MAR. 1 RALLY LAST CHANCE CA., SEE SITE ….That’s right, I need everybody’s help breaking this news. March 1, 2025, downtown Monterey at noon until (?). Alvarado Street. It’s your very last chance to care, people of California, Monterey and Santa Cruz. If you fail me, yet again, I will take my multi billion dollar industry, this expose of all time, to Utah, and let their people care for you. I’ll let their economy get all the gravy train I’m pulling. I don’t deserve your apathy and messenger abuse and neglect. If you people were well and not petrified with fear of your evil government you would all hoist me and my findings on your shoulders and march me down to your government owned mass media and MAKE THEM tell us the truth. Otherwise why should they? They know YOU have no self respect or you’d complain. Whatever censorship and lying the media is up to is only YOUR fault, OUR fault, ultimately. Especially now that you have contrary information that proves we are all under pure, government evil. You all would, too. IF you had self respect. It’s important, however, as I will have the microphone someday and I will decide what you deserve to have said about you and your sympathy for Stephen King all this miserable time for America.
My impression of how all of you REALY think about what I do:
“O.K. Steve, you found Mark David Chapman attached to a letter in U.S. News magazine three weeks before the murder linking himself with Reagan who is moving him with a gun into a hostile square. So what? You found passages in Nixon’s book “The Real War” that discuss why rock stars like John Lennon must be assassinated, the public be damned. So what that it happens to be sitting next to just elected Reagan the day of the murder in Time and Newsweek magazines? So what if the headline in Time DOES happens to read; “Who’s In?” “Who’s Out?” above this photo with that book in the very foreground? What, you think it’s code for “Reagan’s In” and “Lennon’s Out”.? O.K., STEVE, you say Stephen King, THE famous horror writer, is, not only the man getting John Lennon’s last autograph, you say he even writes about shooting a man between the shoulder blades and trying to assassinate someone after getting his autograph, Johnny, Nixon, Mark, “The Catcher In The Rye” and even the line “..the fellow who killed John Lennon…” in two of his books? WOW! You seem to think you’ve really discovered something here, huh, codes in major magazines all about the evil underbelly of our political lives? Good luck, Steve Lightfoot, we’re all weak and evil and we are protecting Stephen King we’re such stupid, cowardly, boot-licking masochists. $atan rules us fool$. Why do you think we let our parents get away with letting Chapman skip his murder trial? We all already KNOW you’re right, Steve, So what?! We eat heroes for breakfast we’re so sick.”
Maybe because God knows I’m up against exactly all of your collective evil about what I do he made a 500 mile tall monument of me thousands of years before I was even born to show all of YOU who’s really boss. Right there taking up most of Washington and Oregon states. My 1987 mugshot from an S.F.P.D. station when I was 33 years old. My crime? “Obstructing a sidewalk with my billboards.” I’ll discuss this amazing, provable fact shortly. Apparently saving mankind from the evil Mark Chapman lie and all the evil it produces is bigger business than I ever thought. That’s right; America’s great big nervous breakdown whittling down to having to expose, arrest, try and execute Stephen King for assassinating John Lennon. CONTRARY to every God damn media lie we were all ever told.
I see it in the faces of Monterey now that my sign is up on my van advertising;
The downcast posture, the introspection, the deep thoughts, for a change, in their faces. They know they’ll be missing my singing, too. It seems it must have to do with possibly LOSING the messenger of the BIGGEST EXPOSE IN ALL HISTORY! After taking me for granted for four decades of silence and jealousy and fear. Cowering on the sidelines letting me do ALL the work so they won’t have to. Oh, they like that my heroism and nobleness enriches their sense of freedom as an American but they don’t want to have to actually EARN it. DESERVE IT. Losing me to the state of Utah. Religious, largely Mormon, I suppose, and not used to groundbreaking social upheaval events such as bringing my findings to the media’s attention. I’ll simply let them know that my life IS in danger and always has been, my evidence is sound and convincing and media worthy, and it’s extremely important to anyone interested in actually practicing whatever their religion is preaching. That, for whatever reason – ” a home town will never acknowledge it’s prophet…” to quote Jesus, or whatever other reason I can’t fathom, the people of California are tragically blinded to my cause and what it’s all about in the first place and I need Utah’s help and normalcy to save the day since California is in the crapper. To anyone interested in living a proper, righteous life, and not one under pure government, oppressive evil I think my evidence and it’s worth will resonate. Hopefully I’m not the only brave American in America.
Much of what is here, below, is tangential stuff relating to my particular predicament at this time with breaking this news. The government cryptography in the headlines, the killers’ face and true identity, the killer’s alleged name and letter linking Reagan and everything in Nixon’s book; The Real War that discusses killing Lennon and what King writes about is all in my website and doesn’t need repeating here, so much.., I will, anyway, but in between current melodramas unfolding as we speak.
Please Attend My March 1 Rally;
Hi, everybody. Steve Lightfoot, here, of I claim that evidence proves Nixon and Reagan arranged for horror writer Stephen King to assassinate John Lennon and that Chapman is but a decoy who was switched with King inside the police station. All proved on Fail my March first rally and I’ll have to move to Utah where they may well break my story. You’ll never be able to say to the rest of America you didn’t know I was right, all along. My website speaks for itself.
I need a show of public support from all of you. Otherwise the media will never tell us. It’s all of your duty to bring me forward and remove my life from danger. Really. I need all your help.
My rally is this March first, a Saturday, my birthday, at noon, in downtown Monterey on Alvarado Street. I would like to see a hundred or so strong like Lennon deserves. Use me or lose me, California. I have plenty of signs for you to hold. Just give me a public showing of support.
The photo grade image seen from satellite over most of Washington state of a man’s 500 mile tall face may well be my 1987 S.F.P.D. mugshot, no less. See the television show P.D. Live – Police Patrol on DEFY network and freeze the satellite shot and your jaws WILL DROP. That it appears above the asteroid scar that is the California central valley is ominous.
See you March First at noon, please – Steve Lightfoot
Now, except for an overly swoopy cleft in my upper lip the image you all can see from space of a man’s face taking up two states is of ME! That’s right. It certainly DOES sound crazy to say it, I’ll admit. Like saying it’s Stephen King, not Mark Chapman, getting Lennon’s autograph. It DOES sound crazy. It can all be proved, though. Just tune in to a television show; “P.D. Live – Police Patrol” on DEFY network. (Early A.M Friday and Saturday, daytime, in California.) Between every episode they show a satellite image of the U.S. at night. If you HAVE a “freeze” button then freeze this image and study it. That’s how I made this discovery, just observing how lit up certain cities were. Moonlit enough to see the shadows and trees, etc. A perspective from over north Texas and, VIOLA!, this 1987 photo OF ME in a police station comes into view like a hologram. As if God has an endless supply of mind blowing evidence to WOW the world with that happens to be related to this Lennon murder expose. You know, John called his assassination; “The Event” according to Paul who said so the day after. It’s pretty intimidating, too, to notice I haven’t found any other recognizable faces anywhere else on our planet, yet. (Well, actually there is an image in Wyoming that melds two different bearded men, one staring up at the sky in wonderment, the other, just below that, old and wise and sage and looking like a Viking with pointed ears.) This monster sized image over the northwest could be nobody else BUT me, in fact. From a 1987 S.F.P.D. mugshot of me for blocking the sidewalk with signs. THAT iconic photo of me now blaring out for all the world to see from Washington and Oregon. It was there thousands of years before I was born, so WHAT’S UP WITH THAT?! You can all see this for yourselves and not have to take my word for it. It’s remarkable it’s so life like and realistic and detailed. What I have a hard time reconciling is that it is unmistakably exactly ME and could be no one else. Two thirds of my face very visible from space, my chin, complete with subtle cleft, my jaw line with even the dimple line near it, the rhetoric lines that join my nose and upper lip, a swoopy cleft in my upper lip, my nose, my jaw and cheekbones, all distinct and human looking. Even my left earlobe peeking out from under my somewhat shaggy 1987 haircut. My eyes are hidden in the trees yet are rendered perfectly exactly as I looked that day with a dreamy look in my eyes and hope and good cheer and a subtle smile, even. The summit of the eastern ridge of the Sierra mountain range splits the center of my face making the image almost statuesque and three dimensional. I was in my absolute prime and it’s from an iconic photo of me. Probably the best photo I’ve ever taken.
I think God showed me this sight NOW to give me strength as he knows it’s very hard on me to up and leave my home state for another and start all over again after 40 years of blood, sweat and tears and sacrifice beyond human comprehension. Maybe I DO need a little recognition.
By the way, as fixated as I naturally am over this I am so modest in real life that it is one of only a handful of photographs ever taken of me then and in the decades since. It’s the only photo of me I’ve ever distributed publicly in a news flyer a few years ago, in fact. Even my 24 year old website has never displayed a photo of me. And now this photo of me subtly smiling, serenely, with dreamy eyes, knowing I was being arrested falsely and that unjust society was beating up on a winner, not a loser. I’m grateful I took a good photo that day seeing how it’s now indelibly imprinted on planet earth. It was taken just before a motherload of police abuses would befall me; broken bones, a kidnapping and beating while handcuffed, gun pointing episodes, other false arrests, etc. Before your collective apathy about it all, after, soured me a little. Well, maybe more than just a little.
For those of you not familiar with what I looked liked then, imagine a blending of three faces from celebrity fame all blended together. A young James Garner, Jeff Goldblum of Jurassic Park and the actor who plays Eric Foreman on “That 70’s Show” only with darker hair and a little older. A good looking, even handsome, Irish, English, Scottish, Serbian looking kind of man.
By the way, this phenomena aside, I have long noticed how the river that defines the border between Montana, where I was born, and Idaho draws the image of a man looking down on California, where I lived most of my life, his nose looking down on it.
Philosophically speaking, the message seems to be that life is pre ordained and nothing can change it. That King killing Lennon and me finding the evidence to prove it all was known to God centuries before. The opposing message, however, is that a monument OF the man who DID try to change the world the most was erected. apparently, in his honor. So, go figure, people. I’m still scratching my head.
“Hey, WOW! There IS a man’s face poking up out of Washington state. It’s huge! It’s so lifelike. Wow, who could it be? What could this mean?”
That is a reasonable reaction once you see it. A typical World Atlas that has a satellite view of the area will show you the basic outline of what I’m talking about. Yeah, even in the garish light of day, it’s the top part of someone’s face peeking out at mankind like a photograph hidden in the landscape. In proper lighting, however, from the proper perspective, the full majesty and photographic clarity and human like qualities come alive. Especially the mouth, chin and jaw. ME from a 1987 S.F.P.D. mugshot, no less. Recognizably ME! “Yeah, that’s Steve Lightfoot.” I look enough like a celebrity and I’ve never seen anyone else who looks like me. If you use a different perspective and lighting the image is less stark. Even disappearing at times. The ideal view is from the south east and under starlight and moonlight, also from the east, not harsh sunlight.
Now, 99 times out of a hundred, when a man says the geography of two states produces the image of a specific human that can be seen from space, he’s probably a little delusional, I’ll admit. The last thing I need is something so ludicrous sounding to offer the reader to actually BOLSTER my already unbelievable claim of Stephen King murdering John Lennon. To say it’s of not only me, myself, but a specific, iconic, ancient photograph OF me is just bizarre. Kind of like God saying to me; “Nope, Steve, Go with the outrageous. It all is, anyway.” Do you people think I would make such a ludicrous statement HERE on my Lennon expose site where credibility is key if you, yourself, could not verify everything I say? Granted, you have to watch the television show “P.D. Live – Police Patrol” to see a good version of this phenomenon but it absolutely just jumps out at you when you know what you’re looking for. Like a photograph. The part of the show where a satellite image of the U.S. at night from space lights up showing where all the lights are across the continent. Freeze this image and just glance over to the top left of the screen where the states of Washington and Oregon are and, there he is, smiling a serene glow of good cheer and the exact expression I wore that day in a San Francisco police station before the storm of following other police abuses would ensue. This photograph came thousands of years after the geological formation of it’s representation in the Sierra mountain range of Washington ever existed. Talk about puzzling! A new take on human importance; not so much a resurrection miracle, but a different kind of sign from God that there is something going on here that is beyond the normal realm. I hate having to sound so ludicrous just stating what IS THERE!. I wish it were NOT a picture of me, frankly, if it is. Knowing what I know about this world, myself, and all of each and every one of all of you, it really doesn’t surprise me at all. For four decades I have shouldered the weight of the world’s real problems like no one else on earth has in a long time trying to break this news about the evidence that proves Stephen King is Lennon’s real life killer. As such the weight of all of you and your problems has been sitting on me like a freight train all this time. Without any recognition at all. With just resistance and jealousy and fear for all my hard work. Atlas shrugged? I believe it. You’re all a ridiculous, satanic mess from Hell, all of you, covering up my evidence find like you are and have been all this tragic, tragic time. Maybe only God is CAPABLE of helping me do the right thing. Maybe this new discovery in our landscape is what it takes to get your attention. I only know that our lives and the lives of all that follow will be decided by this issue and how we handle it or not. Heaven or Hell, in a word. No in between. Monument worthy, I guess. I just hate that it might actually BE me. What an embarrassing predicament. I actually don’t like fame. The audience of humanity isn’t all it’s been cracked up to be, after all. I relish the quiet life in Utah if it comes to that. Do you people know that you have to get 90 miles away from the ocean just not to hear it’s roar? Now, that’s peace and quiet. I’m already world famous and I know it. You hope that I don’t know that YOU all know it, too. Society has known I’ve been right all this time. It’s just too scared to admit it. Too scared of their evil government. Poor, un brave all of you. Even more than my intellect, my courage is what all of you are lacking or you’d carry me to the media on your shoulders like real men and women.
If this is God’s way of telling me that this monument to possibly my face is my only reward, that my story will never break because mankind is too jealous and evil to break it, then I’m not interested. Not enough. Try again, God. That would suck. If that’s the best you can do then bring on the monster asteroid and put us all out of our insanity and misery. I need the manifestation of justice in the matter and in my lifetime. I need to rub society’s evil face in it’s mess, once and for all, for it’s own salvation. So it never lets a Stephen King kind of monster or government kill a John Lennon type of hero ever again. To recognize that the standout hero is an integral part of our species and needed to survive the evil of our politics. That we, as a society, have failed miserably, here, and always have been weak in this department. DEPLORABLE! That we have to develop a response if this ever happens to us again. That we must develop a tangible threat to stop it from ever happening, like refusing to work or pay taxes for a year, for example, to intimidate our government. But you’d need a hero to even lead you in that. Admit it. To assert our authority, now, to stand up to the evidence and mete out justice. To DEMAND IT! Otherwise we can’ be properly exorcised. I need for this insane species to arrest, try and execute Stephen King for what he did. Period. Anything short of that would leave you readers all insane like I found you. A sick, stupid, asinine, evil mess. Once Stephen King is punished appropriately, with death, and you live in power over his evil act against us all, instead of under it, you will be well again, and not before. Grow up you Muther*****rs. I have hard evidence, Goddammit!, USE IT!!!! You poor, boot-licking cowards! Do you actually think evidence this empowering comes along ever in life, much less in yours? If you can’t break this news and punish King in my lifetime I PRAY (And I have already made this prayer during a 2017 radio interview on KSCO.) an asteroid takes you away from your foolishness, once and for all. Like the mountain sized one I saw that just missed us in 1966. That you’d all be better off. No species should ever live under such irony and evil like you all have been these past 40 years. If God made you all too stupid to fight back when evil knocks you down then maybe you shouldn’t get up at all. Only the strong should be allowed to survive. Fight back or get out of the way. Living under evil like you’re all DOING is worse than death, in my opinion. Your children’s spiraling suicide rate (Triple since 1980) is proof how stupid you parents really ARE ignoring my evidence! Your stupidity is taking up valuable real estate that another species might do better with. Must I have to move to Utah to get a normal reaction from you? Are you all too queer to care as you are? ARE you, California? Are you all too queer to CARE? Has your 30 % queer environment made the rest of all of you weak? After March first of this year I will know. My last, ever, California rally date. After that Californians will have to brandish my website address on their OWN billboards and protest in the streets without me to break the news while I’m racing to break it elsewhere. My best advice. I have to admit, part of my decision to move is to take the glory away from the unworthy state that enjoyed frustrating me all this time just so they could be cowards and not have to work for truth. Protest with my website on your billboards while I’m in Utah or forever wear the badge of shame. I WILL know what TO do once I get to Utah. I even lived there when I was three.. “Hey people, California is insane. Can you please help me inform America? I need a show of support to get the media on it.”…I’ve always known I was HUGE. As big as anyone since John Lennon, certainly, and maybe even going back a few thousand years. Me, with this political assassination expose about Stephen King murdering John Lennon in a government conspiracy. Modestly living out my adult life in a van in obscurity and poverty. Could there be a story more huge than one involving John Lennon? The one time most powerful, loved man on earth? Once it breaks I’ve always known it will cause more moral change than all the religions of the last two thousand years combined. Certainly no less. Can you imagine? Religion having to actually practice what it preaches? Truth trumping everything else in sight?
KSCO Radio and Michael Zwerling.
