Venice Beach Attacking Messenger;
Hi! I’m Steve Lightfoot, the owner of the van and website; www.lennonmurdertruth.com,
an expose that proves, via Time and Newsweek government headline codes, including the kill-
er’s face, name and letter in print before the crime, that Nixon and Reagan arranged for horror
writer Stephen King to actually murder John Lennon. Some kind of government fear plot a-
gainst us. That Mark David Chapman is Big Govt. Lie. You phonies have known, all along.
To even deny the concept without a good look equals child abuse. Read all about it on
my new development’s page, the chapter titled DENIAL EQUALS CHILD ABUSE. Add Yoko
Ono to the plot and you get a flavor of our real life, government produced nightmare.
Read, also, there, the details about a new attack on me.
There is a street musician who, I think, hogs a Venice Beach spot, 7 days a week, I think,
pretty much non stop, till dark; the piano player. I think he could be part of an L.A.P.D.
anti free speech campaign there. No one with any message can get a word in edgewise.
This conflict ired me to the point of making a public complaint about it which sprung from
the woodwork a man who I thought was a police agent / provocatour 20 years ago when he
knifed my tire. Now that I was pointing out that it is a no free speech zone under L.A.P.D.
mind control, out pops this old trouble-maker who I always suspected was a cop. That was on
May 23, 2013. 20 years later, harassing me, still. Now he has commited a crime.
This April 4, 2014, he sucker punched me in the jaw as hard as he could while his tag team
partner, a woman, vandalized my signs. I had been playing my guitar there. Days later the
same woman made criminal threats against my van and life.
Although it is mostly one unhappy and angry man who actually resembles a 40-‘sh Charles Man-
son who has attacked me, all of Venice Beach is to blame for allowing itself to be overrun by
hoodlums and drug dealers and criminals. Indeed, Venice Beach has become a ghetto, sort of.
It’s beach atmosphere is tainted by that steady carnivalesque piano sound that seems to drown
out all forms of free speech at the spots that matter there. Apparently with police approval.
Anyone who thinks there is not a censorship program throughout L.A.’s hot spots with police
playing pro active roles to keep free speech suppressed is, simply, ignorant and naďve. On
the last murder anniversary, for example, two police cars pulled up to block my signs at the
Santa Monica Prominade. One of hundreds of stunts I’ve endured over three decades. See my
chapter Current Update to see the dozons of police beatings, kidnapping, etc. I’ve endured.
And so, when this same, then, young punk in his 20’s knifed my tire because I wouldn’t buy his
bogus bag of pot about 20 years ago, my first thought was that he might be in cahoots with
the police to harass my free speech. There was no explanation for the level of animosity this
155 lb. man, about 5’8″ tall with brown hair had against me unless he was working with them.
Though he was huddled among his gang buddies when I confronted him about it minutes later
no punches were thrown, yet he didn’t deny knifing my tire behind my back.
Ever since, this guy has had a grudge against me that he has managed to suppress for all these
years until last spring, May 23, 2013, when he popped out of the woodwork to start a fight
knowing that I had a valuable guitar to protect. As soon as I put it away he was gone.
I let the crowd know that and, this last April 4, 2014, he emerged, again, only this time to
sucker punch me with a left roundhouse to my jaw after he used his girlfriend to distract me.
Again, once I put my valuables away he was gone. I am an athletic, 175 male, six feet tall.
The details I will list below in my official police report, but I am informing all of Venice
Beach that you are air-heads without a classy bone in your bodies if you don’t care about who
really murdered John Lennon, especially since you boot-licking cowards let Chapman skip
trial when it happened. What I’ve learned, most, over time, is that people, you’re the
problem. You simply don’t care about anything.
I represent all that is classy and brave and good about you, the man who attacked me repre-
sents all that is sick, cowardly, jealous and evil about you. His shame is on you. He is
your enemy and your children’s enemy. Anyone who attacks me is a sick man, indeed.
You will have to decide who you are going to protect; me or him.
To all his friends who think he’s cool, the L.A.P.D. seem to be his best friend now that I am
trying to arrest him.
Maybe my first impressions of him were correct; that he’s part of a government plot to stop my
free speech. That he is not to be trusted by anyone.
Meanwhile I pray that you air-heads get more responsible and start to care about my situation
as I am America’s real hero and I deserve for all of you to march me to your lying media with
my hard evidence. Your riff-raff beach scene needs some attention, too, in my opinion. And
your police are trying to tell me they don’t make assault arrests unless one is injured to
the point of needing medical care. Is that true., L.A.? I don’t think so. And the security
camera’s that surely DID capture much of the attack on me didn’t capture the attack, I’m
being told.
Get on my site and new development’s page and get a clue, you clowns.
It seems I’ll have to find out who’s behind the police’s refusal, so far, to make an arrest.
I knew, coming to L.A., that the system, very much like Russia’s, would attack me. Would
set up agent provocatours to try and get me in trouble or even killed. If I get hurt or kil-
led you should blame yourselves for being weak; Lost Angeles instead of Los Angeles.
Whether any of you can understand, or not, this expose of mine will go down as being bigger
than The Beatles in terms of social change. Everybody’s jealous of me. Get over it.
Stop molesting your children with your cowardly coverup and murderer; Stephen King.
Welcome to my updates page. Just a quick list of abuses against me since I bought my
larger, nicer van last March of 2001; This would be the one that sports the large
www.lennonmurdertruth.com logo the length of its exterior.
The day after I submitted title paperwork of said van to the D.M.V. I was pulled over for
allegedly running a red light at the offrampt nearest my then place of employment by officer
Weezner of San Jose P.D.. He lied about vital elements of the scene and about my remarks
and I told the judge as much. My fine was reduced from $271. to $65. if I’d agree to a two
year probation period for red lights. My appeal was squashed.
Several months later a red light camera activated after the light went from red to green to
yellow to red, all within seven seconds. The yellow was about two seconds or less.
An hour earlier I saw a man in an expensive three piece suit standing conspicuously right
next to my van in a parking lot near the intersection. He was talking on a cell phone and I
remembered how he looked out of place and worried.
I checked my mail only to receive nothing for over five months. Then a collection notice
asking for $530. arrived.
I have subsequently beaten that ticket but there’s more.
In mid December of 2001, while in New York City organizing an evidence rally, I was given
a bogus parking ticket every other day over a six day period. Three in all.
The first was issued at night within three minutes of my parking and was stuffed complete-
ly out of sight inside my door-jam. I would find it several days later and learned that it was
for parking next to a hydrant. I went to the Commissioner and even he couldn’t read the cor-
rect address and he told me if I could prove there was no hydrant he would dismiss it later.
An inspection of the scene revealed it was 72nd, not 74th Street and that the hydrant was
covered with a city barrel with reflective tape around it, completely hiding it.
Two days after the first ticket I got one while at my van having just left it for several seconds
to get a new stub at the machine. As I’m walking back to my van there is a parking officer
writing a ticket.
I beat that ticket the next day when I showed the Commissioner that my new stub was
purchased four minutes before she wrote my ticket.
Two tickets in a row issued SECONDS after I left my van within two days.
Three days later I got another ticket while watching T.V. in the back while parked at a
poorly advertised bus stop, made even harder to see due to another car that was also
parked in front of the lower sign in front of me. This is the second time in two seperate
trips to New York at the exact same spot. The problem is the sign is sideways and invi-
sible from one of the two available entrances to that spot. It was while going to the
hearing for that ticket that I discovered the ticket from a week earlier.
But the real story is how the Appeals Unit there is handling my appeal on the last two
tickets. Before I left I saw the supervisor in person and explained my intentions to appeal
and he gave me an appeal form to fill out and a fee waiver form as well. I filed both
papers on time and didn’t hear from them for weeks. Since then they have returned my
appeal and photos and all my papers back to me SEVERAL times falsely claiming that a
certain paper was missing and needed. Only once was that true until I had one of the
papers notorized and sent.
In the interum they have threatened me with auction of my van, damaging my credit, puit-
ting a hold on my bank accounts etc. in an effort to extort over $230 from me for two
parking tickets that have been uinder appeal now for seven months. And I just recently
received yet another threat from their collection office.
Just a really corrupt, in your face, terroristic experience that continues even now.
After I returned to California I got another red light ticket within one minute of leaving my
parking spot at at crosswalk that has two trees completely blocking out the overhead
signals. Moreover the signals are shuttered and right at the perimeter of the U.C. Campus
where I had just finished an evidence rally/speach.
Two days earlier I was followed at the exact same spot by another officer and also just
seconds after leaving my parking space.
I have subsequently beaten that red light ticket as well. In the process of fighting it, how-
ever, I discovered that the records of an old arrest I was trying to seal and destroy the
records of have been altered to suggest I had a lawyer and a jury trial and several pre-
trial appearances before the charge was dismissed. None of that is true. As I recall both
that and another similar false charge was dismissed the next day.
Most alarming though, was an assault I suffered a month after the very first red light ticket.
Thomas Gilbert of Sunnyvale, Ca. drew a knife to my throat while held in a headlock and
tried to break my nose seconds later in what I have to believe was a set up attack due to
the way the police tried to let him off claiming he wasn’t there before they left. I checked
and saw he was still there and called 911 as he threatened me with taunts of; “”..the police
here are on the take…won’t do you any good when you’re dead….”
Nothing in the charges mentioned the knife at my throat and the clerk, thinking I was a rel-
ative of the defendant, assured me he would get off with a peace disturbance, and, event-
ually, that’s just what happened, in spite of the fact that he was already on probation, as I
recall, for another conviction for something else. Apparently he is associated with the
“Hells Angels” motorcycle crowd.
Once, after I returned to the courtroom, I caught Judge Sneider conversing with his
collegues ; “…I just think this is going to be a knock down, drag out situation here…”
This, right after I fully testified to the events of April 08, 2001 in Mr. Gilberts presence.
I still have the scar to show, my second in 14 years.
It should also be pointed out that I was unlawfully escorted off the grounds of the A.T.-
& T. Pebble Beach golf tournement grounds shortly after returning from my cross
country trip. I was allowed back in two days later after i put up a huff.
Who do I think is behind this sudden flurry of state terrorism? Bush , Cheney and
company of course, but also perhaps California Attorney General Bill Lockyer it seems
to be so state wide, and blatant.
Oh, and did I mention that the Santa Rosa Police dented my van with a flashlight and
then denied it when I complained in the middle of all this?
That’s all for now. Keep keeping me alive. Break this story.
Thank you. Steve Lightfoot
P.S. Check out my other sections on this page by pressing
either the Current Update or KGO Newstalk Is A C.I.A. Station;
located at the bottom of this section.
Obama terrorizing me via tickets
Barrack Obama, (The Great Deceiver), I have come to learn, is absolutely trying to kill me
after first setting the stage with a host of phony traffic tickets to explain away why it
was that I was killed in a head on accident with a large truck someday in the future.
George Bush did the same thing – minus the pre ticketing – in 2007 when I WAS almost killed
when a woman ran a red light doing almost 60 mph. It’s explained below and on the other chapters.
I helped get Obama elected and I half way trusted him until I learned that even the court
room antics include overt conspiracy and meddling as evidenced in my latest visit to the
Oakland, Ca. court where the commissioner, Carter, showed up fully one hour late, presum-
ably to get a briefing on how to convict me, first. He gave me a one minute stare down from
the pulpit before proceedings began.
An hour late and then I was called, almost first. I made a motion to dismiss because I was
deprived of a speedy trial due to the officer’s five month delay to enter my ticket into the
system, requiring me to now drive 500 miles each way from San Diego, my new residence.
He denied my motion saying they had up to a year to present the ticket.
My second motion to dismiss due to discriminatory prosecution he interupted after I had just
began it, and denied it without my being heard!
After I got home I noticed several errors in the court report which claimed that I gave up my
right to a speedy trial, that I stipulated that this commissioner was approved by me and
a few other glaring lies.
In fact, after, the commissioner asked me if I wanted to give up my right to a speedy trial.
I just looked up at him, dumbfounded and speechless. He then told the clerk to schedule a date
within 45 days for trial before I could speak.
This dishonerable commissioner I willtry to remove from hearing my case.
I am seeking out pro bono attorneys to help me defeat all these malicious tickets and eventual-
ly sue California for traumatizing me with their 30 year terror campaign against me.
Now I know that Obama is secretly behind all this. His mask has fallen off, but good.
