Archive for July, 2018


Oct. 11, 2018;

As you will find the entries at the top, here, are the most current. Scroll down to get earlier entries as everything is layered from the top down.


S-A-Y-, PEOPLE,  Please go all the way to the bottom of this chapter until you see one titled; OBAMA, TWICE, TRIED TO KILL ME!! This chapter is out of space to put it here so, go there, please, now, read it all – I have a Dec. 8 rally coming up you should know about, also.

THEN, come back to this equally impressive chapter for all the truth you all desperately need.

October 11, 2019;

You people are guilty of allowing Mark Chapman to skip what should have been a very public trial. Nixon’s four year effort to deport him should have mandated a public trial, regardless. But you’re all wusses You’re spoiled and very stupid and sick and satanic, in fact. ALL OF YOU. Even the ones who agree with me about who really killed John Lennon. You’re all sitting on your hands. You’re un-American monsters, truth be told. Cowards, pukes, weaklings, phonies, all.

I used to think that Rockefeller was behind our media but now, it appears it is China???!!!!  (Really Russia and China) Seems they have bought up much of Hollywood over the past three decades and now approve of what we watch or it isn’t allowed on air. So it seems that the reason we are fed a diet of gun violence is really to MAKE us violent so we have to give up our guns. They are making us sick of our guns via t.v. programming. They are behind all the C.I.A. and F.B.I. and N.C.S.I. type of shows you are all being force fed. They are preparing you for a totalitarian world in which these institutions take precedence over your freedoms and rights. They are feeding you images of Big Brother. China, empowered by Dick Nixon for Russia.

We watch the citizens of Hong Cong defend their freedoms and only I see that you are all next in line to stand up against the Chinese and Russian politburos who have you in their sights next.

Hey Lennon killers, You all are! You are all sick, fascist cowards protecting the evil take over by China and Russia and your apathy and silence in the wake of my Lennon findings PROVES you are all sick. God Damn your sickness, people. You are forking over America to the world order run by China and Russia. Russia, I have come to realize, used Nixon to infiltrate our presidency and open up China to empower them so that Russia could later team up with THEM to take US over.

Oh, I know. You want to call me a wacko conspiracy theorist because it makes you feel smarter than me. You are not. You are all sick bastards covering up John Lennon’s murder like a pack of Soviet douche bags. Hong Cong, today, fighting China, you puke for brains idiots, next.

I helped elect Donald Trump. That’s right. I know all about Hillary and Bill inviting Stephen King into the White House in 1995 for a secret meeting and I know about Obama giving Stephen King a medal for the arts and all about your communist government. I made sure America heard that news for two years on talk radio and pushed hard to elect a hero / man of the people president instead of a trained, sell us out, politician working for our enemies. I LOVE watching my normal base, liberals, squirm and flail at Trump’s reign. They were AWOL for John Lennon, like a pack of turncoat cowards and boot-lickers and deserve defeat for that stupidity, alone. They have already proven themselves to be invalid by ignoring my Lennon evidence. They are PROVEN FOOLS AND PHONIES. They have proven to be un-American dupes under the Kremlin’s rule. They may be right about global warming but they are fools under Stephen King as I speak. I am so glad that I am not part of the crowd trying to unseat our hero president, Trump. What John Lennon killing fools they are for letting China take us over for Russia. That’s right, you bastards. I HELPED ELECT TRUMP. You’re too stupid to make an intelligent decision and I can see it. Thank God half of you voted with me and dodged Hillary forking us over to the Kremlin. YOU people are the salt of the earth, normal thinking good guys. Thank YOU. I never thought I’d be behind the likes of right wing radio talk show hosts. The fact that they are NOT parroting the lame stream media talking points to oust Trump proves to me that they are NOT owned by the Kremlin, after all, like I used to think.  My understanding of the world before would have found them ALL bashing Trump, but they are not. Whewww!

I don’t mind sharing with all of you just how disgusting you all are. In the first place, I have no fear of being killed. Living under your status quo is far worse than any death. Living a lie like you under evil is worse than anything I can imagine. That you copulate in these conditions I find hideous. You are blanketed by pure Orwellian evil and can’t even see it. In fact, I find all of you so sick I haven’t had any sex with any of you since the mid 1990’s. That’s right. Over 100 women in my bachelor life and as sexual as any man, yet no sex with anyone in decades BY CHOICE! I’m even better looking than most and constantly avoid sex with any of you until you are washed clean with the truth, first. THEN, and only then, will I ever find any of you anything less than utterly ridiculous and stupid. My own family members, included.

You’er all standing under Stephen King’s urine stream. See? Our enemies laugh at your foolishness.” Airheads, sellouts, sports fixated, money chasing, t.v. controlled, selfish, blind..”

That’s how stupid I find all of you to be to ignore hard evidence in Lennon’as murder that could save you. You’re too scared stupid to even care. How UN sexy! You humiliated, ridiculous, perverted, cowardly bastards! And I don’t mind saying so. If you don’t wake up there will be no America to enjoy freedom in, anyway. I’d rather piss you all off now with the truth than wait for you to grow up by yourselves. I don’t think you fools can. My expose is proof you need heroes to stay free. One misfit genius to warn you of your collective folly. That would be me. Are you worth saving? Are you truth worthy? I ask you. Or are you the weaklings who lost America??

Right now Donald Trump is faced with the karma involved in NOT arresting and trying and jailing murderer, Stephen King. It’s the only issue too big for him to tackle, so far. It’s the possibility he might that is sending his enemies up the curtains in fear and hysteria.

“Oh, my God!!! What IF he exposes Lennon’s killer and really cleans up our swamp and jails our precious trigger man who crippled America from the inside out? We’ll never be in power ever again. At least not in our lifetime. Why, it would be like throwing water on the wicked witch of the west. Would he dare do that to us? Vanquish evil?. Would he actually DO that?”

And so, Donald, if you’re paying attention, the people of America are secretly jealous of me and my huge story and secretly like being raped by government evil and may not be able to show enough health to do a damn thing in the wake of the rape they endured. What can YOU do for me and America? You and me are the only huge heroes anywhere on any stage that I can see. God hates a coward and, while I now see God as a crutch to pass the buck to, generally, I do believe the proverb. Act, my friend, against Stephen King, our evil arch enemy. Otherwise you ARE just spinning your wheels with a bad motor under the hood. America needs Steve Lightfoot AND an equally courageous president. You’re the only one since J.F.K. any one of us should trust. I trust you WILL do the right thing, Donald.

October 13,2019;

Since I’ve come this far, far enough to say that I believe the K.G.B. and the Kremlin are all but already owning America, whether we admit it or not, I may as well spill all the beans that I’ve been holding back all these decades since I first realized that my evidence only makes sense if viewed in the context of it being Moscow’s mischief in collaboration with our much talked about “Deep State”. No other scenario I have considered fits the evidence in it’s entirety as perfectly as the one I’ve just described. It took me many years to peel away the layers of denial any American would have not wanting to believe the worst, and I know you, too, will take time to understand that I am likely absolutely correct about everything and not just Lennon’s murder.

Believe me, I held back for this long knowing you’d not be able to grasp the hugeness and the evilness of it all but my silence hasn’t worked, so here’s what I know to be true.

My first inklings came while reading Nixon’s book; The Real War and it occurred to me that Nixon, himself, was a Soviet bragging about his exploits against the U.S., all along. Based on his description of the Soviet agenda and what I knew about him and Lennon’s murder I could see he was guilty of exactly what he claims they do. Not just in killing Lennon, either. Everything. I think he succumbed to what I call the “Rumplestiltskin syndrome” of blabbing about your real self out loud because it’s just too tempting not to.

It also started in the early 80’s when I noticed how dead in the water the Democrat headquarters was when I poked my head inside for a day. Then I watched Walter Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro deliberately lose to re-elect Reagan. Then Dukakis, Gary Hart and Al Gore to elect Bush. When Bill Clinton won I couldn’t believe it. Then, after I helped get him elected, he and Hillary met secretly in The White House with evil Stephen King in 1995. ( I haven’t voted since) Then Mitt Romney got Obama back in for the globalists by taking a fall in his campaign of neglect while working on his new house, instead. Then I found out that Obama had to award a medal of the arts to Stephen King to make his bosses happy and now all the Deep State is coming out of every rafter to undo OUR vote.

(I did compel Bush Sr. in 1992 to remark; “You know, nobody likes ‘Who Shot John’, but…” and I did have Dukakis shout the word “garbage” as he glared at me in a crowd after yelling out; “Use Reagan’s Lennon murder evidence!” Ferraro is seen scowling at me as she grabs my magazine as seen in the San Francisco Chronicle, then, the same night her security rifled through my backpack and other things you might not know about me. When Mondale was speaking on stage he had this look on his face when looking right at me; “Boy, this wet behind the ears moron thinks I’m trying to WIN! If he only knew…” Well, now I do know the lay of the land.)

“Oh, no, Trump is a very pompous, nasty man. He has balls and he doesn’t drink or do drugs and he sees right through all of us and our games. He probably sees the globalist coup we are planning to spring on America, soon.We need to keep America stupid with wind up politicians.”

Well, Trump DOES have confidence and courage and balls. He just does. He is the exact opposite of the type Moscow wants us to saddle up with. We might get OUR balls back, again. They are terrified mostly of just exactly that.  Does Nancy Pelosi have an embarrassing case of penis envy? Probably. Schumer, Schiff, and Biden and the rest, too? Probably.

I give Donald Trump and the whole so called human race penis envy and I’m not afraid to say it. He can shit or get off the pot as they say. I want to see him step up to my level of patriotism and courage, frankly. No one BUT him could do that that I see on the horizon. But Donald gives the rest of the world penis envy and that’s what drives them mad. Drives mostly Moscow mad.

Hey, Donald, China and Russia won’t be woo’d in your lifetime, ever. They will ACT woo’d to fool you but they see your impact as short lived even if you fulfill two terms. They have plans that don’t include you or your impact. They are like a reptile that cannot change it’s surly nature. Lennon thought he could woo the world away from horror but horror won, anyway, so far. Regard Putin as poison and brook him no quarter. I’d cut off ALL business ties for 20 years over what Russia has already done to us. Why feed a monster trying to kill you? China, ditto.

What I want to impress on all of you readers is this question; Our C.I.A., F.B.I. our Air Force, Pentagon, Army and Navy, Marines, our entire mainstream media and half of Congress, our courts and judicial system, our national security offices, ALL KNOW WE ARE BEING SUBVERTED FOR A GLOBALIST TAKE OVER AND ARE STANDING ASIDE. Since Eisenhower and even before!!! W-H-Y-?-?-? WHY, America? They all know you poor slobs are being sold out and they are part of the sellout. Your lives are a real life, horror non fiction nightmare. You’re all very sick not to notice or care about my website van and evidence. You killed the Indian to get here and you feel you have a duty to fail for it? Is that it? You have a guilt that compels you to all self destruct? What? That is my question to all of you as you read the following. There’s a lot you have avoided knowing, lately. Stop being a slob, reader. Grow up and help me come forward and save our country, or is that asking too much of you? You cannot see yourselves as you really are like I can. You’ve all been perverted by systematic evil.

Here’s what’s up;

I know that Yoko Ono is a K.G.B. cunt from the darkest reaches of hell who had me kidnapped and handcuffed and then pistol whipped unconscious in October of 1987, for starters. I know that Paul McCartney is a weakling keeping his mouth shut but not a co-conspirator like Yoko. Richard Starkey? You’ll have to ask him to explain his British silence. I know he once said that “We should have won the  (Revolutionary) war.” In other words, England should still own us.

Our Orwellian bullshit, sellout artists is what. Like robots who will sell us out for a multi million dollar salary they say what the man behind the curtain tells them to say, much of it poisonous to you and America. You hideous hypocrites want to buy their bullshit, unfortunately. It’s all of you who allow their treachery. It starts with you. Each and every one of you. Why, these very people with their United Kingdom ancestry and faces who lie to us on cue are made up of people just like all of you out there.  They get their jealousy of the messenger from people just like all of you.

The intricacy involved in pre soaking our minds with “Who Shot J.R.?” and solving it two weeks before killing J.L.,the Hinckley hoax and lots more would leave you all gob smacked with horror. Barbara Walter’s interview with decoy, Chapman, was the low point in journalism for America. Utter, monstrous malice against America. Evil dancing on our faces.

Our courts? Why, let’s see; they put a coat over Stephen King’s head as they led him to the police station before they switched him with look-alike; Chapman.; the entire New York City law enforcement system folded in this evil on America and hid the truth from all of you.; the police and the D.A. and likely the governor and mayor of New York, too.: A warden at Attica State prison and half a dozen more of his men were paid perhaps millions to pretend anyone was there at all. They only made sure that Chapman made a few photo op appearances handing out oatmeal to the prisoners or doing laundry duty a few times to give People magazine some grist to brainwash us with but they mostly saw to it that Chapman’s solitary confinement status remained none of our business. Of course, because the American public are the real phonies of the John Lennon murder story, with a little Hinckley here, hostages coming home there and such, there was no trial for the decoy of the story, Mark David Chapman. No, the all knowing government media already knew that you’d all suspend intelligence and go along with that assault on our legal system and just roll over like a good Soviet slob. And you all did. Now that I have presented the smoking gun that proves what exactly happened you all cower like bastards who can’t stand up for yourselves. WHY???? More interestingly, HOW did our government know, in advance, that you’d all be so un-American and cowardly? All of you, ALL of you but me. They know you better than your mother knows you is how. Science and psychology.

I have to admit it took a year of mostly just listening to Beatles tapes before I got the nerve to ask questions, myself. The rest of you aren’t brave, yet. You’re all still cowering.

Multiple attempts to present my evidence have been quashed from the start, every time. As we speak I am fighting two situations with the California Highway Patrol. In one matter my motion to dismiss because the officer was late in his filing for a continuance  was ignored and I am preparing a motion for a change of venue. Not over just that but the fact that Santa Cruz police conducted an unlawful and illegal arrest of me to put me on national television news as a stalker of Stephen King in 1994 when I billboarded his book signing event there. Two days after judge Sullivan signed the arrest warrant for trespassing I was released without charges. They had what they wanted; me on national t.v. in handcuffs getting pushed into a patrol car, branded a stalker. The thin blue line playing censor,  brainwashing the U.S. public. This is the Santa Cruz C.H.P. involved here, 25 years later and, I think, hoping to add to their story line that my upcoming fatal car crash that our government has planned for me (See a few paragraphs down for details.) was to be expected, what with these tickets we gave him, first. In fact, I had to leave northern California for several years after San Francisco made brazen attempts to tar me in 2011 with phony camera tickets in a row. One was dismissed on review but the other was ramrodded through. This just months after an accident involving a red light intersection failed to kill me (See same paragraph about crash below. I was convinced that The S.F. F.B.I. and all of California was trying to kill me, then. I moved to southern California to avoid their plots.)

Oh, did I mention my father was killed in a plane crash just two weeks after Stephen King wrote me a threat letter in 1984? A plane crash that occurred on the tenth anniversary of Nixon’s resignation? As I recall his beloved dog was found hanged in a drape cord weeks before.

There is your; ” justice for all” legal system. Of course only you bastards repenting and protesting can break my story. Too bad you’re all too busy being jealous of me and afraid of your evil shadow government. Too bad you might become communists slobs someday for your foolishness.

I just learned last week, while China is assaulting the citizens of Hong Cong, that the Chinese government has a say so in what we Americans can and cannot watch on OUR t.v..They must approve of anything that is let out over the airwaves. I suspect that the Chinese government must have ALLOWED this tidbit of news to be broadcast or I wouldn’t have heard about it. So, WHY did they release this shocking news at this time? I think to intimidate us Americans while they clobber heads in Hong Kong as if to tell us, covertly, subconsciously; “Our Hong Kong today, you stupid idiots tomorrow!… get ready to get in line, yourselves. We already own your media, stupid U.S….we’re coming for you, now.. boo, hisss, scare you…”

So let me cut to the chase, people; I believe the following conspiracy THEORY, I’ll admit, unlike the conspiracy PROOF I have in Lennon’s murder that you’re psychopathically denying as we speak. I can already PROVE that Nixon and Reagan arranged to have Stephen King murder John Lennon, as exposed in Time and Newsweek and U.S. News magazine’s crypto codes in the headlines found only in the weeks surrounding the crime. That’s all fact, not theory. Having said that, let me tell you what else I THINK is happening to you, or as Stephen King likes to call you, “You blind, obsessive fools..”

I think that presidents F.D.R., Wilson, Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, both Bush’s, both Clintons, and Barack Obama are, and always were, agents working to overthrow the United States of America for a deep state, shadow government that is propelled by the Rockefeller dynasty, the C.I.A. the patriarch co authored into existence, and other groups that may even include Israel. I think Eisenhower knew all about this secret deal our shadow government had made with Moscow to merge both systems behind our backs when he warned us about the military / industrial complex.

I believe that heroes, Buddy Holly, Jim Croce, Rick Nelson (Stephen King wrote a Spin magazine article on that death, in fact.) Jim Morrison of The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, comedian Lenny Bruce, John Lennon, John Belushi, Elvis Presley ( Oh, yes!!!) and others were, if not ALL killed by the Kremlin / U.S. deep state cabal, ALMOST all of them were. I also think that the murders of J.F.K., Martin Luther King Jr. and R.F.K. were ordered by the Kremlin. We all know that Russia was caught shooting the Pope at the same time Lennon and Anwar Sadat were killed. The same time Reagan and Brady were, in my opinion, faking getting shot to point fingers away from Reagan while also cutting into our second amendment with a Brady Bill.

I believe that the Rockefeller empire, who keep their name out of the media that they also own much of, is the greedy bastard dynasty that has already sold America to the globalists. That their members have already been caught saying on camera; “We want to chip your body to have a bank account at all…China is the model for the New World Order….” They certainly sold twice as much oil once their gopher, Tricky Dicky, got China to drive cars, for example.

I believe that the constant hounding of Donald Trump is Moscow’s attempting to overthrow our choice for president since they were counting on globalist / Bilteberger / Rockefeller agent; Hillary Clinton to do their bidding but Trump made it past their meddling. You’ll notice how many Russians are coming out of the woodwork to snare him any way they possibly can, from Kissliak, to the woman who met with Don Jr. to the Ukrainian president to, now, these two psycho looking goons trying to take Giuliani down as we speak. If anything, the Russians are trying to OUST Trump or all these characters wouldn’t be showing up every time.

I believe that Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi are agents working for the Rockefeller crowd and that Rockefeller is against the notion of a free America and so are they.

I believe that 80 percent of our media is controlled by the Sino Russian cabal overthrowing us. ABC, NBC, CBS, et all. Time magazine has always been a communist owned magazine and our government has always known and allowed for that. I think it was their editor in chief, Whittaker Chambers, who admitted he was a communist during the Mccarthy hearings, in fact. Chinese owned Hollywood has our A list actors pushing Big Brother on all of you with action films that display government might and violence. Like trained seals for the government, they are. Aren’t they? Your biggest so called heroes.

Hollywood has, by the way, made sure that nobody gets as big as, say, a Steve McQueen or John Wayne and they keep the actor / superstar wannabe just an actor. Same goes for the music business. That is unless the star is mostly fluff and not political. McQueen and Wayne were both icons of the American spirit. Funny how they both died before THEIR time. Belushi scared the bejeezus out of the communist take-over artists when he made that speech about “Where’s the Delta House I used to know?  Where’s the spirit? Where’s the guts? It’s not over until I say it’s over…!” When he then also ran off with the hot girl and became a Senator, after, and then when he clobbered the police with his Blues Brother’s movies he just had to be silenced, you see? Him and the writer of Animal House, Doug Kenny, who was thrown off a cliff in Hawaii that same year. The movie Animal House a was a brilliant and subversive message against the establishment and all it’s bullshit. I remember busting a gut laughing and I felt strangely cleansed and liberated, after. It lifted a great cloud of oppression off of me.

Of course, for those of you who don’t know about John Lennon’s walrus tooth sized political pronouncements. he WAS the “Eggman” and all the politicians were the “eggmen” and nobody on earth could shake as many people so completely with so few words as John Lennon could.

“No short haired, yellow bellied, son of Tricky Dicky’s gonna.. but if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao, you ain’t gonna make it with anyone, anyhow…I’m sick to death of reading things from neurotic, psychotic, pig headed politicians…Man, you’ve been a naughty boy, you let your face grow long..” All about Nixon. Listen to Nutopian National Anthem, also known as “Freeda People” on one of his albums to get the full flavor of how courageous he really was. Today’s stars are, by comparison, castrated cowards. The movie Magical Mystery Tour, suspiciously censored for four decades, realistically, is all about the Blue Meanies out to kill the force of love, an obvious jab at governments.

I believe our deep state network is selling America to the new world order and that the move to MAKE us violent with their media and take away our guns is foremost on their agenda. Whoever founded the second amendment must have known that we would need it, someday, to defend ourselves from a hostile, foreign take over. I think that 50 percent of all the operatives in our government in D.C. are focused on the transfer of America to the globalist agenda and not on sustaining the land of the free and the home of the brave. Our money worshiping ways have sold us out. They do it all for money, or haven’t you noticed the Clinton’s pattern, for example? Look at Joe Biden and son getting money from our globalist clients. I think at least two Bush children are on t.v. shows of their own as we speak. Mind control is coming for you. At least Trump wasn’t stopped by Billy Bush in 2016 when he and the shadow state tried to spring “Pussygate” on him. A very Soviet style of plot in the first place. Transparently K.G.B. stuff. That plot was made before Trump was even a politician or a candidate in case he ever became one. That’s how fastidious and treacherous the globalist crowd is. They probably have a road accident planned for me, a car crash, to be activated right after or right before I break my story. You jealous jerks don’t seem to care at all, do you? Or maybe a Stephen King fan to kill me if that doesn’t work. (This is the paragraph referenced above; They may have already tried in 2010 when I was t-boned by a car going almost 60 mph in Concord, Ca. while I was driving a delivery truck. I suspect it was not an accident because they would never do that if I were driving my website van, then. You might perk your ears up when I tell you that that intersection was paved over two days later, destroying all the evidence it may have held. Nobody was cited, mysteriously, even though the other driver was seen by witnesses driving against my green light. According to what I learned about Concord, it is possible both of us were seeing green because there is a room with screens and cameras where signals can be manually manipulated in that city. Now, folks, are you sitting down? Barack Obama MAY HAVE TRIED TO KILL ME. Do I think he and Hillary watched a replay of my crash on those cameras at the intersection, after, the way they watched the raid on Osama Bin Laden? I’d say there is an 80 percent chance they, indeed, did. They would have seen my delivery truck fly over 30 feet sideways before falling over on it’s side, the other Toyota S.U.V crumpled all the way to the windshield. No injuries except a sore left foot for me. I made sure my passenger was protected by his door frame and nobody was hurt. In preparing a motion for a recent traffic ticket I realize that a few years later, 2015, Obama still president, a uniformed Navy cadet slammed into my van on the San Diego Freeway at over 70 mph leaving a five foot long tire mark on the driver’s side and was let off the hook by the C.H.P. who took 45 minutes to arrive after my call in the first place. Princess Dianna’s death must have emboldened my enemies, I think.)


( Another bizarre occurrence; After decades of benign neglect and inaction as well as police abuses regarding my Lennon murder evidence, and while I was in my hometown of Healdsburg, sleeping, just 20 miles away from Santa Rosa, Santa Rosa endured the worst fire in it’s history. It was only the next day when it occurred to me that it happened on John Lennon’s birthday; Oct. 9. Bizarre karma??!!

Now, as I just realize, in preparing court motions, that I am under government assault and have already been almost killed twice in two road accidents while Obama was president, my home town area, again, is suffering horrendous fires AS the Santa Cruz and C.H.P. are trying to portray me as a reckless driver with phony tickets. Wow! Do I carry that much pull? At least Healdsburg has so far been spared.)

I believe that the primary weaponry they employ to take us over is exactly monetary distractions. Televised sports, a paycheck and a nice home and lawn and car and truck and. ice cream and pizza and alcohol and drugs. Now it’s cell phones and face book and  hook dook and twit twat and whatever else they can distract you with. They need to establish the illusion of America strong until the last moment they strike and declare that we are New World Order from now on, like it or not. Lennon sang; “Keep you doped with religion your sex and t.v and you think you’re so clever and classless and free but you’re still fucking peasants as far as I can see.” I think that Reagan’s vaulting rhetoric about how great we are and evil Russia is was all a con to get our pants around our ankles. He even looked a lot like Joseph Stalin, I think. He married Nancy who was on the Commie blacklist at a time when he was the president of the screen actors guild at a time when Soviets were all over Hollywood and the media.

I think that the fall of the Soviet Union was misrepresented. That it was staged and long planned to create the illusion of powerlessness to, again, get our guard down. Way down while they rebuilt a better machine to take us over with. As stated above, I think that Russia hired Nixon to empower China so that Russia could team up with China to take us over. That Tricky Dicky was a Soviet agent working for Rockefeller and Breznev..

While I, myself, have finally realized what a crutch religion and God are and how these notions make us unable to stand on our own two feet like men giving us an excuse to pass the buck rather than wrestle with evil, ourselves, and defeat it, while I know how plastic and stupid and neon and phony, commercialized and mindless and trivial Americans already are, while I believe all this, I know that the New World Order let Stephen King murder John Lennon and it currently sells body organs in China from live donors and all kinds of filthiness and wretchedness that comes with living like they want us to. I KNOW that the world order is a satanic hellhole of a future for man if it ever comes to pass. That these people are the worst of mankind and sick as hell and full of pure shit on top of it. They, unknowingly, represent our self destruction. I KNOW that they will win if you are all too weak to even jail their triggerman, Stephen King for killing John Lennon. In fact, if you, as a people, cannot do that before I die then I hope and pray a huge asteroid takes you out of your misery since you’d be too stupid to enjoy life as it should be enjoyed, to begin with.

I can PROVE Stephen King murdered John Lennon. You cowards don’t, apparently, care. I BELIEVE that King did it for the Kremlin and Leonid Breznev and not just Nixon and Reagan. You’ll notice in King’s movies, how often the loudmouth, redneck asshole American gets his just desserts in the end. Like John Travolta, for example, after killing a pig in a pen. He hates us Americans.

In fact, in his movie “Christine” the American assholes who die happen to be look-alikes for Buddy Holly, Elvis presley, Jim Morrison (While wearing the exact clothes Lennon wore when he was shot) and John Belushi and, of course, the Plymouth car that is kept alive by the rock and roll in the radio before a tractor runs down it’s back..You have to admit it, people; the last line of that movie is “God, I hate rock and roll.” The credits roll right after that line.

This brings me to the subject of why Russia did not allow The Beatles or their music. Like rock and roll, America’s victory song after WWII, The Beatles opened up our minds and hearts to big things we never knew existed. They “woke us up” The conservative mind of the Orwellian model the New World Order is can’t allow that much awareness in it’s people if they are to be controlled and manipulated to mostly generate money for the elite who run things. Rock and Roll rips away chains of oppression and they know it. Buddy Holly was a threat to the American psyche that they plan on inheriting someday. THEY, not our government, probably had him killed. They want us as plain and uninfluenced as possible so they can completely control us…

This letter to the public may seem like I am a bitter jerk but I am not. It is all of YOUR collective bitterness as a people that has made me less pleasant than I really am. I am exorcising you poor bastards after you were all raped by evil. I HAVE to throttle you with the truth or you will never hear me at all. Exorcist. That’s right. You all need one, too.

I display five foot long slogans on my 2000 Chevy Astro van’s side boards. Some I am considering to help exorcise you are;


Exorcism, modern style on what Rush Limbaugh likes to call the “Drive By Media.” my legendary van(s) ( Where else do you think he got the idea? For decades he and I were on the opposite side of politics as I was a threat to presidents Reagan and Bush and the most active talk radio caller in America for a five year span. When I first visited New York City both he and Howard Stern went “NO callers allowed on the air at all” for TWO MONTHS STRAIGHT just to avoid fielding MY calls!!! )

October 18,2019;

I have to shake my head a little at how the latest charade to impeach Trump via a phone call to the president of Ukraine has resulted in Bernie Ward’s heart attack and Joe Biden’s senility meltdown last Tuesday’s debate. The two front runners taken out, for all practical purposes, in one, fell swoop WHILE trying to take out Trump. Now it occurs to me that this too closely timed to be a coincidence Turkey assault on the Kurds may have ALSO been a K.G.B. plot to ensnare Trump in a quagmire war at a time when he is under a domestic coup attempt. You’ll notice how quickly the Russians took the stage – immediately – as if THEY were behind the military exercise as much as Turkey. Then to watch Trump say to the world; “No military  / industrial conspiracy is going to snare me, this time,..” and then to see the window for the Kurds to escape granted the same week avoiding every snare his enemies had tried to bring him down with.

Can a late entry by Mitt Romney or Michelle Obama be far behind? Or Hillary? Rockefeller must be getting desperate, him and his communist friends.

(By the way, a late addition, here; Hillary claiming Gabbert was a Russian plant the other day. The Russian agent, herself, pointing her finger “He went thataway..” away from her. I wrote in detail about this Soviet technique of spinning the truth exactly 180 degrees from reality for maximum effect in my chapter below focusing on King’s 9 -’11 appearance on the Stephen Colbert show. I think she was also pointing the finger away from Cortez that same day she endorsed Sanders. Sanders is a known communist, filmed in Moscow celebrating with their leaders, and not ashamed of it. If anything any criticism of Gabbert by Hillary is evidence the communists are afraid of Gabbert. I don’t know enough about her to say, one way or the other.)

Now, I’m not a mindless follower, I think. I don’t like Trump entangling his Doral  Resort for a political bash, right or wrong, profit or not, this next G-7 summit, but I think every other move he has made is pretty awesome. I was a week ahead of Rush Limbaugh when I pointed out on L.A. talk radio that his release of the call transcript doomed his enemies plans of conducting a horror show while withholding the transcript to tar Trump with no evidence. Of course the C.I.A. and the military and Pentagon are the Deep State trying to bring him down and he seems to be aware of this fact. I still think Trump is a little too aloof, though. He must cut his enemies off at the pass and that requires making a sneak arrest of Stephen King and hauling him out of his Sarasota, Florida home on the north tip of one of their keys and denying bail while he is tried with my evidence after I am brought forward the same week. It can be done. Easily, in fact. In the first place, it would be an act of spinelessness not to, if he’s the real deal hero he says he is. King is America’s enemy and he knows this fact. Trump knows all about me and my website.

If he doesn’t cut them off at the pass and do this his enemies will assassinate him, I fear. It’s a matter of two swords on the floor and two warriors and who will pick up his sword first. If the Kremlin and Rockefeller crowd killed the Kennedy’s, including John Jr., they’d kill Trump if they thought you people would let them get away with it.

Since I opined on my site and talk radio two months ago that the reason kids are shooting themselves is due to their parent’s ignoring my evidence all this time when they know I’m right, since I made this pronouncement, the rates of kids shooting kids is down 500 percent. It was at about one a week and now, one every two months(?) I’m not sure. Quite eye opening. I added that the reason they are doing it is because they feel anxiety about being abandoned by their parents in the face of the evil that is in front of them and that they don’t want their schoolmates to grow up and be phonies like their parents.

Say what you will about me, YOU are on the shit end of the stick on this matter until you parents start protecting your kids from your conspiracy of apathy and spinelessness. They see everything. To shrug my message off with; “Who the hell cares, who killed John Lennon? He’s dead. Nothing we can do about it, now. I have money to worry about…”

They read that as; ” I’m a pussy, evil scares me and you kids will excuse my phoniness if I just do nothing and let you take it in the shorts, instead.”

No WONDER your children are killing each other. Look at how phony and weak their parents are. They see scared, hypocrites raising them under a bed of lies and they aren’t happy about it.

As a matter of fact, when the Gilroy Garlic Festival shooting occurred near my Monterey, California home the shooter was quoted as saying; “The only thing any of you respond to is force…” As if to also say; “Common decency and morals don’t carry the day with any of you. You’re all spineless phonies who have to be pushed into action or you will stay paralyzed.”

The chances this individual saw my website van at least a dozen times is very high. It was at this time that I aired my opinion of the matter.

News item followups;

Tom Steyer, the late entry billionaire of hedge funding; His first impression on me was his tag line “Clear and  present danger..” regarding our president. Anyone focused on what they are against instead of what they are for isn’t a leader, in my opinion. They may be following orders from Rockefeller and company is how I read it. A billionaire changing spots to the point of the role of a bleeding heart liberal is also suspect. Usually money focused brains don’t suddenly work that way. II think he’s a plant working for the New World Order that I believe is based in Moscow. Either he or Bernie Sanders would be, what, the first Jewish president in our history?

There is nothing resembling a clear and present danger to anyone but the World Order take over America crowd with Trump in office. He failed to mention that.

Bernie Sanders, the unapologetic communist candidate; I once even had his name along with Trump on the other side of my rear window in 2015 to mid 2016. That was before I learned about his Moscow celebration with communists as seen on film and other glaring red flags. I don’t think a known communist should be the banner carrier for any new socialistic moves made here. His heart attack occurred the day after I noticed his red toned flesh. He looked like a beet, for God’s sake. Held in place by a spring loaded splint, I hear. Not too reassuring a situation for a high pressure job like POTUS.

Hillary; I was reassured to see she’s still her bitter, unlikeable selfl last Stephen Colbert appearance.It was strategically timed while Trump was being roasted for Ukraine gate. As if she was behind it all along, taking the moment to gloat publically. She and Obama and even Bush, I suspect. They’re all in bed together, anyway. She would be a nightmare for America. A venomous soul animated by money and mostly money and power and just that. Banality on a stick. I was pleased to see Gabbert remind us what a warmonger and corruption queen she really is. A puppet for Putin if ever there was one. One reason I think she lost was her maternal instinct that couldn’t allow her to slay America for the World Order, after all. ( See, I found something good to say about her.)

Biden; Creepy, sleepy quid pro quo Joe; “Let’s blame Trump for the what our man, Biden, a Obama puppet, did; extort the Ukraine government to fire the prosecutor focusing on his son’s dirty dealings..Let’s do that. Let’s tell America what a miscreant anyone would be to do that and lhen elect him over scapegoat Trump who only tried to get to the nub of the issue. Let’s be hypocrites on steroids. The public will never notice. They’ll still respect him.”

Double Standard Joe, the names keep coming.  A follower of the takeover America squad who is no real leader, himself.

Michael Bloomberg. Another Jew in the wings (Quite a few, I must say) seems like an authoritarian, bureaucratic type from what I know. I don’t really know enough to say, though.

Michelle Obama; Like Hillary, bitter inside and part of the take over America squad. Angry, too. Probably too juvenile for public office.

Kamala Harris; I remember her not returning my inquiries when I went, physically, to her office in San Francisco  in 2011  trying to look into my concerns that California was stalking me with tickets and one almost fatal accident, already. I think she is juvenile and likes the Saturday Night Live pop culture vibes too much for serious politics. A little like Michelle in that regard.

The others; maybe later.




















(To be continued…)

October 02, 2019;

Down here in southern California these past two weeks, currently the San Diego region after a week in L.A., first. I made a few billboards to display. The one website address billboard ( you all may have seen when I sign bombed last years U.S. Open golf event and a new one that reads; GET INFORMED, YOU PHONIES; YOU’RE ALL BRAINWASHED (Side two) and STOP BEING STUPID – JAIL STEPHEN KING (Side one). I hit up U.C.S.B. and U.C.L.A campuses and then U.C.S.D. this week. I love hitting the public right between the eyes like that as I flip the one back and forth along side my website address. On the other hand I hate having to still make a spectacle of myself having to still demonstrate on my own after 37 years of activism. What is wrong with you people? Are you ALL boot-licking, turncoat, phony cowards??????

Revisiting my old stomping grounds and immersing myself in the shadow of whatever my state of mind was then compared to lately I have learned one thing above all else. I can tell by the reaction I get from entire populations who remember me that it is not a matter of whether or not people believe what my claims suggest. They absolutely KNOW I’m right about all of it. Almost universally people everywhere see me and react the same way – with reverence, not mockery at all. “What did we do to scare you away, Steve?!!” Nothing. That was the problem. You did nothing to help me come forward, that’s what. There has NEVER BEEN, EVER, in all this time, any argument about the validity of my evidence. No, you people never argued that. It started with you yelling out to me as I stood with my signs; “Get a job!…Who cares?…” which lasted only two years before you suddenly stopped that.

In the old days a guy named Julius Caesar killed a guy named Jesus and strung him up on a cross, naked, impaled with huge nails to hold him up there for all to see. “See what I do to upstart revolutionaries and trouble makers??? Don’t let it happen to any of you. In fact, give me your first born son so I can kill him or I’ll kill you, too.”

This is the technique applied centuries ago to brand you, the public, with abject fear of the government. Horror, fear, murder, scare tactics. In fact, Jesus was but one of hundreds his government killed to cow you people, still, all these centuries later. You still are like children afraid of your parents; your government.

The point I’m making is you people are just a bunch of spoiled, rotten, turncoat cowards failing me, the messenger, AND the hard evidence you’ve only ever dreamed of having before. Now that you DO have the hard evidence mankind has been dreaming about since forever you find yourself; ‘Still fucking peasants, as far as I can see…” to quote the great John Lennon, himself. You all find yourselves too un-American to find your spine, even, to stand up to the evil I have uncovered. Fear has enveloped all of you and you are NOT brave, NOT free or anything of the sort. In the chapters below you’ll find that I blame the phony, boot-lick parents for their children shooting each other at school. That you cowards deserve the violence caused by your silence regarding John Lennon’s murder. That you slobs are the cause of it all.

Right now your vote for Donald Trump is under attack from a Rockefeller controlled media and C.I.A. and F.B.I. and Adam Shift and his ilk all represent the long time hold Moscow has had on this once free country. You fools can’t imagine the fact that we are a toenail away from a communist take-over if you don’t all rise up to this truth and use it. You can’t fathom that Nixon and Reagan may have been K.G.B. plants, all along, can you? You can’t believe that Wilson and F.D.R. also set us up for a global future that doesn’t include American freedoms. You didn’t know that now displaced from power, the Rockefeller regime, helped found the C.I.A. and it is left to ME to tell you that hidden fact. I have to tell you that Rockefeller is a globalist monster selling America to the highest bidder and that all this fuss over Trump is really Rockefeller flailing away behind the curtain. He keeps his name out of the news but prints most of it from his building Rockefeller Plaza. He even hosts NBC there, as well. He owns your minds, in a sense. He is afraid Trump will conduct a surprise raid on Stephen King and reel in that evil monster for all of us to see and charge him with John Lennon’s murder and held with bail denied.

If Trump had my size balls he’d do exactly that. It’s his rump card and he knows it. Will he use it in time before it’s too late, is the question.

Imagine him doing that and “…apologizing for disgracing Reagan and Nixon HOWEVER, PEOPLE… Evil is evil and it can be no more if we are to remain healthy and free. ” DEAL WITH IT, BRAVE U.S.!”. is exactly what I’d say and do if I were him, today. Your mass media will never tell the truth. They are the agents who brainwashed you and lied to you, over and over. You cowards may never respond in time, either. Maybe a hero in our presidency is the answer, after all. So far, we’ve never been closer to that happening.

Mr. Trump, America can never be great if it is not good, first. Trying to pretend away the fact that evil Stephen King is URINATING on everything America stands for until he is jailed is psychotic.

Trump, are you paying attention?

I used to scoff at those who made claims that the commies were taking us over. Then I grew up and realized that even the Kennedy murders and a host of our heroes who were killed by the Kremlin who intends to take us over someday after they cripple us spiritually, first and kill our heroes like John Lennon before they can change the world instead.

So, there you have it, people. I am telling you all that I know that you know that I know that you know that I am right, after all.

My next slogans may well become;


I hope you slobs forgive me for telling you like it really is. You really ARE incredible slobs when it comes to handling the hard truths of your day, aren’t you? Stephen King is still raping you and yours. Politically you seem like infants whose diapers are full. Helpless and creator cursed.

Reads on. What’s below beats everything else out there you’re probably reading.

September 07, 2019


Allow me to shock you with the news that all this gun violence suddenly swarming the news headlines is all your fault. You must deserve it all, in fact, or it wouldn’t be happening. Things happen for reasons, not by accident. Your looking the other way on John Lennon’s murder and the evidence I have discovered is driving your youth to kill each other so they don’t end up boot-licking, turncoat phonies, like their parents. They are lashing out with violence as if to scream to their ignorant parents; “Don’t you care that Stephen King murdered John Lennon? Aren’t you supposed to be outraged by the evidence this guy has given you? Didn’t you all LOVE John Lennon and The Beatles? Shouldn’t you be demonstrating or something!!? Are you all just a bunch of stupid, scared phonies leaving all of us kids unprotected just so you can enjoy the luxury of doing nothing? Just so you can keep on being an apathetic slob???!!!”

When the government killed John Lennon they called him a “phony” WHY? I’ll tell you all why. Because the government that told you that knew that John was the least phony human on earth and that it is all of you who are the real phony of the story and they had to transpose the points of the matter and confuse you. Mind control. You, perverted. That’s right, mind controlled, scared, phony you.

I’ll say it. people; You all deserve your epidemic of gun violence, not because you have a second amendment, but because you DON’T have a spine to stop your government from killing your heroes. Your kids don’t have the self respect to kick you in the shins for your lapse in morals so they act out by killing each other.

T-H-A-T-“-S  how America handles the truth. It DOESN’T handle the truth. It goes berserk with a gun, instead.Grow up you hero killing cowards and help me come forward.

Look at John Rothman, local radio talk show host for KGO. You buy the products he advertises and you pay him and what does he do for you? He covers up John Lennon’s murder. HE POISONS YOU! Ditto his colleagues, Pat Thurston and the rest. Ditto Barbara Walters, Larry King, your entire media complex and the adults who perform this grizzly act of censorship and brainwash to keep the government from having to face justice now that it’s caught letting Stephen King kill John Lennon and pervert all of you, after, with his horror / fear campaign to cripple you and your nation. They are all conspiring to kill America in the name of covering up John Lennon’s murder. The entire adult world who already knows about this evidence but is too cowardly to start a protest is fomenting this gun violence protest from your children. All you phony parents, included. Why are you adults so adulterated with evil? Your kids are protesting your apathy as sure as Stephen King needs cuffs.

Stephen King wrote a book titled “RAGE” in the mid 70’s exactly about a boy who shoots up his classmates. Once upon a time, before Herman, Maine lost it’s mind and it’s spine, it kicked his sick ass out of their town for writing that book. Once America was well.

Look at the people of Herman, Maine now; “Look, Honey; Stephen King getting John Lennon’s last autograph. Guess we’ll just have to call the messenger / hero a nut and hope our kids buy our cover-up, I guess. He does bring in the tax revenue, he buys us ballparks and university grants and hospital grants and everything a murderer would buy us to keep us quiet. I guess we should just do nothing and let him get away with molesting our kids with his message, now. He’s rich and famous, now, and we can’t ruin his life of success over a matter as trivial as John Lennon’s murder.”

And you assholes wonder why your kids are shooting themselves.

When you watch the next report of a mass shooter remember what I told you, here; You deserved it for being a stupid asshole covering up John Lennon’s murder when you know better. Like your children who don’t know how to stand up for themselves against your phoniness in a sensible manner, you, too, are incapable of standing up to your government for what they did to you. You are all ugly under the Chapman lie. Look at your headlines, guilty parents.

If you didn’t know the government killed John Lennon the night it happened then you ALL KNEW IT when Chapman skipped trial. But you’re too phony to even see or admit that fact.

And don’t say you all don’t know better, either. Look at your phony selves in a mirror, for a change.

September 10, 2019;

Just a day before 9 -’11 ( And they made such a fuss that a meeting with the Taliban was scheduled then, before it was cancelled.) a day before 9 -’11, America’s REAL enemy, murderer; Stephen King, culture assassin, more precisely, the man most responsible for your youth’s trend of mass shootings, that asshole; Stephen King, showed his rare face on ABC this morning for five minutes. He was the picture of normalcy and niceness dressed in his 1970’s light blue denim shirt and blue jeans. Except for his rattlesnake eyes (Some things you can’t hide.) you’d never know he was truly in a class with Hitler, Mussolini, and other monsters who disgraced our landscape. When asked what is it that scares him he responded; “Elevators. I look down and think “There’s a hole down there.” as if he was worried his interview might be a ruse to kill him in an elevator “accident” so he can’t spill what he knows about the government that arranged for him to murder John Lennon.

Anyway, people, I had a nice look at all the mid western, fresh faced media slaves (Networks use their innocent faces to peddle their big city lies) who work for the media at ABC, giddy at King’s presence, oblivious to what a bad example of humanity he really is. Humanity’s enemy, in fact.

There are some not so naive and innocent faces, though. There is George Stephanopolis who knows what King did. I recall the day when he, Terry Moran (Now stationed in Moscow media) and I forget who else’s face you would know, all came out on the sidewalk at ABC in New York to get a rel good, close look at me (Within two feet.) as I was out there exposing my findings. They had a smugness to their gawking as if they were thinking “Do you know how important a person I am?” It was obvious they already knew what an important person I was in 1992, or was it 1996 or 2008, I forget. The point I want to make is that I noticed how George was especially giddy and excited as if he were caught up in a mob event with a big smile on his face and I thought, “And this is the guy who then tells about, yet, another mass shooting every week.” Maybe if he weren’t so busy cheerleading for evil Stephen King he’d be scowling derisively at King as if to let the world know that we all need to know more about this monster. But asking for the narcissistic crowd who clamor to be on t.v. in the first place to have loftier visions of how we could live if we had a leader who managed NOT be be assassinated for once, is asking for pigs to appreciate the value of a pearl.

Their heads are up their asses, people. Just like yours are, too.

September 11, 2019;

America’s enemy, murderer of John Lennon in a Nixon, Reagan plot and media cover-up, is showing his face on t.v. tonight on Stephen Colbert on the anniversary of 9 -’11, CBS being the host of this stick in the eye to YOU POOR FOOLS!

I know I said the day before 9-’11 but now I learn that King is appearing, officially, ON 9 -’11. Stephen King revels in taunting you, his brainwashed, cowed silent, raped victims with stunts just like this, I’ve noticed. As if he is saying to himself behind his rattlesnake eyes; “You stupid, pathetic SHITTERS! (What he screams you all are in ‘Christine’) What are YOU going to do about it, “brave” America? I killed your hope and your hero and destroyed the future that should and could have been. You never even tried Chapman, for God’s sake. You phony Beatlemaniacs. What are you cowards going to DO about it now that I’ve raped you all with pure, human, Orwellian evil? You’re going to sit there and buy the products who sponsor this scene and applaud politely when I appear and you’re going to pretend everything is alright. Is that clear, subjects? You’re going to not notice when I fail to broach the subject of my being accused of killing John Lennon, the elephant in the room you’ve all heard of. You’re going to remain on media mind control auto pilot and watch your nation fall in disgrace so my evil team of politicians can turn you into a world order hellhole, my fantasy come true.”

I’m sure he thinks thoughts like that all the time to keep himself on his crooked path. The problem, people, is he is right about your being pathetic. You all really ARE one pathetic species when it comes to confronting your truth. Your children kill each other in panic attack suicide rages they’re so confused at how stupid their parents must be to tolerate what evidence proves beyond the shadow of any doubt. Stephen King raping us on 9-’11 and CBS KNOWS this fact. Their parents know this fact and this bothers them the most of all.

I’ve tried over the decades to educate you that your mass media is evil and not our friend, not a free press, whatsoever, and is probably, by now, totally infiltrated by our enemies in Russia, China and God knows who else or even why. First it was ABC who peddled King after his crime became known by the whole media complex in the mid 1980’s and then CBS who aired his “Under The Dome” t.v. series. (It’s Israel that HAS a dome defense system they actually live under, now.) NBC is the most conservative of all the C.I.A. big three stations, so far staying out of the crime scene. But they’re all poisoning you with anti-intellectualism and mind control. The movie industry, too. They WANT your kids to go berserk so they can disarm you or am I getting ahead of myself? It’s all true. I just can’t pin down the horror of it all in one or two paragraphs.

The night before the interview, I tried to get on the Coast To Coast with George Nori and challenge Stephen King on national radio to broach the subject of my claims he killed John Lennon while he’s on t.v. in a rare appearance. I knew, in advance, that Coast To Coast is a government controlled show and hides the truth from ever getting over their air waves by hiding behind a 45 second delay. (In fact, George Nori admitted, on air, last year that he did a several months stint in the C.I.A. at one time in his early career.) Before I came along it was a seven second delay across America, a number reached decades ago to balance the public’s right to know and their right to be protected from vulgarity or profanity. That time frame is about seven seconds but the biggest talk show in America hides behind 45 seconds so you can be protected from vital information you all need. That’s the truth.

I did get on and I said; ” Even if everyone became nice to each other and meditated it wouldn’t put a dent in our mass shooting rampages. We have to admit that we are all in a dark, sick place as a people and even religion or belief on God won’t save us. Coast To Coast, for example, hides behind a 45 second delay under the pretense of free speech and the big truths never get out. ..” Before the part about daring King to comment on my claims got over the airwaves I was shut down so you could’t hear what I said, thus proving my point about that show’s hypocracy, another example of plastic, stupid U.S. culture on display. Phony, plastic U.S.A..

Your media are your enemy. Watch them tonight. Colbert (Pronounced Col – berT in real life but he phonies up his name to say Col-bair) will admiringly glow before King and marvel at King’s daring to even face a t.v. audience with all the gossip going on regarding Lennon’s murder. He will be on King’s side of evil because Colbert is also evil and you watch him try to burn people in public every night like a junkie. Stephen Colbert KNOWS that King shot John Lennon in real life and he is STILL proud to host him. Another jackass jealous of talents as big as Lennon. Still crying “Free Barabbas. Crucify Jesus!” like his depraved ancestors did. Watch others on the set who probably know about what I do and the gossip floating around King. What will their expressions reveal about their human evils?  I remember when Bruce Willis found out that King had just been on Colbert’s show years ago he exclaimed “STEPHEN KING, was HERE!!!??? as if he couldn’t believe King would ever show up in public again. Mel Gibson remarked about me after “The Passion” actor Jim Kvezal gave him a copy of my evidence magazine decades ago. Lots of people in Hollywood know all about me and my findings. Watch everybody and see how they respond to the presence of pure evil in their midst. Keep watching them in the future as they sit with Colbert and see how forgiving or not they are towards his monstrosity of a scene with King. Sympathy for the devil made us all responsible for killing the Kennedys according to Mick Jagger in the song with the same name. Watch the a.m. talk show hosts who all DO know that King is guilty. Watch to spot any giddiness in their step and faces to see if they’re evil or if they are good enough to scowl to let us know they aren’t good with it. You’ll learn something about the narcissistic crowd who crowds our media positions. They’ll point you down the wrong road if the pay is big enough, and it always is.

Meanwhile, King, I know you’re reading this prior to your spot tonight, I DARE you to deny or even comment on what I do. I DARE you. Hurting the world is what gets you off and we all know it, too. You couldn’t resist e-mailing me right after the Las Vegas shooting the next day you’re so into that rage emotion against mankind. Aren’t you? THAT got you out of your silence zone. You would love to push the button on mankind if you could. We are watching you behind your rattlesnake eyes, asshole.

September 12, 2019;

Anti-climatic is the one word I’d use to describe King’s appearance on 9 -’11 last night. My big prize was delivered at the end of his interview when the audience mostly pitter pattered instead of applauded him as he finished. Apparently the whole country HAS heard all about what I do, after all, and it’s showing. Tepid, almost guilty half applause. I am succeeding, America.

And he does look the picture of resignation to his fate; “Yeah, I killed John Lennon and I’ll probably go to jail for life for it, but who cares? It is what it is. There’s just as good a chance I’ll die of old age before you pussies find your spines and force me there. In the meanwhile I’m not going to suck up to you co-conspiring, apathetic accomplices who should have been better people before I went nutso long ago. Maybe if you all weren’t so sick, yourselves, I may have not gone over to the darkest of all sides and burned you all like Carrie did her tormentors..”

King and I, both, are big boys now and are both resigned to whatever fate is meted out to either one of us. It’s all probably scripted for all we both know. He actually wrote a mini novella about a golf pro named Steve ( I twice tried out for the P.G.A. tour in the early 80’s) who busts another person named Steven or Stephen for murder. He called it the “Even Steven murder case”, in fact. He wrote it BEFORE, right before, I discovered my evidence in 1982. WOW!! Huh?

King was wearing the exact same clothes he did the day before, blue denim shirt and blue jeans. When Colbert commented on them he said; “This is my man of the people outfit.”Later he described how he was writing his latest book to try to get the youth of America off their asses and get involved with politics. It’s as if he’s trying to slip inside my skin and become me. He is the opposite of me. I AM a man of the people and have never dressed pretentiously my whole life. My whole life’s cause has been to get the people of America off their apathetic asses and get involved in their politics. He also described his state’s mayor as a Democrat in name only kind of phony. While this makes me trust Susan Collins, suddenly, it is HE who pretends to be a liberal after cozying up with Nixon and Reagan in his biggest contribution to politics.( Knowing King he and Collins are in cahoots and he’s trying to throw me off.) King has always gone out of his way to seem like he would follow John Lennon’s outlook on life. He almost wears a sign around his neck “Trust me – I’m a liberal” In fact he is a fascist, totalitarian dictator who would have us all go Nazi, even though I think he once admitted to being a jew.

The point is he likes to play transpose the points on us all. Like Nixon once described how Moscow defeats us the same way. King’s job is to deceive you and camouflage himself. Even I was disarmed at how harmless he seemed. Like an elderly 72 year old man who has mellowed with time and redeemed his soul a little. The audience must have been marveling at how cool he is under a microscope to act so completely innocent, even on t.v.. My opinion, he just doesn’t care, anymore. The worst that can happen is the firing squad as a traitor. More likely, maybe 20 years in the slammer to die there. Either way, nothing he can do about it, now. “What? Me worry?” is the Alfred E. Newman approach he takes to the whole nightmare falling down on him.

Aware that he is surfing on a wave of our (YOUR) apathy and denial he seems confident enough to remark; “AND I get to be on the Stephen Colbert Show. It’s not too bad, I guess.” He means being caught but not yet charged. “Hey, stupid America, I killed your biggest hero and STILL I get to be on the Stephen Colbert Show, you’re so soft and helpless.” Catch me if you can.

As for Stephen Colbert being a sellout moron. Maybe less so than I once thought. Even he seemed like a distant observer and not a fan of King during the interview. I now think he was probably ORDERED to interview King, all along. His first King interview occurred RIGHT after the media powers that be gave Colbert his own show. Was that one of the demands they made on him? To give King some air time since no one else will? How else could King pick a time slot with Paul Simon his first interview and 9 – ’11 for his second interview if HE wasn’t the one calling the shots?. Maybe Colbert is being told what he will be doing by some creep who hides in the backround mind controlling all of you. I always suspect Kremlin activity in this regard.

