
$atan Rule$ Fool$

I could have picked any other title for this chapter; Under $atan$ A$$ (U.S.A.);
U.$. of Apathy; You’re All In$ane; etc. and they’d all be true. The parallel
I often use is found in The Wizard Of Oz scene when the cowardly lion,
beside himself with fear, tries to run out of the Wizards castle after a few
bellows of smoke and intimidation from this pathetic imposter behind the cur-
tain. It would take an egoless dog to pull the curtain back and reveal the
truth because all the people of the city of Oz were too insane to admit the
presence of feet showing below the curtain all along. Too afraid.
I saw the provocative slogan; $atan Rule$ Fool$ painted on the back of a brown
leather jacket in Berkeley, Ca. and the power of that message hit like a
locomotive. Suddenly the madness of man was articulately represented in words.
As I write this chapter Americas people are under mind control and too afraid
to care whether or not our government is or is not molesting them with the real
murderer of John Lennon, too afraid to demand the trial they never saw for the
ALLEGED killer, Mark David Chapman, too afraid to admit that they have become
slaves to the materialistic age wallowing with a 52% divorce rate and an average
work week of 52 hrs. @ week, and other signs of cultural disease. In particular
the otherwise wise and good people of the San Francisco bay area are blind
and naive to the truth of its local radio talk station; KGO, a self admitted
C.I.A. owned station staffed by government liars for hire, particularly the
so called liberal hosts like Bernie Ward, Ray Talliofaro and John Rothman, the
latter a former aid to Tricky Dicky. The bay area succors up to their act like
so many dupes engaged in mental masturbation when they should be carrying signs
of protest in the streets instead. In fact they don’t get it that talk radio
IS a government plot to rub out the message of the 60’s and keep the public on
the phone with punch pulling hosts instead of out in the streets.
I can safely say that Ray Talliofaro is a fraud as well as Bernie and John. I
can safely say that the conservative hosts; Ronn Owen, Pete Wilson, Gene Burns
and Bill Wattenburg are C.I.A. paid liars for hire knowingly subverting all
of us because; 1) they are and 2) they can’t afford to sue me for fear my message
would gain news print if they tried.
In truth they are all guilty of conspiracy in the coverup of Lennons murder and
should be rounded up and jailed for treason.
More on this station and all talk radio can be found in the other chapters lo-
cated at the end of this chapter with gold titles. Please do read Working Class Hero
Killers and other chapters about KGO.
Before I launch into the trust of the title of this chapter I’d like to first
revisit the call I made to Ray Talliofaro last 10/29/05. Ray is the
one who disingenuously says things like ” Oh, what a wonderful call. I thank
you very much for your call…” and other tricks after he cuts the caller off
before he makes even more sense.
I said; “Good morning, Ray. You and Bernie and John Rothman provide a great
venue for catharsis and mental mastubation but you’re not getting the job done.”
(Ray) “Well what should I do?”
“We could stop Bush via the sins of his father regarding John Lennon’s murder.
(Ray) “What do you mean?”
“I found the killer’s face and true identity in Time and Newsweek issues that were
printed months before the murder. I found Mark David Chapman’s letter to the
editor in U.S. News and World Report printed three weeks before the murder where
he says how Reagan is moving him, with a gun, into a hostile square. I found Richard
Nixon’s book The Real War, that talks about killing John Lennon, sitting next
to Reagan in issues of Time and Newsweek that were released the day of the
murder under the headline; “Who’s In?””Who’s Out?”
Why don’t you talk about that, Ray? If it weren’t for you and the liberal hosts
the people of the bay area would put KGO out of business and your right wing hosts
would have no venue at all.”
(Ray) “So what should I do? Fire Ronn Owen and the others?”
“You’re a trick to give them a venue at all.”
(Ray) (Makes ridiculous, sarcastic remarks to insinuate that I’m a whacko.)
“Ray, why don’t you make the Lennon murder evidence a banner issue and REALLY
go after Bush. His father was head of the C.I.A. when the plans were made?
You’ve admitted, before, that KGO is a C.I.A. owned station and that you vote
(Ray) “Oh yes, absolutely. “(sarcastically)
“Now that we have “lennonmurdertruth.com to see for ourselves you can’t get
away with badmouthing me anymore…”
At which point he cuts me off and I turn up my radio to hear him say:
“That dirty son of a bitch…he is crazy…insane…” etc..
A full 30 minutes passes before any other caller is put on and then he reads an
e-mail that KGO staff submitted, as if it were by a caller, that was too
propagandistic to be true;
“Regarding the John Lennon caller…I sorely miss John Lennon and his opposition
to war, especially in these insane times. It’s true Nixon tried to deport him
but never had plans to assassinate him…While it’s true that there is a
strong resemblance between Mark Chapman and Stephen King, Mark David
Chapman is the real killer of John Lennon and he will spend the rest of his sorry
life rotting in a jail cell like Charles Manson.”
Without explaining how I know it was a station generated e-mail and not a real
listener (It was too slick) it was tagged with the same first name (Joanne)
as the caller Ray was discussing before I called. I also know that, in the past,
KGO screeners have posed as callers to put me down (I know their voices.)
Now how does all this tie into my chapter title; $atan Rule$ Fool$ ?
I will hold KGO staff up as examples of our willingness to destroy our world
and our future for the trade off of money.
Most of you rationalize your lives something like this: “Well, gee, our system
is the best in the world, the most free and productive, we all have warm houses,
beds, televisions, clean food, water, two cars, pizza, sports and gadgets
galore. We MUST have the best lives on earth.”
That is the easy, feel good observation, one that was systematically ingrained into
all of you through commercials and commercialism.
It’s a lot harder for any of you to say something like this;
“We give away half of our waking lives to work at jobs we don’t really like,
we give fully half of all we earn to the government, when all is said and
done, our way of life, if reproduced by the rest of the world, would destroy
the O Zone layer and deplete our levels of oxygen and the planet would die.
Our lives are spent, when not working, watching or listening to commercials an
average of TWO hours a day among the four hours you listen to radio and tv.
Our health is among the worst on earth, especially with cancer and heart disease.
Our fast food outlets are serving as much fat as they are food and are not
even as appetizing as some dog food.
Our marriage statistics prove that more fail than not and our teen suicide rate
is four times what it was twenty years ago.
If you jump on the money gravytrain and get a good job there is no end to your
need for more money. Suddenly you are imprisoned in a cycle of having to work
more just to keep up with the needs of having money; outrageous taxes,
tax experts, investment councel, lawyers.
By the time you have jumped through all the necessary hoops you are STILL work-
ing into old age. If the governments scheme of killing you with tobacco additives,
alcohol, saturated fats and sugar has failed to kill you by age 65 THEN, maybe,
you can retire and spend your last years watching Jeopardy and other game shows
as you slide into a vegetative, sedentary state before you spend the last years
of your life abandoned, drooling in a wheelchair in a rest home.
Now I am NOT just harping negatively about our system. In fact I used to be
very much a part of the American dream lusting for sex, money, at least two
houses, a helicoptor, jet, fancy cars and gadjets galore. I was doctors son and
enjoyed a private boat, airplane and all the comforts of modern life as a boy.
Dear reader, having spent over twenty years trying to break through the madness
of your mass apathy I now appreciate that I must sever your similar lusts and
shatter your illusions about your lives before you will even see me and this
huge truth for what it is. In short, you all need an excorcism.
In fact, nearly everyone is very much ashamed of themselves regarding Lennon’s
assassination. My courage and fidelity to truth, justice and the American way
makes others feel inadequate, even emasculated when confronted with having to
care about righting the wrong and standing tall, proud, free and brave and do
our duty to ourselves and our children and expose and jail the big, bad guys.
Furthermore, in spite of the corporate slavery that our lives are being sucked
dry for, you all tolerate it for many different reasons; sex, family and all the
trappings of domestic bliss. Once you reproduce life you experience a tre-
mendous sense of power and authority that does NOT translate into the reality
of your lives socio-politically. And yet you move forward, content, tragically.
As I write this chapter some politician in Washington D.C. is trying to buy
America’s silence about the Iraq war by upping the death gratuity from $12k to
$100k @ death. It is a classic example of how the government corrupts you by
dangling a dollar bill in front of your face.
The truth of this cynical plan is to silence America from protesting the war like
we did in Vietnam and to postpone their plan to reinstate the draft.
It’s already bad enough that Americans are enticed to commit mass murder and to
even get killed themselves just for a free education and medical benefits and
a small military pension. Now the military-industrial complex that Eisenhower
tried to warn us about is saying to all of you; “We’ve crippled your economy
with runnaway deficits and debt and there are no real jobs out there, thanks
to our lust for pirating the mideast oil reserve via a corporate, farce war.
We’re costing every family roughly $90.00 @ day to prosecute it, already $4
hundred billion, now how would you like to work for us and send your son into
battle so he doesn’t end up on welfare? We’ll even throw in $100k if he gets killed.”
Now I know many of you will take that poison bait and just hush up. You may even
make love with that payoff in the back of your minds as you prepare to conceive
your next child, like an insurance policy to help you make it in this money strap-
ped world. HOW unromantic. How disgusting. Your sons life is worth $100k.
Whatever happened to the America that stood up to the military when it was wrong,
like the protesters of the 60’s? Whatever is stopping all of you from converting
to all electric powered vehicles and demanding solar and wind power in every house?
Your addiction to money, that’s what.
It’s what makes Ray Talliofaro and Bernie Ward and John Rothman betray all of
you as they keep you stuck like flies on flypaper, masturbating with a telephone,
instead of showing up in the streets with billboards.
It’s what makes the women of KGO laugh satanically as they contribute to the
charade as they read the news and make a joke out of truth as they add frosting
to the cake of that C.I.A. owned stations subversive proaganda.
To her credit, Susan Shoestack, once my nemesis, has since left that vampire cult
to raise her child. She was, for years, Ronn Owen’s front line of defense inter-
cepting my calls with her ability to detect my voice. Good for you, Susan.
As for the other screeners at KGO, in particular Jonathan Service, Gene Burns
censor-agent, he clings to the false hope of becoming a host someday. He would
be the first in 30 years. I’ve told him that only C.I.A. trained propagandists are
groomed for that job, not citizens.
Meanwhile he rakes in the big bucks to keep all of you mislead and deprived of
the real truths.
Ray has admitted to listening to the $20.00 dollar bills stack in the ATM machines
as he makes his regular $500.00 withdrawals. He stands there, his ear to the metal
wall, listening, enthralled with the wonders of money.
John Rothman, once an aid to Richard Nixon, a former government agent with top
secret security clearance credentials, is your basic money obsessed jewish host
carrying water for Israel as he deliberately deceives the liberals of the bay area
into thinking he is on their side when he is not. He is very subversive and devious
with the lie, I’ve noticed. Beware.
Ronn Owen is the favorite of the old maid crowd, focusing on softball issues.
He makes millions per year. Once he disigenuously opened up the poll lines to see
if I should be a guest on his show. When so many calls came through that the
computer shut down he admitted that that was only the second time in 25 years that
had ever happened. Suddenly he lost interest in what the listeners thought.
A self admitted gadjet freak he basks in luxery cruises every year and surrounds
himself with opulence and meaninglessness.
Like Michael Luckoff, the station manager, a Romanian jew I’ve heard, Ronn is
also jewish and only pretends to oppose Bush.
I am NOT an anti-semite. I do call out jewish controlled stations on the carpet,
however, as I am convinced that it is an evil conspiracy against America that a
group representing 2.8% of us happens to control 80% of our mass media.
In fact I am very aware that most of these media jews come from Russia, KNEW’s
Michael Savage included.
Gene Burns is a self confessed agnostic, as is Ray Talliofaro.
Pete Wilson is a softball issues host whose allegiance to “big brother knows best”
is transparent in spite of his claim to being balanced and impartial.
I suspect he is a Wisconsin C.I.A. agent transplant.
Dr. Bill Wattenberg, former nuclear physicist and designer of nuclear weapons of
mass destrustion is, in my opinion, a browbeating snowjob artist and shill for the
military-industrial complex. He will lie to to you and dismiss anyone who disa-
grees with him as an ignorant slob.
Bernie Ward, all 400 pounds of him, has a Sunday show called God Talk. It seems
more like God “Chop” to me. He admits he is no fan of christianity or religion.
And yet he calls himself a Catholic.
If you read my other chapter you will learn that he specializes in focusing the
debate just off of center, directing you away from the powerful arguments.
Ray won’t say, when questioned, if he is or is not jewish. I suspect he is.
A whole lot of anti-christianity going on at KGO, don’t you people think?!
It also happens to be a fact that KSFO is its sister station and shares the
same BUILDING and MANAGERS! 900 Front St. S.F..
The point I am making is that KGO and most large talk stations are, in reality,
C.I.A. money whores dismantling America with our corrupt governments blessings.
While my last girlfriend was jewish and I harbor no prejudice against jews, whatsoever,
I think that there is something wrong with all of YOU that you don’t question,
at all, this transparent media monopoly of former Soviet transplants!
That KGO could actually BE KGB..
Well, there I’ve said it, the probable, yet unbelievable, big picture truth.
Now I hope you see the tragic consequences of big money and our mass media.
Even a died in the wool, true blue American will do Moscow’s bidding for the
right price. Perhaps unknowingly.
None of Americas right wing hosts believe what they are instructed to say. They do
it for their million dollar jobs, period! Our real enemies use them and their
greed to undo us all.
Like the media many of you will surrender your freedoms for money. You’ve already
surrendered your freedom where women are concerned. Under the guise of womens
lib they no longer are free to raise their children or keep up with the news
and politics. Now that they have taken the bait the goverment has doubled the
price of everything and they can’t get out of the trap they’re in.
Now heroes like me are but a pimple on the political horizon as far as they are
concerned. They are too pooped to ponder what is true anymore.
They are gyrating like a hamster on the treadmill of materialism chasing a
piece of paper with a picture of a dead president on it, mindlessly.
Until all of you take your focus off of money you truly are at the mercy of the
Orwellian nightmare that allowed a disgusting horror writer to take over our culture
after killing our one true voice of power and hope; John Lennon.
Before some of you dismiss my opinions as unfounded or ridiculous allow me to
present some facts;
John Rothman and Peter Jennings, both ABC representatives, have ADMITTED to
studying broadcasting in Moscow, Russia.
When I was in New York at the ABC studio I saw a black robed group of hassidic
jews in the lobby and I learned from the doorman that they were the “Big” owners
of ABC.
Both Vladamir Putin and George W. Bush are simultaniously savaging social se-
curity as I write these words and W. affectionately calls Putin “Puti Put”
W.’s grandfather, Prescott Bush, was Hitlers banker and, literally, was involved
in the supplying of the deadly gasses used in Aushwitz.
Even I am puzzled by the jews aligning themselves with Bush. The best answer
may be that Bush and that family are, either being played like a fiddle by the
jews for Russia, their former mother country, or that the Bush family is playing
the jews like a fiddle, setting Israel up for annihilation, ultimately.
Then again, maybe Russia and America are using the jews. I don’t know.
My gut tells me the Bush family is part of the American Nazi Party, though.
Bush claims to be a “christian” yet his father was behind the satanic circum-
stances of Lennon’s murder, circumstances that can only be interpreted as a
frontal assault on decency and all Americans values. A case of evil killing good.
Russia is five times as large as America, has more billionairs than any country,
a military capability equal to ours, more resources, including oil, than any other
country and has returned, recently, to its Soviet era policies.
Stephen King warns us, several times in one book; “Beware the jewish-communist
plot against the U.S..”
The “red scare” of the Joe McCarthy era coincided with the sudden jewish infil-
tration of our media.
Reagan, allegedly a commie hunter in his role as president of the screen actors
guild, married Nancy Baker who was on the commie black list!
Nixon and Reagan increased the size of our government by 20% and Nixon took us
off the gold standard and bombed Cambodia on Christmas day, thereby trashing our
credibility worldwide and he demoralized our military via Viet Nam.
Having met almost all of the democratic presidential candidates since 1984 I can
tell you that they deliberately lost and Dukakis even belittled me at Crissy
Field in San Francisco when I shouted out for him to use Reagan’s Lennon murder
evidence scandal.
Gary Hart came to my little Jr. College to meet me and then torpedoed his bid
with a sex scandal weeks later.
Readers, it’s time to be as radical as reality. It’s time to point out our jewish media
monopoly and everything else going on around us and admit that something very
strange IS going on.
Nixon wrote in The Real War that “…the Soviets will launch a ‘strategic sur-
render’ someday only to return for the kill, later, after we have been demoralized.”
I just found out that Ed Shultz, the radio host, also a jew, is as bogus as KGO.
The enemies of America are in place like Soviet flypaper sandbagging the liberals
everywhere and all of you are too busy chasing money, playing their game, to get
a handle on the situation all around us.
I learned, recently, that two Sacramento, Ca. radio stations are floating false
trial balloon stories alleging that I, the famous Lennon murder activist, commit-
ted suicide last month. I am more famous and important than most of you realize.
Of course they are spreading lies. I have never, ever, considered suicide in
my life and if you ever hear of such a tale you’ll know you are being scammed.
I would commit a crime to break my story before I would ever do that.
I think the Russia-U.S. shadow government plans to kill me and make it look like
suicide, though, and these stories are but their way of testing the waters, first,
to see if the public will care.
I am the modern day Paul Revere exposing something bigger and more dangerous
than Paul Revere ever imagined.
If I die and all of you continue to pay taxes then you will know that it was
really all of you that got me killed for being such douchebags, politically.
Paul McCartney may be too hooked on materialism and money to help save me.
I need all of you to sneak my website address on talk radio and to take my web
address and put it on billboards and clog the streets and stop traffic.
The 60’s generation got things done. They weren’t clinging to the false charade
of talk radio and the democrats. They stopped tricky Dicky and Viet Nam with
street protests, they got arrested, they got their bodies billyclubbed.
That’s what you will have to do to succeed.
Money has destroyed the fabric of our society and you need to grow a spine.
You are now like the guard dog feasting on a slab of meat (money worship) while
the bad guys are getting past all of you.

