This is a condensed version of most of the other sections
you will find in this, my updates page. These other sections can be found
by going to the end of each section and looking for titles to click on to.
I have chosen to cut to the chase and mince no words here to save you
time and to impress upon you the importance of breaking this story and
seeing to it that Stephen King is exposed and jailed for his evil crime.
To those of you reading this know that I hold you in higher esteem than
the average American. You are on the cutting edge of change. Never
the less all of us are wretched sinners who need a tongue-lashing.
If any of the lanquage offends any of you just remember, you let the the
government, not only kill John Lennon, but you failed to demand a trial
for Mark Chapman, the decoy assassin, in the first place. As such there
is no language too strong to wake you up. In case you don’t remember,
that murder caused more mass suicides around the world than any
murder in history and entire families even killed themselves. John
Lennon’s assassination was the blow that crippled you and all of the
world, but especially America and the values you pretend to uphold. The
fact that all of you were part of that hidious coverup should alarm you.
To those of you who think there is no way Stephen King could be re-
sponsible for killing John Lennon you are naive and foolish. He called
all of you “..blind, obsessive fools…” months before pulling the trigger,
repeatedy, in Firestarter, knowing the media would protect him. And
he knew, in advance, that you would not even demand a trial after!
To those of you who think that Time, Newsweek and U.S. News and
World Report magazines are not government rags who occasionally
use their bold print to document secrets via cryptography, you too
are naive and foolish. The same codes I found about Lennon you can
find in the Nov. 22, 1963 issue of Time only these codes prove that
Richard Nixon also was responsible for John Kennedy’s murder. That
one issue was printed a week before the crime. Read the bold print.
From front to back the headlines read: ” Something On The Move; Who’s
Letting Blood?; Richard Nixon: (Accompanyed by photo of glaring/
smiling Nixon ) The Sound Of Footsteps; So, Everybody’s Talking; Ten
Stop Lights: Greatest Jewel Theft; Danger, Professor At Work ( Accomp-
anyed by photo of Nixon ); Colliding Ambitions; Ambitious, But In Need Of
Everything;; Gentle, But In Charge Of The Firing Squad; Texas Talk; Grass,
Alas: Meatball Kennedy; I’ve Got A Nice, Bashed In Face; Doing The Pos-
sible; Involvmentism Is The Word; Don’t Wait For Thanksgiving: This Time
The Ball Point Pen Was’nt Mightier ( Accompanyed by cartoon of two men,
one holding a rifle.) View From The Street; Colt’s New Rifle; M-16 On The
Firing Line; Block Buster and Bust”
A week after this one issue hit the stands, Kennedy’s block was blown
off. I’ll let you interpret the coded meanings in the bold print messages.
To those of you who think Barbara Walters would never deliberately
brainwash you and stab humanity in the back, think again. She did.
The queen of jealousy knowingly brainwashed you with Chapman.
If you think that conspiracy theorists are all whacko’s and that every-
thing in this world is above board, shame on you for being dense.
Our lives are the product of many conspiracies. They rule our lives.
They kill your children in war and decide if one or two paychecks
are needed to live in this world and you have little say in any of it.
If you believe that Chapman was arrested at the scene and
his confession seals the case, shame on you for being such a
pushover and a dupe. Your ignorance helped kill John Lennon. In
fact if you think we as a people are not all responsible for what hap-
pened to John then you are truly and pathetically lost and need a
hero, after all, even more than you ever thought. I hate to sound so
harsh but no other words describe the depth of your condition.
If you think that the case is not important, even if all my claims are
true, because time has passed, you are the very reason the world
is such a nasty, mean and miserable place to bring children into
and may God correct you as soon as possible for the sake of the
rest of us, but especially your children.
Now, before I begin unmasking all of you, let me unmask myself and
my parents so you can relate to me directly. I won’t pretend to be
better than you, but perhaps wiser, since my findings.
In 1964, after John Kennedy was assassinated, my father urged
all of us kids to watch the Warren Report, as if listening to the media tell
us all a lie would let him off the hook for not challenging it.. It was my
first look at boot-licking. I felt sorry for him for my father was always
better and stronger than that. Better than most fathers for sure.
We all know that that approach encouraged the subsequent assassina-
tions of R.F.K. and Martin Luther King and the pollution of our lives.
My parents approach was wrong, spineless and satanic and weak.
Ultimately, their non response to what was happening WAS child abuse.
Everybody’s parents should have taken to the streets over those murders.
Instead we elected the guilty as president, twice. We were all sick then.
In spite of my parents spending money during the sixties on music les-
sons for me and my brothers, my father tried to diminish the tragedy of
John Lennon’s murder that very week, parroting something he heard the
media say about John being a troublemaker in school. Again, I was
witnessing my father licking government boot. I made up my mind then
that ‘ honor thy parents’ is not really such a good idea after all. And so I
tell all of you now; ‘HONOR NOT THY PARENTS COVERUP’.
You cannot rely on being like your parents any more. They have let you
down and allowed evil politicians to warp you with a terrible murder and
coverup, even letting the real killer ride roughshod over you,, after, with no
less evil a message than horror. Shame on everyone for that. So ghoul-
ish it reveals a sado-masochistic side of all parents.
After I discovered the evidence against the government in Lennon’s
murder my father was killed in a small plane crash two weeks after I re-
ceived a threat letter from Stephen King (Handwriting matches). Prior
to that tragedy my mother was saying things like; “Well son, the govern-
ment probably did kill John Lennon. They’ve always done things like
that. There’s nothing you can do about it.” As far as I’m concerned her
attitude made possible the hit on my dad, if it was one, in the first place.
And her silence today leaves me wide open to be next. Not too good.
I even remember her looking angry when I purchased dozons of the
1980 issues of the magazines that hold the evidence.. And that she
threw some of them away, behind my back, later. COVERING UP! How
can I erase the memory of her tone when she said, angrily, ” Where
did you GET those?!” As if I saw through the evil of everyone.
Other than not helping me carry a protest sign in front of the media to
help me come forward and the above she was a very good mother.
Probably all parents have that sickness of covering up for big brother.
That’s why I’m telling YOU this much truth. You’ve got to beware. You
cannot trust your parents to be heroes. They are parents. Not heroes.
Statistics prove most parents will save themselves first, before their
children, in cases where a bear enters a cabin. Ditto, politics.
Real heroes teach us right from wrong. Parents fall short when then
the subject becomes political assassination. This expose proves that
your parents are letting the horror writer who killed their hero molest
all of you with his filthy, depraved horror message. Millions of them
already believe King DID kill John and STILL don’t care. They even lie
to you that I’m a whacko just so you won’t see through the real them.
No wonder babies cry and wail when they are born into this sick society.
I even wrote a protest song about it and it goes like this:
Mommy and Daddy love money more than they love Baby
Till Lennon’s killer’s tried it’s the terrible truth, not maybe
John Lennon’s killer never went to trial because you’re morally lazy
Now your children have to pick up the pieces of a world gone crazy
There’s nothing you can do that can’t be done
There’s nothing you can sing that can’t be sung
You bring home the bacon and the paycheck year after year
And you’re dining at the table of cowardice, hypocracy and fear
Bubble brained, you’re entertained on television, football and beer
Now another lying politician’s phony war’s drawing near
There’s nothing you can make that can’t be made
There’s no-one you can save that can’t be saved
Deliver me from evil and temptation. (Repeat)
And another song (First verse only)
The silly masses, laughing in their dark despair
Killed John Lennon, saw no trial and no-one even cares
Lying to your children: “It’s the fan the papers pinned.”
Living’s easy swallowing that pill
Lights that used to signal you’re the human race have dimmed
Your smoky eyes are glazing over, still.(Haunting melody)
When I was young I was indoctrinated into the materialist lifestyle of
making lots of money and buying scads of things and houses and cars
and jets and lving large. I plowed myself headfirst into that goal of making
money. The same way most of you do. I actually believed that if only I
could make more money everything would be fine. I was on my way to
being a working class hero killer like my parents. The kind of sub-human
who would be willing to compromise my core values for a good, cushy
job and lots of military to protect me from enemies and things like that.