So far I have not given up my right to a speedy trial. (That may change, soon.)
Back to Obama, the Bilteburger owned con man/politician;
The day after Hillary Clinton lost to Obama in 2008 she met in D.C. with the Bilteburger
family. The one most of you dismiss as just conspiracy theory talk.
She lost to Barrack because of a call I made to Rush Limbaugh exposing the fact that Bill
secretly met with Stephen King in the White House just ten days before the Oklahoma City
bomb went off. That was the end of her surge. Now Obama has her on his team.
Now I have witnessed Obama kill hundreds with drone predator planes, escalate the Afghan war,
I have seen him build our debt and sideline the middle class with unemployment checks while
downsizing America and weakening our middle class. All Bush style tactics to globalize
America. I have watched him enter this race, unopposed, as if the Bilteburger’s want him
to continue to do things that no Republican could get away with. On New Years Day, for
example, he signed legislation that would allow him to incarcerate people like me, U.S. cit-
izens, indefinitely, without being charged, even held overseas! His way of telling all of
you; “Happy New World Order” on New Years Day.
You all recall how Bill Clinton and Bush SR. became joined at the hip after his term, as if
they are on the same team. THEY ARE!!!!!
Barrack is an imposter who says out of his mouth that he is with the Occupy Wall St. crowd
while he is secretly ordering governors and mayors across America to arrest them for pro-
testing. He said he would be the president of “change” but after he was elected the only thing
he changed was his mind. He is a man in over his head, besides. When he gave Solyndra bil-
lions of taxpayer money to move ahead it ended in total failure. You don’t just give anyone
that kind of money, before results, without that money going down a rathole of hookers, drugs,
cars, houses and whatever else people do with huge windfalls. Even if it would have succeeded
it would have been the taxpayers subsidizing a large corporation. Let’s face it. The same way
he bailed out the bankers with our money after they orchestrated this phony recession so
Barrack’ss bosses would have a handy excuse to give the baby boomers why their social secur-
ity benefits that they paid for have to be trimmed. That’s the next shoe to drop, mark my
words. Barrack Obama IS the establishment president. A deceiver, like Nixon, who I think was
pro Soviet to the core in spite of his claims to be a commie hunter. Barrack is very com-
munistic with his government knows best brand of serial spending of our money, burying his
lack of leadership with a mountain of debt and the printing of money to make himself invi-
sible for just long enough to get elected again. By then the inflation will set in and we’ll
be shrunk down to the size the globalists want us to be to fit into their jigsaw puzzle of
fascist corporate rule. Like Russia.
Mit Romney said, early on, about Obama; “He gave us a Magical Misery Tour.”
I knew, then, that Mit would be the nominee months ago and would try to tackle the contro-
versy my expose represents after he takes the oath if he beats Obama. His opponents, like
Gingrich, are probably MORE tied to Nixon style politics. I wish Ron Paul wasn’t so far
over the deep end with his platform that Americans would vote for him. Is he a plant to
make the others look grounded? A plant to shoot liberalism down if he loses?
Now Barrack is being exposed, by me, as just the same as Bush before him. You will notice a
definite change in his demeanor, his expressions. He will hide behind sunglasses more, now.
All because I am exposing him on the radio and here. While many of you dismiss me as being
nonconsequential, the powers that be, the ones who kidnapped America almost 50 years ago,
know better. They know that I have the power to revolutionize the world with my expose.
I am not being delusional or grandiose about my importance. I remember watching Senator
Cohen from Maine addressing CONGRESS about me, Steve Lightfoot, and why I had to be stopped
from exposing Stephen King. That was in 1992 when the media was trying to brand me as a
stalker. And it was on the national news. A senator addressing congress about Steve Lightfoot.
Now, in fairness, it takes other corrupt people to pull off what Barrack is trying to do.
Jerry Brown, our governor, absolutely, is behind some of this corruption; six seperate
traffic charges in just several weeks for the purpose of either suspending my licence or trying
to set the stage for a fatal traffic light accident.
Also, John Kennedy, the San Francisco City Attorney, is behind some of this abuse.
Leon Panetta, once with the C.I.A., is most likely behind this un-American campaign against me.
(His facial expressions suggests he is under excruciating pressure, perhaps even psychotic.)
He and I are from the Monterey, California area and I recall rumblings from him, then.
Already, last June 22, 2007, I was almost killed when a woman in Concord, Ca. ran a red
light doing almost 60 mph knocking my delivery truck over, totaling both vehicles.
The police did not cite her and the scene was paved over, just days later, destroying
all skid marks etc..
Witnesses agreed I was stopped for over a minute until I received a green arrow and that
the other driver was speeding through a red light. Not only was she NOT cited I was blamed
by the police but not cited! It all stank then and it stinks more, now.
Now, with several false charges to contest, the scene is set to make it look like I am a
reckless driver, though I am not. Don’t buy the accident explanation if I get killed.
In fact, I was mugged with a camera light that falsely alleges I ran a red light. My bump-
er is over or at least at the line (My bumper is two feet longer than most cars.) and it oc-
cured at 3:25 am after three previous lights in a row stopped me at the last second, first.
I have just discovered that this camera intersection is located exactly where the
Masonic Temple happens to me. The Masons run our politics according to many.
The details are in my chapter; Motion to dismiss due to discriminatory prosecution listed
at the end of this chapter.
Just days later I received another camera light citation just a few miles from the first.
The motion film shows me making a complete stop before turning right. That ticket was pul-
led out of roster after I had Sergeant Eastman review the film. He agreed I was not in vio-
lation but dragged his feet until the last possible day to remove it from the list.
In fact, I had to threaten to subpeona him to L.A. for another matter to show conspiracy
before he actually dismissed it.
One minute after visiting the famous No Lo Press book store in Berkeley that provides
citizens with books that teach one how to fight tickets I was falsely cited for a right
hand turn that the officer wasn’t even a witness to. This just weeks after the first two
tickets. A week later, at the same bookstore, I received a flat tire there requiring a tow.
Weeks later, in L.A., I received yet another ticket when an officer was seen standing in
the middle of traffic in front of me, his hand out for me to pull over!
He claims I wasn’t wearing a seat belt and that I was using my cell phone.
I had just exited a gas station a few blocks away after using my phone there and used the
first stop light to untangle my chord from my belt. He refused to look at my phone log
which would have proved I had not been on the phone. He also refused to look at my gas
receipt that was only a few minutes old.
Subsequent behavior on the part of the court clerk suggest a fix is in to steal my money,
to possibly suspend my licence to get my emblazened van off the streets and to, possibly
kill me in a rigged light intersection with a new list of tickets to trick the public
into thinking I was to blame, that I am a reckless driver when I’m not.
Already the government may have killed my father in a plane crash in 1984. (See the chapter I
mentioned below; Motion to dismiss due to discriminatory prosecution.) Also, see my other
chapter about the 99%ers.
Meanwhile admit that nobody saw a trial for Mark Chapman to begin with and that your apathy
is threatening to get me killed. Admit that Stephen King is keeping a very, very, very,
very low profile, shunning all public interviews and late night shows. Occassionally he might be
spotted at a sports stadium watching a game, but that’s about it. The invisible celebrity.
And Obama, your mask has just fallen off. You rose from the streets of Chicago and so fast
that there must have been some kind of fix to get you in with such a brilliant internet
campaign that only the C.I.A. could have pulled off so flawlessly. Axelrod’s not that smart.
You’re not going to give ME the shaft and kill me. Instead, I will probably defeat YOU
for putting me in the bullseye of some traffic “accident” that I have already busted.
America, wake up! Nixon was an imposter who killed the Kennedy’s and I can prove that, too,
with Time and Newsweek codes. I think Obama is an imposter hoping his slick, smooth, sooth-
ing style will lull you into trusting him. Don’t. Vote him out. If he’s against me he is also
against America. Even Mitt Romney, at least, seems like a decent man now that Obama
has bungled his assassination attempt on me.
Don’t let anyone kill America’s truth hero.
I’m the exorcist you all need right now.
Right now my four foot long bumper sticker reads; YOU GUILTY, SILENT SLOBS
some other inflammatory slogan to make you people think.
You people really are boring and unsexy living your evil lives under such a lie.
The real reason I am twisting in the wind without public support is pure, boot licking
cowardice on all your part. That and jealousy and shame. Just admit it. Admit it.
As I write these words King is poking a stick in all your phony eyes with his latest book;
“11-22-’63” about J.F.K.’s assassination!
You have all failed yourselves and your children in failing me and this expose.
Look at your America today; the worst, ever, in our lifetime! The jewish run banks and media
have really done you a disservice, haven’t they? HAVEN’T THEY!?
Time you cowards stood up to your evil government and helped me come forward.
P.S. No, I am not an anti Semite. I am an anti Zionist, however, and feel that Israel lost all
its legitimacy to build a state based on religion after they bombed Saddam Hussein’s
nuclear facility just weeks after Lennon was killed, suggesting that THEY may have had
Lennon killed just for that reason alone; so John couldn’t lead an anti war movement after.
Stephen King, a jew, I’ve heard, taunted all of you weeks before he killed our hero with
his oft repeated line in FIRESTARTER; “You blind, ob$$e$ive fools.”
He considers all of you to be RUBBER MONKEYS, (the title of one of his unpublished books);
monkeys who can be manipulated into being either good or evil.
Right now you are all bad monkeys in my book and no change in our world is possible until
he is jailed for life for what he did. The occupy Wall St. crowd are cowards to side-
step this hard evidence that can get fast results.
Can you all handle the humiliation of being exposed for being so stupid for so long?
Obama is an imposter, in my opinion. The republicans want him right where he is. Only he
could get away with his latest move; allowing U.S. citizens to be incarcerated, indefinitely,
even held over seas without even being charged. He bailed out the fiendish banks, in fact.
It was his very first move as president.
America is a hypocracy controlled with state run media and evil, lying, globalist politicians.
Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin (All ABC hosts) all know that they are helping to
elect Obama; that he is the man they WANT elected. Their job is to get him elected and to
supply all of you with a false sense of security that they are on the job to defeat him.
They want you to sit back and relax and let them fight your fight until Obama is back in.
It’s all a scam designed, long ago, by government psychologists and propagandists who know
how to push your buttons knowing that you’re too overworked with your jobs to think for your-
selves. You are no match for their Orwellian machine that keeps “you doped with your money,
sports, sex and tv.” Before they killed J.L they invented “Who Shot J.R.? to presoak
your feeble brains and killed John Lennon two weeks after they solved that tv drama. You
were sick of who shot J. anybody by then. Then you were brainwashed, en mass, on Monday
Night Football, like a Roman arena of death, and they reduced John’s assassination to the
level of political sport. Then they distracted you with Hinckley who (supposedly) shot Reagan.
That was the last anyone saw of Chapman’s psychiatric evaluation or trial. Poof! Gone!
Chapman plead guilty almost two years later behind closed doors with no real media coverage.
You were all scammed by the media machine, a machine owned and controlled by the C.I.A.
It can be proved. Barbara Walters betrayed you more than any other when she KNOWINGLY
brainwashed all of America with the Chapman interview. Tell her to sue me if I’m wrong.
Meanwhile I have a standing bet with the talk show host circuit of $1,000.00 to anyone who
can get Stephen King to deny that he killed Lennon.. In 30 years he has NEVER denied it.
As I write these words ABC’s “Red Eye” late night talk show has been kidnapped by two
hosts who allow one fifth the callers as before and they don’t really allow open discussions
on any and everything like before. It’s election year and they have condomized their format.
Similarly KGO of San Francisco, once the nations largest talk show format, has been gutted
of 80% of their origional programming, now replaced with news only.
Stop being such cowardly, unsexy phonies, people.
You are the worlds laughing stock, not me.
Meanwhile, since the republican roster is supposed to lose to Obama, I suggest you all get
busy getting Dennis Kucinich to run since Ron Paul is also a fake. His job is to get
Romney up against Obama; to make him look stable and grounded.
Or, if you are more intelligent than I think, you can picket the mass media with my web
address on your billboards and get me on stage where I really can help you all save America.
Hey, Paul (the silent one) McCartney. You endorsed me, live, in 1990 at the Berkeley concert-
I have it on tape – When will you get off your lazy, cowardly ass and use your high profile
and help me?
