Had I not found evidence in 1982 and come forward, in a very public way,
with my findings others who threatened the status quo may have already
been killed as well.
Oh, and by the way, and to prod you into taking this more seriously, a
year after I went public with my findings a woman let me listen to a tape of
famous activist Dick Gregory making a public speech. This is one excerpt;
” Did you KNOW that the woman who killed John Balushi was WITH John
Lennon the night before he was killed?!…”
For those of you who don’t remember, Mrs. Smith was a back up singer for
Gordon Lightfoot prior to Balushi’s overdose. And there she was, in the same
room as John Lennon the night before his murder! Getting a last look???!!!
After helping to kill Balushi she got a wrist slap, no jail time, and is living free
up in Canada where she is from.
In late 1992 I absolutely saved Bruce Springsteen’s life when I got on New
York talk radio and warned his friends to tell him to stop palling around with
and having jam sessions with Stephen King (As was the case then.) That
King is stalking him for murder and that he already killed John Lennon. The
two haven’t been seen together since. HOORAY!
Barbara Streisand, Martin Sheen, Sean Penn and other activists aside,
Tiger Woods is the next big celebrity the government is afraid of, I suspect.
I’ve been saying this for years, way before Trent Lott spilled his bigoted guts
recently at Strom Thurmans 100th birthday party. Partly because he is black,
but mostly because he has the worlds rapt attention and because he is a
deeper, more substantial celebrity who likely has ambitions bigger than just
being the worlds best golfer. It’s a feeling I have that he will use his celebrity
someday to help change the world. You can bet he won’t be conventional or
predictable. I think he has a social conscience larger than most celebrities.
Nowadays the government , I have noticed , kills these types before they be-
come political or obviously in the governments face, so as not to arrouse
suspicion. There have been a few I won’t name here. But I’ve noticed. In
fact, Tiger is getting the same kind of death threats that Lennon used to get.
Recently he was kneed in his knee, and that, right after a gallery member
threw an orange on the green while he was putting the week before. In fact
Tiger just had orthoscopic knee surgery.
Because I doubt anyone else is better qualified to speak up and sound
the alarm, I’m sounding that alarm. I wanted to be the best golfer in the world
once and I wanted to change the world with that gig, myself.
Honestly though, I am the most dangerous man on the planet as far as the
government is concerned. I know it and so do they. Who else but me would
stand up and interupt Henry Kissinger from the third row to loudly say’ ” Mr.
Kissinger, we want to know the truth about John Lennon’s murder.” ? as I
did in the late eighties at a Santa Rosa appearance. He chose October 09,
John Lennon’s birthday, to appear, after I scared him off of his first sheduled
appearance on December 08, John’s death day. After I interupted his
speech he looked down between his legs and remarked; “Where did that
come from.”
I’ll say this about Henry. He didn’t leave evidence that I have found if he had
any role in John’s death.
I’m the one the government wants to kill more than anyone else. Please
don’t wait till they do before you learn to take a stand.
As I write these words the local library has suddenly made it impossible to
access my website pages. I’m investigating that situation. It works at non
library computers, so it’s not a problem with my host or server. If it turns out
that my site is being blocked I’ll sue them for violating my rights. Let me know
if any of you are having problems (See About Author page for address.)
(Subsequently the local library is carrying my site again.)
Please allow me to take a more visceral stance and taunt you with King’s
many insults towards all of you. Let me also show you how phony human
adults really are, but especially when confronted with having to confront
ones own evil government.
It’s insulting for all of you to do nothing when King taunts you for being;
“Shitters” as he puts it in his movie Christine or “You blind, obsessive fools.”
in Firestarter. It’s clear he has a contempt for all of you. It’s clear Stephen
King hates humanity and each and every one of you. He knew that killing
John would only “Sow more dragon’s teeth…” as he puts it. He knew no
good would come of it, only evil. He was rejected and tormented by his peers
as a child in Portland, Maine. I can vouch for Portland’s people to be a little
meaner than other places I’ve been to and I can see how King’s brain was
poisoned by their wickedness. Some kind of distemper or inbreeding or
I don’t know what. I can see how King went bad at an early age. His father
walked out to get a paper one day and never came back, his mother was
a debate queen in school and I can see her being overbearing and different.
He, his brother and her lived in a tiny, tiny, I can’t really call it a house. I can
see how other kids would pick on him and sour his fertile mind.
Today King thinks all you are good for is turning food into feces. In his Play-
boy interview in 1983 he says “There I got a chance to scrub the whole human
race, and man it was fun!” ” I love death and destruction…” etc. (See King’s
Writings page) Although he is generous enough to keep the people of Bang-
or, Maine quiet with a baseball field, hospital and university grants, he is a
cheap and contemptuous tipper I’ve heard. I’ve also heard from several people
in Bangor that he was convicted of having sex with a 15 year old in 1992 and
had to pay a large fine to Belfast, Maine. The press protected him from that
disclosure, but it’s real. I’ve also heard that King frequently pays teenagers of
both sexes for sex. That’s right, America. The media is protecting him, not you.
I’ve heard this from the people of Maine when I was there for several months
in 1992.
He tried to slap me with a protection from harassment motion once. I took on
his lawyer and defeated it. I told the judge he can sue me for slander if he
wants, but I’ll never stop exposing him. The judge agreed.
Have any of my critics even asked themselves; “Why doesn’t King sue me
if I’m not absolutely correct.” The answer is; Because I AM absolutely cor-
rect and he would only prove it with a court case.
I even met King once. I was on talk radio one morning in Bangor saying
that the most disturbed man in Bangor was Stephen King. Later that day he
came downtown to confront me (He HATES to be called crazy). I was walking
and playing my guitar, singing a political song about him, when he came
walking towards me. As we passed each other (He thought I’d be tucked in
a closed stores doorway, where I had been) he looked at me. I could see
a strobe light brightness in his eyes, even though I was wearing sunglasses.
It was a truly unique sight. I almost thought he might be an alien that shining
in his eyes was so bright. We both continued in opposite directions. I took
position at ground zero, downtown, in front of everybody, and continued singing
my song. He button-hooked back to me and, as he approached, he waved
his trigger finger at me as if to say ” I’ll get you you @#!*!!!” I ignored him as he
stood right next to me, ready to shove my guitar neck down his throat if he tried
anything, and, when he could see I wasn’t interested in talking to him, crouched
down and whispered; “Take care. I w-w-want you t-to t-t-ake c-care.” and then
sauntered off in his hunched walk.
The vibe I got from him was this; “Don’t hate me. You’re right. I was wrong.
I messed up. I don’t care what these other shitters think, but I don’t want you
to hate me. If they were all like you I wouldn’t hate this world and everybody.”
It really happened. The encounter. I may be wrong about what his vibe was
but we were both just inches away from each other once.
The point I’d like to make here is that if everybody WAS like me, the op-
posite of phony, King wouldn’t have felt the need to kill Lennon to punish us
all. The other side of my statement is that everyone is a phony.
The government knows this fact about us and used it against us when their
media told us that JOHN was a phony. After they told us that it was JOHN and
not us, we went into our phony mode of the coverup and blamed John for our
sins. The government knows us better than our mothers do, I think.
I’m willing to bet that public phoniness is THE biggest reason we always
let the government rape us with political assassination. In fact The Catcher
In The Rye that King was reading after the murder showcases the phoniness
of, not kids, young people or children, but the inherent phoniness found only
in adults. J. D. Salinger’s message was that we are all phonies. Given
the fact that we never tried the killer of the most loved man on earth, that we
looked the other way like wretched sinners, I believe Salinger is correct. The
fact that we’ve never challenged any political assassination is scary-phony.