In 2017 when the owner of KSCO Radio invited me for a two hour interview I had no idea he was mostly interested in sinking my story. He wanted to get the community used to me but in a certain light, only. In a pathetic light, only. The week after that interview he was caught saying; “Most people think that Steve Lightfoot is crazy.” Now that’s the kind of thing a C.I.A. media Jew, a Zionist Jew, in fact, would say to poison all of you with propaganda. I realized, from the start, that he may even be a homosexual and not just a media Jew. My two most jealous adversaries. Being an admitted Zionist Jew Michael Zwerling may or may not BE a homosexual but I think he probably is, also. For whatever reason the homosexual community is the LEAST sympathetic to what I do. Blame them, not me, for this belief. They made it known to me, their hostility to what I do. I don’t know why but suspect it has to do with homosexuality being a part of the population reduction mechanism in humanity that is anti life that includes suicide and running over the cliff, en mass. My crusade is the opposite of that. I am pro life and pro freedom. I think homosexuals are singled out by God NOT to breed because they are not the strongest, but the weakest, mankind has to offer it’s next generation. Keeping the weak minded from breeding, frankly. Their numbers are in direct relationship to population density and stress.
I remember in one conversation I accused him of souring the public against my evidence. Two days later, on almost Christmas Day, his million dollar six story high antenna was blown down. (By the way, my “Avenging Angel” is L-E-G-E-N-D. I list it all somewhere in another chapter.)
I remember another conversation when he complained of my website description of KSCO as “The C.I.A. in Hippy Cloth.” as if he WAS exactly that and it bothered him for me to say it out loud. To this day he goes out of his way to appear to be too kooky to be an agent for the government. It’s so outlandish it might well BE an act. In reality a station like KSCO in the center of Hippy culture is EXACTLY the kind of station our conservative C.I.A. WOULD baby sit us with. To oppress us away from the Hippy mind set. To modify a culture for their purposes. Hundreds of station across America fall into this category, I think. Hundreds.
At several points he hired character assassins against me; Jack Stine, Jim Two, and others. Jack Stine sued him for not following through to hire him permanently for his troubles. Maybe more than a million dollar settlement.
Just last week he begrudgingly took my call and tried to back me off my expose; “Steve, just this once, could you please NOT talk about John Lennon and take a day off? I explained that his station is cratering like KGO cratered and San Francisco and Berkeley all cratered in the wake of failing my evidence. That they all suddenly realized they DON’T really care about politics, after all. I pulled their pants down and they’ve been tucking tail ever since. I explained that that is why his station is plunging, too. I said; “Anybody who has seen my evidence and can’t admit it IS evidence is either an idiot or a liar.” To which he replied in a meek, sheepish tone; “Well Chapman did it, he was caught at the scene, Steve..” To which I replied; “Get over your brainwash, Mike.” He is still either an idiot or a liar. I’d say he is a liar. He’s too smart not to know I have been right all this time. He’s lying to you all, I think.
His comeback excuse was he was afraid of being sued by King if he gave me too much air time. This world is full of cowards who can’t face up to evil. Zwerling is a little masochist for it, I think.
As it stands he can’t seem to give KSCO away his luck is so bad.
Here’s how you all KNOW Zwerling is afraid of my evidence; He refused to allow me to BUY advertising space (Over $250.) to promote my rally last year. “I just don’t think it will benefit your cause..” he said.
Like a child you’re so proud of suddenly stepping in front of a speeding semi truck, Trump has stated he wants to basically give Gaza to Israel and make the Palestinians move elsewhere.
How evil, wrong and stupid he is to say so, too.
Even I know what is going on. Israel got wind of huge oil reserves off the Gaza coast and devised a plan to take it back using psychological warfare against the Gazans. To begin with, Israel has it’s fingerprints all over Hamas, how they enlarged Hamas, in fact. Israel knew that if they imprisoned thousands of Gazans, indefinitely, for throwing rocks that a backlash would occur painting Gaza as the bad guy. That they would use this anticipated and even lubricated and assisted October 7 attack as an excuse to bomb Gaza to smitherenes under the ruse of killing Hamas leaders hiding among the population. I knew, then, that this was a land grab by Netanyahu and London and the U.S.. to erase the religion of Islam. That it is still The Crusades going on all this time later.
Now I admit I am very prejudiced against the Jews. Stephen King warns us often in one book; “Beware the Jewish / communist plot against the U.S.” He is a Jew and he killed John Lennon. ONLY Jewish media personalities mentioned the words Mark David Chapman or ever interviewed him. Howard Cosell, Barbara Walters, Larry King, Richard Goldman (The biographer who slandered John, after.) Howard Cosell said of his role; “It’s a sordid business…”
The Jews are light complexion people who came from the Georgia region of Russia, not the middle east. Middle eastern, indigenous people are dark complexioned. The Palestinians. The Jews who once lived there were run out they were so unwelcome. In fact everywhere they ever lived they were run out over their “Jews only” breeding as well as business ways. They HAVE demonstrated manipulative, deceptive, conspiratorial behavior that has justified all this persecution, too. No wonder they are now doing unto the Palestinians what Hitler and the rest of the world did to them in WWII, Genocidal, indiscriminate warfare against their neighbors for their land. P-E-R-I-O-D-! Narcissistic, reptilian and utterly selfish behavior. Until all but the Jew was standing they’d still try to kill the rest of us all, think, inbreeding has so scrambled their minds.
I think the Jews feared John Lennon might be the Second Coming of Christ. I think they would kill whomever might BE that Second Coming they are so evil about Christianity, in fact. That they fear Jesus Christ. That we use the term Judeo / Christian to describe us is contradictory.
Now Trump, whose daughter married a Netanyahu relative, has stepped into a dirty, foul, evil pile of horseshit endorsing every war crime Netanyahu HAS committed lately. Trump won’t ADMIT he should be tried for genocidal warfare and crimes against humanity. Biden as well. Trump won’t dare stare that truth in the eye. To the world’s suffering, I fear. Trump may well have sealed Israel’s fate to a nuclear holocaust someday for all the injustice being brewed here in this evil process. Our media is owned and controlled by mostly Jews and won’t do anything BUT BRAINWASH ALL OF YOU! – BEWARE!
Personally, I think the Jews are in bed with Moscow more than the U.S. and are under the belief that we helped Hitler’s attempt to squelch them in WWII. Like the Rosenbergs who qave Moscow our nuclear secrets – while we were giving the Jews the state of Israel by the way -, I think the Jews are trying to destroy America behind our gullible backs. Setting us up like Yoko set up John Lennon, behind HIS back.
That I am smarter than Trump is no surprise. (165 I.Q., I’m told.) I am a remarkable man, indeed.
I’m the kind of celebrity you all need to save you from stupidity and political evil. To get to use me you have to swallow your shame and pride and fear and help me, though.
As far as Islamists. Cutting off a girls clitoris is satanic. The Jewish practice of cutting off a baby boy’s penis is ALSO satanic, in my opinion, and suggest that they think they know better than God what is best for us as humans. That’s why John Lennon sang “Imagine no religion…” He had the middle east conflict in mind when he wrote it and I concur.
My expose will render ALL religion ridiculous. I know it. King’s freedom and your inability to PRACTICE good versus evil is proof it doesn’t work or King would not be running around free to keep us all evil. This evidence and what it will produce is more potent than religion. I said it.
Better bring me forward before the world explodes.
Hey, Trump. Get a grip. Your hubris is rearing it’s ugly head, again. Get a grip and get down to earth, please. Is YOUR image imbedded in the landscape like me? No. I just might be more important than you, after all. In fact, until you stand up to evil murderer Stephen King you are a weak, piss poor president, in my opinion. Sucking Satan’s dick. Truth hurts, doesn’t it? Like your being wed to evil Nixon and Reagan has made you weak in the face of the evil they left behind, your allegiance to Israel is flawed and wrong and dangerous and stupid. Until you stand up to Stephen King you are under Satan’s evil spell. Like everybody BUT me.
My solution? Relocate the Jews to the Georgia region of Russia where they originated. Not relocate the indigenous Palestinians who have lived there since time began. Otherwise Israel will blow up like Japan did. Israel baited Hamas to act by imprisoning thousands of young men, indefinitely, for throwing rocks TO seize the lane they live on once they rebelled..
Unlike the Palestinians the Jews discriminate who they breed with. They so think they are superior in intellect that they fear losing it if they breed outside the Jewish race. As a consequence they have bald spots, big noses and bad eyesight from too much inbreeding. There. I’ve said it. They are inbred to a fault. They now have the most devious, dishonest, selfish, evil mind set for it of all races I have ever seen. Reptilian, no less. Sub human, in fact. Against the wishes of God, in my opinion. Inbreeding, not spreading out your gene pool, is a sin, apparently. Hubris. THAT! It has God damned the Jews, it seems. And all of us in it’s wake.
******************************************************************************************************************************************** Hi. Steve Lightfoot, here, messenger of the John Lennon murder evidence expose. You’ll notice I said expose, not theory. I say conspiracy with proof, not a theory. Most of you cringe at the thought I might be right. That it is not a theorist in our midst but a realist with hard evidence. In fact I DO HAVE HARD EVIDENCE. Irrefutable evidence that proves author Stephen King is the man getting John Lennon’s last autograph. Evidence that proves it cannot be Chapman whose features and eyeglass prescription don’t match up. That Stephen King actually pulled the rigger of the gun that killed John Lennon and that Chaman is a willing look-alike decoy to fool all of us who was waiting in a nearby N.Y.P.D. station for the switch while King was murdering Lennon. This is just part of the evidence that links Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon to this monstrosity of a crime. The evidence is mostly government cryptography in the bold print headline messages of Time, Newsweek and U.S. News and World Report magazines and only for a four month period surrounding the night of December 8, 1980. Hints in the headlines about what’s going on behind the scenes relating to John Lennon’s murder and not just the obvious intent of whatever article these headlines occupy. “Johnny Comes Marching Home…Kiss, kiss, Bang, bang, Ouch, ouch… America Needs A Poet Laureate, Maybe…The Real John Lennon…”Who’s In?” “Who’s Out?” Up to 75 % of the headlines a week before the crime light up in Newsweek, for example. Weeks earlier less frequent but more obvious. Then they go away as they came *************************************************************************************************************
Yeah, we’ll get to the killer’s face and Mark David King Chapman’s name tied to a letter to the editor three weeks before the crime where Chapman tells how he is linked to Reagan who is moving him, armed, into a hostile square and all the stuff in King’s books and movies and everything else you should already know exist, but, now, I must bring up YOUR DIRE FATE IF YOU IGNORE THIS EXPOSE.
At the risk of sounding a little delusional I have to remind all of you that the bad karma to be paid for injuring me is legend and long and you might be next.
Let’s talk about the L.A. fires that broke out last January 7th(?) of 2025. The ones that have killed dozens and burned many thousands of structures in mostly affluent neighborhoods. It occurred just several months after my last trip there with a sign on the back of my van that read; ” DEMAND DISCLOSURE OR SUFFER” I was ticketed by the CHP en route then and I used the video with that sign on my van to beat the ticket later. The point being, for several years from 2010 to 2016 and even before that, L.A. had ample information given out by my van’s presence there and my prodigious talk radio efforts to warrant a reaction and a demand for media disclosure, BUT they didn’t think it was important enough to lift a finger for. Like Santa Rosa, my home town, who burned down on John Lennon’s birthday, felt for all the decades I was there. Both areas suffering their biggest, EVER, fires. Ditto Santa Barbara in 2015(?) and right after I told a judge there that Santa Barbara – Reagan country – will probably suffer bad karma for this injustice against me regarding a traffic ticket. Not only their biggest fire but biggest mudslide right after, ever, and two ocean oil leaks and the shooter who rampaged through U.C. Santa Barbara killing dozens just a mile from where I was cited. And then the town of Goleta had either 500 or 5,000 houses burn down after all that. And all right after I warned the judge it might be so. Sounding spooky? In the mid 1990’s, just hours after first moving to L.A., the Northridge earthquake struck. I was there and felt it as it ripped beams from my van’s ceiling welds as it must have been bouncing on the pavement like jumping bean. It was as if to punish L.A. for its sins in general upon my arrival. Two major forces, one angelic, the other not so much, meeting in the night. Spookier, still, consider that just days before the L.A. fires broke out I warned another judge in a small claims matter against the State of California Transportation Department over a pothole that ruined my van’s A arm; ” I hope nothing bad happens to Monterey, like the golf event getting rained out like last year, but just 12 hours after I was run over by a golf cart 100 people got run over in New Orleans. That’s how it works.” In fact a woman in a golf cart mowed me down while I was petting someone’s dog. Hours later the rampage in New Orleans. Weird, you have to admit. Then I get rolled in court by the Monterey, Panetta ruled, justice system and the State of California benefits from the deal the two have struck and a week later Governor Newsom’s state is in crisis. Big time, too. All at a time I was at war with and still am at war with California, threatening to move to Utah after March first if they have only their limp wrists to show for what should be spine. If they fail to show for my March 1 rally. One reason I’m prepared to leave is because southern California already proved impotent in the face of evidence and there is no other place here to appeal to.
ALSO, this past week on January 16, AND exactly as I was on air with KSCO Radio the Moss landing battery warehouse near the power plant there caught fire. Flames so toxic and huge they could be seen many dozens of miles away. Spewing ungodly poisons to all those downwind. Still burning, days later. Just a prod from God to wake you poor fools up before March first. What’s next? An earthquake or worse? I sound a little kooky, I’ll admit, to go down this road, but one thing I have learned is that I do have an avenging angel and I respect it.
There’s many dozens of other too coincidental to be coincidental episodes to point to to suggest I have the favor of an avenging angel – it’s somewhere in the other section titled “Me or WW II” – but, for now, lets discuss L.A.’s bad karma for assaulting me on Venice Beach April 4, 2014 causing whiplash to my neck. The police refused to arrest this drug dealer / loser, just talked like they were friends, in fact, and I knew he was probably an undercover FOR the police to assault me. I left L.A. for fear of what I might do if I didn’t. I had to drive to Palm Springs twice then just to avoid the temptation of taking it out on him, personally. And, so, now L.A. gets it’s dose of punishment. It was all about the devil winds, wasn’t it? Like a supernatural spirit. Fate.
Now we have a similar possible police undercover / bum/ loser agent provocateur threatening me here, in Monterey. His name is Steve Mikinnis, a 180 pound 5’10” white male in his 60’s who comes across as one miserable asshole. Yesterday he yelled in my face at the top of his lungs “SHUT THE FUCK UP!” after I was talking to someone else about how King’s best defense is to show how he is not even a complete, normal human being and has the facial traits of a monkey, in fact, and might not be like the rest of us. Steve Mikinnis, wearing a t shirt that read “BOSTON” as if to reveal he might be working for Stephen King who lives NEAR Boston. I replied to his outburst by saying; “You have a bad attitude.” Had he hit me I’d have had to defend myself and subdue him, at the least.. I’ve noticed he isn’t seen in the usual places a homeless person would be found. He’s never been seen at the Salvation Army homeless center, for example. He might BE a cop or someone working for Stephen King to provoke me into a violent encounter. I already called the police on him over verbal threats to vandalize my van months ago. They never even asked to see his I.D. So something is going on with them, I think. His pet lizard, a female bearded dragon, died shortly after. HIS bad karma? I think so. He pulled that lizard around on a child’s trailer behind his bike. Now he is causing trouble again, it seems. I’ll make sure to keep this posting up and to advertise his conduct on city council meetings to make them responsible for any harm Steve Mikinnis may intend for me.
About suffering Los Angeles. I have suffered, too, over their miserable showing or non showing when my evidence came to town. I gave up a normal life, marriage, children and a career for getting this story out and L.A. ignored me. For over 40 years I have lived in a van to be able to devote all this energy to the expose. And I came from a well to do backround. My father may have been killed over my expose efforts and his dog hanged in a drape chord, first. U.C. Berkeley students enjoyed my misery when I announced my father’s suspicious death. Too bad for L.A., now, is all I have to say. Grow up, L.A. you know what you did. You ignored my heroic evidence all those years is what you did. And you even assaulted me. Like a fatherless child.
In fact I have been assaulted in at least seven cities. Monterey; (1980 a man tried to kill me with a baseball bat ) Santa Rosa;(Two men with knives who I beat up and ran off ) Berkeley;(A man who kicked me full force in the back) San Francisco; (Twice – (1) two martial artists broke ,my nose on a sidewalk after dislocating my arm. (2); S.F.P.D., weeks later, kidnapped and beat me unconscious in a police van), San Jose; (A Hell’s Angel’s member tried to break my nose and held a knife to my throat), Los Angeles; (Already described) and New York City; Me versus 15 Haitians in Spanish Harlem who almost kicked my eye out and DID break my jaw.)
Most of these assailants have met with bad karma. One lost all his teeth the other who kicked me is now wheel chair bound last I knew. The Hell’s Angel had his day in court and the others I’m not sure. I was cooking in San Francisco when the Berkeley fires destroyed that area in the early 90’s, I believe. The Loma Prietta earthquake hit while I was on a city council microphone in Santa Rosa. I really seem to shake things up, it seems.
So don’t tell me “How dare you blame L.A. for it’s bad karma.” I DO dare blame all these places on all their bad karma. They are sick that Stephen King hasn’t already been arrested and punished for his most monstrous of crimes. Traitors to all Americans and all people everywhere. My heroism has been ignored and assaulted. More importantly, John Lennon has been betrayed by humanity after all he did to make us better people. If Stephen King dies of old age before you punish him or if I die of anything BUT old age I expect all of you to be wiped out by the asteroid I saw that just missed us in 1962, Seriously. Or one of similar size and speed. – “BLIP!” fast, by the way, and bigger than a mountain. – I think a species who cannot respond to my evidence doesn’t deserve to keep on reproducing such stupidity and would be less miserable extinct Such a species has not the requisite class, I think, to deserve such a magnificent planet. Collectively you are a mess, humanity. So smart, yet so evil and dumb, too.