James Paul McCartney passed the baton of his popularity to me this last Super Bowl
with his horrifying conduct on stage. The change in the crowd WAS palpable as he
pounded out Live And Let Die amid a hellish red pyrotechniques that, literally,
was our collective vision of what hell looks like.
In fact, much of America was hoping that he would rip off his shirt to reveal
my website address. Here was his chance to beat the government censorship of my
evidence against John’s killers.
I’m not delusional to say that. Indeed 20% of America has heard of me, including
the winning quarterback who was raised in northern California. Many, many
Americans were hoping for something from Paul.
But no, little Jimmy won’t give John any limelight, out of his own jealousy.
To better understand small Paul visit my other chapter:” Paul McCowardly”, listed
below the end of this one.
At this Superbowl he hit the stage looking like an entertainer promoting the
former Soviet Union with his black star on his red undershirt. Had the colors been
reversed our government would not have allowed him on at all.
Ringo once said: “The English should have won the war.” regarding America, and
it’s no surprise to me that little Jimmy has no fondness for us either. I’m not
surprised that his silence is as much about destroying America as his jealousy
of John’s bigger status with the world.
I noticed that Paul used Can’t Buy Me Love over the P.A. system before he took
the stage, as if to respond to my latest barb about him being too materialistic
to help me a few days earlier.
What was pathetic was the way he looked the camera in the eye, as if he were try-
ing to say something to me, specifically, when he sang the lyrics; “…for well
you know that it’s a fool who plays it cool by making his world a little colder.”
from Hey Jude.
Paul, you have no sage advice to give me. I consider you to be an undeveloped human
being, lacking a spine, lacking wisdom, lacking leadership. I consider you my junior.
In fact, let me give you some needed sage advice and wisdom:
Your attitude of letting John’s killers get away with what they did is, indeed,
making all of our world a lot colder and even unsafe for anyone like John Len-
non to try to ever help us again.
The whole purpose of being a celebrity is to change the world. You don’t get that.
You think it’s about being a star and getting rich and famous. Poor Paul.
Now Americans know you can’t be counted on when they need you and they have
left you for me now, the only hero on the stage. I could feel the energy leave
you while the crowd gasped at the horror of your song selection. Now they turn
to me, barely famous. It was a seminole moment in time when the torch WAS passed.
The whole U.S. media who DOES know about me watched you sing Satan’s praises as
your hellish display unfurled itself amid red flames and bombastic booms.
In fact Live And Let Die was a commercial song you were commissioned to write
for a James Bond Movie, was it not?
Selling out for big bucks, being manipulated by the media machine. No wonder
the government didn’t kill you. No, you are right up there with Bush Sr. and
Bill Clinton, sharing the same government sponsored messages at the Superbowl.
How did it feel to be an opening act for a sports event only to interupted in
Hey Jude to get the bums rush so play could resume? Diginfied?
Well, you got your millions that night for trying to help the government get
away with John’s murder, trying to tell us all to live and let die. I hope
you’re happy, but judging from the look on your face while performing, you’re not.