In fact we learn to lie somewhere after we can talk and the age of about
eight. We have to learn it from our parents and other adults. The native
American Indians were one of the few peoples who didn’t. Hence the term
“White man speak with forked tongue.” Lying was alien to them, even in
adulthood. We Americans are taught to lie by the media and our selfish,
backstabbing culture, besides. Our media and our government WANT us
to be corrupt and they WANT us to surrender our moral authority. That’s
why the government lets us all cheat, a little, on our tax returns. They know
that if we know we are dishonest we will be less inclined to nail them when
they are caught being dishonest. Teaching us to be liars and cheats is
part of the governments way of subduing us. Except for using a different
name to sneak onto talk radio, I don’t lie, cheat or steal. I’m one of the most
honest people I know. I don’t waste energy moving sideways on people.
Talk radio is the only exception I can recall, and that is to beat their scam.
They pretend to be for everyone, and should be, but they’re not . This aside,
I have my moral authority. The government can’t audit me or nail me for
anything. I don’t play into their hands, surrendering to their level of conduct.
I’m in a position to blow the whistle on them. They’ve got nothing on me.
Now I’d like to point out how our media and government uses sex, money,
violence and even drug use against us.
This next section may seem a little off track, and let me first say that the
danger I am in makes it hard to establish any close relationship with any-
one. The government may have already killed my Dad just to scare me.
And let me first say that I consider sex one of the greatest things in life.
Having said that, I stopped having sex a few years ago because I choose
not to breed in captivity. Some of the most noble creatures on earth can
not breed in captivity. Mostly animals at the top of the food chain. I choose
not to because every woman I meet is living under a filthy lie and I would be
a little evil to make love to anyone under that condition. It’s as if everyone
is dripping with Stephen King’s urine all over them, and I won’t make love
to a tragic victim. I’ll protect myself from damaging my feelings. If you knew
everything that I know you wouldn’t either.
I’ve had over seventy sexual partners in my 20’s alone. I’m not proud
of a lot of it and I’m aware that most American’s are sexually screwed up by
virtue of the fact that they are American’s, living in a plastic culture. I’ve had
great sex, bad sex and mediocre sex, like most of you.
I blame our media for overemphasizing sex and cheapening it. Furthermore,
they know that sex has a way of sanctifying everything, including evil. Like
so much water under the bridge compared to the excitement of sex. After
you’ve made love in the presense of evil you begin to embrace the evil.
The reason I have taken this unusual tack, introducing our sex lives, into
the equation, is because you are doped with sex and t.v.. Let’s face it. Sex
is a powerful, primal, emotional part of being human. The government has
found a way to keep you distracted with it. They have taken the slogan
“Let em eat cake.” to another level; ” Let em have sex to keep them pacified.”
The government uses “Statecraft” and hires psychologists so that they can
play you like a Pavlovian fiddle. They have become expert at it. Mostly,
you will notice that true love is not allowed in our media. Every sexual rela-
tionship you see is casual and easy and meaningless. True love, can liber-
ate all of us and the government knows this and teaches us to be shallow.
Money is another way the government controls us. Of course we all need
some money to survive in our culture but the media encourages money
worship. Dallas, Dynasty, game shows, fancy cars, fancy lifestyles. They
project unrealistic ideals most of us will never achieve and use this spin like
a carrot on a stick, to keep you distracted, as much as anything else. In fact
just thinking about money takes up at least 20% of most peoples thoughts.
And once you go for the carrot and commit your life to climbing the money tree
the government further distracts you with a maze of legalistic mumbo jumbo
to KEEP you distracted and confused. Legal loopholes, write offs, invest-
ments, etc. Pretty soon you have no room to think about your lives.
Had Lennon been killed in the 60’s his fans would have revolted. By the time
1980 rolled around they were too busy running on that hampster wheel to do
a damn thing but keep up. Now they had families and bills and oppression.
If I ever do make hundreds of millions of dollars you can bet I will spend most
of it on educating you and providing an antidote to the mass media. I’ll need
some of it to fight the many enemies who will try to attack me, too. My fantasy
is to live in a secluded log house with environmentally friendly features and to
set an example for the rest of us. One of responsibility, not greed.
Violence on t. v. and the movies. Why!? Why does the Jewish media monoply
push violence on us all the time? You know the stats; some ten to twenty
murders daily etc. etc. etc..
In my opinion it is to keep us war like so that we will fight for Israel. Violence
is glorified and actors all over Hollywood are used to promote it. The same
way they are used to push lawyers, soldiers and government employees and
police on us. Everyone in hollywood is wearing a uniform or a tie it seems.
Moreover violence keeps us oppressed. Violence reduces us all to our lowest
common denominator and it keeps us as far away from love as possible.
The Beatles movie Yellow Submarine portrayed the Blue Meanies (code
words for police and soldiers, I think) as trying to kill love. Love really is
the answer. Not a war for Israel. The media keeps us as close to our
primative, animal roots as they can. Apparently evolution and a higher con-
sciousness scares our government. They might lose control of our minds.
The culture of violence reduces your ability to demand a trial for John Len-
non’s killer. Just another murder out of the dozons you watch every day.
Let’s talk sports worship for a minute. Have you ever asked yourselve why
athletes are paid more than heroes in our culture? I wanted to be one once.
Well, to begin with, there are no real heroes, our government kills them. But
I love golf. I don’t particularly watch football or basketball or baseball except
for the season’s finale events, but I watch golf. I’m not content to be just a
spectator. If I’m not playing it I’m not watching it. For many of you sports is
as much a part of your lives as work. Walk by any bar and witness the row of
grown men glued to the tube like pups nursing their mothers teet. The media
and the government knows about your primal attraction to physical prowess.
I have a theory that athletes are paid more than heroes because they keep you
hypnotized, resting in your chair, not thinking about politics, so you’ll all be
ready to go back to work on Monday. Back and forth. Back and forth. End
zone to end zone, picher to catcher, back and forth. HYPNOTIZED. The great
electronic pacifier keeps you there. But the media needs the athletes to keep
you there, not thinking about what else is going on. I would venture to say that
70 cents of every dollar they are paid is because they are useful distractions.
Now let’s talk about why the government wants you, that’s right, WANTS you
to be stoned on drugs.
Tests have already proven that a monkey will forego food for cocaine. That they
will, literally, starve to death rather than give up cocaine. Right before John
Lennon was killed cocaine use in America was at an all time high. You can
dismiss the rumours that both George Herbert Walker Bush and even Bill
Clinton were both involved in the heavy trafficing of cocaine into America. I
believe those rumours. Boy, were we without any moral authority then. We
didn’t respect ourselves enough to even try Chapman we were so miserable
with our habits. I have never bought cocaine and I’ve only tried it several
times in my life. I will admit, however, that I sometimes abuse marijuana.
By abuse I mean that I can’t have it intermittently, say once a week, if I have
any on hand. I go for months without, every year, but when I have it I smoke
it. I’m not proud of it. I know I am happier, more energetic, clear-headed etc.
without it, but I’ve learned to rely on it as a crutch to make it through hard
emotional times, such as the last 20 years since my life is in danger. I know
that cleansing my system of it makes me feel pleasure more and that the
blood flows more freely into certain body parts of the body, giving me the
vigor of a twenty year old again, but even I have to watch my drug use. In
fact I am currently fasting from pot. You should all know that pot restricts
the deeper, rapid eye movement level of sleep, besides. I’m refreshed.
The point I’m making, people, is that we live in a very Orwellian culture and
our government looks upon us like a rancher looks upon his livestock..