I first started to notice an avenging angel for this story when the airliner, flight 800, I think, was shot down over Long Island decades ago. Although the media lied up and down how a fuel tank shifted to cause what happened, other evidence proves it was hot down, possibly by our side. It occurred the day AFTER I was assaulted by the New York City mass media who ran a documentary espousing Chapman as the man who killed John Lennon. I thought, then, “What an evil country to keep on lying after all the evidence proves otherwise. How can it not be punished for being so evil?” The next DAY it was punished and I first noticed my avenging angel. Actually it began as a child when the father of two boys down the block who bullied me one day burned to death, later, after a neighbors house caught on fire and he tried to extinguish it with gasoline instead of water. These boys demonstrated jealousy and resentment towards me and for no reason. A lot like society resents me, now, for being so smart and lucky and brave to be at the center of this historic expose and news story. Those boys seemed afraid of me ever after. Like I said, the list is amazingly long and is somewhere among my other chapters. I think the one “Me or WWIII…”
About those fires. Am I the only one of you with a brain? You all wonder how entire swaths of neighborhoods ALL burn. The reason is partly to do with your gas lines and the meters that are above ground. They get SO hot that they catch fire all the way to the lines below and well, just adding gas to the flames already. I know this because of a news clip that showed how a firefighter saved a house from catching fire BY showering his meter with milk and beer. No extreme heat, no transfer to ignite the gas below, issue solved. SOOOOOO, you people see why you need someone like me? Maybe I AM a genius or a superstar or something bigger than all of you, after all. From now on have all gas meters below ground with some way to read them above ground and this will not repeat itself in so drastic a fashion. My invention of turning your rotating automobile wheels into electricity like a wind turbine would allow you free transportation except for having to replace batteries every five or so years. But NOOOOO. You’re all too smart to need someone like me to show you how to live better.
So, there, idiots. Expose and arrest and punish Stephen King or I don’t care what happens to all of you. You’re all just taking up valuable real estate you don’t deserve if that’s all the courage you have inside you. LENNON KILLERS CAN’T WIN – NOR SHOULD THEY. That’s the moral of the story, here, people.
Point Pinos Bar and Cafe at Pacific Grove Golf Course 86’d me last week because;”….talking politics…using the remote control….” etc. In reality this predominantly homosexual workplace, from what I can tell, knows that if their queer busboy repeatedly walks into my legs as I’m sitting to get my attention, I will chastise him to stop it immediately. This happened long ago and he has since stopped walking into me. In fact I think my presence there actually was appreciated for a while until I spewed to Mike the bartender what a mess humanity is to not care if Stephen King killed John Lennon and that I’ll be moving to Utah to find better people. To be fair he did ask me to cool it, after, because he is emotionally on edge as it is. One day I got into a deep conversation with a woman guest there about politics and Mike overheard us talking. She ENJOYED the robust exchange. According to the operations director; “…someone complained you were talking politics…” (See how they twist the truth?) No, Mike complained, not her.
In fact, several years ago this same cafe 86’s me for no good reason. It was a chef with an earing in his ear, too. So nothing’s changed there. A queer cabal, I think. I have said for years that the homosexual community, for whatever reason, is sympathetic to Stephen King and especially against what I am doing to expose him. That King, himself, is a queer. That there must be something anti- life about their mind set to begin with for that to be the case. Pro death, in fact, in my opinion. They don’t reproduce, admit it. There is something going on with this dynamic we should all pay attention to. I definitely think a homosexual should never be allowed to be president of the United States exactly BECAUSE they could care less about the next generation they have nothing to do with to begin with. That their judgement is weak and flawed and dangerous. To this day I won’t allow a man with stretched out earlobes or facial tattoos to work on my vehicle. They are not right. Furthermore, even a 30 % demographic of queers is enough to poison the whole pot, politically. Now I must leave limp wristed, sympathetic to Satan, California to find normal people.
Please boycott Point Pinos Bar and Cafe.
I will be outside their establishment soon brandishing a sign; “QUEER MGT. FROWNS ON FREE SPEECH – BOYCOTT” or other such slogan.
Or I may just use an already made billboard that reads;
and just stand there with it at there entrance. Along with my website sweat shirt so people know what I’m talking about.
“DANGEROUS DENTIST – BEWARE!” I may have to erect such a billboard outside a certain dentist’s office to run him out of the area, once and for all, before he commits other acts of criminality against the public. Already I saw him on the news indicted for forcing sex on patients there. His office is already a ghost town, now. He never made a pass at me but he recently may have helped cause a case of mercury poisoning caused by a failed molar that he allowed to fall into disrepair by failing to schedule me for 6 month check ups for almost two years! My dentist! One day when I went in on my own he noticed a molar was beyond repair. This dentist who I paid $10 thousand dollars to for a partial implant. In mid procedure on that he tried to switch from Zirconia to a cheaper product hoping I’d not notice. I demanded he redo it properly AND include a gum line which his first attempt was missing. Un HEARD of shlock. It may HAVE cost him $1 thousand dollars for trying to cheat me. Is that why he set me up for failure? In another tooth filling he charged me $50. extra while I was in mid repair for a gel barrier between the mercury and the tooth’s inner area. I was forced to comply without knowing was this a proper request. At the same time another patient experience the same kind of holdup tactic for an extra $50. In another deep cleaning procedure he used a vibrating device that caused a partial loss of hearing in my left ear for a few weeks. Reckless disregard, it felt like. Almost deliberate and in anger, I wonder. Now, in this mercury poisoning case, I was charged $400. for a capsule of bone graft to be placed under my gum after the extraction. It would be malpractice not to since an implant is required, now. My other dentist did not charge for the same thing, so maybe he is lying to me to say I’m not covered for that.
All in all, I feel this man who can barely speak English, has criminal tendencies and he will have to explain himself to a judge about forcing sex on patients. Will I go to the dental board and report him? Will I have to put him out of business with a three day billboard campaign? I WILL investigate my legal options and see if I was poisoned and almost died. (I almost DID!) True, he advised me to get a root canal earlier but they don’t last AND he referred me to a man who charges when my status offers it for free leaving me confused for a while. It didn’t hurt then so I figured I’d get it fixed in Utah soon. Then one day, exactly as the Moss Landing battery warehouse fire here started on January 16, 2025, a dull aching, nauseating sensation took me over and I began taking aspirin to quell the pain. 12 aspirin and 8 Ibuprofin later during a torturous night of no sleep had NO EFFECT AT ALL! I had the tooth removed the next morning. That night I experienced chills, severe flu like symptoms, strobe flashing in my eyes and the kind of insufferable pain best represented in the video we’ve all seen of a bald eagle dying from lead poisoning, his eyes closed, enduring every moment and drip, drip of agony waiting for the end. Now, days later, I’m still trying to get my bearings and I wonder what kind of damage may have been caused. I notice both sides of my face have blotches that weren’t there before. They have since faded but SOMETHING happened. I absolutely am convinced that the mercury fillings had been exposed to the blood after the tooth cratered and collapsed onto it’s center. The cavity that caused this was circular around the entire base of the tooth. The kind of cavity honey laced coffee would cause. Honey must be brushed away quickly, I now know. A regular 6 month checkup would have prevented all of this. He is absolutely to blame. To what degree I’m not sure.
By the way. I tell you all the time about my avenging angel. He got arrested for sex crimes right after he did this to me. See? That’s what I keep pointing out.
If I don’t say it now no one will believe me if I say it when he’s dead. In fact I have already very publicly said it. Clint Eastwood of Hollywood fame, in 1980, I think, had an associate buy me a drink laced with a knock out agent in it (Rohipnal?) to sabotage my date with a girl he was dating at the same time. A beautiful 19 year old blonde who managed a dress shop in Carmel. I was 26 and Clint was about 50 at the time. I was a fool to accept a free drink from a stranger but Clint was monster to do what he did. I could have crashed en route to her apartment before passing out in her arms. I was out for over 24 hours. No doubt I was dosed. What is a good looking guy like Clint, better looking than me, doing with knock out drugs in the first place? Does he like having sex with passed out women? What? Is that his way to have sex? All that kind of stuff has never been on my radar. Does he feel the need to impose on others perhaps his own problems in bed? That’s what I thought when it happened. Only because I was a fool did I not go to the tabloids and report him. The way all of you are fools not to stand up to Stephen King because he’s famous.
Personally, I think Clint has many great qualities. I think he IS deeply remorseful and regretful about that page of his life. He employs thousands here and was pretty darned good actor. He even made Bridges Of Madison County” after I suggested to his friend he change his image from gunslinger to normal for a change. He even got married during that time. I do know he is very socially shy and awkward and insecure. I knew he was complex man when he was married to a woman older than him in his early career. Very private, awkward and shy.
Why bring it up now? I actually passed out flyers about this after he had me towed off grounds from his golf course in 2003(?) while trying to get a caddy job. The interview was a set up, in fact. The next day I was allowed back in but the damage between us was done. The year before that he tried to buddy up to me while watching Jack Nicklaus play a practice round. He recognized who I was and shadowed me for a few holes, staying just a few feet from me, until I gave him the slip. He didn’t appreciate it, either. Who knows? Maybe we could have become friends and he might even have been able to help me come forward. But he’d have to be a real life hero to do that. Not a film hero, only. Maybe he’s jealous BECAUSE I’m the real deal he can only pretend to be.
I bring this up now because he seems to still have a grudge. I was mowed down last month by a golf cart and the woman employee wasn’t vey sorry, it seemed, after. A few inches more and my right ankle would have been run over. And just a few days ago the shop manager there at Clint’s course gave me a hard time about laying down almost off grounds after having my tooth extracted. The famous line “Get off my lawn, punk!” was inspired by our spat in 2003. It was the year when he hid behind wrap around silver sunglasses to hide his anguish during the AT&T tournament presentations while all this was taking place. Clint tried to kick me off that green years before, in fact, and he still won’t allow me in their restaurant and bar. I think he is terrified of me in any bar setting where the whole thing began in the first place.
O.K. Enough of this part of the story, now, let’s discuss avoiding a legacy of disgrace if California fails me March first.
On KSCO Radio today I blared out for all the universe to hear that I’ll be moving to Utah after March first if California fails to bring me and my findings forward against a censorship press. I’m banking on my knowledge that certain parts of America are more normal and common sense than others and that the people of Utah have what it takes to respond to evidence that proves political evil corrupting our lives. California seems to be on King’s side and California is sick if that’s the case. I even dared say that the homosexual influence in California has weakened the rest and the state has possibly been rendered no good for truth or matters of real importance they are so confused and distracted with their own peculiar lives. (Don’t blame me for this perspective. The homosexual community made it known to me over decades they like my do gooder crusade even LESS than the rest of society. So, there must be something wrong with THEM to want to protect evil Stephen King who, I have information on, is also homosexual. He’s a convicted pedophile, as well. {Belfast, Maine, 1992}) One caller after me even said it was wrong to dare let me say Stephen King should be tried and executed for our own mental health as a people. He’s never before questioned whether or not King is guilty, so why the sympathy for the Devil?! What’s wrong with these people?! Stephen King absolutely must be punished to the harshest extent of the law for what he did. He must be executed. Period. Anything less would be to retreat from justice. I won’t be entertaining any nation with song, after, that differs, either. This caller was, no doubt, a confused, inappropriately tolerant homosexual who can’t fathom why the next generation deserves for King to be removed form influencing their lives after what he did. He killed their parent’s hero and must be made an example of for others who dare to change history by assassinating our heroes. If I must be on the firing squad to get this job done count me in. You pussies are the problem, not truth tellers like me. California, you have committed treason against America to have sat on this information for 40 years now. Shame on all of you, too.
I announced that on March first, 2025, my 71st birthday, I’ll be holding a rally in downtown Monterey, Ca. at noon for a few hours on Alvarado Street. My peach/pink website van will be what to look for. I have extra signs for you to hold, too.
If you fail me I’ll be gone for good. If I can reduce your property values after, I’ll try. I also explained that, if I come across as bitter, it is because I have been wrestling a bitter, resistant, even jealous and resentful public for over 40 years, a public ten time more bitter than I ever was. It, in fact, took a real optimist to take on such a job as telling the world what really happened to John Lennon.
(I really DO hate to sound so obstinate but I know things about all of you that no book has ever exposed. Freud knew only so much about your nature. I know things about all of you no one else COULD know. TRUST ME when I say that have to be harsh with you to offset your secret desire to see me fail so you can go on living a boot-licking, shallow, suffocated version of a life. The kind of behavior you all learned from your weakling parents. We all saw what being perfect and nice did for Jesus and John Lennon, right? No, you people have a lousy record with appreciating those who show you up on how to live better and try to better your lives. You demonstrate weakness from the past and encourage the government, who has a vested interest in keeping you in the dark, to kill whomever has the better mouse trap and then, after they kill him or her in the name of you’re all a stupid chicken shit, you go right on solidifying your legacy of weakness and disgrace and cover up yet another slaughter against you. It’s as if you are asking the government to kill your heroes. Like you’re all sick. Trust me, you all are. Very.
One reason I DO sing is TO offset my required bluntness and honesty regarding all of you.)
Be there or be too late.
It’s a pity that Stephen King emerges as the real life murderer and not just a writer. As you will see immediately below, he is the man seen getting Lennon’s famous last autograph. Part of my evidence is the killers face and alleged name and letter to the editor linking Reagan before the crime. King was posing as Mark Chapman, is all. Chapman was blocks away waiting to be switched with King inside the police station when King was pulling the trigger. Yoko was in on the plot, all along, too. It just all seems so ludicrous and impossible to be true. But it all IS true, people. The government KNEW, by making the truth preposterous and unfathomably unlikely as it is, that you would not be able to process the matter right away. That your overworked, media controlled, puny brains wouldn’t be able to wrap it’s grey matter around the matter. Even if presented with hard, irrefutable evidence. That you would naturally scoff at the notion that Stephen King is actually the man who murdered John Lennon in a government plot, no less, involving the highest political powers on earth. In this respect Nixon must be the most brilliant super villain of our time to make the matter so horrific. King was, no doubt, promised a rise to fame as a writer – he was working at a laundromat when his handlers approached him – if he did the deed and the government MADE him huge partly TO make you unable to buy that he could be Lennon’s real killer, later, if caught. They use his fear campaign against us all, anyway. To control us. Fear. They use it. Replacing Lennon’s peace and love movement with fear and horror was a ‘two for’ for them.
If you poor, brainwashed fools are willing to examine the evidence and overcome the preposterous premise of it all and see it for what it is you’ll have to agree that, ultimately, we must, as a society, not only arrest, charge and convict King, but that we must also execute his nasty ass for what he did to the world. He KNEW he was committing the cruelest, most destructive, highest crime one can commit on earth; killing the world’s hero, and he knew this day would come, when he’d have to ‘…fry…’ for it. Nixon and Reagan? No problem. They never liked Lennon and everybody knew that. Stephen King being the real life killer? Well, get over the shock, people. He DID kill John Lennon and he won’t dare deny it, either. Never has, either. Your lives are THAT preposterous and ridiculous and stupid, upside down and evil. The government is THAT nasty, exactly. So, now you all know where King gets his ideas from; He got away with the crime of the century, scamming all of you, ROBBING all of you. RUINING all of you, deliberately, murdering everybody’s favorite human on earth and now he molests you, after, with his horror. He must be laughing uproariously at all of you that you don’t get it. Even in the face of hard facts that prove it all. To quote King in his 1980’s Playboy Interview quoting Haldane; “The universe is not only queerer than we suppose, it’s queerer than we CAN suppose..”
Meanwhile, if I had to erect a sign to depict my situation with everyone’s denial it would be;
(Before continuing, and to address the subject of my credibility and mental health versus your collective knee jerk denial process, let me say that, no, I am not crazy or delusional nor do I have any history of mental problems nor have I ever taken any kind of drug except marijuana, basically. I don’t drink and have never smoked cigarettes. I watch my health and weight and condition and diet. I am actually a pretty bright person scholastically and could have become almost anything I wanted to be. Hey, it took someone special and detective savvy to spot these codes first. I gave it all up for this news story that demands to be told. That having been said, in listening to myself on talk radio tapes I’ve made of myself on air, I pity the man I hear, so desperate and defensive and at times boastful and overly dramatic about this cause and why it’s important. It’s apparent that society’s delusional impulse to call me a nut or diminish the importance, even, of my story, has resulted in my being overly defensive, now, and I wish I could move on to a real life and whatever is next after disclosure. I sound like I’m in pain and I am. Thanks to your collective denial process and your evil apathy. You people have no idea what your dysfunctional, masochistic, sick, cowardly, evil ducking of this evidence all these years has done to my psyche. All the many dozens of police abuses and false arrests and beatings and guns in my face over time has affected me, I guess. Mostly, though, over your apathetic, spectator relationship with it all. As if you are counting on the police to kill me before you have to care whether or not a horror writer killed John Lennon in a government plot in real life or not. Alfred Hitchcock would make a mockery of all of you and your wicked nature over the situation. I can’t really even blame myself for how I may be, now. I DO sound occasionally pathetic and a little PTSD, I will admit. I actually blame society for this inconvenient fact. I shouldn’t have to sell you on why this matters or that I have evidence that deserves you care about it. I should not have been ignored and neglected by the public all these decades when the evidence is obvious as it is. You people are phony as can possibly be and this evidence expose has put a glaring light on that fact. The media cover-up is now all of YOUR collective fault. You KNOW they are liars who brainwashed you yet you are frozen in fear to fight back. As if any of you ever even saw anything resembling a trial for the alleged killer of John Lennon to begin with. There was no trial. You’ve all known, all along, that the Chapman story was a ruse. You can’t pick your messengers or heroes. It’s all of YOU who are accountable for whatever facts they bring you. These are embarrassing facts that humiliate all of you and render your lives as ridiculous and satanic and wasted. WASTED! Sacrificed under evil, admit it or not. YOUR LIVES! Of course you want to deny what the evidence proves. The evidence has made a fool of everyone. I have learned it’s your collective apathy, not this evidence, that is the real story.)
