Hey, People of Bangor!
Until murderer / horror novelist; Stephen King is exposed, arrested, tried and jailed
for John Lennon’s murder all of you are guilty of anything that might happen to Barack
Obama. Until King is exposed and arrested, tried and jailed for John Lennon’s murder
all of you parents are blind, obsessive, child molesting fools. It can’t be denied. Until
King’s ass is in the stir all of you are stupid cowards. There, I’ve said it. Are you happy?
He probably hung out here in Bangor for all these years because it was a good hideout
He had to live in a place that was remote and not sophisticated enough to ferret him out.
In case you don’t know, Bangor is more simple minded and ignorant than you might think.
In all my years of exposing my John Lennon murder evidence against Nixon, Reagan and
Stephen King that glaring fact has existed like a mountain that won’t go away. All people
are scared, blind, stupid fools when it comes to responding to hard evidence against your
government; like nobody ever taught any of you people to stand up for youselves. Like
you almost enjoy it when the government practices it’s sadism against you. You must all
be sick. You seem to want to blame the messenger. No, I’m not crazy. I’m the hero who
found the evidence. You people are crazy not to see it or not to care if you CAN see it.
I think most of your children know that some of you parents are lying to them when you
DO call me crazy or far fetched. They should kick you in the shins for it, too.
Well, I’ve run out of thoughts for this letter, for now. If you want to see what I think of New
Yorkers and the jews who push the Chapman hoax be my guest. Just click the immediate
chapters below. You might learn something.
Meanwhile, if McCain is declared the next president, you will know that your silence here
and your keeping me out of the national spotlight where I belong screwed yourSELVES.
I’d love to be wrong about this election and hope that I am. If McCain gets ‘rigged’ in [His
only hope besides assassinating Obama, like Nixon did the Kennedys;(See other chap-
ters below)] then you can just call yourselves flatfooted silent, yellow, John Lennon
killing, child molesting masochists who let the jewish media and the right wing deceive
you and yours. That you people failed America. That you surrendered our freedoms.
Must you people live up to our enemies tag; “Satanic infidels.”? Until King is jailed you
all are. Too bad, too. You were better people before King’s fame and money ruined you.
I liked you better when the people of Herman kicked him out because they thought his
kind of writing was evil and wrong. It still is, no matter how much he deceives you with
his “couldn’t hurt a fly” act. You should all be picketing the Bangor Daily News. If you
ever do I’m just 48 hours away from joining your burst of self esteem and sanity. Mean-
while, King moved his primary residence to Florida rather than risk denying my claims.
See my chapter “Stephen King Is A Murderer” for information linking him to a 1992 con-
viction of sex with a 15 yr. old in Belfast, Maine, that was also hushed up, as well as his
episodes of stalking Bruce Springsteen, possibly to kill him, too, in 1992 and more.
By the way, YES I’m pissed off with everybody. I know from a lunch at one of your local
restaurants that the working class is still resentful and jealous of the messenger.
Maybe if you had the wisdom to help me you wouldn’t all be working so miserably hard.
It’s not me that you resent and hate. You hate yourselves for not being like me. You’re
ashamed and embarassed that the govt. has killed your pride and not just John Lennon.
Late Oct. election observations;
McCain may have ‘planted’ ‘Joe the plumber’ as a bid to sway ‘Joe sixpack’ America. If
so, it was a sleazy tactic, especially since Samuel Joseph isn’t a plumber, owes back
taxes and would suffer more under McCain than Obama, tax wise. I guess we can see
why McCain wanted to rope Barack into town hall formats so he could use other plants.
Regarding policies; if the Bush / McCain plans were extrapolated out we’d have the very
rich paying no taxes, like the Queen, with the middle class castrated and the poor trapped.
Now we have corporate fascism and not democracy. American values are being debased.
This oil inflation has already proven that if the middle class and poor have no money to
spend then the rich have no customers and pretty soon the whole economy breaks down. I
personally think that Wall St. is under govt. control and is trying to con you out of your
sociall security, baby boomers. You can’t trust the the Friedmans and Greenspans, people.
The rich have, in the last 40 years, cut their taxes in half and raised your taxes to pay for
it. The economy was better off before greed turned America against itself.
Sarah Palin I discuss in another chapter but I also notice her knee length stiletto boots
(I’m not kidding!) remind me of two other politicians; Hitler and Condi Rice. It also shows
me that McCain picked her for sex appeal, to envigorate his image, mostly; that he is
playing the sex card to win. Incidentally, Palin is a Russian name that means to “singe”.
Todd, her husband, happens to work for McCain’s real boss; Big Oil, BP,namely.
Palin seems as vapid as Miss S. Carolina when she blew a gasket under questioning.
Joe Biden can’t keep his Billy Carter style jealousy out of the picture with his latest
scare tactic about Barack’s election triggering a major international ‘test’ of him.
I have to also wonder about this pattern of stupid, almost deliberate, gaffes and why Barack
hasn’t hammered home the point that the last five republican president’s all promised
smaller govt. only to increase it by 60% each and every time they had the chance; that
they also raised taxes more than the democrats.
John McCain’s freudian slip concerning his gaffe; “couldn’t agree with them more..” when
he chided dems for accusing W. Pennsylvanians of being racist rednecks, has a hidden
meaning; I think he was thinking; “If what they say about you is true then ‘I couldn’t agree
with all of you western Pennsylvanians more.’ He is, after all, over 70 years old.
The mass media may be ‘acting’ in the way they want you to think they are pro Obama.
If he is cheated out of victory by the Rockefeller machine they want to wipe their hands.
If the media isn’t owned by the republicans and controlled by mostly New York jews
then how can you explain away the fact that all talk radio is right wing or republican
‘plant’ left wing ‘shows’ like Air America? From Rush to Hannity to the rest of the liars,
right wing talk radio, with all its whiny, nasally, prostitutes carrying republican water,
has stripped America of virtue and turned you into mind controlled, terrorized Soviet slobs.
When the media conspires to sway society to one side of the fence and has a monopoly on
all media then you are being terrorized by people who want to turn America into Russia.
Oh, you poor, timid, scared, raped fools. Stephen King called all of you; “You blind obses-
sive fools.” repeatedly, in Firestarter just before he murdered John Lennon. In fact, he
writes; “And you shall have your vengeance on those who fill themselves while others want.”
I know more about your lives than you do, politically, and trust me when I tell you all that
America is being destroyed by Zionist, media jews and bankers, deliberately, and probably
for Russia, no less, or maybe the Queen. We are under a hostile, foreign assault and the
photo of Stephen King getting Lennon’s last autograph is proof of how much they hate us.
If you don’t want to believe that Time and Newsweek are C.I.A. rags and documented John
Lennon’s murder before the fact with cryptographic, bold print codes, then you’re just dumb.
I hope you wake up soon. You must picket the media . No other answer exists for you.
I can’t break this story and evidence alone and no other story has more power than this.
In fact, anything else you might try will be cursed to fail if you fail to address this.
If you people can’t come together over a horror writer exposed for murdering John Lennon,
with the govt. behind this evil plot against your country and your well being, then God
knows there is nothing you people could ever come together over if your lives depended on it.
New Yorkers need to be hit in the head with a two by four just to begin to pay attention
compared with most Americans. A swarming sea of materialism and selfishness they seem ripe
for a nuclear attack if they don’t change their ways, in my opinion. Like Soddam and
Gomorrah. I hope they wake up before their own karma catches up with them.
Parent Parody;
This is a little parady of me describing you parents if you were sane and honest with your-
selves and your kids where me and my Lennon murder evidence are concerned;
“Hey, Mom, there’s that guy with that ‘lennonmurdertruth.com’ van again. What’s
that all about?”
“Well, you see, son, he wants us to care whether or not Stephen King shot John Lennon.
He discovered evidence against the govt. namely Nixon and Reagan and King.
“But I though that other guy shot Lennon. I read about his parole hearing last summer.”
“You mean Mark Chapman, the man the media told us was the killer. The media never
showed us a trial for him after, though. In fact, according to photos, Chapman is only a close
look-alike of the real killer; Stephen King. It’s King, not Chapman getting John Lennon’s
autograph. Corrupt police switched them inside the station and the corrupt media and
courts peddled a scam and peddle it to this day. Mostly New York media jews push this lie.”
“Why don’t most Americans know this if it’s true? Shouldn’t King be arrested and jailed?”
“Oh, it’s true, I’m afraid. I’ve seen the website. King should be jailed but, collect-
ively, we the people, are disfunctional and clueless as to what to do.? This is a first.
Some think that King lived here because the people here are simple and not apt to notice.”
“So you’re saying King is like O.J. only he killed John Lennon and the govt. and the media
are all backing him up and lying to the people. Why would they do that?”
“The govt. is more evil than we like to think, son. They probably killed the Kennedys
and others who tried to stand up for the common man and, apparently, Lennon was a threat
to the powers that be. He was kind of enlightening us all and that scared them.”
“Does Yoko Ono know about this, and if so, why isn’t she doing something about it?”
“Yoko Ono is the govts. ‘Ace in the hole’ she met Lennon for the purpose of breaking up
The Beatles and getting John out of the spotlight long enough for the govt. to kill him.”
“But that’s evil. That’s sick! That would mean that Chapman and Yoko are a tag team.”
“Very much so, son. The public sensed this about her, initially, and despised her then.”
“Wow! So what can anybody do about it, Mom? Can’t we write the governor or something?”
“Unfortunately the regular chain of command breaks down in matters this scanalous and
huge. The only thing we can do is digest the evidence, organize and come up with a plan to
picket the local media outlets and put enough public pressure on them to show us all the
evidence. Nothing else will work, I’m afraid. Adults and the system are scared corrupt.”
“Well then why don’t we all organize and get together and flush this evidence out?”
“People are insane, son and are still calling the messenger a whacko. It hurts them
too much to admit that they were silent partners in the coverup all this time and they
resent the messenger for having the courage that they lack. It’s a sick jealousy. More,
they have never had anyone teach them to stand up for themselves and they’re afraid.”
“Why don’t you and I start a crowd, Mom?”
“That, that is a good question, son. I guess I just hate being the first one to start
something. I’d feel better if others were picketing the media first. And yet, I may just be
too wicked and sinful to do the right thing. I hope I would jail King before punishing you.
“Why would Stephen King kill John Lennon. What did he have against him or The Beatles?”
“Mostly jealousy, I suppose. I think he was bullied and teased as a child, too and maybe
he wanted to lash out and hurt us all back. His father walked out on him when he was two
and maybe he shot John instead of his dad. He was probably offered a publishing deal
or something from the govt.. Maybe he thought it would make him a better horror writer.”
“But why King?”
