Archive for April, 2017
You all must, absolutely, read the chapter below this one. It’s loaded with good info.
The one titled WHY TRUST ME?.
I must devote a new chapter, now, to the center of the story; your phoniness. That’s right,
your phoniness as human beings.
The Catcher In The Rye that King was reading after assassinating John Lennon while the
police arrived was, basically, about the phoniness of adults. In fact, the reason Chap-
man – King’s double / stand in – gave for killing John was because John was a phony to preach
no possessions while being rich, himself. He related it to the message of The Catcher In
The Rye and that that book was his statement.
In reality, all this mumbo jumbo was a subversive media ploy to have all of you blame all
YOUR phoniness on John so you wouldn’t notice how phony all of you were being to buy the
lone, crazed gunman theory, yet, again. The way you have through the Kennedy murders that
were anything but lone gunmen.
In fact, the government knew, in advance, that, thanks to the fact that adults all ARE phony,
that you wouldn’t notice or even complain when Chapman’s 60 day psychiatric evaluation
would lapse into a year and a half of silence with no trial or public show of justice.
The biggest murder of our lives and they KNEW you wouldn’t demand a public display of justice,
not even for John Lennon of The Beatles, the biggest celebrity on the planet. That’s how
sure your government was of your phoniness as a people. That’s scarier than a King novel.
The government knew that they could count on your collective PHONINESS to make their
All those millions of Beatles fans turned coat, looked the other way and betrayed John
Mostly they betrayed themselves and America.
When I began my expose 30 years ago I had no idea how phony you all really are or how that
fact would stonewall my evidence.
I talked to a man today, showed him my photo of King getting Lennon’s autograph and he said;
“A lot of people look alike.” I replied; “Whenever I show the same photo comparison to any-
one under the age of 14 they, almost always, shreik in horror at the revelation, admitting
that Chapman’s face does NOT match. The reason adults almost always poo poo the evidence is
because adults are typically phony, compared to young people and children.”
I called a radio host at Stephen King’s radio station in Bangor, Maine last week and warned
him not to react like a “Stepford Wife” to my claims and he proved my point when he said:
“I am as open minded as anyone but I choose not to accept, into my mind, the kind of garbage
you are presenting.”
He is like a Stepford wife, indeed. He only WANTS to believe he is receptive to facts but,
in fact, he is not. He is phony beyond his comprehension. He is a phony adult like
99% of adults all are.
I am of the belief that your collective adult phoniness is directly tied to your deep fear
of government and the fear of standing up to them. After all, they could nuke you, if they
felt like it, or audit you or raise your taxes or poison your water or air or dose you from
aircraft or even demand to slaughter your first born sons like they did 2,000 years ago.
People forked over their own flesh and blood back then in the name of fear of government.
I assume that a deep root has grown in our subconscious memory that persists today.
Today, however, you are willing to let the government murder your very favorite and most loved
musician in the world and molest you and your children with his real life killer; a horror
novelist, no less. It’s about as obscene as letting the government run a sword through your
first born sons heart like in the days of Jesus when the government also nailed misfits to
a cross, in public display to terrorize the rest of the society into licking those government
boots that always seem to kick you down.
Now look at you all; ducking a photo of Stephen King – not Chapman – getting John Lennon’s
last autograph, DUCKING Mark David King Chapman’s name attached to a letter to the editor
printed three weeks before the murder where Chapman explains how Reagan is moving him,
armed, into a hostile square, DUCKING the bold print government codes that brag all about
what REALLY happened to John Lennon.
While on the subject of phonies let’s discuss, as a a people, Mark David Chapman, the worlds
biggest phony; he did NOT kill John Lennon. That he publicly proclaims he did makes him the
most brazen liar on the planet, definitely pathological, a big, fat actor carrying the lie to the
final curtain, playing the propaganda out to it’s extreme end in the hopes that the public
will let the lie just “slide” and keep the truth a big, world wide secret.
That’s Chapman’s game plan; to lie in the face of our phoniness and hope we succumb to the
“Big Lie”. That is Mark David Chapman ; “The Big Lie”.
What kind of person would claim to be Lennon’s killer when he was not? Only someone who
reveled in pissing the rest of society off. To take a stick and poke it in our eyes. Mark David
Chapman is a sociopathic, very sick man ,like Stephen King, both, apparently, rejected by
their peers in their formative years, carrying a huge chip on their shoulder. King openly “gets
back” at his tormentors as in “Carrie” and “Rage”.
Mark David Chapman was NOT the son of a bank teller, like the media told us but, rather, the
son of a wealthy Amoco Oil executive. I learned this by chance while traveling through Decatur,
Georgia from a women claiming to be their next door neighbor.
I read about Chapman having a nervous breakdown from an acid trip. I can see how he might re-
sent Lennon or blame him for his episode and want to kill him, if only indirectly. Either way
the mystery of Mark Chapman will reveal itself as the story pushes its way out. Even I would
like to know why prisoners claim to have never seen him at Attica and where has he really
been all this time while not staging photo ops for magazines and the like.
Chapman is looking truly frightened and worried for the first time that I can recall. His
house of cards is about to fall in on him and he is first in line, behind King, to be put up
on conspiracy charges along with King in the murder conspiracy and coverup. Just as his fake
release is being floated by the media, of his being given a job on a farm, his real incar-
ceration may be on the horizon. Imagine; King and Chapman behind bars. Imagine. Awaiting
grand jury investigation, public release of the evidence, their gooses cooked. Imagine!
What a real life mega news story it will be, too. The problem is you, the people, and your
phoniness are holding up the expose, period!
Stop BEING paralyzed phonies and stand up for yourselves and march on the lying media that
is busy piping Chapman propaganda to all of you every time you check your mail or the inter-
net, lately.
Chapman, a collossal phony, actor, stand-in, pathological liar calling John Lennon a phony.
It’s mind boggleing propaganda and you all fell for it over the goal line during Monday
Night Football.
Pretty scary when the government knows you better than you know yourselves.
Pretty embarassing, huh?
Chapman, in this latest interview, says that fame is useless and worthless.
That he killed John because he was the most famous person on earth.
That he is a practicing Christian. Etc..
In truth, Chapman knows that fame is key to social change and that John represented the
most powerful incarnation of that potential power. He already helped stop the war in Viet
Nam! Chapman is trying to discourage others from using their fame to change the world.
His co-conspirators are, too. They want only the government, in its wisdom, to mold society.
There is just so much manipulative propaganda emanating from the Lennon murder coverup that
our entire culture stands humiliated with the facts. Our nation in satanic disgrace, un-
able to move a muscle or lift a finger at the outrageous crime against us.
The people covering up John’s murder are not our friends. They are evil, boot-licking cowards,
all. Letting Stephen King kill John Lennon is about as evil and harmful a blow to America
as can be imagined. To not take a step back and wonder which one of our mortal enemies might
be behind this cruel crime is to have no sensibilities at all. A crime designe to rot us,
as a people, from the inside of our souls out; replace ‘good’ with ‘evil’, literally.
Satan appreciates your apathy, in the meantime.
(To be continued….)
(To be continued……)
Media controlled is satanic;
I believe I was on KSCO talk radio on the 9th of June 2011 when one of their afternoon
hosts took ten minutes of airtime to defame me and malign me and, basically, brainwash all
of you who were listening.
It goes to the heart of my distrust of our jewish run media (No, I am not an anti-semite.)
and why this media monopoly must be broken up, once and for all, for all your sake.
Among the lies ( David Allen?) told to the Santa Cruz listeners;
That I was vigorously investigated when someone in Maine ran down Stephen King. That is all
news to me. Not one person, government or otherwise, ever investigated me, to my knowledge.
In fact, at the time, I warned that our government may have been behind that “accident” to
cover up the John Lennon assassination. I even pointed out the mysterious death of the
driver whio was found dead months later at the young age of 41.
————–also alleged that I used to use others to call in for me to evade their screeners.
Also a lie. I never, ever, resorted to that.
—————also claimed that their station ever gave me an uncensored chance to air my
findings. False, again. At 6:00 am, once, while 98% of their audience was asleep, KSCO al-
lowed me about ten minutes to speak while the hosts tried to steer the dialogue away from
the hard evidence I would have presented had they allowed me to. They did not. The fact that
all this took place at 6:00 am is proof I was being censored, generally.
————— and Corey Gold are probably two media jews; two liars for hire. An invest-
igation will probably prove me correct.
KSCO is a conservative station planted in Santa Cruz to counter real Santa Cruz values.
Period. Period. Period. It is a government controlled station whose job is to castrate Santa
Cruz of it’s testicles.
In fact, in that respect, KSCO has succeeded. The call I made that prompted ———- to
disparage me had to do with my obsevation that; “the public must be satanic in the the wake
of Santa Cruz’s incumbent silence in the face of evidence that proves our government, not
some lone nut, murdered John Lennon.” Which brings me to the point. KSCO is a symbol of
the public’s satanic nature that wants to disparage the messenger even when he is the
only real hero in our midst.
I will find out the name of this lying, cowardly, bootlicking jew who is part of the John
Lennon murder coverup and fill in the blanks as soon as he has the guts to anounce his name.
In one hour, so far, he has not.
It is the media jew who is behind the Lennon murder coverup. That is a fact I have come to
learn over all these years.
People, you’re the problem….
It’s April of 2011 and, since I’ve been busy, lately, and haven’t written anything lately
I thought I’d put it out there that you people, the great unwashed, the masses, the public;
There was no trial for Mark Chapman, none of you seemed to notice or care, and now you know
why John is dead; you couldn’t be counted on to defend him, after. Only I took up that cross.
Your apathy inspired the assassination, the guilty resting assured that it was a safe
crime, one that you wouldn’t raise a stink about. They knew, in advance, that you people
were most likely prone to look the other way and all of you did just that. Except for me.
I can hardly think of any significant hero that you, the people, haven’t allowed the govt.
to slaughter; Jesus, Davy Crockett, Gandhi, J.F.K., R.F.K., M.L.K., Lennon and about a
hundred or so more, I’m sure. It’s as if you, the people, revel in the guilty pleasure of
murdering those around you who rise above the insane rabble and point to a better way of
living. You all SEEM to like killing those who are better than you, even if their advice
would help you all live better. In a word, you ARE bootlicking, hero killing cowards pun-
ishing yourselves with government rulership of your lives. Yes, you are sick and afraid,
I’m afraid.
In my life I am surrounded by my fellow Americans, all waiting for me to get killed, first,
before anyone pays attention to what I am trying to do. It’s just the way you sinners
Are you all such unevolved monkeys that you can’t hold the govt. accountable even with
hard evidence? Is that how weak you all are? Turncoats, betrayers, yellow bellies, all?
Meanwhile, there are those of you who outwardly express your disdain for what I do.
Not very free or brave, you citizens.
Look at Paul McCartney; He must pay a shrink good money to assure himself that his silence
is o.k.. It is the weakest link in society of all, his silence.
His apathy condemns you to act yourselves or remain imprisoned peons and pawns in a sick
stew of Orwellian evil that has enveloped you since before you were born.
I’m sure my next window slogan will be something along the lines of;
or something like that. And in ten inch letters!
Guilty mankind, look in your mirror.
Chapman Lie; Media Terrorism:
Please read the chapter immediately following this one, listed at the top of the list.
At the end of this chapter I will also discuss the Tuscon shootings event and show you some
amazing parallels to the killer and Stephen King, particularly their common experience of
being kicked out of institutions, in King’s case, the Town of Herman, Maine in the 70’s. Realize,
also, that this shooting event occured just weeks AFTER I wrote the following, for those
of you foolish enough to dismiss my expose as old, irrelevant news.
Being December 09, 2010, the day after the media handling of the 30th anniversary of John
Lennon’s assassination, I must touch upon the aspect of Mark David Chapman, the look-alike
stand in for real murderer; author, Stephen King. You know, the guy who America allowed
to skip trial for killing only the most famous human being on earth. That guy.
I’d like to start with the lyrics to the song I actually sang, with my guitar, over the San Diego
radio airwaves when I was interviewed for one hour on KOGO talk radio in 1994.;
“Children Of the Big Lie”
“You’re the children of the big lie
What’s the reason you don’t even try?
Didn’t even try Mark Chapman
We’re the reason Lennon had to die.
You and I could find
Better things to do
Than crucify our heroes
The phony’s me and you.
Tag team partners Barbara Walters
And her decoy clown
She and Chapman feed you crap
And brainwash you around.
You just kneel in shame
And turn the other cheek
Too terrorized and scared
To dare to even speak.
You’re the children of the big lie
What’s the reason you don’t even try?”
(I recently added the last verse.))
Now, as Wiki Leaks is making news and the messengers are being publicly hunted like ter-
rorists, it strikes me that the real terrorist in this world is our own government; the evil
United States Of America. It’s government and its media and it’s generals and politicians
and its corporations. Maybe even its people, lately.
Like John Lennon succinctly said in an interview right before he was assassinated;
“I believe in giving peace a chance, not killing people for peace.”
John really could put the shoe on the correct foot with his effortless grace.
Who but America used nuclear weapons on citizens to scare the rest of the world?
America, deliberately, scares its own citizens, with war, media violence and assassination.
Didn’t America assassinate J.F.K. in a public parade to scare others off from taking on the
powers that be? Didn’t America also kill his brother at a public arena, also to scare off
others who question war while aspiring to the presidency.
Didn’t our government murder John Lennon on his front doorstep to shout out a message of
terror to all you taxpaying homeowners that you better not practice what Lennon preached?
Didn’t they also, in using a gun to kill the worlds most favorite citizen, try to demonize
your second amendment rights in the process?
Didn’t our government deliberately murder our own students at Kent State to scare off
the rest of the anti-war movement? Didn’t they kill Lennon for the same exact reason?
That’s the TRUTH about the worlds terrorist. They will kill your children if they get too
uppity about insisting on peace and freedom. We’re as treacherous as the Chinese govern-
ment who also massacred their student protesters.
Why, we will even kill The Beatles if they transcend our media mind control. Abominable!
We have become a country held hostage by its military, corporate interests and their media.
This Chapman rehash is just poisoning America’s people and making them insane. It is a
terror campaign to back the public down carried out by your government owned mass media.
And so, I say to all of you already sheared, brainwashed sheep; Beware your government and
your government controlled media. They are your enemy and you have lost control of your
right minds. That’s right, U.S. public; your mass media, all of it, is controlled by your govern-
ment, even by your military and America’s big corporations, and they force broadcasters
to lie to you and pervert you whenever they want to. Just like our enemies do to their
citizens. You only “THINK you’re so clever and classless and free” but you’re not.
In fact it is a dispicable fact that ALL of you media-ized fools let Chapman sidestep what
should have been a most public trial, then, when it happened. Like a pack of Soviet, turncoat
slobs you ALL pretended not to notice when Chapman’s 60 day psych evaluation lapsed into
18 months of media silence punctuated with a tiny blurb about how he plead guilty,
behind closed doors, two days before trial, which was buried in the back pages. No follow
up. No more ink devoted to that bombshell case gone phffft!. No protests from you, either.
You all became the cowards of the Chapman lie and are, in fact, unaware of just how much
Lennon’s viscious, in our face, murder managed to terrorize all of you into whimpering silence
and surrender overnight. Peace, love and understanding took a beating that night. In fact,
it was the most pitiful, spineless and lowest thing America’s people ever did till then.
Had I not been without a tv and radio for years surrounding the crime I, too, might have
succumbed to the great dumbing down of the U.S. public via media mind control. I was spared.
The rest of you were terrorized into silence by media imposed peer pressure that suggested
anyone who thinks otherwise must be a nut. They even brainwashed you, en mass, by announcing
John’s murder during a Monday Night Football game and made sport of it with Howard Cosell
on the mic like an emcee at the Roman Collesium during the slaughter of Christians.
This go around, in the panarama of our government’s media, FOX NEWS emerged as our media’s
biggest liar with their Mark David Chapman fest special the Sunday before the crime’s anniversary.
It is a fact that both Chapman and Stephen King gained about 25 pounds, each, before the crime
and that King even grew a beard for a year, right after. Even I have to admit that the
government did most of their homework in finding a convincing look-alike stand in for King,
when they were both puffed out like blimps.
