretending religion will clean you up and stand up to King and do the right thing. Expose, arrest, try, convict and execute his traitorous ass or OUR ass is grass, I think. I even publicly prayed for an asteroid to PUT us out of our misery if we don’t, in fact. On February 14, 2017 on KSCO Radio while being interviewed. This in response to one caller who opined; “Well, so what if King DID kill John Lennon. It’s not important, now…” I know we’d be better off dead than how we’re living, now. You don’t know but I know. I know better than foolish all of you, frankly. You’re all in upside down, insane Hell right now. Your teen suicide rate that has quadrupled since 1981, mass shootings, Fentanyl and all the other evils that has befallen you are proof I’m right and you’re all wrong. You all need a hero to save you. Religion has failed you fools.

Yes, I AM important enough to be interviewed on radio and have been several times. One such interview followed weeks later by a confrontation on KABC Radio with Henry Kissinger resulted in my killing Richard Nixon.  Morton Downy Jr. – the only trustworthy, truth seeking and patriotic media person I have encountered in all this time – gave me three days in a row on his radio show to expose my evidence where Nixon lived in L.A. and, weeks later and a half hour after I confronted Kissinger, Nixon died of a stroke. I know he was listening to his former Secretary of State. I know he recognized my voice and I know I made the difference and I’m proud to have caused his stroke. He was pure evil.

Lately I have noticed how my talk radio days when I was a legend have changed talk radio. Because of me, and no one else, the seven second delay is gone replaced by a 40 second delay on Coast To Coast AM – the nations biggest show – ,for example, and many other shows across America.  Because of me caller ID block is not tolerated on most shows, either. Whenever a call screener thinks it’s me on the line – I have to use other names – I am met with insane amounts of jealousy and fear from him or her. Like watching a person turn into a monster bent on killing all society just to block me. Some of the things they say after I do get on and drop my website address are appalling.  “Oh, c’mon, we’re trying to be serious here and he brings up that nonsense…”  He knows it’s all true and as serious as a heart attack but has to call it nonsense to cripple your minds who don’t know. Jealous, mostly Jewish controlled, media assholes censoring my important, vital to us all, call. In 1992, when I first hit New York City, before I had a website, even, both Rush Limbaugh and Howard Stern, the biggest talk jocks in America, took a pause for the two months I was there and didn’t accept any calls they were so afraid I’d get by their screeners. Talk radio is under government control. It may well be a government propaganda weapon. Lately the screener for George Nori’s  ‘Coast To Coast’ show has been depriving you of my voice. Last night, 4- 26 -’24, I called. The subject was how China became so powerful. The conversation went like this; “Name and city.” “Mitchell from Denver, Colorado” “What would you like to say?” “I’d like to ask your guest if he thinks Nixon was a communist agent given the fact that no other American more empowered China than he did opening up China in the `1970’s” “That’s a great question. (At this point he knew it was probably me. He continued;) Let me ask you, does China play by the rules?” “I don’t understand what that has do do with my call but since you brought up the subject, yes, China plays by the rules because that’s what communist do, they do as they’re told.” “And you don’t play by the rules and unblock your number?” “No. I choose, to exercise my independence and not do as I am told.” “How does it feel to be wrong?”(Perhaps, at this juncture screener Tom Danhieser was referring to my Lennon murder claims.)  “I don’t know. You should look in a mirror and ask yourself the same question. You’re jealous is all.” “I’m jealous?” “You’re jealous of power, celebrity and importance.” At that point I hung up on him because we’ve had this “Play by the rules” conversation dozens of times. This time I got to him. I got under his skin. Minutes later, when he had to get on air about some promo, he was noticeably shaken by what I said. His typical arrogance was gone. He now knows that I know exactly WHY I get under his and George Nori’s skin. I have power, celebrity and importance. I’m a threat to their agenda to baby sit America for the C.I.A. and keep us away from controversy that matters. Meanwhile, George Nori has admitted that he once worked for the C.I.A. after his stint in The Navy and he wastes our time and insults our intelligence with talk about aliens, Bigfoot and extra terrestrial claptrap. By the way, I believe extra terrestrials exist, I just don’t think any of them have EVER been within one hundred light years of our planet, yet. The media likes to keep us looking up to the sky to keep our minds off of what our politicians are doing down on the ground here. It’s become a cottage industry that keeps us stupid, in my opinion. While George Nori SEEMS like the gentle uncle we all love he must be quite the opposite if he needs a Tom Danhieser to put a condom over his show. Is George Nori really a Nazi in disguise? He wouldn’t be allowed to host the nations biggest talk radio show if he was not, in my opinion. A con man. He is Lebanese but seems more Jewish in his conduct, frankly. In fact, I was offered to be a guest for two hours on his show in 2020. I backed out after a call I made to his staff revealed a contempt for me that suggested they were hoping to shoot me down. Similarly I turned down Mori Povich’s television show’s offer in 1992 for the same reason. Oh, it’s hard for one such as I to do what I was legend at doing in the 1990’s as a caller. I, literally, was a huge reason why talk radio took off as big as it did. I was on almost daily all across America for a decade.  I never used my real name out of necessity. Now it’s all condom radio and I am shut out, mostly. KSCO’s owner, Michael Zwerling in Santa Cruz, seemed to be the exception until I learned that he, too, was intent on marginalizing me, ultimately. I no longer partake of his shows. I discovered he hired people TO shoot me down like Billy ‘Sunshine’ and Jack Stine. One caller, Rory from Watsonville, I suspect, is also a propagandist. Stine sued him after he failed to hire him full time, after, for his treachery. But back to my status as, perhaps, a messenger of Biblical stature..

When I was also about 12 years old my father, a physician, sat us four kids down to learn how to play poker. Five shuffles and two cuts later I was dealt, right off the top, my first hand ever dealt, a royal flush. When I told my father I noticed a pattern and asked what should I do he was stopped for ten seconds in disbelief at what his son had just accomplished without trying. Maybe I really AM a person of destiny selected to do amazing things.

As sure as John Lennon was born under the auspicious circumstances of a German bombing raid on Liverpool, I was born at the exact moment we tested our most powerful weapon, ever, the hydrogen bomb in the Bikini Islands. March 1, 1954 between 10;00 am and 10:30 am Montana time. Not since then have we ever tested anything so powerful. That’s right, the man who saw the asteroid that almost killed us, who solved John Lennon’s murder by accident, who first solved the trisection of an angle with only a compass and straight edge in under twenty minutes his first try at age 17 (I’s detailed below somewhere.), the man who got the woman who was central to Roe vs. Wade to change her mind a month after hearing my talk radio call on her only interview, ever. (Also listed below somewhere.) This man, Steve Lightfoot, “Carrier of the truth”, the one warning you about an asteroid end if you don’t face up to the evidence I have unearthed, was coming out of the birth canal exactly as we were exploding our most powerful weapon ever tested. Kind of makes you sit back and wonder who IS this guy?! Better pay attention, people. I might be more important than even I think I am. It was at 7:00 to 7:30 am Bikini Island time when it happened. Me and that explosion. Perhaps America’s two most powerful weapons, ever. Simultaneously. More than just weird.

Furthermore, if you go down a ways in this section, l detail the undeniable presence of an avenging, as well as guardian, angel in my life that punishes my many enemies. As prolific as anything the Bible chronicles. When I made that public prayer in 2017 on KSCO Radio to wipe us out if we can’t punish King in my lifetime I declared, also, that I didn’t believe in God. That was the only year I ever felt that way. Shortly thereafter, during that same period of my life, while under extreme assault by Santa Cruz and Monterey authorities, episodes taught me that there MUST be a God to so astoundingly punish those enemies who rose against me. You’ll have to scroll down and read it all to believe it. INCREDIBLE! There is no doubt in my mind, now, that there really IS a God. It’s as if he was desperate to convince me after I made the mistake to doubt him in 2017.

As for being guiltless about the notion of removing mankind from existence if mankind cannot stand up to evil and what Stephen King did, that’s right, I would feel no guilt or remorse if that turned out to be the fact of our future. If you’re all so stupid you’d allow Stephen King to get away with killing John Lennon, if you’re so stupid my evidence doesn’t get you outraged. If you have so little class as that, I say God made a huge mistake he should be ashamed of and he should start us all over from the drawing board. For goodness sake. For over 40 years I am witness to the fact that you HAVE behaved like masochistic monsters about my expose. Monsters. Compared to the life we would inherit if we did punish King and stand up to evil versus the life we would inherit if we could not find our spine, there is no question in my mind that we’d all be better off dead than alive under that circumstance. That my judgement call would have been the humane thing for us all. If I am the designated judge of the matter I have no doubt my opinion is valid and just. Satan should BE deprived of such a weak host to prey upon if that turned out to be the case. If you people don’t have the class to stand up to what Stephen King did to you, I think you’ll al have to admit, you’d be Godforsaken masochists not worthy of so magnificent a planet to live on. The exact prayer was; “…If that’s the way you all feel, if we cannot jail King in my lifetime then I pray a mountain sized asteroid puts you all out of your misery since you’d be better off dead than living as you do…”In other words, based on my track record, there is probably a 70 % chance it WILL happen if even King dies before I die. Think about that, people. Better hurry up and punish him before God punishes all of you.

John Lennon called his assassination; “The Event” Paul McCartney even said so the day after the murder. “Well, that was John’s thing. “The Event” he called it.” That astounding quote was never rebroadcast or mentioned again. John KNEW he’d be killed he was so important to us all. The question is; WHAT will be the result of his murder?: Our salvation or our doom? It all depends on whether you all can change in time and stand up for yourselves or not, I think.

Of all the many horrific things I have learned about humanity along the way as the messenger of this, the biggest expose of all time, one of the most  dismal was Paul’s cowardliness about my evidence find. In 1990, following an meeting I had with his brother Michael in San Francisco a year before, Paul conducted a concert at Berkeley, my stomping ground at the time, to give me a plug of support as I asked of Michael. It was April Fool’s Day in the middle of his song; “Fool On The Hill” (I have the tape recording for proof) when Paul shouted out; “Yeah, Steeeeeeve! That’s RIGHT! I don’t know what YOU think, Berkeley, but I want you to know that we like it and we NEED you as a PEOPLE to GET to the PROMISED land. Oh, yeah, the dream; ‘Free at last, free at last, thank God, almighty, free at last!'” and then he continued with his song. I was in the eight row center stage and missed it. Only while listening to my tape, days later, was I aware at all of his feckless effort. I recall how his wife, Linda, looked so ashamed of Paul that whole evening as if she knew it would be a plug no one would understand. True to my avenging angel status, for being too jealous of me and John to really help me, Linda died shortly after and his second wife divorced him and his music career never shined, afterwards, like we all expected. He sacrificed all of mankind to the evil of the lie and cover-up just so he could be safe and jealous of me and John Lennon. Unforgivably pathetic. I, like M.L.K., also have a dream; where all big celebrities will AUTOMATICALLY come to our rescue given their platform and that we, the public, will back them up with a tax revolt and worse if any of them ever gets killed for doing so. THAT’S the way life MUST operate in the age of mass media.

Now, do YOU PEOPLE want a beautiful life under truth or not? Or do you want to be at Satan’s mercy your whole miserable lives? I have given you the evidence you need to do so. No betrayal could be more unforgiveable than to ignore one such as I, a very brave hero in your midst, who risked all to inform you. I have rallies every Sunday. I’m still deciding on when and where but offer tentative dates below, somewhere.

My latest and greatest billboard I sport on my van reads; “SAVING YOU BRAINWASHED PHONIES” Very proud of it, in fact. It’s not easy to nail the essence so perfectly as that.

Only YOU can break news this big. So, just DO IT, PEOPLE and protest with me.

I have to leave this computer for now but let me remind you of why I am different from all of you. We all have two arms, legs, nostrils, ears, eyes. We all have one head and set of genitals. We all have that little spigot under out tongues that squirts saliva and we all have that other spigot inches above our rectum to keep our stink down that squirts out perfume. I hate to be so indelicate, but people, your shit really does stink regarding what I do and am trying to do. Your ignorance of my expose is satanic and will doom you and has been dooming you all this time.  You all HAVE to pull your heads out, now, and help me protest the cover-up. If not you probably WILL be killed by an asteroid or I wouldn’t have been warned like I was then as a boy. I am here to help you, not show you all up. If it turns out I sing as good as anyone on earth someday it won’t be because I am proud but because I know that’s what you need from me after disclosure. God is supplying me with the goods, too, so hurry before your apathy kills me, first. Or, I can deprive you all of my four part movie about my 43 year expose odyssey, never entertain you, never write original music or songs, never give you the time of day, etc. if you don’t. I’m not all about me. I’m all about all of us. I don’t even have sex with you you’re so unsexy under your apathy, lately. Now, THAT”S sincerity. Oh, it’s not that I don’t love sex and the opposite sex. I am just as virile as I ever was as a young man. Amazingly. I’ve had my fair share, besides. It’s just that, as the messenger, God, apparently, wants me to finish my job, first, before he allows me to see you in anything but a pitiful, unworthy light. It’s been decades, people. You’re not sexy under Stephen King’s evil thumb. Can only I see that? Can’t you all? Get a CLUE! PLEASE!!!

In closing this chapter let me revisit Tom Danhieser’s jealous notion I might be wrong about my findings.  If I WERE wrong Stephen King would have denied my claim decades ago, but he has never denied my claims. If I were wrong Paul McCartney would never have endorsed me, live, at a Berkeley concert. Mark Chapman would not have been able to skip a public trial. The general public would have approached me to say I was wrong about my claims but they have not, either.  Instead, they know better because I have the goods on my website and they know I can point out that fact if they ever try to deny that they knew I was right after disclosure. I sell my magazine with a satisfaction back guarantee if anyone is not convinced it is proof. No refunds in thousands of sales, yet. If I was wrong I would not have endured several attempts by our government to assassinate me as well as the dozens of false criminal charges they had to dismiss over these decades and all the episodes of kidnap, beatings, broken bones and gun pointing episodes involved in the process. My father would likely not have died in a plane crash and Stephen King would not have written me, warned me, in his own pen scrawl weeks before that happed. If I was wrong I’d have been drummed out of the scene long ago by society. But, instead, you slump their heads in shame and curb your enthusiasm while I’m in town. You all laugh less loud and walk and talk less proud and boycott my magazine locally to thwart me rather than take a stand against the evil I have exposed. You can’t find a spine to strand up with and stand up to King with my evidence.  If I was wrong I would be man enough to admit it. I would not waste my life on a lost cause. I would not sacrifice my golf career ambitions, my comfort, to protect you lost, poisoned victims. I am intelligent enough and sane enough to know I am RIGHT. ABSOLUTELY CORRECT ABOUT IT ALL. Maybe some of you did not have the brains to almost ace the S.A.T. test like me or have the gumption to attempt a career in pro golf like me or have the courage of a hero like me, but I am right. I am correct. The facts of life prove this point, too.  As such it is all of you who have been proven wrong not to care and demonstrate like a sane, brave people should. Let’s have all of YOU be man and woman enough to admit when I am right. A hero this important doesn’t come along every day and it is foolish and unwise of all of you to sit on your hands and hang your heads in shame when I am right here, armed with PROOF, waiting for you to care and do something about it. Talk about betraying me, what about betraying John Lennon after all the great songs and music and political backbone he gave all of us? He stopped the Viet Nam war. He did so much for us. Have you no respect for that, too?  “Come together over me.” He sang it for a reason. He knew he’d be killed for being so powerful and he wanted to make it matter and give you a lever of power to pull over it, someday. I’m still waiting.

While I’m waiting let me demonstrate what it is you’re missing out on. This morning, 4-27-’24, on Coast To Coast  I snuck on and said the following; “…Hi, Richard. Interesting show you have, here. I really hope Elon Musk is listening to this. You know how windmills make electricity by friction in those little boxes behind the propellers? The turbines?” “Yeah.” Well, put hat same technology in all four hubs of all four wheels of a car, lose half of the batteries in a typical electric car and create your own electricity as the wheels turn. That’s the answer. I hope Elon Musk hears this. The other great idea I have is,”

The he blocked out but the point I am making is you could have free transportation if you make me famous. Big oil and big electricity would block my idea unless I were famous enough to plow past their conspiracy to stop so great an idea as letting your wheel rotation power your cars and trucks. Even eighteen wheelers, I think. You poor victims need this hero. As far as my singing goes, which I haven’t really discussed,  people never tip me a dollar as I sing from my van next to sidewalk cafes to karaoke discs.  Mostly three dollars, five dollars, ten dollars, twenty dollars and even two forty dollar tips at a time, people. I must be good. I don’t even solicit tips. I just sing from my van to generate a buzz about my website. Who knows what else you’re all missing out on?  As far as exactly mimicking the great singers of our time I’d say I do as good a job as anyone on earth, frankly. Hey, I can’t afford to be modest. I have an expose to break. I have an asteroid you all need to avoid.

April 29, ’24 insert; My story is so big my brothers want to kill me to deprive me of the glory?

Just as I was about to get on with the rest of this section my two brothers have reared their jealous heads, again and I must out them before their jealousy finds them murdering me. That’s right. Not paranoid. They both already tried to kill me before, when I was 16, before I ever became the messenger of the biggest news since Christ. In those days it had to do with my being the first born and the first to do everything and having a reputation in school for being a brainiac as well as the school’s best artist, etc., etc., etc.. They – one of them – admitted, begrudgingly, of meeting up one day to shoot me in the head with a 22 scope rifle while me and one of them were split up out hunting birds one day. The bullet grazed my right ear, in fact. My father was a reluctant father and could be a tyrant and I, in turn, found myself occasionally passing on his tyranny he put on me onto my younger brothers. That’s it, though. The rest is all on them. All kids are mean and unruly and we were like most of all of you, in fact. I was, overall, a good brother to them and a kind person and did not deserve things they did to me. I will show you all how their Cain spirit exists in all of you to a lesser degree and why it is that messengers, especially, bear the brunt of society’s sinful, jealous, masochistic nature.

I explained the circumstances when we were all young boys. Lately, and in spite of my forgiving both of them for that first attempt a day after we buried our mother’s ashes in 2019,  my younger, not youngest brother who pulled the trigger then, has given me reason to believe they have hatched a scheme to find me and him far away and alone in Mesquite Nevada to coach him to compete in a senior long drive contest and, somehow, turn that into my death.

Lately, after months of silence, I confronted this brother with the fact he stole my Buck hunting knife from my storage locker decades ago and I wanted it back. It was my father’s knife and I have a sentimental attachment to it.  He never denied taking it but wouldn’t admit taking it, either. He is the only person who ever had access to my storage besides me so I know he took it. Weeks later he called me and brought up how he wants me to coach him for his desire to win a long drive contest (golf). I tried out for the tour three times when I was young and I am writing a book about technique and I could give him some useful pointers. The conversation became suspicious when he asked me to take down a number and address and asked ME to sign him up. Not him, ME. That’s just weird. Like trying to rope me into something in an unusual way. He also wanted me to come along with him to Nevada and be his cheerleader and not just his coach. To be his moral support.  When I told him that he’d have to sign himself up and I might not be up to everything he has in mind the conversation ended. A subsequent call I made that basically told him off for not being willing to return that knife resulted in my youngest brother, days later, texting a photo to my sister of him looking into the camera down to the ground in a menacing way, his skin folding like a Sharpei dog, stoned on THC and looking like a murderer. To make thigs more suspicious his text read; “That’s me in my Bruce Almighty outfit.” What could be more almighty than murder? I thought. I happened to be visiting my sister at the time. I pieced it together how my younger brother contacted my youngest brother to let him know I told him off that day or the day before and he – they – felt it necessary to end my life, once and for all. Before I broke my story and became world famous and was able to rat them out for trying to kill me as a boy and for not helping me with my expose like good brothers should have. For being cowards all about it all this time. They are motivated by shame as much as jealousy I think.

Last night I called my younger brother to see if he followed through with his registering for his contest. “No, you failed me.” he said. As if my not doing HIS job was failing him, somehow. He then brought up how my mischief as a boy once playing with matches resulted in him getting a severe spanking and other things that were sheer nonsense and made up, entirely. In fact, he had been behaving like this lately and it alarmed me as to why. He felt the need to add that Michael has even more peeves against me than he does. My mind went to the fact that it was the two of them who conspired, before, to kill me. A bond that exists with them to this day and how this extra bit of information was reason enough to conclude they have, after all these years, an evil plot to kill me, as paranoid as it must seem to you readers. I told him, “Paul” – by the way his name is Paul Anthony Lightfoot from Santa Rosa, Ca. and my youngest brother’s name is Michael Kelly Lightfoot from Fair Oaks, Ca., the one who pulled the trigger long ago  –  “Paul, I’m to blame for everything that ever went wrong in your life. I’m the reason you…” and I listed episode after episode that was all his fault  to show him it was all his fault, all along, to show him how ridiculous he sounded.  I even left a voice mail, after, letting him know I’d be posting this in my website to protect myself in case he and Mike are trying to get me killed on a road trip to Nevada under the guise of my being his golf swing coach.

Even before this last episode I called my sister last month to warn her that Paul sounds suicidal and is obsessed with childhood memories and making up reasons why I ruined his life. The biggest advantage I ever had over them was the fact that I was breast fed from a farm girl in Montana while they were not. I probably DO have a better brain for it, too. They seem to resent THAT the most, I think. They had to live up to my performances their whole life and I was a hard act to follow, I’ll admit.

They have both been punished for trying to kill me, I think. Maybe they sense that, too. I told you all about my very real and prolific avenging angel. I don’t have any control over that. Whether I want bad things to happen to my enemies or not, bad things happen. I could embarrass the hell out of both of them and reel off the dysfunctions in their lives and families but I won’t. Like I said, I’m a good person and brother. I only print what is necessary..

There, I’ve said it. Now they are suspects one and two should I get killed. I hate to have to say this because it gives the government, who really wants to kill me, an alternative scenario to employ someday to absolve them. Now the government might trick them into killing me, somehow. I’ve learned to never underestimate the abilities of our government to commit mischief. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn they might be responsible FOR my two brothers mental illness in this respect. Are there tiny speakers next to THEIR pillows as they sleep planting evil thoughts, I wonder? Don’t think the government doesn’t do that kind of stuff, people. They do. They have all the psychiatric tricks up their sleeves and my brothers would be too naive about to notice. I am such a huge fish they want dead they would leave no stone unturned if they felt they could turn my brothers into my mortal enemies. The perfect cover for THEIR crime. Not unlike when they made sure I was driving a meat delivery truck, and not my website van, when they tried to T-bone me at 60 mph and repaved the intersection the next day to cover their tracks.

No, I’m not imagining all this or paranoid. Only my guardian angel spared me the first time they both tried to kill me. I Have to say it here to keep them FROM carrying out their decades long grudge against me for being the first to do everything as siblings. In a nut shell. They copied my golf, my falconry, my driving a sports car and then I found the scoop of all time about Stephen King killing John Lennon. How can they top that? They can’t. Furthermore they know my possible fame will expose them for their embarrassing, shameful misdeeds someday, possibly. It all came into focus when I realized how my tagging along with Paul all the way to Nevada had to be ruse for something else. Trying to rope me in by signing him up for his contest was out of the ordinary and that is what got my detective eye’s attention. That and his need for me to tag along and be his moral support, besides. When he reminded me that Michael, also, has gripes against ,me, well, that’s why I am exposing  this on my website to stop them in their tracks.

Paul and Mike, if that’s your scheme I’m still too smart for both of you. Repent.

As for all of YOU – not counting my supporters – there’s a lot of Cain’s spirit against me in YOU, too, and not just my brothers. My expose is so big, the biggest news since Christ, the biggest expose of all time and a story that will go down in the history books and expose all of America for it’s role in the decades long cover-up and how everybody tried to thwart me instead of help me come forward, and all the rest. It’s so huge my brothers can’t stand the thought I might succeed and show up all society to the point they would kill me to stop me. The point being, all of YOU, the public, not just the guilty government that did this to you, resent that any one man could harness so much glory all by himself. How else can you explain, Monterey, why it is that only YOU are caught boycotting my magazine? Zero sales in seven years. Where I live and drive my website van the most? You are boycotting my magazine because, like my brothers, you are ashamed of your decades of apathy and silence about it and you are jealous as hell that I will become world famous and powerful and not have to work at a stupid job like all of you will, after. Like my brothers, my living among you has made us familiar to each other. Familiarity breeds contempt, they say. Especially when only one of us will win the lottery of life prize, me, not all of you. It’s why ALL my residences over the decades have ALSO boycotted my magazine the most. Thousands sold all across America and the world but hardly none wherever it is I happened to be living at the time. Jealousy and resentment over it being me and not you getting all the glory. Not only that, people, I have also noticed how you like to prevent me from having a girlfriend or having sex with anyone I so threaten your mediocrity. Like King Herod trying to kill all the first born to prevent the messiah from saving his subjects someday. As if I were an alien with superior sperm that threatened all mankind.  I’ve witnessed multiple episodes of people conspiring to stop any romance from developing between me and whomever. As if you are all afraid to live up to my standards. My standards SHOULD be your standards. A hero’s job is to improve life for everyone. A hero’s job is to teach the rest of you right from wrong. Religion has failed you in that respect according to your actions. Does that scare you fools? It most certainly DOES scare you. I am, a witness. I have also lost at least 50 jobs over time over my website van, besides. You are afraid to even let me work for an honest living. Your actions don’t lie, people. I am a witness. Oh, this expose is bigger than all mankind, apparently.   My brothers outrageous behavior is but a pimple on all of your faces. Your collective resistance to my expose has manifested itself in my brothers evil intentions to stop me. It’s really all of you and not just them.

I am aware of how much marijuana is responsible for my brothers illness. I, myself, quit pot four months ago after seeing my haggard, deranged look on  a monitor screen at a city council meeting.. I happen to have a woman 20 years younger than me in my sights and I want to look younger if I ever become available for her and she for me.  Now that I’ve traded getting high for experiencing dreams at night I am getting rejuvenated with rapid eye movement deep sleep as a result. People who smoke pot 24 / 7 don’t get that deep sleep they need. It causes mental problems. I have to forgive them both with this in mind. Someday Paul will give me back the knife he stole from me or a new one if he lost it. Otherwise his luck will stay bad and my post above will stay. Michael will, too, come around. I understand he is a little deranged from all the pot he smokes. He and Paul may quit pot like I did and get well again. I can only hope.   Any use of drugs is associated with despair and surrender to bad conditions one feels unable to overcome. The Kennedy murders, for example, caused the drug craze of the ’60’s not The Beatles. That John wrote a song; “Clean Up Time” before he died shows me he, too, came around to what I now know. His use of drugs didn’t help in the 60’s and he tried to correct it at age 40. That is something the government feared. They WANT you all on drugs, frankly.

Trump’s bad luck in his court predicament?

You know, my avenging angel is so powerful that Joe Biden’s son, Beau, died of cancer just months after the second attempt to kill me in road “accident(s)” in 2010 and 2015.. He and Obama tried to kill me. Now, seeing Trump’s wrongheadedness about the students protesting the genocidal war Israel is conducting against Gaza and his praise of the police stopping it, I have to wonder is his karma with court trials related to his possibly being responsible for the court matters foisted on me in 2019 and 2020? He was president. His bent to stop activists is pretty disappointing, I must say. I always thought it was the F.B.I., all along, but who knows? Trump, were you involved in that mess I prevailed in, ultimately? Your karma says maybe. Something to consider if you become president and even THINK about messing with my activism or life. Be warned. I write about the student protests below the next section, here.

Like the Berlin Wall, Israel, too, will fall.

Now, before I get back to my original site before this latest entry, I have to comment on the student uprisings over Israel’s genocidal campaign against Palestinians. FINALLY America is responding to their genocidal bombing campaign that has killed 34 thousand innocent people. Good for the students of America for taking the proper side in the matter. If the Jews were better people they would have gone into Gaza on foot, a ground assault, and not indiscriminately bombed the area and committed genocide and domicide, an eradication of their homes. I happen to be one who used to like the Jews but learned, later, that they and the people of Russia should never be in charge of anything due to their history of suffering and misery. They are too mentally ill from their past sufferings to logically see the world for what it is. If Hamas deliberately baited Israel into showing it’s true colors by their atrocities on October 7, it worked.  Now the whole world sees Israel doing unto the world what the world did unto the Jews. Human nature.  Now our mass media is also showing it’s true colors in discussing everything bad the Palestinians did but never referring to what Israel is doing in their genocidal campaign. CBS, for whatever reason, is somewhat balanced, to their credit. It’s partly because Jews dominate our mass media. They have a deep seated need to lash out at the world for what the world did to them in the1940’s. They should NOT control most of our media. They should NOT have a country granted to them based on their religion. No other religion has been awarded that luxury.  I happen to think that the establishment of Israel was a plot by the British and the U.S. to kill the Islamic people.  A continuation of The Crusades. Israel being the “goat on a post”. In other words; any time Israel’s neighbors lash out at them for their oppressive conduct – and Israel is deliberately oppressive to their neighbors to bait them –  then Israel feels justified in overkill retaliation, as we see today. For trying to steal their goat they get theirs in the end. The goat is a deliberate piece of bait, however. Does anyone think Netanyahu did not know, in advance, of Hamas’s intentions? It’s an unholy situation and must be remedied the same way we remedied the other mistake we made in 1948, The Berlin Wall. We must end it. We must scatter the Jews AWAY from their Palestinian neighbors and allow peace and freedom to exist there. They are water and oil and don’t mix. Nor should they, I think. If not scatter the Jews away from that area we must at least not give them their own country just because they are Jews or because they think The Bible gives them just cause to be there. It does not. The Bible and religion should have nothing to do with politics. If they were removed from the middle east it must have been for a reason. Can the Jews say they were NOT exploitive, manipulative? Not conspiratorial? No, they cannot. My Lennon murder findings revealed that the Jews were the only group peddling the Mark Chapman lie and cover-up. From Howard Cosell to Larry King to Albert Goldman, to Barbara Walters. If it were not a Jewish conspiracy that killed John Lennon, that let evil author Stephen King pull the trigger and replace good with evil, then who’s conspiracy was it? It cannot be denied that the Jews were centrally involved in Lennon’s murder and the evil against us all it represented. It was also the Jews, the Rosenberg’s, who gave Moscow our A-bomb secrets and endangered us all, too. This, the same year we gave the Jews Israel. These matters cannot be glossed over and dismissed or forgotten.

You students keep on protesting. It is your RIGHT. When our allies are wrong they must be outed. That the Jews are trying to terrorize the students with expulsion and such is just the kind of reason we need to stop them from doing unto us what the world did unto them. They can’t HELP themselves but be oppressive and un-American. Our Jewish controlled media is also being outed in this debacle unfolding before us. That has to stop, too. If Jews are only 3 % of our world then why do they control so much of our media/ That has to stop! I happen to think that the Jews are secretly in bed with Moscow, our mortal enemy. But what do I know? I only spent 40 years in the belly of the beast that is our real politics unearthing the evidence I found in Lennon’s murder. When Stephen King repeats several times in one of his books written a year after he killed Lennon; “Beware the Jewish / communist plot against the U.S.” I believe him. I think King is also a Jew. What  good guy, huh? When I was in New York City – Jew York City – in 1992, I sang a song that went like this; “Hitler’s chip on our shoulder, crucifixion guilt. We can do no wrong YOU’RE all anti- Semites.” It still rings true today. Frankly, the Jews need me to be famous to clean up their dilemma that they’ve dug themselves into. I can make peace will all people, believe it or not. They, like all of you, need this hero to save the day. They can live elsewhere so long as they clean up their exploitive, deceitful, manipulative ways and behave like the rest of us, for a change. “Imagine; no religion, too.” I might also suggest. Just as my brother has to give me back my stolen knife to get well again with me, Israel has to admit that they are too tortured to run anything for a while and settle elsewhere while they get their senses back. It’s not the Jew we hate, it’s their behavior. They just might have to change their ways. 90 % of Jews are probably good people, I’ll admit. With other races it’s more like 95%.

That’s the point I’m trying to make. Something went awry a long time ago for them to be so run out of the mid east in the first place. Until they change I don’t think Israel is good idea.

If you students want to put some real teeth into your movement start displaying my website address. THAT will work!  Imagine having your movement shift gears like that and use your day in the spotlight to hit the powers that be where it really hurts them? Meanwhile we see that the Jews of at least Israel are evil bastards killing entire peoples under the guise of going after Hamas.

The real problem with the Jews is they are racist supremacists who think being a Jew is being superior to all other races. That’s why they exclusively reproduce with mostly only fellow Jews. A fact I learned as a young man who was next to a beautiful Jewish girl, naked, in bed, only to not get lucky because I wasn’t a Jew. The last time I had sex was decades later with a Jewish woman. That was decades ago and it was the last time I ever had sex with anyone. She was divorcing her husband and heartlessly taking him to the cleaners like a Praying Mantis eating her mate and the transfer of spirituality really turned me off to the whole idea of intimacy, after. It was like being in the presence of a subhuman, frankly.

Anti Semitism laws are being drafted as I speak. One law forbids one to refer to Israel as a racist state. It IS A RACIST STATE. A Religious state, too. They have their own country dedicated to Jewism. Like no other religion I can name. Pathetic! That is a mistake as big as the Berlin Wall and bigger, in fact. It must be erased from our politics. They don’t care a whit about America’s free speech rights, either. They are narcissists from Hell, like Stephen King, who only think of themselves at the expense of others. It’s why they have always been persecuted from day one, too. It is THEY who are prejudiced, not all of us. It is THEY who only breed with fellow Jews and it is the reason they have genetic flaws like bald spots, bad eyesight and big noses. Worse, still, it’s why they have such an off kilter perspective of life and all of the rest of humanity. The Jews HAVE a problem. They think they’re so smart they don’t want to risk diluting their gene pool with non Jews. That’s sick. Like I proclaimed earlier, here; Like the Berlin Wall, Israel, too, will fall. Of its own misguided weight, frankly. I used to LIKE Jews. Don’t blame me for being an anti Semite. I learned to wake up to the reality of the matter is all. Normal people would not carpet bomb 34 thousaand innocent civilians to kill Hamas. They would go in on foot in a ground assault, one on one, and route them out. But Israel knows better. Or they THINK they do. That is the problem.

Police crackdown on the protesters;

I have had over 100, maybe 200 police in my face over the years from my activism over the past decades of my holding signs and speaking and such. Three gun pointing incidents, a kidnapping and brutal pistol whipping and more. I didn’t have to be disruptive to get all that harassment like the media is saying about the student protests, either. I happen to know what happened. The F.B.I., the C.I.A., the military, Biden and the deep state and the state of Israel that leads us around by the nose, planted agent provocateurs to be disruptive and delegitimize the students protest movement. THEY were the troublemakers that ruined it all. That’s how our country handles important protest. The students couldn’t see it coming, either. Like I say, students, you want to win? Display my website address – – on your signs and start a new campaign to make me famous. Then I will be your sledgehammer to stop Israel’s war on the Islamic world. SMART protest. Hit them where they REALLY will get hurt. With their Lennon murder controversy. THAT’s what I know about protests. Trust ME. That Trump is unapologetic about the crackdown, even praising it, suggests he is missing a few I.Q. points upstairs. He is still a Neandertal at heart, politically speaking. Wake UP, Donald. Israel is our secret enemy aligned with Moscow behind our unsuspecting backs. Look at my photo of Stephen King getting Lennon’s autograph. That was Israel’s crime and Moscow’s crime against us. Only the Jews are the ones covering it up with a Chapman lie. Wake up Trumpster. Jared Kushner could even be a spy marrying your daughter to fool you and manipulate you they’re so deceptive and tricky. Remember the Rosenbergs and Judas. REMEMBER!!!!!

I hate to watch America ruin itself in its support of Israel. So grave an error. Watching our free speech and other rights trampled in the name of rescuing Israel is disgusting. All the radio talk shows are whores about it. For all they know the student’s demonstrations saved us from an evil terrorist attack just letting the middle east know we’re not all stupid and evil. You can’t fool all Americans. Pretty soon the evil media will be as transparent as Israel is, now.  Maybe that’s the silver lining, too.

Bottom line, our Jewish media monopoly is poisonous to America because it could get us into WWIII. I know from experience that the Jews don’t care about free speech or America as much as they should. I think they think we SPONSORED Hitler and want to get revenge against us. They keep it a secret, though. One of their other suspicious traits I’ve noticed.They want to get “theirs” and screw all of us who aren’t Jewish. That’s the product of excessive inbreeding. It not only causes physical defects like bald spots, bad eyesight and more, it causes an unbalanced mind as well. No one race should ever try to sequester off its own gene pool and keep it apart from the rest of humanity. Hitler tried to get the German “master” race in gear and we saw how that ended. When I see the Jews wearing their yarmulkas it reminds me of the scarlet letter. It’s a badge of shame, in my opinion. “Look at me. I have a physical defect, my bald spot.  That and my glasses. It’s only from excessive, discriminatory inbreeding is all. ” What else lies under the carpet of that practice.? A selfish myopic outlook on life? It’s all about shutting out the rest of the world’s gene pool to create their own. It’s ABOUT SELFishness. Screw all you other races and genetic pools out there. We’re SUPERIOR to all of you and we only breed with fellow Jews. Our financial success everywhere is proof we’re smarter than the rest of you. My take on that is this. If one is busy making money, only, he’s not busy being everything else there is in life. He may end up thinking it’s a good idea to let a horror writer, a fellow Jew, asshole Stephen King, in fact, assassinate the smartest man on the planet, John Lennon, who could have united us like no other and served as a hero to guide us through this odyssey of life. The way the human race is SUPPOSED to operate, with a HERO. Not religion or Judeism, a HERO! Trying to create a “Master race” like the Jews are openly all about has proven to be a mistake that has plunged us, with Lennon’s murder that only they are covering up, that only they seem to be responsible for, into Hell on earth. A Satanic result. No, the Jews must be arrested in their tracks with their inbreeding philosophy and we must see that no one race tries to replicate only itself in the ambition of creating a “superior” race. The result is the exact opposite. I think the Jews, with their inbreeding, have created a Hellish monster who has no heart and no soul. And I think it’s just what happens when any one race starts to think it’s better than the rest of us. Can you believe that dozens of Jewish media personnel went about protecting Stephen King for what he did? That’s the last thing the world needs. That kind of mentality. It’s, I’ll say  it, it’s evil.

Moreover, I think the Jews that killed John Lennon were insanely jealous of John Lennon for proving they are NOT the smartest race on the planet. A British man became the best artist of our lives, bar none. Not a Jew. Bob Dylan wasn’t even close. Nobody, not even McCartney, was close, really. Paul had his moments where he was right up there but, in the end, Paul didn’t threaten them like John did. He was the one to worry about. He was the real potential world leader. He had the credentials to gain all our trust. John was the complete package that humanity thirsts for. A brave, freedom loving, people ahead of government kind of soul we all needed. Kind of reminds me of the other genius the Jews killed; Jesus Christ. Many think that Jesus died to save us. I disagree. I think he died BECAUSE of, not FOR, our sins. If Jesus saved us by getting assassinated then why is Stephen King still walking about a free man? We’re NOT saved. We’re sick and depraved. STILL!  We’re still letting the government kill the hero, the smart guy in our midst. Horrifyingly, it’s still the Jews doing this act of killing the hero in our midst. It all goes back to selective inbreeding, in my opinion. They have created a monster and they must not be allowed to continue to only breed with Jews. Israel is like a petri dish TO allow this inbreeding and the pushing of a religion. It’s not natural and it has created a world of bitterness for us all. BITTERNESS!  A lopsided gene pool that has forsaken common sense and decency for their perceived goal of mental superiority. That we, as a nation, with Britain, erected a nation for them to do exactly this and peddle their own religion from there, is a sin and it must be reversed. No other religion or race has its own country or nation. Doesn’t that say anything to all of you out there? The Berlin wall and Israel were born of the same meetings with politicians then. They were BOTH BAD decisions. If we did so to kill the Islamic races, to continue “The Crusades”, then we must be prevented from continuing to do so. THAT is evil. We will not survive that evil as a nation. You poor, bitter, media brainwashed bastards need a hero like me to tell you so. Don’t you? That’s what heroes are for and that’s why the smartest thing all of you can do is bring me and my Lennon murder evidence findings forward against the Jewish media stonewall. Otherwise, you’re, we’re, all doomed. The Jews who peddle Israel want to kill me. I have to say that because I have to give them a reason not to. Backlash is a bitch and they should know. Their behavior got them kicked out of every place they ever lived. Their genocidal campaign they are waging in Gaza today, after Netanyahu LET Hamas do its evil deeds for ten hours while they stood down, after first provoking and persecuting them for decades and jailing their young men to prevent them from breeding, has created the anti Semitism raging all across America today. THEIR ACTIONS! They must change. They, instead, want all of us to accommodate them. That’s selfish and wrong.

About Biden withholding our 2,000 pound bombs to Israel if they go into the civilian population again. Where was he when he was busy with them killing 34 thousand civilians, mostly women and children months ago? He is already a war criminal and his new messaging is all about not losing Michigan votes and such, I think. It was also he who stopped the protests all over our campuses. Stepping our right to complain. No free speech allowed. I notice the Monterey city council is limiting me to only two minutes, not three, to say my piece, as well, lately. I’ll have to publicly out the mayor for being gay if it happens again. How pitiful. Equally pitiful was Trump’s praise of the campus crackdowns. It’s as if you can’t win these days, no matter who you vote for. I hope R.F.K. Jr. gets his campaign in gear. America is hungry for that alternative.


I saw about six protesters marching in a tight circle with two police shepherding them a block away from the campus. I was told that’s all there was left of the protest last week. When I asked students where the protest where I got the “I can’t hear you or see you “routine. Zombies, like the last time I was there, decades ago.  When I hit the main square I saw a man with the U.S. and Israeli flags on his shoulders  marching triumphantly around the now cleared out center.  I saw a small table of “supposedly” pro Gaza people, too.  I immediately reverted to my protest days of yore vitriol shouting out loud; “What a bunch of pussies… the gestapo  made a castrated mess of you, didn’t they?… Look at you washed up douche bags reduced to a pile of ashes …without this message (my sign.)  you have no power . WITH this message you have All the power. …Until this matters you demonstrators CAN’T matter. …your baby boomer parents FAILED you all with their cover-up 43 years ago…. LOOK at you zombies with your ears plugged up with devices isolating yourselves from  your fellow man and woman….  This news, this truth, is too BIG for you to handle. …You’re all jealous I have this huge a story to tell…You’re too masochistic to honor my find…” and so on. I mostly sang a cappela  from my tape player to Beatle songs, mostly, to wow them with my unusual talents to override their dismissive impulses. Upon leaving, the pro Gaza table people were indignant to me in spite of my openly anti Israel speech earlier. I told them; “FAKE protesters pretending to be pro Gaza. Infiltrates taking up space and water down the message, to fool the students with a weak, feckless message.”

We’ll see how well the students log on to and read my website. My accompanying signs read; “STEPHEN KING MUST DIE – FIND OUT WHY” and “DEMAND DISCLOSURE OR SUFFER” and “SAVING YOU BRAINWASHED PHONIES”  While protesting, a police helicopter provided fear tactics to control the subdued, phony protesters, now silent and in zombie mode.

P.S. the Jew with the two large flags came over to talk to me and admitted; “Yes, we are superior and smarter…I think you’re jealous…                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                How’s that messenger jealousy and fear of government working out for you people? Like R.F.K. Jr. recently said; “America has become unrecognizable, lately…” I have learned the problem with EVERYTHING in this messed up world is YOU, the PEOPLE. In spite of your knee jerk denial syndrome and human weaknesses, none of you have ever challenged my evidence. I DO have hard evidence that PROVES author Stephen King murdered, assassinated John Lennon. PROVES that he, not Chapman, is the man photographed getting Lennon’s last autograph. PROVES that Nixon and Reagan were the masterminds behind this horror on mankind. PROVES that Time, Newsweek and U.S. News magazines are government rags that used their headlines like codes for several months, only, to document their nastiness. PROVES that we are under a foreign attack on our nation in the middle of it all. The biggest expose of all time! The biggest news since Christ! Rather, you bask in fear of your government and jealousy of me, the messenger. You are all insane and tragic as a result. I am a real life, genuine hero with hard evidence – for once in your sorry, dense lives – and you don’t know what to do with me I am such a rarity. You’re so used to being media controlled, government abused masochists you refuse to admit who I am and what I am. Our government has always killed people like me, before. Because my courage and brashness SCARES you, you want to call me a wacko and not have to work for the gifts I offer. Yeah, people, you have to protest to out this story. The government controlled media won’t tell you unless you DEMAND they tell you. They know this and hope you just sit on your hands and stay stupid victims of their evil. They are counting on your evil ways to cover up.

(Scroll down several pages to find King’s friend confessing;”.. he’s afraid he’s gonna FRY!!!” when I talked with him in 1992. Also find sections where the Clintons invited King into The White House, secretly, right before the Oklahoma City bomb went off as well as Obama inviting King into the White House to present him with a medal of the arts award. Also an account of what King said, in person, to me in 1992 in Bangor, Maine and more…)

Don’t think you’re jealous of me and ashamed of yourselves? I just snuck my website address on Coast To Coast talk radio last week and I’ve had four orders for my magazine in one day. (Seven orders in three days, now) Four are from overseas or Canada. Only three from America. What’s worse, my own area of Monterey, Ca. where I drive my website van all over the place has placed zero orders in the past seven years. The locals are trying to stuff me into a casket they are so worried my story might break. They don’t want to have to defend democracy and actually protest over what they all already know is true. KSCO Radio of Santa Cruz was caught trying to marginalize me until I confronted the owner recently about it and I have boycotted THEM ever since. Days after that confrontation a storm knocked down an expensive six story antenna of theirs for their bad karma, in fact. In fact, all of California is basically boycotting my story. J-E-A-L-O-U-S-Y, F-E-A-R and S-H-A-M-E. What did Jesus say that found him having to run for his life, right after, for saying out loud, once?; “A prophet is never acknowledged by his home town.” Those who heard him say that tried to attack him on the spot. He hit a raw nerve..
You know, the see no evil, speak no evil , hear no evil monkeys. That’s your sorry lot.

While on the subject of local news, I just quit marijuana and coffee to give myself a fighting chance against all this satanic evil humanity is throwing at me. I never was much of a drinker of alcohol but that, too, I gave up, entirely, months ago. I recognize how debilitating all that is to one’s body and mind. Now I am dreaming again and getting deep sleep and look ten years younger all of a sudden. The ONLY thing I notice, besides my mind working twice as efficiently, is that boring things are now boring to me without pot to spice things up. That was the only thing pot ever did for me and I suggest for all of you. Please, everybody, get off the pot and get your minds straight so you, too, can find the spine to care about my discovery. If you drink or do other drugs, God help you all. Your country is spiraling down the drain and you all need to get on board with this historic expose and protest, Goddammit! Before John was assassinated he even wrote a song; “Clean Up Time” urging you all to do likewise. He knew, then what I am just finding out, now.



I PROTEST EVERY SUNDAY AT NOON IN DOWNTOWN MONTEREY ON ALVARADO STREET. You have the answer right there if you are good people. One thousand strong is what John Lennon deserves. Not a few smattering of people. Be there. Or disgrace yourselves.

U-P-D-A-T-E- !!!!!! I am soon offering the people of Santa Cruz to also protest with me. I’ve been noticing how they are coming around to my message all of a sudden. Unlike Monterey, they ,at least, are buying my magazine and aren’t afraid of me. Tentatively I am thinking every last two Sundays of every month for them and the first two Sundays for Monterey. —– Stay tuned.

Until you people protest no expose will happen. OFF YOUR ASSES, MASSES! is a billboard I am considering. Another is; UNTIL KING IS EXECUTED WE’RE EVIL.

Think about it, people. It’s the God’s truth, so get involved. Protest of perish, America.

Oh, and by the way, if I don’t get a showing of you people before mid February  of 2025 I will be leaving California for Utah and let California explain their cowardliness to the world and America, after. After this news DOES break with normal people, red blooded American people. The riddle of this expose is that I had to drag you fools kicking and screaming to the promised land. Like a bunch of no good ingrates. If I choose to honor you with a four part movie about my 40 year odyssey rest assured, I will pull no punches or let any of those of you who obstructed me off the hook. If California proves to be a pinko pussy I will expose California for it. I don’t need your money or anything else. I’m all about telling the truth. If I choose to deny all of you my singing and song writing and movie, well, that’s my decision, isn’t it? You’re just lucky I had faith in you once upon a time and got this news out there at all. Fail to use it and an asteroid will likely be your punishment, frankly. Better than going pinko, commie, I think. Like you’ve all become. I’m surprised you can all even reproduce you’ve become so unsexy. If you saw yourselves as I now see you, you wouldn’t have sex with yourselves at all. I know I don’t.



By the way; You will only find me on this website. I don’t play the social media Tower Of Babel game. No Facebook, or Twitter or Pod cast or U-tube. If you want that you are just looking for an exit ramp to avoid confronting what this website offers. The answer. Face up to my website. It’s all I’m ever giving you until you use it and protest to out it’s message. That and my magazine, of course. Get them while you can because they will be valuable collectibles after the story breaks, trust me. You should be dying to know the truth in the first place.

Meanwhile, my latest billboard gracing my van reads; “REPENT, YOU COVER-UP COMMUNISTS” I see you phonies sitting on your hands. You remind me of the see no, speak no, hear no evil monkeys, frankly. YOU TRAGIC, BRAINWASHED MASOCHISTS may soon replace it.

Looking for humility and modesty? I can’t afford it, frankly. You need the truth. Grow up. I care more about what I think of all of you than what you think of me.


Mick Jagger called it ‘Sympathy For the Devil’; “…who killed the Kennedys when, after all, it was you and me..” Mick was smart enough in the 80’s to make a video depicting the government hunting him with machine guns before they forced him to take it down. It’s why he’s alive today.

I used to scoff at notions of a second coming figure. I believed it was all stupid religion making things up to fit an agenda. The same with the notion of an ant-Christ. I doubt I am the second coming, I know I’m the opposite of an anti-Christ and such, HOWEVER, a lot has been revealed to me lately that suggests I just might be the next best we’ll ever have. Namely, I am the ONLY one who has not been made evil by the murder of John Lennon. Being normal, healthy and well and unaffected by the government’s crime has made me a stellar standout among all men. Besides that I DO have a powerful avenging angel that cannot be denied. It’s a truly supernatural fact. For example; Everyone in Monterey, where I live and drive my website van all over the place, has sided with Stephen King and are protecting him and the cover-up by NOT buying my magazine. Ditto the people of Maine and Bangor. Everybody ELSE is buying my magazine except the people who live where I live or visit. Last month I snuck my website address on Coast To Coast talk radio and got seven orders in just a few days. Most are from overseas or out of state. Canada, United Kingdom, Sweden, two from Los Angeles, Missouri and one from North Carolina. None from Monterey since I’ve lived here since 2016. N-O-N-E-!  A few from Santa Cruz and California in 24 years but very few compared to the rest of the nation and world. I’ve noticed this trend wherever I’ve lived. The power of my website emblazoned van is ruined by evil mankind’s jealousy and fear of the messenger. I am up against the wickedness of mankind and especially the media and the government who I am exposing. “Ooohhhh, Steve Lightfoot has the expose of the century, of ALL TIME, and we are jealous of him and his courage and greatness. We must stop him and hope he gets killed so we can be evil and stupid and masochistic sick-os. We are GLAD Stephen King killed our great hero, John Lennon, and we WANT him to molest our children with horror and madness. We’re sick Mo-Fo’s!” Your unanimous, insane, weakling thought is; “Why is it important, now?”

Being surrounded by all this human evil in everyone has convinced me that I am more special than I ever thought just NOT to be similarly afflicted. A saint among the wicked and insane. You cannot mention the sentence; “John Lennon’s murder” without ALL of media cutting you off, immediately. You cannot get people to defend themSELVES from the cover-up with hard evidence on a silver platter. The world is all insane and evil. If I am the ‘second coming’ it would not surprise me, now. I accept that I AM the most significant figure to come along since Jesus. Nobody can name anyone who will be able to change the world more than me with my expose. Not in over 2,000 years. You can’t name anyone else who can so change all of society as I can with the truth of who really killed John Lennon. Religion I have already rendered ridiculous after having shown how A.W.O.L. and M.I.A. religion has been in the face of my evidence all this time. That, alone, is a monumental achievement. The entire media and politics will never be the same, after. And you all KNOW IT! A mass exorcism of monumental proportions. Twenty times bigger than the ride of Paul Revere.


When I first discovered that Nixon and Reagan killed Lennon, even before discovering that Stephen King pulled the trigger, I was so aghast at my own country’s evil I wanted to let Moscow know how evil we are as a nation. To be fair about our conflict. I would soon learn that Moscow was behind the killing of John Lennon and Stephen King poisoning our culture, all along. Don’t laugh. I will prove it here.

If someone were to tell me in 1982, when I made my discovery, that all our presidents since J.F.K.’s murder were world order communists already occupying our government I ‘d have laughed. Trump being the only exception, I’ll explain why.

McGovern, Nixon, possibly even Jimmy Carter, Mondale, Ferraro, Reagan, Bush Sr. and Jr. Gary Hart, Dukakis, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Obama and Biden ALL are (were) working for our enemy, the New World Order which I believe is based in Moscow, possibly London. Israel, in my opinion, is our enemy working with this cabal. Henry Kissinger was a major communist. A German Jew.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Most of you would be surprised to learn that, ten days before the Oklahoma City bomb went off, the Clintons invited Stephen King into The White House for a secret meeting. Only the Oakland Tribune printed this meeting. They were aware he killed John Lennon. He happened to look, then, just like the never found “John Doe Two” a sketch artist rendered and King DOES blow up Las Vegas in “The Stand”. The motive for Clinton to kill all those kids that day has to do with removing the stain off the BATF from killing the David Koresh clan and putting the stain, instead, on our militia groups that McVeah and David Koresh were alleged to be part of. King  would insist on being part of that charade / crime. His fantasy come true. He frequently kills off the loud mouthed, belligerent redneck Americans in his films. In “Christine” he kills dead ringers for Buddy Holly, Elvis, John Balushi and Jim Morrison. The dead ringer for Morrison was dressed in exactly the clothes Lennon was wearing when he was shot. Lennon was shot on Morrison’s birthday, by the way. To those of you who say Mcveah was killed by injection I would say this; None of you noticed when Chapman’s competency evaluation was skipped and his trial, as well. You people don’t know WHAT is going on to begin with. You’re all easily fooled. I suspect Mcveah is walking around with plastic surgery modified features and that his publicly viewed injection could have been staged with computers making engineered readings to fool the crowd. That’s what MIGHT have happened.

In 2016(?) Barack Obama and Joe Biden invited Stephen King into The White House and Obama put a medal of the arts award around his neck that day. They also knew that King killed Lennon. Sounds pretty scary, already, huh? Makes you wonder why our F.B.I., etc., who also know of all of this, are going along. A complete sellout or buy out of our deep state. Perhaps they succumbed to nuclear blackmail if they didn’t go along with going commie on us behind our backs.. I don’t know.

Stephen King writes, a dozen times in “Different Seasons” a year after killing John Lennon, ; “Beware the Jewish / communist plot against the U.S..” King is a Jew. He also writes in other books; “And you shall have your vengeance on those who would fill themselves while others want…Even and American city? No, I spit on your cities. There is no English for it. ‘ Pokol, verdulac, eyalick, do you understand?…They have never known hunger or want, the people of this country. Their sadness is that of a child who has spilled his ice cream on the grass at a birthday party.”

In 1963 the headline bold print codes also found in Time magazine then implicate Nixon as being a central figure in that assassination.(See for yourselves; “Something On The Move…Who’s Letting Blood?…Richard Nixon…So Everybody’s Talking.” and that’s on just one page.) I solved that murder, too. Time magazine’s editor was questioned in the McCarthy hearings and admitted to being a communist. He is also Jewish. That Nixon killed J.F.K. implicates him in R.F.K.’s murder, too. I haven’t checked those headlines but I’ll bet they implicate Nixon there, too. So, Nixon is in the business of killing our presidents. An arch enemy of America. These Jewish owned magazines documented everything and knew, in advance, of everything. Remember, the Rosenburg’s gave Moscow our nuclear secrets the same year we gave them Israel. Israel is playing us for the suckers we are. Russia is the Jew’s country of origin. The Caucuses region, I believe.

Nixon, also, more than any other man on earth, empowered the rise of China to it’s present global dominance. Lennon even sang about it then; “But if you carrying pictures of Chairman Mao, you ain’t gonna make it with anyone, anyhow..” It was a dig at “Tricky Dicky” another John Lennon lyric that branded Nixon, then. Nixon took us off the gold standard and tried to establish a Soviet style White House guard separate from the military. Nixon disgraced our presidency with Watergate and our laws with his being pardoned. His war in Viet Nam was a lie as, after Lennon ended it with his activism, there was no domino effect of Asia falling to communism. Henry Kissinger was a big part of that deception operation. The net effect of that and the Korean wars was it alienated all of Asia against the United States. Nixon was a Quaker. They don’t believe in God. He, in fact, bombed Cambodia on Christmas Day to mock all Christianity.. Moscow or London’s agent 001? I think so. I include London because there is hardly anything global that they haven’t controlled in the past. They’re pretty smart. I should know being half English, Irish and Scottish, myself. Smart as Scotland Yard am I. Best detective on earth, apparently, having solved Lennon’s murder, by accident, no less. The British are famous for the saying; “The sun never sets on the British empire.” London is also the hub of the world’s financial empire. Follow the money, they say.

Pretty scary, huh, people?

Ronald Reagan, Nixon’s protegee, his “Bobbsy Twin”, like Nixon, also decried The Soviets while increasing our government and instituting Soviet like standards. They were both caught pointing their fingers at Russia while, at the same time, turning us into Russia. They both raised taxes dramatically, too. You have to understand that Moscow is treating us as if they already own us and are merely tweaking the formula until we are just like they want us to be. They’d rather avoid nuclear war. Biological war? Not so much. Does Covid – 19 ring a bell? Is that why the 2020 election may have been rigged just to oust Trump, ‘or else’? It sure seemed like it was rigged in the wee small hours after a two hour shut down. Admit it, everybody. Was our deep state blackmailed by China to dump Trump in this manner? Not fiction, maybe.

Reagan married Nancy Baker who was on the commie black list in Hollywood. She wore out that red dress during his presidency, too. “I’m a communist. I’m a ‘Red’. Look at me!” Reagan never attended church, once, as president, and his son, Ron, is an avowed atheist. Under Reagan I was beset with false criminal charges of ‘breaking and entering’ and ‘ attempted grand theft’ I had zero to do with. After those charges were dropped My father died in a small plane crash on the tenth anniversary of Nixon’s resignation weeks after Stephen King sent me a handwritten threat / warning letter; “… since (I) won’t cease (my) investigation…”  Soon thereafter I was kidnapped, handcuffed and beaten unconscious in a police van by S.F.P.D. officers Rist and Hall in 1987. Yoko Ono was involved in that episode, too. Two months prior a Thomas Decker and a martial arts accomplice of his dislocated my shoulder and broke my nose on a sidewalk. I endured a dozen or so police episodes, too, under Reagan the pagan.

If you readers wonder why I am so bitter, now, I witnessed the students at U.C. Berkeley, in 1984, jealously snicker and squeal with glee when I told them of my father’s plane crash. You see how evil all of you really are? If Jesus died to save you he failed. You’re all still killing the smart guy, aren’t you? John being the modern crucifixion. You haven’t been saved at all.

That both Nixon and Reagan can be proved guilty of letting Stephen King murder John Lennon is enough to prove they are our arch enemies. They destroyed us, spiritually, with that. A case of using evil and mass psychological terrorism to destroy a nation. To break us as a people.

Mondale was giddy in 1984, tapping his foot uncontrollably, as he looked right at me at a rally in San Jose. “You stupid ass. I’m losing to Reagan on purpose!” He could have been thinking. He did, too. Immediate concession. As if he was paid to. A tag team player in our real politics?

Ferraro looked angry when I handed her my magazine in S.F. in 1984. The S.F. Chronicle shows it in her hands on the front page, in fact. My magazine as she is seen scowling.

Dukakis, in S.F., mocked me by looking right at me when he emphasized the word “Garbage” seconds after I yelled out for him to use Reagan’s Lennon evidence against Bush. As if I was ruining his plans to also lose on purpose. He, too, conceded, immediately, and without passion.

Gary Hart came to my alma mater Jr. College in Santa Rosa, I think, to give me false hope. I gave HIM my magazine. Weeks later he handed Dukakis the nomination by getting caught with Donna Rice. His license plate on his Corvette at the time read; I’m not kidding; “U.S.S.A.” People magazine showed this fact with a photo of his car. THAT’S what I’m saying, people. That is where we’re heading if we don’t “come together over John Lennon” and out this evidence.

Bush Sr. ADMITTED he is promoting “The New World Order” Came right out and said it on T.V.. Another thing Bush Sr. did was acknowledge my expose on national television including the 1992 presidential debate in Richmond, Va..”…You know, nobody likes “Who Shot John” but…” The New York Times was so afraid of his quote they waited two extra days before printing it. My magazine was titled “Everybody’s Business; Who Shot John Lennon?” This magazine caused a 20 point drop in his polls in Kennebunkport in a week after I gave them copies. At least he manned up to it in public. After I remarked about that admission on radio, later, and said “I could drink a beer with him for that.” he staged a scene for television that portrayed a man sharing a beer with him just weeks later. I can’t make this stuff up, people.

Bush Jr. KNEW of the 9-’11 attack, in advance, and was sure to be surrounded in an innocent setting like a school room with children when the act occurred to fool us all. Building 7, never hit, was felled with demolition explosives. This fact captured on film. It was his excuse to launch war, not with Saudi Arabia who committed the act, but Iraq and Saddam Hussein who threatened to kill his father once. The last image the media showed us of the towers falling before the media blackout that followed was of a helicopter directly above one building as it billowed outwards twenty feet on all sides from air pressure from an internal massive explosion followed by a loud “BOOM!” due to the delay of the speed of sound. Immediately after the building collapsed. It was the media admitting that, indeed, the buildings WERE detonated from inside. The jets hitting it were just for show. Then the media blitz ended. All those people killed so Bush could hang Saddam Hussein for threatening to kill Bush Sr., once. That and to install police state terrorism measure tactics, after. Ergo the date 9-11. Police state.

THAT’S how evil it all IS, people.

Jimmy Carter? We’d like to think that he didn’t come from Naval intelligence but he did. He dyed his hair brown the day before election to show desperation and Reagan won. Before that he crashed his helicopter rescue mission and he, basically, proved that liberalism is weak and not to be trusted. He sacrificed the John Lennon movement with his  maligned portrayal of liberalism.

Now we have Biden and Obama in 2010 and 2015 trying, twice, to assassinate me in two high speed “accidents” amidst a flurry of phony red light camera tickets to suggest I am reckless when I’m not. The first involved a woman driving at 60 mph through a red light hitting my delivery truck broadside knocking it twenty feet sideways before it rolled over and slammed me into the asphalt. She was not cited. I learned that Concord, Ca. has a room with manual control of all their signals. Did they give us both a green light? The next day, when I came to take photos, the intersection was paved with brand new asphalt! The second “accident” involved a uniformed Naval cadet who rammed my van hard with his truck trying to roll me on the San Diego freeway. He admitted driving 75 mph and he, too, was not cited. The tire mark he left on my driver’s side was seven feet long and two feet wide. I have a photo for proof. That Biden has allowed unfettered money printing to cause record inflation and hobble the middle class, that he has encouraged a foreign invasion of “illegals” to populate our land with enemy agents by the thousands and all he has done to destroy us is truly alarming. When he eats ice cream and fondly brags about; “…some really good chocolate chip cookies.” I get the feeling he is saying, under his breath; “Eat an ice cream. Have a cookie. Pay no attention to my destroying your country in plain sight you blind, obsessive fools. Have a cookie you spoiled, asleep, stupid, media controlled ‘Pinko’ morons. I’m not your friend. Here, have some ice cream.”

Full circle to Putin’s war in Ukraine and Netanyahu’s war in Gaza. Why? To delay the news I am breaking, in my opinion. The John Lennon murder expose that will STOP THEM ALL IN THEIR EVIL TRACKS! In fact, I often wondered would exactly this play out as I neared the finish line.

If you don’t think there is something sinister with the Jews running 80 % of our mass media when Jews represent only 3 % of our population then you ARE insane idiots, after all. Israel runs our media for a reason. Remember the ROSENBERGS! It was only Jews in the media who ever used the words Mark David Chapman; Howard Cosell, Barbara Walters, Larry King and Albert Goldman who wrote a slander book about Lennon after. Jewish published Time, Newsweek and People magazines. THEY started that evil lie. The Jews DID kill John Lennon and may have even feared he was the second coming. So, there, apathetic America. Soviet led terrorism against America. A side note. Just a few weeks before Lennon was assassinated Howard Cosell introduced Reagan to John Lennon at a Monday Night football game. I recall seeing Reagan walking with John, his arm around his shoulder. He must have been thinking at that moment; “John, we’re going to kill you and announce it on Monday Night Football to capture a mass audience and brainwash them all at once. Like a Roman arena slaughter of the Christians. In the middle of all that football violence. Killing you is a sport to us satanic types taking over America. Christmas will paint everything over. The public won’t even see a trial for the man we blame, Chapman. Your wife, Yoko? She works for us, you turkey. She’ll tell everyone to; “Let the courts decide.” in Rolling Stone magazine, after. I will fake getting shot right about the time Chapman is set to be heard for his competency hearing to change the subject away from him and onto Hinckley, another pudgy man with a gun shooting a world figure to confuse everybody.. HEY, I’m an  actor. WHAT DO YOU EXPECT? Killing you with a gun is my attack on the second amendment. Wait till I also then pass my Brady bill with me faking getting shot. Meanwhile we’re making sure that Stephen King pulls the trigger and fills the vacancy you leave behind. To undo all the good you DID DO. No more peace, love and understanding. Oh, no. Now it’s time for horror, war, murder and madness. ”

Nikita Cruschev boasted in the early ’60’s;”We will bury your grandchildren and use your own system against you to do it. ” Pretty much what happened on 9-’11, folks. Those, then grandchildren, were later buried in those towers that were felled by, supposedly, our own planes.