Fortunately for me, among other things, I fell in love with a “Hippy Chic”
girlfriend in high school who saved me from the staid, button down world
of mass conformity. I experimented with pot just enough to break free
of some of the mind control and social programming. I was a first hand
witness to the greatest rock and roll band of all time; The Beatles, and I
heard all those killer tunes when they were fresh out of the genius box..
When I was 11 John’s song If I Fell stopped me cold on my bicycle and
I reverently pledged my allegiance to the Beatles message of love. Every
other voice of the establishment left me cold compared to them. I always
knew that the Beatles were here to change the world and save us from
war and our own lack of evolution. To raise our consciousness. They
even changed the soul of the redneck and that was monumental. Very
intelligent observers credit The Beatles with the fall of the former Soviet Union
in spite of the fact that their music was banned there.
If you don’t think America’s mortal enemies were exactly behind John Len-
non’s murder and that Nixon and Reagan might be actors on the political
stage, perhaps Soviet agents, no less, then you haven’t given the matter
enough thought, in my opinion. It was the most evil crime imaginable and all
but crucified all that is holy on this earth. It’s been killing America, slowly.
King, himself is very generous with the phrase; “Beware the Jewish/
Communist plot against the U.S..” in one book written after the crime. Some
half dozon or so repetitions as he continues to laugh at you all.
When I heard that John Lennon was shot I immediately knew that the
government had killed him and that no drifter killed huge John Lennon.
At the same moment I realized that, for once, I was doing better than
the great John Lennon. That I was suddenly better off than the most
loved and powerful man on earth. It was a perverse, shocking, even
horrifying reaction and it stunned me, as did my jocular behavior when
I told the first person I saw; ” Quess who just got shot?” and then an-
swering with a rendition of Mind Games lyrics. Later that night, like
all of the world, tears were streaming down my face.
( That is one segue I plan to put in a movie of my odyssy)
For a time I felt powerless, raped, robbed. As if my future,
all of our future, was destroyed. I knew in my heart that the govern-
ment was behind it but I consoled myself with the knowledge that John
Lennon’s millions of fans would get to the bottom of things once Chapman
was put on trial. Initially he was wisked away for a 60 day psychiatric
evaluation but that would end in March of 1981. 60 days, 90 days
passed and still not a word. Where was America? Where were John’s
millions of fans? Where was I?!
Just as a shameful restlessness started to settle in on America, just as
we were getting ready to ask serious questions, John Hinckley came
along and (Supposedly) shot Reagan and Brady. Everything changed right
then and there.; It was the perfect excuse for everyone to change the
subject. To forget about Chapman. After all he wanted fame. Deny him.
Focus on the other pudgy misfit who shot our president!!! We can save Ronald.
John’s dead anyway. I watched in horror as we all DID forget about Chapman.
Not wanting to rock the boat I fell in line with the absurdity and I, for a
period of over a year, licked government boot!!! Not the way the rest
of us did though. I went through some three different jobs in as many
months, unable to concentrate. After all, I had been planning to be the
next John Lennon, only wearing golf spikes instead of a guitar. I dreamed
of being so good I could assert leverage on the P.G.A. Tour and break
a few molds; wear a peace sign on my visor and blue jeans in tourn-
ements. Now I knew that if I did achieve my dream of changing the
world via golf star I would probably be killed just like John.
I took the matter of HIS death personally.
One day I sold my car, put all my belongings in storage, bought a twelve
speed bicycle and touring gear and took off for San Diego to find a
sponsor. Golf is expensive. I also bought all the Beatles tapes I could
afford, a Sony Walkman and headed down Highway 1 from Monterey.
Somewhere midway to San Diego, while listening to the best music
of our lives, I thought :”The government, no doubt was behind John’s
death but the government never leaves evidence. I quess we’re all
just screwed.” At least I wasn’t watching T.V. and listening to the
radio. I wasn’t being braiwashed like almost everyone else. Yet
I was somewhat resigned to the coverup. Once in San Diego I
found myself singing along with those cassettes, hours each day and
it was exhilerating peddaling along the roadways enjoying The Beatles.
I was determined to enjoy The Beatles and John Lennon, thoroughly,
now, before the world turned me callous. The rest of San Diego was
licking ice cream to soothe their shame. In fact it became glaringly
obvious. It wasn’t THAT hot.
Eventually I saw the tiny clipping, buried in the back of the front
section of The San Diego Union;
“Lennon Assassin Pleads Guilty;
Twenty Years To Life” and how Chapman said “God told me to, twice.”
And this , a year and a half after the crime!
What a sack of crap that was I thought. Now there was no doubt a
coverup was at work. That was a story that deserved front page, sky-
scraper headlines and for months non stop, but I did nothing
until July 26, 1982 a few weeks later, when I found myself being led,
by some unexplainable force, to the local library. Within ten minutes
time I realized that the headlines in Time and Newsweek were reading
like hints out loud about, of all things, John Lennon’s murder.
I mistakenly picked up the issues that were released a week before the
crime and almost every page kind of slapped my senses to take notice.
(See About Author page for the details)
Suddenly I found myself confronted with a dilemma; ” I have to tell
everybody, but I could get killed. Can I find any excuse to bail
on that responsibility? I don’t have kids or a wife or even a
career…I guess not. And besides, who better than me to avenge my
I rode around for two days deliberating what to do. I talked to a
priest who advised me to use a different name at first. I knew
I had no choice but to break this monster expose and my mind was
made up.
I didn’t know then that I would eventually find the killer’s match-
ing face and true identity and Chapman’s letter to the editor link-
ing himself to Reagan and everything else weeks and months later.
That was in 1982. I went from zero to hero and broke out of the
mold many of you are still in. I became a political force for change.
In spite of my selfish culture I broke free from media mind control.
I had no IDEA what a warped world I was about to inform. I could
not believe that it would take over twenty years to reach the finish.
And that’s where all of you come into the picture. What character
defect in all of you keeps you from jumping on the bandwagon? I have
only too many instances to relay to you where people just like you
responded like jealous banshees, hoping that the government would kill
me next. Anything but deal with the truth. Every wicked remark you
could conceive I have heard and that is what this part of the story
will reveal. I hope to reveal your sin to yourselves once and for all.
Until you are excorcised of your condition you cannot help me.
First, let me show you some of John’s lyrics that were suppressed
by radioland when he was alive to show you what he saw happening
to us all back then in the 70’s. From Nutopian National Anthem;
We don’t car what flag you’re waving
We don’t even want to know your name
We don’t care where you’re from or where you’re going
All we know is that you came
You’re making all our decisions
We have just one request of you
While you’re thinking things over
Here’s something you just better do
Free the people right now
Do it, do it ,do it, do it right now.
We understand your paranoia
But we don’t want to play your game
You think that you know what you are doing
But six, six, sickness is your name
You were caught with your hands in the till
And you’ve still got a story to kill
As you slip and you slide down the hill
On the blood of the people you kill
Stop the killing right now
Do it, do it, do it , do it right now
So while you’re jerking off each other
You’d better bear this thought in mind
Your time is up you’d better know it
Or maybe you don’t read the signs (etc.)
He was, of course, singing about our Big Brother, 666 government.
that only hides behind the American flag. He was exposing the
subversion of our country by our own deceitful government , and
doing so with powerful, courageous lyrics from the highest micro-
phone. John also wrote lyrics like these;
We’re born in a prison, we work in a prison, love in a prison and
die in a prison, as a rule. Reach for yourself and your battered
mate. Wood becomes flute when it is loved…..
Keep you doped with religion your sex and T.V.
And you think you’re so clever and classless and free
But you’re still (bleeping) peasants as far as I can see.
All we are saying is Give Peace A Chance
All together now, pull the chain;”We don’t want no Big Brother scene.”