(P.S. The Kremlin said they would bury our grandchildren and do it using our system against us in the early 1960’s. By September 11, 2001 those grandchildren were adults working in the Trade Towers when they were buried in a mountain of rubble after our airlines were used to do it. HMMMMMM?!)

I have to admit, the people of America are getting smart enough to know NOT to applaud this man and I am sure he is sliding straight to his cell, soon. My 37 years of blood, sweat and tears is starting to show some fruit, after all. I was very pleased with his tepid welcome, indeed.

Give yourselves a hand, people of America. maybe you ARE smart, after all. You dissed Stephen King. You’ve also got to be brave, though, like me, before you become active and get off your asses. Only then can you live better under truth.

September 13, 2019 AFTERMATH:

My takeaway in all this is that Stephen King has been sat down by government behavioral scientists and learned exactly how to camouflage himself most effectively by “TRANSPOSING THE POINTS” In The Real War Nixon writes; “…transpose the points and the current fails, darkness falls and all is confusion…”  Like pulling an electrical cord out of it’s socket.

For example; When King assumes the role of accuser, that Susan Collins is lukewarm liberal, he positions himself as the kind of person who would want us to know that she is a threat to your safety and not to be trusted, if you are a liberal. The last thing you’re going to think about, since he has turned you around 180 degrees from looking at him, is that HE might be the threat he’s trying to warn you about. Like a wolf in sheep’s clothing, in a sense.

The exact 180 degree kind of lie makes a huge difference. To NOT tell the lie 180 opposite from reality fails to stupify it’s target like the 180 degree lie does. It gets the victim facing completely opposite the direction it should be looking. No room left for peripheral vision. A hall of mirrors effect, confusing it’s target.

When he portrays himself as a “Man of the people” he has pointed you exactly 180 degrees from the truth of the matter; that he is, in fact, our public enemy number one. Our mortal, ARCH enemy, in fact. That he killed the people’s choice of leader, John Lennon, and kidnapped us with his brand of horror, after. A poisoner / murderer is the last thing you think of when you are confronted with the notion King could ever be a “Man of the people”.

When Yoko Ono was in bed with John Lennon surrounded by peace slogans in Toronto, the last thing you would ever suspect is that she might be a communist spy stalking John and deliberately setting him up for assassination OVER his political high profile. “Oh, well, it couldn’t be Yoko, she tried to HELP him change the world.” That was her “in” that, in spite of a hissing public, kept her attached to John Lennon who was, at the time, TOO BIG TO ASSASSINATE. They had to wait several years after Yoko locked him up in a kitchen baking bread and out of the public and political eye before they could murder him. Meanwhile she knew to make you all think that she was his loving wife. That she was walking ahead of John and with him when he WAS shot was also scripted, again, to paint her as John’s devoted wife risking life and limb, herself. In reality, people of brainwashed America, Yoko was seen sprinting ahead of John distancing herself from him as much as possible to make sure she wasn’t accidentally or deliberately shot in the seconds before bullets flew. She knew. It was SHE who cancelled John’s plans to get a late night bite to eat and go straight home. It was SHE; commie actress, black widow, agent bitch doing you, the people of the world, in. Sicking evil on you all. Opening the doors of Hell to suck you into a nightmare that would cripple you. John’s enemy, not friend. The modern day “Judas” kissing her target for the government. Seducing him to his demise after first dissolving The Beatles and turning John into a recluse for five years.

While she had you all thinking how harmless she was let me inform you that it was SHE who called the Japanese police to bust Paul for carrying pot on board his plane. It was SHE who planted a marijuana roach in John’s ashtray that began Nixon’s four year attempt to deport John over just that. It was SHE who called the N.Y.P.D. to disperse the chanting crowds outside Central Park so she could sleep the night he was killed. It was SHE who tricked John into posing frontal nude on an album cover and who hooked him on heroin for a short time. It was SHE who urged us to ; “let the courts decide..” in Rolling Stone magazine the week of the murder when she issued a letter to the public about the matter. When Chapman skipped trial she was not complaining, either. In fact, at the time her album was titled’ “It’s All Right”, as if to excuse any public trial even being necessary. It was SHE who made John divorce his wife and it was SHE who broke up The Beatles by convincing John it was a waste of his time and who poisoned the vibes as much as possible between the band members, turning them against each other using proven scientific techniques that she was taught. More than just Kama Sutra, people. Read all about why Yoko is a government agent / cunt / public enemy, communist spy in other chapters in this section. In October of 1987 she had me kidnapped, beaten unconscious and slandered with a false report. I would later learn that that was her way of saying; “BACK OFF!!! I’m NOT your friend, stupid American boy.”

The point I am making is that King has fashioned the ability to live among the people of Bangor, Maine and defuse them from taking my claims seriously by disarming them with psychological tricks somebody’s government taught him. Furthermore, I’m sure that, while I was away, their T.V.  news crew edited my interview that they never used while I was there and painted me in a false light to brainwash the locals who never even seemed to notice me in subsequent visits there. As if the media had made up their minds for them about me.

Now he portrays himself as  bleeding heart liberal and admits that the N.R.A. should have to clean the guts off at every mass shooting. Meanwhile he killed Lennon with a gun because he works for the extreme conservative right wing of world politics, not the liberal wing, and it is they who also want to abolish your right to defend yourselves from a government out of control. I’m convinced he is sympathetic to Moscow and the Kremlin, not America. His writings are full of anti-American statements and he likes to portray us as ignorant, stupid red necks who need to be punished for being so phony. I am convinced Moscow has taken over this blindfolded country decades ago and that Lennon’s murder was the coup d grace that enabled them to succeed in turning us into a nation that shoots it’s fellow citizens, en mass, routinely, they can so sense the vibe that something is wrong with America, today. These maniacs feel the tragedy that all of you are blind to, whether they know it or not. It’s how America deals with the truth. Not very well.

King always wears casual, understated, unpretentious cloths to make everyone think he is a cool, liberal hippy kind of guy. He killed the leader of the Hippies is the truth. Like a Cuttle fish that mesmerizes it’s victims with a display of transformational color changes before striking, King puts on his “Man of the people outfit” and acts the opposite part of who he really is. When asked about my findings he simply says “No comment” or “You got a problem with that?…” or; “I don’t think that’s worth discussing..” He employs the demeanor of understated calmness as if he is not guilty at all and can afford to act calm. It’s a ruse, people. When I was there his best friend and one time owner of the bookstore that sold all his books, Mitchell I think his name was, screamed at me; “He’s afraid he’s gonna FRY!!!!” while I was rambling on about how I would portray him after. Mitchell couldn’t stand listening to my Pollyanna notions any longer while his friend might well be executed as a traitor for what he did. I got him to cough up a Freudian slip.

Moral of the story? Moscow has taken the United States mass media over and much of the rest of it. That’s my honest opinion, however it may hurt my credibility. I have to be as radical as reality. America wouldn’t be shooting it’s own citizens weekly unless we were undergoing a take over. It began during World War Two, became obvious in the 50’s and 60’s, resulting in mass expulsions, but it never stopped . Now I suspect America is a toe nail away from going over the cliff, completely. Ever since it’s people were made psychotic with a lie about a Lennon fan named Mark Chapman killing John because he thought he was a phony America has been insane and off balance. John was the LEAST phony of all men, a pioneer of human evolution, and the Moscow technique Nixon warned us about was sprung, full force, on all of us while we were huddled over Monday Night Football. The real message was this; “Time for all of you people to act like a phony and pretend the government DIDN’T just kill your biggest and best hero on earth. Time to swallow our horse pill about a lone assassin, again. That’s right, time for you stupid, weak Americans to act like a complete phony and pretend a guy named Mark David Chapman did it., stood around after, and admitted to it. Time for you to be a phony and forget all about Nixon’s four year attempt to deport him over his high political profile. And why not? We’re going to blame all of your collective national phoniness on JOHN LENNON instead! You people can blame HIM for your being a phony. We’re transposing the points FOR you.”

A 180 degree transposition of points reversing reality and stupifying all of you lame brains. I knew the government killed John within a half second of hearing the news. I am no lame brain. One more reason to consider the truth that I am, indeed, a hero and not a wacko. Time for all of you to re screw your heads 180 degrees back to straight and see me for the revolutionary I am.

I should be on your shoulders being lead in a parade to the media’s doorstep, but I’m not. It’s ONLY because the government has made you insane via transposing the points.

They have convinced you all that the one man in you midst who is a hero and who can save you with hard evidence like you’ve only dreamed of having before you were even born, they have you people convinced, instead, that I am a raving lunatic wacko, conspiracy theorist not to be taken seriously. Because they KNOW that you are natural born, lazy sinful slobs who want a reason to do nothing, they corrupt you. They poisoned you. It is all YOU who are insane. I am informed. Now you are paralyzed pussies flopping like fish. I have to say it out loud. You are all so stupid not to care about this.

Are you going to let Moscow and the Kremlin push you pussies around like that? Until you put me and my evidence on the front burner and break my story, oh yes, you will let the Kremlin destroy you and take away your guns and sit on you and fart in your face.

Hasn’t Lennon’s murder been just that these past three, plus decades. Mass shootings every week, America. You’re all sick. Very sick. Wake up. I’m informed. You’re all insane.

I have saved Nixon for last because it was while reading The Real War where he warns us all about Moscow’s dirty tactics that I realized he is either a nut job or he is a Soviet spy, himself. You know the old saying. “When you point a finger at someone you have three more pointing back at you.” I will offend a lot of your naive minds with what I am about to say, and my credibility will be hurt to even say so, but it MUST BE SAID while America has a smattering of free speech still left.

Tricky Dicky, a name John Lennon stuck him with in song lyric, wrote that “…The Soviets believe that the “lie” is a legitimate and justifiable weapon to be used by the weak to defeat the strong…they assassinate their rivals….they take over our institutions and media and courts…they infiltrate our politics and occupy our positions of power. they are ‘magnificent actors’…”Nothing can protect a society if it’s top 10,000 elite are resolved to capitulate.” he quotes another at one point.

I was struck by the fact that, when perceived from the lens of what I already know he did to John Lennon, Nixon is either saying we must become more LIKE Moscow, ourselves OR he is saying; “…You FOOLS! I AM a Soviet agent. Agent 001, in fact, subverting everything you stand for. You naive babies. You think you are so smart. Did you even notice that when I bombed Cambodia on Christmas day I was delegitimizing you as a Christian nation? What about me taking you off the gold standard? I am smart and I can even taunt you with everything I am about to do to you in these few months before killing your hero as I write this book. I only ACT like I’m warning you about Russia. I am bragging what I am doing to you, instead. Like Rumplestiltskin running in the woods saying his name out loud. I just can’t resist. The Real War? My book title? It really means what we are doing to John Lennon. The REAL war involves us killing your heroes and intellectual elite and brainwashing you, after, and having John replaced with evil Stephen King, a horror writer we devoutly want to molest you with. We don’t need to bomb you. We just need a handful of bullets to do you in. Fear is our calling card and how we control the human race. We’ve killed most of your rock stars and heroes in fact. The biggest names you can think of from Lenny Bruce to Buddy Holly to Jim Morrison to , well, you figure it out. That’s what I mean by The Real War. I am a magnificent actor to pretend to be your president in view of all the world, don’t you think? Yoko is on our team, our magnificent actor / ace in the hole. The media we have infiltrated and own, the warden is on our payroll and the police and all we need to do to make our take over official is confiscate your guns and kill your second amendment so you can’t resist us. It’s just a matter of time before you blindfolded bastards fall. When it comes to destroying America, The “Nix” is “On”.”

You may think, “Oh, c’mon, Steve, a Kremlin agent in our presidency!? Really?! Nixon, a Soviet spy?!

Many think Franklin Roosevelt and others were Soviet plants, in fact, America. I’m not the first. Perhaps Nixon’s most revealing remarks in The Real War are these quotes;

“Americans must learn to lower their ideals…”

“A corrupted ideal is more potent than a frank defiance of all ideal values.”

“The Nixon Doctrine: ‘You do not use a sledge hammer to kill a fly, you use a less powerful but more effective weapon….. you use a ‘flyswatter””

“Fear is what motivates people the most. Not love like they teach you in Sunday school. Fear.”

“I consider myself a Russiaphile, very much so, in fact…I love their people.”

As a Quaker, Nixon never believed in the concept of God, did you all know?

More than any other president Nixon empowered our new biggest potential enemy, China. Admit it, people.

I dare anyone to examine the November 22, 1963 issue of Time magazine, printed a week before J.F.K. was killed, on November 15. Half of all the government crypto codes in THOSE headlines prove that Nixon was the one behind that murder. I suspect people like Rockefeller and the Kremlin are involved behind Tricky Dicky. Nixon. It’s at your library. Better peruse the issues before R.F.K.’s murder, too, before I claim that story. A cinch it was Nixon there, too. Just read only the bold print headlines and see how many plug into what is about to happen to Robert Kennedy for threatening Nixon for the presidency.  Dick Nixon inherited the wind twice, you see. Slaughtering our would be presidents like he owns the place. Had he not killed them both there would never have been a president Nixon. Just a fact, people.

(See what your tolerance of evil and your apathy spawned with your silence in the Kennedy murders? By the time it was John Lennon’s turn he implemented evil Stephen King in the plot to see just how ridiculous he could render all of you in the process, you’re so apparently dumb.)

That he can be proved guilty of arranging for Stephen King to take over our culture after killing John Lennon, alone, proves to me, that he always WAS America’s enemy, though your fragile ego has a hard time digesting that. To the Kremlin we’re a punk ass, infant of a nation, new kid on the block who has to be taken down, right or wrong,  just because. Like bullies harass the new, rich kids across the world. There is no doubt that Moscow has ill intent against us and is not slowing down it’s agenda any more than they waited to bury our great grandchildren. No, they kept their word and got our grandchildren on 9 -’11, is my opinion. I believe that Putin and his ilk think it is their duty to kill us before we kill them, theoretically, and they are intent to kill us, first. To them it matters not that Einstein splitting the atom forced us into a dilemma; “Stop war or get us all killed.”

Today  they parade our enemy number one, King, on 9 -’11 on their media station that they took from us a long time ago to rub our noses in it all. I would think you would stand up, get off your flat face and fight back, America.

That’s what I’ve been heroically doing for way too long, now. It’s your turn to care, not for me, but for your own sake. I’m a hero, not a wacko. Don’t let them transpose reality.

Look at your country today, mass shooter America.

Espousing to the world that already wonders about my credibility that we are under a hostile attack from Russia and have been my entire life, is something I have shied away from all this time. I also waited years to expose what a bitch Yoko really is. On top of the ludicrous accusation that Stephen King, the man in our childrens bedrooms with his novels and his movies, actually pulled the trigger and murdered John Lennon while he only posed as Chapman, it’s all a lot to digest.

It has to be said, now, people. It is so clear that Moscow is yanking our string these days. If my charge that they are still ‘transposing the points’ to blind us then the notion that Russia tried to elect Trump is likely a lie pointing us exactly in the opposite direction from what is real..

When Putin injected e-mails tarnishing Hillary Clinton he hoped that we’d do the opposite of what he wanted us to do. That we’d ignore it as a trick and vote for Hillary all the harder, in fact.  She had already sold 25 percent of our uranium supply to Russia a year earlier, in fact. His plot BACKFIRED, and, when it did, he opened up his plan “B” can of worms; the news line that Russia got Trump elected to see if he could unseat Trump who he considers a live wire, threat to all his politics. He fears the fact that Trump can’t be bought or controlled. Rockefeller and his dynasty are temporarily out of power. That’s the real reason the whole mass media has been attacking Trump, I think. Rockefeller, admitted globalist who owns half of our media including Rockefeller Plaza that prints most of magazines and hosts NBC station, for example. Our whole fossil fuel economy has to do with this fact. He is the man behind America’s curtain. It was the earlier Rockefeller, in fact, who helped our government establish the C.I.A. A recorded fact!

Are you people paying attention?

I happen to prefer Trump 10 to 1 over Hillary who IS a bought and paid for take over America artist and I’m normally on the liberal end of political persuasion, like John Lennon. Trump, however, this time, is a savior of America in my opinion, in spite of his global warming blinders and other things I’d rather he wake up to. Fossil fuel is Rockefeller’s bag and, next to Nixon’s getting China off their bicycle and driving cars, the number one reason there IS global warming.

You may ask the question; “What about the fall of the Soviet Union in the 90’s, Steve? Are they even a threat anymore?

Certainly they’re a grave threat and as big and powerful as ever in many ways. Nixon wrote in The Real War that the Soviet Union would stage a ‘strategic’ surrender, someday, so they could hit and hide and confuse the world for a time. Only he COULD know of such a thing, if I’m right. When the wall came down in Berlin their spies stayed here in America. Everything remained in place in that respect, you’ll notice. No, they never really went away, America. They just played possum for awhile is all.

My pipsqueak voice was the last thing Leonid Breznev remembered about America. I had become known for raising a protest over Lennon’s murder and, if it WAS the Kremlin’s crime, he knew that we were a long way off from being done in, after all. An ominous portent for the future.

I take a great part of the credit for their fall, in fact. By blaming OUR government for Lennon’s murder while they watched must have torn at their conscience, if it was their crime, and shamed them into their retreat. They at least could hide and remove themselves from the stage in case my news broke and the truth pointed to the Kremlin. There would be no one to punish if they were out of business, so to speak. Reagan, the point transposer himself, took all the credit but remember, people, it happened also on MY watch. Their ‘strategic’ surrender.

So, there you have it, America. The WHOLE TRUTH, from me, Steve Lightfoot

Now, how can you tell I’M the real deal? I’m pointing fingers at others accusing them of taking over America with evil and transpositioning of the points to unplug us. My lifestyle gives you the answer; I have lived in a van for over three decades to support my expose. (Even after I inherited over $100,000.00 last year when my mother died I still live in a van. Now I have two because you NEED two if you do it long term for storage and repair episodes. I’ve already spent most of my money on my mouth which is being restored as we speak.) It’s hard to get work when your van is a political billboard, people. I have suffered and sacrificed more than almost anyone I know, for sure. I gave up fatherhood and marriage. I can’t even get too close to anyone until I am out of danger. I have turned down King’s veiled bribe of ; “…anything you want.. ,if you’d  just forget about all this” as he did in 1992. I’ve been kidnapped, handcuffed and beaten unconscious and endured multiple false arrests and national media slander and branded a stalker of King, etc. My father was killed in a plane crash on the 10nth anniversary of Nixon’s resignation just weeks after his beloved dog was found hanged in a drape chord and, just after a letter King mailed me threatened me about “Phase Three’ since you won’t cease your investigation..” I have had guns pointed in my face at least three times, the first time hours after Reagan’s re election.

No sell out / con man would ever live the life I have lived. I AM the real deal. There is no reason for anyone to doubt that. You are lucky to have a hero like me in your midst.

Similarly, when The Beatles came out in 1964, Americans were thinking to themselves; “Are The Beatles just a rock band and nothing more? They’re not the government, are they?” I certainly thought those thoughts and many others did, too. Like the others, it dawned on me that no government stooges COULD be so brilliant and wonderful and write such great songs and sing and play so perfectly as they do if they WEREN’T the real deal. That’s how John Lennon, in fact, gained our trust. We had reason to KNOW that he was too real and brilliant to be a government con.

In closing this perhaps most informational chapter I’ve ever written, let me explain why Time and Newsweek and U.S News and World Report are, not only communist owned magazines, that’s right, but that our own government must be in cahoots with their taking over our minds to allow them to still exist. They should all be shut down the way we expelled the commies in our midst in the 50’s. Our C.I.A., F.B.I. Pentagon, etc., the institutions that don’t change power every four years, those institutions, have apparently made a deal, decades ago, with Moscow to all go New World Order at America’s expense. The only thing holding up the announcement is the second amendment. We still have our guns and can resist any hostile take over. I’d be surprised if meddling on their part isn’t fomenting the mass shooter syndrome they are using as an excuse to take away our guns. They’re just too good at hiding what that exactly might be. The media violence, or something in the water, I don’t know exactly what, yet. Is it all just Stephen King?

I believe the editor in chief of Time Magazine during the McCarthy witch hunts was Whittaker Chambers. I have better things to do than fixate on history but I think that is what his name was. This man admitted under oath that he was, indeed, a communist.

Today Time Magazine is one of, if not THE biggest, magazines in America, is it not?

“Somethin happenin but you don’t know what it is, do you Mister Jones?.” to quote Bob Dylan.

Why is this so to this day? Was Eisenhower telling us that our government just made a secret deal with Moscow to go world order behind our back when he told us to ; “…beware the military / industrial complex…”?

I, frankly, think so, citizens of America. It explains a lot.

“No short haired, yellow bellied son of Tricky Dicky’s gonna Mother Hubbard soft soap me…….”

You let Moscow kill your hero and real leader, in my esteemed opinion. You need, if not John’s leadership, you need my leadership. Think you do.” Let there be Steve Lightfoot.”” Give truth a chance.”You have to make up billboards and confront your lying media outlets with my website address on signs and such, people. BEFORE your ignorance and apathy gets me killed. Come on, you flat footed fools. Coming down the stretch of breaking this whopper news story is a dangerous spot to be in, so get with it, people. Catch up to Steve Lightfoot and live better under truth. Stop killing your heroes, goddammit!


“Come together, right now, over me..”

He knew he’d be killed, then, and he still tried to save us. You all OWE JOHN JUSTICE!!!!

Otherwise you’re just unjust jackasses, aren’t you all? Hardly land of the free and home of the brave. The REAL home of the brave would have to be my two vans, I think, not America.

Prove me wrong. I wish you could.

Do something, people. Just DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!


New entry 8-27,2017; “THE HINCKLEY HOAX”

Boy, this had better be good to take up space where, just below, you can read about how Stephen King e-mailed me a confession last month, for example, and then there was the episode where I actually got my website address viewed by millions, world wide, at last summer’s U.S.Open golf event at Pebble Beach where I sign bombed the tenth green while the camera zoomed in on me and my large sign as well as the leader as he was putting. I was on the beach in the thick of things, my ‘” message as clear as could be.

This new entry was sparked by the documentary about John Hinckley on NBC last night. They went into detail how John Hinckley reached out to impress Jodie Foster and then tried to contact Ted Bundy and even Charles Manson, after, for  more icing on the cake. It, frankly, reminded me of how the media told us that Chapman, who allegedly shot John Lennon just months before Hinckley changed the subject for all of us, was doing what he did for fame.

Just so much government propaganda bullshit, people. I’ll concede that Hinckley, the son of an oilman and friend of George Herbert Walker Bush was, indeed, insane to a degree, but I won’t concede, as most of you are all too willing to, that he shot anyone that day. I think that John Hinckley shooting Reagan and Brady and a designated but hardly named Secret Service agent  was a hoax on the public to cover up John Lennon’s assassination. That’s right you brainwashed U.S. boobs. That Reagan ACTED that he was shot, the doctors, media and everyone else involved in tow. Brady? ACTING! That’s right, folks. The “Great Communicator”, right out of Hollywood, had scammed stupid America into thinking that Hinckley shot Lennon for all intents and purposes. Suddenly Hinckley stole the show from Chapman who was already months behind his scheduled indictment after his 60 day psychiatric evaluation turned into stark silence.

A year and a half too late to be true Chapman made the back page of the San Diego Tribune buried in the lower left corner where the tiny clipping read; “Chapman Pleads Guilty; Sentenced to 20 Years” What should have been six inch front page headlines, if you were a well people, turned up in a three inch by four inch tiny clipping buried in the crevices of your newspapers, people. “A Bombshell Case Goes Pfffft!” to quote one of the magazine codes back then. The  land of the free and the home of the brave, deceived, sacked and made lame. Congratulations. You’re all to blame. Each and every one of you. Your phony religions call it “original sin”.

You see, people of the world, allowing John Lennon to be murdered without putting his alleged killer on a very visible public trial was your big mistake to begin with. It was the mistake you all run from and claim you did not commit. But commit that crime of neglect you all did. It was the most cowardly moment in U.S. history in my lifetime. Admit it, you boot-licking , turncoat ( And I really do hate to have to say it ) cowards. Just admit it, now, before you fall into an even greater stupor of utter madness than you’re already in. You crippled, phony bastards have got to grow up and in my lifetime. It was your failure in this regard that got me off of my golf career ambitions and on to more important matters that concerned all of mankind at the core level. The next thing I knew I was a witness to government cryptography in the headlines of Tme and Newsweek and U.S. News magazines all about what our evil government did to John Lennon..

Now you may all say; “What about Brady being in a wheelchair?”” What about that giant hole impression in his forehead?”

Well, folks, for almost a decade there WAS no giant hole in Brady’s forehead. That showed up well after he went from wheelchair to a cane to walking again. As if he underwent plastic surgery to make it LOOK like he MUST HAVE BEEN SHOT. Now, of course, Brady is dead after a life of reclusion and can’t talk, one way or the other. Brady Bill was passed, though. Like Lennon’s murder, Reagan’s faked shooting dealt a blow to our second amendment. Deliberately.

Reagan, well versed in Hollywood trickery, probably implemented the use of dye packs that were burst in Brady’s mouth and on one secret service agent who planted a red spot on Brady’s head with his hand (Seen on camera) etc. etc. etc.. That doctors and media people will deliberately deceive you if they are well paid should not surprise anyone.

One thing you won’t find in the NBC documentary: When Hinckley was arrested he made headlines blaming Reagan for John Lennon’s murder. Oh, yeah, people. Big headlines that very week as I recall. Chapman was overdue for indictment after his 60 day evaluation period expired and America was getting antsy about the situation. Suddenly Hinckley is avenging John’s death by shooting Reagan for having him assassinated. The actual quotes were; ” America is the land where heroes are shot in the back…When John Lennon died I died, you died, America died, the world died, everybody died!…”

Well, folks, now those words are too intelligent for one as diminished as a John Hinckley to ever utter let alone think up without coaching.. I think they were carefully scripted words crafted by an expert in mass psychology to make all of YOU think that anyone who thinks Reagan killed John Lennon must be insane in the first place. That was the end result, wasn’t it? He was found to be insane and everything he ever said was made to also sound insane by inference, after. WASN’T IT??

This all goes to show all of you what pygmies you all are compared to the mastery of the mass media machine that owns most of what you think is YOUR brain. Let’s look at the big picture and study just how evil this media complex machine is.

To kill John Lennon they first wore you out with “Who Shot J.R.?” the “Dallas” t.v drama, for over a YEAR. They solved J.R. on Thanksgiving and shot J.L. two weeks later. When J.L. was shot you all wanted to run away and rest. You see, people, how evil they are, already?  Then they told you that Chapman was a fan of John Lennon to make all of you ashamed to call yourself a fan of John. Then they told you he did it to achieve fame right before they used that remark as an excuse to wipe him from the headlines completely for a year and a half. During this time where John Lennon’s killer was skipping a public trial and justice in the normal fashion Hinckley was beating us over the heads like the media did with “Who Shot J.R.?” Hinckley in the news every week for a year before he was ruled insane. Nobody was talking about John Lennon’s alleged killer; Mark Chapman. Instead you were feeling sorry for Reagan or, more accurately perhaps, thinking that his getting shot was punishment enough for killing John Lennon. Maybe that was a big part of this government mind game on the public; to admit that Reagan killed Lennon but his getting shot should appease all of you morons. A reason for you to all “Let it go.”

In the weeks that lead up to Lennon’s murder Stephen King’s movie “the Shining” was being advertised heavily in the media using Jack Nicholson’s famous line; “Heeeeere’s JOHNNY!!!” A little like Stephen King standing over John Lennon’s bleeding body, riddled with holes from his gun, as he mocks all of YOU pointing to his mischief. “Heeeeere’s JOHNNY!!!!”Laughing at all of you dupes in advance. Or as he calls you a dozen or so times in “Firestarter” six months earlier; “You blind, obsessive fools!”

Jodie Foster was targeted by our government because she was a rebel who Hollywood could not control. She gave up acting to go to Yale. A female John Lennon to be someday they may have feared. Maybe she would be a politician or something, someday.They dragged her into Hinckley’s nightmare to shoot her off the stage in a sense. To cripple her career by inference.

Are you people getting a little creeped out by all this glaring insight you were all blind to before this? I hope so, you made sick bastards. Imagine how creeped out all of you make me feel when I am forced to stand witness to your monstrous act of denial, betrayal. and apathy in the face of my hard evidence all these decades.

It was actually John Belushi’s death that got me off of my apathetic ass in mid 1982 to investigate Lennon’s murder. John Belushi died a year after Lennon was killed and I remembered how he trashed the establishment in Animal House and the police in the Blues Brothers movies and he really was a threat to our shadow government. Maybe he would actually BECOME a Senator, someday like he became, after, in Animal House.

I would learn, years later, that the woman who admitted killing him, Cathlyn Evelyn Smith from Canada, happened to be watching John Lennon record his last album the night before he was murdered. As is she was part of this international hit squad of our cultural heroes and knew to be in that recording room watching Lennon because she must have known, in advance, that he would be murdered the next day. She would be killing Balushi a year later and wanted to see John while she could. I also remember Jane Fonda’s mild heart attack in the mid 1980’s.

If you people doubt that our government kills our heroes or was interested in hurting Jodie Foster’s trajectory, you are quite naive. Anyone with millions of fans is a threat to the mind control we’re all under already.  Why do you think the government media told us Lennon was killed by a fan? Because his fan BASE is why they had to kill him. Case in point, John Lennon was killed on Jim Morrison’s birthday as if the government must have killed him, too. He was telling us that he would be a liar if he were to tell us that we couldn’t get much higher than the status quo we’re all in. He was a “Wild Child” monster threat to the status quo. Unbridled, wild and free. Revolutionary. Our government has probably killed dozens of our heroes.

When Reagan was in the midst of the Iran Contra scandal years later he quipped; “I know what I can do to get out of this mess, get shot again!” He wasn’t kidding, folks.

I will go into more detail of how they pulled off killing John Lennon and making you go along with it, after, later. Right now your brains have enough to digest in just what I have already informed you of.

Meanwhile, I am proud of the provable fact that I did everything NOT for fame or money but for the dignity of human life on earth and that, alone. If YOUR values ruled my world I could easily have become a billionaire with this story decades ago. That did not motivate me. I saw how that value system crippled all of you from seeing what is really important. I have risked my life with the utmost of all dangers; busting an entire government, big time. Anyone who thinks your mass values motivated me is so wrong.

Allow me to remind all of you that I am a folk hero. The media has you convinced I must be a whacko or conspiracy theorist. No, I am the real deal. More powerful that any religion or belief in a God you may have. Make me famous and you have a voice again. Until I am made famous by all of you you have no voice. You’re just dog meat to the powers that be.They all hope you coddle up to religion and God because they know how that behavior cripples you into inaction and your own doom.

Hoist me on your shoulders and bring my findings to the light of day or you’re all crippled cowards whose apathy, ultimately, killed John Lennon in the first place.

Admit it, people. you brainwashed boobs. Admit your shit or remain F.O.S..

P.S. For those of you who need to have your hand held to understand things, allow me to also remind you that look-alike Chapman was waiting in a police station blocks away when King was murdering Lennon. Sergeant Sullivan put a coat over King’s head as he was lead to the station so no one could photograph him. He knew it was King under that coat. The two were switched, inside. Chapman gave a rehearsed confession while King was jetted back to Bangor, Maine where he wrote an article about the murder the next day titled;” I read The News Today, Oh Boy!” Yoko was an agent sent by the Nixon administration to sideline Lennon after breaking up The Beatles and then setting him up for murder and the following cover-up. Yoko is the government’s ace in the hole. Chapman’s time in jail can be measured in terms of days, not years. Just photo ops and occasional showings to convince the other inmates he exists but mostly probable hanging out at home with his parents under a witness protection system. My conversations with inmates from his former prison indicate no one has seen him, ever. Dirty warden is all that scenario requires. Par for the course in New York, I think.

The media is the C.I.A. and the military and nothing else. Enough said?

The ugliest part of the whole ugly truth is that Paul McCartney has turned out to be a sellout, turncoat who has turned his back on his duty to all of you to inform you. The best he could do was yell out my name one day in 1990 at a Berkeley concert but nobody knew what he was trying to say.(I have it on tape.) A weakling. I promise you I will do my duty if you make me a celebrity. I will not shrink from what should be the normal order of things. This is the order where celebrities put a check on the politics for the people to give them a direct voice. Since Lennon was killed I am the only one saving anybody, lately. Religion and God are crippling all of you.

Once upon a time the biggest celebrity on earth sang out, proudly; “but if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao (As Nixon was doing) You ain’t going to make it with anyone, anyhow…””No short haired, yellow bellied son of Tricky Dicky’s gonna mother hubbard, soft soap me…”

August 28, 2019;

O.K. it’s been a day and now you may ask me the question; “So, you’re saying that the Hinckley shooting story was a hoax concocted at least a year before killing John Lennon to ensure a getaway on that and that dye packs and stage props and actors, including Brady and one secret service agent, were deceiving us all. That hospital doctors lied to us all and the media went along with the charade. You’re suggesting that they also folded crushing Jodie Foster’s career into the plot short of killing her as well?”

Bethesda Naval Hospital is who was involved, as I recall. The military, people.

That’s right, folks. I’m also telling you that confiscating America’s guns was also an intended part of what they did. That Nixon and Reagan and Stephen King and Chapman and Yoko Ono are part of a hostile takeover of America via poisoning it’s soul via killing it’s brightest star and voice of the people; John Lennon and letting his real killer, a horror writer, replace him where our American culture is concerned. A triumph of evil over good. Our enemy’s evil crime.

I’m further saying that Chapman and Hinckley, both being in their late 20’s and pudgy, was also intended. That they both allegedly shot world figures at the same time in history was also a part of the plot. That the killing of John Lennon would not have gone forward without this diversion plot to follow already being a part of the cover-up. In fact, both Chapman and Stephen King fattened themselves up by 20 pounds before the plot unfolded to further disguise their faces.

If I was full of beans my further examples would peter out and fall off compared to what is above, but, no, it just get’s juicier and sicker the more I unwrap our government’s evil crime. Our government may be in bed with our enemy and all behind our backs, for all you know. One great big, evil world order.

After killing John Lennon and flying back to Maine to write about it in the local paper the next day he grew a full beard for over a year. Why? He didn’t want to have to explain to others when they would inevitably ask him; “You know you look exactly like Mark Chapman who shot John Lennon. Has anyone ever told you that?!” That’s why he grew a beard then, people. To hide.

When Lennon was shot, and before Reagan faked getting shot as he made that phony looking photo op wave, Lennon, Anwar Sadat and the Pope were all assassinated. All right after Reagan’s election except John who was killed before Reagan was sworn in. Only Reagan was not a peace activist. Russia admitted it’s role in shooting the Pope, in fact. Reagan and Nixon probably were responsible for ALL of these murders, all at the same time and concocted the Reagan shooting to deflect any pointing fingers at themselves for the other shootings. Only a Soviet style master coup conspiracy could be at work, in my opinion, here. It’s just their cup of tea to thumb their nose at God and all that is sacred and good about America. In our naive faces. Using the power of evil, itself, to destroy a culture.

I told you that the senior Hinckley and Bush were friends and both in the oil business. I learned that the two of them shared houses on the same block in Colorado.

I learned, while traveling through Decatur, Georgia from one of Chapman’s next door neighbors, that his father was a big executive for Amoco Oil, not the humble bank teller the media said he was. This reveals two oil man’s son’s, both mentally unstable and in need of medical help, anyway, involved in the killing of John Lennon, in my opinion.

Things just keep adding up, people.

When Barbara Walters brainwashed the world with her Chapman interview a few months after I spent a summer and fall in Bangor, Maine exposing the truth of the matter, it was an interview conducted in the shadows with obscured faces of guards and personnel as if the actors wanted out of the production, and not just the prison scenes, either. Barbara Walters had received my evidence magazine, hand delivered by me, weeks before this interview and she knew she was betraying all of you in advance. (I have since shamed her into reclusion with my talk radio spots a few years ago about her role.)  She and I are exact opposites. I risked my life to save you, she sold you down the river with an evil cover-up. Was it really a Jewish thing? The cover-up? Or was it just that everyone speaking the name Chapman, from Howard Cosell to Walters to Larry King to Robert Goldman and his slander book about John happened to be Jewish? They do man most of the media and that IS a fact. Maybe that’s the explanation. If the Jews had anything to do with it then they must have feared that John Lennon was the second coming of Jesus Christ is what I think may be possible. Pretty scary, religion, isn’t it? Pretty sick.

Controversy? Absolutely. I’ve learned that all religions are a waste of human energy, lately, and I pity all religious piety and from all groups, whomever. John was right when he sang;

“And no religion, too…”

Inferior, dogmatic, sinful philosophies, all. Deception even rhymes with the word, religion. And I was once a Catholic alter boy raised by nuns. I have really opened my eyes, since. If God is a fraud then your incumbent apathy is proof of that. He’d not allow you to suffer like you have for so long under King’s evil if he could save you fools. I found that fact out all by myself. If you resent me for feeling this way after 63 tears of believing in God blame your lame selves for convincing me that God is not there to save you. 37 years of staying as stupid as you have all been finally made life clear for what is is. Your lameness taught me what fools you all are for thinking God will do any of the hard work freedom requires.  He won’t lift a finger to save you. You all have to get off your asses and save your lame selves.

If God were in charge of our lives why was Jesus necessary to do his work? He can’t operate without a flesh and blood hero? That’s what I’m saying, folks. A hero is a necessary part of human society. Your government knows this and kills them, accordingly. Historically. They can always count on all of you to duck your heads and look the other way. CAN’T THEY!!!???

John sang;

“Keep you doped with religion, your sex and t.v.

And you think you’re so clever and classless and free

But you’re still fucking peasants ans far as I can see..”

As hard evidence, in fact, proves, you’re all peasant’s sucking Stephen King’s dick, lately, these past almost four decades. It’s true and it can be proved after you get brave enough to admit it.

It could be said of all of you that your silence fuels your gun violence, lately. Is that why your children are shooting each other? Is their violence linked to their parent’s silence?

I think so, people. Jail King and I promise you things will reverse back to wellness, again. There may be those who kill themselves with the news, maybe thousands, but I know that millions more suicides will be prevented in the exchange..

I’ll add more facts, later, after I calm down and can tell you more about your sick politics.

August 30. 2019;

In 1996 I got on WABC talk radio in New York City and warned Bruce Springsteens fans to let him know to get away from Stephen King who was busy back stage with Bruce and even rehearsing on stage with him and palling around with him then. After that call saved Bruce Springsteen from being killed by King busting up that unholy mix King moved on to stalking John Cougar Mellencamp in the early 2000’s before my newer talk radio spots warned him about King, too.

The truth never stops providing linking facts. It was while reading the Playboy magazine that had John Lennon’s last interview that I noticed (decades after the murder) that Stephen King shared space in that magazine with John in his piece “Why We Love Horror” where he closes by quoting the Beatles just weeks before John is killed.

“As Lennon and McCartney said; “All you need is love”….. Just so long as there is room for the alligators in the moat like me to commit their evil deeds…’ or words to that effect.”

On the cover page of this entry in Playboy King features the same kind of flurry of headlines that I cracked in Time and Newsweek knowing that they lurked there for anyone to see. He was taunting us weeks before the crime with his hinting that the headlines tell all.

This news story has no end to evidence that tells us all what happened.




And he e-mailed me on the 37th anniversary of my evidence find, July 26, not just any random day. One that mostly only he would pay attention to. Actually he typed it up a few days earlier, July 22, which, if I’m not mistaken, is the anniversary of the day I was almost killed in a traffic light accident when another vehicle ran a red light at almost 60 mph hitting me and my delivery truck (Conveniently NOT when I was driving my website van) This was in Concord, California in 2010, I believe, (See details below in “Police Abuses Against Me” chapter.)

I also think it was THE Stephen King because he suggested we had ever exchanged letters before. Actually he has e-mailed me a few times and I may have responded, briefly, to one or two, before. The point being, only he would know that. His syntax and punctuation, etc. spot on perfect, like an author’s would be. Mostly I think it is the real Stephen King because he has a tendency to go for the gross out. In this case it was the line; “..I shot the fucker until I was satisfied..” Without further adieu, the e-mail titled; ” My Confession:”


My Confession

Monday, July 22, 2019, 7:21 PM PDT


Hello Mr. Lightfoot

As you may have already gleaned from my email username, I am the author Stephen King. We’ve talked briefly before, as in our letters, but this game of yours has gone on too long. Your incessant persistence was annoying at first, but now it is threatening my livelihood. People are beginning to ask questions, questions for which I have no credible answer.

I suppose that means you win this battle, though not the war.

I confess, I killed John Lennon. Shot the fucker until I was satisfied. My only regret is that I couldn’t watch him bleed out as his soul went to Hell. I know he’s in Hell because he speaks to me. Every day he speaks to me. I know I’ll meet his there one day.

If you publicize the email, Lightfoot, terrible things await you; things that would make you beg for an eternity in Hell instead. I’ve got connections. You really think you’ve beaten me? Nice try. Even if you had real proof, and not the ramblings of a madman, nothing bad would happen to me.

Besides, no one will ever believe you.


Stephen King


So, there you have it, folks, King is starting to admit to me that he is feeling the heat, apparently. Of course it could be anybody but I think not in this instance.

I don’t want King to ever think that we are pen pals, far from it. I will write to you, the public, instead, and offer my observations about his letter.

To begin with, he may be contemplating suicide and possibly taking me out at the same time. He was jealous of John Lennon’s goodness and power and he’s, no doubt, out to stop me from taking over where John left off. He doesn’t want me to reign after he is jailed. He is insanely jealous of anyone such as I who would wield immense power as a celebrity, after. Especially one such as I bent on undoing all the evil King has caused these past three decades, school shootings being the most obvious. When he killed John Lennon he knew he would do his best to rub out Lennon’s good influence on us and replace it with our destruction. Now it’s my turn to rub out his evil influence and he dreads this most of all. This is the part where he threatens terrible things will happen to me, very terrible things, if I publicize this letter. As if he needs a specific reason other than my busting him for killing John Lennon and sending him to either prison for life or a firing squad as a traitor. Maybe he wants to see if I respect his orders or not. Certainly he must know that this letter, especially, would be publicized by me. Maybe he thinks I think his wishes matter to me one way or another. That he was so nondescript suggests he has given the matter lots of fantasizing. He would only do anything to me if he was prepared to die, after. If I die my story will break in one week or less. He knows that and so do I. And, so, he may have some contingency plan to kill me at the same time he kills himself. A coward who would shoot someone in the back is the kind of coward who would not choose to face the music if he could avoid it.

If so, his plot is busted and now all law enforcement will make sure his “Connections” don’t get to me. Thanks for the tip off. The whole world reads my website.

He also talks about his preoccupation with spending an eternity in Hell and that he hopes to meet John Lennon there someday.

So, maybe he is thinking about taking the cowards way out offing himself and maybe see if he can stop my reign of celebrity hood, after, and kill me, too via his “connections” I think his real connections include the Kremlin, frankly, people of America..

He states that I have the; ” ramblings off a madman..” presumably about my website and this very opinionated section. I admit, the majority of what I read after I’ve written it DOES sound like the ramblings of a madman. So chalk one up for yourselves, people; your insanity and apathy regarding the matter has driven me a little mad. I am one of the few who would still be sane after what I’ve seen and I am sane, after all. Just being as sane as I still am is heroic, in my opinion. Saving this stupid thing called the “Masses” is an unfair proposition, period. Now I know, all too well. How does one save a  nation of devoted, media mind controlled masochists, anyway?

So, he may be right about that. I’m not ashamed of my rantings. They are my legacy. They will stand after I jail King and spank guilty society for that is what society needs to hear. I am determined to change the behavior of the public for you are the problem, after all. That you would all allow a no trial necessary scenario for Lennon’s murder is just atrocious. After all the trouble Nixon put him through when he was under deportation orders. Shame on all of you, not me for complaining about your bad behavior..

I do, however find it amusing that he suggests I am mad right after he gushes about how much he wants to meet John Lennon in Hell and that Lennon speaks to him every day and how much he enjoyed himself, with no regard for anyone but Stephen King and only narcissist Stephen King, when he; “… shot the fucker until (he) was satisfied…” As if it were an orgasm for him. As if hurting the people of the world is what really turns him on.

He also suggest no one will ever believe me in almost the same breath he admits his answers about my claims come across as not credible to others.

When he says that; “…nothing bad will happen to (Him)..” he must mean after he kills himself, first. The man who killed John Lennon for Nixon and Reagan to cripple America with pure evil is guilty of nothing less than a treasonous crime and punishable by death from a firing squad, if I’m not mistaken, and he knows this. federal jurisdiction over rules state law, I believe.

His buddy in Bangor, Maine that sold his books at a bookstore, Mitchell, if I’m not mistaken, admitted to me once; “He’s afraid he’s gonna FRY!!!!!”

So, people, this letter is to you. I really don’t care what Stephen wants. If only I could say that about all of you, his frightened prisoners.

Try demonstrating in the streets with my website address on your signs and watch the world change. Can you ignorant infidels do that for me, please? For your sake, for once? Or are you all ghouls standing like spectators on the sidelines waiting for whatever may happen next?

(By the way, as I write these words, King’s evil influence on America just visited my home town area yesterday when an angry young man shot up a crowd at the Gilroy Garlic festival nearby. It might even be the same person who has been throwing rocks and shooting motorists for two months near that part of the 101 freeway. Stephen King wrote about a student shooting up his classmates in the mid 70’s people. A book titled “RAGE”. As my life is being threatened by a sick horror writer are you people willing to even save your own asses, this time?)

King’s evil fart has just tainted your home area, here. Hasn’t it?

Jail King or remain his prisoner.

Sincerely, Steve Lightfoot




I managed to get myself on worldwide t.v. with my website address in red letters on a large, 3 by 5 foot black sign for several seconds! (Maybe a $70,000.00 value, ad wise,) Perhaps a billion viewers saw me (my sign) Half of them actually read it and five percent of them probably looked at my website after. So, now, everybody knows that America’s people are informed about who really killed John Lennon. Now that the royal family, probably, ten percent of all celebrities, and ten percent of all serious golfers KNOW that Stephen King may have murdered John Lennon and that America is lying about it with a Mark Chapman lie, what will you people do? I’m sure that half of all PGA players already have been discussing the controversy as it was anything but a comedic attempt at publicity. Indeed, the message was the only thing more deathly serious than the final round of the U.S.Open.

Go ahead. See for yourselves. Google; Televised final round 2019 U.S.Open Gary Woodland

First of all, let me apologize to Gary Woodland who was putting at the time when I knew I was on t.v. and began swinging my sign to be noticed. It was then or never. I actually felt that he was thinking at the time; “You go ahead, big guy. I don’t mind sharing the stage with you. Hell, I’m honored. I’ve already heard about you.” Woodland, an Englishman like me, Lightfoot, has my father’s eyes, in fact, and I wasn’t worried about him making a three foot putt. My dad was a surgeon. Had Woodland missed I’d have gotten more attention but I’m glad he made his put. I only hope my heroism helped inspire his epic second shot on 14. None of those thoughts were on my mind then, just to make sure I was in frame with this opportunity.

Both he and Justin Rose gave me a three second look each, one after the other, before they reached the green and saw what my message was. Not just any silly message but real C-O-N-T-R-O-V-E-R-S-Y!!!!!!!!!!!

In fact, my only regret was that I hadn’t planned on this and that the idea occurred to me while watching the final round from my van a few miles away. Otherwise I’d have made the flip side read; “U.S., OPEN YOUR EYES!” and flashed both messages then.

I was watching t.v. in my van in Monterey and I noticed beach goers making it into frame and thought;  “Gee, I could be out there, too, with my billboard and website.” I almost didn’t because it was too fun just watching the tournament. I had a cheapo depot bullhorn in my van. I figured I had a few more holes to watch before heading out. Just to make sure I had my bullhorn in my van I began looking for it. It wasn’t there. I quickly sprung into action while the leaders were on number three hole. I had 45 minutes to get there in time. I went to my storage locker and got my bullhorn (One half hour). I drove to Dollar Tree and bought some razor blades and batteries and shaved at the Denny’s restroom. I was in such a hurry I cut my chin all over the place. I made it to within blocks of the beach ten minutes later and walked, dodging a police vehicle at the beach entrance by going up one block. Then I dodged a woman checking credentials near the stairs down to the beach and almost got stuck in the bushes only to finally burst through just yards away from the tenth green.

I noticed the last  group was on the tenth tee. Five minutes later and I’d have missed it. I put my sign on the beach hidden inside a black garbage bag, found out where the camera and green were to get in frame and waited until they reached the green before displaying my sign. There were dune buggy police nearby and I didn’t want to tip them off. I tried to test my bullhorn and it didn’t work. The people behind me said; “I’m glad THAT’S not working.” I tapped it and it began to work. I shouted out; “LENNON MURDER TRUTH .COM” twice, only, before anyone was putting. I then shut up making sure I didn’t get booted. The same people were now yelling “Stop that!” Seconds later, when Gary Woodland was lining up his putt (Coincidentally in the perfect spot for me to be seen.), I made my move and began animating my sign when I figured I had to be on t.v., now. Gary made his putt and I put my sign into the garbage bag, jogged up near the 11th tee and, again, yelled out; “LENNON MURDER TRUTH .COM”, twice, hoping I would be heard by the microphones.

That was it. I drove back and parked and watched the rest of the tournament in my van.

Immediately I got feedback the next day on my e-mails with two new magazine orders and an offer to be interviewed by some radio station back east. I knew I had made it, then. The next day I Googled it all and was amazed at what a great job I did. I also noticed what good club shaft control and path Gary Woodland actually has in his golf swing.

So, people. The onus is now on all of you to care about what is on my website. If you DON’T make a stink the world will know what I’ve known for decades; what turncoat, media controlled cowards Americans really are. (Sorry, folks, but it’s the truth.)The PGA Tour will all know I’m correct within a few weeks after the rumor mill spreads this fact. Two of the biggest names in golf, no, THE two biggest names in golf, have had my evidence magazine since the late 90’s and already know of me. Pretty hard not to notice a sign like that, especially when the evidence backs it up, horrifically.

I wonder why it has taken me 35, plus, years to get smart enough to pull this kind of a feat off. Well, I am under assault with the CHP, lately, who are trying to take away my driver’s licence for having to rescue my rolling van one day while getting ready for oral surgery. (See chapters below.) The local KGO Radio host, Pat Thurston, is brainwashing America telling lies that I am crazy.  My life is in danger and I’m sure those factors pushed me to try harder, for a change. I did. Now I see a myriad of other options open to me I never saw before.

Immense good has taken place in that it HAS has taken me decades as I am better educated now that I KNOW that the concept of God and all religion are but crutches for weak mankind to cling to amid the strife and calamity that is life. Had I been the old Steve Lightfoot, raised a Catholic, even an alter boy for a few years, I’d have given God the credit for making Woodland hit his second shot and third shot in the perfect spots for me. Nope, just mathematical probability is all, people. You all notice how little God has helped you avoid the evil of the media cover-up all these years. Your religion can’t even address the issue it’s so phony. Now when I am a huge celebrity able to say something I will be better able to warn the masses how weak belief in God and religion CAN  MAKE YOU. That only YOU PEOPLE can save you. Man created God, not vice versa. It’s time you all stopped all that superstitious foolishness that has only caused more wars than peace. It’s time you all became responsible for Lennon’s death because you all are. Religion is a cop out you always reach for when the kitchen gets too hot. While you’re all trying to figure it all out I already have figured it all out; your house is burning, get REAL! Beyond that, in spite of America’s founding principle of freedom of religion as being better than other systems, it’s still a crutch and a prop and not really meaningful in our rigorous world that needs YOUR hands on involvement. God cannot save you. That notion is just that, a notion. If there is a God that force is only capable of the creation we all live in. So long as Stephen King remains a free and all of you phonies sit on your hands and pretend everything is hunky, dory  religion is being proved a fraud. Impotent.

Like John Lennon said; “…And no religion, too….” Imagine.

He was right. The religious community is wrong. I am one of the few people on earth who REALLY know this fact. If God was saving you people he wouldn’t let you suffer under a Chapman lie while your children are shooting each other at school on a weekly basis all these decades. Jim Morrison of The Doors said; “You CANNOT petition the Lord with prayer…” Prayer works but only because it gives one hope. One acts differently, accordingly, and good things happen. But that is all it is. !00 different religions can’t all be right, either, people. Religion is little more than a pressure release valve for those who don’t want to earn a good life with their actions. Their holy books say; “Hands off. God will fix everything.” They are content to kick the can down the religion road and avoid the very hard work. Brainwashed weaklings. I’m sorry if this opinion offends you.

Adherence to “prophesy” is dangerous, I think, because others can rig the machine and just make stuff up to suit their purposes. Why should the world be kidnapped by such questionable nonsense?

You can retch at these words from one soon to be important but prove me wrong, people; Let God break this story all by himself and it will never break. Once YOU take responsibility for life’s injustices you may break this story. Now, until you do, the watching world is wondering if you proven cowards and phonies for three decades of disgrace can respond to hard evidence in the matter of John Lennon’s murder now that the cat is definitely out of the bag, WORLDWIDE!

I only add this side note to get you in the best frame of mind to break this news all by yourselves because God can’t do anything except create the world we live in. The rest is up to all of us. Come on, all you religious phonies. Admit that God has nothing to do with the fact that Stephen King has been crippling you all for decades. That’s only all of your fault. You WERE all cowards who wanted a lie to hide behind with all along and you did. When Mark Decoy Chapman skipped a public trial none of YOU complained or brought the subject up. YOU wrote it off in your weak mind as; “Government knows best, I guess.” and left it at that. You turned coat on everything you once worshiped and the man you all loved as much as any other one man on earth (ADMIT IT!), then you got down on your knees and licked the government’s boots forever after. You and your parents before you all looked the other way when the Martin Luther King’s and Gandhi’s of the world were killed. Your cowardliness and silence then set John Lennon up to be next.

It was precisely your collective BEHAVIOR, as a species, your inherent PHONINESS, your proven, predictable, almost even reliable behavior that caused John Lennon’s murder. Until YOU all change nothing else will, either.

Face facts.Only your actions to expose this news can ever solve your sick dilemma. You all have to start caring, to begin with. Your precious mass media that you are transfixed with is not worthy of your trust and you must face up to their cover-up and how they poisoned you, knowingly. They perverted you all.

You’re “IT”, now, people. Everybody knows Stephen King shot John Lennon. Well, at least 100 million more people than last week.

P.S. I forgive Paul Azinger for commenting; “Even a clown can’t distract Gary Woodland, today…. There’s someone down there with a sign. I don’t know what that is all about.”

I actually met Paul years ago while photographing pros at the regular Pebble Beach annual event. He insisted on me taking a few pictures of his swing, too. He loves the camera and I was hogging it with a big message and doing something super important. It’s just the way this phony world automatically reacts to a force more powerful than its’s used too. Didn’t Jesus ride in on, of all things, a donkey? That’s just the irony of everything. “He must be a nut to think that!” Nope. Just the only one not turned INTO a nut who stupidly thinks that Chapman did it in spite of no trial, after, to back it up for us to make sure it wasn’t a lie. Paul was right about not knowing “what that is all about…” or he’d have said something like; ‘Just when I thought the seriousness of a U.S. Open couldn’t be upstaged this guy brings John Lennon’s murder into the picture. That is if there’s anything TO that website.”