“The govt. controls us with fear, mostly. It must have been part of a mind control plot
and King was the one they wanted to promote the most. They wanted to undo all the mind
expanding consciousness and healing that John Lennon and The Beatles represented. Kind
of like turning the clock back to before we entertained images of peace, love and under-
standing and no countries or possessions. The govt. and powerful families depend on
fear and assassination to control us or haven’t you noticed all the violence on tv?
If heroes like John Lennon were allowed to live and teach us a better way they’d have
to get a real job instead of working us to death to pay for their priveledged lifestyles.”
“You mentioned the media jews as the ones pushing the Chapman hoax. Why them?”
“Maybe they thought John was the second coming. They never have admitted that killing
Christ was wrong and teach their kids that he was just a rebel who got his comeuppance.
John was such a rare genius who had captivated the public and maybe they resented the
similarities to Christ and feared him. They have such a guilt complex, apparently. Also,
John stood in the way of bombing Iraq’s nuclear facility in 1981 and they had to kill
John first in case a war broke out after. You know John dedicated his life to ‘peace’, right?
Even the military wanted John killed just for that, alone. You know how much oil is in
the middle east, right, and how we play Israel and how they play us?”
“Wow. The world is really messed up, huh, Mom?”
“Very tragic. Yes.”
“What is Chapman doing in jail if he didn’t kill Lennon?”
“Steve Lightfoot, the man behind the expose; he discovered govt codes in Time and News-
week magazines, doesn’t even know, for sure. He seems to think that either he’s only in
jail for photo ops, articles and just makes occasional appearances to scam the rest of
the prison population or that he is in but for something else. His father is an executive
for Amoco Oil and, well, you know, oil people seem to be in bed with the military. Lightfoot
says that, according to some Attica prisoners, nobody has ever seen him there.”
“What if you and me start organizing with our friends and bust this horror writer / mur-
derer in our midst? Wouldn’t that just blow the worlds mind? The Bangor Daily News is a
good spot to protest.”
“Well, he says that he’s just 48 hours away if we start to make the news. It’s possible.”
(I’ll let your minds wander around for any scenarios that come to mind now that I’ve
started a sane, healthy dialogue…)
In closing let me remind all of you what happened on Dec 8,’80 and what King did;
King got Lennon’s autograph and was photographed doing so. Paul Goresh, the man
who took the photo, was caught posing as a VCR repairman to enter Lennon’s apart-
ment just months earlier and may have been part of the conspiracy, himself.
King waited with a copy of The Catcher in The Rye in his pocket. I believe he, at one
point, he left to retrieve the 38 pistol. When John arrived with Yoko he let Yoko run
ahead of John, out of the way. John emerged carrying an armload of tapes, walked past
King, whereupon King put both hands on his gun, took a combat stance and fired five
bullets into John’s back. On bullet missed, one hit John in his arm and three hit him be-
tween the shoulderblades, fragmenting as they tore into John’s body. John was trying
to run out iof the way of the bullets but spilled his tapes and collapsed at the top
of the stairs. He was crudely manhandled into a squad car, his bones cracking, loudly.
John was asked if he knew who he was in transit. He could only knod, “Yes.” He was wheel-
into Rossevelt Hospital trying to mumble the word; “Why?” over and over. After the doctor
opened up his chest John Lennon died.
Meanwhile King had sat down to disguise his height and read The Catcher In The Rye to
play up his role as a whacko, loner. The police put a coat over his head so no one could
take any photos that might ruin the coverup plot and LAUGHED with him while transfering
him to the station. King was let out a back door to a car and then a jet back to Bangor.
Meanwhile, Chapman, who had been in the station while King was murdering John, took
King’s place and performed his rehearsed confession to play his role as decoy.
King, the next day, wrote a newspaper article about Lennon’s murder titled; “I read the news
today, Oh boy!”
King was rewarded with a greased rise to the top of the writing world where he mocked all
of you; “blind, obsessive fools.” ever after.
Now he has moved to Florida, now that his crime is coming to the light of day. Every
minute he lives there he knows that he is; ‘On the run’, licking his wounds from the van
‘accident’ when the govt. tried to kill him to shut my expose up.
It is all little solace to me so long as America is being destroyed by his co-conspirators.
Shame on all of you until you unite and take action to expose, arrest, try and jail King.
Silly monkeys, it’s true
Boy, has this expose made a monkey out of the so called human race. Every knee jerk
phony, bootlicking, denial prone move you people could have made you have made. It’s
funny how easily young people can admit the nose in front of their face but the adults
have the phoniness disease all about them.
“See no, hear no, speak no evil”
Being the messenger of THIS expose is no cakewalk. I’ll will try to tone down my disappoint-
ment with the world for it’s pearl crunching ways and hero killing habits.
Grow up you great maned apes. You have a duty to care and respond to this expose,
not just for my sake, but yours. It must be hard for you all to admit that you are stand-
ing by, impotently, while you let the government molest your children with Stephen King
after he murdered your future that could have been. The nose in front of your face is
Stephen king getting Lennon’s last autograph. You can’t afford to deny it any longer.
Not monkeys!? Well let’s just see how you would all look if none of you ever cut your
hair or shaved a square inch of your body for five years. Or cut your nails. Or let’s
just see how long it would take to change your sweat glands back to hair roots if you
all stopped wearing clothes for a dozon years. Beards down to your bellies and hair down
to the ground and buff, like we all used to be. Some of you may have noticed just how
much Stephen King’s upper lip is that of a chimpanzee; long, broad, lipless and downturned.
Not like most other so called human beings. He truly is ape like in appearance. It only
makes sense that so unevolved a being murdered so evolved a being as John Lennon.
Stephen King was mostly jealous of John, even more than many of you who don’t care.
Not as smart and human as you think you are, people. That’s what I have learned.
If Florida was lazy and immature and unresponsive than Wisconsin has a bit of a stick
up its you know what. Ahlborgs Tire and Auto of Green Bay refused to even service my
van for repairs and other displays of narrow mindedness should worry you all.
Meanwhile keep an eye on Michael Jackson’s Beatle rights catalogue and who winds up
with it to get an insight into his death.
How many pop stars and heroes must a people
keep killing before they admit they’re to blame?
Only Bob Dylan and John Lennon were capable of leading a revolution according to the govt.
Don’t wait for Dylan or McCartney to die before you grow up, people.
Heroes blood is on all your hands. Admit it or not.
Meanwhile the established order is bunk and far beneith us all. There is a better life
for us all but only after you dare to see, hear and speak evil. Till later, your hero/
messenger. No I’m not a whacko like many of you like to think. I’m correct, Scary correct.
You vs. the govt. media. Big mismatch;
Just last night I watched the govt. media use Boston Legal to brainwash you with the
same episode I saw before. Actress Jerry Ryan, the attractive woman whose politician
husband made the papers using her to have sex with his clients years ago, was used to
hammer home the big lie about Chapman;
The younger, snobbish lawyer was seen arguing on her behalf that his client had a right
to use a gun because; “Rebecca Schaffer…Johnny Versace…. George Harrison, Monica
Selese and John Lennon had all been gunned down by a deranged fan”…””That’s reasonable.”
You, the viewer, heard just what you wanted to hear. an excuse to stay stupid, and you
might not have even suspected that you were just tweeked by the govt. media.
Silly overworked, insane monkeys; you were. And from a show that also used Candice
Bergen and the actor who played Captain Kirk on Star Trek, the one whose wife was
found dead in his pool. Poor Candice was used to add credibility to the govt.’s lie.
Even Jean Garafolo is being used by the govt. media on some govt. scripted show lately.
You poor fools have no clue at all, do you?? If Candice had her head on straight she would
have walked from the show or at least that episode, but even she is clueless.
You poor primates who do everything under the sun to convince yourselves that you are
seperate and apart from all the rest of nature. You’re stupid monkeys letting the
govt. hose you with lie after lie after lie. My own family members included. Admit it.
Won’t you please prove to me that Jesus was more than a monkey, himself, and act human?
Won’t you please picket the media and quit your jobs long enough to revolt over these
revolting times?
You poor, sick cowards.
Now that I am in Wisconsin I am alarmed at just how stupid and visionless America must
be. Nobody here seems to even WANT to know about this expose and most dismiss it as not
even important, even if true.
Did you KNOW that your orgasms have been diminished since Lennon died without a trial
for his killer? Did you know that you have all lost a big measure of your pride and con-
fidence? Did you know that your teen suicide has tripled since John’s murder coverup?
That your divorce rate has increased, your violence index, your sexual diseases? Did you
people KNOW that your self image has been destroyed and that you no longer believe that
any of you are free and brave anymore? I’m proof that the rest of you are lost wimps.
When Joh Lennon was murdered everyone suffered a 20 % decrease in quality of life.
Did you know that groups as talented and brave as The Beatles have been scared off the
stage by your indifference and that American Idol is a sick admission that America can no
longer produce legitimate superstars? Look at you poor, sick cowards. It matters so much
that you dare not admit any of John Lennon’s murder is relevent today.
Mark David Chapman was overshadowed by another young, pudgy man named John Hinkeley
who, allegedly, shot Reagan and Brady at about the same time Chapman was to go to trial.
Chapman never made it to trial thanks to this convenient distraction and I doubt that Reagan
or even Brady were ever shot at all, that it was a hollywood style hoax
to take away America’s guns and cover up John Lennon’s murder which was also a plot to
make America hate handguns. I would suggest to you neophites that Brady even went through
with plastic surgery to give his head a dented look that was not present in the days
immediately following the alleged shooting. That he, like Reagan, was only acting. That
Bethesda Naval Hospital lied to us all the same way they also lost J.F.K.’s brains in 1963.
The reason I have taken this tangent is because the truth about John Lennon’s murder
was first uttered by John Hinkeley then who said; “America is the land where heroes are
shot in the back…When John Lennon died I died, you died, America died, the world died”
He even blamed Reagan for Lennon’s murder and was subsequently found to be insane. Classic
Soviet style mind control brainwash. Crucify the real truth through the words of a madman.
I AM absolutely suggesting to all of you that Reagan and Nixon planned all this out,
beforehand, the Hinkeley angle and quotes and, in fact, both Hinkeley and Chapman’s
fathers are both oil executives. The Hinkeleys and the Bushs have known each other for
decades prior to the alleged shooting! Bush and Hinkeley Sr. share a block in Colorado
where they have summer homes together and Reagan had known Hinkeley years earlier, too.
Reagan was even caught saying “I know what to do; get shot again.” in response to one
of his first scandals in 1981 or a982. They would never chance killing John Lennon with-
out first having in place a smokescreen/ distraction to let Chapman skip his trial.
Now don’t you all feel like suckers under Moscows takeover thumb? You all should.
A hero is someone who shows us all right from wrong. All of you are wrong and weak and
so phony I stopped having sex with any of you years ago, you are all so unholy.
Soviet America is what you all are now. You are ALL un-American C-O-W-A-R-D-S !!!!!