I’m flat broke, as if you don’t know, even if you don’t want to stick your neck out. The
Obama team has robbed me of my job and all my money and I’m a sitting duck wasting my
valuable time working a peasants lot for money. Where are YOU in all this? You know
how to find me and have someone meet me in person.
How will history, how will I, portray you, after, if all you could muster in 30 years of me
sweating bullets is a garbled yell out with my name at a concert that no one really understood?
You know that the state’s modus operendi is to go after my income, (They have) and then to
take me out at a weak moment. Right now is that moment. I was already almost killed in
2007. Now the stage is being set to brainwash the public into thinking I am a reckless driver
after I am killed in a staged accident.
By the way; don’t trust Yoko Ono, Paul. You are a boob to trust her at all. So was John.
See my chapter on her, below; Yoko’s No Good. She is the reason New York City is blind as a
bat. They trust her. She is the govt’s ace in the hole who RAN ahead of John before the
bullets flew to make sure the govt. didn’t double cross her the way she did John.
Stop drinking and smoking pot for a few months and get your head clear and don’t even trust
your shrink who I suspect has conned you into a hands off stance regarding me.
You’ll feel a lot better after you avenge John, for once in your life, and help me come forward.
I came forward because I have to look myself in the mirror every day. I have no regrets. In
fact, it has panned out to be a huge boon for mankind that I did. Power demands courage.
(For those of you who wonder what Paul said about me at the concert on April Fools Day
during the instrumental of Fool On The Hill;
He yelled out;)
“Yeah, Steeeeeeeve! That’s right! I don’t know what YOU think, Berkeley, but I want you to know
that we LIKE IT and we need you as a PEOPLE to GET to the promised land. Oh, yeah, the
dream; free at last, free at last, thank God, Almighty, free at last.”
I have it all on tape for proof. A year earlier I met his brother, Michael, in San Fran-
cisco and told him I needed Paul to help me as the public is too dense to care. Then he
came to my back yard, Berkeley, on campus, and held a concert and endorsed me.
So, what’s your excuse, now, seats on your hands U.S. spectator? Still want to call me
a whacko? I could be the biggest super hero you all need since John Lennon, himself.
It’s either me or the government who will decide your future. To get me requires mass protest
on all your part; to picket your lying, C.I.A. owned mass media outlets with billboards dis-
playing my website; www.lennonmurdertruth.com
Nothing else or less than exactly that.
A little harsh and bitter on my part you wonder? Lady GAGA calls her fans “Little Monsters”
She knows the score about the public, fame and jealousy and so do I. Stop being so jealous
and masochistic. Stop Stephen King from molesting your kids, parents.
Because the above is so important I will keep it up in the first slot until my drama
with all these tickets ends. Meanwhile, I have a lot on my mind I’d like to share with you.
In the almost 30 years I’ve been trying to get you people to care I have learned that
“Eve” was NOT created from “Adam’s” rib but, rather, that we are all descendants from
the apes that populated Africa, long ago. That Darwin was correct and that the bible is for
people who can’t accept the unglamourous truth about ourselves. If you were seperate
from the apes you wouldn’t all be covering your eyes, ears and mouths like monkeys.
But it’s more than the fact that you’re all weak phonies in the face of reality. Take a good
look around you and you can see the sign posts that link us to apes. Some people look
more like monkeys than others. Mostly some oriental and black humans carry the physical
resemblances. I won’t name any celebrities to embarass them as examples except for Step-
hen King, the man whose jealousy killed Lennon. His mouth is that of a chimpanzee; broad
and thin lipped. It’s an obvious fact. He would not need that much makeup to play a role in
“Return of the Planet of the Apes” And, yet, while nowhere near as good a writer as his
pushers; big government, would have you believe he is, he is quite intelligent and talent-
ed for one so perverted. He still carries the monkey gene on his mouth, though.
Strangely, the more I have been exposing him the more his features are starting to resemble
mine. (Perhaps some scientist can probe that fact); some link to our mind’s activities and our
physical changes, perhaps explaining aspects of the process of evolution, itself. In fact,
scientists have already proven that the shapes of ones skulls conform to whatever tribe or
community one begins to associate with over time and in their lifetime.
I have a theory about how we all went from hair covered apes to elegant looking, nearly
hairless, long maned primates;
Simple mutations, caused by factors I don’t pretend to understand, although temperature
and climate and available food sources played a role, caused some apes to become more
exotic and sexually attractive to the other apes who may have repulsed the attractive
ones causing them to flee Africa through Egypt where they scattered as far away as they
could. The ones who made it to the British Isles had to be clever enough to travel over
the oceans waters. Others had to have light colored skin to absorb sufficient amounts of
vitamin D in the climates where there was not very much sun. Having blond hair gave them
an advantage from being seen by polar bears and predators, as well, allowing them to succeed
and breed. Others required short, compact bodies to harness heat and protect them from the
cold. Eskimos and the few who made it to the Americas through Alaska eventually became
Indians and Mexicans. I can’t figure out why the native American males lost their facial hair.
If you wonder why the black humans are the best atheletes look at their environment; they
had to escape from bigger, faster predators, the kind found in Africa. Similarly they are
dark skinned to protect them from too much vitamin D and the harsh sun.
With improved mutations and higher intelligence we learned to skin animals and wear their
hides to protect us from the cold. Eventally we lost our body hair. Scientists have already
proven that our skin pores used to be hair folicles. To keep an eye out for predators
we couldn’t cover our heads and so we retained our scalp which even grew long to protect
us from the cold and to tie back to allow us to air condition ourselves in the heat.
I wish I were wrong about our genesis but, admit it, people; my expose has really made
a monkey out of all of us; you for not caring about John Lennon’s murder and me for not
being able to coax a better response out of you. Helpless, stupid monkeys, all.
To make amends for some of my other remarks about blacks and orientals. Orientals are,
perhaps, the most refined of all. My first girlfriend was half Japanese and terrific.
The blacks may soon become the most desireble of all races if, indeed, global warming takes
over our planet. I’ve been quite intimate with at least one fine black woman as well.
What would Brad and Angelina really look like if they never shaved their legs or armpits,
and had to live off the land? No makeup, shiny cars or mansions?
They’d both be a lot hairier and Brad would have a beard down to his navel and hair down to
his legs. Angelina would be a very attractive primate, indeed. Even with hairy legs.
As for the Scots being more clever, well, it took one to solve Lennon’s murder and Scot-
land Yard has long been the last word in detective prowess. If only I could solve the
mystery of why you are too afraid of your government to care about John Lennon’s murder
and jail his killer who is currently molesting your children with his horror writings.
What is the matter with you people that my expose has made a monkey out of all of you?
In summary, in my humble opinion, all religions are man’s attempt to distance himself from his
primate past and only that. Wishful thinking.
And, yet, I’m convinced of God and his role in everything. I know I am a monkey who is in
the magnificent hand of God as are all of you. God sees all we do and think and metes
out his own brand of karma and justice and grace. Quite a mystery, indeed.
Hey, all you scared, low self esteem people who think you are not worthy of living under
the truth. You, with your hands over your eyes, mouth and ears, like monkeys. You!
Maybe you are not. Maybe you are just low life, Soviet class slobs who are content to exist
under a blanket of farce and satanic influences. Maybe you don’t mind the fact that the man
who murdered your hero is allowed to continue to walk free and even molest all of you with
his sick writings. Maybe you are not good enough parents to stop that crime.
Maybe you just don’t love yourselves enough to live under the truth and be in charge of
your government. “Land of the deceived and the overworked slave”
Well, I object, if that is the case, and would you please change for my sake. I don’t want to
merely exist under a blanket of farce and satanic influences and co-exist with a bunch of filthy,
wicked slobs who stand for Stephen King killing John Lennon. I find people like that unsexy
and unworthy of being like. If you still don’t think King did it then I don’t want to co-
exist with people as stupid as you, either.
I need you all to make a stink and picket your lying, evil mass media.
Have you all gone soft since the 60’s?
McCartney has proven to be weak in the face of disaster and I doubt we can count on him.
I can’t take this to the courts or the media. They are all corrupt. Nope, YOU are the
only hope of this story breaking and King being arrested.
Think of how you will all feel after King is arrested and the world lives under the truth.
It will be like your first gasp of air after being held under water for ten minutes.
Think about THAT! You are all in need of an exorcism. You are.
ACCIDENT ???!!!!
An accident took place in Concord, Ca. last June 20, 2007. Me and my assistant
were T-boned by a vehicle doing well over 50 mph and the impact was so great it
knocked my delivery truck several feet sideways and over on its side. I’m
lucky to be alive. I have a sore kidney, lung and back but my wrist and foot
are feeling better.
If this was a conspiracy to kill me, like Dianna, in a car crash, I suspect it
would have to have been done by someone manually operating the lights at the
intersection. I have learned that this city has just such capabilities.
Now, in all probability, it may HAVE been just an accident. But I still know
it may not have been.
Just know that I am in danger of assassination every day of my life and shame
on all of you for subjecting me to so much danger just so you don’t have to
interupt your comfort zone and lift a finger to help bring me forward.
Where is your honor U.S. public? Have you forsaken the folkhero?
If I should die any time before this story breaks know that it was you, the
average slob, who made it possible.
If I lived in a world with people who deserved truth and justice you would
have hailed me decades ago. King would be jailed and you’d all be free.
But you are dumbed down now, I know.
I only call you all slobs because it’s true where Lennon’s and this
messenger are concerned.
Extremely suspicious was the officer who made the report. Immediately he
twisted the whole thing by trying to put words in my mouth. He said:
“How fast was the other car going,…40 mph.?”
I said; “At More!” In the report he tried to say that I had said 40
mph and not him. He also failed to make use of a witness who is certain the
driver who hit me ran a red light. That was left out of his report!
It so happens the officers took no photos or measurements and I find the city has
already paved over the entire scene!
The officer also put words in my passengers mouth to twist what happened.
Something weird IS going on.
(To be continued….)
John Cougar Melonhead
John Cougar Mellencamp, the 70’s pop star, now seen with Stephen King this last June 4, 2013,
on the Charlie Rose show. What a moron, apparently.
He either has no friends to tell him; “Get the hell away from Stephen King, he killed John
Lennon!” or his friends are too dumb to think so or he’s too dumb to believe it, himself. Maybe
he just doesn’t get out often enough to have even heard about me like half of everybody
else who is anybody in the business.
At any rate there he was, beside himself, that Stephen King lets him be his friend on
national television yucking it up with King’s other weird, sunglass bespectacled friend on
the Charlie Rose show.
I recall hearing about how King was palsy walsying around with Bruce Springsteen in 1996(?) until
I got on WABC in New York City and blew that stalking of Bruce out of the water.
Has anyone noticed how King attaches himself to rock stars? He’s even in his atrocious band;
The Rock Bottom Remainders. A bunch of no talent wannabes.
Yeah, he was jealous of genius rock star John Lennon, like I’ve been saying all along.
King likes to push the envelope of your stupidity and see how close he can get to killing,
yet, another rock star.
Charlie Rose is a self important whore who knows more about his guest’s answers than his
guests, have you noticed? I recall speaking to him in 2001(?), I think, telling him; “You
should have me on your show or are you a media phony like all the rest?”
King was contrite and drug free and sober as a nun looking for forgiveness. John was looking
stoned and beside himself with pride that King was his friend. What a melon head.
His music is nothing I’ve ever taken time to karaoke. I always felt he was making music for
the money more than the art of making music to begin with.
So, will somebody tell Mr. Mellencamp to sober up and read my website before his ‘friend’ pumps
HIM full of bullets?
I found it convenient and timely that King’s first public appearance in decades came on the
heels of my pointing out that King has been the lowest profile celebrity on earth on his
lawyers orders.
I also found it revelatory that John Mellencamp’s last remarks at the segment sign off went;”
“Both Steve and I don’t ‘play well with others’, anyway, so we should just stick together.”
That’s right, people. King really wants to burn his peers to death in a high school gymnasium
like he does in ‘Carrie’. Or kill everyone’s favorite hero for extreme punishment. He doesn’t
play well with others. He was always the teased, rejected outcast. Getting kicked out of
the town of Herman, Maine in the 70’s over his sick writing really put a chip on his shoulder.
A month later Charlie Rose is on mainstream tv; CBS, the same station that is airing the
“Under The Dome” king tv series and elsewhere, getting his payback for being the one to let
King back into the public eye after I rubbed him out of all medai ands interviews for three
Now Charlie Rose, the whore I told you he is, is cashing in on mind control and brainwash and
media treachery.