Well, people, there is.

July 26, 2019 insert;

How exposed the public finds itself in this news story. The biggest news story in modern history, this news story, is met with a public so flat footed it’s enough to make you wonder how a somebody with the last name of Lightfoot is leading the awareness to compensate for society’s weakness.”LAME PUBLIC TO BLAME” would BE an appropriate billboard.

“Well, you see, kids, Mommy and Daddy fear our government more than they love you. And, so, Stephen King gets the get out of jail, free, card because we’re such trembling, scared phonies.The government could blow us all up with nuclear weapons if we stand up to them. You’ll just have to look the other way, with us, while Stephen King continues to rape you, over and over until you die. Besides, the media made us do it.”

That’s about the typical testimony most of you might come up with were you honest to begin with. Sell out zombies everywhere. Haven’t you noticed all the socialist / communist candidates in the political wings waiting like vultures to feast on your fall?  It’s as if Nixon was a Soviet to orchestrate King killing Lennon in the first place. Look at you all, now, staring into and fumbling with your cell phones while Rome burns.

I have a dream where the world’s biggest celebrities would stand up for the rest of us and be able to count on us having their back for doing so. I have a dream where the public can show enough spine to the government to keep their heroes alive.

That dream comes to a screeching, humiliating, horrific halt when we appraise the cowardly silence of Paul McCartney and Richard Starkey these three decades of disgrace. Nope. Just two big, fat washouts is all.

Now, YOU get off of your phony asses and find enough spine to do your duty and jail Stephen King. Paul McCowardly and company won’y save you. You’re on your own. Your venal, cowardly, lying media won’t save you. They would all be fired if they tried. The media is your enemy. Face up to your role in the whole ugly pot. Wipe your asses, masses. You DO stink.

July 15, 2019 insert;

Boy, is the U.S. public one sacked Soviet slob, lately.”Hey, everybody, hard evidence in John Lennon’s murder. Look!!!” No one looks or cares. Sacked Soviets, all. As stupid as cows.

As the “messenger” of this news story I sincerely regret that the human race has already proven to be an ungrateful, unthinking slob when it comes to deserving the truth, in the first place.

Only an asteroid from outer space can ever save you dolts from your own stupidity. NOW I find this fact out about all of you. Jesus Christ, you ignorant infidels. Still killing Christ, like fools. Nothing can seem to wrest you away from your need to do nothing about this huge issue. If you are made in the image of God, as many of you are convinced, then God should be humiliated as hell.,

July 03, 2019 insert;

There’s a lot to read below this insert, especially showcasing police abuses against me all these dangerous decades, but I found myself deleting what I now know to be repetitious moaning and groaning from me about what boot-licking phonies all of you naturally are. I said naturally. You all probably can’t help yourselves is what I mean. You think you all “Mean so well.” and I’m sure 99 percent of you all really do mean well in everything you do. The problem is that when your evil government kills your best hope and favorite hero before their message CAN change the world, you buckle and crumble like a cheap suit, EVERY TIME! You turn coat, lick boot, lick your wounds and go on. You go on, working almost half of your waking lives, often into your 70’s. You go on as your sperm count is suddenly half of what is was in the 1950’s. You go on as your once wonderful America finds itself and it’s children shooting each other up in school. You all just go on in the face of farce all too often. It took the assassination of J.F.K. to activate students in the 60’s and they did change things. Now, not so much. Society has become timid and ready to go Socialist, lately, things have gotten so bad in America. The system that J.F.K. publicly described as “repugnant” (Communism) has now become not so smelly to you all. If you don’t already know that your mass media is a military controlled mind controlling empire, not unlike the former U.S.S.R’s was, then you are too simple minded to save yourselves without the help of a, I’ll say it out loud, a hero.

Did the fact that Stephen King, a horror novelist, killing John Lennon behind a ruse about a lone assassin named Chapman have anything to do with all this malaise? Did Nixon and Reagan’s monstrous crime against all decency cheapen all of you? Did it even make you all insane? Was their crime designed to do just that?

It definitely did and was all of that, people. I have conquered heroic plateaus just to see this fact and I won’t blame you if you, at first, proclaim me a lunatic. After all, I proclaim all of you as cowardly, classless, brainwashed dupes all the time just to stomach the outrage that is our reality in my own head. It will take a little time for all of you to see the truth. It IS very frustrating to be, so far, 37 years ahead of my peers in this regard.

Please catch up, so called human race. You’re flat on your face and you all have to face up to that provable fact. For your sake, not just mine.

I’m bound to sign bomb you all again, someday soon, and confront your phoniness with the truth. Please don’t make me make more of a fool of myself than I already have all these decades. On the one hand you all want a truck to kill me before you have to deal with John Lennon’s ugly assassination. On the other hand you know that you will live better under truth once you lift this weight off of my shoulders, put it onto YOUR shoulders and jail Stephen King, once and for all.

Until that day you can pray for salvation and die waiting, suffering needlessly all the while, or you can take your future in your own hands and use this goldmine find of evidence I have brought you and actually CHANGE YOUR WORLD!

Why do YOU clowns think John Lennon wrote a song titled “Come Together” all those years ago when he must have known that he was too big not to get killed?

“Come together over me.” Well, why don’t you all? There is hard evidence at your disposal only a foolish species would not use.



Now, 50 years later, I have an opinion on our 1969 moon landing. Normally I would shy away from making such an unprovable and controversial remark. It could cause me to lose credibility in some eyes. On the other hand, I know what a farce our media can perpetrate on you all, already, that it just might wake you up to hear what I think.

I first had my doubts a long time ago. The number one reason I doubted the veracity of the man landing on the moon script was the fact that Richard Nixon was president at the time and both R.F.K. and Martin Luther King had both just been assassinated. I think Nixon had long planned for this exact diversion to keep the public confused about those murders that he was busy covering up. (I can prove that Nixon was behind J.F.K.’s murder via the same Time and Newsweek codes they left behind then. No doubt he also killed R.F.K. to lock up the 1968 election as well as Martin Luther King, another social activist.)

I recently learned that the daytime temperature on the lunar surface is over 250 degrees hot. Strange how only now have I ever heard of that fact.

If these famous astronauts DID land on the moon and walk around they would be the biggest heroes of the twentieth century, practically, and would have capitalized on this feat more than they did. In fact, they ALL shunned the media light of day ever after. The exact opposite behavior one would have expected.

Fifty years later no nation has landed a man on the moon, since. You’d think that Russia would at least go for the silver medal on this one and duplicate our supposed feat.

As I recall, the divot Neil Armstrong made with his golf shot on the moon flew much like a divot (sand) would fly if it was made on earth. It didn’t float off endlessly outwards from it’s impact like you’d expect it to.

Watching a KQED documentary last night (7-2-’19) about that landing I spotted three new clues; One was a photo of a laughing out loud hysterically Richard Nixon in the same shot with those astronauts smiling phony smiles behind a window of a mock up capsule they were in, supposedly after the mission. I interpreted this bug eyed hysterical smile / laugh by Nixon to mean he was privately thinking; “God, this is SO MUCH FUN!!!! The stupid public is BUYING all this bullshit!!!! So long as I got elected and not R.F.K..”

The other clue was the photography of the machine’s camera that did, indeed, land on the moon’s surface and the next shot of the emerging astronaut walking on the surface. Suddenly the lighting was MUCH dimmer and more shadowy, as if it were not in the same place or time as the shot seconds before from the spacecraft. As if THAT portion of the footage was filmed on earth, perhaps in Idaho, golf shot included. Suddenly there WAS no brilliant lighting that you can only get from the stark lunar surface. If these three astronauts were in on a secret, and about a hundred other NASA / media mucky mucks, there would be no way for anyone on earth to know for sure if all that footage we were watching was all live or edited. Spliced together or not.

Then there was the fact that the entire Cape Canaveral complex and the space program was all but shut down immediately after this supposed landing of a man on the moon. All personnel who might have ever learned through any grapevine of any stories were scattered like the wind to find jobs elsewhere, first.

That’s my take on the moon landing, people. That you were all taken.

Happy Fourth of July, Happy Independence Day, anyway, people. We’re still better than the rest, I suppose.

Your ‘Top “Dick”‘ on the job.

KGO’s Pat Thurston Lying To You, Defaming Me:

First, you should know that I have already accused Pat Thurston of being a government employed censor betraying all of you with a cover-up campaign the entire media is a part of, a cover-up regarding John Lennon’s murder.

Lately she admits that she got into radio and communications and media through the U.S. military. Her stint in the military was to learn how to broadcast to you and me and the rest of the public. So far, I seem to be spot on about Pat Thurston. I’ve always claimed our military really runs our mass media, just like other countries we claim to disdain do. She openly admits the military paved the way to her talk radio seat.

Now, I realize a lot of you normal U.S. citizens think it’s ludicrous to suggest our media personalities might be our enemy and not have our interests at heart, but I assure you this is the case. Many of them want fame and money and just don’t care about you or your lives. I’m sure many of the biggest names you can think of like Barbara Walters, for example, and some news anchors, secretly regard the public as a simpleton who deserves what he gets and may even hope America falls from grace.They do what they are told to do. Sad thing is, many of you seem to have folded under THEIR evil. The media is our enemy if truth, freedom and integrity, dignity and decency are important. They are the very first to sell you and me out, people. Trust me on this. I have watched them nakedly try to set me on fire like I were a witch with their antics over the years. All the while betraying all of you in the process. Treasonous cowards.

She also has been admitting, suddenly after dealing with me on air it seems, the fact that she is a certified bi polar patient. She didn’t come right out and say she takes medications daily, but it sure would seem so. I bring this up because her go to response to my radio spots is to call me crazy and insane and, lately, that I must hate women, generally. In case you are wondering I have never been a mental patient, nor have I ever taken any medications for anything regarding my mental health and I am absolutely not a misogynist. It began a few months ago in the spring of 2019 when she called me insane on the air and after mentioning my full name. It’s true I am not a complete stranger to fame, but I am not a famous person who can be characterized this way without legal consequences. Especially when I am not insane or crazy or a misogynist. It was like seeing her with her guard down, flaying wildly for anything to hide with from whatever I must have just said to her. Her reflex instincts on parade. The real C.I.A. censor in action doing exactly what she was trained to do; cover up John Lennon’s murder. To keep all of you stupid and scared and perverted. KGO is, in fact, famous for doing just that. You’ve all been reduced to douche bags regarding Lennon’s murder evidence compared to me, admit it.

She also said; “Get his number and block him from calling here ever again.” to her producer. Did I call her a censor, people? She also used to couch my topic about John Lennon with a disgusted shrug of; “I’m sorry, people..” as if it were an embarrassment to ever discuss the issue for any reason. To portray the truth of this vital matter as boring and beneath discussion. She has been trained how to “set the tone” for my topic to best fool the public and keep us quiet.

KGO has been holding a pillow over all of your faces for a very long time, America. Not that karma hasn’t punished them, what with the untimely deaths of Pete Wilson, Gene Burns, Ray Taliofaro, lately,  and another staffer / journalist who also killed himself when I first made the scene, Ronn Owens medical situations, the stations then manager’s wife being coma ridden for a year after being hit by a bicyclist, Bernie Ward’s big time incarceration in a Texas penitentiary for child porn… I’m sure I’m forgetting others but, while on the subject of Bernie Ward, all 500 pounds of him at one time, he once accused John Lennon of being a pedophile before I got him to take it back. The list is ominous and long, people, with that C.I.A. owned station.  I think they went from being the biggest talk radio station in the western hemisphere at the height of my activity there to the least trusted station in California and turned owners over several times on their way down. I recall thinking what a “Romper Room” for adults their shtick had become when I returned from southern California recently after a few years absence.

Not a C.I.A. owned station. Oh, no, you say? Oh, yes. They ARE a C.I.A. owned station. I got Ray Taliofaro to admit it once, on air and Mark Lane of J.F.K. assassination expose fame exposed the docket number that proves this one night while being interviewed by a hostile Mike Krasney. So, people, wake up. Your media is your military. They know how powerful a weapon the media is and they control it, especially when it comes to killing heroes of the public who might wrest control from their grip.

Well, I am documenting Pat Thirston (Thurston)(?)’s mistakes and lies and slander about me. I hope most of you people can see that I am telling you the truth when I call her out as a propagandist who is betraying you. She may be getting over a million dollars a year, in fact, people, in case you underestimate her value where the government is concerned. Perhaps twice that. They often poke fun at how little they make to fool you, in fact.

For the record:  a few weeks ago after the incident regarding the motorist / military / ptsd  who mowed downed pedestrians in Santa Clara, at about noon or 1:00 O’clock she first defamed me.

June 5, about 1:30 she said : “I wish he wasn’t insane…but he is insane..That was Steve Lightfoot”

June 7, about 1:30 said ; crazy,… no doubt about it…must hate women, generally…”

What you need to know, first; (brace yourselves; I can be abrasively honest)

(Hey, are any of attorneys out there paying attention?????)(Contact me)


End of update insert, back to the main body of this chapter.——————————————-


Before I list the sins of our government crusade to kill me allow me to call all of you U.S. citizens out for being the boot-licking phonies you all are. My own father was on his knees, figuratively speaking, licking the government’s boots the night John Lennon was killed. “Well, son, I  heard that John was a bit of a trouble maker in school…”  Translation; “Well, son, the government probably DID kill John Lennon but maybe they know better than us what they are doing.” This from the man who told me my whole life what a slob average people are, the man who spent thousands of dollars to teach his three sons to play musical instruments. When my mother threw away most of my evidence magazines behind my back, years later, to frustrate my expose I knew I was up against the evil of the whole human race that killed John Lennon in the first place. My own flesh and blood was a John Lennon killing, boot-licking coward. Just like all of you probably are, too.

You all lack a brain, a heart, courage and a home, to stand up to your evil government, like the message of The Wizard Of Oz.

No, the government did NOT know better than us what they are doing. In fact, they are in the business of repressing, poisoning, and crippling all of us so the people like the Rockefellers can continue to control U.S. presidents and our lives. By letting Stephen King kill John Lennon they poisoned all of us with fear and control you all with fear. They are your / our enemy. The F.B.I., the C.I.A. the media, etc.. You people are not free and you people are not brave. You people are boot-licking, raped victims of your own cowardliness that allows you to sit still for the evidence I have given you three decades ago.

Look at the cowards who live in Bangor, Maine who KNOW Stephen King is a murderer. They have forgiven him and have turned a blind eye to the fact that he is our mortal enemy, a man who hates us all so much that he ruined our world with horror and Lennon’s murder.

While you raped, blind, kidnapped victims fret over whether I am right or wrong the cowardly U.S. government knows I’m right and they are assaulting my life using the courts, the CHP, the F.B.I. and the Santa Cruz Police and Sheriffs and, possibly, Jack Fox Auto Repair of Seaside, Ca. who deliberately sabotaged my 1989 Toyota van by cutting all the harness wires after putting in a new motor last February. Even my storage facility that has been kind to me for 18 years is suddenly terrorizing me with a ten day notice to evacuate my unit or else. (South Point Self Storage in Sebastopol, Calif. and just days after I paid in full for the next year. All because they are afraid other customers will see my van on their lot!) There was point in all this calamity when I wondered was it my imagination. No longer can I afford to guess. I must tell you all, emphatically, that all of the above is true and I am under an extremely cowardly assault by them on my vans, my driver’s licence and my finances. They may even be hoping to drive me mad to the point I commit a crime out of the frustration. They are sick to stand in the way of my message.




P.O. BOX 7311

CARMEL, CA. 93921`











To the above entitled court, please take notice that Steve Lightfoot, the defendant in the above named matter, moves for a dismissal of the charge against him on the basis the prosecution was late in filing for it’s request for a continuance. According to the court clerk one day late, in fact. She offered me a copy of the time stamp and request (Enclosed).

The above I declare to be true and correct, under penalty of perjury

Dated September 23, 2019











To the above entitled court. Please take notice that I, Steve Lightfoot, the defendant, move to

suppress the video footage of the incident herein because it is incomplete and may be

misleading without the first of two minutes that should be available but is not.

The officer who cited me based his interest in me upon my exiting a business parking lot and of

my maneuvers there. Though there is a two minute delay, as I understand the technology to

recapture video, only the second of two minutes is shown. The officer’s video is only one minute

long.The minute prior to what is shown is what I’d like retrieved in order to allow the video on


The officer stated that my exiting a parking lot captured his attention and had the the

wherewithal to capture this important part of the video but did not. It raises a question as to the

veracity of the complaint. He also stated that my first lane change caused the driver behind me

to hit his brakes and that I merged too close to him. The video refutes these claims as I was well

ahead of the first motorist, over 100 feet, perhaps, in a moderate speed zone and I saw no

brake lights activated by this motorist as the officer claims.

In fact, the presence of this officer following me may have caused the two motorist in front of me

to suddenly decelerate upon sighting his patrol car following them as well. One motorist after

the other suddenly decelerated causing me to swerve out of their way., one after the other. I

have a van with no back windows and to just brake not knowing who may be behind me is a

less safe maneuver.

That the available video shows a discrepancy in the officer’s remarks leaves to question what

else may not be so accurate as well. Without the first minute an incomplete story is told, a one

sided story. I would like to know what the officer’s disposition was when he first saw me. Was he

parked or driving, for example? Without this video I am handicapped as to what actually

happened. I should be able to access the entire incident which he could have recorded but,

apparently, did not.

I have evidence I plan to show that the Palm Spring’s police resorted to targeting me over my

website emblazoned van about John Lennon’s murder and Nixon and Reagan’s involvement

there in 1996. Other police departments have also flagrantly abused my rights over three

decades and I intend to show this pattern as it may or may not apply here, as well. If this officer

was parked and waiting to wait for me to leave a business parking lot I should be able to see

video to prove it one way or another and not just rely on the officer’s testimony.

My other van was recently, deliberately sabotaged by Jack Fox Auto in Seaside, Ca. (Over

three thousand dollars in damages) and just 45 minutes before this citation someone grabbed a

pair of sunglasses from my dash and broke them and left them next to my newly flattened rear

tire. I was in an extra vigilant mode just driving and these two motorists suddenly decelerating in

front of me caused me to react and avoid any accidents.

I swear under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Dated August 26, 2019


Defendant; Steve Lightfoot




(The original version was hacked recently. This is a condensed version.)


My site has been hacked and, since I am appealing to the Santa Cruz D.A. to not file charges in my DUI (drugs only) ticket I received for trying to get a dental operation last January, please read a condensed version starting in 1983 when Terry Chodash of the San Francisco Secret Service paid me a surprise visit at the Santa Rosa Public Library;

He was wearing a complete disguise, I would later learn, a blond wig, blond stubble (believe it or not) blue contact lenses and completely different from the way I saw him years later with his wavy brown hair and brown eyes when I accidentally ran into him while demonstrating outside the Federal Building one day. At the library he asked a few weird questions like what I thought about the John Hinckley shooting of Reagan, was I a vampire, and he asked me to provide a sample of my cursive and print handwriting. The next day, when I realized it could be used to write a phony suicide note if they wanted to kill me that way, I called him back a warned him I will warn my friends of this possible threat to my life. Since this first contact with the government my life turned into a police assault hell.

I received a summons to appear for “Breaking and entering” in Santa Rosa. I thought was it a veiled insinuation I had trespassed into government codes, that I had broken into and entered into their secret world of secrets. Several visits to an otherwise empty courtroom – just me and no one else – for several months was like an overt admission that the authorities were “messing with me” Along the way they gave me the same attorney who got Juan Corona. a mass murderer, convicted and tried to set me up with a phony psychology test which I aborted in mid stride and other weird things. That charge disappeared.

Then, for an outstanding “riding a bicycle on a sidewalk” ticket I received years earlier in Pacific Beach, California, in 1992 ( a block from the library where I made my discovery and at about the same time frame. In fact, this was likely just before my evidence find when I was already riding my bike around with a custom licence plate made that read; “U.S. GOVT. PLANNED JOHN LENNON’S DEATH. I noticed a black limo type of government car with a mobster type looking elderly man in a very expensive suit in the back as an officer exited the driver’s side to ticket me. I can’t make this stuff up, people.) I was put in an airplane and flown to the jail in Salinas where I got food poisoning my first night, bused to Oakland, then Sacramento, then all the way to San Diego over a week’s period whereupon I was released with my sentence paid for with time served.

At the Vista, California prison, during this adventure, I had a strange encounter with the warden there. He said these exact words; “Mr. Lightfoot, we have to have a talk about this John Lemmon thing you’re pushing. We could cut you up into little pieces and flush you down the toilet and nobody would ever know….” To which I assured him my friends wouldn’t let that happen without a protest, after. I also recall having to scramble underneath a steel table to avoid a prison beating a day earlier there.

A number of other episodes sprang into existence in Santa Rosa regarding police abuses, some I can’t even recall – attempts to entrap me and set me up, etc.- to the point I had to make a huge sign that read;


Sal Rosano, the chief, at the time, was drummed out of office months later making the front page of the local newspaper only for reasons other than my experiences.

Then I gave the San Francisco / Berkeley Bay area a shot at breaking my story. There I received well over 100 parking tickets in two years time ( I beat 95 % of them, by the way ). In one day I even received four. I spent a lot of my valuable time yo-yo-ing back and forth to court all the time, however.

I was once kicked in the back, hard, from behind by a stranger for no reason (the assailant was next seen in a wheelchair with the same leg in a bad way)

Another time a complete stranger attacked me with a baseball bat and I had to fight him off with my skateboard.

During this time of my life I received a letter from Stephen King (It’s his handwriting) under the pseudo name of Dennis C.Lee that included horror writings, pictures of, for example, the Statue of Liberty firing a gun at the viewer, and a warning that read;

“Mr. Lightfoot, You haven’t gotten the whole story, yet, but since you will not cease your investigations, I thought I might as well “CLUE” you to “Phase Three” This was about two weeks before my father, Philip Lightfoot, a doctor in Healdsburg, Ca., died in a plane crash, a passenger on a ski llift plane in New Zealand. That this occurred, also, on the tenth anniversary of Nixon’s resignation was not lost on me. The fact that his beloved dog was found hanged dead in a drape cord a few weeks before seemed like a mob style threat that I would notice after, as well.

When I took this letter to the San Francisco office of the F.B.I. – before my father was killed – I remember there was one agent sitting across from me, aware of who I was, and he said this to me; “Have you ever read a book called “None Dare Call It Conspiracy.” ?”

One of the most salient episodes I recall was when I told the students at Cal Berkeley that my father had just died in  plane crash and on the 10th anniversary of Nixon’s resignation, and just weeks after getting a warning letter from a horror writer. Their unanimous, unexpurgated response was to squeal with uncontainable glee at my misery. “Goody, goody. They got your dad. That’l teach you to be a big shot!”  I could almost hear them all thinking out loud. The truth about you all.

It was amazingly similar to the experience Carrie, in the King movie “Carrie” had on stage after being doused with pigs blood, standing on stage with everything spinning and slowing down like a nightmare. That is when I got my first lesson on just how wonderful the public isn’t. How sick the public actually is, underneath.(And you judge me for spouting off at how you all really are, sometimes, in my blogs)

No sooner did I have to deal with the news of my father’s death by airplane in August of 1984 than I found myself staring down the barrel of a police revolver just an hour after Reagan was re-elected a few months later. I was sleeping under a building in my sleeping bag  as I had just left the Democrat headquarters after watching the returns there on T.V. I was living outdoors on a skateboard at the time and tucked into one of my secret sleeping quarters. Apparently I was followed that night and surprised by police, later. There was no I.D. check, just a rummaging through my backpack. It felt like Reagan had just delivered a message; “NOW are you going to stop? I’m re-elected!” Meanwhile, it was scary having a gun pointed right at you while trying to sleep.

Melvin Belli the “King of Torts” as he was known in the legal world, and one of the nations biggest attorneys, was actually contemplating taking my cause under his wing and exposing King et al. in his typical media flourished way. He mysteriously died one day while I was calling his office. It only sounds unbelievable. This fact happened, folks. First my dad then my lawyer.

All of the above occurred in the first several years of my evidence activism.

The Berkeley street magazine; “The East Bay Express” did a cover story hit job on me not long after. The cover illustration showed dozens of protesters with signs surrounding me as if to start a fire and burn me at the stake. To use their signs to fan the flames, in fact. The article was just as unfair to me. That was my first lesson about the media. Jealous, evil bastards. Public enemy number one, all the way. Especially the ones that pretend to be oh, so alternative public advocates. I refer to these types of media as government flypaper used to rat out the revolutionaries to the government after they come first to them for publicity help.

There were many false arrests, tickets and otherwise harassments committed against me that took up my time yo-yo-ing back and forth to court. This started as soon as chief Casey, I believe, was replaced with Frank Jordan as police chief in San Francisco. And this followed a meeting I had at Dianne Feistein’s mayor’s office in the early days of my stay there. Her secretary told me; “…take your story to another city…” after I petitioned the mayor’s office for help in prosecuting King. I was basically threatened to get out of town, or else, by Feinstein’s office secretary.. In fact, years later, after Frank Jordan did her dirty work for years of abuses against me, he became the new mayor of San Francisco. I believe San Francisco has since been seen stepping over human poop piles, lately, all these decades later for their warped ways.

I recall one of the many billboards I erected in front of KRON TV read;



Months later in June of 1987 I was sleeping in my van on Haight Street when two individuals took turns urinating on my hubcap, as if to provoke me to get out of my van and confront them, which I did. Before the first one did a karate blow to my nose which bent it sideways, he said; “We don’t need the publicity.” I promptly got him in a headlock and just as quickly found the second stranger, almost 6′ 7” tall, dislocate my other free arm at the shoulder whereupon i released the other who then grabbed my hair and smashed my face into the sidewalk. I remember hearing it break but not feeling a thing. I drove myself to to the hospital and pushed my nose back on straight.

When I performed a citizens arrest on Thomas Decker days later he was dismayed that my nose was, again, straight. District Attorney Costello did not charge this man who I suspect was a hired thug.

Later that week i erected another huge sign that read’


I was seen for weeks in a sling and  nose bandage with it in front of KRON and I’m sure it had a devastating effect on the locals who saw it.

Weeks later, while attending a Yoko Ono Lennon art gallery event in San Francisco at the Dyanson Gallery I recall the doorman shouting out to the crowd; “Is there  a Steve Lightfoot in the crowd?” (I had seen the doorman earlier letting him know who I was) He ushered me in ahead of a one hour wait or I’d have missed seeing Yoko entirely. When I saw her I said; ” Yoko, this is about your husband’;s murder. Please read it.”. That is all I said and gave her a sealed manila envelope with my evidence magazines with instructions to get them to Paul, George and Ringo for me.

She and her security team immediately went into a side room, closed the door, presumably opened up my envelope and emerged minutes later. Then she and her entourage left after attending the event for only five minutes.

I was dressed pretty sharp that evening in my sports suit jacket and discussing John’s art with the other patrons when the same security team Yoko was with came back and began pushing me extremely hard in the back and out the front door and almost caused me to tumble down a flight of stairs. There, waiting, was the S.F.P.D. who grabbed me by all fours and carried me like a sack of potatoes to their waiting van. As they carried me one of them said to me; “We’re going to beat your ass!” At that point I began yelling to the watching crowd outside in line what they had just said to me looking for witnesses. I was handcuffed and driven past the station and into the Hunters Point area rife with crime. They parked and jumped in the back and began wailing on me while I was handcuffed. I was beaten bloody and unconscious, my new jacket ripped. I awoke minutes later confused at where I was.. I asked myself how did I get in the back of a police van, why was I bloody, and such. When I reminded myself it must have stemmed from meeting Yoko Ono it almost sounded too surreal to be true. But I did soon realize that breaking my shoulder to bust open the rear door might be my only hope of not being killed, next. At this point they pulled over, used a pay phone and drove me to S.F. General Hospital. Upon arrival, when I asked him where we were, he replied; “I’m going to break your nose.” I had been protecting it during the attack, I recalled, as it had just come out of the doctors care a week earlier. A passing doctor heard officer Kevin Hall say this to me and that may have saved me there. The other officer’s name is Steven Rist. I was strapped down to a table like a psych patient, even though I was calm and collected, telling the doctors exactly why I was beaten and that our government had just given me the “Soviet treatment” for exposing John Lennon’s murder all these years. I was told the report said I was yelling death threats to Yoko Ono and such. My camera was stolen. It was a complete lie. Had their story been true I’d have made world headlines. I was totally victimized.

Later I was given almost a dozen head x-rays. When I complained that the radiation was too much at once, the nurse said to me; “So, why do you think all this is happening to you?” as if to mock my activism and threaten me further.

I was then driven 55 miles north to a Santa Rosa psych hospital for “evaluation” and released two days later after being found normal. I told their doctors exactly why I was falsely brought there and beaten. They could see I was telling the truth.

Upon release I immediately walked to my Alma mater; Santa Rosa Jr. College to show the students my bloody, torn cloths and bruises and the truth about how our government treats truth tellers.

Naturally, when I filed a complaint with the S.F.P.D. over these officers, they, not me, were protected by a corrupt bureaucracy there. My complaint was quashed.

It was in the few weeks following this kidnapping / beating that I realized that Yoko Ono was behind this attack. (See chapter “Yoko’s No Good” for details) It was as if she wanted me to know she was involved in setting up her husband’s murder for the government and for me to stay away from her from now on. Years later when I had just arrived for the second visit at The Dakota she just happened to exit the building as I pulled up and got out of my van. When she realized who I was she shook herself as if to rid herself of fleas at my sight. It was clear she wasn’t interested in outing her husband’s killers. Far from it. I disgusted her sense of immorality. She almost seems proud of her role in killing John Lennon. Coldest fish (bitch / witch) in the sea. The majority of American’s who boo’ed and hissed at her in 1968 were right and I was wrong. They seemed to know the C.I.A. was descending on The Beatles then, via Yoko “Oh, No!”

There were incidents that followed where my protest signs were confiscated by S.F.P.D.  “Blocking a sidewalk” charge, I believe. In fact, it was a day before the famed Golden Gate Bridgewalk and the police were making sure I didn’t show up with any billboards. The arrest the day before was free speech suppression. (It so happens that was the day when the bridge, newly repaved in concrete, buckled, slightly, under the weight of the walking crowd and Dianne Feinstein’s idea of the concrete upgrade was quickly undone and regular, lighter weight asphalt was quickly reinstalled.) There were attempts to plant pot on me that failed, etc..

In San Rafael I was rousted by the local police for sleeping in my van. One of the officers told me that my photo is in every CHP office in the state. No reason other than my expose status and threat to the government cover-up.

In 1988 I met Michael McCartney (Paul’s brother) at a photo exhibit he represented in San Francisco.. “Enough said.” is all he replied after I let him know I need for Paul to help me get the word out. A year and a half later Paul showed up in Berkeley, my stomping ground, and threw a concert there, apparently to help me. He did yell out, during the instrumental of Fool On The Hill; “Yeah, Steeeeeeeeve! That’s right! I don’t know what YOU think Berkeley, but I want you to know that we like it and we need you , as a PEOPLE, to GET to the promised land. Oh , yeah, the dream; Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!….”

I have it all on tape or I’d have missed it, and I was almost center stage, row eight, in fact. What a lame attempt to help me at all. The crowd probably missed it, too.

This endorsement helped give me the courage, though, to visit King’s home town of Bangor, Maine two years later. I arrived in late June of 1992 in my 1975 Chevy van with the large headline around it; “STEPHEN KING SHOT JOHN LENNON” My first hour there I was approached by the local T.V. station and newspaper. Immediately after, while leaving my parking space, I was cited for running a stop light. I did not run any stop light. It was a ruse to scare the locals off from helping me. The next day I was on the front page in a photo of me receiving a ticket. “Stalker of King Gets Warning” I believe the headline ran. Police / media intimidation of the public using me on the front page getting a ticket branded as a stalker.

That same day I encountered police five more times.  They followed me into a mall and shadowed me the whole time. Once, while making a call on a pay phone, my van’s keys and my tape recorder were stolen. I had been using that recorder while police were harassing me, earlier. I located a witness who saw a man in a white Jeep Cherokee enter my driver’s side and steal said objects. No help from police, however, in finding out who.

In all, I received at least three tickets from the Bangor police and beat each one, thanks to an honest judge who knew what must be going on. In one trial I got one officer to admit that he told me; “Stephen King gives me six thousand dollars a month to harass you, that”s why. How do you think I afford my nice house on the hill?” He admitted it all on the stand, people.

Once, while watching T.V. inside my van I heard some noise, got out and saw one man underneath my van playing with my brake cables, his friend standing by. I ordered them to get out and told them what I thought of King’s cowardly attempts to thwart me.

Another time someone slammed his fist down as hard as he could to dent my hood but the underlying Bondo stood up to the blow. Another time a local mechanic almost broke my steering column before I took my van out of his shop. In Portland, Maine, King’s birthplace, I caught someone trying to pour sugar in my gas tank as he ran into a locked gas cap. Another time, on Halloween Night, someone tried to break into my van, accidentally knocked over my heater and almost burned my van down only I just happened to check it just in time and put the small fire out. One local jeweler replaced the tiny diamond in my watch with a fake replacement.

It was during this time that I once turned the t.v. on to see William Cohen in the halls of Congress addressing the subject of me, Steve Lightfoot, who he called out by name and went on about how we must invent new laws to stop people like me from harassing his state’s cash cow, Stephen King. Everything except the part about calling King a cash cow. I saw it, people. I’m not making any of this up. I responded by yelling out as loud as a man can yell the following day in downtown Bangor so everybody could hear me within two blocks. I yelled out what rotten character William Cohen must be to be on the side of Stephen King who he must know, with his insider credentials, to be guilty of such a treacherous, horrific crime against the U.S. public. I may have accused him of being a Soviet plant for all I know. It seemed to stop his subversive, anti first amendment rhetoric about me is all I know.

One memorable event is when King came downtown to confront me. I had been on talk radio that morning describing King as the “…most disturbed man in Bangor..” That got him out of his sofa chair and fuming mad, as I could see, as I passed him on the sidewalk. He was walking towards where I had been playing guitar. Sensing his presence, perhaps, I started walking towards him from my alcove. His eyes gave off a strobe light effect, not a twinkle or reflection, but an unearthly strobe light coming from his stare when we passed. His mind was already made up to kick my ass but I was no longer in that abandoned business doorway. Now I was at the very center of downtown Bangor and singing a song about “evil Stephen King” As he approached me he glanced at my photo emblazoned van windows with him getting John’s autograph as he slightly harrumphed a little and he seemed to be trying to signal to me; “I’m going to kick your fucking ass, asshole!” He even seemed to wag his finger at me. I just held my ground and sang even louder; “Nixon, Reagan and the author; Stephen King. Who but people like them could do such an evil thing? Pulled the trigger, laughing at you, way back then it’s true…” King got within inches of me and, upon realizing that I wasn’t about to give him the time of day, crouched down (He’s 6 foot three) and muttered to me; “Take c-care. I w-w w-ant you t-to t-take c-care.” and he sauntered away from me with his head down into his shoulders.

Had he tried anything at all my guitar’s neck was pointed at his throat and ready to strike.

Our big showdown!

His best friend in Bangor, the book store owner who sells King’s books, Stewert I think, (The bookstore has since closed) once accidentally told me that King is ; “..afraid he’s going to fry!” when I was telling him of my future plans to use King on stage after I’m famous and let him play me while I play the typical apathetic U.S. citizen and to then let him back into his cell after performing a public service to show America it’s apathetic side. Stewert, in a fit of frustration listening to this pie in the sky vision I had, suddenly blurted out “He’s afraid he’s going to FRY!”

So much for King thinking he’s innocent.  So much for your denial about the matter.

Years after my visit there I ran into someone who remembered me from there and he told me that King’s gophers followed me all the way out of Maine, even filming my departure when the temperatures forced me out. He was a local ambulance driver and he told me that I was given a “Code 4(?)” I forget. which meant that in the event I ever needed medical attention to put me on the lowest priority.

My next visit there in 1996(?) I was summoned to appear for a protection from harassment order King had filed against me. I beat the order and his lawyers. In fact, I told the judge that, even if the order was granted, I would violate it right away in the interest of protecting myself from any harm and that it was my right to do so. By then I had a better magazine and, when the local high school students took a look, I could see the look of horror on their faces as they compared photo’s of King and the killer. They had no argument to give me, it turned out. They just swallowed their pride and sanity like their parents and resigned themselves to apathy and inaction and victim status.

I’m sure much between this stage of my expose and 1995 occurred, but I’ll have to insert it later after I can recall these events. But in 1995 the police in Santa Cruz, California sprung a King orchestrated trap on me at The Bookshop Santa Cruz. In fact Neil Coonerty, then mayor of Santa Cruz and the owner of this bookstore, the Santa Cruz police and Judge Sullivan as well as the national mass media and local media all conspired to put me on T.V., national television, in handcuffs branded as a stalker of Stephen King. I was falsely charged with suspicion of trespassing and held for two days in jail before I was released with no charges.

What did I actually do? I set foot in the bookstore after spending several hours just outside holding a large billboard that read


The second I set foot inside, after a stranger first suggested I should confront King, men in suits sprang and handcuffed me. Waiting outside were national news cameras rolling as I was pushed into a police car.

Before this total stranger volunteered his advice for me to go inside; “..why don’t you?…” a number of things occurred.

A week earlier a stranger GAVE me a small Old Grand Dad folding pocket knife, I think in the hope that I would be found with it on me a week later when I was to be arrested so I could be branded as a threat to King and who knows what else.

Once at the book signing event I was subjected to heckling and eggs being thrown on me and my van from two stories up by, again, total strangers.

The San Jose Mercury had me photographed holding my large sign acting civilly. They ran a fair story. The Santa Cruz Sentinel showed King speaking with a book on the shelf directly behind him titled’ “How A House Works”

This was a major attack on me, my expose and my image and reputation and, as I’m sure some of you can imagine, my status as government whistle blower scared off any and all attorneys who might otherwise represent me for damages. As it was I sued Neil Coonerty in court and lost in the city he was mayor of. Meanwhile, our Orwellian, government run media gave all of you one more reason not to help me come forward with hard evidence in Lennon’s assassination. They used this charade to cow all of YOU into silence. It was an attack on you and your sanity and courage. The police and media castrated you, the people of America, in branding me a stalker of Stephen King. In reality I am a hero who can prove the man stalking Lennon the night he was killed was Stephen King, not Mark Chapman. Our lying government transposed the points, here, to brainwash you.

Not long after this coup against my free speech I found myself caddying for the Senior Golf tour in Palm Springs, California. I had no idea Stephen King had a winter second home there but I found out soon enough. I encountered a dozen police episodes and several false citations in just a few weeks there and wound up having to scuba dive for 4,000 golf balls to stay afloat financially while I fought them all and beat them all. In one ticket I noticed an officer was parked next to my van for an hour waiting for me to move or do anything. He was on a bicycle and I took a photo of him as he waved at me, back. Minutes later he followed me as I left and pulled me over with the help of another officer who had previously lost in court on a jaywalking citation against me. He alleged I failed to use my signal when pulling away from my space. I absolutely did signal first. He lied. I beat that ticket, too. I recall showing the judge my photo’s of the same officer, first stalking me, waiting for me to move, and then him, minutes later, blocks away waving at me, again, like a horror movie. Along the way I had a gun pointed in my face and was jailed the next day for advertising this fact. One night three officers surrounded me in an open restaurant patio as if to beat me to death and only by screaming at the very top of my lungs (VERY LOUD) to the patrons what was going on was I able to back them off  and avoid, for all I know, death by police.  One judge asked me if I was willing to stay away from the area if he dismissed my ticket. I told him no. I still beat the ticket on the merits of my case. Once I had my van towed for trying to collect my caddy fees which the club was trying to deny me. They knew that my licence just expired that week from my application (I had no idea). As soon as I entered their golf course a CHP pulled me over for no reason and had my van towed after being cited. Fortunately for me I found a one hundred dollar bill sticking out of the sand in a curb way while hitch hiking to the tow yard that day or who knows what I might have done out of frustration. I never was paid for caddying by PGA West and made a public stink that ended up re-locating that tour event to somewhere else for future events. I also locked horns with the man who founded CBS World of Golf, not knowing, then, who he was. It was a situation where the police seemed to be attacking me from all sides, even the world of golf. They caused me grief, I  relocated their event to another venue.

I still have a photo of me I had someone take of me holding a huge billboard then that read;


which I displayed all over Coachella valley that hot summer.

In the end I was left traumatized and had a hard time holding a job for several months, after. The good news is I think my stay relocated Stephen King to another city for his winter get away. I still go there every few years to remind the people.

A few years after all this I got a job managing a small custom golf shop in San Jose. I was there for over two years and increased business by 30 percent, in fact. I managed to save up enough money to establish a website to air my evidence find. I titled it and began advertising it’s arrival date a month before 9/11 struck. I also purchased a 1973 Dodge camper van and recall the sign I put on the back window; COMING SOON!

Almost a month later, and on the very same week my website was finally up, in early September of 2001, New York City was attacked by two jet planes to steal any thunder I might have had. I recall how the first attack on the same twin towers occurred in 1993 a few weeks after my first stay there with my van and STEPHEN KING SHOT JOHN LENNON message. Were the people behind these attacks really trying to stop my story in the process? That’s what I had reason to think at the time, folks. It seems I’m not the only one who knows how important my expose really is. How much the world will automatically change, after, in it’s wake. Of course, it could all be just a coincidence, too.

One thing I did notice was that the police abuses seemed to stop as soon as I had a website to expose their actions with.

In 2001 I had little trouble with any police anywhere and visited the east coast again. It was so uneventful I wondered were the people of Bangor, Maine under mind control. It was as if my website emblazoned, even larger van was invisible to everyone that stay.

From 2001 through mid 2006 I had a hard time finding and keeping any cook job. I had to travel far and wide to even stand a chance. Once, in Guallala, California, a police officer rousted me one night and asked where I was working. The next day the owner there told me an officer had knocked on his door that morning and asked him to fire me or else and he did. I’m sure a lot of similar police stuff went on with the other lost jobs behind the scenes that I didn’t find out about, though. A lot of times it was just small town narrow mindedness in the people that got me fired. A typical instance involved a crew very happy over my cooking abilities and their now bigger tips only to be found days later huddled, hiding from me having a private meeting, no doubt about why I had to be fired, now that my van was discovered and my messenger status exposed. This occurred after a jealous karaoke singer who saw me working there told his friend and my boss to fire me. After I started billboarding that establishment for their unfairness this same man, Rick(?)Sutcliff, his last name was, hit me in the neck as hard as he could at a karaoke bar before I had to subdue him. I promised his friend that my size 13 foot would be, literally, kicking his ass if he ever came near me again and he never did. One day I got a call from a meat company that paid commission, only, and I found I could be my own boss, for a change. Make better money, too.

In 2008, again after raising a lot of money, this time selling steaks and seafood door to door for a few years, I made the trip back east yet again. This visit there was a little trouble. In New York City, the authorities now aware of me and my message, had a new angle to come after me. Certain individuals at the Strawberry Fields plaque in Central Park began threatening me and my safety. Once one man who was posing as a homeless person, but I think was an undercover officer, spread human feces all over my white Toyota van while I was sleeping in in overnight. He wrote, in feces, something about “peace” and I forget what else. I ran into him and warned him to keep from finding himself in a trashcan with his feet sticking out after I possibly trounce him and he stopped showing up and harassing me. My enemies have so little class. Feces!

I recall finding a cigar someone pushed through my window onto a cardboard sign I had propped up in my driver’s seat that rolled down and had burned a hole in my driver’s door and could have burned my van down one day and decided I needed a break from all the stress and thought I’d rustle up a bag of pot to smoke and calm my nerves. It was in Spanish Harlem that I found myself getting mugged while trying to prove I was not an officer. The perp managed to steal half of my wallet’s contents ($75.00) as he snagged it, the rest falling out for me to collect before thrusting myself through a window in front of a taxi driver the perp tried to ride away with. Ultimately he threw my wallet back to me and ran away. A half hour later, intent on getting my money back, I took a disposable camera back to the scene and took a photo of the same people. One problem; now there were a dozen of them, not just two, and they just saw me flash a camera at them at night. I began running uphill and had to pepper spray the tallest one before he caught me but eventually was over run with the whole gang kicking me repeatedly in the head until I gave up the camera. Upon inspection my right eye was almost kicked out and my jaw was broken. Roosevelt Hospital, the one where John Lennon died, did a terrible job of trying to help me. Five x-rays were useless and more mistakes, to the point I thought they must know who I am in spite of telling them a false name. It was there I learned from eye witnesses what happened to John Lennon. He was brought in muttering the word; “Why?” only to expire after having his chest split open by the doctors. It was as if they killed him on purpose to hear the story.

In the days that followed I set my jaw straight and, after finally getting a good x-ray elsewhere, pushed my still askew jaw into better position before it healed fully. My right eye, however, has not recovered fully. It’s a little less focused than the other now. A month later one of the perps in that beating recognized me from the one photo of my van in that film roll they developed and yelled out to me; ‘You almost DIED that night!” Perhaps. I recall how little the kicks to my head hurt. More like a massage than anything else. But I made it out alive. For a few months after the beating I could see a perfectly formed if somewhat asymmetrical black heart, like a Valentine stylized version, when I closed that eye. I took it like a message of love from somewhere that I wasn’t killed or blinded.

It may not have been a police abuse, this beating, just evil New York City bullshit, but it wasn’t fun. Then, again, you can never be too sure it wasn’t orchestrated. The street person who recommended the location to find pot the day before seemed pretty upset when he learned I actually was beaten, as if he were partly to blame.

It was about shortly before this time time that I noticed two small dents in my Toyota van. I spotted one of the dents from 80 yards away though it was tiny. I learned that the police had used their batons to knock on my van. I went to the same station involved in covering up Lennon’s murder to investigate the matter. Inside I noticed an icyness towards me from the police officers present. it felt like I might, at any moment, be attacked and killed. That station’s guilt over what they did to John Lennon was beyond palpable. It was a weird visit, indeed. They, of course, denied denting my van.

I recall the last few days I was in New York that year it was as if someone had offered the taxi driver’s there a lot of money to dent my van. At least five times in one hour I had to avoid these attempts to hit me. It was obvious that the taxi’s were trying to dent my van on purpose.

I then took off to Sarasota, Florida to pester Stephen King since I found out that he has a home there, too. I paraded my 1989 white Toyota website emblazoned van all over the area and even tried to confront King at his home only he lives on a tip end of and island that is posted as private with penalties if caught. I learned that his residence is a house used by the government for witness protection citizens. No big surprise.

One day I was approached outside a thrift store by a men yelling to me; ” So you’re the reason King can’t come to my bar anymore…” and he went on to tell me how King feels unsafe being out and about, lately.

Amazingly I can’t recall any police abuses there except one time when I was hustled out of a city council meeting in Sarasota after calling King a disgrace to the area , a monster, a murderer, etc. It’s on U’tube I think or somewhere. I was a little over the top that day. I remember thinking if I don’t get a little whacko I won’t be shown at all and my website won’t even get on t.v.. Better to go over the top and get coverage as long as my billboard was shown was how I managed that scene. It was all instinct and like I was taken over by an energy. I may have seemed a little whacky but I got my website address all over the place in the process. If the U.S. public can’t figure out my evidence with that then shame on them. Otherwise there would be no video with my website address out there.

When I couldn’t handle the door to door sales in 100 degree heat in Florida I moved with the meat company I was with to Green bay, Wisconsin. Again, no harassment from the police.  An auto repair shop there, however, over tightened one front bearing to fail my left front wheel a few months later when I arrived in California. Ahlborg’s or something was their name. That was the same shop that had police tag my van on their lot after they refused to even work on my vehicle after signing papers to do so. When I called the owner the next day, since his shop was mysteriously closed on a week day, he wouldn’t answer his cell phone, even. The police may have had a role in that episode, perhaps.

Once back in California I resumed my meat sales and found myself training a new driver in Concord, California. The day was going well until I found myself in the cross hairs of a Toyota SUV doing about 60 mph through a red light as I had a green arrow to turn left. It just so happens that she was coming up over a rise and could only see the intersection briefly before the crash. I had a good instinct about all the elements of this unavoidable collision. If I just did nothing other than steer straight and maintain my exact speed it would all turn out alright. It did. She hit us exactly on the passenger door, the door frame protecting my trainee as much as he could be protected. She hit us at a 90 degree angle and was protected by her seat belt and air bag. I was thinking, as all this happened,; “Is that all the impact to be felt after THAT crash???!!!” It didn’t feel so jarring at all. Suddenly I saw the whole scene before me spinning like a Ferris wheel or a kaleidoscope ending in a mighty crash to the ground on my driver’s side. The impact launched my delivery truck about fifteen feet sideways before it turned over and rolled on it’s side. Her Toyota was a vision of great crumple zone engineering. She didn’t complain about her health after I asked her if she was alright. When I told her she ran a red light the best she could meekly say was;  “I THOUGHT it was green.” It turned out I was the most injured of the three of us with a very sore foot and shoulder. My lucky trainee never needed medical attention. Me, crutches for a few days. No broken bones, after all.

Two days later I drove back to the scene to take photo’s of the area in case this crash was no “accident”. In case the government tried to kill me in a traffic accident while NOT in my website van. To my utter amazement, the whole intersection was freshly repaved. FRESHLY REPAVED!!!! No skid marks, no evidence, no nothing! When I called the Concord City Hall for answers I learned, indeed, that that city has a room with cameras at intersections and can manually manipulate traffic signals from this one room!!! An F.B.I. / C.I.A. dream come true if I were to ever find myself in that town, the right high speed intersection with a rise near it.  It just so happens it was second or third time there, ever, before that. I had to attend at least one city council meeting to warn them they had better not try to blame or cite me for this accident. The officers were trying to cite and blame me for everything. Problem was witnesses saw her run the red light and another witness, Frank Woodard, agreed I had a green light. Still, other witnesses saw me back up behind the line and wait for a few minutes before turning left. Still, I had to fight the attempts to blame me for what was becoming more apparent by the day, PROBABLY was an attempt to kill me in a traffic accident. The room with the controls may have given us both a green light for all I know. Only because she was gunning it as if to beat a red light do I doubt that, though. Subsequently, a dozen years later a judge, also from Contra Costa county, presided over a traffic ticket in 2017 in a Sonoma county courtroom where he found me guilty only to be overturned on appeal. What is going on with the shadow government in Contra Costa county that we should all know about? is what I say.

In retrospect that crash occurred on the anniversary of the time I was assaulted on Haight Street; June 22.. Coincidence or conspiracy?

Not too long after this incident my employer may have deliberately had me cited (ambushed by an officer after being tipped off) as soon as I arrived at work. The officer did not show but I feel my boss was behind that. Eventually I quit after his antics found me pushed out of a truck by a 200 pound moron while still driving in traffic. I moved to another meat company in San Jose and then transferred to L.A. and then their San Diego office.

The other reason I moved south was because the police in the San Francisco bay area were setting me up with phony red light camera tickets. I beat one, outright, at the police station after they agreed I made a complete stop according to the film. The other I lost thanks to Judge Beggert and his transparent corruption during the process. I put a curse on the San Francisco bay area’s sports teams for that from the microphone at a San Francisco city council meeting and it apparently worked if you examine their sports record for several years, after. That first ticket was “hinkey” as they come; I had just arrived in the San Francisco area after a long stay away as I lived in San Jose at the time and was checking my mail which had not been changed.. I pulled into a restaurant parking lot and a S.F. police car saw me and involuntarily revved his motor lurching forward at the sight of my famous van. I thought THAT was weird. Hours later I found myself driving northbound on 19th Avenue south of Sloat Avenue at three a.m. A consecutive series of four lights turned yellow at the very last second, to the point that the only other driver on the road looked at me as if to say; “What’s up with these lights?!” As I approached Sloat, just like the other lights, it turned yellow at the very last moment. I had already accelerated to avoid this and had just enough time to make the light and I just did, according to the photo. It snapped, anyway. Hinckey!

During this spate of phony tickets and minutes after I bought a book about how to fight your traffic ticket at Berkeley’s No Lo Press bookstore I was cited for a lane change violation by a motorcycle officer who had his head turned away from me examining his handle bars and front wheel and saw nothing. He made things up to convict me in court, in fact.

Following a possible attempt to kill me in Concord I felt that the local police were trying to falsely paint me as a red light violator and eventually kill me at an intersection and then point to the prior, rigged events on the news to scam the public, the F.B.I., no doubt, behind it all.

That period from 2010 through 2011 was the closest I think I’ve ever come to actually being killed by our government. I smelled it early and warned everyone and even left the area to stay alive. These subsequent tickets following the Concord crash only further suggest that that was no “accident.” Jerry Brown and who knows who else, Obama maybe, were, no doubt, scurrying to find a way to get my message stopped at any cost.

One day, after a particularly good sales day the day before, I found an officer standing in the street in front of me in L.A. and was cited for using a cell phone and no seat belt. I was only found guilty of not wearing my seat belt. Have any of you readers ever been cited like this, with an officer standing in the street with his hand up for you to stop?

My return trips to Palm Springs were non events where police abuse was concerned during this time period between 2011 and 2016.

In 2014, however, on Venice Beach, California, I was assaulted with a haymaker blow, side arm, that did cause a knot to develop in my neck. Whiplash, officially. It was April 4, 2014 and when I briefly gave my expensive guitar to a spectator to take this butt hole on he took off running, briefly, until I grabbed my guitar back. I felt it was ruse to steal my valuable guitar and chose to have him arrested, instead. Days later the police arrived after I called them with the perp in sight. Instead of approaching him and cuffing him the police had a long chat with him like they were at a picnic. Like they knew each other. No arrest was made. The district attorney never made an arrest though I identified him out of a line up. When the camera’s on the beach were viewed the actual attack was JUST out of frame. The shadow of the arm hitting me is all you can see. How convenient for the Venice Police. I think this man, who I was never able to get an I.D. on, is a police informant. He has harassed be for decades, in fact.

I had to eventually leave the area to protect myself from avenging that injustice at the expense of the perp who hit me. Twice I had to drive 100 miles away to Palm Springs just to protect myself from any sudden urges. But first I paraded up and down the boardwalk, the perp just yards away, as I told everyone just what a boot-licking coward he is and what low life’s they were for having such a violent butt hole in there space in the first place. One day, after parading up and down the boardwalk, letting everyone there know what a pissing ground of an armpit that beach has become, that it is so low life even Jim Morrison once let them know, too, after I stunk the place up so bad I emptied it in a half hour, lightning struck the next day and actually killed a man there on the beach just yards away from where I made my speech.