(That’s right, Donald. You can stop war and disease and solve most our problems and STILL be a wimpy, piss poor president if you don’t arrest and try and execute Stephen King. Without doing that you’re all air and no substance ADMIT IT! No spine. Not like mine. Until King is punished EVERYBODY IS EVIL AND SICK. If not you WHO will do the media’s job? You going to stand down to the media after all they’ve tried to do to you?)
This evidence, this government cryptography relating to headline messages that plug into Lennon’s then upcoming murder and not just the articles they are attached to, includes the killer’s alleged name; Mark David Chapman, strangely attached to a letter to the editor where Chapman explains how Reagan is moving him, armed, into a hostile square. This three weeks before the crime. This cryptographic evidence includes, also, the killer’s face and true identity, Stephen King, three and two months before the crime. The same exact man getting Lennon’s last autograph the nigh he was killed by this same man. His book reviews months earlier in Time and Newsweek betray what the government was a fool to allow be printed to begin with; King’s photos. “One great big ‘Zippo’ lighter” and “Perils of Pyrokinesis”, the accompanying headlines, both describe the scene of the crime months to come of a man in a rain coat blazing fire in the night with a gun. Photographic manipulation technology that exists today can rule out that it is Chapman whose features are more centralized while the killer’s features are more spread out. Like Stephen King, exactly. The eyewear prescriptions of Chapman are the opposite of the killer. Unlike King’s eyewear prescription and the autograph hound, that shrink what the on looker sees behind them, Chapman’s magnify. They are two different people entirely. Knowing the upcoming autograph photo was planned to show the to the public and realizing these discrepancies after the September Time photo, King took his glasses off for the October Newsweek photo and covered his dimples with his hand. Only Stephen King’s face exactly traces the killer’s face. Chapman is a government employed cover-up decoy. An already off balanced pathological liar being used by the media. Period. A media stooge to fool you all and lead you all astray. Paid off wardens, Time owned People magazine follow up features, a Barbara Walters interview to also brainwash you and co conspirators keeping things hidden. In fact none of you remembers a trial for Chapman, do you? How little you know about your blind selves. How much the government knows about just how truly weak and easily fooled you all are. One reason I found this evidence is because I had no television after the murder. I was spared the brainwash cruelly inflicted on all of you. I was in my right mind to begin with.
The coded message “Who’s In?” “Who’s Out?” in Time magazine the day of the murder is above a photograph of just elected Reagan at his desk and in the fore ground on that desk is a book by Richard Nixon; ‘The Real War’. In ‘The Real War’ Nixon details why people like John Lennon – who he tried to deport for three years in the 1970’s, by the way – “…must be removed from the stage of public debate by whatever means are needed….even if that means behaving in ways in which we might otherwise choose in a more perfect world….Perhaps a nation that equates celebrity with wisdom, that looks to rock stars as their oracles, deserves to lose….those who say ‘war’ is ‘bad’ and ‘peace’ is ‘good’…the ‘beautiful people’ of New York…” So the apparent intent of the headline, besides who is and who is not in Reagan’s cabinet that the article is about, is Reagan is “In” and John Lennon is “Out”. This photo of Reagan next to ‘The Real War’ is also in Newsweek, too, the day of the murder. Also prominently displayed right up front. These photos and arrangements were printed just hours before the murder and someone would have to have known about what was to come. They just couldn’t help but brag out loud like Rumpelstiltskin about it, too, so I could find all of this government evidence they left behind and use it to bust them with someday. That day is here, now.
Stephen King, himself, has ADMITTED his guilt to a friend of his who used to own the bookstore in downtown Bangor, Maine that sold King’s books to all the tourists. I was in conversation with him towards the latter part of my several month visit there in 1992 when he blurted out; “He’s afraid he’s gonna FRYYY!!!” I had been going on about how I would role play with King for television skits to let him redeem himself with the public, after. In hindsight I was being kind of ridiculous to think that could ever happen. I have a talent for extracting sensitive information. Even without trying to.
So, there, folks. King has already admitted he killed Lennon to one of his best friends. Now what’s your excuse to deny it?
I actually stood inches away from King that same year in downtown central Bangor as I was singing a song about him with my guitar. He approached me wagging his finger – I was on talk radio earlier that day proclaiming that King is the ; “…most disturbed man in Bangor.” (That got him out of his armchair.) – but he quickly became very humble when he realized I wasn’t talking to him. He crouched down (He’s 6’5″) and whispered’ “T-t-take c-care. I w-want you t-to t-take c-care.” and then sauntered away with his signature slouch. He has never, EVER, denied my claims; “That’s not worth discussing…no comment…you got a problem with that?…” etc. is all he has to say. When I was a car length into his private driveway last 2021 in Osprey, Florida with my website van contemplating driving up to at least see his mansion I decided it had to be a trap and I backed out. While sounding my back up beeper and backing out a car was behind me and he had to also back out. I noticed it looked a lot like Stephen King, himself. He turned his head away so I couldn’t see. I learned that he, indeed, DOES drive a black Tesla and it WAS him. The one time I am there he is there, like clockwork. Like a trap almost sprung. Like security cameras and cell phones etc.. What? Was I supposed to get all the way up to his house with him behind me to shoot and kill me and have him plant a gun on me and say it was self defense?
I think that was the plan, folks.
Well, folks, the day has come and it’s time for all of us, you and me, to bust him and these magazines, etc., as well as others who aided the cover-up, with my hard evidence. That’s what this chapter in is all about. To get you all off your free loading, apathetic, spoiled asses and protest for truth and justice like you deserve it. Until YOU ALL DO THIS you’re all sick and off balance, morally. Too weak and helpless to deserve freedom. You’re in danger of losing America, in fact. We all just dodged a bullet, a Marxist presidential candidacy, this 2024, didn’t we? Are you people paying attention to things? For your sake you’d BETTER accept that it IS evidence and I am NOT a nut or a conspiracy theorist. Your denial America cannot afford. It’s time you admit that I am, instead, a hero in our midst whom we all need desperately if we are ever going to wipe ourselves clean of all the ugliness this monstrosity of a crime has soiled us with. As you all are you are unclean and filthy ugly compared to how you used to be. Living, only half alive and stunted under Stephen King’s evil crime. Dripping wet with King’s urine. Martyring YOUR LIVES! That evil scumbag deciding for you who you can and cannot listen to. How you all live your lives. Molesting you with his evil. Defiling all of you. Imposing his jealousy and depravity on all of you like a villain. He is just that. Everybody! It’s time we all protested for once in our pathetic, miserable lives and did something ABOUT it all. Fight back. Defend yourselves. With or without me, DO SOMETHING, EVERYBODY. Do SOMETHING! My website address is all you need for signs; ‘LENNONMURDERTRUTH.COM” Block a few freeways with THAT, for example. 20 people all carrying the same sign, my website address, and it’s going to be put on the evening news and start the process rolling. In the 60’s people protested for change. Don’t be great big, stupid losers and wait for me to be killed before you do so, either. Weak McCartney and evil doer Yoko Ono won’t protest for you, either, or warn you or protect you. YOU have to do all that, now. Get this toothpaste OUT of the tube, people! MAKE NEWS. No other issue, no other website on this planet, gives all of YOU more power. ADMIT IT! My website has all you need to break this wide open. Just get it advertised enough. You actually have to show you CARE about this issue, ultimately. Can you do that, people? John called his murder “The Event” in case you aren’t aware. WHAT ‘event’? I think he meant the day the government gets caught and you revolt and things get better “The Event”. So far you have not come close to this story’s power. The real ‘home of the brave’ in America is my van, presently, and only that. You’re all afraid.
I just noticed a glaring flaw in your religious views. You think that we’re all sinners but that Jesus’ dying on the cross absolved you of all your sins. That you need not change. The concept of Christ’s dying for your sins does not save you or wash you of your sins, now, but only offers you a chance to merely wash your hands of the blood, like Pontius Pilot, no less, and go on as if your apathy in todays catastrophes and this media cover-up isn’t YOUR fault and the actual real life reason Lennon is dead. Your willingness to let Christs’ dying absolve you of your duty to battle evil on earth is weakness and dooms you all if you don’t wake up and do battle here on earth against evil. God can’t defeat evil if you pretend John’s death is not your apathy’s fault to begin with. It WAS and IS all our fault and we must all change and not let an ancient show sacrifice of a man by government be any excuse to NOT protest this cover-up, now. It’s not like you don’t have hard evidence. YOU HAVE HARD EVIDENCE! Christ’s death won’t save us in this current battle of good versus evil breathing down all our necks like a nasty beast. You, as a people, must all act on this evidence or be lost to lose this battle of good versus evil. It’s NOT O.K. to look the other way, excuse yourself and do nothing. Christ’s dying didn’t save you if you are too impotent, today, to stand up to evil. I think the last thing Christ would ever want is for all of you to CONTINUE to let government crucify your heroes. I think he thinks his death was BECAUSE of our sins, in truth, not FOR our sins. Apathy, now, only proves NO ONE was saved by his sacrifice but that you are still the same, stupid ass sinners like you were then. LOOK AT YOU ALL; flatfooted in the face of lucky evidence! Getting urinated on by Stephen King after he murdered your favorite human on earth. Stunting all of you with evil. You cannot win life if you don’t win this battle, this slap in all our faces by our evil government. You are ASKING for your mass shootings as you are, now. Christ being sacrificed in the name of big government rules does not now give you the right to let government keep on killing the smart guy in our midst who can make us all better people by pretending this matter is not your responsibility to clean up. You all HAVE to expose and ultimately punish evil murderer / horror novelist Stephen King for his most monstrous, humanity hating of all crimes. Nothing less will do. Not only is letting the government get away with killing John Lennon evil, in the process, all of you are also actually killing me, the messenger, secretly and sinfully, hoping I DO get killed. You have proven it’s O.K. with all of you if I grow old and die unsung and waste my life for ingrates. It’s O.K. with you if King gets away with his crime against all of you. Just so you can stay stupid and weak. 40, plus, years worth. Sick. Still killing Christ like hero figures. Unsaved. Hiding behind a convenient, fraudulent interpretation of a book.
Until we, as a species, arrest, try and convict and punish Stephen King for what he obviously did to ALL OF US, and not just John Lennon, we will remain upside down and, yes, evil as hell. Frothing at our mouths and chewing our tails. We must ultimately end King’s traitorous life on a gurney with a needle if we are ever to be civilized and anything better than cowardly hypocrites all our days. He committed as horrible a crime as one can commit. He poisoned humanity. Anything less is to spit on all your phony religions. Anything less is to scare off future heroes we need before they get started if that’s who you people are. Who wants to get famous and help a sick crowd? If we cannot stop making King a multi millionaire and a famous, celebrated horror writer and arrest, try and execute him, instead, we are Satanic losers, all of us. Good loses and evil wins. No if, ands or buts, either. Just because you people are not brave. You have all been so wrong and so upside down so long I can’t tell you. I find you all, personally, untouchable, sexually, now. I call it the messenger’s curse. You’re all so evil and insane and can’t even see it. Sucking your thumbs in fear of standing up to your evil government. I’ll wait until you’re all well again, thank you. Now, THAT’S sincerity.
The above facts prove that it was Stephen King who killed John Lennon and that major government affiliated magazines code documented the whole ugly affair thinking the codes weren’t obvious enough for us mere citizens to spot. They didn’t count on unemployed, single, time on his hands, high I.Q., vocabulary savvy, Lennon fan, me, did they? Where WAS Chapman? He was in a nearby police station waiting to be switched inside, later. The N.Y.P.D. were, apparently, in on the caper. Chapman, a willing co conspirator, happens to look a lot like King and was purportedly in the military, overseas, prior to the crime. Both men put on 20 pounds then to obscure their differences. We’re only TOLD he’s been in jail all this time. Attica inmates I spoke with have never seen him, though. King grew a full beard right after for over a year to keep us from noticing. The D.A., the mayor, the prison warden and judge, all in cahoots with the cover-up, the whole mass media in tow as well. These things, while harder to prove, would HAVE to have happened for it to make sense. They all DID happen. We were all LIED TO. It further reasons that these magazines are in cahoots with our government to even HAVE these crypto codes in there at all. All three in harmony with each other climaxing in activity near the Dec. 8 date and less so the farther away from that date. Apparently C.I.A. ties, no less. Although the editor in chief of Time magazine admitted under oath in the 1950’s McCarthy hearings that he is a communist. So, go figure.
Yoko Ono’s apparent role in the set up and cover up is revealed, not in these codes, but in her behavior, before and after. Too much to list before the fact. (The details are entered in my other chapter titled “Yoko’s No Good”.) Her ordering me kidnapped, handcuffed and beaten unconscious by her security detail in October of 1987 was my first clue she was no good. I had merely handed her an envelope with copies of my evidence to get to the remaining Beatles. I was suspiciously invited in ahead of the waiting crowd at an art gallery in San Francisco by management, besides. Yoko Is no good, people. The government couldn’t have pulled it off the way they did without her. She WAS the cover-up’s “Ace in the hole”. It was SHE who told us to let the courts decide. You probably expect her to care who killed her husband and help me. Not her.
By the way, for forty years I have been doing cowardly Paul McCartney’s job. Advertising my evidence and my plight and the danger I am in 24 / 7, all by my lonesome. When I came forward I knew media censorship was out there to block me. I suspected that the public would not be able to lead themselves without me getting some back up from somebody. I expected a famous friend of John’s, namely Paul McCartney, to aid in my coming forward. He never did. That’s what celebrities are born to do, to trump and overcome and overpower “the machine” with their celebrity. Too big to ignore. Just wear a t-shirt with my website address and it’s done. But cowardly Paul doesn’t see it that way. ONE TIME he barely tried. I met his brother, Michael, a year prior in San Francisco and asked him to ask Paul for some help. On April Fool’s Day 1990 at the Berkeley concert, during the instrumental of “Fool On The Hill” he yelled out; “Yeah, Steeeeeeeve! that’s right. I don’t know what YOU think Berkeley, but I want you to know that we LIKE it and we need you as a PEOPLE to GET to the PROMISED land!!!….” and more gibberish no one understood. Had I not taped it all I’d have never noticed and I was in the eighth row, center stage. Paul’s a douche bag who deserves to be shunned for abandoning us all, not just me. He’s taking up valuable celebrity real estate and not willing to pay the freight. To be fair, ALL you parents should give yourselves a “D” and a spanking for failing your children in the presence of powerful evidence you choose to ignore. How pathetic is everybody? Really. Has knowing “The truth” spared me your mass insanity? I think so. What WILL history say about all of YOU?
The mass media. Need I say more than the mass media is an arm of our military and C.I.A.? That they are there partly to mind control you. Not only can I show all of you how these, apparently C.I.A., magazines documented everything in all their utter depravity and evil with their use of headlines for four months, I can show you an orchestra of conspiracies involving television, radio, books and even movies all designed to mind control you to the point you didn’t even notice that Chapman was never even tried to begin with. Ever. Even the T.V. series “Dynasty” solved who shot J.R. on Thanksgiving two weeks before we all shot J.L., John Lennon. Very Orwellian, sophisticated, evil messing around with all your brains stuff. “Jesus Christ, Superstar, who in the hell do you think you are?” rattling through Manhattan for a year before and during the assassination of Lennon on Broadway. Jack Nicholson screaming demonically, “Heeeeeer’es JOHNNY!!!” when King’s “The Shining” promos blared at the time. They burned you all out for who shot anybody by then. Instead of a trial for Chapman, after, you were shown a charade, I think, about how Hinckley had shot Reagan and Brady. Your minds were commandeered. Kidnapped. No, the media has been fully exposed by now – Nov. 2024 – for their partisan interference in our election process and nobody should trust them for anything right now. If our enemies have captured any part of America already it is apparently our media and deep state. Our Trump vote signals we haven’t been completely subdued by them, yet.
The grim fact of this media cover-up is also that the Jewish media are caught dead to right in the very thick of it almost to the exclusion of anyone else. Howard Cosell, Larry King, Barbara Walters, Goldman, the biographer, all these magazine and their media in general. So, if you trust the concept of the state of Israel as being a good idea I’d say you’re probably wrong. The media Jews have an awful lot of explaining to do. This is just too much evil to be involved with – a horror writer murdering the world’s most powerful and loved hero – not to be a conspiracy against the United States of America. It probably goes all the way to The Kremlin, I have learned, in fact. Stephen King, a Jew, himself, I believe, even writes the passage; “Beware the Jewish / communist plot against the U.S.” SEVERAL times in one book a year after his crime.
