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Coast to Coast radio of the Art Bell, George Nori crowd, etc., is a C.I.A. hoax to distract
America from reality. In essence Coast to Coast holds America’s hands consoling them that
there is a voice of truth out there exposing the government and they put on a good act to
make you think so.
Another thing Coast to Coast radio does is distract you with subjects that are non existant.
Alien aircraft, aliens, etc.. They know that there has never been an alien spacecraft within
200 light years of earth but know that by making you think about such things that the
government can buy time to do their agenda while you’re all looking into nonsense instead
of tackling the big issues of politics on this planet in your lifetimes.
I recall the last time George Nori and I talked. He remarked; “So you’re still on that Lennon
kick, huh?” as if it wasn’t important. Ian (I forget his last name) who used to be with
Coast to Coast also tried to trivialize me in the past like every other radio show.
Last night, (July 31, 2013), I called to offer my opinion that the phenomenon of adult
phoniness is at the heart of all our political shortcomings. The producer asked me to
elaborate and I told him “If I tell you what kind of activism I do you won’t put me on the.
air.” He challenged me and even said; “If you can prove that we’ll put you on the air.”
I explained that the hosts have already resorted to character assassination against me and
it’s not likely. He continued; “Why haven’t the media exposed this?” I explained that the
mass media is under C.I.A. control and is not allowed to and is, in fact, ordered to margin-
alize me. He kept up his act and pretended to want to know what my proof was. When I told
him he came up with every phony reason why it wasn’t proof. I could have offered a taped
confession by King and he’d have poo poo’d that. He was proving my original point that all
adults are phony and only a child will admit what his eyes see even if the truth is hurtful.
I told him, at that point; “You are a censor, the lowest form of life on this earth. You don’t
fool me at all.” When I said that he didn’t deny it but reveled in the back and forth un-
til he hung up on me. When I called back he had done something to prevent me from even try-
ing to call back. He had kept me on the line, deliberately, long enough to trace something
on my phone (The number is blocked).
I shut my phone off, removed the battery and Syn chip and called back later to let him know
that I will expose Coast to Coast as a C.I.A. program all over talk radio and my site.
So there you have the outline of why you can’t trust A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G that is allowed to
broadcast to a mass audience. Everything short of garage stations that have a 20 mile radius
are under the C.I.A. tent. That you doubt me is testiment to how well they have completely
controlled your minds.
The beautiful thing about being the hard hitting truth is you can find out who the bad guys
are based on how they bash you.
I’ve been there, done that, and I know the score. I’ve been crashing talk radio for decades
and I know what the score is. I’ve been on the air at least two thousand times.
Take my word on this public. I know what I’m talking about.
Or you can put your trust in a radio show that penetrates all of society and believe that
the government isn’t in the mix on all that. If you want to look up to the skies for aliens
while your politicians are screwing you all here on earth, if you believe that George Nori
sincerely wants to expose the government that allows him to broadcast every where, coast to
coast, then you are a fool. That’s all.
For your information, Coast to Coast is the equivalent of government fly paper. They are
there, partly, to gain the trust of those with scandalous information so that you call them
to air your news only to have them go behind your back, after, and report you to the C.I.A..
Coast to Coast is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
They are a censor, the lowest form of life on this earth.

Memorial Day Message

Why are more soldiers killing themselves than are being killed by the ‘enemy’? Why is sexual
misconduct out of control among the ranks?
I, actually know;
The soldiers are discovering that their mission is to eradicate the indiginous people of Afghan-
istan and Iraq for our materialistic goals of getting their lithium, copper and gold. That
they are being used to wipe out a less materialistic culture so our materialistic culture will
be less threatened by their alternative lifestyle getting a foot hold in the world.
That they are, basically, killing the native American Indians again, for all intents and
purposes. It bothers their conscience that they are killing innocent, ordinary people who just
want to keep their way of life simple and be left alone. They know they are doing evil
In response they kill themselves and rape each other.
The generals have deceived them and the corporate interests that fuel the orders are be-
comming clear to them. They are ashamed.
I was amazed to see articulate disgusted former soldiers addressing microphones today and
throw their medals away while renouncing the new military as a sham mission.
Hurray for intelligent men who have seen the light.

P.S. The devoted father and off duty soldier who was butchered on a London sidewalk last
week? He was a mass murderer of Afghanis. He was a machine gunner for the Queen and the mil-
itary industrialist machine. He likely murdered hundreds of innocent, indiginous people so
he could put food on his table.
Just thought a little balance was needed on the matter.

‘SANDY’S’ revenge

Now that hurricane Sandy has New Yorkers smelling backed up sewer water, without elec-
tricity and the normal trappings of modern life I suppose they’ll be doing a lot less ‘high
fiving over their Lennon murder coverup.
That’s right, you brainwashed, lying, child molesting, boot-licking phonies. HA! HA!
you John Lennon killing phonies!
You thought you could let Stephen King walk in the face of all the evidence I gave you
that proves he, not Chapman, murdered John Lennon in a Nixon, Reagan conspiracy.
You still want to smugly laugh at all that. Suit yourselves, infidels.
I, personally, will always pity New York, New York for losing it’s humanity and common
sense decades ago.
You all trust evil agent Yoko Ono. You all still visit Strawberry Fields as if you’re NOT
all dancing on John Lennon’s grave. Until there is a trial for ANYBODY for that murder
all of you are phonies and frauds who must reap the bitter harvest of your apathy. You
must reap the wrath of God, for all you know, until you all JAIL STEPHEN KING.
Nope. New York skipped a trial, pretended not to notice the dishonesty in that and has been
turning coat and tucking tail and swallowing it’s pride ever since. Only a city as discon-
nected from its humanity as New York, New York IS could have let America down like that to
NOT EVEN NOTICE that Chapman’s trial was completely sidestepped.
If I were in charge of civilization there would not be so many people sardined together
in so small a place like New York City. Life becomes subhuman, automatically. Lemmings, when
they get so crowded put themselves out of their misery by running over the cliff to kill
themselves en masse. Nature’s way of preserving quality over quantity of life.
I KNOW all about the human race and all its phoniness and evil. I have observed the sick,
ritualistic visitation of Strawberry Fields by the very people who allowed Chapman to skip
trial, as if everything was fine and good, when it is not, and I have noticed an undercur-
rant of wicked jealousy triumphing over greatness and genius in the procession. “Let’s all
dance on John Lennon’s grave now that we have killed him for being better and smarter than
the rest of us. Oh, did he ask a lot of us in asking us to be better people. Well, now we
have taught HIM not to dare try to teach us murderers anything. How dare he ask us to stop
war. Who did he think he was to preach down to us miserable, insane sinners anyway?”
I know all about your wickedness, sub-human race. Don’t blame me for being outraged at
the spectacle of your collective evil. I KNOW that most of you resent me, too, for being bet-
ter, braver and wiser than the rest of you. Even Paul McCartney stands naked, cowaring with
boot-licking fear in my brave wake. Even I care more than Paul McCartney

What a planet of PHONIES.