Charlie. You’re a very old man about to enter the after life. That should scare you except
you are probably an athiest. May you pay for your crimes against humanity.
May your tombstone read; “ANOTHER MEDIA SELLOUT / VILLIAN”
Barbara Walters Betrayed You
In response to Barbara Walters announced retirement last week, I got on both L.A. and
national talk radio to utter the following commentary;
“Barbara Walters..the queen of jealousy, always trying to outdress and upstage her guests… I
can practically see her trying to wrap Zack Effron’s arms around her, as we speak, to make
herself look attractive…Her best friend in life was a gangster, Roy Cohn….When she meets
St. Peter he’ll say to her; ” You and Jack Ruby, ‘No soup for YOU!’ She is the moral e-
quivalent to Jack Ruby who robbed us of the truth regarding J.F.K.’s murder…In 1992 she
knowingly, premeditatively brainwashed us when she interviewed Mark Decoy Chapman….Mark
David Chapman is NOT the man photographed getting John Lennon’s last autograph and she knew
this weeks before her interview with him. She had alrerady received information…”
(At that point I was cut off.)
The next day many of the talking heads who are familiar with who I am seemed disappointed in
my harsh tone, as if she didn’t deserve it. She deserves a gallon of ice cold urine poured
all over her, people. She is the treacherous one who did more than anyone else to brainwash
all of you in order to protect the lie and Stephen King, the real life monster of your lives.
Larry King, a lesser offender of the same thing, who postponed his like interview with Chapman
then said, when confronted by me years later on San Francisco talk radio for it;
“It’s all going to eventually come out, anyway, Ronn..” (to host Ronn Owens)
At least he owned up to the fact that he knew Chapman was a decoy at the time.
Then there was Howard Cosell, the man who first told the big lie about Chapman during Monday
Night Football. He later said of it : “It’s a sordid business…” (The media and his role.)
So, yes, she knew, in advance, that Chapman was a stand in for King. I hand delivered my
magazine to her assistant weeks before the interview aired,.
Judy Woodruff, after learning the truth,after the fact, pulled her likeness from the PBS prop-
aganda piece about Chapman. Now it airs with a 20 minute space of silence marking her absence.
At least she had morals.
So no crap from any of you ingrates about how sweet Barbara BrainWaWasher Walters is, or that
she was an innocent bystander.
Now, why all the Jews behind the coverup? Barbara, Larry, Howard?
I used to imagine that the Jews feared John was the second coming of Christ and killed him out
of guilt and fear, but now I think that Israel wanted John dead before they bombed Saddam Hussein’s nuclear facility in March of 1981 so he wouldn’t stop any war that might result from
that. That his murder was step one for such a petty, meaningless strike and our government
feared John anyway.
No grudge against Jews, just the ones behind the coverup and Barbara is the worst of the
If this truth about her hastens her departure from the planet she poisoned no tears from me.
Until then I call her ‘Cotton Candy Hair’ for all the damage coloring it has done to it.
Multiple face lifts, conceitedness, an unquenchable thirst for fame and attention. Her soul must
be as balck as a bat, working until she practicaly dies. Too much money was never enough
for her. Poor, misguided thing.
More important, though, are the chapter(s) below, listed in order of relevence.
Introduction chapter;
If you view my many other chapters in this, my ed/op page, a recurring theme resonates repeatedly;
“people are phony, gutless, mind controlled zombies who have lost touch with their humanity and
are, literally, insane and perverted, where Lennon’s murder is concerned. People are afraid of the
big truths and can’t handle the truth when it presents itself and mankind is a hero killing, self de-
structive, brainwashed, jealous boot-licking fool. Even worse, that you are all anti-heroic,
pro coverup masochists who, for whatever sick inherited reason, do the satanic thing and not
the right thing where assassinations and coverups are concerned. That mankind is probably, and
inherently, satanic and self destructive by nature.
There. I’ve said it. The obvious truth about all of you. It’s a theme so often pointed out that I feel
I must get that part of this story out, right up front. The part about how all of YOU, the public,
are beside yourselves with disfunction and hypocracy and weakness and decietfulness whenever it
comes to pointing fingers at your evil government. That all of us killed John Lennon with our
B-E-H-A-V-I-O-R. When we all did nothing in the face of the phony Warren Report and then with
the murders of R.F.K. and M.L.K. we set the stage and emboldend our sick government to, not only
kill John Lennon, but to put a satanic twist to it letting a horror writer pull the trigger and per-
vert us all after. It was as if Nixon wanted to see just how phony we all really were.
I’ve changed. I’ve evolved. The rest of you have not. Relative to how I used to view my fellow
man and women I now regard most of you as untouchable, unsexy, subhuman, brainwashed, boring,
insipid, scared, classless, satanic, cowed, Soviet class and un-American.
It is the lot of the messenger and I can’t help it. It’s as if God has altered my perspective to
make sure I finish my expose before I can go back to my once normal life. I am involved with
changing the world and rewriting history and setting a new tone for all mankind and everything
else seems boring and trivial. Even without all the trappings of normalcy I appreciate that my
life is probably better than those who shake their heads at me for even caring.
That I have been spared your embarassing tragedy and have found the truth and run with it has done
little to save mankind from the Chapman lie and lock up author/murderer; Stephen King. In fact, the
main plotters; Nixon and Reagan, have already died and never were dealt justice in this injust country
that has actually glorified the real killer and let him run roughshod over the victimized opublic.
The point I’m making is that you will find constant references to the FACT that ALL of you
people have a satanic blind spot where big truths are concerned. The truths about your government.
The truth is John Lennon’s alleged killer skipped trial, entirely, thanks to all of you.
The truth is Chapman is a decoy, look-alike who is lying to all of you that he killed John.
The truth is you DON’T know if he’s in jail or if the media JUST SAYS SO.
The truth is that all of you are liars, via your silence, in the face of this smokescreen.
The truth is you are all FEIGNING even your denial.
The truth is our government assassinated John Lennon because John was making people think and
the government is afraid of you thinking for yourselves.
The truth is author Stephen King murdered John Lennon, pulled the trigger, sat down and read
The Catcher In The Rye and was switched with Chapman by the corrupt N.Y.P.D. and the mass
media deliberately brainwashwed you, counting on your collective phoniness as a species to
go along with the Chapman lie, even without a trial to make sure.
The truth is that Yoko Ono sits on New York City like a great big wet propaganda blanket keep-
ing that already sick city tied down like Gulliver, blind, twisted and weak.
The truth is that Yoko set John up and is our government’s “Ace In The Hole”.
The truth is that all of you have become pro coverup cowards, on both knees, licking the govern-
ment’s boots after they kicked in your ribs.
America has become Nightmareica.
The only question is; Did the Kremlin concoct this satanic plot to destroy America from the inside,
out or is America already conquered by them and doing itself in? Think about T-H-A-T you poor,
ridiculous, blind, naive people. Somehow you all managed to turn your backs on the most signifi-
cant celebrity ever to grace our lives, John Winston Lennon. You have fallen to the lowest level
of deciet and insanity and self abuse possible. There is virtually nobody on earth you could stand
up for and protect or avenge. Lennon’s murder without a trial and 30 years of public apathy in the
face of hard evidence is all the proof history will ever need.
King repeatedly warns us in one of his books; “Beware the jewish, communist plot against the U.S.”
(Say, by the way, did any of you notice how his mini series Under The Dome was interupted and cut
off from it’s conclusion this mid September of 2013? Am I to believe that CBS only NOW got the
word that they were pushing a monster on us and decided to bail before they lost all trust with
the public? New people come and go and I suppose it’s possible.)
The truth is you all are terribly, tragically, pitifully weak and phony and flawed when it comes to
keeping your heroes alive and avenging them when they are killed. Considering you cannot move
forward as a people without their help it is pitifully stupid of all of you to be this way.
That I dare to be different has presented all of you with an option your sorry ancestors never
had; You can use my evidence to clean up your politics and the sick world you live in, for
a change. Meanwhile you’re all guilty of torturing your messenger/hero, me, for trying to save you.
That you have opted to do nothing for 30 years is a testiment to the fact that all my rantings
about how screwed up and phony you all are is not just me being angry but you being stupid.
Try a little harder, people. You’re dropping the ball. You’re acting stupid and cowardly and
it’s not fair to you or your kids or me. Get a clue miserable all of you.
You laughed at me when my father was killed, you threw eggs at me when I confronted King at a
booksigning, you tore down my posters advertising rallies, you smiled as you took my magazine and
then were seen throwing it in the garbage seconds later, you stood by and did nothing when the
police terrorized me over the years, my own family has admitted to me that they are jealous of my
find and they resent me as a result. You walked by my protests for years wearing a silly smirk
that says “We’r not worthy of your activism, stupid. We’re sick puppies. Poor, trusting you.”
Your media tripped all over themselves with resentment and jealousy while they corrupted all
of you to keep me marginalized, you deliberately shunned buying my magazines wherever my van
was most prominent and the rest of America, who never saw my van, became my customers, instead.
You took out your resentment of me by firing me from many jobs I was good at, everywhere.
You demonstrated the fact that you are afraid of and intimidated by heroes and are pro cover-
up and don’t really stand up for truth, justice and the American way.
You all did plenty to convince me that all of you are sick and satanic, jealous creatures
who are secretly miserable about having to work and suffer under the rules of your government and
you resent me for being better and braver and wiser than you. I’m a hero, you’re not. So you
choose to punish yourselves with tragedy just to keep me from becoming the leader you all desper-
ately need. Your government has, with it’s media, turned all of you into money slaves and
masochists. You’re all satanic. Wake up.
Meanwhile, Stephen King gets to continue to urinate all over your dignity and sanity.
One can almost see Alfred Hitchcock rubbing his palms and saying’ “I told you you were all evil.”
If I wax complaining at your tragic lot in life it’s more your fault than mine.
I am just the messenger. And what a mess you’re all in.
Read my chapters if you have the nerve. Maybe you’re the protesters I need to break this story worldwide and trounce the evil that has destroyed all of you. Maybe you’ll wrest yourselves away from the shackles of media mind control and live under the truth for once in your miserable, hero killing lives.
Or maybe you’ll just do nothing and STAY stupid. (There I go, again, righteously complaining.)
Satan rules silent America. It took me 30 years to see it and be able to admit it.
You people are sick, indeed.
Try a little courage for a change. It freed me and made me a better, more glorious man. Maybe
it can do the same for you.
I belong in the drivers seat of mankind’s future. Not a president or a government official
or a religious leader or a pope. A regular citizen who has elevated himself above the maddening
crowd and achieved a measure of accomplishment and credibility.
We HAD such a leader in John Lennon, then, though it was unofficial and unprecedented in our lifetime. Even though he was born in England he was a citizen, a common person with incredible credentials and his opinions turned out to be mostly spot on and ahead of his time. Smoking weed and doing drugs was his only really bad example and advice for the rest of us. Stopping the VietNam war and dumping Nixon was pure genious and without John none of that might have happened.
I should have the same clout today and we’d upstage even what John did with what I’ve learned.
That’s how our society SHOULD run; with a leader from the public. A normal person to keep the
rest of the machine honest. Without such a standout celebrity you are like an electrical circuit
with a short somewhere. Misfiring and misdirected.
Meanwhile you are reduced to watching “Dancing With The Stars” and other Russian dancing bears kinds of media programming, inbetween all the shoot em up government employee shows the media crams down your throats.
Can I hear you all say, in unison,; “Thank you sir, may I have another?”
Or will some of you come to your senses?
(To be continued….)
(Q) Why do you think Stephen King shot John Lennon and not Chapman like we were all told?
(A) “I discovered government codes in the headlines and bold print of Time and Newsweek and U.S.
and World Report magazines surrounding the night of Lennon’s murder that spring to life when
analyzed in the context of John’s murder; “Johnny Comes Marching Home”, “Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang,
Ouch, Ouch!”,”America Needs A Poet Laureate, Maybe.”, “The Job Richard Nixon Really Wanted;
Blasting The Opposition”, “Thinking About John Lennon” etc. A pattern of behavior unique only to
the weeks and months immediately surrounding the night of December 08, 1980 and nowhere else.
Literally, up to 70% of the headlines spring to double meaning life in some issues.