“Work is the curse of the coverup class.” You can quote me on that. Look at you slaves,
now. Both working 40 to 60 hours a week and still getting screwed by the man. You’re all
suffering, financially now, aren’t you?! It all serves you so right for turning coat, for
surrendering to our mortal enemy, Moscow. Who else BUT Moscow would infect us with a creep
like Stephen King???????? W-H-O !!?? I’ve known for decades that Nixon and Reagan probably
WERE Soviet imposters in our White House and that our govt. has capitulated to nuclear
blackmail ever since Nixon had the Kennedy’s murdered, mostly for kicking Moscow’s missiles
out of Cuba and for championing freedom across the globe.
You dolts disagree, don’t you? Poor, scared, blind all of you. Poor all of you.
Look at the subhuman, un-American culture that is New York City. So many people stacked
on top of each other that no one dared raise a hand to ask WHY there was no trial for
Mark Chapman. The height of our peoples surrender of justice and freedom and truth.
That was the moment America surrendered and died; When all of you let Chapman skip trial.
There should not be allowed, anywhere on earth, cities as congested as N.Y.C.. Period.
It’s not worth the dehumanizing cost and breakdown of community. It’s a recipe for defeat
and destruction and immorality.
People of New York City, you all STINK!!!!! You have NO CLASS!! You’re all S-I-C-K!!!
Shove that up the stick up your butts. Those t-shirts with the “I (heart) N.Y” really should say;
“N.Y.C. HAS NO HEART” that’s the uncomfortable, miserable truth. Isn’t it, New York?
What a sea of insanity and money worshipping bullshit. What a satanic place. God will destroy
America as long as it covers up Lennon’s murder, as he should.
Too bad I am the only patriot America has left.
(Oh, yes, I’m a little pissed off lately. Some satanic scum has wiped out all my thousands
of saved e-mails and customer lists just recently. You Soviet, bootlicking scum. May you
die and go to hell.)
May the rest of you pull your stupid monkey heads out of your cowardly, pinko butts, or
please try harder to rise above your primate origins and stand up straight once.
You hero killing phonies and hypocrites.
Till later, your imbittered, abused, hero.
Yeah, watch tv. Witness the parade of air-headed stupidity that has destroyed all of you. Piped
straight from Jew York, a Soviet Hell Hole, sabotaging you like the Rosenbergs did. Lick
an ice cream cone instead of demand a very, very, publictril for John Lennon’s murderer.
What I believe else is true.;
That Nixon, Reagan and others arranged for Stephen King to murder John Lennon is a prov-
able fact substantiated by hard, irrefutable proof. Similarly Time and Newsweek and U.S. News
magazines are govt. controlled magazines who used to encrypt govt. secrets via the bold
print headlines complete with cryptography editors who decided what messages adorned
what articles. Similarly Lennon was murdered on Jim Morrison’s birthday and the woman who
killed John Balushi was in the same room with John Lennon a year earlier the very night
before he was killed. Also Doug Kenny, writer of Animal House, was killed in 1981.
Things like this can be verified beyond question or doubt. But what is the bigger picture that
is tied to all these facts? I beleive that the govt. also killed Buddy Holly, James Dean, Jim Croce,
Mama Cass, Jimi Hendrix, Martin Luther King, John and Robert Kennedy, Abby Hoffman, Gandhi,
Elvis Presley (That’s right), John Balushi, Doug Kenny and alsmost John Landis, the direct-
or of Animal House, Jim Morrison, possibly Bob Marley and Steve Mcqueen, and about a dozon
or so more incovenient stars, from big brother;s point of view. I beleive that Yoko Ono
set John up, covered up his murder and was sent by Nixon’s gang to break up The Beatles.
This abominable lists of crimes and murders and assassinations belies a distrust for the
purpose and results of the first ammendment, free speech and where it may take us all.
It belies a hatred for Ameria’s soul. I beleive that America is being murdered, one bullet,
one drug overdose, one push over a cliff, one car crash, plane crash at a time by none
other than the Kremlin, our mortal enemy.
What a concept; out mortal enemy. How simple, straightforward, utterly unclutttered
and common sense it all looms after all. Our heores are being killed by our enemies.
That is, unless our own govt. is our enemy.
Somebody thought it would benefit them to let evil replace good in December of 1980, to
let Stephen King murder man’s best friend; John Winston Lennon. Ever notice how much
Reagan resembles Stalin in his face? I have. Have you ever noticed how much the U.S. public resembles the behavior of the people
of the former Soviet Union? I have. Have you ever noticed how many fingers Nixon and Reagan
had pointing back at themselves as they were pointing out all the commies in America?
Did you notice how Reagan took Nancy Baker’s name off the commie black list while he was
president of the screen actors guild before he then married her or how she always wore
the color red on stage? I could go on and on and on.
I’ll let you primates ponder that one. Think.
P.S. Immediately after posting the above the same Goodwill cafe computer that lost my
e-mails put up a block, a filter, prohibiting you from viewing just my new developments page and nothing else. Am I get-
ting close to the truth? Is Goodwill spying on my computer activity in a seperate room?
Some followup phone calls to the Goodwill owned Harmony Cafe led me to another nearby
city in Wisconsin and JUST SUCH a computer room with individuals like Larry Mayer, a man
called Dan and others who won’t deny that they have been monitering my computer use;
SPYING on me as I work; and likely DID erase my e-mail file and DID block my webpage from
their computers, after all.
It all started with a stuffy twerp named Shannon who works at the cafe. I once remarked
“I can’t stand this stupid place!” while the computer froze for the third time in five
minutes. Shannon, who was sitting right behind me, said; “Then go somewhere else.”
In retrospect I suspect that Shannon phoned the guys in computer control to freeze my
machine every time I came to their cafe after
first getting a load of my emblazened van in an effort to discourage my patronage.
At one point I brought up the idea that they should replace their computer team since they
can’t do their jobs. Apparently this got back to them and they deleted my e-mail file, blocked my site, etc…
Now I will do what I can do to press charges against these cowards and trace their
activity and meanwhile inform the corporate structure of Goodwill about these juvenile
delinquent, jealous cowards.
But let me advise you people about Goodwill, the thrift store for profit, company.
They lost a bid to receive the multi-billion dollar grant from the Krock family fortune;
(McDonald’s Restaurant heirs) due to interstore theivery by their employees.
Furthermore this store has grossly inflated prices compared to other Goodwills and sells
new items for retail. It has the cafe and a bank service attached as well.
The Salvation Army slogan is the truth; “DOING THE MOST GOOD”
They DO do a great deal for others with their proceeds. Goodwill, by comparison, does
NOT. They basically employ otherwise handicapped people to run their business, at a bargain basement salary, no doubt. Goodwill has become synonomous with the Brinks
trucks in their parking lots every week trucking out tens of thousand of dollars.
They are a for profit company, unlike The Salvation Army who does not charge tax.
Shop and donate accordingly, people. Goodwill apparently SPYS on it’s computer users, practices censorship and engages in
criminal activity. Don’t give to them.
What I REALLY think about people;
When I first discovered my findings my impulse was to think; “My poor fellow human
beings; they need to be told.” I had no idea that the key word was “poor” human beings.
I was the most idealistic, positive, upbeat, can do, optimistic person ON EARTH at the
time. Now I am bitter, disappointed in all of you and resentful of your apathy and
lack of action or interest in this earthshaking news.
In fact, I now am convinced that none of you or even I or Jesus was ever anything more than
a highly evolved monkey. That human being is a word we made up to make us feel good about
ourselves and wash our hands of the truth of what we really are. We’re not so divine and
intelligent after all. In reality we are ALL very sick, twisted, self destructive, neurotic
apes. We are groping for even more evolution but it’s too early to call ourselves God
fearing, spiritual human beings.
If we all were there would have been a trial for Mark Chapman then when we were deprived
of that right. If we were there would have been an army hoisting me on their shoulders
and carrying me to the nearest tv outlet and you would have all demanded a show of the
evidence before you went back to your lives and homes.
But you are but great, maned, industrialized apes too jealous of me to help me and too
ignorant of life to care about anything other than your own selfishness.
You are still crucifying the smartest ape among you, still the same sinners that killed
Jesus, still the same raging, miserable beasts that you have been for thousands of years.
You despise my heroism and courage and intelligence and are too miserable slaving away
for your money to even have your head on straight.
Contrary to your impression of me being a mean, bitter person, it is all of you, instead,
that lashed out at me all these years with your jealousy and small mindedness that has
made me the way I am now.
Shame on all of you for not helping me. Shame on America’s people for being so lame
and phony.
Are you Nukewortyhy, N.Y.C?
Well, ARE you people of New York City nukeworthy? Are you or are you not begging God,
Almighty, for a nuclear cleansing, once and for all? I’m of the opinion that God would think
of such a disaster as an act of mercy; that you’d all be better off dead than living under
satan’s thumb, the way you are living now. I’ve been here for over six months and I have
some opinions that suggest you’re twice as wicked and depraved as you think you are. As
a Californian I have a fresh perspective. My soul hasn’t been sucked out of me by the
monster that is New York City. I have a heart and I DO CARE if John Lennon was murdered
by our govt.. Many of you DO NOT! Since you have actually visited my website you may be
better than the average New Yorker. You are probably in the top 3%, morally, for that, alone.
3%, however, may not be enough to save New York City. I appreciate that most of you try to
be good and noble and civilized; when you rob someone you may throw back his wallet and
I.D., when you gang up and kick someone a dozon times in the head you may do so with
a measure of restraint and mercy. When you deliberately scratch or dent a parked vehicle
just because you’re miserable and mean you may keep the damages small. When you wipe
your own feces all over my vehicle you may keep the damages to that alone. When you
break someones jaw or almost put an eye out some goodness in you may stop you from kil-
ling that complete stranger. When you muscle your way through traffic and almost dent my van,
you somehow manage to just miss me most of the time. When you want to scream out at
me; “Who CARES who shot John Lennon, you loudmouth freak?” you keep it to yourselves
most of the time. Often, though, you let me know how angry you are with me for being good.
I must point out that the Wall St. blowuot occured at exactly the same time you failed to
join my Oct 9 rally at ABC-TV studio. I must point out that exactly six hours after I pray-
ed for God to destroy the whole human race with a giant asteroid, the first plane hit
the south tower on 9’11 in N.Y.C.. I have only prayed this once. It just happened to be
at midnight, California time, minutes into the day of Sept 11, 2001. Coincidence or extra
sensory perception? In fact, Mohammed Atta was asleep in Portland, Me., King’s birthplace,
when I prayed that prayer. I was shaking and full of angst, almost possessed. You see, I
knew that the way you are all living is a blasphemy and an abomination, as I know it, still.