With tobacco the government systematically kills us before we can collect
our social security AS A MATTER OF POLICY! And then they tax us to death
with every pack we buy. Add it all up and tobacco puts about three hundred
thousand dollars per user in it’s pockets, average. If not a lot more. Thank
God I ‘ve never smoked tobacco. I hear the government puts cyanide and other
toxins in it, besides.
Don’t let the government and the media treat you like a monkey. There is
too much wrong with this world and our politics that needs cleaning up to be
bogged down in their evil game of controlling you through your baser, animal
instincts; namely sex, violence, greed, drugs, the media and more.
Let me say that John Lennon did abuse his status when he popularized
drug use, and whether the Kennedy assassinations pushed us to drugs to
begin with, he should have known better. To his credit he was drug free
when he died and even wrote a song called Clean Up Time. He was on
his way to giving us back our moral authority. He was on his way to em-
powering us all again.
Now we live in a world where the average household works 70 hours per
week when it used to be 40, in a world where the divorce rate is over 50%
when it used to be 20%, where up to 8 % of our population is homeless
when it used to be 1%. Now we live in a world that hasn’t seen a rock star
or any star in any field even close to the magnificence of The Beatles, and
it’s been thirty years now. We have become stagnant and unauthentic. We
now live in a world of teen gangs and terrorism. We live in a sewer and don’t
seem to have even the intelligence to see it or admit it. The great experi-
ment called America is failing. The Jewish media monopoly has been system-
atically destroying us all. Our politicians, whether they be Democrat or Repub-
lican, have been playing the same game on us and we really have no choice
anymore. Sugar coated totalitarianism is what we have now. The media
decides for you whether I am a hero or a whacko and you have no mind of
your own anymore. Really!! The fact that my home town of Santa Rosa has
avoided my website, in spite of it’s high profile and my emblazened van, is
proof. The fact that Berkeley and San Francisco and other so called bastions
of free speech can’t speak up to save their lives, or even mine, is proof. The
elections today are decided by the hinterland states who only get the Rush
Limbaugh perspective. The Republicans rely on the ignorance factor and the
electoral vote process where each state has its number and they target them.
The media is evil and the media controls you, more than you know. K.G.O
talk radio in San Francisco has tied the bay area down like Gulliver with their
lies and propaganda about me. I’ve got tapes if you know a good defamation
of character lawyer. I plan to dissolve them someday for America’s good.(See
Someone needs to tell you that the restroom we are in stinks to high heaven
and that there is a better America waiting for us and the world on the other
side of this expose. The cowardly silence of Paul McCartney, most of all,
signals that we are all but dead in the water. If he plays Live And Let Die
in public ever again then we will also know that he never got over being ex-
tremely jealous of John Lennon to begin with. Paul just doesn’t get it; Yoko
Ono deliberately distanced the two for government purposes.
He once actually yelled out my name in endorsement during the instrumental
of Fool On The Hill at the 1990 Berkeley concert but it was weak. (See some of
my other pages for more details including Bush Sr.s mention of my story during
the 1992 Richmond, Va. presidential debate.)
Meanwhile he should take a look around at the kharma he has been reaping
lately. Linda’s death, his bouts with thoughts of suicide and his commercial-
ized tours lately. Even George’s death.
My own family, my mother and siblings, all cowards too. My country , it’s govern-
ment and media, villians of satanic proportions. Scared monkeys, all. True.
I’ll never forget the photo of all the Lennon fans in Central Park, flat on their
backs, looking skyward, defeated, the day after John was murdered. You’ve all
been just like that ever since. Take that same photo and add thought bubbles
and they’d probably have read: “Damn! We didn’t think the government would
actually kill The Beatles! But they did and we’re Soviet class scum now.”
Damn you paralyzed people. Stand up for yourselves! You are truly damned
until you do. You will never have a more powerful issue to fight the govern-
ment with than lennonmurdertruth.com and what it represents. If you can’t
defend John Lennon who can you defend? The answer is nobody. John
knew he would be killed and even asked McCartney to tell the world, after,
“That was John’s thing ‘The Event’ he called it.” as Paul did the next day.
The event that would get them caught and busted. THE EVENT that would
change the world, once and for all
Those of you who are already on this website should consider yourselves
leadership material in this fight You are not the mindless mush variety of
human but one who is actually capable of understanding where this story
can take us. At least I hope so..
I had a conversation the other night, outside of a karaoke bar, with a woman
who, perhaps, represents a lot of America. Unfortunately. I remarked that
people don’t care if the government let Stephen King kill John Lennon or not.
She replied; ” I don’t care about that stuff. They’re dead. The government
always kills our heroes. They’re going to kill us next and that’s what I’m wor-
ried about. That’s why I don’t care about them (Lennon and the Kennedys).”
I told her that you need to expose the government with their dirt to have any
power to stand up to them. That without a story like mine, that without a
voice to represent you, you will stay under their thumb. You’ve got to be able
to connect the dots and see how this murder can be used against them
in order for you to ever have power over them. Nevertheless, she main-
tained her obtuse viewpoint and refused to open her mind to reality.
I also told her that she DESERVES to have government tyranny and corruption
and chaos and hoplessness until John Lennon’s murder and the evidence
the government left behind is important enough for her to become an activist
over. That this opportunity is unprecedented and not to be ignored.”
I will tell you all the same thing. Use this or lose your values and your country.
Dick Gregory, in that same speech where he relayed how Balushi’s killer was
with Lennon the night before he was shot, also lamented the pathetic nature
of people. He said; “…What is the matter with you people that I have to tell
all of you why these matters are vital issues? Why can’t you lead yourselves?
Why is it that you have never been able to act responsibly, but especially
where politics are concerned? WHY can’t you act in your own best interests
without having to have someone like me to prod you into action?…”
Or words similar to that.
Dick Gregory has used fasting to motivate people. To put his life in danger
to get people to take a stand. Ceasar Chavez, also fasted to get people to
care. He eventually died from the damage fasting caused.
I met Mr. Chavez in 1984 and shook his hand and thanked him for his leader-
ship. Do any of you know that he fought for immigrant farmworkers?
I would like to thank you for reading my website and this footnotes and new
developments page. Please click onto the other pages listed at the bottom.
Meanwhile I would like you to ask yourselves ; “Are you monkeys or men?”
For until this story breaks and I am removed from danger, not to mention
our freedom and the whole idea of America, until King and others who were
involved are arrested, tried, sentenced and jailed, we may call ourselves
human, but we are not men. We may not be monkeys, or even something in-
between monkeys and humans, but we cannot call ourselves men.
Men don’t sit still while Stephen King is still urinating on them and everything
that we pretend to value. Real parents don’t lie to their kids that I’m a whacko.
Real parents build a sign or billboard and stand next to me when I avail myself
as I have for twenty years. So far there are no real people in America since
the government cut out your tongues with Lennon’s murder. All I’ve seen is
a lot of jealous, yellow, oppressed masochists who would rather molest
their children with a coverup. Satan even seems to rule McCartney lately.
Please change. Please help me. Please hurry. Please evolve.
Thank you for being here, on the cutting edge of change, you are better
than most people. Now walk a mile in my shoes and act. E-mail me or write
(See About Author page for my address) Let me know what you are willing
to do. Network with other groups. I need demonstrators to plant themselves
in front of a media station with billboards that read Lennon Murder Coverup.
If you have a better idea let me know. Meanwhile I’m up against the ‘Step-
ford Wives ‘ syndrome that has everyone in my neck of the woods robotically
silent and apathetic and blindfolded. HELP!!!!