The killing of John Lennon was the coup de grace that killed us spiritually and terrorized us into mute silence after. King’s evil and his 1975 book “Rage” about a school shooter decades before it became our world replaced the wisdom and sanity and grace of John Lennon. My hard evidence is not enough to shake you back to your senses, now. “Pathetic public apathetic.” That’s why my new billboard; “REPENT, YOU COVER-UP COMMUNISTS” may be my best, ever, slogan. It captures the weight of the matter perfectly.

The real reason Trump is getting it from all sides, including Jew York, who he is foolish to trust, is BECAUSE he is NOT a communist subverting us to the New World Order. Even though he is too fond of authoritarian leaders and should find the spine to out my expose, instead, to change the world, he’s no commie rat doing us in like Biden and all the others. Were it not for my Lennon expose putting the heat on them and their assassination rituals they’d have killed Trump by now. I hope either he or R.F.K. Jr. (I am an R.F.K. Jr. guy, by the way., ideally.) is our next president or we’re all screwed. Also. If I were Trump I’d take a second look Jared Kushner, his daughter’s Jewish husband. If Yoko was a plant, is he a plant? Kushner has distanced himself from Trump and his problems, since. Just an observation.

Suck on that information. It should scare you.



Have you all noticed how Biden how relies on a mini teleprompter on his knee, now, whenever he speaks. A little wafer like device to make sure he doesn’t misspeak? He’s long gone, I’m afraid. You ALL should be afraid. The King of lip service, he thinks we’re all so stupid he can erase three years of conduct with rhetoric and a new line for the camera.: “We have to step up and fix the problem..” Meanwhile he spent years doing the exact opposite. Now he and that valley girl bitch, world order picked, Harris, think they can ride into office with a coat hanger in their hands leading the pro abortionist crowd into office. As if that’s all they need to win. Personally, I think irresponsibility in the sack (sex) keeps one’s spirituality down and makes life miserable. “Be evil. Kill your own baby and think only of your misled, stupid selves, people… Trump is a danger to all women if you don’t agree.” They spout. Meanwhile your soul and spirituality suffer the ravages of banality and misery if you believe them. I know your sex lives are pretty miserable, underneath, and so do you, as things stand, with your abortion mentality. Look at your divorce rate and teen suicide rates. Off the charts.  And, yet, this is the horse this pair of communist traitors are riding into battle with. How disgusting!

The secret plan Biden is waiting to spring on us is to claim himself invalid in mid term and FORCE a woman communist president on us. To brand us with a communist first ever woman president. He was willing to fork over Ukraine to Putin the first day fighting broke out offering Zelenski a plane ride out. Remember? How he is pulling his punches to slaughter as many Ukrainians as he can with a war of attrition and low supplies. He’s an imposter from Hell. Kissinger and Rockefeller drew out the world order plans he is following. That means destroying the U.S., first. Stephen King, a year after he killed John Lennon, wrote a dozen times in one book; “Beware the Jewish / communist plot against the U.S.” King is a Jew. The book was “Different Seasons”, I believe. Time all you brainwashed Lennon killers wake up and pay attention. My expose scares them to death and that’s why all this treachery is being ramped up full speed as we speak. If it breaks the communist conspiracy is exposed and will be defeated.

He now wants to reduce credit card late fees to buy votes. Like he is trying to buy votes with school debt forgiveness which cheats everyone who PAID their debt. He fails  to acknowledge that his inflation has CAUSED everyone to be in debt in the first place. The banks LOVE his making them rich that way. Everyone’s paying the banks because they can’t keep up with his inflation. Personal and national debt has exploded under his treachery. Now he wants to take credit for a phony ploy to buy votes? What a scammer. The insulting thing is, he just said, yesterday; “The public is tired of being suckers.” HIS suckers, he means, underneath. Big oil and the banks, the typical players who own presidents, are getting rich under Biden.

When Trump said, last week; “By any measure, this invasion of our border is a conspiracy to overthrow the United States.” And I am an R.F.K. Jr. supporter first, Trump second. I suspect the Texas fires were lit by these migrant / agents to punish their governor for taking a stand against the invasion, for example. Interesting how the percentage of Chinese immigrants has increased tenfold, lately. Biden is applauding the whole overthrow of our country, people. You have to trust me. You can’t trust any one else out there.

My expose that Obama / Biden tried to stop by attempting to kill me in two high speed “accidents” in 2010 and 2015 is forcing their communist takeover hand and they hope to kill America before King is nationally exposed. Are you people aware that Obama put a medal of the arts award around King’s evil neck IN THE WHITE HOUSE recently? The Clintons secretly invited him into The White House in 1995 a week before the Oklahoma City bombing. They both knew, in advance, that he assassinated John Lennon. You need ME to see all this treachery. I’m the hero who can save you when no one else is even able to see clearly.

Meanwhile, my home area of Monterey is hoping I get killed so they won’t have to ADMIT I’m right and face themselves and their evil apathy. Leon Panetta, an Italian mafioso, runs this area and the people are sick from it. SICK! Vote OUT Biden / Harris. PLEASE! R.F.K. Jr. or Trump would be twenty times better for all of us. Maybe a hundred times better. If you allow Biden  / Harris in or rig themselves in a second time you deserve to go to Hell, and you all will. I know the truth of our lives and you have to trust me. My life depends on KNOWING The truth , not guessing. I’m still alive 40 years after anyone else would have been killed already. Trust me.

feared is because he is NOT part of this New World Order cabal. The only reason they haven’t assassinated Trump is due to the presence of my Lennon assassination evidence and expose or they would have by now. I’m at large and nation wide.


Hi, people of Monterey and Santa Cruz. Steve Lightfoot, here, of and the yellow website van. A lot of you take me for granted and I’m telling you, now, if you can’t find your spine and stand up to what Stephen King did to us all and protest with me before mid February 2025, I’ll be leaving California for Utah and appeal to them to do what should have been your job and save America from the people who killed John Lennon, our enemies, the Russians and communists. We are under communist attack as you read these words. Or hasn’t Biden’s flooding us with foreigners and printing money to tank us down the road, stealing the 2020 election, weaponizing our D.O.J. and more got your attention, yet?

Last Saturday (3-23,’24) On KSCO Radio I said; “We’re all already communists. I have a great piece about it on my website; My current poster on my van reads; “REPENT, YOU COVER-UP COMMUNISTS”. Jesus once said; “A prophet is never acknowledged by his home town.’ That would apply to me, Steve Lightfoot, now. If you people can’t help me before…” At that point I was cut off. But it’s true people., I was about to say how I’d be moving to Utah if you don’t come together and protest over my Lennon murder evidence findings and punish Stephen King. I will, too. There was point in mid 2022 when you people DID show healthy recognition that I have a goldmine for us to expose. But then the Monterey police cited me, twice, publicly, for singing downtown and you got scared off being sane, all over again. Evil Leon Panetta cowed you into submission. Now you are ice cream cone licking perverts licking your wounds rather than standing up to Stephen King. Like you’ve all been for four decades, now. Spoiled douchebags letting Stephen King molest you and your children because you aren’t brave like me. I’m brave for a reason. I used to be a coward like all of you are, now. I listened, nonstop, for over a year in 1981 and 1982 to The Beatles and John Lennon on my Sony Walkman living outdoors on a 12 speed bike in San Diego before I got the nerve to look into the matter. I already knew that murder was portrayed as a lie by our media. It took two years of appreciating who Lennon really was before I found my courage. Courage you all lack. THAT’S why I’m a hero and you’re all victims, instead. John asked us to all come together over him someday. He knew he would be assassinated and let you know what to do about it. Letting your teen suicide rate increase by 100 % wasn’t what he had in mind. Your kids see you ducking the evidence and it scares them. SCARES THEM! If you people can’t avenge John Lennon there is nobody you could ever avenge. You’d be toast. Like you are, now. Once King is exposed via your protest along side of me, Sundays, in downtown Monterey and Santa Cruz (See my site for details) once he is exposed. arrested, tried and convicted and, yes, executed for what he did, you, we, will all be saved and sane, once again. You will all feel exactly like one feels coming up for air after being held under water for several minutes. Gasping in relief. Exorcized. No one has ever challenged whether or not I have the evidence to do all of this. Rather, you say to me; “So what?…Who cares? ” Pathetic. Grow a spine, people, King is laughing at what he did to you. He paralyzed you and crippled you. Your apathy all this time is proof! Wake up, please.

As for Paul McCowardly (What I will call him publicly), I will never speak to him after I am the world’s biggest celebrity. He must be called out for the douche he is and the exact opposite of what we need in a celebrity. He endorsed me once, live, at Berkeley, 4-1-’90, at a concert there. It was pathetic. I have it on tape or I’d have missed it. He’s a jealous narcissist, I think. As for evil Yoko Ono, she’s a government bitch from hell John was a fool to ever trust. I found out the hard way after she ordered me kidnapped, handcuffed and pistol whipped unconscious in October or 1987. My crime? Giving her copies of my evidence to get to Paul, George and Ringo at an art gallery. Same setting as the one she met John at. An art gallery.

Of course, you all DO KNOW, I hope, that our court’s and media are nowhere near to being moral enough to help me expose this. What about YOU? What ABOUT you? What kind of people ARE you, anyway? Stephen King’s victims? You are, so far.

The remainder of this is not on the handout. This is to emphasize why you should care. We all are to BLAME for the murders of M.L.K. and R.F.K. and John Lennon. We let the J.F.K. murder slide under the bridge without sufficient outcry and revolt, then. THAT’S why the other three were killed. We showed no spine as a people. And you can’t deny, those following murders were a nightmare that has cost us dearly. A NIGHTMARE!!! It was only a matter of time and Yoko getting John out of the spotlight for several years before the government killed the best person on the planet who could have steered us in a better direction; John Lennon. You THINK it doesn’t matter now that he’s dead. You are a fool to think that. A God damned FOOL! You all have a penis or a vagina and can reproduce children. You need to up your game and care more about those you bring INTO this world. Right now you’re all retarded compared to how you could and SHOULD be. It takes a hero to screw your heads back on straight after Nixon, Reagan, Yoko Ono, Mark Chapman and Stephen King BROKE you and defiled you and made you insane masochists. Sub humans, in fact. The Kremlin are rubbing their palms at how stupid you Americans apparently really are. You have no idea if that barge that closed down the port in Baltimore and brought down that bridge where our Star Spangled Banner was written was just an accident or terrorism from Moscow in retaliation for their theater mass shooting the week before. They blamed US for that and haven’t retracted that charge. They have contingency plans to hobble us in matters exactly like what just happened. A simple hacking of the computer on that ship is all it would have taken to cost us billions in supply chain problems, inflation, trade and commerce, etc.. It was a sitting duck as far as they were concerned waiting to be picked if they felt like we needed a sock in the mouth. They have a hundred other contingency plans they want to enforce, besides. They have it all mapped out and ready to put into action if they feel they can get away with it. I think Moscow is responsible for most of our assassinations, including Lennon. J.F.K. was killed right after standing up to their Cuban based nuclear missiles and after he vowed to totally destroy Russia if Cuba launched a nuke at us. If you think they haven’t got a toe hold on our system and politicians you are mistaken and need a hero like me to set you straight about these matters. Only a hero would be motivated to put in the effort to find out the truth. As for me I have to know the truth just to stay alive. Unlike all of you ingrates who take me for granted. I have achieved a lot just to still be alive in a climate as irresponsible and stupid as the one you all represent. A lot of you hope I DO get killed just so you can look the other way and not have to try to be better people and keep freedom in America alive. You all have a death wish you aren’t even aware of you’re so raped and broken. I KNOW most of you are jealous of me for having so big and important an expose in my pocket. Too much glory and power for any one man to have you think under your breath. I KNOW! The very hero you all desperately need you resent our enemies have so poisoned all of you. So crippled all of you.

You could be twice as happy and not even need your booze, drugs and such if you cleaned up your world. You can’t do it without a hero. You resent that fact and me for being one. I can’t break this news without your protest. The system you support, the media and courts and government that you support with your apathy and phoniness aren’t inclined to help you live better. They get rich off of your stupidity and ignorance and apathy. They’re sellouts. Like a lot of you they put money before America and freedom.

Every first two Sundays at noon in downtown Monterey, every last two Sundays in downtown Santa Cruz. Also starting at noon. Beginning mid April of 2024. That’s where you’ll find me with my evidence and website van. You have no excuse to be pussies like Paul McCartney who failed us all just to be safe, himself. You have only everything to gain by punishing King for what he did to all of you. Failure to protest will haunt you like you can’t begin to imagine. Now’s your chance to practice freedom for a change. Please, protest, people. Come together over John Lennon. How often does real, hard evidence rear its head? Or a hero like me?


Locally I remarked how I hope Leon Panetta has a fatal heart attack or stroke at my last city council meeting in Monterey. I added that it is the only way this Italian mafioso will ever be removed from office. I remarked that his son’s congressional seat is a product of this mafia control that has made cowards of the people here who have all refused to support me or even buy ONE magazine of mine in seven years. I blamed him for cowing the public here. He uses police activity around me to scare off the natives from helping me, for example.


How powerful IS my website? I tried to get Trump to arrest Stephen King while he was president but he thought it not necessary. I suggested., then, (We had been e-mailing each other for years) they’d rig the 2020 election if he didn’t and they did. NOW he is up against a mountain of Soviet like tactics to keep him from ever having that kind of power again. If they are using a machine gun he must use a bazooka. MY WEBSITE ADDRESS ON HIS HATS. That WILL back his enemies off as long as he finishes the job and arrests King when he gets his next chance to. Anything less would be un American, frankly. He knows it. The corrupt D.C. swamp won’t do it and they fear he will. Period. Well, Donald, didn’t listen to me then. What about NOW? I have the bazooka you need. You have the platform (fame). Let’s crush the competition with truth..


Local authorities are trying to move my second van from it’s rented driveway. My 1989 Toyota website van that I park in a private driveway, covered with a van cover, in Monterey. It has been legally parked there for five years. It runs, it is operational. It has a non operation registration because I never drive it. Everything is legal about it. My landlady got a $100. citation already. This official has threatened to cite her every week until I move it. Pure harassment and political discrimination. (Are you lawyers reading this? – e-mail – Prior conversations with the official suggest it is all political and without legal foundation. For example. He once threatened I had to keep it out of the county. He just told me that, even if the house’s owner parked her own van, covered, in her driveway she’d be in violation of a code. That’s a bald faced lie, people. He claims she has no right to rent out her own driveway. THAT is a lie. Monterey is a very corrupt city I have learned. It’s run by Italian mafia, in fact. Politician Leon Panetta and chief Hober are behind all of this. This official is trying to say it is non operational. Another lie. He told me that citizen complaints fueled his decision. That’s a lie. I interviewed all her neighbors and no complaints. In fact, her next door neighbor is often frequented by a police car. A friend of theirs. This next door neighbor is a reputed meth dealer and pot dealer. So what is the police doing ignoring THAT and focusing on me? Why are the police friends with a meth dealer to begin with? How could they not know all about this separate scandal? I will address the city council about the matter – Stay tuned.


I once heard a New York caller call her a propagandist and I find she actually IS! This N.Y.C. station’s other host, Frank Morano, interviewed me last Jan (Feb.?) 5, 2024.

Every time I have talked with Rita (3 times) she has tried to undercut my credibility. When she asked me why I thought what I did I remarked I got my information from an economic expert. She flew off the handle because she was set on using a bogus argument that was designed to ridicule me. I knew, then, the second time she tried to hurt my credibility, that she was no good.

She typically makes me wait over 45 minutes on hold and, last night (2-27-’24), disconnected me after an hour and was about to shut me out for another hour before I told her screener I’d expose her, nationally, for her mischief. She had every right to fear my call. I was to discuss why Biden felt it necessary to induce a sugar high eating ice cream while interviewed on late night television to mask his real feelings of depression over his failing polls. What I was about to spring on her, instead, was how Reagan eating jelly beans right after Lennon was assassinated was to put a false smile on his face and his cabinet’s faces while they knew he had just let Stephen King murder John Lennon. Those first months of his presidency were marked by everyone eating sugar high jelly beans so as to not betray the real mood of The White House, then, and give cause for suspicion he killed Lennon. That’s how Reagan, the actor, made sure no one suspected him of that murder. Smile inducing sugar highs for everyone for two months. I was also going to suggest that she go with Rod Stewarts song using her name instead of McCartney’s Lovely Rita song for her promos. I was ready to say; “McCartney’s not half the man John Lennon used to be” insinuating his lyrics from “Yesterday” and then explain how he is the cover-up’s douche bag and society’s sellout coward. Society’s real “Nowhere Man”. Paul once endorsed me, live, at Berkeley, 4-1-’90, but it was a pathetic effort that betrayed his heartfelt jealousy towards John and me, John’s avenger. I have the meek plug on tape for proof, too.

I suspect Rita Cosby is media Jew, evil and full of jealousy for one such as I. A hero. I’m no anti Semite but I have to acknowledge how jealous they all seem to be about me and people smarter than they are like a John Lennon. They do seem to resent people who are smarter than they are. Let’s face it, only media Jews ever pushed the Chapman cover-up lie. No one else.

I remember, in 1992, when I poked my head into the front door of ABC’s N.Y.C. studio’s lobby and saw a dozen Hassidic Jews in black robes, beards, beads and funny looking hats. I asked the doorman is there a special on Jews going on? He said; “No. These are the ‘big’ owners of ABC.”

So, there, folks. No pretending, anymore, you’re not under a communist takeover of our media.


Last night (3-8-’24) I tried to use another name to get by the screener at WABC Radio in N.Y.C.. I was noticing that when I used my real name I would not get on. I’d be left hanging for over an hour before getting disconnected. This time the screener recognized my voice and when I told him I don’t get on when I use my real name he hung up on me. I called back using my real name to criticized Biden’s state of the union speech. He put me in the cue with no intention of getting me on. An hour later I was disconnected. I called right back to say the following; (Screener) “Name and where you’re calling from.” “Steve. You Jews can go and fuck yourselves.” “You’re never getting on, now.”

Ha! Ha! WABC Radio. Up your evil, jealous of the messenger, Jewish asses! I’ll become world famous without your jealous nest of commies and when I do become the hottest property on the planet I will NEVER do anything with ABC, period. UNLESS, they get rid of their almost only Jewish talent pool and staff. THAT won’t happen, so, I promise you readers, now, never to give ABC the time of day when I am famous. I will, instead, deride them publicly until they are persona non grata with you. If only the Irish, Scottish, talking heads they use for dressing would stand up to their bosses and say the same. “You Jews can go fuck yourselves.” and walk out, leaving them to use bald patched, bespectacled, big nosed, nasally, whiny sounding fellow Jews to put a face on their charade. To force them to show their real face to the world.

I am not an anti- Semite. As I said, I used to be pro Israel and NOT biased against Jews. UNTIL I saw them in action as a protester. THEN I DID change my mind. I think 90 % of Jews are good. But ONLY 90 % compared to 96 % of all other races and religions. 10 % of Jews, I am convinced, are anti American commies trying to destroy us with what they do best; deceive and lie to manipulate us. Remember the Rosenburgs, people. Don’t let them con you using their anti Semite label on you. Be proud to call them out for the rats 10 % of them ARE!

What they are doing now in Gaza is a crime against humanity and Biden should have stopped supplying them with bombs and jets the minute he saw them killing 5,000 civilians for every one Hamas terrorist they claim they are after. But Biden is a commie rat, too. He WANTS the genocide to happen and he keeps giving them the weapons to kill more. At the same time he gives lip service and supplies to Gazans to keep them deceived about it all. Like a Jew. You know, Biden has a bald patch on top, too. He had his pubic hairs transplanted on top of his head decades ago knowing he’d have to hide his ‘Mr. Wilson’ of ‘The Simpsons’ evil true appearance, someday when he was appointed president. Put your finger over that patch on top and see what he REALLY looks like, people. Pretty angry and nasty. Just like he came across last night in his state of the union speech.

I call Curtiss Slewa “Communist Sleeze Wad” So should all of you. A bloviating, narcissistic drone of a character who is proud of creating the ‘Guardian Angels’ organization of street thugs akin to Hitler’s “brown shirts”. I think they wear red barrets. I notice how WABC uses the moniker ‘Red Apple’ like Commie Big Apple or Commie N.Y.C. Central. Beware ABC, people. Even though their radio hosts PRETEND to back Trump and hate Biden, they secretly are just misleading you on. ABC television is very pro Biden, I notice. A shell game they are playing on you.

When Frank Morano did interview me on Jan 5, ’24 he cut me off at a certain critical point. He was trying to suggest I was ever arrested in Bangor, Maine. When I replied; “No. In fact, I stood inches away from King in downtown Bangor in 1992, and all he could do was stutter to me….” Then the interview ended. I suspect he tried to tell lies that I WAS arrested when I couldn’t hear him. If he did, he was lying. In fact, I beat his lawyers in court in 1996 when he tried to install a protection from harassment injunction against me. I was never arrested in Maine. I was never prevented from being there and was there also in 2001 and 2008 for weeks at a time. In 1995(4) I was falsely arrested on suspicion of trespass for entering the bookstore he was signing books at in Santa Cruz, Ca. but I was released two days later, the false charge dropped. They wanted to brand me on national television as a stalker of King – and they did – so they set me up with agent provocateurs who baited me to enter the bookstore to begin with. Prior to that I was holding a huge billboard outside that read; “STEPHEN KING IS A MURDERER; IT’S TRUE OR HE’D SUE.” People have told me they heard I was prevented from being in Bangor. That’s all lies, people. The evil media manipulating YOU to make you shun me. I had fun that day taunting him, first, yelling to him from outside; “What’s a matter Spansky? (His real last name) Did they kick you out of Maine?”

Now do you see why I despise media Jew / communists? If you’re smart you will, too. Only Jews in the media ever said the evil words; “Mark David Chapman” That was THEIR LIE. THEIR COVER-UP. THEIR CRIME. It can be said, considering King is a Jew, that the Jews killed John Lennon. Now go call me an anti Semite when I’m not. It is THEY who are anti Americans. We all have a right to call them out for their obvious evils. I, personally, think they want to kill all humanity in revenge for the world trying to kill them. A serious consideration.


To begin with, I am the American counterpart to Navalny. I am the bravest and most dangerous and endangered activist on American soil who can up end and revolutionize the political status quo here. I did more than show a nation how rich Putin and his cohorts have become from stealing from the people. I did much more than reveal Putin’s many mansions and properties and possessions. I uncovered a communist plot to destroy America from the inside, out. A plot that went to the heart of our soul and psychology. I uncovered how even our own appointed / elected presidents are not necessarily on our side but on the side of the new world order Bush Sr. touted. Ditto our deep state; the F.B.I., C.I.A. media , courts et al. I uncovered that a horror novelist was made rich and famous BY the government who greased his rise for pulling the trigger on John Lennon. I uncovered how he, after killing our biggest rock star and political hero, took over the vacuum he created with horror movies and novels that undid the good John Lennon did. That made us sick and weak and perverted. I uncovered a satanic government plot against all mankind. Unlike Navalny, I never got big crowds to support me, ever. My fellow Americans have been happy to watch me twist in the wind, alone and helpless for four decades, now. When my father was killed suspiciously in a plane crash I witnessed my own fellow Americans giggle and squeal with glee at the news like jealous demons. Giggle with jealous glee when my nose was broken on a sidewalk and my shoulder dislocated in 1987. Did nothing to stop S.F.P.D. from kidnapping me and beating me unconscious in handcuffs just months later. I was never poisoned like Navalny to my knowledge but I was almost killed in two very high speed accidents that were no “accident”. I have also been falsely arrested and charged dozens of times and more. I have been slandered on the national news as a stalker of Stephen King for displaying a sign outside one of his book signings that read; “STEPHEN KING IS A MURDERER; IT’S TRUE OR HE’D SUE” in 1995(4)(?) No normal channels of pursuing justice have been availed to me. The police and our courts and media have, in fact, been terrorizing me all this time.

That having been said, I must admit Navalny was every bit as brave as me for putting his life on the line for his beliefs. I think he was a little naive, like John Lennon also was. They both trusted in the goodness of their fellow man. They both overestimated the goodness of humanity.

I listened to Navalny’s last recorded message to his followers. His last words were; “…not to be inactive.” His basic message was that if he is killed it would show the world how strong his followers and his movement are. I would have said something like this, instead;

“If I am killed it will show the world how pitiful and weak all of you, the people, are who once followed me in protest. It will show you that Putin thinks that all you people will do in the aftermath is place flowers on a makeshift memorial on a sidewalk somewhere and then go on as if nothing had happened at all. Like good little Soviets. The only way he will not kill me is if he thinks you will rise up and stand up to him and boycott taxes and stop work and whatever it takes until he is deposed and jailed and even executed for treason against the people of Russia. So, I say to you, now, start protesting in earnest for me, now, while I am still alive and can be of service to you, not just after I am killed. If you will even do that much. Demand that Putin be deposed NOW or it will be too late for me. Otherwise you will all be guilty of killing me with your apathy and dereliction of duty.”

You see, people of America, it is a lazy, cowardly, even jealous pubic that always gets it’s heroes killed, not just the evil politicians who commit the act, itself. Right now you, the people of Monterey and Santa Cruz California, are setting me up for assassination with your jealousy and apathy and fear of government. KSCO Radio has been trying to marginalize me. The courts and police here have been trying to kill me, besides. Leon Panetta is at the head of this latest crusade against my heroism. Otherwise he’d deny it and come out and say so. But he isn’t. By exposing him, now, I have a better chance he WON’T follow marching orders from Biden and our F.B.I. and kill me. I’ve already, very publicly, blamed any assassination of me on THE PEOPLE. All of YOU! That’s what Navalny SHOULD have done instead of overestimate your goodness to save him. Now, if I am killed, all of you will have to do some serious contemplating of your navels and examine how sick all of you are and not just your government. This terrifies the government, I think, from killing me. Putting the onus on YOU! Where it belongs!

As for shrimpy, un masculine Putin. He reminds me of “Vlad The Impaler” Dracula. He used to put his enemies heads on posts that led to his castle to terrorize the public and scare people. That’s what this five foot tall, 135 pound shrimp of a man does to control people bigger and stronger than he is. Like Stephen King, he terrorizes them into submission. Like Stephen King, he hates humanity. Had he a normal sized body and a bigger jaw and chin he might not feel the need to bark like a tiny dog afraid of being stepped on.

Putin likes to poison his enemies. Like a woman does. Poison is the choice of a woman who is too small and weak to physically stand up to her enemy. From a distance she does the enemy in using a substance that was administered in a cowardly fashion. THIS is the kind of man the PEOLE OF RUSSIA  ARE AFRAID OF!!!!!! How sick can a people be? Shame on you bastards in Russia for being so weak and stupid you got your one hero killed!

It is the people of Russia we should all deplore for being so weak and stupid and afraid of this tiny man with an inferiority complex. It is THEY who really killed Navalney for being weak in the first place. Oh, they could prove me wrong and stop work and stop paying taxes and such, but, well, I wish they would do that, but they won’t. They are already the cooked frogs in the boiling pot of water.  I noticed the young men guarding Navalney and how they looked like robots without any mind of their own following orders like a people sucking from the tit of fear. You, the people of America, are almost as weak and stupid, as well. Only because you ARE a little better people than that am I alive at all. For that I am grateful, I guess. It’s not enough to be a little better than those slaves over there. You have to actually be brave and join my protests to ever be free again. Otherwise your jealousy and apathy and fear of government will get me killed. Then you will L-O-S-E every great thing that I could have given you with my expose. My expose will make our world twice as good a place to live in than it is now. But you won’t admit that. You’re too busy being stupid losers. Aren’t you? Grow up you hideous hypocrites and start caring about Stephen King murdering John Lennon before you kill me like the people of Russia killed Navalny.)

Meanwhile, I wonder did Putin time his hit on Navalny to coincide with the same day our own Biden’s weaponized court campaign against Trump is ordering Trump to pay $350 million dollars to the state of New York, or Jew York, more appropriately, so that he could point to America as also one who attacks it’s political rivals. That we killed the Kennedys and M.L.K. ands Lennon and others doesn’t help, either. Biden once said he would exact tremendous costs on Putin if he DID kill Navalney. Now he is back pedaling like the hypocrite he is. His campaign against Russia in Ukraine is marked by his attempt to fork Ukraine over to Putin, initially, when he tried to offer Zelensky a plane ride out of there so Putin could take the whole country over. Whatever he is doing now is just stalemating the situation and getting people killed unnecessarily. I say disclose my expose so that I can take the world stage and unite the people of the world against all this bullshit in the first place, like John Lennon used to do with great success. He, almost single handedly, stopped the war in Viet Nam. Yes, he did, too. But most of you readers don’t remember how the world used to work as it should with heroes leading the world instead of politicians.

Turns out he may have known about Biden’s schedule to extradite Julian Assange and do unto him like Putin did into Navalny. You see, Biden is a Soviet stooge like Nixon and Reagan were. I will go into the details later, here. His wife dies in a car crash, his son, Beau dies of brain cancer and his other son, Hunter, is doing his damnest, with scandal upon scandal, to warn us what a scumbag asshole Biden really is. “Stay away from electing my father, he’s a communist actor!”

Let’s see; we, America, murdered Jeffery Epstein, a former F.B.I. accomplice blackmailing people. Deviant, Bill Clinton has killed before. We killed “Whitey” Bolger, the mafioso / F.B.I. informant, in jail, too. Now Biden is trying to kill Julian Assange in jail. And Biden like to act to high and mighty.

Let there be Lightfoot!


I regret that I must use this space to usurp content about my Lennon findings. Please scroll down a bit past this section to continue with that but I must alert you all to the communist plot that Biden / Harris represent. A communist plot that began in the 1940’s. Let’s start by using Navalny’s misplaced trust in Biden to begin with.

I saw Navalny’s 2020 interview where he laments the specter of a Trump presidency as if he, not Biden, represented a threat to his life. Navalny was killed on Biden’s watch, you see, not Trump’s. Just like an invasion from migrants, inflation, credit card debt, national debt, money printing, two separate wars, etc., all occurred on HIS watch. This is representative of YOUR ignorance and false trust in Biden. I, myself, was once fooled by Obama / Biden and even promoted their rise to the power in 2008. BOY, was I a duMMY! It was after I was almost killed under THEIR watch in 2010 and 2014 in two very high speed “accidents” (60 mph broadside and 75 mph attempt by a uniformed military cadet to roll my van on a freeway, just a few years apart) that I woke up to reality. Details are listed a little ways down from this.

Why is Nikki Haley staying in the race? She is designated to run against Biden and lose on purpose like Mondale and Dukakis and others lost on purpose to guarantee the other side wins, you see? I KNOW this because the day after the Iowa caucus media talking head John Dickerson, an avid Trump hater, bemoaned to Nikki; “Is there ANYTHING you can do differently to sway people away from Trump and towards the guy with more experience?” Translation’ “We both know you’re the designated fall guy (girl) trying to fill the spot to then throw the race to Biden because you work for the people behind Biden, the deep state.” The Rockefeller crowd takes no chances with a fair fight. Trump squeaked in by accident because they thought he would be washed up with “Pussygate” etc. but he survived it. He caught them off guard. I supplied Trump with a 10 % boost via my hundreds of talk radio calls, first. This same shadow government then RIGGED the 2020 election with the F.B.I. etc, and the voting machines and other tactics. We all saw it. We SAW how Trump was heading for a landslide until the vote was shut down for two hours and then started up again with Biden suddenly surging. We were kidnapped by our own corrupt deep state while we slept. Our sacred right to vote and choose our leaders was usurped.

Why is Putin stating he prefers a Biden win? He knows we think he is lying to us. His stock in trade. To make us vote for Biden. If you examine the Trump presidency the Russians fingerprints were all over every attempt to unseat him. Russians everywhere trying to gum up his reign. From the Russian woman interviewing Don Jr. to Boris and Igor towards the end of Trump’s reign. Several examples. If you look NOW we find a Russian, a Smirnov, no less, being revealed as a liar in saying Biden profited from Barisma Oil. Smirnov an Israeli citizen, to boot. It makes the Russians look like they are pro Trump when they are NOT!  This revelation – all planned to make us go for Biden – serves to promote Biden as one unfairly accused. As planned!

Biden HATES America. He blames America that his wife was killed in an auto accident and his son Beau dying of brain cancer. He ENJOYS taking his revenge on the world that treated him so unfairly. His son Hunter seems to be trying to warn us to NOT vote his father in as if he knows he is a communist. He is caught on film getting a blow job from a hooker. That’s just one of several scandals he is involved in. Biden, all the while, acts as if nothing has occurred. He thinks we are stupid and blind to all this. So long as he pretends he is invisible. Biden scoffs at how stupid we all ARE, too. He displays his CONTEMPT for us all with his silence in the face of all this. The F.B.I. and Kremlin are handing him his script, trust me. He knows how stupid all of you, apparently, are.

Biden deliberately whispers and acts docile, polite and harmless and understated. He is a monster camouflaging his true nature. Underneath he is a monster deliberately destroying us before we wake up and address MY evidence! The one thing that can save us from the jaws of defeat. He plans to put in Kamala after he resigns in mid term over senility. It’s all planned. Nikki Haley even states either she or Kamala WILL BE our next president. She would know. She can’t say “Trump CANNOT win!:” often enough. She is desperate to run against Biden and throw the race. The Rockefeller crowd will give her a multi million dollar house and perks, after, trust me.

Why is Ukraine running out of ammunition? Biden wants it that way. His war effort is one of barely keeping them alive. He has demonstrated he wants Putin to take Ukraine ever since he offered Zelensky a plane ride out of there on day one. Now he wants to blame the Republicans for not taking the bait of tying aid to Ukraine win allowing open borders. To blame Trump.

I am and R.F. K. Jr. supporter with Trump as the next best thing. Trump’s not perfect. His failure to arrest and punish Stephen King was his most glaring failure of nerve. He knows King killed Lennon but he didn’t want to step on Reagan’s evil toes. Pity. Now the deep state is after him before he gets the chance, again. Trump could get out of ALL his court troubles by simply wearing my website address on his baseball cap from here to the election. THAT SIMPLE!! He could throw his enemies to the ground and step on their throats with THAT! And you all KNOW it’s true, too. You all KNOW IT!

Our own right wing media and talk radio are pulling their punches PRETENDING to promote Trump. They want us to trust THEM to save the day and hope that we will sit on our hands and trust in them. They are sellouts and actors working for the deep state. I know because when I try to say something that will really help Trump I am cut off and belittled by these pretend Trump advocates. Even Pence turned on Trump, remember? Both parties are owned by the Rockefeller globalist crowd.

Bill Clinton and Hillary invited Stephen King into the White House for a secret meeting (Only the Oakland Tribune printed the fact.) ten days before the Oklahoma City bomb went off. John Doe Two, who was never identified, LOOKS like Stephen King at the time. No kidding. And he writes about blowing up Las Vegas in “The Stand”. That bombing put the shoe on the feet of the militia types and OFF the foot of the BTAF after killing David Koresh months earlier. You see?? Would he kill hundreds just to do that? He would. Obama also invited Stephen King into The White House in 2016(?) and put a medal of the arts award around his neck. Obama knows he killed Lennon. What a communist enemy of the public! Nixon had a pivotal role in the Kennedy murders (Time headline codes then prove this.) AND he put the woman to work with Woman’s Lib disabling us from having the energy and time to keep an eye on the government. He took us off the gold standard, embroiled us in Viet Nam and, I think deliberately,  destroyed our faith in America and the presidency and our government with Watergate. Nixon tried to get us to change our presidency to a six year term – like the Soviet Union – and he wanted a military style guard for The White House – also like The Soviet Union -. Reagan and Nixon extolled the evils of the Soviet Union at the same time they tried to turn us INTO the Soviet Union. Both he and Nixon raised taxes and increased the size of government by 25 %. Reagan went after our second amendment using a gun to kill Lennon and his Brady Bill, didn’t he? Reagan, I think, faked getting shot by Hinckley for the same reason. That and to change the subject off of Chapman who was scheduled to enter a plea then. (No proof , but Hinckley Sr. and the Bush’s were friends for decades prior and shared a block with their Colorado summer homes.) And you all SCOFF at my wisdom that our F.B.I. has sold us all out a long time ago.

(To be continued….)

“OOOWWH! Steve Lightfoot is here with evidence! We must stop him!” Every day Stephen King is urinating all over you. Admit it and stand up to him. Or evil wins. Especially you parents are in disgrace as King is bending your children over a barrel to rape them. He is, too. John Balushi, who I am convinced was also killed by Reagan, (The killer just happened to be watching Lennon’s second to last recording session in the same room a year before she murdered Balushi. As if she knew he’d be killed the next day and was part of “The Jewish communist plot against the U.S.” that King repeatedly warns us about.) described people like you as “LAME-O’S!”

It’s a proven fact that you all let decoy; Chapman, escape a trial for what we were TOLD he did. No trial at all to make sure we weren’t being lied to, then. That was your way of admitting that you all knew the government killed John Lennon. That was the moment our enemies broke you. That was my cue to do something.


Extra thoughts;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When I WAS in Bangor, Maine in the summer and fall of 1992 I ran into King’s friend who owned the bookstore downtown that sold King’s books, mostly. His name was either Scott or Mitchell, or Stuart, I think. I was prattling on with pie in the sky talk about how King needn’t worry too much. That I’d trot him out on stage for television spots to allow him to role play the good guy while I played the bad guy relating to apathy and responsibility. To allow him a chance at some redemption. In the middle of this nonsensical rant Mitchell (?) burst in and screamed at me; “He’s afraid he’s gonna FRY!!!!” So there, doubters. His friend has confessed, already. I just seem to have a talent for drawing out such large confessions.

Many of you don’t have the balls or self respect or sense of justice to execute King. Some kind of masochistic trait you have. I assure you none is more deserving of this than King. He would murder me on his property and blame it on my just being there with my website van. Just such a scenario almost played itself out in April of 2021. I ran him out of Maine six months per year and he has a witness protection home in Florida on a key near Sarasota. I was venturing past the sign that reads “Private Driveway, No Trespassing.” I was leery of going back there to see his house for years and thought I might just take a peek. One car length in I decided against it. That it might be a trap. As I put my van in reverse, the back up beeper beeping and my little wagging arrow below my website wagging its finger, I noticed a car behind me and it also backed up to let me out. I thought it looked like King, himself. He made a special effort to turn his head away as I looked. I found out, later, it WAS King and that he DOES drive a black Tesla. He, no doubt had a gun on him ready to murder me and invent a story about how I tried to attack him or something. So, you see, people? He’s not a saint who needs to be protected from your foolishness. He’s nobody’s friend, in fact. It was no coincidence that he was there on the spot. He was laying in wait in a pre rehearsed plot if I dared go in that driveway to his house. With the F.B.I.’s blessings. I was, no doubt, being watched the whole time with surveillance cameras whenever I was near his home.

I stood inches away from him in 1992 in the center of downtown Bangor, besides. I refused to interrupt my song I was singing about him with my guitar as he tried to talk to me. Seconds later he stuttered to me: “T-t-take c-c-care. I w-w-want you to t-take c-care.” and he sauntered away with his signature slouch. The vibe he gave off was; “You’re right, I’m wrong. Don’t hate me too much. If everyone was as good as you I might not have done it.”

Yoko Ono had me kidnapped and pistol whipped unconscious in hand cuffs by San Francisco police in 1987. It was her way of saying’ “Back off! I’m not your friend. I set John up all this time you idiot!” My subsequent newsletters I distributed about her around Manhattan has found her moved to Switzerland all these years, since. Wheelchair bound and very sick, by the way.

So, there, people. Just more legendary fodder for you to mull over.

I DO plan a four part movie about my exploits someday if your insanity and cowardliness and jealousy doesn’t kill me, first.



Did China unleash Covid-19 on the world to oust Trump?  Did our deep state (F.B.I. / C.I.A. , etc.) capitulate to this tactic and rig the 2020 vote to remove Trump? A good deep state would have said; “No”. and disclosed their threat to the public and halted all commerce with China for four years. PERIOD! Trump would have been president and China would have it’s hands full, once again. But we have a sick deep state who think they know better than us mere tax payers.

Right now we have John Stewart and his political show back on television, and not by chance. It’s part of the deep state statecraft, along with Taylor Swift’s public Biden endorsements and other tricks to sway the vote. Travis Kelsey’s endorsement of Covid vaccines is another example of how the deep state pushing Biden / Harris are messing with your heads. I, personally, think the 49’r’s and Lions game was rigged to put the 49’r’s in against the Chiefs to increase the odds of making Biden look like a winner if the Chiefs were to win. THAT’S how sick it all is, I’m afraid. All this injustice has made you masochists by their design.

I am certain that the 2020 election WAS rigged by the F.B.I. et al and the voting machines. Unlike most of America I am not stupid. I am not easily fooled. I think R.F.K. Jr. is the best option but Trump is right behind. The Biden / Harris ticket is a globalist ticket bent on surrendering America to the new world order and this kind of fraud is how the globalist future will be if YOU don’t pull your heads out, people. Your VOTE is currently worthless!

I admit some prejudice because Obama / Biden tried, twice, to assassinate me in 2010 and 2014 in two very high speed “accidents”. The first involved a city who has a room with manual control of all their stop lights. My meat delivery truck had the green arrow yet I was broadsided by a woman doing 60 mph running a light(?) My truck was knocked fifteen yards sideways and it rolled over on it’s side! I could have died. The intersection was paved over the NEXT DAY! She was never cited, either. The other was a uniformed Navy cadet who rammed my narrow wheelbase Toyota van doing 75 mph trying to roll me on the freeway. HE not cited, either. A six foot long by two foot wide tire mark was imprinted on my van’s driver’s side. Obama and Biden are un American communists to do so. Real Americans revere their public heroes.

I was once stupid like most of you about all this. I actually supported Mondale, Clinton, and Obama once when I was naive like you are. I’m too smart to stay stupid, though. After almost getting killed, twice, in two separate “accidents” that could only have been orchestrated and after noticing it was while Obama / Biden were in office, I wised up. Now everything they have ever done stands out like a sore thumb that screams; “We are communists taking you over, stupid America.” They are, too, like dozens before them. Moscow has been in our oatmeal since the 1940’s with a vengeance. Remember the McCarthy era? It was no joke.

Meanwhile, we find Biden relying on ‘transposing the points’ to quote Nixon, in his claim that Trump is a threat to democracy. What could be more of a threat than rigging and STEALING a presidential election like he did to us in 2020? What could be be further from the truth than alleging Trump would use, weaponize, the ‘system; to get back with his enemies? Hasn’t Biden been doing that with his 100, plus indictments campaign against Trump? His economy is a result of credit card record debt, money printing and stealing buying power from retirees. Stealing 20 % of their social security. It’s just a fact. He NOW claims he is against immigration and could fix it if only we’d give him “..the power…” to. We let you be president, fairly or unfairly, isn’t that enough power Mr. Fix It? KNOW, people, that he is about dismantling your country. Nothing else but that. Beady eyed as could be. Have you noticed how is slits for eyes resemble two upside down smiles, FROWNS, people? Add his mouth and you see three sinister frowns looking back at you, Don’t you? Remove his transplanted pubic hair on his head and he is the spitting image of evil “Mr. Wilson” from “The Simpsons”. Cadaverous, besides.

I say to all, BUY Trump’s superimposed $2.00 bill with his face on it so as to give him back what Biden and this woman grabbing $83 million wants to take away from him. And his sneaker line. It’s a way to affordably undo Biden’s evil. His face probably BELONGS on a bill he’s so revolutionary and against the commie takeover we’re all in  the middle of. LET Biden know we aren’t going to lose and we aren’t going anywhere. And I actually am an R.F.K. Jr. supporter, first, and a Trump supporter right behind him. You can trust me. My I Q is 165, not 95. I actually finished in the top 3 % of my language portion of the S.A.T., besides. I was the first human, at only 17, to ever trisect an angle with a compass and straightedge, besides. I think outside the box. Best artist in my high school, to boot. Take advantage of me, people.

Use me soon or lose me, California. A year from today, if you haven’t helped me come forward, I will move to another state before Leon Panetta and evil Gavin Newsom assassinate me. My taxes will, instead, support THAT state if I ever get mega wealthy and famous like you all dread. I’d hate to have to call California limp wristed, cowardly, jealous, unjust, boot-licking no count commies, someday. Wouldn’t you?

The point being, if our government or our enemy’s government were smart enough to infiltrate John Lennon’s life with evil government agent Yoko Ono, who ordered San Francisco police to kidnap and pistol whip me unconscious in handcuffs in 1987 (She did), all the while pretending to be John’s loving wife (She was his arch enemy) ANYTHING is possible.

Hey, even Trump is a wimp when it comes to arresting Stephen King. I told him in late 2020 he’d lose to fraud if he didn’t. He was keeping up with my posts, too. His team was sending me e-mails almost weekly. The fact he had the chance but WILTED and did nothing has EVERYTHING to do with his troubles today. KARMA! My balls intimidate even Donald, heroic Trump, much less the rest of you. I’ll bet J,F.K. Jr. won’t wimp out on me if he becomes our president. He has reason to be as angry as me about political assassination. Right now the media – run by the Jews – hate him even MORE than Trump. All the more reason to vote J.F,K. Jr., people

By the way, did you all know that Raffensburger, the man who was in charge of the efficacy and legitimacy of the 2020 election was an ENGINEER by profession, first???!!!! He probably DID rig the Dominion voting machines, with our F.B.I.’s help, as only an engineer COULD! Maybe his head belongs on a post. I’m speaking figuratively, of course.



As I spoke on television last night (1-16-’24) at the Monterey City Council meeting, I alerted the council that I will be moving to Utah in a little over a year if Monterey can’t pull it’s head out of it’s butt and help me succeed in bringing Stephen King to justice before then. I said; “I’ve learned that people are more important than place.” I pointed out that, far from pledging allegiance to liberty and justice for all, Monterey is, in fact, a hypocrite protecting Stephen King at the expense of their children who are being deprived of the truth. I reminded them that they resent my presence and the truth when they should be hoisting me on their shoulders with pride. When I said I’d be moving a Jewish woman behind me said; “Good!” Interesting as I was going to include in my speech (But didn’t have the time to say.) that my main enemies over time have been Jews, homosexuals and toothless, homeless pan handlers.

The Jews hate me because they own our media and can’t stand me upstaging them and their power someday with the truth. They were likely the one group most behind Lennon’s assassination and just so John wouldn’t be around to preach peace after Israel blew up Saddam Hussein’s nuclear facility in 1981. They did, and John was too dead to complain. You see?

The homosexuals hate me because they don’t give a rat’s ass about the children who will have to live with their parent’s mistakes. Also, because they want the next super hero to NOT be a heterosexual.

The toothless, homeless losers need an excuse for their failure. If I clean up our satanic politics they will have no excuse for not being better off. They LIKE blaming the world for their bad luck.

So, there, people. If YOU hate me there is some connection to these groups, something in common with them and you. Beware. Most of you other groups hate me because I am pulling down the curtain on your satanic lives and you are jealous of me for being a hero. Most of you resent that you even NEED a hero. You evil parents hate me because you all KNOW I am doing your job in exposing King and you know you are too douche baggy to do so yourselves. I remind you that, in reality, you fear government more than you love yourselves and your children. It’s just a FACT! It cannot be denied and you want to keep that a secret.


You poor fools need me because I know more about politics than you do. Only a hero like me can trump the politics with truth and free speech. I watched as Mondale, Ferraro, Dukakis, Gore and others deliberately LOST ON PURPOSE to insure the other side won. The powers that be sew up both ends and don’t take chances. Trump slipped by because they underestimated his chances. I helped Trump win with 300 national talk radio calls over three years, prior.

I prefer an R.F.K. Jr, president, now, since Trump couldn’t find the spine to arrest Stephen King. Nevertheless, I prefer Trump over the rest.

I also noticed how one of the Jan. 6, 2020 Capital police was caught tearing out a window to let protesters in only to change his tune immediately after realizing his act was caught on phone cameras. He then started violently pushing protesters to convince the camera he WASN’T trying to abet their raiding of the Capitol. The F.B.I., people. They abetted the whole thing with Nancy Pelosi, et al. They set a trap for Trump and were agent provocateurs. This film is being reviewed by Congress today (1-25-’24) as we speak. Our F.B.I. , C.I.A., media, etc, have sold America out for the new world order they will be at the top of. Money and selfish greed over freedom.

Biden is spouting how Trump is the threat to democracy when it is HE who is. He acts as if he isn’t deliberately flooding America with immigrants, causing inflation to destroy our economy and cripple the elderly on their fixed incomes. He acts as if he isn’t weaponizing the courts, media and government against his opponents. He acts as if his son, Hunter, was never caught on film getting a blow job from a hooker, getting dirty money from China and our other enemies and a myriad of disgraces any other president would never get away with.. He acts as if he isn’t trying to put Harris in as our first, ever, woman president when he bows out, mid term, over senility. He is the definition of 180 degrees from the truth rhetoric to con us. A Soviet trademark. Only one such as I could see through all this smoke and mirrors.

I even think China foisted Covid – 19 on the world to remove Trump. A terrorist / political act.

The Clintons invited Stephen King in The White House for a secret meeting ten days before the Oklahoma City bomb went off. Obama put a medal of the arts award around King’s satanic neck in The White House in 2016. You SEE, folks? Communists slitting our throats with our F.B.I.’s approval.

So there. Let’s watch and see if I’m right or wrong. Better yet, break my story and head it all off at the pass. You poor shorn and brainwashed sheep need me.



Hey, what’s up America? Burdened by a lack of heroes to protect you? Suffering under wars in Israel, and Ukraine? Looking forward to a dodgy election cycle? Inflation and immigration destroying your country? You’re all a hot, sticky, ugly, satanic mess. You killed all your heroes and now you can’t even stand up to the man who murdered John Lennon; psycho horror writer Stephen King. THE Stephen King. You didn’t think he got his ideas anywhere else, do you? Oh, no. He’s been rubbing his evil hands together salivating at how he killed your hero and took John’s place, culturally, and got away with it all because you’re all too stupid to care. Too brainwashed to be free and also because you’re all way too cowardly. Cowardly. Very cowardly. Look at you pathetic parents. My website van has been all over the landscape and you probably lie to your kids I’m a nut and not to be taken seriously. That’s about your speed. Stupid, lazy, scared, boot-licking fear of your government that won’t let you admit I might be right. Won’t let you rescue your kids from evil Stephen King and help me when I protest downtown every Sunday at noon. Things you’d all do if you weren’t under the evil of your Jewish media. Oh, they are in control of your minds and your media and they think Lennon was too smart to be allowed to live and lead the rest of us. THEY must have complete control and THEY decide if you are sick as Satan or well. Guess where they stand, too?

Your kids know I’m right. They’ve seen my website and King getting Lennon;’s autograph. They’ve seen Mark David King Chapman and Chapman’s letter linking Reagan weeks before the murder and the codes in Time and Newsweek’s headlines that spill the beans in no uncertain terms about what REALLY happened to John Lennon then. They’ve read what’s in Nixon’s book; The Real War sitting next to Reagan the day of the murder that explains why John Lennon must be killed. All under the ominous headline; “Who’s In?” “Who’s Out?”. In their eyes you’re all just a bunch of phonies and cowards and child molesters who abuse their kids WITH Stephen King. They know you’d rather protect King than them. They all KNOW it, too. And you wonder WHY mass shootings and Fentanyl suicide is on the rise. Shame on you parents.


My next billboard.

Oh, yes. Prove me wrong and find a spine and stand next to me every Sunday at noon in downtown Monterey on Alvarado Street. I DARE YOU! If you, as a people, don’t find your spine in time I will move, probably to UTAH, and find I have no more time for you. Then you’ll wish you pulled your heads out of your stinky asses sooner.

Your unsung evidence super hero; Steve Lightfoot.


It turns out that the Monterey area is plagued with the corruption of the Panetta political family that has corrupted the courts here and the law enforcement personnel. The public just looks the other way and, therefor, becomes corrupted, themselves. Terrorized into lowering their standards. It’s a family affair, as in mafia, in my opinion, (All the locals know Italian mafia run this area.) and the junior Panetta is now in charge of your purse strings. Hundreds of millions of YOUR dollars under his control. Leon’s control, probably, being the elder. Leon, the former Nixon aid and C.I.A. chief and things of that nefarious nature. He has family members who are judges and all kinds of Italians running the D.O.J.. You’re all bitter, corrupted, overworked Lennon killers, now. Sucking under evil Stephen King. It’s the weather and scenery, not the people, that makes this place attractive at all. Pity. pity, pity, you’re all being corrupted by a bunch of money corrupted losers protecting America’s mortal enemy; Stephen King Your poor kids.


Even Michael Zwerling, owner of K.S.C.O. Radio in Santa Cruz is busy protecting Stephen King at all our expense I’ve finally figured out. In spite of his allowing me hundreds of instances of air time and even several interviews over six years, he has been busy making sure that I am only viewed by the public as a pathetic, delusional, crazy person who couldn’t possibly be right about his claim that the government let Stephen King murder John Lennon and covered it up with a Mark Chapman smoke screen scenario. I recall a week after his first interview with me saying over the air waves; “Most people of Santa Cruz think Steve Lightfoot is a crazy person.” That’s the oldest trick in the book; “Everybody knows.” mind control talk.

Just last Saturday, 12, 23, ’23 I let everybody know it, too. the conversation went like this;

M.Z. ;”Steve, is that you?” (He had just tried to ignore my call and only picked up because I called back on another line. In fact, I was the only person on hold but, when he first picked me up he changed tactics and took a brand new caller saying how I had already been on. At that moment I was reminding him ; “Yeah, but you let Rory call twice to bad me for ten minutes, don’t you?!” But that was muted.)

S.L.: “Can I talk? Rory has nine kids. I’m a better parent to those kids than he is if he thinks any one BUT Stephen King murdered John Lennon. And I’ve noticed you, Michael, have been playing ‘good cop’ ‘bad cop’ with your paid callers who put me down. You pretend to defend me but, meanwhile, your paid callers bad mouth me for several minutes, each time. “Problem is Steve’s a French fry short of a Happy Meal’,(Me mocking Rory) Rory can’t hold my jock strap!” Michael, you’ve created a culture of limp wristed Lennon killers. If this area doesn’t wake up and help me expose and punish Stephen King I will probably move. If you don’t have the spine I don’t have the time.

M.Z.: “But you’re blaming me?”

S.L.: ” It’s all about the results, Mike, and there’s a reason people don’t take me seriously and I think you’re the reason (pregnant pause)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            M.Z.: “So, you’re going from saying how great a guy I am to now how saying I’m not?”

S.L.: “You only cast me in a negative light. You take everyone’s jealousy of the messenger and exploit that emotion to turn the public against me. I’m sorry if you’re all so jealous of me you can’t save yourselves but if you don’t have the spine I don’t have the time for you and I will move. And you do it like C.I.A…..”;

(At that point the show ended and went off air but we kept talking;”)

S.L.:”…like C.I.A. in Hippy cloth. But it’s not just you, Mike, it’s the whole Jewish media.”

M.Z.; “Most people of Santa Cruz think that Steve Lightfoot is a crazy person…”

S.L.; “No, you ASSUME that. You want to impress that that is what people think when they don’t. You do it deliberately. It’s the oldest media trick in the world and you said the same exact thing a week after my first interview to shoot me down…”

M.Z.: “Well, Steve, we’re not on air now but I can only say how disappointed I am in you that you would turn on me, now.”

S.L.”It’s YOU who have turned on ME! I’ve been on to you from the start, Michael when you said that after our first inter…”

Spoken like a duplicitous, deceptive media Jew blaming me for exactly what he is guilty of; “turning” on ME. You’ll notice he tried, although it was just off air thinking it might be his last chance to use it, to repeat his subversive line; “but I’m the only one who gives you air time who knows who you are. Most people in Santa Cruz think that Steve Lightfoot is a crazy person.” He knew, all along, that people are controlled by the media and that he could corral me into the “Kooky nut” category if he hired enough hosts to put me down and give me the bum’s rush. There was Jack Stine, Jim Two, Dave Michaels, “Billy Sunshine”, even callers (I think they are paid callers to boost interest in the conversation) Rory from Watsonville and Don from Salinas. They seem like innocent random callers but they are probably not. At every turn there was Michael Zwerling manning the puppet strings to cast me as a whacko and not a hero with hard evidence. I recall, too, how upset Mike was when I used the term “C.I.A. in Hippy cloth” about K.S.C.O. in the past. As if that was the magic sentence that would expose them for what they really, probably are. I wonder if the show ended there or after i said it again. I DO know that my call from the hour before was, not only blacked out from rebroadcasting on the following Sunday, but the whole HOUR was blocked out allowing for an HOUR of dead static like I’ve never witnessed before. What could I have said then that was so illuminating that he would suffer an hour of lost air time just to squelch it? The guest was talking about how we should all support Israel. Here’s what I said following a loss of the guest after the air went dead from a malfunction;

“Me? Yeah, I’ll fill up the air time while you sort things out. I’m the John Lennon man. Your guest was making the case for Israel but exactly WHEN did Israel stop being a secret ally of Moscow ever since the Rosenbergs gave them our A – bomb secrets? Oh, by the way, my new sign on my website van reads; “I’M LEGIT. SO, WHO’S F.O.S.?” I think people can figure it out.. And while I’m waiting, let me sing a verse or two of song I just wrote. (Me singing.)”All the Lennon killers, one by one, murdered all their heroes with a gun, now there’s no one left and nothing’s fun, what H-A-AVE we done?…And so this is Christmas and what have we done? Murdered John Lennon with Stephen King’s gu-u-un…” And, people, if you can’t find your spine I haven’t got the time for you and I may move. If you don’t find a spine I haven’t got the time…” Was cut off.

Now, as you will learn, I think the Jews have a serious screw loose and should be removed from their monopolistic role in our media. I think they are our secret enemy and really work for Moscow. That they, exclusively, controlled the Lennon murder cover-up is a demonstrable fact. That, alone, pegs them as being our enemy. They also have a sick need to justify the crucifixion and the assassination of any geniuses like myself who come down the pike. I also think that homosexuals are lacking in empathy for the children who are being screwed by the Chapman lie and Lennon cover-up. That they lack the necessary wisdom to care about what kind of world the children will inherit being that they don’t reproduce children to begin with. I think that should be weighed when deciding what to do about my self imposed divorce from K.S.C.O. and their role in protecting King at your expense. I think Michael Zwerling is BOTH and he should be viewed with caution, accordingly. Is he a bona fide member of the C.I.A.? I wonder. Most talk radio is under their control. We’re so NOT a free country where the media is concerned.

If they won’t allow me to talk exclusively about elements concerning my evidence, screw THEM! Let them dry up like unpicked grapes. They taught me that a community – the central coast – doesn’t have to be homosexual to be a culture of faggots. The feminized, limp wristed excuses the cast at that station make to put me down is embarrassing for the central coast. Of course their owner, Michael Zwerling, has everything to do about that, too. I now think he thinks he is a smarter than Steve Lightfoot Jew who thinks he can wash me up with how he portrays me and my position in our lives. By marginalizing my message as a side show with no merit. To downplay it and render it irrelevant, like he has always done. I suspect he IS a bisexual or homosexual based on my sense about him, anyway. The very demographic, only behind lesbians and toothless winos, who have always resented my heterosexual dominance in our hero slot. I guess I am the very opposite of a lesbian in that respect and life’s biggest losers.

I learned that Henry Kissinger has been, all this time, a frequent haunter of the halls of the Kremlin in Moscow. I’ve always suspected he was a Kremlin agent. He and Nixon and Reagan and Jew; Stephen King and Yoko Ono and Mark Chapman. Time, Newsweek, U.S. News. All slitting our throats and killing our one voice of sanity and reason. Henry died days after I first ever blamed him of being the one who advised Nixon TO kill John Lennon on this website. To cut to the chase, Israel is a bigger mistake than Viet Nam. The Jews own our media and you’re all being brainwashed by them and their evil agenda to kill Arabs. They work for Moscow and have ever since the Rosenburg’s gave them our A-bomb secrets. If you idiots want to overlook that and let them get you feeling guilty for being an anti Semite SHAME ON YOU! The fact IS our 80 % Jewish controlled mass media – isn’t that a conspiracy? –  is ANTI AMERICAN. They are slitting our throats with it as they get the whole world to hate us for arming their genocidal rampage against the Islamic religion that Britain wants to kill. As PLANNED! That’s why Britain PUT the Jews there in the midst of their enemies. To constantly start wars and kill Arabs. It’s the Crusades, Part Two, people. It took Lennon to wake you up about Viet Nam and stop that war with his Tricky Dicky lyrics and give peace a chance lyrics. But John was right and all of us stupid Americans were wrong until we listened to John. All along!. Now the people that let Stephen King assassinate John Lennon and covered up his crime after are trying to control the media and your minds. How evil is that? They are foisting on you the same holocaust you foisted on them, once. You see? They can’t help but destroy all mankind but Jews. Stephen King and his evil are just the beginning of their plan. They want you evil from the inside, out, first. They know they must poison you all, spiritually, first.



(Citizen Alert regarding Leon Panetta of Monterey, Ca. politics and his efforts to have me killed. My hero status has attracted my enemies in the Monterey / Santa Cruz area and Leon Panetta is practically admitting, lately, that he is the one behind the dozens of police and court abuses I’ve endured since 2019, here. There are sections below that present my many court motions. Let me say, here, that Leon Panetta has proven himself to be a deranged sadist caught chuckling uncontrollably on 60 Minutes decades ago while recounting his role in killing thousands of Iraqi’s. This, before 9/11. A former Nixon aid and later C.I.A. chief, he is molesting me, the messenger, with almost a dozen police episodes in just three years time involving six officers who lied in their efforts to hobble my activism. Leon Panetta has corrupted several officers, chief Hober, D.A..’s Jefferey Rosel and Jeannine Pacioni, more than four judges and even a judge relative of his who he has slated to oversea my upcoming appeal on a matter where my rights to subpoena several officer witnesses were denied. twice. My website van is their target. They are trying to take it off the streets. The Panetta dynasty must be undone, not just for my sake, but all our sake. He is a corrupt millstone around Monterey county’s neck. Because he is at the top of the political power structure here our department of justice, much of it staffed with Italians and mafia, I’m told, is a farce and utterly corrupt. He is a corrupt, proven criminal and has no business in our political structure. His congressman son, Jimmy, I don’t trust to be in charge of our purse strings, either. One local who worked for Leon in his home got on radio last year warning us all that he should not be in charge of anything political here after having listened to him and his beliefs for two weeks. I agree. Read it all and find out why, please. That he actually has a Panetta ‘think tank’ Institute that he is pushing is distressing. He strikes me as a cross eyed, caved in face looking cabbage patch doll kind of figure wearing a tortured expression on his face as if he is insane, no less. He used to work for Richard Nixon and is now protecting Stephen King, John Lennon’s real murderer. As such he is all of our enemy. If I should die anytime time soon blame him .I consider him corrupt, criminal, deranged and dangerous.)

You people need to all pull your stupid heads out, now! You like to pretend to yourselves that I must be a nut to think what I do but it’s all of you who are nuts in reality. Very nuts, in fact. My evidence is proof and it speaks for itself. A child can see it is King getting the autograph and everything else. You’re all insane, upside down, inside out, under Stephen King’s smelly butt stupid, in fact. Under our Jewish run media’s meddling to cover up the truth all this time. How stupid is the public??? Now you’re paying for your cowardly, phony ways, too. Your lives have been unraveling and America has been tumbling ever since self confessed Jewish communist; King, and our mortal enemies kidnapped you blind, obsessive fools.

I deserve everybody’s support. I do not deserve your evil, cowardly and phony apathy.

(Introduction – While this site is mostly about my discovery of the killer’s face and true identity, the killer’s alleged name and attached letter to the editor found printed weeks before the murder where he states that Reagan is moving him, armed, into a hostile square in major magazines along with government bold print coded messages all about Lennon’s upcoming murder for five months including what Nixon writes in “The Real War” sitting next to just elected Reagan the day of the murder that explains why John Lennon must be assassinated as well as the hints in King’s many novels, while this site is all about mostly that, a second aspect has forced my hand, your collective depravity where admitting truth and demanding truth and justice are concerned. You’re all mind controlled turncoats and don’t even know it. You are under a spell and I have to break it. I have to offend you with other truths, as well, such as the political dynamics that killed Lennon and made you so sick in the first place. The real truth is so outlandish you won’t believe it, at first. The truth of our lives is truly satanic. An I.Q. of 165 and almost acing my S.A.T. definitely helps to understand it but let me please TRY to explain it all to you; To begin with, I am not an anti-Semite. I do think the Semite media is our enemy and other things that can be proven but I hope they get well in time for themselves and try harder to fit into society than they have in the past. For example; I have discovered that the Jews have left a trail of responsibility regarding John Lennon’s murder that can’t be denied. Subsequent study has taught me that their inbreeding and religion, even, may have skewed their mind to all our detriment and that the scar of the Holocaust has driven them to commit atrocities such as letting Stephen King kill John Lennon to punish mankind for what mankind did to them in the 1940’s. That what happened to them has created a monster that I can see before all of the rest of you. That they may have even thought John Lennon was the Second Coming and had to be killed. Things that unpleasant and hard to swallow, at first.)

Following the Monterey, California’s public’s no show this December 8, rally I conducted in downtown Monterey, allow me to offer up my upcoming billboards all about it;


(My current one reads; “I’M LEGIT. SO, WHO’S F.O.S.?” as in who’s full of shit.)