I sincerely worry about N.Y.C. getting nuked for its subhuman wickedness. A lot like Yoko
Ono, New Yorkers are a cold, uncaring, selfish lot, capable of incredible evil and usually
it occurs out of your NOT doing anything when something is required. A trial for Mark
David Chapman stands out as something you failed to demand, perhaps your most cowardly
act, ever, New Yorkers. Now you are failing to act on my finding of evidence against the
govt. regarding John Lennon’s murder. In so doing you are exposing the rest of America to
monstrous, Orwellian evil and you may only think that God isn’t taking notes. He is.
New York City is no way to live if you are a human being. It is wrong and heartless and
without soul. God would not want for you to continue living like this for long. Trust me.
Yoko Ono is your patron villian. She is like a govt. witch controlling all of you as she
guards the coverup and her ill gotten wealth. Until you stand up to her and the govt. and
murderer; Stephen King, you are all in grave danger the way I see it. I won’t be back
any time soon if you fail to protest between now and Dec. 8,’08. See my first chapter for
details of how you can redeem yourselves. If you fail to out this expose may God help
you all. Your money obsession won’t save you. You are creating a vacuum for evil.
I’ll be somewhere else and you’ll have to break this expose without me. If you make the
news with a protest I’m just 48 hours away from joining you before New York City gets
nuked for betraying John Lennon if you don’t. I wouldn’t say all this if my antenna wasn’t
telling me that you are nukeworthy, N.Y.C.. I can only recommend that you get truthworthy,
Obama’s in, now help me protest!.
If you still think that Mark Chapman shot John Lennon, get smart. He didn’t. Author Step-
hen King pulled the trigger in a Nixon, Reagan conspiracy. That’s why you can’t recall a
trial for anyone. Visit www.lennonmurdertruth.com for all the evidence and proof you need.
Yes, I helped get Hillary out of Obama’s way so she couldn’t throw the race to McCain; (See
other chapters) and, yes, you people did a good job of electing the right man (congrats.) Now
that the playing field is more fair and my expose has a fighting chance help me come
forward and, to quote Paul Simon; “Get yourself free.” Help me expose, arrest, try and
jail murderer; Stephen King. Until all the above happens, no matter WHAT Obama can do
for you, none of you are really free. You know, I call John Lennon the Martin Luther
King of the white man. Nobody’s really free until our heroes are safe from assassination.
If anything happens to Barack Obama then you can blame exactly yourselves for not caring
about my evidence that proves S. King murdered John Lennon. What’s to stop Obama’s
enemies from pulling the trigger tomorrow so long as all of you are still apathetic about what I
am exposing? Nothing. That’s what. N-O-T-H-I-N-G!!!!!!! Only protest works. Only YOU can
prevent political assassination. I have delivered the hard evidence you need and for you
not to care or help me come forward is no different than loading the bullets into the
gun that kills your next hero. My father and mother killed R.F.K., M.L.K. and John Lennon
when they sat on their hands for J.F.K.’s murder. The blood is on their hands, period. If
you fail to act now then you’re just swine crunching pearls under your molars. Just swine.
I think Obama secretly agrees, completely, with me on this point. What do you think?
Now, last Oct. 9, Lennon’s birthday, enough of you New Yorkers showed up to break my
story wide open. The only problem was you didn’t want to be the first demonstrator to start
building a crowd. All of you came to protest but saw no crowd and so you kept on walking.;
Don’t deny it. I saw the foottraffic that day was double than normal and you all DID show
up, over a thousand of you. But you all had the same thought; “No crowd yet, Oh well.”
I’m here to tell you all that that was YOUR fault, not mine. I advertised vigorously. It
is incumbent on YOU to take action. You can’t just hesitate and be spectators and
expect me to be a pro at this stuff. I’m just a guy with the find of the millenium, not
a professional activist/protester. HELP ME!!! Why do you think I’m willing to split my
first ten to twenty million dollars with my protesters? It’s not easy. It’s HARD! You
have to take some initiative, New Yorkers. Jump in, the waters more than fine it’s bet-
ter than sex! Expose this monster expose and half of my first years income, before taxes,
is all of yours; any where from $20,000.00 to $200,000.00 EACH, depending on how many
of you participate. All you have to do is get me and my evidence on the news so that King
gets arrested for Lennon’s murder. That’s all. The evidence will do the rest. My future
after is bigger than anyone can guess and I’m willing to sign over half of my first years
income with you people. Are you all stupid!? Start helping me, New York. Find a spine.
Every Sunday from noon to six I’ll be at W. 67th and Columbus Ave. N.Y.N.Y. at ABC-TV’s
station waitng for you to join me. If I sense some support I may stay until Dec. 8, the
anniversary of Lennon’s murder. It’s a Monday. Same time and place. Don’t everybody wait
till then, though. It will take a few trial runs to get it right. SHOW some support, Sunday’s
between now and then. I don’t want to bail on New York before Dec. 8. I’m almost out of
the money I’ll need to get back to California. Only FOOLS think I’m a nut. Get smart.
See samples of my evidence; Govt. bold print codes in issues of Time and Newsweek sur-
rounding the night of John’s murder including the killer’s face and true identity printed before
the murder, Mark David Chapman and the attached letter linking himself to Reagan three
weeks before the murder, passages from Nixon’s book; The Real War seen next to Reagan
in issues released the day of the murder that describe why people like Lennon must be
shot accompanyed by the headlines; “Who’s In?””Who’s Out?” and “Fitting together the
pieces of a complicated jigsaw puzzle.” as well as King’s writings which parallel the ele-
ments of Lennon’s murder, etc. etc.. Show up people; Please.
Nov. 18,’08 Update;
I don’t know, people of New York City. You don’t look too lively, lately, about John
Lennon’s murder and the truth. In fact you seem impossible, unable to care about life.
Certainly it is clear you lack not just wisdom but class as well before you can begin
to get truthworthy. This last Sunday, cold and windy as it was, was still a vision of
abject apathy on your part, people of New York City. Jesus spoke in parables and, since
you seem to need them, let me describe all of you in terms of schools of fish who swarm
into a compact “baitball” when confronted with a predator. It’s a flaw of behaivior, frankly.
The whole idea is safety in numbers. If one hides into the fabric of his fellow fish he
becomes less distinctive, he blends in and may be overlooked instead of standing out.
Unfortunately all the fish are using their fellow fish as a shield at the same time and
find themselves, like a loaf of bread, all in a very distinctive food mass for the bigger
fish to carve out a few generous mouthfuls. The “baitball” gets smaller and smaller until
all that remains is a massive residue of fish scales left floating in the space of water
where fish once were. It seems this baitballing behavior keeps the bigger fish alive better
than the smaller fish, themselves. It would make more sense to scatter and disperse as
much as possible so that al least the majority of them would ultimately escape the fate of
becoming lunch. So, why are all of you like the fish that huddle in a baitball? Because
you like to pretend that, because New York City has plenty of people that you can shluff
off your citizen responsibilities on the next guy or girl, anyone but you. The only
problem is that, because all of you are selfishly doing the same thing, nobody is doing
their job as a citizen. Especially New York City. Of the hundreds of U.S. cities I’ve seen
this is the most irresponsible and immature city of them all. Is anybody home, New York?
Are you all hiding amongst each other hoping that John Lennon’s murder will get even
a trial for the alleged killer, for example? Who, if not YOU, the average American citizen,
will administer justice in a matter where our govt. officials are hiding the truth? Look at
you, New York City; 9-’11 and seven years later and you’re right back where you were
before that attack; selfish and lost. Ripe for a repeat, you’ve learned nothing. Nothing.
Now you walk around as if you’ve done no wrong at all, that skipping a trial for Lennon’s
murder is something you all get a pass on because you’re New York City. How could
your shit stink? You’re the “greatest city in the world” as you let everybody know, right?
And now you think you have the right to walk by my evidence and cause like it’s yester-
days news. The only problem with that, people of New York City, is that there is a price for
such irresponsible behavior; You’re all assembled into a very dense, compact “baitball”
living here. If New York City WAS attacked again, with a nuclear bomb, perhaps, just
think of how many of you would vaporize and otherwise slowly die. Millions. What I don’t
think any of you understand is that your lack of humanity, more than anything, is what
would attract a nuclear attack on you to begin with. The notion that your culture was some-
how bad for the world. Frankly, people of New York, your culture IS VERY BAD for the
world and you only hasten your own destruction to deny it.. You could not be defended,
after, if you betrayed John Lennon after I came here and gave you plenty of the evidence
that all mankind has been thirsting for for centuries. I think that New York City values
are bad for America and the world. No matter what you may or may not think of me, all of
you are guilty of betraying the great and world loved John Lennon. That is a sin that a just
God would not abide without punishment. I don’t think any of you care about what is real
and what is important. I don’t know if you are even capable od sanity anymore. I don’t
know if I can even wait until Dec. 8 for you. The cold is debilitating and I am almost out
of money. If there are any of you out there reading these words do something to let me
know I have support this Sunday, Nov. 23. If not I may just save my money and give my
home state of California a chance to do what, so far, New York City seems afraid of doing;
standing up to the govt. and the bastards who murdered John Lennon and DEMANDING
that the media air the ample evidence like real men and women would with what I’ve given
you, people of New York City. Meanwhile allow me to warn any celebrity of political con-
sequence; New York City does not have your back. They are out to lunch even with the
matter of John Lennon’s murder. I would not live here if you value your life and safety.
Until the people of New York City come to terms with their duty to care about Lennon’s
murder even America and the world is not safe.
King corrupting Judge Moskowitz?
Author Stephen King is a murderer; (See him, not Chapman, getting John Lennon’s last auto-
graph.) He is also a convicted statutory rapist;(Belfast, Me. 1992; sex with a 15 year old.)
and he was stalking Bruce Springsteen in 1992 until I blew the whistle on WABC Radio in
New York. He is now ‘on the run’, licking his wounds from the 1999 van ‘accident’ living in
Florida; (His primary residence now) He lives on an island off the Fla. coast; (For pro-
tection, not glamour) now that Bangor and millions more know about his role in Nixon and
Reagan’s plot that murdered Lennon. Yes, King, not Chapman, pulled the trigger; (SEE
MY WEBSITE; www.lennonmurdertruth.com and my New Devpts. page for all the details)
(Some of you may want to skip to my other chapters if this one about a ticket bores you.)
Apparently this murderer, pedophile and coward has corrupted Judge Moskowitz and officer
Wiseman of Portland, Me.. Wiseman committed perjury on the stand and Moskowitz is any-
thing but ‘honorable’, apparently. On June 25,’08 I was cited for not obeying lane turn controls
at Congress and Elm as I turned left; (north) onto Elm. I was found innocent of that
charge, the one I was summoned for, because the judge agreed with my photos that there
was no lane stripe at all and the arrows were not sufficiently visible. Wiseman lied that I
also made a similar violation at Cumberland and Preble. My photo showed no lane stripe
there, either. Moskowitz found me guilty of a lane control violation there, however. This
in spite of the fact that I was not cited for that intersection or told of a violation there.