So, whodathunk that a little expose like John Lennon’s murder would uncover THE commie plot? It apparently has done exactly that. It took ME decades to finally admit it, myself! Understanding that Lennon was killed by our mortal; enemies to cripple us is vital to knowing what happened. To pretend it is not a cutting of our throats is a mistake you can’t afford to make. From Nixon to Reagan, to Clinton, the Bush’s, to Obama to Biden we have seen a lot of New World Order take over artists trying to do America in. With our own deep state’s blessings unfortunately. Our C.I.A., F.B.I., media etc.. THEY already HAVE been taken over. This, ‘The New World Order’ that G.H.W. Bush proclaimed as our future, politically, is what the real war we are fighting is all about. This conglomeration of various nations as one government requires us, to quote world order agent and father of China’s rise to power, Richard Nixon; “… Americans must learn to lower their ideals…”The very fact that my photo of King getting Lennon’s autograph is a portrait of what this regime stands for is ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW about it and the danger it represents to our humanity and the quality of our lives. Our spirituality and holiness. Our sanity. Our freedom, no less. Our right to own guns, all gone. The real war we can’t see but that we are engaged in right now. If This New World Order wins Moscow wins and America loses, in a word. The bad guys win. You all need me right now. I’m miles ahead of all of you unsuspecting victims. The very man you all resent and pity – me – is trying to save you, to exorcise you and heal you in time before your collective apathy and stupidity gets me killed. To get Stephen King’s evil ass off yours and out of your lives. Before America and free speech are gone. So far, mass shootings, a new phenomenon, says all that needs to be said for your apathy, lack of wisdom, action and courage. In each shooting it’s almost always random civilians as if they represent average all of us with all our flaws. As if we must all deserve to be killed for being such hypocrites. Everyone’s silence and apathy in the wake of my website and van exposes all of you for being hypocrites, lost and unconnected and in a tragic state of confusion and helplessness. An evil spell? Who knows?
The below several pages or more are dedicated to the recent goings on in my life and how they pertain to my message YOU PEOPLE ARE THE PROBLEM – GROW A SPINE AND FIGHT BACK
Before I delete some of the aforementioned promotion pieces for the rally already held this last Dec. 8 in downtown Monterey, Ca. allow me to comment on the character of the people who did not show at all. Two high school age girls actually DID show and good for them.
Like this area has been blackballing my magazine there was a surreal ABSENSE of people at noon on Dec. 8. for my rally which I modestly, but adequately, advertised. Naturally it is information I can use as the messenger someday to warn the public of their own evil and denial and shame processes. Everybody knows and has known, for decades, that I am correct in my claims against King and the government in Lennon’s assassination. Some of you will deny it until you’re blue in the face but it doesn’t change the fact that none of you boobs ever saw a trial for anybody to begin with and you’re poor stewards of the truth right there. So, listen up;
If I were to erect a billboard describing our situation – my heroism and evidence find vs. your denial and silence and apathy – it would read something like;
There are a million other iterations that same the same thing, but I hope you get the picture.
For over four decades the people of California have chosen to let Caesar have rendered unto him as Caesar sees fit, evil or not. For this time the people of the universe have chosen to still yell out; “Free Barabbas!” and side with the criminal element in all of us. Pretty sick. I can see why no one before me has surfaced with a story so big as mine. Apparently stories this big the public can’t handle and, in fact, has a masochistic reaction to. Afraid to call out The Wizard Of Oz for the scam artist he is? Afraid to slap the governor’s hand? Afraid to stand up to f*****g evil asshole murderer Stephen King?
Apparently, Stephen King rules you blind fools. You bow down to his indulgence of murdering John Lennon of The Beatles with a gun. You ignore that he has raped and perverted you in the process. Robbed you. Urinated all over your values and morals. Ruined you? You ignore the evidence against him best you can. Oh, yes you all do, too. Dead to right caught in the act of getting Lennon’s autograph posing as Chapman hours before the murder. Mark David King Chapman linked to Chapman’s letter three weeks before the crime where Reagan is moving him, armed, into a hostile square and all the rest.
Right now, you are all caught asking the government to please kill me so you can all go in being molested by the cover-up like the good little masochists for the government you all are.
P.P.S. My billboard message for Christmas on my van reads;
Pretty much just screams truth, doesn’t it?
Yeah, this phony, pretentious time is great for abrasive messaging. It stands out among all the hype and lies floating everywhere.
Finally, before continuing the theme I started, let me give you all a glimpse into MY mind after all these years of being right in a world gone so wrong and evil. The real powers that be behind the scenes who keep their names out of the papers, the Rockefellers, Rothchilds and other oligarchs who DO have their fingers in all our pies, even our biggest electric provider company and such, who own our presidents in real life, must have been thinking to themselves before killing John Lennon;
“Mr. John Lennon, master of the universe, atop the highest perch of all fame, with your genius musical gifts and magical ways. THE biggest superstar on earth with the biggest fan base of all time. Want to make a comeback, do you? Cranking out a list of new hits in one month, lately? YOU want to have a world with no possessions and war and live simpler lives away from all our madness and materialism. Who do you think you’re dealing with? Do you even know people like us exist? People who have everything to lose if you get your way? The people who run the world in real life? What kind of people do you think we are? Good people? Of course, not. We’re the most reptilian, anti human race offshoot of society you can imagine. We are into occult ritualistic evil, you moron. We are the recipients of all that is below us and we’re not going to let your “idealism’ steal the show and ruin everything WE value. Screw you. We’ll show you what you’re up against. EVIL!!!! How evil? How about we not only kill you but do so brutally on your front door step right before Christmas? How about we use a gun to help us take away America’s guns in the process? How about we let the man who does the dirty deed take over in your place, after? Fill the void your absence creates? How about we undo all the progress in human rights and freedom you got started by reversing the tide with horror instead of peace and love? How about we let the next big, now barely known, horror writer get his jollies by killing you and feeding off of that evil energy to write his books ever after? How about we find a scapegoat, look-alike patsy to take the blame so our horror monger can make his escape? How about we insult all your fans, after, by skipping a trial, altogether, for the scapegoat. Our way of saying “What are you going to do about it, Beatle fans?” How about we remove your image from all society and jukeboxes and make you out to be a flash in the pan hippy we all just best forget? THAT’S who we are. THAT’S the real world Mr. Do Gooder. We’re not good. Who do you think set you up with your traitorous wife Yoko Ono? Oh, yes, that, too. We don’t leave things to chance. We’re way ahead of people like you who think there is room in this world for beauty and genius and goodness. We don’t run the world like you think. We’re even worse than that.”
Oh, and by the way, the Royal Family of England may be part of this controlling political dynamics. Perhaps even the Pope and Vatican City. Not only is London the epicenter of tabloid media mind control of the world, it is also the most camera surveilled of western democratic systems. “The sun never sets on the British Empire” is their motto and they have been recent history’s most prolific conqueror of nations worldwide. Do you think they haven’t been scheming all this time how to get us back under British control? Some say they are the center of the “New World Order” crowd. What caught MY attention, however, was the Queen Elizabeth’s remark that 1992 – the year I confronted Stephen King in Bangor, Maine for several months – was her “Annus horribilus” Her year of horribleness. Was it, perhaps, because I was close to exposing it all? Did they kill Lennon for their own reasons? If Nixon and Reagan were double agents doing us in for the “New World Order” they also just happened to also be Irish / English / and Scotch by bloodline, besides. I am English / Irish / Scotch / Yugoslavian, myself. Is THAT why I solved “their crime?”. It takes one to know one, they say. I do think I have superior detective abilities as a Scotsman, a la Scotland Yard legend. I also did a project in high school that involved reading all of the Sherlock Holmes novels.
While all you mere mortals are licking your ice cream and thinking insipid thought about me as you pass my van, I am thinking of these nasty thoughts in the job of saving all of you ingrates from pure evil. Evil you’re too evil to even want to see.
Update 12-23-’24; I notice a chill in the locals since I went on radio air waves about how California seems too limp wristed to care about my evidence and I’ll be moving to Utah to break the news to America. I mentioned how California will find out the rest of America is not so confused and weak about life..
I already have sworn to never even speak to cowardly McCartney for the same reason. Do you think I give a thought about what you may think about me after I tell all of America California proved too cowardly for free speech and this nation saving hard evidence? Too resentful and jealous of the messenger to wipe their own smelly butts? To save their fellow Americans from the evil surrounding us? That California and Monterey and Santa Cruz were too communist in nature to stand up to their government with hard evidence? Like the poor slobs of Russia who allow themselves to be media controlled to keep Putin in power even after he was caught killing hundreds of Russian citizens under the guise the Chechnyans were blowing up their apartment buildings when it was Putin, all along. Like the weakling slobs of Russia who allow Putin their taxes, so is California guilty of stiffing Steve Lightfoot, John Lennon and all of humanity.
The mascot of all your collective jealousy might be a man named Steve Mikinnis. I already called the police on him for his threats to “sink my Yellow submarine.” My then yellow van. I noticed a tiny slice taken out of my paint right where I’d notice it most. Right at my doors handle area. Steve was there the day before while we were both getting our pantry items from a food bank. Did he take a tiny slice out of paint with his pocketknife to get even with me for having an opinion and expressing it occasionally. My back was turned at the time getting my groceries. When I first met him at a food pantry he tried to cut ahead of me in line and I resumed my place and he’s resented me for that ever since, I suppose. He started it. Not me.
An interesting note about Steve Mikinnis. He had a pet Bearded Lizard “Bearded Dragon” when I met him. It had grown over a foot long before it suddenly died last month. I had warned him, before, of my avenging angel that punishes my enemies like no one else I’ve ever seen. So, now, his love of his life, his pet lizard, died recently for all his threats against me?
Also. Last week I was ticketed for being a few minutes late to get back to my 2 hr. space. I had been detained at a council meeting and unable to repark under the circumstances. I was cited AS I WAS ON THE PODIUM SPEAKING so they KNEW I’d not be coming out to stop a ticket. Just after Leon Panetta, my arch enemy here, exited the building a few minutes earlier. I didn’t dare go out then because they might shoot me and plant a gun and say I was trying to kill Leon Panetta. The police chief, Dave Hober, had already confiscated a sign I made about Panetta “L. PANETTA SUCKING S. KING’S DICK”. The meter maid would have to have chalked me right after I parked and ticketed me right after 2 hr.s. Then I found the ticket the next day because it was not placed under my wiper but under in my leaf gutter hoping I’d not find it for a while, I suspect, and maybe have it fly off my van to guarantee a default. They know I’m moving to Utah soon. They are getting their licks in now. I will get my licks in when my four part movie focuses on mayor Williamson, named in the movie, coming out of a bedroom with his black male lover, Ivan, right after a session of whatever homosexuals do alone, together. That’s how mayor Tyler Williamson will be depicted in my movie someday. He admits he is a homosexual. He who has been busy preventing my free speech time at meetings for a year, now.
All this untidy stuff about the pro Stephen King crowd, protective of him, not America, evil California, will be my duty to expose so America learns from it..
The day after that last parking ticket the 100 year old wharf in Santa Cruz washed away, part of it. The day after the first ticket a million dollar water main break at the Monterey downtown entrance broke and took a week to fix, I also noticed.
(Before I foray into the immediate chapter below let me say that I have chosen to live in a van since 1985. Ever since I understood what a fraud everything is above the working class. I knew that the government would take any money I might get (And they have whenever possible.) and that I’d have to be poor to be the messenger in this story. They can’t steal what isn’t there.
I was born a doctors son in a middle class neighborhood and went to college for two years and have no criminal record, ever. I was trying out for pro golf when I stumbled onto this evidence and I’ve taken the life of a monk for it ever since. That being said, I submitted this written complaint to Salvation Army management;)
Salvation Army Discriminating?!
Richard Leidsen, manager of the homeless center in Sand City, I reported to management four years ago after he asked me, suggestively, when we were alone at the front desk; “Do you want some kisses, Steve?” (Chocolate kisses.) As a once good looking heterosexual male I’ve fended off plenty of attempts by gays to see if I’m one. I’d say his was such an attempt. As he was also discriminating against me then, getting things late and reluctantly, I reported my reasons why I think so. After that report – an e-mail to the top management – he broke his wrist in a fall and was absent for months. When he returned he was low key about everything and so was I.
Last month, after being late for the 1:00 O’clock opening, he then delayed the line after seeing me in it to do some office work he forgot to do earlier. He could go on for five minutes and have us wait I’ve noticed in the past so I spoke up politely to ask him to please resume to processing the waiting line of homeless people. He got in my face about it later and I realized he was still resentful towards me after all this time.
Today, the last day of the year, 12-31-’24, and just minutes after I was knocked down, myself, by a golf cart and slammed my wrist into the asphalt, without injury, thankfully, I found myself confronted by politics and maneuvering by Salvation Army management to thwart my promised shower when I showed up at 8:40. I was told to return in almost three hours at 11:30. Strange, Sandra had a man just minutes ahead of me showering within minutes of our arrival. I thought it strange that, for the third or second time, I’ve been asked to return at 11:30. I returned at 11:20 and noticed a woman who was behind me in line earlier exiting a shower so I knew it was time for me. I reported all this to Sandra and she allowed another person ahead of me, still. I waited for twenty minutes for one of two showers to open up and none did. When I asked Sandra what was going on she said to me; “If you don’t like it you can write about it in your website.” “So, you DO read my website. Good.” I replied. Apparently she was offended by things I say, generally, about society for turning a blind eye to evidence that proves a horror writer murdered John Lennon for politicians and is still out molesting society with his evil books and movies. In particular, I suspect she must have read things I’ve noticed about homosexuals and beggar / wino’s emerging as the demographic sections who most resent me. Me, the truth hero with evidence to save us from evil. I don’t know why they have proven most hostile to my cause but because they have I have taken notice of in my site.
There is another man there, a Hispanic, in his late 50’s with short hair who is part homeless client and center employee I suspect. I notice he has been caught spying on me occasionally in conversations before and such. He seems like a fixture he is so often there the few times I go there. I only visit the center occasionally. I don’t know his name, but in the middle of the confrontation where Sandra asked me to leave, the part right after I remarked that; “Rick is afraid I think he is a homosexual. Is that what this is all about?” Right after that remark I saw this Hispanic man’s face glower with hatred as if I was offending him as if HE was also a homosexual. Combined with other things I’ve noticed there regarding pantry staff and such I’d say there is a chance that Richard is appointing pro homosexuals to his staff at the expense of heterosexuals. At least where clients are concerned. I’ve seen it before in the restaurant industry and I think I am seeing it here at the Salvation Army Homeless Center in Sand City, California. If it is such a cabal it should be broken up. I’d say it’s tilted, now. I think it need addressing and things should change there..
Is Rick trying to deny me services and making me wait at the end of the line and even refuse me when I do wait to the end of the line? Is the reason because they don’t like my politics and website? Am I suffering their heterophobia? Sandra almost admitted it WAS part of the reason.
I think Rick has ordered his staff to harass me with slow service to provoke me into an outburst over his discriminatory practices to oust me from the scene BECAUSE he has reason to believe I think he is a homosexual and wants me out to keep his secret a secret. If it’s because they have sympathy for evil Stephen King and resent my outspokeness on my website, as Sandra practically admitted was the case, well, that’s their problem. Poor them. Meanwhile my rights are being violated and their actions have only lent credence to my observations, after all.
I expect to receive fair treatment from now on there and not suffer being put last in line as they have been doing lately. Yesterday I was denied food because they claimed they were out.
That is illegal and I am complaining, again, about discriminatory treatment there.
Dated December 31, 2024
Sincerely, Steve Lightfoot
It dawned on me a day after the fact that, just 12 hours before 100 or so people were run over by a truck in New Orleans and a man blew up a Tesla at a Las Vegas Trump Building hours later, I was run over by a golf cart and knocked down slamming my left wrist into the asphalt and came within an inch of having my right ankle run over. The female employee didn’t seem too upset or sorry for it after, either. As if it was done on purpose. Maybe it was just an accident. Just days before all this I erected a sign on my van that reads; ‘YOU PHONIES ARE FLAT ON YOUR FACES” Days later dozens in New Orleans found themselves face planted by a terrorist. As the above formal complaint to Salvation Army management attests, a man who tried to ‘hit on me’ injured HIS wrist and was out for months the day after I complained to his managers about it. Minutes after getting mowed down on a golf course and hurting MY wrist – not seriously – the same man who hurt his wrist years ago was trying to, again, ban me from their homeless center because of “my website” according to a staffer there. Like the gods of karma trying to get my attention. Now all this terrorism that mirrors my getting mowed down just hours later.
Days later second Monterey county judge ruled against me in a second small claims matter as if to commit conspiracy to defraud Steve Lightfoot. Twice, now, the local judgers are ruling against my extremely good cases and it just so happened that, right after that judgement, Joe Biden took a face plant and hit his head on something I heard. Similar to his famous stumbling on the airplane steps in 2021 which happened to happen exactly a half hour after I was falsely cited near Stephen King’s Florida home for allegedly standing in the roadway. (I think Biden was aware of my new citation and was distracted.) I was acquitted of that later but what another coincidence after coincidence after coincidence, I’d say.
Already, what, several instances of my avenging angel have shown a man who threatened to vandalize my van having his beloved pet lizard die on him shortly after I had to call police on him (They never asked him for his I.D., either. He may even be a police undercover agent / provocateur.. run by chief Hober.) The days after two wrongful parking tickets the city of Monterey suffered a million dollar repair water main break at the towns downtown entrance AND Santa Cruz lost its 100 year old wharf. All within hours of the trespasses against me.
If you read a part of my other chapter; “ME OR WW III….”there is a many paged chapter listing most of all this phenomenon. Many dozens of uncanny things to suggest my enemies get their come uppence with or without my caring what happens to them. Biblical in scope, no less.
ABOUT these recent terror events. I just was on talk radio about it all;
I noticed how New Orleans and Las Vegas were singled out as if to rub our faces in our debauchery as a society. Hitting our “sin” cities. Another man, an author also writes about nuking Las Vegas, also writes “”Even an American city?” “No, I spit on your cities. There is no English for it. Pokol, verdulack, eyalick, do you follow?….. And you shall have your vengeance on those who would fill themselves while others want.” The author is Stephen King who is also a terrorist in case you don’t know. He is the man seen getting John Lennon’s last autograph before killing him for Nixon and Reagan posing as Chapman. That we don’t care about this evidence shows that we ARE a debaucherous society. He nukes Las Vegas In The Stand, people…,.”