Little Eichmans; Little Chapmans

Working Class Hero Killers

More than mere apathy, misery, more specifically working class misery, is to
blame for this story just sitting on the sidelines.
I didn’t used to think that humans were so jealous, insane, bitter, mean, self
destructive, boot licking, cowardly and prone to molesting their own children.
I do now. And it pains me to have to offend you with yet another truth you don’t
want to face up to; your own working class misery. The kind of misery that
revels in watching me and my huge story just twist in the wind these 20 plus
years when breaking it would give all of you power like your ancesters never,
ever knew.
In fact I can confidently say that this EXPOSE is the most earthshaking
ever in human history, one that will scrub the whole rotton human race into
a cleaner, better being and that the mere fact that you won’t act on it at-
tests to my claim that such a huge story has never, ever been told before.
You don’t know what to do now that I have wrested myself free from the trap-
pings of money and society long enough to find the courage to investigate the
matter in the first place. That I have stumbled onto proof that reveals all of your
lives as one great big, stinking, reeking, satanic exercise in farce, irony and
self humiliation must make some of you truly boil with utter contempt at my
courage, honor and decency.
“Yes, children, for twenty years now we, your parents, have allowed Nixon and
Reagan to spread your legs while John Lennon’s real killer, Stephen King, mol-
ested you with his horror.”
No parent wants to own up to that provable truth. Of course your collective
shame began when everybody allowed decoy Chapman to skip trial, altogether.
The Tsunami/earthquake that struck on Christmas Day made me appreciate that
the whole human race is to blame for the John Lennon assassination and coverup
and not just Americans. And yet, as the most free and powerful society I
think that Americans are charged with telling this story and jailing Stephen
King as soon as possible.
Unfortunately for the planet Americans are in bondage and oppressed by their
own very Orwellian government and military and mass media. They are like a tied
down Gulliver, pathetic and sad.
I say that your 40% increase in time at work in the past 20 years is mostly to
blame. Do some of you realize that women in the workplace is a new revolution
that has resulted in a doubling of all prices for everything? Do you also realize
that if all women quit work that all prices for everything would soon come down?
I don’t think many of you understand that. I think that many of you have learned to
make a religion out of glorifying work, as IF it were a desireable way to
The answer is all electric vehicles, solar and windmill power in every house,
NO money spent on oil or electricity, and other things that will LIBERATE you
from the treadmill of masochism and misery.
There is no real human progress if you are working more than your parents did.
There is nothing more precious than free time. Time you all need more of.
Without knowing why, blinded by your own greed, you have surrendered about 40%
of your lives for no net gain. You were tricked by your own government who
pocketed the like increase in taxes as well. Tricked by the Greenspans and talk-
ing media heads and “experts” who explained why slaverly was womens “lib”.
The same people who deliberately kill you early with tobacco and sugar and
saturated fats and alcohol so that you can’t collect your “their” social security.
Now you’re both so pooped at the end of the day and no one is alert enough to
notice the slavery your lives have become.
That your divorce rate exceeds 50% should tell all of you that the consumer
treadmill requiring two paychecks just does not work and is, in fact, inhumane.
Of course women should be allowed to work, just not required to, like today.
There is no one around the house minding the kids and current events like in the
past. The net result?;
“Who cares who shot John Lennon?”
I don’t want to live with such blind, classless slobs. Do you!? Worse, are you
one OF those hypocrites who would turn coat on John Lennon out of fear of stand-
ing up to your evil government?
I hate to admit that my own family is just as sick and self defeating as the rest
of you, but they are. Frozen, like deer in the proverbial headlights, while
big government evil just mowes them and their dignity down. And they’ll offer
the same, predictable defense mechanism arguments, even denying that there IS
any evidence at all.
In all probability you’re ALL just like them.
A D M I T I T ! I dare you.
I dare you to confront my evidence and call it all coincidence. You’d look like
a possesed fool. A fool with a great big yellow streak down your back.
I had to listen to hundreds of hours of Beatles music after John’s death to find the
wisdom and courage to care, myself.
I KNOW you’re all scared blind. You, being scared blind, just can’t see your-
selves as you really are.
I believe it is described as “See no, hear no, speak no evil” disease.
You’ve all got it bad and shame on you for it. You’ve got to stand up and take
a stand for once in your lives.
But I say that you are too miserable from too much work to care enough about
even yourselves and your loved ones. That you are glorified slaves afraid to
make a peep for fear that the military you can’t live without will blow you
up with all the power they have. Power you now fear could be turned on you and
your own freedoms.
You’ve got to latch onto John Lennon murder evidence for all you can to have any
kind of a chance to succeed to begin with. Now that you HAVE the goods on them,
and concerning a man the whole world cares about, you would all be fools not to
climb out of your misery and slavery long enough to reset the table of your
real lives. You can win with this. Without it? I doubt it.
No small amount of messenger envy and jealousy is at play as well. I know.
Both Elvis and The Beatles suffered the same abuse when they were fame bound.
The untalented rednecks of Tupelo, Mississippi broke Elvis’s nose, twice, before
he got out of his home town.
The early Beatles were routinely beaten after their shows by “Teddy Boys”. In
fact, Stu Sutcliff, their first bass player, was beaten so badly once that he
died months later from the resulting brain concusion.
I, myself, have been beaten savagely by both police and citizens on my road to
fame and power. Lately, in fact, I have lost dozons of jobs I did well at after
my employers discovered that I was the Lennon expose messenger, recently, once,
right after I was given a $2.00 @ hr. raise.
So what is it, people? Are you all so miserable with having to work day to day
for peanuts that you resent those who find a better way to live than what you’re
all used to? I think so.
In fact, the people of America have a nasty reputation of letting the government
kill every hero that ever came along to help them; Lincoln, the Kennedy’s,
Martin Luther King Jr., John Lennon and more.
I don’t want to expose the embarassing farce that is the industrial revolution and
bring all of you down over the hoops you all have to jump through, that make no
sense at all, to make it today. You all know, yourselves, WHY you charge others
to work. It isn’t as fun as life.
Even your social elite are living laughable lives, underneith all the money.
All tools in the big money obsession machine that keeps you all overworked.
Ringo Starr once starred in a movie; The Magic Christian, in which hundreds of
people jumped into a swimming pool of urine, feces and sewage to grab handfuls
of money. (Not unlike tv’s Fear Factor show making contestants eat raw animal
slime for $50,000..) The point I am making is that you are all willing to eat
s..t for money, even turn your back on yourselves and your children rather than
arrest murderer Stephen King. So insane are all of you that you even pay him
millions after what he did. Talk about misery.
I would like to offer my vision of the promised land available in our lifetime
if you help me expose this bombshell story though. Jefferson’s vision has
suffered under our government and you must rediscover it while you can.
You can’t really function well while you’re all brainwashed and dieting on
foods that cause cancer and heart disease AND working overtime, your finite
brain unable to fathom the truth anymore from all the violence and crap
you are intraveiniously spoonfed daily on tv.
Thomas Jefferson’s vision was an agrarian one in which people lived simple
farm lives of self reliance. Madison, if I’m not mistaken, had another vision
of urbanization and interdependancy, where everyone had a niche to fill.
The sad result of that vision has resulted in a couldren of madness and cor-
ruption and slaverly and exploitation that finds some citizens spending half
of their waking lives doing unsavory things to make a living while other elites
avoid work, altogether, accumulating 80% of the wealth though they represent but
5% of the population.
Now I know we won’t go back to the teepee and the bow and arrow again, but I
believe that we must achieve a self reliance that involves acres of property per
family, and farming our own food and supplying our own electricity and energy that
leaves big oil out of the picture. Right now the exact oppo-
site is true. Big oil decides who your presidents are and how you live.
My vision is one where the wife doesn’t have to work except to raise her children
and maintain the home. A vision in which the husband needs to work no more
than 40 hrs. @ week, and much of that time at his own home on his own time.
Luxery cruises, diamond rings, yachts, mansions, fancy clothes, jets, etc.
may have to yeild to a saner value system that improves the lives of the mas-
ses instead of the few like we have now.
We must strive to re-arrange our global commerce to curb most of shipping
and produce all goods locally instead of wasting fuel and polluting oceans.
Imagine there’s no countries. It isn’t hard to do. We’re all experiencing lower
wages as it is. Why not require that each geographical area manufacture its
own goods. It will also improve local economies and clean up the air and
the oceans and save fuel. If we can “live as one” like John urged then
we can all dismantle our militaries and put that energy into saner projects.
Of course that would mean that the military couldn’t scare us out of our liber-
ties someday to protect us from “the enemy.”
It would mean that we could stop living in fear, ignorance and deceit.
The mass media will have to reinvent itself and give up it’s Orwellian role as
mind controller of the masses and, instead, serve the public and not waste
our time with the drumbeat of mindless commercialism, fear and greed.
Most importantly the government and the military will have to be forced out
of the media and not be allowed to support the media like they do now. People
like Rupert Murdoch and others will have to be reigned in and monopolies ended.
How siily many of us are to watch tinseltown shows like The Insider about so
called celebrities showing off their clothes and jewelry as if they were more rele-
vant than a dog show with poodles wearing colored braids. None of you viewers
are insiders but, rather, outsiders who fight traffic and spill coffee and suf-
fer to keep up with your bills.
How silly of Donald Trump to equate happiness with opulence when, truth be known,
he is no happier than anyone else, really.
These glamorous celebrities are merely being used by the media to dangle a carrot
in front of our faces, to make us worship money and materialism in order to
make us work harder and harder and pay more and more taxes to the machine.
That all this pollutes the planet is obvious. That all this consumerism robs us
of our time and our lives, unecessarily, is also obvious.
It took a broken elbow in 1980 that sidelined me for two months to realize just
how frantically I and the world had been running just to keep up. Suddenly I
realized just what a treadmill we’re all on.
I was born into a comfortable lifestyle and I regard those who place so much
value on wealth as peasants, underneith it all. The fact remains that native
American Indians, before the white man came, were happier, generally, than anyone
living in todays polluted, ratrace.
I see myself, someday, living in my own log house, a three acre garden, a sat-
elite dish, a computer, an all electric car and truck, a horizontal windmill atop
my solar paneled roof and living in a world powered by green energy. Mostly,
I see all of us working half as many hours @ week yet enjoying our lives more
with less tinsel and nonsense.
The healthiest thing all of you can do, besides breaking my expose, is to watch
a lot less tv and listen to a lot less radio and avoid movies, generally.
You have no idea just how much this activity cripples all of you. The military
behind this apparatus has an army of behavioral scientists deciding what you
watch to keep you afraid and hooked on materialism and slavery.
Martin Luther King said; ” In contrast to our great technological achievemnts
we suffer from a poverty of the spirit.”
Why SHOULD anyone work an extra year of their lives for a Rolex watch when a
$300.00 watch is just as accurate? My $2,500. Dodge motorhome does 95% as much
as a GMC Hummer AND has twice the interior space. Why should I enslave myself
to unecessary work for image alone?
Why do most of you enslave yourself to false values that eat up your precious
time here on earth when you don’t have to?
Why is your cheesy, low paying job too important to you to notice or care
whether or not your governmnet is killing the very heroes that could set you
all free? And if you don’t see that you need these heroes to change things
than why do you pretend to be free in the first place. Are you content to
raise your children to be just like you?: Working Class Hero Killers? Do you
think that they should suffer like you just because you’re too dense or afraid
or lazy to take a stand when this Lennon expose is offered on a silver platter?
You haven’t learned, yet, that people like John Lennon, Martin Luther King Jr.,
Ghandi and others are the KEY to changing the world, the KEY to overcoming
the power of government, the KEY to all of you improving your quality of life.
If this were not exactly true then tell me; why does the government make a
policy of assassinating them? And if fear was not the governments priciple
way of controlling you then you tell me, why did they let a horror writer kill
the voice of peace, love and understanding and grease his path to fame with
horror, murder and fear?
Can’t you all see that the Sean Hannitys and Rush Limbaughs and their ilk are
like the bat winged monkeys in the Wizard of Oz carrying you away from happiness
with their money fueled lies and tricks?
Can’t you see how much power you will all suddenly have once you bring about
the headlines that read;