If you’re too cowardly to stand up to your now exposed government and media and avenge John Lennon and save your raped selves then I would truly HOPE God takes you out for taking up valuable space on earth that could be better used by someone else other than hero killing, cowardly, classless ingrates and monsters. When the quality is gone the quantity doesn’t really matter. I saw the moment we were all almost killed in the mid 1960’s by a monster asteroid. The rock that I saw in the mid 60’s, bigger than a mountain and faster than the blink of an eye, missed us by only 3,000 miles or less. I KNOW what God can do about a planet of monsters. You have NO idea. Remember the dinosaurs? God must have shown me that sight for a reason, I suppose. It motivated me to get to the bottom of Lennon’s murder when all of you were upside down, then.. I have a very real avenging angel, besides, I’ve noticed. Truly supernatural, in fact. Right now you are fools with your evil lips wrapped around Stephen King’s evil penis. I have proof! Recently, and right after I mailed dozens of my evidence magazines to Bangor, Maine to warn them about how King’s book “Rage” in the 70’s started the school shooting syndrome, they (Maine) were the victims of our biggest mass shooting this year. King said, after; “You have to stop electing politicians who are apologists for murderers.” Throwing his naked ass as much in their faces as he can to TAUNT them all to get them to fold like a cheap suit. Daring them to arrest him over what they all already know. Playing psychology with them as prescribed, no doubt, by his government handlers. “Yeah, I killed John Lennon, Mainers. Whaddayagonnadoaboutit, anyway? Arrest me? expose me? PROTEST THE COVER-UP? You pussies. You blind, obsessive fools. Now bow down and kiss my evil ass while I continue to hypnotize you and urinate all over you.” They do, too. Mainers are busy apologizing for their resident murderer / horror author. Mass shooting Karma? The timing, just weeks after I mailed them my warning, is ominous. All you parents are a satanic disgrace stepping aside while King molests all your children, too. If you can’t change you don’t deserve me, my singing, a world at peace or my evidence or even a good life on earth. Hate to have to be the messenger on that fact. I’d love for all of you to pull your socks up and put your foot down and prove me wrong about all that. Instead you must DESREVE war in the middle east, Stephen King and his influence, the mass shootings, war and all the rest of the ugliness you attract and live in. You can still change in time, though, – I hope.

I KNOW what is happening in the mid east. The “Great Satan”- us – is teaching the small Satan – Israel – how to kill off the indigenous Muslims there like we did our native population. That’s the real reason we put the Jews there to begin with, to start wars and kill Islamists. It’s a tactic of oppressing their neighbors to the point of outrage until they lash out and give Israel an excuse to ethnically cleanse the area under the guise of killing Hamas. Like what’s happening now. 11,000,00 civilians killed and hardly any Hamas operatives killed so far. You see? Meanwhile the Jews have, with our government’s permission, taken over our media, long ago, and is painting the false picture you’re all watching now. World opinion proved to be more pro Palestine than Israel but their media is now claiming the opposite, brainwashing all of you. You’re all good little Soviets now, aren’t you? Getting the party line from your evil Israeli controlled mass media. You should all be ashamed. This is a pivotal point in all our lives and America is caught committing genocide and being evil. Only bad karma can follow, too.

What if it’s The Crusades part II? It is, but our Christian religion and the Jew’s Judeo religion is allowing evil Stephen King to get away with assassinating good John Lennon and, therefor,  those religions are proving as evil as the worst parts of Islam. Religion has no mechanism to get their followers to actually DO what’s right in a crisis, after all. To even act in their own self interest. Religion, my evidence has proved, is impotent. John Lennon knew then, and I know, now, that religion is a farce misleading you into thinking you’re better than you really are. Giving you a false sense of righteousness. Even with our religions you are all still too weak and evil to care I-F Stephen King murdered John Lennon or not. Under religion Stephen King has made a mockery of you all for being so superstitious and foolish. You’re all dripping wet with his urine. Aren’t you all? Even as you attend services every week. Just great big ugly hypocrites using religion like a bar of soap to make you feel clean when you’re all hideous in reality. So, so much for any moral superiority regarding OUR killing off the Muslims so Israel can take over that area. That’s what evil you’re all up to right now. It takes a real hero to see it and then tell it like it is. I’m celibate by choice you’re all so sexy, by the way. That’s sincerity. I can see what your egos won’t let you see about yourselves.

To make matters worse it was John Lennon’s birthday, practically, Oct. 7, (Oct. 9 being John’s birthday) that Israel stood down for seven hours and let Hamas commit atrocities. They probably even orchestrated it all, I think. Now it’s Israel committing atrocities but our embedded media is telling you it’s not. It seems that my story must be getting close to breaking for this all to be the case, I think. I had a scheduled rally before the war broke out days before and I’m getting somewhat famous, locally. I used to wonder would the powers that be crack open a can of WWIII to stop my story if it ever got close enough to scare them. ApparentLY!

You people MUST arrest, try and execute evil asshole of the universe and traitor to mankind; Stephen King or you will all go straight to hell. There is no sidestepping this act of justice. Hell on earth. You’re already there. Anything less will find me moving out of America if you can’t do exactly that.

Although I have been blessed from above, lately, suddenly, with singing abilities found almost no where else on earth, as good as anyone alive today, I am not so vain that I care what anybody thinks about me. I think it’s just that I am more alive than the rest of you and CAN tap into that artistry and talent I never had before. It started in 2019 when I did it to calm my nerves from the stress of the police terror campaign against me, then. It was a case of get famous and bring MYRSELF forward before the government kills me, or else. The big, bad wolf of getting assassinated was at my door step. Motivated? Oh, yeah. I asked myself; “Where would I choose to rather be and what would I be doing if I could choose?” Being the next Sinatra or Beatles came immediately to mind and, wouldn’t you know it, the magic started to happen right away. Within a year my voice changed for the better due to being muscular and in condition. Then it started to get exciting for ME and it’s just fed itself to where it’s arrived. I’m happy with the cards I’ve been dealt in that regard. However, execute King or I’ll go Cat Stevens silent on you all in a heartbeat and renounce your plastic, phony world for all the rest of the world to see. I sing from my website van to prove to resentful society that I am the real deal and you’d all better pay attention. Now call me a crazy person as I sing JUST EXACTLY like the greats gone by. Tourists don’t bat an eye and think it’s a C.D. of the original artist until they turn around and see it’s all just me singing to a karaoke disk from my parked website van. I’ve gotten more than one $40. tip from them, too. I don’t even ask for tips. At least God is PARTLY on my side. The question IS; do you deserve a hero like me? You were too depraved, phony, brainwashed, scared and apathetic to deserve Lennon and you got Stephen King, instead for your sins, then. Can you afford to let the next “Beatles” like phenomenon – me, Steve Lightfoot –  skip you and leave you unserved? Unentertained? Uneducated? Under evolved? It sounds egotistical but it’s not. You’re all hurting in that regard. As you are, the  top entertainers rely on the big choreography productions, bells and whistles and props and even voice filters to compensate a lack of true genius behind it all. I can hardly hear the lyrics at all, in fact. None of them is taking political stands like Lennon did, either. In contrast I’d be a political activist / singer and in that order. It’s the real artists job TO CHANGE THE WORLD. I could save you all. At least I know it. It’s a ton of work and danger I hate to have to exert but am duty bound to, regardless. I’m not a sideshow like McCowardly. Or do you deserve, instead, Stephen King and nobody else really special? Like you’ve had it since 1969? Or even extinction by asteroid? If I am suddenly blessed with singing powers I say it’s because I am extremely experienced with life and have lived life more vigorously than the common man gets close to ever doing. My soul has been forged differently. I’ve lived the lyrics in the first place. I’m currently going where NO man has gone before. It’s a miracle I’m still alive exposing so huge a truth about our government.


That KSCO is a Jewish dominated station is accurate. My overall take on it is that it is a swishy, feminized, Jewish monopolized station bent on poo pooing my evidence and the importance of what it represents. In a subversive, deliberate way to sway the public away from my cause. To cast me in a certain marginalized light, only. Michael Zwerling once got very sensitive about my characterization that K.S.C.O. is “C.I.A in hippy cloth”. As if it really is. The owner, Michael Zwerling, Billy Sunshine, Dennis Prager, Wayne Root, Jim Two, I believe, and several others are all Jewish. I have always known, since encountering the opposition to my expose, that it is the Jewish run media spouting Chapman propaganda and no one else. That it is they who are exclusively covering up John Lennon’s murder and may even have been centrally behind the plot that killed John. That the Jews have a jealousy problem with killing our heroes and messiahs and anyone smarter than they are. They may have even thought that John was the second coming and HAD to be killed in their sick, religious minds. Howard Cosell, Barbara Walters, Albert Goldman and more have been the only ones peddling the Mark Chapman lie all this time. That Judaism attaches itself to the man Judas as their religion’s namesake is sickening, I think. A Villain. That the Jews have never apologized for killing Christ is also appalling. They haven’t learned their lesson, apparently, and probably WOULD kill The Second Coming if they could get away with it. They DID have a major role in killing John Lennon. And so, now, after I wondered how it was a homosexual (It’s just a sense I get from Michael.) Jewish radio station owner, the very demographic that has opposed me, might be allowing me air time to expose my evidence find, I find it all WAS too good to be true, that they were knocking me to the margins of discussion never once acknowledging I might be right or that it might be a vital news issue. A typical example, “…he makes so much sense but then he goes back to his Lennon stuff that we don’t care about..” As if it were NOT the biggest news on the planet in hundreds of years. The public is media controlled and they often fall for it.

Their often repeated promo reads; “We keep our friends close and our enemies closer.” I must be one of their enemies that they have been ‘pretending’ to let on their air waves. I now think that they really wanted to merely de fang me and inoculate the public to my cause by portraying me in a pathetic light, belittling my evidence and cause. A week after my first big interview Zwerling remarked  on air; “Everybody in Santa Cruz thinks Steve Lightfoot is a crazy person.” Subsequently host Dave Michaels tried to shoot me down in a second interview refusing to let me walk the listener through the ten minute description of how I found the evidence to begin with. As if that might light up a listeners ability to understand WHAT I found. He tried to ridicule my evidence as non evidence, etc., then. Following Zwerling’s orders, no doubt.

Lately co host “Billy Sunshine” has made it a point to assassinate my character calling me mentally ill, etc.. Zwerling used to have another Lightfoot character assassin who used to do the same thing. A reformed heroin junkie named Jack Stine before Jack sued K.S.C.O. for contract issues. Big money. Billy Sunshine admitted on radio, once; “If you’re as smart as me you don’t have to work to get rich.” He also has admitted that he got his million dollar house, etc. from inheriting it from his now deceased wife who he married knowing she was terminally ill. Since he has ridiculed me for thinking that Jews are reptiles (I never said that) let me say that, if he married her for her inheritance then that is a reptilian, sub human trait I don’t respect. He is a depraved turd in my book. The VERY LAST person anyone should listen to about wisdom or morals or advice. Only because he IS a Jew is he still working there he is so scandalous. He is a jealous, boot-licking turd who knows I’m right about Stephen King killing John Lennon yet, he, at every opportunity, tries to call me mentally ill. He insinuates that it is cruel to allow me air time to expose how insane I must be, etc. To cast me in a pitiable light.  A 180 degree away from the truth liar / propagandist. No wonder. He ADMITS HE was judged to be mentally ill, insane, himself, by an expert in his past and can’t be considered mentally fit, now. I think he was trying to evade the draft, then. A real scoundrel who has no moral weight to wield to begin with. He has never investigated my website because he is a coward who knows I’m right and he can’t stand it. Let’s all follow jealous loser, traitor, hero hating, “just a gigolo”, Billy Sunshine. A great big 6’2” tall sponge / coward letting Stephen King get a pass for killing the world’s biggest hero; John :Lennon. Betraying all of you to shoot me and my heroic activism down. He’s just sick enough to represent a deadly threat to me he is so jealous of my virtue that he completely lacks. That makes him an anti-hero. Him AND King. King, by the way is, yes, a Jew, I believe, too. He warns us a dozen times in Different Seasons, written a year after John’s murder, “Beware the Jewish / communist plot to destroy the U.S..” besides. He should know. Billy Sunshine admits to his leanings towards communism, in fact.

I, myself, have zero mental illness history and zero drug history except for pot. I’ve never taken any kind of pills, either. I don’t even drink alcohol. My father was doctor and surgeon and I take care of myself physically and mentally. I’m so fit and unimpeachable they can’t stand it, it seems. Anyone else I doubt would be so sound after what I’ve been through, too.

Rory of Watsonville, a humble strawberry farmer, I think, is what I call an ‘old maid’ caller. Someone who missed the boat of life and is desperately lonely and needs a radio audience to talk to for his attention fix. He calls almost daily and likes to cast me as mentally ill and a broken record and that a dime a dozen radio nutritionist is more newsworthy than who killed John Lennon. I think he might be a paid government caller / propagandist, no less, like possibly Billy Sunshine as well, he is so set on tripping up my progress. I’m sure some stations pay certain regular callers just to stimulate conversation. He, too, has admitted to never inspecting my WEBSITE! Another phony who knows I’m right. He says; “I don’t have to read your evidence, I’ve met you and you strike me as off balanced…” How ignorant a man is that? It may just be that my historic importance showcases his pedestrian tone by contrast and he is jealous I outshine everything about him. He resents a huge fish in his small pond. And he likes to think he is so smart and such a sage. I’ve seen him turn into a pumpkin after the first three minutes. He starts to repeat himself, get lost, go off in ten different directions and collapse in front of the audience. A real lonely hearts club kind of caller with serious mental issues of his own, in my opinion.

Don of Salinas. Another aging, old maid type who recently compared me to Don Quixote tilting at windmills. He called to stomp on my first interview saying; “You have no humility!” At least I have my pride. I care if King killed John Lennon. He doesn’t. Another lonely loser jealous of the man with something big and vital to say. He likes to be a big shot in a small pond and can’t stand a big fish showing him up, either. All the lonely people, where do they all come from?

Co host Jim Two. He admits to being either a Jew or a homosexual (One of several in the station) He claims he is a 400 pound black lesbian in transition but he is not. His M.O. is to giggle like a homosexual every time I make sense to shoot my truth down. As if his giggling will convince others I must be ridiculous. No. It may be because he is a Jew or a homosexual and he is jealous of my virtue that he has none of. I represent all that he is not. His stock in trade is trivia, in fact, on the radio. Real important subject. Trivia. I’ve said, before, that, because homosexuals don’t reproduce, they have less interest in leaving the world a better place for the kids. That that is why they, Jews and beggars with no teeth emerge as my biggest detractors.

Manager / host ; Dave Michaels;

He has interviewed me three times and the second and third interviews were fair. The first was a hit job on me and my evidence and credibility. He recently said, yesterday (12- 2- ’23 ) “Jeeze. Is there a way to cast an evil spell on Steve (Lightfoot)? He probably doesn’t believe in all that and it might not work on him.” So you can see how much HE is on my side. Trying to toss banana peels in my path. It all emanates from the top, down. Zwerling may not be our friend, after all. As time marches on the stereotypical types that always censored me or marginalized me, media Jews, homosexuals and wino’s who beg for a living, are all playing out to be true.

Michael Zwerling will not allow me to spend $210. dollars for several ads like very body else is allowed. $35. @ minute, I’m told. I tried to recently and his excuse was; “I don’t want you to waste your money that way…it doesn’t fit our typical business oriented format….” “But I might want to just re brand myself. I don’t care if it makes me money or not..” I replied. No change in his stand. I notice he has been playing “good” cop / “bad” cop with me, too. He plays my defender as his hosts berate me and keeps it up for many minutes so his hosts can have more time to find reasons why I am not an important caller. All the while he is paving time for his hosts to cut me down he is casting himself as my defender. A typical, disingenuous, manipulative Jew.

There’s more, but I worry for KSCO’s future now that the public has seen them in this light this long. They know KSCO is my enemy and, therefore, all our enemy. ” Keeping Santa Cruz Obtuse” should be their anacronym. Or; keeping S.C. oppressed.

I closed out that last show by saying something like this only to have Billy anything BUT sunshine said, after; “As I said; Mental illness!!”

Let me just say that Israel needs to change and assimilate better than they have in their sorry past. They’ve always kept to just themselves, including breeding,. Kidnapping ten thousand Palestinians without formal charges, taking hostages, is why they were attacked Oct 7. They WANTED Palestine to attack to give them an excuse to commit genocide against them and wipe them out. That’s why Britain put them there. We see them killing fifteen thousand already,. Civilians. We are fools to trust Israel or the Jews with running our media. They are protecting Mankind’s arch enemy; Jew, Stephen King. Stephen King warns us a dozen times in one book written a year after he killed John; “Beware the Jewish / Communist plot against the U,.S.”

I’ll second that . Beware my detractors. They are YOUR ENEMIES!





Please take notice that I, Steve Lightfoot, the appellant, will move to remove judge Panetta from hearing my appeals case due to a conflict of interest that prejudices this judge regarding my case. This because the elder Leon Panetta, a former C.I.A. chief, has most likely taken part in a conspiracy to obstruct justice where John Lennon’s murder is concerned and is most likely responsible for the many citations and false charges I have had to fight since I got my newer website van in 2019. Too many agencies and jurisdictions are involved and only a top ranked politician such as Leon Panetta could explain such a campaign against me. I happen to be the man who discovered evidence that proves what really happened when John Lennon was killed. That our government assassinated him. Our government and Leon Panetta are desperately trying to stop my activism and would like it if I were killed, in fact. In the matter before the court I was prevented from calling witnesses, six other police officers who can be proved to have lied in their efforts to cite me in the recent past, to show a pattern of fraud and abuse and the appointment of judge Panetta in this appeals hearing, I allege, is designed to double down on the corruption already committed against my rights by judge Sillman and thwart my legal motion to reverse the judgement against me. This judge Panetta has reason to believe I will destroy the Panetta dynasty in Monterey county after I am brought forward to present my findings that prove our government murdered John Lennon in 1980. Having discovered the killer’s face and true identity and alleged name and letter linking himself to Reagan before the crime and codes in the headlines of three major magazines as well as supportive evidence found in Nixon’s book ‘The Real War’ that describes why John Lennon must be assassinated and what is found in Stephen King’s many horror novels, I will most likely become world famous after disclosure is made and be in a position to remove the Panetta dynasty from their government appointments, including even this judge’s post, over Leon’s corrupt practices once I am brought forward. In fact, I have already declared that I will do exactly that at numerous televised Monterey city council meetings in 2022 and on my website and hundreds of newsletters I passed out then. For judge Panetta to deny knowledge of this activity of mine is simply not credible. This judge is not here to rightfully grant my appeal and offer an olive branch or my hearing date would not have been scheduled for the day before my annual protest rally on December 8, the anniversary of Lennon’s murder. This marks the second time in as many years this December 7 date has called me to court, in fact. My request for a continuance to December 15 has not been answered in almost two months time, as well. Even if this judge was not a Panetta these circumstances, alone, suggest the court is abusing my rights and that this judge, whomever it may be, should be removed on that basis, alone. I am not being treated in a fair manner, already. I am, instead, being taunted and antagonized, in my opinion, by the judge. This court has, in too many ways to be denied, demonstrated contempt for this appellant.

To begin with, I just found out that judge Panetta is the one handling my case of I’d have removed this judge long ago. As an outspoken adversary of Leon Panetta, who this judge is directly related to, I would not get a fair hearing from this judge. I have already been publicly advertising how corrupt I think Leon Panetta is and that he is apparently in charge of the multi agency plot to remove my website van from the streets that has found me having to fight a flurry of false charges and citations I did not deserve. That judge Panetta is slated to hear my appeals case is almost an admission from Leon Panetta that, indeed, he IS the one behind my many police and court problems. Just as I have been advertising for almost two years, now.

(1); The campaign to take my website van off the streets began in January of 2019 when a retired Santa Cruz police officer, Bill Rawson, connected me with a man I hired to drive me one block to a dental operation. This man, Chris Malsack, who admitted on police video; “I’ll bury a car in a heartbeat. It’s just an inanimate object.” left my van out of gear on a downslope with me in the back section. Had I not climbed into the driver’s seat to stop it it would have plowed into another lot and done untold damages. My newly painted and lettered van suffered over $2,000.00 in damages and I was blamed for an accident I was innocent of. Even though my blood tested negative for drugs or alcohol I was cited for D.U.I.. My speedy trial rights were denied for over two years and I had to fire two lawyers who were throwing my case and recuse three judges, one who admitted in writing that he is prejudiced against me before it was dismissed in the interest of justice. Even as it was being dismissed a prosecutor was caught trying to introduce evidence never before allowed in any prior cases, ever. My insistence on representing myself was my saving grace, I think.

(2); On April Fool’s Day, 2019, months later, another CHP officer from the same station as the first, cited me for unsafe lane change. The car I was behind suddenly slowed after seeing him following us both forcing me to merge into the next lane to avoid an accident. I was never unsafe. He failed to appear after my trial was rescheduled after he tried to schedule it for the anniversary of the Loma Prieta earthquake. I had mentioned that date to the other officer suggesting his attempt to introduce that date was deliberate and possibly to taunt me. An hour before that citation someone had let the air out of one of my tires.

(3); On August 28, 2020, while in the middle of fighting that first D.U.I. charge, and while sporting a sign on my van that read; “D.A. ROSELL IN PLOT TO KILL ME”, several officers descended on me following a report I had touched a car while parking. I was singing to a sidewalk crowd at the time and reached into my van’s back section in the dark for a bottle of olive oil to coat my throat with only to grab the wrong identical bottle that had less than a teaspoon of brandy in it. The officer was right there to grab it from my hands. Video shows the lid was tightly screwed on and my mouth never near it. It shows it in my hands for only one second, in fact. In spite of this sergeant Newby ordered officer Phillips to cite me for open container because he thought I was trying to take a sip from it. Phillips promised not to if I was sober. I blew 0.00, twice. Officers Newby and Phillips both lied to me. Officer Herndon, after admitting I caused no damage to the other car, called me a week later demanding my insurance information or he’d up my charges. Even though the other driver refused to file a complaint or find damages officer Herndon took it upon himself, illegally, to list an accident on my report. Three officers lying, all in one night, to prosecute me. They were hoping to cite me for another D.U.I. though I’ve never been convicted of one in my life.

(4); On July 18, 2021 Monterey motorcycle officer Kopp presented himself to me in a 7 – 11 driveway on Lighthouse Avenue and followed immediately behind me. Fully aware that he was behind me I noticed he was suddenly out of sight and nowhere to be seen in my rear view mirror. We were going through three consecutive lighted intersections on a downslope and if I stopped he might get hurt in the process. It was while looking for him that the last light changed and I was cited for a violation. His “trick” worked, apparently. Video shows that he drove in my blind spot in the lane’s right section to hide himself, deliberately. Immediately after he went to the station. I had a stack of leaflets about his corrupt chief, Hober, on my dash at the time. In that trial judge Sillman refused to allow me to call other officers to show a pattern of fraud and abuse, twice! In the second round of un recognized subpoenas even officer Silonzolchic, who never argued against the subpoena, was prevented from taking the stand. My other motions to dismiss over discriminatory prosecution and for a change of venue and for removing Judge Sillman were ignored as well. I was deprived of my trial rights. Had I been able to question these other officers I would have been able to show a pattern of fraud and abuse that would have rendered Kopp’s denial that he baited me to violate by hiding in my blind spot as not being credible. My case would have and should have been dismissed.

(5); On December 8, 2021 officer Hill refused to pursue a complaint I issued against a John Russo who deliberately plowed his huge truck into my protest sign and rear bumper after trying to block my annual protest for over an hour parked in a yellow zone. This John Russo, a stranger to me, called me a “Piece of s###.” initially. Officer Hill’s report was a piece of fiction mostly portraying me as an angry man. This was when I learned from the locals about how Monterey is controlled by the Italian mafia. John Russo’s hit and run and damage to my sign was excused by the police.

(6); In July of 2022 Monterey officer Hall cited me for unnecessary noise for singing, unassisted, from my van to a Sinatra CD. He, conveniently, did not activate his body camera, even though it would have established a violation or not if my system could be heard beyond 50 feet.. My own tests showed I was NOT in violation.

(7); Two days later I was cited for a peace disturbance from officer Mosqueda for the same thing just two spaces away from the other. This was a blatant false report made by The Whisky Club bar who bragged on radio, after, that Leon Panetta is a prominent member of their ‘club’. The owner even lied to suggest I was shouting to the crowd. I never shouted at all. Only because I was not ready to endure the stress of having to, again, subpoena several lying officers to a trial that would have denied my subpoenas did I make a plea to the first if the fines on both were waived and the second charged dismissed. In both matters I was not guilty. Weeks before this bar owner’s false complaint another bar owner across the street, Paul Whitecross, threatened to “Smash your (my) face like a pumpkin…we don’t care about you…we have ways to stop you..” I even managed to tape record his remarks.

It was after these back to back assaults on my rights that I began exposing Leon Panetta via talk radio, signs on my van, “PANETTA MOLESTING MESSENGER” televised city council meetings and newsletters and my website. His son, Jimmy, in each instance, came on television days later to release funds for public projects. Apparently he was fully aware of my activism against his family name and doing damage control. I’m sure this judge Panetta is also aware of my activism in the past in this regard. To deny so would not be credible being as active as I was in this campaign in so small a community as Monterey.

(8); In August of 2021 a man was parked halfway into my parking space forcing me to touch his bumper to not be in violation, myself. This was a police / library lot. The man threatened to physically hit me forcing me to retreat into the library where I tried to get the librarian to call police but she would not. Minutes later, in the presence of this man who never opened his mouth or asked for insurance or anything, I was allowed to leave. There was no damage I caused to his car. Months later I received a summons from D.A. Pacioni for ‘hit and run.’ My public defender; Daniel Kutter, is a witness to the fact that officer Silonzolchic’s report that he ever spoke with me on my phone is a complete lie made out of whole cloth. I showed him that phone’s record shows no activity for weeks prior to his claim of talking with me. A new phone had replaced that phone that he accessed from old police files. He claimed he spoke with me but I hung up after he asked for my insurance information. That never happened at all. That matter was dismissed due to lack of evidence but was dragged out for months even after I proved my van could not have caused his asphalt scrape from the start. A year after the incident this same man was found dead in his car in the exact parking space where we met a year before. I thought he might be a police operative trying to set me up. Strange.

(9); On July 13, 2023, while in another law enforcement parking lot, the Marina court lot, an off duty correctional officer, Nuduenza, claimed I dented his car while exiting my van with my door. I did not damage his car as I was very careful not to. I had just left the Salinas court and they would have known I was on my way to the Marina lot. I denied his ludicrous claim and he never followed up with further discussion of the matter and I walked out of the building and left. I noticed he had re parked his car before accusing me to obfuscate any measurements I might make. An hour later and ten miles away on a street where I often watch television this same man approached me. I called him out for being a ‘scammer’ and he threatened to assault me. When I said; “You’re going to end up in the police station if you don’t stop.” he shot back, angrily; “I AM police!” He tried to claim I was responsible for a prior dent too low on his door for my van to have made contact with. When I explained this he changed his complaint to another location three feet away on his door handle pointing to a sliver of paint that was not a match to mine. I told him any insurance company will be able to prove he is lying. He never, not once, mentioned asking for my insurance. Because he threatened me, physically and verbally, I immediately went to the station to file a report with sergeant Nino. Nino, conveniently, was not wearing his body camera, either. His report was deliberate fiction. I had to return after reading it to point out his errors. According to Nino I collided with his car and was asked multiple times for insurance. Nonsense. This man never made a claim against me after, in fact.

(10); For the second time in two years I noticed my court appearance date for this appeal was listed as December 7, a day before my annual December 8 murder anniversary rally. I entered a motion for a continuance citing that my advertising efforts would suffer if I had to arrive on that date and would the court please move the date a week later for December 15 instead. Almost two months went by and no response. I went, in person, to your office in mid November to ask the clerk to notify the judge I am waiting for a response and need it soon.

(11); Another week of no response found me calling your office again. Having had two phone calls disconnected by your staff twice in a row, I went to your office in person again to find out what’s going on on November 23 at 3:45 pm. The male clerk informed me the judge was Panetta. I thought it was Sillman all this time. I immediately asked him if this judge was related to Leon Panetta. He claimed I was interrupting him and did not answer. At another point I asked, again, and he, again, claimed if I didn’t stop interrupting him he’d leave. He refused to even answer my pertinent question.

All these episodes suggest, indeed, that this county’s department of justice is engaged in corruption where I am concerned. There is no way all this is by coincidence. None of what has happened to me could have taken place without this area’s top politicians knowing about it. Probably orchestrating it all, in fact. Now I discover that this man whose reputation will go south in a hurry after I am brought forward for discovering the evidence relating to John Lennon’s murder is slated to have a blood relative of his to handle my appeal here. A proper judge would have to agree that my rights to call witnesses to show a pattern of fraud and abuse to undercut officer Kopp’s testimony were valid and my subpoenas were wrongfully denied. And that other motions were wrongfully denied, as well. For judge Panetta to hear my case represents a conflict of interest and the judge should remove him or herself from my case. It’s obvious to me that the sins and misconduct of judge Sillman that deprived me of a fair trial this judge Panetta wants  to establish as being valid to wrongfully deny my appeal. A non partisan judge might not be willing to deny my rights this way. Should this judge Panetta be allowed to rule in my matter and find against me it would prompt a lawsuit including damages. Any statute limits I may be able to excuse if I can prove that no lawyer would help me in the interim. My subpoena rights are absolute and my appeal is valid. Officer Kopp’s claim he did not entrap me into a violation would have been rendered not credible had the other officers many lies been fleshed out in court. It would have made a huge difference. In my website entries and newsletters I have described Leon as a corrupt politician protecting Stephen King and the Lennon murder cover up and that he is an accessory to that murder cover-up and is engaged in obstruction of justice in harassing me and that he wants me dead and kept from disclosing my evidence that exposes the very highest offices of our land that he once represented as C.I.A. chief. He even worked for Richard Nixon who is implicated in my Lennon expose. Judge Panetta, I allege, has been assigned to my appeal because this court, this judge and Leon Panetta, all have a vested interest in hobbling me and my activism by denying my appeal. Even if this is the first this judge Panetta has heard of my activism to oust the Panetta’s from politics in Monterey after I am in a position of fame he or she is aware of it now and there exists a real conflict of interest that requires another judge handle my appeal.

I would love to believe it is all a coincidence and that this judge has no idea who I am or what I have said and done in the past to ensure that Monterey is relieved of the Panetta dynasty that has corrupted it’s department of justice and this county. That I have vowed, publicly, to unseat the Panetta dynasty is threat enough to make Leon Panetta appoint his relative to hear my case to frustrate me, yet again. I believe that IS the case and respectfully request a new judge be appointed. It should offend judge Panetta that Leon is apparently attempting to corrupt even his relative, this judge, to rule against me and not just several officers, judges and district attorneys already.

That this is the case suggests to me that Leon Panetta has plans to either kill me or something else I don’t know about or he wouldn’t be so openly targeting me. Once I am famous I will have the upper hand and, rightfully, a commission should be assembled to assess the danger I am already in and bring me and my findings forward before he tries to further stop me.

As your offices were closed these past days surrounding Thanksgiving I was prevented from filing this motion sooner than today, Monday, the 28th. My request for a continuance to December 15, 2023 that I filed months ago should be honored. In either case my motion here should be granted and found to be timely as I acted immediately upon discovering who the judge in this matter was and I gave ample notice. There is time to appoint another judge to hear my appeal. Unless it can be proved that this judge is not related to Leon Panetta my motion should be granted. And, even so, my request for a continuance that has been ignored for two months, the December 8 date looming near, suggests that this judge, related to Leon or not, has already displayed a contempt for the appellant and should be replaced on that basis as well.

I declare, under penalty of perjury, that he above is all true and correct.

Dated November 26, 2023.



Appellant; Steven Lightfoot


Now, back to where we were before this interruption.


A 20 minute 60 Minutes style nationally televised presentation of the best evidence is all it would take to get King arrested, tried and executed. And everybody knows it, too. What makes all of you evil is how you pretend to yourselves I must be a nut instead of being responsible. I’m a hero. Do you deserve one? So far your evil denial has found you deserving evil Stephen King. You victims stand dripping wet from having been standing in Stephen King’s urine stream all this time, too. The people behind this plot, Nixon and Reagan, work for some world order nightmare shadow government and the people in this group have been laughing at all of you ‘stupid Americans’ who are blind to the cover-up and what they’re up to. As you laugh at me they are laughing harder at idiotic all of you. I happen to KNOW more than the rest of you about it because my life is in extreme danger and I HAVE to know the truth just to stay alive. Especially lately, the state of Zion, the faction of bad Jews trying to destroy us all, not just America, wants me dead and for my expose to stop yesterday. Oh, I’m telling, too.

Before I start, let me say I’ve said all this decades ago but have kept it out of conversation for the last two decades. Exposing the Jewish media monopoly only works if you’re already famous. Meanwhile they DO decide who is and is not allowed to BE famous. Now, however, I must stop WWIII for my sake if not all of ours. Exposing this now is necessary, regardless.

Let me also say this; This attack on October 7 was DESIGNED to provoke WWIII. The wanton depravity and heinousness of it all suggests that was the motive. To incite WWIII. To inflame passions. This would be an advantage to the Jews who are the vastly more militarized of the two groups. A way to take back Gaza and the newly discovered natural gas and oil riches recently found there. A way to also stave off my expose rally on Lennon’s birthday? Just like Charles Manson killed those people to start a race war. I think it was Israel who allowed it to happen and likely abetted it all. Very much like Hitler setting the Reichstag ablaze to start a war, then. WWII, in fact.” Piss them off long enough and they’ll lash out.” tactics.

I didn’t start out with a chip on my shoulder against the media  and Zionist Jews UNTIL I learned they are the only ones who mentioned Mark Chapman’s name and covered up King’s crime  King, I believe, just happens to also be a Jew. He even warns us a dozen times in “Different Seasons” written a year after his crime,; “Beware the Jewish / Communist plot against the U.S..” Howard Cosell, Larry King, Barbara Walters, Richard Goldman, etc. spewing the Chapman lie, exclusively. When I confronted Larry King on KGO Talk Radio decades ago about it he admitted; “…It’s O.K., (Host Ronn Owen tried to apologize for my barbed call.)The truth is all going to all come out, eventually, anyway…” At least he admitted his role. I have reason to believe the Jews, perhaps, were behind the idea to murder John Lennon. Jewish Henry Kissinger, namely, may have prompted the whole thing. He was Nixon’s advisor and Henry felt the need to speak at my home town of Santa Rosa in the 80’s during my activism’s early days and on Lennon’s murder anniversary, no less. He was a no show following my activism about it there and rescheduled for Lennon’s birthday, in fact. No coincidence but a concession that it was about me, not Santa Rosa. Apparently he felt ignored and left out of my expose and wanted me to KNOW it was HIS idea, all along. Kissinger was always against Lennon and prompted Nixon to try to deport him in the 70’s. I recall how only a dozen people showed up to see him, a humiliation, and how I interrupted him to say; “Mr. Kissinger. We want the truth about John Lennon’s murder.” He couldn’t resist insinuating, after, that I would never see my story break in my lifetime and walked off the stage. I happen to think that the loss of John Lennon describes the flavor of the depravity of going along with whatever vision they may have for us all. A dark, flawed vision we must avoid. Life has already become cheap since we killed John Lennon with our ignorance and apathy. Mass shootings, Fentanyl suicide, war, etc,,etc,..If it turns out that Strom Thurmond, who WAS very openly against Lennon, was also a Jew I wouldn’t be surprised at all.

So, if I am now prejudiced it is because I have reason to be. I, wonder, in the darkest recesses of my imaginings; did they kill John because they secretly feared he was the second coming of Jesus Christ and that that was all the reason they needed. Their guilt of killing Christ has haunted them ever since and they seem to know that that is one reason the world seems to hate them so much. All their bad karma ever since, too. Jesus and Christianity scares them, I think. Why the need to make assassinating John so extremely SATANIC and involve a horror writer, for example? Let his evil ass take over, after, and poison society? As if to defy God and all that is good. As if to get back at us all for trying to extinguish them, once. We’re all a witness to Netanyahu’s evil need for revenge, lately. I now wonder do they have a knee jerk need to destroy us all for our having tried to destroy them in the 1940’s and are they, unwittingly, leading us down a dark, evil path in their natural need for revenge on mankind. I doubt, even if this worry is founded, that even they have have an idea this dynamic is even a possibility. That they have made a carnival tourist trade out of the Holy Land is obnoxious, I think, too. They should not be able to cheapen it all and profit off of Christ’s death that way. They should not be the ones to portray it all. If any location should be owned by the whole world, perhaps, it is there. That may even be a possible solution to our collective dilemma.

My life depends on knowing what end is up in our world and I happen to have a valuable insight to our universal dilemma. While most of you focus on comfort and materialism and such I focus on the meaning of our lives and the truth of our politics. I have to to stay alive. I know that, only after Stephen King is punished, can any of us pretend to be sane or well or moral at all. That we’re doomed and sick until then. Meanwhile STOPPING this WWIII that Israel is willing to foist on all mankind just so THEY can have a religion based nation state, unlike any other religion, is a necessary thing I have to do. Israel, as it is, is an abomination, not a nation. It’s a farce. It always has been since 1948, in fact.

It just so happens America and the world are utter FOOLS to go along with the media narrative that we should support Israel over the Arabs. I am convinced the state if Israel will backstab America and turn us over to our enemies in the end. The Rosenberg’s handing Moscow our A-bomb secrets, then, is just the tip of the iceberg with them. That Israel represents a complete contradiction to our belief in a separation of church and state is glaring, but it takes me to explain why this American belief and principle must not be sidestepped for the Jews who want to live there. That move in 1948 is and always was a mistake born out of guilt, not logic. A colossal mistake that will doom us into WWIII if we don’t admit our mistake, now, and disperse the Jews and treat them like the rest of all of us who have done just that, already. No special state for your special religion. No way, no how. Forget it. Fate will not allow it, in my opinion.

You all may have noticed that the world has NOT BEEN FOOLED into siding with Israel. In fact, the opposite. More anti Israel sentiment than vice versa is what is happening. It doesn’t take a genius like me to figure out that they have been treating their neighbors like shit all this time and like slaves and as a lower class race while gobbling up territory and everything else along the way. We get it. THANK G-O-D-! The Jews would have you believe that, because they are so much ‘smarter’ than the rest of mankind, that they should rule the world someday. The problem is, in my opinion, is that they have a screw loose, already, from all that inbreeding they have been up to all this time. Having sex with only fellow Jews is at the heart of their problems. Their brand of smart is dangerous because they are so primed to lash out at us all for the Holocaust. They can’t even see it. Just as they want to turn the Muslims into their slaves, as admitted by Netanyahu recently, to compensate for their slave past under the Egyptians, they also want to extinguish us all for what we tried to do to them. Oh, it’s pretty apparent, too. LOOK at your media. How many images of government agents brandishing guns to scare you are you seeing? How many images of murder and the wanton wasting of human life are you being exposed to every day on television prime time? Hundreds of times every day. Remember how they made a mockery of our culture with ‘Married With Children’? Rubbing obnoxious Al Bundy and his air brained family in our faces for the fools we Americans can be? Making fun of us all. The media IS our enemy. Killing Lennon with a gun was part and parcel of a plot to take away our second amendment, people. King, a rabid activist against it, is open about it, too. Scaring you with agents brandishing guns galore every night is how they are scaring you off of them, too. “We’re taking you over! Surrender!” “Police state coming through!…” Who else do you all think is running our media? I think  behind Israel, it is also Russia, by the way.

Albert Einstein was a genius Jew. He proved to be smarter than all the other races to solve what he did. What he solved was a way to end all life on earth with his splitting of the atom, if I’m not mistaken, however. He did so right after the Jews were almost snuffed out by the rest of mankind. In some ways he can’t be blamed for giving us a little payback as all Jews must have wanted to lash out at all humanity, then, for our bad behavior. I’m sure Albert was unaware of any such dynamic motivating him. There are plenty of Jews who gave us great songs and lyrics that we all loved. I’m sure that 90 % of Jews are good Jews, in fact. If Bob Dylan were brave enough to help me come forward he could absolve a lot of our our angst against Jews. Why only 90 % and not 99 %? It’s because for three percent of our population to already run over 50 % of our media and banks and other vital infrastructure proves they are conspiring –  CONSPIRING – to control us all in doing so. They have their own dangerous agenda. There are probably one a half MILLION Jews who are NOT good Jews who are in this conspiracy. Otherwise such a lop sided result could not be possible. It surely is not coincidence. It started during WWII, in fact, this communist invasion trying to disembowel the United States. ‘McCarthyism’ was not unfounded then. Even Ronald Reagan married a women on that commie blacklist; Nancy Baker. This while he was president of our screen actor’s guild when that industry was under scrutiny. Didn’t know that, did you? Reagan never attended church, either.

If you examine Israel it’s worse than Russia in terms of it’s Big Brother mentality. Surveillance state, apartheid politics with it’s neighbors, a ‘might’ makes ‘right’ mentality, a parasitical relationship with America who supplies them with all they need to do whatever they’re up to. Somehow it is only Israel and Russia currently engaged in IDENTICAL OPERATIONS! Bombing the snot out of their lesser militarized neighbors. Apartment buildings, too, just like Putin used to set up with explosives to start a war in Chenchnya and then blame it on the Chechnyians. It’s enough to make us all wonder was Israel and Russia behind 9/11. So many buildings free falling everywhere. Cruschev’s 1960 pledge to “Bury your grandchildren”  may have been delivered then, after all. Those then grandchildren were in those buildings in 2001. They certainly were buried, too. There’s the persistent rumors of hundreds of Jews not going to work there that day, the way millions in silver there were relocated, first, and the way the scene of those buildings on fire as they looked that day can be found in our folded up twenty dollar bill. The Federal Reserve printed them and guess who runs that organization? Same thing with the ten dollar bill. With the Five it’s a case of ;” you see ’em, now you don’t.” It can’t all be coincidence, people..

“But we were told the Saudi’s did it. Isn’t that we attacked Iraq after?” You see, people? You’re all lost. Guess who needs to un monopolize our media , now? The people that have you so confused that you don’t care IF Stephen King murdered John Lennon. To say they are entirely to blame is a lie as our own government is up to it’s evil reasons, too, for this to be the case. Oh, I’m sure our government is using Israel as a wedge to stem the Islamic influence there. That they worry their religion is a threat to us here in America. But you don’t THEM monopolizing our media, banks and infrastructure, do you? What I see is a possible plot by the Kremlin, long ago, to make the entire Islamic world hate America by putting the Jews in Israel and all the wars that would incite. To tie us to Israel. Similarly it could be argued the Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese people were all soured to America from the wars we got entangles with there. Makes Moscow suddenly seem very smart, indeed. Find a way to make the whole rest of the world hate America. Real smart U.S. government. Either you’ve been played by someone all this time or you mistakenly think that by bombing people you can imprint them with your campaigns to be subservient and fear you forever. Who’s religion is the real threat, America? Who has a chip on their shoulder regarding the Holocaust? Not Muslims. There’s no way the Jews failed to notice how we took in so many Nazi’s after the war. Or that it was Russia who killed Hitler in his bunker, not us. Again, reader, remember the Rosenberg’s. Let’s not pretend they trust us at all. Has no one noticed but me how similar the religious robes are between Moscow’s orthodox religion and Judaism’s orthodox robes? Practically identical.

The day before the Gulf War an Israeli bulldozer killed an American protester who was standing in the way of their razing of a Palestinian neighborhood to make room for more Jews. This pretty, young, blonde teenager was of no consequence to them, apparently, or to even us. We never protested over that, either. The name Jew and Judaism even pays homage to Judas as if he was a great man who delivered us all from the Messiah. They have never apologized for killing Jesus and recognize him as merely a prophet and no more. They have, in spite of all this, and in spite of a 20 to 1 disadvantage in numbers of Christians in America, managed to put Judeo / Christian versus Christian / Judeo on our tongues. Let’s see; the people who helped  the Romans kill Jesus, Christianity’s founding figure, get first billing on a description of what is being alleged as our religious reality. Seems kind of contradictory to me. Adversarial? Trump gave Jerusalem capital status and has a Jewish son in law. Because he, one time, only, during his first few months in office, sided with the Palestinian perspective the Jews have blackballed him from political office ever again if they can help it. New York City, also known as Jew York City, and the Jewish U.S. mass media have declared open war on Trump since he was elected in 2016. They have decided Trump is a no go for them and we Americans have to bend to their will is what I see happening. That Trump can’t see this is puzzling. And you all thought it was just the Democrats. Only Republicans versus Democrats. You people fall for that??!!

In the 90’s., I believe, Itzack(?) Rabin, Israel’s leader, was shot in the back and assassinated by an ISRAELI!. You see, Rabin wanted a solution that allowed the Palestinians to live side by side with Israel. This is not what Israel wants at all. They want ALL that region for Jews only. They want to muscle out all the indigenous people so they can have that region just for the Jews. They are the new Nazis and they can’t even seem to help themselves. They have a need to do unto others what the world tried to do unto them. They must be PREVENTED from conducting policy that entangles the rest of the world with their selfish, vengeful agendas. When Trump, one time, expressed a right for the Palestinians to also live there they black balled him as if they have a right to decide who is and is not OUR president. THAT’S Un- American. It’s also illegal. How dare they try to tell US who we can and can’t vote for. How dare THEY weaponized our justice system to decide OUR destiny. That’s authoritarianism and totalitarianism. That’s what N.Y.C. and our Jewish run media are doing, though. Only I, apparently, dare call it conspiracy.

Hey, I’m not convinced Trump is better than R.F.K. Jr.. The media hates them both equally, so they both must be good for America. The point is our elections have been wrongfully poisoned.

Once this expose changes the world and stops this attempt by Israel to start WWIII we will have to dismantle whatever media and other monopolies they have created. I suspect it was Israel and not Palestine who started the conflict on October 7. Why? Because they are the masters of deception and the 180 degree lie. Them and Russia. That it occurred on John Lennon’s birthday, practically, tells me it WAS the Jews who KNEW of this attack plan and welcomed it. They may have even had an active undercover role in it’s planning, in fact. Only the Jews have something to worry about if my expose breaks and Lennon’s birthday is the ‘tell’ they left behind.

You see, people. I happen to know that the hero is what is missing from society. I could be your hero and save you in ways you can’t imagine. More so than anyone on earth in my humble opinion. The people who killed Jesus, Lennon, M.L.K., J.F.K., R.F.K. know how vitally important the hero is, too. The hero is the most powerful weapon a society can have. More powerful and effective than even religion. Just kill all the heroes and society is yours for the raping. Without a hero to guide us you’re all are as controllable as cattle. I can prove it, too. Lobotomized, for all intents and purposes. Decapitated, no less. In killing our heroes the government keeps cutting off the head of the our snake, They keep cutting out our tongues, every time. Taking away our VOICE! Leaving us to depend on their government run media for guidance. Religion the government uses to control you with, in fact. The reason you all are immune from caring IF Stephen King killed John Lennon is because this hero has not been brought forward for you to use. If you ever do bring me forward – and nobody BUT you people can do that – I will render religion ridiculous for having left you so blind, apathetic and helpless in so moral an issue as the one I am championing; punishing Stephen King and revealing the satanic, ugly truth of our lives. I’ve been out there with my evidence and website vans for decades and all you can do is play dead. Religion made you that weak and phony. Only the hero can save you. You can’t save yourselves, apparently.

John knew that religion was a farce that was CAUSING world unrest and, let’s face it.

What the Jews SHOULD be doing, in my humble opinion, is this; Stop using bogus religion as a cudgel to push your selfish political agendas. Stop wearing your hair and clothing so weirdly that you alienate all normal peoples with it. Stop trying to erect a nation based on Judaism. No other religion has a nation nor should you or anyone else. Stop trying to build a nation for just ethnic Jews. That, too, is nowhere else on earth. Stop having sex with mostly only Jews and get a better, more robust genetic profile. Abandon the need to kill all of humanity for trying to once kill them. Recognize this sick need of theirs they can’t even see. Disperse among all humanity like all of the rest of us have managed to do. Stop trying to destroy America because we took in Nazi’s after the war. Stop trusting in Moscow for killing Hitler in his bunker. Stop serving Satanic agendas like television violence and the promotion of a police state take over of our land. Stop insinuating your selfish, materialistic, dark, sub human, money based vision on the rest of us all who have higher values. De monopolize your role in our mass media, banks, federal reserve, and the rest of what you have no business in to take over in America. Otherwise you WILL attract a backlash, I promise you. If you don’t we WILL de monopolize your role in America.

Finally, ask yourselves what it is about YOUR BEHAVIOR that pitted the world against you in the past. Was it your refusal to have sex with non Jews that made the world distrust you? Was it your selfish ways of exploiting others around you via commerce or finances that favored only fellow Jews? Was it your vision of a master race of Jews controlling the rest of us all? Could it be, now, your attempt to drag us all into WWIII just so YOU can have what nobody deserves, a nation dedicated to any one religion? Grow up! You’re really not all that.

We’re not going to snuff you out like a bad mistake. WE made that mistake before. We admit it, too. That was so wrong. While it was Hitler it was also all of us for being blind and phony about it all. Just like Americans are blind and phony about my Lennon evidence. The Jewish response to the Holocaust has been punishing us all ever since, too. We’re all in this mess together and, only together, will we get out of the mess. Stop trying to SEPARATE yourselves from the world by concentrating Jewishness. You should consider your yarmulkes that hide your bald spot as a symbol of shame that your inbreeding has left you so physically bald and dependent on glasses to see. Who knows what psychological defects inbreeding may have caused as well. The exact opposite is the answer. Join the human race, Jews. Like the rest of us all have. I don’t think the rest of humanity will EVER tolerate any group who wants to shut out the rest of everybody while they try to develop a separate species from the rest of us. Especially if that tiny minority tries to control vital world governments infrastructure. I doubt the world will ever let any one group decide for the rest of us all what is best or monopolize the media, etc.. But that’s what you’re nakedly up to, apparently. If you’re so smart you think you deserve to rule us then why is John Lennon dead and not serving us like he should be doing? Lennon was smarter and wiser than all you Jews and the rest of us put together. Killing him was as wrong as killing Jesus. Now we live in a mass shooter world for your assassination ways ‘wisdom’ .If the Jews were a party to Lennon’s assassination then they are too damaged and tasteless and reptilian to be trusted with leading anyone much less all of humanity. We liked you better when you wrote great songs. When you were more like Jesus who probably WAS the King of the Jews. Be more Christ like and less like Satan, frankly. Jesus was a Jew. Are you all just jealous that he was better than the rest of you? Is that it?! Could you also not stand to be upstaged by a genius like John Lennon? Did his brilliance intimidate you? Were you afraid of “good” taking over? If you DID kill Lennon was letting a monster horror writer  loose on society after killing our hero a good idea? Do you think evil is how to defeat good? Sure looks that way. No room for that bullshit any longer. Your subconscious crusade to destroy humanity for trying to destroy you is over.

I’m just a guy from Montana, raised in northern California who was breast fed from a farm girl  and raised by a physician father with three siblings who thinks he has found something the rest of your are insane not be utterly OUTRAGED by. Why aren’t you all outraged? “Cowardly Lion”? That’s why WWIII is waiting to punish you if you don’t recognize the Lennon murder evidence, soon. John knew he would be assassinated and told Paul to say to the world, after; “Well that was John’s thing; “The Event” he called it.” That’s exactly what Paul said the next day, in fact. The modern crucifixion and John knew it, then. World changing when it all comes out. The truth, that is.

The cause is great. The cause is bigger than even fame or history. It is you, the public, who are lost. Bring me forward before your apathy brings you, civilization and America all down.


(Now, back to my earlier entries on the subject before I was interrupted by WWIII from my October 9 rally I had planned. But, first, an overview statement about all of the above; “What’s Israel all about Steve?” “It’s about Moscow using our association with it and all the wars it creates as a mechanism to make the Islamic world hate us. Just the way I think the Kremlin tricked us into making the Asians hate us for all those stupid wars we got sucked into. I think the state of Zion wants America to pay and go belly up for helping Hitler and will backstab us, ultimately, for Russia, their homeland and ethnic birthplace.)


My Oct. 9 rally which was to be held on John Lennon’s birthday was rudely interrupted on Oct 7 when Israel, the state of Zion, stood down and allowed 15 breaches to occur in the most guarded wall in our world and then allowed angry Muslims to rape, kidnap and pillage and plunder the people of Israel for SEVEN HOURS before being allowed to return to Gaza with their 200 or so captives.

After my story breaks no claim that I didn’t have evidence is going to fly. In contrast, the watching world will all know that you were all weaklings and monsters of denial and evil, instead. That my evidence speaks for itself and always has and always will. The killer’s face, true identity, alleged name and letter linking Reagan, bold print government codes in the headlines of our biggest magazines all about Lennon’s then upcoming murder, Richard Nixon’s book “The Real War” next to Reagan the day of the murder under the headline; “Who’s In?” “Who’s Out?” that discusses, at length, why John Lennon must be assassinated and King’s many confessions all about it, as well. All that and his non denial of my claims in all this time. Once this is exposed your phoniness will also be exposed for denying it all.

Oh, WHATTT!? A war in the middle east? How convenient to launch on John Lennon’s birthday, practically. Two days before his birthday Israel allowed 15 separate breaches of the most guarded wall in the world so that Gaza militants could kidnap and kill hundreds of citizens. For seven hours they allowed these militants to do their evil and get those hostages back to Gaza and now we are seeing Israel blow up as much of Gaza and it’s people as they think they can get away with. Almost as if they wanted it to all happen. And now that they are blowing up even the underground tunnels it is clear that rescuing the hostages is the last thing they really care about. They only care about the state of Zion, even their own people as well as ours, be damned. I think they’ve killed almost ten thousand people so far, mostly all innocent civilians. Maybe they want to claim the rich off shore natural gas deposits and oil deposits that were discovered after Israel gave Gaza to the Palestinians. At the time they thought it was the gutter zone of the area.

I only hope that Israel so exposes itself to the world for the asshole of the human race it is in the process. So far they are doing a good job of that.

“We are a higher race…we are special…we only breed among ourselves…we lock out all others not like us and then blame them for being prejudiced against us……..we monopolize entire industries like mass media and banks to control the rest of the world who tried to kill us, once…… we wear our hair and robes and garb to offend whatever other cultures exist. No matter that we now have bald spots on our heads and bad eyesight and big noses and a reptilian outlook, psychologically speaking, for our inbreeding ways…we tricked the U.S. to go against it’s belief of a separation of church and state…..not only do we have a God ordained right to this land but we have the right to control all the utilities of all the people who surround us and assume landlord status over them………”

So much bullshit I can’t stand to parrot it, in fact. I write all about it in what is below, but first, let me comment on Stephen King and the Lewiston, Maine mass shooting that happened during the same news cycle.

I mailed dozens of packets with my magazine and such to the people of Bangor, Maine just weeks ago. To businesses I thought should know. For the first time in over a decade. I explained how the mass shooting phenomenon IS a Stephen King inspired reality. I explained how correct they were in the mid 1970’s to kick him out of Herman, Maine over his book “Rage” about a boy who shoots up his classmates. This before there were mass shootings in America. I explained that he wants to bring this madness about to confiscate our guns and end our second amendment and that was one reason he murdered John Lennon with a gun; to make us hate our guns. I explained that he is working for America’s mortal enemies in doing so.

And what does King have to say about the event? “Stop being apologists for murderers….. a process of rinse and repeat…” to compare it to  our washing our hair. To cheapen it.

That’s evil asshole, murderer of John Lennon, Jewish Communist provocateur Stephen King, all right. You people of Maine have been apologizing for this murderer for decades and you all KNOW IT! All of the world has been apologizing for my finding his face  getting Lennon’s last autograph posing as Chapman.

Like I said yesterday at my weekly Sunday rally; “Deserve me or deserve WWIII” Either get off your apathetic, evil, cowardly asses and join my protests and expose, arrest, try and execute Stephen King or you all D-E-S-E-R-V-E everything fate is doling out lately. God knows you are all insane with denial and fear and sin not to join my protests. Deny it and eat asteroid, I say.

(Well, my Oct 9 rally WAS the topic of discussion just before war broke out in Israel. As if God knew, or the Muslims knew that all of you were too dense to care about my evidence rally, they chose Lennon’s birthday to strike out at Israel in no uncertain terms. So, before I let you scroll down to what I asked of you all that Oct 9, John Lennon’s birthday, (Conflict started days before) let me offer my two cents on the current situation plaguing you apathetic accomplices.

Mid East War!
My first foray on radio on the subject found me saying that; “… Israel’s hands aren’t completely clean in this mess…those high rise buildings they took down in retaliation were wired, beforehand, with explosives in case the matter would ever come to blows with Hamas. That launched missiles couldn’t bring them down the way they fell straight down, all at once, that they just pressed a button…. People calling for obliterating Gaza sound like Hitler did only about he Jews….Perhaps the moral of the story is not to procreate with prejudice.. Of all the religions or races out there the Jews keep to themselves probably more than any other. So, now, after they’ve shut everybody else out ,they find themselves painted into a corner…”

Aren’t I the outspoken one? My opinion matters more than most, too. I just may become the world’s next John Lennon, like it or not, and what I have to say here is important.

I subsequently learned that Israel holds control of even the Gaza strip’s electricity and water. And probably have controlled this all this time. How would YOU like to live under your infringing neighbor’s thumb like that? “Sleep tight, we have your buildings wired to kill you all if you misbehave. ” It makes the Kremlin look TAME! – And, by the way, it WAS Russia who bombed THEIR own people’s high rises to blame it on Chechnya to start a war, recently. – How’d you like to live in a high rise already booby trapped to kill hundreds at once at the push of a retaliatory button? Suddenly I am beginning to SEE why the instigators in this might not be the instigators, after all. That Israel might be more to blame than we Americans are probably being told. As if to declare; “We will kill one thousand of you for every one of us you kill.” Netanyahu took down two high rises at once amidst even more war atrocities. And that’s what I’m seeing, so far, people.

It’s an age old mid east tenet and parable about a man who tempts his neighbor to steal his goat that is tied to a post to then kill him without legal ramification. It’s called “Getting One’s Goat.” That’s what I see the Israeli government doing; tying a goat to a post and then killing his enemy when he tries to steal it. By applying the screws to their neighbors, controlling them, their utilities, and oppressing them like landlords the Israeli government fervently HOPES the Palestinians strike out in rage so as to give them a reason to then take their neighbors out in revenge only at a ten to one ratio. Eventually, I think, the Jews want to rid the mid east of it’s neighbors to create the new world order government capital there, someday. That’s right, people. And our own government has blood on it’s hands, too.

On top of all that I think Israel is playing it cozy with Putin and the Kremlin and always HAS! ‘Remember the Rosenberg’s’ is no joking matter. From the start the Jews betrayed the United States. Another point of merit; the Jews ethnic origin is, if I’m not mistaken, not in the middle east alt all, but the Caucauses region of Russia. That would explain their pale complexion compared to the native Palestinians. As for religion that is another just as relevant matter all by itself. I think, at the risk of appearing to sound anti-Semitic, (I am not) I have to warn all you media controlled drones from going along with the media spin.

That Hamas resorted to wanton depravity to make their point is regrettable. And that message is; “We hate you people and how you treat us. Leave!” That Israel wants to erase the race that attacked them shows me how they are aping the behavior of their long ago oppressors, the German Nazis. That the Jews are becoming the manifestation of their fears. That they, perhaps, have a knee jerk reaction to do unto others as was once done unto them.

What would John Lennon do? A good question since he was exactly the kind of voice we would all need right now. After all, he was more trusted and respected about the truth and politics than anyone on earth, frankly. That’s why our government killed him. He trumped the system. We know what he’d say; “Get rid of religion. Start there.”

Personally, I would recommend a re thinking about affording ANY religion or race a plot of biblically ordained land. Vatican City comes to mind as the only other place like that besides Israel. It was terrible that the Jews were ever suffering under the act of the human race trying to extinguish them in the early 1940’s and we see the results of it all, today. That the world put them there in Israel after WWII was a move born out of a collective guilt as much as anything and may just not be a decision made in wisdom. AFTER ALL. I think

I, personally, have grave concerns whether Israel is playing both sides of the fence between us and Russia, for example. Remember the Rosenburg’s, for example. They only gave Moscow our A-bomb secrets. Having since seen them come out of the woodworks when the Lennon murder cover-up lie was being told, almost all by Jewish talking heads, I know they are not to be trusted with our morals or our media. I actually do believe that their excessive inbreeding has resulted in, not only bald spots and bad vision, but also of a moral loose screw that seems to be missing. That they embrace a reptilian outlook on the world compared to mankind at large. I think the fallacy of ANY religion has to be OUTED before the world goes up in flames over any made out of bullshit dogma. My own Catholic dogma included. ALL RELIGION IS BOGUS! Their mostly Jewish controlled media is still protecting Stephen King and may even have killed Lennon so he couldn’t oppose Israel’s already laid plans to take out Iraq’s nuclear facility in 1981. To keep his two cents out of their war plans. If the government of Israel is that stupid I have to sound the alarm and warn all of you not to be stampeded into doing unto Israel’s neighbors what Hitler did to them. How can we be sure their oppressive tactics, all along, didn’t set this scenario up for us to have to clean up, after?

That Netanyahu is their leader, now, is no surprise. He comes across as a narcissistic, mindless oaf bent on starting war with it’s neighbors by foisting oppressive tactics on their lives until they explode SO he can then kill them at a one to one thousand ratio and wipe them all out until all that land is just for the Jews. That I am the only one pointing out this obvious abomination is no surprise. I am preaching to a mind arrested human race. A paralyzed human race. Could that be a result of mostly one race or religion controlling our mass media as is the case with America?

I happen to think that concentrating the Jews or the Palestinians and giving either a state is not a good idea. Putin wants to give Palestine a state, for example, to pose as their ally and not Israel’s. That’s his tactics, though, to deceive 180 degrees from the truth. If you look at what kind of a state Israel is it is the most big brother government on the face of the earth, bar none. Almost like a testing ground or prototype for The Kremlin’s plans for us all. That we are supporting them is almost like an excuse to kill off the natives to erect a world government center there someday. If our political future looks like Israel we should all be alarmed. I think their willingness to infringe on an angry native population and live, themselves, like a people under constant siege is insane. I think they have always had a problem with getting along with any other group that is not a Jew. That’s the problem, I think  That they lock out the rest of the world from even interbreeding with them is at the heart of their problems. They don’t TRUST or APPROVE of the rest of humanity, apparently. THAT’S why they can’t get along. They don’t respect or trust the rest of the world. I think their evil government has painted the Jews into a corner they don’t deserve. I don’t think good Jews approve of Kremlin like tactics, galore. Masked, of course under the pitch line; “Most democratic government in the middle east.” What’s really going on with our government, Moscow’s government and Israel, really?

Not only were the Jews foisted on the people of the middle east in 1948, they also assumed superior rule over their neighbors as if they were entitled to rule over others. That circumcision exists, almost universally by Jews, suggest they know better than God, for example. The Jews bad rap, historically, has to do with a sense that they take advantage of and exploit others to give only them the advantage. That, unrestrained, it would be THEY who would eliminate the rest of everybody so they could rule the planet all by themselves. I actually fear there may exist, in their collective brain, an impulse to take out the whole world as they were all almost taken out. That they can’t see or help it, even. I happen to believe we are asking them to kill all their neighbors over time if we do not reign them in, now, and limit the concentration of ANY race or, especially, any religion to take over ANY region of our world. It has been humanity’s EXCEPTION they made for Israel that has created our troubles, now. Undoing this mess starts with dispersing the Jews among all humanity and force them to join instead of fight and sabotage the human race. At the heart of it all religion looms as the excuse humans attach to to push their own governments and  sinful ambitions, all in the name of “God”.

Looking back on history no small amount of jealousy exists with the Jews where heroes and prophets are concerned. Jesus represented a threat to their high priests concepts of theology. That almost 100 percent of the journalists peddling the Mark Chapman lie just happened to be Jewish; Cosell. Barbara Walters, Larry King, Goldman, etc. tells me the Jews, perhaps, were most behind the assassination of John Lennon, another Jesus like figure whose genius was already a proven fact of life. Somebody SMARTER  and better than they were. A threat to their insecurities and fantasies that they are the chosen race and smarter than the rest of us.. That Stephen King is the triggerman suggests, if it was the Jews, that they just might be our mortal enemy and possibly be working for Russia, where they originated, in fact. Stephen King, himself, may be a Jew. I think he admitted it, once. Considering what he did to the world I’d be ashamed if he was if I were a Jew. I’d lead the call to expose, arrest, try and execute his evil ass, in fact. Just to wash my hands of him. To repudiate him to the world. If I were a Jew. That they are, instead, protecting him with a Chapman cover-up suggests to me that the Jews are America’s secret arch enemy. Slitting our throat with that monster of evil and hatred. Killing us from the inside, out. Rotting our morals. Perverting us with pure evil and treachery. Demoralizing us, ‘Big Brother’ Orwellian style.

Not all media Jews are bad. Some hate the Zionist brand of Jewish media as much as I do. In 1992 when I was brandishing a huge sign all over Manhattan; “BARBARA WALTERS AND CHAPMAN ARE BRAINWASHING YOU” a local Jewish run newspaper there made sure that it was on their front page in a photo to let New Yorkers know she was a bad Jew. Good for that newspaper. I don’t think even most Jews are bad, just maybe ten percent, unfortunately.

By the way, I was never brought up to be prejudiced. I actually supported the Israel protesters at U.C. Berkeley in the mid ’80’s  before I became ‘post’- judiced about them. I have come to judge them AFTER learning about them and not before. I implore the Jew to re examine his clinging to his religion that cuts off men’s penis tips from the moment of birth and other weirdisms like a blanket and hiding from the rest of the world where breeding is concerned and stop pretending that you know better than the rest of the world. If you are so smart why is John Lennon dead? Maybe because you’re stupid, instead? Maybe jealous of people smarter than you? Heroes like me, and Jesus and John Lennon, who actually ARE smarter than you need to speak up while free speech is still allowed. Your religion has screwed you up in my opinion. It’s a mask to compensate your insecurities, truth be told. It’s not just me, either. MOST of the world distrusts the Jews. There might be a reason you Jews might want to examine. Just maybe.