Oh, by the way; Yesterday I received a threat package of ‘Misfortune Cards’
from an unnamed sender. Each card has the all seeing eye of the Illuminati,
the one on the back of the dollar bill. On the other side are various threats
and warnings. Not unlike the threat letter King sent before my Dad was killed.
At least my website is scaring somebody. My enemies are perverted cowards.
I need brave heroes to defeat them. If I am killed good luck in leading the
rest of the world with the story. Don’t screw yourselves and wait till I am killed.
It’s bad enough that my fellow American has seen to it that I can’t have kids
or get married yet. Or even fall in love for fear of her becoming a target. I’m
48 years old and I might become irretreivably bitter towards Americans
if you torture me with inaction for much longer. Don’t make me lose faith in
America and its people. You don’t want me to become the most influential
man on earth and move to another country to point out how weak you all were.
I’m already convinced that America HAS become a perverted, money grubbing,
plastic, disfunctiuonal, subhuman culture. While I’m still alive and still in the
mood to revolutionize it and clean it up so it reflects our founding fathers
vision again, take advantage of my heroism and courage. Find some of your
EXPOSE this or DESERVE Bush;
Welcome to my updates section, where I comment on current events and how
this expose relates to your lives.
Other chapters can be found at the bottom of this and each chapter. Just
click the gold lettered title of choice.
Who our next president is depends, entirely, on whether you and enough of
your friends achieve news coverage of this Lennon expose. Period.
I’m so absolutely sure that Bush will be rigged into office again that
I will wager $1,ooo. to any one person who wants to bet on Kerry.
If this expose breaks in time to point the finger of guilt on Bush’s father,
who was head of the C.I.A. when the plans to murder John Lennon were made,
then I wager that Bush will lose.
Why am I willing to put money where my mouth is? I’ll tell you why; I’ve
seen what’s happening happen too many times before. Whether Kerry and Edwards
are running to lose, on purpose, whether the Diebold computer voting machines
are rigged, whether Bush gets Osama Binladen before the election, whether a major
terrorist attack happens here, whether Kerry gets more votes or not, Bush Jr.
will be sworn in as our next president.
You don’t have to be a spectator and let it go down with all the terrorism,
war, domestic fascism and media mind control that will follow.
To break this expose you must be chastised, verbally, a little, because you are
all in such a state of fear and paralysis and strong buttons must be pushed
and I will push them.
You must all be excorcised, in a word.
If any of you don’t already know, I discovered government codes in the bold print
headline messages of back issues of Time, Newsweek and U.S. News and World
Report magazines that plug into the subject of Lennon’s, then upcomming,
murder in their not so secret cryptography. These codes only exist in issues
surrounding the muder for a five month period.
These government codes in government produced magazines include like photos
of just elected Reagan sitting next to Nixon’s book, The Real War, which
explains why people like Lennon, who he tried to deport, must be assassinated.
These photos appear the day of the murder below the headlines: “Who’s In?
Who’s Out?” and “Fitting together the pieces of a complicated jigsaw puzzle.”
in Time and; “..Head-hunting in Pacific Palisades..” in Newsweek, for example.
I also found the killer’s face and true identity printed months before the crime.
I also found Mark David Chapman, the alleged name of the killer, attached to
a letter to the editor where he explains that: “Reagan…is moving (him)…armed,
…to a hostile square…” in print three weeks before the murder.
I also discovered that author Stephen King, the creepy guy who writes those
creepy horror novels, is the man photographed getting Lennon’s last autograph,
not Chapman, as we were lead to believe.
I discovered, not only that Chapman is, like John Hinckley, the son of a rich
oil executive, a willing decoy only, but that King writes about; “The fellow
who killed John Lennon..” in three books but also of the themes of the murder
right down to getting his victims autograph first.
As if all this wasn’t enough I have King’s handwritten confession letter
and another letter where he tries to bribe me.
Bush Jr. is a scared little coward about all of this and he is overtly getting
me fired from every job I’ve had since March of 2003. Several, in all. In
one instance in Gualala, Ca. my boss admitted that Deputy-Coronor; Michael
Gander, pressured him to fire me, which he did, the next day.
I have been waiting tables, mostly, lately.
In all I counted four instances where the sheriff or police were conspi-
cuously present before I lost my jobs.
Now I want to assure all of you that the reason has less to do with
my performance. I’m better than most and have been head dinner waiter at
a country club for almost a year and had no problems there until the new
club president forced the management to fire me.
After that job I successfully managed a retail golf shop for over two
years, even winning local acclaim and increased business by 30%.
No, dear reader, Bush is stalking me, trying to break me, financially, to
stop my activism, just like he went after terrorist money sources.
I didn’t used to have the problem of keeping my jobs until Bush Jr.’s term.
Look at all the lost jobs celebrities are experiencing since they spoke
out against him. He’s a fascist president.
Before I heard I was fired from this last job I noticed that Bush, Colin Powell
and two other prominent cabinet members were wearing exactly my server uni-
form one day; a sky blue shirt, blue tie and black slacks. Bush was even
serving drinks at a picnic, like a waiter. I wondered were they trying to
let me know that yet another cabosh had been arranged with my current job.
What do you people think? If you think I’m paranoid please read my
Current Update chapter on police terrorism.
As I write these words, July 09,’04, I am fighting a fraudulent traffic
ticket that was issued the day after one of my firings and on the first day I
arrived in Monterey, where the police have a record of ticketing me as soon
as I hit town, as if to send a message.
It’s a fact that most of the tickets I’ve received in the last 15 years have
been from Monterey police, though I spend only 5% of my time there.
Even a local celebrity, resident Republican and former mayor of Carmel, may
be behind some abuses, apparently.
Ultimately, Bush and the F.B.I. and other agencies, some of you are
naive enough to trust, are hoping I am forced to commit a crime to survive,
now that my unemployment is out.
If you haven’t read the chapter “Current Update” you would think that
I’m paranoid, but I’m not.
They want to kill me, ultimately, and lock me up in the meantime.
It’s classic Soviet style harassment. I’m not reading anything that isn’t
going on. I’m positive that Bush is exactly behind most, if not all, of this,
using the local police, peddling God knows what lies about me.
I will find out the names of two sheriffs, and others, and I will keep
you abreast of my situation. My situation is under fire because I threaten
Bush’s rigged re-election. You won’t stop it without me and BUSH KNOWS
THIS, whether any of you do or not.
I am the biggest thing that can go wrong for Bush between now and the
election. Nothing else but this Lennon expose. This is what can stop him.
You shouldn’t be so blind that I have to tell you this.
I need you to realize this and get off your duffs and get involved for your
sake and not just mine.
I’m willing to bet a grand that Bush will win without my expose. Trust me,
I’ve seen this sham go on for years. You will all be caught flat-footed
if you don’t help me. You will all lose. Bush Jr., son of the C.I.A., will
be sworn in again. Your nightmare will get even worse, and worse, if you
don’t succeed in bringing me and my evidence forward in time, you will all
deserve Bush Jr. again, especially some of you silent, snickering liberals
who like to mock me and the truth. You’re supposed to be smarter than
right wing, knee jerk fascists who let radio hosts tell them what to think.
Now, even though I’m convinced that Bush Jr. is squarely behind this job
denial campaign against me, I have to say that the U.S. public’s willingness
to go along with this outright discrimination and fascism is obscene also.
Even bending to police pressure is just as bad, even worse.
If any of these wrongful dismissals had to do with that then shame on
you, people of America. You’re behaving like big brother’s bootlickers.
I’m not perfect myself, but all of you are brainwashed fools regarding
what you think the truth is about Lennon’s political assassination.