Please visit other chapters listed below.
Thank you, Steve Lightfoot

America the ugly;

The people of the San Francisco bay area will never live down the fact that,
when confronted with hard evidence that proves our government murdereded John
Lennon, they ducked their duty to take to the streets and demand the arrest of
Stephen King. Before Nixon and Reagan died they failed to demand that they be put
on trial and jailed as well. For over twenty years the American public proved to
the watching world, that now dislikes us, that we are anything but American
in practice.
As bad as raping a 14 year old then shooting her in the head three times,
then killing her family, including a 5 year old sister, then burning them all to
try to destroy the evidence of their conduct as just happened in Iraq involving
U.S. soldiers. That bad.
Right now you are letting our military help Israel do to the Arabs what we did to
the American indians. Are you an ugly people?
I used to be just like you, too. I was raised on television, , selfish-
ness, greed and anti-intellectualism. When our government killed the Kennedy’s,
M.L.K., other black activists and rock stars I did nothing. It took the of
John Lennon and, later, John Balushi to get me off of my ugly ass and do something.
Many of you probably don’t know that Balushi’s assassin, Kathlyn Smith, was in the
same room with Lennon the night before he was shot in the back, but she was.
Incidentally, the writer of Animal House, Doug Kenny, was also killed that same
year and John Landis, the director of Animal House, almost lost his head with Vic
Morrow in that copter . So if some of you still think that that pyro-
technique exposion that almost blew Michael Jackson’s face off was just an ac-
cident, please pull your heads out of your butts right now.
Buddy Holly, Jim Morrison (Lennon was killed on his birthday), Bob Marley, Peter
Tosh, Jim Croce, Jimi Hendrix and many more cultural icons were probably murdered
by our government and your apathy and ignorance. Even Elvis Presley’s bodyguards,
the ones who supplied him with the that killed him, wrote slander books
about him after. Maybe they slipped him a twice as potent batch deliberately.
Maybe John Balushi was mugged and gagged and held down by two men after Miss
Smith walked him into that hotel room. The fact is that Animal House is a powerfully
subversive anti-establishment movie. The government does fear it’s message.
It showed the military being dragged by it’s own horse, it showed city hall
being mowed down by a batmobile and it showed John Balushi running off
with the pretty girl in the end to become a senator while the military character
was shown to have been killed by his own men in Vietnam. Very subversive.
Perhaps the scene that they fear most is when Balushi made a speech to the mem-
bers of his fraternity after they were banned from campus. He said; “Where’s the Animal
House I used to know? Where’s the spirit. where’s the GUTS?…Nothing is over till
we say it’s over…who’s with me?” At that point he runs out of the room leading a
battle cry but everyone remains seated and defeated. Then the writer, Doug Kenny,
who plays “Stork”, mades his only statement in the whole movie when he responds by
saying: “What are we supposed to do you moron?”
It’s as if Kenny was trying to make us ask the question what must we do to stop the
war our government is waging against the constitution and our freedoms. That that
was Kenny’s lone line in the whole movie suggests that that was THE message.
Our government hopes you never find the guts to stand up to them and their agenda.
And so it was that at the height of fame and fortune and success that he supposedly
jumped off a cliff in Hawaii. Or was he thrown? To read the Esquire magazine
article about it it’s as if the writers were actually there when it happened.
Now I only have proof that our government killed John Lennon and John Kennedy. It’s
all in the bold print codes of Time and Newsweek surrounding the time of the events.
Regarding Lennon’s murder I also found the killer’s face and true identity printed
months before the as well as Mark David King Chapman attached to a letter to
the editor weeks before the crime where he explains how Reagan is moving him,
armed, into a hostile square.
That’s all I should need to get a response out of Americans other than bootlicking
silence and jealousy of the messenger. But there America’s people lie, licking the boot
that kicked them, too jealous and afraid of the messenger to give him his due.
To put this ugly culture that can’t care under the microscope let’s take a look at
how you have treated me in the workplace after finding out that I am the one ratting
out our government for being the rat it is.
This is the best way to take America’s pulse. To see where the rubber meets the road.
And let’s begin by telling you of the time the students at U.C. Berkeley laughed with
glee after I told them that my father had just died in a suspicious plane crash that
occured right after I received a threat letter from a horror writer. Oh, yes, they
did. It will be one of the most dramatic scenes in my four part movie someday.
Subsequent handwriting comparisons prove that the horror writer was Stephen King.
Recently, since I started my website with sloganed van(s), I have been wrongfully
fired from some dozon jobs in the last four years……
(I’ve decided to delete what was posted for two years now. Suffice it to
say that there is a lot of working class misery out there that despises
heroes like me. These people who wronged me will be punished enough just
continuing their miserable lives as they have been doing all along.)

CHP Stalking me?

Actually it could be our governor or attorney general Bill Lockyer or
even Creams Towing of Santa Rosa AND the California Highway Patrol stalking me,
going after my wallet, my licence and my sloganed van lately with phony tickets.
In the past few months I have received two suspicious tickets from the CHP and
I notice that my record is clean except for a false listing of a 1989 ticket for
driving on a suspended licence. I have never been cited for such an offense except
possibly once in the 1970’s. This false listing on my record is pure fraud.
That such a listing appears on my record suggests to me that the authorities
are after my driver’s licence to get my website address off the streets.
In fact, since purchasing another mini-van I have been pulled over three times in
as many weeks and cited once, even though it has no slogans on it yet.
I had to swerve to the shoulder to avoid rearending stopped traffic on hwy 101
recently and was pulled over within seconds of doing so and cited even after I
told the officer I had no choice and that such a maneuver is completely legal.
Seconds later another CHP car was there as well. A CHP traffic block had been
the cause of suddenly stopped traffic, besides.
Months earlier a fire truck who had been following me for twenty minutes radioed
the CHP to cite me for weaving even though I wasn’t (the wind gusts momentarily
blew my other high top van around for a few seconds). I drove like a nun the rest
of the journey. I wasn’t cited for weaving but an illegal search of my van result-
ed in a seperate, unrelated ticket that I am in the process of dismissing via an
intercept program.
Perhaps Arnold S. or Bill Lockyer are after my wallet/ licence/ website advertisement.
I think that they may both be abusing their office, in fact, in doing so.
Meanwhile I will keep you posted if this latest ticket isn’t dismissed as it
should be. Everyone has the right to dodge a rear end collision if the shoulder
is clear. That the officer saw all this and still cited me is suspicious.
If Arnold Schwarzenegger or Bill Lockyer are abusing their offices you should want
to know about that too.
Meanwhile I will be putting my website on my new gas saver van and parade it up and
down California’s freeways and roads for your information.

Bay Area Beware the Press Democrat

First, do read the following chapter at the end of this one, the one titled;
Beware Chapman Movie. It’s very important. Just click the gold lettered title.
Now, as to the matter at hand, namely the Press Democrat newspaper article
last Sunday, April 10, 2005 that tries to brand me as one in need of “..meds.”
and other absolute falsehoods. In fact, if there are any attorney’s reading
I may have a defamation case against both the Santa Rosa city councel mem-
bers Janet Condron and vice mayor Bob Blanchard and the Press Democrat.
This recent article dealt with the councel’s plans to alter public appearances
due to the trend of speakers who are concerned about national issues. The arti-
cle made reference to my expose and lumped me in with others who do seem a
little off kilter at times. In fact, The Bohemian, a local, undercover,
big media rag, engaged in a nearly identical article months earlier suggesting
that I may be less ” …grounded…” than other public speakers at meetings.
For years I have attended meetings urging the councel to use their power
to get the Press Democrat to print some of my evidence and claims and to take
legal action against derelict New York City officials who are also stonewalling.
With this latest charade they have taken position with the guilty and have
conspired with the Press Democrat to assassinate my character and to foster
apathy, denial and hypocracy in the public.
They have stepped out of the shadows to declare their solidarity with the
coverup, not the truth.
At the heart of their plans they intend to pull the plug on the camera during
public appearances to keep my evidence censored.
For years the New York Times owned Press Democrat has been routinely mocking
republicans in their cartoon/editorial section while simultaniously propping
up the republicans in every other way they can. A way of scamming the unsus-
pecting liberal northern Californian reader that they are anti-Bush when they
are not. Boiled down to it’s distilled function, the Press Democrat is a
bunch of New York jews lying to you, the citizen, telling you how to think.
As for the councel members named; Bob Blanchard is one of two government
subsidised members in his family, his son serving in Iraq. Bob is a con man
who has sold all of you out with the most evil of all things possible; he has
taken part, knowingly, in the coverup of John Lennon’s murder. He has know-
ingly deceived all of his constituants with a fraud, a farce, a ruse.
He hopes you’re all stupid and buy into his position as vice mayor.
Janet Condron is as tired looking as I have ever seen a woman look. She seems
to have no moral compass whatsoever as her attempts to remove the camera from
the public appearances entirely, suggests.
Mayor Jane Bender just got back from a trip from Washington D.C. where she pre-
sumably may have even met with Bush’s staff and even discussed me and my
expose and my dramatic presentations at councel meetings and how to “margin-
alize” me. In fact I caught mayor Bender “of the rules” taking my card out of the
stack once and then claiming she couldn’t find it.
All of this has to do with the councels plans to re-arrange the format for
public appearances, so even if you are a slob who doesn’t care about John
Lennon’s murder coverup, you have a stake in what happens from here. Your right
to redress the government is in jeopardy.
All of these people, including Press Democrat reporter Mike McCoy, are knowingly
deceiving you, like the hypocrites they really are in real life. All
of these dirty players should be fired by the outraged public they pretend to
In these people the rergressive 50% of Sonoma county residents have found
representatives as dishonest and hypocritical as they are.
What I see also is a bunch of old, narrow minded biddies, Bob included, stewing
in their obsolete ways, and trying to brand all of you with their brand of
phoniness, and dishonesty and cowarice. They want those D.C. kickbacks they
have been promised if they can take my message off the air. They are blind,
greedy dinosaurs urinating all over your right to know the truth.
Truth, justice and the American way mean little to them. They are un-
American as can be. So are all of you if you let them keep their jobs. So
are all of you if you don’t seize this naked moment of opportunity to swat down
their wicked coverup and march on the Press Democrat with billboards until
Stephen King is arrested for John Lennon’s murder. Bush’s father will be in-
dicted as well, eventually.
It’s time for all of you to stop your witch-hunt of me and face up to your duty
to help me come forward.
If you are all slobs it’s because the government and the media have seen to it.
Only a truth like this can give you the leverage you all need to stop
being their silent, stupid slobs.
It’s time you took a stand on this issue, one way or the other. The watching
world knows what phonies you’ve all been so far. Now city hall and the media
are trying to put your integrity in the ground. Are you going to stand still
for any of it?
Janet Condron seems to have a dose of penis envy or maybe she’s just truly evil
in her views on the Lennon coverup. She is nakedly corrupt and crass. Only a
brain dead public will tolerate this state of affairs. Their job, therefore,
is to dumb all of you down with lies. To brow beat you into submission by
ridiculing me.
In reality it is you, not me, they worry about. They attack me to damage
all of you. To keep you depraved and deceived.
I won’t let it happen and neither should any of you. If the article you read
made you think of me an one who “..needs to take their meds..” it was by design.
I have never taken medication in my life.
They insunuated a lie to you in suggesting otherwise.
There were other slurs thrown out at the regulars but named my expose to tar
me, specifically.
They know that they have a professional duty to charge the district attorney
of Manhatten with dereliction of duty and other charges for not receiving my
evidence or complaint but they suggest in the newspaper article that they can
do nothing about Stephen King.
The Press democrat is a waste of money. Don’t buy the lie.
John Jenkel, who was also lumped in with me, may be a plant by the councel to
justify a change in the public appearances .
I wondered why he was paying multiple
individuals to speak for his cause.
It became his tactics that triggered the talk of changing the venue.
That’s how it works usually, an agent provocatuer planted by big brother.
Beware, people of northern California. Big brother is brainwashing you
as we speak. I need your support.
Sincerely, Steve Lightfoot
P.S. Now please read the chapter below.