This motherload of codes includes the killer’s alleged name, Mark David Chapman, and attached
letter to the editor where Chapman explains how Reagan is moving him, armed, into a hostile
square printed just three weeks before the murder. I also found the killer’s face and true ident-
ity printed three and two months before the crime. The face belongs to Stephen King who even
writes about “The fellow who killed John Lennon…shooting a man between the shoulder blades…
getting a man’s autograph before trying to shoot him before he changes the world” and more.
Chapman’s face is close but he’s not the one getting John’s last autograph like the media told
us. The bold print code accompanying the face in Time reads “One great big ‘Zippo’ lighter.”
which describes the scene of the crime, that of a man in a raincoat with a gun blazing fire.
In Newsweek the accompanying headline reads; “Perils of pyrokinesis” or “Perils of fire and
movement”, also depicting the scene of the crime.
In addition to all that Richard Nixon’s book, The Real War, is positioned next to just elected
Reagan in Time and Newsweek the day of the murder, a book that details why “rock stars” like
Lennon “must be removed from the stage of public debate by whatever means are needed” etc..
In fact, the headline in Time above this photo with the book prominantly displayed next to him
reads; “Who’s In?””Who’s Out?” and in smaller print below; “Fitting together the pieces of a
complicated jigsaw puzzle.” It took me about two seconds to conclude it must mean; “Reagan’s
‘In’, Lennon’s ‘Out'” Newsweek also displayed this ominous photo the day of the crime.
That was my first real clue, in fact, those pictures of The Real War next to Reagan the day
of the murder. Nixon tried to deport Lennon over his political beliefs and influence.
I had no idea who Stephen King was when I discovered his matching face.
I had no idea Time and Newsweek and U.S. News were C.I.A. run magazines until that fateful
initial discovery a year and a half after the murder; July 26, 1982, which was prompted by
the glaring, tiny, back page report of Chapman’s behind closed doors guilty plea just a
month before. It should have been six inch high front page headlines a year sooner.
(Q) What about Chapman who admitted to the crime and was caught at the scene?
(A) Stephen King was arrested by corrupt New York City cops who put a coat over his head to
conceal his identity then switched him with Chapman inside the police station while King was
let out a back door and, presumably, jetted back to Bangor, Maine where he, literally, wrote
about Lennon’s murder in the local paper in an article titled; “I Read The News Today, Oh Boy.”
Chapman, knowingly, participated in the hoax and took the fall knowing he would only be in
jail for media purposes. Both he and King gained 30 pounds, first, to obscure the fact that
the two merely look alike. Chapman’s father was an Amocco oil executive, contrary to news
accounts that he was a humble bank teller. All smoke and mirrors, the mayor, governor, Attica
prison officials, court officials and the government controlled mass media, in tow, brain-
washing us with a look-alike decoy. To this day I don’t know where Chapman really is. I’ve
asked prisoners who were in the same cell block as Chapman and they’ve never seen him. They
think he’s living with his parents under witness protection circumstances.
Chapman skipped a trial and plead guilty a year and a half after the crime, behind closed
doors though the lying media now tells us he did this only six months after the crime. The
mass media is controlled by the military and our government.
Shame on my fellow Americans that all this went down like it did without street protests.
It’s as if they all knew it was a government coverup and dared not cry conspiracy. Pure ir-
rational, trembling fear of the government is the only explanation I can think of for not
protesting in the streets demanding a public trial for Chapman to make sure we weren’t be
lied to, again, like with the Kennedy murders. Public spinelessness on display.
(Q) Why did Stephen King kill John Lennon?
(A) ” In the first place, if you study King’s facial features, his mouth bears the traits of an ape;
broad, lipless upper lip, small pug nose. I think King is a less evolved human being than the rest
of us and was ideally suited to commit such a heinous act against mankind. He had more reason
than others to be jealous of extremely evolved John Lennon. They were opposites, both physically
and politically. Moreover, King had a huge chip on his shoulder against all mankind follow-
ing his experiences as a youth in Maine. His father left him at age two and his peers rejected
and teased him, like the character he portrayed in “Carrie” who got her revenge by burning her tor-
mentors in an auditorium after they poured pigs blood on her in her moment of glory. King was
also kicked out of Herman, Maine, several years before the murder, over his sick writings
and that egged him on further. Perhaps the government found him a likely malcontent with a need
to lash out at humanity after reading “Carrie”, I don’t know.
King was, no doubt, promised a greased ride to the top of the publishing world if he’d kill John
and he took the offer, apparently.
King began writing about “Johnny” Nixon, Tha Catcher In The Rye, “Mark” and the elements of John’s
murder in 1975, five years before the crime, and that is when the plan began.
Also, King had a need to kill his father who abandoned him and John, a father figure to us all,
was perhaps a handy substitute. John’s father abandoned him too, so that may have factored
into the equation. King just hated humanity and, when given the chance to hurt it as much as
possible, did exactly that. He also knew that, by killing John Lennon, that such an act of horror,
itself, would provide him with creative energy to write his horror novels. Months before the
crime he repeated the line; “You blind, obsessive fools.” a dozon times gearing up for the
murder of John Lennon. Basically, King was the sick individual most suited for such an anti-
christian act. He’d like to push the button on us all given the chance. In the movie; “Christine”
about a car, he describes us all as “shitters” In “Christine” King kills Buddy Holly, Elvis Presley,
Jim Morrison, John Lennon, John Balushi and even the car that plays rock and roll, the radio
being the car’s heart and soul. All look-alikes, but a fascinating fact about that movie. In fact,
when Jim Morrison’s spitting image is mowed down by a car on fire, from behind, (like a gun on
fire from behind) he is dressed in exactly the clothes Lennon was wearing when he was shot; a
black leather jacket, blue jeans and black boots.”
(Q) Why did Nixon, Reagan and our government want John Lennon killed?
(A) Why did the Roman government want Jesus dead? Both were credible geniuses trying to change
the world and move society in a different direction away from the status quo.
Nixon, particularly, resented John’s brazen fearlessness and power. Nixon was rendered naked
dancing with a naked Chairman Mao on John’s ‘Sometime In New York City’ album cover and clob-
bered by John’s lyrics in “Revolution” “But if you going carrying pictures of Chairman Mao
you aint gonna make it with anyone anyhow.” John defused and defanged Nixon with his powerful
genius and world platform. He, more than anyone, stopped the war in Vietnam.
John helped us make the right decisions with lyrics like; “No short haired, yellow bellied
son of Tricky Dicky’s gonna Mother Hubbard, soft soap me with just a pocketful of hope. Money
for dope, money for rope…”
Reagan was a jilted lover with his own problems and insecurities and a puppet for the status
quo and military industrial complex and John was in his way. Killing John was step one be-
fore bombing Saddam Hussein’s nuclear plant three months later. No protest from John would
muck that up if a desired war broke out. The ensuing Gulf wars, planned decades in advance,
were another reason to kill John.
Nixon and Reagan; two peas in a pod. Given the evil involved in letting a horror writer kill
John and take over our culture suggests to me that both wanted to poison America and may
have been Soviet agents, no less.
(Q) Now, doesn’t saying something like that detract from your credibility, saying that two of
our presidents were Soviet agents?
(A) Only to conventional, brainwashed minds. Look at all the other damage Nixon and Reagan
did to America; bombing Cambodia on Christmas Day, taking us off the gold standard, tarnishing
the presidency and our military. The same kind of Time and Newsweek bold print codes exist
in the issue of Time that was released a week before J.F.K. was killed and implicate Nixon
in the murder of our own president. I’m not your typical, brainwashed, conventional dupe. It would
be politics 101 to fill our presidency with a Soviet agent or two. Wake up, people. What
did Kennedy do before he was killed if not kick the Soviet missiles out of Cuba? Duh!
Of course, I am speculating, to a degree, here but I think I am right. It sure is a more sane
opinion than the Lee Oswald lie stupid society wants to buy.
Incidentally, during the McCarthy era hearings it was admitted by the editor in chief of Time
magazine that he was a communist. So there is a nexus if they knew, in advance, what he was
about to do. Furthermore, the former Soviet Union forbid The Beatles from their country. What
is our government doing allowing a magazine as big as Time to flourish in America after all
those eye opening revelations? That, in itself, is eye opening and our own government may secret-
ly be in bed with Russia behind our backs employing the ‘Us vs. Them” mentality to build
their desired police state. Mind boggleing.
Reagan was president of the Hollywood actors guild and was, supposedly, pointing fingers at
communists in their midst, like Nixon also did, yet married Nancy Baker who was on that list
of communists. Nixon tried to install a Kremlin like security detail around the White House
and practiced many of the Soviet techniques he was so fervently pointing out at the same time.
“Tricky Dicky’, in The Real War, warns us that the Soviets; “…are magnificent actors and system-
atically occupy and infiltrate our highest positions of power..” So, go figure.
John Lennon was the worlds genius guardian angel who saw through the politics and mind
control and that represented a threat to the world order takeover that we are witnessing
today. John stalled it for a decade, at least. John also wanted to see a world that didn’t
revolve around money and possessions. All of corporate America trembled at the prospect.
Most of all John, as the leader of the best and biggest band of all time, even today, decades
later, had more credibility than anyone else on earth and could have mounted a successful
revolution. F.B.I. files reveal that they considered only John and Bob Dylan as the only
people who could have succeeded in that ambition. John nothing if not ambitious. When the
U.S. public protested and stopped the war in Vietnam it was John’s song; “Give Peace A Chance”
that they were singing in every major city across America.
Face it or not, John Lennon was the most famous and powerful human on earth and our government
knew it. There is no one like that today. I could be that powerful if I were famous. The govern-
ment knows that, too. Not because I am as gifted as John but because I am as brave as John
and am armed with revolutionary news and evidence that will change the world once outed.
(Q) What do your family and friends think of your crusade?
(A) All of them admitted, initially, that “The government probably DID kill John” but took the
stance; “Don’t expect us to help you. You’re on your own.” When they saw I was serious and
wouldn’t quit, no matter what, they tried to retract what they had already admitted.
This sickness in all of mankind; boot-licking masochism and fear of government afflicted
them all and we don’t have a good relationship today. They’re all under their blankets sucking
their cowardly thumbs, I’m afraid, much like the Roman parents who forked over their firstborn
sons for slaughter 2000 years ago.
As for my friends, maybe out of embarassment at their own spinelessness or fear of association, many
of them exploded away from me is the only word that comes to mind.
(Q) Wow! What does Paul McCartney think of your story?
(A) In 1989 I met his brother Michael who was doing a photo gallery exhibit in San Francisco
and I approached him and asked for some help from Paul. He acted afraid to be seen with me
and, finally, said. “Enough said.”
A year later, on April Fool’s Day, 1990, Paul conducted a concert at Berkeley, where I had
been making a name for myself and, in the instrumental of “Fool On The Hill”, yelled out;
Yeah, Steeeeeeeve! That’s RIGHT! I don’t know what YOU think, Berkeley, but I want you to Know
that we LIKE it and need you as a PEOPLE to GET to the promised land. Oh, yeah, the dream;
“Free at last, free at last, thank God, Almighty, free at last!” and then he resumed with the
rest of the song. Not much but a plug and endorsement that I even have on tape.
Today he is too comfortable with his money and possessions to stick his neck out, sadly.
(Q) What does Yoko think?
(A) Yoko thinks she will go to jail for helping the government set up and kill and cover up
John’s murder. She was and is their “Ace In The Hole” without which the Chapman lie would never
have stuck. It was she who advised us to “let the courts decide” and a litany of other tricks
all listed in my chapter “Yoko’s No Good”. Read it. She was even seen running ahead of John
before the bullets flew as if she knew what was about to take place, protecting herself from
a double cross.
When I handed her my evidence in San Francisco at an art gallery in 1987 she ordered her goons
to kidnap, handcuff and pistolwhip me unconscious topped with a slanderous lie that I had yelled
death threats there to her. Of course it was a lie and I’d have made world headlines if it
were true. She also had the N.Y.P.D. kidnap and threaten John’s house servant with a gun to
his head to retrieve John’s journals. It’s all in Fred Seaman’s book about it.
Yoko IS the evil C.I.A. cunt we all knew she was, instinctively, initially.
She sits on New York City’s face like a Soviet propaganda blanket keeping them stupid.
Yoko is society’s “Judas”. New York City is America’s derelict population as well as truly
insane Bangor, Maine who all have sided with King instead of America. Sick populations.