For any of you to even question my evidence in the face of your letting
Chapman skip a trial is absurd as hell to begin with. Get a clue.
If the concept of our government letting a horror writer kill John Lennon and
then molest you after with the opposite message is too much to believe,
then try not being so naive, now that there’s proof. Open your minds.
I’m feeling that you’ve all drited too far away, morally, for my safety,
and excuse me for laying into you to get your attention.
You might as well be Soviet class slobs, the kind your parents warned you
about. I’m here, now, to point out just how sick all of you have become
since you let Lennon’s alleged killer skip a public trial, the stupidest,
most cowardly thing you all ever did in my lifetime, bar none. It was
the exact moment America’s people lost their nerve. It was the exact moment that
all of you let our enemies know what paper tigers, what a house of cards,
what pinko turncoats, Americans really are.
Who will forget half of New York City laying on their backs in Central Park,
staring into space, defeated and silent in full surrender, the day after
John Lennon Lennon was murdered. Most of them thought, then,; “Wow! I can’t
believe our government would stoop so low as to kill John Lennon. What is
our world coming to?”
That’s what most people my age were really thinking then, at least the
more honest and intelligent people. They were all too familiar with Nixon’s
recent past attempts to deport John.
Even my own parents acted like thumbsucking infants over that. Little
bootlicking babies, my own parents.
Now that there is proof of what really happened America is hiding from it
in utter shame and fear.
Exactly you who tuck your children into bed at night, you are molesting them
with your hypocracy, silence, denial and inaction. Moreover, you are molest-
ing your own children with a murderer. Not just any murderer, but the murder-
er who shot your most beloved rock star and celebrity that you ever cared for.
You should be breathing fire down your government and media’s necks as a
matter of your own personal freedom and human dignity and pride.
You who pet your cat or dog and lavish so much human kindness on them,
you fear your government more than you love yourself. You tolerate the
son of the former head of the C.I.A. as your selected, not even elected,
president. Just like Russia has IT’S former head of the K.G.B., Putin, as
it’s president. You overlook the Bush family monopoly who had two states
and the presidency all locked up under their control at one time. You forget
the S&L; scandal that defrauded thousands and you ignore that your vice
president is tight with ENRON and their malfeasance and that Cheney ran
Halliburton, now profiting from this illegal war. Oh, and Barbara Bush’s
huge investments in prison building, now making us second only to Russia.
You who just closed a sale with your customer, you tolerate Condoleeza Rice,
whose last job was with the worlds biggest oil firm, to be the head of your
national security. You tolerate the fact that there is even an oil tanker
named after her while she lies to all of you about w.m.d.’s instead of the oil
as the real reason our national security has drawn us into an undeclared war.
You tolerate having Colin Powell’s son, Michael Powell, son of the military/
industrial complex, as head of your Federal Communications Commission.
Now all Clear Channel stations are banning Lennon’s song, Imagine. Fact.
You tolerate “Rush Limbaugh only” states to decide, via electoral count,
who the next president is and you allow all your news to funnel through
a centralized bureaucracy, like Russia does.
You who just installed a motorist’s brakes on his GMC truck, you tolerate
a mass media that is under almost complete Jewish control and has been since
the 50’s. You don’t care that they are destroying America with violence,
shows that make you stupid, deliberately, and that you are lied to every
night and day by the very news announcers you should be able to trust.
You don’t care that 50 cents of every dollar your sports heroes make is for
keeping you distracted from your politics. That big brother is using them.
Ditto most of your tabloid celebrities.
You who just attended your daughters wedding and wished the couple well, you
tolerate a talk show climate that is 95% right wing, just like Russia and
China, and you don’t CARE that this is so. You’re too busy making money.
Nothing could be so important that your comfort zone need be disturbed.
You who just made another deposit in the college fund for your teenage son,
you tolerate the government killing every genius and hero that ever came
down the pike to help you. You just don’t care about this part of your
warped, twisted, perverted, stunted, mediocre lives or even that politi-
cal assassination is at the heart of your misery and mediocrity.
You who just clocked out after another productive day at the office, you
eat food that is mostly bad for you because you don’t have enough of a say
in who your food and drug administration chief is, and you just assume
that they MUST be looking out for your health instead of how to kill you
before you collect all your social security. You haven’t been able to stop
big tobacco from adding poisons to it’s products either. Did you know
that Reagan’s F.D.A. chief was the guy who tested hallucinogenic drugs
on G.I.’s in the 50’s and 60’s?
You who just took your kids to the movies, you just polluted their minds with
mindlessness and mayhem, likely. You just lowered their I.Q. and worse, you
didn’t even suspect that all that non stop action had an imprinting effect
on all of you, or that all that violence is to condition you for war.
You who just filled your Viagra subscription, you are a dupe, indeed.
How do I tell you that your shame over betraying yourselves and John
Lennon, allowing his killer to skip trial, and your subsequent, insipid
non response to his murder evidence, all these years, is exactly WHY
most of you are feeling less romantic and sexy since that defeat.
You now all realize that, deep down, you don’t really stand for anything.
I don’t expect you to admit it, but it’s a fact.
You have let your politics spin SO out of control that you now have to
work so much more that you are too pooped to function like a healthy human
being, just like your wife, who is also overworked, tired and disfunctional.
Pills. Who knows what long term effects that will have on mankind, dependancy?
Oh, and what ABOUT your 52% divorce rate and your 52 hrs. @ week job?
If you all broke this story you could use me to orchestrate a return to a
one paycheck economy and you and your spouse wouldn’t feel so oppressed.
Meanwhile, you let the corporations modernize China, resulting in an oil crisis,
pollution and lost jobs here, and now you’re letting the corporations try
the same thing with the middle east instead of trying to replace big oil
with solar/windmill roofs on every house, all electric vehicles and things
that lead to peace and free time instead of oppression, pollution and war.
Instead of having mostly transcontinental trade that pollutes oceans and
air we could find a better way of doing business and structuring our
economies accordingly.
No politician, court or media will stop big oil from stopping every attempt
to change the world for the better if they will lose any power.
You really need someone like me to unseat your current “Powers that be.”
You have never had any hero long enough to see change though, because you
all tolerate political assassination.
You who just got a letter from your son in the middle east, you should
pray he doesn’t get killed because you fed him a line of bull so you could
let the state pay for his college education.
You with your middle aged feet propped up on the footpegs of your new Harley
Davidson, your head now less in the open breeze, thinking you’ve got it
all in the land of the free, YOU AREN’T FREE! You’re Stephen King’s obedient
coward, showing our enemies how quickly you are willing to turn coat.
Just as sure as the earth rotates around the sun.
As I recall, our ancestors tried to kill Galileo for telling you that truth.
And you, reading THIS website, you are better than most Americans.
But all of you are insane and living in a world that is crazy and satanic.
Are you all really just suckers for the lowest common denominator?
Have you ever even thought of the subject of the progression of mankind, once?
Why do some of you run from the truth?
Inaction is a form of persecution when a guy like me comes forward with a
case too big for conventional proceedures. You’re all guilty of leaving me out
in the cold. Face up to it.
How are you going to lead the world or even remain free without real heroes?
You have gone bad America. You have lost your pride, your courage, your
decency and your minds. Sorry it has to be me to tell you the ugly truth.
D-O-N-‘-T call yourselves American’s until you can all stop acting like
obedient, silent, complicit Soviet class slobs. You’re too soft lately.
Do you think I’m making points with you having to be the one to have to
tell you? Do you think I enjoy having to come off so acerbically?
I don’t, but you Americans let the government assassinate nice guys.