If Israel was not a contradiction to what America stands for than nothing is. It’s a state based upon a RELIGION! Our formula for freedom and peace and prosperity requires that we leave religion out of the affairs of government. That our GOVERNMENT(S) ever put the Jews there is and will always be a mistake. We now see the abuses of power Israel has demonstrated in their revenge bombing of Gaza. It’s clear than both sides absolutely hate each other. When I see the overkill in Israel’s bombing campaign it occurred to me, someday, I will be seeing Israel nuked on camera for their karma, in fact. That this unholy, Un-American move to put ANY religious group of people ANYWHERE on earth is a mistake that must be reversed. The Jews must find the rest of the world to call home, like the rest of the human race, and not one nation for Jews only. Putting a group so bent on isolating the rest of the world from even breeding with them anywhere to call their religious home only compounds the world’s problem with the Jews.  If anything the Jews must be kept FROM conspiring and cloistering and concentrating in isolation from the rest of the world. They must be FORCED out of their paranoid, distrustful view of the rest of humanity. They must live among the rest of us and not isolate themselves like they do.

If the Jews never got their reputation for exploiting everyone who is not a Jew, if they were never kicked out of every place they’ve ever been over THAT BEHAVIOR, if they allowed themselves to mate with other people who are not Jews, if they got along with their neighbors or respected their fellow non Jew human being and didn’t feel the compulsion to take over the banks the media, the energy and everything else they have demonstrated a sick need for since I’ve been alive, if they were perfect humans not predating on the rest of the human race, if their jealousy never killed Jesus and John Lennon and they never felt threatened by anyone else who is smarter than they are and didn’t kill society’s heroes, if all that were the case, I would STILL be dead set against our role in allowing the Jews to take over ANY PATCH OF LAND ON EARTH! Why are they so special that only they would be granted such a right? I’m not aware that Ireland is off limits to the rest of the world because they are Christians. They don’t seem to require a country to call their religious base. Christians have dispersed all over the world and, except for the illegitimate tiny Vatican City, don’t feel the need to have a world home base to maintain their faith. They don’t seem to conspire against the rest of humanity like the Jews have always demonstrated until there is no one left but Christians. If  you people cannot see that Israel, the state, not necessarily the people, wants to wipe out the native indigenous people from the entire middle east using the United States like a slave attack dog then you are quite dense, indeed. Goat on a post technique, too. If you people cannot see that whatever real reasons our government may have to establish a Jewish homeland / Military machine is for evil purposes of exploiting that region for our own greed and foolishness, then you are too phony to be believed. If you trust that Israel is not back stabbing The United States of America all the way to hell, you, again, are misled fools. Stephen King, and he should know, warns us several times in one of his books written a year after he killed our hero; “Beware the Jewish / Communist plot against the U.S.” If the Jews had anything to do with letting him murder John Lennon then they must be considered our enemy. Our arch enemy, in fact. Putin is probably chortling with glee at Americas blindness. Did I mention that the true ethnic origin of the Jews in in Russia?

I happen to believe that all that inbreeding has cost the Jew some of his human faculties, frankly, namely his humanness. Something has been lost in the translation of generations of cutting off the rest of the human gene pool to procreate with. If you want to watch the world descend into a fireball of hell just let Israel grow and concentrate and throw it’s religion around. We’re seeing just exactly that, lately, aren’t we? They would start WWIII just to get their patch of ground, screw the rest of the world. They would, perhaps, even kill a john Lennon JUST so he couldn’t pipe up, after, if they took out Saddam Hussein’s nuclear facility. Evil narcissists!

O.K., I’ve found I have more to say so as not to leave this vital, universal issue only half baked.

If you happen by a Jewish neighborhood, say, in New York City, and see a group of young men in peculiar garb, hats and braids on the side of their heads, black robe like jackets, milling around you get the feeling that they might be victims of inbreeding with their bald spots and glasses, pale complexion and almost universal look among each other. Rather frail and sickly looking, even. Not the embodiment of a robust, cross pollinated human being. Their fashion sense screams ; “We are NOT LIKE ANY OF YOU we are, in fact, VERY OPPOSITE OF YOU.” As peculiar as humanly possible it would seem. I remember opening the door of N.Y. C.’s ABC’s lobby to see a dozen men in black robes and beads and hats only to be told that they were the “Big” owners of ABC, then. It is a conceded fact that they do monopolize the media more than any other group. Not just ABC. Most of all the alphabet groups, in fact, truth be told. America’s mass media IS a Jewish monopoly, admit it or not. That’s un-American. It’s evil.

At the forefront of my “opinions” about Jews and our world is the argument that it should be a “SIN” to only breed among your particular religious sect. I say sect because I don’t want to rile you up by saying what I think; “CULT” All religion I have proven irrelevant and bogus and impotent or I’d have been brought forward decades ago as a hero with hard evidence against our government in a crime against it’s people. You people would have risen up in outrage and hoisted me on your shoulders like you pretend you all would in your movies. Good would win and evil would lose. But, no, your apathy and denial have proven the exact opposite. Evil wins and good loses. “Nightmarica”.  Look at our mass shooting phenomenon.(As I write this dozens were just shot up by a man in Lewiston, Maine and just weeks after Bangor received dozens of my magazines that prove what King did. King, the man they once kicked out of Herman, Maine for his writing about a boy who shoots up his classmates. “Rage” he wrote in the mid 1970’s when America HAD no mass shootings.) While you pretend all is well Stephen King is urinating on you like paralyzed morons. Dripping wet, by the way. All of you still, standing under his urine stream. If religion worked this would not be the case. You would not all be pretending I must be a nut and you’d be busy exposing arresting, trying and executing Stephen King for the foreign enemy agent against us he is. Instead you satanic creatures are PROTECTING the cover-up. It was King’s evil act that MADE you all sick, too. You poor, silenced masochists.

But Judaism is a bogus religion fashioned to control it’s followers. Like most religions are. Like most religions it’s based on a tailor made version of reality with misinterpretations and representations and false arguments galore. A hall of mirrors. If any ONE religion is right all others must be wrong. If you only breed among like minded cultists you are less likely to concede that your religion just might not be the “chosen” religion, after all. And, so, we see religion versus religion as the cause of most of man’s inhumanity against itself. Still, today.

Want some examples? “”God” decreed the Jews the land of Israel” That is a manipulative, self serving, false pile of pure crap. For example. For starters. The Jews are using it to start WWIII, too, the rest of humanity be damned. Selfish narcissists endangering the rest of us. And for land that no religion should have any right to.

My own Catholic back round, I have to admit, produces a pedophile cult at the top of it’s hierarchy. How humble am I to ADMIT that? Try it, yourselves. Independent thought.

Unlike many Jews I am the product of cross breeding with other peoples and faiths. I am part English, Irish, Scottish and half Serbian. That I know of. As such I have a robust combination of traits that we should all strive for. It’s a recognized fact of life, biologically. You can’t do that by only breeding among yourselves. I was raised Catholic and drifted away from ALL religion after all you people, my own family included, proved how helpless you all are under it’s false shield. I’m probably CLOSER to the truth than ANY religion BECAUSE I have an open, intelligent, independent mind. I’m relying on what my creator gave ME to understand my world. The whole world has already been proven wrong where my expose is concerned. Maybe self reliance is the path for us all compared to what we’re doing. Group think has become group stink.

Procreating with prejudice is what I advise against where the Jews are concerned. If their faith is so weak that a controverting point of view would sway them they ‘have no faith to lose and you know it…,’ to quote Bob Dylan. It can only lead to delusional thinking and fantasy, not to mention a weakened physiology and, I think, psychology.

My own experience found me in my frisky youth in bed, naked with a naked, beautiful girl once only to be stopped because I was not a Jew. Instead I listened to her describe her experiences in a Kibutz. Apparently the Jews program and indoctrinate people with this Kibutz exposure. So I know this procreating with prejudice is a fact of their faith. In spite of THIS PREJUDICE on their part it is the rest of the world, you see, who is prejudiced against them. If we ARE prejudiced against them it is because they don’t trust the rest of us to even breed with. What could they be up to with all that secrecy and shutting out the rest of us? Their conduct breeds distrust.

That’s the problem at the center of the Jew’s problems with the world who mostly agrees they have a problem with getting along with their fellow man. That they have displayed a tendency to conspire and cloister mostly among themselves and often exploit those around them who are not Jews. I call this a narcissistic outlook on life where only they, themselves, matter.  An “Us” versus “the world” mentality. Not an “Us’ WITH the world mentality. When even 50 percent of our mass media is controlled by a group of people who represent only 3 percent of our population to NOT cry conspiracy is a mistake. Ditto our banks and other vital industries.

Would the Jews, using Israel as a lever, sabotage The United States and double cross us for Russia? I think it’s a well demonstrated fact, already. In other words, deceive us, get us to finance their world headquarters, create their military and ultimately do us in at the last minute. I have to tell you the signs are there and we must all face them. To be stampeded into supporting Israel by a media they control would be the height of stupidity. Are we all being used by The Jews via Israel? Are they allegiant to anyone but themselves?

It’s a fact the Lennon murder cover up was a Jewish media thing, entirely. Every one with the treasonous words; Mark Chapman on their lips WAS Jewish, for example. And such a treacherous crime against all humanity it WAS!  Sicking sicko; Stephen King and his evil on all of us after killing the best man on earth that could have ever saved us in times like we now find ourselves was the crime of the century. Whomever was behind Lennon’s murder, they stand exposed as a sick group of sadists steeped in pure evil and the enemy of all mankind. As if to get back at the whole world for trying to extinguish the Jews in the 1940’s? That America took in many Nazis after the war was not missed by them, no sir. At first I imagined, if they were to blame, that it must have been over jealousy that John Lennon was more brilliant than any of them were that motivated them. That they feared Lennon’s brilliant mind would expose religion, generally, and, therefore, undermine the Jews. As I became educated on the real politics of the world I discovered that their history is rife with connections to our arch enemy Russia. The Rosenberg’s spied for the Kremlin at the SAME TIME the Kremlin took the lead ahead of America to support the establishment of Israel for the Jews. As we stab our ideals in the back and combine religion and state to support their religious state there and supply Israel with all the technology to turn the middle east into big brother incarnate we are the architects of the Kremlins plans to do exactly this and set the stage for the backstab in the end. That the Jewish bloodline is based, not in Israel, but the Caucuses of Russia, should wake all of you up.

I notice two things occurring at the same time; Moscow is bombing buildings in Ukraine and Israel is bombing buildings in Gaza. Isn’t THAT interesting??!! Is there a connection??!! We may be right to save Ukraine but I think we are being slaughtered, ultimately, for going against our belief system that forbids what we are doing with Israel. I trust Ukraine more than Israel. I trust a separation of church and state is the path we should take at all times and circumstances.

More than any other people the Jews are most inclined to harbor thoughts of destroying the whole rest of the world for trying to do just that to them once upon a time. It’s just a natural consequence of their experience. As we witness the Hell they have forced on Gaza with no water or fuel for hospitals as they bomb and kill hundreds of civilians every day is to witness a genocide by Israel. They WANT the Palestinians to suffer and die and they even admit, openly, that they want to wipe Hamas “from the face of the earth.” Like Hitler  once tried on them.

Let me tell you something, state of Zion, the idea you fear you can never kill. If YOU don’t change the world will defeat you, ultimately. It is YOUR mistakes with inbreeding and religion that have caused your poor standing with the rest of the world, admit it. Before Hitler was born others noticed an exploitive nature to your “religion”. In seeking a state of Zion you are interested in promoting exactly what has caused all your problems your whole lives. Concentrating the Jews is a recipe for disaster. Dispersing the Jews like the rest of mankind is the answer.

What all of you readers need is for me to achieve world fame with my expose and then let me direct you back to sanity and embarrass ALL religion before it destroys us all. But then you’d have to actually practice what you preach and protest the existing injustice.

Well, that’s enough input from me on the subject for today.

I was telling the Monterey city council last week that San Francisco and Berkeley have fallen into disgrace lately over their shame at not helping me come forward when I was there for decades in the 80, and early 90’s. Now they know that, when the rubber met the road, when they had the chance to live up to their once noble reputation, they were “Nowhere Man” incarnate. Apathetic, defeated, scared, boot-licking cover-up class phonies. Actually PROTECTING their enemy Stephen King and deserting America, their children and themselves in the process. Opening the door wide for satanic forces at play destroying America. Some pretend I’m a nut with only a theory to make themselves feel better about themselves, in fact. Like the words of a song; “Deep in your beds the truth is known, you do not stand together, you stand alone.”

Right now Monterey and Santa Cruz are on the same chopping block if they can’t find THEIR spine in time. Find your spine, people. You don’t want to be a fallen city, too, with no spirit or pride or self respect. You’re all fools under a sick lie and you’re all so insane, evil and disgustingly classless that I stopped having sex with any of you since the mid 1990’s. That’s how unsexy you are as you hide behind your phoniness. Get sexy, again, and give a God damn who really killed John Lennon. If you cannot avenge him, the once most loved and respected man on the face of the earth, then you can’t avenge anyone or anything if you tried. Admit it.

Look at the human feces factor and business exodus from San Francisco and the crime and car break ins, etc.. Pathetic. Berkeley is no better looking like skid row on Telegraph Avenue with half the shops closed. You haven’t heard a political peep out of San Francisco or Berkeley since I was there in the 80’s. My heroic presence has left them in tatters for not helping me. They lost their self respect and self image and all confidence in themselves to do anything that matters politically. I exposed them to themselves.

You all need to stand by me as I rally on Alvarado Street in downtown Monterey. Right now you’re too weak to even think about it,. It’s your JOB, people. It’s your DUTY to help me. Don’t you victims of Stephen King’s evil understand? OFF YOUR ASSES, MASSES!

Speaking of Oct. 9, John’s birthday, my home town of Santa Rosa burned down on Lennon’s birthday, their biggest disaster, ever, God was so displeased with them, too. Don’t invite bad karma. If King dies before he is arrested only a monster asteroid would be just karma for so stupid a species that could not stand up for itself with the hard evidence I have given you. I have already prayed for that if you can’t find a spine in time when I was being interviewed on the radio here 2-14-17 on KSCO. And for your own good, besides. I saw a planet killer rock just miss us in the mid 1960’s people. “BLIP!”  it was so fast and bigger than a mountain. Like John sang; STAND BY ME and COME TOGETHER OVER ME. Well, noon, this Monday where will you be standing? It’s either with me or Stephen King. Doing nothing puts you in the loser’s slot. Protesting will put you into the brave new age of life under truth. King cut your tongues out. He murdered our best and brightest hero; John Lennon. He quotes Haldane, a former Soviet sympathizer, too. Are you going to let him get away with trying to destroy America and all of you???!!!!! He’s raping your children with horror as we speak.

Blaming me for not being nicer won’t wash. You killed Jesus and he was perfect. Change, people. You have a job to do just to be worthy of my evidence. P-R-O-T-E-S-T.



WWW.LENNONMURDERTRUTH.COM……. It’s there for YOUR information

Slogan of the day; ‘SAVING YOU BRAINWASHED MONSTERS! (Currently I sport the sign on the back of my website van; “PEOPLE, Y-O-U-‘-R-E THE PROBLEM”


KSCO Radio has a part time co host, “Billy Sunshine” who has been taking irresponsible pot shots at me and my credibility and I am calling his jealous, corrupt, ignorant ass out on the carpet for it, right here. In fact, I challenge him to a one hour back and forth interview. Because he is a hit and run artist I doubt he is up to it.

I accused Billy, recently, of possibly being an F.B.I. staffer who is posing as a common citizen sent to destroy my credibility like “Colonel Terry” before him. (Funny how my enemies have cartoon names, it seems). His response was to say; “O.K. I’m F.B.I. What else?” I know that police officers have to admit if they are or are not police and it seems his answer was practiced as much as it may have been spontaneous. He said, earlier, that I am ;”…insane, damaged…”, and worse in what I’d describe as a propaganda piece style hit job on me and my evidence. When I asked him if he has ever visited my website he said; “Why should anybody look up your website. I’ve heard you speak enough to know that you’re crazy…” I responded. “That’s the problem. You call me a nut yet have never even looked up the evidence you claim is bunk.” Another caller said of him, after; “Billy you’re lonely, you’re all alone because of how you think…get a life, Billy Sunshine… He is an ignorant idiot..” So it’s not just me who thinks he stinks.

I recall thinking how morally bankrupt he is long ago over his inability to consider how evil an act Stephen King committed. That he suggest I just move on and forget about it and let it go. Back then I called and confronted him saying; “I’d like to know if you knew of your now deceased wife’s terminal illness before or after you met?” I was suggesting that he married her BECAUSE he knew she’d be dead soon and he could get her million dollar house, etc., for just being her husband for a few years and that that was his real motivation for marrying her. I’d say it may be true, folks, truth be known. Anyone who would stab all of YOU in the back and try to defame me and assassinate my character to try to stop my expose from saving you is a monster just for that. That it is HE who is damaged, in real life. I reminded him the other day that “…especially government types hate me because they love to suck that government tit and that they are the exact opposite of me and can’t stand that I can stand up to their “street gang” who like to control us all with fear. They love to call me a nut and a wacko, especially, out of pure jealousy that I’m not sell outs like them.”

I do think that Billy is a government plant sent to wash me and my expose up. I suspect the same was true for Colonel Terry before he was 86’d for threatening Michael Zwerling with legal action if he allowed me to promote my cause over his station airwaves. I offered him $1,000. once if he could say he has ever read my website. He had not. You SEE, PEOPLE? I also suspect that “Don” from Salinas is another agent provocateur. He was the most venomous caller to tarnish me in my very first interview in 2017 then and he suggested the other day that I am like the character in Don Quixote suggesting I am merely tilting at windmills and not to be taken seriously.. Rory, another “prima donna” frequent caller may also be as he, too, came out of the woodwork to try to shoot me down my last interview. I know, from experience, that our government exactly plants these callers wherever I am a regular caller to wash me up. That that is a fact of talk radio where is concerned. That there are government paid actors who shadow me and my activity on radio over the past three decades and sow the seeds of denial and doubt as if the evil deep state’s future depended upon it.


P.S. David Michaels who recently gave me two one hour interviews in one month is even suspect. He remarked, right after, during the fair, “Is that Steve Lightfoot’s van being crushed by monster trucks?”. To even plant that thought is a tell, in my opinion. This brings into question Michael Zwerling, the station owner. His promos often suggest ; “..we keep our enemies even closer..” Is KSCO C.I.A.? Like most of our media, I’ve learned? I have to wonder. You people are the target of these abusive, treacherous callers who try to shoot me and my heroic evidence down. They are your evil enemies. These callers are pure poison to the airwaves and I hope most of you can see that. Now, on to my website’s New Developments page;

P.S. Bangor, Maine got whacked by the biggest storm in 15 years a week after receiving 20 copies of my evidence and magazine recently. Supernatural forces at work? The last storm that big was in 2008, my last visit there.




I found the government bold print codes in Time and Newsweek and U.S. News magazines that prove what happened to John Lennon and the killer’s face and true identity and Chapman’s letter linking Reagan, all before the crime! I found King’s writings all about the elements of the murder and mountains of additional evidence in Nixon’s book; “The Real War” positioned next to Reagan the day of the murder to prove, without a doubt, that they all murdered John Lennon and that Chapman is just a look-alike decoy who fooled you fools. That the mass media deliberately and treacherously deceived all of you. And you can’t STAND that I have found all this proof. You hate the hero who is saving you. You want to lick your ice cream cones as you descend into hell, don’t you? I have to save you Mafia Inc. kidnapped, defiled monsters. And you thought that letting Stephen King kill John Lennon and get away with it wouldn’t destroy you. People, Stephen King DESTROYED YOU. Face up to it. Stand up to him and fight back.

I was watching television in my van last week in a golf course parking lot and I could hear the men next to me remarking out loud slogans that they were reading on my van; “”Author Stephen King Murdered John Lennon” Boy, how could we be so stupid all this time to think it was Hinckley?”

What is remarkable is how condescendingly sure of himself he was that I was a kook. I yelled back through my open window so he could hear me; “You were all told it was Chapman, you said Hinckley, so who’s crazy, now?” That shut him up.

This is a PERFECT illustration of how wrong all of YOU are and how RIGHT I AM. A majority of Americans think it was Hinckley, not Chapman, who murdered John Lennon. Here is this man who can’t recall a trial for anybody, who allowed a no trial scenario to exist when it should have been the trial of the century, then. Here we have a man so cock sure he isn’t a brainwashed idiot under the evil of real killer Stephen King and his influence that he finds himself mocking the hero in his midst who could save his sorry, brainwashed ass. He isn’t capable of knowing that, in this censorship ruled, phony world we live in, the truth LOOKS like a crazy van with slogans on it to get the world’s attention, somehow. He’s probably oblivious to the fact that the “conspiracy theorist” label is a C.I.A. originated slogan and a product of his media mind controlling him to dismiss people like me. I call these types “Stepford Wives” for being so insipid. He can’t fathom the POSSIBILITY  the Hinckley shooting was a Hollywood / government / media hoax  / smokescreen timed for the Lennon murder cover-up. That blanks were likely fired and red dye packs were employed to fool the viewer. To confuse us with who shot who at the time. Two pudgy men in their 20’s shooting world figures at almost the same time. That man was easily confused. I have no proof the Hinckley episode was staged but I believe it, indeed, was. The second Amendment took two hits for the price of one with Lennon being killed by a gun and Reagan allegedly getting shot with a gun to enact a Brady Bill. You see, people? It’s a complicated, sinister, evil world. Meanwhile, Stephen King is poised, after, to warp us all with fear like our government wants.

Meanwhile, I’ve just learned that Stephen King IS back in Bangor, Maine, after all, at least during the summer when his other government witness protection home in Florida is too hot to live at. Apparently he gets off humiliating his neighbors with how stupid and evil they really are. I was really disappointed to learn this after once thinking they were noble and good people, after all, for kicking him all the way to Florida. Half of Bangor knows I’m right about my evidence since I spent several months there in 1992. If they don’t then they are evil and stupid, frankly. Brainwashed saps. I gave away many, many dozens of magazines with King’s mug getting Lennon’s autograph my third visit there with my new website van in 2002. I noticed, in that third visit, they all seemed to look past it and pretended it wasn’t there at all. As if they had been brainwashed by their local television and newspaper media into thinking I’m a whacko to be dismissed. It is truly a setting for the soon to be infamous slogan “The Bangor Syndrome” a la “The Stockholm Syndrome” about taking sides with your captors. People of Bangor, you’re idiots under evil. Wake UP!! The man from California who you resent for being right is S-O-O-O right you can’t stand it. Now you’re all Twilight Zone insane! Pull your heads out, people. Your evil government made you this sick USING Stephen King’s evil against you.

Stephen King confided to his bookshop owner friend, then, Mitchell, Scott, Stuart – I forget his name –  the one who owned the bookstore at the center of town, then, who sold all King’s books, that he, not only killed John Lennon in a government plot, but that he was afraid he was going to “FRY” for it. I was discussing the possible future for King with him one night saying that, after he was convicted, I would let him share the television stage with me someday, role playing. He’d be the responsible one and me the apathetic slob. Kind of a way of redeeming himself. Just as I was in the middle of this pie in the sky fantasy, I’ll now admit it was, this friend of King furiously blurted out; “HE’S AFRAID HE’S GONNA FRY!!!!!!!!”” to snap me out of my rambling nonsense. I must have a talent for drawing out those huge confessions without even trying.

So, there, folks. You were well in the 70’s when Herman Maine kicked King out of their town over his evil writings, then, about a boy shooting up his classmates. The book “Rage”. NOW you’re right out of a Rod Serling Twilight Zone episode you’re all so swept away with evil. Now you are all very sick to allow him to live among you as if he is an upstanding citizen. Truth be told you permit his evil because he is a big taxpayer and you like that. Hey buys you off with baseball fields and college grants and every other trick in the book. Behind the scenes he refers to all of you as “shitters!” as depicted in “Christine”. Remember? Pretty sick, I think. I haven’t even mentioned that he was convicted of sex with a 15 year old in 1992 in Belfast , Maine, either. Oh, you probably wonder why the media is hiding that fact, too. The media is government controlled. The mass media is America’s enemy bent on overthrowing us.

Until Stephen King is exposed, arrested, tried, convicted and publicly EXECUTED for all the world to see, be it via injection or a firing squad, you people are as sick as Satan, himself. You are all in need of an exorcism. The night John Lennon was killed half of everybody wanted to take a bazooka to the killers’ evil ass. They were right about what to do to this man, then, just like Herman, Maine was right to kick King out for starting what would become the school shooting epidemic, then. They just didn’t know HOW evil a man Stephen King really was. His getting kicked out of that town so poisoned him against all mankind he had no compunctions in killing our beloved hero, later. His revenge against his tormenters, like Carrie killed her tormentors. Stephen King must, barring his turning state’s evidence against other living co-conspirators, be executed to deter others, especially our government, from ever killing a hero like John Lennon ever again. If we, as a people do not execute him then you are all the real monsters of this terrible story. Hypocrites, cowards and phonies. Meanwhile he has humiliated you to the point of ridiculousness with what he has done to all mankind. So far, evil is defeating good or you’d all get outraged as I am about him. I can see it; he is urinating all over your decency and he’s doing it on purpose fueled by hatred, his real and only talent. He is overly polite in public for a reason. He needs to keep you all fooled. He’s NOT”…such a nice man…”

Bangor, I’m counting on you to expose, arrest, and give King the justice he so perfectly deserves. You’ll have to parade with signs in front of your court buildings and media outlets. “LENNONMURDERTRUTH.COM should be one of your signs, for example. McCartney’s a douche bag and no help so it’s really up to you people to break this news wide open or it will stay undisclosed. Deserve disclosure; demonstrate! You will all thank me, after. Like coming up for air after being under water for five minutes, you will gasp at the feeling of truth and justice again. It will be beautiful. Punishing King is what is required for you all to ever be well again. You need the exorcism. Otherwise you will all live and die as douche bags for evil. Meanwhile, I will replace him as your cultural leader and entertain you with great singing, etc.(Something new I didn’t know I had in me.) not to mention the power of “good”  vs, “evil” If your apathy doesn’t get me killed, first, that is. If I die before my 100th birthday I blame each and every one of YOU for sitting on your hands while I sweated bullets for 40 years. Below you’ll find what chief Dave Hober is up to in Monterey. He’s a criminal and accessory to the Lennon murder cover-up. He has corrupted at least 10 officers who have lied and committed fraud against me in just three years. I even have the videos to prove their lies.

What do you say, people of Bangor? I remember my first letter to you in 1992 started with the sentence; “Good people of Bangor, Maine….” So, prove me right about it, won’t you? Stand up to evil Stephen King. He is using you, trust me. He revels in corrupting you with fear and evil.


Oh, yes, YOU definitely contributed to the assassination of John Lennon and everybody else you saw fall in your lifetime. Your impossible APATHY and PHONINESS!. The REASON, I think, mass shooters pick on average run of the mill people to mow down is because they feel THEY are responsible for all the woes of the world, somehow, And, somehow, they – YOU – all ARE! It’s usually the average slob these shooters pick on to teach some kind of lesson to. ISN’T IT?? It’s usually not politicians or people in government but average citizens, instead. What must they all be doing wrong to so anger these distraught shooters? You only have to take a look at the people of Bangor, Maine who know King is a sociopath and a murderer yet tolerate him in their midst, nonetheless. “The Bangor Syndrome” cannot be far off from being in our lexicon of human foibles. They PRETEND not to know but, believe me, they all know. When I was there in 1992 for several months only a toddler in her stroller joined my battle cry to jail King, then. She seemed to know what I was saying and found herself and her bravery all alone in Bangor. Her parents were, and still are, A.W.O.L..I wish people weren’t jealous and afraid of heroes like me. “The Catcher in The Rye” that the government used to brainwash you with was about adult phoniness. They tried to make you blame John when it was really phony all of you swallowing their cover-up lie at the time. John was the least phony human on earth, frankly. The kids aren’t so weak and sinful, apparently. That little girl in her stroller heard me saying how “Stephen King is the focus of evil in Bangor, Maine. We must all JAIL Stephen King…” She joined right in and seconded the thought out loud. Brave, beautiful, sane her. Why are the rest of you all so royally screwed up? This expose has proved the ineffectiveness of all religion that you’re all so sick.

Do I sound extreme and angry with all of you, myself? Probably. I feel like making a billboard that reads;




Look at you all. As you “…sit and drink your coffee, couched in your indifference, like shells upon the shore, you can hear the ocean roar….” In all your dangling conversations the ones you never have are the ones that matter MOST to all of us. “Did Chapman, a lone assassin, kill huge John Lennon all by himself or were devious players involved to mind control us by ridding us of John’s controversial influence?” “Did Oswald act alone or were the F.B.I. and mafia etc. all involved in real life? Was Moscow to blame?” “Is the fact that Chapman skipped a trial, altogether, and was allowed to be heard behind closed doors, no media allowed, to plead guilty a year and half behind schedule, was all that suspect or legit?” “Is that guy with the ludicrous claim that Stephen King assassinated John Lennon in a Nixon, Reagan plot true or false?”

If whatever I say here offends anyone, I’m sorry if you are offended. Will I behave perfectly like Jesus and offend nobody? No. We all saw what you did to him, anyway. I am the messenger you have created. I am the messenger you deserve. Find another if you can. In spite of your mistreatment of me I will save you fools, anyway. I’m a better singer than a complainer.


When I heard the news Lennon had just been shot my mind immediately rang like a bell; “Oh, my God! This is bigger than Kennedy and just like it. No crazy lone gunman did this, This was big people involved for big reasons..” I consoled myself with the thought; “My fellow Americans won’t be fooled this time. The trial will expose all their lies about this.” And then there was no trial. Hinckley had shot Reagan (allegedly) and switched the subject to him from Chapman. Just as the psychiatric evaluation for Chapman was delinquent. How convenient. The ‘trial of the century’ was, somehow, omitted completely. I was so deflated I sold my possessions and stored the rest and bought a bicycle and quit life as I knew it and I lived outdoors just singing along to The Beatles on my Sony Walkman for about a year and a half. One day I read how Chapman had plead guilty “because God told (him) to” and how it was a tiny clipping in the back section of the newspaper. This a year and a half too late to match what we were told about his plea date.  No trial but a closed door hearing with no media allowed. It was like the government had just admitted to me that they had killed John and this was their way of admitting it. To put so huge a story on page 15 in a tiny clipping. I even had a vanity license plate made for my bike; U.S GOVT, PLANNED JOHN LENNON’S DEATH, right after. Several weeks later I found myself turning up a street and down a street, involuntarily. I wondered what was going on. I then saw the library in Pacific Beach, Ca. staring at me and I knew I had to go inside and that something big was about to happen. I white knuckled my brakes and wrapped my lock around my bike and burst through the front doors and spotted a year and a half old copy of Us magazine with John and Yoko on the cover and grabbed it and went to the magazine section grabbing everything I could dated Dec. 15, 1980 since John was killed on Dec. 8.. Little did I know that all these magazines came out on Dec. 8 and there was no murder story to read about Lennon’s killer. The headlines, however, read like government codes all about Lennon’s murder, I noticed. “All The President’s Magazines…A Bombshell Case Goes Pfffht!….F.B.I.’s Show of Shows…The Great Black and White Secret…Heeding Those Subtle Signs…Death Comes From The Prime Minister…Unholy Ministry…A Gambler’s Luck Runs Out…” Then I noticed, in Time magazine, just elected Reagan sitting at his desk under the huge headline; “Who’s In?” “Who’s Out?” and next to Nixon’s book; ‘The Real War’. Below it was the headline; “Fitting together the pieces of a complicated jigsaw puzzle.” It was the moment my mind first realized these might be government codes in the headlines about John’s murder. “Reagan’s In” ” Lennon’s Out”., you see? Even though the article was supposedly about the cabinet choices. I saw the same picture in Newsweek and so I grabbed ‘The Real War’ and it opened RIGHT TO the paragraphs about why we need to assassinate people like John Lennon. He comes right out and says’ “..the rock stars…who say ‘war’ is ‘bad’ and ‘peace’ is ‘good’.” It was a disgustingly awful feeling that went over me as I noticed more and more activity in the headlines of both these magazines and that it could not all be a coincidence. I had just learned that Nixon and Reagan were behind Chapman killing John Lennon and that these magazines were aligned with our government and contained codes about big goings on behind all our backs. It would be months later that I would find Mark David King Chapman and his letter linking Reagan and the killer’s face and real identity; Stephen King. I read, in that Us magazine, how Nixon tried to deport Lennon and his reasons why. It was all adding up and as if the evidence was designed to fall into my lap by fate. It was all so informative and all at once. I was sick to my stomach and left the library having been enlightened enough for one day. A week later I visited the big library in San Diego and realized I HAD discovered government codes in these magazines. It was so profuse as to be embarrassing for the government to be so flagrant and careless about it all. Did they think we’re all too stupid to spot them? I was soon on my way to my hometown of Santa Rosa, Ca. where I felt less in danger, leaving a girlfriend behind. I had cracked government codes in the bold print and Nixon and Reagan were caught in the crosshairs of it all. I knew I had stumbled onto the story of the century, at least!

Months later, I discovered Mark David Chapman and his letter that explains how Reagan is moving him, armed, into a hostile square. Any doubts I may have had were gone. It was ALL adding up. Then, because the codes fizzle out outside the five month zone before and slightly after the crime, I found myself scrolling backwards with almost zero code activity when a face scrolled by and I rewound it and immediately recognized the code below the face; “One Great Big ‘Zippo’ lighter” as a description of the killer in his raincoat, crouched, gun blazing fire into the night. I recognized the code, first. I matched the photos up with the autograph hound and it WAS a perfect match. Chapman’s face was NOT a match. That it also read Stephen King didn’t register with me. I was sure it must be a fake name for Chapman. Days later my brother told me; “You better read the article, Steve.” As I did the horror hit me full force. “Oh, my God! No way! Nixon, you GENIUS! Who could ever believe all this? The horror writer of all those movies killed John Lennon and now nobody will ever believe me.!” I had no idea who Stephen King even was until I read the article about “Firestarter” in that Sept. 15, 1980 issue of Time. I then read enough of his writings to know it was all too true. “Johnny, Nixon; the old witch hunter, himself, The Catcher in The Rye…Mark, shooting a man in the shoulder blades…” My GOD! NOW how do I convince the warped world of this bizarre truth? Shortly after this final puzzle piece I was surprised by Terry Chodash of the San Francisco Secret Service who interviewed me, never denying my claims. After that my life became harassment, court terrorism hell. Many dozens of false charges I had to fight and beat. I was also savagely beaten a few times, even.

A few years later I learned that Yoko Ono is in on the plot after her security had me kidnapped, handcuffed and beaten unconscious for just giving her my evidence to get to Paul, George and Ringo at an art gallery she was attending that night. I would later learn that our media and court are as corrupt as the plot that killed John and it was now up to only the public to break this news story. Only just recently have I learned that our government and media are under our mafia. Really.

I would then learn that the public had been corrupted by the media to the point of masochism and my job was now up against a real challenge forcing me to have to EXORCIZE my fellow man before he could even begin to help me or even care.


It took getting the razz by them in Monterey and Santa Cruz, California – about eight phony citations and charges in just a few years – and it took learning that Robert Kennedy getting the same razz by them as Trump is getting to figure it all out, but I figured out WHO killed the Kennedy’s M.L.K. and others and who probably stole the 2020 vote they are so threatened of losing their grip on our F.B.I. and whole government. I found out WHO OWNS our F.B.I.; the Italian mafia, that’s who. The same group who admitted to rigging the 1960 election for J.F.K. and then killed him for his attempts, with Bobby, to erase the mafia in America, then. Now they are charging Trump with defrauding the public and for interfering with a government process when it is THEY who are defrauding us out of electing Trump this time, not just last time. That the F.B.I. is apparently involved only proves WHY the steal wasn’t located. It was a total inside job BY the F.B.I. for the Italian mafia who wear J. Edgar Hoover’s name on all their buildings. You see,  it was he who denied that the mafia ever existed and then was the first to call R.F.K. to let him know his brother had just been killed. By them. To rub it in; “Take on the MAFIA, R.F. K.? We just killed your brother. You best play like me and allow them to own the F.B.I. because they’ll kill you if you don’t.” or sentiments to that effect.

For example; a car that generates electricity from the rotation of all four wheels. Like playing cards in your bicycle spokes. A little drag involved but electricity produced WITHOUT PG&E or ANY stinking electric company. That’s what you NEED. Half the batteries and weight and no electric bill. The ONLY reason you won’t get that technology is because I’m not famous enough to demand it. Until I AM famous they will deprive you of this money and planet saving technology. They control you all with money and such, you see? You all NEED ME!!!!! Wake up!

Back to the mafia take over of The United States of America. We all know from the non fiction movies The Godfather parts one and two that it was in the mobs interest to own judges and District Attorneys, then. To keep their boys out of jail and such. Since those days before WWII they have metastasized and just gobbled up all that was once left of our respectable system. The Department of Justice? Like the F.B.I. they control all of it.. Now it means; “Just Us!” They get a cut of all the fines it generates. We’re talking billions of dollars per year the MAFIA puts in THEIR pockets from our court cases nationwide. It’s a racket. The Attorney Generals, D.A.s, the leader of the F.B.I. and C.I.A.? All in on it. In Monterey and Santa Cruz, well know Italian mafia strongholds, even the judges and police are on the take doing whatever they are told to do by the upper bosses in the mafia. Leon Panetta, Congressman, and former presidential aid, Italian. Jeannine Pacioni, the Monterey D.A., Italian, Judge Manetta, and down the line. That’s right, citizens of California. It’s absolutely even worse in L.A. and other big cities back east like N.Y.C. Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Miami, New Orleans, D.C. and on and on. The toll roads and parking mafias that shake the locals from their ankles aren’t even seen in the west. Back east it’s a given. The mafia owns the east coast, especially. That they also own our government’s Washington D.C. apparatus, almost entirely, is alarming and should piss all of you off. Problem is, you’re their decapitated douche bags, lately. With no heroes left to give you hope you have given up hope.

I have to believe they have their fingers in big oil and electric companies and media as well. The Jewish mafia seems to control the media. It is a well known fact that the Rothchild family, overseas, has owned PG&E for decades. That’s a racket. Trillions of dollars per year if not per month. You see how they became one of the three biggest most powerful families on earth? DO YOU??!! These are the people foisting already obsolete technology on you just to make themselves money while the planet burns from their greedy ways instead of allowing the car I described above to be produced and save us all a ton of work and money and planet warming. You don’t think these powerful families aren’t mafia, themselves? If not they surely use them to get their ways, trust me.

Joe Biden has, singlehandedly, almost doubled the price of oil and in less than two years time. He’s pushing for electric cars that are too heavy and costly than what we could do if we weren’t under ‘mob’ rule. Joe WORKS for these mafia bastards. Trust me. He DOES!!!  So did Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, Obama and the Bushes. They all did what the mafia told them to do. Meanwhile, they conduct media photo ops to suggest they are legislating laws to curb inflation as they do the opposite behind your backs. Deliberately mind controlling you. Duping you. In media speak these mafia are called oligarchs. The word mafia almost is never mentioned.

Did you like seeing your president’s head explode in a parade or his brother lying on his back with over a dozen (YES!) bullets in his body or Martin Luther King Jr.’s head take a bullet. Did you like it the night John Lennon was killed, taking point blank bullets in the back on his doorstep in the middle of his comeback? Did you like watching Trump’s huge lead disappear after midnight in 2020 right after the television feed and the count went blank for two hours in between? Basement Joe Biden being declared the winner? Do you like all of Washington D.C. and N.Y.C. taking part in this biased, orchestrated conspiracy to stop Trump or R.F.K. Jr., now? Don’t like any of it, do you? You HATE it, despise it, fear it, hate it, all. Blame you mafia and your apathy about it all.

I used to blame Moscow and the Kremlin for all our woes in this regard. Now I realize our own evil Italian and Jewish mafias are behind a lot of it as well. Knowing that our country is run by the mafia – or Oligarchs, as we’re told – would only give the Kremlin new ideas and a new way to penetrate our system with one of THEIR mafia groups muscling in on our depraved system of smoke and mirrors. I think it has already happened, people. Our looking the other way has allowed our most dangerous enemy, the mafia, to take over our country’s government and media. I now view one of my very favorite singers, Sinatra, in a new light. His attitude was flawed. He had feet of clay to cozy up with so venomous an arch enemy of the United States of America, after all. Too bad. Right now you’re all making the same, fatal mistake and it’s far later  than you could possibly know, compared to all that I have known for decades. I had to find out that Yoko was  John’s no good arch enemy, that McCartney was a pussy, that the media was a Jewish lie factory,. that both parties were the same wolf in sheep’s clothing (Even Trump doesn’t know that, yet.) and, now, finally, that our Italian and Jewish mafias are our greatest enemy and are caught red handed killing America, deliberately, and not just John Lennon. Biden is their executive salesman and their obedient, boot-licking PUPPET. PERIOD! Just like Nixon, Reagan,  Bush Sr. and Jr., Clinton, Obama were (ARE) and others waiting their turn to do us in.

And, so I say to all of you fence sitting , silent, apathetic communists who don’t care if Stephen King shot John Lennon to destroy our soul. He did, you know. If you want to play stupid and pretend otherwise, poor, stupid, phony you. This evil, dark force that has cursed this land for centuries. That’s what it looks like; Stephen King getting Lennon’s autograph hours before killing him, posing as Chapman. And all of you too busy licking the mafia boot that kicked your bloodied ribs in to stand up for yourselves and fight back. As pathetic as all the talking heads in our media trumpeting the demise of Trump and R.F.K. Jr.. Like of bunch of monkeys hooked on crack telling us all lies. Lies for their big paycheck, sadly. Kidnapped cowards, all. Why, just yesterday; 8-9-’23, a man in Utah was shot to death for threatening to kill Biden on social media. Apparently he was simply, methodically assassinated under the guise of trying to arrest him. He had guns in his house and was, therefor, killed preemptively rather than trying to take him alive. It was 5:00 am and this man wasn’t even awake before he was killed. You like that kind of America, America? Joe landed in Utah just hours later and he gets no media flack. Doesn’t that just FEEL like mafia to all of you? Maybe Nazi, even? You see?  Wake the fuck up, people.

When Whitey Bolger, the Irish mafioso, was linked to the F.B.I. as an informant many of you were perplexed why. The F.B.I. is owned by the mafia is why, people. When the poppy fields of Afghanistan were NOT bombed, but PROTECTED, you were all wondering; “WHAT??? When a certain John Russo in Monterey dented my protest sign on the 42’nd anniversary of Lennon’s murder with his huge truck after telling me he thinks I’m a “piece of shit..” I had no idea who he was or that the Italian mafia run Monterey and Santa Cruz according to the locals. No wonder officer Hill let him off and tried to make me the bad guy when I made a report. They run our local police, you see? In Florida King resides in a witness protection house on a Florida key. You’ve all heard of “Club Fed.” and the cushy jails the mob gets to serve time in. It all makes sense only now. Ever since the 30’s the mob has had it’s evil grip on our system, people. Through fear and murder and intimidation they have taken over our F.B.I. and D.O.J. and more. Now, today, they are defrauding the U.S. public of their 2020 vote and now our 2024 vote. They are caught in mid stride offering only a “Whaddagonnadoaboutit?” to you bovine creatures. They know that by blaming Trump of defrauding us that we will look 180 degrees away from the real truth of the matter. It’s called mind control. You, not I, are all under it, now. I’m a hero saving your sorry asses. My courage isn’t supposed to be possible but it is real, apparently. I just can’t stomach living under evil is the truth of my courage. I fear that more than anything. So should all of you.

Mr. Russo and his malevolent, meddling ilk must harbor a lot of guilt about Lennon’s murder. I recall how a local here, just months before Stephen King was mowed down by a van, told me that my expose could be stopped by an auto accident. Was he aware of a plot to kill King, then? To shut my story up? And I thought he was trying to threaten my life. King knows he is no safer than I and I worry a story will soon emerge that Chapman has died in prison to muddy the waters of my evidence. It doesn’t pay to be in bed with the mafia. By the way, you all already are.

I must say I’m a little disappointed in the world that the people behind all this treachery are just a group of power mad money worshipers and not some other more philosophical group. Kind of like pearls before swine. Drug cartels poisoning society and criminals after just money. How dare anybody’s lust for more money and power DARE kill one such as a John Lennon. Our species NEEDS these geniuses just to survive! Look at how much influence I will have someday; cars that are free to drive, etc… Just a hint of the possibilities.

Somehow, somewhere along the way this genetic rooted link to  acquiring absolute power in our world got started. They say it was Sicily. A breeding ground for inbreeding, actually. An island apart unto itself. In The Godfather part II a family mourning the assassination of one of their own was then attacked by the same people who killed their father just to make sure there were none to enforce revenge, later. Something akin to that kind of mentality. A depraved, selfish, short sighted outlook rooted in violence and horror. Simple survival instincts without much thought to justice or fairness or sanctity of life, after. In another scene in Godfather part I the wife of Michael Corleone says that his lifestyle is “UNHOLY!” No truer words could have been said. The same Vito Corleone that killed Don Fanucci because his leaching mafia lifestyle was unjust and crooked BECAME exactly that same kind of selfish bastard, himself. It’s a disease; mafiaism.

I once heard a story, for example, of a mafioso who killed a family’s father and then, without their knowing he was involved in the murder, invited them to dine at his house. Little did the family know that their father’s remains were in the rice that they were eating. That kind  of sadism and evil. Satanic! Not good for the rest of us that the people who lord over our F.B.I. and government and media are these kind of sick bastards to begin with. UNHOLY! SICK!, DEPRAVED!, EVIL!.

I recall my father being killed in a plane crash on the tenth anniversary of Nixon’s resignation and a week after Stephen King sent me a threat letter warning me of “Phase Three” since I won’t cease my investigation. Did they think I’d quit because of their terrorism if it was their act? How stupid. It only made me determined to squash them all like a bug someday and I  WILL, too. That these words are up on my site insure this even if I am killed by them. Fuck them. They only scare pussies and I’m not one. Did they also hang my Father’s dog in a drape chord weeks before like a warning? Who cares? I’m too busy fearing what our world will end up like if I DON’T squash them all like the bug they really are. I don’t care if I die trying, either.

Is maybe ten percent of your effort being siphoned straight into Italian’s pockets behind your backs? Are Italians or Jews or Irishmen or anyone getting a cut of all our court’s fines?, taxes, gasoline purchases, credit card purchases, insurance purchases, hospital expenses, etc..? I want to know. Don’t all of you? No one group of people should get more than they earn from a society and that is just not the case right now. IS IT? J. Edgar Hoover was mafioso. I’ll say it. He was the mob’s man in power in our government, then, and they force the F.B.I. to wear his name on all their buildings just to keep them in line and keep on protecting the mob. They own the Dept. of Justice and perhaps the media along with the Jewish mafia. How DO you all explain how a 3 % demographic  of America runs 50 % of all media, here? It’s a CONSPIRACY, is what.

The man who rammed my sign with his truck, I think, is driving a new Corvette mid engine car with his name on his vanity plate. J. RUSSO.  Also beware the owner of Brittania Arms who told me “We don’t care about you…we have ways to stop you….I’ll smash your face like a pumpkin…” Paul Whitecross. Also Mitchell  Suwanhane(?) of The Whisky Club across the street who cited me for just singing near his business, or Dave Hober, the M.P.D. chief who has been terrorizing me with several tickets all at once. Corrupting several officers in the process. Screw their effort to stop me. I have a job to do and you all have to help me and not expect me to bring this monster story in to shore alone.

How sad that more money, more cars, more whiskey , etc. can make men do such evil against all mankind just for their selfish selves? Sad. It used to be our F.B.I told the mafia what was up. Now it’s the opposite. BEWARE! Trump. apparently DID win in 2020. Only because the F.B.I. was helping the mafia with voting machines and ballot irregularities did Basement Biden get appointed our president. Now the very people who defrauded us all of America, itself, are labeling Trump as the defrauder. How transparent to one such as I. Mind control 101.

Personally, I’d wish R.F.K. Jr. were elected in 2024. I’d vote for Trump only second. He had his chance to arrest King and he balked. I gave him my stuff. Pity. Another weakling who can’t grasp what he’s up against. Right or wrong Kennedy might at least get us on a moral compass that will save us.

My profound knowledge of our politics tells me Desantis is the puppet for our next go around. Another fellow Italian in our presidency to seal ‘their’ deal. He was VERY quick to admit Biden won in 2020, Too quick, you see? Biden is T-O-A-S-T-! Hunter was broadcast naked getting a blow job from a hooker last week on national television. Biden’s a bluff candidate to ensure Desantis gets in. Of course the mob plays both sides, republican and democrat. It’s how they keep you mere mortals confused. I watched several candidates lose on purpose over my watch and this is no different. Biden is the open door for Desantis, IN MY OPINION.

OF COURSE, DESANTIS COULD ALWAYS ARREST STEPHEN KING INSTEAD OF PROTECT HIM ON A FLORIDA KEY IN A WITNESS PROTECTION MANSION LIKE HE’S DOING PRESENTLY. You see? I gave him my magazine in 2021 and information to get King arrested. Is he a mafia puppet? Everybody keep your eyes open.

About my own experiences with our Italian mafia takeover of our entire government.

In 1983 I was summoned to a Santa Rosa, Ca. court with two suspicious sounding crimes I had zero to do with; “Breaking and Entering” and “Attempted Grand Theft” Let’s see; I ”broke into” and “entered” our magazine government codes all about John Lennon’s murder and tried to “steal” the evidence for myself to expose the bastards who killed him. I went to court about five times and each time I was the only person, whatsoever, in the room. It was dismissed after all this weirdness. Somebody was trying to intimidate me, it seemed.

About the same time I was arrested in Santa Rosa for sleeping outdoors and then flown by a plane to Salinas over a years old riding a bicycle on a sidewalk ticket I got in Pacific Beach, Ca. In the Salinas jail I was poisoned by the staff who selectively made sure I got the tainted burrito.  From there I was bussed to Oakland, then to San Francisco, then to Sacramento, then to Vista Ca. near San Diego over a weeks time. The warden in Vista sat me down for a conversation; “Hey, Lightfoot, we’ve got to talk about this John Lemmon thing of yours. We could cut you up into tiny pieces and flush you down the toilet and no one would ever know or care.” I challenged his assumption about that and I was bussed to San Diego where my fine was dismissed with time served. I thought, at the time, it was just corrupt police, not mafia.

That riding a bicycle ticket was issued, not by a regular police car, but a style of black government car with a rich Italian looking man in the back seat presiding over it all. They must have resented my license plate on my bicycle that read; “U.S. GOVT. PLANNED JOHN LENNON’S DEATH” That was weeks before I discovered my evidence just a block away, in fact.

In late summer of 1984 I received a threat letter from a horror writer (Turned out to be Stephen King’s handwriting I would later learn.) On the inside with a manuscript titled “Rubber Monkeys”, a script not fit for public consumption it was so gross, probably one of King’s unpublished efforts, I found the following hand scrawled message; “Mr. Lightfoot, you haven’t gotten the whole story , yet, but, since you won’t cease your investigation I thought I might as well clue you to “Phase Three” Dennis C. Lee.” Eight years later a second letter from King, signed Stephen King, showed me the handwritings matched exactly except for the letter capital “I” which he awkwardly tried to pencil in to hide his distinctive real “I”.

About a week or two after this first letter my Father was killed in a small airplane crash in New Zealand on the tenth anniversary of Nixon’s resignation, no less. Weeks before that I would learn his beloved dog, ‘Jollie’, was found hanged in a drape chord. like a mob threat. I figured it was just Nixon and his nastiness to blame, not the Italian mafia. Maybe a coincidence but likely not.

In 1987 I was kidnapped, handcuffed and pistol whipped unconscious by S.F.P.D.  for giving Yoko Ono my evidence to get to the other Beatles. This was at the Dyansin Art Gallery in San Francisco.  I was ushered in ahead of hundreds of waiting in line by management, in fact. It was her security staff who started the episode, too. I was dropped off at the hospital, after, and slandered by a false report stating I was yelling death threats to Yoko Ono. Ridiculous. I would later learn that Yoko ordered this and that she was John’s enemy. She even lived in Berkeley, secretly, spying on my for two years I later learned. Again, I just figured it was our evil police. Hundreds of other lesser episodes would follow me.

In 1987, two days before the famous Golden Gate Bridgewalk event, I was arrested and my signs confiscated so I couldn’t attend and advertise my evidence. Months later two martial artists broke my nose on a sidewalk and dislocated my shoulder over nothing. D.A. Costello refused to honor my citizen’s arrest days later and let Thomas Decker, who I positively identified, go. Costello That’s an Italian mafia name we’ve all heard of, in fact. I was sure it was the F.B.I., then, nonetheless.

In 1994(5)(?), in Santa Cruz, I was arrested for suspicion of trespassing for advertising that ‘STEPHEN KING IS A MURDERER; IT’S TRUE OR HE’D SUE” holding up a huge sign at a book signing event he was attending. While in jail for two days I was slandered on national television news as a stalker of Stephen King and then released without being charged..                                                                                                                                                                                                           In 2010 I was almost killed under Obama / Biden – twice –  when a car broadsided me at 60 mph knocking my delivery truck on it’s side. The intersection was paved over the very next day. Very weird. No one was cited, besides. I was supposed to be dead, I suppose. Either she ran a red light or the Concord, Ca. traffic control room with monitors that they have gave us both green lights. After moving to Southern Ca. it was getting so weird with phony red light camera tickets I was getting I didn’t deserve up north, another high speed “accident’ occurred while I was on I 5. A uniformed Navy cadet rammed his truck as hard as he could into my narrow wheelbase Toyota van and tried to run off. His tire left a six foot long by two foot wide rubber mark across the length of the van. I chased him down and the CHP, who took 45 minutes to arrive, decided not to cite him, either! He admitted he was doing 75 mph, ten over the limit, too. I thought it was the military, this time, and not the mafia. Them and the CHP.

In 2019, after letting a retired policeman from Santa Cruz know I needed a ride to my dental operation he fixed me up with a man; Chris Malsack. This former officer knew who I was though I had no idea this coffee shop owner was a cop. This Chris Malsack exited my van with the van in neutral and pushed it down a hill forcing me to jump from the back section into the driver’s seat to avoid mayhem and crashing into another lot, below. My new, just painted and lettered van was wrecked a little, anyway. Though no drugs or alcohol were in my system I was cited for DUI and tortured for over two years in court and three judges I had to recuse and two lawyers I had to fire before it was finally dismissed. I thought, at the time, how evil our own F.B.I. must be to try a stunt like that. Only they could pull that much damage off with so little opportunity. At the same time another ticket on April Fool’s day months later from the same CHP office was dismissed after a no show by the officer. During those trials I happened to fender bend an uniformed officer who just happened to pull out behind me as I was trying to park at the last moment. As my new van was being wrecked my other van was being sabotaged by Jack Fox Auto who happens to have a contract with police vehicles. The judge (Mendoza) in small claims denied my claim for over $2,000. in damages in that separate matter.

While in mid fight with this DUI ticket, while brandishing a billboard on my van that read; “D.A. ROSELL IN PLOT TO KILL ME” (The S.C. D.A.) Six Monterey police officers all ganged up on my for tapping a license plate while parking. At one point they all rushed me from a circle formation to see if I’d react so they could cite me for resisting arrest. They tried to DUI me, again, until I blew a 0.00, twice. They cited me for something else they promised not to and even turned that no damage license plate tap, that the owner agreed was not damaged, and made that into a accident on my DMV record. A year later a man in a police / library  parking lot  claimed I hit and ran in another parking incident. He was found dead a year later in his car in the exact parking space where we met after my matter was dismissed due to lack of evidence. VERY WEIRD, PEOPLE.

They are still up to their tricks in the M.P.D. Chief Hober has since tried to cite me twice in three days for singing from my van. I knew from another earlier ticket they set me up with when officer Kopp hid in my blind spot to take my eyes off the road through a light that my several subpoenas I would have issued would be ignored like they did months earlier and I made a plea agreement to work off the fines with 8 hours of community service wiping one off my record.

There’s much more I could list, but why? I’ve given you all enough reason to do something about it all. Keeping me alive should be your job one priority now. I hold the key to political change, after. There is nobody like me on earth who can so change our world.

I’ve already described how an Italian named Russo rammed my signs on my anniversary rally and such. I now KNOW that he Italian mafia O-W-N-S our entire government. THEY tell our politicians and officials what their jobs are and our government has capitulated. They and the F.B.I. they control are behind the Trump indictment fraud and the stolen 2020 vote. They fear Trump because he’s not on board with them being at the top of our government. I am now absolutely certain the mafia owns our government and has for decades and that they killed our presidents, senators, heroes, civil rights leaders and that they are too diseased to stop if we don’t stop them, ourselves. By the way, the black community should know that, in Monterey, land of Italian mafia rule, there is a lot of “Driving while black” tickets doled out for political purposes, if you know what I mean. Especially you should all care about thius.

Whenever I advertise the Panetta family, here, being mafia, the D.A. Paccioni, being Italian, etc., Jimmy Panetta will come on television days later and open up the purse strings he is in control of to dole out millions for this and for that to appease the locals. Exactly why we need to get the Italian mafia out of our government. They should not BE in control of our purse in the first place. They occupy the most powerful posts in our government and they are suffocating America to DEATH with their evil. They are trying to defraud us all, again, in yet another election fraud / scheme. Our wimpy officials in government can’t or won’t stand up to them.

They use Stephen King to dumb you down and keep you scared and afraid. They don’t care about planet warming or anything other than how much money is in it for them. Idealists like John Lennon are in their greedy way. If there is not a car that charges itself without a motor I say it is only because THEY won’t allow it. They own oil and electricity companies all over. Our government has capitulated to them over greed and fear. They are empowered by the public fearing them. I say we expose, arrest, try and execute King to humiliate THEM and, with my celebrity input, put them out of business as they know it, once and for all. Together, TOGETHER we can do it, people. You have my evidence and my heroism and courage and voice. Use it.

You have my evidence, people. Stand up and fight back! I need you all to PROTEST with me every Sunday at noon in downtown Monterey, Ca.. Alvarado Street. You’re all boot-licking insane masochists until you all wake up and HELP ME!!!!! Just even admit it for one second, please. Get brave and find a spine in time before your evil apathy gets me killed, too. I am the Godsend you are too evil to recognize right now. This evidence is your luckiest day, ever! You were made evil by Stephen King’s crime, believe it or not, or you all would be as outraged as I am. It’s just a fact. You’re all insane now. Get well, America. Hurry, please.


Incidentally, do you all have any idea what a mile in my shoes feels like? It’s like being yards away from the top of the mountain only to have to exorcise all of mankind before they can even care about what I do to actually get there. King has so crippled and castrated and decapitated all of you you don’t dare begin to admit it. I KNOW why your kids are going berserk. Their parents are asleep at the switch. Phony. King has rendered you all RIDICULOUS!. The stakes could NOT BE higher. If I’m right our arch enemies from abroad are killing our heroes to cripple us as a people and nation and only this expose can stop them in time. A matter of Heaven or Hell for us all. Our own secret government has already sold us out, our F.B.I. media, etc..

While I AM on the subject, consider how much I already know about all of you. I know my own flesh and blood immediate family members basically chose to lick cover-up boot and succumb to the crime sheepishly. Lick Big Brother’s evil boot! Render unto Caesar! I found that out about all of you, too. 90 % of you, anyway.. Maybe 10 % of you have expressed encouragement instead of resistance, I’ll admit. But even you choose NOT to take a stand and make things happen. “I’ll let someone else be the first to stand by his message in public.”???

I’ve notice how my immediate geographical region is stiffing my website magazine, most of customers being from where my website van isn’t even seen. As if you, as a group, collectively, have decided to NOT let this news out and hinder me with a boycott. Oh, yeah, admit it all you phonies and cowards,. That IS you, PROVABLY, or I’d get most of my support from here in California where I advertise the most. But I AM saving an ingrate species bent, apparently, on killing every hero who pops his head up and outshines and out thinks the rest of us mere mortals. The government, for whatever reason, is the vehicle you use to do your dirty work, too. How sick is THAT!? The very group bent on manipulating and using and exploiting you you let kill the very breed that can save you fools. The ONLY breed that can. The hero.

Let’s see, we’ve got John Lennon’s WIFE, Yoko Ono, found out to have been his mortal enemy since before they met. Sent by the government to break up The Beatle’s because John was too big to assassinate at the time. His WIFE is his enemy. He was blind to the evil under his nose all the while. Lots of you still are.

We’ve got all his fans, the public, letting Mark Decoy Chapman skip a trial altogether because you all KNEW the government killed John and didn’t want to stir things up and make a stink. YOU, THE PUBLIC, stepped aside as the police and the government made my life terrorism hell for decades for all my heroic efforts to save your raped, sorry asses. Maybe 12 people at one time ever standing by my rally efforts. Usually zero, occasionally several. Mostly just a resentful of my heroism. “Leave us alone. We all KNOW what happened to John we just don’t want to have to deal with it, O.K.? Now let my just call you a whacko so I can live with myself.” kind of phony, guilty slob.

We have the government who’s supposed to protect us from foreign powers assassinating our heroes after first infiltrating our highest offices. People like Nixon, Kissinger, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Obama, all working for a secret world order government that cuts America’s balls off, first. Cuts our tongue out. So our F.B.I. and C.I.A. and our oligarchs, corporate leaders and justice system, the courts and police ALL SELLING US OUT! Not only letting King kill Lennon but now protecting him in Florida with a witness protection compound on a  private key.

We have our mass media who’s supposed to protect us FROM government protecting ONLY GOVERNMENT in reality. Our media has been taken over. Maybe by foreigners or even our own deep state we like to ignore the presence of. Using us, manipulating us, poisoning us. Controlling us with fear and evil and murder and grizzlyness. Making it possible for a Stephen King monster to assassinate a great hero like John Lennon REPLACE HIM and get scot free away with it, crippling humanity in the process. MAKING US ALL EVIL!!!!! No less. And all while you, the people, let them. Underneath it all we have the Italian and Jewish mafias running our government and rigging our elections and mind controlling us with the media. America is dead. already, under the ugliness of a mob takeover of our entire government. YOU are the spineless weaklings who are too afraid of them to stand up to it all. Poor, pitiful, phony all of you.

Lately I get a vibe from the ghetto thugs in the Monterey area I see in my face all of a sudden that the government has been trying to recruit some gang member to take care of me before I become the most credible and powerful man in the world. Like John used to be. You know, working the channels to see if they can get them to kill me before I save your ingrate asses. THEY know I will change everything. The story and truth this evidence reveals will save you fools. I am their worst nightmare.

And you victim / masochists wonder why your world has descended into mass shootings hell all of a sudden. You WONDER!!!!!! Wake up, weaklings and grow some balls before you’re all transgendered, computer controlled  or hit with a virus under China and Russia and the world order’s control. Our politicians are selling America for big bucks. Money killing the U.S..

I can see the evil you’re under. Money and the pursuit of it has crippled your senses of what is right and what is wrong. What matters and what doesn’t. Your, OUR, world  is run by men who ONLY pursue money and they decide how we all live. These monsters with half their brains missing and uncultivated. Our nation’s history is littered with how polluters and monopolists and tycoons and industrialists and crooks have kidnapped society and laid waste to morals and principles and values in their money lusting wake. And they have all manipulated all of YOU with money, too. You’re all so busy surviving, scurrying like squirrels to keep up with inflation and the other tools they use to oppress you. You were too stupid without a hero to NOT see how the women’s lib movement was high jacked to put women to work and almost double your taxes then. You are mind controlled with money worship game shows and your are encouraged to go out and make more money by all your churches. Police and F.B.I. shows abound all pointing their guns at you on prime time and wasting human life to terrorize you. Your churches can’t save you from your own phoniness and cowardliness and save you from real evil, though, or King would have been exposed, arrested, tried and executed by now. Until he IS you’re all very sick and perverted.

Only a hero can save you fools, now. I am IT, too. People like silent Paul McCowardly don’t rate. They are the real “Nowhere Man” among us taking up celebrity space they don’t deserve that should be made for heroes like John Lennon and yours truly. Yoko? She laughs at you stupid fools. Just like King does.

Can there be any hope or use for a species so evil, self destructive, satanic and weak? Think about it, people. You have to start thinking about all this. You phony parents are protecting the government and Stephen King who hurt you instead of yourselves and your children. Hate my heroism and evidence all you want but you’re all paying for King’s evil crime against you. Aren’t you?? It’s time HE PAID and you are all saved, instead. Execute evil assassin Stephen King. He really DOES have Hell to pay.



Before we get started, BIDEN, apparently, is up to his tricks with me. All in this one week I have three emergencies to deal with; 1) My 5-30-’23 court date for two singing in public citations 2) my website provider has to change my site to another server as the one they have is being replaced with one NOT highjacked. It has to be done by the same day as my court appearance. Their entire client list has to change as well. 3) A case of apparent fraud to tack on a point I don’t deserve to my driver’s license has occurred a block away from the 2014 assault I suffered when a stranger sucker punched me and was then let off by corrupt police who were behind it, I think. Now that I was at the scene several years later, what do you know; a man is blocking traffic forcing me up a side alley that finds a man’s bumper touching mine and he sets me up by not asking for insurance only to claim twice what his car is worth a month later for prior damage or something his crowding my bumper caused, not me.  All this landing on my plate on the same week. Our C.I.A. and Biden or just crazy coincidence? Somewhere below is an account of Obama / Biden’s 2010 and 2015 attempts to kill me in two very high speed “accidents” in case you think I’m over reacting. In 2017 my site was completely hacked, for example, between episodes of receiving e-mails from Stephen King and gross horror imagery. And all this amidst an unprecedented spate of several false tickets and criminal charges since 2019 here in the Monterey area.