See what I said about my “Avenging Angel” people?
About that golf employee and Del Monte Golf Course. Clint Eastwood owns it and has tried before to oust me from their putting green. He tried to, he succeeded in, having an associate give me a knock out drink while I was on a date with one of his girlfriends in 1980. Decades later it blew up in our faces and I had to advertise this fact to get back into the AT&T golf event which he had me towed out of the day before. (His famous line from “Gran Torino; “Get off my lawn, punk.” was inspired by that event, in fact.)
Did he have anything to do with that “accident”? Who knows?
Also, today, 1-2-’25, I was denied damages caused by a Cal Trans pothole that did almost $500. of damage to my suspension a year ago. Judge Litt wouldn’t consider the hole so big it would fit six human heads that had been there unrepaired for over a month wasn’t negligence on their part. All rigged. I had to tell him I “Hope the golf event isn’t rained out like last year..” to give him a heads up of my avenging angel. I even said, upon leaving,’ 12 hours after I was run down by a golf cart 100 people were run down in New Orleans, for example..”
As mentioned, Joe Biden took a fall right after I got screwed in court, yet, again.
Now, back to my regular website stuff;
My latest billboard?
AND, during the Christmas / New Year season to counter balance the phony cheer in our mad dive into hell these past four decades. How can anyone argue it’s not the God’s truth?
I just drove the other one; RESENTFUL U. S. DUCKING EVIDENCE on a 400 mile round trip up into the north bay area, here, to shake up people’s minds.
How Big Am I?
I just found out this last week on January 17, 2025 while studying the frozen image of a satellite view of the U.S. that a 1987 photo of me – taken by S.F.P.D. in a 1987 mug shot for displaying signs on a sidewalk then – is EXACTLY portrayed over the states of Washington and Oregon. In photographic realism. As if I must be far, far, bigger than anyone on Mount Rushmore. I discovered it accidentally and, when I saw it, I was amazed but not surprised, either. 500 miles tall and 300 miles wide. My left eye is near Spokane, my nose east of Seattle and my then full lipped mouth is just east of Portland. I know this sounds crazy but I wouldn’t say it if I couldn’t prove it. The DEFY television network has a police reality show that inserts this satellite image between arrest encounters. Regular other images of the U.S. from space may also show this topographical image from space but this show’s version DEFINITELY does. What’s also amazing is that it captures my exact personality, too. Anyone who has seen this mug shot photo of me will recognize, immediately, that it could ONLY BE ME and no one else. That this image has been there for thousands of years before I was ever born is beyond comprehension.
(NOTE; Google images don’t work. The lighting, shadows and other factors suggest that, so far, only on this DEFY Network’s police show’s image will you instantly see what I’m talking about. It’s a nationally broadcast show so find it and freeze the image and study it. Maybe that’s why I never noticed this before. While I have to admit this dependency on lighting and shadows found uniquely on this police real life arrests video show undercuts some of the wow factor but, on the other hand, don’t you, too, find it utterly bizarre that the photo represented of me is ALSO uniquely from a police station mug shot session? That’s how I’ve noticed these pats on the back God shows me from time to time happen. Hidden from normal plain sight until the lighting is right and then WHAMMMM! And at a time when I needed a pat on the back after almost dying from mercury poisoning from a collapsed tooth at the time. “Cheer up, Steve. I have a little surprise I think you’ll appreciate.” The fact that I first noticed it while studying the night time image of the U.S. shows how important shadows and such are and why no one ever noticed it before. A face, not just any, but MY face, staring back at everyone from two states like a photograph, no less.)
In fact, I’ve always noticed that Montana, where I was born, has a man’s profile and nose looking down on the state of California where I lived my life out so far. This other new revelation BLOWS MY MIND!!!!!!!!!!! See for yourselves what a handsome young man I used to be.
In 2001(?), I forget, I was in Helena, Montana, my birthplace. In the center of downtown on a sidewalk was a life size statue – maybe in bronze – of a boy selling newspapers. The only suggestion of a mascot anywhere there. I thought; “Does Helena already know who I am? Is this statue their gushing pride or what?!” I had only been notorious for about 19 years at the time. For that time, prior, that young man passing out literature could have been exactly me. Who knows, I still wonder to this day. The statue looked less than ten years old. Some kid exuberantly giving the public the hot news.
In the early 1980’s, while visiting Santa Barbara for the first time, Reagan country, I was in a Wells Fargo bank on State Street when I heard their manager utter my name in a phone conversation he was engaged in. MY NAME! About my being; “ town.” How could he even know about me, I thought. I had no website, then. Boy, I guess I’m more famous than I think I am.
In 1992 G.H.W. Bush brought up my magazine, then titled; “Everybody’s Business: Who Shot John Lennon?”, twice on television. The second time at the Richmond, Va. presidential debate when he said; “…You know I am a president who is talking the issues. Nobody likes “Who Shot John” but …” I had been in Kennebunkport, Maine, his residence, weeks earlier handing out my magazines all over town and he dropped 20 points in one week there, I recall.
In 1992 Senator William Cohen was on television in the halls of Congress or the Senate and I watched him discuss me, by name, and why it was necessary to erect a law forbidding me from exposing Stephen King in his state of Maine. A major politician televised discussing me in the halls of power in Washington D.C…
In 1995 I was slandered on the national televised news as a stalker of Stephen King under a pretext of suspicion of trespassing at one of his book signings. No, I was displaying a large sign outside that building that read; “STEPHEN KING IS A MURDERER; IT’S TRUE OR HE’D SUE” After two days I was released, the phony charge dropped. By the way, the government really thinks I must be important. Besides being kidnapped and beaten unconscious I have endured other beatings and broken bones and a dislocated shoulder and dozens and dozens of unwarranted tickets and false charges over time. I have been to a court house at least 400 times since going public and I have no criminal record at all. Since I returned to Monterey in 2017 I’ve had to fight over ten(?) citations and watched two of my vans wrecked or sabotaged by the government here. I even beat three attempts to criminalize me. In one matter one complainant was found dead in his car parked exactly where we met a year before. Leon Panetta is the top politician here and I blame him, exactly, for it all. He has corrupted the area. He was a Nixon aid and former C.I.A. chief and defense secretary and he thinks I’m too stupid to know he is my biggest local enemy trying to kill me, no less. The courts and police here are corrupt under his monopoly. I’m a witness. The oppressed public, ditto. Pretty on the outside, ugly and depraved on the inside. Victims of King’s evil. The people mean well but are not well. Monterey. I’ve had police elsewhere point guns directly in my face three times, the first time an hour after Reagan’s re election. My father’s suspicious plane crash may not have been an accident, in fact. It was one of the the first attacks on me by the government if it was a terror plot to scare me. Two suspicious charges; “Attempted grand theft” and “breaking and entering” charges were leveled against me in Santa Rosa, Ca. that I had nothing to do with. As if I broke into their codes and tried to steal them or something. A message to me to back off. I beat those charges. They were dismissed after several appearances where I was the only one in the court room. Really! Then, about the same time, my father was killed a week after his dog was found hanged in a drape chord. Like a mob threat, in fact. A week before Stephen King (It’s his pen scrawl) wrote me to warn me; “Mr. Lightfoot, You haven’t got the whole story yet but since you will not cease your investigation I thought I may as well ‘Clue you’ to ‘Phase Three’.” The handwriting matches a second signed letter to me from him, in fact. (By the way, the students at U.C. Berkeley in 1984, squealed with uncontained glee at the news OF my father’s death. Like a pack of jealous bastards. That’s what I know about all of you that you could never even know about yourself EXCEPT for my being this unique messenger. It’s as revealing as learning of “The Stockholm Syndrome” and other things you’d rather deny about yourselves.)
And you cruel cowards still want to tell me I have no evidence. With all these police crimes against me. Hundreds over time. The public’s cowardly interceptor of heroes? Police? They have proven to be the first amendment’s ardent enemy. Not it’s guardian.
In 2021, while driving from New York to Dallas after three months in Florida when I exposed King, there, I noticed an ominous string of mass shootings that followed my website van by about four days, each. Five shootings, five different cities, perhaps in one week over frustration, in my opinion, that the public apparently doesn’t care about Stephen King killing John Lennon. My website van isn’t resulting with King’s arrest, I guess, and people are offended by that. That all people are evil hypocrites. Their fellow man has let them down with their mass silence. I’m convinced there is some truth to this, too. It’s what Americans do who won’t protest their grievances in front of their media, instead, I guess. It’s how you all REALLY handle the truth.
As far as outstanding achievements are concerned I have quite a list;
My last name, Lightfoot, is smack, dab, EXACTLY in the middle of all those signatures on the Declaration of Independence. Lightfoot is an English sir name with Scottish origins.
First human to ever trisect an angle with just a compass and straightedge (1971, Healdsburg, Ca. geometry class, Dick Nixon, the teacher, a witness.) A simple matter of reversing a noticeable bias the other way, putting two sets of points on the arc and then bisecting those sets. Same procedure as trisecting a line segment just butterflying the procedure the other way and taking the average point between the sets of points. Five years later I heard Paul Harvey announce to the world the man who got credit for what I did as a boy. I guess it was more important than I thought it was. Dick Nixon must have been right when he said I’d be famous if I could explain it in geometry language. Boring. It only took one try and twenty minutes to solve once I learned the basics of geometry.
Best artist in my schools. Grade school and high school.
Top 3 % in my S.A.T. language section and top 13 % in math which was totally just a common sense guesstimating procedure. I hate math. Again, BORING!
First poker hand ever dealt to me in life; A Royal Flush. Right off the top after five shuffles and two cuts and the cards were dealt by my father to his children learning to play poker for the first time. Five players now with five cards each and I noticed a pattern. I showed my Dad and he grabbed my hand and just stared at it and froze for few seconds in disbelief. “Kids, this is what is known as a Royal Flush. It’s the highest hand…” I think he was wondering who IS his first born son, after all. Where was I really going in life?
As a boy I saw an asteroid almost kill all of us. Bigger than a mountain and from Healdsburg, Ca. to Hawaii in about two seconds. Utterly silent for being so close – about only 3,000 miles away and burning white, yellow and orange like lava it was so close. Had I blinked I’d have missed it yet it lit up everything like a torch for a second and was gone. It took up a SIXTH of the sky!!!!!!!!!! What I find amazing is how it was presented to me as if I was destined to be THE witness (Actually I found one other man who saw it from North Carolina ) I only slept outdoors on our back yard ever a few times in my life as a boy. This was that night for the year and I had just adjusted my pillow after tucking into my sleeping bag looked up to the night sky and a second later, like a locomotive out of nowhere burrowing a whole in the sky, like a monster from the universe that could kill us all, “BLIP!” fast and then it was gone leaving me with one thought; “We all almost just died.”
I think this experience taught me that we can’t take this planet for granted and just misbehave any way we want because God can take us all out in a heartbeat if we, for example kill John Lennon and then ignore the evidence against our enemies who did it. Right now I am convinced that without a hero to lead us we are doomed as a species. The Rockefellers, Rothchilds and The Royal Family of England and others who actually own our politicians – most of them – and the media and banks and industry and our military – ARE pure evil and insane. In reality some kill babies after exciting their adrenaline and drink their blood for purposes of staying young and other weird beliefs. Occult, ritualistic, Satanic, sadistic, extremely selfish A-S-S-H-O-L-E-S-! THESE – A-R-E- the people who keep you stupid and weak and afraid with monsters like Stephen King. They HAVE to kill people like me and John Lennon and Ghandi and Jesus to keep you people who make them rich stupid enough to stay making them rich and, , as a result, YOU FOOLS let evil things happen to you because there is no voice FOR you in the form of a folk hero. They have cut your tongues all out in killing your heroes and you don’t want to even look it’s so ugly. Your castrated, diminished lives.
Because of this fact of our lives I AM extremely important to all of you. Night and day, Heavan and Hell, good and evil, life or death, all on the table, depending on if I get to be a hero or if your fear, jealousy and cowardice martyr me, instead. You have all been trained by the media to be cowardly, boot-licking masochists who must laugh at people like me or be called ridiculous, yourselves. Media controlled. Trained. The sad thing is you’re all so weak and congenitally jealous and evil at birth you fall for it all and you all DO seem like poor, helpless masochists. Like a snake without a head. I know WHY you are force fed reality crime shows about neighbor killing neighbor or spouse and the grunge they keep you polluted with. Controlling you with fear, dumbing you down with the evil side of all of you, as if it’s YOU who are all evil. It takes the spotlight off of them. Not that you’re not all 50 % evil, yourselves, you are – you don’t have the goodness to tackle Stephen King, for example – but they PROGRAM you to stay on the dark side OF your nature so you have no moral authority to stand up to them.
Many, many other episodes in between and since have convinced me that fully half of America has heard SOMETHING about me and many keep up with my website, even. I have sold thousands of my magazines with a money back satisfaction guarantee that it is proof and haven’t had one come back yet. I can tell by the crowd reaction to my presence whenever my van is in any town. Not even just California. Actually everybody’s LACK of reaction, as if everybody already knows all about me and isn’t going to give me the satisfaction of letting me know it by their ignorant, heads turned away posturing. Ignoring, as much as possible, my loud, flesh pink website van about Lennon’s murder. Practically everybody already has already heard all about me. Their minds are made up, too. They look down their jealous Lennon killing noses at me and deliberately frustrate me and side with the cover-up and the government. Monterey and Santa Cruz, where my van is all over the place, has only purchased three magazines in the seven years I’ve been there. Three of hundreds the rest of America bought in the same time span. To suffocate me and stop me. They KNOW I’m right and I scare them with so large a story. They want to not rock the boat. To not stick their heads up. Standing up to their evil government is something they can’t seem to understand the concept of. My higher standards are too much extra work for them. Their weak parents never taught them to fight back, I guess. Like the Cowardly Lion running out of the castle because a little smoke and fire was belched by the Wizard and scared the common sense out of them. To martyr me and their own futures, instead. When I dangle my photos of King and Lennon’s killers outside my open van’s window passers by mostly pass me by as if they already know what I have to show. I think my courage and hard evidence SCARES them. They’d rather think about money, their real God. They’re happy just being idiots in silence and trudge along with their miserable lives. “That idiot thinks we care if Stephen King shot John Lennon, I guess. Everybody KNOWS that. Tell me something new. Nobody cares!” is about as far as they get with their brain power, however. In reality they are thinking, also, “..Oh, but if only I had HIS courage, I’d care, too. We all LOVED John Lennon. We’re fools to avoid the controversy.” All the while, in the meantime, they are on their knees sucking evil Stephen King’s dick. In bondage and under pure evil. Their religions all flat on their face. All the while wasting what could be 100 times better days and lives, but content to wallow in the muck and mire. Content to mock the messenger if only to avoid having to stand up for themselves. Anything but that.
Everybody – practically – knows that, if my evidence breaks wide open and King is arrested and punished, I will become the biggest sensation since The Beatles, themselves, and they seem to RESENT THAT FACT and want to frustrate and obstruct me at every opportunity. Yup, the biggest celebrity on planet earth, bar none. An expose, a feat unmatched in ages. How dare any one man get so powerful overnight with evidence so controversial as his. Jealousy. Working class misery, fear, sin. They all step in and stop the duty of us all to demand media disclosure, don’t they? It’s as if God made us all God damned stupid.
Get over you jealousy. This story is bigger than fame or even history. It is huge and history making. Aren’t all of you lucky as hell to be a witness, too? Spectators aren’t winners, though. You have to also be players in this; “The Event”.
No, the biggest lie you all tell yourselves is that I am a nut, a wacko. It’s so easy and washes your hands of John’s blood all at the same time. It’s so weak and stupid, too. Deep down you know, instead, that I am the hero whose story is just too big and too good to be true as far as your lack of courage to handle it is concerned. More truth than you can handle. Everybody knows Chapman never stood trial. That I’m probably right just on that basis. I’m huge. In a sense, the whole world knows who I am, already. I hope I’m not “The Second Coming”. I think the power of this news will eclipse religion, in fact, but no one else is close to sitting on so much power and revolutionary change as I am. If that is the case I think we would all KNOW THAT, underneath all our prejudice and jealousy. Wasn’t it Jesus who said; “A prophet is never acknowledged by his home town.”? I have been around doing this for forty plus years, now. I have crossed America several times in my website van over the years. I’ve spoken with millions and millions about it, too. Many thousands agree with me and have told me so. So, there, all you phonies too afraid to admit it. I have known from day one that this story will become the biggest world event most of us will ever live through and experience in our lives. No story can touch it it is so huge. I knew this about this evidence within seconds of accidentally discovering it all at a library one day near San Diego. This before finding Chapman’s letter linking Reagan and King’s matching face. Had I known all this at once I might not have not believed it, myself. The way the evidence presented itself to me that first day was divine intervention if there ever was divine intervention. One vital clue after the next in perfect succession just RAINING on me, “The Real War’ amazingly opening to the exact page about killing Lennon, all, within twenty minutes, BAM! I KNEW!!
I must say, after all I’ve seen and have been through, that no one living or dead could possibly know exactly what I know about all of you and our world. No one but me has experienced what it’s like to inform a brainwashed society of the grizzly truth of their lives only to see all their flaws and defects rear their ugly heads to try to stop me for it, after. I DO know that religion is a joke and has failed all of you for you to be so flat footed, now, with my evidence at your feet. For you to be still resisting lifting a finger to do anything about it.