Stephen King knows that your sin is my biggest enemy. Before he shot John
Lennon he wrote, repeatedly, “You blind, obsessive fools.”
Just today, July 15,2004, I received my second e-mail from Stephen King.
It’s his name on the return web address.
The language sounds like his, though it could be an imposter, but he writes;
“Okay, I did it. I shot Johnny and blasted him off the face of the earth.
Now what are you going to do about it, what can you do about it?
P.S. Read “My Life” if you haven’t already, notice how big it is? Remind
you of anyone?:”
If it is King he knows how paralyzed you all are, morally, politically and in
every other way that matters.
It used to be you were all too good a people to let him mock all of you
and you would have revolted, taken to the streets and demanded his arrest.
What has he done to all of you that you can’t defend your decency,
did he kill youir hero? He’s not urinating on me. I can stand up to him.
He’s urinating down only on all of silent you, America, not me.
Now, what are YOU going to do about it?
It may well have been King’s e-mail. He was sighted in Guerneville, Ca., near
where I live, just before the Bohemian Grove billionair event began. He may
well be one of the invitees there as we speak, meeting with all the
politicians and oil executives and Bush’s bosses.
King writes about “Johnny” in The Dead Zone, a year before the murder.
Also, King has written before: “Yes, yes, I did it. I made you sick, I made
you hurt. I devised this agony just for you and it will be with you
always now.” in Cujo, written right after John’s murder.
In Different Season’s, written in 1982, King admits, in the opening page,;
“…I am one…willing to own up to what they did. I committed murder…
I also hadn’t planned on getting caught, but caught I was…”
In 20 years King has never e-mailed me until twice, this last week.
His first e-mail insulted my sanity and so I responded;
“If you are the Stephen King of my expose, try getting used to 20 years be-
hind bars. I’m right and you know it. Save your B.S. for somone else.
-Steve Lightfoot”
His response was spirited and could have been Freudian frustration at his limits
on doing anything about my expose.
How would you like to help me put him behind bars for 20 years? That would
heal all of you a little. How would you like to defend John Lennon and
every next new hero that comes along? If you can’t avenge John Lennon then
you can’t avenge anyone. If you can’t avenge your heroes you are doomed.
If it is true that you are the worlds most free people, then why are you too
scared to confront your government with hard evidence while you finally have it?
Why do all of you, instead, snicker and joke about this expose as if admitting
it were true would prove that all of you can actually be wrong all at once.
That you’re really, royally, all screwed up, after all?
I can prove it. Can’t you admit that your coverup is offending the rest
of the world that has known about this evidence for decades?
The world knows what turncoats you can all be. Face up to it U.S. public;
You’re the real reason John Lennon is dead. You weren’t strong enough to
scare the government with a backlash movement like you should have,
even without evidence. The ” no trial, necessary ” whitewash was enough.
Do you think I’ll let you keep acting so foolishly after I get up there?
You might as well change now, before I scold you into better behavior later.
America’s real enemy is your apathy. Yours, U.S. public, average citizen.
Reports of Russia losing the cold war have been greatly exaggerated.
Indeed, Nixon warned us in 1980 that they would conduct a “strategic sur-
render” Now it seems we’ve become just like them, only more moneyed.
Moscow brags the worlds most billionairs in one city, not New York. They have
a land mass four times ours and aren’t likely to cede power to the U.S..
Maybe Bush and Putin are trying to build big brother together. You don’t see
Bush condemning the recent murder of one of our Forbes magazine journalists
for exposing who Russia’s billionairs are.
Well, DO you?
I do believe our government is going for a big brother revolution here.
Killing John was step one in making us stupid enough to manipulate.
Prove me wrong and help me carry a sign in front of a media outlet.
I would love to see you all well again. Really! You just need courage.
Prove to me you are a good American. Hoist a sign that reads Lennon murder
coverup! Be a man. Be a woman. Show some self respect and sovereignty
over your corrupt politicians.
Prove to me you ARE a people who DO stand for truth, justice and the Ameri-
can way.
Some day I will, either be killed by your apathy and corruption, or I
will be one of the worlds most famous and influential celebrities. Don’t
make me have to scold you then for not towing the line. Stop being Reagan’s
“See no evil, speak no evil” Bonzo’s.
Don’t act like monsters. It wasn’t until I had a website that you people
turned on me. What are you afraid of. That I’ll succeed?
If I don’t succeed then America and all of you and your offspring really
are going straight to hell, but then how could you not after letting
Stephen King get away with killing John Lennon?
You people all need an excorcism. Nixon, Reagan and King have poisoned
all of you at the most profound level of your humanity. Lennon’s murder
dropped your collective quality of life by half, overnight, but you can’t see.
The coverup is what is doing all of you in. Wake up, repent and help me.
If you don’t you will get Bush, again, period. Don’t be stupid. Act. A-C-T-!
(To be continued…)
(Someone with a Stephen King e-mail return address has e-mailed me,
yet again, twice, since his first two.
I will refrain from commenting on them until I can better determine who
it really is. )
July 31, 2004; update;
OK, I havent’t been able, yet, to determine if this e-mailer really is the
Stephen King of my expose but I think it might be. My reasons follow;
1)He mailed me at a time when I had put the re-election of Bush as your reason
to care about my expose and he wrote at a time when I was in financial crisis.
2) In his third e-mail (which I haven’t described) he says;
“…Stephen King= Makes so much money he gives it away by the trunkload..”
As if, yet another attempt, to bribe me.
3)In his fourth e-mail (also not described yet) he makes subtle threats
that allude to my demise, including a “Steve Lightfoot R.I.P.” rhyme and later
uses profanity refering to me.
4) When I asked him a question that only he would know the answer to he,
while not answering correctly, answered in a way that suggests he knew the
real answer but chose to dance around it.
5) Last Thursday morning, July 29, 2004, at 3:00 AM, while I slept in my
motorhome in Monterey, someone, either fired a gun right next to my van, or
expolded a firecracker. I got out immediately and smelled gunpowder but
saw nobody. I also saw no cardboard fragments or debris, suggesting that it was,
indeed, a gunshot.
I have a witness to the explosion, a woman who was awakened also.
It may have been just anyone, I suppose, but it could have been someone upset
at my message, a police officer, a friend of King or who knows?
The witness said she may have surveillance film of what happened.
All of this is enough to make me alert you to the drama or I would wait
until this Stephen King e-mailer gave me more clues to his identity.
If I should die anytime soon point the fingers of guilt at all of the
following; Stephen King, the Bush family, the F.B.I. and C.I.A., Time,
Newsweek and U.S.News and World Report magazines, the Rockefellers and
big oil, ABC or their affiliates; KGO and KSFO radio, even Israel or Russia.
Oh, and most of all, all of you and my own family for being flatfooted
ingrates for not hoisting me on your shoulders to the media outlets to
help me come forward like you all should have decades ago.
Now, if some of you think of me as an unpleasant sounding complainaholic
with little nice to say about the human condition, understand that I used
to be the most pleasant sort. In fact, only a supreme optimist would think
that you were capable of outing this evidence to begin with.
If you knew the truth about yourselves like I do you would be even worse.
You have no idea just how stupid people are.
Ponder these facts before you label me.
If you do your job as a people we can usher forth a new, better world.
It’s a job for the public, not the government or the media or the courts.
You will have to complain publicly with billboards, signs, talk show spots
and other street methods first.
That is what I want from all of you. You can also contact me at:
or you can write me at
Steve Lightfoot
General Delivery
Santa Rosa, Ca. 95402
Let me know how we can network and succeed, together.