(Q) What does Stephen King think about your evidence and claims?
(A) In 1992, my first of several visits to Bangor, Maine, I met a man who owned the downtown book-
store that sold Stephen King’s books and novels. He specialized in selling personally auto-
graphed copies. His name was Scott or Alan I think, but maybe another name. It turned out that this
man was one of King’s best friends. I was waxing idealistically with him once explaining that,
after King is jailed, I would trot him out of his cell occassionally to appear on the same tv stage
with me doing role reversal skits, him playing the part of the responsible citizen who wants the
truth to get out and me the average slob who doesn’t care one way or the other. That it would
be good rehabilitation for King and eye opening for the public. This friend of King cut me off
in exhasperation and blurted out; “He’s afraid he’s gonna fry!”
So, that’s what King really thinks about my evidence and expose; that the system will kill him
for killing John Lennon. Presumably to keep him from telling the world what else he knows about
our evil government. In 1999 a van accident almost killed King and the driver who failed was
found dead just months later.
When I first met King in 1992 I was playing my guitar downtown singing a political song about
him in front of that same bookstore. He walked towards me, glanced at my photo emblazened van with
his matching face getting John’s autograph and he had an angry glint in his eyes and was shaking
his finger, threateningly, at me. I ignored him and just sang louder so everyone would notice
our first encounter in the flesh. He got very contrite and crouched low to whisper to me; “T-take
c-care. I w-w-want you to t-take c-care.” and then sauntered off realizing I wasn’t going to give
him the time of day. The unspoken message behind his voice suggested to me he was trying to say;
“Don’t hate me, please. You’re right and I was wrong. Just don’t hate me, please. I don’t care
about what others think but I want you to know that I am sorry about what I did and care a
great deal that you just don’t hate me.”
Just seconds earlier I thought I might have to jam my guitar neck up his throat if he tried to
attack me. It was our only meeting in life and that’s what happened. Him walking away, me, my
back bravely turned away from him. Subsequently he may have tried to bribe me to quit my story
which is explained in my website.
(Q) What kind of person are you, Steve Lightfoot?
(A) If you read many of my bitter chapters where I rail against insane, cowardly mankind, a trend I
acknowledge, you’d think I’m an asshole. The truth of the matter is that society is the real ass-
hole. I am just an angelic idealist who has been poisoned by society having wrestled with it
in the mud pit we’re all in all these decades of neglect and resistance that society likes
to dish out to me. Anyone else would have taken the route of force to break this story. It’s
just not in me, to be as evil as society wants me to be, to end up shot to death by police
for trying to force my story out. That’s what society wants me to do, get killed before they
have to admit to their children that I was right all along and that they were wrong not to
help me sooner when the real killer of John Lennon was molesting their kids with his horror
books and movies all this time. Anyone who has been through what I have been through would,
naturally, be a little bitter and angry. When my father was killed, suspiciously, in a plane
crash on the tenth anniversary of Nixon’s resignation just two weeks after a horror writer sent
me a letter warning me of “Phase Three” since I won’t; “…cease my investigation..” the
students at U.C. Berkeley couldn’t contain their glee and audibly squeeled with delight at
my misfortune, to give you an example. That warning letter turned out be written by King.
Before I allowed the bitter, satanic public to tarnish me with their pain I was a happy go
lucky, kind soul, an idealist and dreamer with only good things on my mind. I wanted to
become the worlds best professional golfer I was so idealistic and optimistic. Sadly, I worshiped
money and possessions back then, like I was taught by my environment, but I had real em-
pathy for the suffering world and wanted to do good in my life on earth and no harm.
My fantasy was to be so good that I would wear a peace sign on my visor instead of a brand
logo and loosen up that crowd and become a John Lennon only in golf spikes.
I still have those good traits but have done a poor job of hiding the bitterness society has
foisted on me for being the resented messenger. I was in a great deal of pain when I wrote
the many chapters in my op/ed pages but keep them up for posterity, to show the world every-
thing I’ve been through. Everything I wrote is valid and I give it all its due place in this
expose, even if it paints me in a harsh light, not to mention society.
To answer your question, I am a good person with a heart of gold wrestling with a world that
is mediocre and afraid and it has tainted me. Nice guys get it in the back and I must stay
alive. That entails confronting the guilty public with their dirty laundry, vigorously.
In school I was the star artist and, I hate to say it, intellectual and decent athelete.
I know that I turn to animals for solace since they are guiltless and the animals know, if
not the humans, what a good soul I really am. What I hope does not happen is that I change after
the story breaks to the point that I forget to point out what’s wrong with everybody just be-
cause I don’t want to offend the world after it exhalts me, if they ever do. I want to keep
all the good, bad and ugly up for display, societal change being the goal.
I’m not as bitter as people might think, just hurt that I overestimated the goodness of my
fellow man. It seems satanic of the public to eschew me for being a hero doing the right thing.
After the story breaks, if society doesn’t kill me first, I’ll be a recording artist, a writer,
a publisher, may have my own band, a movie maker, a wise guy celebrity with a sense of humor
and humilty and searing honesty in the pursuit of my duty to change everybody for their own good.
(Q) You definitely do seem embittered by whatever. I’m sure you weren’t always this hard on
your fellow man. What drives this anger that any normal person would recognize?
(A) Fair question. My fellow man is martyring me and my youth and setting me up for assassination
just so he or she can remain undisturbed and remain in their comfort zone. They are utterly self-
ish bastards who epitomize everything that is wrong with mankind and a reminder that your fellow
man is not really your fellow man at all but just out to save his or her’s own ass. I risked my
life to make everyone elses lives better and they proved to be unworthy fools who don’t deserve
heroes in the first place.
Every day I face a life that has been cheapened and martyred by the callousness of my fellow man.
Jealousy is a trait that I despise in people and no one seems to attract more jealousy than one
such as I who, literally, reduces all other celebrities to second string and all normal people
to barely alive and tuned in to reality. Everyone wants to rule the world, myself included, but
only I have a realistic shot at it in today’s world. All others who would pretend to have that
kind of clout don’t have that kind of clout. I hate to say this but I am the man everyone else is
naturally jealous of. I’m a hero of world class proportions with credentials larger than Paul
Revere and the mediocre, frightened, boot-licking world, celebrities included, resents me for it.
I am the character that Hollywood tries to portray on screen, the real action hero that our
society lacks. All these fantasy heroes with guns blazing, etc. are a fantasy version of what a
real hero is and, now that I have become the real deal, the world hopes I get assassinated just
for being the object of their secret desires to be important and heroic. I have hit the jackpot
and the world is dangerously jealous of me. If it can’t be them then they won’t let it be me.
That’s the sickness in mankind that I despise. It’s so self destructive and evil. I’m just a
normal person with more than average intelligence who stumbled onto the story of our time and
the world’s jealousy is holding it back. That would make anyone angry and bitchy.
In fact, I think that I was chosen by the Almighty to become the messenger BECAUSE I used to be
so charitable and kind and generous and trusting and always saw the good in people. Without that
resevoir of goodness to fortify me I couldn’t bear the outrageousness of dealing with a bad public.
(Q) Why isn’t the public putting you on their shoulders and carrying you and your evidence
to the media if the media is all against you?
(A) If they were well they would. The public is and always has been, sick. In my chapter “Follow Me;
Get Well” I list my origional songs. One of my verses addresses this and it goes;
“You all turned your backs on John Lennon with the lame excuse “He’s dead.”
You people don’t care about nothing, you’re all sick in your head…”
It’s true; people are satanic, jealous, self destructive, boot-licking cowards who would rather let
Stephen King molest their children than point a finger at their government. I think I already
pointed out that parents in Jesus’s day obeyed government orders to slaughter their first born
sons. People are insane cowards who worship money not quality of life. The public is jealous
of me, like the media, and wants me to go away so they can continue to live in masochist
heavan and ignorance. Jesus said; “They know not what they do.” I disagree. They know exactly
what they do. They just don’t know why they are so sick and satanic. Every generation of
man has killed it’s fellow man in the name of government and war. It’s a leftover evolutionary
weakness from our past as apes, I think. We, as humans, are far from being real humans. We are
in a state of imperfect transition. In 30 plus years of being the messenger I’ve mostly learned
that mankind is self destructive and satanic but thinks it means well. I am an exception
to the rule, like others before me, who tried to point the way. People like John Lennon.
It doesn’t matter how good people are when their dark side allows the government to steamroll
over them, warp them, degrade them and poison them spiritually. It’s cowardice, weakness, hypo-
cracy and boot-licking fear of government that makes our good traits meaningless. They’re just
icing on a cake that stinks. We should know better than to settle for that bargain.
That employers are frustrating me, besides, suggest a real hostility against heroes that the
general public must be part of. The insanely jealous media employees are also part of that general
public that is afraid of anyone like me becoming so huge and powerful. I suppose they are
masochists who only trust the government to make decisions that shape their lives. No one
has ever come this far exposing so much truth as I have. No wonder I am treated like an space
alien. I must be a threat to everyones mediocity, it seems. Society has managed to kill all
others like me before and exposes this huge and world shaking have never happened before.
To be fair to the public they are not all to blame as the government has learned all about how
to use the people’s own inherent evil against them. Letting Stephen King murder John Lennon
is a classic example of how governments warp its people with fear and evil. The public is un-
aware of the devastating effects and the evil techniques the governments employ. I say give
hope a chance. Give sanity and humanity a chance. The government won’t let that happen. There
is too much money for them to lose if we get well. It takes a hero to change that. And
it is up to the public to support and protect it’s heroes. It gets an “F”, historically, in that
regard and I had no idea what I was up against when I started this brave journey. When I sing
at karaoke clubs I often see art renderings of all the heroes we killed from Lennon to, for all
we know, Jim Morrison, Curt Kobane, Jimmy Hendrix, Elvis Presley. Michael Jackson, Jerry
Garcia, Buddy Holly, Bob Marley and many others. John Lennon was killed on Jim Morrison’s birth-
day, as if the government killed Jim, too. It’s a sick country, America. It’s people are, ultimately,
to blame if the government is killing all our superstars. They always turn a blind eye.
Celebrities are the exemplars of society, supposedly brighter shining stars than the common man
and have a duty to use their celebrity to shape the world we live in. Most are derelict, though.
Many of todays celebrities are lost in their own selfishness and vanity and money worship. Oprah
was already taken off the mainstream airwaves because she is better than most. But she’d be a
real force if she gave away less cars to people and bought into possessions less and got away
from materialism and went for the prize of real change, worldwide. She was wrong about Obama
being all “that” like I was. If she ever gets the brains to seek me out as a guest on her show
she’d be onto something meaningful. I’ll bet she has no idea that local radio hosts like
“Chip” and “LaDonna” of KOGO radio is San Diego are salivating to get me killed while she’s
focusing on giving away cars to impress people. But she’s better than most celebrities.
I think she has to peek around the corner of consciousness before she realizes her real potential
as a force for change. Phil Donahue was another maverick who served the public and was side-
lined for doing so. I’m even suspicious of Michael Landon’s premature death and illness since
his “Little House On The Prarie” series infused decency in an otherwise indecent media climate.
In case you aren’t aware, the media is in the business of desensitizing us and demoralizing us
and scaring us and dumbing us down, mostly. It’s a deliberate agenda, keeping the herd from
getting any big ideas of their own. Unfortunately, and Francis Ford Coppola expressed this in his
Playboy interview, celebrities are offered lolly pops by the industry to obey and play the game
and choose the lolly pop over civic duty when they could otherwise orchestrate needed change.
The tyranny of the dollar bill has blinded most celebrities from doing what’s right.
Recently I got my magazine to a 60’s icon backup singer of a band who’s lead singer died young
and, rather than see my evidence for what it was, got paranoid about ME! Wow, how blind can
some people be? I hope she’s not a ditz brain just wasting away her celebrity.
Celebrities from that era, the 60’s, were nobler and more conscientious and idealistic. By
comparison todays media faces are a little bit like coiffed canines in ribbons in a dog show lack-
ing content. Many just suit up in their government costumes and shoot actors with guns and
do what they’re told as if the paycheck is the moral of the story and not the world.
Paul Newman was an enlightend person but lacked the followthrough it takes. Ron Howard is aware
and appreciative of what I do. I just know. Steve Jobs knew I was a genius, too. Dozons of
celebrities have my magazine, huge celebrities I won’t name. I’ll let them come forward and help
me if they choose to.