John was the watchdog for the rest of us and loved us so much
that he sacrificed his popularity to get his message across. No
one else would say those oh so true words. He was a threat to
the Sovietization of America scheme that has revealed it’s hand
these past twenty years since I’ve been paying attention. Had John
made good his comeback I’m sure he would have stopped that
from happening.
Most of the preceeding has simply plotted my frames of real life
references to give you my perspective of the story. To give you a
tool to better understand where I’m coming from. Hopefully to help
you interpret the evidence better. To help you see yourselves a
little better. If I can change so can all of you.
I believe it’s a shame now that I seem like the most unpopular guy
on the planet now that I have presented you with a powerful story.
I can only lament that your minds have become the property of the
state, more than you could ever admit or know. I can only try to pick
up the slogan of Thomas Paine and try to knock some common
sense back into all of you.
Do you want to be consumed with corporate greed and power? Or
do you want to stretch out your elbows a little and call the shots for a
refreshing change? Do you want to be frisked under your armpits
at airports by government personel? Or do you want to reclaim the
respect and cooperation of the rest of the world? Do you want to have
the jewish media machine determine all your frames of reference?
Or do you want to have a real free press for a change? Do you want
to suck foul air? Or do you want to develop non petrolium methods
of transportation and energy? Do you want to live in a country that
practices truth and justice? Or not? Do you want to be fee? Or not?
Do you need a voice to unite behind other than a politicians.
I think you do. In me, if you help me break this story, and fast, I think
I can help you save yourselves for a change. You won’t find one more
dauntless or caring or brave or responsible in your lifetimes. I don’t
think so. Don’t let your shame or your jealousy stop you from helping
me out this story and jail the guilty and change the world. That’s just
what this story has the power to do, whether I or someone else hap-
pened to be the lucky person to find the evidence. Your offspring will
reap the benefits of this turning point in man’s history long after I am
dead and forgotten. Don’t let them down with inaction. ACT. If you
choose not to, shame on you.
Give Truth A Chance. www.lennonmurdertruth.com.
The old, better America is waiting on all of you to picket your local
media outlets with LENNON MURDER COVERUP signs and such.
You have the evidence. You have me. Now all you need is jam this
web address in on talk radio in spite of their efforts to stop you.
” It isn’t hard to do.” ” It’s easy if you try.”
Thank You for listening, Steve Lightfoot
Ugly U.S. of Apathy;
Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin just announced his plans to renounce his U.S. citizen-
ship, presumably to protect his assets from the theivery of our criminally greedy government.
Can’t say that I blame him. When John DeLorean decided to build a better automobile in
Ireland our F.B.I. and General Motors concocted a cocain sting operation to bring him down.
Japan kicked our big three auto makers to the brink of bankruptcy, anyway, with a better
vehicle that actually served the buyer. As I speak our government is supplying their fleets
with compressed natural gas vehicles that get 125 plus mpg while telling all of us to
use anything but what is best for us. They’d rather keep you small and big oil big.
Maybe America doesn’t deserve to reap the profits of my multi billion dollar story, either.
My four part movie about my adventure will break all records and I’m not sure I want an
already money poisoned culture like ours to get another fix before it is forced to change.
I think letting America reap all the rewards of my taxes and money making find might make
us a worse nation still consumed with greed. It would not be right to reward a country like
that after it martyred 30 years of my life with their phoniness, cowardliness and apathy.
Our soldiers are brave enough to lose a life or a limb over lithium, gold and copper in
Afghanistan and lose their sanity from killing indigenous human beings but they lack the
real courage to stand up to their own corrupt, hero killing government that is in the busi-
ness of warping us with tv induced violence instead.
I think America would be better served with humble pie and let another country get a leg
up in our world while America re evaluates its shattered soul.
When I think of America in 1962; big homes, big yards, a one paycheck economy and I look
at America today I see a boringly stupid culture that works twice as hard for less.
Frank Sinatra once derided Australia for being a “whore for money.” Are you one, too, U.S.?
When I was 10 I knew that a 40 hour work week was a rip off and that humans shouldn’t
have to sacrifice that much of their lives to get by. Now, thanks to the con job our
government laid on us with womens lib, BOTH spouses work 40 hours per week and are
left with LESS buying power and twice the divorce and teen suicide rate.
Shortly after our government killed J.F.K. I witnessed a planet killer asteroid just miss
us. The yellow/orange streak took up one sixth of the sky – it was that wide – and went
from California to Hawaii in about one second. It was as large as a big mountain.
I know what I saw. It was real. Just as real as the one that wiped out the dinosaur and
carved out the Gulf of Mexico pushing up a large sand bar now known as Florida.
I KNOW how fragile our world is and I fear that all of you are so stupid, lately, that
God is likely bored with us and might decide we need to be replaced with a higher life form.
Now is where I, the hero, that’s right, the HERO of the day, ME, come in.
If you people think you can change by yourselves, without a hero such as John Lennon or
myself to show you how, you’re ignoring history. You’re ignoring the facts.
The fact is that a hero is exactly what you people don’t have anymore. You let your evil
U.S. government kill them all; Davy Crockett, J.F.K., M.L.K., R.F.K., John Lennon, etc…
The government KNOWS you need a singular individual to follow or you are without and engine
for change. That’s why they always kill the “smart guy” with a better plan. You can no
more get to a better way of living without someone such as I than I can break this expose
without help from all of you. Without the public and individuals from the public I will
never be able to go around our corrupt media and legal system and get Stephen King exposed,
arrested, tried and convicted and jailed like he should be. If I were to try and go to
New York City and file charges and try to open a grand jury investigation – like the media
would have you all believe – I’d get nowhere, man. Nowhere! I’ve tried, believe me. I only
wish it was just the government and media that was stonewalling my attempts to do so. In
fact, all of you are, unbeknownst to yourselves, in league with the coverup. You all want me
to fail. You want me to fail because you, yourselves, are afraid of taking your evil govern-
ment to the woodshed for the spanking they need. You are like the cowardly Lion in The
Wizard of Oz who tries to exit the castle the moment the man on the screen blows a little
smoke and fire. He can’t take the responsibility and turns tail and runs. As soon as John was
shot in the back you all turned your backs on him like the cowards and turncoats you are.
You are all cowards failing yourselves and your children and country and fellow man.
Jealousy, envy, fear, shame,fatigue, oppression, suppression, repression. You’ve all got
it bad. Embarassingly so. You all LACK BALLS!!! Just fucking admit it, people.
In the mid 70’s the once good people of Herman, Maine kicked Stephen King out of their
town over his sick brand of writing. Now that he is rich and famous and has raped all of
you with his crime of assassination they are kissing his evil, cowardly ass. Like a sick
culture who have lost their way. He is rich and famous and nothing else matters to you.
Now the people of Maine are like the wives of “Stepford”; brainwashed and programmed and
utterly oblivious to reality, like mindless, castrated robots. Aren’t you people?
You all HAVE lost your way.
If I were to meet Paul McCartney today I’d have a cream pie waiting to smash him in the
face with and throw my evidence magazine at him, after, if only to get some headlines and
try to force the media to acknowledge my evidence.
The fact is he is THE BIGGEST coward among you. He will hide behind the excuse he has a
family to protect and can’t take such a stand to which I say; “Bullshit!!!” “BullS H I T!”
Yoko, a co-conspirator in the setup and coverup, the government’s “Ace in the hole”, de-
serves a gallon of urine dumped on her tiny, midget body like propogandist Barbara Walters.
All of of you dispicable cowards are already suffering under the conditions of contempo-
rary life today. It sucks and you have no soul. Instead you have stress and confusion and
despair and worry and no more America to fall back on. You have no free press and
no real free speech.
John Lennon was the “fruit of free speech”; a man whose free speech could change the world
but you, to quote his song; “Let him down”. And now you lack the courage to; “Come together”
over him and his murder.
The enemies of America are squeeling with glee and sadness, too. You are pathetic. Before
I give you a chance to gain, financially, from my expose, you’ll all have to break my story.
If you can’t summon the courage don’t expect to reap all the rewards only I can provide, after.
You may actually have to picket your media.