The government failed to intercept the photo that would prove that the killer has the
opposite prescription for his glasses as evidenced in comparison photos, one shrinking,
the other enlarging, what we see behind them. They also missed the dimples that only King
and the autograph hound share. In the Newsweek photo of King, two months before the crime,
King hides his dimples with his hand and is seen without his giveaway glasses. In Time,
a month earlier, he exposes himself, fortunately. The autograph photo was planned, in ad-
vance, and King’s dimples and glasses prescription would give him away under scrutiny.
In fact, the man who took that planned photograph was, himself, caught, months earlier,
posing as a vcr repairman in his effort to stalk Lennon. His name is Paul Goresh.
A look at the comparison photo Newsweek used then to compare Chapman and the killer
shows us that they used a deliberately grainy, image from a tv screen, not a clear image.
What you must all know is that the police in New York City were part of the coverup and
arrested a then sitting Stephen King who was reading The Catcher In The Rye and promptly
hid his face under an overcoat while they led him into the precinct where both men WERE
SWITCHED. Chapman took over, brainwashing the world with his phony confession.
Powerful mind control device; a decoy, a whole tapestry of alternative storyline to fool you.
Do you people see the diabolical evil that was practiced when Chapman, the worlds biggest
phony, an imposter, was caught lecturing all of us on what a phony John Lennon was? It was
just one of hundreds of mind control techniques that were employed on us then.
Moreover, the reference to The Catcher In The Rye about adult phoniness had another sub-
versive angle; While Chapman was portrayed by himself and, to an extent, the media, as;
“The Catcher In The Rye of this generation” for having saved us all from following John
Lennon over the cliff, in reality what the media was doing was transposing points; telling
the lie from 180 degrees to the truth. In reality John Lennon was the least phony human on
the planet, always searching for the truth and being as honest and truthfull as anyone
any of us will ever know. While he could have indulged in materialism with his hundreds of
millions of dollars he did not. He lived a life of sacrifice and isolation in his apartment
with mostly lifes essentials and music to keep himself occupied. He took taxis and didn’t
even drive the car that he let his assistant pick out and buy. He was not impressed with pos-
sessions or wealth. And yet, our government relies on all of your greed and materialism
to get rich, themselves. They shower you with game shows that bow at the alter of materialism
in between the shows where they are pointing a gun at you. And so, what the government owned
media did was ask you to make John Lennon the scapegoat for your own greed and material-
ism and, yes, phoniness as punishment for his ever telling you to imagine “no possessions”
Meanwhile all of you excused a trial for the killer with the media provided excuse; “Let’s not
give him the fame he seeks” making all of you the biggest phonies on the planet; the kind
of people who would let John Lennon’s killer skip a public trial for any reason whatsoever.
For all intents and purposes you all might as well have let the government kill Chapman
and sweep things under the rug like you let them do with Oswald.
It’s what has made you phonies since you lied to yourselves about J.F.K., R.F.K. and M.L.K.’s
murders since you were small. The media was asking all of you to let John be the phony
they know all of you really are, instead. And they even had you follow Stephen King over
the cliff afterwards, perverting you, not protecting you. Assaulting you with evil.
“Go ahead, phony U.S. public. Let us tell you monstrous lie. It’s what you seem to like
since you took our Oswalk, Sirhan lies before, remember? You’re a sucker for it, aren’t you?
Let’s all be phony and live under lie instead of truth. What do you say?”
It would be perfectly appropriate if I were to advertise on my website van the slogan;
“Chapman lie – media terrorism”” or “Real terrorist – our govt.” or “Real killer – Step-
hen King” or “Phony U.S. Failing Facts” or any number of other embarassing
If I have learned anything in the almost 30 years I have been telling the truth it is that
people, people like you and everybody you know, are the problem. Period. You want to be lied
to and deceived just to avoid the mess your apathy has made. You want to run away from truth
and grace because you are living in fear. It’s all you know and you’re comfortable being hob-
bled by your government. You don’t want to know if your lives are a complete farce. That
YOU have come to this site sets you ahead of most but when will you actually jail King?
I’m up against everybody’s collective human evil and people like our government and Step-
hen King all know it.
Let me walk you through some of your recent transgressions;
Now that Julian Assange of Wiki Leaks and the private who discovered secret files that
don’t really amount to the hype the media would have you believe, are under media mind
control attack we are at a pivot point in history and we are learning, for example, that Hillary
Clinton, Dianne Feinstein, Joe Lieberman, Sarah Palin and Sean Hannity, Huckabee, and other
Soviet stylists are sounding the horns for the hounds to hunt down and kill OUR RIGHT TO KNOW
ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. (By the way, is there a more shameless puppet/mouthpiece
for the police state than Sean Hannity? Like Rush Limbaugh, a sellout-liar-for-hire.)
Our government brutally terrorized all of its citizens by letting Stephen King murder John
Lennon, violently, and then brainwashing us, after, with Chapman. That King was then propped
up by our government to molest us with his sick writings, after, is unconscionably malicious.
Only a thumbsucking, denial prone slob would not conclude that our ENEMY was really behind
this plot, that Nixon and Reagan were agents sabotaging America from its inside, out.
Like a sword through our heart delivered by a master matador. It corrupted us all.
(Now I have to tread on ground that even I know you won’t want to face up to- the big picture -.
It paints a scary horror story of America under foreign takeover, Lennon’s murder being
but a part of the prerequisite steps taken to weaken us. That Nixon and Reagan were more
hostile than friendly to us, taking advantage of our youthful naivete and inexperience as
a nation. It’s harder to prove and I risk a little credibility but, hey, I’ve known that
this is the likely big truth, after all, for two decades now, and I think you can take it.
If former presidential candidate, Gary Hart – who got his pants down long enough to usher in
George W. Bush – and the licence plate on his Corvette that read; “U.S.S.A.” – as seen in
People Magazine – doesn’t give you all a clue, well, be grateful I noticed it, then.
I am bound to offend millions of innocent Jews who have nothing to do with any of this when
I also suggest that Israel is Moscow’s most strategic ally in defeating us. You only need
to look at the fare their comrads are offering up on our media to know we are being poisoned.
Look at our economy now with all the banks basically under jewish control. The banks will
probably benefit the most from this shake up, or shake down, as you see it.
Stephen King, whom I’ve heard is also a jew, wrote, repeatedly, in one of his books shortly
after the murder; “Beware the jewish communist plot against the United States”
When we caught someone selling our A-bomb secrets to Moscow it was the Rosenbergs.
It would take Nixon and Reagan getting caught letting Stephen King kill John Lennon before
any of us would have suspected that they were really our enemy. Lucky for us they got caught.
Whether red or not these two men were, indeed, America and the worlds, enemies.
As John Birchy as all this must sound, did you people know that the Russian migs who shot
down flight 007 over Korea during Reagan’s presidency, the one that may have been a U.S.
spy plane, also assassinated the leader of the John Birch Society who was on that flight?
You didn’t know that?
What’s more peculiar is the story I heard that Nixon was supposed to be in the seat next to him
but, apparently, was setting that man up for Russia and knew what was going to happen and
skipped that mission. How eye opening, if true!)
Now, back to the assassination of John Lennon.)
It was an attack on our soul, our decency, confidence, our spirituality and our freedom.
Mostly it was an attack our our sanity. It took Howard Cosell mere minutes to make all
of you INSANE with the Chapman lie. It also preyed on your weakness that wants to be lied to.
Do you people think you have a right to know that? Well, do you, ‘deer in the headlights’ public?
I can also prove, also via Time and Newsweek bold print codes surrounding the events, that
Nixon was centrally responsible for the assassinations of J.F.K and, I’m sure, R.F.K., too,
if any of you want to examine the magazine codes surrounding those murders. The Kennedy’s
were strident in their opposition to the rise of Soviet power and kicked their nukes out of
Cuba. They were every real American’s real champions.
Before his crime Stephen King wrote; “Even an American city?” “No and no. I spit on
your cities. There is no english for it; Pokul, verdalik eyalik, Do youy follow?”
They have never known hunger or want, the people of this country…Their sadness
is that of a child who has spilled his ice cream on the grass at a birthday party…And you
shall have your vengeance on those who would fill themselves while others want.”
Nixon and Reagan, both, lied to us about hating the Soviet Union. It’s how they scammed you
into trusting them; the 180 degree lie. It was Nixon who killed our Kent State students.
It was also Nixon who stained the office of our presidency with Watergate and lost America’s
first war and hooked us up with Russia’s ally, China, decimating our manufacturing base and
strengthening theirs at the same time. It was also Nixon who took America off the gold standard.
It was Nixon who bombed Cambodia on Christmas day to hurt our credibility as Christians. It
was Nixon who, being a Quaker, didn’t even believe in God. It was Reagan who maced the
students at Berkeley and blockaded their streets. (still, to this day) It was Reagan who
almost doubled California’s sales tax in just four years, fooling us with his acting skills.
An investigation might prove that Reagan also had Anwar Sadat assassinated during those first
few months of his presidency when Lennon, Sadat and the Pope were all shot at once like a
Soviet style purge of peace nics. (In fact Moscow WAS linked to the attempt on the Pope.)
Many of you may think that there is no more Soviet Union, that they went belly up. In The
Real War, in 1980, Nixon warned us of the Soviets plan for a “Strategic surrender”. How
could he have known, then, about Gorbachev and Perestroika? He knew, all along, of their plan
to get our pants around our knees with that lie giving us a false sense of security. Meanwhile,
Nixon tried to turn the White House into a Soviet like fortress with guards and barricades
during his presidency and even described himself as a “Russiophile”.
Nixon even wrote that the Soviets infiltrate the highest positions in our government and that
they are “magnificent actors” He and Hollywood groomed Reagan would know.
(Incidentally, Reagan took Nancy Davis’ name off the U.S. govts. commie black list before
he later married her when he was president of the Screen Actors Guild.)
My parents generation encouraged the assassination of R.F.K. with their silence in the wake
of the J.F.K. coverup and the Warren Report when they should have have demonstrated outrage.
I remember the reports about a woman “with a nose like Richard Nixon”, according to the wit-
ness, who joyfully proclaimed; “we did it! He’s dead!” immediately after R.F.K was shot.
I’m not saying that ‘Tricky Dicky’ was dressed up as a woman at the Ambassador that night
(Although it’s very possible) but, rather, that there is probably some connection with
that woman and Nixon. It is a fact that Nixon was in Dallas on Nov. 22,’63 and it is a fact
that our government’s chief of mind control operations WAS at The Ambassador when R.F.K.
was assassinated. Nixon, of course, became our president, that year, not R.F.K..
Did you people know that R.F.K suffered over 23 bullet wounds, many delivered by his secret
service agent who filled him up with 22 calibre rounds upwards into his torso from his
waistline? No. Your media betrayed you with another government issued lie to make it look
like Israels enemy, a Palistinian named Sirhan Sirhan, fired the one fatal shot. Like a herd
of zebra’s you just watched the carnage, in silence, and galloped off. No chivalry at all.
You people are so full of media lies you reek. You have come to encourage each new lie that
they feed you, like a pack of cowardly, bootlicking masochists. It was your apathy and silence
that allowed for all the evil we have suffered under to continue to this day.
The subsequent assassination of Indira Gandhi, months after Lennon’s, was linked to Moscow
and, like the R.F.K. hit signature, the attack was carried out by her security guards.
A studied read of The Real War shows us that Nixon practiced almost every trick he accuses
the Soviets of, most notably, assassinating dissidents and cultural figures.
Remembering that it was the U.S.S.R. that would not allow its people to possess Beatles music
and forbade the group from their country, Moscow had motive. Former hardliners have
admitted, lately, that it was The Beatles who dismantled the U.S.S.R., in the minds of its
people. Moscow looms large as the primary suspect. Not only of Lennon’s murder, perhaps.
Looking back on our disgraceful history we have to wonder about most of the untimely deaths
of our cultural figures from Buddy Holly to James Dean to Marilyn Monroe to Walt Disney, Jimmy
Hendrix, to Jim Morrison of The Doors (Our govt. killed Lennon on Morrison’s birthday; Dec. 8.)
to Mamma Cass to possibly even Elvis Presley (His body guards who wrote a slander book about
him, after, were the ones who supplied his drugs and could have produced a more potent
mix of whatever he was used to and he would have automatically overdosed himself with his
usual routine amount.) to Jerry Garcia to Bob Marley to Peter Tosh to, lately, Michael
Jackson to whomever this, apparently, entrenched group of killers among us wants to kill next.
To quote Nixon; “ removed from the stage of public debate… by whatever means are needed.”
(Incidentally, while the rest of you were busy ignoring me in 1992 enough of Bruce Spring-
steens fans heard me on WABC radio and “The Boss” hasn’t, to my knowledge, been seen; re-
hearsing on the same stage with, having lunches with, partying with, Stephen King any
more since I saved his life, then, when King WAS stalking Springsteen for a kill, no doubt.)
Do any of us really know that George Carlin’s heart attack was just that? What about the mild
heart attack Jane Fonda suffered in the mid 80’s at the peak of her health?
Silence and apathy make all of you hero killers. Guilty of spinelessness and stupidity.
Today Russia is still five times larger than America with five times the resources and
a military big enough to destroy us and their buddy, China, already owns a lot of America.
You are the slowly cooked frogs in their designs of defeating us “…without firing a shot.”
Our media is under jewish control and most of them came from Russia. It’s a simple fact.
That you are all mind controlled with “fear” and “materialism’ and “‘Big Brother’ worship”
shows about govt. agencies is laughingly obvious except that it’s more sad than funny.
So, wake up, America, your government has been selling America and all of you out for
their piece of the police state pie. You are being conquered by your own lying government.
They have manipulated your souls and minds to the extent that you all fear even helping
me expose all this lest you be murdered, too. They have castrated you and have found a way
to seperate you from your real hero, me; Steve Lightfoot. Many of you have been programmed
to think of me as a nut. When Stephen King is either killed, kills himself or is marched
to jail in handcuffs then you’ll know just how blind and sick you all have been all this time.
It should be each and everybody’s duty to help me come forward if you were real patriots.
As for Yoko (silent) Ono, whose security guards ordered me kidnapped and beaten uncon-
scious in 1987 for absolutely nothing, she is either part of the plot that set John up and covered
it up or she is the most stupid person on the planet for not acknowledging what Sean, her own
son, was quoted for saying in The New Yorker magazine; “Anyone who doesn’t think that
our government killed my father either hasn’t given the subject much thought or is insane.”
And yet, Sean will be the last to know if his mother is as evil as I know her to be.
Similarly, either our government is selling us out to the new world order or they are just too weak
and spineless to take a stand.
Remind you of anyone YOU know?
Many pf you probably think my beliefs here are suspect. Others think; “Well, of course both
the U.S. and U.S.S.R. made a back alley deal to merge both systems to avert nuclear war.
So, what else is new? As if we haven’t all noticed the trend of police killing citizens with
impunity since 1980 and all the other trends of rich vs. poor, tv violence and corporate rule.”
The point I am making is the same point that J.F.K. made; I find this merge to be a ‘repugnant’
way of living, period. You would all be better off with a cold war than this system that molests
you with a horror writer after he murdered your real hero. It’s evil. The rest of the future
will be no more promising. In fact, you have all been living a real life nightmare since
Lennon was assassinated. A sickening nightmare, people . You lemmings don’t seem to care.
You all used to say; “Better dead than ‘Red’.” Now you’re all silent, John Lennon killing slobs.
You don’t want to admit it. It’s too painfully true. It’s so easy to label the messenger instead
of admitting how far you’ve all fallen.
Nixon writes, in The Real War, that; “The Soviets and their allies consider the ‘lie’ a
‘legitimate’ weapon to be used against the strong by the weak and that they employ it
vigorously as a matter of policy.”
Can any of you imagine any bigger lie than the one we were told about Lennnon’s murder?
It must have taken an entire politbureau to concoct that intricate a web of layered deceit.
It reflects generations worth of experience and sophistication and should alarm everyone.
Regarding Nixon’s grand motive for this monstrous crime I refer you to his public remark in the
60’s; “…People react to fear, not love. They don’t teach you that in Sunday school but it’s
the truth.”
Nixon was interested in controlling all of you with fear and killing the entire value system
of peace, love and understanding. Nixon was intensely interested in terrorizing all of you.
Thirty years after John’s assassination you, the U.S. public, are too meek to demand a trial.