I’m sure there are many good celebrities today, in spite of the banal times we’re in. The question is;
Do they have the courage to help me? If they don’t the whole world is, truly, screwed.
(Q) What’s the downside to what you do?
(A) There is a tremendous downside to doing what I’m doing, personally. No kids, no wife, no normal
kind of life, living on the fringes, never being part of the masses always on the outside too
revolted by what I see to join society. Employers won’t keep me, friends abandon me. A lot like
Joseph and Mary looking for an inn to stay at and being turned away, everywhere. And why? Be-
cause I am virtuous. Not because I’m bad, because I am well and brave and conscientious.
The phrase “the patience of a saint” really does apply to me. I am really like an angel in a dark
world who lives for the day the rest of the masses see the light and join me in a better world.
Jesus said’ “This is not my kingdom” Not to compare myself to him, but I think I know what he meant.
John Lennon said, in “Mind Games” “..Faith in the future, out of the ‘now’.” Both understood that
conventional wisdom wasn’t wise at all and that everything around them was fundamentally wrong
and needed to change for all of us to experience life as it was intended. Life on this earth is a
cacophany of noise and a prison of work and lies and tricks and hoops to jump through. I know
better and I pay the price for being the first scout to see over the mountain. It’s a lonely,
thankless job but I have to do it to stay sane. To succumb to the conventional life would be an
act of insanity. Once you have seen the promised land you can never be happy in the hell we
all exist in, now. I have no choice but to change the world to be happy.
This prison would kill or harm any wife or love interest I had or children I had because it
is so hellish. I couldn’t have a family if I wanted to. Me fellow man would harm them. Already
it has killed my father and laughed doing it. I know how miserable the world and everybody
really is underneith the mask they all wear. An asteroid would cleanse them of all their addict-
ions and foolishness but, until then, I have to show the way. I know I am doing what I am sup-
posed to be doing. I know that, in spite of the drawbacks, I have a heavenly peace of mind
and the thrill of being the pioneer for the rest of us. It is a high only I could understand.
I enjoy true courage and fearlessness. 99.99999 percent of everyone else can’t say that.
They think they’re brave, fighting in wars, fighting fires and whatever other “brave” things
they might do but they are all tucking tail to the government and stepping aside while a sick
horror writer urinates all over their decency in reality. Like one of my song lyrics;
“You say that you’re ‘free’, home of the brave. In reality you’re a media controlled slave.”
Though I could be struck dead tomorrow I fear no evil. I am at the top of the food chain and
I accept the downsides. I live for the future until the story breaks world wide. Then I will be
able to live in the ‘now’. Then it will be good enough for me to live in. Immense power will
be mine to wield if I succeed and that is worth all the pain and suffering I endure today.
When I was a boy I asked God to let me do something that hasn’t been done before. I think
I’m on track, as insulting as it is. It’s God’s work.
I don’t have all the things others are happily addicted to; shiny cars, big houses business suc-
cess, social circles. possessions. I gave up a golf career and a personal life and a family
and all the things the rest of us hold dear. I’d simply answer that I found something infinitely
better and substantial. Living on top of government and not under it, in a word.
(Q) What have you learned about people that you didn’t know when you started this odyssey?
(A) That people are jealous, self loathing, miserable fools where heroes are concerned.
They’d rather go to hell in a hand basket than help any hero up to see his day in the sun.
That people relate more to Barabas than to Jesus and still favor satanic anti-heroes.
I can say that I know, for certain, that everybody is subconsciously jealous of me and ashamed
of themselves, to the point of satanic madness. If it can’t be them that breaks the story of the
millenium then it can’t be anybody else. Nobody must be allowed to ever get that big so fast and
so gloriously as I could and should be by now. There is a conspiracy of misery that fuels this
hero resentment phenominon that is, really, the story within the story. It seems that working
a job for 50 years to get by really IS miserable and anyone who can get lucky and sidestep
all that with a glorious discovery that will save mankind is just too much contrast to share
the same planet with. “Kill the smarter monkey that makes me look stupid.” “I don’t care
if his success will be my success, too. Kill him! He shows me up in front of my kids.”
I will spend much of my fame, if the jealous public doesn’t kill me first, pointing out exactly
this sick aspect of the common man.
Superman and Batman, The Green Hornet, Spiderman and other comic book heroes seem to be
man’s way of trying to describe someone like, I’ll say it, ME! Not one of us, better and stronger and
bolder, unearthly, a “super” man. Someone who is smart enough to crack C.I.A. magazine codes,
brave enough to go forward with the truth and athletic enough to hang in there when the common
man and women lets him down for decades, while they laugh at his futility and pain.
Someone who, by right, should be the most famous man on earth.
I think it’s easier to brand a strong, sane, heroic person as “Superman from another galaxy”
than to admit that the rest of us who are NOT so sane and brave and heroic are really
just cowardly, small slobs. Mice.
Because people are jealous, miserable creatures who lack the self worth to stop licking the
government’s boots super heroes like me are left abandoned while humanity suffers even more.
To me the most horrific scene in The Wizard Of Oz is when the Wizard is about to fly away from
Oz in his balloon, now that he’s been revealed to all as a sham and a phony.
The people of Oz are unmoved. They are carrying on as if nothing had happened as if there
was no hoax revealed or, even if there was, that it was nothing to be moved by.
Business as normal. Back to being stupid. No lesson learned. Tra la la la la la. All back
to being the kind of fool that would live under such a lie in the first place.
And it took a DOG to assume the role of the hero, as if humans can’t muster the common sense.
I can imagine Toto, the dog, saying to himself; “What’s the matter with you phony morons? Are
you all blind? Can’t you see someone behind that curtain? Do I have to point it out FOR you?!
Are you all insane?”
Just how I feel about my fellow, so called, human being. $atan seems to rule fool$.
The whole moral of that story is that humans are too full of sin to find the brains, courage and
heart to stand up to government; the Wizard of Oz and it’s apparatus. Even the guard who was
protecting the wicked witch of the west joined Dorothy, instantly, the minute the witch was
melted. Where was his common sense until then?
I hate to say it but this odyssey has taught me that people are, perhaps, exactly, 50% good and
evil. Not the 80%/20% we’ve chosen to believe. That our true evil exists in what we DON’T do and
what we are willing to overlook in the name of laziness and fear.
When it comes to responding to evidence that really matters and the true heroes that exist
people are sick, ignorant, jealous, self hating fools who should think twice about bringing
children into this world until they grow a brain, first.
(Q) Why haven’t you written a book about your story and evidence? Wouldn’t that be the logical
next step to lock King up, a blockbuster book?
(A) The key word is the ‘next’ logical move. Yes, now that’s a good idea. Innitially it
would have been suicidal to take time out to write while my name was not out there and vulner-
able to assassination. I spent the first two years simultaniously getting my evidence out and
acting just nuts enough to keep the government from killing me. I actually acted a little nuts,
at first, on purpose knowing the government would view me as less of a threat. After my name
was known and I was a public target I began to clean up my act and become more credible.
I always knew that the next messenger would have to get rescued quickly, too, and that I had
a duty to lay out a blueprint to follow so they wouldn’t get killed before their book was
published. Imagine, your life is in extreme danger and you take a year off to write a book before
the general public knows who you are and what you’re doing? It’s nuts. You’d be killed.
I wore sunglasses and rubber gloves and used a phony name when I went to Mother Jones with my
findings. They are probably the government in disguise, government flypaper to attract the
likes of me so they can tip off the government before I get too far along. I knew all that then.
In the first place, even if you wrote the book of the century, there is no guarantee that anyone
will have the gonads to publish it. Even if they do the government might kill them before it is
released. It’s a treacherous world. I remember talking to famous attorney Melvin Belli, the only
attorney who expressed an interest in helping me. I talked to one of his aids the same day Melvin
died. Who’s to say what really happened? I was under a 24/7 microscope then.
I’ve already tried to go to the New York City authorities and various attorneys to pursue this
in the conventional manner. It doesn’t apply. People are gutless in tilting at the government.
Even George Harrison kept his flap shut when he had nothing to lose before his death of throat
cancer or whatever the government may have given him. He knew I was right and HE didn’t care.
I doubt that anyone in this country would print my automatic Pulitzer Prize, Nobel Peace Prize
winning book. They would have sought me out by now. There are billions to be made on my book,
not just millions. I’m famous already. If any publisher out there is listening, prove me wrong.
I could use an advance and start writing tomorrow. I just don’t have faith that anyone in THIS
country is good enough, brave enough to publish MY book. I don’t have the money to publish
and distribute and advertise it by myself. In the meantime I have the pure essense of my book,
the meat of the matter, in my magazine “Stephen King Shot John Lennon” Even this public is black-
balling that with tepid sales. Europe and Australia are almost as interested as America.
I’d love to stop work and get a place to write my book if it could be guaranteed published and
distributed quickly. I have my doubts that is possible in Soviet America. Really.
Meanwhile, why aren’t Americans running to the media with my thousands of magazines already
sold? Where is the public outrage?
I’ve done the important step. I’ve put up a website and offered the best of the best of the hard
evidence. Where has it got me?
You find a publisher to release my book and I’ll give you a chunk of real change. You’ll be
able to retire.
I’ve already offered 50% of my first year’s earnings to anyone who helps me break my story to
the point where King is arrested on world wide tv. Where are the brave American takers?
Nowhere, Man.
I think America would be remembered as a hypocritical coward if I had to write a best seller
book before King was arrested. Millions already agree I’m correct. Why should they wait a year
to lock that son of a bitch up where he belongs? Why are Americans living under the lie and
watching King’s series ‘Under The Dome’ and allowing themselves to be perverted further by the
coverup when millions who know I’m right could simply find their spines and picket their guilty,
traitorous, lying mass media?
That would be a much prouder ending, I think, for America. Forcing me to now have to write
a book would only be hero torture and pure cowardliness.
Step up to the plate all you cowards. Protest. Something the baby boomers knew how to do before
they all sold out for money.
The book I have to write should be written after King is jailed on the 30 years of effort I’ve
given and the website and evidence magazine I’ve provided.
But, get me a publisher and an advance and I’ll drop everything and have it out in six months.
Meanwhile I have to eat.
(Q) How do you support yourself? Is your magazine making you a living?
Now I am a successful telemarketer, top performer at my workplace, selling a planet friendly
product that saves people money. Prior to this lucky break I had the following to say;
(A) I am barely surviving (Are you rich celebrities listening) and my magazine barely pays for the
website. In fact, I notice that all my orders seem to come from parts of the country and world
where I DON’T advertise with my emblazened van. It’s as if my fellow Americans are shun-
ning me and hope I remain obscure and fail. Jealousy, shame, fear of government and pure, un-
adulterated cowardliness on the public’s side has reared it’s ugly head like a conspiracy of
silence abathy and benign neglect.
I’m afraid I’m trying to save a nation of jealous, masochistic ingrates and hardened hero killers.
It’s a sick planet and a sick species, this so called human race.
Humankind is neither.
I’m reminded of a dream I had weeks before my evidence find; I dreamed I came upon a massive
tree so large it housed restaurants and shops. I happened upon the cooks who were putting poison
in the guests food and, when I went to alert the guests, they bitterly protested my warning,
apparently intent on engaging in a ritualistic suicide meal that I was spoiling. They were
there TO kill themselves, ritualistically.
As for supporting myself I have been in sales the past several years doing best at door to door
and, lately, telemarketing. Unfortunately my employers are also afraid of my taking on the
powers that be and the website across my van. I made my door to door bosses too much money
and it took them years to finally succumb to it but the telemarketing employers seem a lit-
tle more immature and I’m looking for work as we speak.
I’m considering selling my magazine door to door but fear the fix is in against me where the
public is concerned. Even if they aren’t out to assassinate me I’ve come to learn that most
people are too wicked to respond to such a notion. They want to wipe their hands of the whole
matter, it seems. A horror writer/murderer molesting their kids isn’t important to them.
I’m hoping my next boss is not a boot-licker like the last one was. I hope there is a good boss
out there who appreciates that I am the worlds best employee and an American hero, besides.
God is testing me, lately, it seems, or, perhaps, trying to educate me to the wickedness of
the status quo so that I might opt for a revolution once I do get into a position of power and
influence. What is certainly isn’t good or just. I’ve learned that, lately. It’s a system built
on insanity, slavery and the futility of materialism and consumerism and the tyranny of the
dollar bill. I’m noticing that modern life and all it’s infrastructure is not necessary
and, in fact, worse than a world without concrete, neon signs and manufacturing.