Oh, and yeah, it is a lot like waterboarding me for 40 years, your apathy and silence in the face of evidence. I have to exorcize you warped, corrupted, decapitated phonies. Humanity is having a hard time stepping up like a man to face it’s mess.

One other matter; my singing from my website van all over town. What’s THAT all about? Well, I sing instead of rant and rave like an activist against the wicked world. What I have to say politically will wait until I have the world’s stage. Until then the truth you can’t seem to handle. So I sing, instead. Normally the police know that if they molest me I will scream at the public, after. Not any more, you see? That’s why I sing. It’s a way of showing you all how right I am and always have been. I couldn’t sing as well as everybody tells me do if I didn’t have the confidence of knowing how right I AM! I have nothing to be ashamed of, especially being a silent phony in the face of vital evidence we all need. Nothing, by comparison, could be more humiliating than that. I CAN sing pretty astonishingly good, too. As good as ANYBODY ON EARTH! and I’ve seen Sinatra sing in person. Suddenly and out of the blue. Like God is pulling the strings of fate. I AM creating a big buzz. So I’m not boring anybody, myself included. It’s a great way to convey the intensity and hugeness of my expose via great(?) singing. Of course, half the battle is now having a muscularly developed voice with all the practice. Mostly, though, I am motivated since getting killed by everybody’s apathy and the police is the ALTERNATIVE. I HAVE to sing just to survive this wicked, denial prone world. To survive YOU!

A little about why it is I may sound a little arrogant and edgy. For over four decades I have been mocked by jealous society for being a hero in the midst your mass surrender to insanity. You parents can protect Stephen King but you can’t protect your children, you see? The most famous and loved person on earth was allowed to die in vain, his alleged killer allowed to completely skip a trial, altogether, and after all the danger John was in since Nixon’s deportation efforts in the 70’s. I have to sustain being neglected by a satanic culture that you HAVE ALL BECOME. It’s as if the government has poisoned your tap water with a drug to make you all spineless and stupid. It’s not that you’re bad people so much as it is you have been made bad by evil. Calculated, Orwellian, government evil. Made evil by your government, or maybe a foreign government(s) who has been caught perverting you all on purpose. You CAN’T explain away that they had their reasons. They are caught red handed having molested you as a species with pure evil intent to control you. To repress and oppress you. ALL OF YOU. How can you stand to even ADMIT that is and has been the case all this disgraceful time?. Just a fact. It’s too complicated to explain here. Let’s just say your phoniness, weakness and sin has cost me my youth while I waited for you to do the right thing only to find you’re all a stinking, phony, wounded, jealous, dysfunctional, hero killing mess. You cling to ineffectual religion like a bar of soap to make you feel clean while, in fact, you’re all under evil, now. If it were not for my efforts you’d all rather I got killed just so you wouldn’t have to care or get your hands dirty. That’s why you’re called a “Rat Race”. You are the sad case I have to save with the truth and hard evidence. Don’t blame me for coming across like sandpaper after all your evil, hero killing past. YOU all grow up!

I was recently on the radio (6-19,’23) and spoke the following words;

“.I’m not really into violence and this will sound gross, but, for all of us to achieve full exorcism of our condition we should all have to be forced to watch, via world simulcast television, a live event; a firing squad tearing into Stephen King.” A public slaying of our evil dragon.

There was a time when it seemed plausible that would not be necessary. I recall trying to convince a friend of Stephen King in Bangor, Maine, in 1992, his bookseller friend, Stuart or Scott, I forget, that King need not be too concerned, that I’d allow him to come out of his cell now and then and role play on television someday with me as the apathetic citizen and him the responsible one. To rehabilitate him that way. As I was explaining this pie in the sky notion his friend furiously blurted out; “He’s afraid he’s gonna FRY!!!!” as if I was talking crazy talk. Time has proven how often I overestimate the goodness of my fellow man and I have to agree, now, that is probably not in the cards. No, for us to all be healed he’ll have to be APPROPRIATELY punished. Justice must be served. Sanity must be restored. Your, our exorcism, demands we do exactly that. Death by firing squad is the logical choice as he has betrayed all humanity in robbing us of Lennon’s influence and  time has proven our world has crashed and burned for killing him, after all. He deliberately destroyed and poisoned us and humiliated us and defiled us will evil intent. He deliberately destroyed the better future we were entitled to. That he should get the same treatment the Rosenberg’s got for giving Moscow our A-bomb secrets; death by firing squad. Not so much to just punish him but to humiliate and put in their place King’s handlers. Who are THEY” The Rockefellers, Rothchild’s The royal family, The Kremlin, Kissinger? Whomever. They need to have their pet monster humiliated before the world to send a message to all evil bastards everywhere. We WILL not be victimized by their evil any more. We will smack them down and put them in their place even if just by publicly killing their assassin for hire. We can all stop working to oust them, if necessary, too. Before they grab our guns and psychologically castrate us, completely.

Look at how far away from sanity and justice you all are NOW. ” Oh, so what if Stephen King killed John Lennon? It’s in the past, anyway. We’re too terrorized, now, too spoiled to have to care about justice and truth anyway. I’m an insane person.” That’s the road to America’s implosion. Or haven’t the past four decades already proven that? Mass shootings every day, suicide off the charts, etc. , etc., etc.. Even bizarre weather and heat and storms, to boot.

Because humanity is a slob – sorry, just the truth, especially collectively –  that needs a hero to function properly, a hero that oversees the politicians and corporations and militaries, you all have to be held accountable in this fashion, too. King has said that; “… the N.R.A. should have to be forced to wash off the guts off the walls of Sandy Hook..” because he is our enemy bent on disarming us of our second amendment. He’s a traitor, a saboteur. He despises the whole idea of America. I say the U.S. public should be forced to have to watch Stephen King executed to punish THEM for being sympathetic to him and the evil he represents all this stupid time. For sucking up to Satan like a bunch of pussies. For being willing victims of the evil King forced on us all and not having the sense or the spine to stand up to him, instead. You all need this exorcism you can’t get any other way. I’m not just talking. I’ve already made it known that, even if I DO become the world’s biggest celebrity after this news breaks, I volunteer to be on that firing squad, if necessary, just to emphasize how stupid you all have been for NOT punishing him decades ago when you knew what he did. Like Atticus Finch in “To Kill A Mockingbird”, someone has to be the adult in the room and kill the mad dog when the mad dog endangers all society.  Conversely, “…it’s a sin to kill a Mockingbird (A John Lennon) who only graces the world with it’s song.” to quote the movie. For us to treat King as anything BUT our mortal, traitorous enemy is a drastic and fatal and foolish mistake. I realize, as I write these words, that King and others will argue that Lennon was the mad dog that needed to be killed. That’s the kind of evil world you all live in. Government mind control spinmeisters. Like the ones who spoon fed you all the Chapman lie. You need a hero like Lennon or myself to steer you straight and narrow so that the powers that be don’t succeed in brainwashing and confusing you as they have proven they will. It’s a sad money ruled world we live in that is run by evil people at the top. The ONLY way I’d be willing to let King live is if he turned witness against the still living hidden puppet masters he works for to the point several living conspirators are convicted and punished and exposed with King. He’d have to expose the big ugly reality that rules our lives. It would be a dramatic redemption. It would have to be a believable, revealing event or it wouldn’t wash. For these past four decades you have been living in hell on earth and refused to believe it. Time’s up and the truth is coming out in spite of your evil cover-up, cowardly ways, people. Without me, the hero, you’d all be Soviet slobs by now, I think. I hate to sound so self important but I, frankly, AM so important. You can’t conceive of admitting that fact, though. I’m showing up weak, phony everybody, even religion, and you can’t stand the light of day that I offer you on a silver platter. You can’t stand admitting that you all NEED a hero. Just like you needed parents when you uttered your first helpless cry. You don’t think that Jesus was a hero? He was exactly that.


John sang the lyrics; “…Hatred and jealousy gonna be the death of me, I guess I knew it right from the start…”

The real reason King killed Lennon, the reason Nixon had to exact revenge on John for ridiculing him in his songs, the reason Reagan and the media all went in on it had to do with supreme jealousy. That and hatred. That poisonous emotion. They all knew that Lennon had, without even trying, achieved the pinnacle of fame and cultural influence and respect. He was, literally, without peer. Every language and nation knew who he was. At the very, very top of all society as the world’s most famous and respected human being. They were jealous of all that power. He had swung from the highest vine and pulled off a miraculous career in his songwriting, singing and instrumentation not to mention his lecturing us all on conscience. “Nowhere man, please listen. You don’t know what you’re missing…” He openly offended us at his own expense just to impress upon us the questioning our working class situation and opening up the concepts of living without war, money, greed, religion, countries. He had the master plan that all the politicians have wanted to achieve, a homogenous, united world. The only difference is WHAT would that world look like, after? John’s enemies want totalitarian, Orwellian control of everything about all your lives. They demand a money ruled world where you get exploited and they get rich and the planet gets killed with all their phony industry they stir up just to make money. They want to invade our bodies with drugs and who knows what. They would like to neuter us if they could, frankly. You don’t think King’s “The Stand” WASN’T all about Covid -19? It was. He knew about it decades before it was unleashed on us all. He’s part of that insider crowd. They are motivated by greed, mostly, and selfishness and all that comes with that. Our best interests are never served with their agenda. They win, we all lose in the bargain. Always. John, on the other hand, wanted to remove the trappings that tempt us all to sin and stray and screw things up. “No need for greed or hunger..” Sure a lot of us would not want to go that far. Not yet, anyway. John’s plans screwed the opposition’s machine right in it’s heart; money, possessions, industry, commerce, media manipulation, manipulation of currency and inflation, etc. etc.,. Thomas Jefferson lamented that we did NOT adopt an agrarian, self sustaining society from our start. John was acting in OUR best interests and that pissed off the powers that be. They knew that, once tasted, we would never go back to the rat race ever again and they’d all be out on their sick, dirty, dinosaur asses.

Stephen King, especially was jealous of one so great as John Lennon. How dare HE get all the marbles at birth? How dare anyone BUT Stephen King get the sheepskin from God. I can almost hear him speak; “His Dad left him, like mine did me, and he turned out alright. Why didn’t I? It’s not fair. Everybody LOVES John Lennon and peace and love and changing the world. Nobody loves hatred, horror and scaring the shit out of people. Life’s not FAIR! I deserve to have the stage all to myself and his comeback will just screw my career up. I’ll be in the shadows forever and no one will ever know the wonder of fear and hatred and sickness. Damn his being right about everything. Meanwhile the politicians want a guy like me around and have promised me the fame and fortune I crave if I just kill John Lennon. I’d pay THEM for that. I’ve learned that Yoko is in their pockets, too, so there’s that. The getaway. Chapman looks enough like me to fool the public and everything is set. I hate the world for what it did to me. I was teased and ridiculed my whole life, (‘Carrie’ was his autobiography in that regard.) even kicked out of Herman, Maine for writing about a school shooter at the time when there weren’t any. I’m a narcissist from hell and only my needs matter. FUCK THE WHOLE GOD DAMNED WORLD I CAN’T WAIT TO KILL YOUR HERO, JOHN LENNON, AND HURT YOU ALL BACK!!!!”

That’s the secret mind of your writer ,buddy, Stephen King, everybody. Feel like a moron now? Oh, you know it’s true because if I wasn’t correct he’d sue my ass, wouldn’t he? Everybody knows he never has and has never denied my claims, even. So there, phony humanity. Oh, and lest I forget; the media is also covering up King’s 1992 Belfast, Maine conviction for having sex with a 15 year old. He plead no contest and paid a huge fine I was informed while visiting there. He admits, in his 1980 Playboy interview that he once even considered killing his children!

You can see the hatred radiating from King’s aura in the autograph photo hours before the murder. “I’m going to kill you, you Motherfucker! I hate your ass so much I can hardly wait. This hatred rush you’re greatness is giving me and the opportunity to fuck over the whole human race at once is what I live for. See ya in about three hours, sucker. Don’t forget to bring your government agent, actor / wife Yoko, you’re stupid enough to trust, too.!”

I remember, before ever finding my evidence, wondering how a mild mannered expression like Chapman’s was able to so transform into a map of pure, furious hatred, later, on December 08. I would learn it was because they were two different people.

Speaking of Chapman. Another jealous douche bag. What kind of turd would sacrifice his reputation forever and have to hide from society, forever, and live with his parents? (That’s what I’ve heard from prisoners who never saw him in Attica like we were all told.) Why would he get involved in such a sick plot? I think he blames his bad LSD trip that made him go insane years before on John Lennon’s influence and that that was his axe to grind against John. He was allegedly already in the military at Fort Chaffee and also in Lebanon before 1980 according to the media. Maybe he is military. I once knew a psychopathic liar when I was young. It wasn’t until a year later I learned her real name, for example. They’re out there, people. People who live to deceive others. They are out there. Maybe Chapman gets off duping the whole human race. He IS on the side of pure evil. He needs to face the same punishment we give Stephen King, I think. Yoko, now 90,(?) will probably die soon and her certain role offers less proof.

Finally, Yoko Oh, No!!!

We all booed and hissed at her arrival like she was a government agent sent to bust up The Beatles, THEN!. We were all RIGHT. Shows you how phony we all are now not to admit what we’ve always felt about her. I had to get kidnapped and handcuffed and beaten unconscious by her security in 1987 to figure it out for sure. She now has scooted her guilty wheelchair bound, very ill ass all the way to Switzerland I have so exposed her In New York City. That douche bag Paul McCartney trusts her a little scares me. He must be drug damaged and addled. He may BE a moron. He is definitely missing a humanity screw somewhere, I assure you. (He knows I’m right and I have him on tape yelling out my name at Berkeley to endorse me, then, in 1990. He just lacks the balls to stand up and get things done. Had I not taped it I’d have missed it.)

So, there, folks. We have a moral obligation to expose, arrest, try, convict and very publicly execute traitor, saboteur, assassin, monster; Stephen King. Just to exorcise ourselves of the damage his crime has caused us. To be able to stop the mass shootings, suicides and everything else he caused. We need it to regain our sanity and justice. That’s the VALUE OF justice. It allows for the guilty to pay instead of the rest of us. He pays . We stop paying. The alternative is He rules over our crippled, desecrated lives forever and WE PAY and we all lose our freedoms and America in the process. That’s our dilemma.

It’s a no brainer but only I, apparently, am well enough to act on the information you all have. I’m basically waiting for you scared, flat footed weaklings to catch up to hero, messenger; Steve Lightfoot and stand next to me and hold up signs demanding media disclosure. You know, every Sunday at noon in downtown Monterey, California. Like you should have all done decades ago. Meanwhile “SCARED U.S. ABUSING MESSENGER”

You absurd, satanic giggle pusses. You can’t afford to snicker at the messenger and mock the truth any more. You have to confront it. We ALL have to try and execute Stephen evil King just to exorcise ourselves.

You have to decide whether you are going to get me killed with your apathy or kill Stephen King, instead. You have to decide, people. You have already martyred my youth. If I should die of anything but old age, into my 100’s, I’m so well preserved, I will blame mostly all of YOU PEOPE who could have saved me and yourselves in time, instead.


Currently at least 9, possibly 10, police officers have wrongfully tried to ascribe points against my driver’s license I didn’t deserve. This in just over four years time. The agenda, it seems, is to focus on small parking lot incidents to whittle away at trying to get my website emblazoned van off the streets. In 2021 I had to fight the DMV to retain my license. I wrote to the president and told him all about this treachery I’m fighting. I think he listened, too.

In 2017 two officers were laying in wait on a darkened corner for me to see if I’d run a stop sign. a block away from where they knew I slept at night. At the time another man was trying to infiltrate my life there and he ended up breaking his girlfriend’s wrist right after I cut ties from him. The officer did not show at court and that was dismissed.

On Jan 10, 2019, aware that I was in need of a ride to my dentist’s office for an operation and right after buying a new van and painting it and while I was in the process of lettering it, one Chris Malsack left me in the back section of my van on an incline in neutral and may have even pushed it from behind forcing me to jump into the driver’s seat and stop it from plowing into another lot and causing mayhem. I did but dented a fender and a fence and fainted from the adrenalin rush it caused. I was sidetracked from my operation for new teeth as a result and charged with D.U.I. even though there was 0.00 reading for any drugs or alcohol in my system. The accident was listed as MY fault. It also cost me over $2,000. in repairs. This man who set me up in a rolling van was recommended to me by former Santa Cruz officer Bill Rawson. I didn’t know he was an officer when I asked him if any of his restaurant customers were interested in making $40. to drive me one block. He knew who I was, though. Malsack said on police video; “I’ll bury a cart in a heartbeat. It’s just an inanimate object….he (I) should beware who you’re hiring….” AND that he was sat down to watch a two hour video days before; “America’s Worst Accidents” For over two years I was molested in the courts having to recuse three judges and fire two lawyers who were throwing my case on purpose. My speedy trial rights were ignored. Ultimately, when it became clear I would represent myself and after the D.A. tried to illegally introduce evidence in a manner never permitted before, anywhere, my case was dismissed.

Three months after that citation and personal catastrophe and on April Fool’s Day, another CHP officer from the same station as the first cited me for unsafe lane change when I had to swerve to avoid another car who suddenly slowed for no reason in front of me. (He noticed a CHP car behind us) He failed to appear, also, but only after he tried to reschedule our trial for the anniversary of the Loma Prietta earthquake that I mentioned to his fellow officer in the first matter. I noticed the first part of the video was missing and I challenged that it may have shown the officer parked, first, waiting to follow me after exiting a store I was at.. An hour before that ticket someone had flattened one of my tires.

On August 28, 2020, while advertising; “D.A. ROSELL IN PLOT TO KILL ME” (The Santa Cruz District Attorney), the sign affixed to my van, Monterey police cited me for open container after promising not to if I passed a sobriety test. Their initial attempt to D.U.I. me failed when I blew a 0.00, twice. Officer Phillip’s sergeant Newby ordered him to cite me, anyway, for open container (There was only one teaspoon of brandy in it) and lied that the video showed I was trying to take a sip. Video proves that is a lie as the lid was on and I had only had it in my hand one second mistaking it for an identical bottle of olive oil I wanted to coat my throat with while singing in public. Officer Herndon, in his attempt to also cite me for an accident, had to admit over the intercom; “There is no damage to the car” I was trying to park across the street earlier and may have gently tapped a license plate. Even the owner agreed there was no damage or need to file a complaint and he declined the officer’s attempt to cite me. A week later Herndon threatened me over the phone that he’d up my charges if I didn’t give him my insurance information. Behind my back he ascribed that non incident as an accident on my DMV record. DESPERATE!

On October 1, 2020, while trying to park in the Santa Cruz courthouse lot, an out of uniform officer pulled out from his space right after I passed it and as I was backing up to take a spot that was opening up. I hit his bumper and I accepted responsibility for that.

On July 18, 2021, while I had a stack of flyers on my dash I was distributing about his chief Hober’s plot against me, officer Kopp (That’s right) hid himself in my blind spot on his motorcycle after brazenly following me from a 7-11 parking lot on (That’s right) Lighthouse Avenue as I was navigating three lights in row. He used a police trick to catch me looking in my rear view mirror to see where he disappeared to and the last light may have caught me. He immediately went to his station, after, mission accomplished.

In the trial that followed I was railroaded by judge Sillman after my subpoenas for several officers were ignored, twice, even the officer from Seaside who didn’t contest the subpoena. My attempts to show a pattern of fraud and abuse were deprived of me. Wrongfully. That matter is under appeal as I speak I could have shown how it was LIKELY the officer deliberately hid in my blind spot to make me violate while paying attention to him had the other officers been forced to answer questions.

On August 23, 2021 a man in a police / library parking lot in Seaside was parked halfway into my space and I had to touch his bumper with mine to park safely. He got out and tried to fight me and I tried to call police from inside the library. They were too busy to and I eventually left with this man standing there not asking me for anything regarding insurance. Months later I received a summons to appear for misdemeanor “Hit and run” charges. In spite of my reasons given not to Monterey D.A. Jeannine Paccioni proceeded and I was molested for months with a public defender who seemed to be throwing my case. The citing officer, Silonzolchic, lied from whole cloth that he ever spoke to me on my phone claiming I hung up when asked about insurance. My public defender is a witness to the fact that phone was last used a month earlier as I had a new phone by then. The photos of evidence suggest the D.A. KNEW I could not have caused his asphalt scrape underneath his bumper that my van could not have reached in the first place and it was ultimately dismissed due to lack of evidence.

Several months after that this man who filed the false report was found DEAD in his car in the exact same parking space where we met a year before. Police tape around his car with a sheet over the windshield. I happened to drive by that day or I’d have never known this alarming fact.

On June 20 , 2021 a man was driving 25 mph in a 5 mph parking lot and he tried to jump ahead of my already turning van forcing me to stop. Only a crayon mark of yellow paint was transferred with zero damage and neither of us filed a claim. I”M the one who called CHP to take a report but he refused to because it was in a private lot. A YEAR LATER this man DID file a claim and my AAA insurance never notified me until months after the fact was completed. Even his camera showed him speeding through the lot and, yet, AAA failed me. I changed companies over that.

On April 20(?) 2022 a woman was almost stopped in the middle of the road and I honked for her to drive. At the next light she, again, lingered on a green light  for several seconds and I, again, honked. She turned right and so I moved up and looked left and hit her bumper as she had started and stopped, again, for no reason. I was blamed for that.

Last Spring, 2023, in Venice, Ca. ((Near exactly where a man, years earlier, hit me in the jaw and was let go by police who seemed to know him) a man claimed I backed into his bumper when I did not. He was so close to me that when I took my foot off the brake to go forward the two inches of back slide found our bumpers touching softly. I saw no damage and he never asked to see my insurance and dismissed me claiming he had my license plate if he ever needed it. A month later HE tried to file a claim and I told his insurance company (AAA) to pound sand. He was responsible for asking me, then, for insurance and chose not to and, since he was trying to claim $6,000.00 for zero damage I could have caused, I knew he was scamming me trying to blame me for pre existing damages. I told AAA all of that. I haven’t heard from them since. Some unscrupulous man trying to commit insurance fraud at my expense.

And so, now, July 13, 2023, again in a police vehicle parking lot, the Marina court lot, a man (6 foot tall , 200 pounds) was parked near where I usually park there. As I had tried to deliver documents to the D.A. an hour earlier in Salinas the courts had reason to suspect I’d next go to Marina for delivery of the same. As I exited my van I had to very gently lean my car door against the man’s black SUV. to squeeze out. He poked his head around the corner just to witness this and said nothing. Ten minutes later, and after he re parked his car to obfuscate measurements for comparison, he claimed I dented his car. He never asked for insurance and I told him I touched his car, only, and caused zero damage. I exited the building and walked to my van and left and he never pursued me. I knew he was a scam artist. An hour later and ten miles away in Monterey on a hidden street where I usually park to watch television, this same man was waiting and yelling at me. I told him he was a scammer and he tried to fight me. (How could he have KNOWN where I park?) When I said; “If you don’t stop you’re going to end up in the police station tonight.” he replied immediately; “I AM police!” I replied; “So, you’re trying to set me UP!!??” I looked at his car and he tried to point to a rock dent my door COULD NOT HAVE MADE. When I told him this fact and pointed to a place four feet away where I know I touched, he CHANGED HIS STORY to a new spot on his door handle. The paint didn’t match mine. Again, my door could NOT have made contact with that spot Too high. I told him if he wants to go the insurance route they’d PROVE he was lying.  I said, in parting, “I’m sorry if I touched your car but that’s all I did.” and I walked away. He never asked for insurance but yelled threats instead; “If I ever see you I’ll kick your ass…I should kick your ass, old man” He then lingered in his car long enough to make a phone call, I think, and I took his license plate down as he passed. He saw me and threatened, again; “You’ve been given notice…You’re going to have a bad day…you don’t even live here.”

I went to the police station to file a report and this same office I was at minutes before was suddenly glum and concerned looking compared to happy go lucky before. As if he had called THEM to let them know his mission had failed. I don’t know. Sergeant Nino took the report and tried to shoot down everything I said and bristled that I thought this was a police sting gone bad. Having read the resulting police report Sgt. Brian Nino flagrantly lied and misrepresented everything to make it look like I refused to offer insurance and was involved in a collision. In fact there was no collision, no one was driving, it was a case of me exiting my parked van and very gently leaning my door against his car since he was parked askew. I think he and scammer John Niduenza of Monterey are playing tag team with me John is so willing to profusely lie in the report, himself. He never mentioned the word “insurance” once. Not once. According to Sgt. Nino he claims to have asked for it multiple times. Nope, not once, folks. It so happens Niduenza is a correctional officer, after all. Like he said when he blurted out; “I AM police!” I’m aware that Leon Panetta, the local politician here, is behind all this corruption, besides.

August 29, 2023;

I was wondering when the government was going to hatch a plot from the Salvation Army homeless center I sometimes frequent. It would be typical to find myself in a physical altercation with an undercover agent provocateur. Like the above incident. This day, however, found me arriving to see someone’s sleeping bag in a parking space that I usually occupy and I pulled it out of the way and got in my van to back up. I suddenly noticed a woman in a wheelchair behind my van and waited for her to leave. She stayed there in spite of my back up beeper going off and my back up lights engaged, my foot on the brake. I put it in park and exited to find her in her wheelchair just waiting for me to back into her so she could turn my life upside down in a flash. WHAT kind of a person does that?! I let everybody know, especially her, that someone was trying to set me up. When I asked a man who was there what he thought it was all about he said; “I think it’s all about jealousy…” He may be right. It may have also been a police sting gone awry, I think.

So, here we are, folks. And you all W-O-N-D-E-R why I have lost my patience with all of you ingrates who don’t care about what I go through to bring you truth and justice. Almost as if you enlist the police to do your dirty work to satisfy your need to persecute the hero and get away with letting the government molest you with John Lennon’s real killer; Stephen King. Sick!

In 1984, when I told the students at U.C. Berkeley that my father had just been killed in a plane crash, suspiciously on Nixon’s 10th resignation anniversary, and a week after receiving a threat letter from a horror writer, they all LAUGHED. They could not contain their evil squeals of glee at my sorrow; “HA!, HA!, Mr. Bigshot. They killed your DAD! GOOD! That’ll teach you to save our evil asses!” I could almost exactly read their evil minds.

You are the kind of species who, without a hero to save you, would rather turn on MORE air conditioners to stay cool and harm the O zone even MORE and kill the planet rather than stop the industrial lifestyle causing it. “Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can…” John tried to warn us, then. So did Jim Morrison of The Doors; “…smog will get you pretty soon, ship of fools, ship of fools..”

You need a hero to save you from more than just the man poisoning you who killed Lennon. Until Stephen King is EXECUTED for his evil crime against all mankind you are all evil and blind. And insane. Grow up, you sick, ice cream cone licking, brainwashed perverts.


July 18, 2023;

While still on theme and before I usher you to what’s below I made an iconic talk radio call to KSCO yesterday. They were discussing religion and God and I called and said:

“Hi, guys. When I was young I was raised a Catholic and was an alter boy, even, and I believed most of that stuff. I remember my father telling us kids that we have to be better than average because the average person is a slob. * Fully 80 %, he said and I believe it. It’s probably more like 90 %, in fact. And so when the American public let Lennon’s killer skip trial and never complained, after, I knew that they were no help and I actually stumbled onto evidence; government codes in major magazines that prove what happened to John Lennon. And I saw how the public laughed at me when my father was killed and my nose later broken while exposing my find and I wondered why are people so evil to ignore evidence so obvious a child can figure it out. When I was first interviewed on KSCO I said that I didn’t believe in God. It was just before my Mother died and it was the only year of my life I did not believe in God. I thought if there is a God then why did he make us so evil and prone to evil and self destructive to look the other way in such an huge matter. If there is a God it’s not a good God. But then the police and courts here started to mess with me and my life and saw how all my enemies were smited by God, after, or some weird force and I realized that there is a God and he is real, after all…”

At that point I was cut off and a heated debate followed as I listened. I fact I had prayed that a mountain sized asteroid wipe us out as a spec8ies for our own good if we can’t jail Stephen King in my lifetime when I was interviewed in 2017. I argued that whatever kind of life we would lead after would be worse than death, itself. I saw one just miss us in 1966 “BLIP” That fast, one quarter the distance of the moon and bigger than a mountain. I KNOW how fragile your silly little world really is. I KNOW only our good behavior stands a chance of averting one, someday, too.

People divert their eyes when they walk by my display of the matching photographs from my van’s window. They KNOW it’s King, not Chapman. They knew Chapman was a lie, then, when it happened, when he was never even tried. They have just accepted the evil as part of life. Their wretched life, not mine. I have chosen celibacy since the mid ’90’s, people, I’m so sincere about knowing how untouchable you are in your present depraved, terrorized state. I can’t get next to that and I couldn’t be more sincere if you don’t think so. I’m glad I enjoyed that part of life when the world was good and I was young at least. I’m sure, if your jealousy and fear of government doesn’t get me killed, first, that I’ll have the best sex life a man can have after having saved an entire species from itself. From evil. From the Lennon murder cover-up.

I consider you, the public, like a beautiful statue I found on the beach only it’s covered with layers and layers of crud and gook and barnacles. Symbolic of the media brainwash campaign, the terrorism involved in killing our hero on his door step, the replacement of Lennon with King, the swapping of good for evil, all of that. Gook!

I have spent 40, plus, years washing your crud and gook off of you because I know a beautiful object exists underneath. YOU don’t think so but I KNOW so. You’re all just all temporarily sick in your hearts and your heads and all because Stephen King has been laughing at you and humiliating you all this time as you scoop up his poop of a message of books and movies. He rules over you warped, evil fools as you listen to second rate music.

A-D-M-I-T…. I-T…..P-E-O-P-L-E

Until King is exposed, arrested, tried and, that’s right, EXECUTED you’re all stuck on stupid Stupidity on steroids, in fact. It’s important we execute him to make an example of him and humiliate, not only him, but his handlers. The most evil people in the world who RUN our lives. That secret society bunch of bastards who control every aspect of our lives. Anything less would be inviting King, with all his money, to have me killed while he is in jail. No, no. If I am to be killed he must never be alive to enjoy that. We have to kill Stephen King because what he did is as grievous and sinister and treacherous a crime as can be committed in our world. John Lennon was the best person on earth for us all to listen to and we needed his wisdom and heroism. We must establish a deterent.

When John sang “Imagine no possessions” he was serious. Our industrial revolution IS killing the planet. Period! When Jim Morrison sang; “Smog will get you pretty soon, ship of fools, ship of fools…” Ditto. Now you need me to tell you that punishing Stephen King is the only way you, as a people, as a species, will ever be able to stand up for yourselves and be free and brave, again. You all NEED the exorcism.

Sounds mushy but it’s the God’s truth and you better start coming around to helping me, people.


May 22, 2023;

Hello, everybody. How are you? As the messenger of this expose I can tell you you are all in severe need of a hero. Me. That’s right. Religion has proven impotent in the face of evil. Alone, you lack the wisdom, courage, intelligence and vision to extricate yourselves from the hell our government has foisted on you in letting author Stephen King murder John Lennon and fill the vacuum he created . Why, without me, you’d have let Chapman skip a trial for eternity and never have ever known what a sick and satanic stew you’ve all been in all this time. Forty years of reflection has taught me only our enemy could have done this to us. Had I not reared my head with this evidence we’d all be Soviet slobs by now I think. China and Russia, now that i am getting close to full disclosure, seem to be instigating war to stop this expose from saving our nation. Very seriously, folks.

Imagine; Yoko Ono is our enemy. She was John’s arch enemy all this time since before they met. Nixon, Reagan, our media, our courts. Our enemies!  Time and Newsweek and U.S. News magazines are government rags who code documented secrets in their bold print headline messages for decades. (At lest until my discovery in the mid 80’s when they went elsewhere with their codes. By the way Time’s editor admitted in the 50’s McCarthy hearings to being a communist)  The killers’ alleged name and attached letter to the editor linking Reagan and the killer’s face and true identity – Stephen king – in print weeks before the murder as well.  King’s writings that include the twice repeated line’ “…the fellow who killed John Lennon” in two of his books as well as shooting a man between the shoulder blades, getting a politicians autograph hours before trying to shoot him and on and on. “Johnny…Nixon, the old witch hunter himself…The Catcher In The Rye….’Mark’….who sees his fantasies become reality and  proves best equipped to handle the relentless nightmare of Salem’s Lot…” King has never denied my claims. My 1992 stay in Bangor, Maine ran him all the way to an island in Florida, in fact. Turns out he lives in a witness protection house and is being protected by our evil government.

All this treachery and evil swimming all around us all this time.  Meanwhile you have all endured A.I.D.S., Covid-19 , the Gulf war(s), 9-11, mandated vaccines and lock downs, climactic, catastrophic events from tornadoes to floods to heat waves and fires, like never before. Your children are shooting each other at school and elsewhere, weekly!. Their suicide rate with Fentanyl has become an epidemic, also. All manner of adults are also engaged in taking out the average, apparently guilty, Joe and Jane who represents the guilty public in mass shootings. Things are not well in America. Do any of you realize that Stephen King, in the early 70’s when there were no school shootings, wrote a book titled “Rage” under the pen name of Richard Bachman about a boy who shoots up his classmates?. Do any of you know what a vocal activist he has become regarding outlawing our Second Amendment?  He is rubbing his hands with glee with every shooting, I assure you. Do any of you think; “Wow! another shooter outraged at our apathy, cowardliness and phoniness regarding Stephen King killing John Lennon” I doubt it. Meanwhile, all of you are staring at me and my website van as if I am a crazy person with radical beliefs. This in the face of having never even seen Mark Chapman brought to a trial in the first place to see if we were being told the truth, then. That’s when the screw came loose in your world, people. This under the knowledge that Nixon tried to deport John for his outspokenness against war. You ARE a nation of raped phonies.

But in reality none of you really think I am a nut. In reality most of you already know I am dead right correct about my claims. Especially where I live and drive my website van around you are all shunning my website magazine you’re so fearful I might succeed. Or maybe jealous. I am of the opinion that all of you are afraid to stand up to your evil government or even admit they did this to us all. That you can’t bring yourselves to admit you’ve all been so stupid and evil for so long. That you are cowards in the face of evil. Look at Paul McCowardly who actually endorsed me in 1990 at his Berkeley concert on April Fool’s Day when he yelled out; “Yeah, Steeeeeve! That’s right. I don’t know what you think, Berkeley, but I want you to know that we like it and we need you, as a people, to get to the promised land…Use your POWER!….” If I didn’t tape it I’d have missed it it was so feckless and weak an endorsement. Like Paul, you all KNOW I’m right but lack the courage to take a stand and back me up. ME, the hero who could save us all from evil.  More powerful and effective than even religion. It’s like watching all of you crater and fold like a cheap suit at the hint of attack on you. Sick Puppies! There is no other word to describe you all. In fact, Stephen King, in a 80’s commencement speech at a college campus, remarked to the students, then; “…if you think……then you’re all sick puppies..”

Paul is still sucking his treasonous thumb under his bed sheets. Yoko I ran out of America a decade ago all the way to Switzerland, King all the way to a key in Florida, a witness protection home. You and your children are shooting up your phony fellow man in between Fentanyl suicide urges. Are you all just going to sit still for what King did to us? Have you people no spine or self respect at all? Right now you’re all silenced Soviets. Admit it. Our deep state knew that, in killing Lennon ,they would be decapitating you, the public. Cutting YOUR tongue out. They KNEW that King would poison you to the point they’d take away your guns, after. You slobs gonna let them get away with it? Every day you wait you’re waterboarding your hero, me.

P.S. SPOILER ALERT!; There is a SEAN O’HARE from Dublin, Ireland, I think, who told me, last year, he was going to destroy my credibility in the British Kingdom because I incorrectly marked Beach instead of Heath and he didn’t get his magazine on time. I warned him, before he flies off on his broom handle, that my enemies have a habit of  getting karmic payback.

Apparently he was not impressed. Someone please let me know if he has suffered bad karma, lately. Not one sale from England or Ireland in all this time, since. To begin with, I lose money on those sales as I don’t add on extra shipping ($4.00 more). In the second place, I think Mr. O’Hare could be government he was so hostile to me, the hero of the Lennon expose. Thirdly, if people in those countries were dissuaded from me because of his efforts, shame on you weaklings who are likely just looking for an excuse not to care. Just like McCowardly. And I AM half English / Irish / Scottish. So, there, Sean hair up your butt. England and Ireland are wondering are you the government sabotaging the truth. Your anger was so forthcoming it seemed you hated me from the minute you heard of me and had ulterior reasons for buying my magazine to begin with. The free-by I supplied you with, after, should make me the good guy, anyway.  No other complaints in thousands sold.


That’s the slogan I sport on my van’s rear section lately.

I just found out a propogandist in Europe is writing about me. A Sam Kemp(?) from England, I think, wrote; “…even though Chapman stood there and was arrested on the spot… but Lightfoot doesn’t seem to pay attention to evidence….I’ve seen the face match he claims and I must admit it is startling….but, honestly, the only thing in common is the coke bottle sunglasses they both have….. “He then made some comical attempt to end his rant  to send the listener into ‘Ridiculousnessland’ as if to laugh at my claims. To belittle me as much as he could.  I’ve seen this tactic dozens of times over the decades, too. This pattern of humor to confuse and diminish.

It is HE who is not paying attention to evidence. Only King has the coke bottle glasses. Chapman has the exact opposite prescription as the autograph hound (King). That’s why King took them off in his second photo for the magazines before the crime. The same reason he also hid his dimples. Chapman doesn’t have the dimples of the autograph hound. The conspirators all knew that autograph photo was to be taken and that they screwed up in the Sept. 15, ’80 photo of King that could prove Chapman is the imposter.

So, poor Sam Kemp is burdened with the knowledge he is a fraud and an enemy of all of us to try to trivialize so weighty a matter as this IS.  He is your jealous, evil enemy, people. England.

Until King is exposed, until  ALL OF YOU PEOPLE punish his ass the shootings will only get worse. I KNOW. King, under the pen name Richard Bachman, in the early 70;s, wrote a book titled “RAGE” about a young boy who shoots up his classmates. King is also a rabid anti 2nd Amendment activist and wants to disarm all of you Americans he hates so much. I assure you, as the bodies tally up in these mass shootings, Stephen King is rubbing his palms in delight at your downfall. You’re too stupid to stand up to him and what he did to you all. Aren’t you all?

I have noticed, also, lately, that many of you parents ARE SATANIC and ENJOY punishing your children with evil and your apathy and benign neglect. You poor, sick, evil puppies!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             OVERVIEW:

What is immediately below DOES sound a little scatological as I regard this first page of my editorial section as valuable property since most of you have a limited attention span and I need to get my point across right here, right now. I throw things in out of nowhere and it must seem a little jumbled. If I may be brief and condense things, I want you all to know how insane you all are NOT to care INTENSELY about my evidence find. That’s right; utterly insane. Everybody. Upside down, inside out. Ironically stupid in every way humanly possible.

TOO MISERABLE TO CARE, U.S.? That’s one slogan I think applies

None of your parents saw Chapman put on trial. They all knew how Nixon tried for years to deport Lennon over his peace activism in our politics. They knew all about John’s “Tricky Dicky” song lyrics and how dangerous it was for John to make a comeback with Reagan’s election. They were already reeling from the other assassinations with M.L.K., R.F.K. and J.F.K.. Your parents knew ALL of that. They STILL kept their mouths shut, even when Chapman’s 60 day psychiatric evaluation lapsed into a year and a half of silence. Even without the benefit of a trial for all of us to see. He wasn’t killed like Oswald. Now was our chance to see how real the story was under the microscope of a public trial to make sure it wasn’t political assassination. They KNEW the tiny, too late to be true, back page clipping about Chapman’s guilty plea behind closed doors – no media allowed – was a hoax to give them an excuse to be a douche bag and do nothing, after. After all, Hinckley, a similar, pudgy shooter came along just in time shooting Reagan (Allegedly) to change the subject. The government has given you a scapegoat in look-alike / actor Chapman and so you’ve all just resigned  yourselves to victimhood. You’d rather not know the grizzly truth, it seems. You’d rather suffer in silence. You fools.

I noticed a mass resentment, not gratitude, from society for my heroism. For the first year and a half, only, you’d yell at me with my signs; “Get a life!”…” Get a job!”…Who cares?!” It didn’t matter what town, SOMEONE would yell that universally felt message to me. Then it stopped, entirely. Suddenly. As if you all knew I was too smart to quit. EVER!


Until that happens you’re all doomed. It matters not what else may happen. Until that headline is a reality your lives are a stupid, sick tragedy. You’re all just asking for an asteroid as I see it.



(To attorneys responding to my inquiries please scroll down a ways, here, and find the chapters about Panetta and F.B.I. abuses against me, etc. I am, perhaps, the most abused citizen in California history including having been kidnapped and beaten unconscious in a police van. This just months after martial artists broke my face on a sidewalk and dislocated my arm and dozens of similar episodes that involve abusing the courts to harass and terrorize me. Big compensation is due me and any attorney not afraid to take on the evil government against me.

See LENNONMURDERTRUTH.COM’S New developments page for details.

That’s right. It’s not just about unruly customers. The Whisky Club just recently opened and I don’t know about their staffing. If I never existed they both STILL are a magnet for any violent outbursts in the area just being at ground zero, central, of Monterey and being bars.

You see, both of these places are, apparently, in a conspiracy to stop my evidence activism. They, apparently, have ties to the police and even Leon Panetta who I think is my biggest enemy here. If they disagree they should sue me. They know I have evidence to suggest exactly that, however. I’ve noticed that Monterey is as corrupt as it is scenic.

Three weeks before both Mechanic’s Bank and Whisky Club had me cited twice in three days for singing from my van Paul Whitecross, owner of Brittania Arms, approached me outside his bar and told me he’d; “..smash your (My) face like a pumpkin…we don’t care about you.. we have ways to stop you…” I happened to tape record those remarks. The owner’s wife of Whisky Club, months before they were even open, filmed me trying to park near their establishment with her phone. She is an elected government official with the airport, I’ve learned, and she hates my heroism. Selling booze automatically makes them less than heroic. Promoting vice. They even bragged about how Leon Panetta is a central member of their insider “Club” last December on the radio.

Mitchell Swanhee(?) (Indian?) of Whisky Club might be the “We” tag team partner of Paul Whitecross.

Officers Mosqueda and Hall were the citing officers. Neither attempted to see if my C.D. player was audible from over 50 feet – the legal distance allowed – (I tested and I was NOT audible beyond 40 feet) Meanwhile the judge; Maria Mendoza, is behaving like a criminal operating with complete immunity her conduct has been so blatantly corrupt and illegal. Leon Panetta, who I am exposing with billboards, is likely rubbing his hands with criminal glee in the backround, too. He used to work for the very politicians who killed Lennon. Being a former C.I.A, chief makes him evil as well. None of the extreme corruption in the police and courts of Monterey I have witnessed could be POSSIBLE if Leon wasn’t in charge of it all. If Leon was not aware of this corruption then he wouldn’t be doing his job. One of my signs reads; ‘END ITALIAN MAFIA RULE IN MONTEREY’ My stature as local truth hero has flushed all these bastards out.

Anyway, there is much below (Scroll)  detailing the facts about all this. For now, understand that, if a mass shooting should, God forbid, happen here, it will most likely come from one of these two establishments. B-E-W-A-R-E. My list of bad karma episodes against my enemies is eye opening. Read it. You’ll understand, then.

The Mechanic’s Bank manager objected to my singing years ago even though I was pretty quiet. I thought, then, that she may be working in concert with our corrupt police and chief Dave Hober. It was an unreasonable request. I’ve been singing all over the area for three years, without incident, before and after these two citations in a row. That I received two in a row suggests a desperate plot to see if they can make something stick since the first one didn’t make me stop..

In 2002(?) I reported a cocaine dealer / bar owner to Pacific Grove P.D. and ran him and his poison out of county just for abusing me, once. I gave him fair warning right before I did, too. I wonder do these two bars ALSO sell cocaine on the side? (With Monterey government approval?) They seem unusually interested. Chomping at the bit to punish me. Brittania Arms resented me years ago, in fact. I wondered, then, was it about that coke dealer I turned in. I wondered, then, did his bar sell cocaine to Monterey. They really seem to hate me and I think over that 2002 incident, frankly. I’m glad I ran a coke dealer out of Monterey.

ANYone who declares themselves an enemy of me declares they are YOUR enemy, too. They know that my expose will liberate oppressed mankind like no story in our lifetimes. They want to, apparently, keep you suffering in darkness and evil like you’ve all been for 40 years, now. They are selling vice and escape, not solutions. And you WONDER why mass shootings are taking you over in the first place. Don’t let these parties get a way with abusing your evidence hero. Boycott them, generally, please. They are a bad influence on our decency.


He tilts his large head sideways 25 degrees to his right when he talks to you. He doesn’t want you to see him for who he really is. He thinks he’s smarter than you and has more inside information than you and that you are a peon that he can exploit and fool. He thinks you need him to decide for you what is best for you and that you don’t know better. He may be angling to run for our president, I’ve heard, too. He looks like an aged cabbage patch doll with narrow set beady eyes that seem cross eyed, somehow, his face caving into it’s center. Leon Panetta is a C.I.A. brand of corrupt A-hole as far as you and I are concerned. He is the reason the PEOPLE of Monterey are meek, sheepish, quiet and keep their heads down and work so hard like you all do. Harder than you should were your government not so corrupt. His brand of corruption has scared all of you into behaving like sheep. He is, apparently, very much a part of the Italian mafia that locals will tell you have ruled Monterey and Santa Cruz for decades. Look at your D.A.; Pacioni, for example, and Dean Flippo before that. He sits at the top of the political pyramid, here. Former White House aid for several presidents and very much a part of the “Deep State” and the “Swamp”. He is absolutely morally corrupt and may even have murderous plans where I am concerned. In my opinion he has corrupted all that is below him and that’s the entire Monterey County government and police and court system. I KNOW. My hero status as the messenger with hard evidence that proves his former boss; Richard Nixon and others arranged for horror writer Stephen King to murder John Lennon has fleshed him out of the woodworks. Since I became a threat to the powers that be that he works for he has weaponized his courts and police to terrorize me. Just as if he was a Soviet stooge.                                                                                                                                                                                                            Ever since early 2019 when I inherited enough money to fix my teeth and get a new website van our police and courts have been molesting me like old men in black robes gang raping the hero. In just over three years, between Santa Cruz and Monterey, Panetta has set me up, twice, corrupted over nine officers in Monterey and three in Santa Cruz. In Monterey nine officers actually, provably, lied in the course of issuing me six citations. Not only did they all lie, video proves they all lied. When I later tried to subpoena these officers judge Sillman swatted down my subpoenas, illegally. Twice. In Santa Cruz three officers were involved in two citations that were dropped, eventually. In one case my newly painted and lettered van was rolled down a hill in neutral with me in the back section. I was set up by a retired S.C. police officer (Bill Rawson) who coached a man (Chris Malsack) to do so in his duties to drive me to a dental operation. Only because I jumped into the driver’s seat in time did I avoid a catastrophe. Thinking I must have taken medication officers cited me for D.U.I. even though, when I was tested, I blew 0.00 in both alcohol and drugs. For over two years S.C.D.A. Jeffery Rosell molested and terrorized me forcing me to fire two attorneys and remove three judges before the charge was dismissed. He ignored my speedy trial rights in the process by two years. The other ticket, issued months later on April Fool’s Day from the same C.H.P. station as before, was dismissed when the officer didn’t show. I even think police tried to stop my dentist from finishing my teeth, after. The episode cost me over $2,000.00 in body repairs and trigger4ed a recurrence of P.T.S.D. While fighting that ticket Monterey police chief; Dave Hober sent officers to try to cite me, again, for D.U.I. until I blew another 0.00. A different ticket was issued, instead, that I was promised would not be issued. Then, a year later, officer Kopp overtly followed behind me on his motorcycle only to immediately hide himself in my blind spot hoping he’d catch me looking for him in my rear view mirror through a set of two traffic lights on a downslope. He did. Just as he intended to. Of course, hew denied it in court, that he used a police trick to cite me. A year later officer Silonzolchec of Seaside Police lied from whole cloth that he ever spoke to me on the phone in his attempt to cite me for a hit and run charge I was innocent of. (My phone record proves it was last used months before he claimed to have called me. I had a new phone, then.) It was dismissed due to lack of evidence (There was no hit and run or damages.) but only after D.A. Pacioni terrorized me over it long after she knew of these red flag issues. Months later I learned the complainant was found dead in his car in the exact same parking spot where we met a year before. Then, to keep the heat on, officers Hall and Mosqueda cited me for singing unassisted from my van in downtown Monterey as I have for years. I happen to sing well enough to make people realize I’m no nut, after all, but sing as good as the pros. They fear the public will see this, too. In fact, just before the tickets, I was getting multiple shows of public support Two tickets in three days, both bogus, as video proves my volume was too low to hear from 50 feet away, my legal right. Now that I am trying to remove two judges who have proven their biases against me in two cases, a small claims matter where Maria Mendoza allowed Jack Fox Auto to sabotage my Toyota van to the tune of $2,300.00 and another red light ticket the same judge I am trying to remove is deciding I can’t. To read her order to strike my request is to witness human hypocrisy and deceit at it’s height. Pure bullshit, frankly.

The Whisky Club Bar  and Mechanic’s Bank are the two complainants. Whisky Club brags on radio how Leon and Jimmy Panetta are among their elite membership and that their bar is a meeting place for the leaders of Monterey. I notice the wife of the owner of Whisky Club is an elected official, in fact. Alarmingly, Paul Whitecross, owner of Brittania Arms bar across the street, verbally threatened to “smash your (My) face like a pumpkin…we don’t care about you, we have ways to stop you..” three weeks before Whisky bar cited me. I was fortunate enough to have tape recorded his remarks, too.

Speaking of Jimmy Panetta, Leon’s nepotistic son riding Daddy’s coat trails for a cushy government job, when I got on the radio and made these complaints about Panetta public his response was to release government funds for this and for that instead of denying my claims. What else CAN he do? He’s trying to buy you off if you’ll let him molest and kill the messenger who is trying to rescue us all from evil Stephen King who killed John Lennon. I’ve noticed lots of funds he is suddenly releasing to you people. I wouldn’t trust him to be in that position, frankly, people of Monterey. The LAST person who should be baby sitting or, possibly, siphoning our tax money for himself and who knows what else?.

Last year a radio caller opined about Leon; “You know, I worked for him for a few weeks and, after listening to him and understanding more about him, I don’t think he should be in government at all.” I agree. Don’t you? I recall watching him giggle uncontrollably on 60 Minutes one night a dozen years ago as he told of how many Iraqi’s he slaughtered working for The White House. I knew he was a sociopathic monster, then. A sick man and a sadist. Laughing uncontrollably about killing people. He couldn’t control his sick giggling about it all.

Bottom line about Panetta; He is all about protecting evil Stephen King and the government that killed John Lennon and in poisoning all of you at the same time. Nothing less, either. He is the definition of the corrupt politician. I think he’s Italian mafia corrupt, besides. Stinking up the moral and spiritual vibes here in Monterey. Like a millstone of evil around your necks.

I protest every Sunday on Alvarado Street in downtown Monterey. I need the public to stand by me and bring me forward before May 30, 2023 when I have to go to court, next. I will use my enormous fame, someday to remove these bastards from our area but I need you people to help me come forward before their evil kills me, instead.



Before I list what is below I must point out that I am important enough to be on Biden’s and Governor Newsom’s radar. That they are both behind everything below. In 2010 and 2015, under Obama/ Biden, I was struck by two cars at very high speeds; 60 and 75 mph an almost killed. In the T-bone “accident” that knocked my delivery truck on it’s side the intersection was paved over the next day to hide something, I think.. Include , also our F.B.I. and C.I.A. and a few other alphabet agencies who are not our friends. They know how big and powerful and influential I WILL BE someday. I scare them.

Oh, and, yes, I was interviewed by the Secret Service in 1983. Agent Terry Chodash even asked me; “Are you a vampire?” as if he is part of this sick culture that killed John Lennon.

Any person obstructing my ability to come forward with my evidence findings is our common enemy. Automatically these people are on the side of evil, fear and darkness and not on the side of truth and justice. Often these types worship money to a fault and lack a broader perspective. Sell outs. Typically these people are wed to big brother, the establishment, especially law enforcement. The first to suckle up to the security of a big brother and enlarge the police state.  Also, typically, these people are jealous of my virtue and courage because they lack both, themselves. I have the courage the local D.A. lacks, for example. I am left having to do his or her job, arrest Stephen King, in the meantime. I’ve noticed certain demographics determines a preference to be on my side or not. Extremely down and out beggars are my historic enemies. The winos and toothless sort of human who wants to blame an unjust world for his failures. If I clean up the world they will lose that excuse for how low they’ve become. People with little or no artistic or intellectual talents don’t appreciate my findings. Homosexuals seem to have the least amount of empathy regarding issues of right and wrong, here, I’ve noticed. Decades of observation have taught me they, more than heterosexuals, seem blind to why my issue matters at all to the world. Morally retarded, I suppose. I have nothing against homosexuals, I welcome the fact that they lower population expansion, for example. That they are the natural by product of overpopulation, in fact. They have a place in our world to be sure. It’s just that in matters that affect the next generation of humans – children – that are created via heterosexual means, they seem blind, completely. They seem to have a blind spot regarding why a horror writer should not be influencing kids after killing their parent’s hero, for example.  Maybe they resent that the next big messenger is a heterosexual. I don’t know. They are not the best equipped to rescue fallen mankind. Not interested in heroics or humanity so much. That’s my opinion. For that matter most heterosexuals are also afraid to admit that good and evil are the issues wrapped around my cause and that they are derelict in their duties NOT to hoist me on their shoulders and demand media disclosure and arrest Stephen King., themselves. That they are protecting their arch enemy at the expense of their own children and themselves. Some are more impotent in the face of evil than others. I do have thousands of fans. Maybe millions.

Paul McCartney’s silence all this time has me wondering about HIS psychology. (His 1990 April Fool’s Day concert plug for me at Berkeley was weak and pathetic.) More swishy than we think? I know Ringo once opined that England should have won the Revolutionary War, not America. Their silence in the face of the evidence I have produced at great danger to myself shows us all what a hero is not. Their silence is truly anti-heroic, not just un-heroic. Anti life, in fact.

Regardless, humanity’s sperm count is down 50 % in the past 50 years, our testosterone levels down 20 % in the past 20 years and gender confusion abounds in a once more normal America. Has Stephen King’s crime destroyed all mankind? I think so. His 1970’s book “Rage” is about a school shooter before there were school shooters. Stupid public!

The local Monterey District Attorney; Jeannine Pacioni, (Italian), former White House aid Leon Panetta (Italian) the Monterey police chief; Dave Hober, his officers Phillips, Herndon, Newby, Kopp, Hill – all of whom lied in the issuance of two different citations as well as officer Silonzolchec of then Seaside police who lied from whole cloth in a matter that was dismissed Alarmingly the complainant was found dead in his car in the parking space where we met a year later. Include, also, District Attorney for Santa Cruz; Rosell, who tried to convict me of a D.U.I. charge where I blew 0.00 for drugs and alcohol yet I was molested by bogus judges and attorneys for over two years before it was dismissed. A certain Chris Malsack who left me in my van’s rear section while he rolled it in neutral down an incline to wreck my new van. He was part of their conspiracy with retired officer Bill Rawson who set me up with him.

The owner of The Whisky Club; Mitchell Swanhee(?) and his wife who cited me last July 9 for singing from my van as I have been doing without incident for three years. Booze peddlers. This two days after I was cited for the same thing a few parking spaces away. I believe the manager of Mechanic’s Bank made the first complaint. Officers Hall and Mosqueda, the two officers involved. Their own body cam proves my volume was within the 50 foot sound radius I’m legally allowed. They, too, are our common enemies. Mosqueda failed to investigate two threat e-mails Stephen King sent me, in fact. Include, also, Brittania Arms pub owner Paul Whitecross who I taped when he threatened me weeks before the two citations when he said; “…I’ll smash your face like a pumpkin…we don’t care about you…we have ways to stop you…” Is even Clint Eastwood maybe behind some of my troubles? Maybe. See site for details. Monterey has emerged as a corrupt, dirty little Italian mafia run fiefdom bent on killing me, ultimately. As nasty and dirty, politically, as it’s scenery is beautiful. Ironic. Tragic. Historic, too. I’ll be famous, soon.

Incidentally, in 2001(?) I ran a cocaine dealer / bar owner out of Monterey for abusing me, then. I told his staff to clean out his drawers before I went to the police. I always used to wonder why so many bar owners, since, hate me. I wouldn’t be surprised if The Whisky Club and maybe even Brittania Arms are government SANCTIONED cocaine dealers for Monterey, the ‘finer things in life’, perhaps, meaning more than just booze. You know, supplying the high and mighty in a safe, controlled way. Government officials included. I’m world wise, people. It’s very possible, especially in Panetta’s thoroughly corrupted government of Monterey. Regardless, pushing alcohol, alone, is not a good thing for a city already high, demographically, for alcoholics. Especially since the wife of The Whisky Club is an elected government official for the Monterey Airport. Don’t want any drunk pilots, do we? It seems the crowd that likes to drink away the world’s problems have a problem with me. I dare to fix what’s wrong, instead.

Add the former Jack Fox Auto that sabotaged my other van in 2019. (They changed their name.- Near Goodwill in Seaside.) They have a police repair contract, besides.

Add judges Stephen Sillman and Mendoza of the Marina courts. Both demonstrated criminal conduct that railroaded me in one traffic matter and in a small claims matter against Jack Fox I should have won for $2.300.00 in damages done. A corrupt commissioner is currently trying to deny my right to remove them from my pending matters.

In all I have been unjustly cited six times in three years (Three of them criminal misdemeanor charges, and me with 69 years of a crime free record.) Both of my vans were sabotaged by people associated with police. Over $5,000.00 in vehicle damages done to me by our enemies. Only one ticket, so far, has stuck. It was only because Judge Sillman is crooked and corrupt. Our common enemy. That matter is under appeal as I write this.

I will someday use my fame (Realistically I’ll be THE most famous human on earth after disclosure for a few years at least. I also CAN sing.) to oust all these characters – including Jimmy Panetta, Leon’s son – from Monterey before I have anything to do with Monterey entertainment wise. I’ll speak out about it and name names, trust me. They have caused me injury I won’t forgive. If Monterey disagrees they can travel 500 miles to see my concerts while I bad mouth their character for NOT ousting my enemies, after. Our enemies.

A white, middle aged, female manager with dark hair at Red’s Donuts in downtown Monterey has, apparently, been campaigning against me spreading outlandish, malicious lies about me to make people give me dagger stares as they exit the shop and look at me. I don’t know WHAT she’s saying but she has made her enormous disdain of me well known. She is an old maid, to my knowledge, once sporting a cartoon with a woman’s wedding gown dressed skeleton in a chair, the caption: “Waiting for the right man.” Recently she sported a slogan; “If you haven’t got anything nice to say about someone then you’ve come to the right place.” She has no excuse to remain unmarried all this time like me. I am in too much danger to be married. Then, again, I don’t know much about her except that I find her consistently bitter. Maybe that’s why.

I challenge her to sport one of MY favorite slogans; Jonathon Swift’s quote; “You can always tell who the genius of a community is. He’s the one the town folks are bad mouthing the most.”

So what is is about government employees, law enforcement officials, alcohol pushers and sugar pushers for them to come out of the wood works to stop me? Jealousy, guilt and misery. I think.


Heroes like me come along all too infrequently and I might be mankind’s last hope. I honestly expect a monster asteroid will end human life, soon, if King ISN’T arrested and punished.


And, now, a word about my avenging and guardian angels;

I must interrupt the content below about how lame and dysfunctional all of you people were regarding my Dec. 8, ’23 rally in downtown Monterey with this public service announcement to help prevent any more of you from falling into the bad karma trap where me and my Lennon expose are concerned. After I gob smack you all with the laundry list of events that prove the existence of an avenging angel you can then go back to being boot-licking fools for not having descended on my rally like bees to honey. You see, I seem to have a very robust avenging angel, and not just a guardian angel keeping me above ground enough to get this story out.

I was on my way to document all this yesterday (Early March 2023) when, yet, another instance reared it’s head; The manager of an institution that offers free coffee and meals and showers to the homeless that I occasionally take advantage of was absent. I was told he had a bad fall and hurt himself the day before. Strange, he and I had just been at odds the week before. It seemed he was systematically trying to discourage me from coming there by withholding services. To the point I e-mailed his supervisor about it all. So, here I find, yet, another instance of why nobody should indulge in harming me, and I learned about this AS I was about to list the dozens of other alarming episodes.

(INSERT April 2023) I HAD FALL on March 31, 2023 (?) and did face plant into a cement wall after stumbling on a crooked sidewalk in downtown Salinas. One spectator said; “Better call 9-11!”

I said, “Screw that. Is my forehead all bloody?” It wasn’t and I just walked away with a slight headache and some bloody spots on my knees and nose and fore head.

Only I, of blessed karma, could come out smelling like a rose and HEAL three old injuries by doing so. My right eye that was damaged in a gang beating / mugging in Harlem N.Y. in 2008 was knocked back into place days after my recent stumble while I was watching television in my van. It started to wander up and out of place, independently, and I was panicking my eyes were going blind. A second later all was well and, ever since, I see better! Something was un pinged from that 2008 beating in that fall and I see better, now. My plastic surgery in 1990 on a broken nose that left an imperfect patch of cartilage up high was knocked down to a better profile. My nose looks better, now. And, finally, my 2014 episode of whip lash in Venice Beach when I was sucker punched from the side is now, also, better. My eyes, nose and neck all IMPROVED from MY fall, you see.

Let’s start with my credentials to even have avenging and guardian angels.

I was born the very instant we were detonating the H-bomb test in the Bikini Islands, March 01, 1954. 10;30 a.m., Montana time. Our largest, ever, weapon’s test. Pretty amazing, already.

While learning how to play poker for the first time, in spite of five players, five shuffles and two cuts, I was DEALT, RIGHT OFF THE START, a Royal Flush. My doctor father was stunned into several seconds of silence before he explained to my siblings what my hand was.

About the same period of time I happened to see something hardly anyone in all history has ever seen. In 57 years I have only found one other witness to this monster asteroid that almost DID kill us all in the blink of an eye. Bigger than Mount Shasta, some 20 miles across in diameter, and so fast “Blip!” describes the sight as it flashed silently from one side of the sky to the other. All in a millisecond. Ten times closer to earth than the moon, it was a sight that changed me deep inside. Before I had no concept that we could all be wiped out so effortlessly and suddenly and powerfully or by a force so incomprehensibly fast. My first thought was “We all almost just died.” I never told a soul for years I was afraid they’d think I was crazy. The rest of you slobs probably still think you can sin and sin and sin and NOT get wiped out for it. Don’t you? This life changing sight explains why I know how important jailing Stephen King really is. What strikes me about it all was how it was set up for me on a silver platter for emphasis. I rarely ever slept outdoors, maybe twice a year, and this was one of those nights. No sooner did I settle into my sleeping bag and adjust my pillow when I looked up to the sky just in time to witness the event. It was as if I was singled out to be a witness.

My last name; Lightfoot, almost screams “carrier of the truth”. My first name; Steven, means to stand on a street corner and protest, loudly.

As a very young boy I FOUND myself asking myself WHY I always flipped through Time magazine backwards to front and only read the headlines. Many years later doing just that led to discovering my whole Lennon expose.

In 1971, four years before somebody else got credit for the same thing, I became the first human being to trisect an angle with just a compass and a straight edge. Seeing a bias with an arc segment versus a line segment I intuitively merely butterflied the procedure the opposite way to reverse the bias which presented not just two points, but a set of two points. Now all you have to do is bisect these sets of points and, viola!, perfect trisection of both acute and obtuse angles. Less geometry wisdom and more intuitive wisdom. I beat out Newton, Galileo, Einstein. My geometry teacher, then, Dick Nixon, (Not Richard) who accommodated me in his home one night had to agree with me saying; “Now, if you could write down in an equation and explain why this works you’d be world famous..” What struck me was how easy it was, taking a total of 30 minutes of my time before it was solved. My first hunch proved right.

No flash in the pan, me, I then scored in the top 3% in my S.A.T. language section and top 13 % in math where I merely took the common sense guess to get lucky. I don’t like math.  I was also the best artist in my high school.

In 1982, while flipping through year and a half old issues of Time and Newsweek magazines to re read the story about Mark Chapman I accidentally stumbled onto highly sophisticated , yet pretty obvious, government codes in the headlines about Lennon’s then upcoming murder. Months later I would also find the killer’s alleged name and letter linking Reagan and the killer’s face and true identity printed just before the murder. Again, in a most uncanny way, I discovered, yet, another of life’s biggest secrets. Little, ol me.

Now, the laundry list of too weird to be a coincidence episodes;

As a young boy, while flying my new model airplane on a string , the neighborhood kids asked to take turns. I allowed them and they crashed it, over and over and over, deliberately, into the sidewalk. It was my first look at jealousy. I was about six years old. A few years later these same boys hit me in the face for no reason, to the point my father had a talk with their father about it.  A few years later these two boy’s father was burned alive while trying to put out a water heater fire that exploded across the street. The boom could be heard for several blocks. He mistook a can of gasoline for water, believe it or not.  By the time my dad got there it was too late. Just a coincidence, I thought, at the time. Those boys never bothered me again and even avoided me.

In 1973(?) a college roommate of mine, Hartmut G###, I suspect, deliberately bent my left thumb back, hard, while I slept. He knew how badly I wanted to play pro golf and I caught him before doing something at night to another roommate of mine. He drove a GTO and me an MGB. A year later or so my father said to me; “Steve, an old roommate of yours, Hartmut G###, is in the hospital. He wrecked his sportscar (He had purchased a Volvo two seater sports car like my MGB.)..Why don’t you come see him?” I had to explain why, disappointing my dad I could be so cold. It must have freaked Hartmut out to find my father treating him after what he did to my thumb. Do you think? My no show taught Hartmut that, asleep or not, I knew it was him that wrenched my thumb that night.