Wiseman flat out lied and made up his claim that I turned left from the right lane onto
Preble. A complete falsehood and lie. Wiseman was coached by a district attorney in spite of
my objections during trial and she was smiling and snickering, frequently, even suggesting
that my Target processed disposable camera photos might have been enhanced! Wiseman
tried to object to my photos of the scene of my alleged violation into evidence, offering ridic-
ulous reasons. They were allowed, including my photo of Cumberland showing no lane stripe.
Moskowitz explained that I had the right to see a lane stripe for Congress as his reason
for dismissal. He completely ignored this same circumstance at Cumberland, however. Even
if he believed Wiseman’s claim he held me to two different standards and, of course, I am
appealing the decision. During trial I objected to any other alleged violations being con-
sidered since I was only cited for the intersection of Congress and Elm. Moskowitz, unlike any
other case I’ve seen (And I’ve seen hundreds of cases in my life) reached beyong normal
prosecution standards and blindsided me with a guilty verdict for a charge I was never even
cited for. I testified that I was aware that Wiseman was tailgating me for four turns and
that I obeyed any and all laws, including that I was in the left turn side of Cumberland.
Moskowitz decided to believe Wiseman and not me, besides refusing to acknowlege that
there was no stripe there in the first place, his reason for dismissal of the origional citation.
He swatted down my initial motions for dismissal on grounds that I was being discriminately
prosecuted. Wiseman also lied about making a U-turn to follow me because he saw my plate
was from Calif.. He was 80 yards away, looking backwards at me, when we first entered each
others fields of vision, not directly next to me going against my direction as he testified. I
was traveling north to his west, not east. If anyone wishes to assist me please contact me at
lennonmurdertruth@Yahoo.com. I also testified that, just hours earlier, at 2:am, other Portland
officers interogated me while overnighting in my logo emblazened van, with my website.
In fact, I had only been behind the wheel for a few minutes before I was pulled over.
Bangor did this in 1992 but both tickets were dismissed, one issued the day of my arrival.
That day I had six police encounters and my keys and tape recorder were stolen.
Below are some examples of the evidence I discovered in issues of Time and Newsweek
magazines; bold print govt. codes, the killer’s face and true identity printed before the mur-
der and samples of King’s writings and what Nixon writes in his book; The Real War which
is seen next to Reagan in Time and Newsweek issues released the day of the murder under
the headlines; “Who’s In?””Who’s Out?” and; “Fitting together the pieces of a complicated
jigsaw puzzle.” Also see Mark David King Chapman and letter three weeks before the crime.
And now for more of what I couldn’t fit into my handout flyer;
I spoke to an attorney outside the courtroom right after this miscarriage of justice oc-
cured and explained what happened; that I was convicted of a charge not listed on my ci-
tation after the origional charge was dismissed. He told me ” No, they can’t do that.” I
intend to have legal counsel for my appeal and hope more honest people correct things.
Another strange fact; the other 20 plus defendants who were present were all excused from
the proceedings leaving only my case to be heard (perhaps so there would be no witnesses
to what they planned for me). When I asked why I was told that all of them either changed
their plea to guilty or were dismissed. That hardly seems plausible. What do you think?
A judge, an officer, a district attorney, bailiff and clerk just to railroad me for almost
two hours. I hope Moskowitz and Wiseman are proud of themselves and their injustices.
What likely happened was this; Having been alerted to my presence in Portland by other
officers, Wiseman was on the prowl to give me a little razzing. When he saw me from 80
yards away he made a U-turn and planted himself on my bumper and followed me until he
could pull me over on the main drag to intimidate YOU and humiliate me, simultainiously. I re-
member how he drew a hard, deep breath as he got out of his car, like someone about to do
something wrong, his head down, (Much like Moskowitz as he rendered his decision).
He fabricated, from whole cloth, his reason for pulling me over and, later that day, raced his
car to get away from me when I tried to flag him down to point out that there was no painted
lane or arrows on the intersection. In court he lied, profusely, on the stand making up new
charges, apparently because he knew that his citation was not going to win in court. The
district attorney coached him before and during my trial as to what to say and do.
Moskowitz then carried out his, apparently, premeditated plot to pin, if not the origional
charge, something on me, I think to oblige King, possibly for a secret money reward of
thousands of dollars. Maybe Wiseman as well. Moskowitz went out of his way to stress that
this charge had nothing, whatsoever, to do with King and politics, for the record.
Wiseman lied about why he made a U-turn to follow me, lied about my driving, making every-
thing up from whole cloth and Moskowitz, whose name I would think should be spelled ;
‘Moscow’witz to fit his brand of justice, went beyond his authority to find me guilty of
a charge not listed on my citation after refusing to even consider my motions for a change
of venue and motion to dismiss due to discriminatory prosecution. The way he blindsided me
with a charge not even on the citation was right out of a movie, me, alone, in a vacated
courtroom with my right to a public trial mysteriously denied. It would not surprise me
if the two dozon other tickets were dismissed just to get rid of witnesses to go after me,
Soviet style. Are you proud of your officials, Portland?
Now, on to more pressing matters like the election next week for president. I will be
very surprised if Obama is declared the winner, like we’re all being led to believe,
even if he wins 65% of the vote. Rockefeller might ‘pull the switch’ and steal the true vote.
The Diebold made computers that count the vote are owned by activist republicans. McCain
has often “guaranteed” his followers that “We will win this election” even during his accept-
ance speech. Some radio news anchors have even said, half seriously, that the republicans
will vote, not once, but “twice”. I doubt that Obama is like a Kerry, who I think threw the
race for Bush, his ‘Skull and Bones’ club co-member and fellow billionair, but it will be
interesting to see if he quickly conceeds or demands a recount and accounting and refuses
to conceed for at least a week. The Zionist, right wing talk radio mass media that has been
so apoplectic in their garbage, smear campaign, is terrified that the “Fairness Doctrine”
will be reinstituted to balance public dialogue and they have a vested interest in keeping
their hidious jobs as water carriers for Israel and the republicans who want mideast oil.
I even heard, on the radio, that only pencil or felt pen was allowed for absentee ballots.
Does this mean that all those filled out in pen will be thrown out? Wake up, people.
Now, regarding all of you; If you click my chapter below; “Hey, People of Bangor” you
will see that I believe Maine’s culture is more ignorant than it might think it is. That
your lifestyle is simple and loathes controversy and the inherent responsibilities that
democracy requires. A lot of America falls into this category so don’t take it personally.
Look at Moskowitz and Wiseman; in my opinion they are two small cowards, like King, who
enjoy tormenting me, the hero, with their brand of jealousy and pettiness and dishonesty.
I can see why King’s childhood tormenters were such wretched people if the rest of Port-
land is anything like these two adult aged children picking on me for just being here.
Many of you like to snicker at my cause like it’s a joke when, really, you know it’s big-
er than any story ever told in your lifetime. You like to feign disbelief. Grow up. None of
you even saw a trial for Chapman to begin with or complained about this glaring fact, then.
Do you assume ANY responsibility at all for keeping our heroes alive or are you all phonies?
Stephen King was born here in Portland and he was tormented as a child by his peers who
rejected and teased and bullied him to the point that he unleashed his rage against you
by squeezing bullets into your heroes back and destroying America and all your lives. I
told a woman today, while entering the library, that King murdered Lennon for Nixon and
Reagan, etc. and she coldy replied; “Big deal!” Well it is a big deal, Portland, and if
you don’t think so then you are VERY ignorant and un-American and weak and cowardly
not to think so. Maybe all of you are a little like this bitter, cold woman. Maybe you should
take stock of yourselves and your character now that a judge and an officer have emerged
as villians who support the Lennon muder coverup. Maybe there is a lot of jealousy and
messenger resentment in all of YOU that also needs fixing. Maybe it’s time you ran King
out of Maine, entirely, if you lack the courage to out my evidence to the waiting world.
Mohammed Atta slept at your Comfort Inn on 9-11, King’s birthplace. Maybe he hated us
as much as King and was honoring King by using his birthplace as his launching pad to de-
stroy America. King has certainly destroyed America and that woman who thinks; “Big deal!”
King is a small coward shooting spitwads of petty traffic citations at me hoping I will
snap and do something rash while under 24/7 police, F.B.I. surveilance. Pound sand, loser.
King deserves to be exposed, arrested, tried and jailed for life for what he did. I deserve
America’s complete support. I would ask all of you to curb your coverup, ignorance, jealousy
and fear of the govt. so, together, we can save America and the world from the evil people
who killed the best man on the planet; John Lennon. Our world needs heroes like him to be
free and brave. The govt. knows this and fears heroes like Lennon and Lightfoot because
their greed is supported by keeping all of you stupid, misinformed and afraid.
When will you people rise up and help me out this monster expose? That is the question.
I’m only 48 hours away from joining any protest you might make at your local media outlet
once you make the news. As advertised in my other chapters, I am willing to split my first
years income with the protest crowd. Considering how big this story is, if you just do the
math, that works out to roughly $20,000.00 to $200,000.00 EACH, depending on the size of
your protest crowd. The conditions are that King must be exposed and arrested. Considering
the staggering amount of hard evidence that should make a lot more sense to you than grow-
ing old making chumpchange like most of you are doing now. Get on board with me and find
a spine to stand up to King and our ‘secret govt.’ that killed Lennon and harmed America.
You get King exposed and arrested and I’ll sign any contract you like for half of my first
years income, before taxes. I plan on books, interviews, musical CD’s, maybe a band of my
own and more. I could make tens of millions of dollars in my first year, alone. Get smart.
I am not doing it for the money, believe me. King has offered me; “..anything (I) want..”
in a 1992 veiled bribe letter if I’d only stop with my activism and expose.
What I want out of all of this is a people and world and country who I can respect.
Committee on Judicial Responsibility
Honorable Judge;
This last October 28,2008, in Department two, I went before Judge Moskowitz and officer
Wiseman regarding a traffic ticket. Both the administration of the ticket and the court-
room proceedings were unethical and wrong and I’ve been advised to write you about rect-
ifying the situation. I believe the judge overstepped his authority in finding me guilty
of a violation that I was not even cited for. In fact I was found not guilty of the
citation I appeared for; a charge of violating turn markings at the intersection of Elm
and Congress in downtown Portland, Maine in June of 2008. I showed photos that proved
there were no discernable markings due to heavy rains which delayed painting then as
well as newer photos of the same intersection recently, freshly painted. Judge Moskowitz
explained that I could not be held accountable for actions that were not properly marked,
that I could not know about the requirments or possible violations under the circumstances.