As things stand, Nixon, the terrorist, has won and you, the once dignified public, have lost.
As much as all of you hate to have to admit it, I am your only way out of the mess you’re
all in. Me and my Lennon murder evidence. I believe there is no way to redemption but through
this massive, all encompassing expose. That without this you are all doomed to despotism.
That without this you will never be brave enough to take on the powers that be if you can’t,
now, with the evidence you need and a hero the whole world can stand behind; John Lennon.
If Sean Lennon will be the last to suspect his own mother of any role in John’s death then
you, the American public, will be the last to know when you are halfway, already, into the
snakes mouth. I’m telling you, now, that you are, all, already there. We are all in very danger-
ous times and you all better start to wake up to what is going on or our freedom is over.
The fuss over Wiki Leaks is part of our government’s media campaign to wrestle away your
right to know what they’re up to and to take away freedom of the internet, all, part of their
attempt to kill me, Steve Lightfoot, and shut down their real worry; www.lennonmurdertruth
.com. Wiki Leaks is a trial balloon for me. Not paranoid, just grounded in reality.
Now, you’ve just read as much truth as I’ve ever told, yet. Can you put your brain around
any of it? Are you capable of thinking for yourself without the media telling you what to
think? I’m serious. Most of you let the media decide, for you, what is true or not. It’s time
you all just grow up. The media will not TELL you the truth unless you take time
out of your rat race lives and picket the media for days at a time until you achieve
full disclosure of the killer’s face, true identity, alleged name and letter linking Reagan,
all printed before the crime. Until they disclose Time, Newsweek and U.S. News government
codes found in their headlines surrounding the crime and that these magazines are printed
by our government. Until they disclose what Nixon writes in The Real War about killing
John Lennon and what you’ll find in Stephen King’s novels that parallel the murder, the
assassination of John Lennon.
Until you all take to the streets and help me expose this monster expose you are just
second class Soviet slobs existing, not living life. That would be repugnant. Don’t you
people think? Start demonstrating on your own, without my leadership. What if I got killed?
You’d have to break this story yourselves. You are the people who will benefit from it.
King, months before the murder, taunted his readers, repeatedly, with the phrase;
“You blind, obsessive fools.” “You blind, obsessive fools.” “You blind, obsessive fools.”
Does that sound like something our enemy would say to you as he was preparing to kill the
one man who could have united the world? Stephen King is your enemy, America’s enemy and
the worlds enemy. Are you going to remain Nixon’s victims or are you going to picket your
local media outlets until they give us full disclosure so our courts can then find the backbone
to jail our murderer/author/culture destroyer and his stand in, Chapman, and anyone else who
gets caught in the aftermath? I can’t wait for the whole world to watch their perp walks.
If you can’t, don’t, or won’t, then shame on you. If you do then “hurray” for the human race.
Meanwhile, please find the courage to at least read my next chapter’ “Land of the deceived,
Home of the slave”
Now, as promised, before you read “The Land of the Deceived and the Home of the Slave”,
my take on the Tuscon shootings:
The killer may have been just a crazy person as the media is quick to suggest. That he used
non exploding bullets and failed to kill one of America’s prettiest and most promising up
and coming female politicians suggests that he, indeed, may have acted alone. On the other
hand, luck played a role in Giffords survival and one can’t be sure of anything, yet.
On the surface the killing spree was almost, and mostly, identical TO John Lennon’s murder;
A gunman cowardly attacking the victim from behind, point blank with a handgun, hurting as
many people as possible in the process; a cathartic lashing out at all humanity with extreme
malice towards all, all while killing a powerful public figure and changing history.
(News flash!; I just heard that Giffords was shot in the face, not the rear of her head, as
the national news carefully told us, using illustrations and models, days ago. How could
the major news organizations get things THAT backwards and wrong? With the surgeons present?
Coincidentally, the same thing happened with the murder of John Lennon; Howard Cosell told us,
initially, that John was shot in the chest. Later, we were told the opposite; that he was
shot in the back. Already the coincidences are starting to pile up.)
Coincindentally, both Chapman and Loughner remarked that their victim was a “phony”, in Len-
non’s murder, and “a fake”, in Gifford’s attack. Almost identical storylines, so far.
Also identical, the spector of insanity as the motivating force.
Not identical, I predict, will be the handling of the matter in the court system. Whereas Chap-
man was swept away for a 60 day psychiatric evaluation period before his plea, I seriously
doubt that the same scenario will occur here. Similarly, I doubt that said 60 days will be al-
lowed to lapse into 18 months of media silence in the name of “denying the shooter his fame”
as was the case with Chapman. That would BE ABSURD!
That Sarah Palin was thrust into the limelight via her “crosshair” posting definitly put a poli-
tical spin on things beyond the shooting of a rival, a democratic female up and comer, Giffords.
At first I wondered was Loughner pro ‘Tea Party’ but then thought why were we all
being lead to that conclusion, especially since Palin took some heavy flack over it? If it
were a coverup and the attack WAS from the Tea Party why would the plot hurt Palin’s popu-
larity in the process? Things now start to look unorganized and non conspiratorial, however,
a democrat almost died here and Loughner doesn’t seem bright enough to include killing
a politician in his meltdown.
I am starting to see signs of terrorism and sado-masochism, “mind games”, entering the pic-
ture; Now that Loughner has shaved his head he reminds us of Giffords astronaut husband.
The same day of the shooting Bristol Palin moved to, took residence in, the state of Arizona.
Just weeks ago, Sarah Palin, in a documentary showing her killing a big game animal, remarked;
“I consider the stalking and killing of this animal as an accomplishment and it makes me feel
I remember, at the time, thinking what an odd, perhaps cryptic, thing to say. I had to ask
myself, then; “Who is Sarah Palin trying to assassinate?” Especially following her “crosshairs”
controversy months earlier.
As one with a detectives mind, the first red flag I noticed was what a pretty face congress-
women Giffords has. I thought; “It must be her pretty face and possible future in politics, and
/ or her views, that frightened an adversarial group enough to take her out, now.”
If it was a political assassination plot we do know that it was not the democrats who
are trying to hurt Palin but, rather, the republicans who fear Giffords bright future.
Similarly we know that the republicans, not the democrats, would have been behind the other
assassinations of J.F.K., R.F.K., M.L.K. I think the republicans have a history of kil-
ling the opposition, not the democrats. If you doubt that, inspect the bold print codes in
the issue of Time magazine that came out a week before J.F.K’s murder, dated Nov.22,’63,
that PROVE Nixon was centrally involved, oh, yes, America, in THAT murder, too.
If it was a plot by them then it wouldn’t make sense to hurt Palin with the collateral damage
that has already occured over her “crosshair” controversy. So, I wonder WAS this just a nut
with a gun, after all? On the other hand, what better way to remove suspicion from the re-
publicans than BY damaging one of their own? Detective work is complicated.
For whatever reasons, someone or some group, perhaps our Republican Party, perhaps Moscow,
may have reason to fear her in some future election that they want to sew up for themselves.
I think Giffords could beat out Palin as the first women president of America. Don’t you?
IF Palin is capable of being part of this attack then she is just as capable of being a
political operative from, say, Russia, the country she is so close to she can see it from
her front porch. I think Moscow is subverting us, daily, and that, if this shooting is a plot,
it comes from there; that Palin, as a true American, wouldn’t kill her possible rivals.
Incidentally, Palin, like Stalin, is a Russian surname, I believe.
I am one who thinks that Moscow has highjacked our republican party and is taking us over
through meddling in our politics and media. It is a view that scares others, but not me.
Everything I wrote weeks before this attack about Moscow’s role in American politics is, I
think, the likely truth, as I said. It only adds up that things are still “business as usual.”
and, in fact, may be in a state of acceleration and reaction to my huge alarm.
The entire world media is watching me like a hawk and knows I am close to stomping on the
Chapman lie with new van slogans. I am reminded of how the 9-11 attack occured the same week
my, now famous, website first went up. It reminds me of how our current depression began one
week before my much advertised rally in New York City for a rally on John’s birthday, Oct-
ober 09, 2008. Right before my rally the news took us all off my subject, conveniently.
It would not surprise me, at all, if Moscow or Washington, D.C. had something to do with this
shooting to accelerate the myth about Mark David Chapman who was “just a crazy person”
who killed a major personality following last months media Chapman fest right before my reply.
I don’t think you readers appreciate just how big my expose is and how much it will upset
the established order we live under. Personally, I think our government would kill hundreds, even
thousands, just to keep me from being able to come forward and break this story wide open.
Even if Barack Obama is above U.S. policy (I’m not yet convinced he’s not a puppet for the
machine), other factions of government would go around him to stop this expose and even go to
war, just to distract us if it were to ever get close to breaking.
Like Stephen King, who was kicked out of the town of Herman, Maine in the 70’s by the towns-
people who didn’t like his sick writings, Lougner was kicked out of the army, first, and then
his junior college. Both men lashed out at all of society; King, by hurting all mankind,
and Lougner, by killing as many people as he possibly could. Both men, classic sociopaths.
In Carrie, King gets autobiographical when Carrie burns all of her tormenters for pouring
pigs blood on her, for rejecteing her. Perhaps it was this book that got our government to take
notice of this monster, then, when the plot to assassinate Lennon began. It takes a very
special sociopath to kill one as loved as John Lennon; someone who wants to hurt mankind.
Both men were loners and rejected by their peers as youths and both were ridiculed as crazy.
Loughner was briefly in the military and they would have recognized if he were or were not a
“malcontent” that they could “use” someday. It’s a fact that our military does LOOK for such
individuals for exactly that purpose. Richard Nixon even wrote that the Russians also do it.
Watching ABC’s Nightline, last night, I watched as one announcer said; “John Lennon had
more to do with this (shooting) than Sarah Palin.”
That’s what he said. You all saw it, perhaps. It was delivered in the context of a revisiting
of the Barbara Walters Chapman interview I warned you about before the shootings.
Up to this point the mass media refrained from exploiting Giffords tragedy by propogandizing
us with the Chapman lie and comparisons. But now, ABC, the most strident network of all re-
garding the Lennon coverup, actually told you that “John Lennon had more to do with this
than Sarah Palin.”
In the first place, he should have said; “Chapman, not Lennon, had more to do with this..”
but he said, and I think, deliberately, that “Lennon was to blame…” Bold propoganda.
How partisan is that, U.S. public? Their favorite, Palin, is NOT to blame, CHAPMAN is not
to blame….John Lennon is to blame.
ABC is so objective and non partisan. Their sheepskins just fell off, people.
And they did this exploiting Giffords tragedy, like a pack of vultures.
Now, I have noticed other striking similarities between Loughner and decoy, Chapman;
Loughner’s web postings use the exact same font, or format, as what you see right now on this
website. My website. Namely, white letters on a dark backround. It could be a coincidence or
it could be an attempt to demonize me, after, if I am either killed or jailed someday
and the media point out our similarities.
My father was killed in a supicious planecrash in 1984 two weeks after Stephen King mailed
me what amounts to a threat letter and a warning letter. It’s his handwriting, so don’t think
I am being alarmist or irrational, here, with these warnings to all of you.
But, also, like Chapman, Loughner is demonizing controversial books that our government has
long been trying to ban; Catcher In the Rye, by Salinger, about adult phoniness, was the book
decoy; Chapman was reading.
I heard, that Loughner had been reading Animal Farm about big brother taking us over.
Now, admit it, people. That’s a scary coincidence, isn’t it? Our government doesn’t want you to
know what phonies you really are and they don’t want you to know about how big brother
“They”, meaning also, even especially, the republicans, don’t want you to have guns.
I have to wonder, IF Hinckley was a smokescreen hoax to erase Chapmans trial, did our govern-
ment fear one as independent and intelligent as Jodie Foster and did they demonize her as they
distracted us away from Chapman’s skipped trial with the disturbed son of one of Bush’s
long time friends, Hinckley’s father?
Don’t laugh; Bethesda Hospital, a military hospital, is the witness that Reagan was really
shot. They are the same hospital that “lost” J.F.K.’s brains in 1963. Reagan and Brady man-
aged to change the subject regarding Chapman AND hurt gun rights, simultainiously.
It has occured to me, lately, that the real reason our police have been killing so many
citizens with guns is to scare us off of guns.
Every time the police say; “I thought he had a gun.” as their excuse to terrorize us all.
There are Timothy McVeah parallels, too; Both he and Loughner were, briefly, in the military.
Both men, supposedly, resented intrusive, growing, government yet McVeah took all the heat off
of our government, who had just torched the David Koresh clan in Texas, and put it on the backs of
all militia, anti- government kooks. How convenient. I’m not convinced that McVeah was really killed
on the gurney and that the instruments weren’t manipulated to flatline to fool the watching
public. I’m not convinced. I know too much else about all of you and our world.
Like the Lennon murder, this attack was also an attack on our second amendment rights
as handguns were put in a monstrous light, again. I believe that that right is the only
reason America hasn’t been conquered, outright, already. Again, Moscow looms suspect.
Loughner, (notice how his name even sounds like LONER?) gave the public what the
people who killed Lennon want the most; a re brainwash campaign that Chapman, too, was
a crazy person, just like Loughner. Loughner is helping our government brainwash you, all over
again, with the Chapman lie. If this shooting was not some random act then this aspect of the
crime is where conspiracy motive would apply; to brand, in all your minds, that Chapman was
a loner, too, a crazy person you could do nothing about. To discredit me, Steve Lightfoot.
That congresswomen Giffords has a very pretty face and might be a force someday in politics
would be the second reason for motive. Any conspiracy would address both issues.
If this shooting WAS a conspiracy/coverup then the three motives were (1) To kill congress-
women Giffords; (2) To demonize our right to own guns with large clips; and (3) To buy time
with the Lennon murder coverup by brainwashing the public, all over again, with the Chapman lie.
Meanwhile, it was all of you, for letting the government paint you with the Chapman mythology
in the first place, that may have motivated the killer, if, indeed, he acted alone. That lie should
have been shattered in 1981 when Chapman’s 60 day evaluation period lapsed into 70 days.
If you and I were better Americans we would all have stormed the lying media for truth.
At least I’m doing that, now. Will you help?
It was our collective evil that allowed the Mark Chapman myth to be used on us when Lennon
was killed. We are to blame if this WAS just a whacko who copied Chapman’s blueprint.
It never made sense, then, when we were told a “fan” shot John. It made more sense that
Nixon had John killed after his efforts to deport him failed, but we all dodged that angle.
By allowing our media to peddle the lone nut theory, then, without a public trial to make
sure, it was you and I who set this tragedy up, if, indeed Loughner was a lone nut. I, for
one, am not yet convinced that he was. Our own governments LIE may have inspired this act.
What will happen to Loughner? I’m surprised that Chapman hasn’t staged his death or suicide,
yet. Will Loughner get swept out of the news for a year and a half and plead guilty behind
closed doors, days before his trial, to also avoid the public strutiny of a trial?
I somehow doubt it. Don’t you?
And yet you all allowed just that to happen with Mark (Decoy) Chapman.
Looks like Loughner isn’t the only sicko in America. You ARE the kind of people who would
allow Loughner to skip a trial and make a deal out of public view after over a year of mass
media silence. You already have with Chapman. That’s what you’re made of, sadly.
The media would have us believe that Loughner NEVER HEARD OF Sarah Palin’s crosshairs
map with Giffords office on it.
They would have us believe that Loughner NEVER SAW Giffords speech that addressed it.
I’m not buying it. Are you?
Until I have more to point out about this shooting know that your lying media is already
using it to cover up John Lennon’s murder.
Rush Limbaugh has exposed himself, in one of those unexpurgated verbal spasms of his. I’ll
bet he’s been reading this page. I’ve been on his show a few times and he is aware of who
I am. And so, this gun grabbing, first amendment bashing, lying, blowhard just spoke these
telling words, today, Jan. 18, ’11;
” … If you’ll just keep guns as far away from liberals as possible and restrict their
free speech we can get rid of almost 90 % of all violence and 100 % of all the lies that
are being told…”
I think Rush is afraid of my truth telling, yep.
(To be continued…)
I actually do feel a little sorry for perjurers; Oakland Commissioner Culver and Berkeley
police officer Dinkins as they fell all over themselves depriving me of a fair trial this
last May 09 – My brother’s birthday – over a citation alleging I turned right from the
center lane issued last July 11, 2011 in Berkeley.