In about 1971 my father, while flying us (our entire family) all in his private plane over mountain tops in Lake Tahoe, California, resorted to playing “chicken” with SEVERAL mountaintops. Only I had the wherewithal to consider he might be serious about taking us all out then and there. He was a complicated man, my father. In 1984, on the tenth anniversary of Nixon’s resignation and a week after Stephen King mailed me a threat letter, my father died as a passenger on a ski lift plane in New Zealand on a mountaintop near Christ’s Church. Just exactly as he may have considered killing me a dozen years before. Amazing!

His friend, a sheriff in my hometown who my father confided in, turned me in to the Secret Service and F.B.I. before Terry Chodash, an agent, interviewed me in early 1983.  After that my life became terrorism hell. I was promptly charged with “Breaking and Entering” and “Attempted Grand Theft”, before the false charges were dropped. For weeks I was the only person in attendance in the court room. Spooky. This sheriff was promoted to detective, after, but then died of colon cancer shortly thereafter. He was in his 50’s, only. I recall how I, as a ten year old, opened his combination lock on his weight room in one try to his amazement, then.

In 1987 a Thomas Decker and his six foot seven inch tall accomplice teamed up to break my nose on a sidewalk and dislocate my arm using martial arts. They even tried to break my hip with their boots. A year later this Thomas Decker was sporting a mouth with zero teeth all of a sudden. Either somebody knocked them all out or he lost them to meth abuse, I suspect. He was dressing with expensive cloths I noticed for a while and he must have been paid for his thumping me. All he said was “We don’t need the publicity.” before doing his spin moves.  Of course the D.A. Costello, refused to charge him. He was last seen living in a sleeping bag in Golden gate Park. It may be that Sylvia Chase and Jim Paymar, two news anchors whose names appeared a month earlier on my billboard, were behind the hit, I don’t know. They both were fired and had to move to the east coast to get a job, after, I noticed.

Dianne Feinstein, mayor of San Francisco, then, made my new billboard; “FEINSTEIN AND S.F.P.D. HIRING THUGS TO CRIPPLE ME”  Two days before the Golden Gate Bridge walk and exactly a month before I was assaulted she had the police confiscate my signs and arrest me only to drop charges days after the bridge walk was over. She found herself with a bridge nearly collapsing under the weight of the people. Her earlier idea to upgrade with cement backfired and she had to then spend millions to rip out all that new concrete and lay down lighter weight asphalt. “Ha, Ha! Dianne!”

About the same year a man who kicked me in the back to deliberately injure me was next seen a year later in a wheelchair, the same leg that kicked me the one he permanently hurt.  By now I was starting to notice a pattern involving an avenging angel punishing my trespassers.

A week before the late 90’s Loma Prieta earthquake I visited Santa Cruz for the first time, ever. Every other major city of the bay area I had already visited. I recall thinking as I left a week later, how sad that no one cared about Lennon’s murder, even in Santa Cruz. I thought the worst might happen. Not only DID it happen, it happened exactly as I took the podium in Santa Rosa at a City Council meeting. The room was shaking over 100 miles away from the epicenter. All the bay area was affected. The bay area that betrayed me and John Lennon. I recall joking with citizens who saw the shake on the televised meeting; “I really shake things up at city hall.”

In 1992, world famous newspaper columnist Herb Caan died of a heart attack a week after slandering me in The San Francisco Chronicle. I remember his words; “Our Mr. Lighfoot is now making a fool of himself in Bangor, Maine accusing Stephen King of being John Lennon’s murderer…” And he’s a newspaper man who knew I was right about all that, anyway.

In 1994(?) I was given three consecutive days on L.A. talk radio, 15 minutes per day, to air my evidence where Nixon was living at the time. Morton Downey Jr., actor Robert Downey’s father, was the brave host and I let loose with my best and pulled down “Tricky Dicky’s” pants but good. Two or three weeks later and an hour after I then, again, confronted Henry Kissinger on talk radio, Nixon suffered what would be a fatal stroke. I always thought he had my father killed in that plane crash and now I had just killed him, legally, with stress and the truth.

(I will forget a lot of instances, here, but will put them down after I remember them.)

In the early 90’s(?) in Santa Rosa I asked the City Council to help me prosecute King. Their vice mayor came out on record a month later proclaiming that they would not help me nor was it their duty. His remarks made a write up in the paper, in fact. A few months later he was diagnosed with terminal cancer.

In the mid 90’s Monterey experienced it’s worst, ever, one day of rain that turned the peninsula into an island. Amazingly, that was the night when the Monterey police arrested me on suspicion of theft regarding a poncho I found on the street. They immediately dismissed the charge but it rained in a torrent hours after the drama.

Fast forward to June 1999 and Stephen King was struck by a van and seriously inured, almost killed, in fact. Dozens of broken bones leaving him on crutches in time to watch his daughter marry a black lesbian woman. I had been in his hometown of Bangor, Maine, years before, for six months, driving in my van. In 1992 he had my ticketed several times in a few days and other tricks he played on me – once hiring two teenagers to try to disconnect my brake lines.  I caught them in the act. –  King was being found guilty of having sex with a 15 year old that year in Belfast, Maine. The moral of the story, though, is how he had me falsely arrested and slandered on the national televised news as a stalker for displaying a sign outside his book signing in Santa Cruz in 1994 that read; STEPHEN KING IS A MURDERER; IT’S TRUE OR HE’D SUE”. That night, before a crowd, he said; “I guess we took a few shingles off of his (My) roof, today…” Then HE got mowed down in Lewiston, Maine and almost killed, years later. I ran him out of Maine and he has lived in Florida for decades, now, secretly.

Several years ago Charlie Rose of television fame was on top of the world getting media perk after media perk after interviewing Stephen King three times in one year when nobody else would. Suddenly he was seen everywhere, rewarded for providing King with interviews. Then, flushed with his success, one day, he tried to give a news woman a kiss on live television and was last seen off all media air, entirely. I call THAT the Stephen King curse.

I remember how it was about 2015 that a navy jet ran over the runway and into the ocean just as I happened to be sunbathing on Coronado island near San Diego. Just hundreds of yards away. I was watching them land and practice and it happened as I was walking off the beach. Months before a navy cadet, in uniform, in pickup truck with rubber fenders rammed his truck hard into my narrow wheelbase Toyota van at 75 mph and I could have rolled and been killed. It was the second time in five years I had been a victim of another vehicle plowing into me at over 60 mph, the first a T – bone at an intersection that was mysteriously paved over the next day. And, so it seemed like payback for the Navy for crashing into my vehicle months before. They suffered millions in damages, me, just elbow grease and thinner to wipe the six foot long rubber skid mark off my van. And all while I just happened to be sunbathing there for the first time in twenty years.

In 2016(?) while in Goleta near Santa Barbara I was ticketed for crossing a line turning right. It was exactly where I had slept the day before and the cop may have been looking for me. Santa Barbara is Reagan country and, if the officer wasn’t partisan, the judge absolutely was when she relished finding me guilty. So much so, in fact, that I warned her of the impending bad karma that would probably befall the area for their crime against me, today. By then I was well aware of my avenging angel powers. In just the two years following that presumptuous remark, made on court television, for proof, they suffered three major oil spills off their coast ruining three summers there, their worst fires ever, followed by their worst mudslides, ever, followed by a mass shooter at the U.C.S.B campus where many students were shot and mowed down by his car. This last fact just a mile from where I was ticketed. Then, as if that wasn’t enough, Goleta suffered a fire that destroyed either 500 or 5,000 houses, I think the paper said.. That judge must have been reeling at the time of all this bad karma, remembering my taped remarks.

In 2017, on the Venice beach boardwalk near L.A. I was struck violently with a roundhouse haymaker punch while holding my guitar. The assailant went running away when I put my guitar down momentarily and scurried away from me, after. The police and D.A. refused to arrest him and acted like friends when they met. Even the watching crowd seemed to enjoy my misery and I made a one hour rambling rant up and down their boardwalk about how even Jim Morrison of The Doors left that town it was so drug infested and depraved. I cleared the boardwalk in one hour with that speech. The next DAY a man was struck and killed by lightning there. Right on the beach where I spoke. In the years that followed the boardwalk descended into a community of druggie homeless tents taking over the beach, their urine taking over the ocean breeze lowering the image of the neighborhood. Riff Raff took it over.

On John Lennon’s birthday, several years ago, a PG&E device sparked the worst fire in my hometown’s history. Santa Rosa. I happened to be in Healdsburg just ten miles away from the epicenter preparing to have my van serviced the next day. I was living in Monterey at the time. I awoke to a red sky and didn’t realize it was Lennon’s birthday until days later. Santa Rosa failed and tormented it’s evidence hero before all that.

In 2019, while about to receive a dental operation, and right after I inherited almost $100, 000.00, law enforcement used that as a platform to wreck my newly painted van and charge me with a crime of driving while intoxicated. I made the mistake of asking a retired Santa Cruz officer / coffee shop owner if he knew of anyone willing to drive me one block to an appointment. He knew who I was, though.  A Chris Malsack lept out of my van with the door open, in neutral, and may have even then pushed it from behind to get it rolling. I had to jump from the back section into the driver’s seat to stop it from doing more serious damage. It still suffered over $2,000.00 damages, though. I had 0.00 alcohol or drugs they hoped to find but prosecuted me, anyway. FOR OVER TWO YEARS before it was dismissed in the interest of justice. Meanwhile I was forced to endure having to fire two lawyers and recuse three judges along the way.  I never gave up my speedy trial rights, either. Completely bogus, all around. State Terrorism. Period! It was the sheriff and C.H.P. who instigated the citation and, low and behold, while in mid stride with all that court criminality around me, a dozen sheriff’s and C.H.P. cars passed my van on the freeway in pursuit of another man named Steven, also in a van. He (Steven Carrillo) then shot and killed a sheriff from the same station that cited me and another C.H.P. officer in the hand, ALSO from the same station involved with me. I, in fact, warned the C.H.P. officer a year earlier to get out if he’s in a plot to avoid any bad karma.

Then, the worst thunderstorms, ever, torched the very neighborhood of both the D.A. prosecuting me and the officer Rawson who set me up with this driver, evacuating them from their homes as Santa Cruz suffered it’s worst fires, ever.  Ever see the movie “Thunderbolt and Lightfoot” ?

On December 07, 2019, as I was being interviewed on KSCO Radio a caller remarked; “Even if Stephen King DID kill John Lennon, it’s old news, now, and not important…” I responded by saying this; “If that’s the best mankind can do in dealing with this news, if mankind cannot jail Stephen King in my lifetime, then I pray a mountain sized asteroid puts this weak race out of it’s misery for it’s own good….” I continued to say that a humanity that weak, compared to how they could live under the truth armed with evidence, is too pitiful to go on reproducing. Too stupid to deserve such a magnificent planet. Unworthy of life, itself. I’m sure many listeners indulged in jealous mocking of me thinking how pitiful I must be to think MY thoughts are that important to our future at all. Exactly a few weeks later America and the world were hit with Covid -19, a germ warfare agent that got released in China about the exact time I made those remarks. Coincidence? Again? Really? I am not the second coming but I’m sure this world will try to brand me as the anti-Christ after I am famous the amazing coincidences surrounding me are so profuse. Just because mankind is sick. Hey, somebody has to man up and save you slobs, is all. Otherwise I’m just a little smarter and wiser and braver than you all are. That’s all, maybe.

Several Monterey establishments that 86’d me from their businesses were all shut down for years right after their jealous outbursts. The Bull and Bear I 86’d myself from due to their discriminate passing me over in the karaoke rotation. Covid-19 closed them down a week later, indefinitely.  Lollapalooza bar that actually served Stephen King weeks earlier was also shut down permanently. Brittania Arms, for two years, maybe for 86ing me a year earlier. A waitress at a local golf course cafe who was alarmed at my even remarking about my avenging angel complained to management that it made her feel threatened. I was 86’d from their cafe as a result. Months later she was re purposed into having to drive a snack golf cart around for tips instead of waitressing. This lasted for years, too. Only now has that cafe re-opened.

December 09, 2022 to present (3-9-’23) Almost 90 days and 90 nights of non stop rain since Monterey stiffed my anniversary rally. Since the Whisky Club bar, the Mechanic’s Bank and the M.P.D. cited me twice in three days for singing from my van like I have been doing for years, before and since. Since ducking my Lennon murder evidence, now, for decades. Last night the rain and wind threatened to blow down trees and trees were blown over. No electricity for most of Monterey, 1 mph traffic everywhere with no signal lights and it’s getting hairy weather wise around here. Since my Dec. 8 rally fell flat with no support Monterey county has suffered 100 million in damages and dozens of lost lives. Another big storm is due this week, still. Roofs are caving in from all the snow fall all over California and it seems TO ME that God is getting you all ready to wake up and jail Stephen King before you all get a monster asteroid up your ungrateful, ignorant butts. That God is warning you, incrementally.(P.S. I found out, the next day, that, had I slept at my usual place that night of the high winds, a 600 pound tree branch would have fallen on my van, I noticed. Seems I was protected in the event just by sleeping in Pacific Grove that night.)

Oh, I did mention the mid 90’s one night of rain here that turned the peninsula into an island just hours after the M.P.D. falsely tried to arrest me for finding a poncho on the sidewalk, right? (I did.)

And so we arrive at the present with the local manager of a homeless center getting hospitalized for a bad fall days after he and I got into an argument, there, and as I am under court attack by Panetta and his corrupt government and courts and police. (See the details at the end of this section.) The two back to back citations issued by Whisky Club and Mechanic’s Bank in mid July of 2022 and the police cars that descended on me scared off the public who had been giving me thumbs up and applause for my singing. By the time my  December 8  rally rolled around I experienced a no show for the only time in the last three years. Almost exactly after that blew up in my face Monterey experienced perhaps the very wettest and worst winter in it’s history. It continues. In my opinion bad karma will HAVE to continue until Stephen King is wearing hand cuffs. Until then bad karma is what you all deserve. Are you slobs up to it, is the question. Or would you all rather be his prisoner of fear, too weak to stand up to his evil, sociopathic crime against us all? The crime that BEGAN your national melt down.

The sign I’m brandishing on my van lately reads; CALLING ME NUTS KEEPS YOU STUPID

The riddle involved in this expose is such that it seems like God is trying to see just how ridiculous a species he created by shoving all this irony, evil and upside down-ness on us and watching as you ALL respond by suckling up to the tit of the boot that kicked us in the ribs instead of arresting the monster and ending the madness. As if to justify, first, any cataclysm he may be considering. If you don’t think the epidemic of mass shootings plaguing America, especially, aren’t related to King killing John Lennon and your apathy about it you aren’t even paying attention. His mid 70’s book; “Rage” was about a school shooter before there were school shooters. He enjoys your national meltdown, too. Incrementally, we are being warned something’s wrong and evil among us.

I don’t look at it as wishing death on mankind as much as I see myself giving humanity a chance to AVOID such an otherwise deserved and certain fate by redeeming itself by jailing Stephen King. Like a man. Not the coward humanity has become. But for me you may be all doomed.

I’m sure I forgot at least a dozen other examples I could list. The problem is if I need more examples you all need your heads examined not to notice a supernatural phenomenon going on, here. If I need anything more than my website’s listed evidence to motivate all of mankind to descend on their lying media to out this news and arrest Stephen King then humanity is utterly mad to begin with, anyway. And you ARE all mad, trust me. Jesus used parables because he knew that mankind’s heart was hard and it’s eyes closed, otherwise. If King ADMITTED he killed Lennon you’d all STILL sit on your hands, admit it. You just love fearing and licking that government boot so much, don’t you? Oh, by the way, Jesus died BECAUSE of our sins. If his death saved us why are you all STILL killing the smart guy? Truth MIGHT save you, though.


And, yet, there is more, people, my guardian angel. Let’s start with last week, March 9, 2023. Just two days before I was on television at the Monterey City Council meeting explaining how it was that I was detained and almost arrested by M.P.D. for finding a poncho on a sidewalk hours before the mid 90’s deluge that turned the peninsula into an island began. I added how it is, now, that beginning the day after Monterey failed my Dec. 8 anniversary rally it has rained cats and dogs for 90 days and 90 nights in Monterey costing 100 million in damages and lost lives and all, I think, for molesting me with two tickets in a row in downtown for singing from my van like I have been doing for years and scaring off the public who had been supporting me until then. My three minutes expired and I walked out of the meeting. Two days later the wind and rain was so bad it knocked out power in all of Monterey for two days and knocked down trees everywhere. A levee broke, too, flooding a whole town. I happened to park in Pacific Grove, for whatever reason, that night instead of my usual spot in Monterey. As the wind howled and the100 foot tall trees all around me groaned I thought I must be nuts to stay parked there. A tree might fall and ruin my van. The next day I joined everybody in 1 mph traffic with all the signals out back to my normal spot, eventually, and noticed the next morning when I awoke that the one tree above where I normally park had been blown down and was now on the sidewalk with chainsaw cuts already made by city workers. Had I been there over 600 pounds of tree would have ruined my fiberglass roof. BUT my GUARDIAN ANGEL spared me, yet, again. Meanwhile my avenging angel kicked a little ass.

When I was about 14 years old, while hunting, two people were in the woods, one putting my head in the cross hairs of a scope 22 Ithica rifle. I was sitting down eating a banana. I heard a loud explosion from about 100 yards away and felt something graze my right ear. I looked behind me and saw a plume of dust rising and a single blade of grass waving back and forth. Someone had just tried to kill me yet I was, again, spared. I will spare the guilty the shame of announcing who they are but they both know that they both have paid a karmic price for it with their less than perfect lives, lately. Ironically, the trigger man was severely beaten with a belt weeks later by (Withheld), not for trying to kill me, but because he had not put the scope on straight after using it. It was as if (Withheld) knew what happened without knowing why. A nervous breakdown, also, years after, and karma took it’s toll on him. The event was so traumatic to me I blocked it out, completely, for decades. Only decades later a matter concerning (Withheld) estate prompted me to remember at all.

When I was only about three years old me and a neighborhood kid would hit these shiny things for hours on a porch with hammers. They were 22 bullets I would later learn. How nobody in that circle of enthusiastic kids watching ever got hit is a miracle.

In both of my high speed “accidents” in 2010 and 2015 I could easily have been killed but emerged unscathed. The first involved a woman gunning it to get through a red light as it had changed hitting my meat delivery truck (Not my website van, conveniently.) broadside at about 60 mph in Concord, Ca.. My truck was knocked 30 feet sideways before landing on it’s side, my trainee / passenger spared by the door frame and the woman by her crumple zone, airbags and seatbelts. Her Toyota Landrunner was snub nosed to the windshield, too. Nobody was hurt. A miracle. Two days later I was good enough to hobble to the scene on crutches to take photos of the intersection. I thought I was set up and that someone tried to assassinate me, frankly. I saw that the intersection was freshly repaved with new asphalt destroying the scene of the accident. To make matters even more suspicious the woman who ran the light wasn’t cited though witnesses saw her run the light. AND I learned from a city employee that that city has a room where all it’s traffic signals can be manually controlled. Barack Obama, our president, then, must have been mortified. Did I turn his hair grey?

In the second “accident”, years alter after I moved to southern California for fear of my life up north, and also under Barack Obama, a uniformed navy cadet, about 20 years old and 110 pounds, slammed his Toyota Tacoma with rubber fenders hard into my narrow wheel based Toyota van doing, by his own admission, 75 mph. It left a six foot by two feet rubber skid mark all across my van and I had to chase him down to get him to pull over. The C.H.P. took 45 minutes to respond (To hold a meeting after learning I was involved?). Highly unusual, too, they did not cite this man who admitted driving ten miles over the limit when he ran into me. Very bizarre. My van did NOT roll and I did NOT die.

In 2001, while driving to San Rafael, Ca. to see my club builder (I managed a custom golf shop at the time.) and an hour after having my brakes installed, I found myself on the steep, downhill north side of the famous “Waldo Grade” It was drizzly and suddenly traffic was stopped in my lane and I had to merge, hard, out of it to avoid a catastrophe. My new brakes, you see, were slick and not braking too well and I found myself swirling in the middle of heavy traffic doing three complete donuts at about 65 mph until I came to a stop in the middle of the freeway. Nobody was hit and, when I drove away, drivers who witnessed the event looked at me like I was a ghost to be alive. I attribute my miracle “save” to having had my undercarriage coated with  heavy weatherproofing in 1992 while in Maine which made my vehicle’s center of gravity very low or I may have rolled, instead.

When I was mugged and savagely beaten in 2008 by a gang of 10 young men in Spanish Harlem, Manhattan N.Y. I emerged with a broken jaw that, miraculously, fell into place, perfectly, two nights later, (I could here the pieces click and lock) and even my temporarily damaged right eye is back to almost normal, now. Weeks later one of the assailants who recognized me (They had my camera and saw my van) said; “Man, you almost DIED!” when he saw me holding signs in Washington Park.

Just hours before that assault  I discovered that someone had pushed a lit cigar into my van’s cab and it burned a hole in my door fabric. Someone had tried to burn down my van. That also didn’t happen. That traumatic discovery is why I found myself looking for a bag of pot to calm my nerves that night.

When I was 21 (1975) and zig zagging, testing my new Pirelli tires (When tires are at their slickest) on my ’72 MGB doing 75 mph I suddenly found myself going sideways down the freeway and then backwards but I saw an off ramp and took it.BACKWARDS at 75 mph. A smile lit up across my face at the fun of this ride and I had complete confidence I would be alright. I DID manage to come to a stop just before crashing into a cyclone fence. My former high school girlfriend’s brother actually saw the whole event play out. What I had to wonder at, looking at my tire tracks, was the perfect half donut I made around a light pole I don’t remember even seeing. Had I not instinctually done that I ‘d have hit it and my gas tank would have exploded and who knows what else.

A year before that, while on route to see that same, then, former girlfriend, I hit a patch of mud that found my MGB swinging both rear tires off the road rounding a hairpin turn and over a cliff only to hear them both thump back onto the roadway again or I’d have fallen thirty feet and who knows what. A full 180 degrees of my cars rear end swinging over a cliff and then back on to the road. Whew!!

I’ll admit I was a little rambunctious in my early 20’s (Totally mild mannered, now.) but most of these accidents were the result of slippery new equipment or mud or other drivers, not entirely me. All that adventure has made me a very safe driver, today. Because I worry a head on collision is on the menu for me where my political enemies are concerned, I drive on the outside edge of my lane whenever I’m driving against oncoming traffic, just to be extra safe, in fact.

Lucky Lightfoot? I’m sure there’s much more that I don’t happen to remember, now, (There was the time I held that same car at 90 degrees through mud sliding sideways for several seconds through a series of S curves, a drop off on one side and a cliff face on the other..) but there is some evidence I have an Guardian angel and not just an Avenging angel.

What about all of you, however? Are you pissing God off for being washouts and weaklings in the face of Lennon murder evidence? For siding with evil???? For protecting mankind’s enemy; Stephen King? For martyring my youth? Is he or she deciding if a space rock is the only answer for all of you? Is God bored with your lack of humanity and is he thinking of delivering the rock I saw in 1966 to “put you out of your misery” for being so helpless and stupid? Is he convinced his recipe was a mistake when he made us? Time too start life over? Even if you’re all just jealous of me for finding the evidence, that’s reason enough.

I honestly believe that if I am killed by your irresponsible apathy that you will all perish from just such an asteroid like the one I saw in 1966. That that’s WHY I saw it. To let me know what’s out there that can destroy us and make sure we never deserve such a fate. To, then, pick ME to find the goldmine of hard evidence that CAN save us all and run with it. To see if mankind is smart enough to recognize and listen to it’s heroes and not crucify them for being smarter than the masses. Currently I’m convinced it would serve you all right, too. Any species that wastes it’s heroes and lets villains kill them and take over are evil incarnate and are, in fact, most probably, better off dead.

(Library time expiring, will continue, later….)

Now, back to my failed Dec. 8 rally and your responsibility for that..                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ….There I was, December 08, Lennon’s murder anniversary, armed with evidence and courage  and billboards, a stack of my evidence magazines, color photos of King and Chapman and the autograph hound, a stack of signs for people to grab onto and everything a well public would need to take advantage of. I even distributed almost 1,000 flyers about the rally all over Monterey and Santa Cruz. For weeks I erected signs on my van advertising my rally’s time and place. I stood there in downtown Monterey with a huge sign that read; “STEPHEN KING IS A MURDERER; IT’S TRUE OR HE’D SUE” all next to my emblazoned website van smack dab in the center of downtown Monterey. I was on talk radio for weeks advertising my rally. For two decades my van(s) and website have been up and I’m somewhat famous with the talk radio crowd. I have discovered the killer’s face, alleged name and letter linking Reagan just before the crime and government codes all about Lennon’s then upcoming murder in back issues of Time, Newsweek and U.S. News magazines. How many “brave’ Americans showed up to support me? None. That’s how many. What a nation of cowards if ever there was one. I’m telling, too. I’ve learned the hard way that you, as a species, are sick, jealous hero killers and masochists. You’re all so miserable having to struggle and work and put up with all the hypocrisy in life and all the taxes and tricks of living under government that you actually feel good about the death of anyone better than the rest of us like a John Lennon. It makes you all feel less stupid than you really are. “Wow! Life’s a lot easier, now,  not having to live up to the standards of a wiser, braver man among us who seems to have the answers to our problems. Can’t let anyone show up religion and government. No sir, We’re not ready for that…”. You’re afraid of your governments. Boot-lickers, in a word. Not me. Nope. That just sucks, people. How do you stand it, living like a slave under the thumb of pure evil?  If you only respond to fear let me advise you that I may have the say so in whether or not a mountain sized asteroid wipes out all your stupidity for good. Don’t be too surprised if I am seen, soon, brandishing a sign that will






Hi, people. Steve Lightfoot, here, of and the yellow website van. Since my 1982 discovery of government codes in the headlines of major magazines including Chapman’s letter linking Reagan and the killer’s face and true identity (Stephen King, not Chapman) my life has become terrorism hell. Monterey is especially corrupt.

The title headline will be my next billboard and if you are receiving this flyer / hand out you already know I am brandishing it for all to see. In fact, the reverse side reads; “IS WHISKEY CLUB A ‘WISE GUY’ CLUB? Locals know the Italian mafia has always ruled the government of Monterey and Santa Cruz counties. Screw ANY mafia presence anywhere in America. The fact that they are molesting me with phony tickets (Two in just three days.) with their corrupt police department is proof that they are too pussy to stand up to evil asshole at large, geek / assassin; Stephen King. Stephen King is, in fact, jerking THEM around like a dog. The Italian mafia of Monterey licking the boot of government EVIL! You’ve got your District Attorney Pacioni and your two biggest politicians Leon and Jimmy Panetta, all Italian, and Dean Flippo who was the former D.A.. A John Russo (Italian?) rammed his truck into my van and billboards two Lennon murder anniversaries ago at my rally and was let go by officer Hill who refused to pursue the matter. He said to me, first; “I think you’re a piece of shit!” Siding out of fear with the bad guys. Like pussies. Then there is Paul Whitecross, likely an Englishman like me, who threatened me in front of his Brittania Arms Pub saying; “I’ll smash your face like a pumpkin…we don’t care about you…we have ways to stop you…” I happened to tape record those remarks. (He also owns The Monarch pub in Pacific Gove. This just weeks before his friend across the street, owner of The Whisky Club, who admits on radio that Leon and Jimmy Panetta are among their den of leaders in their “Think Tank” bar of probably court and police officials, etc., falsely cited me for a peace disturbance where there was none last July 9, 2022. Two days earlier The Mechanic’s Bank manager had me cited for singing from my van, also. For three years I’ve BEEN singing from my van exactly as I did those two days without a ticket. I have continued to do so a hundred times since without a citation including immediately while the officers were still present.. So why two in a row all at once when I was within the 50 feet limit requirement for amplified sound (My van’s C.D. player)? The police CLAIM they did not record my activity with body cam. They have zero hard evidence! Even if the W.C. owners used a cell phone they have no evidence. It just happened to be the first day I was holding billboards from my driver’s window. Prior to those two display / terrorism arrests downtown the public was giving me lots of thumbs up and high fives. (You ARE capable of being good.) So it appears even you, the public, are in their cross hairs. I knew Leon Panetta was a sick man when I watched him giggle uncontrollably on 60 Minutes as he reveled in how he killed thousands of Iraqi’s under various presidents he worked for. Jimmy, his son, seems to be a lot like Hunter Biden, riding Daddy’s coattails. Time to end this unholy dynasty controlling our police and courts.

And then there’s Clint Eastwood, another person of power who has a history with me. In 1980(?) he had an associate of his buy me a drink with a knock out drug in it while I was on a date with his girlfriend. REALLY! I passed out in her arms and remained out for a whole day, people. I regret not busting Clint, then. I made the mistake of giving him celebrity allowances and just kept quiet about it, until, until 2001. Kind of like all of you sicko’s give Stephen King a pass for destroying our world.  He must have had penis problems to do that to another man. He never was convincing as the leading man in his movie roles I’ve also noticed. In 2001 he tried to befriend me at a golf event until I gave him the slip. Then, a year later, I refused him a slice of my pizza because I was sick at the time.  He wasn’t happy and had me set up and removed from the grounds, towing my van and me off the Pebble Beach grounds. (The origin of his subsequent famous movie line; “Get off my lawn, punk!”) At THAT point I first let loose with flyers about his 1980 trick on me and was promptly allowed back in to watch the golf. but I ruffled his feathers but good, I know. I’m sure what he did 1n 1980 has hurt him more than it hurt me. Is he now trying to exact revenge before he dies and sic his police on me? Mistake! You see, just days before these tickets I had to get on KSCO Radio and explain all this because a Clint Eastwood called and may have tried to intimidate me from ever exposing that ever again.; “…because you know what I know that you know…when Ii was having sex with Salinas women…if you get in my way again, punk, I’ll blast you into the ground…” Of course I had to explain.

These are the people in our midst who I believe are molesting me with their corrupt court system. Obama / Biden tried, twice to kill me in high speed accidents (60 and 75 mph incidents), In the first T-bone incident the intersection was paved over the next day to destroy evidence.!!!!!! Obama even gave Stephen King a medal in the White House. In 1995 Clinton invited King to The White House. They all know what he did.  We’re all under government evil!. Visit my website’s ‘ “New Developments” page. Check out the chapter titled; ‘Dec 7, 2019 Interview’ Rummage around and SEE what I’m up against. Unprecedented abuses for any Californian in all our history. Hundreds of incidents, kidnapping, beatings, gun pointing and false arrests. Even my father’s suspicious plane crash, initially. Recent events are listed below, here.

What can YOU do about it? I protest every Sunday at noon in downtown Monterey on Alvarado Street. I have plenty of evidence and signs for you to hold.

(Now, back to where I was before I was so rudely interrupted. about your pussy no show for my rally)

(……..I notice it rained hard for 40 days and 40 nights and caused 100 million in damages to our area. It so happens it started right after you FAILED to help me rally Dec. 8, 2022.The last time it rained this hard was over 20 years ago the night the Monterey police first  tried to arrest me for a bogus charge then that was dismissed. That one day of torrential rain made the peninsula an island. I think I have an avenging angel.)

My next move? To erect a huge billboard to beckon an asteroid to take you weaklings out of your misery. That’s right. Something nobody has ever done to my knowledge. I’m advertising to God, himself, what a disaster his creation, humanity, really turned out to be. Ruled by Satan and against all that is good and truthful. Too weak and pitiful to withstand the use of evil by government against them.

When I was 12 I saw a 50 mile wide asteroid just miss earth. It was as if I was chosen to see this sight. Only once or twice a year did I ever sleep outdoors in my back yard. No sooner did I fluff up my pillow and settle in and look up to the sky and there it suddenly was; ” BLIP!!!!” As if shown to me on a silver platter. From one end of the sky to the other in a split second. Utterly soundless for being so close, I recall. From California to Hawaii in about three seconds, people. (Our media says it takes an asteroid three minutes to go from coast to coast, people. It’s a lie. More like four seconds time. They say they can avert one. That’s a lie, too. The power involved is otherworldly and incomprehensible.) The trail took up about one SIXTH of the sky. Orange and yellow, too, not just white. If I had blinked I would have missed it. Right away, my thought was; “We all almost just died!” I saw man’s worst nightmare, the one that DID kill the last residents here, the dinosaurs, almost kill us all, too. I told nobody about this for years for fear they’d think I was crazy. I met a man last month who saw the same thing from North Carolina. All the same elements of date, time and direction and scope. It was real and just happened recently. There are mountains out there still waiting to kill all life on earth, practically. I imagine a freeze would follow whatever fiery initial cataclysm occurred. The dirt kicked up would soon blot out the sun and unless you were able to burrow underground you’d not make it. Like the last time. The Gulf of Mexico is a CRATER, PEOPLE!!! That’s how big they are. California’s central valley looks like an asteroid divot from a glancing blow that jumped over the L.A. mountains and carved out the Sea of Cortez between Mexico and Baja. It all lines up, too. Big rocks out there.
I saw it. I KNOW what sitting ducks we all are. YOU DON”T. You blithering fools have NO IDEA! But you worry I might be God’s designated decider, don’t you? I really have thought, since, that I was shown this sight for a reason. That I might have been the one person good enough alive to spare us all, then, but that I had better warn my fellow man, somehow, to deserve a better fate and become better people, like me, too, or else. That I was to discover the cryptographic evidence to prove what happed to Lennon later was my purpose, I suppose.
I actually prayed for this asteroid to take us all out if we did not jail King in my lifetime while being interviewed on KSCO Radio on Dec. 7, 2019. (Check for yourselves in their archives.) It was in response to a caller who said that, even if I was right and King DID kill Lennon, it was old news and no longer important. You see how evil people are in their opinions? God MADE you evil that way. All of you! Two weeks later Covid hit the wicked world, too.
Look at Paul McCowardly’s life since he betrayed us all with silence; Linda, his wife, died. He then failed in a marriage to a one legged woman and his music petered out like John predicted it would. George Harrison, too, the “Quiet One”, died of an illness after almost being killed by a nut with a knife, first. Silence did him in, I think, too. Of all people to turn coat; Paul and George. Paul’s actually looking under slept and worried, lately, fearing the truth will all come out and his cowardliness will be as famous as he is, himself. What a cowardly, stupid fool! As if he couldn’t at least put my website address on a t-shirt in public, even. He has the fame but not the spine.
The moment I was being born America was in the process of exploding our biggest weapons test ever, the Bikini Island H-Bomb test. The same exact HOUR, people. (3-1-’54, 10:00am Montana time.) I think I must be a special person to be able to say that, see the world’s biggest asteroid near miss AND discover the evidence regarding what John called “The Event” about his murder that he knew would take place, even then.
If nothing else, my billboard campaign will put my message in it’s proper context and perspective. Even if the asteroid waits until I am dead in 35 years. Meanwhile, Russia is rigging our elections, taking out our power stations, here, as we speak, killing our heroes, and your own children are shooting each other in school they are so upset with the world their parents left them to begin with, not to mention killing themselves with Fentanyl. You’ve all BEEN getting spanked by God all this time since America slid down the toilet since Lennon’s death. You won’t admit it, that you’re lives are a joke. But I WILL. PUBLICLY, too. Just watch, people, what I think of your killing John Lennon with your evil apathy. You say how DARE I summon an asteroid for your just dessert. How dare YOU not care if Stephen King killed John Lennon.
The media was supposed to protect the public mostly from their evil government. A whistleblower watchdog type of agency. Now it is an agency devoted to protecting the government from the public’s right to know. ISN’T IT?? It has BECOME the government in real life. And instead of confronting them and marching me on your shoulders to the media for disclosure, what are you all doing?? You’re keeping quiet for their sake at your expense. Who let that happen? You did.

P.S. To all the animals of the earth, I’m sorry. You are blameless. Satanic man is not, however. Me? I am just speaking truth to evil. That’s all. Evil, apathetic, hero killing all of you. I care more about what I think of you than what you may think of me. I have to live with you monsters. Your shallowness and depravity have found me avoiding sex for decades, now. Congratulations. Oh, and by the way, on occasions where I was about to get close to one of your own, you’d all gang up and jump in and ruin it all. So how sick are all of you to be so afraid I might reproduce?

You, as a society, allow the government to kill off your influential heroes much the same way the Aztecs and the Inca’s sacrificed infants and virgins to volcanos and knives. It makes you feel better about yourselves and less reliant on smarter people than you and your politicians to lead you. “Well, at least I’m better off than John Lennon, for a change. I feel good about that. His superior intellect intimidated me and forced me to rise to higher standards than the slob standards we all cling to like peasants. We can go back to being lazy, lead by the nose ring slobs again. Wheww!!”

“What ‘s the point of living if you can’t let the government murder people smarter than the rest of us?..It’s the only real sport that matters, actually.”

Pretty ugly picture of humanity, right, people? And only you can change that fact about yourself by caring enough about my evidence to demand that Stephen King be punished for what he did to the world and John Lennon.

To all the people who resent me and what I stand for; you morons. I’ll be dead in 35 years and you’ll possibly be stuck not learning from my evidence find and die as stupid as I found you if you fail to honor my find. I already know that you could never be pleased about me no matter how I presented myself. Jesus, too, was not guilty for what you did to him, either. Nobody was saved by his crucifixion. You’re all still letting Barabbas free and killing John Lennon, still. AREN’T YOU?! You’ve deliberately martyred my youth, so karma you, twice, if you resent my coming forward with evidence that you victims desperately need.



Steve Lightfoot, here, of In 1982 I discovered government codes in Time and Newsweek’s headlines printed just before Lennon’s murder that proves a Nixon, Reagan Stephen King conspiracy. Go ahead and see for yourselves. I dare you all.

There’s more about Lennon’s murder evidence but, in the meantime, your apathy is giving the corrupt Monterey government and courts and police free reign to molest me in the hopes they can kill me with stress and just keep me tied up fighting their false charges every year.. Instead, the central coast just endured $100 million dollars in losses and dozens of deaths due to Biblical flooding for 40 days and nights right after nobody attended my rally, as well as a rained out AT&T golf tournament. I didn’t know what was the reason I have had to endure all this blatant abuse at first. Now I realize I have to alert all of the central California coast of the danger the Panetta political family here represents. Had I not endured an onslaught of abuse I’d have never suspected the rotten head as being the Panetta political machine that has cast a shadow of corruption over the area and America. I’m even suggesting foreign enemy status where their politics is headed. That they may also represent the Italian mafia that runs the central coast is also a given as far as I can see.

Just as “Billy Sunshine” of KSCO Radio may be a professional propogandist to assassinate my character with lies, the Panetta family seems to embrace the “Woke” outlook of the world order crowd that thinks they know better than us free citizens how to live our lives. More urgently, I hear Leon Panetta, who worked under evil Richard Nixon and also Clinton and Bush, is going to run for PRESIDENT IN 2024!!!!!  Clinton secretly met with Stephen King in The White House a week before the Oklahoma City bomb went off. Obama / Biden gave Stephen King a medal of the arts award in The White House KNOWING he murdered John Lennon. Bush Sr, was C.I.A. chief in 1980. It’s as if our country is festooned with enemies and infiltrates galore!  I cringe watching Jimmy Panetta, Leon’s son, amidst he crowd on television watching and applauding Joe Biden’s “State of the Union” speech last week. Too much evil too close to power for our own good. “Billy Sunshine” wants you to think that I am mentally ill and insane and not all of you, instead. No, it IS all of you who are insane to let Chapman skip a trial from the start and it is I who is the MOST sane of everybody, in fact, regarding Lennon’s murder. Just a provable fact. I’m a hero, in fact. The biggest the world has seen SINCE Lennon. Let’s examine the moral fiber of a Billy Sunshine; He is now suddenly a millionaire after surviving the death of his terminally ill former millionaire wife. I’d like to ask him, simply; “At what point in your relationship did you understand that she was going to die from her illness?” and, secondly; “Did that knowledge influence your decision to marry her?” You see, morals matter, people. Some people are more reptilian that the rest of us, I think, and should be rejected, outright, to advise us at all. Their beliefs are harmful to the rest of human kind. Consider all this the next time you hear KSCO Radio’s Billy Sunshine give you advice about me and Lennon’s murder. He also seems seething with jealousy of me and my importance and my evidence find. For that matter, understand that KSCO’s radical change in staffing and programming reflects the fact that all political talk radio is now removed from my living area. Last year it was KGO that was replaced with sports, only, and now KSCO is staying away from political talk, generally. While a.m. host Rob Carson is political I am not allowed to participate in his show at all, behind the scenes. Behind the scenes the powers that be are castrating all of YOU PEOPLE going after talk radio to go after me. But, then, you can’t admit I might even BE that important. Our government knows I am.

I knew that Leon Panetta was a sick man when I watched him chuckle uncontrollably while discussing how many Iraqi’s he killed on the show 60 Minutes years ago. Like a cross eyed, sadistic cabbage patch doll. One radio caller opined, after visiting Leon for a week, that he should not be anywhere near politics. Now I learn that all this Monterey corruption I am suffering under is likely emanating from him and the Italian mafia that actually DOES run the central coast. They are protected by media and government. Our D.A. Pacioni, a judge; Manetta, and Dean Flippo, the former D.A., all Italian. The long term natives here KNOW this Italian mafia is real. “The Whisky Club”, a bar in downtown Monterey, charged me with a peace disturbance last August two days after another ticket was issued for unnecessary noise. My crime in both instances? Singing, unassisted, from my van to CD’s as I have done for three years without any tickets. It’s a scam, people, and Whisky Club is not innocent at all. In fact, they bragged last December on the radio how they attract the “leadership class” in Monterey and that the Panetta’s are among their most elite in this respect. They practically said, right out loud; “Hey, Mr. businessman. Want to rub shoulders with the Panetta’s and see what favors he can, for a price, arrange for you? We’re your club. We grind out government corruption right here!””

I now brandish a sign that reads; ‘END ITALIAN MAFIA RULE IN MONTEREY” and, on the reverse side; “IS WHISKEY CLUB A ‘WISE GUY’ CLUB?” They don’t scare me. I’m scaring them, however. Even the local Salvation Army is denying me services lately as if the police asked them to get rid of me. (I save money on coffee mostly to offset the court fees they are going after with their multiple false charges all of a sudden.) Read about some of it here a few paragraphs down, in fact. There’s even more in the chapter “Dec 7 2019 Interview.” found listed at the bottom of this chapter. Unbelievable but all true.

I protest every Sunday at noon in downtown Monterey on Alvarado St.. I need your help, people. I have plenty of signs for you to hold. Just show up and stand by me. Please.

What does King think of my activities? His close friend in Bangor, Maine once screamed at me; “He’s afraid he’s going to fry!!!” Stephen King has never denied my claims. Don’t you.

Sincerely, Your unsung hero; Steve Lightfoot


In the meantime, let me show you what my van messages read to get a glimpse of the truth;

My van is a yellow 2000 Chevy Astro van with a high top. Of course the website;” adorns all four sides. The rear bumper reads ; THE TRUTH – HANDLE IT. The side skirts read; “COME CLEAN, LYING U.S.” and “GOVT. PLOT UNCOVERED”. The front hood reads; “Help Me Come Forward.” The rest of the messages that spread out akimbo read; “Be Better Than You Are – Care…Guilty Public Apathetic…Stand Up To the Cover-up…NIXON, REAGAN, STEPHEN KING CONSPIRACY…Author Stephen King Murdered John Lennon…King Isn’t Denying It…Chapman Story Media Hoax…Nixon’s Sick Trick On You…Blowing Up Your Cover-up…Smell Your Nightmare…Speak Evil Or Be Evil…Face Up To The Facts…Govt. Media Our Enemy…” On the fiberglass top the headlines read; “Demand Disclosure – Demonstrate…Jail Murderer; Stephen King…Lennon Killers, Repent…Up Your Cowardly Cover-up…Lost U.S. Under a Lie…Deserve Truth – Demonstrate”
It’s quite a sight rolling all over the place, mostly the south bay near Monterey, Ca.. People look at it as though it is in a foreign language and walk away more perplexed than informed. Not used to a dose of reality, I guess.
Some campaign posters I plan on erecting as I stand with my LENNON MURDER TRUTH. COM sign and my time and place rally posters read;
Just for example. I have plenty of signs for you all to hold. Dozens. Bring your own if you like. Although I must sound like a braggard and a jerk I assure you I am the opposite of all that. Try wrestling with the evil human race for four decades and see how polite YOU emerge. I am the ultimate optimist. My enormous reservoir of goodness, humility and other qualities have kept me alive and still whistleblowing all these dangerous years. Anyone who DOESN’T care is a negative cynic and coward.
As I fret over the next few weeks while I disseminate 1,000 of the above printed flyers all over the Monterey Peninsula I am overwhelmed with the knowledge that you people are tragically damaged goods and possibly too masochistic to respond. Too afraid to stick you heads up to protest and too afraid of your shadow to make the future a brighter pace. Too evil. You all have no idea how much you are controlled by the government controlled media. Stephen King has been laughing at me and my efforts knowing he has already poisoned all of you to the point you are broken and without your pride. Stephen King murdered America and your pride and John Lennon, all at once. I, only recently, have cone to understand only the former U.S.S.R. could be responsible for this crime. America is very vulnerable right now. Look at our elections. Russia is bragging, now, how they are hacking our elections. Is that how America plans to lose? Too crippled and silenced by evil to fight back?
You can see how evil you all are for having ignored me and the evidence for decades, now. I will include in my upcoming four part movie the episode at U.C. Berkeley in 1984 when the students squealed with glee when I told them my father had just been killed in a suspicious plane crash. Messenger envy and resentment, all rooted in satanic masochism. Muffled squeals of glee all around me. I know things about you all that only a hero COULD know. It’s not a pretty picture. When I advertise; “CRIMINAL PUBLIC APATHETIC” I’m only too correct about humanity. You are a raped and abused husk of a human being. Your insidious government and it’s influence over you has turned you all against yourselves. You may doubt me on this but you will someday learn that there is a whole division in our government that is dedicated to mind controlling you. They employ sadomasochistic techniques that even I am unaware of. They know you all better than your mothers do. It’s the reason why you can’t recall a trial for Chapman and the reason you run away from my findings. Last summer, just as I was starting to get supporters all over giving me thumbs up, like an upcoming celebrity, the Monterey police conspicuously cited me downtown twice in three days to scare YOU all off and it seems to have worked for them. That’s how you are kept down, people. Fear being pushed by your evil government. There’s a reason you are exposed to the wanton slaughter of human life on prime time television with guns intimidating you all the while. They are breaking you down to eventually take away your guns. They are also keeping you sick and off balance on purpose so you CAN’T respond to evidence at all. They have you reacting to it in a most masochistic, self destructive way. Whereas you should all pounce on my opportunity to protest and out this news, you are, instead, on the side of Stephen King and you want to protect him and the government.
AREN’T YOU ALL??????? Your lives are a horror movie, indeed. The hero is missing from your lives, is all. Were you well I’d be on your shoulders, tomorrow, all of us demanding media disclosure. But you’re all not well.
Oh, I WISH I was wrong about this. Time will tell. December 08 is days away and I think you may all be too scared to care. Prove me wrong and save yourselves from pure government evil. I dare you to stand up for yourselves and stand up to Stephen King and jail his sociopathic ass. You would have done this in 1983 if you were well at all, then. When I started to inform you.
Speaking of time will tell. Someday, if your jealousy and apathy and fear of government doesn’t get me killed, I will be the world’s most famous human being. Just a likely fact. Just like Lennon used to be. Whatever I say will be picked up by every microphone the media can muster. On top of that I might even become the world’s best selling singing artist. I don’t know what has happened, but since I was attacked by Santa Cruz authorities in a plot that involved them wrecking my newly painted and logo-d van and pressing false charges that were eventually dropped, I have developed, almost overnight, into a singer who can mimic the great vocalists as well as anyone on earth. It started when I could suddenly sing in keys I could never reach before. The timing and phrasing, suddenly more second nature. I wish I didn’t have to brag but I do to keep you from killing me. It’s my new weapon to show the doubting masses that I am, indeed, worth paying attention to. I sing from my van to remind the public I am no mere mortal but a very important messenger. I couldn’t sing as well as I do and be a crazy person all at the same time. I write my own stuff, too, and I will be a force to be reckoned with, I assure you.
Some samples read; “The silly masses, laughing in their dark despair, killed John Lennon, saw no trial and no one even cares. Lying to your children; “It’s the fan the papers pinned” living’s easy swallowing that pill. Lights that used to signal you’re the human race have dimmed, your smoky eyes are glazing over, still…” Another first liner; “Live wire walking on a high wire, poor life hanging by a thread. Busting the government for John Lennon’s murder. Lucky I’m not already dead…..”
You get the drift. The point is I will have to tell the watching world someday WHY it is I’ll shun Paul McCartney once I am famous. Oh, I WILL, too. Too late for his jealous, weakling ass. He betrayed us all keeping his mouth shut all this dangerous time for me and all of us. He is exactly the kind of celebrity we all don’t need. There to collect our money but “Nowhere Man” when his courage is needed. His 1990 April Fool’s Day shout out in 1990 at his Berkeley concert; ‘Yeah, Steeeeeeve! That’s right. I don’t know about YOU, Berkeley, but I want you all to know we LIKE it and we need you as a PEOPLE to GET to the promised land…” was so weak I missed it from the 8th row, center stage. Had I not taped it I would never have heard it at all. Are Julian, Sean and Ringo listening? Similarly I will remind the public that my hometown of Santa Rosa burned down in it’s worst P,G & E fire event, ever, on John Lennon’s birthday after ignoring me all those decades. Like karma. Ditto Santa Cruz with it’s worst, ever, lightning fires the same year they messed with me. The fires hit exactly the neighborhoods of the D.A. and the officer who instigated matters. Ditto a list of other amazing things that convince me God is real if only in the vengeful sense of things. One occurring AS dozens of the same enforcement officials who hurt me passed me on the freeway. One was killed the other shot in the hand as they pursued another “Steve” also in a van that day. Amazing. The list is too long to ignore. I am actually worried a 50 mile wide sized asteroid WILL do you all in someday if you fail to jail King in my lifetime. When I was 12 I saw just such a monster just miss us all. Just last month I ran into another man who saw the same event only from North Carolina instead of northern California. Imagine a mountain going so fast, “Blip!”, and it’s gone. I saw it. Should you all side with King and waste John Lennon I think your lives would be worse than death, anyway.


Jan. 5, 2023 –

To bring you up to date, I have been under assault from the police in Santa Cruz and Monterey since I inherited money and bought a new website van. In fact, they wrecked my newly painted and lettered van in Jan. of 2019 and tried to blame me for what their operative did in leaving me in the back of my van on an incline with the lever left in neutral. I had to jump into the front seat from the back section of my van to rescue it from plowing through a fence and doing who knows what damage. My dental operation was used as a staging ground to ruin my life. I made the mistake of asking retired S.C. police office Bill Rawson if he knew of anyone who would be willing top drive me to an operation. I would learn that his friend, Chris Malsack, was sat down by someone days before he wrecked my van to watch a video of “America’s Worst Accidents” After he did so he is on video admitting; “I’ll bury a car in a heartbeat. It’s just an inanimate object…”

I was charged with D.U.I. in spite of a zero drug or alcohol reading. 0.00 reading, folks. For over two years I had to fight the charge, fire two lawyers who were throwing my case and recuse three judges for their abuses. My speedy trial rights were also ignored. When it became clear that I was ready to defend myself by myself the charge was dismissed in the interest of justice.

WHILE that matter was pending and while a poster on my van read; ” D.A. ROSELL IN PLOT TO KILL ME”, chief Hober of M.P.D. ALSO tried to D.U.I. me.  When I again blew a 0.00 he had to dismiss but cited me for something else based on his sergeant Newby’s lies. In that matter no less than three officers all lied. Video can prove this, besides.

Then, officer Kopp entrapped me into a violation (7.18.’21) by hiding his motorcycle in my blind spot making me wonder was he right behind me after first making sure he saw me follow him from a 7/11 parking lot. While watching my rear view mirror to find him he alleges I ran a light. Even if true it was his police trick that was implemented to do so.

Then Seaside officer Silonzolchick lied out of whole cloth (8,23, 21) falsely claiming he called me on my phone involving another criminal charge of hit and run. This regarding a man whose bumper I barely tapped while parking. He claimed I hung up after he asked for my insurance information. All lies. The phone he claimed to have called was replaced with another and my public defender saw my old phone hadn’t been used since a month before he claimed to have called me. After that charge was also dismissed due to lack of evidence (There was no damage my van caused) the complainant was found dead in his car in the exact same parking space a year later. VERY WEIRD, INDEED!

So, now, in mid 2022, I had to clear the air on KSCO Radio about a caller who claimed to be Clint Eastwood who said things only I would understand regarding a woman we were both dating in 1980 including the night an associate of his slipped me a ” ruffi ” drink that knocked me out 20 minutes later at her apartment. I exposed him once before, 20 years ago, over the incident after he had my van towed off his Pebble Beach grounds. His famous movie line; “Get of my lawn, punk,” was exactly about that incident. And, so now, I had to explain things all over again in case this WAS Clint threatening me over it.

12 days later ticket one and 14 days later ticket two for singing from may van. Was Clint behind the two tickets? Maybe. Maybe not. Even before that radio spot Mr. Whitecross of Brittania Arms threatened physical violence against me if I sang near his place. I managed to tape record his remarks then including when he also said to me; “We have ways to stop you.” When I explained this to officer Mosqueda and that I had the taped remarks for proof he wasn’t interested. Officer Mosqueda has failed to investigate two e-mails from Stephen King where I am threatened.

So, now I have to defend myself from two charge for singing in public. I taped myself that day from 50 feet away and I was not audible even with my C.D. player on full volume. I will also introduce the fact that they are too close to legally complain, less than 50 feet, as well as putting Jack Whitecross on the stand to show conspiracy among these two bars to ruin my life.

If I still lose I will put these bars out of business for their trespasses. That’s what this news flyer is about, in fact. I happen to wonder do both The Whisky Bar and Brittania Arms sell cocaine on the side. You know, “The finer things in life” they advertise. I say this because they would probably already KNOW that I, in 2001, turned in bar owner “Whitey” to Pacific Grove police for being a major cocaine dealer. I told his bartender to clean out their drawers because I was going to report his boss to police. And I did. Whitey and his bar left the county months later. They shouldn’t have been such coked up assholes to me, then. Leon Panetta or Clint Eastwood or chief Hober likely are behind these two tickets but maybe that 2001 incident has put me on certain bar owners hate lists for relocating this cocaine dealer / bar owner to another state. Monterey county is corrupt enough to allow this to happen in my opinion. To ALLOW a bar to sell cocaine to a select sector of the public. “The Club” sells expensive gasoline, I mean whiskey, it all just tastes like gasoline to me. I heard their representative say for $6,000.00 you can get such and such whiskey by the case. How ridiculous is that? Right across the street the same government prohibits Walgreens from even selling wine and beer. Can’t have booze  sales ruining our downtown. Right. Monterey county has a very high incident of alcoholism, already. Makes you wonder why. I know that these two counties are corrupt, already. It takes a hero to flush these types out, it seems.

You may not care, but these bar owners are against my exposing Stephen King for murdering our beloved John Lennon. Already they are the bad guys AND they’re pushing alcoholism. They offer the corrupt a place to drown their guilt with expensive gasoline as they perhaps use that bar to conduct secretive political meetings that affect all of us. Dirty politics stuff.

Windows curtained off from public scrutiny. Very strange store front, people. Beware!

P.S. Funny how Frank Sinatra drank only Jack Daniels and that sufficed if anyone thinks that expensive booze matters. It’s all like gasoline to me, frankly. Alcohol is a depressant, anyway.

Dec. 01, 2022; Getting CLOSE, people.

Well, I suppose I should start with yesterday’s phone call to KSCO as my lead into why I find myself in full exorcist mode with all of you, suddenly. Humanity’s warts are coming out in full display. Wanna take a look? Lets START with the phone call;

KSCO: ..”our buddie, Steve Lightfoot..”
(Me)”What’s this I hear about someone talking about me behind my back? (Something about how cruel it was to exploit (my) mental condition having me on the air at all.)”
…I notice professional propogandist from The Pentagon, “Colonel Terry”, has been bad mouthing me to say I threaten the safety of Stephen King just to give your listeners what they want to hear so they can stay evil and not help me come forward and remove MY LIFE from danger…”
KSCO: “Well we don’t have Terry here to defend himself so…”
(Me)”What about me not being there today while you allowed others to belittle me?…Shame on anyone bad mouthing me, of all people, the one hero in our midst we’re lucky to have in the first place…Have you even looked at my website and seen the evidence you reject?”
(“Billy Sunshine”)”Why should I look at your website?”
(Me) “Because until you see what I have to prove my case you’re talking out of your rear end…I’m the only one in all of Santa Cruz with the testosterone to stand up to the same Stephen King you’re all willing to bend over for….Same with “Colonel Terry” who admitted he’s never seen my site….”

Then I called back, minutes later, while “Rory”, a daily caller, was on the line.. The host, Dave Michaels, left him, also, on the air with me.

(Me) “Compared to me the regular callers on KSCO are estrogen unfused douche bags and old maids and Lonely Hearts with no life other than to get attention who have nothing of importance and earth shaking to say…”
(Rory) “But Steve, you have a problem. You have a messiah complex…”
(Me) “No, I do NOT. Your jealousy that I HAVE something to say makes you think that….You call DAILY, like an animal who couldn’t get a mate, out of loneliness, and you have nothing to say that’s important, ever….None of you can stand that I have hard evidence and none of you care to even investigate it in all this time with my website right there defying you find any errors you claim…”

There was more.



Hi, everybody. Steve Lightfoot, here, the most un-sung hero on the face of the earth if I may humbly say. Why, my prodigiousness regarding earth shaking, hard evidence is such that it has caught all of you flat-footed and phony as can be. It’s not even a matter of my having the evidence or not. Nobody has been telling me in all this time that I don’t have evidence to prove author Stephen King is the real life killer of John Lennon. Nobody is denying that Nixon and Reagan, both, orchestrated the plot to assassinate John Lennon, first thing, in Reagan’s presidency, to get his pro peace message out of the picture. Nobody is claiming I HAVEN’T cracked C.I.A. codes in the headlines of Time, Newsweek and U.S. News magazines surrounding the crime including the killer’s face, alleged name and letter linking Reagan and more all printed before the murder. Nobody has argued that Chapman is not, in real life, a stand in look-alike decoy to fool all of you who was waiting with NYPD staff in a nearby precinct waiting to be switched with King later. Nobody has been claiming it is NOT Stephen King getting Lennon’s last autograph or that he has ever even denied my claims in all this time.

In fact, if Stephen King came out on the stage at Super Bowl halftime ceremonies and ADMITTED he murdered John Lennon out of jealousy and hate and political reasons it’s debatable whether or not any of you would do anything about it, after. That you’re all that spineless and sick. That is worth talking about. Just that. Why are all of you so sympathetic to the devil? To evil? Why do you, as a species, not rise up and stand up for yourselves against it and defeat the evil that has kidnapped, defiled and raped you? You all HAVE hard evidence for once in your tragic assassination riddled lives. You’re all insane not to use it. Insane.

And, so, I won’t be defending my evidence here so much as it is all on my website;, and you can judge for yourselves. Instead, I will be hammering home the message that ONLY YOU CAN BREAK THIS MONSTER EXPOSE and that, if you don’t start demonstrating to demand media disclosure, even the quality of your orgasms and every aspect of your lives will suffer from here to eternity and beyond. If you fail to demand the truth from your government controlled media you don’t deserve to live under truth and justice at all in the first place.

In my first interview, here, in 2017, I publicly prayed that a mountain sized asteroid like the one I saw that just missed us in the 60’s wipe us all out for our own good if we cannot punish Stephen King in my lifetime. I meant it then and I still mean it. The life you would be living after being that lame and stupid would be worse than death, itself, and, if I am the decider in the matter I say be done with so sick and weak a species. For your own good, too.

I also said, in that first interview, that I don’t necessarily believe in God. I do now. Only for one year did I have my doubts. Since then a flurry of F.B.I. and police and court shenanigans have molested my life and I have watched as offender after offender has been struck down by such bad karma and so reliably that I do, again, believe in God or all this could not be happening. In fact, as I look over my shoulder and take inventory, I’d say there is more than a 50/50 chance of that asteroid whacking you all to smitherines if King is allowed to skate for this by you in my lifetime. You people all have a duty to avenge John Lennon and punish his murderer.

I am well aware that many of you are getting ready to welcome my expose and bring me forward. This interview, the second in a month, lately, is a sign of that. I don’t want to be too critical of all of you because many of you ARE on my side but just haven’t come forward, yet. I do want to say a few things, though. It takes me to tell you that the main reason you have taken so long to care about this has to do with boot-licking fear of your government that you just can’t help. Even my own parents and siblings were and are in the same boat, here. And all your relatives and friends included. That FEAR has been holding you back and keeping you down and the media and our government has been making sure you stay that way. That they keep you sick and off balance and train you to call me a theorist and such. They make sure that the police issue very public citations and arrests of me every time you get close to helping me. They are fueled by evil and all that is bad in our world. They rely on your going along with it all, too. King has called all of you his “co-conspirators”, even, in a San Francisco speech he made.

Let me take risks here and declare that it is all of you who need me more than I need you. I’ll be dead in 35 years, probably, and most of you will still be here either sucking under evil or thriving under truth and justice. Only I can bring about the latter scenario. No side stepping of MY issue will be enough to save you no matter what else you might do. There is no getting around this issue and your future – all of your futures – depends on it. King will either be punished by all of society for his crime against us all or you will be punished by karma for being so lame and stupid NOT to.

I have my doubts that my story would automatically break if I were to wind up dead, somehow. We’d both like to think that you’d all rise up if the man avenging John Lennon was also assassinated for his heroism. But maybe you all would not. I think you would, however. Jealousy is no small factor in your way, believe me. I’ve seen too much of everybody’s jealousy of me to deny it. But even if you’re all good enough to avenge me, with me out of the picture, you’d only get 50 percent of the possible benefits from this historic expose.

Thank you for listening.

Hero in waiting; Steve Lightfoot


You’ve noticed me singing from my yellow website van; LENNONMURDERTRUTH.COM about Nixon and Reagan arranging for Stephen King to murder John Lennon. If you bring me forward before I get too old I’ll probably be the next John Lennon and as famous or even more so. And that’s not even for my singing. However, my singing has gone from 60 mph to 600 mph in just four years. I AM motivated. I am singing to stay alive. If I don’t show you a sign to prove, somehow, that I am totally legit about what I say I will be killed by your ignorance and apathy. Locally the Italian mafia have been molesting me with our un-American court system that they control. They have cost me thousands of dollars and damaged two of my vans in one month, even. They wanted me to react and commit a crime of revenge but I’m not so stupid, you see.  (See my New Developments. Page for details.)

I found the killer’s face and true identity, his alleged name and letter linking Reagan and government codes in the headlines of Time, Newsweek and U.S. News magazines only for five months surrounding the crime. I found much more to prove all I claim. The government knows you all KNOW I’M RIGHT about it all, too. They know you better than you know you. The only reason you all seem uninterested is because you are A-F-R-A-I-D. You live in fear of your own evil government and the mafia who run our government, I found out. “The Wizard of Oz” and “The Godfather” are the two most compelling movies of our lives for a reason. These describe our lot in life under a government or mafia who control us. You lack the brains, heart and courage to stand up to them, too. Admit it or not, you are a media controlled, anti-heroic culture who lets government kill people like me for trying to save all of you. My peers looked the other way when Chapman was allowed to skip a trial, for example. Everyone but me, that is. You all ARE very, very sick and I have just the evidence to save you with. I need HUNDREDS of you (Why not?) to join my rally every Sunday at noon in downtown Monterey on Alvarado Street. Every day you pretend I’m just a whacko or a nut YOU ALL LOSE, BIG TIME! We need each other. I need you to break my story, you need me to save you, after. King may end up facing a firing squad when it’s all over but so be it rather than all of YOU pay for his most evil crime that can be committed. Stand up for yourselves, people. You have brave me to back YOU all up. Now, protest or stay losers. Your choice. If I should end up dead I hope you will all blame yourselves for being so stupid, now. If an asteroid should wipe your timid, scared butts off the face of the earth don’t say I didn’t warn you why, now. It would be a better fate than living in a world that let Stephen King murder John Lennon and just get away with it, believe me. Talk about gutLESS!. I know you’re better than that, so help me, people.

Support your brave hero – save yourselves – Steve Lightfoot


(Now enjoy my court paperwork and tribulations there.)

In rebuttal to the courts finding to uphold my conviction while ignoring the fact that I was denied my rights to call witnesses to show a pattern of fraud and abuse against me, generally, I object to and contest the courts finding and will present my reasons why, here.

If a citizen can show that his citation was the product of police fraud or entrapment he is entitled to a dismissal of the charges. Similarly, if a citizen can show a pattern of fraud and abuse by other police in other matters, and especially police from the same department, he is entitled to show this to the court regardless of whether they were or were not present in the citation at hand. There are hundreds of precedents to establish this fact of law and, except for the fact that opening legal books triggers P.T.S.D. in me due to past police abuses, I would list them here. I challenge the court to disprove this, instead. For the above considerations a motion to dismiss due to discriminatory prosecution is also in order. All these defendant rights were denied to me and the court decided to find me guilty, regardless of the law, because I admitted to the violation in court last December 15, 2023 in my oral argument for my appeal. It matters not if I committed a violation if the violation was the result of a police trick to take my eyes off the road and this was demonstrated via police video that showed the officer hiding in my blind spot for two blocks. There is no other explanation for violating knowing I was being followed by a police motorcycle. This is why such laws were installed, to protect citizens from discriminate conduct by police and this was just that. The officer picked the busiest section of all the county to trip me up with four lights in a quarter mile downhill stretch and got lucky catching me trying to find him so as not to injure him if a sudden stop was necessary. Too many other episodes involving Monterey and Seaside police officers provably lying on video and more have occurred in the last few years and this matter must also be considered in that light. The court prevented me from presenting this light. The finding to uphold my conviction is in error and must be overturned. If I must go to a higher court I respectfully request that, now.