I was right. You got punked!

As I type these words John Kerry is just minutes away from conceeding the
2004 election to George W. Bush just as he and Bush and all the operatives,
media and otherwise, who skewed the real results to make Bush the winner had
planned, all along.
America, you got punked and I was right, as usual, once again. In fact five
months ago I went public with a one thousand dollar bet that Bush would be the
declared winner and that Kerry was part of that plan. No one took my bet.
I offered it over radio air waves to various media hosts but no takers.
It’s time you admitted that maybe I’m a hero and not a whacko, as you’ve been
conditioned to believe. It’s time you admit that maybe I know a little more
about our lives than you thought I did.
It’s time you admitted that this 20 year old story is more powerful today
than all the votes the democrats made this election. More powerful than your
right to vote!!!!!
HAD you been wiser and not sadder you would have made hay of this Lennon expose
and Bush Jr. would never have been re-elected.
Had you made hay of this story in 1982 when I first risked my life to tell you
Reagan would never have been re-elected, Bush Sr. would never have been elect-
ed, and Bush Jr. would never have been elected at all.
But you democrats seem to think you know better than me and look at you;
losers without a spine, again.
You need to know that you will continue to live mislead and corrupted lives
until you expose this story for all it’s worth. Right now democrats deserve
Bush for four more years and not me and my monster expose.
Until you change and grow up and help me, that remains the case.
When I hear that McCartney is adding “Kerry” to his Let It Be song at concerts
and thinking that will have any result; “let it be Kerry…” I just have to shake
my head. When I see Bon Jovi endorsing Kerry in his concert and saying,
after, that “..I want to know that I did what I could…” I shudder.
They both know that Bush’s father can likely be linked to John Lennon’s murder
and that my expose will plunge the Bush family into political oblivion and yet
they claim they can’t give my expose a little needed publicity.
They don’t get it that that is why God invented celebrities.
The democrats don’t get it that their party is part and parcel of the other
party, the republican party, in a grand sceme of rigged elections and the
presevation of the powers that be, that candidates like Skull and Bones Kerry
work for the Bush’s in all probability.
I saw all the signs right away. Kerry’s lackluster senate record, his luke-
warm persona, goulish, cadaverous look, his marriage to a corporate billionair.
I saw him steer clear of all the hot button issues that could have sunk Bush
and distract us with Vietnam and other crap.
When he got broadsided over it he remained silent, for weeks, in the wake of
the swift boat gang slander campaign.(To be continued… P.S. Check out
my other chapters to find out just how right I really was.)


Welcome to my Footnotes and New Developments page. There are many chapters
you can access by clicking the appropriate titles listed at the end of
this and each chapter. This is about Reagan.

Now that Ronald Reagan has died Stephen King is left standing alone on the
political terrain, naked, with no one to hide behind anymore.
Reagan used to hide behind Nancy and his famous line “God bless America.”
The one thing King had going for him all this time was America’s ir-
ational trust of Reagan. A man who could lie and smile,CONVINCINGLY,
while he laid waste to America, itself.
Now that Reagan can’t be jailed King finds himself vulnerable to a public
unburdened with that polite good will they had been reserving for Ronald.
That is the great news about Reagan’s passing. Maybe now the public can do
it’s duty to it’s country and take out the long awaited trash.
There is Bush Sr. who also stands vulnerable, as the head of the C.I.A. at
the time John’s murder was planned and perhaps hundreds of accessories
who will be exposed as well, but King now must really face the music.
Oh yes, he really DID pull the trigger of the gun that killed John
Lennon and he and the media all know it. The only question is how long will
it take to jail our real life monster?
Yoko, in case I haven’t made it clear, is involved with the plot, too,
only I have no hard evidence to prove it.
She was sent by the government to meet John, break up the group, get John
underground and forgotten and then to mislead us after he was killed.
Her security almost beat me to death before I figured her all out.
I have been quite nice to Reagan in all this time that I’ve been exposing him.
I have always laid the idea of killing John at Nixon’s feet and that Reagan
got sucked into the nightmare plot. But sucked in he was and he must
have known that entire families would kill themselves over the grief of
that horrible night, but he still went ahead and lied to us about get-
ting “..big government off the people’s back” at the same time that he was
practicing Soviet style assassination to control the U.S. public.
And being caught in a plot so nakedly aimed at America’s soul, to harm us.
There is no rationalization anyone can provide to excuse the act or
suggest that it was anything BUT an attack on the people of America.
And there, caught in bed with the lowest regarded president in U.S.history.
“Tricky Dicky” as John said.
Reagan was a jilted lover, a B actor, a tool of General Electric and the
Republican party and the media who put his acting skills to work for the
very people who would later increase the size of government, enact the
largest tax increases of all time and foment friction in the middle east
with Israel and ultimately start illegal wars and enslave Americans
to an evil, two paycheck, Orwellian, mind controlled existence.
No we are NOT better off than we were before the Republicans seized
two thirds of the last six presidencies.
Not that the Democrats are any different lately, both being fascist.
We are at, not really war, but something like war, in the oil rich
mid east and the world no longer respects us and we’re working harder and
falling more behind with our family time and the ever increasing bills.
The media has only become a fortress of right wing only talk shows
and we’re not really free anymore. In fact we are living in fear now.
In that respect I proudly take partial responsibility for his Alzheimers
disease and Nixon’s brain stroke. I can only imagine the pressure of
having the whole world hate you for killing John Lennon. They did not
escape justice, really, after all.
I attended Nixon’s casket showing, incidentally, and I should have brought
a cup of red wine to toss onto his flag draped coffin, but I forgot.
A symbolic protest of John Lennon’s blood being on his hands. In todays
America I would not have made news, to begin with, doing that.
It should also be noted that Nixon died a month after Morton Downey Jr.,
the ONLY honest media host in America at the time, gave me three days in
a row to lay out my evidence over L.A. air waves. I may have scared him to death.
In fact, one hour before his stroke, I confronted Henry Kissinger, on L.A.’s
KABC radio show, concerning the situation in Yugoslavia at the time.
If I seem a little cool understand that there is a good chance that Reagan
and Nixon may have had something to do with the fatal plane crash my
father died in in 1984. Two weeks prior I received a threat letter, in
Stephen King’s handwriting, warning me about “”Phases Three”..since you
won’t cease your investigation..” The F.B.I. wouldn’t even look at it.
As the citizen most aware of the TRUTH about Reagan in all this time I saw
through his calculated propaganda and rhetoric like a hawk. I always knew
when he was lying with that kindly, grandfatherly act of his.
He was called “Teflon Ron” and I was tormented for decades by a blind,
irrational, mentally ill public that had convinced themselves he
was a saint who would and could do no wrong.
Ultimately I think much of the U.S. public KNEW he killed Lennon and
STILL forgave him.
Never underestimate the foolishness of the U.S. public on that one.
Now he IS DEAD! I say AMEN! Maybe now the evil spell can be broken
now that that witch is dead.
I appreciate that he didn’t have me killed, but it wasn’t as if he didn’t
try, either. (See Current Update chapter)
There are a lot of things that must be said about Reagan and that era.
We should know, for example, that his first of many cabinet appointees to
resign was the head of the Food and Drug Administration. This was the same
man who was in charge of the hallucinogenic testing on G.I.’s in the
50’s and 60’s!
When all those other members of his cabinet were resigning you were led
to believe it was over Iranscam or Contra-gate.
I was there and it was over Lennon’s murder evidence, only the media mislead
all of you. I was so close to breaking the story then in San Francisco.
It was one of the biggest resignation episodes in U.S. history.
Alexander Haig was really the first to quit and it may have been over
his discovering what Nixon and Reagan had done and he wanted out.
You should all know that Reagan invented homelessness in America, to
a big degree, and corporate corruption and de-regulation and tax cuts
for the wealthy and tax increases for everybody else.
You should know that the size of government GREW by 20% under Reagan.
That’s right, people! He increased it, vastly.
Under Reagan a new law was laid down; shoot to kill first, then ask
questions, where criminals were concerned.
A rogue element that set the law above the law and increased the power of
the concept; police state.
Under Reagan everything decent America once stood for was used as a
speech prop for policies that would undo that very decency about us.
The kindly, soft-spoken, grandfatherly con artist revolutionized America
to the point that we became a more moneyed version of the Soviet Union.
He claimed credit for the fall of that regime but Putin has told McCartney
that it was really The Beatles.
Reagan was just on the job at the time, in my opinion.
Like the former Soviet Union, who banned The Beatles, outright, Nixon and
Reagan ALSO feared their revolutionary power, but especially John,
“The intelligent one”. He had the stones to lead the masses the way masses
are supposed to be led. By one of their own, not some polarized bureaucrat
most likely working for the police state.
In fact, John’s line; “You say you’ll change the Constitution..” was about
his fans who were trying to make him our president, someday.
To know the damage Nixon and Reagan did to America by letting Stephen King
assassinate and replace John Lennon as our principle culture role model
is to strongly suspect that they MUST be working for the Soviets, no less.
A controversial opinion that most men aren’t man enough to even consider but
one full of supportive evidence;
To begin with, Nixon writes, in The Real War, that The Soviets will
conduct a “strategic surrender” only to resurface later. That was in
1980 and we know what has happened since.
Both Nixon and Reagan arrived on the political scene during the commie witch-
hunt days of both Washington and Hollywood, at the height of infiltration.
Nancy Baker, who Reagan married, I’ve heard, was ON that commie blacklist!
She sure wore out that red dress! DIDN’T she!
Both Nixon AND Reagan took on the role of outing the commies. This is
spy 101 technique for shifting suspicion away from oneself.
Both men did a hatchet job on America, too. From Nixon taking us off the gold
standard, to courting communist China, to the crime that became Vietnam and
Reagan’s penchant for arming rebels in South and Central America, trading
arms for hostages and the subsequent perjury on the stand afterward
and Nixon’s PROVABLE, central role in J.F.K.’s assassination (See Nov. 22,’63
issue of Time magazine headline codes) and the way he demoralized the mili-
tary and caused the gas crisis in the 70’s with his Israel policies, to
his resignation, discracing the office, to Ford’s immoral pardoning of him,
turning our legal system upside down, to Reagan’s deregulating the airline
traffic controllers, letting Jewish media domination proliferate, to his
economic policies that, literally, created homelessness as we now know it,
and the two paycheck ratrace we have all been tricked into, invisibly, to
his police state visions of a big brother in the skies to control us all,
to record tax increases, throughout his career, to the phony, jingoistic
patriotism he branded us with in all his speeches, couching everything
under the umbrella of God and country while murderer, King, began his greased
career to poison our culture.
Throughout their terms the headlines told the story of everything they
both did to turn us into a “big brother knows best” country. Much like
the stuff we are seeing from Bush Jr., lately.
The case can EASILY be made that Nixon and Reagan may well have been
a secret team working for our enemy.
I used to save newspapers to someday show the world all that they did to de-
stroy us but I’ve since had to unload the hundreds of them to make space.
I know what they did. I studied everything that they did and it’s as if
they were part of the plan to, as Nixon adds in his forward of The Real War’s
second printing, six days before Lennon was killed, “…Lower their ideals…”
In fact he wrote; “…Americans must learn to lower their ideals…” as
if he regards Americans as seperate from him.
That so many Americans are convinced, to their soul, that these two men
are American heroes and patriots is a testament to the fallability of
people who have no clue as to what their lives are really all about.
When it comes to the political reality of ones own life, men are often
too overworked to have a good opinion.
I remember watching Nixon’s casket, with the U.S. flag so crisp around it,
thinking, seriously, was there a Soviet flag inside the casket that he’s
really wrapped in?
I’ll always remember Bob Hope telling Johnny Carson, one night, that the
Republican Party approached him about running for president. He told
Johnny and all of us that they had assured him that they could guarantee
his winning if only he’d agree to run.
Bob said that didn’t feel right to him and he declined their unholy offer.
I’m sure that Reagan was made the same offer only he took it.
Apparently Bob Hope loved us too much to contribute to corrupt politics.