The courtroom was suspiciously vacated of the other two dozon defendants who showed up
leaving only me, the officer and the judge and clerk, bailiff and prosecutor to witness
what happened in those two hours. I’ve never seen anything like that in my life. I don’t
know if the others had their cases dismissed or what but I was the only case heard that day.
In what was explained to me as a pre trial conference I showed my evidence to the prose-
cutor and the officer who tried to suggest that my photos were enhanced. They were
processed at Target from a disposable camera and were not enhanced in any way.
Early into officer Wiseman’s testimony he made new claims that I had made other vio-
lations at other intersections not listed on the citation or presented to me, ever, in the
form of an ammended complaint. I immediately objected to these false charges being con-
sidered as I was appearing on one citation that had nothing to do with these new accusa-
tions. In fact, I committed no violations in the course of officer Wiseman’s observations, not
even at Elm and Congress. The officer made all his claims up from thin air. He even lied
about how he came to follow me saying he passed me in opposite traffic and noticed that
I had a California plate that he wanted to inspect for registration. In fact he was 80 yards
away from me when I first became visible to him and he was driving south to my west.
He could not possibly have seen what state my plate was from. In fact, I was rousted
several hours earlier by other officers who responded to a suspicious vehicle call while
I was overnighting it in my van at night.
I am the activist with www.lennonmurdertruth.com logoed on my van; I can prove, unlikely as
it may seem, that Nixon and Reagan arranged for horror novelist; Stephen King, not Chap-
man like we were told, to kill John Lennon. Chapman was a decoy who never stood trial,
after. I was tormented in Bangor, in 1992, by police over this and the fact that King was
born in Portland may have something to do with this matter. I, in fact, made verbal mo-
tions to dismiss because of discriminatory prosecution and for a change of venue due to
an inability to get a fair trial in Portland. This latter motion I made after witnessing how hos-
tile the officer and prosecutor were behaving in the pre-trial conference. I was denied.
Officer Wiseman saw me from a distance and, admittadly, made a U-turn to follow me. He
tailgated me for four turns until after I rentered Congress, a circumpheral block later,
at which point he turned his lights on. He said I made an illegal turn at Congress and
Elm. I said I did not, that I obeyed all laws and did nothing wrong. He said that I almost
turned left illegally while on Congress as well. He said nothing about the intersection
at Preble. I explained to the court and the officer, at the time, that I momentarilly
thought that Elm might be a two way street, but did not turn left just in case it wasn’t.
I showed, with photos that there was no paint at all on Elm Street to describe otherwise.
Officer Wiseman only mentioned anything about Preble at trial and after seeing my photos
of Congress, bereft of markings. I objected immediately to this new charge being admitted,
arguing that it does not bear relevence to the ticket at Elm and Congress and wasn’t true.
During trial the prosecutor stepped in to coach Wiseman and I also objected to that.
At one point I had to run out to my van to get a photo of Preble Street to bolster my
argument that Congress was not marked. In fact this photo showed no lane stripe at Preble.
Wiseman tried to argue that my photos might be enhanced or otherwise not representative
of the facts. The judge argued, as I said, that I needed to see the arrows and lane stripes
and had to have forknowledge of any possible violation to be found guilty. He found me not
guilty of the citation I was issued but then blindsided me with a guilty find at Preble be-
cause there was a partial arrow marking there. I objected to any find of guilty not listed
on the citation I appeared for. I explained that I was not prepared for any new charges.
When asked for evidence to mitigate disposition I, again objected to his find on a new
charge that I was never informed about before trial. I was unaware that I was appearing
for anything other than the listing on the citation at Congress and Elm and I believe if
an ammendment to the complaint is made the defendant has a right to know about it be-
fore trial to allow for preparation. I was not given any notice of an ammendment to
the origional complaint, ever.
I hope you will investigate this matter for me and see if any wrongs were committed.
My appeal is pending.
I declare, under penalty of perjury that the above is true and correct;
Sincerely, Steve Lightfoot
Dated November 14, 2008
Welcome to my Footnotes and New Developments page. There are multiple chapters
that you can access located at the bottom of this and each chapter.
Just click the gold lettered title of choice.
I never thought that I would have to explain to people why they should care
about the truth of John Lennon’s but, apparently, I do.
In the 20 plus years that I have been outing this evidence a plain and simple
fact has been staring me in the face all along; People today are worse than
they were before John Lennon was assassinated.
Six days before Lennon’s Nixon added a line to the forward of the
second printing of The Real War that reads; “Americans must learn to lower
their ideals…”
So successful was he at bringing this about with the of John Lennon
that I am put off by my fellow Americans, mostly because I have remained
unscathed by the crime, thanks to my knowledge of reality. The rest of
society has been slowly cooked like a pot full of oblivious frogs.
I say these things not to offend, but to alert all of you to your tragedy.
I used to think all of you were a lot ier than I do lately and I’d rather
not take part in your lowered state of being by with any of you.
At least not until you get off your knees and take back your dignity.
What a pity considering how much I used to enjoy it when we were all better.
Far from being a laughing stock, I just might be ier than society at large.
You may all kid yourselves that you are the same as before or that your
children have the same chance at happiness you once had, but you’re just
kidding yourselves. Lennon’s has forced a new barbarism and banal-
ity on all of you.
The signs are all around you. From all the commercials advertising Viagra,
Enzyte and Cialis, to the epidemic of youth gang , to the substandard
entertainers you now have to look up to, to the beginning of World war III,
if you don’t help me soon, before it’s too late.
Our species was designed to follow a citizen, a normal representative of our-
selves, not some designated member of the Bush family or some entrenched
roster of career politicians towing the party line to enslave us with a
two paycheck economy. The only politicians that I deem trustworthy were
the Kennedys and we all know why they were really killed; because they WERE
on our side.
They were the rare exception and today there are no politicians willing to
stick their necks out for us. John Lennon’s line; “You say you’ll change the
Constitution…”, in his song Revolution, was a response to his fans who urged
him to be our president. John was popular enough to pull that off and
Tricky Dicky knew it and subsequently tried to deport him, via agent Yoko Ono,
who planted a roach in his apartment. When the effort was ruled un-
Constitutional he resorted to plan B; political assassination.
Exactly one year after Nixon’s deportation order failed the plot began.
That Stephen King, a then obscure horror writer, was recruited in 1975 to
pull the trigger, five years before it happened, suggests that Nixon tried to, not
only kill John Lennon, but to replace his message of Peace, Love and
Understanding with fear, hatred and insanity. It also suggests that Nixon wanted to
destroy America and its people.
For more information about Yoko’s role and guilt see my other chapters.
Nixon also writes, in The Real War, that the trend of the media elite weild-
ing clout in the public arena; “..will not happen..”
What all of you must realize is that you all absolutely N-E-E-D just such a
media elite influencing politics or you all W-I-L-L be destroyed, culturally.
Politics means “More at police” and is a poor substiture for wise men,
elders and heroes that mankind has relied on for milleniums.
You must come to terms with the fact that your collective BEHAVIOR is
what caused John’s assassination, as much as the hollow point bullets did.
None of you saw a trial for decoy Chapman or had the courage to demand one.
What you must come to terms with is that you will suffocate yourselves unless
you learn to protect people like John Lennon, myself, Ghandi, Martin Luther
King Jr. and others who will come along to guide you.
The current practice of entrusting your lives to our political structure
is a recipe for disaster.
You currently practice what I describe as Judasism, a word I invented to
describe your current habit of the most gifted, wise and beautiful
heroes among you.
I make no apologies for the inference to Judaism as it is the Jews who
monopolize our mass media and are the ones behind the crime and the coverup.
Stephen King, himself, reminds us all, repeatedly, in one of his books;
“Beware the Jewish-Communist plot against the U.S.”.
If you want to call me an anti-Semite you are wrong. It is simply a fact
that our Semetic run media is anti-American and anti-Christian. Precisely
because they run the media you have been brainwashed into thinking that
we are a Judao-Christian nation, though Jews represent only 2.8 percent of
our population. Moreover, Judaism is anathema to Christianity because they
reject Jesus Christ, to begin with, and make no apologies for him.
It was Judas who doomed the world with his betrayal of Christ and now it
seems that the Jews have made a religion out of justifying the crucifixion and
the of all geniuses who dare to change the world as John Lennon did.
Thus the term Judasism. It is suicidal of you to accept this status quo.
It is also the Jews who have twisted our governments arms to be in this
war in the middle east, so if you want to ignore these facts and call me
an anti-Semite know that you are just being a sucker for their propaganda.
My last friend was Jewish and my best friend in San Francisco is also
Jewish. Jesus, my biggest hero, was Jewish.
That all of our politicians are silent on the fact that our mass media is
monopolized by the Jews is proof that they are not your friend and not to be
trusted and that they are in bed with them.
You people must understand that you, like Judas, have learned to look the
other way and take part in all these and coverups for a palm full
of silver, for money, and that that is the method our government is using to
manipulate, corrupt and debase you.
Big shiny trucks and cars is your cheap reward for trading in your humanity.
Martin Luther King Jr. once said that America; “in contrast to its eco-
nomic prosperity, suffers from a poverty of the spirit..”
Take a good look at your entertainers today. No longer are any of them
good enough to just get on stage and electrify the crowd with their raw
talent and greatness. Instead they now lip-synch while gyrating with com-
plex choreographed dance routines and spectacular stage effects.
No longer are there great bands like The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The
Doors, The Kinks, The Beachboys, The Animals and others. No longer are there
artists like Sinatra, Tony Bennett, Bobby Darin or actors like Brando.
Instead you have a panorama of interchangeable names and faces.
It’s as if there is a plot to prevent the emergence of a new superstar.
Actors today are more like union workers who do what they’re told. I have to
wonder, does the cast of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” ever consider what evil
agenda of mind control they are fullfilling for someone else? What is going
on with the mutant foreheads and evil incarnations of formerly human
beings? Add the new “Startreck” series as well.
The talent show American Idol is a symbol of the dearth of talent today
in America. Fittingly, a Brit is reminding us that we all suck lately.
That our youth clamor for this kind of charade is a sad tragedy and shows
me that the parents are asleep at the wheel.
No wonder that Time magazine used the caption; “When The Music Died” on
the cover of their issue covering John’s . “Bye, bye, Miss American Pie,
The levy is as dry as our new culture.
America, you are on the road to ruin and it IS all YOUR fault. The media
has tied you all down like Gulliver because you’ve let them.
Just the other day our falsely elected president, George W., said; “Our
enemies have CHOSE the wrong country…”
No America, I think some of you have CHOSEN the wrong president.
Anyone in charge of our nuclear arsenal should be able to say the word
nuclear, not nucular.
Like the slowly cooked frogs you have become any dunce will look O.K. with
enough time. I’m telling you; The Emperor is, not only , but his
opposition may be running to lose on purpose to assure Bush’s re-election.