Look at your diabolical media, desperately trying to artificially produce another star
via The Voice, The X Factor, America’s Got (NO) Talent, American Idol. Just look at all
the B.S., low grade, state produced talent that has come out of all those years of trying
to replace The Beatles. Hasn’t happened, yet, in 40 years of trying. Instead look at all
your government controlled actors, from the top of th A list down, ALL wearing police and
military uniforms, brandishing guns, scaring you for the purpose of state terrorism. Your
media hosts and news anchors all selling you out for their million dollar paychecks.
Look at your sterile, state controlled talk radio apparatus; 27 second delay to keep the
controversial callers from getting heard, and all because of ME, Steve Lightfoot, who tore
the old system of an open forum with only a 7 second delay a new one in the 90’s for ten
years until the Soviet brand of media took our airwaves over. Can’t help you, now, with
that angle. You have no free press. You aren’t free at all.
And, yet, you all feed the fascist ‘Bear’ and pay your taxes to reload the gun for the next
hero that might come along. Radio talk show hosts glower with jealousy and evil over the
spector of my courage, truth and heroism.
How sick and twisted and weak you all are.
I’m GLAD God put HIS foot down and gave you a little misery to re think your evil coverup over.
How did Annapolis fare, I wonder, since a navy man rammed my heroic, van last month?
Is God angry with all of you? I hope so. I certainly am angry and ashamed over your lack
of backbone since John Lennon paid the ultimate price for your collective insanity.
What will happen to the San Francisco bay area over it’s cowardly non response to my decades
of activism to try to get THEM to care? Major earthquake in their future, perhaps.?
The sooner all you turncoat, cowards avenge John Lennon’s murder and march on your dis-
gusting media apparatus and demand the arrest of murderer; Stephen King, the better off
all of you will be, in my humble opinion. I went through a mountain of worry and grief over
that freeway ramming of my van last month and it’s only right that America is punished for
that anti-heroic gesture. Sandy serves all of America right.
Read all about that possible attempt on my life by our military in the chapter immediately
below this one.
No, I’m not a bitter asshole like I’m sure I must sound. It’s your bitternes that I have
been wrestling against all these years that has rubbed off on me. I’m as sweet as heaven.
Anyone who knew me before my 30 year ordeal can attest to that. Your bitterness, not mine.
Being your exorcist has taken a toll on me, but blame yourselves, pity yourselves, not me.
No, it’s not nice to try to kill your brave messenger and even worse to kill John Lennon
and then fail to try his alleged killer like you are all guilty of.
Nope. You can’t blame me that I am disgusted with all of you. YOU change. I’m fine. I was
always fine. While the rest of you were licking ice cream cones while Chapman’s trial was
sidestepped I DID something better than that. I went looking for evidence and found evidence.
All of you, on the other hand, celebrities and even my own family included, all licked
boot, instead. You were all licking ice cream in 1982, like a pack of Soviet slobs.
“Oh, the government killed John Lennon…no trial for Chapman is proof…give me ice cream.”
You NEED a hero like me but you’re all to sick to admit it. You’re all fear addicts.
Happy picking up the pieces in your fallen city New York, New York.
Till later, your ignored, unappreciated hero; Steve Lightfoot, hoping you are all capable of
pulling your weak heads out of your smelly asses before I get killed and who knows what
else might happen if you do kill me, too.
Asteroid castastrophy, perhaps?

What does America do when the going gets rough? It parades out it’s unassassinated rock
stars and throws a donate to the victims telethon/rock concert, that’s what.
I watched Billy Joel, Sting, Bruce Springsteen, Bon Jovi, Steven Tyler et al do their part.
Bruce Springsteen was being stalked by Stephen King in 1992 until I saved his life by alert-
ing all of New York to warn him about what his rehearsals, lunch dates, back stage partying
with King was really about and they haven’t been seen together since. The Boss knows all
about me and my evidence and probably all the other rock stars I named as well.
Are THEY doing their utmost to help us all by keeping quiet about my cause while they
pretend to be our saviors and address the symptom but ignore the root cause? I think not.
What’s the matter gang, Big Brother got your tongues? Spit it out; Stephen King murdered
John Lennon. Spit it out you celebrities. Or is using ones celebrity for social reform
something that died with John Lennon?
Meanwhile, the public was right about distrusting agent Yoko Ono from the start.
You see, I know that you all KNOW I’m right, that you even knew she was the government, then,
because you are smarter than you pretend to be. Now that she sits on all of you like a
giant pacifier you pretend to suddenly trust her.
I hope you all like the smell of her ass on your faces, everybody. She has you smothered
in apathy and you are, suddenly, now, blind.
How cowardly and convenient of all of you.
Like I said, doesn’t the smell of backed up sewage smell appropriate for a people who are
the kind of people who would allow a trial for Lenon’s killer to be sidestepped?
That is the day America died. When all of you let his murder trial be excused and let
him plead guilty behind closed doors.
Shame on you people of New York and America.
In God We Trust? Well trust this storm as God’s way of telling you all to get right.

P.P.S. McCartney endorsed me April 01, 1990 at the Berkeley, Ca. concert during the instru-
mental of “Fool On The Hill”;

“Yeah, Steeeeeeve! That’s right. I don’t know what YOU think, Berkeley, but I want you
to know we LIKE it and we need you as a PEOPLE to GET to the promised land….”

Then he continued his song.
I met his brother, Michael, in San Francisco a year earlier and asked him to ask Paul for
some help.
If I didn’t have it on tape I might have missed it is was such small help,.
There’s no way half of all rock stars haven’t heard of my legend.
Government got your tongue, everybody?