Forward to today and John Kerry is conspicuously silent this election.
His offer to John McCain, a republican, to share the ticket with him
should tip the brighter among you that he may be working for Bush and
the same Rockefeller, oil baron, corporate crowd that has been ruining
our lives for long enough.
Not that he would do their bidding if elected, so much, as lose on purpose
to guarantee Bush Jr.’s re-election.
This possibility is explained better in other chapters.
Of course Bush is going to be re-elected if the past serves as a guide.
The presidential elections in America have BEEN rigged for decades.

The only question is; Are you too stupid to use my evidence against Nixon,
Reagan and Stephen King and possibly Bush Sr. before the election?
Are you intelligent enough to picket the media outlets with my web
address on your billboards and signs that read; “LENNON MURDER
COVERUP!” ? That is the question.
Do you love yourselves enough to become activists and do your duty?
Evidence like this comes along only once every dozon generations.
Will yours be the one that lets it down or uses it as a sword to defend
yourselves from the real enemies of America?
YOU GOING TO ACT? That is the question.


This is my editorial section. Please visit the other chapters located in gold
at the bottom of each chapter; My Credentials and Beliefs, etc..
This is just a snapshot editorial of the scene this mid March 2004.
Michael Powell, son of Colin Powell and chairman of the FCC has just imposed
five second delays on live tv and massive fines to anyone violating his
obscenity standards in the wake of Janet Jacksons boob flash.
Clear Channel, behind this also, has been quietly censoring, (BANNING) Len-
non’s masterpiece; Imagine for over a year now on all its stations.
Martha Stewart seems to be getting the business by Bush and Ashcroft since
she helped the Gores fundraise years ago.
The oil companies are shafting you with $2.20 @ gallon, just like I warned
you they would a year ago and schools are getting massive funding cuts.
In fact I warned of this a decade ago.
The very radio stations that have censored me for years are now putting on a
show to make you think they are against the new media restraints. I’ve said
that Howard Stern is a plant whose goal is to justify restraints over ten
years ago when he blocked my calls for months via a change in his format;
He didn’t take any calls the three months I was in New York! Now he is emerg-
ing as a main thrust behind Powells move.
John Kerry, fellow Skull and Bones member with Bush, is leading us to victory?
Or not?
The people of Santa Rosa and the entire San Francisco bay area are taking
me for granted and unalarmed at the truth I have given them. They all seem
in a coma, a paralysis, a sleepwalk.
As if they are under the media’s evil spell.
The soft, spoiled generation is letting America slip, slide away.
Eisner, the under seige chairman of Disney, is experiencing the wrath of some
good people who want him out. This, the same week he is airing Kingdom
Hospital, Kings new miniseries.
In fact ABC, owned by Disney, has promoted King, almost exclusively, for decades.
Do I see a sea change out there?
Could some good people at Disney be on the verge of something big? Or is
it just a fluke of human decency?
The Rockefeller owned Standard Oil of Chevron stations is making about ten
BILLION dollars a DAY in gross sales yet no one suspects his hands behind
the curtain of our presidency.
Israel assassinates again, this time the elder cleric of Hamas. I think
they did so to interfere with having to give back the Gaza strip hoping retal-
iation by Palestinians will halt the process.
Richard Clark is proclaiming that Bush, in attacking Iraq, has greatly;
“…undermined the war on terror…”
It makes sense that Bush wants conflict, war and oil and a frightened, even
stampeded public.
The level of media spin is as ghastly as the days of Ferdinand Marcos in the
Phillipines during the mid eighties, and all spewing from our Israeli run U.S.
Since the Iraq war the S.F. Bay area has been innundated with a swarm of new
right wing spin witches and new radio talk shows. Are we like Moscow yet?
And the regulars, KGO’s Ronn Owens, whose screener knows my voice, is keep-
ing me off. Bernie Ward and Ray Taliofaro, are still fooling the liberals
that they are on their side while, in reality, they both hate my cause and
hope Bush gets re-elected.
They fear I’ll pry their listeners away from the C.I.A. flypaper they represent.
Bill Wattenburg is still jerking off the public with his spin against me.
Condoliza Rice is refusing to testify under oath about 9/11 because of some
B.S. seperation of powers line. That wasn’t her reason several months ago
when she declared she would not subject herself to testimony under oath.
Meanwhile, while all this farce and wickedness is going on, the U.S. public
is meaner than ever at the workplace, is working harder than ever, husband
AND wife, and is too pooped to ponder their dire predicament.
The new electronic ballet system deciding our next president is without a
paper trail AND the manufacturer of most of them happens to be on a committee
to re-elect Bush.
Is anybody home?
The delegate system will take advantage of all the states that only get Rush
Limbaugh stations.
I suspect an attack on us or Israel or the capture or killing of Osama Bin Laden
between now and the election.
I fully anticipate John Kerry to throw the election for Bush, just like
Gore seemed to do, even if this scenario doesn’t take place.
Rockefeller and Israel don’t leave our presidency to chance, to the fickle
“You can’t handle the truth..” public.
I suspect that my life might be in the balance lately. A lot of political
dust in the air to cover it up with.
Well, what do you say U.S. public, my fellow American, are you going to trust
this election to get rid of Bush or this expose to do it?
Of course Nixon is dead and Reagan MAY have Alzheimers, but Stephen King and
George Herbert Walker Bush are ripe for arrest. Those headlines would likely
cause Bush Jr. to drop out of the race.
The only question is; are you all going to let the admittedly ludicrous al-
legation that King actually pulled the trigger keep you from admitting the
patently provable truth?
Can you afford to be apathetic now?
(To be continued….)