Our country may as well be under Soviet occupation with all the ditto heads
who let Rush Limbaugh think FOR them.
This brings me to a pet peeve of mine; the amount of time you spend at work.
When I was a young man most women didn’t have to work. They kept an eye
on the news and they minded the store I call our homes. THEY raised their
own children, not some stranger in a day care center, not a tv.
As soon as the women were tricked into work under the flag of womens lib our
government doubled the price of everything to KEEP them enslaved, over-
whelmed and too pooped to ponder their politics anymore.
Precisely because of trends like this the world and our country is going to
hell. Unfortunately, history teaches us that the masses are asses when it
comes to controlling their lives and that a hero or a famous voice that you
can trust is needed to counter the constant push of government to exploit you.
If this were not true then tell me; why is it that these heroes are always
assassinated by the government? Well?
John Lennon was, far and above, the most phenominal hero we could ever
have hoped for. He was our Godsend, our lucky day. He could have stop-
ped the tag team of the Republicans and the Democrats who are both doing
the exact same thing, in their deceptive way. John didn’t work for the
Rockefeller machine and he could have removed the blindfolds those two
parties have sandbagged you with.
John sang; “You tell me it’s the institution… you better free your minds
instead…” John could have and would have saved us, given the chance.
His song “Clean Up Time” was his move to get us off of . He acknowledged
his past mistakes and he knew that we, the people, had a job to do.
His first political song; “Nowhere Man” addressed public apathy.
He was a man a century ahead of his time. John was, and still is, the most
photographed human that ever lived. His potential power to unite us was
mindboggling. I can only imagine how different things would be today had he
been allowed to live out his life.
I guarantee you we would not be at war in Iraq now, mislead by an unqualified
son of priveledge. I doubt that right wing talk radio would have been able
to compete with his wisdom and influence.
For all we know we would all have horizontal windmills on our solar panelled
roofs and we’d all be driving all electric cars with solar body panels
and our air would be so clean our sperm counts would be increasing instead
of decreasing. Perhaps there would be no global warming or war anymore.
For all we know we might be working an average of 32 hours per week instead
of the 52 hours per week we do. For all we know companies wouldn’t
be taking over our bodies and nobody would need Viagra.
For all we know.
I guarantee all of you that I will pick up where John left off if I live
to see this Lennon expose take over the planet.
If all of you help me break this story I will enact the laws already on the
books to break up the Jewish media monopoly. If all of you help me break this
story I will see to it that oil dependancy and evil regimes like the Rock-
efeller and Bush family dynasties will become a thing of the past. I will
harness your collective energy to change our world and our lives.
ANYBODY who would break a story as mammoth as this Lennon expose would be
in a position to do all this and more, unless, unlesss, UNLESS, you people
are too weak to keep him alive.
Right now you are too weak to care, well, except for some of you already
reading my website, too weak to care enough to even expose, arrest, try
and jail Stephen King, even with hard evidence!
I hold up the people of Maine for proof. They responded to my evidence by
seeing Bush Sr.’s ratings drop 22 percentage points in ONE WEEK after I
distributed my magazine, then titled; “Everybody’s business; Who Shot John
Lennon?”, in Kennebunkport, prompting Bush to remark; “…You know, no-
body likes who shot John, but…” during the 1992 presidential debate in
Richmond, Virginia. Yet, they still lacked the wisdom, the balls, the self
respect, to EXPOSE my evidence!
Similarly the people of Bangor, Maine, King’s hometown, rejected the
local candidate that King endorsed in their paper.
It’s not because I lack solid evidence that America’s people won’t help me,
it’s because America’s people lack sufficient self esteem and courage to
do what only the public CAN do; expose their government. Do any of you
honestly think that our media networks are NOT part of the government?
The answer is this story. John called his assassination “The event”.
John knew he would be killed because of his power and he told Paul Mc-
Cartney to say; “Well that was John’s thing. “The event” he called it…”
as Paul DID say the very next day on tv.
The media was careful not to replay that mysterious remark ever again
for fear that we would get a whiff of what it meant.
There is nobody on the political and cultural terrain with more potential
than yours, truly. I say that not out of conceat but out of honesty.
Even if I were killed and someone else broke my story, they would lack all
the wisdom and knowledge that I had to suffer for to achieve.
All my information would be lost, maybe forever.
Who else will tell the public what it needs to be told? Who else could
possibly know what I have had to learn just to stay alive all these years?
Who else will have the stones to out the powers that be and jail King,
Yoko, Chapman, Bush Sr. and dozons of others?
Who else will dare to undo the military-industrial complex conspiracy,
Time, Newsweek, U.S. News and World Report and the Jewish controlled media?
Who else will find the balls to stick his or her neck out that far for you?
I am struck by the universal smirk people display when they walk by me
and my emblazened van. It’s a silly, insane kind of smirk that, I think, says:
“Do you really think that any of us care or have the wisdom to help you?
You’re on a fools errand and forgive us if we laugh and smirk at your
heroism and courage. We’re just not that intelligent a species. Has any-
one ever succeeded at what you’re trying to do? Get a job. Give up.
We don’t care.”
To those who DO think exactly that, I say, you lack self esteem and you are
plagued with an enormous fear of government and feel you need to be the
victim of politicians because that’s just how the world has always been.
I say to you that you have sold your souls for what money can buy to
ease the pain of your disease.
But mostly, I say to you, you have never had such evidence at your disposal
ever before and that now things ARE VERY DIFFERENT, INDEED!
W-A-K-E U-P-!!!!!! Snap out of your media induced comas and take ad-
vantage of me before I pull a Charles Lindburg on all of you and move
overseas and become their hero, instead.
Because of your apathy I have had to postpone marriage, fatherhood, suc-
cess and true happiness. You may as well have kidnapped and ed my
child like you did Lindburg’s. You are lucky that I haven’t resorted to
a crime to force this story on you and taken myself out of the public arena.
You don’t know how lucky you all are that I still have faith in you, that
I still am available to help you instead of locked up just to break the news.
A lesser man would have been killed, jailed or become insane by now, but
I am the stuff heroes really ARE made of and you are fools not to
see that.
Redeem yourselves and help me or I just may make a career of exposing
America’s people, after, instead.
Don’t make me cross the pond to tell the world the truth. They may
jump at the chance to expose all of this and I just might find them ier than
a bunch of hero losers.
Don’t take me for granted, America. I am a world citizen first and I believe
in the words of IMAGINE. So should you.
I will always believe in God and truth and honor and justice, will you?
I know that Peace Love and Understanding is the answer, not war.
John wrote the song “Come Together” to prompt us to come together over him
after the government killed him so that we would have a vehicle for change.
Well, what’s taking you so long, America?
Great Maned Apes:
Have you heard about the great maned apes that came from Africa? They are
relatively hairless except for a shockingly long mane of hair that cascades all
the way to the ground. The males have beards that grow down to their navels.
They call themselves human beings and have ever since they grew enough intellect
to fashion clothing from animal skins. They lost much of their body hair there-
after but because they could not shelter their heads from the cold in order to
hear animals that wanted to eat them the hair on their heads remained neces-
sary and we still sport beards and that distictive mane of hair that was
origionally intended to warm our whole bodies from the elements.
The above is my own theory about us all. It’s a good one I think and probably
the absolute God’s truth. That we so called human beings are but great apes posi-
tioned at the top of the evolutionary ladder.
We collectively learned to split atoms and land a spacecraft on the moon and
the myriad of things we have accomplished since this mutation of increased
intellect took root but we are still too weak, too handicapped, intellectually,
to respond to evidence that proves our government is a murderous, evil,
sick, twisted machine that has always killed the smartest among us.
You sit in pathetic shame, unable to care whether our government let horror
writer Stephen King murder John Lennon or the lone drifter story we were told.
You seem too afraid of our government to care, one way or the other.
From Jesus to Gandhi to John Lennon they have been killing the most intelli-
gent monkeys of our species to keep the masses in control. And all of you have
yet to arrive at the stage of evolution that wants to stop the government from
committing this abominable, dispicable, self destructive act. It’s what keeps
us all in a world of pain and ignorance and injustice, poverty, work and medio-
I’m sorry if some of you can’t believe that Pamela Anderson and Angelina Jolie
are but highly evolved apes, but think about it a while. They still have hair on
their legs, armpits and genitals. They still are unaware that the man
who killed John Lennon never even stood trial for the murder of the century.
How human and smart can they really be?
It took thousands of years to lose our body hair. Right now scientists are dis-
covering that gorillas and apes DO know how to use tools and devices to live.
Once upon a time this was all of us.
Scientists know that monkeys would rather dwell on photos of the elite monkeys
of their tribe than even eat.
Have you ever stood in line at the grocery store and looked at the magazine
Pierce Brosnan, that suave Irish actor looks a whole lot different now that he has
let his full beard grow out.
If a child were never touched with a grooming device and allowed to flower as
nature intended, he would look a lot like an animal, goat, ape by the time he was
an adult. He WOULD have hair down to his ankles, he WOULD have a beard down to
his navel. If he were never clothed he WOULD grow more hair on his body.
And yet we stand atop the heap of heroes we have killeded in the name of govern-
ment knows best and call ourselves human beings. We believe in an afterlife,
we shave our faces, cut our mane very short, shave our legs, paint our faces,
wear sleek cloths, drive shiny automobiles and surround ourselves desperatly
with things that make us forget that we are but animals, that we are not so special
and apart from nature’s kingdom.
Divinity some may have. But divinity, like evolution, has variables.
Jesus may have been a divinely touched, super evolved ape. John Lennon may have
been the most evolved being of our lifetime.
The fact that the rest of us can’t imagine the concept of writing genius songs
and melodies suggests that divinity is not universal and that some evolve faster
than others. I suggest to all of you that you are not as smart and as human as
you may think. There are some among you that are more evolved and divine.
The problem is you keep killing them. If you read the chapter; YOU HYPOCRITES
REPENT located at the bottom of this chapter you will see that you really WOULD
prefer the government kill your only child than hold them accountable for letting
a sick, evil, human hating monster like Stephen King murder the most loved
being of our lifetime; John Lennon. Please do read that chapter. I think you
all must for your own good.
For all any of you know John Lennon may have been the second coming of Jesus
Christ. He does resemble the shroud of Turin.
All across this planet there are people going to houses of worship who sit
still for Stephen King murdering John Lennon.
Can you imagine what hypocrites and phonies and weaklings they must all be?
I took my magazine to Bangor, Maine and stayed there for six months and no one
dared disturb the sound of silence.
I’m surprised you haven’t all killed Paul Simon and Bob Dylan for speaking
deep truths.
If you are as human as you think you are try jailing Stephen King with the hard
evidence I have risked my life to give you instead of dismissing me as a whacko.
Show me that you are as evolved as I.