(For those of you unfamiliar with my plight the government, from Obama and Panetta on down
to corrupt bay area officials, are trying to pull my licence and/or set me up for a fatal
traffic “accident” after falsely painting me as a reckless driver with false tickets, first.
Already I was almost killed in 2007 in such a potentially fatal accident.)
I have hard evidence that can prove Commissioner Culver lied to me several times three months
ago when he promised I could; conduct trial by phone – even gave me a private number that he
then refused to answer, after – ; that he would render a decision about my motion to dismiss
due to lack of a speedy trial within 3 to 30 days – he never ruled on it that I know of -; that
he needed to sidestep my right to a speedy trial to revue the record but couldn’t do so before
the February 14 trial date that, technically, was 46, not 45 days from arraignment and grounds
for automatic dismissal, then; that he would dismiss my case if, indeed, the officer took
over four months to turn the ticket over to the court – he did.
I taped the court proceedings before and now and he has left himself wide open for perjury.
I may just pursue bringing him before the bar to pull his credentials.
I could feel the frustration in him as he tried to swat away my rights to; cross examine the
lying officer, to deny even my testimony to contradict the officer and, most glaringly,
my several motions that he promised to revue between February 9 and May 9. He did not.
When I opened by addressing my motion to disqualify him and he admitted to receiving it
he cut me off from addressing any of the motions he promised he would have ruled on by now.
When officer Dinkins took the stand his sergeant and another Berkeley officer were there
to “study our officers testimony.” I would find out later. He had, no doubt, read my motion
claiming he was looking down at his handlebars or gloves the entire time and he lied on the
stand when I asked him if he was preoccupied with something on his handlebars or gloves.
His lie was that; “(He) doesn’t recall looking down” and that he “was observing traffic both
north and south.”
He wasn’t. He was looking away from everything but his handlebars or gloves, which he was
adjusting for almost eight seconds, until the last second when I was already completing my
maneuver. He accidentally admitted that it was a horn he heard that made him look up.
I tried to testify that a woman was waving me in front of her so I could turn right but
that the officer wasn’t looking. I even said that I lingered a few extra seconds, first,
waiting for the officer to look up to see the woman waving me in front of her, but he did not.
I asked him to explain why his testimony was in contradiction to my observations. Culver
jumped in to say; “That’s no question. Next.”
When I asked Dinkins if he had ever discussed my case with any other member of law enforce-
ment he admitted he had, his sergeant. When I asked him what they had discussed Culver
jumped in and prohibited him from answering the question at all and cut my cross examination
off. Then he cut off my attempt to conduct testimony in my behalf! “Guilty. Court’s over.”
Even before trial my name was called and about several others and we were told that our
cases were dismissed. When I asked him if my name was on the list he shouted back; “No,
and it’s not going to be.” which I concluded meant that my trial was already a foregone
conclusion as far as Culver was concerned. I even broached that fact as an indicator of his
bias against me and the motion to disqualify him that he refused to even hear in trial.
Culver tried to ridicule my John Lennon murder evidence and any nexus between my activism and
this ticket. I laid it out as plain as day but being kidnapped and pistol whipped unconscious
by police and subjected to unprecedented court abuses – more than any other citizen in
California history – doesn’t seem to matter to him and his agenda. He wanted to punish me
for daring to cry “conspiracy”, for telling the apparent truth; that I’m being witch hunted.
I watched Dinkins as he swore the oath, before trial, and noticed that he was the only wit-
ness in the room with his hand half closed. as he did so, his head tilted down.
After trial I asked; “What are you two officers here for?” – two Berkeley officers who stayed
last to witness my case which was held for last – One said; “You think we’re here to watch
your case? We’re here to observe our officer.” That would be Dinkins who only had my case
to deal with. I said, matter of factly; “He lied on the stand. So what?” I found out this
was the sergeant who got my case and discussed it with Dinkins. Sergeant Pettenhauer, I think.
That the state would bring a small crowd of officers just to watch me at trial for two
hours seems to substantiate my claims that the state has a vested interest in my case
that goes beyond what a normal citizen would expect.
This mistrial is also a slap against the black man who wants to keep down the great white hero,
me, from breaking his story. All agents in this kangaroo court were black.
Look at San Francisco, which has an even worse record regarding abuses against me. Appar-
ently the homosexual crowd doesn’t want me, a heterosexual, to bring home the story, either.
Controversial notions and I’m broaching them.
Do blacks resent the emergence of another white hero looming on the horizon, generally?
I’d say “Yes”, to a degree. I’ve witnessed it before in Berkeley when blacks, particularly,
seemed to enjoy my misery, as if my rise would keep their whole race low on the totem pole
of humanity in their minds eye. “Oh, great! Another hero and he’s not black.”
That’s my honest opinion and I’ve been a witness to the phenomenon of racism, generally,
and not just having to do with blacks. I think we are all suspicious of anyone not like our-
selves and some are more beyond that prejudice than others.
What about the homosexuals ganging up on me in San Francisco court? Well, I think it has
more to do with shame than racism. I think that their lifestyle is, perhaps, farther away from
the virtue required to care whether or not our government arranged for horror writer; Step-
hen King to assassinate John Lennon. I think they have their own secrets they are more con-
cerned about. They don’t have the problem of worrying about what kind of world they are
going to leave their children that they can’t have to begin with. What’s your lame ex-
cuse, you heterosexuals?
There, I’ve broached a couple of hot button issues in two fell swoops. Who else can you
trust, brainwashed American public?
I am the one who will tell you that humanity is as phony as can be. Insane, cowardly, boot-
licking and jealous of anyone who dares to ask humanity to try harder and be better than
they currently are. I am a witness for 30 years, now, and I do know you and my guitar
gently weeps.
Yes, Oakland traffic commissioner Culver is a perjurer and I have evidence to prove it.
Certainly to prove that he resorted to lies and subterfuge and deliberately deceived me.
I have it all on tape – I will make copies.
As for perjurer; Berkeley police officer Dinkins, my word against his. But he lied. I am reason-
ably sure that he and sergeant Pettenbauer reviewed by motions alleging he wasn’t paying
attention and looking down at his gloves and decided to lie on the stand and say otherwise.
I wasn’t allowed to probe the officer with that line of questioning under Culver, though.
Too much Oakland/Berkeley/Sacramento/D.C. conspiracy to kill Steve Lightfoot might leak out.
That my conviction was such a big deal that three officers took two hours off to watch it
just shows the level of the state’s treachery.
Culver is respected, I think, for his money generating style of confiscating money that
the courts might not really deserve.
I am appealing this mistrial and, unless Camala Harris, on down to Jerry Brown are all just
as evil, I should prevail.
I did notice one anomaly in preparing for my trial; a motion for continuance dated Jan. 11,
that I don’t think I actually filed – I’ll have to check all my files to double check -but, if that is
true, then Commissioner Culver might interpret that I lied in court three months earlier in
saying I never gave up my right to a speedy trial. If that is the case then he, no doubt,
just decided to convict me, regardless, even before any trial had begun, over that issue.
It shouldn’t matter, regardless, as my argument was that it took over four months from the
date I was cited to the date the court received the ticket from the delinquent officer.
I never argued otherwise and said that that delay, by itself, was grounds for dismissal.
It had nothing to do with my arguments before Culver which were over my appearance Dec.
30, 2011 or Jan. 5, 2012 – I’ll have to check – with Commissioner Carter who falsely alleged,
in the minutes report, that I had given up my right to a speedy trial when I most certainly
did not. In fact, that was central to my motion to disqualify Carter and Culver would have
to have known that; that Carter lied about that. What DID happen was this; Carter, after I
moved to dismiss due to lack of a speedy trial, asked me if I wanted to give up my right to a
speedy trial. I was stunned and speechless for a few seconds in disbelief when Carter
jumped in to set a date preserving my right to a speedy trial. I said nothing.
In fact, to prove I’m right, I was set a date within what would have been my 45 day requir-
ment except that President’s Day would stretch that out to 46 days and exceed my right.
This is what happened; Carter lied to reflect that I gave up my right to a speedy trial,
when I had not, and then issued a date one day too late for the requirements to give me
one due to President’s Day. That he tried to set the date for 45 days suggests he knew
that I had NOT given up my right to a a speedy trial. Culver would have to have known
all about all of this as he reviewed my motion to disqualify Carter over it. He must have
thought my claim was valid as Carter was disqualified.
Much of all this mess was over Carter’s refusal to rule on my motion for weeks before he
then took a vacation landing my case before Culver on a days notice, allegedly, according
to this pack of black robed liars.
Now, Culver would have us believe that, because Carter lied in the minutes report that I
gave up my speedy trial rights, that he can say I did when he knows that was a lie that
Carter was successfully disqualified over. And Culver knows that a 45 day calender repre-
sents that I did NOT give up that right.
I’m convinced Culver used a lie of a minutes report to sabotage my trial and that his actions
had nothing to do with any motion for a continuance I may or may not have filed after the fact.
Furthermore, I doubt I ever did send such a motion for continuance, but if I did it would not
have affected my argument about the courts error of delay before arraignment.
All this hero bashing jealousy was hard to absorb, especially by a black judge and officer.
The truth is all of you are jealous of me or anyone who would dare bring forward such a
batch of hard evidence in such a great matter as John Lennon’s murder. You have to know that
about yourselves before we can help each other. All of you, suffering like cowards under
a Mark Chapman lie, rotting as a culture in the satanic soup that is your lives.
It’s the reason many Americans dismiss me as a nut or belittle me; because they, themselves,
know they are a lying coward, a hypocrite and a phony, just like their parents before them.
I am a reminder of that fact and they hate themselves and, so, want to blame me, the hero.
Look at Oakland; Jerry Brown’s failure of a city. His mayorship did nothing to right that
homocidal ship of criminals. From what I’ve seen the criminals have to sell drugs just
to afford the way the courts rip them off of all their money for traffic fines. It’s
no wonder that a city whose judicial officials are lawbreakers, themselves, finds itself one
of America’s worst cities.
‘Nowhere man’ “..can you see me at all?” to quote John Lennon?
See my other chapters below, please.
(To be continued…)
Come Together Over John
Government codes in the bold print of major magazines that hint out loud what Nixon and
Reagan were doing to Lennon; The killer’s alleged name and letter to the editor weeks before
the crime where Chapman explains that Reagan is moving him, armed, into a hostile square;
The killer’s face and true identity, the man getting Lennon’s autograph, printed months be-
fore the murder. Look! It’s Stephen King! Not Chapman! Even his novels draw from his act
of murdering John Lennon, even some of the titles of his novels; – King took “The Stand”
on the “Night Shift” and put Lennon in “The Dead Zone”;”The Shining” of King’s gun was the
last thing John saw; Nixon, Reagan and King – “Salem’s Lot” – were hunting John, the ‘witch’. –
etc.. Anyone who saw “Christine” knows that Buddy Holly, Elvis, Jim Morrison and John Ba-
lushi look-alikes all died as did the car that kept playing rock and roll. King even writes
about “the fellow who killed John Lennon..” in a few of his books, literally, word for word.
Salem’s Lot is about a boy named ‘Mark’, who proves the best equipped to handle the relent-
less nightmare of Salem’s Lot, The Dead Zone is about ‘Johnny’ and one man’s attempt to kill
a rising politician before he changes the world after first getting his autograph, etc. etc.
Many of his themes revolve around King’s fear of serving life for murder; “Shawshank Re-
demption” “The Green Mile” etc,. etc..
When I first discovered his matching face I didn’t even know WHO Stephen King WAS! I just
knew that the headline below his face; “One great big ‘Zippo’ lighter.” exactly decribed
the scene of the crime; a man in a raincoat with a snubnose pistol blazing fire into the
night. When I found his face advertised in Newsweek; ” Perils of pyrokinesis. ( Translation;
” Perils of fire and movement “) well, you can’t all be utterly dense.
(I stood two inches away from King in Bangor, Maine in 1992 and all he could stutter to me
was; “T-t-take c-care. I w-w-w-ant you to t-take care.” as if he was trying to apologize
to me for what he did to John Lennon.)
And what is Nixon’s book; The Real War, doing in photos released the day of the murder next
to Reagan, a book that details why people like John Lennon must be assassinated? Why the
ominous headlines; “Who’s In?””Who’s Out?” and “Fitting together the pieces of a complicated
jigsaw puzzle.” accompanying the photo in Time? Reagan was just elected weeks earlier.
In all this time King has never denied my claims, not once. Just “No comment.”.
Even as we speak, Newsweek, one of the three magazines implicated, is SELLING! On top of
all this, nobody ever even saw a trial, whatsoever, for the alleged killer of John Lennon!!!
Only an adult could dismiss evidence like this! According to all this you were all lied
to and hoaxed. Your own government killed John Lennon to keep you all from getting too smart.
It’s the same reason the government killed Jesus – to maintain the same power structure.
That’s right, people. Chapman WAS in the police station, waiting, while King shot Lennon.
The very involved N.Y.P.D. put a coat over King’s head while escorting him to the station.
The switch was made inside and King flew back to Maine and Chapman played patsy with his
rehearsed, government scripted confession. In fact, the next day, King wrote a newspaper art-
cle about it titled; “I Read The News Today, Oh Boy.” in the Bangor Daily News. Really.
Everything we were spoonfed was a lie, a calculated, intricate, Orwellian, even monstrous
hoax, infiltrated in behind the solving of the over hyped tv series “Who Shot J.R.?” just two
weeks earlier on Thanksgiving. By the time “Tell it like it is” Howard Cosell brainwashed all
of you, en mass, on Monday Night Football you were all catatonic and on your backs in
Central Park wondering how you could all be so stupid that Lennon would also have to die.
All of you are living in a real nightmare. I am the ‘King’ of horror NON-fiction, in fact.
John Lennon tried to warn us that he would be killed; “Come Together” for example.
We failed ourselves, our children, John Lennon, every future important artist and God.
There was no trial ever seen or asked for by anyone. So much for trusting Yoko and the media.
So much for being able to trust ourselves to even notice that or admit to that – ‘US’, exposed.
Is it any wonder the masses are now overworked and tragically afraid of their own shadows?
As the messenger of this unprecedented expose I can attest to your collective insanity about
admitting and dealing with the truth. You should all see yourselves as I do; utterly blind and
helpless in your ingrained, familiar patterns of fear, denial and deceit. (Sorry, people.)
To show all of you just how sophisticated and devious the media was, then, do you all re-
call that the killer was reading “The Catcher In The Rye” as he sat waiting for the police?
That book is about adult phoniness. We have always been phony about assassinations – let-
ting every coverup stick, without challenge, for example. – John was cast as the phony for not
eschewing ‘possessions’. The media flipped reality upside down so we could blame our phoni-
ness on John while we swallowed the massive Chapman horsepill. Pretty diabolic, actually.
In fact, only adults say things like; “Looks like Roy Orbison” or “fat Elvis” when I show King
getting Lennon’s autograph. They often laugh my evidence away just to feel good and not have
to face the facts. Kids, however, literally, shriek in horror and can admit what their eyes see.
I know, better than anyone, how phony adults really are. It’s a phenominon. In reality I am a
hero to expose my findings but adults actually resent me for being one. I know just what John
meant when he wrote; “Nowhere man can you see me at all?” Even my own mother and siblings
are phony and blind and weak and unable to handle the truth. Strange; When I first made
my discovery they could admit that I was really onto something. Only after I actually went
public did they all turn coat, later. A lot like the way every Beatle and Lennon fan forgot to try
Mark (DECOY) Chapman. Stop being so phony, people. You’re abusing your children, lately.
In the world we all live in only a superstar/hero like John Lennon can help you defend yourselves
from the media/military/industrial complex that controls you all like a rancher controls cattle.
No heroes of consequence equals a stagnant and unauthentic society. I’ve seen the huge
changes in our college campuses, lately. I suppose castration is the only word to describe the
state of our union, there. Lennon’s assassination desTROYED all society. Now we have become
good, silent Soviets, admit it or not.
Even the post Soviets admit that it was The Beatles who destroyed their system, ultimately.
John Lennon was a man of consequence. For any of you to be fence sitting is absurd.
I have been busy, lately, tending to my own personal problems and things that I’ve neglect-
ed and I come back to you fresh and better than before. Let’s crack this egg and maybe even
cause a little revolution, for a change. I know you can do it. All you need is to love
yourselves. It’s easy, everybody. Just connect and focus on our one ace in the hole; this
lucky, awesome evidence find against our govt. and their author/murderer; Stephen King.