Not long after that episode a navy cadet in uniform rammed his pickup truck, hard, smack into my website emblazoned van while I was northbound on Interstate 5 just north of San Diego. I was minding my own business driving about 60 mph. He was doing about 75 mph (10 miles over the speed limit, folks) His oversized tires ground into my paint job and his rubber fenders prevented his truck from getting damaged. I had to race to catch the driver and force him to pull over. He once even tried to make a getaway but the traffic was watching him. I insisted on calling the CHP against his wishes to work it out between us. It took the CHP over 45 minutes to respond after my call (very unusual. Usually it takes about ten minutes.) after I gave dispatch my NAME.(Were they conferencing with their superiors for what to do when they arrived?) In spite of the driver admitting he was driving 10 miles over the speed limit and my account that he just slammed into my lane unprovoked while I was in my lane obeying all laws, he was not cited. He was not blamed. I wasn’t cited but my attempts to collect insurance recovery went nowhere. This 117 pound cadet (no complex there) never tried to claim damages from me, either  He was guilty and he knew it and so did the officers, I suspect. I used a solvent to erase the rubber from my paint and taped signs about the incident to my van.; “CHP LYING IN REPORT” and “HIT ON FREEWAY BY UNIFORMED MILITARY”

Strangely, several months later, while I was sunbathing on Coronado island next to a navy air base and watching their jets take off and land, one crash landed (overshot the runway) into the sea just as I was leaving there. I saw the t.v. coverage of the hoist lifting it out of the water later that night..Their repair was bill bigger than mine. Karma or coincidence?

I was getting my 1989 Toyota van repaired in Goleta, California not long after when I was pulled over and cited for crossing a double yellow line while making a right hand turn in front of an officer. It was half a block away from where I had slept two nights earlier. Was this officer trolling the same are to spot me? That’s Reagan country. He used to live near Santa Barbara. It so happened I was in the process of passing a kidney stone that day and thought it was just a very bad lower back pain at first. I was distracted by pangs of stabbing pain when I made the right turn, in fact. I showed the judge the hospital bill and explained all this but to no avail. It became so clear to me that this judge was not going to treat me like the average motorist as she knew all about my politics and website van. It was SO unfair a trial and it seemed she relished prosecuting me so much I told the judge, before I left, recalling all the recent cases of karma coming home to roost on my trespassers, that karma will likely pay the Santa Barbara area back for this display of prejudice..

Within a few weeks (or was it the following year, I forget) the U.C.S.B. university town of Isla Vista was shot up by a deranged man who also plowed people down with his BMW. Several students died.(This just a mile or two a away from where I was cited.) A few months later a massive oil spill occurred ruining their tourist summer trade. Then another and then another, all in two years time. Also in this time frame they experienced two massive fires and the worst mudslide in Santa Barbara county’s history. Then, in the town of Goleta that cited me, another fire destroyed either 500 or 5 000, plus, homes there. That’s what I call real bad luck or karma, people.

In 2017 my home town of Santa Rosa experienced it’s worst, ever fire. I happened to be in my real home town of nearby Healdsburg after a long absence the night before wondering why it was so hot at night. The next day I woke up to a red sky and it occurred to me that this fire struck on John Lennon’s birthday, no less. Santa Rosa, besides the police abuses there, let me down for three decades and failed to avenge John Lennon. They failed the messenger. Like Jesus was chased out of town once for saying; “A town cannot admit it’s own prophets.”

By now I had to address the possibility an otherworldly force may be out there, independently of my thoughts,  punishing my trespassers. I’m just a man like all of you. Still, this phenomenon follows me.

On December 29, 2017 I was cited for using a bicycle lane to pass other motorists. It was not a bicycle path but an entrance / egress lane made for an ice arena. The commissioner even aske d the officer why he made that mistake on his ticket. A woman exiting their one driveway blocked my attempt to pull over there and check my engine that was suddenly heating up. Now I found myself blocked by a fenced up pile of tree trimmings that was in this lane and I had to merge left. I did so safely and legally. I noticed a police car was in the line of cars behind me and so I drove straight ahead deciding my brothers house was just a mile away and I’d check my motor there. I was pulled over and cited. I was given only a few minutes to produce my papers and I couldn’t find them at first. He added no proof of insurance as well.  As they pulled away I found my insurance papers and had to run him down a block to his office where he removed the one violation.

At trial a commissioner from Contra Costa county, not Sonoma county was brought in to hear my case. He stopped trial for 10 minutes to try to get the officers lapel camera footage to be brought up. It was too corrupted to be used I was told and trial resumed. When I explained why the police there have reason to target me, that I am a legend there, he told me, “Maybe you should try to be less of a legend, then, I guess.” When I tried to enter a photo of my logo’d van he wouldn’t allow it.  When I tried to enter a picture of tree sap drippings in the road where the pile was that blocked me he wouldn’t allow that, either. When I tried to make a closing statement he told me; “No time for that..” and found me guilty.

The guilty verdict was overturned on appeal almost 18 months later and I won that case. Finally won one!

On July 26, 2017, the 37th anniversary of my evidence find, and just days after renewing my insurance, a motorist in a Santa Rosa business park who was looking sideways as he drove forward ran his Prius into my van which was stopped in the middle of the road. My tire was unsteerable and my van was quite damaged. I called the CHP and, when he arrived, realizing who I was after seeing my van, told me he could not make a report because it occurred on private property. He even told me I’d be found at fault if he made a report.

Eventually both insurance companies admitted he was at least 80 percent at fault and I was not at fault. I’d have honked but he stopped before accelerating again into my van.

In late July of 2018 my mother, Joanne, died in Fresno, California of a “cardio pulmonary accident” (She fell, broke her hip and had a complication healing and died.)

The sadness of that aside, I was now the inheritor of a lot of money that I could’t believe she left me. My expose caused her to shun me for decades (After my father’s death I couldn’t blame her, either.) and it caused some grief between us, and yet, she included me as equal to her other children and now I could afford to fix my mouth and maybe even break my story. I spent the bulk of it in the first few months but now by teeth will be restored properly after decades of taking care of the world at my own physical expense due to my living for decades in a van. My life has been in too much danger to waste money on rent when I need to come forward, first.

I bought a bigger, better 2000 Chevy Astro high top van and ordered a new engine for my Toyota van and I was about to have my teeth pulled shortly thereafter. The same week I was to have my operation Jack Fox Auto Repair was given custody of my Toyota. I did not not know, then, that they would deliberately cause thousands of dollars of sabotage in the weeks that followed because someone I used to know who is a friend of theirs saw my van in their shop and likely told them to sabotage me. This to punish me for forcing this one time friend to clean up his act 15 years ago by telling him I told the police he is a pot dealer (He was also a gambler and needed too many customers to keep up and I guessed he was about a week away from being busted if I didn’t do something, so I did. He cleaned out his stuff before the cops came because I gave him that option.). That shop now is being exposed by me with a huge billboard that reads;

(The following few paragraphs are an insert regarding another matter. Please skip ahead to STEER CLEAR AND BEWARE; JACK FOX AUTO REPAIR


I will also be suing them once I’ve tallied up the damages already over $2,000.00 paid out to other shops who have been trying to fix the damages Jack Fox Auto Repair deliberately caused. (One day I saw that my entire wire harness had been cut in two. Every wire. Subsequent repairs show a broken intake gasket Jack Fox would have to have installed.) It still needs work to be as fit as it should have when Jack Fox delivered my van back to me. The old engine ran beautifully even with a head gasket issue with all the electronics except an oil light working perfectly. The oil light was a false reading, in fact. They recommended I not use or drive the new engine when they gave it back to me. Have you ever heard of such a case? This shop’s owner can be proved a liar already according to the Bureau of Automotive Repair that looked into the matter. Several other lies I can prove.

Normally, especially considering that they repair the Monterey Police Academy vehicles I’d suspect foul play on their part but, in fact, the Monterey police have been extremely respectful to me and have not bothered me in the over two years I’ve lived there, lately. In spite of Henry Perez’s claim that they have no motive to harm me I suspect the one time friend of mine I exposed long ago is the real fly in the ointment, here.

On the other hand, I now was about to unleash not one but TWO, folks TWO controversial LENNONMURDERTRUTH.COM vans and the U.S. government must have been aware of that fact. If I were in their shoes I’d be scared desperate, too. More importantly, I was about to fix my mouth and they would know that would help me in a big way, psychologically.

It would seem, from what follows, that the state is involved implementing the CHP to cite me and keeping the local municipalities out of the picture. The Santa Cruz police, in fact, are worried about a scandal they are guilty of in the mid 90’s when I was put on national news television in handcuffs and branded a stalker of Stephen King. (Already mentioned.) No charges were filed but they jailed me falsely, slandered me and let me go. If I get famous so will that fact.

On January 7, 2019 I had to find a driver to present me and pick me up after my operation to make sure I don’t drive after. My friends and family are not near Santa Cruz and a friend in Monterey wasn’t interested so I had to find a stranger and pay him to do this simple task of driving one block and parking my van. I found him at a nearby coffee shop. I did not know that this coffee shop is owned by a retired Santa Cruz police officer. His regular customers weren’t interested (Most of his customers also happen to be retired police officers.) Greg, the owner, recommended one Cris Malsaq, a homeless man living outdoors on a bicycle. I told Greg that I would be on pre surgery medication and that I’d need someone at 7:30 am. in a few days. He saw my van in his lot and knew who I was. This man reminded me of me in 1981 and 1982 when I too lived outdoors on a bicycle in San Diego. This was the time frame when I found my Lennon evidence in back issues of Time and Newsweek headline codes. I thought I’d give him a chance. He seemed a little crazy but he was intelligent enough it seemed to drive me one block and I hired him for $40. 00 . Immediately he drove in circles in the middle of the roadway in traffic on his bike. I figured he must be a little crazier than I thought. I didn’t think he might in fact be a police undercover officer posing as a homeless person. The following day I walked Cris to the lot and showed him exactly where to park and figured, just to be safe, that I’d meet him at the coffee shop instead of the doctor’s office to make sure he showed up on time. Originally I planned to drive there, myself, but, after Greg told me that Cris wasn’t reliable, I drove to the coffee shop instead and met Cris there. Once there Cris insisted on driving the one block to the office and I let him, my mind preoccupied with the historic day this would be for me and of how proud I was of myself not to be the least bit afraid of the gruesome surgery about to take place. The first thing I did was open up the rear hatch doors of my van, prop up the top door with a stick and climb in and shut the doors up behind me. I did all of this unassisted without any problem. Minutes earlier I drove several miles to the coffee shop driving just fine. (To be on the safe side I waited until one HALF hour before surgery, not one hour, to take two tiny Halcion pills. It was a half dose, the other two to be taken at the office.) Right away Cris seemed different that day. Usually very talkative he was utterly silent and unresponsive, now. Then he began driving too fast and recklessly through the lot and past the parking spot I told him to park at. He kept silent and drove almost off the grounds before making a very sudden and hard U-turn back but did not park at all. Instead he bolted out of my van with the engine running and the door wide open in the middle of the roadway in a private parking lot. What happened next is not clear to me because an accident ensued with me behind the wheel and my van in the bushes. This was a shock to my system and, though I was well enough to navigate from the rear of my van to the driver’s seat (Much more difficult than driving) this sudden realization that my newly painted van was crashed and dented now made my blood race and, then, the drugs may have just started to kick in. Cris said; “You’re a dead man!! We have to get you out of here!” and he tried to wheelchair me off grounds before he was stopped, according to witnesses. At one point he stole exactly $100.00 from my wallet before he gave my keys to the officer. I wouldn’t discover this fact until hours later, however. About an hour had ensued between the accident and the CHP officer’s arrival and I was then a little groggy and told him that I thought what happened was I tried to park my van and lost control. I didn’t know then that my driver had stolen my money and might be my enemy. Vivid recollection, later, of a gear shift lever out of position suggests I may have, in fact, been trying to rescue a rolling van. This is what makes the most sense, all things considered. If I was sober enough to get from the back of my van to the driver’s seat I was in good enough shape to park my van. I may have simply been trying to exit my van via the driver’s door since there is no other option with that custom van. It’s also possible my movement getting to the front section may have jostled the out of gear van enough to start it rolling and, by the time I got into the seat, it was too late to stop it in time.

I was driven to a recovery center, eventually tested for blood and breath. I passed the breath test with a zero reading. The blood tests are pending results as I write this.. The field sobriety test (Hours after the accident.) I passed except for one tiny miscue partly due to a large lift in my oversized shoes. I was cited on that basis by the CHP officer for DUI (drugs only) at that time and released a few hours later. I made it to the coffee shop to collect my stolen $100.00 from Cris but he was gone. Greg, the coffee shop owner, was open an four hours that day (I wonder why?) and he told me the officer came by looking for Cris, too. I then learned that Cris told the officer that he had a suspended licence and that he drove me one block to the dentist. In spite of this he was not cited and was, in fact, shooed away from the scene by the officers according to a voice mail Cris left me. What really stood out was what Greg told me as I was leaving; “You know I’m a former police officer, right?” To me it sounded like; “You know, we just set you up, right?”

I have never had a DUI of any kind in my life with a million miles and 50 years of driving behind me and I don’t use drugs at all, ever, (marijuana excepted) except for operations and medical procedures and know nothing about any of them. I have never purchased any other drug in my life except for marijuana (The Halcion pills I did have to pay for hours before the accident.) I don’t like alcohol and have only been over the limit once in my life when I was 18 years old and by myself on a back road. That scared me off of it for life, thankfully. I’m the last person to find myself with a DUI ticket. I think I WAS set up, absolutely. The officer / coffee shop owner had the time, the information and the resources to exactly set me up. He knew who I was, he knew I would need a ride and that I would have taken pre surgery drugs prior to the operation and he had his contacts and could have let the F.B.I. or other agencies know that I would be unusually vulnerable to a sting operation in just three days time. Greg or someone else may very well have coached Cris to exactly assume control of my van, keep his mouth shut, drive erratically and recklessly to get my blood  racing and then bolt, leaving me stranded without a word, after disobeying my instructions to park. Cris, in fact, the day after I hired him admitted he got no sleep the night before. Why? Was he kept up in a police meeting to sting me? He may have very well left my van balanced on the edge of rolling and left the lever in neutral, engine running, door wide open, all the while relying on a ruse that he was getting me a wheelchair when he left the impression he had ran off and stolen something from my van. It would have been that easy to set me up.

Days later after spending $2,000.00 to repaint my van when I confronted Cris for my money back the first words out of his mouth were; “What’s new, toothless?” mockingly. He’a a small person. Was this remark also a coached event designed to bait me into attacking Cris? I think it was. Cris asked; “When did I have your wallet?” I said “When you grabbed the keys from the ignition.” After I said that he had no reply and went silent. I think, since the shop caters to mostly police officers, that Cris may, in fact, be an undercover officer. Every city that size has them we all know. They look like bums but really are not. It was Greg who set me up with Cris, after all.

There is only the tiniest shadow of a doubt in my mind that this is the case. If I am a little paranoid here then I have other defenses, too. The pills were mislabeled “Careful when driving.” They should have read; “Do not drive after taking.” My dentist office was so alarmed they photographed the false instructions when I was there The dentist office had told me to simply read the labels and nothing more.. Because my father was a doctor I was extra careful to take the half dose one HALF hour before arrival instead of one hour as the label said. I did a sobriety test on myself before I drove the several miles to the coffee shop. I drove just fine the whole way just minutes before the accident occurred and had no help getting in the back hatch section and closing it up behind me. I was also able to navigate an acrobatic set of maneuvers from the back to the front of my van far more rigorous than merely parking a van in the stall it was next to. By the time the officer arrived I was far more under the influence of the Halcion than I was at the time of the accident. The time of the test makes a big difference.

What really made me suspicious is that, according to Greg, the former officer, I was stumbling from his coffee shop and needed help into the back of my van. Not only did I not stumble there as he claimed, nobody was near me when I helped myself into my own van. Cris was already in my driver’s seat as I boarded myself and closed the hatch doors behind me, all a minute before the accident. Greg was manipulating the facts to set me up it seemed.

I was not under the influence of drugs at that time. Only after my blood started to race after the accident, or maybe even due to the recklessness of Cris’s driving seconds before, did the half dose of Halcion start to have an effect on me at all. That police were making things up to paint me, falsely, as being under the influence suggested to me that they are twisting things to hurt me. Greg was already aware that I told the CHP officer that the pills were mislabeled. I know this because he was ready with an instant and angry reply when I told him the same thing. “That’s the only reason you may beat this ticket, too.” It’s as if he and officer Clissold both discussed the merits of the case against me, like officer do, among themselves before I was released.

It was only after this major event in my life that I discovered the sabotage at Jack Fox Auto. I had to dial 911 and report vehicle theft before they gave me my van back. Two of my vans damaged in one month. One instance completely beyond my control or influence. Could both instances have been orchestrated?

If you have read all of the preceding you know that I suspect an avenging angel is on my side who hurts my trespassers. I made the foolish attempt to help officer Clissold avoid any supernatural consequences in this regard citing past instances. He may have taken it wrong and taken it as a threat. It certainly was not. If he was  just an unaware, innocent pawn in a game of others I wanted him to know to get out if he can, not for my sake, but his.

And so it was about two months later on April Fool’s Day 2019 that I found myself in the parking lot of the District Attorney only to learn they were closed for a holiday. A half hour after leaving their lot I was shopping at Twice As Nice discount store in Santa Cruz. I was only there a few minutes and came out to see my right rear tire almost flat and a pair of sunglasses crushed next to it, sunglasses taken from my open window. Now the constant drumbeat of vehicle sabotage was getting under my skin. I was spooked. Less than an hour later I found myself behind traffic that suddenly slowed in front of me forcing me to swerve to the next lane or brake hard. Immediately after getting into that lane the car in that lane also suddenly slowed forcing me to , again, swerve into the lane I was first in or brake hard. (It so happens it was likely the sight of a CHP car following me and them that made them suddenly slow their cars, one after the other.) I was so shell shocked at the time from all this vandalism happening to my vans the thought of another accident terrified me. I may have simply been overly careful in avoiding any collision when all this happened. It’s hard to brake a large van and changing lanes seemed like the best option. I was pulled over and cited for unsafe lane change.

I looked at the film and it was edited. I suspect this CHP officer from the same station as officer Clissold (That’s right.) was waiting, parked, before following me out of a cannabis dispensary parking lot in the hope he might find me smoking marijuana if he stopped me at all. I don’t smoke and drive. I was on my way to a golf putting green getting ready to relax and unwind from all the stresses. While exiting the lot I was accused of entering the lane unsafely and then straddling the dotted line. I was busy trying to put my driver’s licence in it’s box while driving but got into my lane quickly and then was filmed driving exactly with the flow of traffic, steady as a rock for a minute. Then the two cars in front of me, one after the other, apparently noticed the officer following me and slowed suddenly forcing me to swerve. The officer said I forced the car to hit his brake lights in the first maneuver. Not true I noticed.. While sudden, it was a very safe lane change well away from any other vehicle in that lane. In the second emergency maneuver it’s hard to see if that car’s brake lights were visible. The unsafe entrance to the roadway at the start he claimed was edited out of the film.  Why? Would it show that he was parked waiting for me to move before he followed me? I will try to ban it’s use as it was edited in a way that tells only one side of the story. My side of the story that he may have been waiting, parked before he followed me, can’t be confirmed. With a two minute delay he could have saved that part.

And, so here we are, June 21st, and I will be letting the court know I want to fight this ticket as well. The DUI ticket is still under review by the District Attorney and I hope he will not file charges. This entire police abuses against me chapter I will be delivering to him as well.

Amid all this direness in my life a great break happened to me last U.S.Open Sunday when I got my large www.lennonmurdertruth, red letters on black, 3 by 5 foot billboard on live, worldwide television while the leaders, Woodland and Rose were putting on the tenth green.

I was on the beach below, as big and readable as life for 10 seconds time. I was told that the announcer even said; “There’s someone down there with a sign. I don’t know what that is all about.” I’m getting all kinds of feedback from the world about that magic occurrence that I almost MISSED as the idea came to me so very last minute. Five minutes later and I’d have missed it.WWWWOWWWWW!!!!!

Be grateful for me in that regard, everybody. It was pure luck that these golfers hit their shots where they did to perfectly set me into the cameras sights. What a classy way to let the whole world know what the next big news will be. Pebble Beach and the U.S. Open. I only regret I didn’t have another sign that read; “U.S., OPEN YOUR EYES!”

Sincerely, Steve Lightfoot



(To be continued….!)

In the past 80 days I have had the following happen to me;

Starting with just this week with South Point Storage in Sebastopol, Ca.. Having zero troubles for 15 years and enjoying an $18.00 @ mo for 15 years I wondered did I rent a unit that had a grizzly past to get such a good deal. Suddenly I am jumped on by Colleen, an elderly truck driver type of woman with a rude manner and mouth because I spend too much time working on my storage unit. I have a tiny one and it requires more time to manage. I think she was worried that other customers would spot my van and scare them or I would be able to bide my time there. It turns out this is exactly the case, according to them out of their own mouth. That first rude treatment from her was last summer and, just as I suspected, my rate went up this year five dollars. So I paid for a whole year through June of 2020 just last week. A day or so later I was surprised by a maintenance man who told me I  had to be out by 9:00 pm or else I’d have to pay a $20.00 fine. (Possibly a lie.) He called Colleen and she immediately told me I had to have all my stuff in my locker in 15 minutes or I’d be arrested for trespassing. Amazingly I managed to do so. She said they could be sending me a notice in the mail over this incident. She was like a volcano of anger and hatred and I felt violated and abused. (In fact their rules changed three years ago but I never got a memo about a 9:00 curfew there and I was never in violation before, ever.) The next day I was ordered to be off premises by her two hours before 9:00 and that she’d call the police if I wasn’t out by 7:00. This violates our written contract and she had no right to order me to but I complied. This meant I had to leave a small pile in a recessed area near my locker that I planned to take the next morning before watching The Master’s Golf tournament. Had I been allowed to stay until 9:00 I’d have been able to make a second trip and fit everything in my van but I wasn’t given that opportunity I was entitled to.

The next day the Master’s was bumped up to very early A.M coverage due to bad weather in Georgia and I watched it thinking South Point was closed on Sunday. By noon I was there and surprised to see them open and I went in hoping to be able to talk to the manger about Colleen’s violent temper and rudeness towards me but found, instead, Colleen, herself, there. I offered her a $200.00 karaoke machine I was leaving behind for her if she wanted it to patch up any rift between us. She snapped back; “Don’t want it. I want you to get out f this office, now!” What she didn’t say was that she had already scooped up my pile for their possession, already. I went to put my small pile in my van but it was gone. About $300.00 worth of stuff, now gone. I accepted that fact as I left them out for anyone to take. Her order to be out by 7:00 is why I had to do that, however.

The next day I called Mabel, the manager, and tried to tell her about the way Colleen had abused me and about her unprofessionalism but was interrupted to be told that I had 10 days to get out of their facility or they’d confiscate my locker and it’s contents. Never mind that I was paid up for the next 13 months.

I finally talked with Mary, the C.O.O., and she proved to be behind Colleens anger towards me. She backed up Colleen as if she had ordered her to abuse me in the first place and said I was in violation to leave that pile behind. My explanation that that was Colleen’s fault for not allowing me to make a second trip before 9:00 meant nothing to her. She was, in fact, sounding a little drunk and rude, herself, when she admitted that the reason no other customers had been near my mess upstairs is; “..they’re probably afraid of your van outside the doorway and they’re scared to go up the stairs because of that…” Ooops! She had said, earlier, that she had no idea what my van was all about or what my politics was about. In fact, Colleen took photo’s of my van and of me upstairs with my belongings in the alley as if everyone else doesn’t have to do the same thing when they work on THEIR lockers. Then, when I mentioned trying to find another place to store my stuff, she advised me to apply on line because if I drive up in my van they might not rent to me because of my van. I thought my van had nothing to do with their decision, and now she’s admitting other places might be put off by it. Mary shouldn’t talk when she’s, perhaps, drinking I think. She all but admitted my van was the real reason they decided to get rid of me. She also said; “I can get rid of anyone without a reason at all if I feel like it…. Sue my ass off!!!!” With that rudeness I had to hang up on her.

I will be on city council t.v., eventually, when they meet to expose them and every chance I get on talk radio and with flyers and billboards. What will my billboards say? Something like ” BOYCOTT South Point Storage – Bigot monsters!””See site for details” as I stand next to my van with the website address. An attorney to sue for my inconvenience and monetary losses and the abuse of my civil rights will likely follow.

That’s just some of their bigotry, people. There’s lots more I left out for now. As for Colleen, I think some man ruined her life once and I must remind her of him. Her intense hatred of me can’t all be just because I am exposing America’s Lennon murder cover-up. It can’t just be because she might be a red neck, ignorant, boot-licking goober. At least I hope not. She is punished every minute of every day just living inside her angry mind. You’d have to have been there to understand just how full of poison she really is.

Now, on to the other amazing bad things happening to me all at once..

My newly purchased and painted 2000 Chevy van was crashed into some bushes causing $2,000. in damages.

My driving record is facing a dui (drugs only) charge which could result in a six month suspension of my licence and thousands in court and insurance costs. ( I was left in the middle of the road by a designated driver –  introduced to be by a former S.C. police officer – who may have left the van in neutral, on purpose, while I was preparing for dental surgery.)

My other 1989 Toyota van which was being refurbished with a new engine was damaged when Jack Fox Auto Repair deliberately cut all my harness wires even though I told them to leave them alone as they were recently repaired months earlier. This occurred during the same time as my other van was damaged and will also cost thousands to repair. It does just so happen that this same shop services the police academy vehicles for Monterey and police would have seen my van there in short order.

Minutes after trying to deliver a letter about all this possible police corruption against me to the Santa Cruz District Attorney’s office, after typing up the draft on my website then arriving at and leaving the court complex’s parking lot, someone broke into my van,  grabbed my sunglasses, crushed them and dropped them next to my right rear tire which he or she also flattened while I was shopping for reading glasses. Whoever did it may have had prior knowledge that the parking lot security cameras were not activated as he did all this in broad daylight within minutes of my parking. No theft, just vandalism with a message of contempt for my activism left behind.

Not much more than an hour later, and just one minute after I began to drive, I was pulled over and cited by the same CHP (different officer) for an unsafe lane change which I contend I did not commit. He did tell me that he had been watching me and following me. This on April Fool’s day. A set up?! (Subsequent viewing of the dash cam shows that the tape was edited regarding HOW the officer came to  follow me in the first place. It leaves out the part when the officer first saw me.) I contend that he was parked and waiting for my parked van to start to move. That he was probably not just driving and happened to find himself behind me as soon as i began driving..)

I think that officer Clissold, perturbed by my warning of my avenging angel regarding my trespassers when I met him the day after my first ticket, told this other officer to cite me, if possible, to teach me a lesson. Perhaps he is worried my first citation may not be worthy of prosecution, all things considered. I think the term used is “profiling”.

The next day, while trying to access my website I discovered that my website had been hacked and much of my content was suddenly missing including the chapter POLICE ABUSES AGAINST ME that I intended to include to my now revised letter to the D.A.. Two years ago my site was also hacked and it gets hacked a lot by the government who is so afraid of it. Maybe they are trying to get rid of all the content before they kill me so the public can’t read about what really may be the truth, after. The chapter I first noticed missing WAS the one titled “Police Abuses Against Me” (By the way, no other California citizen has been more unfairly targeted and persecuted over time that yours truly, including being kidnapped, handcuffed and beaten unconscious in the back of an S.F.P.D. van in October of 1987 by officers Steven Rist and Kevin Hall. In the mid 90’s Santa Cruz Police fraudulently arrested me getting me in handcuffs branded as a stalker of Stephen King on national t.v. for attending a rally while Stephen King was at a book signing. Two days later, no charges filed, I was released, the damage to me already done.)

An hour after this insult to my senses I was ordered off the grounds of Boardwalk Bowling Alley as if to keep the locals from finding out just what a respectable karaoke singer the John Lennon man is. As if the police had instructed the security staff there to find any excuse to 86 me. In this case I used the mirror for one second in their restroom (It was the women’s room, I’ll admit, but the men’s room has no mirror and I knew the women’s room was empty as I knocked first. ) Almost a half hour later I was approached by security personal in the parking lot while I was watching tv and  was told that cameras caught me adjusting my hair using the only mirror in the entire establishment for one second and that I had to leave.   Because I used the same mirror the night before and had a similar episode a half hour later with the security there who asked me to leave, perhaps the entire boardwalk security staff was on the corner the second day to watch the proceedings of me being 86’d from their low I.Q., goober establishment.(It so happens that first night both the restroom doors were wide open and unmarked and I accidentally walked into the women’s room but exited immediately and washed my hands in the men’s room and then combed my hair in the empty room next door. A half hour later a 300 pound security man asked me to leave over it.)

What is interesting is that they knew to knock on my van in the parking lot a half hour after the fact the second day. This suggests that they all knew who I was regardless of cameras and that I was singled out, in advance, to be 86’d, I think because I AM such a good singer (one of the best in the two counties) and I might gain believers and fans for my Lennon cause and the police may have told that bowling alley to keep me away before Santa Cruz finds out how legit I really am. A Big Brother tactic to mind control all of you via my karaoke absence. To keep you depraved and brainwashed.

I may, in fact, billboard them with a billboard that reads;


Now, we all know that bowling alleys attract the duller Joe 6 pack crowd to begin with, but this is the second time I have run into regressive Goober types in the beach area of Santa Cruz. Intelligent people seem to scare them.

Much of the details are included below the first part of this chapter. I will wait to add to this today for tomorrow much of it may be found missing.

Bottom line is this; Your right to know, YOUR right to live under truth. YOUR decency as a man or woman is under assault that I am going through this jealous rampage against me and my activism. Let me tell these people what I told the security crowd gathered on the corner that day when I exited my van and flipped them all off; “Go fuck yourselves you jealous, low I.Q. Goober Nazis! Go fuck yourselves!”

This is a pity as 95 percent of all police are secretly on my side and respect me after all I’ve endured. (This latest citation I could tell the officer felt sorry for what was happening to me as if he had to know, already. Just doing what he is told.) Too bad a jealous, frightened of what I might expose about them someday for their trespasses against me from the past Santa Cruz officials are proving to be.

Folks, all this cataclysm of bad luck is not bad luck but a conspiracy of cowards against the truth and it’s messenger that they fear.


I’ve been parading around the universe for decades now in my various website emblazoned vans and still the story lingers in the wings and not on the front pages where it has belonged all this torturous time. It occurred to me recently that only YOU PEOPLE are missing from the chemistry to deserve this huge news story. You have displayed a cowardly failure of nerve about the matter and seem to have retreated into your masochistic shells that makes you think you deserve for the government to spank you so evilly. You think you have no power. Power to the people John used to say. Where is that people power that could break this news wide open?

Meanwhile it is dawning on me just how monstrous the public’s shunning of my evidence has been to me, the messenger. Ghoulish, ghastly, morose, miserableness behind the public’s apathy. All because the public lacks pride and courage. Stop martyring the messenger just so you can be spared the job of doing your collective duty to avenge Lennon and save yourselves from the criminals who killed him. You were the intended victims, all along, not John Lennon.

The number one reason John Lennon is dead is your behavior as a people. The government knew that they could kill John, skip a trial for decoy, Mark Chapman, and that none of you would complain, after. They even sicked the killer; Stephen King, on you, after, for good measure. To warp you. Now you’re all warped.

You people are afraid to speak out on the matter and you pity me for still caring. You might as well all get down on you knees and  admit; “We are not worthy!”

Aren’t you people worthy of the truth? Justice? Living under truth? Not yet, people. You are not worthy. Or you’d care. Wouldn’t that be a good place for you all to start? If you are all too scared to care, now, (You are) then what are you going to do about that?

Find your courage, people. Your apathy is cowardly and un-American. Your cowardly denial is child abuse. Just admit it, it is.You almost voted for socialism last election cycle, didn’t you? You’re still angry you haven’t surrendered our freedom, it seems. Has the Kremlin turned you all into dumbfounded douche bags with one assassination?

I could go on for hours. Meanwhile I tell people that they are to blame for every school shooting until they act to jail Stephen King, the man who first wrote about that exact subject in the mid 1970’s in his book “RAGE”. A slogan would say; YOUR SILENCE = SCHOOL VIOLENCE.

Can’t you people see what you all really stand for; lies, murders, cover-ups and farce?

I know that you stand for a hellish world and are cowards and fools living under fear. That just is not sexy, people. Compared to the life you could be living had you my courage the world and life you live is a mere existence and a mockery of life, itself. You need a hero like me in your midst. The government who keeps you sick and afraid, however, would like you to hate me for trying to make the world a better place. Rockefeller and Rothchild families rule you fools with the media and the C.I.A. and F.B.I. and who knows what else.

Did you know that PG&E is owned by the Rothchilds? That Chevron gas stations are owned by Rockefeller? That most of your magazines are printed in the Rockefeller Plaza Building? That the Rockefeller family helped create the C.I.A.? That NBC airs from Rockefeller Plaza? These powerful families own presidents. Except for J.F.K. and Trump Rockefeller has controlled all the other presidents in my lifetime. Fossil fuel can only be stopped from harming our planet if these powerful people are dethroned by your political activism. My Lennon expose gives you all the ammo you need to succeed in demanding a better world. Otherwise powerful monopolies will keep that bit in your mouths and steer you around in circles of madness like you’ve been these past three, almost four, decades of subjecting yourself to being urinated on by evil murderer; Stephen King. He keeps you all afraid of standing up to these other monsters that kill people like J.F.K. and John Lennon and any other hero who may try to save you and give you a better life on earth.

Look at Santa Cruz talk radio station KSCO. A complete hoax on all of you. They are the equivalent of the C.I.A in Hippy cloth. When they did give me two hours to expose truth their existing audience was already too media castrated to appreciate it. Flatfooted audience! KSCO MADE Santa Cruz that way to begin with before they tried to wash me up under the guise of giving me air time. Now a movie called “US” about Santa Cruz is out. Another media mind game to keep the public under mind control? KSCO can’t handle the truth.

You cowards need a hero like me. You won’t admit it, though. Like in The Wizard Of Oz you all lack the brains, heart and courage to stand up to the government. That was the message of that movie. Can’t you people see that? You need a “Toto” to admit for you what you are too weak and afraid and phony to admit. Admit it.

Jail Stephen King or fail yourselves and your offspring. Meanwhile I don’t have sex with John Lennon killing cowards and monsters. Celibacy is more dignified in my opinion. Feigning ignorance is what you’ve all been doing. Repent.




Since  Henry Perez of Jack Fox Auto Repair is dealing in complete lies to deny me the repairs we agreed to, allow me to be so bold as to say that (1) His shop deliberately severed all my perfectly good engine harness wires even after I told him to leave them alone as they were recently repaired.

(2) This shop never quoted me for harness repairs, never saw nor mentioned a check engine light being on and accepted payment in full before the job was started to install a remanufactured engine. This agreement was made on January 12, after they pulled and examined my old motor and harness out of the vehicle.

(3) When I brought my vehicle in there was no “check engine light” on or code issues with the computer as Henry claims, only an oil check light that I knew about caused by a bad sensor.

(4) This sabotage may be deliberate on their part having to do with a former acquaintance of mine who has reason to harm me for exposing him to police as a pot dealer 17 years ago and told him so to prevent him from getting busted since he wouldn’t recognize the fact that there were too many new faces in his life. This man is a friend of the shop’s owners and this man, Michael McCauly, threatened me on March 4, 2019 when my repair job came to a confrontation saying; ‘You know you’re getting new teeth soon. Maybe I’d like to take a few of them with me and hit you.” (I have informed officer Swarez of this threat. Also, this is a lot like wanting to ruin my other expensive investment; my van repair) Mike told me initially he had no idea my van was in Henry’s shop as he had been gone for months. Now his story changed to one month which means he PROBABLY saw my van there in late January and had plenty of time to ask this, apparently, crooked shop to harm my van. He often sleeps on their premises in his van and sees them regularly, in fact.

(5) Henry and his father’s shop, Jack Fox Auto Repair, are trading in multiple falsehoods to cover their acts of sabotage against what was a properly functioning wire harness before they cut the entire harness in two. Every wire. I saw this in mid February and contacted the Bureau of Automotive Repair that same day. I phoned in the following day to add the fact that my harness wires were all cut in two as I was focusing on the length of time they were holding my van hostage in the initial report. This is all verifiable.

What is shocking is that Henry Perez, in writing, states that he documented and discussed a harness issue and a check engine light issue. No, this a complete lie. The only paperwork I ever saw was the two estimates he gave me. The first was scrapped after he told me I’d be better off getting a re-manufactured engine rather than rebuild mine. No mention of either issue there. The second was another invoice for the total cost to install the new motor and do some suspension work. It had no mention of any harness or check engine light issue, either. There are no other documents except for Henry’s March 04, e-mail that he sent as he tried to get me to accept my van as is, improperly running. This was after they failed to fix my van after almost two months time.

Only I ever brought up the harness. The first time was before they began work. I told Henry to leave it alone as I just had it rebuilt months earlier. There was never a check engine light on when I delivered my van to them. The second time was when I told Henry and Chris and Jose that I discovered they had cut all the wires of my harness in two and asked why. This was in mid February. I filed a complaint that day with the Bureau of Automotive Repair. I called the next day to add the harness being cut in two by phone.

When Jose was told that Frank Susi Automotive repaired and fixed that harness just months earlier he was agast and tried to bad mouth Frank and he seemed like a man caught in his own mistake. He hadn’t calculated that fact. When I told Chris he tried to bad mouth Frank Susi as well. Susi Auto Electric has one of, if not the best reputations locally in this regard, folks. He did a great job. Chris even told me I should ask for a refund of that $300.00 and that he would fix it better. In fact Jose assured me that Chris is a military auto electric expert and he would be able to color code all the wires and fix them. When I insisted to Henry to examine my concern he told me he was too busy to look at the cut wire harness.

I only happened to discover this nightmare when Henry told me to come to the shop to show them how to access the battery which he admitted they had drained dry. In fact, when I asked him to recharge the battery before staring the van to protect the alternator he derisively said; “We wouldn’t want to hurt your alternator, now, would we?” This, after just damaging my battery which I asked him not to do and to make sure the doors were all shut between work sessions.

If any of this is less than true they would sue me. They can’t. It’s all true. I only deal in truth. Other mechanics, including the last smog shop, will be able to prove that Henry is lying.

Meanwhile I have informed them that the B.A.R. has advised me to not take my van out of their shop until they have examined it and attempted a resolution and that any storage fees they may try to charge me I am protected from in the meantime.

(UPDATE INSERT March 07, 2019)

Just received a call from the Bureau of Automotive Repair. They saw Frank Susi and learned I was telling the truth about my check engine light  never being on and that my van ran fine leaving his shop with no code issues in late August of 2018. He said that there were some brittle wires and connectors that could stand fixing but that my van ran fine leaving his shop. Contrary to Jack Fox’s claim about photographing my check engine light being on before repairs, there was no documentation of that. The Bureau’s rep advised me that their shop would “Give me a deal” and fix my wire harness. Only because I need to vacate two storage facilities this month on both ends of the state and need both vans did I tell him “Not a penny over $200.00 am I willing to pay and that I will not sign any legal waiver only a release of my vehicle as fixed if they agree.” If they don’t agree I will take it elsewhere for repairs and sue their pants off, after.

Whatever Jack Fox decides I will decide if they work on the peninsula, after the dust settles. They will not get me to agree to a release from all legal action.

Folks, this is what I have heard about this new owner and Jack Fox. That they up charge customers after getting into a job to extract more money or even have the customer surrender his vehicle to them so they can sell it and make more money that way. In my case I caught them sabotaging my wire harness without permission to even touch it. In fact they cut my harness after I instructed them to leave the harness alone.

Now I have caught them lying profusely and advise you to spread the word about these, in my opinion, monsters.

As for Michael McCauly (MacCauly?) he has suffered mightily since I knew him when. Now he is a known enemy of mine and I will avoid him from now on. There may be some psychological component I won’t describe here at play in this whole nightmare. When I first began exposing Jack Fox Auto my first draft suggested that men who wear earrings I don’t allow to work on my vehicles as past experience suggests they are mentally “off”. This new experience may not be too dissimilar. Certain types of people hate hero types like me; strong, heterosexual,white, male and brave, more than most people. Certain types of people are prejudiced against me more than mainstream society. It’s a fact I will describe after I am famous, in fact. If I don’t fit their demographic they seem to think I threaten their demographic just by being recognized as a hero in the traditional sense. Dog in the manger syndrome, I think. It’s sad. It’s pitiful, in fact.

(INSERT UPDATE – March 09, 2019)

Yesterday I was told that Jack Fox was not willing to fix my van for the $200.00 extra I was willing to pay just to get my van out of there and running.  At one point Jose told me they would fix it for free and I told the Bureau representative I would not agree to a penny more and that I would take my van, as is, out of their shop and to another one to fix the damages they caused. The rep told me they still owe me $75.00 for the alignment they did not perform and that Jack Fox’s shop would call me in a few hours and help me get my van out of there. No call was received even after I alerted the Bureau of this fact twice that day. It seems they just don’t know how to play by the rules with anyone. Monday I will try to get my van back after it has been held hostage for over two months there. Whatever other sabotage they may have done I will have the next shop inspect and document.

It should be said that, just hours after Henry drove by and took a photo of me holding up my sign about there shop on March 02,, I caught him wrenching on my van. Was he further sabotaging it in a fit of rage or was he trying to get me and my van out of his shop? I know every inch of that van and the status of every part on it like the back of my hand as I’ve invested several thousand dollars into it over a decade, plus, of owning it. Whatever damages they caused they will pay for after I sue them in civil court. There is also the matter of my mental suffering that is real due to their actions. For weeks I was tortured with foul, reactive thoughts.

Recalling that they started the untidy discourse when they verbally abused me and told me not to ask when my van will be ready a month ago, as well as my discovery of my wire harness cut to shreds by them, it should also be stated here that, on March 04, when officer Swarez and  I showed up to see Henry, I said something extremely provocative in the officer’s presence designed to find something out, later. It happened to work, in fact, an hour later, following an accidental run in with Mike. I wanted to show the officer what a liar Henry is (I just learned that he was claiming my harness was damaged before he touched it according to the officer.) I also said to Henry; “You must be gay to be so invested in hurting my van…”

Having known Mike for several years I had my suspicions about his sexuality, then. I have nothing against gays and consider them nature’s population control mechanism, but I had a hunch that more than just friendship between Mike and Henry might account for the malice involved in severing a set of harness wires. I’m not suggesting that either of them are gay but I wanted to see Mike’s reaction when I told him what exchange I just had with Henry in front of an officer. When I told him that I said; “You must be gay to be so invested in hurting my van!” Mike suddenly lost his cool. He shot back, angrily; “You got something against gays?! I’m not gay…my brother is…you got something against gays?!..You know, you’re getting some new teeth. Maybe I’d like to take a few of them with me (as in before he dies) and hit you.”This showed me that Mike, indeed, would like to reach out and harm me and my new, expensive, almost $40,000. mouth investment and that he would probably like to also harm my $4,000. van repair project. I learned a lot about my situation from a chance meeting as he saw me walking, honked, and I came to talk with him. This one hour after I saw Henry with the officer.

That told me that Mike and Henry just MIGHT have more than a friendship going on and that that might account for the off the charts malice I observed in Jack Fox’s actions. It seemed that Henry seemed to enjoy the battle and was even smiling as he drove by my sign days earlier when he snapped a photo of me and the sign. It was a question I had to explore and incendiary language was necessary to flush out the truth. Was my other incendiary remark something I’m proud of? No. I won’t even repeat it. Consider how a father might feel upon learning that his daughter’s new boyfriend was savagely beating her. I expressed that kind of anger in front of an officer and a witness to make sure I never act on that remark. Henry and Jose’s actions did cause me a torturous few weeks of nasty thoughts I had to get off of my chest, if only for my mental health. It wasn’t planned, it was totally unexpurgated and a surprise to even me.

That I have named them both in this letter to the public is a necessary move to protect myself from any revenge plans they may have against me. One thing I know about crime is that an individual will mostly lash out at his enemy, even kill him, to prevent him from revealing something they are ashamed of being made public. To silence the individual before that shame is revealed. As such, I am legally able to say the above, private party or not, to protect myself. I have to show you motive on their part to harm me before they actually do. I have made this a matter that police will likely monitor to make sure I am not a victim of these parties and give them reason to worry that their actions and phones may be under 24/7 surveillance.

By the way, Mike tried to assure me that Henry isn’t gay and has a girlfriend who lives in Japan (How inconvenient.) and that he isn’t gay. I am willing to admit that may be the case and that my worries are unfounded. I can’t to afford to be wrong, however, and have acted as such.

NEW INSERT March 11, 2019

Came by to pick up my van. I had a police officer with me and the Bureau of Automotive repair on the phone yet Henry would STILL not release my fully paid for project and give my van back unless I sign his pack of lies final invoice where he states that I said; “Someone should put a shotgun to your head and blow your brains out!” A far cry from what I said; “You’re lucky no one blows your head off with a shotgun the way you treat your customers.” One is a threat the other a statement of opinion. Just another example of Henry’s willingness to lie. I will sign, if I must “under protest” and disavow his statement as false. If he still tries to keep my van after all this i will consider my van “stolen” by his shop and press those charges. Though they were supposed to call me to get my van last Friday, three days ago, they did not. Now they claim it needs some final adjustments before they release my van to me. There is no end to this shop’s shenanigans, I ran into one lawyer who had a client with the same shop who went six months before he got his vehicle back. They won a settlement that was reasonable according to this attorney.

I’ll keep you all posted as this shop continues it’s self destructive path towards being moved off peninsula by this very high profile, activist, pissed off customer. No region, frankly, deserves to have a shop in their midst that these owners run. I only know I owe it to my fellow Monterey peninsula residents not to stop until they are many miles away, at least,. and under a new name.

Am I being molested by heterophobic rage on their part having to do with an individual I knew years ago that is now one of their friends? Are they just really this terrible a shop that they can’t get a vehicle fixed in less than two months? Are they criminals? You folks tell me. They have stepped on my tail and I will use YELP to help me out their conduct. I got a call from a stranger while eating my breakfast who saw my site who told me about Yelp. Of course, talk radio is another good medium. I think half of the peninsula is aware of this nightmarish experience I am going through with this shop.  I am getting a new vibe from everyone, I notice, when I karaoke, suddenly, for example. Thanks for paying attention, peninsula.

Steve Lightfoot


INSERT – March 13, 2019:

Two days ago I had to call 9-11 and report vehicle theft and that I want to press charges against Jack Fox Automotive for stealing my 1989 Toyota van. As the immediately above entry states, Henry tried to get me to sign a pack of lies in his final invoice to receive my van. I did a little Google searching for options, contacted at least one attorney (Who happens to have successfully sued this company in the past for a client who had his vehicle held hostage for six months!) and came to the conclusion to sign “Under Protest” and to disavow “…much of the invoice statements which are “a pack of lies.” and note this next to my signature. When Henry saw that I had done this he refused to release my van. I immediately placed the aforementioned 9-11 call and Henry, just as immediately, told me it was my van and I could take it any time I want. I think it’s because I am one of the few who know that alleging vehicle theft is the appropriate action to take in this instance. He folded immediately and then filmed me driving off his property after telling me he recommends I have my van towed rather than drive it at all. I rescinded my 9-11 call and checked to see what he may have stolen from the inside a half block away from their shop before I decided on my next move. I had to retrieve my gas can the next day.

Now, Henry Perez IS a liar and I can freely say so in public because he has provided proof of this in writing and  otherwise. I won’t give away all my strategies for court down the road but will let you know about at least these lies he has told so far. In order of importance;

1)That he left my wire harness “as is” and only reassembled it. The Bureau of Automotive repair has his shop on record as having tried to repair at least two wires (Apparently unsuccessfully). I told them to leave my harness alone, initially.

2) That my harness was damaged before work began and that my “check engine” light was on when I brought it to them. In fact my harness was working perfectly after having just been repaired for $300. a few months earlier and my “check engine” light had not been on since 2016 when I had to replace a water temperature sensor and was NOT on when I brought my van into their shop. I, in fact, saw more than just two wires severed in the midst of their work on my van.

These are very important issue as I will be suing them for the repairs I must make to get my van running again. I must repair the damage they did to my harness.

3) That I ever said to anyone’ “Someone should put a gun to your head and blow your brains out!” When I saw this on March 04 on his final invoice and showed officer Swarez his written statement he admitted he didn’t recall my using those words. I corrected my statement on the spot; “You’re lucky no one has blown your head off with a shotgun the way you treat your customers.” Now you people can see WHY I instinctively reserved my remarks for the presence of a WITNESS, a police officer in fact, just to prove what I actually said in case Henry tried to lie about it later. Lying is what Henry mostly does, apparently.

Henry is also threatening me, I think, with his version of what I said. He knows that I would pay attention to every change made and this is what I read into his statement; “No, Steve, someone should put a gun to YOUR head and blow YOUR brains out!” Knowing his character Henry probably owns a handgun and would like to exactly kill me before I put his dishonest repair shop out of business. Before I start standing on intersections with my billboard and get on the radio etc. to inform the public. The police have this entry and I hope they are keeping a close watch on Henry Perez in the meantime.

There are many more lies Henry has told in the course of my attempts to get my van out of his shop but I have limited my list to just a few. I suppose I could sue Henry for defamation to say such a lie about me on a legal document. I would but he’d, no doubt, lie and say that’s what he honestly thought he heard me say.

Henry withheld my adjusted signature when he gave me my copy of the invoice. My copy has no signature. He may try to “lose” the original copy and claim he transferred it to a computer after first whiting out my adjustments and claim I signed it without an “Under Protest” disclaimer. I have the Bureau working on it to get me a signed copy.

Henry told me, before work began; “You know, I should tell you that I’m a big Stephen King fan.” Judging from his actions I suppose he is. Most Stephen King fans that I know are cowards at heart who like to be afraid and scared. I’d say they are sado-masochistic, generally. I used to wonder was it Henry or his father, Jose, who was behind all my troubles with their shop. I am landing on Henry as he seems to be even motivated by more than just friendship if he’s following Mike MaCauly’s possible advice to ruin my van over old bad blood. He has a tendancy to smile, often, while tormenting me, I’ve noticed, including when he drove by to take a photo of me holding a sign exposing him. Some kind of sick smile.. I’d say there must be even a sexual component fueling his sadistic, in my opinion, treatment of my van. That he seems to be off the rails with his vendetta against me that mere friendship can’t explain. Having a girlfriend who lives almost six thousand miles away seems a little less than ideal for any real romance. That’s just my opinion, however.

I learned that my remarks about that former mutual acquaintance who used to sell marijuana in 2012 and a connection to that shop may actually exist. I once opined that maybe Henry’s trip to Japan was about more than just seeing his girlfriend. I now learn, not only is he planning to open a marijuana dispensary, the e-mail on Jack Fox’s invoice reads; “oceangrown—“”something or other. Not exactly along the lines of auto repair. I do believe that auto repair is not Henry’s calling. It has been a nightmare on Olympia Avenue from my perspective.

I will be following up with the D.A. and other attempts to get a lawyer as this is bigger than just a case for small claims, in my opinion.

P.S. I know that most of you are on my side. I also know that many of you are relishing my troubles because everybody wants to hate he who has the big story that will change the world. I give the entire race of man a case of penis envy, I know. Get over it, people. I have the copyright to the biggest expose ever told in two thousand years and you don’t. That’s life. Help- me come forward and stop trying to stall the news you all need. At least now you know where you should NOT take your vehicle in for servicing, I hope.

And  now, to end on a side note, Henry once told officer Swarez that “He insisted on using his own fluids, which is something we just don’t do…” No, in realty, he said; “For the price you want you have to use your own fluids and provide them.”

Just a flavor of how Henry likes to lie.

The above is an insert. What is below may be repetitious as a result.

We’re talking about the Jack Fox Auto Service and Truck Repair shop in Seaside, California. To bring you up to speed with how unprofessional I think this new owner, Jose, is I visited the shop yesterday to get a few items from my 1989 Toyota van. It has been there for seven weeks, a month longer than I was led to believe by the owner’s son, Henry. I made the mistake of paying in full, in advance for an engine swap and some suspension work. I bought a re-manufactured engine and had it shipped there in mid January of 2019. Total investment about four grand.

I came by yesterday, February 25, and told the mechanic on duty; “You know, you can crush my van’s roof on your ceiling with your hoist if you want but I can hurt you a lot more than you can hurt me.” To which he got defensive saying; “If you’re going to threaten me we’re gong to have some real problems.” I replied; “We’ve already got some real problems. This has been a nightmare experience. I want to show you something.” I walked across the street presented a four foot by three foot sized black billboard and showed it to him. I said; “This is a great, big, beautiful, blank billboard. Let’s keep it that way. The worst you can do to me is destroy my van. The worst I can do to you is move you to Salinas.” What circumstances could have lead up to this incendiary exchange, you might ask.

Initially, Henry told me the job would take about three weeks. It was almost ready two weeks ago but work suddenly stalled and it’s been sitting. I noticed few things; The battery they drained dry leaving a door ajar (Even though I asked them not to.) I also told them that the wire harness was good and just repaired. I found that cut to smithereens. Every wire.  When I advised Henry to charge the battery before starting the car so as not to break the alternator he said, derisively; “We wouldn’t want to hurt your alternator, now would we?” I also noticed there was no oil in the engine but the radiator was full. They had better not have run the engine without oil or they’re toast.starting the day it fails.. Any gang tactics or other threats of violence from them will land them a felony charge and in front of a judge. Meanwhile know that any violence against me could be their doing.

I also have learned that they service Seaside police academy vehicles and there exists the possibility the police have instructed them to hold my van hostage since they have noticed my famous van there for weeks. I like to think the local police are NOT against me, however. In fact, one of this repair shop’s friends who I used to be a friend with, before I put an abrupt end to his pot dealing to protect him from getting busted almost 20 years ago, suggests to me that there may be something fishy about Henry’s recent trip to Japan that may tie into this angle. Maybe this former friend saw my van there and told them to sabotage it over that decades long bad blood. When I asked this former friend if this is what happened he denied he ever knew my van was there. He said he has been out of the area for months. I have my doubts, however. He just happens to show up about the time Henry returns from Japan from doing who knows what. This former friend, who practically lives on the repair shop’s lot and even sleeps there, told me that he notices a lot of their customers end up returning to complain the repairs went wrong and that a lot of customers surrender their vehicle to the shop after a price increase is presented and they choose to let the shop keep their vehicle rather than repair it. Our recent conversation suggests they were trying to have ME surrender my vehicle, somehow. Like a racket operation.

Henry told me, initially, as we were making our business agreement “You know, I have to let you know, I’m  a big Stephen King fan” When I asked him should that concern me where my repair job is concerned he said no. The last time I spoke to Jose he told me; “Don’t come by asking when it will be ready. Whether it be a year, a month or a week, we’ll let you know.” In your face unprofessional behavior.

When Henry and I traded my check for his receipt he said something about my losing in court if I ever tried to sue him. How unprofessional. How spooky..

His father, Jose, initially seemed alright but one day he lit into his first verbally abusive tirade against me telling me to not ask when it will be ready, that he’ll call me. Out of the blue. Jeckyle and Hyde personality. Totally unprofessional. He lied that day bragging that he has been in business for 40 years. No, not there.  More like two years under another man’s once good name; Jack Fox. In fact Richard Flesher owned it and earned a good reputation for decades after Mr. Fox retired and died.