The evidence presented in my many motions establishes justifiable reason to suspect police fraud and abuse against me due to my status as a whistleblower in the government’s crime of assassinating John Lennon. The wealth of evidence, in fact, suggests that this county and court may, indeed, be involved in the very government cover-up I allege on my website. If this is the case the matter should be transferred to another jurisdiction as I cannot receive justice in Monterey County. Furthermore, the matter should be looked into to see if this court is eligible for charges to be brought against its agents involved. There is a wealth of evidence to suggest this county is protecting Stephen King and the government who killed John Lennon by harassing me. That’s conspiracy. Only because lawyers lack enough courage in this area to help me pursue this avenue have I not brought up conspiracy charges myself. Any time restrictive statutes may be overturned someday if I can prove this is the case, now, and act later.

I argued that I was entrapped by a police trick to catch me looking in my rear view mirror to find the suddenly invisible motorcycle officer Kopp and unable to concentrate on the signals at the same time. That his disappearance presented a dangerous situation if I had to stop suddenly. That his sliding into my blind spot after presenting himself and overtly following me was a trick to see if I would miss one of four consecutive lights, a section of roadway with more lights than any other section of Monterey county, in fact. I argued that, if that was the case, it amounts to entrapment and should be dismissed on that basis. I argued that my calling other officers to show a pattern of fraud and abuse in several, recent, previous matters was necessary to show that and would have resulted in a different outcome and showed officer Kopp in a different light; one of deliberately trying to make me violate by hiding in my blind spot causing me to fear if my sudden stop might endanger the officer who might be directly behind me. That there was ample evidence based on his fellow officers willingness to lie to show that he was not just innocently following me and must happened to catch me not looking at the road. I argued that there is no other explanation to explain my violation knowing I was being followed by a police officer other than that I was tricked into looking for the officer who had disappeared. Whether I violated or not is not the question. The question is was I set up with a police trick and are there other recent incidents of Monterey police lying in the issuance of other citations against me. If there were other instances and I was deprived of showing this to the court then I was deprived, illegally, of my trial rights This court, in it’s argument, strayed away from this central theme of mine that my subpoena rights were violated. That’s the issue here and the court tried to skate around the issue. I had evidence to show that officer Kopp may not be telling the truth in his testimony based on other recent incidents involving several other lying members of his department. If I was entrapped or showed reasonable doubt whether I was the ticket would have to be thrown out. I was not allowed to present whether or not that was the case except via hearsay from only me. Had the other officers testified and been found out to have lied it would have made a tremendous difference in my case. I only had to present reasonable doubt and that I could easily have done. The court’s argument that other matters and other officer’s testimony is irrelevant  to my case strips me of my rights not to be entrapped by police and the court’s finding is in error. The court cannot rule against me based on their arguments given.

I mentioned this element in my written arguments and focused, at the oral argument, on presenting the numerous suspicious, fraudulent episodes involving these several officers to show that they could be proven, via police video, of lying in at least four incidents and how that factors into the credibility of officer Kopp’s testimony.

The court argued that the other officers testimony was not relevant to my case when it absolutely was and is. As a citizen of America I am protected from being entrapped into a violation. I am similarly protected from being hunted by law enforcement. If said abuses reach a point where there emerges a pattern then these other matters do apply to my case. This was exactly the case and the court is in error to argue that the other officers testimony was not vital to showing this pattern of fraud and abuse which could have exonerated me if it could shed even a shadow of a doubt about the motives of officer Kopp..

The court argued it was a waste of time to allow their testimony. It was a breach of my rights is what it was. If the court doesn’t have time to honor my subpoenas then it doesn’t have time for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. If the court is correct then the other courts are in error to have laws that state otherwise. Courts that declare I have a right not be a victim of police fraud and discrimination. I allege this court, not the established laws about harassment and entrapment and fraud, in in error. The court is still required to contest any subpoena with papers to quash it. This was not the case in my first attempts to serve officers. Without any motions to quash my first round of subpoenas the court is without basis to deny my subpoenas.

In the second appearance my subpoenas were, again, ignored except by officer Silonzolchic who was present and who did not present any contest to his appearance. That Judge Sillman also refused to let him testify was in error. The court cannot argue that my subpoenas were improper. If the second batch were it was because of the court clerk who made the error and not me. She knew of my case and gave me the forms I asked for. If even he, alone, had been allowed to testify I would have been able to prove that he lied from whole cloth that he ever spoke to me on my phone in late August of 2021. That since expired phone’s record proves it was last used months before that date as I had a new phone I was using at the time. That would have presented reasonable doubt about the testimony of officer Kopp.

In all, all my rights not to be discriminately targeted and set up and entrapped were ignored and not considered. I had a mountain of testimony to show I was being systematically harassed by other members of the same police department responsible for this citation and was not allowed to present it. Had I been able to question these officers it would have been made clear that there is good chance officer Kopp was also deliberately engaged in fraud in how he hid in my blind spot to make me violate.

Regarding my argument that the court has been holding my case up and has not presented me with the lowered fine amount this is also true. (Since rectified last week.) In fact, case number 23AP000010, a Mr. Gutierrez, I believe, had his appeal’s oral argument scheduled the same day as mine, December 7, 2023. His appeal was issued exactly a year after mine so there is reason to believe the court deliberately held up my appeal for a year more than necessary. As such I have changed my mind about traffic school since my ticket will automatically come off my record this summer. The court said my fine is now only $200. They indicated I was entitled to a $290. refund since I paid the fine years ago and have a receipt of over $530. to show. I have never received any refund or reimbursement of the over $530. paid. If I can also have the amount I pre paid for traffic school refunded I ask for that, now. In all I am overpaid by over $330. (I have since applied for a refund and I’m awaiting a refund from the court that was never sent.) I should also point out that the bailiff at Dept 3 on Dec 7, 2023 asked me if I’d like to return on December 8, the next day. That is the same day I explicitly made clear I was not available for in my motions. Had I not appeared on Dec 7 I wonder would the judge have gone forward, anyway, and refused my right to oral argument later.  In other instances the appeals clerk calendared dates that were in direct conflict with other court matters at the time. The court has, seemingly, deliberately, tried to harass me in the process or all this would not be the case..

Meanwhile I await your decision to move this matter to a higher court to overturn your ruling that upheld my conviction. The court was in error for the reasons stated in this motion.

I declare, under penalty of perjury, that he above is true and correct.

Dated January 2, 2024



Sincerely, Steve Lightfoot (Appelant)


Request to expunge incident dated July 18, 2021;

This matter is currently under appeal and shouldn’t even be on my record until that is finalized. My final oral arguments are upcoming. I was deprived of a fair trial in that my subpoenas for several officer s were wrongfully quashed – twice – depriving me of my right to show a pattern of fraud and abuse by Monterey police, the agency behind the ticket. In fact I was ready to prove that six other officers either lied or committed fraud against me in other recent episodes. I attribute these other incidents to a vicious campaign by police to stop my activism that exposes our government in John Lennon’s assassination in 1980. That the authorities are desperate to remove my website logoed van from the streets using abusive tactics to wrongfully cite me. I wrote Steven Gordon, the DMV’s president, about this and he responded by telling me this is the process I have to go through to expunge matters I think were unfairly attributed to me. In this matter I was driving normally on Lighthouse Ave. in Monterey, Ca., eastbound, when I saw a motorcycle officer waiting in a 7-11 driveway. He brazenly followed immediately behind my website van and he was visible in my rear view mirror for the first three seconds until he slid into my blind spot in the right portion of our shared lane. He did so, deliberately, for several seconds, as his video shows, as we were going through a series of signals in a row on a downslope, I think, to take my eyes off the road to find where he disappeared to. It worked, too. The next thing I knew I was being signaled over having never seen a red or yellow light. The video shows the signal had changed as I was looking in my rear view mirror to make sure, if I had to stop, I wouldn’t injure the officer who very well may have been directly behind my too close to see. Being on a downslope, even if the light was red, I would have endangered the invisible officer if I had to stop abruptly. By quashing my subpoenas for other officers my rights to show a pattern of fraud my rights and a fair trial I was deprived of. I ask this agency to remove this point from my record even though it is due to come off in several months. That my appeal has lasted so long – over a year – is suspicious in itself. Only because I used Ticket Snipers to fight my charge initially and had to pay the fine up front, was this put on my record at all. I am applying for low cost insurance and their requirements don’t allow for the points I have listed, wrongfully, in my opinion, against, me. There is no way I would have committed a violation, knowing I was being followed by a police officer had he not resorted to tactics to take my eyes off the road to make sure he wasn’t hidden right behind me.

I ask for the incident dated June 20, 2021 to also be expunged as I was not properly notified by my insurance about it’s existence until after they blamed me for a year old incident in a golf course parking lot where a speeding driver in an electric Tesla tried to race ahead of me to take a parking spot.

In fact, I was already making a left turn in a 5 mph zoned parking lot when a Tesla raced from zero to 25 mph from a distance of 50 yards to where I was driving in just seconds clipping my bumper. Because he was at fault I called CHP to file a report but he refused claiming it was in a private lot. This driver told me he was there to golf with his drinking buddies and he SEEMED drunk, in fact, then. A half hour later I noticed he had left the lot, entirely, perhaps fearing he might be breathalized, I suppose. Either way he seemed to be lying about something. A year went by and there was no attempt by him to make a claim and, as there was only a paint transfer and no impression at all, I figured he had merely wiped the mark off with gasoline like I did mine and went on with his life. Suddenly I was notified, a year after the fact, that I had this new claim against me and that it was decided without my being notified, first. I was not allowed to contest blame at all. I was not allowed to examine the claimant’s repair bill or anything. I was ambushed a year after the fact with a false claim against me and my insurance company failed to properly notify me before a decision was made. This claimant was guilty and that’s why he waited a year to file a claim in the hopes it would squeak by unnoticed. I switched from AAA over this after being with them for over 30 years. Now I have this point against me I don’t deserve. It, too, is scheduled to come off soon but I need it taken off immediately, please. My insurance company claimed his vehicle camera showed me at fault. I viewed the film and it showed NOTHING. Just a millisecond of contact between us both with no indication of who was at fault, only that he was speeding. There is no evidence against me to show fault, only that the other driver was driving 20 mph over the limit there as he tried to race in front of my already turning van. This point I absolutely do not deserve. I made the call to CHP, after all. Had a report been made he would have been blamed. Had my insurer notified me, first, his claim would have been denied.

I ask for the incident on April 05, 2022 by expunged, as well. This was a case of a confused, erratic driver stopping and starting irrationally who stopped unnecessarily after she merged into her free and clear roadway with no other cars in sight anywhere. Her stopping, after merging, was the real cause of what happened. Initially I saw this female driver stopped in a 25 mph roadway and I honked from 50 yards behind her to get her to drive.  We drove another block and arrived at a four way stop and took turns cuing into position to turn right. When it was her turn to merge and turn right she was stopped for no reason for several seconds. She had the green light and there were no other cars anywhere in sight. I honked at her, again, and she started to drive. I slowly inched forward and took a last second look to my left to make sure it was clear and I gently impacted her rear bumper because she had, AGAIN,  stopped without cause, causing the accident. She was driving like a crazy or distracted person or this would never have happened at all.

I am asking the DMV to expunge these matters from my record. Please. I don’t deserve any of them. Before 2019 my record and insurance rates were both great. After that, when I got my new, better website van, authorities tried to desperately take away my license and are now trying to take away my insurance making it too expensive for me, living on only $857. per month Social Security. I wrote your president about my situation months ago.

I could list the time my father was killed in 1984 in a plane crash on the anniversary of Nixon’s resignation, days after Stephen King (Lennon’s real life killer) threatened me in a letter and of a time I was kidnapped, handcuffed and beaten unconscious by S.F.P.D. officers Rist and Hall in 1987. In 1983 two false charges – eventually dismissed – of attempted grand theft and breaking and entering I had zero to do with was leveled at me and hundreds of other abuses hurled at me for exposing Lennon’s murder. Evidence found on my website and the van the authorities are trying to take off the streets with multiple attempts, defrauding me, in the process.

I’m the same good driver I have always been. Only since my new website van hit the streets have I been assaulted illegally with points I never deserved. The way my insurance company handled matters makes me suspicious they were even prompted by authorities to mess up my life not allowing me to know about matters until after they went around my back to add points.

Please help me remove these points I don’t deserve so I can afford insurance and be able to advertise my evidence and come forward and out of danger. I have been continuously insured since 1990 and obey all laws and always have. I have no criminal record, besides, and I’m 69 years old. Only in the past few years have I experienced so brazen and multipronged an effort by the government to stop me. I don’t deserve any of this.

I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the above is all true and correct.

Dated November 20, 2023

Thank you. Sincerely,



Steven Mark Lightfoot



Motion to rescind Motion For A Change of Venue

Please take notice that I, the defendant in the above entitled matter, will move to rescind and vacate my motion for a change of venue as new incidents warrant a revision, entirely, to present my case at a later stage of the proceedings. I will present a new motion for a change of venue at a later date.

I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the above is true and correct

Dated February 08, 2023


Steve Lightfoot (defendant)


Motion To Grant Appeal


Please take notice that the court of appeals is delinquent by three months, in responding to my Opening Statement. In the meantime, I notice that this delay is costing me money on my insurance as the point I elected to erase via traffic school is now on my DMV record. This delay is also affecting my two other matters yet to be heard. Both Judge Maldonado and Judge Sillman are unfit to try my upcoming cases as both have displayed a bias against me. I am facing both of them soon and may have to contest them both without the benefit of knowing the results of my appeal that also describes the reasons both are unfit to try me fairly. I believe this court and jurisdiction has contempt for the defendant, no less, as I am threatening to uncover John Lennon’s political assassination for what it really was, a Nixon, Reagan plot. Leon Panetta worked for both Nixon and Bush and may be behind this corruption I am experiencing. In this matter I argued that the Panetta political family is perhaps behind my troubles. I now allege that this circumstance is endangering my life as the powerful, local Panetta political family is associated with the very  bar that recently, subsequently falsely charged me with a peace disturbance where there was none. My charges of a witch hunt are becoming more and more founded. This matter should have been completed by now before I have to face new charges that involve the same arguments of discriminatory prosecution. I am to be seen in court in a few weeks time, in fact, on these two new matters and this other matter is not yet resolved due to the delinquency of this court.. My appeal statement accurately describes the torrent of political abuses the police have foisted on me. So much so, in fact, that the County of Monterey now has another reason to deny me justice as i have a very good case against them and they fear I might pursue damages. That judge Sillman ignored the list of abuses described in my motion to dismiss due to discriminatory prosecution is at the core of my complaint. That and the way my subpoenas were quashed, twice, once with no papers to support the quash. I have a right not to be judged by such a jurisdiction with so much motive to keep me deprived of my rights and hobbled, both financially and with tickets I don’t deserve. That a change of venue is not exclusive to just whether or not the jury pool is tainted but that judicial bias is also relevant. I will take this argument to the next court all the way to The Supreme Court to establish this right if my appeal is not granted.

My case should be dismissed based on this delinquency in the court of appeals that is  harming me in ways  presented here.

I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the above is true and correct.

Dated February 08, 2023


Steve Lightfoot (Defendant)

Motion to Show Cause To Recuse Judge  ______________Mendoza _________ Stephen Sillman,

Defendant Steven Lightfoot respectfully requests that Judge Stephen Sillman be disqualified under the CCP Section  S170.1(a)(6)(C) Defendant believes that any reasonable person aware of the facts and circumstances would believe that Judge Sillman is biased and prejudiced and has ignored the law.

Defendant Steven Lightfoot respectfully requests that Judge __________Mendoza be disqualified under CCP Section   S170.1(a)(6)(C) Defendant believes that any reasonable person aware of the facts and circumstances would believe that Judge Mendoza is biased and prejudiced and has ignored the law.

Please take notice that I move to recuse Judge Sillman as well as Judge Judge Mendoza and to show cause. I want to rescind her rulings on two motions regarding peremptory challenge and change of venue, besides. I would like to schedule a hearing on the matter at the earliest convenience, please.

Because the evidence of wrongdoing by police is so blatant in my case(s), as well as the courts, I am concerned my life is in danger if police and the courts are acting this way, already. I am an activist being deprived of my right to charge another for John Lennon’s murder with proof and this circumstance has led to decades of terrorism, not just harassment, not just hundreds of unwarranted tickets by police, and all because my evidence involves, also, the government. The chances my case is ripe for new precedent setting rulings is greater than not, I think.

Judge Mendoza I ask the court to recuse because she has demonstrated a bias against me by ignoring a mountain of evidence in a small claims matter against an auto repair shop with a police contract that sabotaged my van in 2019 costing me over $2,300.00 in extra repairs I had to make. I will list the details below but any normal shop would have had my van running after paying them in advance for an engine swap. Also because she has tried, three times now, in two cases, to rule on a change of venue motion even after she was removed from the case. Currently she denied one motion yet allowed another motion even though both were not filed in a timely manner. This shows a bias, too. I have already tried to remove her in past matters as well and her attempt to insinuate herself on the matters before the court, now, placing herself in charge, is wrong and must be reversed. She cannot give me a fair trial.

Judge Sillman I ask the court to recuse, also, because he has shown, in a recent traffic case, a bias against me similarly ignoring a mountain of evidence to prove my life has been terrorized by police over decades including the six local police who were caught lying in three other matters recently. My motion to dismiss due to discriminatory prosecution listed too many facts to suggest I am being persecuted and not just prosecuted. Evidence too glaring to dismiss that I will detail below. I ask to recuse him also because he unlawfully deprived me of my right to subpoena witnesses to show falsehoods they told using video evidence to prove all this. Even once where there was no attempt to oppose the subpoenas and another case where a Seaside officer was allowed to avoid his subpoena with no contesting papers at all, ever. These witnesses would have shown that my case should have been dismissed because dishonesty in recent cases suggests officer Kopp may also be lying. That officer Kopp deliberately hid himself in my blind spot to take my eyes off the road on a downhill stretch with two consecutive signals. That amounts to entrapment. There are simply too many instances of officers caught lying when compared to the video evidence for that not to be the case. In depriving me of this trial right he showed his bias to convict me at all costs regardless of the evidence.  At one point I made a motion, then, to remove him. Like Judge Mendoza, Judge Sillman has demonstrated a bias against me that cannot be ignored. He is among the list of judges to hear my case if Mendoza is removed and he must also be blocked from hearing my case. He cannot give me a fair trial.

Because the stakes are life and death where I am concerned my future motions to dismiss and motion for a change of venue must be ruled on by judges who have not already shown a bias against me. I will argue that a tainted jury pool is not exclusive to a change of venue motion. I will argue that this county has shown a corruption that warrants another county, not Santa Cruz, not Monterey, to hear my cases and why this, too, is grounds for a change of venue. Both of these judges and this county have demonstrated that they cannot be fair with me.

I must first alert the court to the criminal nature of the court, not me, in these two case against me and address the nature of why my motion for a change of venue needs to be re heard by a more legitimate judge and not one I have already told the court I am intent on removing via a peremptory challenge. A fact years old, in fact, where I previously removed her. That Judge Mendoza disqualified the motion to vacate my original change of venue motion because it was filed too late, yet allowed the peremptory challenge motion in which I inadvertently listed the wrong name, even though it, too, was filed too late, shows judicial bias against me. She can’t be trusted to be fair in my cases and I insist she and judge Sillman be removed. I will list why Judge Sillman should also be removed from my case. Beyond the court’s already demonstrated kangaroo court tactics that I will list below, the court’s may also be exposing themselves to being a part of the John Lennon murder cover-up that I am exposing that I claim has accounted for most of my recent citations since I started to make a more serious effort to get the public on my side and help expose my findings. I will list too many unwarranted tickets in too few years, most already dismissed, to not be a conspiracy against me. Absent tangible proof of a violation; video / audio evidence gathered from over the allowed 50 foot limit the court is harassing my free speech rights, relying on hostile witnesses who have even threatened me. These unwarranted prosecutions are causing undue stress which has resulted in P.T.S.D.. The video I have seen shows that my C.D. player cannot be heard beyond 45 feet. This captured on officer Andrews(?) camera and only because I took the initiative to pace off the distance with my recorder in hand, Andrews following behind me, or he would never had checked to see if I was or was or not in violation. The police are also ignoring my claim that one bar owner verbally threatened to harm me even though I told him I also have his remarks on tape. The court is acting both irresponsible and dangerously. Officers are being corrupted in the process of citing me and this is progressively putting my life in danger. The court is aware that two bar owners, including the complaining party, have expressed hostility towards me well before the citations were issued and that the Panetta political family, who I have claimed in papers is behind the witch hunt against me, is even a member in their “club” .according to an aired radio spot where the owner admitted this fact. Recently, on March 01, 2023, my birthday, officer Hall, the same who cited me on July 7, again approached me to ask me to sing quieter. To my knowledge there was no complaining party to prompt his arrival and I had only been there for several minutes. Minutes later he approached me with his citation book in hand to intimidate me, I think. The following morning he was accompanied by a “Chaplain” at the same location. This marks the second instance where an officer has tried to stop me from singing before any complaint was lodged. The first over a year ago when a bicycle officer tried to stop me before I even parked. All these reasons factor into why Judges Mendoza and Sillman must be recused from hearing any part of my cases. Both have already shown the court their willingness to sweep aside all these relevant facts. Mountains of evidence over decades that show discrimination where I am concerned. Mendoza has demonstrated unusual conduct suggesting she is intent on being my judge even if it means selectively applying the law to do so and is, for the third time, equally intent on having my case conducted in Monterey where I claim I cannot get a fair trial. There is no Judge Maldonado in Monterey and, as such, I have not exercised my peremptory challenge yet on anyone. If the court disagrees I still can remove her and Sillman if I can show cause. I can show valid cause to remove both these judges. I have already expressed these concerns in former motions in other matters where I tried to remove both of them, in fact. No justice can be served until both are removed from hearing my cases.

Technically, I don’t think I am acting as my own attorney, yet, as I expressed on January 23, 2023, just taking care of items under time constraints. This matter of which judge is to preside is one of those issues which I would require of any attorney I might find. That an honest, medically excusable mistake was made by me and has altered the course of my trials and should be corrected as soon as possible. Her ruling on a motion to recuse Maldonado that was not timely filed is mistake on the court’s part. There is much more though.  I want to calendar a hearing on the matter well before May 30, 2023. At the earliest convenience, to calm my nerves. It should be granted based on even  my reasoning and the law.

I have not yet filed my motion to dismiss due to discriminatory prosecution., another motion I will require of whomever represents me. I will have to call several officers to the stand for that motion and trial if necessary. II doubt that either judge would allow me to call witnesses to show previous, multiple instances of lying among officers as demonstrated already by Sillman. He allowed several officers to ignore subpoenas, twice, once without contesting papers at all. I have a right to call witnesses if it will show dishonesty in other officers regarding me. I have a right to show why the officers in my cases are, therefor, impeachable. I doubt either judge would afford me a fair hearing. Before that motion is made I need to find a judge and jurisdiction that can be fair with me.

I was in court on February 27, 2023 in anticipation of, mostly, my request for a 90 day continuance and my peremptory motion to challenge Judge Mendoza. Because I suffer from P.T.S.D. regarding the volume of police and court abuses I have suffered due to unlawful persecution over my exposing evidence against our government in the matter of John Lennon’s political assassination (See I mistakenly listed Judge Maldonado instead of Mendoza as I had intended. This happened before with her and she would have known I meant to list her. She knows there is no Judge Maldonado in Monterey county. She said I could only exercise peremptory challenge once. Since there is no Judge Maldonado in Monterey county I have not exercised my motion, yet. I have not listed a judge in your jurisdiction who could have heard my case. The appropriate ruling would be to allow me to correct my honest mistake, especially since it was caused by my P.T.S.D.. At my last appearance before her I said that, before I do anything, I want to get an attorney as I was not fit to represent myself. I think I explained I had P.T.S.D.. On February 27, 2023, and before I could object, she began to rule on motions. For the third time with me in two matters she immediately tried to rule on a motion for change of venue. Her attempt to do so last month is one reason why I entered a motion to vacate that motion and to revise it later. To make sure she had nothing to do with ruling on it. Except for my motion to allow 90 days to find a lawyer all my other motions were intended to be on the ready in the event my request for 90 days was denied and only if that time was denied. When I tried to interrupt her to first remove her via peremptory challenge she denied that motion because I listed Maldonado and not her. I tried to explain that I have this disorder that sometimes confuses me and I’d like to correct that mistake right now and remove her. I explained how she wrongfully found for the defendant in a 2019 small claims case against an auto repair company who did over $2,300.00 worth of damages to my van. I explained how the court may have even called the defendant to urge him to court as he arrived 45 minutes late and that she ignored a mountain of evidence to prove their company had caused said damages on my website emblazoned van. The defendant could not deny that he had deliberately cut my wire harness and, prior to my closing argument, never even denied my claims against him. He also drained my gearbox of oil and damaged my shift mechanism, drained my battery, and forced me to finish his engine replacement job and suspension work, elsewhere at a cost of over $1,500.00 not counting the yet unfixed shift mechanism. It was undriveable when he delivered my van to me and only after I called police to report his attempts to steal my vehicle and not give it to me. I paid Jack Fox Auto for an engine swap and suspension work in advance. I presented the extra bills to her, too. Jack Fox has a police contract and this was the second van in one month damaged by people associated with police. That she ignored all these facts, alone, rules her unfit to rule on my matters. She shook her head in disgust at the defendant over all these issues yet ruled in his favor. I said that I cannot get a fair trial from her. When I argued that I made a motion to vacate my original motion for change of venue and that she could not rule on that matter she replied that I had to have that motion in 10 days before court and that it was, therefor, invalid. At the same time, however, my motion for peremptory challenge, which was filed the same day as the other, she found valid. This is improper and a demonstration of this county’s bias and agenda where I am concerned. It serves to bolster my argument for a change of venue and a new judge if not an outright dismissal since prejudice and selective maneuvering by a judge have already presented themselves. It bolsters my upcoming motion to dismiss for discriminatory prosecution. That she allowed the one motion and denied the other shows a flagrant attempt to manipulate my case and deprive me of my rights. Her conduct in court was tantamount to entrapment, as well, I think, ignoring my verbal motions and not allowing me to speak. Already she is displaying a bias against me, not only in that small claims matter, but here, too, engaging in improper kangaroo court tactics. She was in error to allow that motion in and rule on it at all. By her own admission it was filed too late to be valid. She refused to listen and bolted out of the court room before I could object. I suspect that is why my matter was held off until being heard last, so she could exit without my objections being heard. This, too, perhaps, shows selective maneuvering by this court and judge.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    In fact, this is the second time I have made the same mistake of confusing Mendoza with Maldonado. I think I listed other objections then regarding her trying also to rule on a change of venue motion in a case where she was already recused. So there are three separate instances of her showing a bias or agenda where I am concerned regarding my right to a fair venue. Now it occurs to me that Maldonado is a judge from Santa Cruz whose name I observed in 2019 before a set up D.U.I. charge I was innocent of was dismissed there. That matter was so wrongfully prosecuted and traumatic it caused me a recurrence of P.T.S.D., then. Even before I made this same mistake twice I have come out and declared my P.T.S.D. caused exclusively by police and court abuses over decades. She ruled on a motion to grant 90 days continuance before arraignment to find an attorney. That is the only motion she was entitled to rule on. Had she denied that request I would have enacted the other motions and only under that circumstance. At our last meeting on January 23 I even declared I need an attorney before I do anything else in my behalf. I explained how just opening my evidence files of abuses against me over the decades triggers a shut down response disabling me to defend myself. I was and am still in the process of looking for an attorney and, technically, am not acting as my own attorney except in matters such as a continuance motion while still looking. I have time constraints to address in the middle of my search. She knows this, too. Besides removing her I need to have this court  reverse her ruling on the motion for change of venue and and my peremptory challenge. Whatever mistake I inadvertently may have made there is a justifiable, medical reason for the mistake. Her first order of business should have been the peremptory challenge issue and not any other matters until that was addressed, first. I have reason to believe Judge Mendoza is a rubber stamp for a corrupt Monterey county court and police system intent on hobbling my finances and my expose activities regarding Lennon’s assassination. We remember the F.B.I. attempts to have Martin Luther King Jr. commit suicide with damning photos from the 60’s. I think the courts may be trying to stress me and shorten my life or hobble my health from it all. The court does not like to hear this dirty fact about life in America where whistle blowers against the government’s are persecuted but it is a relevant factor. In fact it is a central factor. I have been prevented from exercising my right to make a citizen’s arrest on a murderer though I have proof of his guilt. And just because the government is involved with the murder. This is a violation of my rights to equal justice under the law and any prosecution of me until this is rectified is, technically, invalid. Ultimately, I have reason to believe my life is in danger from our government until my John Lennon story and evidence are made national news and that this and other citations represent a threat to my heath and safety as they are overtly discriminate and provocative in nature. I have reason to believe all this flurry of citations is intended to make to  make me even react in a reciprocal criminal manner out of frustration to entrap me that way. To criminalize me. Three recent attempts to do so with criminal citations have been dismissed or reduced to an infraction already in just three year’s time, so the court cannot say that I am not being unfairly targeted. It’s the kind of thing our F.B.I. does to people they don’t like. In other papers I list that the Secret Service has already interviewed me. To suggest I am being hyperbolic about my claims here are preposterous. My list of abuses over four decades in my last traffic matter that Judge Sillman selectively overlooked were unprecedented in scope, frankly. Already officer Mosqueda has tried to turn this on it’s head describing me as mentally ill rather than admit the obviousness of the assault against me by the courts I am under and have been under, especially lately, but for decades.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      My motions on other previous matters claim that I have hard evidence – video and written reports that contradict each other – to show at least six Monterey County officers lied in the process of three unwarranted citation issued against me in as many years. Most recently, in a traffic matter, Judge Sillman wrongfully allowed my subpoenas for these several officers to be ignored, once even without the benefit of contesting papers to quash. I intended to show why these officers are not to be believed and therefor why this officer should not be believed. Video shows that the officer rode in my blind spot on his motorcycle after blatantly following me in full view seconds before just as I was to go through two, downhill, consecutive signals. He did catch me looking in my rear view mirror, but  for concern for the officer’s safety if I had to suddenly stop. I think I fell for a police trick that he deliberately used to entrap me. Had I been allowed to question these officers my motion to dismiss due to discriminatory prosecution would have to have been granted. Anything the other officer said after would have to be dismissed as suspect.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    In another recent matter that was dismissed for lack of evidence in a hit and run charge I was innocent of the complainant was found dead in his car in the exact same parking spot we met a year later. The first 2019 – 20121 Santa Cruz recent matter was horrendous as there is evidence to suggest a man who was recommended to me by a retired police officer there left my newly painted and lettered van in neutral with me in the back section for a dental operation I was to have. One witness saw him go to the back of my van and he may have even pushed it to get it rolling. He was also caught on video admitting; “…I’ll bury a car in a heartbeat. it’s just an inanimate object…” and also admitting that he watched a video of “America’s Worst Accidents” days before. My van was wrecked. 0.00 evidence of drugs or alcohol they were looking for were found yet I was prosecuted with a D.U.I. charge for two years, anyway, and in violation of my speedy trial rights which I never waived. It was dismissed, ultimately. I had to remove two lawyers for throwing my case and three judges were also recused, one, judge Seigel, who admitted, in writing, a bias against me. That I am alleging a bias in judges here in Monterey is based on facts and conduct they both have displayed that warrant recusal. In fact, Judge Sillman mockingly remarked then how it was I thought Leon Panetta was behind my troubles. It now appears, according to a radio spot aired on December 23, 2022, that the manager of The Whisky Club involved in this July 9, 2022 citation, was caught bragging how it is that the Panetta’s are, indeed, central members of their club and bar and that other leader types in the area congregate there if any one is interested in rubbing shoulders with them. So, months after mocking my claim the Panetta’s are behind my troubles, this bar, The Whisky Club, who lists them as central members, was caught wrongfully citing me for a peace disturbance where there was none. Leon Panetta has ties to Nixon, for example, who my Lennon evidence indicts. In fact, three weeks before that citation, across from The Whisky Club, the owner of Brittania Arms Pub, Paul Whitecross, was taped remarking that he’d; “…smash your (My) face like a pumpkin…we don’t care about you…we have ways to stop you…”  Officer Mosqueda, when I told him of this man and my taped remarks by him, refused to investigate my claim.  He seemed more interested in helping these bar owners who hate me “take care of (me)”  to quote Paul Whitecross. Officer Mosqueda has also been ignoring two threatening e-mails sent to me from a Stephen King, one for over a year ago. Two theft cases I have reported in on year have also been neglected by police.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Regarding Judge Sillman, he ignored a mountain of evidence that proves I am being unfairly abused, not only by Monterey and Seaside and Santa Cruz authorities, but also multiple agencies over four decades that include my being kidnapped, being beaten unconscious while handcuffed in 1987, enduring multiple gun pointing episodes by police and at least five misdemeanor charges that were dismissed, three just recently. That he also quashed the subpoenas for six officers who I could have proved to have lied in their duties and reports shows his agenda and bias. Especially biased was his denying my right to subpoenas that were not challenged by the court with papers the first time. His disallowing officer Silonzolchic to testify, even though his appearance was never challenged by any body or the City Attorney, showed a bias as well. He seemed determined to achieve a pre selected outcome throughout my trial. I spoke then and said that I intended to show that his claim he ever spoke to me on my cellphone was a lie made from whole cloth and that the phone he claimed to call me on had been de activated and was last used several weeks before making his claim impossible. By any standard this conduct is amazingly corrupt, both on the judge’s and the officer’s part.

In my 2021 traffic case Judge Sillman seemed to understand my belief that I may have, indeed, fallen for a police trick. All this at a time when I was handing out leaflets about his chief Hober’s crimes against me, a stack of them on my dash, in fact. He chose to deny my subpoena rights to show this with other witnesses who could be proven guilty of lying with hard evidence. Had I been able to show dishonesty in other officers I could have shown that officer Kopp’s claim he did not ride in my blind spot to distract me from the road would have been impeached. Then I could have made a case for entrapment.

In order to show cause and motive to harass me I will first have to introduce the killer of John Lennon’s matching face photographed getting his autograph before killing him as well as three months before. It’s Stephen King, not Mark Chapman. I will have to show Mark David Chapman printed three weeks before the crime attached to a letter that links him to president-elect Reagan who is moving him; “…armed…into a hostile square…” I will have to introduce examples of the bold print cryptography that exists that proves the plot to kill Lennon. I will have to show these exhibits to establish a motive why the government is interested in ticketing me so much. I will have to subpoena several officers and show video evidence that proves they all lied in their efforts to cite me multiple times to show a bias and an agenda to cite me at all costs. If I am prevented from doing all of this my rights not be discriminately prosecuted will be voided. So far both of these judges have shown an unwillingness to allow me my rights in this regard. They cannot provide me with a fair trial if they have already demonstrated an unwillingness to afford me these rights. These rights are guaranteed to me.

To stay alive I have had to advertise, very publicly, with large billboards; “..PANETTA .MOLESTING MESSENGER”….”STOP CHIEF HOBER’S PLOT TO KILL ME”..”END ITALIAN MAFIA RULE IN MONTEREY”…”IS WHISKEY CLUB A ‘WISE GUY’ CLUB?”. I also had to and will have to speak at City Council meetings and make these same allegations. Just having to alert the public to my plight necessarily involves irritating court and police officials. Whatever contempt I claim they already have towards me only is heightened by this necessary activism by me. This only makes them more determined to violate my rights. I have every intention of torpedoing any presidential ambitions Panetta or his son may ever entertain and they know I even use talk radio to help inform the public to protect me. Of course these powerful politicians, the most powerful in the area, are interested in stopping me and have a bias against me, especially now that my activism is more robust, lately. To suggest otherwise would be preposterous. The courts could not be as corrupted as I find them if the Panetta’s, the most powerful government personalities in the area, were not, somehow, responsible.

Even Clint Eastwood who had an associate buy me a “knock out” drink in 1980 while I was on a date with his girlfriend and who, 20 years later, towed my van off his golf grounds for rebuffing his attempt to be my friend, may have had a hand in ordering these citations just two days apart. Twelve days earlier I had to explain what a “Clint Eastwood” who called KSCO Radio meant when he said’; “..because you know what I know that you know…when I was having sex with Salinas women you tried to get in my way, punk,..” I had to protect myself from what may have been a threat by him to me via radio on a station he knows I listen to, often. He, as a former mayor of Carmel and just being the biggest celebrity in the area probably does have influence with our officials. Either way, Clint or the police, these two tickets may have been contrived as the only difference between the other hundreds of times I sang there was the fact that I was, for the first time, also displaying signs from my driver’s window. The volume was the same as always. Under the circumstances listed above officer Mosqueda’s testimony can’t be trusted if he claims my stereo could be heard from beyond the 50 feet I am allowed. He never tried to establish how loud my volume was. His one remark about it being; “It doesn’t sound too bad to me..” Only because I walked off the distance with a tape recorder can the veracity of his claims be proved or disproved. I have yet to view his body camera but I have already established with Andrew’s video that the volume drops off, completely, at less than 45 feet. My legally allowed from any distance unassisted singing voice has always been louder or I wouldn’t be able to hear myself sing. The C.D. has to be quieter, always. As previously stated, I doubt either Mendoza or Sillman will allow me to subpoena other officers to show why Mosqueda and the Whisky Club owner should not be believed. In the first ticket the officer chose not to use his body camera. That could have determined the truth. Very suspicious conduct in a citation that requires evidence regarding volume. In both instances the officers failed to test the volume level with a pace off and recorder. Only I did that. It would appear both officers were interested in NOT measuring the legality of my actions. That should have been job one, normally, I think.

I have every intention of finding a famous attorney, if necessary, preferably, who wants to defend me and use my plight to also showcase his talents and promote civil rights. My civil rights and rights to equal protection under the law are being denied until the Manhattan N.Y D.A. accepts my Lennon murder evidence and convenes a grand jury instead of blocking me at the entrance as he has three times in three decades I am being denied my rights. I am being denied equal protection under the law. That right, alone, could rescue me from the danger I’m in but I can’t even file murder charges even with evidence. There is a gaping hole in our justice system until I can file these charges against Stephen King and our government. Both of these judges and the court system in Monterey have demonstrated a contempt for me, the defendant. This court and county know that I also have every intention of suing the State of California and the counties of Monterey and Santa Cruz for their abuses against my free speech rights, my P.T.S.D. and their one sided application of the law. That my P.T.S.D. is a current factor in my life and is a result of these abuses. As such this county has a motive to further hobble my finances to stop that and harass me with citation after citation after citation as demonstrated already and cannot provide a proper venue for my case. This county has vested interest and motive in finding me guilty and hobbling me financially and emotionally.

The recent chronological list of wrongdoing by the police and courts here are as follows;

In the ’90’s I was detained and questioned in the M.P.D.’s station about a poncho I found on a sidewalk. They wanted to cite me for theft where there was none. It was dismissed, immediately, but I remember our biggest deluge, ever, hours later, that turned the peninsula into an island.

During that same time I was cited for speeding on Alvarado Street when I was not. Only after I arrived with a witness who saw the facts was my court room and matter “disappeared” entirely, my matter dismissed with no hearing.

(My mother died in mid 2018 and I inherited a lot of money. Enough to fix my mouth and buy a newer van and paint it and letter it with my website. I thought, at the time, how my enemies must be shaking in their boots now that I have two vans to get my story out. Just a week later I would learn just how concerned they all were. A flurry of police and probably also F.B.I. activity against me.)

Jan. 10, 2019 – my van was wrecked and I was charged with a D.U.I. where there was a 0.00 reading for drugs of or alcohol. My speedy trial rights were denied and I had to fire two lawyers and remove three judges before it was dismissed in the interest of justice. Even as it was dismissed the D.A. was trying to introduce never before applied testing procedures and without proper notice, first. Evidence suggests my hired driver, recommended by a police officer, was coached by police to leave my van in neutral on a downslope with me in the back section.

April 01, 2019 – I was cited by an officer from the same station who cited me on Jan. 10, now for a lane change charge that was dismissed when the officer failed to show. Before that no show I noticed my trial was rescheduled to fall on the anniversary of The Loma Prietta Earthquake that I brought up and mentioned to his fellow officer months before.

2019 – Judge Mendoza allowed Jack Fox Auto Repair, who I paid in advance, to get away with cutting my wire harness and damaging my gearbox as well as draining my gear oil and other damages totaling $2,300.00 when any reputable shop would have had my new engine running instead of requiring me to spend thousands to get it running, after. Interestingly, this shop has a police contract making this the second van in as many months ruined by people associated with police.

August 28, 2020 – While sporting a sign on my van that read’ “D.A. ROSELL IN PLOT TO KILL ME” regarding the then pending Santa Cruz charge, Monterey officers cited me for “Open container” after promising not to if I passed a sobriety test. I blew 0.00, twice, yet was given the other citation because Sergeant Newby tried to suggest I tried to sip from the bottle even though video shows otherwise. Video shows the lid on tight and never touched by me as it was in my hands for only one second as I mistook it for a bottle of olive oil. In that instance officer Herndon filed an accident report where there was no damage or complaint by the other party who declined to make a report. My DMV record was affected as a result and attempts were made, after, to pull my license. This, after declaring “There is no damage…” on the police intercom minutes before. Sergeant Newby, officer Phillips and officer Herndon all lied in that matter.

2020 or 2021 – Officer Mosqueda was asked to investigate a threat e-mail sent to me from a Stephen King. He never got back to me for years and did nothing but turn it over to the F.B.I., he claims.

July 18, 2021 – At a time when I was now distributing news letters about his chief Hober’s abuses against me, a stack of them on my dash, officer Kopp presented himself to me on his motorcycle in a 7-11 driveway before blatantly following me through a series of two consecutive downhill signals. He immediately hid himself in my blind spot forcing me to  look in my rear view mirror to see where he disappeared in case I had to stop suddenly. If he pulled a police trick on me it worked. He immediately went straight to his station, right after.

August 23, 2021 – Officer Silonzolchic of Seaside P.D. issued a complaint of hit and run against me regarding a man who threatened to punch me in a library parking lot. My gentle bumper tap on his bumper caused zero damage and I tried to call police but the librarian was busy. When I did leave the other party never tried to stop me. Months later I had to respond to this false report. I would learn that the officer lied from whole cloth that he ever contacted me via my phone. In fact it was de activated weeks earlier and was last used five weeks before he claims to have called me. I had a new phone by then. Daniel Kutter, my public defender, is a witness to this fact. D.A. Pacioni was informed of this, too, and the fact that whatever asphalt scrape under his bumper my yellow van could not have made to begin with. In spite of these facts the case dragged out for several weeks before it was dismissed for lack of evidence. Several months after dismissal the complainant was found dead in his car in the exact same parking space where we met. I, at one point, wondered if he was a police undercover agent / provocateur. I happened to be in the library parking that day or I’d have never known of his dying.

2021 – A Monterey bicycle officer, heavy set, with short hair, tried to stop me from singing even before I parked.

2022 – Judge Sillman tried my case with officer Kopp and over looked a mountain of evidence that proves I have been a political target of law enforcement since 1983 following an interview with Terry Chodash of the S.F. Secret Service. A kidnapping and beating while handcuffed that left me unconscious, gun pointing episodes, assaults that disfigured and temporarily crippled me. Dozens of false arrests even before the events listed above. In one case he ignored a political cartoon made of me where I am the target of a police shooting gallery game. This following the 1995 sting operation to slander me on national television as a stalker of Stephen King by Santa Cruz police. The phony trespass charge was dismissed days later after the damage to my reputation was done. Judge Sillman is not fit to judge my matters. In the process of ignoring crimes against me by the state, and as previously stated, he allowed several officers to ignore my subpoenas, even though their appearance was never challenged in court. I subpoenaed them all, again, and, still, he refused to allow them to appear. Even officer Silonszolchic who offered no contest papers, ever. This time the court clerk, deliberately, I think, filled out the wrong civil subpoenas to frustrate my defense. These civil, versus criminal, subpoenas were listed as why my subpoenas should be quashed. That was done by the court who was aware of my case and I claim it was done intentionally to frustrate my defense. So, not only was the judge showing a bias, even the clerk was involved in torpedoing my defense. This goes to the point I need a change of venue as even the clerk and not just the police and judges are involved in wrongdoing against me.

July 7, 2022 – Officer Hall cited me for “Unnecessary Noise” even though I was singing from my van as I have been doing for three years without a citation before. He chose not to use his body camera to prove my C.D. player was louder than could be heard from 50 feet away and made no attempt to check this requirement. When I tried to check with my recorder he refused to allow me to. I checked, after, and found I was within legal limits.

July 9, 2022 – As if to punish me for refusing to stop singing from my van, officer Mosqueda, two days after the first citation, cited me for a misdemeanor “Peace Disturbance” two days after the first ticket. I am still trying to access his video but have seen officer Andrew’s(?) video and it shows my C.D. player drops out of volume from less than 45 feet away. I was legal, then, also. Only because I walked off the distance with my tape player was any evidence taken of this crucial matter. Neither officer made any attempt to measure my volume against a 50 foot distance mark. Ironic as this is the matter that determines innocence or guilt. Volume level from 50 feet. That officer both officers did not employ their video suggests they are trying to hide something. I will have to wait to see if Mosqueda also chose not to video his arrest to prove or disprove my guilt. Officer Andrew’s video is redacted, I notice. It omits the part where he is approaching my van from his car to check my volume level. This would seem to be the most logical thing to record, his experience with my volume level as he approached me. He never did, though. Only after he was on me was his volume activated. Even then, other parts of his video are also missing. Mosqueda, when I told him of a man, a bar owner, who I have on tape from weeks earlier threatening to; “…smash your (My) face like a pumpkin…we don’t care about you.. we have ways to stop you..”  refused to pursue the matter or ask to listen to my recording of this verbal threat against me. Even though I had reason to suspect the complainant might be the same man. It turned out to be, in fact, the complainants friend from across the street, another bar owner; Paul Whitecross of Brittania Arms. Mosqueda seemed to have an agenda that didn’t allow for the facts that suggest I was being unfairly targeted by the two bar owners who have tried to shoo my van away from their businesses in the past. Even months before The Whisky Club was opened I caught the owners wife videoing me on her phone to intimidate me.

January(?) 2023; I received another threat / e-mail from a Stephen King and gave it to officer Mosqueda to investigate. No response, yet, on that matter, either. This e-mail included a photo of what looks like a package bomb with the words; ‘DEFINITELY NOT BEES” scrawled on it. I have since learned that my website host company has been receiving packages for a Michelle Lightfoot who doesn’t work there. That the first package had ion lithium batteries listed as contents is not too far off from being a package bomb as they do explode and ignite. So it may be that my enemies may be trying to get my host company to drop me using terror tactics. One former employer admitted to me that a sheriff knocked on his door and ordered him to fire me in 2002. So the suspicion is founded.

March 01, 2023 – My birthday, officer Hall, again, approached me about my singing. I showed him I am well within my decibel limits and he left only to return with his ticket book in hand as if to intimidate me, I think, as he walked by. The next day he was there with a “Chaplain” for whatever reason. When I asked him if he cited me before he claimed he didn’t know as he; ” cites a lot of people”. He would know if he cited me from my distinctive, yellow website van, before. I have reason to believe he is lying that he doesn’t remember.

Since I inherited money the people associated with police and the courts have cost me over $4,500 in damages I didn’t deserve to my vehicles, alone, via leaving me in the back with the van in neutral or sabotaging my other van with deliberate damages. The first lawyer I approached wanted $15,000.00 just to begin. Add my recent court costs and it is clear the state, the county, the government, all want to bleed my finances dry so as to disable my Lennon activism as well as my legal attempts to counter this assault on my life. This county has such a vested interest and cannot fairly be used as a venue for my cases. Even the clerk who filled out improper subpoenas showed a bias against me. Santa Cruz is equally unfit to try my matters, as well. Judge Mendoza’s ruling on my motion for a change of venue and peremptory challenge must be reversed and saved for a more fair judge and venue. The stakes involved and the circumstances listed show that a change of venue is warranted and the first matter of business is to reverse Mendoza’s rulings and remove her and Judge Sillman from my cases.

This county has a history of discriminatory prosecution against me. These matters are part of my defense. Both judges have shown a disregard for my rights in court in these matters. My future request for a change of venue and current request for another judge besides judges Mendoza and Sillman and a reversal of Mendoza’s two improper rulings are in order.


There are more reasons and arguments I intend to present in person.

I declare, under penalty of perjury, the above is true and correct

Dated March 15, 2023


Steve Lightfoot (Defendant)



People of the State of California (Plaintiff))


Steven Lightfoot (Defendant)


Please take notice that I, Steve Lightfoot, will move to remove judge Maria Mendoza from my cases exercising a peremptory challenge as I find her unfit to give me a fair trial.

I made an honest mistake in mislabeling the name Mendoza with Maldonado in late February. I stated this fact then and there immediately upon discovery and that I intended to recuse Mendoza, not Maldonado. She refused even though, since there is nobody named Maldonado in Monterey’s roster of judges, I have not technically used my peremptory challenge on anyone who exists. It was an honest mistake and it should have been rectified and she should have recused herself. That she did not bolsters my claims that she is biased and has proven herself biased towards me before in a small claims case where the defendant in that matter admitted to sabotaging my vehicle and cutting my wire harness. I paid for an engine swap and should have had a running vehicle. Not only did I have to spend and additional $1,400.00 to get it running, after, it still needs repairs to the shift mechanism that was broken while in that shop and more. This shop also drained my transmission fluid to prove I had a valid case yet Mendoza ruled against me with bills totaling $2,300.00. I had to call the police to even remove my van from their shop because they wanted to keep it. Only because I am a hot potato politically with evidence in John Lennon’s murder (See and the Monterey government would like to silence me, did she do so. The only explanation is that she was made aware of who I am and was either given orders from her superiors to throw my case to financially hobble me or she just has a bias against me for being a whistleblower of consequence. I believe my website was mentioned in my case. That she was most likely involved in a conspiracy, no less, to deny me the justice I deserved. At the same time another criminal matter that was dismissed in Santa Cruz found a third party (Chris Malsack), an associate of a police officer (Bill Rawson), leaving my other van in neutral as it rolled down a hill with me in the back section which caused an additional $2,000.00 plus in damages to me. Two matters involving thousands of dollars of damages to two of my website vans in one month by people associated with police. The auto shop involved in my small claims case has a police contract, for example. The details I listed in other pleadings on that other matter show a vividly obvious plot against my Lennon murder activism by local police, courts and officials and that Maria Mendoza may well be a part of this conspiracy that I claim is against me. She can’t prove she is not and there does exist reasonable cause to suspect she might be and that is reason enough.

Judge Mendoza has also acted as a prosecutor and not a judge in her conduct with me. All I have to do is show why a reasonable person familiar with the facts would agree that I cannot get a fair trial from her to succeed with my motion to remove her with cause filed in March ’23. My pleadings did show more than sufficient reason. Instead of recusing herself she issued a list of, I think, fraudulent attempts to subvert my claim. In her papers she mentions how I won’t be able to appeal my case on this ground. It shows her determination to find me guilty, first. She has proven herself to me, already, to be a thoroughly corrupted official apparently in a conspiracy with others to financially bleed me. I have opinions that include Leon Panetta being a major conspirator as I am exposing Nixon, his former boss, in Lennon’s murder and he once worked for our C.I.A. who is also involved and he is the most powerful politician in Monterey. I know, from first hand experience, that the courts in Monterey and Santa Cruz are corrupted. The Monterey police are, too. Undeniably. That could only happen if Leon Panetta was involved as he oversees all of Monterey’s government. That I have experienced so much overt corruption in so little time already – listed in other pleadings – suggests that only such a politician could account for the level of corruption I have witnessed in our police and courts. I have reason to believe that Judge Mendoza is in a conspiracy with, most probably, people connected to D.A. Jeannine Pacioni and Leon Panetta and she, alone, has already cost me $2,300.00 in damages I deserved to be paid and only because she, apparently, deliberately threw my case. Any other man with a similar case would have been awarded the claim instead of having it denied. I even have reason to believe the defendant was called by the court that day to show up as he arrived 45 minutes late. He might otherwise have forgotten we had a court date. That’s bias.

Maria Mendoza’s other attempts to insinuate herself into my other matters where she was already recused suggests she has a stake in my cases and needs to be part of them for whatever reason. The way I was put last to be heard Feb. 27, and the way she exited the court room before I could object shows she is, apparently, in a conspiracy and not just irrational to adjust the cue to be able to do that. I doubt I was heard last by accident. She is manipulating my cases. If she is not a valid Judge and just a commissioner then I do not accept her on that basis as well. A bona fide Judge will be better versed in  the issues I bring, besides. I reject her if she is not a bona fide judge. I deserve to have my matters heard by a judge not a commissioner.

If she is not recused I believe my rights to call witnesses and other officers to show a pattern of fraud and abuse by police will be wrongfully denied. That she will deny my rights not to be targeted for prosecution over my free speech activities that exposes our government. I plan to call the bar owner’s wife and another bar owner  who threatened to; “Stop (me)…” as well as several other officers who evidence proves all lied, to the stand to show this. The litmus test for my citation is can my C.D. player be heard or not from a distance of over 50 feet? In spite of police video and my own tape that proves the volume falls off at only 40 feet I feel Maria Mendoza will ignore this exculpatory evidence. The fact that neither officer ever tested the 50 foot radius to measure my sound to see if I was in violation to begin with I claim she will also ignore. Both complainants were well within the 50 foot radius and are not protected from hearing any sound from my van.

If she is removed via peremptory challenge I challenge her refusal to remove Judge Sillman, as well, as he also demonstrated a bias against me. He has already denied my subpoena rights and my other rights.  A reasonable person familiar with my pleadings would have to agree. I deserve an unbiased, bona fide Judge. If Stephen Sillman is not a bon a fide judge I also refuse him on that basis besides my other reasons given already.

I have shown good cause to remove Maria Mendoza, already, in my motion to recuse for cause.. A reasonable person would have to agree. She claims otherwise, without merit, however. She has demonstrated a desperate attempt to thwart my motions with legal acrobatics that don’t truly apply and don’t meet the legal tests and overlooks my more valid reasons. I have not technically issued a valid peremptory challenge as there is no Judge Maldonado. Nobody applicable was listed in my first attempt. My honest mistake I acknowledged immediately at my February 27, 2023 hearing and I also stated that I would like to make the correction, now, and recuse Mendoza. Since she did not then, I move to recuse her, now.



Not being a lawyer and having already stated that I am not qualified to represent myself due to P.T.S.D. and having, nevertheless, offered motions already, please take notice that I, the defendant, will move to have an iudependant hearing regarding the proceedings, so far. I want a third party, a supervisory party, to review the rulings made already and challenge their legitimacy. I am certain that rules have been broken and laws ignored and that my rights as a defendant are being denied to me. As stated from the start, I feel Maria Mendoza is biased against me and her subsequent rulings thus far have only demonstrated my charges of bias, unlawfulness and denial of my rights.

Her most recent denial due to untimely filing regarding a peremptory challenge, for example, overlooks the fact that I was timely February 27, 2023 when I orally challenged her in court to say I want for her, not Maldonado, to be recused from my case. I was timely and in order to make this motion orally on the spot. I made it clear that I intended for her name, not Maldonado’s, to be listed in my initial peremptory challenge and that my P,T,S.D. accounted for the mistake as I’ve been subjected to so many judges the past few years and merely made a technical mistake that I wanted to rectify immediately. I explained how her ruling regarding a small claims case I was denied in 2019 showed her to be biased against me having to do with the fact that my Lennon murder evidence activism has caused me other similar incidents of others damaging my vehicles suddenly. That her ruling was likely due to this consideration.  At that point she bolted out of the courtroom while I was in the process of objecting to her ruling on the matter. She probably deliberately held my case to very last was, I think, to precisely exit the room if I objected. All this violates my rights as a defendant and I want the matter reviewed.

In self defense of my life I have had to publicly expose Leon and Jimmy  Panetta, D.A. Jeannine Pacioni, and even the Italian mafia that I have heard from the locals runs Monterey. A John Russo, for example, apparently and Italian, deliberately rammed my van and sign last Dec. 8, 2022 after calling me a “Piece of s—..” Officer Hill refused to pursue his hit and run, besides.  I have been appearing on City Council televised meetings damaging the reputations of these officials including Maria Mendoza and the Italian mafia, but especially Leon Panetta who is at the top of all the corruption I have been subjected to lately. I have to to do all this to avert any attempt to kill me, the brave, endangered messenger in the Lennon expose. It so happens Leon used to head the C.I.A. and work for Nixon, both of whom are implicated in my evidence findings about John Lennon’s murder. My other motions reveal a ghastly amount of corruption against me by court and police officials since January of 2019. The local justice system and police, I allege, have been discriminately weaponized against my activism.

Every ruling Maria Mendoza has made so far is suspect. Especially since I have had to call her actions out, publicly, there is no way she can be objective and unbiased against me. Judge Seigel of Santa Cruz, in 2020, admitted, in a written declaration, that he was biased against me and he recused himself. Judge Mendoza should do the same and find another judge to substitute. That she seems determined to rule in my case is suspicious all by itself. She is demonstrating unusual behavior to prevent my cases from being heard by another. As if she has a vested interest. My oral motion in court in February was sufficient to remove her. My other arguments that I do not accept a commissioner over a judge is timely because I only knew of this being the case recently. I responded as soon as possible. My other arguments are valid and deserve to be heard by an oversight agency, perhaps a judicial review board, I suspect, as well as the district attorney..

If I am forced to have her hear my case I claim she will deny subpoenas and ignore evidence and witnesses I plan to call. She will ignore video proof that my C.D. player volume is inaudible after  moving 40 feet away and thus I am not committing a crime. The law allows 50 feet. I allege that she will ignore this exculpatory evidence in my defense.

Besides all these reasons she has a financial incentive to find me guilty and hobble me financially because I have already made it clear I intend to sue the county and state over the abuses leveled against me lately. I claim she is but one of a dozen officials who have either lied or abused the legal system. She may find herself a defendant in any future case I may make.

She cannot fairly rule on any of my matters and my cases should be turned over to a bona fide judge if she or Sillman are only commissioners. They have both demonstrated bias.

If I am forced to have her hear my cases I will have to mount a campaign and remove these officials from office, after. This fact, also, makes it unlikely that she can be fair with me.

I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the above is true and correct

Dated April 13, 2023



Steven Lightfoot (Defendant)



Please take notice that I, the defendant, will move to recuse any commissioner assigned to my case and insist on having a bona fide judge hear my cases. Already I have expressed my reasons to remove commissioner Mendoza and Sillman on prejudicial grounds and conflict of interest grounds. This motion is to ensure that the complex matter of my cases has the benefit of a judges scrutiny and knowledge of the law. Mine involves complex matters regarding First Amendment rights and matters of discriminatory prosecution and other matters not usually dealt with in traffic and other  routine, minor matters.

I have made this request at the earliest convenience since I just learned of this fact recently. I expressed this in my last motion weeks ago. Until recently I was under the impression these two commissioners were judges. They are not and I want a judge for my cases. I also want another party than Mendoza to rule on this as I believe she has an agenda regarding me and can’t be a fair arbiter.

I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the above is true and correct.

Dated May, 7, 2023, _____________________________________________________

Steve Lightfoot, Defendant.

District Attorney; Jeannine Pacioni

Letter to persuade you you dismiss my two “singing in public” charges.

My case is yet to go to arraignment as I am looking out of county for a lawyer to represent me. This is more a letter than a motion in this regard in the hopes I can persuade you to dismiss my two cases as there is more than a reasonable doubt as to my being in violation and whether the courts and police are or are not a party to a conspiracy to cover up John Lennon’s political assassination, harassing me away from my political activism. As it is Jefferey Rosell and M.P.D. chief Hober’s names WILL BE in my upcoming four part movie after I am brought forward. Their names on billboards, etc.. The state terrorism they exposed me to merits this, already. The trauma Santa Cruz and Monterey counties have committed against me will be for the world to see, someday, I assure you. I don’t want it to get to the point where I have to explain to Monterey residents that I will conduct no concerts within 100 miles of YOUR home residence someday. That I will do no concerts within 100 miles of Monterey until the Italian mafia is also ousted from their current status. I imagine I could relocate the Panetta family, too, someday.  Just erecting a billboard in front of KRON T.V. station for one week in 1987 relocated their two anchors to the east coast, after, and I know I’ll be more powerful after disclosure and I have the world’s attention. I doubt you know how close I am, already, to achieving full disclosure. Then what?

I’ve even noticed supernatural influences; the lightning fires that evacuated Rosell from his home in 2020, the Steven Carrillo van shootings that wounded and killed officers from the very stations that prosecuted me there a year before. That day, in fact, a dozen patrol cars passed me on Hwy. 1 on route to that melee. That all occurred as their courts were engaged in a conspiracy against me that was dismissed after two years of terrorizing me. The worst winter in Monterey history costing over 100 million in damages just occurred as I am being tormented with these two tickets. In 1997(?) when a one day rainfall turned the peninsula into an island overnight I noticed, then, that the M.P.D. tried to arrest me two hours earlier for a theft of a poncho I found on a sidewalk. “Instant karma”? There is a chapter somewhere in all about this supernatural phenomenon my enemies should know about. I feel obliged to tell you, first. Regardless, I will make sure the next hero doesn’t have my current enemies to have to deal with, ever, after.

Please do research the several motions I’ve already made in my two pending cases. Please view officer Andrews video from the 9th of July 2022. It shows my volume falling silent after a distance of just 42 feet. Perfectly legal. Similar to your improper 2001 filing of a charge against me for hit and run I was never guilty of that was dismissed over lack of evidence, later, I am asking you to re examine my two upcoming cases as I believe there is evidence, physical evidence, that exonerates me. Exculpatory evidence.

The law states that an amplified sound must be low enough in volume so as not to be heard from beyond a 50 foot radius. Only because I insisted on measuring the distance with a tape recorder in the second matter did any officer establish this. As officer Adams(?) video shows, the sound of my C.D. player falls silent at 45 feet. This is captured on his video but also on my tape recorder.

In the first matter I was not allowed to do so by officer Hall. Both officers Hall and Mosqueda had their chance to tape my volume as they approached my parked van but chose not to do so. This would seem to be job one to prove what distance my sound system could be heard from. That they both failed to conduct such a common sense test raises flags. As they walked to my vehicle their video is mute. Only after they are right on me is the sound engaged. This, alone, seems suspicious. I suspect they left it mute because the sound could only be heard from less than 50 feet. Officer Hall, in the first ticket, decided NOT to employ his video in a case of noise volume where it would have been a crucial matter of police common sense. I doubt it was just an oversight but, rather, due to the fact a video would have exonerated me.

Both complainants; The Whisky Club and The Mechanic’s Bank on Alvarado Street, were well within the 50 foot radius when they complained and are not protected from hearing my sounds at all. I was parked right in front of the bank (Ten feet away) and just one parking space away from in front of the Whisky Club (30 feet away)

Though I had been singing from my van in these same locations hundreds of times in the past four years without any tickets, though I had done so in a dozen other locations in that time without any citation, I received these two tickets in a three day period at a time when I was, for the first time, ever, brandishing political signs from my driver’s window as I sang. I even wonder, still, did my KSCO Radio call 12 days earlier that exposed Clint Eastwood of having someone administer a knock out drug to my while I was on a date with his girlfriend in 1980 have something to do with the chief’s decision to suddenly cite me. Did Clint apply pressure? I don’t know if it was that or my sign displays but these two tickets were both out of the blue. I always make sure my volume is within the legal limits as I know the police are out to cover up John Lennon’s murder that I am exposing. I have to be extra careful about not getting tickets. That doesn’t seem to matter, though, with this county. I suspect Leon Panetta, who once worked for Nixon who I am exposing, might be behind these tickets and he may well be. I have witnessed so much overt corruption in this county with the police and courts that he, as the top politician in the area, is responsible for and would have knowledge of. I suspect the Italian mafia that locals swear run this county are behind these tickets as a John Russo, a stranger who rammed my van and sign last Dec. 8, 2021 after calling me a; “.. piece of shit…” was allowed to escape responsibility for his actions when officer Hill refused to pursue my complaint of hit and run.

Two days before the second ticket I gave the police chief; Dave Hober’s assistant, a copy of my newsletter exposing the first ticket I got that day. That I was immediately cited again right after and that it was escalated to a misdemeanor suggests my newsletter may have caused him to cite me twice.

If you examine my cases you will find that these two tickets are but a small part of a larger campaign against me. Ever since early 1983 when S.F. Secret Service agent Terry Chodash interviewed me my life has been turned into a terrorism hell. I HAVE been kidnapped handcuffed and been beaten unconscious, for example. One of hundreds of abuses. Right after my Mother died in 2018 and I inherited money these two counties have amped up the government campaign against me. It started in January of 2019 when a police officer apparently trained a citizen I hired to drive me one block crashed my van in route to a medical operation I was to have. Two years later the phony D.U.I. charge against me involving 0.00 alcohol or drugs was dismissed. Both Santa Cruz and Monterey counties have emerged as participants in the Lennon murder cover-up. A high crime. It took heroic me to flush out all this corruption, apparently. Persecuting me relies on my NOT becoming famous, someday. That’s a stupid assumption. I WILL become, not only world famous, but historically famous and important. Trust me. My undaunted courage and commitment and God, apparently, will see me through.