From ‘Sandy’ to Sandy Hook

How bizarre that hurricane “Sandy” would be followed, almost immediately, by the Sandy Hook
Elementary School massacre of children. It’s as if God is trying to tell us all something as the
disasters inch their way towards Bangor, Maine, for all we know, as if to point the finger of
blame on your, as opposed to our, John Lennon murder coverup tolerance. That, especially, but
also your collective apathy about and tolerance of tv and media gun violence. Your silence
in the face of all the media poisoning going on all around you, 24 / 7. Why, you even
support the sponsors of this violence frenzied medium. What unthinking monsters.
Just days before a 20 year old child killed over 20 children and and several adults, I was
pointing out the fact that all of you parents are molesting your children with Stephen King.
As if you are the problem of the worlds craziness. You, the public, that seems to be the
group exclusively targeted by these many mass murderers.
Just hours after the crime in Sandy Hook was reported I called KOGO to put in my two cents
worth; “How’s that ‘protect Stephen King lifestyle’ working out for America?”
Simply, just that.
Later that evening I called to simply add; “About 30 parents will no longer be able to molest
their children with Stephen King.”
Nasty, huh? Harsh, even brutal. Just the simple fact of all of you, stated publicly.
Did you people know that Stephen King was the author who first wrote about a classmate shoot-
ing up his school in his 70’s book “RAGE”? So, do you see how ridiculous you all are not to
stand up to him with my evidence? Until you all do Sandy Hook’s blood is on your hands, too.
It IS you, the public, that is behind all this violence. You who tolerate 20 murders per
day on tv, alone. Gun deaths, namely, almost exclusively. You allow this big brother terror
campaign to warp your children until they DO react and respond in kind; with gun violence.
It’s as if the government has decided to CAUSE these episodes through tv violence role
modeling to MAKE the assailants use a gun so that they will achieve their goal of taking
away Americas guns, using these episodes as their reason.
Yes, the government WOULD do such a thing, WOULD calculate the hundreds of victims as
justifiable to take away our guns.
Too bad there weren’t people with a gun to stop this madman.
Many of you would probably say; “Oh, c’mon. Our government would never ENCOURAGE an
episode of mass murder just to take away our guns.”
How naive you all are to think that.
What has our government already done to make you hate the whole concept of guns at all?
J.F.K., M.L.K., R.F.K., John Lennon, to name a few that we know of. The government wanted
Stephen King, the messenger of fear and pain, to take out John Lennon and, seemingly, replace
him with the exact opposite message. The opposite of Peace, Love and Understanding;
Violence, Fear and Hatred. Our government DID do this evil conspiracy. It could not have
just been an oversight or coincidence. They hatched this evil plot against your souls and
your sanity. They deliberately defiled all of humanity and lowered and cheapened us to kill
our messenger of hope and unity; John Lennon. They CHOSE a gun for a reason. I KNOW that
the very people trying to take away our guns are also the same people who arranged for
Stephen King to murder John Lennon. On that basis, alone, the gun grabbers are our mortal
and spiritual enemy. They are monsters of the unimaginable level of pure evil.
Did they also fake Reagan and Brady getting shot to make us cough up a Brady Bill, too?
Take a good look at your tv programing. I’ve already seen at least two incidents of real
gun murders that were not an act and hundreds of thousands of acted out gun murders. About
20 per day if you channel surf, I’m sure. What’s going on with all that gun violence
portrayal on tv, video games and the movies? What’s so unmoveable about all of you that makes
these madmen think that only an insane act of destruction and violence will get your
attention? Why do they all think that you, the public, are deserving of the punishment?
You can’t go on blaming their insanity and overlook your own collective gutlessness and
spinelessness. You have to stop Stephen King, first. You have to stop being phonies and liars,
first, and jail him for John Lennon’s murder – YOU HAVE EVIDENCE – and only after that is
done can you even begin to march down the right path towards solving the violence issue.
As I said about all of you just days before Sandy Hook; you are ALL molesting your children
with Stephen King, the man who really killed John Lennon.
Stop being satanic, people. As if anyone even tried Chapman.
In a short time I will be up in the San Francisco bay area for a few days and I will make it
a point to stand out with two huge billboards; One reading; ‘’
and the other; ‘YOU PHUCKING PHONIES!’. I’ll take this bold tack and offend people not be-
cause I am a nasty person, I’m not, but because the rest of you ARE nasty phonies who need
a reality check you can’t dodge. It will be my way of saying to my old stomping ground;
“I know that you ALL know I’m right, now this is my opinion of your feigned ignorance.”
It will be designed to cause a buzz and I hope it prods that phony crowd to take a peek
at itself from a flat mirror.
If I achieve my goal of forcing this evidence down the worlds cowardly, resistant throat and
achieve my other goal of jailing Stephen King and decoy; Mark Chapman and Yoko, if I can
get hard evidence on her (She’s smarter than the others and has left no evidence that can
absolutely pin her down, yet) if I can do all that then I will be the most famous human since
John Lennon, himself and will have to spend my fame and influence wisely. I will eschew
the trappings of money and try to set a homesteader’s example of self reliance and back to
Mother Earth instead of Big Brother. I will have various causes to promote as I try to
redirect humanity for it’s own good.
The most salient of all my causes will be the human condition that wants to run from it’s
duty whenever evil presents itself. You know: See no, speak no, hear no evil. The primitive mon-
key in you all trying to escape the work of preserving dignity and honor and grace when-
ever it is threatened or challenged. To ask you to stand upright and be better than you are.
My fame will be spent on confronting all of the human race with it’s own spinelessness
and hypocracy and pure selfish, rotton evil. I know, from experience that, in reality, most of
you would rather slip a banana peel in my path or rip down my rally posters (I’ve seen you
do that, in fact.) like scared apes afraid of evolution, itself. You’re NOT as cool as you
want to think you are.
For the San Francisco bay area to feign ignorance for 30 years while Sandy Hook was allowed
to blossom, rather than respond with protests against the lying media and jailing the monster
that is Stephen King will go down as a sad chapter in human evolution and history.
What a tragedy those 30 years of spinelessness were for the planet. Words cannot convey.
Meanwhile, take a look at the celebrities of today presiding over a loser public, indeed.
There is no decency to your lives today. Admit it, you shuddering phonies.
Your depression increased 20 per cent, overnight, when Lennon was killed, caused thousands
of suicides, even whole families, within 24 hours of that crime and, yet, you let the killer
SKIP TRIAL like a pack of monkeys. After all John Lennon did to enrich your lives, after
all the risks he took to stop Viet Nam and war in general. You should all be ashamed.
If the human race cannot come together for John Lennon then the human race cannot come
together for anyone. That would be a world and life in hell. A cowardly, worth LESS life.
Can you people respect my courage and heroism? Can you appreciate the changes that will auto-
matically follow if you do break this wide open? Apparently not, so far. W -O -W !
If America is not a floating dead fish in the water than every major city will join my cause,
march as a group with signs demanding media disclosure and do what you felt the Wall St.
protests were worthy of. Anything less would be a disgrace for you, U.S. public.
Think about that human race.

(Please read my other chapters below and know that, as I write, CHP officer Andrade of San
Diego and traffic commissioner Culver of Oakland and maybe the naval cadet who smashed into
my van last fall, Ronnie Onza, may all be stalking the messenger, trying to pull my license or
even set me up for a rigged accident someday. Trying to assassinate me. Maybe even Jerry
Brown, California’s governor, is behind a lot of weird goings on, latey. See chapters.
P.S. Obama cannot be trusted, either, America.