When I contacted Mr. Flesher his wife returned my call and urged me to go ahead and expose Jose as they are very upset at what they have heard about his practices there these past two years. So you see, folks, it’s not just me. The former owner’s tell me he’s a bad actor! Other shops around town have told me the same thing. One shop told me that Marina ran him out of town because he clogged the streets with his customer’s cars.

The first day I went to his shop I noticed a letter on the counter to one of his employees admonishing him for taking too many cigarette breaks, etc. Now I notice his employees are not showing up for work, repeatedly. I’m staring to doubt they have the knowledge to even put my van back together and may be depending on experienced help they apparently can’t keep to solve their problems. What a nightmare.

This shop is near the Obama Way Goodwill Store in Seaside, a few blocks west and has a parking lot with dozens of long sitting R.V.s and vehicles. He also is annoying his business neighbors by clogging the side streets with his other vehicles he can’t get to. A real pain in everybody’s ass, in my opinion.

I think they suffer from low self esteem and that my alpha male persona, busting out government for John Lennon’s murder, bothers them. There are legitimate ways to make money and run a shop. They have no idea how low their self esteem must be to harass me. The reason you have this letter is because you ran into me on the main boulevards advertising with my now emblazoned sign;





for details!!!!!.

I figure they will lose an average of ten thousand dollars for every day I display my sign. That doesn’t count the talk radio spots I will likely use and city council meetings that are televised for the locals. I’ll also tape it to my newer van’s rear section and parade it all over the peninsula.

If they want to sabotage my van I’ll find out about it and make sure I put them off peninsula after they are forced to first change their name. My van is worth ten thousand dollars and small claims will help me on the side and they will likely lose. BIG TIME. I may hire a lawyer for punitive damages, besides, as they have caused me a great deal of grief, already. I called Toyota to asked what it would cost to repair the wire harness this shop destroyed and was told about $3,000.00! Thirty hours of work, according to them.

Today (Feb. 27) I am having police stand by as I demand completion of my repairs and I will show them my sign and explain it will move them off peninsula if my van is sabotaged by them at all. That I will sue them, if necessary, besides. Last week I filed a complaint with the Bureau of Automotive repair.  I will also petition a judge in civil court to demand completion of my repairs. Ditto, I’ll see the D.A. and file a consumer fraud investigation. I will file a second complaint with the BBB and keep busy until I have my van back and running  properly, without any surprises, after.  I’ll most likely start advertising my billboard Friday, my birthday, as they don’t respect me, yet. They could fix it in one day if they tried, I’m sure.

Holding my van hostage for almost two months, damaging the battery and destroying my wire harness is criminal terrorism, don’t you people think? That they are picking on the one, best person on the whole peninsula says volumes about their sick character. Most people are NOT Stephen King’s  perverted slaves. At least not by choice.

P.S. I just paid $350.00 to their competitor for a brake job on my Chevy van. They lost that job and all others from me. I suggest you all follow suit and avoid the nightmare on Olympia Ave..

P.P.S. Today, February 28, 2019, a day after they promised me and the officer they would have my van ready ( I had an officer accompany me as I showed the shop the sign I have ready to put them out of business with), it’s still not ready and my last conversation with that former friend suggests they like messing with my head and the repair job may not turn out well, after all. At one point the owner told me my van is finished, that the engine is in, just not running and I could tow it out of there. I drove it in running and I expect it to run perfectly before I pull it out. Otherwise they will have to give me back all of my $1,936.00 and hope the engine wasn’t also damaged by them. If they were to do THAT and the engine worked fine after someone else repaired their damages then they might be free of further legal action. Maybe. Depending. There is still the mental anguish they have caused me that needs accessing.

Aren’t you all grateful to me for informing you, now, about this Jack Fox Auto Repair shop?

F.B.I. STALKING ME!!!??? January, 2019;

My Newly Emblazoned Website Vans and Driver’s Licence The Target!!!????

My luck has NEVER been so bad as it was last January 10, 2019. It would almost have to have BEEN a police sting operation for so many things to go wrong all at once. It went from one of the greatest days of my life – I was about to get my mouth restored with implants and new teeth – to one of the gravest days of my life – charged with DUI (drugs only), me and my newly painted, now damaged, van in the bushes in a parking lot, no operation, my life turned into a nightmare, instantly – because my designated driver either left my van in neutral after abandoning me in the middle of the roadway or just left it abandoned, running, with the door wide open after disobeying my directions to simply park in the space I showed him days earlier when we rehearsed everything.

Now I face possible licence suspension and upwards of several thousand dollars in increased insurance rates and a $2,000.00, plus, ticket, not counting the almost $2,000.00 I spent the week after at the body shop to fix it. A catastrophe, by any measure. What has ME so upset is the gut feeling that this exactly WAS an F.B.I. / police style set up sting operation that sprung on my life like a bear trap. My life is in extreme danger if anyone would stoop to such a cowardly, sick act as to use my mouth operation as a launching ground to take my vehicles off the streets by instructing a homeless coffee shop patron to sabotage my drive to the dentist. Just evil and SICK!!

If the government was behind this they must have known what a threat my two newly refurbished vans would be now that they were both almost ready for the open roads of America. I’ve been advertising about it enough on this website. My new slogans far more hard hitting than ever before, in fact.  My vans. Two of them, now. Indeed, the events following the accident just SCREAM police set up;

Let me list the reasons why, in order;

In 1995(?) the same municipality, Santa Cruz, California, engaged in a blatant KGB style raid on my reputation when police, along with mayor Neil Coonerty, sprung a trap when author Stephen King conducted a book signing event there. Though my only crime was setting one foot into the store after three hours of displaying a huge sign outside that read; “STEPHEN KING IS A MURDERER; IT’S TRUE OR HE’D SUE.” instantly several men in suits swarm arrested me and displayed me to waiting national television cameras in handcuffs on the national TV news and branded as a stalker of Stephen King. America’s cowardly response to my heroism and truth. I spent two days in a jail while the media slandered me and was released, uncharged, the damage already done. I noticed the book displayed behind King’s photo the next day  on page one in the paper was titled :”How A House Works” So, the Santa Cruz police have a record of fraud and abuse where my activism and message are concerned. They are but one of dozens of police departments who have conducted other nefarious activities related to my free speech efforts. More than you would believe if I listed them all, but including being kidnapped, handcuffed and beaten unconscious in the back of a San Francisco police van in 1987 for no reason, whatsoever, for example. My father’s suspicious death in a plane crash, even, people. This occurred days after Stephen King wrote me a threat letter about “Phase Three..” since you won’t cease your investigation..” and on the tenth anniversary of Nixon’s resignation. His dog was even found hanged in a drape chord a few weeks prior to his death, like a mob threat to me. We’re talking hundreds of abuses over three decades, people. I recall in Santa Rosa having to respond to a summons for ;”Breaking and entering.” What? Breaking and entering their magazine codes that gave me my evidence? I attended court four times with only me in the courtroom and no one else before that was dismissed. The day I arrived in Stephen King’s hometown of Bangor, Maine in 1992, for example, I had no less that six encounters with police, one ticket and had my keys and tape recorder stolen from my parked van while using a phone booth just yards away. One officer admitted on the stand that he told me; ” King gives me $6,000.00 a month just to harass you..” Six months and two other phony tickets later, tickets I all beat by the way, I finally had to leave due to freezing temperatures. Then, in 1996, in Palm Springs, King’s other winter home I would learn, when I was there to caddie for a senior golf tour event, I endured almost two dozen police events, including one gun pointing episode, an arrest the next day for advertising this fact, four citations, all of which I beat, and more, all over my van which read “STEPHEN KING SHOT JOHN LENNON” The most harrowing event there involved at least three Palm Spring’s police officers surrounding me in the patio of a crowded restaurant at night preparing to beat me unconscious, no doubt. Only my screaming to the restaurant patrons what they were up to stopped them from kidnapping me and beating me senseless.

Incidentally, and even I admit it sounds far fetched, the 9-11 attack in New York just happened to be on the same, exact week my website was launched in 2001 and the first Trade Tower attack in 1993 occurred three weeks after I spent months there with my van and magazines for the first time. I know how big my expose is. So does the government! Maybe THAT was a coincidence, but what happened recently with this DUI ticket is probably NOT a coincidence..

Now, regarding the events of January 10, 2019;

To begin with, I was introduced to my driver by a former Santa Cruz police officer named Bill who now owns The Coffee House in Santa Cruz. The Moondog Coffee House is another name it goes by. Most of his customers are former police officers, in fact. I didn’t know this at the time, but Bill learned, almost a week before my operation date, (1) Who I am as he saw my new website van in his parking lot (2) That I would need a third party, a driver as I would be on pre surgery medication (3) He knew what time and place this would occur. I only chose Cris Malsack (pronounced Malsay) a homeless man on a bicycle, because several others I asked, including a friend in Monterey I was willing to pay, declined.

I showed Cris the exact parking space I wanted him to park at three days prior. Then, the next day, when I bought him breakfast, after he and Bill had a day to discuss whatever, he confided to me that he had gotten no sleep the night before. I wondered why as it was just a block drive to a pre selected parking space. What could be so ominous about that? I thought. Partly because all police abuses have subsided since my website went up in 2001 I didn’t suspect any plot afoot to sabotage me, now. By then, however, I knew that Bill was a police officer.

January 10, 2019, I met Cris at The  Coffee House at 7:20 am. I had just driven two miles to meet him after taking my prescriptions according to directions. They said “Careful driving and operating machinery” not “Do not drive after taking.” as they were supposed to say, I would later learn. In fact, because I am a doctor’s son and extra careful, generally, I waited until one HALF hour before arrival in taking two Halcion tablets and one penicillin tablet. I felt no effects as we were about to leave. Cris, however, insisted that he drive. I let him, thinking what could go wrong in two minutes time? We had already rehearsed what to do.

Cris immediately began driving somewhat recklessly, zipping past our parking space after I directed him to  “Park right HERE!” Instead, he drove almost off the grounds before he made a jerky U-turn back to the area next to the parking space. Instead of parking my van he, without a word, abruptly exited the van leaving it in the middle of the roadway in a private parking lot with the engine running and the door wide open. That he may have also left the van in neutral instead of park is a fact I only considered a day after the event when my head was clear. For whatever reason, whether to park it in the space it was next to or rescue it from rolling, as I now believe to be the case, or just to exit the van, I found myself behind the wheel and in the bushes. The van rolled only 20 feet to a stop but not without also slightly grazing a second vehicle and hitting a fence post.

Cris immediately returned , grabbed the keys from the ignition and, apparently, stole $100.00 from my wallet before he gave it to the Sheriff’s who, amazingly, seemed to be there within less than one minute. (I would learn later that day from dispatch that two officers “…just happened to be right there at the same time..”)

Having just seen the police report for the first time I learned that, at some point, Cris sat me in a wheel chair, yelled out loud; “You’re a dead man! We have to get you outta here!” as he tried to wheel me away from the scene of an accident! Thank goodness people stopped him or I’d be in bigger trouble. Hijacked and kidnapped twice in two minutes time by the same weirdo. I have to admit I don’t recall any of that part. Now, following a crash, my adrenaline kicking into high gear, it seems AFTER the crash I may have started to then succumb to the drugs I took, but not before. I don’t recall stumbling or falling down as some said. I only recall being upright, walking. The fact that Cris yelled “You’re a dead man!” is alarming if he is part of a police plot. It shows his animus towards me, that is for sure. Not really trying to help me at all. More my enemy. Does he have inside information that I am about to be killed? The report was full of mistakes. His plan to get me a wheelchair seems more of a phony alibi to explain leaving me stranded in the middle of the road than any attempt on his part to help me, in fact.

I noticed that the citing officer completely reversed what I said initially. He claimed that I said that I drove from the coffee shop to the dentist’s office. Completely false! I told him that Cris drove me to the office but that, had I stuck to my original plan of meeting him at the office after I got there, first, none of this would have happened to begin with. How could that be turned into me claiming to have driven myself there? That was his first paragraph; a complete falsehood.

I was up and walking around, immediately, certainly in no need of a wheelchair. I told the officers exactly why I thought I ended up in the bushes all while standing up straight and walking around unimpaired. Certainly my condition wasn’t so bad I couldn’t walk a straight line then. Police cams are the norm, now, and I think they will bear this fact out. That I was not that impaired. In fact, just to make it from the back of my van to the driver’s seat required a lot of athleticism it’s so cramped, requiring quite a bit of maneuvering around several objects.

I learned from the CHP officer who cited me, officer Clissold, that Cris “…drove you here even though he has a suspended licence..”  I later asked him why he wasn’t cited for that and he told me : “Because I didn’t actually SEE him driving..” He didn’t see me driving, either. No officer did. I also learned that my wallet was suddenly missing $100.00 when he returned it to me at the recovery center. I was sober enough to walk up a flight of stairs to get a pencil and paper to do the math at the time to see how much was missing.

I later also learned that Cris was “Shooed away” from the scene by police. His voice mail said: “I don’t know what happened the way they shooed me away…”

Instead of getting my operation I was taken to a recovery center to let the medicine wear off. I was not arrested nor was my van impounded. Though the effects of the medicine were stronger hours after taking them I wasn’t tested until well after the accident occurred. I was far more sober when it happened. My field test for sobriety went almost perfect except for one wiggle with one step partially due to the fact that I wear a lift in that shoe. Had I been tested at the time of the accident I would have done even better. My breath blew a zero for alcohol. My blood sample will likely take months before it’s contents are known. Besides the prescription I was given I also took a multiple vitamin pill, a calcium / magnesium / zinc pill, an MSM pill, and a pill for my eye health and one for joint support, all accessible to anyone at any Trader Joe’s store, the night before to help insure a good surgical outcome.

Regarding drugs and alcohol I have never even been charged with a DUI in my life and, except for the one time only in my life I was too drunk to drive when I was 19, alone and on a deserted back road, I have never BEEN drunk behind the wheel in my entire life. Ever since my parents conducted aversion therapy on me when I was about 13 I have never liked alcohol and only buy one drink per night whenever I karaoke. Usually maybe two beers a week. I defy anyone to find a bartender or waitress who could deny this fact. Marijuana is the only drug I have ever purchased in my life. I have never experimented with anything I consider dangerous, ever, either. My teeth went bad due only to decades of living in a van to break my Lennon expose. I have never tried meth or speed in my life. Before marijuana was made legal in California I had a doctor’s prescription for it due to back pain and stress related to my police abuses, in fact. If I actually break my Lennon expose I will be one of the best role models in celebrity-hood in this drive sober regard. Now I am about to be criminalized for something I am not guilty of.

Incidentally, I have no criminal record, no felonies, no misdemeanors in my almost 65 years of living. All that could change with this misdemeanor offense I am facing.

After being released from the recovery center at 3:00 pm and driving just fine I immediately went to The Coffee House (open unusually late that one day for whatever reason) I asked if Cris was around. Bill said not since we left that morning. Bill then said; “He was only trying to get you a wheelchair.” Unless officer Clissold told him this (he had come by trying to locate Cris) Bill must have lied that he hadn’t seen Cris. I explained how it was that Cris stole $100.00 from me. Bill said that I fell down twice leaving his coffee shop that morning. I replied; “I did not.” and I explained that my prescriptions  only said “Careful when driving..” to which Bill angrily responded; “And that’s the only way you’re going to beat this!” The last thing he said was; “You know I’m a former police officer, right?”  To me it sounded like; “You know you were just set up, right?” Far from stumbling to my van that morning,  I recall being able to open my rear door assembly, prop up the hatch door with a stick, open the swinging door below, climb up and inside and close these doors behind me all by myself without anyone’s help. All this just two minutes before my mishap and just ten minutes after I drove a few miles to the the coffee shop just fine.

That evening I discovered, along with my ticket for DUI, a stapled set of papers that turned out to be the prescription directions the dentist’s office was supposed to give me days earlier at my consent signing appointment. Apparently the dentist’s office felt obligated to include them and gave them to the officer. These formal directions read; “Do not drive after taking medications…” Wow! That was a contributing factor, as well, I think you’ll agree. The real directions were delivered late, print dated after the fact, and contrary to the bottle directions I was told to follow the night before surgery. While no evidence of collusion with police, bizarre, nonetheless. Good thing I DID wait until one HALF hour before arrival to take these meds, it turned out, instead of one hour as the bottles directed.

The next day, still a little disoriented from the Halcion, I drove to the CHP station and met with officer Clissold. I then wrote a letter to him explaining what I thought happened since I wasn’t really asked what happened. I wrote that I thought I just tried to park the van and found myself in the bushes. It was there that I learned that the all important pink papers regarding my DMV obligations were missing and not with my citation. Even though he hadn’t, he told me he gave them to the staff at the recovery center.

That day I learned he had not done that when I checked. Days later, when he called me, he admitted he gave them to no one but had forgotten to give them to me. This one thing could have resulted in an automatic drivers licence suspension had I not caught it in time and set up a hearing date with the DMV.  My citing officer had already changed his story. (Subsequently I learned that, because mine is not an alcohol related offense, the paperwork for the DMV is optional.)

The next day, my head now clearer, I called him back to say I now remember, distinctly, that the gear lever was out of position when I grabbed it. That this means I may have instinctively jumped into the driver’s seat, not to park the van as I once thought, but to save it from rolling into the bushes. He accused me of changing my story and he would not add this new information to his report. I explained that the medication clouded my mind initially and that I did not necessarily change my story but added true facts I forgot initially.( One attorney told me that that medication involves memory issues.) It didn’t matter to him. This would explain a lot; Cris stealing money from me and the other behavior he displayed that showed his hostile intentions towards me. It also explains the path my van took. It suggests that I was unable to get into the driver’s seat fast enough to stop it, in fact. That Cris probably left it out of gear only occurred to after I learned that he also stole money from me at the same time, showing his hostile frame of mind.

A week later I returned to the coffee shop to find Cris and my missing $100.00. He was there and said something that suggests he was coached to say, to taunt me to see if I would try to take a swing at him. He said: “Hey toothless, what’s new?” first thing out of his mouth. Not the contrite  behavior one would expect after he caused my van to get wrecked and my operation scuttled. As so often in the past, these trespassers who are a party to trouble in my life and expose activism, are distinctly smaller than me making it easy for me to react with violence against them if I wanted to. Cris I could dispatch in less than a minute, for example. I explained that he stole $100.00 from me and I owe him nothing until it’s returned to me. At first he tried to deny it and I said; “So, you’re saying the officer took it?” He responded; “When did I ever have your wallet?” When I replied; “When you reached across me and grabbed it from the ignition.” Suddenly he went silent, turned away and muttered something about me not letting him find my van parked around town. A threat. It now sees his best opportunity to steal from me was when he parked my van before the police arrived. My wallet and keys are on the same key ring.

Deputy Claussen, who initiated a theft police report, aborted it in mid process suggesting we finish up the next week, declined to do so when I did and he told me I had to take it up with small claims and that he would not be able to assist me even with a report.

Initially, I called the sheriff’s department to find out what two cars were doing so close to my mishap at the time of my mishap. Weeks later I received a call fro them, a woman, and she said something about my needing a psychological evaluation since they learned of my suspicion that I may have been targeted by them. BIZARRE!

Finally, on January 28, I went to see Bill and was met with hostility. He actually told me to leave before he gets upset. At that point I said; “There’s a chance Cris left my van in neutral.. Was I set up?” He went silent and turned away from me.

Recap of red flags suggesting a police sting / set up operation:

(1) A police officer / coffee shop owner introduced me to this driver; Cris.

(2) He had three days advance knowledge of my predicament of being slightly drugged and needing a ride to an operation a block away from his shop. He knew who I was and that the police had already tried to set me up once, no doubt, as he was employed by their department at the time, I believe.

(3) Cris disobeyed my directions to “Park right HERE!” and, without a word, almost drove off grounds before making a rude U-turn back to the area but left the van stranded, possibly out of gear, the engine running and the door wide open in the middle of the road next to my parking space. His explanation that he was getting a wheel chair – something neither need or discussed, ever, between us – could have been just a convenient alibi to justify this bizarre conduct.

(4) Two patrol cars just happened to be a half block away at the time of my mishap.

((5) After learning that Cris was driving with a suspended licence he was not cited but, instead, “Shooed away..” according to one of Cris’ voice mails.. A major material witness homeless person  released when he should have been cited.

(6) Officer Clissold withheld the vital DMV paperwork I needed. Papers that would prevent an automatic driver’s licence suspension.

((7) Days later he admitted he lied about given them to other staff but that he just failed to give them to me.

(8) Instead of drawing my blood and field testing me at the time of my accident, police waited a few hours until the effects of the medications were stronger to do so.

(9) One innocent wiggle of one step does not indicate impaired condition when all other aspects of the test went fine. I showed the officer the reason why; a lift in one shoe.

(10) Bill’s behavior, suggesting I was unsteady before my trip to the office, flies in the face of the fact that I was up and walking just fine as I explained what happened to the police right after. All caught, presumably, on police cams. Getting into my van and then getting from the back to the driver’s seat all require a lot of sobriety and I did both with no problem. So why would Bill make up a story about me falling down when I wasn’t?

(11) Bill’s statements alleging he had not seen Cris since that morning yet also saying that “He just wanted to get you a wheel chair..” contradict each other. This, unless officer Clissold told him this later that day.

(12) Cris’ remark; “Hey toothless…” as well as his theft of my money at the time of the event, this and his bizarre attempt to wheel me away from the scene of an accident and his remark; “You’re a dead man!…” all suggest a malice in his intentions towards me, not the actions of one getting me a wheel chair and looking out for my well being.

(13) Deputy Claussen’s refusal to file a theft or threat report after suggests foul play, I think. Since when was theft and making threats a non reportable crime?

(14) The Santa Cruz authorities had the opportunity, motive and capabilities to exactly set me up in exactly this manner using Cris’ attempt to get a wheel chair for me as the alibi to cover their plot. I, at no time, needed a wheel chair. Whether my van was left out of gear or not, being left without explanation in a van in the middle of the road for a few minutes with the door open and the engine running is a recipe for the owner to either exit the van, park it or, as I now believe to be the case, rescue it from rolling into the bushes.

(15) Hundreds of other police abuses over three decades prove there is a conspiracy against my expose activism. That I am about to launch TWO logo’d vans on the streets only scares these authorities even more to act against me.

Now, having laid out my case for a conspiracy, is there a chance that it was not one? Did Cris, in good faith, try to get me a wheelchair instead of using that as a ruse to set me up abandoned in a roadway with my van running and the door open? Yes, it may BE possible that is the case. Why would he sign his name to a paper that makes him responsible for my well being as he did.? Had he any money that would leave him liable for, who knows, a million dollars law suit for causing me so much pain. But he has no money or he wouldn’t be living outdoors on a bicycle. So the matter is up in the air, I’ll admit. Even I admit I am only sure of the fact that, when I grabbed the steering column, I noticed it was out of it’s usual park position. Why would Cris steal from me and, at the same time, pretend he was helping me? Maybe he just couldn’t tame his criminal instincts at the sight of five twenty’s in my wallet. I doubt he is a paid police informant and that that is why he hangs out there. But I could be wrong about that. Time may tell. Every police department has homeless types who are undercover police informants.

People of the Central coast and America, beware! The government may have just sprung a police string operation against me last week in an attempt to cost me thousands, delay my mouth restoration and get my; website and emblazoned van(s) off the streets to keep you in the dark and possibly set me up for murder, if they’re this depraved to conduct such a cruel hoax as I think just happened.. It happened no sooner than Gavin Newsom was sworn in as our governor but, if it was a govt. sting, it was pure luck on their part that the coffee shop I enlisted for a third party to present and receive me after surgery was owned and operated by a retired Santa Cruz police officer; his first name Bill. Bill admitted that the man I wanted to deliver and receive me just a block away was unreliable but, as others I asked, including a friend in Monterey I was willing to pay to do this were unavailable, I had little choice but to hire Cris Malseq, (Pronounced Malsay) a homeless man living on a bicycle, to do the job; $20.00 cash upon delivery and another $20.00 upon walking me to my parked van. Simple as could be. I even took this man to the designated parking lot and which spot to park just days earlier. I would have parked at the dentist’s office and met him on foot but I was afraid he might forget the address of the dentist so I agreed to meet him at the coffee shop I knew he was familiar with. My biggest mistake, it would turn out.

I was scheduled for one of the biggest and best days of my life – to get my mouth fully restored with professional implants from a reputable dentist – and I needed a third party to facilitate the procedure, to present and deliver me so I could sleep off the drugs in my parked van.  That was the plan. Never was there any discussion with anyone about any wheelchair, my driver’s convenient excuse for leaving me and my van unattended, running, in the middle of the roadway with the door wide open. The day was January 10, 2019. I was ecstatic at what a great day was going to be for me after years of waiting and saving my money for it.

Folks, through no mindfulness of my own other than to rescue a moving, abandoned vehicle or, at the very least, finish parking it after my driver left me abandoned with the engine running and the door wide open with out any word as to why, I found myself behind the wheel and in the bushes, too late to stop the van in time. A DUI misdemeanor offense I don’t think I deserve. I believe I WAS set up. Even if not, I should not be held accountable because the instructions on the pill bottles wrongfully said “Careful when driving..” instead of; “Do not drive…” The doctor’s assistant admitted this fact to me, after. I was only given instructions for my medications AFTER my mishap. The copies were print dated the same day of my operation. I was supposed to receive them three days prior but, for whatever reason, they weren’t given to me. I got there at 7:30 am, before they were even printed. I finally realized what these papers were doing along with my citation upon release from the recovery center. The staff gave them to the police or the CHP who cited me. A little too late, I think. I followed the instructions given to me by the doctors staff just hours earlier; “to follow the bottle’s instructions.” I was never told I could not drive. The instructions allow driving and only recommend being careful when doing so. I even delayed taking the med’s until one HALF hour before arrival instead of one hour, just to be safe. It all seems to me to have been a brilliant, hastily constructed, police sting to set me up for a DUI (drugs only) charge and perhaps get my vans off the street now that I have gotten aggressive with my messaging. Now that I have invested thousands of dollars in purchasing one and restoring another, just about completed, for a major publicity campaign. I am the government’s worst nightmare as I have the goods on them regarding John Lennon’s political assassination. The same municipality on the scene within seconds of the accident tried to slander me on national TV news in the mid 1990’s for attending a Stephen King book signing with trumped up trespassing charges just to do this to me; show me on TV in handcuffs branded as a stalker. As newspaper photo’s show, I was merely holding a large sign that read; “STEPHEN KING IS A MURDERER; IT’S TRUE OR HE’D SUE.” Only after I was coerced to take one step inside the store by a stranger was I ambushed from all sides and arrested and put on television. Two days later I was released with no charges filed, the damage to my reputation already done. So, this police sting operation I allege may be the case is not far fetched at all. Other strange facts suggest this to be even more the case.

It is possible this whole thing was innocent and he was just a loopy homeless person who royally screwed up a one block drive to a parking space, but his actions, then and after, suggest not. He had hostile intent, it seems to me, all along.

I am alerting you to my plight so that you can muster whatever support you may have for me to show the authorities you have my back. I need your help, people. Please. Get involved. Masses, get of you guilty, apathetic, lazy asses! My evidence is the pot of gold you have needed since before you were born. Admit it. Not helping me is child abuse as King is still raping all of you until he is exposed BY YOU and jailed. The system, the media and courts who have mind controlled all of you, won’t do it, ever. Only YOU can make justice and truth real in your lives. You’re all sick, people. Realize that. you NEED Steve Lightfoot. You need King like a hole in the head. Why do you think your children are shooting each other at school like King’s 1970’s novel “Rage”? Because you let him keep poisoning all of you, that’s why. You are all chicken and scared of him ” You need me out on the streets with my website and both of my controversial vans. No apathy allowed.

Rather than repeat myself ,please read the letter I am submitting to the ;local district attorney who has the power to prosecute or dismiss my citation before charged.

Steve Lightfoot

P.O.Box 7311 Carmel, Ca. 93921

District Attorney Of The County Of Santa Cruz

Dear Sir,

Steve Lightfoot, here, writing your office again to ask you to not file charges in my dui (drugs only) citation January 10, 2019.

Dear Sir,

As I wrote before, I think there are too many red flags indicating my situation was, indeed, a police setup to deplete my finances, remove my two website logo’d vans from being seen in public, suspend my licence and to criminalize me, unfairly. Because a mid 90’s false arrest of me by the Santa Cruz police will come to light after my John Lennon murder expose breaks worldwide I think local authorities  are trying to keep me from breaking my story. I was charged, then, with suspicion of trespassing for setting foot in Bookshop Santa Cruz which is owned by former mayor; Neil Coonerty. I was put on national televised news shown in handcuffs and being branded a stalker of author; Stephen King. Two days later I was released, uncharged, the authoritie’s mission accomplished. In fact, the next day, Stephen King was photographed in the Sentinel in the bookstore with a book titled “How A House Works” positioned behind his face, as if to taunt me, after.  Now, over a decade later, now that I suddenly have two website logo’d vans, now that KSCO Radio interviewed me for two hours last February of 2017 and I substitute hosted for a few days, now that I am gaining legitimacy, it seems the authorities have turned an innocent visit to my dentist’s office into a personal nightmare. That all this was made possible after I told a coffee shop owner / former Santa Cruz police officer that I needed a driver to present and receive me for major oral surgery and that I’d be on pre surgery meds at the time. Bill, this former police officer, knew who I was because he saw my van in his parking lot and, no doubt, was aware that his police department engaged in fraud to put me on national television in handcuffs  in 1994(5)? branded as a stalker of author Stephen King who I can prove murdered John Lennon in a Nixon, Reagan conspiracy. He likely informed the authorities of this opportunity and coached his homeless customer (my driver) to disobey my instructions to park in a stall already pointed out days earlier when we rehearsed everything and drive recklessly almost off the grounds and then leave my van running with the door open perhaps in neutral to see if I’d get in the drivers seat, after. To do all this without saying a word to further confuse me.Since this man is usually very talkative I do think he was coached and that this accounts for his behavior that day. I was under the impression that he had just stolen something valuable from my van and ran away. It is entirely possible I was merely trying to exit my van to find out what was going on and, since the driver’s door was the only exit, I may have jostled the van into motion and found myself trying to stop it in time as I recall that the gear lever was out of position and probably in neutral and probably left in neutral on purpose to entrap me. I do know that I was capable of maneuvering from the back section of my van into the front seat and that that feat was far more demanding than trying to back it into the parking space it was next to if that’s what I tried to do. I told the officer that’s what I thought happened almost an hour later when the drug’s effects were more powerful and I was in a state of shock, but that was before I found out that this same designated driver stole exactly $100.00 from my wallet during the confusion and before this same individual taunted me after saying; “What’s new, toothless?” when I came to get my money back days later. Even that remark may have been coached as it could have provoked me were I were a less civilized type of person. When I tried to file a theft report officer Claussen suddenly aborted the report in mid stride and refused to follow up, later. My designated driver, who I blame for what happened, who had no valid licence, was not cited for driving on a suspended licence though he admitted to driving me there. He was, instead, “…shooed away…” To add to the mix I was cited weeks later on April Fools day by another CHP officer from the same office as the first citing officer mere seconds after getting behind the wheel and I have discovered that the dash camera tape was edited severely to show only one side of the story. I believe this officer was waiting for me, parked, and was looking to cite me. Though my understanding of dash cams is that there is a two minute retrieval buffer after the switch is turned on, only one minute or less is shown, including a section where the officer claims I made a further miscue entering the roadway. His other claim that my first lane change caused  the car behind me to brake is not true. Nor was I even close to that car at the time. In fact I swerved around the car in front of ME who suddenly slowed almost causing an accident and, just as suddenly, the car I then found myself behind also suddenly slowed causing me to swerve around him as well to remain safe. It was two emergency maneuvers at once caused by the cars in front of me who, for whatever reason, both slowed suddenly in front of me. In hindsight I think the two cars both slowed suddenly after noticing the CHP car following us. This happened to require two consecutive evasive maneuvers by me to avoid an accident. That is what happened.

So, why would this other CHP officer profile me to tag me, yet again? The day after my first ticket I spoke to officer Clissold and, because I have noticed an uncanny pattern of bad things happening to my trespassers, I tried to let him know that, if he is part of a conspiracy, he should think twice as my avenging angel seems to be real, citing how my home town of Santa Rosa burned down on John Lennon’s birthday, recently, how another municipality suffered a gallery of horrors including three major oil spills, two record damaging fires and the worst mudslide in history there, all within one years time. The actual town that unfairly cited me had, I think I read, either 500 or over 5,000 homes burn in one day. All this after I told the judge bad things may well, indeed, occur over this injustice if the past is any indicator. I was aware at the time,  I mentioned that the Loma Prieta quake occurred just a week after I first visited Santa Cruz and  for a month. I appreciate, now, that this was not a good idea but was sincerely looking out for the officer if he was an unwitting part of what I think is a deliberate plot to entrap me. I apologized to him a week later and told him it was meant in a constructive way, not a threatening way. I believe I was aware that one kSCO host’s wife died shortly after he belittled me and my cause on his show and the occurrences were just too obvious not to pay attention to. The long list goes on and on. The nations famous columnist Herb Cain died of a heart attack weeks after badmouthing me in the Chronicle newspaper and there are dozens of other incidents that are too coincidental to merely dismiss as such. I was trying to steer officer Clissold out of any possible bad luck for his sake and not just mine. Perhaps he took it wrong and decided to punish me by having another officer add a ticket to my troubles. That’s the way it all seems, honestly.

I know this charge against authorities does not sit well with court officials and there are other arguments to be made as well. I will list other ominous red flags regarding this first ticket later but, for now, there are other defenses in my favor even if there is no conspiracy to profile and entrap me.

1) My prescription’s instructions were mislabeled. They said’ “Careful driving and operating machinery.” It should have read; “Do not drive after taking this medication.”

2) Although the doctor instructed me to take two Halcion an hour before arrival, I waited until one HALF hour before arrival to be on the safe side. I had driven several miles just prior to the accident to meet my ride at his coffee shop. The other two Halcions I was to take after arriving, I never took. I still have them. I was only under a half dose, ever.

3) Contrary to accounts I was stumbling out of the coffee shop and that I had to be helped into my van, I did not stumble and I opened up my hatch door assembly and climbed into the back section of my van unaided. At the time I was not feeling any drug effects. It was other’s reports to the contrary at the coffee shop minutes earlier that I know to be false that alerted me, initially, to some funny business going on.

4) Just to be able to get myself from the back of my van into the driver’s seat (My only exit) requires more sobriety and bodily control than merely trying to back my van into the stall it was next to would require (If that’s what I tried to do.)

5) the above fact indicates that my van may, indeed, have been left in neutral and I was unable to get my foot to the brakes in time to stop it from crashing into the bushes. I do distinctly remember that, when I tried to move the gear lever, it was out of it’s normal park position. Whether it was rolling and I instinctively jumped into the driver’s seat to stop it or whether it started to roll after my movements to get out of my van triggered the motion, I don’t know.

6) Diagrams and the damage to my van indicate I at least was able to steer away from the other vehicle that was trying to park and then steer away from the bushes after. All in keeping with my belief that I was set up with a van in neutral, my only failing being able to get to the brakes in time.

7) The trauma of crashing my just painted van as I was about to receive dental work triggered whatever drugs were in my system due to an adrenaline rush which accelerated my system.

8) The citing officer arrived 45 minutes after this episode at a time when the drugs effects would have been much more powerful than when the accident occurred.

9) There was no reason for me to think I was not capable of merely parking my van, if that’s what I tried to do, as I had just driven several miles minutes earlier just fine. The pharmacy’s instructions gave me no reason to think I could not do this. I was in a private parking lot and not in an open thoroughfare and in a five mph zone. I was being “careful” while driving, as the instructions read.

10) If, in fact, I found myself in the driver’s seat to rescue a moving vehicle I cannot be held accountable for what happened. I have every right to avoid an accident if possible and protect life and property.

11) If, in fact, I tried to park my van and found the lever out of position and that influenced what happened, again, I should not be held responsible. I distinctly recall this fact about the lever being out of position. Any attempt to park in reverse would, instead, move the van forward if it were in neutral to start with.

12) Even if a test confirmed I had drugs in my system the test was made at a time when the effects would have been much stronger than at the time of the accident. One test was made several hours later. If another test was performed it was at least an hour after the accident when the drugs effect would have been at their peak strength and not like the effects were at the time of the accident.

13) Considering the pharmacy was partly to blame for mislabeling the instructions, considering that the designated driver, Cris, disobeyed instructions to park as rehearsed, nearly driving off grounds, and recklessly, then jumping out of my van with the engine running and the door wide open, all without saying a word, would cause a reasonable person to at least find out what is going on and try to exit the van before being late for his appointment, considering all that, I would argue that I was an innocent victim of a string of bizarre circumstances beyond my control

14) Were it not for the fact that the drugs do cause memory issues I would be able to say, for certainty, which of four possible scenarios was correct; whether it was a case of trying to park and finding the lever in the wrong position, trying to merely get out and see what was going on, actually trying to rescue a rolling vehicle or having to rescue a rolling vehicle after possibly jostling it into motion by just moving from the back to the front of the van. By the same token I doubt anyone else can say, for sure, which was the actual case, either. I searched for any video and was assured there was none.

15) A dental patient with erroneous pharmacy instructions having to trust a stranger to present and receive him for an operation finds himself in the bushes a minute after letting this man drive his van one block, cause unknown, after this stranger disobeyed instructions, drove recklessly and left the van stranded in the middle of the parking lot. It sounds like anything but a conscious act to drive while under the influence of drugs and more like a case of bizarre circumstances.

If the circumstances were orchestrated, if Cris was coached to demand the driver’s seat, say not a word and drive provocatively and recklessly before leaving the van in the middle of the road with the door open and the engine running and even possibly with the van in neutral, balanced on a knife’s edge, if all this is true, that this police officer who recommended the driver in the first place may have used him to serve the motive’s of the police in Santa Cruz and set me up then it is a scandal and a crime and me a complete victim.

There are many, many red flags to suggest exactly this, whether there is proof or not.

(To be continued…)

(To be continued….)

I am Steve Lightfoot in the matter regarding a dental operation gone awry last January 10, in Dr. ………………….’s parking lot. One second I was about to receive a long awaited and needed dental operation, the next moment I was wondering why my driver had suddenly exited my van leaving it in the middle of the parking lot with the door open and the engine running after ignoring my directions to park, the next minute I found myself in the bushes after moving from the back  section of my van to the front. I found myself either trying to exit my abandoned van, trying to rescue it from rolling as I remember it was out of gear, or perhaps trying to park it in the stall it was next to. At first I thought it was the latter but now realize that the middle is the probable cause; trying to stop a rolling van. It’s even possible the jostling of my maneuvers into the front of the van (The only exit) could have triggered the rolling. Though I was feeling fine and had just driven several miles to the coffee shop to meet my designated driver I had taken some pills a half hour earlier, pills that instructed only  “Careful driving and operating machinery.” It’s even possible that, after the accident in the bushes that ensued, it was enough to raise my adrenaline to the point that that medication I was told to administer could have then taken hold. Up to the accident, however, I should have been in control and I felt fine. Just the maneuvering required to get from the back section of my van to the front seat requires athleticism, balance, strength, and agility and having to wing one leg sideways around a post as well as a garbage can, all while bracing oneself with both hands on the seat and the dash. If I had tried to park it I should have easily been able to do that after getting to the front seat. I now believe I was trying to stop a rolling van. All the existing diagrams and accounts seem to point there more than anywhere else. I was only under the influence of whatever I was told to take after the adrenaline rush from the accident, itself. If the officer took a photo of my inside of van it will show just what an obstacle course I had to overcome just to exit my van and how much sobriety that act required to begin with.

All the above being just a reminder of the incident, I am writing today to add to my suspicions that the police may be involved in setting me up in this case.

As I said, the former police officer turned coffee shop owner who set me up with the homeless person who left me and my van stranded in the middle of a parking lot with the door open and the engine running without a word is one element. He knew for three days about my situation of being on drugs and needing a ride to the operation and the homeless man confided to me days after I met him that he got no sleep the night before after talking to this former police officer. This homeless man who was a stranger stole $100. from my wallet in the process of perhaps leaving my van out of gear balanced on the edge of rolling. This against his claim of trying to get a wheelchair for me. This same man who then tried to abscond with me off the grounds as if to leave the scene of an accident. This same man who belligerently said to me “Hey, toothless, what’s new?” when I came to get my stolen money back. He set up my accident by recklessly driving almost off grounds and then violently making a u-turn only to leave my van stranded in the middle of the parking lot. My directions to park at a specific spot that we rehearsed days earlier, he ignored, all the while keeping his mouth shut once behind the wheel. This seemed strange as he was always very talkative, normally. He completely changed that day.

The fact that two sheriffs deputies were less than a block away at the time seemed suspicious as my history with the Santa Cruz Police finds them fraudulently arresting me just to brand me on national t.v in handcuffs as a stalker of Stephen King, the man I can prove murdered John Lennon in a government plot. A week or two after I first called their office to ask why, a female sheriff deputy or official called me on my cellphone to intimate that I might want to seek mental health for thinking they could have been tipped off in advance that I might be vulnerable to an arrest. Very suspiciously, when I told her that the police officer/coffee shop owner told me ; “That’s the only way you might beat this ticket, is (because of the instructions on the bottle were wrong).” After I told her that she said to me; “Did he really say that?” It was as if she was concerned that he could have been that reckless to make such a remark. It sounded weird  to me. Like there may have been a keen interest in me by the whole department.

A few weeks later I was interrogated by two other sheriff’s in Santa Cruz while watching t.v. in my van and asked to move along. However, one of the officers present also asked me if I would like to receive mental health services. What made it doubly suspicious was that they gave a false reason for interrogating me. I was legally parked and they wrongfully suggested the signs said otherwise until after I corrected them.

If the police did set my accident up instructing Chris Malsack to leave my van balanced on an edge, out of gear it ruined my newly painted van and cost me over $1,900. to fix. It also set me up for possible costs in the thousands in terms of insurance rates and more.

Now, I’ve learned, after giving my other emblazoned van, the 1989 Toyota mini van, to Jack Fox Auto repair for an engine replacement and suspension work last January 07, I learned that they deliberately cut all my injector harness wires to deliberately sabotage my van. Two vans that were getting ready for exposing my evidence are suddenly damaged, seriously, in a row. In fact at the same time. It is a fact this shop services the police academy vehicles for Monterey but I hope that is not why they cut my wires and added almost $3,000. more in now needed repairs. There are other possibilities I think are more pressing regarding an acquaintance I used to know who is friends with the shop owners.

I have a District Attorney investigation launched already and am billboarding that shop out of business. I will also sue them for the damages. It’s unlike anything I’ve experienced.

Either way, the police angle to stop my newly refurbished vans from hitting the streets and to possibly take my licence away for six months seems more of a possibility than when I first wrote you.

In fact, the citing officer, officer Clissold, may have told the one witness to avoid any contact with me. My attempts to get her account of what happened were met with threats to stay away as if she had been told to avoid me. Isn’t that tampering with my ability to collect evidence? I found it curious that officer Clissold visited with Bill, the coffee shop owner / police officer, after the incident. This is the place of origin if my suspicions of a police set up are correct. Also, officer Claussen cutting off my theft report in mid stride and then canceling it, after, was out of the ordinary. All quite distressing as the police have left me alone for so long since I got my website up last 2001. It seems a contingency plan was executed at a moment of opportunity, perhaps.

In my last letter to your office I mentioned that I have been prevented from filing a citizen’s arrest on Stephen King for murdering John Lennon in spite of several attempts in Manhattan to do so. Precisely BECAUSE it is John Lennon’s murder and because the government is involved I am being denied my civil rights in this regard .As such I cannot legally be tried in a criminal matter until that right has been restored and I can file charges, come forward and remove my life from extreme danger. Equal protection under the law also means equal access to the law.

I will try to contact an appropriate attorney, either criminal or civil rights, and see what I can do to perform this right I should have. If that right is not restored, but even if it is, I would ask that you not charge me in this matter. It was mostly a matter of bizarre circumstances and not a conscious act of doing anything wrong by me. It could have happened to anyone it happened so fast. I did nothing I wasn’t led to believe I was capable of. My dentist says the pharmacy was liable and to blame for mislabeling the pill’s directions. I, in fact, exercised extra caution by taking some meds a half hour before arrival instead of an hour before (My on scene remarks  notwithstanding) Certain characterizations of my sobriety before the incident are so false I have to suspect that the remarks could have been agenda driven and not in accord with the facts. There may have occurred a sudden rush of the pill’s effects immediately after the accident due to adrenaline, but before the incident I felt fine and must have been just to get to the front seat. All indications are that I was confronted with a rolling vehicle out of gear and could not stop it in time. I do remember the column lever was out of position. It was Cris’s first time in my van. Whether Cris did this accidentally or on purpose or if this was the case I will never know.

I am the opposite type of person to find myself with this kind of charge. I have a crime free record after over 65 years of living and zealously guard to keep my rights and privileges. I live in my van(s) and need to drive them to rescue my endangered life from censorship in our media and justice system. I am the proverbial hero in the cold trying to come forward, charge Stephen king and remove my life from danger. Few Californian’s in it’s long history can point to more police abuses than I can, especially in the 80’s and 90’s. It’s not like I am imagining my evidence or it’s importance. IF this latest episode was a police set up it was cruel and callous and I should not be letting down my guard by any means. The deliberate sabotage against my other van, simultaneously, really has focused me on the nature of all that is happening to me. Please do not take this letter wrong. I am concerned about the whole circumstances as my life could depend on it.

The above is true and correct under penalty of perjury. Dated March 25, 2019

Thank you for your consideration,

Steve Lightfoot


My name is Steve Lightfoot and I am to appear on February 20, 2019 for a DUI (drugs only) citation. Having just read the police report I must write to you to let you know that it is very inaccurate and I want to offer my side of the story for your consideration and to correct the mistakes the report lists. This is a story of a third party who disobeyed directions to simply park my van but, instead, left it stranded in the middle of the roadway in a private parking lot with the engine running and the door open and possibly the gear lever in neutral, without explaining a word to me why. This is also the story of two other third parties who wrongfully instructed me on the use of my pre operation medication I was instructed to take before my arrival.; both the dentist’s office and the pharmacy. The dentist’s office was supposed to give me formal directions as to how to administer the pills but failed to do so, for whatever reason, at my consent signing appointment days earlier. I didn’t receive them until after my accident along with the citation print dated after the fact. The pharmacy instructions read; “Careful driving and operating machinery..”They were supposed to read; “Do not drive after taking medication.” as listed in my too little too late dentist’s instructions.  So there are third parties who may be more responsible for whatever happened than me.

Initially I was scheduled to arrive at 7:00 am, unmedicated and receive all my meds in house but a last minute change had me arriving at 7:30 and taking meds off site. I recall the dentist’s office telling me the night before; “Just forget everything else and just follow the pill bottle’s instructions..” Perhaps because my father was a doctor and because I stay as far away from drugs as possible, instead of taking these two Halcion tablets and one penicillin tablet an hour before arrival, just to be safe, I waited until one HALF hour before. The dentist’s office was told I would be driving to the coffee shop to meet my ride and they never said not to. In fact, I drove the two to three miles just fine and feeling zero effects, I thought. At 7:20 Cris arrived and we set out for the office a block away. Cris insisted he drive so I helped myself into the back of the van unassisted, opening at least two doors, propping one up with a stick, getting inside and closing the doors back up before sitting on my bed. Very able bodied indeed, in spite of other reports to the contrary. All this complex maneuvering just a minute before the accident.

How could I know that, in one minute’s time I could go from one of the best days of my life – getting my long needed mouth restoration started – to one of the worst days of my life – me and my van in the bushes wondering what just happened. How could I know that the man I just hired to help me would, in the space of a few minutes, disobey my directions, leave me stranded in the middle of the road with the van running and door wide open, possibly out of gear, to boot, without a word, steal $100.00 from my wallet, do all of this with a suspended driver’s licence he told me nothing about and then, after the fact, try to shuttle me off the accident scene in a wheelchair shouting; “You’re a dead man! We have to get you out of here.!” I have no recall of this last event but the report says only a group of people stopped him from doing just that. I was hijacked and kidnapped by him twice in just a few minutes. All beyond my control.

As I recall, I was abandoned by my designated driver, a man I just met days earlier at a coffee shop a block away named Cris Malsack, in the middle of the parking lot in the roadway with the engine running and the door wide open.. He had just disobeyed my directions to “Park right here.” as we rehearsed days before but, instead, without a word, drove recklessly almost off grounds before he made a harsh and sudden U-turn back to the area near my parking space but exited my van and left me and my van in the middle of the roadway with the door open, the keys in the ignition and the engine running. I wondered did he just steal something of mine and run off. I wondered was he miffed that I asked him to park. I had no idea what was happening.

One of three things happened next; Either I noticed my van rolling and tried to jump into the driver’s seat to stop it and wound up in the bushes also grazing another car that was trying to park, or I tried, unsuccessfully, to park it, or I was simply trying to exit my van as it was the only door available as the rear doors only open from the outside. I have no sliding door as it was welded shut and bondo’d over by the previous owner. I initially told the officer at the scene that I thought I was trying to park my van. The Halcion I was instructed to take, I was told later, plays with one’s memory. (Days later I called the CHP officer, Clissold, to let him know that I distinctly remember that the gear lever was out of position when I tried to grab it suggesting that the van may have been rolling and that I most likely tried to jump into the driver’s seat to stop it. That I may have misspoke about trying to simply park it. He refused to put that in his report claiming I changed my story. I told him about the medication clouding my memory but he was unmoved.)

My operation was scuttled for two weeks and I just underwent the excruciating surgery awake just to avoid any such repeat. Several teeth were removed, infection was ground away, my gums were opened up to just bone, six implants were screwed in my upper jaw and I was sewed back up. I even heard my skull crack loudly, once, all while just locally numbed.

Though the report suggests I was falling down after the accident and unsteady, I believe police cams should show that I was, instead, walking about and explaining things without a problem.

I am comfortable that I was unimpaired at the moment I tried to get into the driver’s seat. I remember noticing the gear lever being out of position, but the aftermath of crashing may have aroused an adrenaline surge that could have triggered whatever medication I was on to kick in, suddenly. I suppose that’s possible. I maintain that I was fine up until the crash. After that anyone, on medication or not, would have been dazed and confused a little.

I was driven to a recovery center and found out there that I was missing exactly $100.00 from my wallet that the citing officer gave me hours later. I was able bodied enough to climb a flight of stairs, retrieve a pencil and paper and do the math just to make sure at the time. At about that time I was ordered to provide a blood sample and conduct a sobriety test. I merely complied but did not agree to any such tests. Except for one wiggle on one step, only, I passed that test. I immediately removed the three quarter inch lift I carry in that shoe to show the officer why it was I may have slipped. My finger to nose test went perfectly. In spite of this he deemed me impaired. An hour after the fact I would be more, not less, susceptible to the medication that was to last for four hours I was told. I allege that any test administered that late after the fact should be ruled inconclusive and inaccurate.

At some point officer Clissold remarked; “He drove you to your appointment with a suspended driver’s licence.” as if to demonstrate Cris’s willingness to help me. When I asked him why he didn’t cite Cris for driving on a suspended licence he remarked that he didn’t see him actually driving. No officer saw me driving, either. This fact triggered suspicions about a police sting that may have entrapped me along with other facts, both related here and from the mid 1990’s when this same police department set me up to be televised on national television news in handcuffs labeled a stalker of Stephen King, the horror writer, who I can prove murdered John Lennon in a Nixon, Reagan conspiracy. There are many more red flag that point to just this, I will point out here, but, having read the report, I now see how it might be more innocent than I once thought.

Upon my release from the recovery center (3:00 pm) I, driving just fine, went back to The Coffee Shop to find Cris and my missing $100.00. Bill, the owner and  former police officer and the one who introduced me to Cris, told me he hadn’t seen Cris since that morning. He told me officer Clissold came by looking for him, however. Then Bill said; “He was only trying to get you a wheel chair.” the first I ever heard about any wheel chair. It was something never discussed when I went over the directions with Cris to park days earlier. Unless officer Clissold told him that he may have lied to tell me that Cris had not come by since the accident. Bill also asked me to not come back to his coffee shop trying to blame me for everything. The last thing Bill said to me was this; “You know I’m a former police officer, right? It sounded a lot like; “You know we just set you up, right?” with all the police abuses I’ve endured over three decades.

Days later I drove to Roseville, California and spent over $1,900.00 to repair my recently purchased and painted and now damaged van and I rescheduled my surgery.. When I went to find Cris and my $100.00 on the 18th of January he was there and said something I suppose he could have been coached to say to me by police to see if I would react by trying to clobber him to further entrap me. He snidely said; “Hey, toothless, what’s new?” He knew I suspected him of stealing my money by then. I told him as much and he tried to deny it at first. I replied; “So, you’re saying the officer took it?” Cris asked me; “When did I ever have your wallet?” When I explained he took it from my ignition at the time of the accident he went silent, turned away and said, under his breath, something about him vandalizing my van if he ever saw it around town. (A subsequent attempt to file a theft and threat report with Deputy Claussen was aborted in mid stride my him and I was told to file a small claim against him, instead.)

My last visit with Bill at his coffee shop I told him that Cris may have left my van out of gear and I asked him if I was set up. He just turned away, silent.

Now, almost a month later, I have seen the police report and it is so full of mistakes it prompted me to write you to make corrections. (See report supplement I included) It shows that Cris Malsack, not I, drove my van to the dentist’s parking lot..  Officer Clissold states otherwise. He must be confused. I told him that Cris insisted on driving and all of this would have been avoided had I stuck to my original plan to drive my van to the lot and walk to the coffee shop to meet Cris. I explained this last minute decision to drive to the coffee shop instead of my original plan played a role in what happened. That it would otherwise have been avoided, entirely. Strangely, his report says that Cris admitted he drove my van there to begin with. So, he claims that I told him differently. He’s wrong about that. He is confused.

The third party reports of me being unsteady and of grazing another vehicle were humbling, I must say, as I thought I was up and walking around just fine the whole time. My unassisted entry into the back of my van a minute before the accident suggests I was much steadier than some accounts given.

If I told officer Clissold or another officer that I took the medication at 6:30 instead of at 7:00 am I may have been mistaken. To be extra safe I waited until 7:00.

Reports of Cris riding his bicycle at all during any of this are  false. His bicycle was always at the coffee shop and never near the dentist’s parking lot. He drove my van to the middle of the roadway and left it running, door wide open and likely out of gear.. All while his bicycle was at the coffee shop over a block away. The report is full of the wrong information.

The fact that officer Clissold included that he got Cris’s name from his driver’s licence and then informed me it was suspended is bizarre. Cris should have been cited and this fact of a driver with a suspended licence being  involved in the whole episode should have been included in the report. It was suspiciously absent and shows a bias towards only prosecuting me.

In many ways I was a victim in this bizarre episode.