On the face, it all seems too preposterous to BE true at all. But it IS true. What a
complete farce all our lives must really be for this incontrovertable evidence to exist?
It’s only scary just how sophisticated the govt. really is, and just how wicked.
When I first discovered who Stephen King was, after I pegged him as the autograph hound,
I had to credit Nixon for going so far over our heads with the outrageousness of it all.
Sheer human denial would refuse to comprehend it. What a brilliant tactical angle.
Who would believe any of it, now?
If you continue to laugh away the facts or the importance of the facts, may God help you
all. (Now that the Gulf of Mexico is ‘BP’;’Beyond Pollution’, maybe you SHOULD grow up.)
I suggest massing at media outlets, courthouses, public squares, with placards that express
your outrage and indignation until the facts are generated via the world media. You cannot
trust a media that timed their Chapman lie during Monday Night Football to brainwash you
all at once with Howard Cosell, like it was sport, and then distracted you with Hinckley while
the media just skipped a trial for Chapman during the same time frame. You’re no match.
The media’s job is to control all of you. Period. They hypnotize you all with sports, sex, vio-
lence, greed and murder and lots of happy, smiley people to sugarcoat the whole experience.
Have any of you wondered why stories about real love are never shown to you on tv? That
would be counterproductive to the media’s campaign to desensitize all of you. Really.
True love stories are as rare as hens teeth. Violence and Stephen King keep you afraid, though.
When the Beatles movie “Yellow Submarine” came out it was about “The Blue Meanies” (the
police state) vs. “Love”. John knew that love is what all of you really needed, even then.
Apparently the govt. knew John was onto something. Why do you think they traded ‘Peace,
Love and Understanding’ for horror, murder and fear if not to keep you in control with fear?
Nothing happens until you people start to happen. The media is not your friend. It is nothing
more or less than big brother and the military tweaking your brains unless you stand up to them.
Sadly, the very people who are still trying to rationalize away and justify the killing of Jesus,
namely, the media Jews, are in charge of the U.S. media and, I think, Lennon’s murder.
You have to start sounding less like old maids and lonely hearts dithering away on
talk radio and, instead, seque into my website address and sneak THAT in! Etc. etc..
You will have to use a phony name, dial *67 before you call to block your number, tell
the screener a fib about what you think he wants you to say and then SNEAK my website
address in once you’re on. It’s the most bang for your buck if you want to help me.
Realize what has power. My expose has more power than anything else on earth, politically.
No wonder the jealous mass media wants to shoot me down. I am the lucky finder of facts.
I’m the one the govt. fears the most if my expose breaks, now. They know I will pick up
where Lennon left off and doom their plots to enslave you. Women shouldn’t ‘have’ to work.
That they have to, lately, is the result of politics more than economic necessity. To
think that they tricked you all with the slogan; “Women’s liberation.” More like slavery.
John Lennon, according to McCartney, called his murder; “The Event” as if he knew he would
be killed and that the govt. would get caught and that that would change the world.
P.P.S. I’ve been hearing from others that my appearance at the Sarasota City Council meeting
last spring is making the rounds on television. Of course I made a fool of myself, just to insure
that my website would get some air time, but you should all know that that’s all it was.
It worked; my website got aired and King moved out of his Sarasota home months later.
If I appeared unhinged or over the top, well, yes, it appeared so. I wondered, myself, after,
what was ‘THAT’ all about? I don’t usually come across like that.
Now the media is trying to marginalize me with it. It’s about all they’ve got.
The question is are you viewers going to block out my website and ignore what’s important?
The other media scandal on me is all false; While holding a huge sign outside a Stephen King
book signing in Santa Cruz, Ca. that read;
I was arrested on national t.v. and branded a stalker of Stephen King. I was released a
few days later and no charges were filed. It was a publicity trap to brand me in a false
light and give the public an excuse to be irresponsible. Like every public arrest or police
event ever staged against me it was really an effort to scare you, the citizen, from help-
ing me. Not so much to scare me.. I believe most of you would rather let a murderer molest
your children with horror than help expose what the government did to John Lennon. In fact,
everybody has already proved me right on that. You see how scared you all are?
In reality, I can prove that KING was stalking Lennon, hours before he shot him, getting John
Lennon’s last autograph.
Now, don’t you all feel brainwashed? The media told you that the whistleblower is the
villain and that John Lennon’s real, actual murderer is the good guy.
See why you can’t trust the media, people?
One more thing; I heard from a Santa Cruz resident that I was sued for slander or something
like that. Not true. King can’t afford to sue me. I already beat his lawyers in Bangor, all
by myself, when he tried to bring a protection from harassment injunction against me.
Now, May 11,’10 Newsweek is up for sale. Could it be I am to blame for exposing their role
in documenting the government codes that led to my discovery?
I would say that both the internet and myself are equally to blame for Newsweeks fall and
the huge decline in print news, generally. My expose exposed their betrayal of us all.
Now that the gulf of Mexico has been poisoned by big oil am I the only one who can see that
a mile long 21 inch diameter ‘snorkel’, or pipe, needs to be assembled and pushed onto the
ruptured pipe below so that the oil can be collected on ships until the permanent fix is
achieved? The six inch pipe is a far cry from what is needed. It will take a small submarine
to push it on. Also; every platform should have floatation devices attached below where the
pipe meets the platform(such as airtight barrels) so that the pipe can be sheared clear if
the platform is about to sink. In the next emergency the platform would sink while the
top of the pipe would stay put and remain so with GPS and propellers and anchors until
the fix was made. The top would be able to connect to waiting ships to catch the oil.
One other fix; the falling platform would have to be steered away from the pipe with motors.
Am I the only one who sees this solution? Pretty common sense, I think. How long could it
take, one week?
Looks like the whole planet is, indeed, insane.
It’s as if God is punishing us for turning a blind eye to John Lennon murder evidence.
It’s much worse than ‘9-11’. Halliburton and BP have managed to outdo our enemies in
terms of disaster. Thousands of humans could die, billions of sea creatures will die and billions
will be poisoned, fatally or not. Way to go, silent America! Your Lennon coverup – how is
that working out for you? Will a great depression follow? Better help me, fast.
It’s the ‘something’ that’s been broken in all of you all this time, to begin with; our
collective failure to even notice or care that Lennon’s killer was never even tried.
You will all have to unite and bring me forward and out of danger before I can begin to try
to save you, if that’s even possible.
P.S. Please visit my site about KGO Newstalk. They are up to their old ways, again.
You should know that the San Francisco bay area has been under their brainwashing thumb
for so long that the people seem too limp wristed to care about Lennon’s murder, now.
KGO is owned by the C.I.A.. That’s right, reader. They are owned by the C.I.A.. So is
their sister station in the same building; KSFO. Jack Swanson, the manager, Ray Taliofaro,
a host, and Barbara Simpson, another host, have all admitted this fact over the air. Don’t
take my word for it, though. I found out when Mark Lane, author of ‘Plausible Denial’, gave
out the docket number that proves it, live, over the air, when their host tried to erode his
credibility one night. It’s a fact, people. In fact, most high profile stations are, as well.
KGO doesn’t even use grid electricity but, instead, oil for their power. They are as
entrenched a government bad guy as you could think. Their job is to keep the bay area limp
wristed about my expose. So much of their staff and management is Jewish they should call
themselves KJEWO. Not your all American group.
Lately they have been requiring callers to divulge their number to get on the radio. All
because of me. Now, one screener, Jay Westerling, their least employed screener, by the way,
is rigging their line to play me a personal message whenever I call from my cell phone;
“Hello, and welcome to the mental health hotline. If you are obsessive compulsive press 1,
repeatedly. If you are co-dependent ask someone to press 2 for you. If you have multiple
personalities press 3,4,5 and 6. If you are paranoid we know what you are and what you want.
Stay on the line and we’ll trace your call. If you are delusional press 7 and your call will be
transfered to the mother ship. If you are schizophrenic listen carefully and a
small voice will tell you which number to press. If you are depressive it doesn’t matter
which number you press. No one will answer you. If you are dislexic press 69,69,69,69. If
you have a nervous disorder please figit with the hash key until the beep. After the beep
please wait for the beep. If you have short term memory loss please try your call
again, later. If you have low self esteem hang up. All our operators are too busy to talk
to you. Please leave your message after the tone. When done, hang up and press the # key”
This is the kind of jealous, weak response I would expect from their producer;
Very anti human race, very anti social and absolutely evil in its anti-intellectualism.
This message is the voice of Jay Westerling, if I’m not mistaken. I refer to him as Jay Under-
ling. This drives him mad, apparently. I told him, years ago, that he would never be a
host for KGO as you have to be C.I.A. and less milktoasty and peculiar than he is.
I was right. He’s not a host and his hours, appropriately, have been cut, drastically.
I think he only works the weekend night shift for the likes of Bill Wattenburg, another ‘agent’
who pretends to deride the “fat cat bureaucrats” which he, essentially, is, himself.
Poor KGO. Now I have all this foolishness on tape to play for the world, someday, after the
world HAS to admit that King killed Lennon and I’m in the position to tell all.
This is your biggest talk show station, bay area. Grow ‘a pair’ and ‘dare to care’, people.
We have a historic murder expose to uncover. Sneak my website onto talk radio when-
ever you can, to compensate for my pay phone, only, calls to them from now on?
It’s us versus the media, people. You can’t trust C.I.A. owned KGO or any other station.
The Beatles were media wise-they almost never went on tv or radio- and George even wrote
a song titled; “The Devil’s Radio”
When will all of YOU get media wise?
Final note; Paul Mccartney (came and went) to San Francisco this summer. He did nothing to
avenge the death of his friend and help me come forward.
On April first, 1990, during the instrumental of “Fool On The Hill”, and one year after I asked
his brother, Michael, to tell Paul that I need some help, and before thousands in the U.C. Berk-
eley football stadium, Paul yelled out; “Yeah, STEEEEEEVE!! That’s RIGHT! I don’t know what
YOU think, Berkeley, but I want you to know that we LIKE it and we NEED you, as a PEOPLE,
to GET to the promised land…”
I have it all on tape or I’ll give anyone of you $1,000.00 if I don’t.
Too little, anyway, frankly. It didn’t work. John would have stopped the show and laid it
out as plain as day and would have made all the newspapers with his effort.
The point is; don’t expect Paul to care enough about you to stick his neck out for truth
and justice in our lifetimes. That feckless attempt was not worthy of a man as great as
John Lennon.
It’s the real job of superstars, anyway; to override the machine with their visibility,
clout and importance. Otherwise superstars aren’t, really, important at all. It’s the ulti-
mate job of an artist; to use their prominence to change the world. It is, literally, the
‘fruit of free speech’.
(Paul, between you, me and my readers; are you emotionally whole? Your lyrics; “I said
something wrong, now I long for yesterday” allegedly had something to do with your
flippant remark, after your mother’s death; “What will we do without her money?”
Did you marry Heather because you, too, are crippled, only inside, and shared that incom-
pletess? Do you always play “Live and Let Die” at your concerts to bury John? Are you just
about being a show off and a narcisist? The Beatles were a lot about that, you know. Does
the fact that you were raised poor make money the all consuming God and truth and justice
just don’t rank high on your list of priorities?
I’d like to know why you haven’t done more to help me. I counted on your support before I
began my dangerous mission and was let down, even with that plug you offered at Berkeley.
I don’t mean to sound ungrateful but I’m getting old so long as this world and you are
acting like tongue tied cowards. It’s not fair to me or the waiting world, not to mention John.
I did notice you waving the applause down following your New York City concert following
“Live and Let Die” as if the audience was being wrongheaded. Why not stop the show and
explain W-H-Y the audience is wrong to applaud that message? Tina Turner’s songs; “We
Don’t Need Another Hero” and “What’s love but a second hand emotion..” are also wrong-
headed messages. Yours is not alone, but didn’t you write that song of yours just to have
one of your songs represent the title of a movie after only John’s songs were used in The
Beatles movies except for Ringo’s “Yellow Submarine”? Was that it? Were you tricked by that
industry? It’s a terrible message, you know. Why continue to play it at concerts in light
of John’s murder and coverup? Is it the thrill you get when the smoke cannons blast off?
Instead, why not stop some show and plug my website address, at least, so people will take
me seriously? Better yet, announce to the crowd that “..That guy with the van and the
Lennonmurdertruth website has been right, all along, people. I need you all to start
picketing your local news stations for full disclosure. Power to the people is what John
would have wanted. ” Or something along those lines. Put my website on the screen!!!!
You are the superstar that everyone is watching, you are on the stage, you have the mic-
rophone and the audience. Even if the mic gets cut, as happened once in the 80’s, you
can always hold a press conference, after, and get the word out that way.
The public already knows that you were the sillier one. It’s time you did your part.
Wouldn’t you rather be remembered for being the second biggest hero in this historic,
world changing expose; “The Event” as John called it?
You have my e-mail if you want to bring me on stage to plug this, myself;
Let me know, get me in and I’ll be glad to do it. If not, won’t you please help me, if
you can?)
I fear that the world order Bilteberger crowd may soon start a war with Iran via their agent
provacateur; Israel, very soon, if this story is delayed any longer. If it starts you can
be assured that you will all be lied to about what’s really going on. Please hurry, people.
Oh, and by the way, Lennon was murdered just a few months before Israel took out Saddam
Hussein’s nuclear facility and John wasn’t around to protest in case a war broke out after.
Another new note; Afghanistan has a motherload of lithium, gold, and other precious materials
totalling in the trillions of dollars. So now you know why we’re really over there. All that
blood is on your hands unless you all stop what you’re doing and stop that war.
The young people of the 60’s had their spine until the govt. killed all their heroes. Look
at all of you, now; no heroes and no guts.
Unless Russia or China or some other country starts to invade Afghanistan we should shut
down shop there and get the hell out. Otherwise we, as a people, are evil pirates and
murderers with no moral authority to lead the world in the first place. We can’t complain that
these countries aren’t modern, like us, and also take what is theirs so that they can’t be-
come developed, like us. Otherwise we are all hypocrites and doomed for failure.
Talk about timing; A week after I wrote all of the above and also what I wrote in my chapter;
‘Fed Up With This Oil Mess’ where I explain, for example, that Richard Nixon had John Ken-
nedy killed and that big oil is the man behind the curtain of our lives, that big oil may have
ordered Nixon TO kill J.F.K.; A week after I wrote all that, I awoke to the tail end of KGO’s
Ray Taliofaro interview with Russell Baker, author of “Family Of Secrets” about the Bush
family. In the first place, Ray Taliofaro doesn’t usually do interviews and I was not surprised
that this controversial author was interviewed only after most listeners were already fast
asleep – from 1:00 am to 3:00 am. – Mickey Luckoff, their president, likely swatted down Mr.
Bakers’s request for the Ronn Owen show from 9:00 am to noon.
Here is what Mr. Baker said in his closing minutes; “The J.F.K. murder and evidence that we
weren’t privy to, is the real reason Nixon was forced to resign; Big Oil may have been behind
that; That big oil and other corporations really run our world and even kill presidents who
don’t go along with them; That politicians are controlled by these powers, not vice,versa;
That the mass media is utterly inadequate to inform us about all this treachery and that we,
the people, had better start talking about all this amongst ourselves and begin to pay
closer attention if we are ever to change things….”
I paraphrased, of course, but he did make all those points and more, points just like I made
a week earlier.
What did Ray Taliofaro do right after the interview? Here’s what he did, reader.;
He told us all to, in so many words, ; “Focus, not on all that is wrong in our world, but to, in-
stead, find a way to step around all that and find happiness in our lives with things as they are.”
I’m not kidding. The remaining two hours of his show had people calling trying to explain how
they got past a sadness in their lives, dying relatives, sick friends, etc.. and how they
blocked out all the bad and focused on just the remaining good in their lives.
I do know that Taliofaro’s philosophy of stepping around what’s wrong in our world, just
because it is sad, is weak and pathetic and does not make for strong or robust societies.
In fact, his philosophy perpetuates what is wrong in our world and our lives and, whether
he or any of you are willing to admit or not, when societies fail to grapple with what is wrong
in the world the world gets progressively worse, even impinging on our ability to BE happy,
in the first place. The world and the people in it get, in a word, ‘GUTLESS’.