You’ll have to prove yourselves “worthy”. As for me, as damaged as my psyche is from
your jealousy and neglect, any disabilities I have are your fault more than mine.
Much more valuable than letting you feast at the trough of my success and the money it may
generate, I have much more to offer all of you in terms of wisdom and offering alternatives
to the way you all live now. The money ruled “machine” is breaking down under the weight
of greed and power and I see only a vastly far less materialistic world ahead for us.
Admit it, you’re all trapped by the machine and money and are too frightened to jump off
the merry go round to build a better world. And if you did have the guts to try you’d all still
need my advice to get there because I have paid the price to know the way while none of
the rest of you have. It takes time to get over the pull of money. I’ve conquered that.
Your evil U.S. government kills your heroes because it KNOWS you need them to escape to
a better way of living than the slave pit you’re all in now. It gets rich exploiting
you and it doesn’t want you to get well or to get a glimpse of the promised land. It wants
to molest and pervert you and frighten you and scare you into submission. They have.
You’re boring Soviet class fools, now. Not sexy, not interesting, just boring.
Imagine all you people living under the truth? I wonder if you can even hope for that
measly minimum requirement for decent living?
It starts and begins with this evidence the government left behind about Lennon’s assas-
sination. If you can’t respond to that are you people even human? Are you even good?
We all know that Chapman skipped a trial. We all know that you stood for that farce.
( Incidently, for you new readers who still want to convince yourselves; “Hey, man, he
was caught in the act, arrested and adMITted to the crime. We read about what thought
processes he went through. He’s rotting in a prison cell in Attica state prison.”
You easilly mislead dupes, LISTEN!!!! Chapman was in the N.Y.P.D. precinct with the “on
the take” officers etc… while Stephen King shot Lennon, dropped the gun, sat down, read
‘The Catcher In The Rye and waited for the police to throw a coat over his face and
march him, laughing, into the same precinct where he was switched with look-alike; Chapman.
King made his way out the back door to a car to a private jet back to Bangor, Maine while
Chapman followed script with his rehearsed confession and brainwashed all of you with
the help of Monday Night Football, Howard Cosell and the whole government orchestrated mass
media. THAT’s what really happened. And then agent Yoko told us all to “Let the courts
decide..” while she knew there would be no trial in the end in the first place.)
In fact the next day Stephen King WROTE about the murder in the Bangor Daily News with
an article titled; “I Read The News Today, Oh Boy” Capiche?
You people need a hero yet your jealousy and pride won’t let you let me help you.
You will HAVE TO picket your lying, government controlled, people hating media. Do it soon.
Until you do that you all ARE the worlds laughing stock, not me, like you pretend.
P.S. Now that Mark Zuckerberg has gone public and will lose control of facebook it is just
a matter of time before our C.I.A. highjacks it to spy on all of you lonely thumb clicking
maniacs. Perhaps if your mother was around when you were young instead of having to work
you all might not be so desperate for human contact, however seperated by a machine, that
contact may be.
Now, please count the number of times per evening an actor wearing a government uniform
or suit points a gun at another human being and/ or kills him for your perverse entertain-
ment appetite. If you channel surf like me it should add up to about 20 times per day
365 days per year. Do any of you suspect that it is a design to take away your second amend-
ment rights someday? To make you all sick of guns? That’s why republican actors Reagan and
Nixon used a gun to kill the most loved human being on earth, don’t you know? It’s also
why Reagan faked getting shot and one reason why none of you noticed that Chapman skipped
trial while Hinckley distracted you, like the red cape that matadors use, to kill the bull.
The tv series “Who Shot J.R.?, solved two weeks before J.L. got it, was a C.I.A. plot to
make you apathetic about Lennon’s, then upcomming, murder. It was.
Do any of doubt that it was by design that the 60’s tv series; “Get Smart”, starring Don
Adams, was a mind control operation to hypnotize you with a Lee Oswald look-alike who re-
peatedly remarked; “Would you believe?” while the title of the show challenged you all
to get smart for a change? It was. You see how much the media is in control of your minds?
Do any of you doubt that Barbara Walters DELIBERATELY brainwashed you with her Chapman
interview in 1992? Do any of you doubt that all the big tv news anchors are C.I.A. owned?
Barbara Walters had my magazine before she brainwashed all of you. It was hand delivered.
Stephen King is the symbol of your horrible culture. Out with good, in with evil. That’s
where you people all stand today.
Today, in a world without heroes or celebrities of consequence, you must sit and be eneter-
tained with no name wanna be celebrities “Dancing with the stars”. Don’t you all feel plastic?
Today your real enemy is the producer of your radio talk shows who break the law to get
my blocked phone number so I can’t get on the radio and inform you. Your new enemy is the
coward behind the microphone who wants to belittle me just to keep his dispicable job.
Your media is the military. They own it, control it and send into space the satellites that
enable it.
You’re all sugar coated Soviets. Or didn’t you catch the irony, in 1993 (?), when Clinton
wanted all of you to side with Moscow when the Chechnyan rebels took them on? All those
trillions of tax dollars you spent to fight the “enemy” were mispent, money slaves.
What WILL you all do? Will you picket your evil, lying, C.I.A. owned mass media, or will you
let them tell you that government thief Jerry Brown’s tax increases have your support, ac-
cording to their media poll, when they don’t?
Well, what WILL you people do? Or would you all rather lick ice cream and dismiss me as
a nut while your country unravels?
Oh, yes, you’re ugly, America, lately. Wake up and smell the media’s manure.
Please read the chapters below for your own benefit.
You silly monkeys
America is a satanic, not so funny place, lately; You all suffer under the enormous loss
of John Lennon, the one man who could have united all of you and given you power and hope,
but you are also making a millionaire out of his real life killer; author, Stephen King.
You lick ice cream cones, smoke weed, drink booze, take prescription pills and such to
help dull the pain all of you are obviously in, yet you pretend not to care about the
evidence find I have delivered to you on a silver platter as if you feel unworthy of even
living under the truth.
Compressed natural gas, green vehicles get well over 100 miles to the gallon at about $2.00
per gallon yet you are unmoved by this fact as well. You are like lazy masochists bent
on repeating the mistakes of your parents no matter what. In reality you are all afraid.
I recently wrote a song and the lyrics go;
“Live wire walking on a high wire
Poor life hanging by a thread
Busting the government for John Lennon’s murder
Lucky I’m not already dead
So many years, still, nobody cares
Left here with my fears
Am I really going anywhere?
You all turned your backs on John Lennon
With the lame excuse; ‘He’s dead’
You people don’t care about nothing
You’re all sick in your head
You say that you’re free – Ha! – ‘home of the brave’
In reality you’re a media brainwashed slave
It is a lament to all your foolishness and second class lifestyle of living under an obscene,
monstrous lie when you don’t have to. All you have to do is care about this expose and
march it down the government owned media’s throat. But you must DO something.
If I were to broadcast a primal message to all of you out there it would sound like this:
You turncoat, boot-licking, media controlled, jealous, hero killing, cowards.
I might also add; shameless, phony, lying, child molesting, satanic, sinful bastards.
I might also add; scared, silent, anti-American, brainwashed, second class fools.
I hope you all get the drift. You want to let your evil media brand me as crazy just so
you can screw yourselves with a government, media coverup that is guaranteed to ruin all
of your lives and futures. You’re all, collectively, very, very sick, indeed.
“No trial necessary for John Lennon’s killer. We’re all insane, self destructive phonies.”
That’s the message you are all broadcasting to the watching world who wonders why are
Americans such hypocritical, blind, phonies.
It’s as if you are all addicted to your masochistic realtionship with your evil government.
I was on Coast to Coast last Wed. at 1:55 am – a guest was talking about human fear – and I
said; “…I could lecture about this subject for hours. 2,000 years ago we allowed our first
born sons to be slaughtered by the government rather than stand up to them. Our acquiessence
and silence following J.F.K.’s murder and later his brothers murder, like see no evil,
speak no evil monkeys, is another example. We failed to even put John Lennon’s alleged kil-
ler on trial and, in fact, refuse to admit that photos prove it is author; Stephen King,
not Chapman, getting John’s last autograph. The people of Bangor, Maine would rather let
America go to hell than expose him for what he did.”