I must be bigger than religion, itself, in that respect. Not Jesus or God, but religion, itself. My expose will finish what religion could not accomplish; wrestling with evil and defeating it, not just living with it. Forcing all of humanity to face it’s fears and wrestle with evil and defeat it. No platitudinal escape rabbit hole escape hatch to pop down into when the going gets too rough. No, facing evil and defeating it, once and for all. Putting Stephen King to death for what he did instead of letting him get away with killing John Lennon and urinating on us ever after molesting us with horror as we make him a rich man like an insane society. It’s either one or the other. We will have to choose which one we want to live with. To have us all admit Jesus died because of our sins, not for them, or we wouldn’t be looking over four decades of sympathy for the devil; Stephen King, to show for it. That all that was guilt inspired nonsense we invented to feel less guilty for killing Jesus with tax payer money, in fact.
For too long all of us have settled on living under the lie. Not living under the truth, but under as lie in the first place. The prospect of living under truth seems to scare most of you from my perch.
Oh, I’m pretty big, all right. Bigger than I’ll ever be able to see or admit. But for me all of you would surely have been sacked with evil. Defeated by our enemies under the weight of the evil Lennon’s murder represented. Like Nixon said in The Real War; An idealism transfigured (?) is more potent than a frank defiance of al ideal values.” Nixon knew how to poison us. He also knew how to empower China in the 1970’s before they were a threat to us as they are, now.
To poor fools need me. More than you will ever know or be able to admit. If you fail me the universe will not fail to punish you for it, after. If you break my story before I’m killed you will also be rewarded for that. It’s a night versus day, good versus evil scenario facing all of you. My own relatives and family taught me what insanity I’m up against in saving all of you with evidence. Talk about bat poop crazy all of you. WOW!!!!
I can’t afford to be anything less than candid and offensive at times with you. I know I’m right and I know you’re all very sick and in need of truth and justice. Period. Oh, and spine.
In 1983, when Terry Chodash of the San Francisco Secret Service interviewed me, I made a curious remark. I said; “If I go everybody goes.” As if, should I be killed, we would all die for it. As the man who saw the big asteroid just miss us in 1966, and as the man who prayed for it to wipe us out if we fail to punish King while interviewed on KSCO Radio in 2017, I’d be worried just exactly HOW BIG I MIGHT BE.
I only know that you’d all be better off dead than living as you have these past 40 years, already. I wouldn’t take any chances I’m just another radical activist. I’d take everything I say seriously. Maybe I am the decider. The investigator, the judge in it all. I’d prefer not to be, frankly, but I don’t anything for granted anymore.
On the other hand, if you all DO expose, arrest, try and punish King I will have the distinction of ushering in the era of truth. Boy, will you all live better for it after, IF, and ONLY if, you break this news. That means you have to show up, face up and grow up March first in downtown Monterey. Otherwise the glory of this monster story moves to Utah. And all the commerce and industry it may create.
(By the way, there is so much more below this chapter in gold titles. This is just my latest chapter now that the 2024 election is over and I can move on to new pressing issues. The most recent is titled; “ME OR WWIII – BUT CHOOSE QUICKLY” My sub chapter there titled; “A Letter To The People of California” several pages down from the top is a must read. )
Many of you would rather cut off your right arm than admit our government could do such a horrific thing to you. That your lives are being martyred under a real life nightmare. Even if you believed it all you’d still rather cut off your right arm than raise a fist to challenge what they did to you. You just loath standing up to your government more than anything else on earth it seems. The problem is, while you all collectively are trying to pull your heads out from up your rear ends ever since King’s evil scared you up there, our world has gone sour. It’s going bad, and only you protesting to demand media disclosure of this evidence is ever going to make you well again. Until this issue that you instinctively want to dismiss is the only issue you stand for and until it gets your physical protest support, you and I are doomed to stupidity and fear and dysfunction. How smart are any of you martyring the messenger? Martyring your futures? You’ve all already messed up the last four decades keeping me in the shadows. A pathetic display of dysfunction.
Now, the good news. I am still alive. John Lennon may BE dead. I have been through so much and I have seen so much that no other man has ever seen before that I am in a position to pick up where John Lennon left off and be your designated folk hero like John Lennon used to be. “OH, NO! He thinks he’s a hero, does he?” That’s right, you jealous, ingrate masochists! In other words, I used to be too modest to think I ever was anything more than just a lucky guy who stumbled onto evidence one day. Now I understand that Lennon was the hero in our lives we all need and have needed all this time. Without a hero the bad guys rule our lives. It’s that clich’e and real. I look around and see no one more equipped to serve in that position THAN ME. If not me then who? Nobody. Elon Musk is out there and Greta Thunberg and a few others but none with as much potential power as me. Hero rock stars have retreated. Your Lennon murder scared them away. Trump is a politician. He can’t do what a folk hero can do, though. So I can’t afford to be so bashful anymore, I have to come out and tell you this is more important than anything else you could be worrying about now. That this evidence and expose are the keys to setting us all free and getting on with our lives. I’d be a selfish traitor NOT to offer my services to all of you with what I know and can do for us all. Do you people have any IDEA? Fame is not whatever I once thought it was, either. I’d like to NOT lose my anonymity but I HAVE to be a household word NOT to be killed by our common enemies. I’ll have to give you instructions, after I am brought forward, to boycott taxes if they do, to keep them honest. I think I can reach at least 106 years of age and plan to use it for all it’s worth. A lot of revolution and evolution are ours for the taking if YOU make THIS matter right now! Like it or not I’m STUCK in this position. The intensity IS pretty heavy and I need to get out of this van I’ve been living in and outed with my evidence by all of YOU, now. Sometimes it feels like it was all mapped out before I was born. If I were killed you’d only get a portion of what this expose offers. Second only to your collective apathy, I am the story, now. Me. All of you and me together. While we still have an America to empower us. Our enemies are racing me to the finish line trying to stop me and you are needed NOW. You need a messenger like me, now. Right now you are all getting on with your lives in a dysfunctional fashion and an evil fashion and I am that hero who has to tell you so. A hero is someone who teaches us right from wrong. Right now you are all lost in that regard. You all need me. Just like I need you all to care and protest. The media is not going to do your job of saving you from their cover-up. Get off your asses, masses. So unworthy of being saved you all seem. Certainly ungrateful. You’ve already deliberately chosen to martyr my youth at the world’s and your expense. Nothing is what it seems in life when it comes your way in this respect. I thought you were all so much more responsible and wise and brave than you turned out to be. You all HAVE been an enormous disappointment, I admit. My own flesh and blood and family, just as pathetic and hypocritical. I got started and now have to finish the job just to not get killed. As if you demons don’t already know all this. “Geeze, already. Hasn’t the government killed him yet?” If I knew you were going to be this lame over my evidence I’d have taken to hiding with a hostage and DEMANDED you expose the evidence or else, long ago. Technically I’d have a legal defense if such were the case. You’re lucky I know better than to quit. I have no plans to kidnap anyone, now, of course, but I say this to let you know how evil your inaction really is that that’s what it takes to break a story this big and intimidating nowadays with so lame a public. It’s like “Nowhere Man” really was written about you thick, common dolts.
After March first of 2025 it may be too late for Californians to stand by me and my evidence website van to demand media disclosure. I’ll be moved to Utah by then. I won’t be able to stomach their defeated faces after that. Then they’ll have to race me and Utah to break this, the biggest expose of all time. I have to move on if California doesn’t care. For 40 years it has not. Either that or California is too scared to care. Maybe the 10 % gay factor is a factor. I don’t really know. That crowd, particularly, has made their resentment of what I do known. America can’t wait, either. King has to be exposed, tried and executed and the world set straight again or I can’t sleep right . I know for a fact that I will find more normal people there. California is a little too full of ITSELF, it seems, too good for the hero, to do what’s right. (See my chapter below several pages down from the top to see more about this move to Utah titled A LETTER TO THE PEOPLE OF CALIFORNIA – a must read. )
Meanwhile, however, until March first, Californians can still help me come forward most every Sunday at noon in downtown Monterey on Alvarado Street. Just look for my peach / pink website van and STAND BY ME.
Oh, by the way, I sing;
Actually I am a pretty good singer. If you live in Monterey you have, no doubt, seen me singing the standards and some Beatles and other tunes from my van as I drape my evidence photos outside my window. In one sense I’m letting the public know what it’s missing every day they keep me out of the world’s headlines. Am I as good as Sinatra? Nobody is that good. Am I the closest next best thing? Probably, yes. I probably mirror the original artists (Practically anyone) as accurately as anyone else on earth. Tourists think it’s a Sinatra disc and not me doing the singing to a karaoke disc. They don’t turn a head, bat an eye, or suspect it could be me at all at first. It’s a gift and I have it, yes. The voice? I get $40. tips without even asking for tips sometimes. Certain listeners think I’m very good, apparently. It’s a sudden talent I developed recently after realizing my life was in danger if I didn’t do something drastic. A miracle. Suddenly singing was in my wheelhouse. A lot easier than professional golf, I think.
The point is I do it to let you all know I KNOW who I am. I KNOW I’m important. Do YOU? Do you think I am unaware what kind of a story I am sitting on? “If he sings that good maybe he’s NOT a nut, after all.” That’s the idea. It also shows my softer, less political side. Singing lets me pour into the song all the greatness of, not me, but my expose and what I know it really is, and why wouldn’t I want to show that to you all? I actually don’t like living politics. I’d like to get on with MY life, too. Did you know that if you had me you’d be driving for free? I know how to turn the rotational power of your wheels into creating energy like a wind turbine does. As you drive your all electric vehicle with fewer batteries than before you are getting recharged as you drive. No gas, no other motor, no plugging in to a socket to recharge. Free driving. Even 18 wheel trucks could use it they have so many wheels to tap power from. But you need to break my Lennon evidence before you can tap me to give you this technology that the system will block without me to demand it. Am I the only one smart enough to even think of this? I must be, I guess. Want to lower climate warming? Bring me forward.
Meanwhile I also write some songs. Some samplings;
“The silly masses laughing in their dark despair
Killed John Lennon, saw no trial and no one even cares
Lying to your children; “It’s the fan the papers pinned.”
Living’s easy swallowing that pill
Lights that used to signal we’re the human race have dimmed
Your smoky eyes are glazing over, still.
Well, that’s all for now. I have several songs. It should be enough. To get the rest break my story and bring me forward like you all should have decades ago.
P.S. You all don’t want to keep me waiting any longer. Much longer and I will, naturally, withhold whatever gifts I have to give you. It’s just human nature and I’m warning you, now. I may decide NOT to sing for you, for example, and NOT entertain you or much of anything if you make me martyr my life for you any more just so you can all be a lazy, ingrate, apathetic, cowardly, masochistic, unwise son of a bitch. I know how humanity, especially the youngsters, so crave an entertainer that they go mad and turn out by the many thousands it’s so important as hell to all of you. Don’t piss me off withholding my evidence disclosure. I only entertain the worthy who inspire me. The only reason I sing now is for your keeping me alive and scaring the government off of killing me all this time. You’ll all HAVE to do more than just that. It’s your duty. To yourselves, at least. As you are you’re torturing the messenger.
Fair question. I hoped I would never, ever, have to explain to the world WHY this is all so important. My first slogan was “Everybody’s Business” I assumed EVERYBODY already KNEW why this is the most important news on planet earth WITHOUT me having to explain why.
“Wow!!! You just found evidence and solved John Lennon’s murder and can prove our government let a horror writer kill him and, furthermore, is still making us sick after? Let’s all hoist you on our shoulders and march you straight to the media young man.!”
If only you all WERE like you pretend you are in the movies. Meanwhile the REAL all of you has deliberately martyred my youth these past 40, plus, years with your collective conspiracy to cover up and shut up and keep quiet. Thanks a lot, humanity. You’re really swell folk.
“Well, John Lennon is dead. It won’t matter, now, that we know who did it.” Oh, really, Mr. average idiot? R-E-A-L-L-Y!? If you want to have your future heroes and rock stars shot over and over just keep thinking like that. You’ll NEVER get ahead in life. You’ll be stuck in a world without heroes and only tyrants to listen to. A good little Soviet. If you never hear musicians as good as The Beatles ever (Russia banned The Beatles, then) again you shouldn’t wonder why. You can’t see clearly why it happened to begin with. Your already proven apathy over dozens of rock stars killed prompted the government to dare do it at all. Your demonstrated apathy and your parents and grandparents in the past gave them the GREEN LIGHT to kill Lennon. My parents and siblings were no better, either. I broke the mold. You offer no resistance. They KNOW you have no spine. This gives you a weapon against that evil apathy, gives you a chance to change and lets you reverse the damages your apathy has already caused you. Turning the tables on the bad guys is why it matters, now. It gives us power. You people lack courage, not evidence. I’ll lead you if you need a leader. You have no excuse to stay silent.
To suggest it isn’t important because you all have to now get your hands dirty and work and execute asshole Stephen King is YOUR problem. An Atticus Finch is needed to shoot the mad dog in our lives. Letting King fester in a cell would invite more of his treachery and he must be put out of his misery after causing so much misery for all of us. I can’t make you brave and respect yourselves. Make you practice what you all like to preach. You’ll have to come up with all that on your own. It’s as stupid as saying’ “Well, Chapman shot Lennon. They caught him right there on the spot. He admitted it. Case closed.” You’d be a stupid sucker and a liar, deep down. Millions knew we were being lied to that night. Millions, including me. Lennon’s assassination caused more suicides, including entire families around the world, that night than any murder in history. THEY KNEW life had just taken a turn for the worse. Evil had struck. Tragedy and devastation and desecration had become our lives.
There are many of you who don’t even know much at all about John Lennon. You youngsters who have bee sucking hind tit on music ever since the 60’s in fact. When I hear concerts today I can’t even hear the muffled, modulated voice or understand the words. Homogenized heroes. There has never come along a band as good or better than The Beatles in over 60 years. What melody and style, invention and sophistication and elegant lyrics. Wow! What a shot in the arm for humanity, too. A real groundbreaker of a group. You’re already being punished with lesser music for your apathy. PROOF! you’re stagnant under Stephen King’s evil. The Beatles. More great songs came out of that Lennon, McCartney duo than any other musical cooperative in our lifetime or maybe ever. McCartney, as great as he was as a Beatle, was not as great as John Lennon who, I think, had better songs, melodies and lyrics and dealt with improving our political lives more. He certainly was more of a powerhouse for societal change than any other person on the planet. On the very tip top of fame. NO ONE more famous as he. Almost as if from another planet he was SO brilliant! The most photographed human to ever live in his day. He founded and named the band and wrote fully half of all their works. Before he was assassinated he wrote dozens of very good songs in just a few months time. He was utterly amazing and amaze the world he certainly did, his whole life. Except for when Yoko hid him in the basement baking bread for five years after she broke up the band.
He, almost singlehandedly, stopped the Viet Nam war with his “Give Peace A Chance” anthem and, almost singlehandedly, got Nixon exposed as a “Tricky Dicky’ bad guy we should all be wary of. He even sang about his overarching political influence; “I am the Eggman, they are the Eggmen, I am the Walrus…smoking chokers don’t you think the joker laughs at you…” He knew he had more political clout than all the politicians of the world combined including the Pope. John KNEW he was changing the world like no one had since Gandhi or maybe even Jesus Christ. “Walking On Thin Ice” was an album title he was contemplating in 1980 as he made his return to music and politics. He KNEW he was a hot potato with the biggest of enemies on earth. He knew he was taking his life into his hands to even make a come back.
His position that Viet Nam was a lie proved to be true. No domino of communism, after, like some predicted when the war was abruptly halted over public unrest. His wariness of Nixon, ditto. SUCH a stinking heap of political corruption was he. Everybody knows, by now. John was there to see for us, before we could see, ourselves.
John Lennon was the “Folk hero”, incarnate, in our lives. The ONLY one I can think of like him. Someone who the world looked up to and trusted. Someone proven to be great. Someone with the fearlessness of a Mohammad Ali and a fighter for what was right. Always on the front of change MAKING change happen. He took a sorry, depression weary nation with dread and bitterness and struggle in their eyes that lasted into the early 1960’s and then all that music exploded on the scene and the world changed these bitter humans into better humans. We suddenly looked less angry and bitter and hard and we looked more relaxed and intelligent and interested in each other and our world. All over the influence of a force so unstoppable and genius as John Lennon, mostly. He was at the very front of all that movement, then.
He was there to offset the power of the presidency and our government. If they misbehaved he would be the first to stick his neck out and offer his celebrity status to save the day. He KEPT things honest. He was what every democracy needs most. He was our hero. A force we overlook and underestimate, nowadays. We have had so many of our leaders and heroes assassinated we have all but given up on hope and a better future. A living hero in our midst is what’s missing in our world and has been since Lennon was killed. I AM a hero but I am not brought forward as of yet. Until then you HAVE NO HERO. John is gone. The government KNEW how important a hero in any society is and killed him for it. I’m still alive and unafraid of tackling all that is evil and wrong in our lives. No one else can say that. No one else can demonstrate that they are capable of that in the last 40 years EXCEPT me. EITHER!