I can only pray you clowns wake up.)

P.S. Now, Jan. 29, 2013 and Stephen King speaks about Sandy Hook;

“…The N.R.A. should have to be the ones who clean the guts off the walls (of these gun vio-
lence outbursts.)

You see, he IS anti-second ammendment, as I already told you fools so.
Thanks, Stephen King, for letting us all know what kind of public hating fascists you gun
grabbers are; the kind that kills John Lennon and all human decency in your wake.
We’re coming after you, King coward. We’re going to put you in a cell for life and teach
our children what a monster you are and were, you poor, fucking bastard. We’re going to wake
up and rise up and put you in a jail cell for life.
We’re going to keep our guns, too. Our dignity we WILL rebuild.

Appeal # 797163312-9

Declaration continued from previous page;

I showed photo of “fogged up” meter and explained it was taken at time of ticket. Hear-
ing officer tried, repeatedly, to get me to change my reason for dismissal but I main-
tained the meter was unreadable. Officer, based on no reliable facts, concluded that he
didn’t think my photo of the fogged up meter was taken at the time of the violation.
Nothing presented or said by me could indicate that it was not taken then. In fact, I
explained that I met the officer just minutes later up the street and told her my meter
was fogged up and unreadable. The hearing officer asked what she said to that. I replied
that she initially said it was not but admitted that it was after I exclaimed to her that I
have photos of it as I showed her my camera. Her name is Y. Thomas and she should
remember our conversation for corroboration. I took a photo of her too and show-
ed it to him. I also showed other photos of the same meter taken three hours later (Ex-
hibet 2) and two weeks later (Exhibet 3) to show that the meter is not always foggy and
even out of order, weeks later. Rust markings and taped paper prove it’s all the same meter.
I said that in the five months I have been in New York City I have never received a
single parking ticket I am so obsessively obedient about parking. I don’t know what the
officers notes show but it’s the truth as the only one I ever received was found not
valid due to a machine that wasn’t working. If he concluded that I wasn’t truthful and
therefor not credible then he is wrong. If he believes officer Thomas’s initial denial
about the meter being fogged up based on my testimony it is hearsay. I also explained
that she changed her story to saying;”Then why didn’t you park somewhere else? Admit
it, you’re just taking advantage of a broken meter.” That she admitted the meter was fog-
ed up, after all. She can be questioned as to when I said the meter was fogged up; just
minutes after the issuance. There is no valid reason to conclude that the meter wasn’t
fogged up at the time as I said. The officer can show no evidence that it was otherwise.
He would not deny that my argument that I have the right to know how much time I have
left or that the meter was defective. He admitted it was unreadable and fogged up. There
is no explainable reason to presume I was lying about what happened. My photos showed
a fogged up meter with my ticketed windshield in the backround, two other photo’s taken
hours and weeks later fot evidence of erratic behavior concerning the meter; that is is
sometimes fogged up in the morning, as was the case with me, or clear in the late after-
noon. None of any of this disputes my claims. The fact that I substantiated the fact that
the meter maid was nearby and had a conversation about the meter being fogged up just
minutes after issuance suggests only that the meter was fogged up then or how would I
know to mention this at the time to the present officer?
I appeal the finding of guilt in this matter. No reason or evidence was given to suggest
I took the fogged up meter photo at any time other than the time of citation. No valid
reason can be given either.
See exhibets 1 through 5; 1) fogged meter at time of ticket;2)same meter hours later;
3)same meter weeks later, broken;4)time of ticket photo of location and vehicle’5)Photo
of meter maid Thomas minutes after ticketed.

I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the above is true and correct;

Dared; November 14, 2008

Steve Lightfoot

Comprehensive information newsletter;

Stephen King Shot John Lennon

RALLY 32nd Anniversary of John’s Death


This is a condensed version of most of the other sections
you will find in this, my updates page. These other sections can be found
by going to the end of each section and looking for titles to click on to.