I suppose the dentist’s office as well as the pharmacy are both liable for, one, not giving me the proper instructional package until after the fact, instructions that should have been delivered to me at my consent signing appointment, the ones that say; “Do not drive after taking medications” Instead i was told to just follow the pill bottle’s instructions which read; “Careful driving and operating machinery.”

The last thing I want to do is have to sue my dentist for anything as he is about to give me back my teeth and I need him on my side. I probably have a good case, however.

The same applies for CVS pharmacy who, according to my dentist’s office, provided false instructions. They even photographed my pill bottle for evidence.

Cris Malsack is penny less and, even if liable for damages, ( He signed a form accepting responsibility for my welfare as he simultaneously left me in a running vehicle stranded in the middle of the roadway without explanation) he cannot be seen as a form of remedy for what happened, even if it was he who was mostly to blame for what happened.

I believe my record of zero DUI charges ever in my life in almost 50 years and one million miles of driving speaks to my true nature and this offense is not reflective of Steve Lightfoot the driver. In fact only once in my life have I ever BEEN behind the wheel even close to drunk. When I was 19, alone and on a back road. That scare swas all I needed and have never been under the influence of anything since. My parents gave me aversion therapy regarding smoking and drinking when I was a young man and I have never liked alcohol, ever. I’ve never smoked cigarettes, either. If I drink it’s only one beer and only when I karaoke to satisfy the merchant. I often even order milk or juice, in fact..

Except for marijuana I have never used drugs of any kind in my life. I have never purchased anything except marijuana and had a valid medical recommendation for it’s use even before it was legalized, generally. My condition relates, in fact, to past police abuses and traumas as well as lower back pain.

I did say in this instance to one officer; “No DUI’s ever should count for something.” Don’t you also agree with me in this regard? I’m almost 65 and live in my van and need it as I cannot afford to pay rent at a time when my life is in real danger until Stephen King is exposed and jailed for his real crime. To even risk losing my ability to drive would present a hardship I don’t think I deserve. I am the exact opposite of what I am charged with. Maybe one percent of the population has been as responsible behind the wheel as I have been my whole life. That anyone else was impacted, however slightly at however small a speed in just a parking lot and not an open road, distresses me greatly. I probably had to rescue a rolling van and, if that was the case, should not be held responsible. The dentist’s office and the pharmacy and the criminal driver I happened to hire for a simple job all contributed to what happened. I should not be charged, I don’t think, in this matter as it may have been beyond my control. I followed the prescription’s directions and had no cause to think I could not at least park my van. No one really knows if it was rolling or not. I only know I am certain that the lever was out of position when I tried to grab it.

It’s a non starter to suggest to a court official that the police could have orchestrated this whole event and even coached Cris to do everything he did.  I have no proof, I suppose, but there are several red flags in this regard. If I have to defend myself this aspect will be part of any defense as well as a change of venue given Santa Cruz’s prior charade to brand me on national tv as a stalker of murderer Stephen King. So, let’s stick to the other defenses I have. The dentist and pharmacy are liable for misinforming me and Cris is liable for his actions as well.

I deserve a break from your municipality for being wrongfully defamed in the mid 90’s when I am, in reality, a real live American hero, no less.

Please consider not charging me in this matter. I am willing to abide by whatever stipulation you might include to prove myself worthy of this kindness and fairness on your part. Although I have one more operation to go I will not be put under for it and I am confident no other matter will arise to disappoint you, after.

The report is very flawed. I hope I’ve corrected the mistakes so you can make sense of it all. Thank you for listening and considering my plea..

I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the above is true and correct.

Dated February 04, 2019

Steve Lightfoot

December 27, 2018;

Well, I told my chiropractor that I must harness the energy of the celebration of Dec. 25 and apply it to breaking  my story without really knowing what it meant. It’s that funky, once a year time when people are bending over backwards to be better than they normally are and special insights abound for me.

I spent that eve tossing and turning over what slogan to use that best captures that insight. I was in a forgiving mood towards guilty mankind acknowledging that they are scared blind, raped silent and traumatized beyond their humanness to overcome. Otherwise every parent wouldn’t be protecting Stephen King instead of their victimized children. The public really must be raped silent by the evil of the crime. Shocked and awed into a stupor they can’t break free from. Military use of psychology and mind control over all of you. Nothing less than exactly that.

I’ve come up with these rather large four foot long slogans to adorn the lower three sides of my van against a black backround.;























































Those are the first considerations. Be regretful I only have room for three. Three WILL be going up, soon. By the way, for those who may be wondering, I have a small door already made to conform to what was once an ice cream van display window. The only last details may be in painting some slogans a bright yellow instead of grey where the black backrounds are considered.


Another slogan I forgot to mention.

December 17, 2018;

Most people confuse Hinckley with Chapman, but they know better than me. You see?

December 11, 2018;

Well, at least two people showed up this time for my rally and actually held a sign up with me. That’s the idea, folks, to show support and demand media attention to air the evidence so we can begin the arrest procedure of our mortal enemy, our killjoy / sociopath; Stephen King. Granted, they only stayed for a short while, but it was encouraging. One of the supporters is a fan of mine I didn’t know about. My take-away from the event was I got to emblazon my like new (2000) Chevy Astro High Top van with lots of slogans to pitch my case to the public. In the chapters below I offered up hundreds and have now chosen from that batch. Here they are; (On the driver’s side from top to bottom) – Lennon Killer’s Repent…Jail Murderer Stephen King…Demand Disclosure – Demonstrate….Be Better Than You Are – Care….Stand Up To The Cover-up….NIXON, REAGAN, STEPHEN KING CONSPIRACY…Face Up To The Facts…Smell Your Nightmare  ( Rear side, top to bottom ) –  Author Stephen King Is A Murderer….Chapman Story; Media Hoax….Nixon’s Sick Trick On You….Blowing Up Your Cover-up!  (Passenger side, top to bottom ) – Sick U.S. Under A Lie…Up Your Cowardly Cover-up….DESERVE Truth – Protest… You Phonies Saw No Trial….Govt.Media – Our Enemy….NIXON, REAGAN STEPHEN KING CONSPIRACY….Help Me Come Forward….Guilty Public Apathetic

There will be a few more after I get the bottom skirt changed to satin black so I can alternate the color scheme but, so far, I think pretty controversial and appropriate. These slogans will change as I see fit if I can ramp up the rhetoric. Let’s hope I don’t have to degenerate to ones like; “God Damn Your Apathy” because it’s legal and I’m desperate.

Just before the rally began I got on KSCO (I had to use my middle name; Mark) and was allowed to sing one of my songs from the past using Ray Charles song “Busted” I’m pretty proud of the elegance of the lyrics and here it is, a swipe, at the time, at right wing radio;

In the name of what’s fair, now liberals get air, I’m busted

Alternative views are making the news, I’m busted

Our monopoly’s gone and it won’t be long till everyone knows that the right is wrong

And, brother, that’s why I’m singing this song, I’m busted

(Verse two)

Well I had a nice gig now they say I’m too big, I’m busted

Now people will know that I’m just a Joe can’t be trusted

Well I pounded those libs with my lies and my fibs. I foamed at the mouth till I had to wear bibs

And it’s getting harder to brainwash your kids….( Melody change, outro)..I’ve got the bluuuuuuues!

It was in response to the then re-introduced “Fairness Doctrine” in radio.

Without sounding too proud, only a John Lennon could have done better, I think. Nobody was ever more elegant than he when it came to lyrics. What a loss to our world he is dead. In my opinion, John Lennon was the greatest man in the last 200 years….Period!

Now, although my situation is better with the more robust incarnation of my message – actually using language in multiple ways to bend your conscience – I have been audibly upset, to the point of public tantrums, I’m so disgusted with America’s weak people, America’s phony people, America’s cowardly people.  You IMPOSSIBLE phonies aren’t fair and you’re all very sick and beaten down by the Rockefeller media machine.

November 28,2018

As my anniversary rally deadline looms KSCO, the radio station who interviewed me last year and allowed me to host for two days, is censoring my input over their airwaves (A victory for all jealous losers who can’t handle the truth)

Meanwhile, I am re emblazoning my new van with my website address and a dozen selected messages to sink the message into the blind soul of America.. At the top they follow;

Silent America Insane….Lennon Killer’s Repent…Guilty Public Apathetic…Author; Stephen King Murdered John Lennon….Chapman Story; Media Hoax….Nixon’s Sick Trick On You…Storm Your Lying Media…You Brainwashed Bozos….Silent America  Yellow…Face Up To The Facts – Stand Up To The Cover-up….Govt. Codes. Tell All…Proof, People – Wake Up!…Sick U.S. Under A Lie…Log On Or Lose Out….Loser Public Under A Lie…Smell Your Nightmare…Get Well; Get Informed…United You Misunderstand…Are You Truth Worthy?…Silent U.S. Under Evil….Your Apathy – Pure Evil….Assassinate Your Apathy….Collapsing The Cover-up…Blowing Up Your Cover-up….Jail Murderer; Stephen King….Only Cowards Cover Up…You Mute Masochists….Your Enemy; Your Apathy….Real Story Your Apathy….Satan Got Your Tongues?….Still Sucking Under A Lie?…You Suck Under The Lie….Only Cowards Don’t Care….Your Apathy Isn’t Funny…Your Cover-up Isn’t Cool….Curb Your Cowardly Cover-up……Too Stupid To Care?….Silence Is Sub-human…Sub-human Race, Repent….Sick America Silent…..Sick U.S. Under A Lie…..Sick, Silent America….Guilty Mankind, Willfully Blind…Shame On Your Apathy…Get Informed, You Phonies…Phony Public Repent….Silent Public Exposed….No Good Public Silent….Silence Is For Victims…Fight Back You Victims….You’re Nixon’s Victims….Your Crime, The Cover-up….U.S. Caught In A Cover-up…Caught In Your Cover-up….Your Apathy Is Evil….Nightmarica, Wake Up…Your Nightmare Blind U.S…..Nightmarica Unmasked….Nixon’s Nastiness Unmasked…Stephen King Unmasked…..Nasty Public Apathetic….Sick U.S, Saw No Trial….Chapman Never Stood Trial….Phony Public Failing Facts…Silent U.S. In Disgrace….Your Lives A Nightmare….Nixon’s Coup Against You….You Brainwashed Bastards….You Brainwashed Phonies….Cover-up Crippling You…Crippled U.S. Yellow…..Apathy Is For Ass-bites…Cover-ups Are For Cowards….Silent Public Stupid…You’re Phony – This Is Real…No Apathy Allowed…How Dare You Not Care…Care Or Be Square….Believe it Or Be Stupid….Believe It Or Be Brainwashed….Slob Public Apathetic…Great Cause – Lost Nation…You Mute Masochists…Media Controlled Cowards…You Corrupted Cowards…Cover-up Corrupting You…..Ignorance Isn’t The Answer…Apathy Isn’t the Answer….Ignorance is For Infidels….Come Clean, You Cowards…Fess Up, You Phonies…Phony Public Falls Silent!….Denial; Your Downfall….Real Conspiracy Your Apathy!….Your Apathy Un-American….Brave Me vs Yellow U.S….U.S of Apathy, Repent……Silence = Self Abuse…Help Me Come Forward Or Hold Yourselves Back…Be Better Than You Are – Care……

The only question being WHICH dozen slogans out of that pool. They will be divided into two fonts to separate the messages (The kind used by Time and Newsweek at the time) and some will be stacked two liners. They will splay akimbo across the yellow body of the van using grey letters and the blackened windows that will showcase the website address will be in either grey or yellow letters using a special font like on my other van. The idea is to either shame or educate you to the point of becoming outraged over the matter enough to protest against the media censorship of this monster sized news. The biggest expose of all time, in fact. A news story with automatic revolution built into it. THE story of our time, bar none. PROBABLY the biggest news since Christ. That’s my esteemed opinion. That’s why I think it scares you all so much. So much power in your hands for a change. You seem embarrassed to use it. You poor, terrorized, media scared, boot-lickers. Now you have a chance to be well for once.

So, “Get Outraged, You Douche Bags” The watching world is wondering what ever happened to the home of the brave.

The details behind KSCO blackballing (censoring) me.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you listened to my last call on KSCO this Saturday, the 30th of November, 2018, you heard Michael Zwerling, the owner, announce that they would be blocking my number from now on and that his mistake was being too nice to me in the first place. He used my use of the word “bullshit” as his pretend excuse for doing so, just proving that he is full of bullshit and that his station, KSCO, is all just bullshit befitting of Trump’s ‘enemy of the people’ description of the media in general. It wasn’t at all like that, people. Still, I know I will be remembered, figuratively, yelling “Bullshit!” as I left the building, so to speak. It’s a fitting word for the station and situation.

The week after my February 14, 2018 interview when I called the station Michael Zwerling interrupted me to announce that; “Most people think that Steve Lightfoot is crazy…” busting whatever good guy image I may have had of him before. He knew, full well, what evil he was up to. He was putting a pillow over YOUR FACES and smothering you in your sleep. Without guilt, he was injecting you with media poison. Just like the ‘enemy of the people’ media does. I let it slide without too much fuss but I knew M.Z. was likely no good, then.

Months after this his team of part time hosts re-iterated Zwerling’s untrue suggestion that most people think I’m crazy. One said that ; “…everybody knows Steve Lightfoot is crazy.” His co-hosts chimed in that; “…Even if Stephen King DID kill John Lennon it’s not important now…”

Both of these individuals were subsequently fired.

By the way, if anyone is known for being a little “loopy” and off kilter it is Michael Zwerling who, in fact, is open about the probability….and has no claim to besmirch me. I’ve never had any mental history or ever taken meds. Can he say the same? I’ve never been diagnosed as “crazy” in spite of one government attempt to do So, what’s his history?

When I was interviewed in February one caller tried to shoot me down (I think orchestrated in advance by Zwerling) when he said that I; “…have no humility.” As if I shouldn’t be extremely proud of what I do. Months later I referred to that call suggesting that I’d rather have no humility than to have no pride like the caller. Ever since I turned his ‘poison’ caller inside out I started getting blocked by KSCO, several weeks ago, in fact. I suspect Zwerling took it personally since he, too, isn’t outraged by what Stephen King did to the world.

Three percent of our population runs 80 percent of our media!? I’d make a law preventing any more 20 percent of any denomination to run our media if I were president. Out of national security, for starters.


The very next opportunity Zwerling used the “Most people think Steve Lightfoot is crazy..” bullet and, I think, had his other hosts follow suit weeks later to shoot me down. I noticed Zwerling was fuming minutes after I called in to rebuke their remarks that day but  wouldn’t explain why. (My punch back at their possibly scripted remarks their first minute back from a two week suspension?) They were remembered weeks later yelling “Nazi”, figuratively,  as they left the building, however, about KSCO. After I finally skunked that poison call with my line; “I’d rather have no humility than no pride..” my free reign over their airwaves started to screech to a halt. Months ago, in fact, I had to confront Michael about Annie blocking me and that he must be behind it. He could only respond; “I don’t want to talk about it now.”

So, please, be better than you are and care. Show up at my Dec. 8 rally in downtown

WHEN you show up don’t wait until you see others protesting with me join in and START a trend or it will fail. Don’t fail yourselves or deprive yourselves of life under truth one more year.

Right now all of you people are so wrong your lives have become a real life nightmare. Time you admit it.

J.F.K.’s first book was titled; “Why England Slept” concerning their tepid response to Hitler and world events then. They were sleeping, just like you are now as the Kremlin, in my studied opinion, is raping you with pure evil trying to rot you as a nation from the inside out. A foreign attack on America, people. Will you ever wake up in time? You HAVE to jail Stephen King and slay that dragon of yours called apathy or shame on you all for being a no good do nothing when this once in a millennium news story came along to save you. In my book you’re all begging for a huge asteroid.

Regarding Big Brother Media and it’s techniques to control you and subdue you, here’s a quick display of how they killed John Lennon without even putting the alleged killer on trial, after;

They chose Dec. 8 ( JIm Morrison’s birthday) to catch you too busy shopping for Christmas to care about any murder. Chose the fourth quarter of Monday Night Football to brainwash America all at once, en mass and during a violent sporting event with “tell it like it is” Howard Cosell announcing the news as if America were watching Christians killed by lions in a Roman arena. They called the killer a “fan” of John’s to make all of you ashamed to identify yourselves as a fan, suddenly. They said he did it for fame as an excuse to cut off all coverage for a year and a half after the first month of deliberate over-saturation. They invented the drama “Who Shot J.R.” specifically to kill J.L. a year later. After over exposing the series they solved it on Thanksgiving two weeks before J.L. got shot and, just as they planned, nobody cared about who shot J.R. or J.L. any more they had been worn out for a year, already. Yoko Ono’s suggestion that we should all ; “Let the courts decide..” in her letter to the editor of Rolling Stone the first week was planned to get us all to relax our guard and let the U.S. government tell us the truth. Yoko Ono is part of the government team, ever since before she ever met Lennon. She was sent to break up The Beatles and then set up John for assassination, later. Trust me you fools. She is no good. They (the media) probably invented the Hinckley shooting Reagan scam to use it like a smokescreen to confuse us about Chapman. Suddenly everybody thinks Hinckley shot Lennon and forgot that Chapman’s 60 day psychiatric evaluation had already lapsed by then. The media switched players in the public’s minds. Reagan probably DID fake getting shot, Brady as well, frankly, as part OF the Lennon murder cover-up plot. I know this last item may make some of you think I’m paranoid. I’d respond to say you’re all so very, very, very naive. When the guilty plea of Chapman occurred it was on about page 15 in the lower left hand section of the paper and only three by five inches in size. As If they were ADMITTING something strange was going on.. This was a year and a half after the crime yet some media claim it was in 1981. They would be lying to you there, too. It was in June or July of 1982, folks.

That’s just a taste of how good they are at poisoning you and your minds. Most of you think Hinckley shot Lennon and was found insane. Wow! You’re all a sorry mess, indeed.

Just a few years ago when there was a Beatles tribute televised show a carnival barker type of character yelled out “NAAAASSSSTYYYY!!!!” interrupting what was starting out as a special thanks and tribute to John Lennon. It, literally pee’ed all over what should have been a sacred moment in the show to honor John . Instead, it was desecrated by media mind control tactics to make all of you cowards think that John Lennon was too nasty to deserve praise. In reality it is the public that allows itself to be subverted like this that is NAAAAASSSSTYYYYY!!!!!

Think of it as Big Brother urinating in your oatmeal.

Come to think of it, it was exactly like the scene in “Carrie” when a bucket of pig’s blood is poured over Carrie just as she is being honored as prom queen.. Her moment of honor desecrated. This, reader, was no accidental co-incidence.

That reminds me; The reason they gave Hinckley the bill of bad mental health was because he claimed at the start that he shot Reagan over Lennon’s murder, as if he were guilty for that. He further stated that ; “America is the land where heroes are shot in the back. When Lennon died I died, you died, the world died. Everybody died…” Two years later he was found insane and now none of you want to admit the truth about Lennon’s murder being Reagan’s doing or you’ll be called insane as well.

Do you people see how DIABOLICAL the media is???? You slobs are no match and they own you. They’re sick. They’re evil and they probably work for Moscow, truth be known.

November 04, 2018

Interim slogan ideas;


There will be, perhaps, a few double liners, too;.





The only question is which top ten to twelve will make it to the van peppered akimbo around the large website address; All letters will likely be basic grey over an either bright yellow paint job or the near black window area where the website will reside. It’s a high top Chevy Astro van and has lots of billboard space. Get ready to respond, after, now, in advance. I still have my Toyota van alternately under wraps as we speak It needs a few things fixed while I get used to the less economical but more luxurious, more humane doghouse that America has deemed I must live in for telling the awful truth about everybody and they’re evil apathy.



October 12, 2018;

I held my rally this ninth of October, John’s birthday, following a lot of KSFO radio buzz announcing it several times beforehand AND following six hours of KSCO exposure in the months preceding.

How did the people of America do? Maybe 30 people who were not just pedestrians showed up to help me (I can tell after all these years) but failed to be the FIRST to grab a sign, take a place and protest with me. The first to step forward is still waiting on his or her courage, no doubt. The rally was to be from noon till 6 pm but I pulled out two hours early to let Santa Cruz know that is not yet good enough to secure my leadership and save you from your despair and tragedy. I called KSCO radio at the time and announced I was still waiting for the people of Santa Cruz to develop adequate self respect before they could help me and that that was the real issue behind the timid response.

My next slogan may read; “STILL SUCKING UNDER A LIE?”

Speaking of which, what signs did I display during my rally?

There were, all together, five signs ranging from three by four feet, to two by three feet to three by five feet in dimensions. One sign advertised the time and place of the rally letting everyone know it was John’s birthday anniversary. Another was my website address to let everyone knew WHAT it was about. Another large, two sided sign read “DEMAND DISCLOSURE; DEMONSTRATE!” The flip side read; “SILENT U.S. INSANE; ” Still, another sign read; “FIND YOUR SPINE, PEOPLE”

I was proud of the messages and the way I used that busy intersection to make a buzz happen, after. I suddenly felt powerful in spite of the no show by the public. That any future stunts MIGHT WORK

Piggy back add on from Oct. 14, 2018;

In the week following my rally I noticed a few things;

Number one, the red algae plume enveloping the state of Florida, ground zero being within a few miles of Stephen King’s residence there.

Many of you may have seen me deliberately make a fool of myself on Sarasota, Florida city council video in 2009, I believe. It was that or not get any media coverage at all so I opted to go over the top with my condemnations of evil Stephen King being a blight on the state of Florida. (No kidding!) At least my website got aired though at least one billboard was upside down in all the bustle. The police hustled me out as if I were about to change the world. I recall a sense of drama building as I drove to the meeting, changed into a pair of slacks, at least, and made a scene as if controlled by an outside force.

It turns out that Stephen King’s presence IS a blight on the state, after all. Like a Stephen King novel, no less, a mysterious blood like red algae is spreading from Sarasota all the way up past Tampa and, now, even on the east coast in Miami.

My warnings to the leaders of Sarasota were ignored and this bizarre cosmic karma is, apparently, beating up on Florida for harboring John Lennon’s real killer.

Also, though both events were locked in on the same day, regardless, isn’t it bizarre, also, that the Hurricane Michael, the third largest storm ever in North America, hit the day AFTER Santa Cruz (the people of America) skipped caring about Lennon’s murder.

I’m telling you people, if an asteroid put all of you out of your misery tomorrow you’d be better of dead than living under the cowardliness represented by the Lennon murder cover-up. A cover-up you’re ALL complicit cowards in. Or, as Stephen King called you all in San Francisco in the late 80’s, his “co-conspirators.” I do believe your lives under the Chapman lie are worse than no life at all. Think about it, people. If you’re all that weak and phony and helpless in the face of government evil what hope is there for anything good coming from mankind?

I believe it was Hitler who wrote;

“What a fortune for governments that men don’t think.”

Think, people. I dare you.

Oct. 1. 2018;

Hold the presses, Protest rally this Oct. 9 (John Lennon’s birthday) in Santa Cruz!!!!! Noon till 6 pm at the intersection of Water St. and Ocean St.. That’s Tue. the 9th, major intersection in Santa Cruz There is a Starbucks on the corner in front of the courthouse.. Protest rally also the day before in Monterey, downtown, same time slot, Oct. 8th.(12 – 3 O’clock) Be there!!!! or suck under the media lie that has crippled you and made you weak in the first place. Deserve my evidence find. Deserve the truth. Demonstrate. Get worthy you infidels!!!! You’ve all been “Tricky Dicky’ed” and you’re all very sick. Your chance to save yourselves!!!!

(Yesterday, Oct. 2, 2018, I noticed that the people of Santa Cruz are downfaced and grim, resolved to fail me in a week. Everybody is reacting to my presence and the radio spots advertising this rally. The people seem like Soviet class losers ready to let John Lennon die in vain. I think I’ll have to make a sign that reads; “FIND YOUR SPINE, PEOPLE!!”

Get off your asses, people of Santa Cruz. Lennon killers repent!!!! DeMAND disclosure! How dare any of you people not care! Cowards deserve cover-ups. Are you? Only brave Americans deserve to live under the truth. Are you? Will you all fail John Lennon and your brave messenger, me, on John Lennon’s birthday? This expose will improve life by at least 20 percent, overnight. How can any of you NOT show up on Tuesday????? We have a goddamned, asshole of a horror writer to jail for murdering our beloved John Lennon. Santa Rosa failed me for three decades and look what happened to them; the biggest fire of their history ripped through there on, that’s right, John Lennon’s birthday last year. As I recall, the Loma Prieta earthquake hit Santa Cruz right after they first failed my evidence then.

Hi, everybody. I am Steve Lightfoot, your designated exorcist. That’s right. You probably think “messenger”. If only life were so simple. You see, you people were all made insane when Howard Cosell told you that Mark David Chapman killed John Lennon. Not one of you made sure that Chapman stood trial, after. Murder without a trial. For over three decades you have all been sinking America with your phoniness and apathy and cowardliness. The real home of the brave is my 1989 Toyota van. America, you are NOT. You’re not brave. Oh, you’re brave when a hurricane pulls your house to smithereens or a natural disaster strikes, but that’s about all your courage is good for. Quick emergencies that FORCE you to act. The more important issues like whether or not John Lennon’s freedom of speech is allowed to change America or not don’t seem to move you. For these reasons I will probably use the slogan;


to accompany the rest of my website van’s messages. It beat out;  SILENT AMERICA YELLOW. Murderer, Stephen King MUST BE JAILED FOR LIFE OR YOU”RE ALL SCREWED!!!!!! For three decades he has enjoyed ruling over all of you, urinating all over you and, yes, laughing at all “you blind, obsessive fools” He degraded your lives by at least 25 percent but you don’t care! He increased depression and suicide by as much as well. All by himself. To quote one of his books; “And you shall have your vengeance on those who fill themselves while others want..Even an American city?I spit on your cities. There is no English for it; Pokul, Verdelac, Ialic. Do you follow?!” (I think that’s Russian)  and his other oft repeated line’ “Beware the Jewish / communist plot against the U.S.” Stephen King poisoned all of you. He stole from you the brighter future you should have had and replaced it with fear and horror. You don’t have to think too hard to see he is your arch enemy., America. Your number one enemy.

If I AM a hero it’s only because I have not taken hostages or committed a crime to FORCE you to care and jail King. I’m too smart to give you what you want, a dead hero. I’m powerless as a criminal and I’m powerful as a law abiding, upstanding citizen.

(Just some notes regarding possible bumper messages);


My World View:

What is the reality of our politics? I have a good idea: Moscow beat us, won the cold war when Kennedy was assassinated in a parade and, while not advertising this coup but rather admitting defeat in the late 90’s, systematically took us over via the mass media they secretly run using gun violence overkill to make us want to vomit our guns up and repeal the 2nd amendment. They also took over our presidency several times (Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Obama and others) and much of our government and agencies that decide public policy. The Kremlin (That’s right, denial freaks) also propped up designated losers to guarantee their man would win. In my opinion Mondale, Ferraro, Dukakis, Gore, Kerry, McCain, as well as others ALL LOST ON PURPOSE to get the other guy in. That the Rockefeller group that supports this globalist takeover of America makes sure who gets elected exactly in this manner. That Trump beat Hillary Clinton caught this dynasty off guard and now we all see the clamoring media that  Rockefeller owns trying to undo our vote or at least poison the next election so he can’t get in again.

I  believe that the popularity of Bernie Sander’s run shows us how close America’s people already are to going Socialist. I think this is because we all sense the Kremlin takeover and just want to go along to get along. That America has already given up the ghost and has lost the famous “spirit of America”

One has only to study our television content to see what is happening to America. We are being dumbed down and desensitized to gun violence and any violence involving human death and destruction. We are watching “Big Brother” worship shows that showcase the F.B.I. the C.I.A. doctors, nurses,police personell. There is the superficial attempt to make the media seem like they are on our side with shows like 60 Minutes, Dateline, etc. protecting us with disclosures of injustice but that is all they are, a facade. While you’re not watching these same shows will poison you with propaganda like Mark Chapman did it, Oswald did it bullshit. And it’s the world wide mass media all in cahoots. The media is the government, for lack of a better description.

In my lifetime the human condition is far worse; The women are almost all working when only a third of them used to have to in the 60’s, for example. The violence is up ten times, the suicide rate triple, the gun violence in schools a new phenomenon, and every manner of dysfunction you can name.

The millions of John Lennon fans around the world turned a blind eye when Chapman was excused from having to stand trial to make sure we were told the truth about what happened. This fact, alone has rendered all of you more sub human than you were before Stephen King and the government killed John.

I see a move away from materialism (a 70 percent reduction, in fact) as the solution to our dilemma. Most of us work half of our waking lives and that’s a shame. 60 percent of that work is making the top percentage of our citizens rich and not you. 40 percent of your efforts support you, not the 100 percent you thought. Every person born creates a mountain of waste and pollution under our current system and half of his or her time is spent on ridiculous things that are beneath human experience. Who wants to work in a sewage treatment plant or a slaughterhouse or any number of degrading jobs? The native American Indians worst jobs were better than that. Their food was better, the air, the water, the planet. and they had almost all of their time to themselves. What a concept.

Call me an idealist but I know more than most of you ever try to know in the first place.

You all lack the guts. That’s what I know.

If Stephen King getting John Lennon’s last autograph posing as Mark Chapman doesn’t alert you to the evil this takeover represents than you are stupid. Period.

September 17,2018;

Reading my own entries above I can see why some may think that it is I who needs an exorcism. I have wrestled with mankind’s unkindness for three decades, now, and I can see it has taken a toll on me. Mankind is pretty lame, you have to admit. On the one hand I can see, in the people of the Monterey area, that people are, indeed, aware of my truth and all it’s implications. It’s almost like people are looking down their shirts out of embarrassment that no one seems to be able to openly care about my findings. No one but me is willing to step forward and demand disclosure from your treacherous, treasonous mass media.

Then I also feel like telling the species; “I gave you the best find of truth you could ever use to your advantage and you were too sick to do so. You were all unworthy of my heroism and not just John Lennon.” Well, you DO all stand indicted on that one.

John Lennon’s birthday is next month; Oct. 9, 2018 and I will be in Santa Cruz at Ocean St. and Water St. out on the corner with billboards from noon to six O’clock and I need YOU to show up! Stand by me and the truth.

I will also be in downtown Monterey the day before, on the 8th same time slot; only from 12-3.

That’s two back to back days for you to show up and care and get yourself under the truth for once in your oppressed lives.

You people are evil not to openly care. Stop defeating yourselves with cowardliness and apathy and denial. Stephen King needs to be jailed for life for what he did to the world. Only YOU can put him there. Our media ARE our enemy. They only protect the government and not you.

Me on golf technique – part 2


By Steve Lightfoot

Copyright c 2015

All Rights Reserved


(Boy, do I repeat myself a hundred times below. it’s just a rough draft.)


(To begin with, only 20 % of what is below will make it to print. I have to feel my way around what to say)

I never made the tour though I tried in earnest to become the world’s greatest golfer once upon a time. Why settle for second best? Why not live life to the fullest? Well, a shorter left leg than right and personal things that came along got in the way of all that but never my interest for discovering the secrets of the golf swing. My best year was 1978(?), I think. I was in third place with five holes to go to easily qualify for my first attempt at the U.S. Amateur. I had just found out that I was even in contention at one under through 31 holes. There were seven spots for 107 players as I recall. It was a pretty large crowd of people that suddenly appeared out of nowhere to watch me, as it turned out, that informed me of my place. I was attracting a crowd and it spooked me. I had no idea I was in contention and the sudden fame surprised me. I hobbled home needing a 25 footer on the last hole to get in but it missed on the left lip and I had to settle for winning the alternate spot in a playoff on the first extra hole with par. One stroke away from being IN the U.S. Amateur my first try, though.

What is more amazing is the fact that, several months prior to that decent showing, I was hardly close to being anywhere near contention placing second to last in the Southern Amateur, my first, ever, event outside of high school and college golf. What made the difference in just a few months span in between was a book by a 1940’s instructor named Alex Morrison. His book; A New Way To Better Golf, really opened up my game having learned the art of using the back and shoulder muscles to get the job done. It showed me that a book CAN make a difference and I have read enough of them – many dozens – to know that Morrison’s book was a cut above and that some ideas are better than others. Jack Nicklaus’s book; Golf My Way was vital as well. Then, again, he was and always has been my golf hero.

In 1978 I saw a golfer named Bobby Clampett who was at the top of the amateur world winning about half of everything he entered. It was during the Eastern Amateur on the practice tee and I saw what I thought was the best golf swing on the planet and of all time. Bobby was a spindly 140 pounder with a graceful slow back swing, a pause at the top, and a downswing that seemed to scream perpetual motion. The positions seemed from another planet and more perfect than I thought were possible. 300 yard drives so precise and predictable that his fore caddy was catching the ball on the first bounce, every time. In our discussion, after, he told me he was reading Nicklaus’s book; Golf My Way at the time and that he learned his swing technique in Carmel, California from a teacher named Ben Doyle and a book titled The Golfing Machine. That’s all I needed to move there right away and become the first of what would become a line of converts to learn this amazing technique. Ben was among America’s top 100 teachers for many years. More scientific than anything, it detailed the WHAT a golf swing is and all it’s many parts and their variations. It was based on law and physics and about two dozen principles to manage and I was as lost as most grasping only half of it all. Some of it must have rubbed off as I have been called out for having a Clampettesque swing, often, since, by others. That’s fine with me. Ben Doyle became one of my closest friends over the three years I spent there, too. A special soul who has regrettably passed away several years ago.

In 1982 I stumbled onto, let’s just say, the biggest political expose in America’s history and it took over my life, completely. So big a truth the world is still only just “getting it” as, lately, I have been getting radio interviews and such locally and the story is finally, slowly, breaking. I won’t say what it is but let’s hope I emerge alive on the other side someday. I am blossoming as a world class singer, of all things, getting ready for the spotlight when it does. In m y dream of becoming a tour player I was obsessed with understanding the perfect swing above all else. Meanwhile I think I have finally learned enough about the swing to help others enjoy the game and make a difference in the game. I think I have a very good eye for the swing and what works.

This book is intended for all golfers but especially for the ones who want to play golf professionally. I would hope that tour pros would benefit from it as it represents all that I have learned from wanting to BE the world’s best golfer once upon a time. This, in conjunction with my penchant for innovation and invention and problem solving and my detective gene, should offer a new angle on the subject that has eluded mankind for centuries. To show you examples of my detective abilities imagine a vehicle creating electric energy from the rotation of the the wheels of his car like a wind turbine. Constant recharging. Half the batteries needed compared to a regular all electric vehicle and half the weight. Zero fuel costs. Except for battery replacement every ten years FREE TRANSPORTATION! It even applies to 18 wheeler large trucks with more wheels to tap. The only drawback, an insignificant 5 percent drag to create the friction needed. So obvious it must be genius. Similarly, in high school, just a month into my geometry class, I became the first human to ever trisect an angle with just a compass and straight edge. A normal procedure used for line segments results in small, medium and large sections. I simply reversed, or butterflied, the procedure to reverse the bias. It offered four points, not two, on the arc and I simply bisected the pair and, viola, perfect trisection for all angles, obtuse or acute. It took all of twenty minutes and on my first try relying on just a hunch. My teacher, Dick Nixon, is a witness. He told me I’d be famous if I could explain why it works in geometry language. Boring! Years later I heard Paul Harvey, the late radio announcer, report the feat attributed to another man. I was only five years ahead of my peers on that one.


The following I offer with trepidation. On the one hand I am convinced I have discovered a better grip that will replace the Vardon grip someday. On the other hand I realize I will scare many of you off the rest of this book to even OFFER a change of grip. Nevertheless, I am convinced of it’s efficacy and I know it hurts less than the Vardon grip and offers a stronger connection and reduces steering and provides better distance, accuracy and consistency. You don’t have to use it to benefit from the Core Driven Golf Swing method but it helps to get those thumbs out of the way and hit it harder. It does seem, with this new grip, that the hands want to uncork better through the strike zone. Like a loaded spring that gets to a point and releases, automatically. It also forces you NOT to steer with your hands but merely hold on and release. Your overall swing geometry, instead, determines accuracy and direction.

I first decided to write a book about technique about ten years ago after discovering a type of grip that improved accuracy. I rotated the hands inwards towards the top giving my left hand a relatively strong grip and my right a relatively weak grip position. This allowed me to hit it hard with my left hand and still reign in over rotation at impact and shots to the left. Conversely the strong left hand position reigned in shots from going too far right. I found a narrowing of my shot pattern as a result. I still appreciate this configuration only now I put my left thumb along the side of the grip, not on top, using the overlapping style grip with the pinky finger of my right hand. In fact, to side straddle the left thumb requires this turning in of the hands towards the top. A ten finger grip introduces just too much polarity between the hands, however more comfortable it may feel. I now also side straddle the right thumb and lay it on top of my right hand’s wrap around fingers. Off the grip entirely. It looks like a claw, in fact. I found, a few years ago, after reverting to the standard Vardon grip and hitting as many balls one year as a pro hits, that the conventional thumb on top style is not so user friendly. Neither is the pincer style of right forefinger and thumb. I don’t necessarily discourage the conventional grip only I, personally, prefer the latter. It hurts less in the long run. It provides a stronger more accurate grip, besides. Further, it discourages steering with the hands. Now they just hold on and are free of pain. I have also discovered that this stronger connection to the club reduces lower back pain, interestingly. I am CONFIDENT that THIS will replace the Vardon grip someday after golfdom realizes how great this new grip is. This grip, not only offers a stronger bond of the hands to the club eliminating any discomfort, it offers more accuracy as it prevents steering and manipulation of the club with the hands, Now they just hold on like glue and give the three fingers of the right hand on the grip more power to hit with. The thumbs are now out of the way and the fingers and palms do all the work. You’d never see a baseball player with his thumbs in the way. They’d be in too much pain. I definitely think I’m on to something, here. If you use the conventional thumb position it is not as necessary to rotate the hands inwards towards the top so much. The conventional grip espoused for centuries still applies.

The conventional grip finds both palms facing each other forming a wall that faces the target. This alignment remains intact except for the top of the hand near the thumbs. When they lay to the side it gives the appearance of a strong left hand and a weak right hand. In reality they are neutral. The same finger and palm prints a Vardon Grip make this grip retains.

Recap; To incorporate this new and, I think, better golf grip simply use the regular Vardon grip and turn in both hands towards the top slightly so that he left is slightly in a strong position and the right in a slightly weak position. Then, take your left thumb off the top and place in to the side. Next, after nestling your right hand to fit around your left thumb, the bottom outside pad of your right palm now in the “V” this creates, and take your right thumb and nestle it over your wrap around fingers of the same hand.  In a sense the “V” of your left hand points to your right shoulder and the “V” of your right hand points to your left shoulder. It should feel comfortable and powerful. Unlike the Vardon grip it is easier to get the right amount of grip pressure – not too light – but firm enough to give you complete control of the club. It naturally WANTS to constrict a little around the grip gluing you to the club.

If you do incorporate my new grip you will find that accuracy stems from correct shoulder coil and uncoil, club shaft and arm paths and the physics involved in the hinging and unhinging of the shaft and the hinging of the left arm from the shoulders, alone. There is no steering with the hands, They just hold on like glue and hit the ball hard. I also think that, because the grip is so intertwined, that the right arm’s co-operation with the left is enhanced. That they work as one better.

If you can hold on better with a certain grip over the Vardon style it reasons you can swing the club harder. The Vardon grip is not the best for this. Thus I am exploring options.

As I write these words I am experimenting with hand involvement. Should one be minimal, firm and stiff with the wrists or allow them to fully rotate 90 degrees wide open as they cock going back? Is this method a better implementation of the body and arms and hands? So long as one cocks his shoulders 90 degrees and does not go beyond 90 degrees with wrist cock, while still tracking the shaft long the target line, I’m of the opinion, now, that this may re-invent the concept of the grip all by itself and might be a better technique. This style finds the face more vertical and open at the top versus at a 45 degree angle to the ground. That’s a plus in writing  this book; experimenting with things I’d otherwise not take notice of. Two breakthroughs in one month? Who knows, yet? This new idea certainly taps the potential of the hands in any core driven method and was inspired by a conventional grip that hurt with too much use. A baseball style grip with the thumbs to the side may be the future of the golf swing. Overlapping the right pinky over the left forefinger may still be applicable, however.


I have always known that the most powerful and effortless way to swing a club was with a back and forth weight shift with a big body coil and uncoil motion using a large club head arc with extended arms. A method that taps the power of the large muscles of the body. Lots of body coil and lots of extension with the arms and club on both sides of the ball. The opposite method involves using the small muscles of the hands, for example, to lead and orchestrate a swing. There is no doubt, now, after all these years, that the former method works better and is more consistent and reliable.

Once upon a time in my youth I wondered if the hands dictated body pivot. Too many things can go wrong that way, I learned. Focusing thought on the center of the swing like your torso versus things like your hands, which are farthest away from a swing’s center, simply works better. To build a swing from the inside, out, versus the outside, in. The hands certainly DO work, but mostly to align the club, to cock and un cock, completely rolling over past impact, and hold on to the forces created with the body uncoiling and weight shift. Like Trevino once said; “The tree trunk swings the branches, not vice versa.” Jack Nicklaus used to start every practice session only after first putting a club behind his back between his elbows and coiling and uncoiling in place with a weight transfer and slight lifting of both feet and critical train his core to move properly above all else.

And, so, the core driven method is what I teach. If the body, the core, can move properly the arms and club merely have to follow and store and release energy. There is so much to cover my job here will be to keep it as simple as I can in spite of my analytical mind type.

Once mastered, once the geometrical angles of your club and arm path are sound, and once your fixed grip pressure is sufficient to solidly connect yourself to the club, the core driven golf swing uses three predominant thoughts; One; wind up and move weight back with the muscles of mostly the back, shoulders and chest, swinging a large arc outpacing the hips two to one, Two; Counter that move back of the upper torso with a move forward located in the hips, generally, and legs which move target wards even as the shoulders are still coiling to the top position. This gentle but forceful nudge of hips versus shoulders during the transition zone and applying and maintaining and even increasing all that leverage involved is what holds the rest of the swing together. Three; Stretch out your arc and your limbs as you coil and uncoil keeping wrist cock to a manageable minimum forcing your body to get to the top fully coiled and extended.. As if a golf swing were meant to also stretch your body, like a physical tonic, and not just have it swing the club. This counterintuitive move that you might think would further complicate the swing actually frees up the swing and lets the golf swing happen almost as if by itself. Like a spring or a bow string drawn back and released forward. Swing a big circle and stretch your body out to do it. Of course, keep a steady head. It’s hard to get too out of synch if you implement these three thoughts when making a swing. You’ll wonder how so small a move of shoulders versus hips and legs can produce such effortless power, too.

Be careful, always, to not loosen up the grip pressure during all this maneuvering. Your hands connect your club to your body. Keep a constant, uninterrupted grip pressure throughout. I’d say about 30 % of your potential strength, 100 being a death grip and 1 being barely touching the grip.

By focusing on the very innermost area OF a golf swing, the hips and shoulders, both moving in concert together, in dynamic opposition to each other, the rest of the swing has a sound foundation from which to wield power and direction. The proper power dynamics are in play and it should feel relatively effortless for all the power it produces. Shoulders coil back and hips move to target to start the downswing maintaining and increasing that leverage until after impact.

I recommend a smooth start take away from address progressing to a smooth but fast finish, tempo wise. Keep your swing wide, too.

“X FACTOR” CORE DYNMANMICS AND THE LEFT ARM SLING;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Since that epiphany concerning a whole new way to grip a club and the big muscle dominated swing method I have learned the importance of the rest of the swing and have come to some deep convictions that I think will endure, especially into the future whether the side straddle grip replaces the conventional grip or not. Before I lay out everything, and allowing for the understanding you have a basic idea of what a golf swing is, allow me to give you an overview of the core driven swing; I recognize the notion that the shoulders want to out turn the hips, perhaps two to one, to the top. This sets the downswing up with the hips already leading the shoulders and with more torque than a wet noodle kind of windup where the hips turn too freely. I don’t stress HOW much differential you create between the shoulders and hips so long as you resist from below while the shoulders out turn everything else. It’s important to swing wide with the arms and club throughout. The creation of a differential between the shoulders and hips to the top sets you up for a more powerful and dynamic move down and through. The Core Driven Golf Swing method makes use the shoulders, back and chest more than you might think. By focusing the mind on what the back, chest and shoulders are doing, almost exclusively, I have found the rest of the body naturally falls into place. The arms, club, legs and hips sense what is required above and get into position to allow the upper torso rotation to happen. The wrists still do cock, especially near the top of the backswing just as they un cock past impact. I teach a restricted cock of the wrists, however, only 85 degrees to the top. The beginning of the backswing feels as if one is shifting weight as if swaying directly away from the target with his head and shoulders. Just like a baseball pitcher moves everything away from his target before moving all his weight towards his target in the forward throw.. But instead of that the arms, club and rest of the torso and shoulders catches that sensation of swaying, moving directly opposite the target, instead, and the head remains centered. The downswing, conversely, feels like one is shifting the lower body mass, only, to the target keeping the upper body in place resulting in the sensation one’s forward hip position at impact is pulling the arms and hands through with the upper body and head staying back. There is a transition zone near the top of the back swing where your hips are actually moving target ward as your shoulders and arms and club are still moving back to the top. This tightens up the whole body dynamics. Weight shift back is upper body sway sensation keeping a steady head, downswing weight shift is all lower body weight shift TO the target stretching the tug of war between the two. It may help to keep a steady head to the top by positioning it a little back of where you might think at address so it’s already as far right as it feels comfortable. This gives the whole stance a kink in the middle, your spine a little backward tilt against a slightly forward tilting or neutral lower body. You must swing VERY WIDE in the take away getting your body mass and weight opposite the target. Transport arm and club mass away from the target and weight will have to shift back. Keep a steady head in doing so but you can’t swing low and wide enough at the start of the back swing. The wrists cock mostly in the second half of the backswing. This broad, low takeaway winds your body up tight and sets your weight on mostly your back foot. This not only coils the torso tightly and powerfully, this puts the hips in a lead position going down and maximizes power. Don’t go overboard with this “X Factor” notion but at least out coil the rest of the trunk with the shoulders and start the back swing with he shoulders while somewhat resisting with the legs and hips. It is imperative that the shoulders are moving and coiling from the start and throughout. If the club is in motion the shoulders are moving and coiling and uncoiling with it. If your club / arm path is correct the left shoulder should go somewhat under your chin and not around to it’s front. One of the main goals OF the backswing is to powerfully wind up one’s entire body, but especially the shoulders. In the transition zone the hips are beginning their move to the target even as your shoulders are still finishing their journey back to the top. This winds everything up tight for a powerful package to deliver into impact. For the downswing move lower body weight target ward ahead of the upper body unwind. The wrists may even gain a little more than an 85 degree cock in the transition zone as you begin the down swing. Perhaps as much as 100 degrees in mid downswing. This allows your body some slack with which to race ahead with the lower body. By NOT consciously hitting with your hands your hands will hit just fine. Mainly you want to merely maintain a constant grip pressure. The one you had at address. Firm enough to handle the rigors of a full swing. A little snug in the hands. Firmish. Resist the urge to use them until impact, itself, in fact. Then you can use them all you want, but only DURING impact and after but not until then. Use all you body to deliver the club into impact. Apply leverage at impact with your shoulders which should be square or just slightly open to the target line. Through the strike zone, the wrists completely turn over allowing the club head to pass the handle at impact and toe over the heel of the club head as well. Active wrists are essential to a good swing but their participation is a consequence mostly of forces created in the rest of your body. If you retard wrist action you increase body participation. LET the body do the work. Just hold on with the hands and don’t forget to hit with the shoulders during impact. If you do that the hands should automatically participate as they should. They unleash all that body energy. It is VITAL that you SLING the left arm, not just the club head, briskly PAST the body through the strike zone. Time your swing so that the arms are also swinging with the club at the same time through the strike. A swinging of the whole club and not just the head. This move may involve some independent assist with the arms. There is no truly dormant part of the body in a swing. The arms and hands have a little leeway in a swing and shouldn’t be too harnessed. This gives speed to the handle of the club and not just the head. This one move separates the pros from the non pros, this brisk slinging of the left arm across the body during the strike. Clearing the body with your left arm past impact. You’ll see. To swing the whole club briskly past the ball you need left arm acceleration through the strike zone, not just club head speed. It may help to imagine that the back of you left hand is the actual club face to get this sensation.

The business end of the swing is near the strike zone. The imagery of methodically rotating the chest and shoulders from the top back around to the ball and continuing beyond to the target and the slinging of the club AND left arm across the body – clearing the body –  together, briskly through the strike zone, girds the rest of the body – the core –  the legs and hips included, to position itself for a strong delivery instinctually. The legs and hips grab the ground and set up the strike. If you fail to imagine the left arm part of this you will NOT experience this powerful instinctual girding of the body and legs. In a sense the whole body and shoulders coils back and unwinds TO sling the left arm and club shaft TOGETHER briskly past the body through the strike. THIS is the pro move. It will up your athleticism by 20 percent. All swing thoughts, however, are secondary to the imagery of what the chest and shoulders are doing; rotating away from the ball like pulling back a bow string , and then rotating back around the other way back to the ball and continuing all the way around to the target and your finish. Like turning a door knob back and forth. If you ever observe the shoulder action of a pro from an above camera angle you’ll notice that no other part of the body is more active.

Of course swing dynamics must couple with correct geometric patterns to work properly. There is much in this book that emphasizes shaft position in a swing over even club head position, that the correct shaft positions will automatically rotate the head square at impact if done correctly. Think of a general target based path for the head that swings square to the target on a slight curve since the club is swung from around your body which is inside the ball line. As if swung on a tilted plane from around your shoulders to the ball line. Whenever the shaft is parallel to the ground it should be aimed to the target, generally. That is at one third back, the top, mid downswing and mid follow through. The shaft should aim to the target. Regarding the shaft and the left arm as a single lever helps with arm configuration.

When I first discovered this marriage of side straddle grip and slinging of the left arm WITH the whole club past the body I added 15 yards to my three iron and tightened my distance and accuracy. I am a youthful, athletic 70 year old and found all 30 of my balls with just five yards of variance in distance and only fifteen yards variance in accuracy, AND 15 yards father, instantly. If I even try to hit one shot with the old grip, now, it hurts me by comparison. The stronger, more secure connection to the club also relieves my lower back, interestingly.

One swing path, overall, or two divergent paths compressed against each other? Inside out versus outside in?

(What is immediately below is in the experimental stage and I don’t yet recommend it, so bear with me as I sort things out for a while. Up to this point I have always preferred a downswing path geometrically as similar to the backswing path it made to the top.)

As I write these words I have come across a notion I’d otherwise not have noticed but for writing this book. Are the back swing and downswing path the same? In other words; does one swing back and forth on the same directional plane or is the back swing plane and path more square to inside than the downswing plane and path which might be more square to inside PAST impact – the opposite way – thus compressing the two variations into even more torque? Impact would, of course, be square but a result of marrying, compressing, the two different paths against each other. Bobby Jones, for example, went back relatively inside and came down on a more outside in path, while still square through the strike. Conversely, today some golfers do the opposite, they go back outside and come down square. I prefer the former and think it’s a better dynamic and gives one better power, balance and control.

The alternative is to swing both back and down on a common plane and path making allowances only for the one foot or so shift – caused by a shift of body weight – to the target of the down swing arc. This requires a marshaling of everything to adhere to one directional path but perhaps at the expense of more power and balance. Basically I am suggesting why fight gravity? Why NOT swing around one’s center of gravity both going back and to the finish?  Towards the foot target line from address to the top and from impact back to the foot target line going down? Not one plane, but two, both compensating for the fact that the body is in the middle of both actions. Both reaching for the foot target line depending on which side of the ball one is. Swing towards the body mass – the foot line – to the top and again for the finish only now it’s more outside in than the square to inside backswing was because it’s on the opposite side of the ball. Would the payoff outweigh and complications from having to pivot more open going down than you did to the top? The concept I describe like reaching towards the foot target line with the club going to the top – not straight back – and reaching for the foot target line from impact to finish. These are questions I am experimenting with right now. Once the book is done I can’t go back. I have to find out, first, which concept is better than the other. Above all else I want to achieve optimal technique, not second best.

This whole notion is based on the fact that one’s body mass and weight is mostly fixed and, if you swing around your center of gravity, an inside path from address to the top balances you better than straight back which pulls your body towards your toes. Similarly, going down, all the way to the finish you want to finish also on your foot target line only now it is square to inside from IMPACT. A divergent path going the other way, now. A posturing of two different paths to create better torque and balance versus a singular overall path that requires some reigning in of creating body torque. A bird’s eye view of your swing from above would reveal a path going back that is more aimed to the right of the target than the downswing path which would aim more to the left of the target. Impact would be a balance between the two divergent paths. Square, but with more compression and torque. It is, perhaps, a more athletic move. Maybe that’s a good thing, though. A child would instinctively choose this method, I think. Much like a tether ball orients itself to the top of where the pole it is tied to wherever it may be in it’s course of activity..

I’ll keep you posted how the experimenting goes.

(What follows will be modified following the above recent epiphany.)


A golf swing is dependent on a proper stance and grip. It’s the one part of the swing you can completely control. Without maximizing your chances for a good swing by getting these two departments under control you obstruct everything else you may want to do with a club and ball. It will probably NOT feel correct or comfortable at all at first, either. Kind of a cockeyed set up that finds your hands in the way of your eyes sight of you left foot’s instep a little. Once your grip and stance are correct there are some basics to follow. A proper swing path and shape, both back and forward,, a steady head, a coiling of the shoulders and body up to the top and an uncoiling of everything to the finish, a back and forth weight shift, a release of the club head past the handle through the strike zone that involves a complete turnover of the hands and club, a slinging of the left arm with the club past the body as well, balance, tempo and timing. This book is designed to put the right mental thoughts in your head to prompt the best results. Unlike many other sports golf requires a mental preparation before one swings. At least until your swing has been learned and perfected. Even then constant maintenance is required to keep it in shape. Like a car that needs various components looked after occasionally. So the brain is used more so than other sports. I will try to minimalize these thought processes and simplify matters as much as I can. The most fun occurs after the swing becomes second nature and you focus, instead, on the shape of the shot and it’s requirements. Painting pictures in the sky.

As a young man I wanted to play professional golf because it beat the hell out of working a regular job for a living. It was a load of fun BECAUSE it was not easy. When it went right it was especially satisfying. As such I lean towards serving the needs of a serious golfer who wants to beat the world. All golfers can benefit from this kind of book, however. I want to write the kind of book that would have helped me, then, become a successful professional golfer but also serve ANYONE with lesser aspirations. If I was not convinced my method was the best possible way to swing I’d never even try to write about it at all. Writing about golf technique is serious as a heart attack stuff. The worst thing any writer wants to do is screw up what is already a hard game to master. There ARE secrets out there that actually work better than others. My job is to weed out the bad and focus only on the thoughts and moves that work best. For me the swing and understanding THAT is what matters most. It is truly an art that has befuddled mankind for centuries and I want to make a dent in this sphere of life. To get one from beginner to pro in as fast a pace as possible using the proper ideas that work best.