Thank you for listening, don’t wait until I am proved right about Bush’s
rigged re-election, Steve Lightfoot
Please visit my other chapters listed at bottom of this page. Just scroll
to the chapter you like and click.
Thank you, Steve Lightfoot
Dec. 8 Rally; ABC-TV Bldg. N.Y.N.Y
(New York citizens failed to mount any rally to avenge Lennon with my evidence.
Poor, pitiful, weak New York public; apparently the media has castrated them and
they have no courage to save America. The rest of America beware. Are you any better?
I do know you’re not as indifferent as the people of New York City. That’s not possible.
Until YOU break this story satan and Stephen King and the jewish media monopoly and
the jewish bank monopoly, Yoko Ono and, in my opinion, Moscow, rule America.)
That’s right, New York, you have this last chance to help me out the evidence Dec 8 and
care about the Lennon murder coverup and uncover it. After that date I will be gone
for a long time. I will also be there on Dec. 7, a Sunday. More of you should focus
on that date if you are free. The parking is free, too. That rally is important, too.
Most New Yorkers will go to Strawberry Fields to make themselves feel good but the real
Lennon fans will do something to avenge John and help me jail his killer; author Step-
hen King. Chapman, the decoy, will have to go to jail, also, only now for real. Yoko
Ono may end up jailed too, New York. Are you good enough and brave enough to help me?
I’ll admit, due to a lack of interest on your part, so far, I’ve not been very active
about advertising this last rally. All that effort expended only to watch all of you fail
in your duty to help me really takes a lot out of me. More than you could understand.
Just realizing that the whole mass media is corrupt took a lot out of me when I got
started over 25 years ago. So I will not tax myself if you’re not up to my speed. I
expect you to fail me, yet again, and I must save my energy and my soul. YOU must act.
I have plenty of signs for all of you to hold but make your own if you like; LENNON
THE EVIDENCE; MEDIA CONSPIRACY/COVERUP; whatever slogan you think is good.
I’ve already advertised that my protesters will get half of my first years earnings,
before taxes, as an added incentive. You could each make 20 to 200 grand for one days
work just protesting, if we succeed, and I can come forward and out this monster ex-
pose. It is the biggest news on earth and perhaps the biggest news since Christ.
Most of you are afraid, I know; you failed to even challenge the fact that there was
no trial for decoy Chapman to begin with. Looks like all of you lost your spine that
night when John got his peppered with lead.
Stephen King is now living mostly in Florida since Maine kicked him out with their
newfound knowledge. They didn’t officially kick him out; he left out of his own self
interest, but I’d like to see him do the perp walk and at least 25 years in jail. I’d love
for Yoko to be examined for her role and her part in the coverup and setup. I’d
love to see the new world order govt. brought to justice for killing John Lennon.
Wouldn’t all of you? Mostly I’d love to see all of you saved and brave and free again.
I’ve been celebate by choice for a long time, now, just because I can’t respect any of
you untill you’re all well again. Right now it’s like you’re all wearing snake eyes,
zombiie eyes and it’s scary. I’d love to see Chapman go to jail, for real, for his
role as govt. decoy. I’d love to dissolve the jewish media monopoly that is killing
America with the coverup and unite the planet with truth and justice and dignity.
You’ve al been so sick and cowardly for so long it will be like gasping for fresh air
after being held under water.
My own family has been sick not help me for so long and it would be nice to see them
well again. My brother Paul is so bent out of shape lately with jealousy it’s sad.
It’s a sick planet I am trying to save and only this truth, outed, can make you well.
Be brave and help me now. After Dec. 8 you will have to protest without me. I’m only
48 hours away if you make the news.
P.S. “Disassociative disorder”; apathy in the face of tragedy, New Yorkers have it more
than any place in America. It’s why Yoko forced John to live here. Only New Yorkers
could skip a trial for his murder. I worry New york City will be nuked you’re so dis-
associated from your civic duty to care about Lennon’s murder. Karma is for real.
If you see my sign; “LAST CHANCE NUKE YORK” it’s not that I think you should be
nuked for not caring but that you might. God knows you’re not living as he’d like.
Hope you wise up before the world calls you NUKE YORK, New York. You must protest.
Don’t hesitate. Just jump in, pull over, park and stand by me and your presense will
attract others. Don’t wail until you see a crowd first or it will fizzle like it did Oct. 9.
Just do it, please, people.
P.P.S. As I write this at 4:00 pm Dec. 5,’08 The New York Times is about to possibly run
a feature about me on their website. I have my worries about how they might try to
portray me. Already I’ve learned they were initially thinking about leaving Nixon
and Reagan out of the picture with King killing Lennon all by himself and the author
said; ‘making light of Lightfoot’ in his description of the piece. It is the jewish
media that I have been exposing, after all.
During our interview I vented my resentment of the jewish mass media and how much I
hate New York’s apathy and indifference. The part about Yoko being a co-conspirator
I will be surprized to see in print. It’s a crap shoot on both our parts. The author
knows I got Bob Grant (see chapter ‘Beware Bob Grant et all’ below, written seven months
ago) kicked off of WABC radio for his mischaracterization of me then. I hope he is a good
Irishman and not a watercarrier for the coverup. We’ll see. If he writes a fair piece
about me it will be a first for the media. If not I will live to see the N.Y.Times possibly
fold, if I feel like it, like Bob Grant had to over little ol me, recently. I’m not a bad guy,
I’m a survivor though. In this world that requires being a fighter. Let’s all of us just
hope I don’t play Mr. ‘nice guy’ if I get famous after. Lennon was not one to pull
punches. Neither am I. If the piece is fair the author may have dibbs on exclusive
interviews down the road someday. That’s what I’d rather have happen.
P.P.P.S. Now, 5:35, having just talked to the interviewer/author, he informs me that
the article is a no go. Perhaps just as well for all parties concerned. I’ll remain the
enigmatic phantom crusader as far as New Yorkers are concerned minus the media.
Rally with me Sunday and Monday people. Think of it as nuke insurance if you can’t
see how much it will improve your lives.
ABC-TV station is located at Columbus Ave. and W.67th St.. Hope to see you there.
Welcome to my footnotes and new developments page. Please note the
other topics herein at the end of each section; “Bush’s War On Iraq” “Why
You Should Care”,”KGO Is A C.I.A. Station” and others. Just click the title
and you will find more, again, located at the end of each section.
For twenty years I’ve been warning my fellow Americans and citizens of the
world of exactly the kind of societal meltdown we are witnessing today and
why things can’t get better until this kingpin issue of John Lennon’s murder
coverup is reversed and murderer Stephen King is exposed, arrested, tried
and sentenced, once and for all. Reagan will plead alzheimers, I’m sure.
If you cannot avenge the assassination of perhaps the best friend all of you
ever had, indeed the most important man of his day, you are begging God
for trouble and retribution. I personally am convinced that John was the
single most important human on earth and that his life was the key to any
social change and that killing him was like killing the queen bee of a bee
society. That superstars like John Lennon are Gods plan to give us truth
and wisdom and serve to protect us all from our own government. That we
are left helpless at the mercy of tyrannical governments without a super
genious who has risen, out of his or her own greatness, to positions of
public trust and influence. When John Lennon was killed it was as if a vital
element of our humanity was severed. As if some evil, jealous, villian had
pulled a plug out of a wall socket. Remember Rome fell not long after
killing Jesus.