I have chosen to cut to the chase and mince no words here to save you
time and to impress upon you the importance of breaking this story and
seeing to it that Stephen King is exposed and jailed for his evil crime.
To those of you reading this know that I hold you in higher esteem than
the average American. You are on the cutting edge of change. Never
the less all of us are wretched sinners who need a tongue-lashing.
If any of the lanquage offends any of you just remember, you let the the
government, not only kill John Lennon, but you failed to demand a trial
for Mark Chapman, the decoy assassin, in the first place. As such there
is no language too strong to wake you up. In case you don’t remember,
that murder caused more mass suicides around the world than any
murder in history and entire families even killed themselves. John
Lennon’s assassination was the blow that crippled you and all of the
world, but especially America and the values you pretend to uphold. The
fact that all of you were part of that hidious coverup should alarm you.
To those of you who think there is no way Stephen King could be re-
sponsible for killing John Lennon you are naive and foolish. He called
all of you “..blind, obsessive fools…” months before pulling the trigger,
repeatedy, in Firestarter, knowing the media would protect him. And
he knew, in advance, that you would not even demand a trial after!
To those of you who think that Time, Newsweek and U.S. News and
World Report magazines are not government rags who occasionally
use their bold print to document secrets via cryptography, you too
are naive and foolish. The same codes I found about Lennon you can
find in the Nov. 22, 1963 issue of Time only these codes prove that
Richard Nixon also was responsible for John Kennedy’s murder. That
one issue was printed a week before the crime. Read the bold print.
From front to back the headlines read: ” Something On The Move; Who’s
Letting Blood?; Richard Nixon: (Accompanyed by photo of glaring/
smiling Nixon ) The Sound Of Footsteps; So, Everybody’s Talking; Ten
Stop Lights: Greatest Jewel Theft; Danger, Professor At Work ( Accomp-
anyed by photo of Nixon ); Colliding Ambitions; Ambitious, But In Need Of
Everything;; Gentle, But In Charge Of The Firing Squad; Texas Talk; Grass,
Alas: Meatball Kennedy; I’ve Got A Nice, Bashed In Face; Doing The Pos-
sible; Involvmentism Is The Word; Don’t Wait For Thanksgiving: This Time
The Ball Point Pen Was’nt Mightier ( Accompanyed by cartoon of two men,
one holding a rifle.) View From The Street; Colt’s New Rifle; M-16 On The
Firing Line; Block Buster and Bust”
A week after this one issue hit the stands, Kennedy’s block was blown
off. I’ll let you interpret the coded meanings in the bold print messages.
To those of you who think Barbara Walters would never deliberately
brainwash you and stab humanity in the back, think again. She did.
The queen of jealousy knowingly brainwashed you with Chapman.
If you think that conspiracy theorists are all whacko’s and that every-
thing in this world is above board, shame on you for being dense.
Our lives are the product of many conspiracies. They rule our lives.
They kill your children in war and decide if one or two paychecks
are needed to live in this world and you have little say in any of it.
If you believe that Chapman was arrested at the scene and
his confession seals the case, shame on you for being such a
pushover and a dupe. Your ignorance helped kill John Lennon. In
fact if you think we as a people are not all responsible for what hap-
pened to John then you are truly and pathetically lost and need a
hero, after all, even more than you ever thought. I hate to sound so
harsh but no other words describe the depth of your condition.
If you think that the case is not important, even if all my claims are
true, because time has passed, you are the very reason the world
is such a nasty, mean and miserable place to bring children into
and may God correct you as soon as possible for the sake of the
rest of us, but especially your children.
Now, before I begin unmasking all of you, let me unmask myself and
my parents so you can relate to me directly. I won’t pretend to be
better than you, but perhaps wiser, since my findings.
In 1964, after John Kennedy was assassinated, my father urged
all of us kids to watch the Warren Report, as if listening to the media tell
us all a lie would let him off the hook for not challenging it.. It was my
first look at boot-licking. I felt sorry for him for my father was always
better and stronger than that. Better than most fathers for sure.
We all know that that approach encouraged the subsequent assassina-
tions of R.F.K. and Martin Luther King and the pollution of our lives.
My parents approach was wrong, spineless and satanic and weak.
Ultimately, their non response to what was happening WAS child abuse.
Everybody’s parents should have taken to the streets over those murders.
Instead we elected the guilty as president, twice. We were all sick then.
In spite of my parents spending money during the sixties on music les-
sons for me and my brothers, my father tried to diminish the tragedy of
John Lennon’s murder that very week, parroting something he heard the
media say about John being a troublemaker in school. Again, I was
witnessing my father licking government boot. I made up my mind then
that ‘ honor thy parents’ is not really such a good idea after all. And so I
tell all of you now; ‘HONOR NOT THY PARENTS COVERUP’.
You cannot rely on being like your parents any more. They have let you
down and allowed evil politicians to warp you with a terrible murder and
coverup, even letting the real killer ride roughshod over you,, after, with no
less evil a message than horror. Shame on everyone for that. So ghoul-
ish it reveals a sado-masochistic side of all parents.
After I discovered the evidence against the government in Lennon’s
murder my father was killed in a small plane crash two weeks after I re-
ceived a threat letter from Stephen King (Handwriting matches). Prior
to that tragedy my mother was saying things like; “Well son, the govern-
ment probably did kill John Lennon. They’ve always done things like
that. There’s nothing you can do about it.” As far as I’m concerned her
attitude made possible the hit on my dad, if it was one, in the first place.
And her silence today leaves me wide open to be next. Not too good.
I even remember her looking angry when I purchased dozons of the
1980 issues of the magazines that hold the evidence.. And that she
threw some of them away, behind my back, later. COVERING UP! How
can I erase the memory of her tone when she said, angrily, ” Where
did you GET those?!” As if I saw through the evil of everyone.
Other than not helping me carry a protest sign in front of the media to
help me come forward and the above she was a very good mother.
Probably all parents have that sickness of covering up for big brother.
That’s why I’m telling YOU this much truth. You’ve got to beware. You
cannot trust your parents to be heroes. They are parents. Not heroes.
Statistics prove most parents will save themselves first, before their
children, in cases where a bear enters a cabin. Ditto, politics.
Real heroes teach us right from wrong. Parents fall short when then
the subject becomes political assassination. This expose proves that
your parents are letting the horror writer who killed their hero molest
all of you with his filthy, depraved horror message. Millions of them
already believe King DID kill John and STILL don’t care. They even lie
to you that I’m a whacko just so you won’t see through the real them.
No wonder babies cry and wail when they are born into this sick society.
I even wrote a protest song about it and it goes like this:

Mommy and Daddy love money more than they love Baby
Till Lennon’s killer’s tried it’s the terrible truth, not maybe
John Lennon’s killer never went to trial because you’re morally lazy
Now your children have to pick up the pieces of a world gone crazy
There’s nothing you can do that can’t be done
There’s nothing you can sing that can’t be sung
You bring home the bacon and the paycheck year after year
And you’re dining at the table of cowardice, hypocracy and fear
Bubble brained, you’re entertained on television, football and beer
Now another lying politician’s phony war’s drawing near
There’s nothing you can make that can’t be made
There’s no-one you can save that can’t be saved
Deliver me from evil and temptation. (Repeat)

And another song (First verse only)

The silly masses, laughing in their dark despair
Killed John Lennon, saw no trial and no-one even cares
Lying to your children: “It’s the fan the papers pinned.”
Living’s easy swallowing that pill
Lights that used to signal you’re the human race have dimmed
Your smoky eyes are glazing over, still.(Haunting melody)