Lately I feel like Moses on the mountain looking down on a lost, noisy, insane, frenzied planet.
About 10 percent of people ARE on my side and thank you special people. But where are you pro-
testers? That’s what I really need.
Meanwhile I need you celebrities who have been sponging off of my efforts to keep you safe to
donate to my cause so I don’t have to rob a bank or go nuts trying to survive.
Seriously! HELP!
That’s my e-mail
My temporary hard mailing address is
Steve Lightfoot
General Delivery
Garden Grove, Ca. 92842
I’m 59 and, even if America was a fair and good employer, I need real money to break this
story that work won’t supply in time for me to change the world.
Where is so called “brave” America? Well, where is it?
(To be continued….)
The following is not part of 20 Questions but updates and alerts;
Apparently the government is worried over the above request for you celebrities to support my
cause with financial help or personal help. My Yahoo account is being swarmed in an attempt to
shut it down!
Also, regarding the Bradlley Manning, Eric Snowden whistleblowergates.
The government may be behind both dramas in an elaborate sceme to come after me.
Manning announces he is a conflicted woman in a man’s body and Snowden seeks refuge in our
former arch enemies country, Russia, where people like Snowden get poisoned by cowards like
Putin. Putin gives Snowden a job with their version of facebook? Why? To spy on it’s citizens
and go against what Snowden claims to stand for?! This whole drama may be government mind con-
trol warfare.
The whole thing stinks. According to the stories whistleblowers are either pussies or traitors.
The government knows they can’t come after me like that if I’m alive so there might be a plan
to kill me first and THEN brand me as a whacko like the others.
The wheels of satanic government are spinning and Obama has his fingerprints all over it, I think.
To the jealous hero haters jamming my e-mail, I’ll bet you’re media types or government employees
besides yourselves with fear I’ll expose you all for the traitors you are.
Also, the mass media are as sick as they’ve ever been with hatred and jealousy against me.
Jealous, narcisistic, hero hating sicko’s.
Your entire mass media, America.
They are all under C.I.A. orders and control, in case you’re naive and stupid, and they are the
shadow government in league with China and Russia to destroy the U.S. and fold us into a world
order omelette. There they sit, sitting on my story, hoping it will go away, betraying mankind.
I’ve been the canary in the coalmine for three decades and I know better than anyone.
You’ll all have to just trust me on the above.
New wrinkle; Now Yahoo is blocking me from accessing my own e-mail. Some privacy concern requir-
ing me to follow impossible instructions and, meanwhile, I don’t know how to contact them their
‘contact us’ option is so incomplete.
O.K.. I had to install a new password and my e-mail is up.
Are all you celebrities going to hide under your covers and suck your meaningless thumbs or are
you going to give a God damn about John Lennon’s murder and lock up Stephen King?
If none of you come forward soon I will, eventually, lower the boom on all of your cowardly asses
and expose you for the shallow, selfish, empty, mere narcisists you probably are. Even those of
you who are better than that are still dead weight fools and cowards not to take a step forward
and help me.
Apparently the terror campaign of our government letting a horror writer shoot John in the back
on his front doorstep for being a hero and a participant in world politics has worked and now,
not only will Hollywood prevent anyone from getting too big and make the newbies wear guns and gov-
ernment uniforms to get work at all, even the good celebrities are afraid to participate in world
politics at all.
If that’s the case then celebrities have no use except to entertain us and that’s absurd.
The whole point of gaining fame is to exert power to change our evil politics. If none of you are
willing to use your high profile for change then you’re worthless traitors in my opinion.
Dancing With The Stars had to be invented to give many of you a job at all and you’re as sub-
stantive as Russian dancing bears. Pathetic.
Do you expect the simple hand to mouth oppressed public to take the first step? No, that’s YOUR
duty. Otherwise you’re all grossly overpaid and overvalued.
Then, again, satan rules silent America.
(To be continued….
The state of California, possibly even the governor, Jerry Brown, the man accountable for
everything below him, may be trying to assassinate me via a fatal traffic accident. The facts
suggest that our government may be trying to kill me in an intersection, red light. fatality.
Paranoid? Out of bounds? Crying wolf?
No, no, and no.
In fact, I have received two red light camera tickets in the mail in almost as few months.
This, in spite of the fact that I haven’t received a valid traffic citation in several
years. The only one I remember was one in Stephen King’s hometown of Portland, Maine is-
sued hours after I was interrogated by police for sleeping in my van the night I arrived.
Now it’s as if California is trying to give the news reporters a list of prior violations to later
explain away why I wound up dead in a fatal traffic accident when it was really an assassination.
I can almost see the news readers now; “Steve Lightfoot had run up a string of red light viola-
tions prior to this tragic accident…”
Already I let you readers know that on June 22, 2007 I was almost killed when a woman
ran a red light in Concord, California, T-boning my delivery truck at about 55 mph knock-
ing my vehicle ten yards, sideways, before it tipped over.
God being on my side, no one was really hurt.
I wondered, then, was the government trying to kill me this way?
In fact, witness accounts suggest that the lights weren’t working properly, suggesting
there were two green lights, simultainiously.
I was not cited, nor was anyone. One witnness claimed he also had a green light. He was facing
opposite me. Did all three of us have a green light?
I inquired with the city of Concord and learned that their lights can be manually operated
by remote control from a building.
I know, for a fact, that my light was a green arrow that I had waited a minute for.
It is entirely possible that just juch a remote control trick was pulled to give me a green
arrow when it wasn’t safe, knowing, from video surveillance, that another car was only a
hundreds yards away doing 55 mph, a perfect set up to kill Steve Lightfoot before his
Lennon murder expose breaks wide open and make it look like an accident. And all the more
convenient, in a meat delivery truck and not my controversial van, itself.
If true you might ask; “Would our govt. kill a U.S. citizen with a trick green light just tio kill
me?” Of course they would.
Now, it seems I am being targeted by this states red light camera system using trickery to
force a violation when no violation was committed. Using abbreviated yellow lights and even
Hours before the first rigged red light a Daly City police car involuntarilly jumped on his gas
pedal at the sight of me driving into the West Lake Mall. I was a familiar sight there so
what’s going on so unusual that an officer would get excited and startled by my presence
only a mile or two away from the light that would later entrap my van? Did he know something
I didn’t, perhaps about the state’s plan to start hitting me with red light camera tickets,
namely the one at Sloat and 19th Ave. in San Francisco that I could be predicted to go to?
Before this intersection incident I took a long, several hour nap before driving through the
gauntlet of 19th Ave.. In fact I started out at after 3:00 am specifically to have the safest
trip with the least amount of traffic, coincidentally, at the least congested hour of any week;
3:30 am on a Monday following a Sunday night.
It’s the quietest half hour of the week at that intersection, the perfect time to spring
a stunt that would otherwise CAUSE accidents
there. A stunt like three consecutive lights that turn yellow just as you near the light, as
was the case then. The one other person on the road and I looked at each other at the third stop
like; “What’s going on with these lights?” It was as if we were trapped in a sequence that
forced us to stop at the last second at every consecutive light. To get out of this sequence we
both got up to the speed limit quickly, me in front, both of us accelerating when the
turned yellow, again, at the last second. With the other car behind me, accelerating, and
no one else on the road anywhere in sight and having vision up and down Sloat, I made it through
the light rather than cause an accident having the motorist behind me rear end me if I slam-
med on my brakes.
I actually made the light, even the photos show that my bumper is over the line. My front
axel is directly beneith my drivers seat, not in front of my feet as with most vehicles.
The camera light is set off by pressure sensors in the road thus giving a false ticket to any-
one whose front axel is two feet farther behind the front bumper. The law specifies it
is the front bumper, not the tires, that has to cross the line before a red. My bumper was
over the line even though my front tires may not have been.
Furthermore, the yellow light was shorter than the 3.2 seconds required by law in a 30 mph
zone. It was more like 2.2 it seemed to me. If the state is just trying to tag every sucker
$480.00 just for entering that intersection using such tricks the state should be ashamed.
Jerry Brown is not the liberal crusader you think. He was the media’s choice for governor
and he is a pure establishment politician. If he is after me, specifically, then good luck,
Jerry Brown, you may need it.
This second notice I received in the mail was a complete surprise and don’t know much about.
I feel endangered at this point and am sounding the alarm.
My drivers license may also be a target as I drive my website everywhere I go.
I’ll keep you posted. Steve Lightfoot
As I write these words you, the U.S. public, are the kind of people who stand for Rupert Murdock
being allowed to murder the whistleblower who busted his empire the day before he, Rupert,
denied everything he is accused of before a panel that will, likely, excuse him of all.
As I write these words you, the public, are the kind of people who allow the transit police
to murder citizen after citizen, even Oscar Grant’s best friend, likely, and on the same day yet,
another, bay area city’s transit police kill yet another citizen.
I can prove that you are the kind of people who are willing to let Stephen King get away
with murdering John Lennon. Pure, human evil on display for 30 years now.
You’re all busted and you’re all wet.
You are like the fools in The Wizard of Oz who lack the courage, the brains and the heart to
do what’s right and stand up to the charade behind the curtain.
You are, likely, only semi-evolved humans, still running from your primate roots, your hands
over your eyes, mouths and ears.
Aren’t you all?
The year of the Mesherle verdict I accused all the outraged citizens of lacking the back-
bone to use my Lennon evidence against the govt. and that that weakness told the govt. all
it needed to know about your real resolve; that you, as a people, lack real resolve. When
the rubber meets the road and you have the expose you’ve needed since forever, you wilt
and turn your backs, en mass, like animals, swallowing every media tid bit that keeps all
of you phony and afraid. You deny the hard evidence its due in a masochistic spasm you all
seem slaves to. Damned, in a word.
Here we are, many months later, having Bart police kill a youth the same week Mesherle is re-
leased and a week later Oscar Grant’s best friend is assassinated and on the same day another
youth is killed by transit police.
Is the transit police system the first visible evidence we are all going Soviet?
Is the media protection of evil, murderous, Orwellian, un-American Rupert Murdoch a testiment
to your failure as citizens, your failure as Americans?
I think so.
When the driver of the van that mowed down Stephen King was found dead six months later, and
after King, alone, petitioned for more severe punishment than the court gave him, no one in
Maine was asking any real questions. But Bangor is ground zero for America’s denial.
I don’t even know the name of this whistleblower who died the day before Murdock testified
before a panel of establishment bureaucrats. KGO radio hosts are poo pooing every suspicion
dismissing the dead whistleblower’s demise as health related and not suspicious, according
to police and’ …So let’s just move past it…”
I say wake up you Lennon killing, media controlled, yellow bellied turncoat, phonies.
What kind of mush have you all become?
My expose is the one the govt. fears most. And the one you fear the most, too, it seems.
As this entry ends Boener and Obama are coming to you like two door to door salesmen who
are both working for the same Rockefeller crowd to explain to all of you why it is that the
“Baby Boomer’s” social security fund is to be the sacrificial cow of this entire charade.
That America must dumb itself down to fit into the new world order and that the middle class
must lose its power to the corporate globalists.
That medical and other entitlements to the biggest population ever must be trimmed. That
all you worker bees are going to have to slave away into your late 70’s to get squat.
Behind the scenes those pulling all the strings are, no doubt, joking amongst themselves;
” They’re all getting screwed by Boner! Ha,ha!”
Well, haven’t silent all of you been a tragic joke since Stephen King rode roughshod over
all you once held sacred? Haven’t all your lives been a mockery since King murdered Lennon?
You’d rather live like peasants under the barrell of a gun than picket your lying media and
actually USE hard evidence against the govt. for once in your lives.
And you shudder at the Norwegian terrorist for telling you that only violence will move you.
It just goes to show why it is that your evil govt. always murders your superstars. Without
one you’re all disfunctional. Without one of you, apart from the govt., who has proven his
merit, as John Lennon did, to rise to a position of influencing the masses you, as a species,
can’t function in a healthy manner. The only other alternative is mind control that is
produced by your govt. media apparatus.
The way you all live now.
Speaking of influential celebrities aren’t all of you celebrities of todays scene an ir-
relevent embarasment until you take a stand for outing John Lennon’s real killer now that
you can’t honestly say you don’t know any better?
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