The “Core Driven Golf Swing” recognizes that the body is the engine of the rest of the swing. That all motion originates there. Coiling, uncoiling and a weight shift to enhance it all. That the arms and club get their motion from the body actions mostly. Lee Trevino said that the tree trunk swings the branches, not vice versa. I once, briefly, had the exact opposite notion as a young man thinking that the hands triggered body reactions. Before I got the horse before the cart in this department other matters took over my life and I did not become a professional golfer. I wish I knew then what I know now. Now that I am too old to go pro I seem to have settled on what works. I’m eager to spread the gospel. I used to have a grip pressure that was too loose and flimsy. Now I grip the club with a little firmness, enough to handle the rigors of a swing, and leave it at that pressure throughout. I restrict my wrist cock to the top, forcing my body core to make up the difference by coiling more, and I focus on hitting the ball at impact with my shoulders which, in turn, allow the hands to also hit. I now regard a wrist cock past 85% degrees to the top as a collapsed position. The wrists may cock to and past 90 degrees into the transition and downswing, but not until then. Having a firm enough grip that assumes control of the club from address to finish is essential to my method of technique.

I am reminded of the greatest golf epiphany I ever had. It was 1979 and I had just blown my second VW engine in as many years and I was at my wits end with frustration. That day I just gave the club to my hands and gripped a little harder, grabbed the bull by the horns a little more, and let her rip. My game that one day jumped 25 % instantly. I was playing pro caliber golf. The problem was I misunderstood what was happening, then. I assumed that the hands were the brain center for the swing and dictated body action. In reality it was a matter of the hands holding onto the club firmly enough that made the difference. Now the connection to the body action was complete. It’s still the body that dictates hand actions. At least for the pros on tour.

Strange as it may seem, by focusing on what you must do with your shoulders, back and chest – namely rotate them away from and then back to and through the ball and beyond to the target – your lower body will instinctually do their job to perform this feat. By doing this one thing the rest of your swing will fall into perfect place, naturally.  A from the center, out, approach that works.  No errant independent moves with your hands can interrupt or hinder the rest of the swing. Now they mostly just hold on for dear life, harness and release the forces your body is creating. The only other thing to master is the path of your swing, your club and arms combined with a weight shift assisted by tempo and timing.

There’s nothing wrong with letting the hands tear through impact with a tigerish lash. Until impact, however, the hands merely maintain a constant grip pressure letting the body do all the work of coiling and uncoiling. AT impact they come alive but assisted with the shoulders which you apply ALSO during the strike. Hit with the shoulders at impact and the hands will take care of themselves.

The moist sophisticated aspect of the core driven golf swing is the move by the hips even before the shoulders, club and arms have finished their journey to the top position. As the shoulders and arms and club are still finishing their backward motion the hips transfer weight to the target and begin to unwind forward. The upper body going back while the lower body begins to move targetwards This is the magic move that Bobby Jones, no less, described as the most important move in golf. This leap to the left to start the downswing. A move that begins before the backswing is completed. This is the move all the tour pros do or they wouldn’t be hitting the ball so far and straight. It’s the magic move, a core move, that catapults one’s swing dynamics.

I noticed vintage Tom Weiskopff swing footage shows his mastery of this move

So, The Core Driven Golf Swing is exactly THAT.

In the method I now teach the shoulders and torso begin the swing and out coil the hips to the top while they resist – like a bow string against a bow –  using the shoulders and torso to start the backswing and using the lower body – hips and legs and feet – to lead and uncoil the downswing back to the finish. This stretches the two tighter in the process offering more power. Going back it’s from the top down and going down it’s from the ground, up. With this or any other method it’s critical to get the path of the arms and club just right as well. One cannot swing the club straight away or he’d fall over. One has to swing inside to square. That is, from your perspective, the club goes back straight for about a foot or so and then creeps in towards the body it’s swinging around. If there is a straight line component to this – and there is – it has to do with swinging on an inclined plane. Imagine a line extending from the ball to the target and another line extending from the feet to the target. Like a plane that tilts from the ball to around your neck and beyond. One starts out at the ball line and finishes his back swing at the foot target line, the club now above his body.  The downswing results with the club returning to the ball line and then, after the strike, back, again, above the foot target line. If you imagine swinging on a tilted plane from the ball line to your shoulder line then the swing IS in a straight line. The illusion of the club creeping inside going back is really that it is traveling in a straight path along this tilted plane. The purpose of all this body dynamics is to propel the left arm  and club not just the club, briskly past the body towards the target during the strike, head over handle and toe over heel. The act of also slinging the left arm with the club engages the core and lower body into action one does not experience by slinging just the club past the ball.

One wants to swing neither too upright or too shallow. There is a happy medium. The left arm should ideally align so that it aims to the ball at the top position. One wants to swing the club in manner that finds the shaft of the club pointing to the target whenever it is parallel to the ground. That is one third back, at the top, half way down to the ball and half way past the ball. At those junctures the shaft should aim to the target. The finish position is not applicable because foot pivot rotates everything around to face the target. This manner of swinging is merely swinging the whole club and arm assembly along the target line, not inside out or outside in but along the target line over all. It is shaft and arm positions as much as club face positions that determines accuracy. If everything is swinging to the target golf is that much easier.

Amidst all this activity there is a back and forth and even a circular weight shift. Imagine a weight on a string you are swinging from your fingers. Inside the larger circle the object is making there is another tiny circular motion your fingers are making to keep the string taught and generate centrifugal force. You will find that this tiny inner circle is just ahead of the opposite position of the object being swung at all times If it were exactly opposite the object no centrifugal force would be generated. It would be static, instead. It has to be just slightly ahead of the object. Centrifugal versus static force. If you examine the stop action photos of, say, Sam Snead or Jack Nicklaus or any other great swing you will notice that his weight  appears to go straight down early in the downswing while the club is high above him. Like a man jumping out of an airplane. Then, as he is halfway down to the ball, it appears his weight, his lower body, is lunging target wards just opposite of the position of the club. At impact, the club now at he bottom of the arc, his body is also pushing upwards against the ground to generate that opposite tug against the position of the club. Halfway past impact, the club shaft aiming at the target, his body and arms seem to be pulling away from the target. Besides this constantly shifting circular weight shift there is a more pronounced left to right and back to the left again shift that finds the weight mostly off the lead foot at the top position and most of the weight off the back foot at impact. By the finish the weight is almost entirely on the lead foot. This shift is more pronounced because you are swinging an object basically away from the target and then back to the target. A back and forth linear motion.

The swing benefits from a large, versus a cramped, arc. Wide and generous and more horizontal than vertical. Like an egg on it’s side. The weight shift back and forth is about a foot creating two distinct arcs. The downswing arc is inside of the back swing arc by about a foot and this helps create the horizontal egg on it’s side shape of the arc. While it may not be so necessary to swing high above one’s head to the top it is essential to swing wide on both sides of the ball.

That’s the core driven method in a nutshell. Use the larger, more powerful muscles of the shoulders, back, hips and legs, incorporating a weight shifting to generate the arms and club briskly past your body towards the target during the strike. In this book you may notice I try to refrain from using the term impact. The impact zone is fluid and dynamic I use, instead the term the strike zone. Does the left arm independently sling itself past the body during the strike zone? Perhaps a little. No part of the body is ever dormant. The right arm should feel as a part of the left arm and instinctually you should find it leading the hands and club with the elbow going down. The left arm is relatively straight from start to halfway past impact and then folds while the right arm straightens during the strike zone.

(What is below is old material and will be replaced with a simpler, more straightforward presentation)

Before getting too technical and detailed let me just say this. After achieving the proper stance and grip you start the swing coiling from the shoulders mostly, – from the top, down – as they coil to the top position resisting somewhat with the lower body and then you uncoil from the lower body, up, in an opposite fashion, the lower body leading the uncoil. This tightens the body in the transition zone and sets up a reactive release of the swing. There is some necessary hinging of the wrists in both directions on either side of the ball, the right elbow digging into your side ahead of the hands going down, the left elbow digging into your other side past impact, but the body pivot and coil and uncoil is paramount to the rest. There is also the fact that a shifting of weight back and forth beneath a steady head, mostly with the hips and legs, is necessary as well as a vertical up and down force like ringing a bell at the fair with an overhead downward strike. Golf is a little like all of these things combined. Proper path – inside to square – of the arms and club is vital for accuracy and consistency. You want to swing the club head from the ball target line to the foot target line back to the top and from the foot line to the ball line and back to the foot line going down and through. You don’t want to swing straight back and forth because that would throw you off balance and you’d be out of position with your body mass.. Because you have a center of mass you have to accommodate the swing around that center of mass and that requires an inside to square configuration. An arc of the club head that travels from the ball target line to the foot target line and back again. This does not mean that you can’t think in terms of a straight back and forth path to get the job done. The tilted plane you swing the club on is actually linear, straight. This tilted plane goes from the ball target line to below your head and beyond. This accounts for the inside to square appearance your club rides on. You have to swing all your levers of arms and club around a fixed axis located just below your neck near the top of your body. This requires a circular path around that hub. You want to deliver the club to the ball from your center of gravity – your foot target line where you mass is located – and so it must arrive at the top position above your feet and shoulders. From there you swing the club head out to the ball target line – inside to square – and then back to the foot target line at the finish. This way you have your body mass to exert power with. You also want to make sure that whenever the club shaft is parallel to the ground that it is aiming at the target itself. One third back, the top, half way to the ball down and half way past impact. If you can do this – swing the shaft along the target line – accuracy will follow. The club head will right itself automatically if you have the correct grip. Worry more about the shaft geometry than the head for accuracy.

You want a large clubhead arc versus a cramped arc. You want to extend the arms and keep the left arm relatively straight until well after impact. This may seem to add to the complications at first but the reverse is the case with practice. God hates a coward, so reasonably grab all the volume you can and trust it. Regarding a straight left arm I have found a relaxed, slightly bent left arm works perfectly well and may even be just as good. The important thing is that it straightens more during the strike.

The best way to get proper weight shifting is to have most of your weight off your front foot at the top position and to have most of your weight off your back foot at impact. You want to put a little air under your front foot’s heel a the top and a little air under your back foot’s heel before impact. Some prefer to keep the front foot’s heel grounded at the top but the weight should be off of it, regardless. It’s the hips and legs that move the body mass towards the target going forward while the head and upper body stay back until the follow through.

As for the vertical, versus back and forth force, you want to feel like you’re dropping enormous weight down on top of the ball from the top as well. The coil back lifts and cocks the club up above your shoulders. Then, while uncoiling, you drop it hard onto the ball hitting down and out allowing the club to un cock pass your hands through impact. Centrifugal force involves a fluid, ever changing positioning your mass just ahead of opposite of the weight you are swinging at all times. As mentioned above there is a back and forth weight shift away from and towards the target. There is also an up and down shifting. Both the up and down and side to side shifting is explained by the act of swinging a weight on a string. Your fingers make a tiny circle within the circle always tugging just ahead of the opposite position of the weighed object. That’s what keeps the string taught. That tugging and positioning of the fingers. In a swing, for example, as you start down, your weight wants to drop straight down at first. Like the famous Sam Snead “squat”. To me it looks like a man jumping out of an airplane. Straight down and opposite the straight up position of the club. Later, in mid downswing, the club head and shaft positioned opposite the target, the body posture suggests a weight shift TO the target, the hips and legs tugging target wards. At impact, the club now at the bottom of the swing, the body posture includes a pushing upwards against the ground AWAY from the bottom and up to the sky. After impact the body posture seems to want to tug away from the target against the target ward swinging of the club. The reason I suggest this tugging is just AHEAD of the opposite position of the weighted object has to do with dynamic versus static action. Like a football quarterback who leads his receiver in anticipation of where he will be to catch the ball. So there is a constant, ever changing, fluid, even circular, weight shifting involved in golf that ONLY I have pointed out.

Tempo. You want to start out smoothly and apply the speed mostly during and after impact, the speed gradually increasing from start to finish with no hiccups in between. If you snatch or jerk the club away from address you will compromise your body’s ability to coil properly. Start smooth in a one piece fashion and build speed from there especially at impact and beyond impact.

Similarly, in putting, you always want to accelerate the club into the ball, and not decelerate. Save your speed for impact and beyond. Also, as in a full swing, you want to let the shoulders swing the putter versus a hands and arm controlled motion.

That’s it in a nut shell. Not easy, but not too hard, either.

Since golf is more mental than most sports, starting from a stopped position instead of a fluid, in motion position, you have to trigger body actions mentally. In applying this book you have to piece meal things together on the practice tee and achieve success in one area before moving on to the next and so forth until one piece at a time has been mastered. Like tuning a car there are lots of areas that need constant attention. For example. I may have most of my swing parts in order but now want to refine my weight shift and coil to the top. Lately I am experimenting with only a casual move early in my backswing and amplifying the amount of coil late in the backswing. Mike Austin, a power hitter from the 40’s, swung this way to great effect. Many pros today start the deep coiling right away, the left shoulder going under the chin early in the backswing. Tiger’s left shoulder goes straight back  and under right away, for example. I am experimenting to see which works best for my body and mind type. l like the advantage of balance and relaxation in starting my swing this way for now. It also sets up a reactive transition zone forcing me to have speed with my lower body there to get ahead of my upper body as my now speeding shoulders are going to automatically rebound from so late and deep a coiling motion. I may change if it doesn’t work out as planned and go back to an early sharp coil of the body right away. The point is you can only work on one or maybe two or three aspects at a time. One’s body type and mental type and even personality type has a big role in which exact method you choose. Find a pro with your body type, at least, to emulate rather than a pro whose shoulders or legs are not in proportion to yours. Tempo is somewhat of a personality issue. Some people are just naturally inclined to a faster pace than others. You have to find your sweet spot zone in this regard. A downswing should be the speed of gravity is my golden rule. Like dropping a ball from above your head to the ground. Regardless, the start of the backswing should be somewhat deliberate and smooth. Forward impact speed and beyond is what counts.

The Core Driven Golf Swing; Catchy title but what does it mean? To begin with, no one body part, properly utilized, will register into success and make all the other body parts fall into place. There is, however, a best body part to orchestrate a swing with. Most beginner swings begin with arm and club movement ahead of body coil. The shoulders coil in response to the stress put on them from the swinging arms and club. A lot of other sports rely on the arm movement to dictate body pivot. In golf there is a more balanced sharing of hands and arms versus body pivot. That’s why a “one piece” move back has been taught for centuries. To get the two to work together. Like the sun being at the center of our universe, the coiling and uncoiling of the torso, the largest body part of all, leading all other action, is the optimum way to wield a club against a golf ball. Like learning how turning a door knob clockwise and counter clockwise opens a door, the door knob being your shoulders, so is a swing almost as simple as that. There is a need to hinge the wrists at some point to the top to cock the wrists and send centrifugal force up instead of away from the target to prevent swaying of the body back. Similarly there is a need to increase this wrist cock staring down to allow your hips to pick up the slack as they shift into position target wards. Mind focus makes sure that the coiling and uncoiling of the torso precedes all else. A learning of how to USE your torso in the first place. Jack Nicklaus, before he ever swung a club at the practice tee, always put a club behind his back between his elbows and coiled and uncoiled training his core to perform correctly before he worked on anything else. The club ends would rotate around and point to the ball on both sides of it. This is correct geometry. THIS drill activates the core above all else. When the core leads a swing the most noticeable difference is the depth OF your coil and how there is only one path back to the ball; the way it went back, everything is so tapped out to it’s limit. Whether you gather your shoulder coil early or late in the backswing, you want to tap out your shoulder coil so there is only one way back to the ball. (Half and three quarter swings excluded.) Keeping your arms extended aids in this process. Adding power now becomes secondary to getting your club to catch up to and pass your hands during the strike. Because your largest body part has been fully utilized the power flows effortlessly. You can now focus, instead, on the finer details of your delivery. I, for example, when first learning this, found that just imagining a shaft angle that finds the club passing my hands after impact was all I needed to think about to get fantastic results. Swing thoughts always vary depending on your needs but power is already taken care of if you tap out your shoulder coil to the top and extend the arms and club. I have found that a deliberate, smooth pace works better than a flighty, fast pace in the core driven method.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               I used to think the center of this rotation and center of gravity was at the base of the neck but it’s not. It’s a little lower and at the center of the upper torso. Like the peg a 78 record sits on on a phonograph, parallel to your spine, your swing’s motor activities emanate from mind focus there. It’s really just a cracking “open” of the body there going back – shoulders coiling ahead of the lower body – and a return opposite closing of the body going the other way – the lower body now leading the upper body – compressing the two actions into force. In other words, you retain the differential between hips and shoulders you made going to the top well into the downswing, the lower body uncoiling first. Instead of thinking of myriad other body parts all activity is controlled as if from that center of your body / club mass. Like turning a fixed door knob in two separate directions. Like the agitator paddles inside an upright washing machine. Just add weight shift, proper club and arm path, tempo and timing. .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             A golf swing is also a combination of upper body action versus lower body action. The upper body coils and moves weight away from the target just by relocating the shoulders, arms and club mass back while the lower body moves weight – legs and hips – towards the target, even simultaneously, in the transition.. As the upper body coils to the top the lower body wants to apply resistance to that so that every vertebra of the spine has a chance to coil from the top down, first, before the hips are allowed to also coil. This allows you to fully tap out your body and avoid a sloppy, loose coil. Going down, your last thought being a final crank back with your shoulders, your lower body unwinds ahead of the upper body  shifting target wards tightening the resistance all the more, compressing the swing. It is also the lower body that transfers body mass and weight to the target while the upper body stays put letting the club and arms move centrifugally, instead.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  I, once upon a time, actually thought that the hands were the master brain of a swing. That their needs triggered body responses. That hand action dictated body pivot. The author of a book I studied under “The Golfing Machine” even felt this way. My teacher, Ben Doyle differed with Homer Kelly in this one respect. Correctly so, too. Too much hands equals too little body action. Most people overuse their hands and arms at the expense of proper coiling and uncoiling of the body’s core; the trunk the shoulders and hips and legs, and proper weight shifting. This book compensates for this by emphasizing the core section of your body (Shoulders to feet, but mostly shoulders.) because more body parts do fall into place than not with the mind focusing on it than other body parts. It is, in fact, when one consciously applies his hands and arms before impact that things go out of kilter. Until impact the arms and hands just provide arc, extension, get into delivery positions, grip and align all the angles related to the shoulders hands and club. Near the impact zone it’s all guns blazing, however. Then the hands really DO get involved, but not until then. Your swing emanates from the center of your body mass. Like a pebble tossed in a body of water, the innermost ripples dictate the rest of the ripples. Put your mental focus at the very center of all the action, that imaginary spine parallel peg inside the upper rib cage and it’s simple opening and closing determining all the other actions. Like the workings of an intricately integrated time piece all connected to this master gear. Start your swing and control it from there  It is the “Sun” of the body’s universe. Trevino described the swing as the tree trunk swinging the branches, not vice, versa. It’s a concept as foreign as a bird making it’s first flight from the nest. But it works.

Initiating all motion with torso coil and uncoil rather than following the lead of the arms and club and hands to achieve coil. Think of a carousel’s circular top dangling vertical objects from strings. As the top gently starts to revolve the dangling objects sway and then move with it. That is the feeling to strive for in your takeaway. and start down. The coil and uncoil should lead the arms and club back and down, not voce versa. This produces such a deep, tapped out coil that just getting the club to un cock in time and pass the hands during the strike is all you, seemingly, have to worry about, later. That and being on the proper path with the arms and club..                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 A bit more, if I may, about this second “secret’ to golf. It is this; To swing like a pro you have to resist the urge to hit the ball with your arms and hands – at all – UNTIL nearing impact, itself. Until nearing impact the only thought you should have is retaining whatever angles you have made to that point  During the strike, itself. Then the club releases and rotates over itself, end over end, the club passing the hands. Like pulling BACK on a bow string until impact and THEN you let go. AT impact. (Putting included, by the way.) Meanwhile you must collect as much coil and depth as you comfortably can while maintaining a tension free feeling and let your large body muscles do the work. These two principles, combined; a large, deep, tension free coil with a large club head arc with passive hands and arms until impact and then allowing and end over end release – head over handle – past the ball.. You will find that your body CORE compensates and torques and rotates and ratchets more vigorously through the strike to offset the lack of “hit” in your hands until impact. Your body is being forced into action. It is helping to pull your hands, arms and club through. It may feel as though the club is still cocked during the hit even though centrifugal force has opened it up to the ball.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   In a correct swing the shoulders and hips create a differential between the two that is implemented to create force and torque. Storing and releasing that torque. Creating and then maintaining that differential until late in the down swing. You want to hold onto your shoulder coil and wrist cock going down as the lower body leads and starts to unwind, for example. The innermost part of the body and it’s workings that is often overlooked. What is often overlooked in a swing is how the spine, the shoulders, wind and unwind like a propeller shaft from the feet to the shoulders, especially during the strike and follow through. If you watch the pros on television it’s as if their club head is in synch with their shoulder rotation. They both go, like a propeller, together. Comparted to hand action the shoulders are more animated, by far. This coiling and uncoiling action accompanied with a neutral to back foot to front foot weight shift that is punctuated during the strike. Turning your upper torso, left arm and club away from the target to the top position – aiming your back to the target – rather than thoughts about your hands, for example, is what works. My basic technique is not unlike the ‘Gravity Golf’ method taught by Dennis Lee. That is, a large club head arc, the deep coiling and uncoiling of the larger body muscles and shifting of weight back and forth providing the power source. All under a steady head. The most efficient way to swing. Jack Nicklaus, Sam Snead and countless other graceful swingers of the club have used the same method.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      The harder part of a swing is the exact path and configuration your club and arms make with the shoulders. In so many ways one has to swing a club sideways at a ball at ground level to play golf versus an axe chopping up and down motion. To make matters more complicated it’s a little bit of both actions. There is a mental trick that works regarding all hands / arms / club geometry matters. I can’t believe it took most of my life to figure this magical technique out it’s so all encompassing. Once I understood this my hand action was relieved of all friction caused by misalignments. It has to do with training the hands / wrists / club action along a target line that lays below where they happen to be at impact; about three inches in front of the toes of your feet, depending on the length of your club.  A line that extends away from and to the target. Most golfers make the mistake of focusing on the BALL target line to prompt hand geometry. In other words, if there were flashlights extending from both ends of a club shaft the light would follow that ball target line all the way back as the club cocks to the top, the butt end pointing to the target line. The problem is this is not a square configuration. The shaft points to the left of the target in a laid off position at the top position. It should, rather, point almost straight at the target. Once you master this and refer, instead, to the line nearer your toes to align hand movement with, you can simply let LOOSE with your hands and club so long as things pivot and hinge along this line. The club travels on a tilted plane from ball line to foot line and back to ball line and, finally, foot line, again, in a swing. This middle area in front of your toe line is right in the middle of all this activity. Track hand / club pivot action from this reference point for best results. Certainly whenever your hands are below waist level. For a good four to six feet of club head travel at the bottom, back and forth, your hands adhering to this strict pattern. Every other maneuver above that is set up with the prompts below allowing momentum to let the angles to continue. It is a straight line configuration, straight back and forward on a tilted plane. Though the club is traveling on it’s inclined plane out in front of you and behind your head at the top your hands are focused only on this target line in front of your toes to orient hand angles with the club throughout. It all comes together, amazingly. Then it’s really just a matter matter of pulling back and releasing a bow string. Straight back and through with the wrists and club hinging along this line near your toes. If you don’t feel this sensation in the bottom section of your swing you’re not doing it right. If you don’t disturb things the pattern should hold to the top and finish. When I first discovered this I added 15 yards to my 4 iron in one day it so freed up my swing not having to think about anything but that. This technique builds in automatic accuracy, in fact. Even though the club shaft may be aimed exactly away from the target in late downswing and goes end over end pointing exactly to the target on the follow through – those imaginary flashlights tracing along this path – there need be no worry of where the club face happens to be. It will, almost automatically, be straight at impact. No steering needed.

The other related aspect to club / arms geometry has to do with where the shaft is aimed whenever it is parallel to the ground. That is, one third back, the top, halfway down and one half past impact. At those juncture the shaft should aim TO the target. This criteria has more to do with accuracy than any hand manipulation, the face automatically squaring through the strike. Though the shaft goes head over handle and toe over heel below waist high in a swing it all works out at the moment of truth; impact. No steering needed once the shaft is trained to swing parallel to the target.

The above revelation also dispels some common misperceptions about the club path and offers proof there is a straight line component to swing a club that travels on an arc. It sure appears that the club travels inside as it goes back to the top. It does but not as you might think. Like a tilted coin has a flat, or straight, top that accommodates a circular perimeter at the same time, so is a golf swing.  It’s not so much that your club is traveling inside as it is going up along a target aligned slanted plane that slopes to above and beyond your shoulders. The club is being swung in a straight line configuration and only goes inside because it is rising on that plane that is aligned to the target. And, so, it now becomes clearer why I experienced a freer pass through the ball with my hands. Instead of suffering the friction and drag effects of traveling on a curve, like a car, as when I referred to the ball line instead, once I found the proper, exact target line midway between all the action to align my wrist geometry with the club with, I was able to take advantage of this straightaway path that exists on a tilted plane with a circular perimeter. Think of two enormous Hoola Hoops, one a foot ahead of the other leaned at a 45 – 50  degree angle against a wall aligned to the target. The one relates to the backswing, after a weight shift away from center. The other relates to the downswing after a greater weight shift has been made to the target. You don’t need to shift weight outside your stance but you certainly shift weight between your feet. A club path that appears, from a golfers perspective, inside to square is still square, (straight) just riding higher on a plane that is aligned to the target. It has to go inside and up to allow you to stay balanced. Though the club head travels from the ball line to the foot line and back to the ball line and then back to the foot line in a swing there is a straight line reference to a swing midway between all that action that is marshalled by focus on a single target line in front of your toe line to maneuver hand / club geometry from.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         If you want an explosive release of the club through the ball you need to build it into your backswing. You need to move and maneuver the big muscles; the back, chest and hip and leg muscles. Like an archer having to pull the string back for it to go forward. Especially near the top you want to cock the club and shoulders exactly AWAY from impact, the back of the ball and your target. To enhance this you need to shift your weight to your back hip at the top position and, more powerfully, onto your left hip through impact, all under a steady head. This is the powerful and effortless way to swing. You will golf best using a swing that uses mostly the body and allows the hands and arms to simply connect, hold on, sustain impact and release. Acting more like the tip of a whip with effortless power. The hands come to life during impact and beyond, like a slingshot pouch catching a rock with that pent up energy ready to explode, sustaining all that force your body has produced. Prior to impact the only thought you should give your hands is the initial “kinking of the straw” to create a subtle angle I recommend in the take away to take all wrists thoughts out of  a swing. The angle of this subtle ‘kink’ should be identical to the angle you want to return to the ball with; very slightly inside to square. I prefer to make this the first move of my backswing and at a deliberate pace the first foot away from address. Your waggle should also adhere to this geometry. Your core, the shoulders, the torso and hips and legs, namely, give them the leverage they need. Think of it. Gathering a deep, wide, tension free coil with your body from feet to shoulders and allowing that pent up energy. along with a weight transfer, to then power your whole swing as you fall into impact. If the backswing’s deep coil is tension free, and it should be, at some point that changes, like a gear engaging and things become taught and full of leverage. I believe this engagement point is either AT impact or just before. That’s where the pros seem to punctuate things. The hands and arms are allowed to then just hold on, harness and apply the force of impact. That’s core driven golf. By resisting the urge to apply the shoulders, arms and hands until impact, the weight and the hips and legs are allowed to move ahead, instead, and crank open up many degrees more that the square shoulders at impact. This is classic form and trying to take over with the hands before impact negates this action. The lower body is the bow, the upper body the string , the club the arrow, in that order.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          It’s hard to believe I ever thought it was the other way around with the hands dictating body responses. That I ever interrupted Jack Nicklaus ( I wrote him in 1979 and he wrote me back. Yeah, I’ve been into the swing for quite a long time.) to propose this idea leaves me so aghast I’m sure this book is a form of redemption. In fact, to the extent that you utilize mostly your hands to swing you automatically reign in the ability TO use your body muscles. In other words, if you have a loose grip with lots of wrist action you will find that the wrists finish the back swing and the finish instead of the shoulders and body. Conversely, if you maintain a somewhat firmish grip of, say, a 25 to 35 percent squeeze on the club and somewhat restrict the wrist action, you will find your body HAS to make up the slack and it is your shoulders and back muscles that complete your turn to the top and the finish. Your left shoulder is forced to make that extra turn back under the chin, instead. During the strike the hips, legs and feet ratchet more, instead, the entire upper body holding back until impact. This is a much more powerful and consistent way to play golf.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The mechanics of the arms is to bend in two places; at  the elbows and at the wrists. The shoulders allow the arms to swivel. During the strike the forearms roll over each other, in fact. Only just past impact are both arms straight. Otherwise one or the other or both have to bend depending on where one is in a swing. My very first instructions on golf were two things; (1), a steady head and, (2), a straight left arm. If you think about it you can build a whole swing around those two thoughts. It’s a good building block from which to start. A circle aimed in a specific direction like aiming a coin that lays tilted against a wall. The angle of your left arm as viewed down the target line at the top determines how upright or flat your swing is, your hands positioned somewhere above and between your right shoulder and head. Some players wing the left arm and shoulder behind their head at the finish or, like Jack, who used to have both elbows pointing somewhat in front of and above his head. Jack restricted his final shoulder unwind due to his extra steady head. It took stress of his back. Most modern players opt, instead, to allow the head to move up and forward to the finish and thus allow the fuller shoulder rotation. Not everybody has Jack’s musculature and may also need to do so. Body type factors a little into what exact technique you prefer. One’s condition and body type determines how one swings. Generally speaking, maintaining a relatively straight left arm from address until after impact is a good idea. Locking the left arm straight just before take away is a trigger that works for some. Others prefer a little bend to reduce tension. Many of the greats had a slightly bent left arm at impact. There is some wrist action to be sure, ferocious, in fact, especially as the mid downswing finds the club cocked and compressed the most, and, again, during the end over end release after impact. A 90 degree angle usually occurs at the top position. But the core and it’s proper use is what offers the leverage for the hands to do anything. The releasing of the angles accumulated in the arms and club into a straight configuration just past impact against the upward and target ward thrust of your legs and hips as the whole body unwinds during impact provides power to a swing. The weight shift gives the club it’s direction and not just power. On the way back to the top the shoulders out coil and lead the hips and legs. On the way down, the opposite; the hips and legs uncoil ahead of the shoulders until after impact at which point the shoulders, arms and club unwind, fully racing past the now spent lower body.

I used to think that he proper ratio of how much hands to use in a swing versus shoulders was 50 / 50. Half hands and half shoulders. Today, (2023) especially watching the current number one tour player’s technique, (I don’t mention current players by name.) I think it’s better to have a 60 percent use of the body and shoulders versus a 40 percent use of the hands. It’s a little stiff wristed, maybe, and requires a different type of movement with the body to work, but it works very well. This unnamed player is noted for his active footwork. Probably a result of his muted wrist action. Maybe, coincidentally, today’s leading senior tour player also has a muted wrist action. Imagine muting the angle between arms and club in a swing. How easy it would suddenly be. It almost cuts the geometry part of a swing and things that can go wrong in half. I learned that by firming up my wrists going back this forced my shoulder blades (Bones) to rock more, instead. Like a baton at the top of my spine rotating more, instead. The body core is forced to engage as it should. My method does not depend on muted wrists, however. It is required TO cock the wrist as much as 90 degrees to the top but no more than that. This has to do with trafficking the weight weight shift up so as not to let a rearward shift move you off of balance and sway.  I, deliberately like to “kink the straw’. figuratively, create a subtle angle at take away just to rid the mind of any swing thought about cocking and uncocking of wrists until impact, itself.  This technique also rids the body of swaying away from the target going back, letting the club go up instead of just back. It’s nice to feel some swing to the club in the hands and one probably SHOULD achieve a 90 degree angle at the top between hands and club. Not more than that, though. Mid downswing is where the sharpest angles occur. For some this extra “crease” at the top in one’s swing cements geometry into place. Hogan did this, for example. You have pay extra attention to completing your body coil and uncoil, however. In a sense you have to beat the wrists to the top and impact with the body.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  You may see some tour players take the club back more straight away than they return it. As said earlier, perhaps due to mind focus on just the ball target line. This produces a loop. A necessary loop because you have to swing forward from wherever your body mass is which is inside from straight back. Bobby Jones and still some players, today, take the club back on an inside plane to the top and amp up the torque going down by switching to an outside, in plane going down. Almost like two separate planes pitted hard against each other. More commonly some golfers swing outside – straight back – going back and inside to square going down. I recommend no loop and just discipline yourself to recognize how it is a swing is a little more inside to square than you might think, the way a door hinges, and start arcing it a little bit inside after the first foot or so. Nicklaus had the least loop of any golfer and we all know how well that worked out.

One other fact is that, as viewed from behind down the target line, the angle of the shaft going down is slightly flatter than it’s path to the top with most golfers. The idea is to eliminate any and all loops that you can so that it appears the club goes down on the same path it went up.  Otherwise you’re introducing unnecessary friction and need for compensation.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           I also found that a certain style of tempo works best; one in which the backswing starts smoothly and deliberately the first foot. It’s important to “crack” the whole body open, right away, going back with your shoulders making the first move. The whole body, arms and club one piece like a bolt being loosened the first few inches. Ground tension with the feet offering the leverage to transmit coil to the shoulders that move first and the most. If the club is moving at all so should your shoulders also be moving with it at all times. If you let the arms and hands snatch the club away, instead, and race away from address you miss this crucial benefit and lose potential coil. If you DON”T coil from the shoulders, down, going back you lose potential coil. The backswing’s “Dye” is cast in this first foot of club travel. Because mental focus is on your innermost core rotor that is orchestrating everything else like a miniature opening and closing door knob, or record peg, everything else that moves will instinctively know at which point it’s O.K. to engage. Even that imaginary mini rotor has to come to a complete stop before it turns in the opposite direction. Before it can return in the other direction your body senses what has to move first and when. From the top, down, it’s mostly a battle of lower body moving weight to the target against an upper body stretching away from the target at the same time letting impact happen. Even with a muted wrist action, if you have a large club head arc and think speed at impact, you’ll find speed, just in a different way. Regarding the finish, I recommend recoiling out of it immediately and not posing. It’s a stress position and not good for the back. The ball is long gone by then, anyway. Impact thoughts and ball flight thoughts work best.

One other thing I have changed as a result of writing this book is my grip pressure. One needs to “Grab the bull by the horns” a little to play top level golf. Not too tight, but tight enough, never getting flighty or re grabbing at any point. The hands connect the club to the body for leverage. They have to hold on to do that. Again, it’s called a “grip”, not a “hold”. Think of the hands as a wire conducting a solid electric current. Keep a good connection at all times. I grew up with the notion “Hold it like you would a bird” regarding grip pressure. I now think the author meant a bird wriggling to free itself. A little firmer than gentle.

Ben Hogan is proof there are many ways to hit a golf ball. He was also very dedicated and put in the hours to get away with his hand flourish. The “Core Driven” method, I think, is the future of the game, however. “Less is more” is turning out to be the axiom. Simplify. Use the body more. Don’t give the hands an excuse to get too out of whack in the first place. Sports are supposed to keep the human being in top shape as a by product, after all. Winding up the whole body into a deep, tension free coil and then engaging it to the weight of a club to whack a tiny ball as hard as possible can be very conducive to staying toned and in shape and limber. Don’t lose the sensation in your hands of swinging the club. Swing from your center and feel the club head connecting with that part of the body, not just the hands, however. Even with all this said, a golf swing, no matter how you decide to approach it, is counter intuitive in many ways and requires, perhaps, more mental imagery and pre swing thoughts than any other sport I know of. You need mental triggers that work versus mental triggers that don’t work so well. You have to take these thoughts and add them to your swing, like a recipe, and ingrain them all a little, one at a time, over time, to finally find yourself having only to think about the business of the ball’s flight and the wind and surface factors and not your body or swing at all. Like the pros try to do. When golf is at it’s most fun.

Ben Hogan put the quandary of the golf swing this way; “A golfer will try to attack the golf swing like he does everything else in life and he will be completely wrong about everything.” What Ben meant was this; In a correct swing the shoulders and arms and hands seem to just hold back until impact. They are delivered, instead, by the lower body like a bow delivers the bow string. Like a whip delivers the tip. The minute they try to lever across and ahead of the body they defeat the purpose of a good swing. At impact the hands can, then, let loose, indeed. A drill I will show you to demonstrate the correct feel is to chip with a mid iron and take the club back and just forget everything to do with hands and arms and let the body pull the club through, instead. Even to the point that the arms and hands feel as though they’re swinging backwards all the way into impact. Can you imagine best results from swinging away from the target with your upper body, arms and hands until after impact? That’s golf. Completely opposite of what you THINK would work. The art of maintaining the differentials you created going back – the shoulder coil and wrist cock away from the lower body – until impact. Pulling everything through like a bow does a bow string, your lower body being the bow. It’s an art. The hands mostly hold on and connect the club to the body like an electrical current. Another one of my basic drills to instill this “leveraging” of the big muscles is a miniature length swing – one half normal – with almost zero wrist action, the body doing the work, resisting hand use during the strike, trying to squeeze out as much power in that tiny distance of club travel with no limits on the length of the follow through. Like “The Calvary,” the body comes to the rescue and learns how to apply itself.

We’ll get to the drills and such and maybe even shed my thoughts on putting  and more;;

The All Important Stance and Set Up; (To be continued)

The All Important Grip; (To be continued)

The Basics That A Swing Is Built On;

(1) A steady head, (2) A mental focus on your core to activate the swings smaller parts rather than vice, versa..(3) Resisting the impulse to hit with your hands and arms until impact occurs like pulling BACKWARDS on a bowstring until impact. .(4) A shifting back and forth with the weight from front to back foot, (5) A wide arc on both sides of the ball, (6) A deep, tension free coiling back to the top starting from the shoulders, down, (7) An equally deep unwinding starting, conversely, from the feet, up; (8) An end over end rotation of the club shaft and even the club head from just before impact to just after impact.; (9) A target oriented swiveling (mobility)  of the club shaft and hands for accuracy along a target line just in front of your toes.; (10) Preserving differentials between hips and shoulders, club and the arms made going back into the downswing (Leading with the lower body going down).(11) Fully dumping all those differential angles (feet  hips, shoulders, wrists ) on the target side of the ball (12) A tempo that starts out deliberate and unrushed the first foot or so. 13) A sufficient grip pressure (14) The correct set up and stance (15) The correct grip.(16) Shot imagery and confidence

There are other basics but if you build a swing around these particular basics it’s hard NOT to play good, repeatable golf.

The Torso And It’s Use;

Let’s start with the torso, the upper core of your swing. Let’s grow a swing from the inside, out. It turns and coils in a specific way.

Jack Nicklaus, first thing on the practice tee, would always put a club behind his back and lock the shaft around his elbows and mimic a swing without a club, his body coiling and uncoiling, the feet exchanging weight back and forth, the shaft of that club tracing a path basically parallel to his target line. This found both ends of the club shaft pointing TO the ball at the extreme points of coil. He was training the core ahead of all else. He coiled and uncoiled his torso square to the target line. His club shaft did not trace outside to in or inside to out but truly square to the target on both sides. Equally deep on both sides of the ball. Imaging a tilted tomato can for a torso leaning above your hips and imagine turning it like you would a door knob if it were attached. Because he coiled square his club shaft found itself aimed to the target at the top position and not left or right of it. I use Jack as an example because there has been a trend away from that these last decades that is, lately, starting to correct itself. Namely a laid off top position, (I made mention of this in this previously.) the shaft aiming left of the target. It reveals that the backswing was not deep enough and not coiled enough for maximum leverage going back. It was also probably overly deep on the target side of the ball. Had it been a balanced, square coil there would have been equal depth on both sides of the ball.

I believe this former trend got started by adhering to the ball target line too much allowing the butt of the club to swivel and trace along it’s path instead of a path closer to the foot line, instead. That is, as the club swings end over end to the top, the butt end points away from the target along the ball line and that throws things out of kilter. If you’re going to swivel the club along a target line it should be somewhere in front of your toes where your hands are at impact, instead. Let the club find the ball target line by itself. It will. This should also help keep your coil equally deep and balanced on both sides of the ball. The advantage to this method is that you have more of your body’s mass to apply as you are swinging from inside to the square where your mass is instead of swinging from where your mass isn’t.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Like the paddles in an upright washing machine you want to move your shoulders and body. Back and forth. Especially the shoulders. This paddling feels more vertical than horizontal, too. It’s imperative to have your shoulders in motion, first, ahead of anything else. It should feel like cracking the whole body open, smoothly, especially the shoulders, at the start. Like taking a very deep breath to fill your lungs you want to similarly “tap” your resources and make a very greedy coil. Going back the left shoulder going down and under, the arm and club extending out and up, the left shoulder back under your chin at the top with the shaft aimed to the target.. Don’t be afraid of biting off too much, either. God hates a coward and sometimes behaving more athletic makes the sport easier. You may find more knee flex at the top than you’re used to but coil deep and wide. If your shoulders could make two rotations they would but they can’t. No tension should be present even though your body is wound like a pretzel at the top. Like winding a tilted, vertical propeller shaft. If your feet represent 9 and 3 O’clock if standing on an imaginary clock face, 9 being your lead foot, the weight shift and coil feels more like traveling from 4 O’clock all the way around to 8 O’clock in both directions than merely a straight line 3 to 9 O’clock shift. A more internal and compound pivot in both directions even though the club is traveling along the straighter target path like the top of a tilted coin…

The unwinding is accomplished by holding back with the shoulders hands and arms, resisting the impulse to hit at all, like pulling BACKWARDS on a bowstring, until impact OCCURS. Since mind focus on that imaginary spot at your chest’s center is determining all coiling functions, back and forward, it, also, has to be ready to return the other way, first. It senses when and, also, how fast you can move everything else forward. From top position, down, the knees lead the hips, the hips lead the shoulders, the shoulders lead the arms and club and in that order until al levers are dumped, end over end, to the target side of the ball.  All with a back and forth weight transfer. Mastering the art of making a deep body coil and resisting the impulse to hit with the arms and hands is the hardest part of the act. It takes faith and practice but, once mastered, makes golf easy compared to other methods. Even on putts you want your body, not your hands, to hit the ball until impact at which point they then engage…

Geometrically your shoulders turn from address to about 90 to 100 degrees at the top, back to SQUARE to the target at impact, the right shoulder going down under the left, somewhat vertically. After impact the shoulders may unwind as much as another 150 degrees from impact. Don’t hurt yourself, though. Pay attention your right elbow stays tucked and doesn’t wing out above the left elbow until after impact.  The forearms and hands do, then, roll over each other in this end over end transfer to the target side. Vigorously.

Typically, one’s center of gravity is above the navel. When you add a golf club and amplify it’s weight with centrifugal force that true center of gravity is moved higher towards the heart, in fact. Beyond that adjustment, once I also transferred the core focus from the base of the neck to nearer the heart, everything became easier regarding coiling and uncoiling. Suddenly everything became more balanced, integral and harmonious. Just remember that imaginary peg is roughly parallel to the spine. It just so happens that’s where the hub IS. VISIBLY. Just observe where the club unwinds from on film looking down the target. Right there.

Weight Shifting;

There is a distinct back and forth weight shift that accompanies this deep coiling and uncoiling of your core. At address the weight is pretty even. At the top it is almost all on your back foot and hip. By impact the exact opposite, almost all on your front foot and hip. You can almost mirror the foot lift at these two points, too. At the top the front heel is off the ground. At impact the back foot’s heel is off the ground. This back and forth weight shift dynamic is just that; dynamic. It multiplies the dynamics of the coil. This directly back and forth shift is partly what establishes your ball flight direction. At it’s essence the weight shift involves the whole upper body – trunk, back, shoulders, arms and club –  transferring weight directly away from the target to the top – keeping a steady head – while the lower body holds firm and, then, in the down swing, the lower body – everything below the waist – transfers weight directly target wards against the opposite tug of the upper body having displaced weight away from the target. A rubber band effect, so to speak. This is the dynamic you want in your transition zone, especially. It sets up a correct body sequence down. The upper body – from the waist, up – moves weight back, away from the target, the lower body – from the waist, down –  moves weight forward, the two pitted against the other. Somehow this mind focus of transferring weight directly away from the target with the entire upper body versus the weight transfer TO the target with the entire lower body going down seems to iron out a lot of alignment considerations. The shoulder muscles, mostly, initiate this upper body move away to the top. Just maneuvering all that mass of arms and club away automatically shifts weight to the back foot. Even though the arms and club travel up halfway back t to prevent swaying there is still some shoulder muscle that should always be traveling exactly away from the back to of the ball to the top. I make that focus point my left shoulder tip. The legs and hips initiate the downswing sequence. The right leg pushes hard and begins to shift weight to the front foot as the hips and left leg wings target wards to get into position to be able to catch the weight before impact. The hips also rotate open, always ahead of the shoulders, until one third past impact at which point the shoulders overtake the hips.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       If what follows sounds a little confusing the above information should suffice for most people. But there is also another subtle kind of weight shifting; a circular, ever shifting, ever changing weight shift that finds itself at the opposite end of the club’s weight, wherever that may be at any given point. Lee Trevino called it a “Hula” shift. motion. It is a move directly related to creating a centrifugal force like a weight whirling at the end of a string. If you think about it, to keep the Hula hoop against your body and not fall to the ground, you have to keep tension on the part of the Hula hoop touching you and tug away from the side that’s not at all times. Like tugging against a weight on a string. For example; Sam Snead’s famous “squat” position in early downswing. It appears as if he is jumping out of an airplane, straight down, as his shoulders are coiled and his club is dropping from above his head. You see, his club is above his head and his CENTER OF GRAVITY is going straight down at first pulling directly opposite it.. By the time his club is halfway down and opposite the target his center of gravity is now pulling TO the target with his legs now arched in that direction tugging against the opposite position of the club. At impact, the club now hurtling straight below him, his body posture finds his legs now pushing straight up, opposite the position of the club’s weight which is straight down. In the follow through it’s as if he is pulling back on the club, opposite it’s position. The fact that a strong push upwards against the ground with your legs during the strike produces centrifugal force suggests it’s best to first plant your weight low and down in the early stage of the downswing so you will be able to push up at impact with even more force. You have first dropped your weight downward so you can then shift left and then push upwards during impact. Not just a back and forth shift but also circular depending on where in the swing you are at any given moment. Feel the weight of the club and tug just ahead of it’s opposite position – like spinning a weight on a string with that tiny circular finger motion – using mostly your lower body, legs and hips. It’s mostly the lower body that transfers weight to the target. The head stays steady. It should be pointed out, also, that the weight going back is partly a product of displacing mass – the shoulders, arms and club to the right going away from the target automatically putting weight to your back foot. The downswing, however, is the result of a very strong shift to the front foot, using the lower body, before impact. There’s a little Hoola Hoop hip action in the mix.

If you’ve ever swung a weight on a string you understand what is happening. To make that weight spin you must first make a tiny inner circular motion with your fingers to make the weight spin. Wherever that weigh happens to be your fingers are tugging OPPOSITE of wherever it is at all time. It’s the essence of creating centrifugal force. I suspect this opposite tugging is not quite opposite but rather just ahead of the opposite point of the club’s weight. Thus the dynamic effect versus a static effect. Nobody in golf has ever spoke in these terms yet it seems to be staring us all in the face when you analyze a swing..

Going back it is the upper body, mostly, that moves weight away from the target. The downswing begins with most of your weight already on your back foot. It remains there to support your weight as you jockey the hips target wards and open up your lead leg to the target. That is, the lower body transfers weight to the target. Only the lower body. The upper body stays coiled and back. Shoulders, arms, wrists and club. The right leg pushes hard into the ground to allow the hips and lead leg to lift and travel target wards. In mid downswing, the hips sliding left,  the weight is now evenly distributed between both feet. Before impact and during the strike most of the weight is transferred to the lead leg and hip and foot as the shoulders rotate somewhat vertically above, the arms and club rolling over each other to the  target side of the ball, after.

Body Sequencing;

I learned, by positioning and re arranging my swing in a picture window’s reflection, that a flat mirror is as good as practice and maybe even better. I’ll admit one has to KNOW exactly what is and is not good posture and position to benefit from this technique but I think I do and the results have been paying off, big, for me, lately. Now that I have properly “molded” my swing into proper mechanics using the visual aid of a picture window I don’t need to practice so much to stay sharp. I am fundamentally correct, finally, already. Things automatically click better. I can go months without hitting a ball and it’s like I never missed a beat when I hit that first bucket, later. I’ll teach you what good position and posture and sequence are. You can do this window training, too. A camera works even better. I give my body a thought and see what it looks like and, when I see something I like, I make a mental note of what thoughts led to it and try to ingrain it into my swing. The good news is all you need is a big picture window and a stick or a club.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Once the set up and grip are correct you want to observe a few things. Without swaying your head and after a wide swing of the arms and club, the coil beginning form the shoulders, down, you want your torso very slightly leaned away from the target at the top position against a lower body that leans a little towards the target. A kind of zig zag look. A mostly vertical upper body is just fine. You do NOT want the upper torso to lean target wards at the top or your hips to travel. The hips serve like an anchor going back stabilizing things. They save their action for the downswing. You want your legs to look as though they are resisting the upper body coil a little at all times, the rear leg arched towards the target a little and with a slightly flexed knee. The lead knee also resists and acts as a prompt ready to kick target wards as the first move forward. You want to see your entire left arm, club handle and shoulder to the right of your head at the top. Pushed deep under your chin, back and up. Those little bones between your neck and shoulders, moved even a little, pack a lot of wallop. Can you appreciate the pent up power involved in such a configuration? Your entire, extended left side, shoulder, arm and club wrapped around your spine against a resistant, coiled pair of hips and legs below ready to launch the entire package forward? Your body wound up like a twisted towel? Your shoulders have out coiled your hips by twice. Progressively your body is more tightly wound above than below. To get to the top it wound itself from the top down and not all together. It was the upper body that moved the weight and club away from the target. This ensures a tight coil. Now the transition and downswing commence and you want to preserve the differentials you have created. If there exists a differential of 45 degrees at the top between shoulders and hips you want to retain that early into the downswing even as your lower body is shifting down and left, opening up and uncoiling towards the target. Now the lower body, alone, moves the weight to the target. The hands actually are forced to increase their cock a little in this early stage of the downswing to relieve pressure and allow the lower body to shift forward and down into place. You want to also retain that club angle until just before impact. As the downswing begins the right elbow and shoulder go straight down, like a rock, the elbow socked against your right side like a spear point that leads the hands and club into position. By late downswing you should notice that it is your hips, lower body and legs, mostly, that have opened up and advanced target wards, your upper body remaining somewhat more coiled, still, and in place. If your hips are opened 20 to 40 degrees ahead of your square shoulders at impact you understand the concept. They should be. You have preserved your differentials all the way into impact. During impact, your shoulders square to the target, the right shoulder goes under the left almost vertically. Impact is the place where your hands catch the club like a slingshot pouch harnessing a rock and let all Hell break loose as they act like a whip’s tip hurtling the whole club / arm assembly to the target. The lower body acts like a bow, the arms and upper body act like a bow string and the club acts like the arrow. That kind of dynamic. The secret is to resist the urge to hit, whatsoever, with your hands and arms UNTIL impact while putting mind focus on that central core hub your whole swing emanates from, instead.

Once the ball is struck the sequence changes allowing the upper body, shoulders , arms and club to rocket past the ball position and the lower body. When the club shaft is aimed to the target in the follow through, both arms straight, the shoulders are beginning to pass the hips and continue to unwind about 45 to more degrees past the spent hips at the finish.

Basically you have created differentials to the top and, with a lower body unwinding first along with a weight shift, you have preserved this upper body coil and cock of the club until almost impact at which point  the upper body and club, launched by the lower body, whirl past the now spent lower body after impact all the way to the finish.

To simply observe this it appears as though the entire right side is compressing in a downswing, the arms, club and shoulder going down against the upward thrust of the right leg as it pushes off the ground. A kind of vertical compression. The entire left side seems, conversely,  to be extending and bowing out to the target. This vertical compression is also felt between the downward centrifugal thrust of the club against the upward thrust of the legs, especially the left leg, at impact. From face front the impact position looks a little like a man trying to pull a snake out of it’s burrow with his hips shifted left, his head back, putting the load on his left leg, mostly. At no point in a swing are either knees ever locked straight. At impact you WANT some flex in your lead leg. You always want to look out for your body’s well being and flexed joints just last longer.

Regarding foot action, the foundation of all body activity, the weight is transferred to the back foot at the top, the lead heel slightly off ground, and stays there on the rear foot as the downswing begins only to launch target wards in mid down swing and transfer weight to the lead foot before impact. Ride the insteps of the feet in both directions for best foot posture.  Avoid rolling around to the outer edges until impact with the left foot. When the heels lift it is from the instep, first. By impact it is the rear heel that is off the ground the lead foot catching the brunt of the swing’s force. At the finish the weight is on the lead foot’s outer edge and heel and the very toe, only, of the rear foot. About an 80 / 20 % ratio.

Regarding hand action, and this is something I personally prefer, you want the hands to cock a very little right away into a back swing in the correct geometry to break the ice for later. Just a slight kink along the waggle’s path is all so as to help cancel out body sway allowing the club’s momentum to go up a little instead of so backwards. As the arm and club go back and up the cocking will increase automatically and the kink, early on, will lighten the weight of the club and eliminate the conscious thoughts of straight to cocked back to straight again. Once that initial “kink” has been created with the proper angle the club feels lighter and there are no thoughts about the wrists, except restraining them, until impact. If you feel the need to adopt the more traditional style that starts out with no wrist cock the first few feet back that’s fine, too. I just think the game’s future involves creating an initial kink to set up the rest of the swing so as to eliminate extra thoughts. Adhering to the target in front of your toes with the hand geometry is key. Very importantly, (Also previously mentioned.) you want to make sure that your club shaft is properly trained to aim to the target whenever it is parallel to the ground – one third back, the top position, 3/4 down and 1/4 past impact positions. At the top your club face should be parallel your left arm or thereabouts. At the top as much as 90 degrees of cock is alright. Not more, however, until early downswing. In mid downswing the hands are very compressed, maybe 100 degrees and later start to open due to centrifugal force – not conscious hand action –  just before impact. At impact the handle leads the head slightly and it should feel as though the club is still slightly cocked, your right shoulder going under your left. Taking the divot after the ball helps ingrain this. The right elbow, as seen from behind, down the target line, is still behind the left arm and elbow a little, just like address. Don’t let it wing out and around until after impact when the whole everything; shoulders, arms and club are hurled to the other side of the ball head over handle, club head over heel, 180 degrees, each. After that it’s all about coming to a finish. Still, you want to maximize your acceleration from impact to past impact. Hit with unrestrained authority and follow through, the most speed just after impact.