George, the host, interupted to say; “What are you talking about?” I replied;
“www.lennonmurdertruth.com. Bangor KNOWS he killed Lennon but are too frozen with fear of
the government to expose him.”
At that point George Norey, like a sinner, himself, exclaimed; “Give me a break.” and
hung up on me. “No, George, I won’t give you a break. Talk radio is a sham without discussion
about this worlds biggest expose. YOU grow up!”
That same morning at about 9:55 on KABC’s John Phillip’s show, in response to how spineless
people are towards their government, I said; “Nothing on this planet is as cowardly and maso-
chistic as people’s relationship towards their government. In spite of the governments adver-
tising of the fact we would rather call the messenger crazy than admit that it is Stephen
King, not Chapman, getting John Lennon’s last autograph…” at which point he cut me off.
It’s all too true, you boot-licking, phony cowards. True, true, true, true.
Look at San Diego’s evil, government radio talk show; KOGO. Three out of three of the hosts
I have talked with ALL are busy poisoning their audience with propoganda that I am a crazy
person not to be taken seriously. They are government propogandists deceiving you. La
Donna, Chip (?) and Merrill are ALL betraying all of you with lies about me. And why?
Money, jealousy and fear. That’s why. Their sister station, KGO, in San Francisco is an
outed C.I.A. owned station and KOGO is likely also a C.I.A. owned station. Those of you
who may be snickering that I am a paranoid fool, you, yourselves, are the fool. Not me.
In fact, just the other day, to show you how afraid of me KOGO is, “Chip” took my call
while he was actually off the air during a commercial as if I was on live radio. I wasn’t.
He was just pretty sure, according to his censor/screener who knows my voice, that it was,
indeed, me and he didn’t want to chance my remarks making it to your ears.
In fact I find these kind of ‘censors’ to be the focus of evil of American culture. That all
of you citizens don’t sneak in your own remarks to endorse me, to thwart their efforts to
suppress me, reflects badly on all of America. It shows what boot-lickers you all really are.
Americas people are hero hostile, in fact.
It’s the nature of your ingrained sin and fear of government. You are satanic, in that sense.
You relish it when I, the hero of the day, am put down by your real enemies and oppressors,
those manning the nations microphones; the media, the government, your mommy and daddy.
You love to take a bath in their stew of filth and poison and you fear the light of day
when it comes to actually carrying a billboard and protesting the coverup of John Lennon’s
murder that none of you even saw a trial for in the first place.
I put a man in his place last week when he claimed, in one breath, that he had read my
site and, in the other breath, denounced me as crazy. When I replied, simply; “Your apathy
is cowardice.” you could see his whole being shudder, like hit by a bullet of truth.
And so I will tell you all; “Your apathy, your denial and blindness is all cowardice.”
I should also say that I was once a spineless, boot-licking coward like all of you are, once,
too. It took over a year of listening to The Beatles music on my walkman, and little else
in my life, before I found the courage to investigate the library for some answers. I
just had no idea that I was a tool being used by God that day to uncover this mega-news
event. I had no idea that only I was eligible enough out of the whole planet to be the one
chosen to out this story. But I was. The finding of the evidence was as biblical in nature
as anything I have ever witnessed in my life. I could feel the presence of the Almighty on
my shoulder rooting me on, urging me forward and opening the exact pages needed to see,
without any doubt, what I was discovering. It was a nausiating, stomach churning event, indeed.
I thought, at the time; “My poor fellow human beings. They don’t know.” I also realized that
it would take at least several months to get this size of a news story out. It would be
as many months later that I discovered Chapman’s letter to the editor linking himself to
Reagan and the killer’s face and true identity; Stephen King, and that he writes about;
“The fellow who killed John Lennon…” in at least three of his books. It would take me
years of frustration to understand just what monsters all of you are and why you would
rather call me crazy than admit what you all really know; that I am correct, not crazy,
after all. It would take time to realize that Yoko Ono is as evil as we all sensed way
back when she hit the scene. You see, we, as a people, know much more than we let on.
On the one hand you all KNEW, deep inside, that Yoko was a government agent sent to de-
stroy The Beatles and John Lennon, a “Black Widow” kind of spy. I had an oriental girlfriend
even before she met John and I didn’t understand everyones unexplained disdain and hatred
of Yoko. You yourselves, didn’t understand what it was that you all, instictively, sensed.
And, yet, YOU were all correct, then. I had to find out the hard way after she ordered the
S.F.P.D. to kidnap and pistolwhip me unconscious in the back of a police van while I was
handcuffed and helpless in October of 1987.
So, you see, you all also KNEW that Lennon’s murder was a government assassination when it
happened, then. That’s why you kept quiet when there was no trial for Chapman. YOU
ALL KNEW!!! You just pretend, now, that you don’t. God made you cowards, at heart, I guess.
Look at all of you; looking the other way when Nixon and Reagan let evil Stephen King
murder John Lennon on Jim Morrison’s birthday, no trial for Chapman, government bold
print codes hanging out all over the place, the killer’s face and letter linking himself
to Reagan all printed before the crime, my brave website that hands it to you on a silver
platter and, still, you refuse to see, speak and hear evil. You silly monkeys.
Like a knee to the groin it hurts you to know that I consider all of mankind to be subhuman.
That I think of all of you as kidnapped cowards working for the coverup.
It’s not so much that you don’t care who killed John Lennon-you all do care, intensely- it’s
that you are headless, leaderless, directionless and lost in your own pitiful malaise.
The reason Jesus, Ganghi, J.F.K., M.L.K., R.F.K., John Lennon and others were assassinated
by the government of their day is because the government knows that these leaders are
the vital connection without which you are impotent and powerless and without a voice.
When I hear some cowardly moron say; “Who cares? Lennon is dead.” I understand that what he
is really saying is; “I’m so ashamed I was too much of a slob to keep John Lennon alive.
Now I’m too weak to believe what I used to believe in because the government has scared
me so”
I feel sorry for that self deluded monkey with his tail tucked between his buttcheeks.
He is sucking the penis of his enemy while said enemy is urinating all over him.
Millions of you smugly say to yourselves: “Well everybody knows they caught John Lennon’s
killer at the scene and arrested him on the spot, so who needs a trial?”
You stupid monkeys. You phony monkeys. You lying cowards. You hero killing slobs.
Chapman was in the police station while Stephen King murdered Lennon. The complicit, evil
N.Y.P.D. and mass media and courts were all in on the coverup and King was switched with
Chapman only minutes after the crime.
You all need an excorcism. You have become evil and corrupted by your traitorous media
personalities who lap up the big bucks they are paid to deceive you. Your talk show hosts
and news readers and media news celebrities. They are your oppressors today. They are your
enemy today. They are varnished in money and spew poison while King molests you all.
Like the Nazi’s paid off their victims to join them and spy on their neighbors and help
them conquer their neighbors, money is the lubricant that’s defeating your whole culture.
All your jewish media whores are the same traitors, getting paid to lie to you. Getting
paid to make the expose seem out of fashion and taste and to embrace the coverup, instead.
You are but their corrupted cowardly co-conspirators, stewing in your shameful silence.
I’m reminded of a vivid dream I had in 1982 just before my discovery of the evidence. I
came upon a restaurant located up some huge tree and overheard the cooks while they were
putting poison in the food. I tried to alert the patrons before they partook of the food and
discovered, to my horror, that they were there, expressly, for ritual suicide via eating the
poisoned food. The patrons were angry with me for trying to warn them of what was about
to take place. It was a window into what I would learn about all of you, later, in trying
to usher this mega story forward. I’ve learned what boot-licking masochists all of you
can be. You relish in the corruption of life and decency like a drug you have to have.