Meanwhile excuse me if I deliberately make a monkey out of all of you for being too
unevolved (hate to say the word stupid) to even care.
In the meantime have you taken a good look at Stephen King’s upper lip? It
has distinctive chimpanzee features. Very broad, lipless and with downturned
corners, denoting pessimism.
Indeed, Stephen King may be a little more related to apes than most of you,
which would help explain why he lashed out at his opposite; John Lennon, who
I really do believe was the most evolved of any of us.
Take a look at George Bush’s face. Admit it. He’s a cross between a chimpanzee,
a gargoyle and Alfred E. Newman, the Mad Magazine character.
Some people look a lot more like apes than others. So close it must scare some
of you to admit that they are even human beings like we call ourselves. And
yet we can’t deny that they are definitely human beings like the rest of us.
I explain this as the variables of evolution, like a roadmap to our past.
Scientists explain that, depending on the environment, only the beings with
light skin could survive to reproduce in areas where the sun is scarce and that
only dark pigmented beings could survive where there is too much sun.
Africa is a land locked continent, mostly, and I’m sure that has a lot to do
with preserving such a distinctive type of skin pigmentation.
Yes, Stephen King has narrow set eyes and a very broad, lipless upper lip.
Recently someone admitted to me that he, indeed, does look like the missing link.
Bush has the harrow set eyes and beakish upper lip. Like a turtle.
So what are they doing leading all of you around by the nose, anyway?
In previous, still posted chapters here I asked the question; Are you monkeys
or men? At the time I was inclined to dismiss what I am writing now.
I have come to the conclusion lately, however, that perhaps we all really do
descend from apes after all.
How else can one explain the apathy and lack of vision regarding the evidence
I have presented about Lennon’s political assassination?
Thinking of all of us as evolving apes makes it easier for me to understand and
forgive you all for your dispicable non response to something so important.
If you are reading this website you’re better than those who couldn’t be
bothered but when will you care as much as I do? Please show me some humanity.
It’s lonely at the top of the evolutionary ladder and I’d like to respect all
of you someday enough to abandon my celebate lifestyle lately. I really do love
sex and think the world would be better off with my offspring. Don’t you?
Meanwhile you’re all eyes and ears for the physically beautiful births going
on with Brad and Angelina. When will you put your stock in the mentally and
spiritually beautiful people? Are you all so shallow that you let the media
lead you here and there and about?
Look at your lives. You make a religion out of your jobs and workplaces. As if
you would all choose to give up half of your waking lives to do what you do.
Truth is most of you would run like banshees from all that were you not paid.
Yet you worship working classdom. Now that gas prices, housing costs, food
costs etc. have forced you into a 50 to 60 hour workweek you can’t see how op-
pressed you have become. At least your ancestors had the presence of mind to
insist on limiting their workweek to 40 hours. And that was before the women were
conned into the workplace with Viginia Slim’s cigarette commercials telling you;
“You’ve come a long way, baby.” with the wearing pants selling inde-
pendence. Look at you now. Not very independent at all. You could’nt quit your
jobs now without going homeless.
After you were tricked into the workplace the military industrial complex merely
doubled the price of everything to keep you there. Now who’s independent?
You can’t even mind your own store. There is no one to keep up with events,
no one to raise your own kids, that’s left to paid strangers (admit it), your
divorce and teen rates have ed out of control. Single mothers
dot the landscape and workplace everywhere you look and you have become
slaves without your knowing.
How can you really know anything when all your life allows you to do is rest
from your jobs on your days off? That’s called slavery. Slavery, people.
When Nixon and Reagan and Stephen King conspired to kill our hero they did
so knowing that you have all become “Blind obse$$ive fools.” as King wrote
repeatedly in Firestarter months before. It’s as if Nixon was trying to prove
just how stupid you really are.
Until you rise up and jail Stephen King, as well as put Bush Sr. under the micro-
scope, then head of the C.I.A., until you put Time, Newsweek and U.S. News & World
Report magazines out of business Nixon was right. You are stupid beyond words.
Admit it, not just stupid, but wicked.
Like a pathetic piece of clay you have allowed yourselves to be molded into a
creature you would all despise if you had your presense of mind about you.
Are you going to let the government warp you like that, people. Oh, I forgot,
you’re really evolved apes like I have been trying to explain to you.
Remember Reagan’s movie; Bedtime For Bonzo? When will you all rise up and break
this story?
Right now many of the people of the San Francisco Bay Area are secretly hoping
that the government kills me before I take over the worlds stage as the hero of
this monster expose.
That is called masochism. It is certainly true and you all need to be told this
about youselves.
(To be continued…)
Hero killers repent
Please do check out my other blogs listed at the end of this one, especially the
one titled KGO Radio Is Evil. Since my expose of that C.I.A. owned station
and their traitorous hosts, host Bernie Ward has been indicted on federal
charges of trafficking child porn- ography. The KGO management has been exposed of
foisting him on us for three years as they kept these three year old charges
from us so that he could broadcast.
My tack today indicts all of you.
Recently I observed one of the many photos I’ve taken over the years, this
one of Pacific Beach, Ca. and a Labor Day crowd of wall to wall beach goers.
For miles just people, shoulder to shoulder except for a 100 yard semi-circle
of barren sand in the heart of the beach scene. Why!? I’ll tell you.
My van and website and my billboard with my site was parked there. All these
people shunning the truth of lennonmurdertruth. com, not wanting to be
seen anywhere near our nations wound of shame.
So you can see what I’m up against; a wicked public. A guilty, phony, cowardly,
bootlicking public. A hero killing public.
You sorry fools don’t want to know.
The powere that you all allow to be have systematically warped you with fear
and have killed all hope via a monopolized, military controlled mass media.
John Lennon was hope. Stephen King is fear. That’s why Nixon’s bosses arranged
exactly for King to pull the trigger.
In a month from now I will be leaving the San Francisco bay area for L.A. where
I will be for only two months before I move to the east coast to tackle er
Stephen King from there. I think I will succeed in leading demonstrators to
march at the media and courts to arrest King.
King was convicted of having sex with a 15 year old in 1992 when he was 43.
It was all hushed up but the people of Maine who told me know.
Many know I am right about him murdering John Lennon. It should be easy, but,
because people are wicked, it will be not very easy.
Congratulations S.F. bay area. You backstabbed John Lennon with silence
and every excuse that KGO and the media could give you. What will you
have to say to the world when they find out?
I won’t be like the rest of your vacuous celebrities who behaive like infants.
I will hurl lightning bolts of truth to a world of sin without thought.
If I have to move abroad for my own peace of mind I will.
America, you all owe me the arrest of Stephen King.
More importantly you owe yourselves that arrest for you are either heroes
who will march and protest to flush this expose out for the world to see OR
you are all child molesters to your children and to youselves. No grey area in between.
The issue is too big for any fence straddling or apathy.
Till later,unsung hero Steve Lightfoot.
P.S. Subsequent to this harsh entry you ALL shot Bennezar Bhutto in the back of
the head the minute she dared to show her face to her supporters.
I say ALL of you because Musharif probably DID order the assassination and we
all know that he works for Bush, no less.
I saw the distant shot of film which showed her body get knocked forward and,
yet, Musharif is quick to say there was no bullet, that her head was ed by
the moonroof frame, and that SHE was to blame for showing her face!
Will any of you acknowledge how our administration and Condi Rice escorted
Bhutto back to Pakistan just before her to fend for herself with zero
security from us?
Admit what I know to be true; that her assassination only proves how afraid
and low class we have become.
Because you all don’t care enough to keep her alive the government steps
all over you.
She was a populist, for the people. Bush is for the corporations. I blame Bush
for her murder , though, unlike Lennon’s , I have no proof.
And now Scottland Yard finds, contrary to the film footage I saw, that it was
bomb shrappnel, not a bullet. It seems that England still has a finger in
Pakistan’s pie. She fell forward well before any blast appeared and we all
saw the gunman fire bullets at her first!
Shame on you people for now. Your selfish ways are crucifying the quality of
life here for us all. Repent.
Get rich;Buy my vans!!!
On a par with buying Charles Lindberg’s airplane; “The Spirit of Saint Louis ” the plane he made the first trans Atlantic flight with, my two sloganed vans have the potential to sell someday for a million dollars each. Not a joke, I’m serious.
Someday, after my expose breaks and re-writes our history books, I will probably be the worlds biggest hero/celebrity (I to sound so grandeous) This story will take over the planet and our lives and rebuild civilization, itself. To say that this story I have been breaking for the last 24 will be part of our grandchildrens history books is an understatement. This is the biggest expose in human history and the biggest news since Jesus Christ.
The two vans I lived in and launched my story from, the one I took to Stephen King’s hometown, my 1975 Chevy, and my website sloganed 1973 Dodge, will be worth scads of money someday. Like the baseball Ruth hit his last home run with.
The Chevy is a six cylinder with a new motor, transmission and rear end and new front end suspension parts etc. etc. etc.
It has over 300k miles and runs GREAT! It was my first story related vehicle and was part of my life the first and most dangerous 16 years of my expose. It has a new urethane, bright white paint job with my website address on the blacked out windows and “EVERYBODY’S BUSINESS” slogan on the sides and back with a large, green, compuer style green arrow pointing up to the the windows website address.
It is probably the most historically significant and I took it to Bangor, Maine twice, once for six months, as well as three national tours and, like I say, was my home for the most significant and dangerous years of my life. If my story breaks and it does not fetch for you one million dollars from a private collector of historical artifacts I will agree, in writing, to buy it back from you FOR $50,000.00.
If you believe in me and the story and the probability that it will break then you will make out like a millionair. You must agree, however, to keep it in as is condition and not alter it or repaint it or drive it into the ground or wreck it.
This van I am selling for fifteen thousand dollars. It can go another hundred thousand miles it’s in such good condition and it has very good compression in all of it’s cylinders.
My other van, a cream colored high top camper van, is the first one to carry my website address. It too has been cross country and to Bangor, Maine and New York.
It is a 1973 Dodge with a 318 v-8 motor and has only 170k origional miles and runs perfect. I have only used synthetic oils in it’s motor and transmission. Even though it is also very potentially valuable as well I will be selling this one for only ten thousand dollars. If my story breaks and no other private party offers you $50,000.00 for it I will agree, in writing, to buy it back for that amount as long as you also keep it in as is condition and don’t drive it into the ground or wreck it. I have lived in this van the past five years.
If this story breaks and I am not assassinated after, you can’t lose. In fact whoever buys one or both of these vans stands to gain a monster profit for his investment, one unlike you will likely find anywhere else in any market.
You may contact me via; lennonmurdertruth@Yahoo.com
or you can write me at;
Steve Lightfoot
General Delivery
Santa Rosa,Calif. 95402
P.S. I can include origional interior living quarters and personal effects and possesions upon request.
First come, first serve.
Thank you for your consideration.
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