And sure enough, since just my last newsletters we now have a sniper kil-
ling John and Jane Doe near our nations capital.(Subsequently caught)
But we also have now a two paycheck economy stealing more of our
time and leaving our children unattended. Now we have A.I.D.S., gangs,
a food system that promotes diabetes and disease, a government still
subsidizing tobacco to kill us early so we can’t get our social security, we
have a jewish media monopoly that teaches violence and dysfunction and
a breakdown of the family, we have been taught to trade our heroes for
gold, to paraphrase Pink Floyd. Todays biggest entertainment figures
rely on lip- synching and coreography and no one has come along even
close to The Beatles awesome talent or electricity. Kurt Cobain had his
moments though. We have become mindless robots scurrying around
for the dollar bill like never before. Our spare time is occupied with
mostly media hypnosis and driving our overly expensive trucks , cars
and S.U.V.s. Our children’s suicide rate has quadrupled and so has our
society’s violence index. Health care has become the fastest growing
industry behind the building of prisons. Today’s hollywood elite have
become tools of the jewish run media and have to wear police, soldier
and doctor uniforms to find work anymore. They have become the
quintessential pawns of a Soviet like mind control factory. There are no
stand out celebrities anymore. Everything has become homogenized
and watered down. True geniuses and rebels are ostracized and black-
balled and a trend has begun substituting cartoon shows for adults
where the performances are completely controlled. And typically these
shows promote dysfunction and push the lowest common denominator
as the societal norm. Sit coms have become an excercise in stupidity,
as if to lower our I.Q. deliberately. But let us not forget the biggest change;
the world at large has lost respect for the U.S. as it should. We once
offered the world leadership towards a better world and freedom, but
have now become cogs in the wheel of commerce and little else. Is
it any surprise that we have now come under terrorist attacks and find
ourselves without widespread support from the rest of the world? The
culture we promote (MATERIALISM) has drastically lowered both
oxygen ratios and sperm counts. Our birth control pills have been
responsible for the breast cancer epidemic. A dirty cloud is developing
over Asia and the O-zone hole has just divided into two like an amoeba
replicating cells. And yet we chase THE MONEY like a golden calf.
Richard Nixon added a forward to his book The Real War when it
came out in paperback and it was dated Dec. 02, 1980, just six days
before Lennon was assassinated:
“…Americans must learn to lower their ideals….”
Since John Lennon was killed we have become a sugar coated,
more moneyed version of the former Soviet Union. That’s a fact. I have
reason to believe the former Soviet Union and the U.S. are joined.
We are NOT free, NOT brave, but deceived and enslaved.
All of you are directly responsible and to blame for that. It was obvious
for decades: the media takeover and everything else you just ignored..
People, how can I tell you in concrete terms just how essential it is that
you address this issue and all its evidence. We’re talking John Lennon,
at one time the most loved and respected man on earth. John Lennon,
arguably the greatest singer and songwriter of modern time. John Lennon,
who stuck his neck out for the greater cause of humanity and not just
himself. John Lennon who stopped the war in Viet Nam as much as any
other single person, after all it was Give Peace A Chance that everyone
was singing in the protests. But most of all John Lennon who taught us
an alternative to government mind control under the military controlled mass
media. He taught us that “War” was a trick used by the government to
control society with fear and mayhem and that it is high time we all
put a stop to the capitulation attached to our silence and act. He, literally,
raised our consciousness and humanity and changed the world.
He took his position of fame and used it to counter the evil that was
being done to the world and America under corrupt Richard Nixon.
Nixon who can be proved guilty of J.F.K.’s assassination as well.
We needed John’s instinct and outspokeness to join the cause of
Peace, which I think it is fair to say was THE single biggest cause,
besides Love and Understanding, that John attached himself to.
His instincts were right and the veil of media speak gave way to
the first public led revolt to stop a war in our recent history. Even
the media government complex was moved to change under him.
It was a revolution of thought and we had a new power structure
that involved a superstar who had credibility and courage standing
up for the rest of us too powerless to be heard. John Lennon be-
came the voice of his generation. The peoples voice.
It was just a matter of time before the government shot it down.
And when they did they might as well as have had jack-booted
goons break down your door , break your fathers record collection
before hilling him, and then forcing the rest of you to make breakfast
for them after raping you the night before.
The psychological damage that was perpetrated on ALL of you
December 08, 1980, was so aimed at the core of our being that
hundreds of people, including entire families, killed themselves with-
in hours of the news. Go back and read the papers. It was a violent,
humiliating crime designed to break your spirit. And it did. John
Lennon’s assassination caused more suicides around the world
than any assassination in history. That is a compelling fact. That
should give you a reference to the gravity of the tragedy as well as
a reference for the insanity of your apathy now.
Those of us that weren’t that sensitive to the damage that was
done were not spared the damage that occured, nonetheless.
It took me a year and a half to get the courage to admit that my
fellow Americans were suddenly all licking ice cream when a
ghastly silence hung like a shroud of collective shame on us
in 1982. You were all licking your wounds then. I broke out of that
mold that we were all in and literally stumbled onto the evidence
once I took even a little action to right the wrong of not demanding
a public trial for John Lennon’s killer to make sure it wasn’t another
J.F.K. style coverup. One trip to the library and the first break-
through was made to reverse the crime and its horrific damage
I have always believed that all of you would, ultimately, take charge
of this issue and jail King with a vengeance.
In better times for the people of Herman, Maine Stephen King was
kicked out of their town because of his sick writings. This was
a few years before he killed John Lennon and before he got rich and
shut everyone up with money. Back then American’s DID have their
heads on straight. My, how quickly people change when a cash cow
starts spreading his hush money around, as is the case in Bangor,
Maine, where I have been three times, once for five months.
I did have a show of support there, once. I had just gotten my
second invalid ticket in as many weeks and went down town and
vented my disgust that a town would tolerate a killer in their
midst. When I spoke out loud that that “…You people must stop
tolerating a murderous monster, like Stephen King and put him
in jail where he belongs.. ‘ a small group of very young children, per-
haps only four years old, began clapping and shouting their
heart-felt agreement. Will their parents ever get their heads on
as straight is the big question for Bangor, I think.
What about the rest of you, America?
Once Paul McCar tney tried (barely) to help me, on April Fools Day of
1990, when he yelled out “Yeah Steeeeeeeve! That’s right. I don’t know
about you, Berkeley, but I want you to know that we like it, and we need
you as a people to get to the promised land….” during the instrumental
of Fool On The Hill in reference to me and my story following a visit I had
with his brother Michael a year earlier when I asked him to ask Paul for
some help. It was a puny effort that was lost on the stoned audience.
If it were John defending Paul he would have stopped the show and
asked the audience straight up to get the story out. There would have
been no pussy footing around. Even Paul is too scared to help. And,
by the way, I have that endorsement ON TAPE for proof. You can also find
George Herbert Walker Bush speaking to my issue in the 1992 New York
Times transcript of the Richmon, Va. presidential debate wher he says be-
fore a national audience:”…but I am a president who is talking the issues.
You know nobody likes Who Shot John (Abbreviated title of my magazine
then) …but I think governor Clinton is conducting a negative campaign…”
See for yourselves if you don’t believe me. It was said while I was in Maine
causing a stir with my magazine and van.( See Current Update )
It’s up to you people of America. Before it’s too late won’t you please put
your battered pride back together and get beyond the mind control and
out this news? Our parents generation has taught us that the whole of
society can be so wrong and all at once. History proves this. Won’t you
at least take the first baby steps to changing the world with this weapon?
I don’t think it’s a lack of hard evidence that has kept you all on the
sidelines. I think it’s a lack of courage and self respect. The media is
so busy scaring you that you are afraid to do what’s right anymore.
Do what’s righ. Please hurry. Your coverup isn’t working…..
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