If you were real Americans instead of the Soviet Americans you have all become you would
picket the media and demand that jews; Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Dennis Prager, Michael
Savage, et all, all be tried for treason and conspiracy. But you are not real Americans. You
are, instead “The land of the deceived and the overworked slave.”
As my other chapters below suggest, you are getting sheperded into another rigged presi-
dential election guaranteeing Obama’s re-election by default of the republicans who are
losing on purpose to keep Obama, a secret republican, world order fascist, right where he
is; escalating mideast wars, raising gas prices, passing laws to arrest people like me
for informing people like you what’s really going on, namely, the murder of America.
What I believe is hard to swallow. What I can prove is equally hard to swallow;
The killer’s face and true identity printed months before the crime; author Stephen King;
The killer’s alleged name and attached letter to the editor printed three weeks before the
crime where Chapman links himself with Reagan who is moving him, armed, into a hostile square:
Richard Nixon’s book, The Real War, photographed in Time and Newsweek the day of the murder,
at Reagan’s side, a book that details why John Lennon must be assassinated. In fact, the
accompanying headline code above just elected Reagan reads; “Who’s in?””Who’s out?” Get it?
Bold print, C.I.A./K.G.B. codes in the headlines of said magazines in only the issues sur-
rounding the crime. Headline codes like “Johnny Comes Marching Home; Kiss, kiss, bang,
bang,ouch, ouch; The job Richard Nixon realy wanted; blasting the opposition; etc. etc..:
In fact, Stephen King was advertised “One great big ‘Zippo’ lighter.” three months before he
looked like one, his gun blazing fire from his raincoat in the night air.
Stephen King’s writings include getting a famous polititians autograph before laying in ambush
waiting to shoot him, later, etc. etc..: He even writes; “The fellow who killed John Len-
non…” in three of his books. Furthermore, he has NEVER denied my claims in 30 years.
Indisputable, incontrovertible evidence.
As if you needed any evidence at all. There was no public trial at all for Chapman. If you
were good Americans you would have protested that fact, alone, when it happened.
Instead, you are more like the jealous, wicked faux hippies I encountered in Santa Cruz
in 1994 when I was picketing a Stephen King booksigning. Instead of joining my protest
they were busy throwing eggs at me and my parked van from the building above me. Pure
cowardly,boot-licking, masochistic human evil on display.
I BELIEVE, as opposed to can prove, that Yoko Ono always was a K.G.B. agent sent to break
up the Beatles so John could be assassinated, later, by Moscow.
I believe that Nixon and Reagan and others were all Soviet agents underminig America and
that we have been under Moscow and London’s fist since 1963. In fact, I can prove, with the
same Time and Newsweek codes of that day, that Nixon had J.F.K. killed. That’s right.
I believe that our media is all run by transplanted Soviet jews like the names already listed.
That the editor in chief of Time magazine was an admitted communist during the 1950’s
is a matter of fact.
I believe that America is a world order state and is being gobbled up by globalist
oil companies, corporations and the military.
I believe that Nixon empowered China in the 70’s to have them defeat us in the future.
I believe that t.v. is satanic and being used to destroy your souls with excessive violence.
I believet that the media is owned by the K.G.B. and C.I.A. and the military. I can prove
that the media is, mostly, jewish controlled.
I believe that the Soviet Union won the cold war and that America was secretly defeated.
It all sounds crazy but it’s what makes sense to me knowing all that I know. In fact, only
this view supports the facts of our lives, lately. Nothing else but what I’ve described.
I HAVE to know the truth to stay alive. You fools don’t. I’ve given the matter real thought.
I am not the sort of American who was caught licking his ice cream cone, obsessively, after
John Lennon’s murder like I witnessed in the early ’80’s. I was lapping up Beatles music,
not licking my wounds in defeat like most of you were.
I should be that singular celebrity that gives all of you a voice. Nobody knows more about
what ails all of you better than I. Nobody is braver or more prepared to challenge the
“powers that be” more than I. You are all kidnapped fools not to hoist me atop your shoulders
all the way to your local media outlet and demand full disclosure and immediate arrests
of Stephen King and the prosecutors who let him out the back door.
You want a better life and world? Without me to give you focus and voice you won’t succeed.
Look at the occupy crowd; chickens running around with their heads cut off. Confused.
Without me you will be lied to to by big oil and their media till you’re all dead. Without
me you’ll always be a two paycheck slave culture too tired and blind to fight back.
I am considering the power of free speech to rustle up some results. Consider driving
down your local freeway and seeing my website van with a huge bumper sticker that reads;
It’s legal as John Lennon’s lyric “You’re still fucking peasants as far as I can see.”
Too bad he was too stoned to see through Yoko and all her deceit.
I will be up to such irritating prose, soon.
You turncoat, boot-licking, John Lennon killing cowards.
You all secretly resent me for showing all of you up by doing the right thing. The
rest of you are too scared to DO the right thing. You’re all sellouts compared to me.
And LOOK at the price you are all paying with our economy and politics today. You will
either grow up and help me come forward or remain urinated on masochists till you die.
God IS punishing Lennon killing man ‘not so’ kind. Isn’t he? You should hope he doesn’t wipe
us all out with the monster asteroid that I saw just miss us in the mid 1960’s; bigger
than a mountain and so fast it went from California to Hawaii in about one second.
P.S. No, I’m not as mean a person as I seem. I was made tough by your collective jealousy
that wants to kill all your geniuses and heroes for trying to help you live better lives.
I know that you resent anyone who wants to warn you about the poisoned food you are
conditioned, by the evil media, to eat. I know all about the Tin Man, the Scarecrow and
the Cowardly Lion in all of you that is afraid to stand up to the “Wizard”.
My own sinful family taught me all I need to know about all of you. You’re good and evil.
Being a ‘nice’ celebrity got Jesus and John killed. I plan to head you all off instead.
Want more? Read my other chapters immediately below. Or you can remain ignorant, castrated
media controlled fools.
Connect with this and win!!! 99%er’s.
Regarding the national demonstration over the inequity of unfettered, greedy capitalism
and it’s effect on the masses may I suggest that all you encamped demonstrators all over
America paint my website address on your signs, instead, all of you, at once, and win.
If you don’t you may just fizzle for lack of sizzle. Imagine that site on all the news!
If jailing Stephen King for John Lennon’s murder isn’t important than neither are you,
as far as thre powers that be are concerned.
I just drove up from L.A. to be in Oakland for a few days. As soon as I arrived the
authorities are threatening to crack heads if you don’t disperse.
The authorities fear your union with my cause more than the one you’ve got.
Heed my words and hurry or you will fail. I am a veteran activist. Trust me.
In case you aren’t aware I’ve discovered hard evidence in John Lennon’s murder; I’ve discovered
government, cryptographic codes in the headlines of Time, Newsweek and U.S. News mag-
azines surrounding the night of Lennon’s murder. The day of the murder the headline above
just elected Ronald Reagan reads:”Who’s In?””Who’s Out?” as in Reagan’s “In” and John Lennon
is “Out”, for example, as he is sitting next to Richard Nixon’s book, The Real War, that dis-
cusses why people like John Lennon; “..rock stars…who say ‘war is ‘bad’ and ‘peace’ is
‘good’..must ” be assassinated, in so many words. These codes only exist surrounding the
night of John’s murder beginning with the killer’s face and true identity; author Stephen
King, advertised “One great big Zippo lighter.” which describes the scene of the crime of a
man with a raincoat, gun blazing in the night, like a great big cigarette lighter.
That’s right, everybody; It’s King, not Chapman, getting John’s last autograph.
Codes that include Mark David King Chapman attached to a letter to the editor three weeks
before the crime where Chapman explains that he’s; ” …armed… waiting…to be moved into
a hostile square… by the hand of Ronald Reagan…”
When I nailed Larry King, live, on KGO talk radio for knowingly deceiving us with his
Chapman interview, years earlier, rather than denying my claim, he conceeded; …”..It’s OK,
Ronn, it’s all going to come out, eventually, anyway.” host, Ronn Owens, agast.