The only good news in that Monday morning show is that I learned that all of you are not
sick and weak and phony all by yourselves, but that a villainous media has helped to make you
that way.
The bad news is that the media has defanged you and slipped you a limp wristed psyche.
I do take suggestions. I also need your support. I might even offer a percentage
of my future income if anyone can help me break this story wide open.
Hey, get your heads out of the crapper, people. Stop licking the boot that kicked you.
My e-mail address is;
America, you’re upside down;
Welcome to my Footnotes and new developments page. There is where I offer
my opinions about this expose and the world that wants to keep it covered up.
There are many chapters here that you can access by scrolling to the bot-
tom where they are listed in gold headlines. Just click and you’re there.
This, my current topic, upside down America, is motivated by a meanness I now
see in my fellow man, especially where this monster expose is concerned.
Almost to the point of masochism and child abuse is the average persons posture
towards dealing with this truth.
“Leave us alone…John’s dead…save the whale…get a job…who cares.” etc..
But it’s more than just that. There is a new and ugly meanness out there in
my fellow Americans and it is a blind, self destructive trait that I think you
should all be more aware of.
Of course, as the messenger of this expose, the man who has tried for twenty
years to make all of you care, I speak from a position unique in our society.
I am the exception, the unplanned for gadfly you aren’t accustomed to. I
shouldn’t have the courage to be in the way of your sin and ignorance and
your lust for money and possessions on your great merry go round of farce but
here I am anyway, defying your collective murder and coverup, daring you to
respect yourselves enough to avenge your fallen hero, John Lennon.
You are called INFIDELS and GREAT SATAN by a vast segment of the world and
many of you dismiss the claim outright and regard the notion as absurd.
Listen to me people of America. Any country that cannot send Stephen King to
jail for killing John Lennon with the hard evidence I have presented, no mat-
ter how ludicrous sounding it may be at first, IS VERY satanic indeed.
Many of you young readers did NOT backstab John Lennon by turning a blind
eye while his killer escaped trial and many of you weren’t born when John died
and you are in a better position to hear these words than some of your guilt
ridden parents and adults who DID do JUST that. If I use words like “You”
collectively or “You” instead of “We” I hope you are not offended. I used to be
an irresponsible, mind controlled, hero killing sinner but I have changed.
Lately this messenger is suffering the wrath of a public gone bad and I must
speak out to defend myself and reform all of you before you kill me like John.
Let’s begin with your allowing Chapman to skip a public trial altogether.
You allowed a 60 day psychiatric evaluation to turn into a year and a half of
silence and you let the media get away with calling John “The Anti-Christ”…
and a phony right off the bat. And you began licking icecream to sooth the
shame, your blinders firmly affixed.
When Chapman was allowed to plead guilty, behind closed doors, without a peep
of media or public access, a year and a half later, only I had the gumption,
the guts, the pride and courage and self respect to challenge the coverup.
I turned to the library to find out what happened to Chapman initially. I
wasn’t looking for C.I.A. crypto codes in the headlines of Time, Newsweek and
U.S. News and World Report magazines, far from it. I was looking for the mur-
der reports to establish a trail for Chapman to explain how he skipped trial.
For a detailed description of all I found please refer to About Author section
of the web site where I take you through the discovery process as I experienced
it. For now understand that I discovered government codes in the bold print
headlines in these three magazines that plug into the subject of John Lennon’s,
then upcoming, murder as well as the obvious intent of the articles they are at-
tached to;”Johnny Comes Marching Home…Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang, Ouch, Ouch!…
The Job Richard Nixon Really Wanted; Blasting the Opposition…The Real John
Lennon…The Real Richard Nixon..” etc.
I discovered Nixon’s book; The Real War, sitting up front next to just elected
Ronald Reagan in Time and Newsweek issues that were released the day of the
murder and that it describes why people like John Lennon, who he tried to deport
once, must be assassinated.
The accompanying codes read; “Who’s In? Who’s Out?…Fitting together the
pieces of a complicated jigsaw puzzle…” and;” Head-hunting…”
I also discovered, in these obviously C.I.A. affiliated magazines, Mark David
Chapman attached to a letter to the editor that was printed three weeks before
the murder where Chapman explains that he is;”…armed,,,waiting to be moved
into a hostile square…by the giant hand of Ronald Reagan.”
I also discovered the killers face and true identity in print three and two
months before the murder:”Stephen King; ‘One great big Zippo lighter'” and ” Step-
hen King; ‘Perils of pyrokinesis.'”
Pyrokinesis means fire and movement and One great big Zippo lighter is what King
looks like three months later when he pulls the trigger at night five times.
In these related book reviews about his then current book “Firestarter” his face
is shown. It so happens that his face exactly matches the one of the man we
all saw getting John’s autograph just hours before he shot him.
Mark David Chapman does NOT match this photo.
I also discovered that King writes all about the murder in his books about “John-
ny…The Catcher In The Rye…Nixon, the old witch-hunter himself…shooting
a man in the back and even;”The fellow who killed John Lennon.” in three books!
I learned that Chapman is the son of a millionair oil executive with Amoco
in Decater, Georgia and that the only evidence of him in jail is what Time
owned People magazine says.
I have confronted King for six months in his home town of Bangor, Maine, even
stood inches away from him once, even defeated his lawyer in court when he
tried to stop me and King has NEVER denied my accusations, not once.
I have been endorsed by McCartney, live, at the Berkeley 1990 concert and have
played the tape, for proof, to college campus crowds. I have also shown the
public Bush Sr.’s remarks; “You know, nobody likes ‘Who Shot John’ but..” during
the 1992 presidential debate in Richmond, Virginia in the New York Times tran-
script about how my expose was rocking his ratings in Maine then.
And, yet, some would rather cling to that cowardly, phony government lie about
how “some nut did it, skipped trial, but is locked up somewhere, he was caught
on the spot, no conspiracy.”
I discovered all that and more, much, much more.
Am I the only one evolved enough to care?
Moreover, I find myself under attack from my fellow Americans for ratting out the
government in all its evil incarnation.
Though our country is now run by the son of the former head of the C.I.A.
while Russia is being run by the former head of the K.G.B., though our right wing is
enacting all these Orwellian measures like accessing private computers and curbing
what is broadcast on tv and radio, the Patriot Acts I and II, even talk lately
about only members of a militia having a real right to bear arms, with our
economy in the crapper, Rockefeller and big oil charging twice what we paid for
gas a dozon years ago, and terrorism and hatred of America at an all time high
all we can do is persecute and torture the one man with the one story we really
DO need to get ourselves right side up again.
Suddenly, now that I have a potent website with the goods to back up my claims
for all their kids to see, my so called fellow American is trying to stop me
via the workplace bumping me from jobs I deserve.
This is a very bad sign of the times, reminiscent of the “Good Germans” who didn’t
talk about the smoke in the air and what was really going on all around them.
Since no crowd ever carried me on their shoulders before the tv stations to
help me come forward, they are now hoping I never get the chance to pull down
the worlds pants and tell this story.
That is really a shame. YOU are going to get Bush Jr. AGAIN! unless you help
me come forward before October 2004. I’ll stake my reputation on it. I think
Kerry is running to lose, like his party often does. You’re being ambushed.
When the town of Herman, Maine kicked Stephen King out of their town because
they didn’t like his writings in the 70’s they were right side up.
Now they celebrate his financial success and embrace him as a cash cow. This,
now that they KNOW he murdered John Lennon.
On December 08, 1980, when every decent American wanted to take a bazooka to
John Lennon’s murderer, you people were right side up.
Now, you’re upside down, America.
Get well or get Bush. “Get” my expose or get Bush.
70% of America hates Bush. I’m the only way you’re going to defeat him.
Break this story or you will get a fascist country like you have now.
Break this story and the rest of the world might respect you again.
Fortunately, in your case, you at least had the class to visit this site.
There may be hope for you, but only if you act. You must become an activist.
This disgusting chapter of the unholy war on Iraq is the kind of thing pundits
get excited about. I’ve watched all the right wing radio spinsters try to
dance around this issue reading from their government scripts. Rush Lamebaugh
now says that we should pay the families of the victims millions of dollars in
compensation. Other hosts say it is war and all is fair etc..
I’ve waited for their gyrations to reveal their hand to say what I have known
all along; that this controversy was PLANNED by our psychological warfare people
to make Iraqi’s more like Americans.
That’s right. Iraqi’s are a chaste people, their women hide their bodies and sex
is a private matter. Iraqi’s women are subserviant to men.
And so when I saw the naked pyramid and heard about the sex acts performed
by our men and women in front of them and the sex acts forced upon them I knew
that our government was trying to break the Iraqi’s spirit via defiling their
most closely held values via behavior that is the antithesis of all that Iraqi’s
hold dear.
“So, you like your women fully clothed and subserviant? Well how about a woman
holding one of your men by a leash around his naked neck?!”
“So, you think our sexual values are the values of the great satan? Well
how about you swim around in our cesspool of perversion on camera for a while
and all you other Iraqi’s take a good look at you fallen brothers to rub the
humiliation in?”
“Look at all your holier than U.S. fellow Iraqi’s defiling everything you be-
lieve in for the world to see.”
That’s is what is going on here America. Our governmnent trying to make Iraqi’s
more like us by bending them in the extreme opposite position from where they are.
We Americans LIKE sex, nudity, promiscuity, hedonism and women paying taxes.
You should too. Try it, you might like it.
Anyone who doubts my analysis hasn’t given the matter sufficient thought. But
then the average American can be expected to think after working his average 52
hours per week for the taxman.
All these images were designed to be broadcast to the world to humiliate
Iraqi’s and roll them around in our brand of morality to get them to “lighten up”.
That is the first thing going on here. The other part of the story is that our
government has been doing the same thing to all of us, all along, to debase US!
They do this, methodically, through use of the media and movie industry.
Just look at the hispanic tv shows; Sex, money, violence, materialism, melo-
drama. Our media is trying to debase the hispanic culture the same way here.
Think of all the murders and acts of violence all of us have been subjected
to in our warped lives. Think of all the sex scenes that debase sex and
relationships that have been shoved in our faces all our lives.
Is it any wonder 52% of marriages fail in America? (Geeze! maybe there is even
a relationship with our 52 hr. work week and our 52% divorce rate.)
Tit For Anticipated Tat;
The beheading of an American in retaliation for the sex torture matter was
probably anticipated and welcomed by the people running this war. Warfare
101; bait the enemy into conflict. Create and maintain conflict.
The ultimate aim here, as I’ve said all along, is to kill Israel’s enemies.
Our government is not afraid that the Muslims will take over America
and convert us all. Our government is afraid that materialism and capital-
ism will wane in the wake of mans natural progress and enlightenment.
Mid Eastern thinking is a threat to our governments plan of complete con-
trol over the lives of all mankind. It offers an alternative to media mind control.
Our government wants to maintain and escalate violence for the purpose of
killing Arabs and a simpler way of life.
The Mid Eastern way of thought is correct in saying we are fallen from grace
in the West.
I believe,sooner or later most Americans will give up wealth and furious work
for a simpler, more sane way of living. There is no truth to our governments line;
“We must kill these fanatical Islamists or they will kill us all someday.”
Our government wants to maintain your 52 hours of work per week pace to get
rich at your expense. Any alternative lifestyle that might make us free from
this SLAVERY scares big brother.
In turn they are trying to scare you with the big lie.
Instead of letting the military controlled mass media whip us into a frenzy or
let John Kerry lose on purpose to keep the powers that be in power (They don’t
leave the result to chance) or letting a new president continue more of the
same propaganda and imperialism and mistake upon mistake and lie upon lie….
instead of all that, use this Lennon expose and all it’s hard, concrete evi-
dence against Bush for his fathers role. Then Bush Jr. is toast.
Bush Sr. was head of the C.I.A. when the plans to kill John Lennon were made.
If you readers can’t appreciate the power of unleashing this expose it’s partly
because you are a victim of the vile U.S., jewish controlled mass media that has
been molesting you and abusing you and convincing you that this truth is
not relevent or important and is ridiculous if you even believe it.
Quite the opposite is true. This is THE biggest news on the planet. If you
unleash it you will have more power than any generation in the worlds history.
You will absolutely crush dynasties and evil conspiracies everywhere, you will,
literally, change the world and the course of human events. If you unleash
this one expose you will raise the worlds I.Q. and boy do we need that.
The truth shall set you free. But there can be no truth without this expose.
The whole truth must be told or truth is meaningless. This is the biggest
truth in modern time. It will rule the world someday. Will you reap its bounty
or leave that to another generation?
Will you suffocate it with your jealousy and fear and human evil? You sure are
paying for your 20 years of silence lately. AREN”T YOU?! Yes you all certainly
I can’t make you wise or brave, that’s up to you. Stopping this war and the gas
price ripoffs and all the fear and lies and hate is just a few demonstrations
away. You know the young people of the 60’s had a good thing going doing that.
Maybe it’s your turn to take a stand and stop being such loathsome cowards.
You’ll have to do much more than read this site. You must picket the media.
Thank you for listening- Steve Lightfoot
Stephen King is a murderer. He shot John Lennon in the back, like the coward
he is, and stole a musical/political genius from all of you. He ruined your world,
deliberately, and now you are living in the nightmare he has created for you. Now,
until you put him in jail where he belongs, all of of you are, really, just his cowards.
Decoy, Chapman was in the police station while King shot John and the police switched
them behind the scenes. Chapman is acting.
Nixon and Reagan facilitated this nightmare murder/assassination as well as Yoko
Ono (though there is little proof of her role, unlike the government codes in
Time and Newsweek and U.S. News that nail King, Nixon and Reagan).
King won’t deny it, never has and is too smart to enrage the public that al-
ready knows he is guilty by lying to you now. He’d rather get killed by a van
than admit what he did. He has confided to his friend who used to own that
now closed bookstore, Stu, I think, that; “He (King) is afraid of getting fried.”
Yes, the government probably did try to run down King in 1999 to shut my story up
and we all know how quickly the driver who failed was found dead at 41, after.
I believe the multiple sources from Maine who told me that King was convicted of
having sex with a 15 year old in 1992 in Belfast, Maine and the other reports
that he spent money to have sex with other minors, male and female, then.
King won’t dare sue me either because that would cast media attention on my hard,
incontrovetible evidence against him and that would mean life in prison.
Have you noticed how many of King’s books dwell on life in prison: The Green
Mile. Shawshank Redemption, etc.?
The closest King ever came to denying my claim that he killed John Lennon was
in 1994 in Santa Cruz, Ca. when a girl asked him if he killed John Lennon. He
said; “No,….(dramatic, long pause)…comment.” Just couldn’t say “No.”
Now my website; places him at the scene getting Len-
non’s last autograph (not look-alike Chapman) and in Time and Newsweek issues
released a few months earlier. One and the same. Chapman’s not even close. Not
very bright of him to leave his mug at the scene as well as magazines months
before the murder. A child can see it’s him. Now, people of America, people of New
York, who never even put Chapman on trial in the first place, find a spine and
expose him. Or are you King’s sick cowards? Many of you are, you know. “Sympathy
for the devil.” You can still get well, people.
I believe that most of you are just temporarilly sick and weak and media controlled and
that once you get informed you WILL JAIL KING’S SICK ASS and punish him for
what he did to you and the future and the world.
My stay here in Maine will forever etch in history whether you people are good
and strong enough to take a stand against evil or not. Whether you are good,
upright parents or bootlicking mush, child molesters. There’s no in between.
Look at the O.J. trial: A classic example of evil subduing the better senses of man.
Is Phil Specter guilty? Robert Blake? The people of America are getting steam-
rolled because they have been turned into media controlled, cowardly oatmeal.
Stephen King, besides calling all of you: “Blind, obsessive fools.” warns you,
also repeatedly,; “Beware the Jewish/communist plot against the U.S..”
ABC media is so Jewish and diabolical that you should pay attention. ABC’s the
worst but all the big networks are working you over with gun pointing, murder-
ous violence everywhere you turn. They are desensitizing you so that you will
be willing to kill Iraqi’s right now. Look at all your “Dateline”,”48 Hours” shows
showcasing Americans killing people and not much else, lately. Look at all your
“24 Hours”,”The Unit”,”The Agency”,”Miami CSI” shows and others all about “Big
Brother” going after the terrorists and rubbing your faces in murder.