Meanwhile, commissioner Maria Mendoza who wrongfully allowed Jack Fox Auto to sabotage my 1989 Toyota van costing me $2,300.00 in a small claims case in 2019 proved to me she is unfit to judge my case, now. That she is a party to a corrupt conspiracy against me. That is why I moved to remove her initially. Because I suffer from P.T.S.D. from all my police trials I wrongfully listed her as judge Maldonado. I explained this mistake then at my first appearance and tried to verbally remove her initially but she refused to allow this. She knew I made this exact same mistake years before regarding her and still refused me. I personally find her to be a thoroughly corrupt official who harbors contempt against me, no less. My most recent motion is to remove her because I refuse to accept a commissioner for my cases.

If this matter is not dismissed I will call on several officers including chief Hober and witnesses to prove I am being witch hunted over my Lennon murder evidence activism. If they are allowed to avoid my subpoenas I will introduce police video to prove several officers lied in their process of citing me as reason to call into question their credibility. Because I managed to tape record Paul Whitecross, owner of Brittania Arms bar when he threatened me saying; “I’ll smash your face like a pumpkin…we don’t care about you…we have ways to stop you…” just weeks before his friend across the street cited me, here, I will call him to the stand as well. The Whisky Club’s owner’s wife, I’ve learned, is an elected city official. I will call her to ask why she was recording me on her cell phone months before her store was even opened in her attempts to keep me away from her establishment. Mitchell’s claim I was yelling, ever, at all is a lie. There is no evidence. I told you, last year, before any video surfaced, that it would show I was NOT too loud and this has turned out to be the case.

I am convinced that the real criminals here, the police, the courts and these bar owners, are involved in a John Lennon murder cover-up conspiracy and I am the sacrificial collaterally damaged citizen. That is all legally actionable. There exists promotional mid December 2022 radio tape of the Whisky Club’s owner bragging how Leon and Jimmy Panetta are among their elite membership, besides.

I have just returned from a trip to southern California and found out MOST people there already know all about me, unlike before, when I used to live there. I am famous, already, apparently. It was quite an eye opener seeing fame rear it’s head so suddenly with everybody waiving at the sight of my van.

The only concession I will make is to admit that my stereo could be heard from 42 feet and was louder than I thought. Still legal, but louder than I am, now and have been, since. It’s interesting that I have sung hundreds of times before and since these tickets without incident. The court cannot claim I am in need of reform or remorse. Nevertheless, now my volume level is inaudible from only 35 feet. I only need to impress walkers by and there are plenty. More than twice since these tickets have officers tried to, again, cite me. Suspiciously on my birthday last March 1st officer Hall, who cited me in the first ticket, tried to cite me again but I was too quiet. He lied to me when I asked him the next day if he cited me before for the same thing. He claimed he doesn’t remember. Me with my website van. Ridiculous. Me who has been actively exposing his boss, chief Hober, for years, several officers in his department illegally disregarding my subpoenas, twice. Officer Mosqueda of the second ticket also tried to cite me again, since, but I was too quiet. He has twice ignored my requests to investigate two e-mails a Stephen King sent me as well as a theft matter to show his partisanship. Talk about a double standard. I’m all over the City Council meetings with these complaints, too. I’ve also just discovered how to use Yelp.

Regardless, Mendoza should be removed from my cases. To allow her to rule after she so disgraced herself in allowing a repair shop to do $2,300.00 of damages to my other van with impunity is asking for God’s wrath, in my opinion. Right now, for example, mass shootings are the norm. They will just get worse, too. Only my expose can stop them, too. Stephen King, who murdered John Lennon and is an anti 2nd Amendment activist, wrote a book titled “Rage” in the 70’s about a student shooting up his classmates. Now that the parents are ignoring my evidence mass shooters are intervening in this sick nation’s cover-up and apathy, it seems. I am entitled to a judge and neither she or commissioner Sillman is a judge. I have also asked to recuse him. Do you have any pause when you consider that you are, in fact, preventing the killer of John Lennon from facing justice and, therefore, promoting mass shootings in the process? That’s right. Were you a great D.A. you’d convene a grand jury and investigate my claims and force New York to arrest and try Stephen King. Are you afraid of the Italian mafia not to do so? You would remove my life from the danger I am in. Do only I, apparently, have the courage to do the right thing?

I sing to show the public I am a force to be reckoned with. I know the world is resistant to admit I’m right. Too scared, frankly, of the government. I could legally speak politics, instead, and really annoy people. I have to woo the masses to do the right thing and show them I am not going anywhere and that I am a world class player. I sing as good as anyone alive today, even Michael Buble, all of a sudden. I don’t know what has happened but I sing twice as good as I ever could before all this police abuse. I am motivated to stay alive and it comes easily, now. I must have a guardian angel. I responded to police terrorism by becoming a great singer, overnight. I am a fighter. I was forced to dig deep and I did. That’s one thing I CAN do to get people to admit I must be right, after all. A lot easier than a pro golf career I abandoned. Routinely people say I have a great voice. When people tip me it’s tens and twenties, not small change. I don’t even try to accept tips, either. Most appreciate my singing. Why these merchants of vice and alcohol don’t like me is, frankly, their problem, not mine. They chose to do business in the center of downtown Monterey where noise is a given. Where free speech is practiced most. They are not entitled to a noise free environment. I was within my decibel limits and don’t deserve these citations. Please read my motions and I think you’ll agree. There are dozens of other establishments who like my singing. One restaurant owner in Pacific Grove, in fact, gave me a gift, a sculpture, in appreciation last year. I’m SURE my singing accounts for 5% of your tourism, besides. I create a buzz and I know it.

By the way, the man who falsely complained I committed hit and run in 2001 that you dismissed after way too much court trauma to begin with, he was found dead in his car a year later and in the same exact parking space where we met! You can’t say things aren’t suspicious where these tickets and me are concerned. I mentioned this fact before with you. That will be in my movie, count on it.

If I am put through the trauma of a trial for this I expect karma will protect me, regardless. If I were a party to it I wouldn’t want to reap the karma inherent in so criminal and treasonous a maneuver.

No matter what you choose to do or not do, I will never stop singing as I have been doing. I know it’s breaking my story. I am within my rights to do so. Who’s really breaking our laws?

I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the above is all true and correct

Dated May 12, 20023


Sincerely, Steve Lightfoot (Defendant)

District Attorney; Jeannine Pacioni;

Dear Ma’am,

Regarding my latest letter to you last week I want to offer a proposal to your office to ameliorate the pending situation regarding two tickets for singing in public so as to do as little damage to my psyche as possible. I would like to agree to plead no contest to the first citation (7-7-’22) if your office will only fine me $50.00 for that “unnecessary noise” ticket and dismiss, outright, the second ticket (7-9-’22) for the same offense listed as “disturbing the peace”. Once before, when the court agreed to replace Judge Mendoza with a judge from the Salinas court system for a 8-28-20 traffic related citation, I was only fined $50.00 as I was and still am eligible for reduced amounts as I only receive a total of $857.00 per month Social Security and food stamps. My current income is less than my needs as it is and I have to supplement my lifestyle with regular visits to the Salvation Army homeless center to save on coffee and meals or I’d soon be flat broke. I have lived in a van, nonstop, for over 38 years, straight. I do spend $100.00 per month on storage and I have to pay for gas, oil and auto insurance, registration, smog and repairs. My total savings will total less than $3,000.00 in money after June 2023. I own a 1989 non operational Toyota van with 335,000 miles that I store in a driveway as well as the van I drive today, a 2000 Chevy Astro. As such that amount of fine is fair and I can’t even afford that low amount my situation is so dire. I am just an automotive emergency repair cost away from being destitute. I have to eat exclusively from my food stamps allotment to break even and that depends on no unusual expenses, not even fast food.

I still maintain that I am not guilty of either offense. There exists one possibility in the first instance where, because of a defective track on a C.D., my volume may have jumped for one half of one song but it happened to occur exactly as the officer approached me and I take that fact, alone, as a sign to recognize and acknowledge any possibility I may have been in violation. Only because of that fact am I willing to make my offer at all. In that instance I had to turn my engine on because the volume was so low at the start of one song I couldn’t hear it at all. I thought my battery was low. In mid song the track increases in volume, one of only two tracks on that C.D.. I WANT to find a valid cause for the citation as I am certain there is a politically motivated reason the police really want to cite me; my John Lennon murder evidence activism that exposes Leon Panetta’s old boss Richard Nixon, for example. I know that, regardless of all else, there is a campaign with the M.P.D. to cite me over the fact that I represent a threat to the Lennon cover-up. Their conduct already shows this as their proceedings with me in court have been so fraudulent, not only here, but also in Santa Cruz and all right after my Mother died and I received an inheritance, now mostly all gone. On top of all that I have reason to believe the government deliberately wrecked my newly painted van, then. That was also the month Jack Fox Auto was sabotaging my other Toyota van, too. The case that Judge Mendoza outrageously, wrongfully ruled on.

I am in the position of not being able to reward or encourage my enemies – our government – with any show of retreat. Even so, I want to be completely above the law even when I am being unfairly singled out. If I had a jury decide I believe I could win both cases based on past abuses against me, alone. I had no idea my misdemeanor was reduced to an infraction until last February. I was counting on an attorney and a jury but am now finding it hard to get even an attorney. If I could find an attorney with courage enough to defend me I’d make no offers. I have no confidence in Judge Mendoza’s fairness. I know how much damage this situation has already caused me and I want to be done with it sooner than later and I’m willing to make this offer, now, as the alternative is possibly months of appeal and other machinations that distract from my free speech needs. My offer is more than fair and demonstrates my willingness to not abuse my rights. I have a right to sing, unassisted, from my parked van to drum up support for my website and the evidence I need the public to care about. It’s my way of NOT offending society with just speaking politics, instead, like I used to do. So long as my C.D. can’t be heard from beyond a 50 foot radius under existing ambient conditions I am legal to do what I do. I am also going to fix, this week, my driver’s side speaker so I can hear my system better and lower the overall volume level as that has been a contributing factor I never noticed before I did some sound checks.

Speaking of sound checks, I recently noticed that only when there is NO traffic on Alvarado Street can my sound system be ever so slightly detected from 50 feet. Even the sound of normal conversation can be heard from that distance, too, though. At that level I have to stand right next to my open driver’s side window to barely be able to hear the sound enough to sing along with it. I am legally responsible for not being heard under ambient decibel levels, however. I have evidence to show I was not in violation; my own tape as well as the police video, that shows my volume falls off from only 36 to 45 feet that day. In neither instance did any officer, himself, measure a 50 foot distance to see if I was or was not in violation. Neither is there audible video of my levels as the officers approached my vehicle. They know better. In both instances the officers should have marched me to a place 50 feet away and determined, then, was I or was not in violation BEFORE deciding to cite me. Had they done that they would not have cited me and I wouldn’t have spent the past several months tortured with these charges. Basic police procedure. One is not cited, for example, for a D.U.I. without police first obtaining a reading of over .08. These officers conducted no such test to determine whether I was audible from beyond 50 feet or not.

Regarding the citation I am asking for outright dismissal; the second one on 7-9-’22. That citation is completely bogus and unwarranted. At no time did I ever yell to anyone that day as they claim and at no time was my system too loud. I believe the video shows him saying; “…he yells at people…” talking in the past tense, not even regarding that day. By the way, I don’t yell at people. I know better as it only turns people off to my message. The complainant is making false claims he has no evidence for. That business owner’s wife was caught recording me on her cell phone trying to park one day near her business months before they were even opened. She is an elected city official with the airport, besides, and has ties to Monterey politics. Her bar openly bragged on radio how the Panetta’s, who I claim are behind my troubles, are elite members OF their club. Her husband, Mitchell, may be the other half of “We” that Brittania Arms owner, Paul Whitecross, referred to when he threatened me “…I’ll smash your face like a pumpkin…we have ways to stop you…we don’t care about you…” just three weeks before being cited across the street at The Whisky Club by his neighbor and fellow bar owner. I managed to tape those remarks, too. I believe I’ve explained this, already.

If you cannot grant my request as listed above I will plead not guilty to both charges and subpoena several officers who can be proved to have lied, chief Hober, the owners, Paul Whitecross, the owner’s wife and others to show discriminatory prosecution. In my last letter to you I listed the particulars including how one complainant turned up dead the next year in the very parking spot where we met. My luck allowed me to drive by the library that day or I’d have never even known this very alarming fact.

I have been willing to comply with the laws all this time, three years before and a year, almost, since these citations, having sung hundreds of times there as well as all over the area without violation. Twice the police have since tried to cite me only to find I was too quiet, after all. Once on my birthday, suspiciously, with officer Hall, who lied the next day when I asked him if he cited me before for singing. He said he didn’t recall. That’s a bald faced lie given my van and it’s distinctiveness. I want you to please appreciate that I have not pestered these businesses with protests or any retaliation for their abuses against me. In the past they’d be out of business by now. I sing less than I used to, in fact, though it’s because my now fully developed voice needs more rest than it used to need.

As this is more a letter than a motion I trust you will inform the judge of this request and grant it. I may also submit a copy to the court clerk, though. I appear on May 30, at 9:00 a.m. in department 20 in Marina. Already the court did grant my past 2020 peremptory challenge against Judge Mendoza and I am perplexed at why she refuses to recuse herself, now. Only if she grants my above listed proposal will I accept her at any stage of my proceedings. For her to remain in any other capacity is asking for an automatic appeal if I am found guilty.

So, here I stand, contrite and willing to take some responsibility for what is claimed against me, even though there is doubt in both our minds. I will have a receipt showing my now inoperable driver’s side speaker is fixed so as to be able to lower my overall volume and still hear it enough to sing along to. I should be no future problem if you will grant my request. I never sing with my system louder than my singing. That, singing unassisted, is allowed in America with no consideration for volume. As it should be. Let us not substitute this right with just a statue of a man playing his accordion like the one at Franklin and Alvarado. If I could sing with my earbuds and not have the music heard at all I wouldn’t mind that much, but it’s not possible. You have to hear yourself sing above all other sound.

I also want to apologize for any threatening tone I may have displayed in my last letter. Being tortured by a malevolent government for being America’s foremost hero is extremely disturbing and I was caught out of character. I hope you understand. It was not meant that way. Only since last Mother’s Day did it ever occur to me I could be wrong, even a little, in any of my cases. It was more intended to protect my enemies and Monterey, generally, from a supernatural force I have come to acknowledge where my enemies are concerned. It’s amazing the trail I look back on behind me in this regard. I may well have an avenging angel and I don’t want anyone caught in it’s presence. As I’ve already said a great District Attorney would instigate a grand jury investigation regarding Nixon, Reagan and Stephen King’s role in John Lennon’s assassination. I have a right to come forward and remove my life from danger. America has no greater criminals in it’s midst than those who did this to the world letting a horror writer molest us all after killing our great hero and friend, John Lennon. It’s no WONDER the kids are shooting each other at school their parents are so guilty of the cover-up. I will become world famous, soon, I honestly believe. I want to have better things to talk about than just how evil my country behaved in it’s evil efforts to stop me.

The only other thing I would ask of the court is to provide me with written court instructions for the next officer to engage his video at a distance of 50 feet to determine the legal case to cite me before any future, similar citations, please. My constitution is being taxed with all this trauma or I’d plead not guilty and defend my full list of rights. One reason I DO sing, in fact, is to offset the government’s deliberate campaign to kill me with stress. I plan on living past 100. I can’t wait for the day we are all gob smacked with the sight of Stephen King in handcuffs doing the perp walk. Until that day I will harmlessly sing as long as it takes to get the public turned around from it’s evil apathy. That’s why I live in America. I have that right.

I have told you what I am willing to do to not be a problem in this regard in the future. I hope you will accept my offer.

I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the above is true and correct


Dated May, 17, 2023



Steven Lightfoot (Defendant)

Department of Motor Vehicles – State of California

To whom it may concern, in regards to your letter requesting valid insurance for my registration, in mid June of 2023 I came to the DMV and registered but they refused to even look at my proof of insurance I showed them. The staffer told me; “They’re not asking for it.” I thought that very odd. In 30 years of continuous insurance I can’t remember that ever happening. I know the police and courts are stalking me but even my insurance companies may be acting out of the ordinary forcing me to drop them over false billing that was foisted on me at the last minute and other instances of suspicious behavior.

Recently I have endured a barrage of criminal attacks on my driving record by the authorities over my political activism where is concerned. I have an emblazoned van with that site across it along with other slogans. I can prove our government assassinated John Lennon and I’ve been terrorized for decades over it by the courts and police. I recently wrote Steven Gordon, I believe, your president, over it a few years ago. I used to pay less than a dollar a day for auto insurance for decades, in fact, my driving was so good. Until lately. I’ve always been a good driver. To see my DMV report. lately, you’d never know it. I am having trouble getting insurance. I am asking your department to remove whatever points you can and I have valid reasons to do so if I may explain. I need no more than one point to qualify for the low cost insurance available. I am retired living on food stamps and $856. per month of social security. I’m too old and too famous an activist to have anyone even hire me, frankly. I can’t afford what is being done to me. Currently I am told there are two points against me. I don’t know if the one on Aug 28, 2020 is removed or not, for example, or the one from Oct. 15 of 2020. But there are several instances where I was wrongfully listed as being at fault when I was not and I’d like to explain. Even my insurers have been acting strange, it seems.

It began on Jan. 10, 2019 (Incident one) when I was left in the back section of my van as a man I hired to drive me one block to a dental operation bizarrely jumped out with the van in neutral on an incline. One witness suggests he also may have then pushed my van from behind. By the time I realized I was rolling and jumped into the driver’s seat to stop it I had already hit a fence. Though I blew a 0.00 for alcohol and showed no evidence of pharmaceuticals in my system I was cited for D.U.I. and only after two years of terrorizing me with bad lawyers and judges was the matter dismissed. I was still hit with a point for the accident I did not cause. That is not on my record today, however.

This driver / stranger that a retired police officer recommended to me, no kidding, admitted on video”…I’ll bury a car in a heart beat. It’s just an inanimate object…two days earlier I watched a video; “America’s Worst Accidents” Did police sit him down and coach him implementing a video beforehand? It sure seems that way to me. That matter was dismissed amidst a flurry of improper court shenanigans involving me having to fire two lawyers and replace three judges, one of whom admitted in writing that he “…has a prejudice against (me).”

Then, on August 28, of 2020, (Incident two) and while displaying a billboard on my van exposing the D.A. in the above mentioned episode, I was detained, again, for D.U.I. until I blew another 0.00, twice, and was released. The promise not to cite me for open container over only a teaspoon of brandy in a bottle I mistook for olive oil while singing in public was not granted because his sergeant lied, later, suggesting the video showed me trying to sip from the bottle. The video shows the lid screwed on tight and my hand nowhere near the cap nor of me attempting any sip. It was in my hands for only one second before the officer grabbed it from my hand. I was reaching for olive oil to coat my throat and immediately produced an identical bottle of olive oil to prove it. At the same time another officer lied to blame me for a bumper tap that resulted in zero damage where even the owner declined to make a complaint and this officer demanded my insurance information over the phone a week later under threat of new charges if I didn’t. He illegally put a point on my record of an accident that never occurred. I am told the open container charge will be on my record for more than three years. It was falsely applied along with the false accident claim. Three officers in the same instance, all lying.

I am asking that it be removed from my record under the circumstances as well as any accident alleged included. I can produce video to substantiate my claims. In court the citing officer admitted he’d not cite me for that if I passed a sobriety test. The video shows no attempt to sip anything and that was the basic given for giving me that ticket. The sergeant lied.

On June 15, 2021(?) (Incident three) while already making a slow left turn in a parking lot, a man in a Tesla raced to 25 mph to try to squeeze ahead of me closing 50 yards in seconds. There was a transfer of my yellow paint with no hint of body damage to his rear lower panel. I called CHP to make a report since it was his speeding, not my driving, that caused the incident. The officer refused to make a report saying it was private property. This man I suspect was drunk as he left the premises a half hour later after telling me he was there to play golf with his drinking buddies. His damages were fixable with rag and gasoline and neither of us filed a claim as I was undamaged as well. A year later he filed a claim and AAA, my insurer, then, never notified me until after they paid his bogus claim basing their reasoning on his camera that showed nothing of anything or who was at fault. In their first information report the driver admitted driving 25 mph in a 5 mph zone. In my efforts to get a full report from them they are delinquent, still. I switched to another insurer over their conduct. I’ve been trying to resolve this but they are mysteriously unforthcoming. I was under scrutiny from the DMV at the time and wondered was he a set up artist, too.

I ask that this matter be expunged, too, as I was not at fault nor was I given any chance to contest the matter before AAA wrongfully blamed me. The evidence AAA claims is no evidence at all. It only shows him speeding and a brush of bumpers that lasts a millisecond showing nothing of my van’s motion or who was at fault.

Then, on July 18, 2021, (Incident four) with a stack of flyers on my dash exposing the chief of Monterey police; Dave Hober, for stalking me, his officer, Kopp, did glaringly present himself on a motorcycle in a 7/11 driveway and blatantly follow me. He then hid himself in my blind spot for several seconds forcing me to take my eyes off the road momentarily to see where he disappeared to. I was on a downslope and in a section with multiple intersections with lights. To stop, regardless, would have endangered the now invisible officer who could have rear ended me if I did. I did not see any light change as I was trying to find the officer and was cited for a light violation. It was a police trick, I believe, calculated to produce a violation and it did just exactly that. I was fully aware I was being followed by an officer. Why else would I run a light if not because I was set up with a police trick to do so?

I am, yes, asking for this point to also be removed from my record as it falls under the section of law relating to entrapment and the police won’t reverse it for fear of admitting it was a set-up. It absolutely was just that. My last light violation was decades prior, I believe, and it would not have happened but for the officers unusual conduct. The judge in this matter refused to allow my legal subpoenas for several officers I called, twice, thus depriving me of a fair trial. That matter is under appeal as we speak and I am scheduled to appear for an oral argument the day before the anniversary of Lennon’s murder, no less, knowing it will interfere with my annual rally on December 8. This is the second time, I believe, this exact same date has been set for me. Very suspicious, as if the authorities are taunting me, openly. I have been told by the DMV, before, that the citing agency must reverse this point, not your office. I ask for an exception here because that agency has a vested interest in hobbling my activism and finances and will not. I have already asked. I could go into more detail relating to Leon Panetta, the local politician here, who was C.I.A. chief at a time I was twice almost killed in high speed “accidents” that found no one at fault, suspiciously, and why the fix is in with me over politics. In the second matter a uniformed Navy cadet admitted he was driving 75 mph before he rammed my van. I think he tried to roll my van on the freeway. I did nothing wrong and was hit, violently. In the first accident the intersection was repaved the next day to hide evidence, for example. I am a huge threat to the government of the United States and they may have even killed my father in a plane crash months after the Secret Service interviewed me, initially. I received a threat letter weeks before in 1984 from the real killer saying; “I might as well clue you to “Phase Three” since you won’t stop your investigation…” Also weeks before  my father was killed his dog was even found hanged – like a mob threat – in a drape chord. I can’t list the dozens of terrorism actions police took over the last four decades, but many dozens including being kidnapped and pistol whipped unconscious in 1987 by officers Rist and Hall of S.F.P.D. for no valid reason. This a month after strangers broke my nose on a side walk after dislocating my shoulder. They said to me, only; “We don’t need the publicity.”

Shortly after this set up ticket above, a man in a police / library parking lot tried to claim, months after the fact, that I caused an asphalt scrape he caused before we met. (Incident five) The citing officer lied out of whole cloth that he ever contacted me on my phone. It was last used weeks before – it was replace by a new phone at the time – and my public defender is a witness to this fact. I wasn’t notified until months later by mail from the D.A.. This man’s bumper I gently touched as he was parked half way into my space but I did no damage. He allowed me to leave without complaint. This was after I tried to call the police over his physical threats to me, in fact. This matter was dismissed before trial as the judge agreed my van could not have caused said damage but this driver was found DEAD a year later in his car in the exact same parking space where we met. I happened to see the police tape and sheet over his car. How weird is that? I thought he was a police operative. Now I’ll never know.

Then, in April of 2022, (Incident six) a woman was stopped in the middle of the road. I was a dozen car lengths behind her and honked. She started to drive again. We arrived at a light and waited our turn to turn right. Even though there were no other cars anywhere and the light was green she was still stopped. I honked again and she started to drive and turn right. I pulled forward and looked left for clearance and gently impacted her rear bumper as she, again, stopped unnecessarily a third time for NO REASON. Normally the driver behind is blamed for any rear end contact but I ask for your consideration here as it was her weird driving that caused what happened. I even suspect the government and she might be working together they are so determined to take my website van off the streets. I wouldn’t be surprised.

My new insurance company should have defended my rights better I feel. But besides that they involved my insurance with another man who I never met just because he used to rent from my address years ago. A false extra billing was ascribed then rescinded and then re ascribed without reason as I was about to renew insurance. I was sent bills that differed by 200 percent. at the same time. They were possibly complicating things on purpose for all I know. Maybe, once they found out who I was, – they eventually saw my website van –  they wanted to shake me off I have such powerful enemies. I refused to pay for something I had nothing to do with; another party who I never met that they were trying to include in my policy. At the time I was told two different prices for the next six months; $350.00 and $940.00. Just a week earlier the lower price was correct then they switched prices on me the week I was due. Apparently over the mystery tenant years ago I have never even met.. And so I went shopping for another insurer only to find no one will insure me I’ve been so savaged by set ups, frankly. It all feels like standing next to a buzzing bee hive since I got my new website van on the road. They’re not even trying to hide the fact. The government seems to be tripping over their own feet in their desperate scramble to remove my website van from the streets! Parking lots, mostly court or police parking lots, are being used as the stage for these, I think, staged events. To even approach other insurers until my points are removed would only limit my options later. I have been planning this letter and request for your help, first, as I can’t afford insurance as things stand and I can’t afford to live outdoors or store my van anywhere. My $857. @ month social security does not cover my expenses and I live in a van. I am not hire able due to my controversial and political profile. Until you or time erases these points I am having to drive like a saint on pins and needles and hoping my enemies don’t cause even more episodes. I even wonder has the government contacted this insurer and had a hand in this mystery driver I never met TO make me look elsewhere. To put me in this situation that is so strange to me. It is a fact that in the red light ticket the officer cited me  just days after I switched insurers and he seemed interested in just knowing the name of the company without even checking.

Other strange events have persisted involving police officers. Recently a correctional officer, off duty, tried to suggest I dented his car opening my door in a court parking lot. Not even close. He even followed me ten miles to Monterey an hour later to where I often park and watch television and contacted me there. He never even tried to pursue the matter at the court facility when I denied his ludicrous claim as he knew I knew he was trying to set me up. Before he made his initial claim he re parked so as to eliminate any measurements I might want to make, for example. Then, an hour later, he showed me a dent that my van physically could not have made several feet away from where I gently leaned my door against his. I saw my actions and I saw zero anything where I leaned my door against his. When I pointed this fact out he quickly changed the damaged area to another far away spot on his door handle I also did not even touch. Whatever he claimed did not even match my paint at all. He never asked for my insurance which I had and was valid. I reminded him any insurance company will deny his claim as false based on my door measurements, etc.. He, instead, physically threatened me and I had to file a complaint with the police department. That’s how I discovered he was a police officer, after all. When he tried to hit me and I told him he was only going to wind up in the police station if he didn’t stop he shot back, angrily, “I AM police!” In the report the sergeant conveniently wasn’t wearing his body camera and then proceeded to make up lots of lies to paint me as “colliding” with the vehicle and that the other driver ever even asked for insurance and he lied so flagrantly that I delivered a letter of reprimand for him to correct his many ludicrous lies. In the report the other man admitted saying that I was a ..”(Expletive) liberal…” which would explain separate reason he might try to saddle me with his pre existing blemishes. To help police go after my van and get it off the street, police set up conspiracy or not.

Another matter in 2020, the only one I believe was my fault, involved, yes, another police officer who happened to back out of his space just as I drove by it and then tried to back up to get an opening parking spot. It was another, yes, court parking lot at a time they knew I would be there. Was it a set up, too? Maybe, maybe not, but it WAS, yet, another, police officer involved. Regardless, I was at fault in that matter and can appreciate that.

Can you, after all the above, appreciate the situation surrounding me and my political website van that has seen more trouble in three years than the preceding twenty years? It all started as soon as I painted my new van that someone ran into a fence, not me.

Today I received a notice from the DMV that my registration would expire in a few months if I didn’t show evidence of insurance. A low cost option exists and they included a number to call but it is only available if I have no more than one point on my record. I can’t trust my last insurer and I want to go with the low cost option your department offers. At my last registration cycle I offered valid insurance but was told by DMV that it was not requested or needed. Now I am in a bind I don’t deserve to be in. I just learned that insurers routinely notify your offices if a customer drops. I wondered how you were even aware and I was just about to turn in this request for you to drop points I don’t deserve and speed up the three month unnecessary delay. Two matters are dropping off at this time, for example, and I’d like to expedite matters so I can qualify for the new, low cost insurance right away.

The accident point from incident one is long gone. INCIDENT TWO regarding both the open container citation filed via fraud and a lie as well as the falsely administered accident point are eligible, I think, for the DMV to rescind even without the police departments help. They are too criminally complicit to do so, in my opinion even if they wanted to.

INCIDENT THREE should be dismissed, I think, as the driver never showed evidence to prove fault and waited a year to even file and my insurance company improperly never even notified me, first. and ruled on evidence that isn’t evidence at all. I tried to file a report but the officer refused, besides. I wouldn’t have called if I thought I was to blame. He is caught on camera speeding in a parking lot, besides.

INCIDENT FOUR concerning the officer baiting me to take my eyes off the road to find him is also eligible and I can supply the photos and video to prove he hid in my blind spot for several seconds, first. I can also prove my rights to call witnesses to show a pattern of fraud and abuse were denied, too. Twice. I’m awaiting a final hearing on my appeal in that matter. I am having to ask for a date change so as not to collide with my annual protest date the following day for the second time in a row, suspiciously..

INCIDENT SIX should be considered. She couldn’t have been driving more erratically. Stopped in the middle of a 25 mph street, then stopped at a green light, then stopped again after merging into a street without a car in sight anywhere, all without cause. The only way it could have been more suspicious is if it were in a court parking lot and she had a police uniform on.                                                                                                                                                                                                              Please help me as the police will not. To admit an unwarranted charge would admit to stalking me and my license. There’s just too obvious a pattern to point to and they won’t give in an inch. Even though I think I have valid cause for reversal and they probably do, too  I have never been so hounded by weirdness and the government in my life. I have PTSD from decades of police terrorism and these episodes have caused many a fretful, sleepless nights I don’t deserve. Normally saying the president of the United States wants me dead would be a stretch. Not with me, I think.

I need a fair break, here, some justice applied, to remedy the many insults to my right not to be set up for having a controversial website van on the street that can topple the powers that be. If they let Stephen King murder John Lennon they should be toppled. Before I wind up dead, please.

I’ve never knowingly been without insurance in 30 years and for me to be fighting for my driver’s license’s life, now, exposed without insurance for even a day, is not right. It’s dangerous and a violation of my rights to free speech and protest, ultimately, too. Ultimately it’s the state trying to stifle a story that they are implicated in, plain and simple. The brutal campaign began 40 years ago. Not a crime committed by me in my life yet I’ve been to court buildings at least 300 times since then. I can’t even get insurance until I lose a few points. Two may be erased already but maybe not. I don’t even know which is which anymore I’ve been so bombarded by what appears to be a blatant assault on my politics. I need the DMV’s help, here. Please do help me in these requests. Except for the October 15, 2020 event in a court parking lot in Santa Cruz all the other matters are riddled with controversy and suspicion. Every last one.  Be fair with me. I have always had a good record until I got my newer van and inherited enough money to fix my teeth. ( My Mother died ) Even that was almost stopped from happening as if the dentist was pressured by police to exit from the operation. I had to fight tooth and nail to reschedule. I’m sure my enemies dread that I am now presentable to the world when the news breaks about Lennon’s political assassination. Now I’m so broke I get food stamps and dine regularly at the Salvation Army’s pantry to save on coffee and meals. Incidentally, my other 1989 Toyota van that I use for storage was sabotaged by a shop who works on police cars to the tune of over $2,000.00 the very same month my other van was being pushed into a fence with me in the back section. I am being targeted. It’s unmistakable I hope you will see. Please appreciate that there are, not just the four incidents I’d like reversed and removed, two of which are coming off, now,  the first including two matters, but there are a total of 8 bizarre episodes in just 4 years time if you count a ticket that was dismissed issued on April Fool’s Day right after incident one when my van was wrecked. That ticket was even from the same station as the first. Of these eight FIVE occurred in parking lots, three of which were in police or court parking lots. Two involved officers out of uniform. As many as I am asking to be reversed were in parking lots with speeds of less than one mph. One while just exiting my vehicle. And, yet, the DMV is sending me a letter telling me to get insurance to keep my van on the street and avoid sleeping on the street, instead. I don’t deserve the above points that have bumped me off of insurers who could otherwise accept me. I should not be in this situation., It shows me how desperate and callous our government can be when they want you off the road. Normally I’d hire a lawyer to claim political persecution, which it absolutely, exactly is, but I have found no courage in the legal profession where clients like me exist. it’s a dreadful world we live in, all around. For that matter no lawyer will help me press charges against he real killer of John Lennon. The one who seemed willing, Melvin Belli of San Francisco, happened to die of a heart attack the week we were to be in conference about it. I’m asking your department, your offices, to intervene, even out of usual bounds, to remove some of these  points from my record so I can get insurance at all, please. I need to also expedite the removal of the two that are now three years old.

Thank you for reading this lengthy letter encompassing all the matters at once. I have official forms to include that it can attach to if you require. I also can produce video, etc., to prove everything I said here.

I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the above is true and correct.

Dated October 4, 2023


___________________________________________________________________________ Sincerely, Steve Lightfoot


To whom it may concern;

I am Steven Lightfoot, a defendant in two citations days apart regarding singing from my parked van in downtown Monterey; (7-7- and 7-9 2022). The first an “Unnecessary noise” citation, the second an “Disturbing the peace” citation. In both instances it was the level of volume of my amplified stereo and not my singing voice at issue.

I am pleading not guilty to both counts as there exists no proof of violation. Not from police or any complainant. The complainant in the second matter has a history of prejudice against me, in fact. The law allows a 50 foot radius under ambient conditions and I was within that range according to my video taped walk off in the second matter. The volume falls off after 45 feet. Officer Mosqueda even admitted on tape that my sound level was’ “not too (loud)…”In the first instance officer Hall chose not to engage his body cam when volume was such an important matter. It should have been captured for evidence but it was not. There are past issues regarding police credibility where the truth lies. This includes the complaining party of the second citation. I won’t go into those details here but I do admit that my speakers were not in proper order, my driver’s side speaker not working at all, requiring I add volume to hear the passenger side speaker farther away. I have since fixed the problem (See receipt) and can now hear my system with a lower over all volume and I should not be a problem in the future.

Meanwhile, I have been singing (unamplified) exactly as always for three years prior to and a year after the citations without incident or citation. Officer Hall, on my birthday this last March 01, tried to cite me again but could not find me in violation. This without a complaint. He even told me he did not remember citing me months earlier in the same conspicuous website van. Many hundreds of times all over the peninsula I save been singing without complaint . Most establishments welcome me and my – I hate to admit it – exceptionally good singing voice. I have a political message I am promoting and singing softens the blow of the seriousness of the issue. I sing to gain public support for my cause. There are political free speech issues in play as a result.

The reason I am writing you is to see if your department is willing to dismiss the second ticket if I plead “No contest” to the first, and only if that is not considered a moving violation or point against my DMV record. I was parked. I do so, not because I was guilty or think I am guilty – I do not – , but because fighting  these tickets will involve more than meets the eye and will only stir up my PTSD caused by hundreds of police intrusions against my expose activities over time. I would rather not have to subpoena several officers and citizens and set the stage for a public relations conflagration in it’s aftermath.

I have been a law abiding citizen my whole life with zero criminal record. I am 69 years old and that should count for something. I have not violated the law before or since these citations and have remedied the problem by getting new speakers that both work so I can hear my system at a lower volume level.

When I made this offer last court appearance the judge told me I’d have to appeal to your office via the section and supplement document listed to do so. I think she was willing to accept my offer and so I am appealing to your office.  If you are willing to dismiss both tickets I would appreciate that but am still willing to plead “No contest” to the first if you will dismiss the second in the interest of justice. If I was a little loud I have remedied the situation and have, for years, before and after, never been a problem.

As I will have to prepare papers if you are not inclined I would appreciate a prompt reply.

Awaiting your reply,


Sincerely, Steve Lightfoot

Dated June 26, 2023

Sergeant Brian Nino;

Steve Lightfoot, here, regarding yesterday’s report about a man who tried to commit insurance fraud at my expense and who also verbally threatened me.  At the outset, it may be that he is not a police operative and maybe just someone trying to exploit others over whatever prior damages he may have had. He may have chosen me due to my website message. He acted very strange from the outset when he poked his head around to watch me exit my van. As I explained I had to gently rest my car door against his car to squeeze out of my van.  As gently as is possible, too, and I saw there was no damage after I closed it. I vividly recall it was a flat painted black surface, not a door handle, that I rested it on. This act, by itself, is harmless and occurs almost daily with most drivers in today’s tight parking spaces. It was several minutes later and after he had re parked his car away from me that he spoke up to suggest I dented his car. I told him I only touched it and caused zero damage. At no time did he ask me about inspecting it or anything else and I continued out the building to my van and left. I drove to Monterey and hit chip golf shots for about an hour. Either before or after that I was at your station dropping off other documents about a separate matter. Somewhere between 3 and 4 O’clock. When I then parked to watch television in my van I was surprised to see this same man waiting for me as if he knew where I routinely parked, somehow. I found this strange. An hour later and ten miles away he happened to know where I would be. When I told him he is a scammer and that he re parked his car, first, to obscure measurements to prove it he tried to fight me. It was then I told him if he continues he’s gonna end up in the police station tonight. He immediately replied; “I AM police!” I responded back; “So, you’re trying to set me UP!??!”. I was willing to look at his vehicle and he immediately pointed to a dent I had nothing to do with, way too low and forward for my door to have contacted at all. The kind of dent a door could not have made. More like a rock thrown. When I pointed to the area some four feet away where I rested the door on he immediately changed his story to a new mark on his door handle. Again, wrong color (Not yellow, but tan.) So, he CHANGED HIS STORY, right away, when he knew I knew his first claim was impossible to be true. His claim about a door handle was also an impossible contact point, way too high for my door geometry to have matched. I told him if he wanted to go the insurance route they would be able to PROVE his claims were a lie and he never asked for insurance but rather threatened to “*** you (Me) up if I ever see you again…I should **** you up, old man..” I wanted to tell him he should be ashamed of himself for having just tried to commit insurance fraud but, instead, I remarked; “I’m sorry if I touched your car but that’s all I did.” and I walked away. As I did he yelled even more threats. I decided to get his license plate number and wondered why he lingered for a few minutes before leaving, as if he was phoning some- one. Possibly police, I wonder, now.  I say this because the personnel in your station were glum and concerned about something as if he called you, perhaps, compared to the mood an hour earlier. It was then when he said; “You’ve been put on notice…You’re going to have a bad day…you don’t even live here!” He displayed all the signs of a man ashamed of being caught in his attempt at fraud. And so I went immediately to the station to make a report.

The reason I am supplementing this for your report is I forgot to tell you I saw exactly where I rested my door and it was not his door handle at all nor the other place my door also could not have made contact with. The area I know I touched was flat, pristine and unblemished. He was attempting insurance fraud. When that failed he resorted to guilt fueled threats.

I am also writing to offer up any measurements to prove all the above. If your report tries to turn my complaint against him into cause to blame me for anything then there is cause to suspect he is, indeed, working for police in a sting operation. I mentioned how officer Herndon went around the law to put an accident report on my license when there was none. I mentioned how even his sergeant Newby admitted to me on the phone that he shouldn’t have done that. I started to mention another incident regarding a man in a parking lot claiming false damages when there were none. That was dismissed due to lack of evidence after harassing me in court for months. I mentioned that this same man was found dead in his car in the exact parking space we met a year earlier in with police tape and a sheet over his windshield. Only my luck allowed me to happen by that day to learn this alarming fact. I may or may not have mentioned that officer Silonzolchic outright lied in his Aug. 2021 report that he ever spoke to me on the phone. My public defender is a witness to the fact that the phone he alleges he called me on in August of 2021 was last used several weeks earlier in July as I had replaced it with another phone.

Had I known then what I know now I would have and may still be able to file a lawsuit against him for his fraud in that matter.

Strange, also, was officer Hill’s refusal to charge a man on Dec 8, 2021 who did deliberately damage my protest signs with his truck during that same time span.

There is corrupt policing going on in Monterey where I am concerned. I could feel a presence of danger and foreboding the morning of this latest episode suggesting to me it was most likely a police sting laying in wait for me that day or I wouldn’t have felt that alarm before it happened. I happen to have this sixth sense. The police had cause to believe I would be in that parking lot that day as I was there the day before as well and was at the District Attorney’ office an hour earlier in Salinas. If this man is a police officer or accomplice I have a right to know and will find a way to demand that information if not forthcoming. I have no illusions about whether M.P.D. is corrupt where I am concerned or not. I know there is plot to obstruct me and my website van that proves our government killed John Lennon. If this man is NOT involved with police I think I have a right to know that as well.

I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the above is true and correct.

Dated July 14, 2023


Steve Lightfoot

Motion for a continuance;

Please take notice that I, the defendant, will move for a continuance to be able to investigate what appears to be a possible police effort on July 13, 2023 to sting me in a parking lot incident in the very parking lot of this court.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   As I mentioned in previous motions I already was put through a similar scenario last 2021 when a man whose center bumper I gently touched while parking claimed I did damage to another part of his car I never touched. Though the evidence showed, all along, that this man was attempting insurance fraud at my expense, the asphalt scrape being too low on his car for my van to have contacted, I was tortured in court for months before it was finally dismissed due to lack of evidence. This was the incident where the complainant was found dead in his car in the very same, exact parking space where we met a year before. This incident occurred in a police / library parking lot.

Another incident in 2020 that also occurred in a court parking lot where a police officer exited his parking space as soon as I passed it resulted in my backing into his car attempting to park. I accepted responsibility for that as, if it was  police sting, it was amazingly successful and, therefor, improbable even though they would have known about my appearance time and that I’d be there, then.

In my motions I also mentioned another incident that was also dismissed involving a man a police officer recommended to me who left me in the back of my van in neutral on an incline and I had to jump into the driver’s seat to stop it from rolling downhill and doing greater damages. The evidence showed this man remarking on police video; “I’ll bury a car in a heartbeat, It’s just an inanimate object…..he (I) should beware who you (I) hire…”I needed a driver to drop me off at a dentist’s office. My van was damaged and I was blamed for the accident. That incident was very likely a police sting operation to try and get my website emblazoned van that exposes our government’s role in John Lennon’s murder off the streets.

In this latest episode in your own court parking lot and less than an hour after I approached the D.A.’s office in Salinas with motions I tried tp serve, and at a time when authorities would have reason to believe I’d also appear in this lot that day as I was there the day before as well, I saw a car parked next to an area I usually park at and he was slightly askew in his parking space requiring me to have to gently rest my door against his car to exit. I did so with utmost consideration and care and left zero damage. I vividly recall it was flat area, not a door handle. I’m proud of my efforts to avoid doing so, in fact. This is a common situation in all our lives and almost never results in any damage whatsoever. This was the case here. Ten minutes later a man inside the court building remarked something about me denting his car. I replied I may have touched it but I did no damage and that he was wrong. He never pursued the matter further and so I left the building and drove away. I noticed, also, that he had re parked his car destroying all ability to get accurate measurements before accusing me. Ten minutes later it occurred to me to go back and see what that weird experience was all about but choose, instead, to drop off some papers to the Monterey police department.

An hour after our meeting and ten miles away and on a street that is obscure and hard to find this same man approached me in a lot I often park at in Monterey. How could he have known how to find me or know anything about my habits if he was a stranger like he presented himself? To make matters more suspicious, when I told him he was a scammer he tried to fight me. When I told him to stop or he’d end up in the police station tonight he replied, without hesitation,; “I AM police!” It all made complete sense, now, to me, given past episodes. He also verbally threatened me. “If I ever see you again I’ll kick your ass…I should kick your ass, old man.” When I looked at his car he pointed to a dent way too far forward and low for me to have ever contacted in any situation. I pointed to a spot four feet away near where I touched and he, then, changed his story and claimed a scratch on his door handle was where I touched. The paint was not a match to mine. I replied that, too, was wrong and too high to match my door’s geometry and that if he wanted to go the insurance route they would PROVE it was a lie, also. I walked away after saying; I’m sorry if I touched your car but that’s all I did.” He only threatened me more and never asked for insurance or anything else. I wondered why he then lingered for several minutes, presumably making a phone call, and I jotted down his license plate number as he left. He added; “You’ve been put on notice…You’re going to have a very bad day…you don’t even live here..” I immediately went to the police and filed a report of verbal threats and attempted fraud.

See the report I made with Sergeant Nino and my attached report about it.

All things considered, even though he may have not been police and just trying to scam me for money over pre existing damages, maybe he incurred expenses in court and wanted to have me pay him for his losses, I don’t know, there is sufficient reason to believe he may, indeed, be involved in a police sting operation and, because it factors into my guilt or innocence in these other matters pending before the court, I need more time to properly investigate to see whether or not he is a police officer as he claimed to be. If it can be shown that he is my motion to dismiss due to discriminatory prosecution should be honored and these other matters dismissed as I have reason to believe they are, also, orchestrated involving private parties who have displayed animus to me in the past.

I am told it will take a week to know anything from his report and he told me he is not required to let me know if this man is or is not an officer.  I assume it will take at least 60 days to have an answer and I ask for a 60 day continuance to allow me to know what this last episode was all about, first. I need to know if this man is or is not a police officer.

Besides this reason to ask for more time, the same police department you advised me to request  a dismissal from has lost the papers I presented to them a month ago and I have had to re supply them with the papers. This has slowed down my defense by a month and I will need more time to see how they respond to my request before having to serve several officers with subpoenas, first, and fight both matters.

I have demonstrated unusual circumstances that warrant a closer look and I request this 60 day extension to get my defense in proper order amidst these new incidents as that may be related to the charges I am facing here, already.

I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the above is true and correct.

Dated July 16, 2023


Steve Lightfoot, Defendant

Monterey Police Department

Officer Hall and Lieutenant Andrews ;

Recently I offered a request for your office to dismiss case number 22TR015522 if I were willing to plead no contest to case number 22TR014494. Judge Mendoza may have given me incomplete advice and I am now told that only case number 22TR014494 is eligible for you, the issuing party of the citation, to dismiss in the interest of justice. I am requesting a modification of my request in that regard.

The case I am requesting has no physical evidence, no police video or taping, I’m told. Officer Hall also approached me on March 01, 2023, my birthday, some several months after the first citation, to intimidate me for legally singing in public from my van. The next day he claimed that he didn’t recall citing me in the same very unique website emblazoned van months earlier. The complaining party’s business is just ten feet away from my van and I am allowed a 50 foot radius of volume. This complainant is not protected from hearing my music from only ten feet away. No measure was taken by officer Hall ask me to lower my volume, first, or to step off the distance to see if I was in compliance or not and I was prevented from making my own taped recorded measurements. He also failed to engage his video even as he approached my van, the appropriate conduct to make a determination. In so doing he may have deprived me of my rights by abandoning normal procedure.

As I may be willing to plead no contest to one of two similar citations just days apart and perform community service and write a letter explaining why the law is written and because I offer proof of equipment modification – getting my driver’s side speaker to work so I can lower the overall volume and still be able to hear it from my driver’s seat –  I think this is a case for dismissal in the interest of justice.

The real reason I am willing to plead no contest to one if you will dismiss the other is because I anticipate a kangaroo court full of fraud and denial of my rights. I will have to serve subpoenas to several officers and a citizen bar owner to show the court a pattern of abuse against me, I think, due to my political website message about our government assassinating John Lennon. Already, in another matter now under appeal, this same court deprived me of these subpoena rights, twice, the first time without papers to justify the move as well as one other officer who did not contest the subpoena. All considered, I think the P.T.S.D. I already suffer from will be antagonized by any such similar deprivation of my rights and I’d rather not subject myself to another case of fraud, in my opinion, by our government. I’d also rather not entangle the city of Monterey in any more scandal than I have already observed. I have already challenged the fairness of the judge and even that right I am being deprived of. A pertinent new, random and unassociated incident bears fleshing out as a man claiming to be police tried to fight me and threatened me verbally after attempting fraud against me just last week. If he is I have a right to know and it would impact my defense in a positive way. My request for a continuance to find this information out has been ignored already.

I took the liberty in the second matter to walk off and tape record my sound levels and the sound fell off at 45 feet. Legal. I have my own tape of this as well as police video showing the fact. I should win both cases given this fact.

I’m asking your department to dismiss the 22TR014494 matter in the interest of justice.

If I was louder than I would have liked to have been then, even though the video shows I am within my rights, I have fixed the problem with having both speakers fixed and can now lower my sound even further and still hear the music enough to sing along to now that my driver’s side speaker works. It did not in 2022. Even as such, in four years of singing a thousand times all over the peninsula just as I was those two days, no one else has complained. I’ve sung  hundreds of times since without a single complaint making the two tickets in three days time seem all the more suspicious and political..

I will appear next on July 31, 2023 and I’d need to have an answer before then, please.

Sincerely, Steve Lightfoot

I declare, under penalty of perjury, the above is true and correct.

Dated July 20, 2023


Steve Lightfoot, Defendant (E-mail) 831-220-2281 (Phone)

Address; Steve Lightfoot, 800 Scott St., Sand City, Ca. 93955

Motion For A Continuance;

Please take notice that the defendant will move to ask for a continuance as recent matters have slowed his ability to defend himself properly.

A two year old matter that has been stagnating in the appeals court for almost a year regarding a red light citation has just come up. Maybe deliberately, in fact. The court just suddenly asked me to provide an “Opening Brief” and I must have it in by July 28, 2023. This is just days before my next appearance, here.  As such I have been very busy lately working on just that. It is very involved and time consuming. I will have to stress myself to be on time without any other matters to worry about. The appeals court failed to respond to my Proposed Statement at all in all this time. Almost a year. They may be in default for having done so. I don’t know. Meanwhile I am having to weigh matters I don’t understand in this matter at the same time. I simply cannot focus on the two matters at the same time and do my defense justice in either matter. Did the appeals court deliberately time this requirement of me with the knowledge I am already burdened with this new matter? I don’t know but it’s possible given the fraud this county has displayed against me, lately. My point is, due to unforseen circumstances, I am having to do two things at once and I simply can’t do so in such short notice.

I also asked for a continuance last week because an episode involving a man who claimed to be “police” verbally threatened me on July 13, 2023 after I accused him of attempted insurance fraud in this court’s very parking lot. I asked to have time to find out if he, indeed, is police as he claimed to be. I have discovered he is a correctional officer, after all, and is associated with law enforcement. Amidst all my other claims of police fraud, this being the second time an officer has attempted to invent an accident where there was none in just three years time, I think I have a right to better investigate this issue as it would factor into my motions to dismiss due to discriminatory prosecution in this matter. To make matters worse, Sergeant Brian Nino, who took my report about this motorists verbal threats and attempted fraud, has, himself, committed fraud in writing up his report. He lied to suggest I was ever asked for insurance by this man. I never was asked for insurance. Not only does his report claim he did, Nino claims I said he asked for insurance. That’s a bald faced lie, putting words in my mouth, deliberately, I think. That this man allegedly claims he ever asked for insurance is a lie on his part. He also lied about his remarks and threats he made. According to the report he told several lies. It strikes me an officer would know better than to lie to another officer unless he was comfortable he would not be held accountable for it. Officer Nino’s report is a cynical lie to portray my opening a door and gently resting it on another vehicle as a ‘collision’, besides. I offered him, the day after my initial report, the same document of facts I offered last week in my other motion for a continuance. In it I emphasized the fact that the word insurance never was uttered once by this man. That he is so flagrantly lying about this fact and that officer Nino is putting words in my mouth suggests to me the police are up to more fraudulent behavior against me and that this man may be part of a larger plot I deserve to explore before going to trial in this matter since I have already argued discriminatory prosecution. I will be submitting multiple complaint forms against several officers very soon, including Sergeant Nino, and I need more time to discover what is going on. To push my case through under these suspicious circumstances would be improper and not respectful of my legal rights.

To make matters more suspicious, as I left the Monterey police station yesterday (7-24-’23) at about 4:00 pm, after settling into my van, a piece of American cheese was hurled from a passing vehicle and it stuck to my window. I looked up and noticed a flat black police vehicle was, perhaps, the source as only one other small car was behind it. I found another piece of cheese, later, stuck to my body and I saved it for DNA analysis if possible to see if it was one of their officers who displayed such contempt for me and my well known website van..

I believe a proper investigation will show that chief Dave Hober may be a conspirator against my Lennon murder expose and that all these strange episodes in just three years time are not a coincidence but pure, naked discriminatory prosecution. I have physical evidence – reports and video – to prove several officers have, indeed, lied and committed fraud against me. Though my motions have been rejected already in this matter, these new episodes warrant a new look at my motion to dismiss due to discriminatory prosecution. The reason I may have been willing to offer a plea at all in this matter has to do with my belief that I cannot get a fair trial in Monterey county. That is another motion that deserves a fresh look, too. My change of venue motion.

As such, I ask the court for a continuance of 60 days to complete my appeal matter and to better investigate the most recent suspicious episode involving a correctional officer last week. It is relevant to my case here before the court.

I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the above is true and correct.

Dated July 25, 2023


Steven Lightfoot (Defendant)

Steven Lightfoot

800 Scott Street

Sand City, Ca. 93955

831-220-2281 / (e.mail)



The People of the State of California

(Plaintiff and Respondent)


Steven Lightfoot

(Defendant and Appellant)





Appellant was cited on July 18, 2021 for an infraction violation of vehicle code(………………………………………)

(……………………………) At the time he was cited he alleged that the stop seemed suspicious as he recalled seeing no red

light and that he happened to have a stack of leaflets exposing M.P.D. chief Hober’s perceived recent abuses against him

on his dash at the time.  Appellant claimed, afterwards, that the officer Kopp then went immediately to his station.

Initially appellant went through Ticket Snipers to see if his case could be dismissed via written declaration. That effort was

rejected, the fine already paid in advance per Ticket Sniper’s policy. Though over $500. was paid papers to prove hardship

were submitted after trial for fine reductions. These reductions have not been reimbursed, yet.

(Due to a loss of a website page that contained appellant’s many motions made, recently, he is unable to readily access dates. He will, instead, try to keep things in chronological order to the best of his ability. This Opening Brief was requested at a time when he is also fighting another matter in court at the very same time and cannot reasonably do better on such short notice.)

At arraignment on (……………………..) appellant appeared in the court of Marina, Ca. on (…….Old Del Monte Avenue and

plead not guilty. He also presented several motions to the court; motion to dismiss due to discriminatory prosecu-

tion; a change of venue; motion to replace a judge; and, other numerous motions. ……………………………………….

Judge Sillman rejected all the Appellant’s motions. These motions declared, under penalty of perjury, that video exists to

prove several officers from the same station all lied and committed fraud, recently, in their multiple efforts to cite the appellant.

The appellant explained why these other instances showing a pattern of fraud and abuse related to the current case.

On (……………………….. appellant had several officers from the Monterey Police Department as well as one form the Sand

City Police Department served with subpoenas provided to him by the court clerk. The clerk was aware of the case and that

it was not a civil matter but criminal. The clerk gave the appellant civil subpoenas, nonetheless.

On (……………………………..) appellant appeared for trial and discovered that none of several officers served were present.

He then discovered that this occurred in spite of the state having not submitted any papers to quash them. That they simply

ignored the order to appear. Appellant argued that their testimony was needed to demonstrate that the citing officer could                                                                                                                                                                                                              not be trusted given fraud and abuse other officers in the same department had demonstrated in the recent past.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Appellant explained that he had video evidence to show officers had lied about elements of other citations and that, therefor,

he had a right to show this suspicious pattern of what he claimed was political persecution of him over his website www.len- and associated van due to the evidence proving our government killed John Lennon contrary to

media reports about a lone gunman; Chapman.

On (……………………………) appellant issued subpoenas, again, and only officer Silonzolchic of Sand City appeared. The

prosecution argued that the subpoenas given were for civil, not criminal, and, therefore, were invalid. Sand City did not

contest Silonzolchic’s appearance and, yet, Sillman still refused to allow him to testify. Appellant argued that there is

a chance the officer deliberately hid in the appellant’s blind spot to catch him looking in the rear view mirror instead of the

lights and that, if that was the case, it was entrapment and a dismissible offense. Appellant argued that this officer’s

testimony could not be trusted and needed to bring other officers to the stand to prove a pattern of lies and fraud in recent

police episodes and described the elements involved regarding each officer not present. Appellant stated he had video

evidence to refute these other officer’s lies. The judge was not interested. The appellant then showed the judge an old

Metro Santa Cruz magazine cartoon depicting him as a target in a police shooting gallery to show a police agenda to

persecute and target the defendant. Again, the judge was not interested in any matters not directly tied to the citation at

hand. Sillman was similarly uninterested in any matters to show discriminatory prosecution not directly related to the matter

at hand. The same for all other motions made for change of venue and another judge. Appellant maintained that past

episodes of police fraud DO matter in the present citation as a pattern of fraud and abuse can be held against an officer’s

testimony That the officer hid in the defendant’s blind spot for several seconds and not in the center of the lane while going

through two consecutive signals is captured on police video.. The defendant argued that he may have done so purposefully to

catch him looking in his rear view mirror, a natural reaction to a disappearing officer on a motorcycle whose safety you

must protect while on a downgrade where a sudden stop could harm him.


1; Can the court deprive the defendant from calling other officers from other instances where he claims abuse and fraud  be-

cause they were not directly tied to just the case before the court?

2; Can the court ignore other past episodes of fraud and abuse and targeting of defendant just because they are not directly

tied to the matter before the court? This regarding the many motions rejected by the court claiming video proof of fraud.                                                                                                                                                                                                              Can motions that establish gross evidence of fraud and lies being told by multiple officers from the same police station

in so short a space of time be rejected simply because they are not directly related to the matter before the court?

3; Can a defendant be held responsible for the court clerk’s mistake in giving him the civil versus criminal subpoenas when

the clerk was aware of the case and still handed him the wrong papers??

4; Can a judge refuse to admit a witness subpoena even though no party has objected to his testimony and appearance?

5; Did defendant receive a fair trial?


Even though the defendant’s motions were rejected the defendant has a right to call witnesses of his choosing to show why

rejecting these motions was in error and why past episodes of fraud and lying by officers were fair game for the matter before

the court. The fact that defendant claimed to have video to prove these alleged lies and instances of fraud only bolsters

the need to bring these witnesses. He should be able to prove fraud and lying in the past and hold the matter before the

court under scrutiny weighing these other instances of fraud, also. Otherwise the laws that protect a citizen from being

discriminately prosecuted have no meaning if they can’t be defended with motions that offer evidence of a pattern of fraud.

There are laws that protect against acts of fraud or targeting of individuals. If there exists other instances of lies and fraud by

police with an individual they must be allowed into evidence in the current matter if the defendant feels it warranted

That there also exist hard, incontrovertible evidence in the form of video and reports made showing how officers manipulated

events and lied in person about things demands examination. The appellant has always claimed he is the target of law

enforcement because his Lennon murder evidence findings jeopardize the very government the police work for. Not allowing

this evidence deprives the defendant of a fair trial. The court errored in rejecting the motions to dismiss as well as the change

of venue and recusal motions against certain judges. The court erred in quashing the defendant’s subpoenas of several

officers. Had the defendant been able to cross examine the several other officers he would have been able to prove that

officers Phillips, Newby, Herndon, Hill and Silonzolchic all lied in previous matters, Officer Phillips admitted in another court

he told one lie. The defendant would have been able to show, with video and written reports and a cell phone that was last

used more than a month before one officer claimed to have spoken to the defendant on,  that there exists a pattern of fraud

and abuse by local police and that officer Kopp’s claim that he did not deliberately entrap the defendant into taking his eyes

off the road to see where the officer had suddenly disappeared to cannot be trusted given the se other examples of police

fraud and lies against the defendant. The defendant was well aware a police officer was behind him and only because of a

manuever the officer made was the defendant entrapped into a violation. The chances are better than not the officer’s hiding

in the defendant’s blind spot is what caused the violation. To suggest it was a deliberate maneuver cannot be ruled out.

If this amounts to entrapment the matter should have been dismissed. In being deprived of showing a provable pattern of

fraud and abuse by local police in recent episodes as well as other episodes the defendant was deprived of a fair trial. Had

this other evidence been introduced a shadow of a doubt would have to exist whether or not the defendant was entrapped.

(Due to the Appellant’s stated claim of P.T.S.D. from the mountain of police abuses in his past he is unable to undergo the rigors of locating and finding various precedents for medical reasons. During the 1980’s the appellant was busy fighting other false charges and did dive into the law books to find precedents. These were harrowing times and the visiting of these legal books triggers flashbacks to those dangerous years. The efforts are a punishing, anxiety fraught night- mare to endure amidst the torture of the incidents themselves. The intensity required to extract references and precedents and such taxes the appellants abilities do so without inducing a recurrence of P.T.S.D. and he asks the court to, instead of requiring this arduous task, prove otherwise to the appellants claim of validity. Appellant claims his arguments are backed up with precedents and only his condition prevents him from further locating them in legal books due to the triggering effects of P.T.S.D. the efforts induce.)


1; If a defendant has evidence to show that other police have lied and committed fraud against him in recent episodes then

he has a right to present said evidence and demonstrate why this new matter and officer must be examined in the light of

this other evidence to show why he, similarly, cannot be trusted. There are laws preventing police fraud and lying and

targeting of individuals and, while the appellant may be too stressed out to find the precedents due to P.T.S.D., the prece-

dents do exist or the courts must prove otherwise to deny the defendant these rights. In quashing the subpoenas and officers

from testifying defendant was deprived of a fair trial. Especially the refusal to allow even officer Silonzolchic to testify in spite

of no opposition from anyone was in error by the court. Appellant should have had the opportunity to pull out his phone and

show the court why the officer’s claim he ever spoke to the defendant in August of 2021 is a lie and, therefore, officer Kopp’s

testimony cannot be trusted.

2; That the court rejected the many other motions made before trial, the motion to dismiss, change of venue and recusal of

certain judges, etc., was also an error by the court. Ample examples of rife police abuse against the defendant were present-

ed and any reasonable person would have to agree many dozens of officers in numerous cases did, indeed, violate the

defendant’s rights in the past. That the United States Government would be concerned about a man who is disseminating

hard evidence that indicts them in John Lennon’s murder and would, in turn, focus police abuses against him is perfectly

understandable and probable. The evidence presented in the motions including a newspaper cartoon depicting the defendant

as a target in a police shooting gallery are eligible for introduction at trial to show discriminatory prosecution.

3; That the clerk may have played a role in the appellant’s defense should not be accredited to the defendant, a layman of the

law, when he was given the civil, not criminal, paperwork. In spite of this clerical error the officers who were called

should have testified.

4; Officer Silonzolchic, whose agency never contested the subpoena, should have been allowed to testify, especially. Appel-

lant explained how his provable lie about speaking to him on a cell phone that didn’t work at the time was crucial to show a

pattern of fraud and lies among the police where the defendant is concerned.

5; Past instances of police fraud and abuse, both concerning recent local police and old episodes involving other police

agencies, political cartoons depicting the defendant as a target in a police shooting gallery, factor into a defense where the

defendant claims discriminatory prosecution over his John Lennon murder evidence that indicts the government.

Being prevented from calling witnesses to show recent, rampant fraud among the police where the defendant was con-

cerned and rejecting motions that document provable instances of abuse and fraud by police denied the defendant a fair trial


the appellant’s right to show discrimination and fraud and lies by other related officers in the past via testimony,

video and written reports, was denied to him. Had he been afforded those rights he would have given the court sufficient

reason to doubt officer Kopp’s claim that he did not deliberately trick the defendant into taking his eyes off the road by

immediately hiding in his blind spot on a downslope through consecutive lights after first brazenly following him from a

driveway Had the defendant been able to demonstrate there is a possibility the officer baited him into an offense it should

have been dismissed. The defendant’s ability to do so was thwarted by the court without good reason.

Similarly, the rejection of his many motions was in error, too. There was more than enough hard evidence to conclude there

may be something suspicious about this ticket. A better judge, a better venue and a dismissal due to discriminatory prose-

cution were in order. The defendant was not allowed to present his case in this regard. There exists more than a shadow of

a doubt as to whether the officer baited the defendant into violation or not. The defendant was wrongfully deprived of present-

ing needed evidence to show this.

Dated July 26, 2023 Respectfully submitted,


Steven Lightfoot, (Appellant)



I, ____________________________________________________________, declare:

I am over the age of eighteen and not

a party to the within action

My business address is; ___________________________________________________________________________

in the county within which the within mentioned mailing (Direct deposit) occurred.

On July 27, 2023 I served the within appellant’s Opening Brief on respondent by placing a true copy thereof in the courts

possession at the Salinas, California court facility of the District Attorney’s office at ________________West Alisal Street,

Salinas, California.

I declare, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California, that the foregoing is true and correct.


Dated July 27, 2023


I., _________________________________________________________________________


On July 27, 2023 I caused a copy of the within appellant’s Opening Brief to be deposited with the trial court below by

personally delivering a true  copy thereof to a deputy clerk of said court for delivery to the Honorable Judge Sillman,

the judge who presided below at the trial in this action.

I declare, under penalty of perjury under the laws of  the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.

Dated July 27, 2023











Discovery Motion

Please take notice that the defendant will move to ask for discovery of the witnesses list the prosecution will bring to court. Defendant already has the other items; video and report, but still needs to know who the prosecution will bring to testify. Defendant wishes to be notified via e-mail and hard mail as soon as possible, please

Dated July 23, 2023,


Steve Lightfoot (Defendant)

Steve Lightfoot

800 Scott St. Sand City, Ca. 93955