Thank you for logging onto my website. You have just tapped into the
biggest expose on the planet, complete with hard evidence. Now you
shall know that the face of the man who killed John Lennon and got his
autograph can be found in Time and Newsweek issues that were
printed months before the crime. You shall know that Mark David Chap-
man and Chapman’s letter to the editor that explains how Reagan is
“…moving (him) armed, into a hostile square…” can be found in a U.S.
News and World Report issue three weeks before the crime. You shall
know that up to 70% of the bold print headlines in Time and Newsweek
plug into Lennon’s murder like government codes for a four to five month
period before, during and after the crime. Headline hints out loud like
” Johnny Comes Marching Home…Kiss, kiss. Bang! bang! Ouch! ouch!
…Poet Of Pity and Anger… America Needs A Poet Laureate…Maybe…
The Job Richard Nixon Really Wanted; Blasting The Opposition…”
and other similar hints out loud with almost every turn of the page.
In issues of Time and Newsweek released the day of the murder you
will find Richard Nixon’s book The Real War, that talks about why we have
to kill rock stars like John Lennon (No kidding) sitting next to just elect-
ed Reagan . The accompanying headlines in Time read; “Who’s In?”
“Who’s Out?’ and “Fitting together the pieces of a complicated jigsaw
puzzle..” for example. And you shall now know, beyond any question,
that Mark Chapman is but a paid decoy and actor, part of the conspir-
acy that arranged for horror novelist, THE Stephen King of horror fame,
to actually pull the trigger of the gun that killed John. You shall come
to know that dozons, if not hundreds of people, including, I think, Yoko
Ono, are involved in the coverup beginning with the mass media, the
courts, the law and the prison officials of Attica who are all helping to
pull the wool over your eyes. You shall also know where King got much
of his inspiration for his novels. From killing John Lennon, namely.
You shall know that he even writes about “…the fellow who killed John
Lennon…” in at least three books besides the parallel elements found
in especially The Dead Zone and other books he wrote before he com-
mitted the crime, complete with “Johnny, Richard Nixon, The Catcher In
The Rye, shooting a man in the shoulder blades and stalking and shoot-
ing an upcoming political figure. It’s all in this explosive website.
There can be no ambiguity about who really killed John for only Step-
hen King’s face, seen months before the crime, exactly traces the
features of the man we all saw photographed getting Lennon’s auto-
graph. Chapman, who is the son of a wealthy oil executive, like John
Hinkley, does not match that telling photo. His eyeglass prescription
and the facial symmetry is not a match. Close, but obviously not him.
You will even see King’s two letters to me (It’s his handwriting). One
where he admits I’ve got some of the story already and another where
he tries to throw in a veiled bribe if I’d stop.
All this is explained and proven in my website.
The purpose of this, my first footnotes and developments page, is
to impress upon all of you that only an unevolved monkey would not
take advantage of this evidence and jail Stephen King for at least 20
years without possibility of parole. To investigate the matter fully and
jail any other players for their role. And nothing less.
There are other pages (Listed at the bottom of each section) herein
but this page is my desperate attempt to knock some sense into all
of you. You have all been conditioned and brainwashed. You have
been mind controlled and perverted. Of course you would not agree
at first with this blunt accusation so let me offer my first million to any-
one who saw anything resembling a trial for Mark Chapman in the first
place. Go check the papers and the autobiographies. No trial at all.
You will find that the trash autobiographies are lying by one year when
they tell you that Chapman entered a guilty plea, behind closed doors,
six months after the crime. They are lying because it happened a year
and a half after the murder. Had Hinkley not come along and (Sup-
posedly) shot Reagan right after, had both the Pope and Anwar Sadat
not been shot then as well, we would not have allowed a year and a
half of silence to follow John Lennon’s murder. But the media, which
is powered and controlled by the military (That’s right) with all those
satelites etc, pre-soaked your brains with “Who Shot J.R.?” even be-
fore the crime, to wear you out for Who Shot J.L.?, and then sprung the
lie on all of you at once in the fourth quarter of Monday Night Football.
By the time Howard Cosell read the script handed to him and told you
that the killer was Chapman, a drifter from Hawaii, it was too late. You
were at the mercy of your your own weaknesses and the government
that knows exactly how to exploit them. By the time Christmas painted
things over, by the time Reagan took the oath of office and the Iran
hostages were released, by the time Hinkley came along and stole the
show from Chapman you were all brainwashed. Ever since you have
all been, literally, INSANE. The government/media complex, run almost
exclusively by Jews in case you are unaware, hosed you schmucks
down but good. They had a field day with all of you, laughing all the way.
Don’t get the impression I am an anti-Semite. I am not. But I am not
going to give them a pass to take over the media of America either. And
don’t think that I think any of you are schmucks. I would never lie to you.
I know from 48 years of living that all of you can be good again. If I am
wrong then this story will not break and I will be killed by your apathy.
If I am right this story will take over the planet and revolutionalize the
race of man and I will become as influential as John Lennon used to be.
Break this story and your orgasms and your entire life will improve by at
least 30% if not 130%. You all must know what a toll the coverup has
had on you. I watched good Americans turn into good Soviets in less
than twenty years. Of course you might not agree. I know. I’ve been
paying close attention. But don’t take my word for it. A prisoner who was
released in the mid nineties after a twenty year term remarked that the
America he remembered was” ….a lot happier and freer and better when
he went in and couldn’t believe the difference now…”
You may think because you have a house and two cars and two jobs
and two kids and friends and possesions that everything is all right. That’s
the art of the government hiding the truth from you. They know how to
“…Keep you doped with a paycheck, your sex and t.v….” It’s what the govern-
ment does best. In the last twenty years you have gone so far down the
quality of life scale I can’t begin to list it all . In fact my other pages discuss
exactly such matters.
For the benefit of those of you who think your lives couldn’t be better and that
smiling through everything is all that matters, let me compare the situation to
entering a smelly, freshly used restroom, your first impression being one of
discomfort and disgust. A few minutes later it doesn’t smell so bad and only
the fresh air outside reminds you of how repugnant it really was. Reminds
you of how your olfactory system adjusts for unpleasant odors. Similarly, if
you are attacked by, lets say a bear in the woods, you more hear your bones
breaking and flesh tearing than feel it. Natures way of administering mercy.
In matters such as political assassination our fragile state of mind denies
the outrageousness, the devastation and humiliation of such a crime.
Facing up to the true depth of the horrific damage political assassination
really does to all of us is, apparently, more than you are willing to bear.
I say to all of you that you have adjusted to exactly the kind of repugnancy
Kennedy assailed the former Soviet system of representing.
Exactly how repugnant and humiliating and devastating the damage
was that resulted from Lennon’s murder, a murder incidentally that caused
more world wide suicides than any political assassination ever, is almost
overwhelming for even me to grasp. I see it so much more than the
average person and some of what I say will seem a little overboard and
daring, but you must trust me for now that I have the given the whole matter
no small amount of due diligence and thought. In fact, unlike you, my very
life is and has been in mortal danger this whole time. I can’t afford to be
caught off guard by ignorance and denial.
Neither can any of you, anymore. America itself and our freedom are in
danger of domestic enemies and not just foreigners.
The fact that I can’t take my evidence through normal legal channels; the
Manhatten D.A., for example, or any legal establishment should tell you
already how unfree you all are already. The fact that the mass media will
only defame me, as happened on Dan Rather, Peter Jennings, Tom Bro-
kaw and American Journal twice, instead of allowing me to remove my life
from danger and let truth and justice prevail with what should be the big-
gest blockbuster story in two thousand years, only proves how phony all of
us are. Only proves what hypicrites and cowards and liars we all are. I
must exclude myself from those traits where Lennon’s murder is concerned
I want all of you to realize how serious and urgent my plea to you is. MY
Otherwise, if I die, know it really was your fault and not whatever lie the media
will try to tell you. No accident or misadventure will get me killed. Only poli-
tical assassination. I am always extremely careful. Please don’t kill ME
with your apathy and inaction.
Americas attitude toward King’s provable guilt, so far, almost got King
killed in 1999. He was run over by a van and nearly killed. Had he not seen it
coming he would have been plastered to a brick wall I read. Subsequently
the driver of the van was killed (Oops,) died, six months later.
Was the government behind all that to try to shut my story up? I think so.
Were all of you behind that as well? Yes you all were.
In fact doing nothing when you should be doing something is the easy
way out. “Maybe the government will kill him too and we can skip the expose.”
That kind of inaction. That kind of behavior. It’s pretty stupid though.
As I said earlier, only an unevolved monkey would cover this story up and
fail to jail King and any others yet to be linked to the crime. Now that you have
this evidence you have no excuse. It’s all on you now. Not the media or the
courts. You.
If America was right, if America was well, I would only have had to drop
50 of my magazines on the ground at any major university campus and , within
two weeks, a grand jury investigation would have been launched due to public
outrage and demonstrations in front of the media. People would have respond-
ed with outrage and anger. Had Cal, Berkeley had a spine in 1984, when I
took it there, Reagan would have been jailed, instead of re-elected, Nixon and
King would have been jailed, Time, Newsweek and U.S. News would likely be
replaced with another name, Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. would never have become
presidents, the Iraq war in the nineties would have been avoided, and , for all
any of you know, the Trade Towers and all those people may have been spared.
Had Berkeley, home of the free speech movement, done their duty then your
lives today would be so much different and better than you could ever believe.
Had John Lennon been allowed to live and make his comeback he would
have graced the planet with his leadership and lead us to a better place than
we find ourselves today. There is no doubt about it.. In fact, only a concerted
effort by our own government to screw us up deliberately can account for the
times we see unveiled in the papers daily. Considering all the oil mens
sons involved in the coverup it makes perfect sense that Lennon was killed as
a first step towards declaring World War III over the middle east oil someday.
Now it’s HAPPENING because he ISN’T on the worlds microphone.
Until recently I was less convinced of Darwins theory than I am now. I was
taught that we humans are seperate and apart from the animals. That we
have a CONSCIENCE, that we have complex brains etc. Trying to break this
story has taught me that humans act a lot like a bunch of screaching, howl-
ing monkeys running around hysterically pounding the ground, when they
are confused or frightened by whatever new object is in their midst.
“Get a job!”, “Get a life!”,”Who cares!? hundreds of Americans have shouted
to me as I stood with my billboards. Like a bunch of screaching, frightened,
panicked monkeys. Anything but own up to the truth.
If we didn’t shave or cut our hair or wear clothes we would have ankle length
hair, beards down to our navel and more hair on us in general. We would
look a lot like a hairless orangutan. In fact our nose is the biggest physical
difference between us and an ape. Or is it our opposable thumb?
We dress and groom so much now we may have forgotten our roots.
In fact I have come to appreciate that our ancestral traits may be holding
some of you back. After all, the government has never left you such explosive
evidence on a silver platter before as they have now. What ARE you all to
do with it? This IS uncharted territory. This is the worlds biggest expose.
You now have to jail people so powerful they could blow all of you up. You
HAVE to change everything you can in the world now with this. That’s a lot of
change. That’s a goliath undertaking. That’s real responsibility.
Yes it absolutely is. You’ll never have a better chance, certainly in your
lives, to go for it. To go for the changes you really do want. Not since John
Lennon was murdered have you had a voice other than a politicians that
made a difference. If you don’t get me killed with apathy and inaction I’ll
pick up where Lennon left off. I’ll probably be even more revolutionary and
brave than even John was.
When I observe the variety of humans on our planet it is clear to see that
some look more like apes than others, and yet all are human beings. Which
leads one to suspect we all came from monkeys, or apes, if any of us did.
What mutation, what chromasonal change occured to branch us apart from
them if Darwin WAS right? What if Adam and Eve were symbolic figures or
what if they were more ape like than we are today? We ARE only one chrom-
asone away from a chimpanzee. Let’s get real people. Maybe Darwin was
correct. That would help to explain your absense of conscience and the
reasoning process that could show you the advantages of my expose. That
would explain a host of deficiencies in our national character and why we have
been willing to let Stephen King, symbolically, urinate on us, all this time.
Maybe we’re not evolved enough yet to put things in perspective. I
think I am,though, but I need your help.
What I can’t do, namely break this story by myself without you, you can do
for me. Together we can bring this monster expose to the light of day and
let truth and justice replace deceit and treachery. It all works out like our
forefathers intended and we save ourselves from a domestic takeover of
our freedom. ” It isn’t hard to do…” like John used to sing. Two hundred,
even one hundred demonstrators with my message on billboards in front
of a major news station is what I need from you.
” It’s easy, if you try. ”