Can’t you all see that the media is the government mind controlling you?
King was stalking Bruce Stringsteen in 1992; engaging in back stage parties, stage
rehearsals etc. until I got on New York’s biggest radio talk show and warned
Springsteen’s friends that King was likely planning to murder him, too.
What are the chances that the van “accident” and subsequent death of the driver
happened as you were told? I say only ten per cent. What are the chances that
King had the driver killed with or without help? I say 30 per cent.
What are the chances that the governmnent concocted a plan to kill King to stop
my expose and killed the driver after because he was a loose string? I say seventy
per cent, people. Think about it, now:
Six years after I spent six months in Bangor with my “van” with the slogan: “Stephen
King Shot John Lennon” King was mowed down down by a “van” with an unruly, large
Rotweiler dog distracting the driver. Can you people see the parallels to
“Cujo” and “Christine” the movie about a car who plays rock and roll that,
seemingly, can’t be killed? Can you see how the government wanted all of you
to say; “Jeeze! Remember that guy with the van from California, and now King
ends up getting killed by a van? I guess if King DID kill Lennon his karma
caught up with him and we can just let it go at that.” ?????!!!!! The government
is exactly that sophisticated and knows just which buttons of yours to push.
If you people want to LET the governmnet kill Stephen King then call me a whacko
and do nothing. They probably will. If you want to save his life then help
me expose and arrest him for John Lennon’s murder. He’s only buying your silence
with his money, baseball fields, etc.. He’s like the guy who, after he is arrest-
ed for murdering ten people, his neighbors all say; “But he was such a nice
man. I just can’t believe it.” King is a sociopath who shot Lennon to get back
at all of you for teasing him as a child and because he wanted to kill his father
for walking out on him when he was two.
King wishes you all WOULD expose him before he gets killed only he doesn’t have
the guts to say so. Meanwhile his latest book parallels his desire to move to
Florida (out of shame?) and he admits that he wishes he hadn’t survived his
“accident”. Just read the inside cover.
I want King to live, to tell us all what he knows about the government and the
Jewish/communist plot against the U.S.. I want to see Chapman arrested for his
role as decoy. I want to see what’s Yoko got to do with everything, too.
DON’T ALL OF YOU? You can’t just sit around like fools and get steamrolled any
more by our governments history of always killing your heroes. This expose
is your big break, America. I’m only here for a few months and you need to get
on board with me and grow ‘a pair.’ Otherwise you can all start singing
“…the land of the deceived and the not very brave.” at your ball games.
Did “Big Oil” kill Lennon to start a war with Iraq? Is $4.00 @ gallon gas a
plot to kill the middle class as new world order plans suggest?
Help me come forward before I get killed, please. I need your support, people.
If I were to write a song now my first verse would be;
“Live wire walking on a high wire. Poor life hanging by a thread,
Busting the government for John Lennon’s murder, Lucky I’m not already dead.”
I’d like to be your rock star someday and pick up where Lennon left off. Help me.
P.S. I just learned, from a Bangor resident, that King has legally changed his
primary residence from Maine to Florida. Now he can run from his murderer
status and play cards with O.J..
Maine residents, get over your weak, polite, unAmerican position of protecting
King from my expose and find your moral compass. Though I may be in New York
for several weeks, I will return and hope to find that you’ve found a spine
to help me reel in this monster who murdered John Lennon.
See my other chapter below; “Beware Bob Grant et all”, “”Chapman is crap, man”
and “NYPD plot at Strawberry Fields?” to get the scoop on evil witch, Yoko Ono.
(Written years ago in my ‘Angry Young Man’ days. I’m less bitter, lately.)
Scroll a little further down, please. Welcome to my New developments page. Multiple chapters can be accessed by
scrolling to the bottom of each one where a listing of other chapters are.
Just click to the one of your choice.
This chapter intends to present myself, my credentials and my beliefs.
I have to laugh at how ridiculous all this bragging is bound to sound
but it must be said to wash all of the the media propaganda off of you.
One of the reasons John Lennon was able to change the world was because he
had proven himself to be a genius, certainly in music, singing and musicianship.
No one stood out more than he in our lifetime. It’s one reason he remains
the single most photographed human that ever lived. He was fascinating.
He had established credibility.
At the risk of sounding self important I must confess to all of you that,
while I am not the genius John was, I am not the whacko some think either.
In fact, looking over my shoulder and past, I can see many things about me that
ARE different, even outstanding.
Jonathan Swift once said; “You can always tell who the genius of the com-
munity is. He’s the one the townspeople ridicule the most.”
Both characterizations apply to me, frankly.
In fact anyone who says “The emperor is naked.”, as I am doing with my Lennon
expose, is implying that society is a fool.
Naturaly no one will want to believe him at first.
I have certainly been ridiculed these past two decades, although I know many
realize that I have always been absolutely correct and are just amazed at my
testicular fortitude, my balls, for going public with my facts.
For those of you who doubt the veracity of my allegations and evidence, here
are some of my credentials;
At 17 I became the first person ever to trisect an angle with just a compass
and straightedge. I was told, in 1971, that it had never been done before
by my geometry teacher Dick Nixon (Believe it or not.) the first day of class.
A month or so later, after I had learned the bare bones basics of geometry, I
decided to give it a try.
Every angle creates an arc and I tried to use an identical arc to trisect
it the way you do with a line and line segment. I noticed a bias; large,
medium and small. I next duplicated the proceedure going in the opposite
direction to reverse the bias. Now I had two pair of points, each with the
accompanying reverse bias. Since you can bisect an arc I bisected each pair
resulting in a perfect trisection. I basically butterflied the first pro-
ceedure to counter the bias and split the difference resulting in a perfect
I went to my teachers home one night to show him and he tried it on obtuse and
acute angles and it worked every time. He told me I would be famous if I
could explain, via a theorum, why it worked.
Math related subjects bored me and it seemed to easy to get fame for it. As
simple as the concept used in reverse bias ply tires, it seemed to me.
Fifteen years later I heard radio broadcaster Paul Harvey trumpet this feat as
another man had done this. I listened as he explained that this man relied on
inverting an origional proceedure to balance the result and it sounded like what
I did over a decade earlier.
This was a world class achievement on my part, outfoxing the likes of Einstein,
Newton and countless others. I remain unimpressed, however.
Thinking outside the box is all. Beginners luck.
But a lot of other things I am proud of;
I went from being practically the only student who couldn’t read in first
grade to being a book ahead of the class months later, having learned to read
from Treasure Island with my fathers help; I aced my first ever test; I was
so knowledeable about dinosaurs in first grade that the eighth grade teacher
let me lecture her class; I received an A-/B+ average through eighth grade in
a private Catholic parochial school; I beat out the entire school once in the
speech contest (I used Patrick Henry’s “Give me liberty or give me death” speech.);
I built model airplanes and boats as well as seasoned adults and even practiced
falconry in my early and mid teens; I was well liked and popular, in spite of
all this, besides.
I loved sports, especially baseball, where I went three seasons without a single
strikeout (Summer league). When I took up golf I broke 90 my first try, shot
68 a year later and 64 six months after that.(Par 70 course.) and was voted most
dedicated by my high school team.
In high school I only got a B+ average (My parents prefered that over straight
A’s.) Throughout my first twelve years I was one of the best artists in my
school(s) (Perhaps my most conspicuous talent.)
I fell in love in high school and enjoyed a beautiful relationship with a lovely
Japanese/American girl; I achieved top 3% in the language section of the S.A.T.
and guesstimated my way to top 13% in the math section; My college I.Q. test
rated me at 165.
Much of this sounds Mickey Mouse, I’m sure, but I’m proud of all of it.
In college I majored in Journalism my first year (My essay was the first one
that the teacher read to the class.) and Advertising my second year (My ad
was picked by the class for our semester project.) My slogan was;”Time In A
Bottle.” for a wine company and made publication.
I was on the college golf team, only managing third man on the roster, and
my grades were slightly less than a B average.
While in college I became philosophically ambivalent about society and the
path I was on. I really wanted to be a professional golfer and I burned my
bridges towards that end, dropping out of school and taking odd jobs, mostly
as a cook, between tournements.
I almost made the U.S. Amateur roster my first try after being one under
through 31 holes at James River course in Virginia when I drew a large, unex-
pected crowd which threw me off my concentration. I went from third in a field
of 108 to eighth winning the playoff for the alternate spot.
I also tried out for the PGA Tour, three times, but placed as an also ran.
About that time I was going through a melodramatic relationship with a girl
who moved in with me while using a false name, past, everything. At one point
she had the Atlanta homocide and intelligence departments at my apartment
while I was playing in an event out of state.
She claimed a satan’s cult leader was trying to kill her for her threat-
ening to expose him. (Something to do with her sisters victimization.) I had
no idea what was really going on and I took everything with a grain of salt.
Ultimately this drama resulted in our breakup.
A year later I discovered her real name, past, etc. from a former boyfriend of
hers. The experience made me far less naive about life and people than most.
Just finding out this much taught me detective skills, that and a high school
project about Sherlock Holmes novels.
I can spot a lie faster than anyone I know and I confess to remarkable detect-
ive skills and instints. Absolutely uncanny.
And so when I heard that John Lennon had been shot I knew, instantly, that
the story about a lone drifter was hogwash and that only powerful people were
interested in killing him. Somehow the fact that Nixon tried to deport him for
three years during the early 70’s escaped me though.
Because I am so authentic and human and real I had trouble concentrating on
work after Chapman’s trial got skipped over by the media and courts. My first
suspicions were bearing out, that there was a coverup afoot, and I needed a
beach bum’s vacation. I sold my car, put my belongings in storage and took
off to San Diego to indulge myself in the rapture of Beatles music which I
listened to constantly via my Walkman while I pedalled the anger out of my
system, some 30 miles every day.
I knew that I would be killed someday if I made the pro tour. I wanted to be
the next John Lennon, only in golf spikes with a peace symbol on my visor.
I had a vested, personal reason to solve John’s murder besides our collective
And so it was, one month after I saw the tiny clipping in the back of
the San Diego Union titled; “Lennon’s assassin pleads guilty; Sentenced 20
years to life”, that I knew John’s murder was being covered up.
Chapman was allowed to skip what should have been the trial of the century
and enter his plea behind closed doors because; “God told me to…”
This was in June of 1982, not ’81, as other authors suggest, a year and a half
after the crime of the century was put on media silence hold. I even had a
bumper sticker made that read; “U.S. Govt. Planned John Lennon’s Death!” and
attached it to my bike.
Several weeks later and following a powerful, bizarre dream, I found myself
involuntarily propelled, like a torpedo, into the Pacific Beach Public Library
to read the initial reports on Chapman’s road to justice.
(See About Author page for details of this historic revelation.) It was truly
like being used by Gods will, not mine. The evidence rained on me like a water-
fall, far more than luck could manage.
Finding this evidence, having the comprehension skills to grasp it all and
overcoming the urge to deny it and then to GO FORWARD with it to the mass
public is the single most significant thing I have ever done. When I translate
this expose into history making reality and the guilty are jailed and the
public is forced to change in the wake of the hugeness of the evil that was
uncovered, it will be the most significant thing anyone has done since Jesus
Christ, in my humble opinion.
Now I don’t say that lightly and I know many of you will think me a supreme
egotist but that is not the case. I have a better grasp of the promise of
this expose than anyone on earth, with the possible exception of the govern-
ment I am exposing.
To give you a glimmer of what I mean consider this;
Reagan would not have been elected president for a second term, Bush Sr. and
Bush Jr. would never have been president, Princess Dianna would still be alive
if this story broke when it should have in 1983. That’s just for beginners.
I don’t think it will result in BC/AD time deliniation and I don’t think it
is anywhere near as big as what Jesus did, but I know that nothing this big
has happened since. We’ll all see, I predict. “The Event”, in John’s words.
This was Paul McCartney’s first quote the day after John’s death. Paul was
asked for a comment and he said; “Well that was John’s thing, The Event, he
called it.” As if John had known he would be killed and that the government
would get caught and that that would trigger an event of revolutionary proportions.
John even wrote songs about his upcoming murder urging us to “Come together”
over him, “Don’t Let Me Down” and more blatant other songs.
In fact this story, according to Bush Sr., is responsible for his failed bid
for re-election in 1992. Go read the New York Times transcripts of the
Richmond, Va. debate where he says; “…But I am a president who is talking
the issues. You know, nobody likes “Who shot John” but I think governor Clin-
ton is the one mounting a negative campaign…”
He was refering to my magazine, then titled “Everybody’s Business; Who Shot
John Lennon?” that I was distributing in Kennebunkport, Maine and Bangor,
Maine at the time, resulting in a 20 point swing in one week in his popular-
ity ratings in Kennebunkport. He said it days earlier, in Florida, too.
You should know that I have stood two inches away from Stephen King once when
he stuttered to me; “T-take c-care. I w-want you to t-take care.” when I was
in downtown Bangor singing a song about him and Nixon and Reagan. I spent over
six months there in three different visits and, no, he has NEVER denied my
claims. In fact I once defeated his lawyer when he tried to pipe me down with a
protection from harassment injunction. I won.
While on the subject of famous endorsements you should know that Paul McCart-
ney endorsed me by my first name at the 1990 Berkeley concert. It was on
April Fools Day, during the instrumental of Fool On The Hill when he yel-
led out; “Yeah STEEEEEEVE! That’s RIGHT! I don’t know what YOU think Berkeley,
but I want you to know that we LIKE IT and we NEED you as a PEOPLE to GET to
the promised land…”
I have it on tape for proof. The story behind his remark began months
earlier when I met his brother Michael in San Francisco and asked him to ask
Paul for some help. I was THE most famous activist west of the Rockies then
and I hung out, almost exclusively, in Berkeley. He WAS refering to ME.
In 1994 I was falsely arrested by Santa Cruz police for suspicion of trespassing
for stepping into the bookshop King was appearing at. It was a pre-planned set-
up to put me on national tv in handcuffs and to brand me as a stalker,
which I am absolutely not. While I was stewing in jail Dan Rather, Tom
Brokaw, Peter Jennings and the entire national media was showing me being
pushed into a police car in handcuffs.
The bogus charge was dropped two days later but their ruse was accomplished.
Typical of the government lie, the truth was transposed, reversed, to make me
a stalker and King a hero. The exact opposite is the truth.
In fact, King was asked that day, by a girl,; “Did you kill John Lennon?”
King replied; “No (Dramatic pause) comment.”
He couldn’t leave it at “No.”
Some of my other credemtials include being the most persecuted non criminal
in California history, I believe. (See my Current Updates page for details
of all the terrorism I’ve endured over the years. And I still have much more
that I have yet to add.)
I have been kidnapped and beaten unconscious, I have had guns pointed in my
face three times. In fact my father may have been killed in a plane crash
just to scare me, following a threat letter I received from Stephen King.
The military controlled mass media and all of talk radio has tried to margin-
alize me as a whacko (The main reason I am forced to brag a little here.) and
anyone else would surely have either been killed, gone mad or committed a
crime by now to break the story.
In fact I have reason to believe that the government is going behind my back
to my employers to get me fired lately, trying to apply pressure on me to
either keep moving from town to town to prevent me from establishing strong
community ties or to drive me to the point of crime to survive.
I will frustrate them, not vice-versa.
Regarding my day job credentials I have had dozons of jobs, mostly in rest-
aurants, as a cook or manager or waiter. I have also done retail supermarket
work as a section manager, checker and stocker and even managed a small,
custom golf shop for over two years. In that position I achieved recognition
from the Business Review Board, beating out all the other golf shops in the
San Jose area of California.
Knowing that my future is tied up in the truth about John Lennon’s murder
makes it hard to want to climb the job ladder. My future will be huge
enough if I can just succeed at breaking this mega story.
You should know, if you’ve read my website, that I turned down Stephen King’s
veiled attempt to bribe me with “..anything (I want)…”. I’m sure he would
be willing to part with 30 million to shut me up. Not going to happen.
My father was a doctor and my mother was a housewife and I had planned on be-
coming an advertising copywriter or golf course architect or something that
paid well but I ended up with the biggest news story ever told in modern time
instead. I don’t mind being poor.