When my magazine distribution in Kennebunkport, Maine in 1992 caused George Bush Sr. to
plunge in the polls (23 percentage points in one week in his home town) he acknowledged,
weeks later, during the Richmond, Va. presidential debate; ” …You know, nobody likes “Who
Shot John” but I think governor Clinton…..”
My magazine was titled “Everybody’s Business; Who Shot John Lennon?” He admitted, to his
home town, on tv, that my expose was the reason he was dropping in the polls.
Too bad you phonies can’t admit it, too.
And, as if any of you guilty onlookers even saw a trial for decoy, look-alike, actor, Mark
Chapman in the first place, Stephen King, not only writes about “the fellow who killed John
Lennon..” in three books, not only writes about “Johnny, Nixon, shooting a man in the
shoulder blades” etc., etc., etc., he has never, once, denied my claims in almost 30 years.
Why should he? You’re all denying it for him. Connect your activism to my expose and fight
back the powers that be with force instead of counting on them to change just because you’re
upset over their system.
The powers that be KNOW that you’re all just blowing smoke until you DO use this bombshell
evidence against them. That without this cause addressed you’re all insincere. No threat.
My favorite sign is vertical, tall yet narrow, the better for lots of sign holders.:
That’s what I’m asking all you well intentioned, brave activists to do. Don’t flip the authorities
off. Instead, flip your signs to “www.lennonmurdertruth.com” and watch the revolution begin.
I may not be here after Monday, November 14, but just get that website on your signs and
on the news and I’ll be just a day or two away from joining forces and delivering truth
and justice, wherever it takes off, first.
A few words of wisdom; the media is the military, the government, their mind control device.
They will lull you into a false sense that they’re on your side but the media bosses aren’t.
The police are the “thin blue line” that keeps you from the sheperd and information and,
in your case, that keeps your cause from succeeding. They’re doing what their corporate bosses
tell them to do.
Every lazy, cowardly, stupid and weak bone and muscle and instinct in your body will want
you to disMISS the Lennon murder evidence as not being important, now. You will want to run,
like the cowardly lion, out of the palace rather than face down your murderous government
with evidence that proves they let Stephen King humiliate all of you with such a crime.
You have to face down the authorities with Lennon’s murder evidence or you just can’t
face down the authorities with anything.
Come together over John Lennon or remain ridiculous.
Just think of how ridiculous you have been all this time.
“Oh, don’t worry junior, it’s just me, your bootlicking parent, letting John Lennon’s
real murderer molest you and our society with his evil brand of fear and hatred and de-
pravity. It’s the price you must pay for my gutlessness in the face of hard evidence, the
price you must pay for my letting the decoy, Chapman, utterly skip trial and plead behind
closed doors a year and a half later with no real explanation. I’m a mess so you get
molested with pure government evil. I wish I were a better parent, but I’m not. I’m what
we let the media call Lennon; a phony. Sorry kids.”
Stop molesting your kids and yourselves, people, and help me jail Stephen King.
Meanwhile the four foot long, four inch high bumper sticker on my website van reads;
In yellow lettering. Food for thought.
Your evidence/truth hero – Steve Lightfoot
(Refer to the chapter first in line at the end of this one to understand what these court
motions relate to)
Declaration of Steve Lightfoot;
I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the following is all true.
I am the controversial citizen who is exposing evidence that proves our government assassina-
ted John Lennon. I have been subjected to, perhaps, unprecedented police and court abuses in
the past 29 years that I have been an activist including police kidnapping and beatings and more.
While not every citation I have received since was politically motivated and unjust at least
90 percent of all were and were subsequently dismissed at great expense to me in terms of
time, energy and peace of mind. I have had my character assassinated on no less than the
national tv news including two portrayals on the now defunct tv show American Journal.
This citation, here, I think, was the product of tampering with the three preceeding lights
all of which brought me and one other motorist to three consecutive last second stops before
the light at Sloat and 19th Avenue snapped a photo of my van just making the intersection.
Even though my front tires may not have been into the intersection my front bumper was. This
having to do with an unusually long nose (over two feet longer than most cars relative to my
front axel.) The sensors that trip the camera that are under the asphalt do not allow for this
unusual van design where the driver, literally, sits directly over the front axel. Furthermore,
in contradiction to the stated times on the photo sheet the yellow light was only three
seconds long, not four. The sequence of three consecutive last second yellow lights that
brought me and one other motorist to three very unusual stops found us looking at each
other, stopped, as if to ask the question; “What’s going on with these lights?” This prompted
both of us to get a running start and up to speed quickly to get out of this sequence of
frustration. He was directly behind me when the fourth consecutive yellow light lit, both
of us doing the speed limit, and it would have been unsafe for me to suddenly stop then.
I had a clear view of all traffic for blocks and no other motorist was anywhwere. I did the
prudent and most safe thing by proceeding. It was at 3:30 am, the safest hour of the week.
The evidence photos show that this motorist was right behind me even after he slowed down.
To add to the suspicion, in the thousands of times I have been at that same intersection
never have I encountered such a sequence of consecutive stops, ever, and hours before I
found myself being photographed a policeman in the Westlake Mall in Daly City, just a few
miles away, involuntarilly stomped his accelerater in surprise when he saw me enter the lot.
I am a familiar sight there for the police and I wondered, then, what was he aware of
that I should be alarmed about that would cause him to stomp his pedal in surprise.
I wondered, after, was the city of San Francisco using the wee small hours of the morning
to engage in unfair tactics to catch motorists at the only hours when such sequencing of
lights would not present a danger to the otherwise busy intersection to enhance revenue or
was the city of San Francisco targeting me, specifically. It absolutely felt like there
was a human brain behind the lights or that there were other sensors under asphalt, yards
away, that could be used to trigger the lights to unfairly entrap motorists. The fact that
the fourth light tripped in spite of both me and the other motorist getting a head start
suggests foul play on the part of the city. That revenue enhancement tactics were trying
to turn an intersection into a $500.00 dollar toll booth for late night motorists.
Although I enjoyed several years of peace in California where I was not persecuted prior to
this citation, just weeks after redoing the slogans on my website emblazened van and just
months after Jerry Brown was elected governor, I have suddenly been besieged with several
consecutive citations, all at once, though I drive an average of 35 thousand miles per year and
have had no valid citations in almost ten years. Indeed, the transparency and unfairness
and agressiveness of the way this ticket was issued suggests that the state may be trying to
abet me into an act of retaliation and provoke a criminal response from me so the state
can jail me to stop my activism. This seemed to be a constant element – provocative unfairness –
in the past and I do think the government is desperately trying to trick me into what would
otherwise be an uncharacteristic act on my part. My record of 57 years on this earth shows
no crimes, whatsoever, misdemeanor or otherwise, in my history. A fact I am proud of.
A lesser man probably would have retaliated in some manner or form but I have not.
I am convinced that this and other recent tickets I have suddenly received, en mass, are
unjust and politically motivated, besides being illegitimate on their face. I am convinced
that this sudden attack on my drivers licence is either an attempt to get my controversial web-
site emblazened van off the streets via a planned suspension of my licence or, worse, an attempt
to set me up for a fatal traffic accident after providing the unsuspecting public with a litany
of violations to show recklessness on my part that I don’t deserve.
Already I may have been the victim of just such an attempt in 2007 involving a woman who ran
a red light doing over 55 m.p.h. in Concord, California after I legally turned left on a
green arrow. Nobody was cited then and the police conducted that incident suspiciously.
Even the scene was paved over just days later perhaps to remove all evidence.
Stephen King, himself, the man I am accusing, was almost killed in a traffic accident in 1999
when he was hit while walking by a van. The driver wound up dead, months later though only
43 years old and, I’ve heard, died on Stephen king’s birthday. I believe the government tried
to kill King to silence my story.
This declaration will show a pattern of fraud and abuse that I believe this ticket and
other tickets represent.
I, Steve Lightfoot, declare that I have suffered decades of police abuse starting in 1983
since San Francisco Secret Service agent Terry Chodash surprised me with an interview at
the Santa Rosa Public Library following a tip from a sheriff who my father
alerted relating to evidence I discovered that proves our government assassinated John Lennon.