All of you and your lives are why this is important now. Under Stephen King’s evil reign you have all been a catastrophe. Really. Terrible and stupid all the way. Unsexy and ignorant and boring. I am also the reason John Lennon’s murder is important, now. You drastically need a hero like me in your lives. Don’t be too proud to admit it.. The government has scared you off of even WHY a hero is a NEEDED force in a society. They want that to be kept a secret from you. They have killed dozens more than John Lennon for a reason. Anyone who shakes things up and gets a massive fan base. They even killed Lennon on Jim Morrison’s birthday to torment you, probably. They fear you will be liberated from their government mind control. I am the missing ingredient in your lives and your caring and demanding media disclosure is what is missing in mine. A people without it’s hero is a people without a tongue. A populace without a voice. An incohesive, fractured, dysfunctional body politic. It’s that important, the hero. I’d really rather be playing professional golf than saving the world so take me up before I change my mind. I can always go recluse and paint my way into old age. Together we have hard evidence that we can all leverage against the government and we will win because we are right. Like Jim Morrison sang; “They got the guns but we got the numbers…” The government has no chance against a billion outraged citizens demanding justice. But you need to all bring me forward, first. Without you caring and demanding disclosure everything stays the same. Stupid. If I, for whatever reason, had not gone into that library that day and never discovered all this evidence we’d all be sacked and sorry losers under immense evil without our even knowing it. I, literally, AM your second chance. We HAVE this evidence and are fools not to embrace it for all it’s worth. King hates you. He hopes you don’t ever wake up to that fact, too. He was the kid who was teased and rejected in school and his dad walked out on him at age two. Hurting us and our lives as much as possible in one fell swoop was the orgasm of his life. He is a sadist and a sick man – even convicted in 1992 of sex with a 15 year old in Belfast, Maine – and so are you all sick until you all rise up and expose, arrest and punish him for what he did to our lives. He murdered John Lennon and we have evidence to prove it and if you deny it you’ll be cursed forever for it. You MUST act.
Now, many of you think I’m a little boastful about my claiming to be qualified to be your most prominent folk hero. A vital, necessary force missing in your depraved lives. The main reason you are under mass shootings and Fentanyl use and suicide. What makes me more informed than all of you? Well, for example, I know that Biden and Clinton and Obama are ALL, ALSO in bed with Stephen King and the evil he represents. No better than Nixon and Reagan. That King is their common fear monger that they need to scare us and keep us too off balance to stand up to them or even see them for who they are. That they use FEAR to control us all. I know that HOPE is what scares them and LOVE. These stronger powers scare the government. TRUTH. Can you see why? I know that the Republicans and the Democrats are basically the same exact entity with different departments to secure and are playing us all like the chumps we are. That the two parties are mind controlling you to think they are opponents who aren’t already filled with infiltrates and schemers, all on the same page. And, yet, the media turns us all into frenzied animals over what is opposite between them, instead. They get us completely sold on the concept of two different parties fighting each other. Both of these identical parties own the media, you see. I know this partly because of two facts that I noticed that the rest of you did not that prove this claim. Only luck and noticing certain headlines clued me in or I’d have remained unaware. Brainwashed like all of you. One; Stephen King was secretly invited into The White House by the Clinton’s in 1995 just a week before the Oklahoma City bomb went off. (Only The Oakland Tribune printed the story.) Bill and Hillary. As president he would have to have known that King was Lennon’s real assassin, then. If only to beware of the controversy of me and my expose possibly imposing itself on the scene. But Bill and Hillary knew for other reasons. They are in bed with the Nixon, Reagan, Stephen King team. They are working for the same, exact bosses only posing as Democrats this time. They regard Stephen King assassinating John Lennon as a good thing. Two; Ditto Biden and Obama. Obama couldn’t resist putting a medal of the arts award around King’s evil head, also IN THE White House, before he left office. Biden and Obama think that King killing Lennon was a good thing as well. This evil man replacing ‘peace, love and understanding’ with murder, fear, horror and evil. That’s why I’m qualified to lead your sorry, brainwashed asses. No one else is paying attention to these telling facts that decide everything about all our lives. On top of all that my I.Q. scores and S.A.T. scores put me at the top 3 % of all of you.
Just knowing this also makes me question is Stephen King “John Doe Two” of the Oklahoma City bombing. He was never found. It wasn’t Terry Nichols in the Ryder truck passenger seat a witness remembered as depicted on an artist sketch shown in the media. John Doe Two happens to look just like Stephen King looked then. Black hair, pug nose and all. King writes about nuking Las Vegas in ‘The Stand’. He admits blowing up all the oil refineries was his favorite part of that book. That he lives for destruction. Is that why he met in The White House with the president days before? To go over itinerary? Did King insist on being in on the operation for the thrill of it? If that is true then Bill Clinton would have to have been RESPONSIBLE for the Edgar Murrow Building bombing and all the people killed there. Meanwhile we all blame Timothy McVeah, a militia member angry over Waco. (By the way, McVeah might NOT have been killed on a gurney like the medical equipment monitor led us to believe. He may well be free with a new face for all we know. REALLY! Don’t underestimate the level of their deceit.) – I say this in spite of losing credibility. I know too much other stuff not to speak up. – If they’d arrange for Stephen King to successfully kill John Lennon they are big time evil toying with us oblivious morons and we cannot overestimate how big and evil they are. Remember, Putin once bombed his own people multiple times and killed them by the hundreds planting KGB bombs in several high rises to blame the Chechnyan’s so he could invade Chechnya. What should scare all of you is that his people ignored this fact and kept him in power. It could happen to you. Any heroes Russia may have had to steer the people straight Putin assassinated. (See why heroes are important?)
Why would Clinton want to have a member of the militia bomb hundreds of innocent people? What would be the purpose? Months before Clinton murdered the David Koresh clan in Waco, Texas. Maybe it started out as an arrest, try and humiliate the militia operation but it got out of hand. No accidental torching of the buildings on a day with 60 mph winds. David Koresh who WARNED US of the BATF and the gun grabbers and the government. Now CLINTON had major stink on his clothes and the F.B.I. and the C.I.A. and the BATF. Oh, yes they all did, indeed. How best to remove that stain and put the shame off the government and back on the backs of the militia that Koresh represented? BEFORE the public caught on to the malevolent evil that is our government? Kill innocent Americans by the hundreds via the opposite force, the militia, and put all the blame back on them. No longer is Clinton and the F.B.I. and the BATF the bad guys, all of a sudden. Now it’s the militia and our second amendment. Notice how guns got lumped into alcohol and tobacco to begin with? As if owning a gun was also a vice? Statecraft on display.
Call me a wacko for saying it but I think, even without evidence, that’s what really happened I know so much else about our government’s evil. My father was a surgeon. I’m not squeamish about grizzle reality. It did take me decades, though, to admit our enemies are behind it all. That we are under a savage attack as we speak. Even I have my reluctances to admit the big picture. I know it’s all fact, now, though.
Lennon’s murder and the evidence that proves who was behind it shows us that our gun rights are on the agenda of this New World Order. Stephen King has said that; ” The N.R.A. should have to clean off the walls of Sandy Hook..” he is such an outspoken opponent of our second amendment. Koresh was FOR guns. Killing Lennon with a gun versus some other method was calculated to make us all hate our guns, suddenly. The Brady Bill that came out of Reagan’s getting shot charade to smoke screen us away from Chapman’s trial was ALSO a gun grabbing tentacle woven into the crime. If you people value your second amendment you need this expose to protect it, believe me. You need me, famous, or you’re in THEIR crosshairs. Even before the Oklahoma City bomb our government was going after Koresh to put on a show trial of him and defame guns. Clinton is just a soldier in a regime. He and several other presidents we have had ALSO work for this other power that is trying to shrink us down to fit into their global puzzle. Now we all know that the gun grabbers are in league with Stephen King killing John Lennon level evil.
You see? I doubt you do. It must sound too far out there for me to be serious. But I am being serious, here. It’s a fair question with the White House meeting with King, King’s match to John Doe Two, John Doe Two’s never being located and King’s propensity for destruction and evil. Add the MOTIVE – to secure Big Brother’s’ reputation – and go after the gun lovers and scam YOU the public. Now you have a logical explanation.
You see, it’s knowing, also, that in 2010 and 2015 I survived TWO very high speed “accidents” that occurred under Obama / Biden. They were likely attempts to kill me, too. In the 60 mph T-bone incident the intersection was paved over the next day and no one was charged with a traffic violation even though the other motorist was flooring it through a light that may have even been manually manipulated since that city has a room with those facilities. A room that allows for one to give two motorists a green light, apparently. In the second I was hit by a uniformed Navy cadet doing 75 mph on a San Diego freeway, which is ten over the limit and HE was not cited, either. He slammed his truck into my then small Toyota van full force hoping to roll me, I think. Knowing that Obama / Biden are trying to kill me and might be foreign agents against America is one big reason I championed Trump this and the last two elections. I know stuff, people. Stuff you cannot begin to know. Stuff only I COULD know. Trump and I have the same enemies. You people need my rarified perspective.
I also have doubts about John Hinckley shooting Reagan or Brady or anyone that day. That was a smoke screen to pull you all away from Mark Chapman’s trial which never happened as a result. Do I have proof? No, but Reagan would not have braved a no trial situation for Chapman without a Hinckley hoax scam to follow up with. He’s an actor, besides. Read my other chapter ME OR WW III BUT CHOOSE QUICKLY for the busy details that should make us question all that, too.
You utter ingrates about what I have to offer. Grow up and care. WAKE UP!
It all reminds me of a profound dream I had weeks before my evidence discovery in the summer of 1982 . As if God was letting me know, early, what I was going to be up against should I accept his evidence find.
I was climbing a massive tree. A trunk as big as a house and several stories of shops and restaurants as I climbed higher. On the way I passed a kitchen and overheard the cooks discussing the poison they were about to put in the rice. Alarmed as hell, I scurried up to the restaurant and warned the patrons what was happening, that they were going to be poisoned if they ate the rice. Far from appreciating my warning, they all got enraged and bitterly denounced me for ruining their suicide ritual. They had actually come to that restaurant TO DIE. I was ruining their party.
It’s a perfect metaphor for what your apathy has shown me over the years with this issue. God’s way of getting me ready for my journey to come, that weird dream.
You people are cruel and guilty of abusing me and my life. I think you get off on it, too, to assuage your working class misery that resents that I will become a big, famous, rich person over this. “Yeah, Mr. Bigshot. You’ve got a tiger by the taiI but we have homes to go to and don’t live in a van. We may be slobs, politically, but we have our comforts and you don’t. Ha! ha!.” I DO suffer, living in a van – 40 years now -, so you can have truth and justice. To wipe you clean of King’s urinating all over you every day. I gave up a golf career, at least a golf course architect career, or an advertising copywriting career to give you this expose. I came from upper middle class. I have two years of college behind me. My father was a doctor and I sacrificed everything for you not knowing how ungrateful YOU all are. You would rather I die to let you all off the hook for outing this than capitalize on my evidence find, instead. Honor me, like well people should, or screw yourselves. I can’t afford to be polite to you. You need your faces slapped to snap you our of whatever evil spell you’re under. What else can I say? You’d rather live under evil than fight for decency again. God damn your mass stupidity. Don’t blame me for coming a little unhinged over your evil state, either. May an asteroid even erase you cowards soon – like the mountain sized one I saw that just missed us in 1966 (BLIP! fast) – if you don’t expose and punish Stephen King soon. It takes a genius to know how much better off you’d all be, too. To appreciate the difference between demanding disclosure and not demanding disclosure and what the payoff would be. If you’re too weak to see the logic to it you may not deserve this planet, after all. You all have to admit, my photo comparison really proves how stupid and ,yes, evil and masochistic you all must be. Doesn’t it? We’d all be better off dead than letting King get away with it and living in whatever reality existed, after. Worse than death, itself. Already your lives are a tragedy beyond words, people. Wake up. King is urinating all over you silent fools. Fact. He has made all of you ridiculous and preposterous, evil and ugly. And you don’t care. Just evil. You all want to call my evidence ridiculous and preposterous. No, it’s all of YOU who are exactly all of that. Not me. Blame Stephen King for it and punish his deserving, evil ass. Right now you’re his brainwashed stupid jackass. All of you. And I really do HATE having to say it out loud for you to hear, too. Like talking to the three monkeys with their hands over their senses.
You don’t think America has an expiration date. Are you all spoiled stupid? I don’t enjoy nasty words but you need them. It took a person with enormous amounts of goodness and humility to take this expose as far as I have. I think no one has survived such consequential controversy as me, maybe ever, for so long, now. 43 years. I used to be so popular, respected and liked and nice before I ran into your evil apathy, people. I simply won’t allow you bastards to torture me any more with your boot-licking fear and jealousy. I will give you a sharp tongue. You deserve it. I will punish you and move to another state and give them the glory if you fail me, now. I care more what I think of all of you than what all of you think of me. Go figure. I know I’m right. I KNOW you’re all wrong as can be. My evidence PROVES THIS! You could all be good again, but not without committing to exposing my evidence and demanding media disclosure. Like the Monopoly game, you do not pass GO or move forward if you won’t. Your wheels forever spinning in a ditch you can’t escape. Your reputation chewed up in the process. America has less time than you think. Protest over this issue and win. If not for you then for your children who don’t deserve your evil apathy and cowardly cover-up. Or me, for that matter.
Portrait of a nightmare;
My evidence and King’s matching face shows us who is after us and where they are trying to lead us. To Hell. It’s that simple and obvious. As if we have a choice between life and death, in fact. Fail to arrest evil in it’s tracks and we all get ruined by nuclear winter and fallout and die or other pandemic “events” the government may throw at us. These people are evil and sick and power is the very LAST thing we, as a people, should give them. To not overthrow them all with this expose while it’s on a silver platter for you would be a failure of nerve that would doom us all. A mistake. I believe that killing a third of the human race is not beneath these bastards. Otherwise their ‘establishment ‘ will fall. It’s as if evil, itself, has grown a body called politics and is out to destroy mankind. “All it takes for evil to win is for good men to remain silent.” Have you ever heard that one before?
As grim as all this is I am happy to report a silver lining to everything. Had the government let Chapman kill Lennon for less malevolent motives, just to silence Lennon and not promote horror on the back side, the government would be telling us that “We killed John Lennon because his rock star fame and status gave him unmanageable influence over the populace and they were following his peace nick ways and that represented a threat to our national security. We have wars to fight, goddammit, and he was in all our way.” That’s what they would say. They can’t say that, though, now, can they?
They have to now explain why Stephen King is a worthy replacement and they have no credible answer to that. “Well, we, as a species, were getting too weak and soft and we needed a little fear injected back into our lives to keep us strong…” No, that line won’t work, either. No, people, they would have to explain to you that killing you spiritually with his horror campaign after what he did to you all was even dark magic, sorcery and cultish witchcraft against the public to control us and make us willing masochists for their evil agenda. To ultimately do in America and fold it into a world government, instead. To cripple us spiritually. To demoralize us, first, and watch as we crumble, after. That Stephen King murdering the world’s most famous and loved and trusted hero was the first thing they had to do to take America over. To do us in using the power of evil against us. Don’t think these bastards don’t think like this, either, people. They DO!
Is there another website on earth that empowers you more than
Is there another person on earth earth more stupid than all of you until you protest to arrest Stephen King’s evil ass? I’m getting impatient with all of you. And disgusted. Even resentful and bitter (Haven’t you noticed? ) Remember there’s only one me and, together, we have enormous power. I think you could all be great and glorious again, believe it or not. Like night and day.
It’s almost upon us, Monterey. Where will YOU be? Hiding and sucking your fascist thumbs, or standing up for yourselves and next to me and my website van? I have extra signs. It will be your absolutely LAST chance to avenge John on his birthday. Just be there. Just do it.
Right now I am in agony over having to punish California for it’s boot-licking, cowardly apathy. I won’t be able to stomach looking at their defeated faces any longer after March 01 if they can’t support me and protest to out this evidence. Utah will get me and I’ll grow old there. Normal people and red blooded Americans are what I think the story needs. One has to get 90 miles away before he can’t hear the ocean’s roar. I will savor whatever peace and quiet and normalcy I can find there. What’s wrong with you, California? Can’t cope with truth? Can’t keep the messenger? Too timid to cut the mustard? Too jealous? Too limp wristed, maybe? Don’t care about your children? It’s crunch time and you have to decide, now. Find your spine in time and I’ll stay. Otherwise I will have no choice in the matter. Justice demands results.
Besides, I absolutely deserve everybody’s mass support, anyway.
Your most tortured, unappreciated, misunderstood and unsung hero, Steve Lightfoot
This has to do with a photo of Stephen King that displays his true madness and insanity and it will be the subject of a flyer I will pass out all over town;
(See for details.)
Stephen King’s only known responses to the question; “Did you kill John Lennon?” He has never denied it, in fact.
Well, folks. To me it looks like he’s trying to say. “Alright, already. Everybody KNOWS I killed John Lennon. Yeah, that’s me getting Lennon’s last autograph. Why drag it out and torture me with apathy and silence all this time? Or are you all just evil masochists who like that I killed John Lennon? No wonder I am so mad living on a planet with people as stupid as you all must be to remain silent in the wake of all the evidence against me. I DESTROYED your lives and your future. Don’t you want to punish me? Of course I killed John Lennon. He was IT. He was the top of the top of all humanity. He had it all. He was the best artist in our lifetime and I killed him just out of jealousy, alone. Of course it helped that the government gave me a getaway with that Chapman fellow who took the rap but not the time. That’s me in the photo comparison getting Lennon’s autograph POSING as Chapman.”
Personally, I think he looks a lot like a chimpanzee. Maybe Stephen King isn’t really a human being, after all. Some say he looks like the Grinch who stole Christmas, too. He did. 12-8-’80.
That’s right, Monterey and Santa Cruz. March first, my birthday, is the day you protest and help me out this evidence or it’s the day I leave California for Utah, for good, too. I deserve your support, not your ungrateful fear, jealousy and apathy.
Grow up, face up and show up. PLEASE! Noon, downtown Monterey, on Alvarado Street near my pink / flesh tone website van. Your future will be decided by how you respond. Utah will break it if you don’t and then where will your reputation be?
Sincerely; your messenger and, yet unsung, truth hero. Steve Lightfoot