What I do mind is being single with no family of my own as I near my 50th
birthday. For decades my life has been so filled with real danger that I am
hesitant to let a woman into my life and the government crosshairs that come
with it. I don’t want to give the government a target to get to me with.
And so I say; Aren’t all of you Americans a little ashamed of putting me in that
postion after I have come to YOUR rescue? That includes my own family. Is
your record of apathy and indifference going to encourage others to save you
after I am dead and gone? Are you scaring off the next hero?
And yet I still have faith that you will all rise to the occasion soon.
I am still a very lucky guy.
Incidentally, I may have already saved Bruce Springsteen’s life in 1992 with a
phone call that was broadcast over WABC radio when I urged his friends to tell
him to get away from Stephen King, who he was hanging around with then.
WABC is this hemisphere’s biggest radio talk show venue out of New York City.
In fact Bruce and Stephen King WERE rehearsing on the same stage and sharing
company over cocktails and at concerts.
I expressed my concern that he was on the governments hit list and that
King might kill him the way he killed Lennon.
They have never been seen together since, to my knowledge.
Just a footnote before I get into the My Beliefs section of this chapter.
I am a very lucky guy and more than brains and talent explain my find.
When I was about twelve my father sat us kids down to teach us to play poker
for the first time. My very first poker hand ever dealt to me was a Royal
Flush. My usually unflappable father sat dumbfounded for about ten seconds
before he collected himself to say; “Kids, this is what is called a Royal
Flush.” It was dealt after five shuffles and two cuts between five players,
my siblings and my father, right off the bat, my first ever poker hand.
A lot of other amazing things that could only be attributed to amazing luck
have occured throughout my life that I won’t go into right now. I am convinced,
however, in fate and God’s hand in my life.
I would like to say this though; When I was about 12 years old I decided to
sleep out in our backyard for a change. I was looking up at the stars when I
saw a monstrously huge meteorite streak directly over Healdsburg, Ca. heading
towards the Hawaiian Islands.
It was as large as Mount Shasta and nearly hit the earth. Its streak took up
one sixth of the visible sky and was going so fast it was all the way to Hawaii
in one second. If I had blinked I would have missed it. I had never heard of
a sighting like I saw. There is no way we would all still be here if it had
hit the earth. I have never seen anything so incredible or amazing in my life.
I KNOW of just how dangerous a situation we are all in. Perhaps, because I
know this about the power of outer space and our fragile place in it, I am
less inclined to be a silent, apathetic sinner than most. I believe the
best insurance is for us to behave. I believe that God has wrath.
I am convinced that a large asteroid took out the dinosaurs. Absolutely.
If I sounded a little too boastful up to now don’t blame me. I have lots of views
and opinions that may seem hard to swallow, beside the Lennon murder evidence
and what it proves. I want you to take it seriously as I believe I am correct.
The media has poisoned most of you to think I am a whacko “Theorist”.
That is not the case. I AM credible.
I have suffered for two decades figuring out all that I am about to tell you.
It is vital information and I had to let you know, up front, that either I am
a genius or society is a blind fool, or, perhaps, a little of both.
First and foremost I want to impress upon all of you that a government like
ours who would let horror writer Stephen King to kill the most beautiful
human on earth, John Lennon, is our ENEMY!!!
This is how you should KNOW that you can’t trust the Republicans or even
the Democrats or the media. This is how you should KNOW that you are in the
hands of people who want to destroy you. People who don’t believe in free-
dom, free speech, heroes or democracy. People who want to poison and
cripple all of you. People who think of all of you as Guinea Pigs in some sick
Orwellian experiment.
If you can’t comprehend this fact, denial is not a river in Egypt.
I believe that all of you have never yet learned the value of keeping your
heroes alive. It’s the one thing you don’t do that is the root cause of almost
all your misery and strife. Instead you make the government your hero,
your leader, and you wonder why most of you slave away over half of your
waking life working at a job you wouldn’t do if not for the money. You wonder
why your divorce rate is higher than your marriage success rate, why teen
suicide has tripled in the last two decades, why gangs and street violence are
creeping into your lives, why the environment and our bodies are becoming pol-
luted like never before and why it takes two, instead of one, paycheck to
make ends meet today.
You have never learned to keep your heroes alive and lead you.
We all killed J.F.K.,R.F.K.,M.L.K., John Lennon, etc.. with our BEHAVIOR.
I believe our working class misery takes some perverse enjoyment in kil-
ing those who are better than us.
The government uses your sado/masochism against you.
The government knows you won’t respond appropriately and they take over.
Nixon expressed his concern that the media elite might replace the politi-
cians someday. That is what should be happening, people.
Politics means; “More at police” according to Webster’s dictionary.
If you call yourselves proud Americans who believe in freedom then why do you
bow down to the barrel of the gun? Why can’t you practice what you preach?
I’m convinced that only I am brave where it counts. That only I am free in the
true sense of the word and that all of the rest of you are like the characters
in The Wizard of Oz; looking for courage, brains, a heart and a home. Still
marching down the yellow brick road (Money), getting sidetracked with drugs and
looking up to the City of Oz and the Wizard;(The government and the president)
to solve all your problems.
How do we know which heroes to follow? Is Michael Moore or Madonna trustworthy?
They both back Wesley Clark. If they had been more diligent they would know
that his past is linked with Nixon and Reagan and would know better than to
support him. They are naive, in my opinion, and should be given more time to
grow before we put our trust in their hands.
Believe me, I wholeheartedly embrace everything else I know about Michael
Moore and that he and Madonna have our best interest at heart. But it is the
rare celebrity, like John Lennon, that we are looking for. And why hasn’t
one come along since? Could it be they have been scared off by all of your
apathy and hypocracy and dismal record?
John Lennon was that one true hero who was not swayed by his cushy lifestyle.
He never sold out or lost his courage because he had all the trappings of
wealth and fame. His instincts were spot on. It was he who tagged Nixon as
“Tricky Dicky” He knew more than the collective wisdom of the entire human
race, in my opinion.
There is a reason his murder caused more suicides than any other in history.
We lost our most important citizen, the ONE who had the courage, wisdom and
fame to lead us away from Big Brother.
I believe that I represent as good a hope as you’ve got to turn things around.
As such I am the one the goverenment wants to kill most of all. If you think that
conceated observe McCartney, still hiding behind his family and wealth,
to chicken to take a stand for us. The same applies to everyone else I know.
It takes supreme courage, not conceit, to pick up where Lennon left off.
And now, some of my hard opinions about why America is NOT a democracy, is NOT
free, NOT brave or even dignified.
I believe that the Rockefeller family runs America more than the president and
Congress does. They own all the Chevron gas stations, Standard Oil and more.
Many of our biggest magazines, including the ones that carry my Lennon evidence
are printed in Rockefeller Plaza, New York.
There are other billionairs that own our politicians but none as powewrful
as the Rockefeller dynasty.
In fact he is so powerful you almost never see his name in print or in the
media. He owns it.
Even Al Gore was owned by a large oil company. I am convinced that
he lost to Bush on purpose in 2000.
I have met most of the last democratic candidates in the past two decades
and I know they are actors of the most dispicable deceit. Only the
Republicans are worse. We are a mess, people.
I believe that this war in the mid east is the work of these oil barons
that really run our country and military. I believe that 9-11 was enhanced
with demolition expolosives to absolutely bring those towers down to
sucker punch the public into supporting a war in the oil rich mid east.
I think the attack was known about well in advance and allowed to happen.
There is a reason we are not liked by most of the world today, including those
who used to worship us and everything we once stood for.
The point I’m making is that we have become phony, scared, weak fascists who
are too afraid to defend ourselves from the evil politicians who let Stephen
King murder John Lennon! That I can prove.
The killers face, alleged name and letter to the editor linking Reagan, all
found in print weeks before the murder and the coded cryptography in the
headlines and the writings of King and Nixon associated with those codes,
fails to move any of you into revolt or outrage. THAT is the outrage that
America and its people have become.
Ever since J.F.K. was killed we’ve become yellow bellied hypocrites.
What kind of message does that send? That we will turn coat, that we are
cowards who will run, that we are untrustworthy, ultimately. All phonies.
That makes us less safe from our enemies. All this flag waving since 9/11
is just so much sucking our thumbs using the flag as our security blanket.
America, right or wrong, is a cowardly gesture. If you were really free
and brave you would stand up to the Bush dynasty that probably LET 9/11 happen.
You would not allow one family to own the presidency and two governorships
simultaniously. You would not allow 2.8% of our poululation, the Jews, to
CONTROL 80% OF THE MEDIA. But we are phonies. But you are not truly
American in practice.
To be frank, people who tell their children that Chapman shot Lennon and that
he was arrested on the scene, tried and sentenced and jailed are too simple
minded, naive, and sinful to be good parents. Yes it sounds ludicrous, all that
I claim, especially that King pulled the trigger and is free to molest all
of you now, but it is clear and provable to anyone with an average I.Q..
I believe most of my detractors are cowardly, jealous sinners who know not
how foolish they are.
Can any of you afford to be ignorant, narrow minded boobs now that I have lifted
the veil, now that 20 years have passed without a single denial from King?
Don’t you think it cowardly to let the government try to mow King down
with a van and then kill the unsuccessful driver a year later? Don’t you
think it foolish to suck your thumbs and hide behind a huge, evil lie and
give the government a chance to cover this news up by killing me or King?
It should alarm all of you to know that at the height of my frustration with
the sinful public I prayed for an asteroid to take us out to spare us the
shame of living like slobs under evil.
Six hours after I prayed that, before a witness, the first plane hit the
World Trade Center Tower.
I made that prayer at midnight Sept. 11, 2001, Pacific time.
Do I have pull with the Almighty? It’s the only time I ever prayed that.
Do I just feel the worlds evil more?
I’ll bet most of you don’t know that Mohammed Atta and his parter, the two
leaders of the attack on 9/11, were in a hotel room in Portland, Maine, Step-
hen King’s birthplace, hours before the attack.
And now some other truths I want to uncover.
I believe that our presidential elections are rigged. I am convinced from my
in person meetings with most of the Democratic presidential candidates over the
past two decades that they have lost on purpose and not on accident.
Regarding this 2004 election you should know that Wesley Clark is closely tied
to the Nixon, Reagan wing of our government that has proven itself to be our
satanic enemy as the circumstances of John Lennon’s murder bear out.
Furthermore he is the “Military/ Industrial Complex” former general that Eisen-
hower warned us about. I think he is running to lose.
You should also know that John Kerry is a fellow member of The Skull and Bones
Society that president Bush and his father are members of. It is rumoured that
that Society partially runs America.
Regarding Howard Dean, I have heard that he is the Dean of the Dean/Witter
financial empire. Sounds too establishment for me. Maybe he is legit but
I don’t know.
Joseph Lieberman is a big supporter of Bush’s war in Iraq. He is a Jewish
mouthpiece for the state of Israel.
Gebhart has just dropped out but I consider him to be an obedient monkey for
the establishment as well.
John Edwards is almost too good looking to be trusted and I don’t think he
plans to defeat Bush if nominated. Perhaps he is legit but I don’t know.
The only candidate I trust to actually try to BEAT Bush, if nominated, is the
one the mass media has already marginalized with false poll statistics and de-
rogetory treatment; Dennis Kucinich.
The media has brainwashed all of you away from the one good man running.
I don’t embrace everything he stands for but most all of it.
I predict that Bush will be rigged into office this November because none of
the viable Democratic candidates want to really beat Bush, that they are
merely taking us for a ride,. That they are willing to lose on purpose.
Naturally I urge all of you readers to organize rally’s in front of media
stations to out my Lennon expose if you REALLY want to stop Bush.
If you don’t and Bush is elected, it was your fault for not trusting me.
I think that Bush and his party and the people who run him ARE EVIL and
want to destroy American freedom and the country I was raised in. That they
want you to be as obedient and as stupid as the people of the former Soviet
Union were and still are. That they put corporate Darwinism ahead of
everything America should stand for.
Did you know that Colin Powells son Michael in the president of the F.C.C.?
Did you know that Clear Channel Media, one of the biggest, won’t allow Lennon’s
song Imagine to be played on their radio stations?!
Did you know that 80% of our mass media is controlled by Jews, by Israel?!
It’s all true.
Did you know that the media knew, in advance, that they could brainwash all of you
to not even notice that Chapman would completely skip trial for what
he did?!
Do you people know that the same messenger the media has been branding as
a whacko/stalker is really an American hero with, perhaps, the biggest bomb-
shell news in modern time?
I believe and I can prove, not only that Nixon and Reagan and Stephen King
all murdered John Lennon in a political conspiracy, but also that Time, News-
week and U.S. News and World Report magazines are linked with our C.I.A.
and document coded messages via headlines in the issues surrounding Dec. 08,
1980 that plug into the Lennon assassination.
I believe and can also prove that the judges, wardens, prison guards and cast
of go betweens to paint the Chapman lie are liars and actors reading from script.
I believe and can prove that Chapman is a fraud too. That he did NOT kill
Lennnon and is just an actor working for big oil, apparently, considering his
father’s executive job with Amoco Oil.
I believe and can prove that the entire mass media IS a conspiracy and act as
one, operating under the pleasure of the government and the military. That
they mind control you more than you CAN know. That they do not wish
you health and well being but want to malign you instead.
The fact that I have been largely ignored for over twenty years, with my hard
evidence, by my fellow Americans is proof the media’s campaign to malign all of
you is working.
backed, geek, horror writer who belongs in jail for murder.
As I write this chapter Mel Gibson’s movie; The Passion is about to debut.
Here we are, two thousand plus years after killing Christ, not only letting the
evil government kill the smart guy and all the hope he promised
again, but we’re letting a horror writer get away with being the triggerman?
It’s enough to beg the question “Did Jesus die in vain?”
It’s almost as if the government has managed to rachet up its book of evil.
How can you people stand for this? How can you step aside and let the govern-
ment molest you like this? How can you turn your backs on John Lennon after
all the goodness and music he gave you?
How can you sit on your hands now, an election year, when so much is at
stake, when you could be breaking this, the biggest expose ever revealed in
modern time? An expose custom tailored for the baby boomer’s clout.
Must I break it all by myself? Is that even possible?
I think I need a self respecting U.S. public behind this message, picketing
media outlets.
What do all of you think??
DEC 8 RALLY 2014
As if you clowns care, and while America could use a hero like me to reform our police, and
for what it’s worth, I’ll be needing demonstrators at the intersection of Ingraham and Garnet
Ave. in Pacific Beach, California (Blocks from my discovery site in 1982) from noon until dark.
(Hey, keep reading. Rally date is over, but…)
That’s this Monday. Show up or lose out on the revolution that only breaking this story can
unleash. Will at least two dozon brave Americans please show up and support my crusade?
Don’t have signs? I have extras. Just please show up and don’t wait for a crowd to join.
Just be a leader, like me, and take action.
Pacific Beach is just north of San Diego some several miles and can be accessed by taking the
I-5 to the Garnet Ave. exit for a mile west, approximately, until you reach Ingraham Street.
Show up and we WILL change the world.
AFTERMATH: I showed up and displayed my huge signs; (Sign 1, side A:) LENNONMURDER-
Try flipping those two signs in various sequences and you know which community is now the
hippest, most progressively informed on earth. Too bad they have yet to find my courage and act.
Speaking of which; if the Berkeley protesters still raising a ruckus want to get results they’ll
HAVE TO put my website address on their billboards or find themselves ignored by the author-
ities who know Berkeley is just acting out and not really serious about world change.
Man up to avenging John Lennon, people, or eat crow.
Just days before the Fergussen grand jury announcement was made I was IN Berkeley, present-
int the signs already described. It was the only time in years I’ve been there doing that
since I moved to southern California.
My current four foot long bumper sticker reads;
I may replace it, soon, with a new slogan;
If I want to make everybody squirm I might even put up; “WEAK, SILENT McCARTNEY”
I’m still deciding. “UGLY PUBLIC PRO COVER-UP” says it all in the meantime.
When I started this expose I had no idea how stupid the mass consciousness was. I had no
idea that people wanted to protect their government over themselves. I’m still in shock.
I think it’s important for all of you to know that it is your own pure, human evil that wants
to lick the government boot that kicked you all in the ribs in the first place. It is your
own pure, human evil that wants to look away from the trousers behind the curtain.
Many of you reflexively dismiss me as a nut. Again, your own original sin at work.
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