It is a fact that, in 1987, San Francisco officers Kevin Hall and Steven Rist kidnapped me
and pistolwhipped me unconscious while I was handcuffed in the back of their police van.
Officer Hall threatened to break my nose when we arrived at the hospital but a doctor over-
heard him. My camera was stolen and I was held for evaluation based on a false report.
My crime? I gave Yoko Ono an envelope with my findings while she attended an art exhibet at
The Dyansen Gallery in San Francisco. It simply was a documentation of my findings; (Cryp-
tographic codes in the bold print headlines in Time and Newsweek and U.S.News magazines that
relate to Lennon’s murder including the killer’s alleged name; Mark David Chapman attached
to a letter to the editor where Chapman explains, three weeks before the crime, that Ronald
Reagan is moving him “armed…into a hostile square..” as well as the killer’s face and true
identity; horror writer Stephen King. Photo’s prove it was King, not Mark Chapman, who was cap-
tured on film getting Lennon’s last autograph hours before that same man shot Lennon to death.
(See magazine suppliment; STEPHEN KING SHOT JOHN LENNON)
Officers Hall and Rist falsely asserted that I had yelled death threats to Yoko Ono. How
absurd. If true, in that crowded room of people, I would have made the national news.
I declare that just four months earlier I was seen in front of KRON TV station in San Francisco,
my nose already broken and my arm in a sling, holding up large billboards that read;
This was in response to an incident involving two martial artists who dislocated my shoulder
and smashed my face into a sidewalk after saying to me only; “We don’t need the publicity.”
I had been very visible all year with my billboards in front of KRON espousing my murder
evidence findings prior to and after the fact.
Earlier that year Feinstein’s secretary warned me to take my expose to another city.
I tried to sue the city over that kidnapping and beating but no lawyer would touch it.
The thugs who attacked me months earlier were released without charges by D.A. Costello
even after I identified one of them when I had Thomas Decker arrested.
In fact, I was issued over one hundred parking tickets in just two years time then, 90% of
which were deemed to be unjust by a judge who could see what was going on. Also, during that
time I was subjected to multiple arrests and sign confiscations and miscellanious abuses.
All charges were ultimately dismissed.
Two weeks after receiving a threat letter, apparently from Stephen King, himself, (It’s
his handwriting; See magazine) my father, Philip Lightfoot, was killed in a small plane crash
in New Zealand coincidentally on the tenth anniversary of Richard Nixon’s resignation.
Most abuses occured on then police chief Frank Jordan’s tenure and stopped, abruptly after
Mr. Casey was elected chief of police.
In 1994, in Santa Cruz, I was the victim of another police sting and portrayed on the national
major tv news networks in handcuffs as a stalker of Stephen King for simply showing up at
one of King’s booksigning engagements. This one hosted by the mayor of Santa Cruz. I was
holding a large sign that read: STEPHEN KING IS A MURDERER. IT’S TRUE OR HE’D SUE
I was released two days later and no charges were filed. The effect was to defame me.
Police have pointed guns in my face three times, once just hours after Ronald Reagan was
re-elected while I was trying to sleep. The other two times were in Palm Springs, where
Stephen King once lived. That was in 1996 and included over 15 police episodes and four
false citations that I beat and I was even jailed just for telling a crowd about the gun point-
ing episode the day before. All this activity in just a few weeks. I beat every ticket.
In 1992, the day I arrived in Bangor, Maine for the first time, King’s home town, I received
a false traffic ticket, was followed everywhere I went and even had my tape recorder and car
keys stolen from my van when I went inside a store to use a pay phone. Weeks later I was, again,
falsely cited. I beat both tickets. Years later I defeated King’s attempt to stop my
expose activities when he tried a file a protection from harassment injunction against me.
These episodes are just the tip of the iceberg relating to police fraud against me.
(See my website; www.lennonmurdertruth.com Current Update chapter under New devpts. page.)
In fact, relating to this ticket and the others I have suddenly received, I haven’t had
any valid citations in almost ten years. The only one was issued in Portland, Maine, Stephen
King’s birthplace, and just hours after I hit town following a police ivestigation of me while
sleeping in my van. When I showed the judge my photos he could not find me guilty of the
charge on the citation so he allowed the officer to proclaim a new charge he made up at another
intersection. Officer Wiseman committed perjury on the stand and judge Moskowitz was, ob-
viously, corrupt, too. The entire business district of Portland received my newsletter
all about the incident.
Regarding other recent, subsequent tickets issued, one was also for a camera red light.
The second one issued just weeks after this one.
I reviewed the motion film and saw a perfect, textbook stop that I made prior to making a
right turn. I had Sergeant Eastman of the South San Franncisco police unit that moniters
these lights take a look and he agreed I had, indeed, stopped properly and he agreed to
dismiss it before court got the matter. However, it took me three calls, weeks later, to
actually get him to follow through on the last day it would have been possible before I
had to appear.
This shows that someone is going to extraordinary legths to cite me, unfairly.
In another matter I was cited just minutes after visiting Berkeley’s famous No Lo Press
bookstore that offers books on how to fight your tickets in a situation where the officer
wasn’t even looking in my direction to see what even happened. In fact, a woman had stop-
ped and waved me to go in front of her to get into the right hand lane to make a right
turn but the officer spent all his time fiddling with his handlebars and something affixed
to them and only saw the last part of my maneuvar. I spent five seconds watching the whole
situation as I was waved ahead by the other motorist.
A week later, while parked at the same bookstore I encountered a screw that had flattened
my tire requiring a tow.
Weeks later, in Los Angeles, an officer stepped off a sidewalk to block me while I was
stopped at a light alleging that I wasn’t wearing a seatbelt and that I was using my cell
phone. When I asked him to check my phone log to prove I hadn’t used it at the time he
alleged he refused to look. When I explained that I was merely untangling my earphone chord
from my seatbelt and tried to show him that I had just put gas in my vehicle three minutes
earlier and tried to show him my gas receipt, he refused to look at that evidence as well.
In fact I had just gassed up and noticed that my phone cord jack was tangled in my just
buckled seat belt. I was merely untangling it at the first light I was stopped at.
When I appeared for arraignment on this ticket the D.A. had no file for my case to present
to the judge, judge Drago. The camera light people failed to send their evidence and I
asked for dismissal on that ground. He denied dismissal. When I objected and told him that I
had evidence with me to show reasonable doubt to the charge he refused to hear me and
told me all motions would be heard at trial.
I am not a lawyer but this all seems improper and my case should have been dismissed then.
I drove over 400 miles to be there and the state did not have any evidence against me.
In all, especially given my otherwise clean record in over 300 thousand miles of driving
over almost ten years prior to this spate of tickets all at once, I am absolutely convinced
that the state is stalking me, my licence and, perhaps, even trying to kill me in yet
another red light “accident” to stop my John Lennon murder expose from, literally, making
history and changing the world.
Subsequent to the above mentioned incidents I have encountered suspicious mishandling of
my case concerning all three agencies I mailed notices of motions to, the City Attorney,
Police Legal and the San Francisco Superior Court, all three of whom claim they never
received my mailings from October 25, 2011. I had to send a second batch on November 03, 2011 and they received those. (To be continued…)
When you consider all this and take note that my front bumper appears to be into the the
intersection, that I was obligated, for safety reasons, not to suddenly stop and cause
an accident that four signal lights in a row set us both up for and that there is not one
time frame of a normal week more safe than at 3:30 am on a Monday morning and when you
add to all that that the photos show severe mist making it hard to determine whether or not
my bumper is or is not into the intersection in the first place compounded by the fact that
the asphalt imbedded devices used do not uniformly apply to all vehicles equally, for any
judge not to allow dismissal would be, in my opinion, prejudicial and tantamount to dis-
criminatory prosecution, especially given the states record over time with me.
I declare on this 17th day of October, 2011 that the above it true and correct, under
penalty of perjury.
Steve Lightfoot
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