I’d like to suggest to all of you what really happened December 08, 1980.
Of course that Time, Newsweek and U.S. News and World Report Maga-
zine are affiliated with our intelligence departments and has at least one
guy in charge of headlines that document government secrets is self
evident. Only surrounding Lennon’s murder do up to three quarters of the
headlines in Newsweek, a week before the murder, for example, plug
into the crime, then yet to come. That concept is not unheard of. It’s
called cryptography. They documented J.F.K.’s murder before it occured
(See Hurry, Help Me Come Forward page.) and a lot of things over the
years. Why? I can’t say for sure. Perhaps to subliminally condition us to
accept what they did with all the admissions. Perhaps to document our
nation’s real history in a way the public could not tap into easily. I can
only prove that they are using their headlines to chronicle reality. I can
only prove that the behavior is exclusive to the months surrounding the
crime and nowhere else.
It shouldn’t be too hard for all of you to comprehend that our country’s
biggest magazines are affiliated with the government and military.
But what about Chapman, King, Nixon, Reagan, the court and prison
and media officials that covered it up? What about silent Yoko Ono?
I think I’ve got a pretty good bearing on how they all came together to
murder the worlds most powerful hero.
In the late sixties Yoko Ono, in my opinion, was sent by somebody
to break up The Beatles. John was the most threatening to the govern-
ment and was too popular to kill then. There would have been riots and
finger pointing. First the group had to be dissolved. Enter house-
breaker Yoko Ono. Although she has lied to you that she didn’t know
who The Beatles were or who John Lennon was when they met, accord-
ing to Paul McCartney, she approached Paul first, asking for contributions
for her art work. Paul said “See John. Maybe he will help you.” Months later
she did just that. They met at an art gallery ( The same way I met her in
1987 when she ordered the San Francisco police to kidnap and pistolwhip
me a half hour after our encounter when I gave her my evidence. See my
Current Update page.) Within days she had him cheating on his wife, got
him to pose frontal naked on an album cover and began attending Beatles
jam sessions. Besides poisoning the atmosphere in the group she event-
ually got him hooked on heroin, got him singing God is a concept, and
soon took over his money affairs after she succeeded in breaking up The
Beatles. She kicked him out of their apartment, publicly, and did everything
she could do drag down John’s image. Poor John was too naive to see.
Meanwhile, it was also Yoko Ono who got Paul busted for pot in Japan.
She tipped the officials off with a phone call. It was also Yoko who planted
the famous marijuana roach that ignited Nixon’s attempt to deport them. Of
course she played along with his peace activism, even gave him a son after
two prior miscarriages, to keep John from catching on. And then, after Sean
was born, it was John who devoted most of the time to their child.
By the time she had him living underground for five years and convinced him
to stay out of the public eye the stage was set for his murder. His fans
were now parents and too preoccupied with domestic responsibilities.
Meanwhile, someone, I suspect, got a whiff of King’s book Carrie, a cathar-
tic book of revenge from someone who was rejected and teased by his peers
as a child, and reported to Richard Nixon’s people that they should look into
this fear monger with a penchant for striking out at the whole world. Or perhaps
King, himself, advertised his willingness, somehow, to John’s enemies. John’s
message was so opposite his and King WAS in a ‘ students for Nixon’ club in the
sixties. There may be some other manner that brought them together. I can’t
prove this, but it makes logical sense. I imagine he was approached in the
mid seventies when he began to write about, Mark, Johnny, Nixon etc. in his
books. I think he was offered a deal of fame and prominence by the govern-
ment and some publisher if he would kill Lennon and rub his peace and
love message out with fear instead. King apparently agreed and began
writing about the upcoming murder beginning with Salem’s Lot in 1975,
five years before the crime. Right after Nixon’s attempt to illegally deport
John was ruled unconstitutional.
Meanwhile, Chapman, who had been in , of all places, Lebanon, at a
(Supposedly) Y.M.C.A. unit overseas, agreed to play the role of the decoy.
His father was a millionair oil executive for Amoco. Perhaps a war in the
middle east was on the governments list of things to do and John was
in their way, I can’t say for sure, but an oilman’s son agreed to take the fall.
Except for his lack of dimples, his height and prescription glasses and
a more centralized boxing of his facial symmetry, he is a pretty close match
for King.
Yoko and John, their Starting Over theme notwithstanding, were having
marital problems. I’ve heard John was about to divorce her. She began
spending a lot of time with a man named Green just prior to the murder.
King, meanwhile, began taunting his audience with a line he repeated
frequently in Firestarter; “You blind, obssesive fools.” months before the
crime. Time, and Newsweek and U.S. News began code documenting
the affair with their bold print headlines. The much ballyhood drama
“Who Shot J.R.” was beginning to grate on everyones nerves about the
same time John was makinfg a sudden and ferocious comeback with
four albums at once. The J.R. melodrama was solved on Thanksgiving,
just weeks before the crime. King’s t.v. drama The Shining was being
heavily advertised with Jack Nicholson sneering “Here’s Johnny!” with his
axe through the door.
America had just elected Reagan and there was an Iranian hostage cri-
sis going on.
December 08, 1980. John and Yoko are returning from a recording ses-
sion. Hours earlier John had signed an album cover for Stephen King,
who was posing as Chapman. Paul Goresh was the man who took the
famous photograph of that encounter. Paul Goresh, who, months earlier,
was caught stalking John when he showed up posing as a V.C.R. repair-
man when the real repairman arrived. Though John wanted to get a late
night bite to eat out, Yoko insisted on going straight home to The Dakota
apartment building. The limo pulled up, King was waiting, Yoko ran well
ahead of John and up the stairs and then John was shot four times from
point blank range by Stephen King. King threw the gun down and quicky
sat down to hide his six foot two inch height and began reading The Catcher
In The Rye until the local police apprehended him, put a coat over his face
so no one else could photograph the assassin and swiched places with
Chapman who began his acting charade. King, meanwhile was let out a back
door and driven to a private jet to Bangor , Maine. The very next day King
wrote a newspaper article titled “I Read The News Today, Oh Boy!”
The media began a brief lived firestorm of Lennon tributes mixed with a
heavy dose of brainwash and mind control.
Yoko provided the biggest dose of mind control when she used a letter to the
editor of Rolling Stone magazine to say to the world;” That’s up to the courts
to decide..” about Chapman’s fate. Not long after Chapman’s 60 psychiatric
evaluation had slipped into a long unexplained silence of over 90 days she
came out with an album titled “It’s All Right ”
In contradiction to John’s will not to be cremated, Yoko ordered John’s body
cremated immediately.
Of course this coverup involved the co-operation of the Manhatten police on
the scene, Sergeant Sullivan, who led King into the station with a coat over
his head as well as the D. A. and the judge who handled the case, as well
as the co-operation of the mayor and governor, and of course the Attica prison
warden and some officials there. There were no less than a dozon yet to
be linked individuals who made the coverup work. Maybe hundreds if you in-
clude the role of the mass media and the tabloids who railed John as the Anti-
Christ the night of the murder.
My watchful eye on the media has taught me that even the tabloids are con-
trolled by the government.
Just about the time all of Lennon’s fans were getting anxious to see Chapman
put on trial John Hinckley (Supposedly) shot Reagan and Brady. Hinckley, in
fact, said that he blamed Reagan for Lennon’s murder when he said; ” Amer-
ica is the land where heroes are shot in the back…When Lennon died I died,
you died, America died, the world died, everybody died…” He blamed Reagan.
What we weren’t told then is that the Hinckley’s have known the Reagans and
the Bush family for eighteen years prior to John’s death. In fact Hinckley’s dad
and Bush Sr. live on the same block in Colorado summer homes. Over a
year later, when Hinckley was ruled insane, his charge that Reagan was re-
sponsible for killing John also seemed insane. As planned????
If Reagan and Brady faked getting shot it would have required some plastic
surgery to make it seem Brady’s head was shot, some blood bladders, one
for Brady to bite into and one for the Secret Service agent to slap onto Brady’s
head as he was pushed down by his head as seen on the film. That and
some acting on the Brady’s part. I’ll admit this sounds far fetched but remem-
ber; killing John with a gun made us all hate our handguns and then Reagan
helped enact the Brady Bill. Two birds with one stone?
In fact , Terry Chodash of the San Francisco Secret Service asked me what I
thought of the Hinckley episode when he ambushed me in a library in 1983.
At that time I had no clue. I’ll admit this angle needs more evidence to prove
but Reagan came from Hollywood where that is done every day.
The bottom line is oil mens sons are both involved here. And while we
believe Hinckley is in a mental hospital we also believe that Chapman is in
Attica prison. All we have to go by is two People magazine stories about
Chapman, complete with photos of him in his cell, and a few isolated news
items about Chapman working in the cafeteria there one week. People
magazine is printed and owned by, you guessed it, Time-Life..
When Barbara Wa Wa interviewed him in jail everything was shadowy., None of
the prison guards faces could be seen, for example. Just Babs and Chapman.
It could have been a studio for all we know. A look at Chapman tells me he is
eating high quality food and under no stress at all . I’ve never seen a convict
look so well kept, so well fed, and so unmiserable. I’m anxious to break this
story to see what HAS been going on with Chapman. It’s just a matter of time
before the media lies to us all that he has been killed in prison or killed him-
self. Plastic surgery, a fake funeral and out with the rest of us he could come.
I’m actually surprised they haven’t gone that route yet. Maybe he’ll be sent back
to Lebanon where he lived before he got caught up in the coverup.
I’ll admit , I don’t know where Chapman is. Is he being holed up in a country
club setting for C.I.A. types, living a secluded but comfy life? Is the Attica
warden getting kickbacks to keep it under wraps? How many others are get-
ting something for the charade? I doubt he is in prison more than several
days a year . Mostly for appearances. He is in solitary they SAY.

That’s my take on the coverup. What really happened. I’m sure things will
come out a little different when it is all outed. But I think I’m close. Very.
What is important is that I can prove that King, not Chapman, was on the
scene and everything else involving Reagan, Nixon and the magazines. The
exact details won’t be known until after this story breaks and heads start to
roll and plea bargains are made and people start ratting each other out.
Surely no story this big has been aired in my lifetime or yours. Don’t you
think we should break it wide open?
I almost got pushed into responding to the situation after John Balushi and
Doug Kenny, the writer of Animal House, were both killed shortly after Lennon
was killed. Kenny, they SAY, jumped off a cliff in Hawaii and Balushi over-
dosed. Animal House was a powerfully subversive anti-establishment movie.
Also, John Landis, the director, almost lost his head with Vic Morrow in that
copter accident. I started to feel that something evil was in our White House.
Balushi’s killer never served time, she being from Canada. How do we know
he wasn’t mugged by two large men and held down and injected when she
walked him into that room? The answer is we don’t.
Please click onto ” Are You Monkeys Or Men 2″ page below…….