When I was young I was indoctrinated into the materialist lifestyle of
making lots of money and buying scads of things and houses and cars
and jets and lving large. I plowed myself headfirst into that goal of making
money. The same way most of you do. I actually believed that if only I
could make more money everything would be fine. I was on my way to
being a working class hero killer like my parents. The kind of sub-human
who would be willing to compromise my core values for a good, cushy
job and lots of military to protect me from enemies and things like that.
Fortunately for me, among other things, I fell in love with a “Hippy Chic”
girlfriend in high school who saved me from the staid, button down world
of mass conformity. I experimented with pot just enough to break free
of some of the mind control and social programming. I was a first hand
witness to the greatest rock and roll band of all time; The Beatles, and I
heard all those killer tunes when they were fresh out of the genius box..
When I was 11 John’s song If I Fell stopped me cold on my bicycle and
I reverently pledged my allegiance to the Beatles message of love. Every
other voice of the establishment left me cold compared to them. I always
knew that the Beatles were here to change the world and save us from
war and our own lack of evolution. To raise our consciousness. They
even changed the soul of the redneck and that was monumental. Very
intelligent observers credit The Beatles with the fall of the former Soviet Union
in spite of the fact that their music was banned there.
If you don’t think America’s mortal enemies were exactly behind John Len-
non’s murder and that Nixon and Reagan might be actors on the political
stage, perhaps Soviet agents, no less, then you haven’t given the matter
enough thought, in my opinion. It was the most evil crime imaginable and all
but crucified all that is holy on this earth. It’s been killing America, slowly.
King, himself is very generous with the phrase; “Beware the Jewish/
Communist plot against the U.S..” in one book written after the crime. Some
half dozon or so repetitions as he continues to laugh at you all.
When I heard that John Lennon was shot I immediately knew that the
government had killed him and that no drifter killed huge John Lennon.
At the same moment I realized that, for once, I was doing better than
the great John Lennon. That I was suddenly better off than the most
loved and powerful man on earth. It was a perverse, shocking, even
horrifying reaction and it stunned me, as did my jocular behavior when
I told the first person I saw; ” Quess who just got shot?” and then an-
swering with a rendition of Mind Games lyrics. Later that night, like
all of the world, tears were streaming down my face.
( That is one segue I plan to put in a movie of my odyssy)
For a time I felt powerless, raped, robbed. As if my future,
all of our future, was destroyed. I knew in my heart that the govern-
ment was behind it but I consoled myself with the knowledge that John
Lennon’s millions of fans would get to the bottom of things once Chapman
was put on trial. Initially he was wisked away for a 60 day psychiatric
evaluation but that would end in March of 1981. 60 days, 90 days
passed and still not a word. Where was America? Where were John’s
millions of fans? Where was I?!
Just as a shameful restlessness started to settle in on America, just as
we were getting ready to ask serious questions, John Hinckley came
along and (Supposedly) shot Reagan and Brady. Everything changed right
then and there.; It was the perfect excuse for everyone to change the
subject. To forget about Chapman. After all he wanted fame. Deny him.
Focus on the other pudgy misfit who shot our president!!! We can save Ronald.
John’s dead anyway. I watched in horror as we all DID forget about Chapman.
Not wanting to rock the boat I fell in line with the absurdity and I, for a
period of over a year, licked government boot!!! Not the way the rest
of us did though. I went through some three different jobs in as many
months, unable to concentrate. After all, I had been planning to be the
next John Lennon, only wearing golf spikes instead of a guitar. I dreamed
of being so good I could assert leverage on the P.G.A. Tour and break
a few molds; wear a peace sign on my visor and blue jeans in tourn-
ements. Now I knew that if I did achieve my dream of changing the
world via golf star I would probably be killed just like John.
I took the matter of HIS death personally.
One day I sold my car, put all my belongings in storage, bought a twelve
speed bicycle and touring gear and took off for San Diego to find a
sponsor. Golf is expensive. I also bought all the Beatles tapes I could
afford, a Sony Walkman and headed down Highway 1 from Monterey.
Somewhere midway to San Diego, while listening to the best music
of our lives, I thought :”The government, no doubt was behind John’s
death but the government never leaves evidence. I quess we’re all
just screwed.” At least I wasn’t watching T.V. and listening to the
radio. I wasn’t being braiwashed like almost everyone else. Yet
I was somewhat resigned to the coverup. Once in San Diego I
found myself singing along with those cassettes, hours each day and
it was exhilerating peddaling along the roadways enjoying The Beatles.
I was determined to enjoy The Beatles and John Lennon, thoroughly,
now, before the world turned me callous. The rest of San Diego was
licking ice cream to soothe their shame. In fact it became glaringly
obvious. It wasn’t THAT hot.
Eventually I saw the tiny clipping, buried in the back of the front
section of The San Diego Union;
“Lennon Assassin Pleads Guilty;
Twenty Years To Life” and how Chapman said “God told me to, twice.”
And this , a year and a half after the crime!
What a sack of crap that was I thought. Now there was no doubt a
coverup was at work. That was a story that deserved front page, sky-
scraper headlines and for months non stop, but I did nothing
until July 26, 1982 a few weeks later, when I found myself being led,
by some unexplainable force, to the local library. Within ten minutes
time I realized that the headlines in Time and Newsweek were reading
like hints out loud about, of all things, John Lennon’s murder.
I mistakenly picked up the issues that were released a week before the
crime and almost every page kind of slapped my senses to take notice.
(See About Author page for the details)
Suddenly I found myself confronted with a dilemma; ” I have to tell
everybody, but I could get killed. Can I find any excuse to bail
on that responsibility? I don’t have kids or a wife or even a
career…I guess not. And besides, who better than me to avenge my
I rode around for two days deliberating what to do. I talked to a
priest who advised me to use a different name at first. I knew
I had no choice but to break this monster expose and my mind was
made up.
I didn’t know then that I would eventually find the killer’s match-
ing face and true identity and Chapman’s letter to the editor link-
ing himself to Reagan and everything else weeks and months later.
That was in 1982. I went from zero to hero and broke out of the
mold many of you are still in. I became a political force for change.
In spite of my selfish culture I broke free from media mind control.
I had no IDEA what a warped world I was about to inform. I could
not believe that it would take over twenty years to reach the finish.
And that’s where all of you come into the picture. What character
defect in all of you keeps you from jumping on the bandwagon? I have
only too many instances to relay to you where people just like you
responded like jealous banshees, hoping that the government would kill
me next. Anything but deal with the truth. Every wicked remark you
could conceive I have heard and that is what this part of the story
will reveal. I hope to reveal your sin to yourselves once and for all.
Until you are excorcised of your condition you cannot help me.

First, let me show you some of John’s lyrics that were suppressed
by radioland when he was alive to show you what he saw happening
to us all back then in the 70’s. From Nutopian National Anthem;

We don’t car what flag you’re waving
We don’t even want to know your name
We don’t care where you’re from or where you’re going
All we know is that you came
You’re making all our decisions
We have just one request of you
While you’re thinking things over
Here’s something you just better do
Free the people right now
Do it, do it ,do it, do it right now.
We understand your paranoia
But we don’t want to play your game
You think that you know what you are doing
But six, six, sickness is your name
You were caught with your hands in the till
And you’ve still got a story to kill
As you slip and you slide down the hill
On the blood of the people you kill
Stop the killing right now
Do it, do it, do it , do it right now
So while you’re jerking off each other
You’d better bear this thought in mind
Your time is up you’d better know it
Or maybe you don’t read the signs (etc.)

He was, of course, singing about our Big Brother, 666 government.
that only hides behind the American flag. He was exposing the
subversion of our country by our own deceitful government , and
doing so with powerful, courageous lyrics from the highest micro-
phone. John also wrote lyrics like these;

We’re born in a prison, we work in a prison, love in a prison and
die in a prison, as a rule. Reach for yourself and your battered
mate. Wood becomes flute when it is loved…..

Keep you doped with religion your sex and T.V.
And you think you’re so clever and classless and free
But you’re still (bleeping) peasants as far as I can see.

All we are saying is Give Peace A Chance

All together now, pull the chain;”We don’t want no Big Brother scene.”

John was the watchdog for the rest of us and loved us so much
that he sacrificed his popularity to get his message across. No
one else would say those oh so true words. He was a threat to
the Sovietization of America scheme that has revealed it’s hand
these past twenty years since I’ve been paying attention. Had John
made good his comeback I’m sure he would have stopped that
from happening.
Most of the preceeding has simply plotted my frames of real life
references to give you my perspective of the story. To give you a
tool to better understand where I’m coming from. Hopefully to help
you interpret the evidence better. To help you see yourselves a
little better. If I can change so can all of you.
I believe it’s a shame now that I seem like the most unpopular guy
on the planet now that I have presented you with a powerful story.
I can only lament that your minds have become the property of the
state, more than you could ever admit or know. I can only try to pick
up the slogan of Thomas Paine and try to knock some common
sense back into all of you.
Do you want to be consumed with corporate greed and power? Or
do you want to stretch out your elbows a little and call the shots for a
refreshing change? Do you want to be frisked under your armpits
at airports by government personel? Or do you want to reclaim the
respect and cooperation of the rest of the world? Do you want to have
the jewish media machine determine all your frames of reference?
Or do you want to have a real free press for a change? Do you want
to suck foul air? Or do you want to develop non petrolium methods
of transportation and energy? Do you want to live in a country that
practices truth and justice? Or not? Do you want to be fee? Or not?
Do you need a voice to unite behind other than a politicians.
I think you do. In me, if you help me break this story, and fast, I think
I can help you save yourselves for a change. You won’t find one more
dauntless or caring or brave or responsible in your lifetimes. I don’t
think so. Don’t let your shame or your jealousy stop you from helping
me out this story and jail the guilty and change the world. That’s just
what this story has the power to do, whether I or someone else hap-
pened to be the lucky person to find the evidence. Your offspring will
reap the benefits of this turning point in man’s history long after I am
dead and forgotten. Don’t let them down with inaction. ACT. If you
choose not to, shame on you.
Give Truth A Chance.

The old, better America is waiting on all of you to picket your local
media outlets with LENNON MURDER COVERUP signs and such.
You have the evidence. You have me. Now all you need is jam this
web address in on talk radio in spite of their efforts to stop you.

” It isn’t hard to do.” ” It’s easy if you try.”
Thank You for listening, Steve Lightfoot

Ugly U.S. of Apathy;

Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin just announced his plans to renounce his U.S. citizen-
ship, presumably to protect his assets from the theivery of our criminally greedy government.
Can’t say that I blame him. When John DeLorean decided to build a better automobile in
Ireland our F.B.I. and General Motors concocted a cocain sting operation to bring him down.
Japan kicked our big three auto makers to the brink of bankruptcy, anyway, with a better
vehicle that actually served the buyer. As I speak our government is supplying their fleets
with compressed natural gas vehicles that get 125 plus mpg while telling all of us to
use anything but what is best for us. They’d rather keep you small and big oil big.
Maybe America doesn’t deserve to reap the profits of my multi billion dollar story, either.
My four part movie about my adventure will break all records and I’m not sure I want an
already money poisoned culture like ours to get another fix before it is forced to change.
I think letting America reap all the rewards of my taxes and money making find might make
us a worse nation still consumed with greed. It would not be right to reward a country like
that after it martyred 30 years of my life with their phoniness, cowardliness and apathy.
Our soldiers are brave enough to lose a life or a limb over lithium, gold and copper in
Afghanistan and lose their sanity from killing indigenous human beings but they lack the
real courage to stand up to their own corrupt, hero killing government that is in the busi-
ness of warping us with tv induced violence instead.
I think America would be better served with humble pie and let another country get a leg
up in our world while America re evaluates its shattered soul.
When I think of America in 1962; big homes, big yards, a one paycheck economy and I look
at America today I see a boringly stupid culture that works twice as hard for less.
Frank Sinatra once derided Australia for being a “whore for money.” Are you one, too, U.S.?
When I was 10 I knew that a 40 hour work week was a rip off and that humans shouldn’t
have to sacrifice that much of their lives to get by. Now, thanks to the con job our
government laid on us with womens lib, BOTH spouses work 40 hours per week and are
left with LESS buying power and twice the divorce and teen suicide rate.
Shortly after our government killed J.F.K. I witnessed a planet killer asteroid just miss
us. The yellow/orange streak took up one sixth of the sky – it was that wide – and went
from California to Hawaii in about one second. It was as large as a big mountain.
I know what I saw. It was real. Just as real as the one that wiped out the dinosaur and
carved out the Gulf of Mexico pushing up a large sand bar now known as Florida.
I KNOW how fragile our world is and I fear that all of you are so stupid, lately, that
God is likely bored with us and might decide we need to be replaced with a higher life form.
Now is where I, the hero, that’s right, the HERO of the day, ME, come in.
If you people think you can change by yourselves, without a hero such as John Lennon or
myself to show you how, you’re ignoring history. You’re ignoring the facts.
The fact is that a hero is exactly what you people don’t have anymore. You let your evil
U.S. government kill them all; Davy Crockett, J.F.K., M.L.K., R.F.K., John Lennon, etc…
The government KNOWS you need a singular individual to follow or you are without and engine
for change. That’s why they always kill the “smart guy” with a better plan. You can no
more get to a better way of living without someone such as I than I can break this expose
without help from all of you. Without the public and individuals from the public I will
never be able to go around our corrupt media and legal system and get Stephen King exposed,
arrested, tried and convicted and jailed like he should be. If I were to try and go to
New York City and file charges and try to open a grand jury investigation – like the media
would have you all believe – I’d get nowhere, man. Nowhere! I’ve tried, believe me. I only
wish it was just the government and media that was stonewalling my attempts to do so. In
fact, all of you are, unbeknownst to yourselves, in league with the coverup. You all want me
to fail. You want me to fail because you, yourselves, are afraid of taking your evil govern-
ment to the woodshed for the spanking they need. You are like the cowardly Lion in The
Wizard of Oz who tries to exit the castle the moment the man on the screen blows a little
smoke and fire. He can’t take the responsibility and turns tail and runs. As soon as John was
shot in the back you all turned your backs on him like the cowards and turncoats you are.
You are all cowards failing yourselves and your children and country and fellow man.
Jealousy, envy, fear, shame,fatigue, oppression, suppression, repression. You’ve all got
it bad. Embarassingly so. You all LACK BALLS!!! Just fucking admit it, people.
In the mid 70’s the once good people of Herman, Maine kicked Stephen King out of their
town over his sick brand of writing. Now that he is rich and famous and has raped all of
you with his crime of assassination they are kissing his evil, cowardly ass. Like a sick
culture who have lost their way. He is rich and famous and nothing else matters to you.
Now the people of Maine are like the wives of “Stepford”; brainwashed and programmed and
utterly oblivious to reality, like mindless, castrated robots. Aren’t you people?
You all HAVE lost your way.
If I were to meet Paul McCartney today I’d have a cream pie waiting to smash him in the
face with and throw my evidence magazine at him, after, if only to get some headlines and
try to force the media to acknowledge my evidence.
The fact is he is THE BIGGEST coward among you. He will hide behind the excuse he has a
family to protect and can’t take such a stand to which I say; “Bullshit!!!” “BullS H I T!”
Yoko, a co-conspirator in the setup and coverup, the government’s “Ace in the hole”, de-
serves a gallon of urine dumped on her tiny, midget body like propogandist Barbara Walters.
All of of you dispicable cowards are already suffering under the conditions of contempo-
rary life today. It sucks and you have no soul. Instead you have stress and confusion and
despair and worry and no more America to fall back on. You have no free press and
no real free speech.
John Lennon was the “fruit of free speech”; a man whose free speech could change the world
but you, to quote his song; “Let him down”. And now you lack the courage to; “Come together”
over him and his murder.
The enemies of America are squeeling with glee and sadness, too. You are pathetic. Before
I give you a chance to gain, financially, from my expose, you’ll all have to break my story.
If you can’t summon the courage don’t expect to reap all the rewards only I can provide, after.
You may actually have to picket your media.
You’ll have to prove yourselves “worthy”. As for me, as damaged as my psyche is from
your jealousy and neglect, any disabilities I have are your fault more than mine.
Much more valuable than letting you feast at the trough of my success and the money it may
generate, I have much more to offer all of you in terms of wisdom and offering alternatives
to the way you all live now. The money ruled “machine” is breaking down under the weight
of greed and power and I see only a vastly far less materialistic world ahead for us.
Admit it, you’re all trapped by the machine and money and are too frightened to jump off
the merry go round to build a better world. And if you did have the guts to try you’d all still
need my advice to get there because I have paid the price to know the way while none of
the rest of you have. It takes time to get over the pull of money. I’ve conquered that.
Your evil U.S. government kills your heroes because it KNOWS you need them to escape to
a better way of living than the slave pit you’re all in now. It gets rich exploiting
you and it doesn’t want you to get well or to get a glimpse of the promised land. It wants
to molest and pervert you and frighten you and scare you into submission. They have.
You’re boring Soviet class fools, now. Not sexy, not interesting, just boring.
Imagine all you people living under the truth? I wonder if you can even hope for that
measly minimum requirement for decent living?
It starts and begins with this evidence the government left behind about Lennon’s assas-
sination. If you can’t respond to that are you people even human? Are you even good?
We all know that Chapman skipped a trial. We all know that you stood for that farce.
( Incidently, for you new readers who still want to convince yourselves; “Hey, man, he
was caught in the act, arrested and adMITted to the crime. We read about what thought
processes he went through. He’s rotting in a prison cell in Attica state prison.”
You easilly mislead dupes, LISTEN!!!! Chapman was in the N.Y.P.D. precinct with the “on
the take” officers etc… while Stephen King shot Lennon, dropped the gun, sat down, read
‘The Catcher In The Rye and waited for the police to throw a coat over his face and
march him, laughing, into the same precinct where he was switched with look-alike; Chapman.
King made his way out the back door to a car to a private jet back to Bangor, Maine while
Chapman followed script with his rehearsed confession and brainwashed all of you with
the help of Monday Night Football, Howard Cosell and the whole government orchestrated mass
media. THAT’s what really happened. And then agent Yoko told us all to “Let the courts
decide..” while she knew there would be no trial in the end in the first place.)
In fact the next day Stephen King WROTE about the murder in the Bangor Daily News with
an article titled; “I Read The News Today, Oh Boy” Capiche?

You people need a hero yet your jealousy and pride won’t let you let me help you.
You will HAVE TO picket your lying, government controlled, people hating media. Do it soon.
Until you do that you all ARE the worlds laughing stock, not me, like you pretend.

P.S. Now that Mark Zuckerberg has gone public and will lose control of facebook it is just
a matter of time before our C.I.A. highjacks it to spy on all of you lonely thumb clicking
maniacs. Perhaps if your mother was around when you were young instead of having to work
you all might not be so desperate for human contact, however seperated by a machine, that
contact may be.
Now, please count the number of times per evening an actor wearing a government uniform
or suit points a gun at another human being and/ or kills him for your perverse entertain-
ment appetite. If you channel surf like me it should add up to about 20 times per day
365 days per year. Do any of you suspect that it is a design to take away your second amend-
ment rights someday? To make you all sick of guns? That’s why republican actors Reagan and
Nixon used a gun to kill the most loved human being on earth, don’t you know? It’s also
why Reagan faked getting shot and one reason why none of you noticed that Chapman skipped
trial while Hinckley distracted you, like the red cape that matadors use, to kill the bull.
The tv series “Who Shot J.R.?, solved two weeks before J.L. got it, was a C.I.A. plot to
make you apathetic about Lennon’s, then upcomming, murder. It was.
Do any of doubt that it was by design that the 60’s tv series; “Get Smart”, starring Don
Adams, was a mind control operation to hypnotize you with a Lee Oswald look-alike who re-
peatedly remarked; “Would you believe?” while the title of the show challenged you all
to get smart for a change? It was. You see how much the media is in control of your minds?
Do any of you doubt that Barbara Walters DELIBERATELY brainwashed you with her Chapman
interview in 1992? Do any of you doubt that all the big tv news anchors are C.I.A. owned?
Barbara Walters had my magazine before she brainwashed all of you. It was hand delivered.
Stephen King is the symbol of your horrible culture. Out with good, in with evil. That’s
where you people all stand today.
Today, in a world without heroes or celebrities of consequence, you must sit and be eneter-
tained with no name wanna be celebrities “Dancing with the stars”. Don’t you all feel plastic?
Today your real enemy is the producer of your radio talk shows who break the law to get
my blocked phone number so I can’t get on the radio and inform you. Your new enemy is the
coward behind the microphone who wants to belittle me just to keep his dispicable job.
Your media is the military. They own it, control it and send into space the satellites that
enable it.
You’re all sugar coated Soviets. Or didn’t you catch the irony, in 1993 (?), when Clinton
wanted all of you to side with Moscow when the Chechnyan rebels took them on? All those
trillions of tax dollars you spent to fight the “enemy” were mispent, money slaves.
What WILL you all do? Will you picket your evil, lying, C.I.A. owned mass media, or will you
let them tell you that government thief Jerry Brown’s tax increases have your support, ac-
cording to their media poll, when they don’t?
Well, what WILL you people do? Or would you all rather lick ice cream and dismiss me as
a nut while your country unravels?
Oh, yes, you’re ugly, America, lately. Wake up and smell the media’s manure.

Please read the chapters below for your own benefit.