Which Wrist / Club Configuration To Use At The Top?;

I’m a little amazed at how differently the tour players are in this regard. You’d think they’d all conform to an ideal but it seems there are instinctual factors that steer different golfers in different directions. Somewhere along the way something worked unusually well and they let that move take hold and become a part of their technique. Some bow the wrist, others cup the wrist, still others have a flat wrist. The bowed wrist puts the weight behind one more at the top than a cupped wrist will. A cupped wrist action throws the weight more up and above. The flat wrist technique is basically neutral. The real trick is to keep the shaft aimed to the target  at those four basic positions when it is is parallel to the ground; 1/3 back, the top, 3/4 down and 1/4 through on the target side after impact.

Me, personally? I like a very slight cupping of the left wrist – straight is O.K., too –  and a slightly upright plane with zero loop back and forward. I prefer an initial, subtle  kinking with my wrists and club and no other thoughts regarding the hands until impact. It adds up to scope rifle accuracy, I find. I find myself not looking at the ball flight so much as it’s landing, lately.

Upright or Flat swing plane?

An upright plane will find the arms and hands higher at the top than a flat plane. The flat plane has some balance advantages while the upright plane has accuracy advantages. Taller golfers gravitate to the upright style I’ve noticed. I like to strike a fine balance between the two although I lean towards an upright plane for accuracy. The extreme “Flying Right Elbow” is to be avoided as much as the too cramped elbow. You want a little elbow room but you also want to be in position with the right elbow to go down in a good geometry. The modern trend is to cramp it tight against the side to be in place for the downswing. You can still have a deep extension with the left arm to the top with a cramped right elbow, however, I lean towards moderation in all things putting comfort near the top of considerations. The main thing is to keep the right UPPER arm from traveling too far behind your head. It should point slightly towards the target at the top versus 90 degrees to the target line.

Refer to the illustrations provided for a reference guide for all the swings body and club positions and sequence..


Steve Lightfoot

800 Scott Street

Sand City, Ca. 93955

Ph #; 831-867-2685






People of the state of California



Steven Lightfoot


Case Number ;

Date; October 18, 2024

Department 20

Time; 10:00 AM

Case number; 24TR014840


Please take notice that I, Steve Lightfoot, the defendant in the above named matter, will move to disqualify Judges Mendoza and Sillman from presiding over my case. Based on a previous matter in small claims court there is reason to believe I cannot receive a fair trial with Judge Mendoza and Judge Sillman has already displayed improper rulings and bias in a red light citation where officers were allowed to ignore subpoenas, twice.

While Judge Mendoza’s conduct in our last appearance regarding  “Unnecessary noise” citations was fair, – I pled no contest to avoid the trauma of having to subpoena officers who might not show and the conditions were acceptable – her conduct in another matter was blatantly unfair. Judge Sillman was blatantly unfair regarding a red light citation that found the officer hiding with his motorcycle in my blind spot to distract me from the road, momentarily, after first brazenly displaying himself seconds before, and then excusing several officers from their served subpoenas, twice, even refusing to allow one officer who complied with his subpoena, to testify.

I object to Judge Mendoza presiding in my  my upcoming matter as a trial may occur and her ruling regarding a small claims case in 2019 against an auto repair shop, Jack Fox Auto, was blatantly unfair to me and ignored the facts of the case. I am convinced this is because of my status as the man exposing evidence against our government in John Lennon’s assassination and the state has a vested interest in hobbling my van and my life to obstruct my expose efforts. Namely, this shop, who has ties to the Seaside Police department regarding auto repair services, demanded payment in advance before they caused several damages against my 1989 Toyota van. What was supposed to be an engine replacement including suspension repairs turned out to be a nightmare that found me having to call the police to report attempted theft of my vehicle before they even released it. This after they held it for over two or three months and then delivered a van that would not run, needed an alignment, and was deliberately drained of transmission fluid to sabotage me further. My wiring harness which I had repaired a month before, was cut with a knife, every wire, brazenly, as if to taunt me. The makeshift repair they made had to be repaired properly, elsewhere, at a cost of several hundred dollars. My battery, which was new, they also destroyed. Any fair judge would have ruled in my favor. She was not fair.

The manager of this shop was not present at trial and arrived 45 minutes late. It is possible the court called him to appear, then, in fact. That, all by itself, is improper.  All of these damages I listed in my case and they were not rebutted by the defendant. Only after I brought up this fact towards the end of my presentation did the manager claim otherwise, and, then, only tepidly. Judge Mendoza even gave him a look that suggested she was disgusted with what his shop had done to me. That she ruled against me cost me over $2,300.00 I was claiming. It was a brazen miscarriage of justice and left me convinced that she may have been instructed by her superiors to thwart my claim, regardless of the facts.

As this van was in Jack Fox’s shop (They have since changed their name following my publicity blitz exposing them)  my other van, a 2000 Chevy Astro van, was also damaged by a man who was recommended to me by a retired Santa Cruz police officer – Bill Rawson – who knew who I was from seeing my website across the van. In 1995 his department set me up for national television news slander as a stalker of Stephen King for simply appearing at one of his book signings with a billboard that read; ‘STEPHEN KING IS A MURDERER; IT’S TRUE OF HE’D SUE” I asked Rawson if any of his coffee shop patrons would like to make $40. to drive me one block to a dentists office nearby for an upcoming operation I was to have. This man, Chris Malzack, drove recklessly through the parking lot and jerked to a stop and exited my van leaving the door open and the van in neutral on a downslope. One witness saw him run to the rear of my van. By the time I noticed I was rolling and jumped from the back section into the driver’s seat to stop it from doing great damage and plowing through a fence and into another lot full of cars I hit a fence and fainted, momentarily, from the shock. Though there was no alcohol or drugs in my system following a blood test I was cited for D.U.I. and had to fire two lawyers who were throwing my case and recuse three judges, one of whom, formally, in writing, admitted he was biased against me, before the matter was dismissed after over two years of violating my speedy trial rights that I never waived. Even then, the prosecution was attempting to resort to methods never before used in California law history.

So I found myself experiencing two instances of fraud and damages caused to me and my two vans at the same time by people who have police ties, no less. Chris Malzack may have even been sat down to watch a two hour video; ‘America’s 100 Worst Accidents” days  before he set me up for an accident. He admitted so on video tape. He also admitted on video; “I’ll bury a car in a heart beat. It’s just an inanimate object.”

And, so, now I find the same judge Mendoza who wrongfully ruled against me in one of those matters, who I have tried to recuse several times since, slated to preside over this upcoming case involving an officer who pulled me over, twice, in twenty minutes time while on my way to Los Angeles to join in student protests there. An officer who claims he thinks I must have been on my phone to swerve yet refused to examine my phone to see if had been used in the last two hours prior. It had not been and I told him so.

Even if I show evidence from weather reports proving there were 50 mph gusts that day and time, even if I prove that topography suggests winds shifting due to an area near Soledad that has no mountain range and funnels southerly winds to the west, even if I show that my lightweight, high top, short wheel base van is prone to being blown off course under those conditions, and even if I show that the officer lied to tell me he was on his way to see about a woman having a heart attack to undercut his credibility, and even if I present taped evidence showing that I told him it was only gusts that were responsible for what he claims happened and that I asked him to examine my phone that he claims must have been the cause, and that all this fits a pattern of fraud and abuse against me by this county, that even after all that, Judge Mendoza cannot be trusted to rule fairly in my case.

I suspect she was prepared to deny my motion to have a change of venue on September 20, 2024, in fact. Given my arguments even that would be unjust as a tainted jury pool is not the exclusive cause to change venue but that prejudice and conflict of interest from a jurisdiction is also just cause and I have made that case sufficient to warrant a change of venue.

For these reasons I respectfully move to disqualify Judge Mendoza and Stephen Sillman, who also has also displayed a bias against me, from presiding over my upcoming case. Judge Sillman allowed several officers to ignore subpoenas, twice, and even refused to allow officer Silonzolchic to testify even though he was present in another matter.

I would have made this motion last month but another judge was before me and I assumed he would be the one to hear this matter. He, unlike Judges Mendoza and Sillman, I have no history or cause to suspect is biased.

I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the above is true and correct.

Dated September 20, 2024



Steven Lightfoot (Defendant)

Peremptory Challenge Motion

Please take notice that on October 18. 2024, I, the defendant, will move to peremptorily challenge Judge Mendoza to oversea my case. Based on pervious experience with this same judge I have reason to believe I cannot receive a fair and unbiased trial under her.

I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the above is true and correct.

Dated October 4, 2024



Steve Lightfoot (Defendant)

Discovery Motion

I am Steve Lightfoot, the defendant in case number 24TR014840 and am scheduled for my next appearance on October 18, 2024. I recently filed discovery for two incidents on May 9, 2024 with officer Clogherty, namely videos and that they include the one to two minute lead time I understand to be policy for the CHP video cameras. This function is to capture vital actions the officer might otherwise miss without such a lead time function. The first more relevant video was not received as of today and was purportedly sent later after being wrongfully singled out for  privacy concerns. The second episode I did receive was minus the lead time I explicitly requested. I understand the officer purchased his own body worn camera equipment and that it may or not be equipped to capture actions prior to activation. If this is the case I would like the evidence, the policy language, regarding this question, not during trial, but in advance of trial and arraignment, as to whether this is policy or allowable. If there exists dash camera, versus body worn footage, on both episodes I request copies of them as well. Mostly I want to see the 60 second to 120 second lead action that I understand to be standard policy in law enforcement and that it be be available on both videos to show whether or not I was being unduly stalked by the officer and possibly targeted over my website and van. My status as a controversial and consequential whistleblower in a crime against our government. I have already found it necessary for my personal safety to call out Leon Panetta as a political enemy of mine over the recent barrage of false citations I have had to fight and defeat since 2019. He once worked for Richard Nixon who is implicated in my findings and is the logical man to blame for my predicament with the courts, lately. If your office declares there is no available footage of the minute to two minutes prior to engagement I may have to suppress the tapes on the grounds that they are not within CHP guidelines that should be in place fore the defense’s considerations. This is why I need this information before arraignment and trial.

I enclose a copy of my $5. receipt I already paid for this request.

I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the above is true and correct.

Dated October 4, 2024



Steve Lightfoot (Defendant)

Motion for Discovery;

I, Steve Lightfoot, the defendant in the above matter, request discovery of both dash cam videos of officer Cloherty,(?) the initial stop as well as the second stop minutes later. I request that both include the two minute buffer preceding the encounters to establish whether or not he was stalking my van for more than a minute or two before he claims I made a violation. Regarding the second stop, I want to see exactly where he was parked waiting for me to pass him before he merged into traffic to follow me again. It is apparent that he parked and hid and waited for me to pass him in the second encounter as he left the first encounter ahead of me. Dash cams are activated to capture everything that happened for two minutes prior to activation. If he cannot provide these two minute buffer sections I move to bar his videos, entirely.

I taped both encounters and, when I asked him how long he had been following me, he replied; “I’m not sure.” I contend he was following me for more than a few minutes in the hopes a gust of wind (50 mph gusts that day) would blow me out of my lane or anything else. He also admitted he recognized my van from seeing it a court parking lot years earlier and knew who I was.

I also want any evidence he can provide to show that he, indeed, was on his way to assist a woman having a heart attack at the time; 4:30 to 5:00 PM on May 9, 2024. I checked with all various  dispatch offices in the area between Greenfield and King City and all told me that there were no heart attacks reported that day. If he lied about that he may have also lied about other matters. In fact, I know he has pulled over another motorist within minutes of a first citation as I happened to be in the Marina court watching his testimony in another similar case and this seems to be a pattern of his. I request this discovery to see if my right not to be selectively targeted were violated and to establish the facts of the case. If he was stalking me for more than two minutes before citing me it would seem he was stalking me selectively and my case must be dismissed, outright, over that evidence

I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the above is true and correct.

Dated September 20, 2024



Defendant pro per, Steve Lightfoot

Motion For A Change of Venue;

I, Steve Lightfoot, the defendant in the above matter request a change of venue because there is no way the county of Monterey can give me a fair trial. The reason being that Leon Panetta has a vested interest in hobbling my activism regarding his former boss Richard Nixon as well as his functions as C.I.A. chief and other government posts that are against me ever revealing the truth of John Lennon’s assassination that Nixon can be proved to be responsible for. Many law enforcement agencies over the decades have targeted me many dozens of times just because I have evidence against our government they fear will go public. Me, with no criminal record at all in my 70 years of living. I am already on record on several televised Monterey City Council meetings complaining of Leon Panetta’s probable role in several incidents I have already suffered in this county as well as Santa Cruz county. I allege that there is a chance even officer Doherty may have been tipped off in advance to look for my van and cite me if possible. It so happens that I was on my way to Los Angeles to assist and contribute to the demonstrators at U.C.L.A. at the time of this citation. That Panetta is at the top of the political structure here in Monterey is a well known fact. That he has relatives in judges post here is known, too. Recently I even had to recuse a Judge Panetta who was slated to hear another matter years ago. That he has influence over the courts and law enforcement agencies here is also a fact that impacts me and my rights to impartial treatment. Leon Panetta is well aware of me and my activism and has demonstrated that he is my enemy.

In fact, since January 10, 2019 in Santa Cruz, the local authorities, C.H.P. Sheriff and police have violated my rights beginning with a man who wrecked my newly painted and lettered van while I was to get an operation. I was in the back of my van when this man left me in neutral on a downslope. I had to jump over the front seat and into the driver’s seat to stop it from going through a fence and into another lot and doing untold worse damages. This man, Chris Malsack, was recommended to me to hire as a driver to that appointment by a retired S.C.P.D. officer, Bill Rawson, who knew who I was. Malsack admitted on video tape that; “I’ll bury a car in heartbeat. It’s just an inanimate object…” after the fact. He also admitted on tape that he was sat down to watch a video; “America’s 100 Worst Accidents” days before he wrecked my van. It’s possible he was coached by someone to set me up. I was charged with D.U.I. on the suspicion I was on drugs for an operation even after they learned from blood tests there were no such drugs in my system. No alcohol or drugs and, yet, I was cited anyway. Highly improper. Then I had to fire two lawyers who were deliberately throwing my case and recuse three different judges, one of whom admitted in writing that he is prejudiced against me. Ultimately, after denying my speedy trial rights for over two years, my case was dismissed in the interest of justice, I think, because I insisted on defending myself and not trusting their court’s lawyers. Besides the court trauma I was exposed to, my van suffered over $2,000.00 in damages I had to pay for.

Just weeks after that citation another C.H.P. officer from the same office cited me for unsafe lane change on April Fool’s Day. He tried to reschedule trial to align with the anniversary of the Loma Prietta earthquake that I mentioned to the first officer a day after the citation. He did not show after I refused that date and commissioner and THAT was also dismissed, I think because my request for video would have shown that he was parked waiting for me to get into my van and drive before following me. In fact, because another car in front of me who suddenly saw a police car following us suddenly slowed down, I had to change lanes to avoid hitting him.

While still fighting the first D.U.I. charge Monterey police descended on my van August 28, 2020 with several patrol cars and officers to investigate a parking incident. I was cited for open container (A practically empty bottle of Brandy I mistook for olive oil while singing in downtown from my van with less than a teaspoon in it) after the officer’s attempt to cite me for D.U.I. had to be abandoned after I blew a 0.00, twice. In the process another officer Herndon wrongfully attributed an accident where there was none, where the driver of the other car refused to file a complaint and alleged no damages. Even officer Herndon admitted there were no damages. He even threatened to add charges if I didn’t give him my insurance information a week after the fact. Two of the other officers also lied in that matter.

Then, on July 18, 2021, officer Kopp (That’s right) of Monterey P.D. brazenly presented himself to me on his motorcycle before following me from a Seven Eleven parking lot and promptly hid in my blind spot for several seconds hoping he’d catch me looking in my rear view mirror to find where he disappeared to in the hope I’d miss a light change while distracted. It apparently worked as I was going through the most congested successive set of lights in the county. While looking in my rear view mirror to find him the last one changed. He, then, went immediately to his station as if he had accomplished his mission. I went there and saw him there.

Then, in August of 2021(2022)(?), a man in a police / library parking lot in Seaside, parked halfway into my space, alleged I tapped his car while parking. No damage but he threatened me with violence to the point I had to retreat into the library to call police. The librarian was too busy and I eventually left with this man watching me who said nothing as I left. Months later I received a summons for misdemeanor hit and run. The photos this man provided showed a black asphalt scrape too low on his car for any part of my yellow van to have contacted and officer Silonzolchic outright lied that he ever spoke to me on the phone about the matter. The phone he cited had been retired and replaced and not used for months prior. My public defender is a witness to this fact. That case was also dismissed.

A year later this same man who made a false report was found dead in this same car in the exact same parking space of our encounter. Pretty suspicious, I think. I always thought he was part of a police operation. I just happened to drive by the day I saw police tape around his vehicle with a sheet over the window.

Then, while fighting my red light ticket seven officers failed to honor my subpoenas, twice. Officer Silonzolchic, who did appear, the judge refused to allow to testify. I was wrongfully convicted in that matter.

Recently an off duty officer in a court parking lot tried to claim damages from my opening my door. He found me hours later and ten miles away and I claimed he was trying to scam me. Whatever he pointed to my van could not have caused. When I told him I will not oblige his claim he threatened me with violence and verbal threats .My going to police is how I discovered that this man is also a police officer. That’s a lot of alleged parking lot incidents associated with police that seems to be a pattern of THEIRS, not mine.

Recently, at a city council meeting, Monterey police chief, Hober, grabbed from my hands a sign that read; “L. PANETTA SUCKING S. KING’S DICK” (Stephen King is linked to Lennon’s murder) I, nevertheless, verbalized this message on television at the council meeting and my enmity towards Leon Panetta is well known by him and law enforcement. My website is rife with the other entries where I lambaste Leon Panetta. I have done so in several council meetings as well. I have also had to call out the admitted homosexuality of mayor of Monterey Tyler Williamson and he is obstructing my rights to be seen and heard there for seven months, now. I can’t sit back and not fight back and push back. My life is in danger. I have not even listed the many other more serious attacks against me by officials elsewhere these past four decades.

Just this past September 1, 2024, the Monterey police refused to even get the name of a man I called them to investigate who made verbal threats to vandalize my van. They got my name and such but not his. This is emblematic of the bias this county has towards me.

If it were revealed that Stephen King, the real life murderer of John Lennon, is paying officials in this area to suppress my expose I would not be at all surprised. It’s happened elsewhere, in fact. One Bangor, Maine police officer admitted on the stand that King gives him $6,000. per month to harass me.” It’s on record. The way judges and police have treated me here is similar.

In the course of staying alive one has to call out his enemies in public and I do and I have and this fact suggests, along with everything else listed here, that I cannot receive a fair trial in this or Santa Cruz counties and request a change of venue to another location.

To deny that I have a valid claim to ask for a change of venue would be ludicrous.

I declare, under penalty of perjury, the above is true and correct.

Dated September 5, 2024



Steve Lightfoot – Defendant pro per

(WWHHAAAATTT? lost data?)

One Page Letter Explaining Reasons Why Noise Ordinances Exist;

Noise levels can be unwarranted depending on the circumstances. Some noises can actually cause hearing loss. Jack hammers, heavy equipment and even vehicles can contribute to this kind of “noise pollution”. Prolonged exposure to these high decibels is especially harmful and can pose dangers to physical and cognitive health. These loud sounds can increase stress levels, including cortisol, adrenaline and noradrenaline increases. Chronically high levels or these hormones can impact heart disease, hypertension, stroke, immune responses and cognitive functioning. Other effects include heart disease, high blood pressure, low birth weight and can pose cognitive development issues in children.

Typically this noise pollution involves the sounds of living in a modern world; heavy equipment, vehicles, exhaust noises, screeching sounds and other noises varying in pitch and frequency levels. 85 decibels over an extended period of time can cause hearing loss I recently read. Other kinds of noise pollution can come from from loud concerts, even local festivals and music or amplified sound from electronic devices. A past frequenter of karaoke bars I often found it necessary to stuff my ears with wads of paper towels to protect myself from these loud noise levels. Some of these karaoke hosts already have hearing loss and can’t appreciate how loud their systems sometimes are.

My own situation involved my stereo system in my van. I play karaoke CD’s and non karaoke CD’s and sing along (unassisted by microphone) with my natural voice. I do this near outside dining situations so people can hear me for more than just a few seconds. Typically my voice is always louder than my amplified backround music. I have to be able to hear myself above the backround sounds yet be able to also hear the music to sing along to. I sing in public to promote my political messaging relating to evidence I have discovered in John Lennon’s murder. The truth of that matter is so depressing I sing to offset that fact and get the public on my side by showing my gentler, softer side. I also happen to sing extraordinarily well, lately, and it serves to give me credibility with the public to show that I am no slouch and possibly correct with my claims that our government killed John Lennon based on my findings in back issues of major magazines that contain codes all about the behind the scenes goings on then. Last July of 2022 I may have been close to the 50 foot limit for amplified sound as my driver’s side speaker wasn’t working requiring me to turn up my volume a little to hear the passenger side speaker. I have since replaced both speakers so that I can still hear the music over my singing without having to use as much over all volume. Beyond a certain level I can’t hear myself sing and I always make sure, now, that my amplified sound levels are modest and well below that 50 foot limit. I have sang at least 1,000 times like this and only last July of 2022 have I received complaints. I occasionally speak, instead, but very sparingly. That is so much more offensive that I choose to sing, instead. The locals seem to appreciate it, too. Especially now that I AM quieter.

I noticed this subject recently in our Monterey Herald and saw that there are efforts afoot to lower the decibel levels from 80 to 70 and to also extend to 72 hours the current 24 hour limit for compliance after a warning.

In agreeing to perform eight hours of community service and write this letter Judge Mendoza has agreed to suspend my fines for both matters and effectively erase the disturbing the peace violation and not use the remaining violation to be used as “a cudgel to bludgeon me with, after”. In other words, any future violations should not impact this plea agreement but be treated separately. I am a target of police due to my controversial political importance and want to avoid being victimized in this manner. In the two citations issued last 2022 no effort was made by police to determine whether I was or was not complying with the 50 foot limit for amplified sound. Any future citations should require this test be met, first, I would ask. Otherwise my right to free speech could be viewed as being a political target.

I have made good on my end of the bargain and hope the judge will, also.

Steven Lightfoot



In the situation regarding my citations the law allows for a 50 foot radius for amplified sound to be heard over ambient noises like traffic and such. Even whispering can be heard from that distance in dead silence and so ambient sound is a factor. While I contend I was not in violation there was one defective CD track – quiet to start then raising in volume drastically –  that caught me very close and I knew that my driver’s side speaker wasn’t functioning then forcing me to turn up my overall level to hear the passenger side speaker over my singing. I have since corrected that by installing two new speakers so I have one speaker very close to me allowing me to turn my overall volume down, well within the legal limits. I have managed to sing almost daily for more than a year since my citations without a complaint and feel I have fixed whatever may have been wrong before. I only have to hear enough of the song to be able to sing along with it and still hear my own voice over it to stay in key.

In a recent Monterey Herald article sound ordinances made the news and even Mariachi music and car and motorcycle exhaust sounds made the list of offenders. Noise pollution was alleged to be upsetting to citizens. There were plans to possibly lower the current 80 decibel limit to 70 decibels, I read. Regarding my own situation most pedestrians only hear me at all when they are within 30 feet of my open driver’s side window where I sing. It’s also bad for one’s voice to sing louder than necessary and so I have learned to deliberately lower my levels. I value the health of my instrument beyond the considerations of others who value a quiet atmosphere. If I were not sure I am a world class singer focusing on easy listening sounds I would not burden society at all with singing. I don’t ask for tips or anything like that yet have received $40. tips more than once and most pedestrians and restaurants appreciate what I do and give me thumbs up, often. The whole purpose is to convince people I am not a wacko at all (My political claims do seem outlandish, at first.) but a credible citizen with evidence and to be taken seriously. Also to show them my gentler, less political side. There are free speech rights that I feel I am legally merely exercising.

Recently a brazen security staffer on Alvarado Street tried to intimidate me by leaning into my window and suggested I must have something against Rosine’s to be singing there. I told him they like me there, in fact. He, still, then questioned a waitress about me having received no complaint. I want to avoid any unwarranted future police citations that might affect this plea agreement so that this matter’ “… not be used as a cudgel to bludgeon me with later…” and affect the conditions you offered. I promise to obey the laws and sound restrictions and respect the laws that exist where noise levels are concerned.

Dated September 18, 2023

(Insert replacement);

In the research I have done about why the state restricts loud noises I have not found too much relating to my specific cases. I began singing in the 80’s to squeak by any complaints about my political message regarding John Lennon’s assassination evidence. I figured it can’t be illegal to sing in public unamplified. It, apparently, is not.  Amplified sound coming from my van’s stereo system is the subject of scrutiny. That is the matter I am charged with appreciating. My system can no longer be heard in that respect even from 40 feet away since the speakers were replaced and I can hear one speaker that is now only a few feet away from my ears instead of several feet away. I hope I am not a problem in the future and endeavor to avoid any complaints.

This revised version of my letter is made in the interest of sticking to the task asked of you and not, instead, talking about me. If the first two versions were in error in that manner I hope this rectifies the situation.

Dated September 26, 2023

Steve Lightfoot


Sincerely, Steve Lightfoot


It should be said that the prosecution has defaulted in not filing it’s respondent’s brief.  It also failed to respond to my proposed statement, before.

My argument has been that my case was one of political persecution over my John Lennon murder evidence activism and website that proves our government assassinated John Lennon in contradiction to everything the public was told, then. I have claimed that there is more than a good chance that officer Kopp deliberately hid himself in my blind spot to make me take my eyes off the road to see if I could be caught doing so as a light was changing. A police ‘trick’. I have claimed that he presented himself on his motorcycle to me in a 7-11 driveway and blatantly followed me, after. Naturally, when I suddenly could not see him anywhere – video shows him drifting to the extreme right edge of our lane for several seconds after first being seen driving in the center of that lane -, I naturally was concerned if he was directly behind me which would have made stopping a dangerous act even if it was a red light. As it was I was busy trying to find him at the very moment the light had changed. I never saw anything but green before this. I was very aware that I was being followed by a police officer and had no reason not to obey all signals. I was on extra alert, in fact. It so happened the stretch of road included three consecutive signals in a row on a downslope. The only explanation is that I WAS distracted by the officer’s unusual driving which placed him in my blind spot. That it was his actions that resulted in my violating in the first place. I had a stack of flyers on my dash about his chief Hober’s recent abuses against me that day, in fact. I was busy balancing diligence with safety and the officer’s safety took precedence when he suddenly disappeared. It would have been dangerous to suddenly stop not knowing exactly where the officer and his motorcycle were.

In my trial I filed subpoenas for several other officers to show a pattern of fraud and abuse by this department against me. I am protected from discriminatory prosecution and should have been able to show if there was any. Prior matters involving fraud apply to this case even though the other officers had nothing to do with this matter. Twice these subpoenas were ignored. The second occasion found officer Silonzolchic of Seaside police present and without papers to contest his appearance. In spite of this even he was not permitted to take the stand. This fact harmed my defense. I would have been able to ask him if he actually called me on the phone number he listed in his report like he said. My phone would have showed he could not have done so as it was last used by anyone months before that day. This fact would have cast doubt on his truthfulness and credibility. I explained this to the judge. The officer made up an outright lie that he ever spoke to me at all. He had not. This instance, alone, should have put reasonable doubt in Judge Sillman’s mind if I was being discriminately prosecuted or if there existed motive to cite me or not. But there were other instances of lying and fraud committed by the other several officers from Monterey P.D. who failed to show, twice. The first time they offered no papers to contest their appearance. They just simply did not show. This fact the court cannot deny was improper. The second time the city attorney claimed my subpoenas were civil, not criminal, and therefor invalid. I argued that the clerk made the mistake, not me, as she knew my case was criminal and still gave me the wrong forms and that I could not be held responsible for that. Had the other officers appeared I would have been able to prove, with video and reports they made, that they all lied or committed fraud of some degree in citing me in other matters. I explained to the judge that officer’s Phillips, Herndon, Hill, Newby, all lied in other matters. Phillips admitted he lied that he would not cite me for the teaspoon of alcohol in a bottle I mistook for olive oil if I passed a sobriety test. I blew 0.00, twice yet he still cited me for that. Sergeant Newby, to justify this, claimed the video showed me trying to take a sip yet the video shows no such act and that the lid was on tight the whole time. Officer Herndon, who admitted “no damage” to a parked car I tapped while trying to park, demanded my insurance information a week later and alleged an accident where there was none. The other car’s owner declined to file a complaint. He, himself, took this action. His sergeant admitted he was wrong in doing so, after. That’s three officers all lying to some degree in just one instance on August 28, 2020. Had I been able to show this fact with the video that proves it all it would have made a difference in the case involving officer Kopp. Officer Hill’s report on Dec. 8, 2021 is in contradiction to her video which I was denied access to. A man had deliberately rammed my van and protest sign yet her report made me out to be the bad guy while she refused to follow up on this man’s hit and run. The video shows that she made up lies in her report to paint me as an angry man at every opportunity. It was the offender who displayed anger, not me. She gave the offender a pass and victimized me. Officer Hill’s bias would have been apparent and I could have shown a bias to the judge that exists against me, generally, where this department is concerned. Add officer Solonzolchic’s lie made up from whole cloth and it would have been amply apparent that there is an agenda among the local police to cite me and hobble my Lennon murder evidence activism. Another matter involved Santa Cruz trying to prosecute me for a DUI in 2019 with a 0.00 reading for alcohol or any drugs they were looking for. After over two years of tormenting me and violating my speedy trial rights and my having to fire two lawyers and recuse three judges the matter was dismissed. Besides all this my van was wrecked by a man a police officer recommended to me. They wrecked my van with me in the back section and tried to blame me for everything. I rescued it from worse mayhem that I think they intended. Ultimately I believe the local authorities are trying to remove my website van from the street by going after my driver’s license. I recently had to attend an interview with the DMV over these matters.

That these officers were prevented from testifying harmed my defense that I based on discriminatory prosecution. Had these officers been questioned it would have better explained officer Kopp’s act of hiding in my blind spot to catch me looking in my rear view mirror and presented a very real reason to dismiss as there would have been doubt as to whether or not I was or was not targeted.

My other motions about a change of venue, discriminatory prosecution and disqualifying judges should also have been allowed as other multiple episodes involving police misconduct have surfaced, since. Last July 13, 2023 a correctional officer (I filed a report and found out) claimed I dented his car when I gently rested my door against his parked car next to me in a court parking lot. An hour later he found me ten miles away and threatened to “(F—) (Me) up…” His pre existing dent I could not have caused – it was not anywhere near where I rested my door – and, when it became clear to him that I was aware he was trying to scam me, he desisted and drove away. Twice in three days, in spite of three previous years without a complaint and hundreds of instances without a complaint, I was cited twice for singing from my parked van. The other man who made a similar claim in a police parking lot a year earlier that I damaged his car was found dead in the same car and parking lot and space where we met a year before. I claimed, then, that he was likely a police operative trying to blame me for things I didn’t do. That I drove by one day and saw a sheet over his car was very eye opening. Who knows what his motives were?

My awareness, now, of my situation has convinced me that the Italian mafia that allegedly runs the government here has been actively behind all this, apparently, and may even run our courts and police for all I know. Whether or not that is the truth my not being able to cross examine witnesses I summoned to trial did harm my defense as I have a good case to show prejudice and discrimination where my many matters are concerned. I have a right not b to be discriminately prosecuted by police. Had my rights been honored in this regard I would have been able to show reasonable doubt as to whether or not officer Kopp deliberately hid himself in my blind spot or not to catch me looking in my rear view mirror. If there is even a chance he did so my case should have been dismissed.

As such I ask for a dismissal, entirely, of my case and not be subjected to another trial over the matter.

I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the above is all true and correct.

Dated September 7th, 2023


Steven Lightfoot (Appellant)

Details regarding my claim for damages from a pothole in late January of 2024;

I was driving northbound on Hwy 1 and exited the Fremont St. exit and, immediately after crossing over Hwy 68 over a small bridge, BAMMM! my driver’s side wheel hit a huge pothole at the very northern most part of Fremont Street. I took photos of it days later as I immediately noticed how my wheel was suddenly ‘shimmying’ over irregular surfaces, unlike before. On March 6, 2024 I brought up the incident at a Monterey City Council meeting and I was televised. I later filed a claim against the city of Monterey only to be told, recently, that it was Cal Trans’s liability and not Monterey’s. I approached Gilbert Yelena, the manager at their office on Garden Road and he told me he was the one who repaired them the day after his office received multiple complaints. I think on February 29, 2024. He was surprised it took six bags of asphalt, he told me. Judging from how small the other pot holes were the one I hit may have required two bags or more to fix. The existing repair shows a two foot by three foot footprint. of repair.

I noticed uneven wear on my front tires and, even though I had an alignment in November, months earlier, I had another one in April when I replaced the tires. I was hoping that would solve the problem but I was back days later complaining about a shimmying still present. An inspection showed me a wobbly driver’s side wheel. A new A arm (Control arm) was replaced revealing that the bushing in the other was missing, apparently dislodged when hitting that pot hole.

At one point I was told I may need sub frame repairs, too, but, now that I have a new A-arm, it seems to be driving properly and won’t be seeking those repairs. I will also not be seeking reimbursement for my tires as they were over a year old at the time. I will be seeking reimbursement for the alignment ($75.) and the A arm ($385.) totaling $460. I have the receipts.

My cardboard camera photos did not come out but my subsequent cell phone camera photos of the repairs did and I will be submitting them in this claim. I also have Gilbert Yelena’s card and remarks of needing six bags of asphalt to fix that series of potholes that were present for over a month. I observed, in that first photo session, that the pothole I hit was about 6 inches deep and huge. Included, also, is my original claim against Monterey as it is relevant. The date was the last Sunday of January at 9:00 am, either the 28, or 29th, I think. They were repaired a month later.

My phone number is 831-220-2281

My e-mail is

My address is

Steve Lightfoot – 800 Scott Street – Sand City, Ca. 93955

Awaiting your reply, sincerely, Steve Lightfoot







Jack Nicklaus,

Last month, while visiting my sister in Fresno, I happened upon an early photo of me in my prime. Mid follow through and looking alarmingly just like you, then. I knew I had to get it to you and include another singing tape while at it. In those days I did not wear a lift in my left shoe like I do now. I think that 3/4 inch discrepancy kept me available for my Lennon expose.

Then something amazing happened that I feel a little awkward discussing it sounds so bizarre. While under the stress of knowing I will most likely be leaving my home state of California for Utah to break my Lennon story after March 1, my birthday, and knowing how I was betrayed by society who did not care about my evidence find, and going through all that angst AND while enduring mercury poisoning from a molar gone suddenly bad, ( I had it extracted hours later ) while in such a state of intense pressure, while watching a show “P.D. Live – Police Patrol” my freeze button engaged and studying a satellite photo of the U.S. from space at night under diffused lighting, I saw an exact duplicate of my face, a mug shot, no less, from 1987 in a San Francisco police station for obstructing a sidewalk with my signs, written in the landscape of most of Washington state and half of Oregon. MY FACE! Unmistakably. Two thirds of it, naked as a jaybird to the world. It could be no one else. That’s the weirdest PART of it all. It’s no random coincidence and suggests so much of this world is pre ordained since I wasn’t born when this geological / topographical fact already existed. On the one hand it means all this was pre ordained and YET, the man trying to make a real, significant difference, ME, is given a God sized monument to my, what, supposed greatness? I can’t believe it, myself, yet every week I validate it all in rapt amazement at it’s veracity when I watch the show to make sure I’m not delusional. I’m not. That’s what’s scary.

It shouldn’t be long before this announced over radio fact is witnessed by others who will want to know what it all might mean.

I will try to find that mug shot and include it so you can freeze your television image and see for yourself what I’m talking about. This is all provable. More hard to believe than Stephen King shot John Lennon. Like I needed something ELSE to say that sounds preposterous.

I am not one to bother with my face and there are scant few photos of me anywhere since 1972. I hate for this to be something that seems to glorify me. I don’t really need to be told how important what I’m doing is. Well, then again, maybe I DO need a little recognition, at least, from someone, even if it might just BE God, himself. WOW!!! I wouldn’t mention any of it except we can all see for ourselves the amazingness and provability of it all. Oh, it’s me, alright.

Just when you think you’ve seen it all something like this floors you. Out of the blue like a  magic milestone that changes the course of everything to follow. I’ve already noticed a ten percent jump in performance in my singing just contemplating these thoughts. It’s getting real fun. Could it be I don’t take myself seriously ENOUGH? A lot to live up to, now.

By the way, I’ve noticed how dreary these past few months have been for me after four decades of blood, sweat and tears, all for nothing as far as Californians are concerned. I now appreciate how blessed I have been all this time to ride such a tiger of a story and be the horse’s mouth of it ALL! Like you said of your career; “I had a blast doing it. too.” By the way, when you study this image you will notice how the mouth and jaw are the most clear and photo like of the image, as if what I said is what mattered.

Alright, back to normal conversation. I notice Rory hitting it 50 yards past the tree on 18 at Pebble on his way to a 21 under showing last week. I have to admit the golf today is spectacular. But the camera doesn’t lie. Only YOU have perfect photogenic positions at all stages of the swing. No sloppiness or out of balance posture ever, anywhere. As if yours was the gospel. I love the way you minimized hand and wrist action and relied on body posture and proper core dynamics to power your swing. It was as if you contained the ball between narrower parameters than the rest. You just were so consistent. I loved learning how to attack a tournament watching you in action. I loved the inner grit and strength and composure and your ability to weather whatever and not bat an eye. Wow. I was so lucky to see you in your prime.

Incidentally. We were so lucky to live while persimmon woods were in play, and wound balata balls. It was so much more fun with that equipment, I think.

My “The Core Driven Golf Swing ” book is coming along slowly. Now I’m at the part where the swing is essentially a combination of two opposing moves that center a swing and utilize power dynamics. ONE: Coil to the top and move weight back with the muscles in the shoulders, back and chest, swinging wide. The hips, like being pulled into play by a string, do free up this shoulder coil but the shoulders outpace whatever the hips do by two to one. And, TWO; initiate the downswing and move weight forward with a nudge with the hips to the target even before the backswing is complete and maintain and increase this leverage well into impact and beyond. The hips pulling the rest through. A firmish grip – 30 % – helps unify everything and a reduction in wrist action so your body can get stretched out, instead. I think that’s Scheffler’s secret. Reducing wrist action and going for a big arc anyway. I focus more on shaft posture and geometry than the face. A completer rollover action at the bottom should square everything up if the shaft is tracking properly.

I noticed a sentimental Jack Nicklaus last time I saw you after my last mailing. I hope it WAS my singing and sincerity. Nice to touch base with my hero every now and then.

I lately realized I made my Lennon discovery a week after I mailed you in 1982 after a decades hiatus. Got my mind rolling on a larger scale, I think.

I regret I couldn’t get this package together before your birthday but happy birthday, anyway, Jack.

Love and best wishes to you and yours.


Steve Lightfoot


I found a way to cut my auto insurance by 66%. I qualify, so I get a new lease on life this week, hopefully. I have but one point on my DMV record in spite of all the B.S. that has been thrown at me.

October 14, 2023;

While my site is lately devoted to outing the Jewish factor in our world let me describe yesterdays bout with “Billy Sunshine” of KSCO Radio, a part time host there. Yes, he, like the owner and half the hosts there, is a Jew. Only because of that has he survived several bad behavior episodes there. In the past he’s made his bias known about me saying things like; “Let it go, anyway…so what…who cares?…live life and be happy”…etc..

Yesterday it went like this;

Right after I brought up my Lennon evidence;

B.S. ; “Boring. Boring.”

S.L.; “Only to a classless person like you would that be boring. People like you are the reason I don’t have sex.”

B.S.; “Well, that’s a good thing. We don’t want you to reproduce…”

“S.L.; “I wouldn’t do that to a kid until this sick world gets the truth it needs, first.”

S.L.:” Anyway, what I think is going on in Israel is…” (Cut off by his interruptions)

“B.S.; “Do you still think we all deserve to be taken out by an asteroid for not going along with you?…he thinks that Jews are reptiles…”

S.L.; “Only the Jews covered up Lennon’s murder and nobody else. WhomEVER would do such a thing IS reptilian.”

At that point I was cut off.

I would have continued with this banter had I remained on air;

S.L. ; “Billy, you have said about my story in the past, so what, who cares, get a life, boring, etc. Now you claim my characterization of the Jew that he is more reptilian than the rest of humanity is out of bounds. You also think that Stephen King getting away with Lennon’s murder is an O.K. thing. That a little bit of irony is good for our blood. Let me ask, you once bragged on air; “But if you’re as smart as me you don’t have to work to get rich.” Isn’t it a  fact that you married a terminally ill woman a few years before her death to inherit all that you now have? You know, your million dollar house that you live in and all the rest? Wouldn’t you have otherwise been a poor person like me? And, if so, isn’t that a display of reptilian mind set to do something so selfish, calculated and exploitive? You’re a Jew. How can you deny there might be something to what I am saying about Jewish inbreeding costing the Jew a portion of his humanity and why that might factor into their role in the Lennon murder and cover-up? That they may, indeed, be more reptilian than the rest of us? That some malign mutation may be in play that affects all world politics?”

By the way, there is an interesting set of stories related to me and Kissinger on my main page several pages down from the top somewhere. Nixon suffered his fatal stroke just two hours after he heard me confront Henry on KABC radio in 1994(?) about Yugoslavia. Weeks earlier Morton Downey Jr, had me on three days in a row to expose Nixon on talk radio for 45 minutes in all. Did the sound of my voice two weeks later, speaking to Kissinger, who likely brainstormed the idea to kill John Lennon, scare Nixon into a stroke? I think maybe so.

Then there was the time in the late 80’s(?) when Kissinger came to my home town of Santa Rosa to taunt me on his murder anniversary, Dec. 8, only to cancel after I made a public stink about it. He returned ten months later on John Lennon’s BIRTHDAY, Oct 9, to PROVE it was all about me, and was met by a crowd of a dozen people in a room that held 500  Right before he closed his speech I stood up in front of him and said; “Mr. Kissinger, we want to know the truth about John Lennon’s murder.” He looked between his legs and muttered; “Where did that come from?” and then insinuated that I will not live to see my story break in my lifetime Maybe not his, but he died just weeks after I first ever blamed him for being part of Lennon’s murder plot last month. I’m winning on one front, at least, the karma front..

Jan. 15, 2023;

I was going to delete some of the above but time is too short lately to do anything but go forward. I forgot to mention I was interviewed by Frank Morano at WABC last Jan. 4 at 1:30 to 2:00 am, eastern time. I was classic me swatting down attempts to marginalize me. His first question was King’s motive. :”Rage against his father who deserted him when he was two and a half years old…..Lennon’s father did the same thing when he was the same age but John turned out great while he was working at a laundromat trying to eek out a living as a writer…” Also, I separated from KSCO Radio last Dec, 23 for not being on the side of the truth but rather on it’s trivialization. I told owner Michael Zwerling on air that he is the reason the public doesn’t take me seriously. Etc. Utah is looking mighty nice now that I know the public is satanic, lately, her

Recently (Mid 2022) a man claiming to be Clint on KSCO Radio was found saying.” “Because you know what I know that you know that I know… You tried to get in my way when I was making movies and having sex with Salinas women…Get in my way again, punk, and I’ll blast you into the ground…” It could have been an impersonator but maybe not. Maybe he does have demons, still, about it, I don’t know. Generally, I think of him as complex, sophisticated man. A very lonely man who can’t even go out in public and be normal he’s so famous.

Regarding Utah, I may change it up a little now having learned I could move to a place near there but with a few high profile, like minded movie stars who would inevitably learn of me and even help me for all I know. It might also be a little warmer in the winter there. I’ll have to scout out both areas, first

P.S. Desantis fell short of even my expectations and I wonder was it anything to do with my sign in April of 2021 ‘DESANTIS STALKING MESSENGER” after getting a ticket (subsequently dismissed via phone court) for standing in the roadway with my signs near King’s Florida residence. It was up for a week and maybe that DID ring a bell. One other thing before I forget. During that time King, himself, tried to box me into his private roadway to his house. I was two cars lengths into it “private driveway, no trespassing”. I backed out thinking it could be a trap and it WAS KING in his black Tesla behind me having to also back up to let me get out of there. I found out from his neighbors he DOES drive a black Tesla and it looked like him as he turned his face away from me so I couldn’t see for sure. I think I’d have been shot to death, allegedly justifiably, for being near his house with my van as proof of my mischief. Self defense. Did I dodge a bullet that day? I think I did. It was my being arrested in Santa Cruz in 1995 at a bookstore during his book signing event for entering it that taught me these kinds of traps exist. I was slandered on the national news then as a stalker. Just like King had hoped. I recall the book displayed behind him in the paper the next day read; “How A House Works” Enter this bookstore and, WHAM! The irony was, he bragged to the crowd at the Civic center that night about me; “We took a few shingles off of his roof today..” Five years later he was almost killed by a van driver in Maine. The shingles, he lost, not me..

Jan. 30,’24;

I recall, in the Roosevelt Hospital in Manhattan in 2008, my eye almost kicked out of my head and my jaw broken by a gang of Haitians in Spanish Harlem. –  A mugging trying to buy weed there after someone tried to burn down my van with a lit cigar that burned a hole in my door panel hours before had me stressed. I came back with a flash camera to intimidate them to give me my money back only to find, not two, but over a dozen of them waiting for me. By the time the flash went off I realized I made a mistake. They got my camera, ultimately – It was the same hospital that Lennon lived his last moments on earth in. The staff told me, there, what happened to him. “He was wheeled in muttering; “Why? Why?” Then the doctor opened his chest up, like a suitcase, and he groaned and died upon that.” Was the doctor paid to do so? I think so.

I fixed my jaw by myself and my eye is only slightly the worse off for the wear that day. God’s guardian grace. I recall how I heard the jaw click into perfect place one night days later. That was the night I showered from the waterfall rain runoff from a roof on Long Island hours before. Anyway, I saw my head X-rays and my real, naked self. I looked a little like a zombie in a movie, my skin and muscles out of the way.

I hope America doesn’t fall to the world order communist crowd before my story breaks is how I feel, lately. Go, R.F.K. Jr. or even Donald Trump. Biden and the evil crowd must be stopped. I think the people are being punished for ignoring me, their biggest hero. Jealous, unjust jackasses, anyway. Did you know that Raffensburger(?) the man who was in charge of the efficacy of the 2020 election was – get this – an ENGINEER by trade before? Who better to rig the voting machines? Pray my story breaks soon, girl. It had better.

At the council meeting yesterday I recalled for them an incident involving a college room mate who bent my left thumb back while I was asleep out of jealousy over my golf career. I knew it had to be him because I caught him once ‘borrowing’ another roommates letter jacket from his closet in the wee early hours for a day. Sneaky. I detailed how he had a GTO and myself an MGB and how he later downsized to a two seater Volvo sports car only to wreck it a year later and found himself being cared for by my father. How weird he must have felt to find himself being cared for by the father of the man whose thumb he tried to damage years before. This to demonstrate how I am being protected by a super natural force and how even this worst storm in 150 years had to do, maybe, with my sign I displayed a month before; “SILENT CA. FAILING AMERICA” It was as if California, specifically, was being punished for SOMETHING. The council already knew about some other huge instances. I said of the storm; “If it makes the public even 3% closer to helping me expose Stephen King then it was worth it.”

Well, let’s keep our eyes on Biden, the commie rat in our midst. Him and evil Kamala Harris. When she was Attorney General in California I went to her office in person over the multiple attempts to entrap me with stop light cameras and the first of what would become two attempts to kill me in traffic. She refused to see me that day, suspiciously. She’s a no good commie, trust me. SHE is slotted to be our first, ever, president after Biden is scheduled to call it quits in mid term to force her on us. I think.

….. Furthermore, his jealousy of me is akin to the Biblical passage about a mother who puts a sheepskin over the arm of her favorite son to get his blind father’s blessings directed to him not his choice, his hairier armed older brother. This brother of mine was not as bright as me and I saw a rift develop when my father, rather the tyrant, even beat him in my presence over his ineptitude in a school homework assignment. “Why does Steve have all the brains? It’s not fair.” I could almost hear him thinking out loud. Ever since, both of my younger brothers have felt it necessary to steal things from me to get even. When I was 16(?) the two of them met up to shoot me in the head with a 22 rifle while one of them and I were hunting birds in a field. I heard the loud report from about 80 yards, felt a warm sensation near my right ear and saw a puff of dust and a single waving blade of straw behind me. It was so traumatic to know who pulled the trigger I blocked it out for decades until the brother who wasn’t supposed to be there tried to hustle me in that estate pickings. THEN I confronted the brother I suspected over the phone and it was met, again, without a denial. Years later he confided it was my youngest brother who met up with him who pulled the trigger. All these years he let me think it was him when it wasn’t. This youngest brother was beaten violently with a belt weeks after this episode for putting the scope on crooked by my father. Perhaps he intuitively, even telepathically knew what he had tried to do to me and took it out on him thinking it was about mistreating his rifle.

Today, while in traffic, two guys signaled for me to roll down my window. “Where’s Jesus?” I pointed to myself and said; “I may not be the second coming but I’m as close as it gets.” “I hear they’re after you.” “Who’s after me?””The satanic people are after you. I’m one of them.” “That’s too bad for you. That’s too bad for you. You’re not me.””I’m going  to  SUCK THE BLOOD OUT OF YOU RIGHT NOW!” and they drove off in their grey, compact car. I, at least, let him know his jealousy is at play in his animus against me.

Paul McCartney I will never speak to, I promise. He must be publicly chastised for being the exact kind of celebrity we don’t need. His silence has given all of mankind permission to be a shut up, too. What a traitor he is. Ringo I may, eventually, begrudgingly, speak to, maybe. Yoko I will expose for the KGB agent / saboteur she is. The J..F.K. murder is being fleshed out as we speak with a new book that shatters the lies we were all told. Pity it took so long.

About J.F.K.. I think the motive to kill him was either his announcement for total destruction of Russia if Cuba fired nukes our way or his anti Viet Nam stance that pissed off the defense industry. Probably the former. I think his murder WAS a coup de ta and THAT was the date we were nuclear blackmailed by Cruschev to go their way or no way at all. We’re seeing the capitulation from our deep state ever since you have to admit. King admits; a dozen times in 1981; “Beware the Jewish / communist plot against the U.S..” I think he’s being truthful, too. They are making their move in earnest, now, over the fear my story will break and save us all.

Big next several days while I move my other van to the central valley.

March 28,’24;

Meanwhile, did Putin retaliate for their mass shooting event that he blames on Ukraine’s allies (Us) by taking down our bridge at the site of The Star Spangled Banner song in Baltimore? That’s how Russia plays war, nowadays. They don’t mince with waiting, either. That’s my take on the matter that will hobble our nation for years. Could be a computer hack that disabled the barge or something else. Who knows, yet? You can be sure this EXACT contingency plan has been on their books for years, now. They have many contingency matters on the books to do with hobbling us. “Oh, say can you see?

My brother in law who claims I am delusional about Stephen King admits he believes in’ The Rapture’. Has he seen the tribulations of Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell? Or Dumbell? WOW! I hope Utah isn’t weird like that if I have to move there. I’ll stay away from Salt Lake City it’s so religious.

About my last post on zipping it regarding Chapman. I hope it sinks in, now, how evil telling America ANY lie really and truly is. It is no small matter at all. Soul damaging and not worth it. Judy Woodruff, once my protestations alerted her to the fact that the Chapman PBS documentary she hosted was a lie, QUIT and had her likeness completely removed from it. It died it’s own death a year later. Good for HER! Baba Wa Wa, on the other hand, for her evil role in her Chapman interview AFTER she got my magazine handed to her secretary in person in 1992, died with only this said about her after; “I remember how livid she got when a little girl told her she didn’t know who she was..” I heard it on talk radio. That was her lone send off from the public. See?

P.S. The CHP ticketed me Thursday one hour into my road trip to to L.A.. “Swerving” from my lane. I claimed high winds blew me sideways (40 mph gusts, in fact). He then exited the freeway ahead of me, waited to again follow me and pulled me over a  second time, watching me as he road next to me, for “playing ” with my watch. How does one “play” with his watch? I was listening to my tape recorder I held up to my ear to hear our taped conversation minutes before. I tried to show him my phone was last used hours before but he declined to inspect even though he suggested, earlier, that was my probable behavior to veer sideways.  All, again, on tape. No ticket. He claimed he was on his way to a woman having a heart attack. We”ll see if there was any woman with a heart attack call. I will demand the two minutes prior to being pulled over are intact on the dash cam thumb drive or have that evidence dismissed due to my claim I was shadowed for several minutes showing a stalking method to entrap me. On both instances. I will also introduce another CHP set up ticket (Dismissed) on April Fool’s day in 2019 where he erased the two minutes prior that would have showed him parked waiting for me to drive. Cowardly, boot-licking state vs, the hero, again. He (The current ticket.) also claimed; “What sign?” on my van he claimed he couldn’t see. Big as life. When I asked him how long he was behind me the first time he replied; “I don’t know.” Right.

May 15,’24;

Yesterday the CHP in Encinitas teamed up with a driver in a white truck who kept stopping in the middle of the street and speeding up when I tried to pass him. Three times, all witnessed by a motorcycle CHP cop who pulled me over after I almost clipped him the third try with him in my blind spot. No ticket, but see how desperate evil Joe Biden is to stop me? Set ups being laid down my path to glory.

I found out there WAS no woman with a heart attack as the other officer last week claimed. I checked. So, see how much better my defense will be after I move the case out of county since Monterey has a vested interest in refusing to grant my agenda claim against them? I doubt the other officer will even show after he gets wind of all I have discovered and can prove about wind gusts that day. His trying to see if I was on my phone, later, in a second targeted stop, and claiming I was “playing” with my watch when he saw no phone, and his not wanting to check my phone record to show it  was last used hours earlier? Joe’s getting desperate.

June 5, 2024;

Looking back I have had a lot of traumatic experiences like the above one was. Perhaps the most memorable was the time the students at U.C. Berkeley laughed with jealous, squealing glee at the news of my father’s suspicious, fatal plane crash; “Goody, goody, Mr. Bigshot. That’ll teach you to be a hero. They got your dad. HA!” That kind of universal, suppressed squealing that I heard from many in the crowd. Exactly like the scene in “Carrie” where the room is spinning like a merry go round as Carrie stands drenched in pig’s blood on stage, the room laughing at her, everyone’s face spinning, the room spinning, that is what I saw before me. Sproul Plaza and everything before me spinning as I processed the madness of the crowd who could be so cruel and sick.

In 1978 I avoided gang rape at the Macon County jail. Linda’s father had, apparently, hatched a scheme to scare me away from Macon and his secrets alleging attempted kidnap of her. Ten days later, the sham apparent, I was released. I had been there a few days, mostly sleeping off days of frantically looking for her, when one night at about 2:00 a.m., I noticed not a sound in a room with twenty men. Translation? Everybody is wide awake and aware of something. I must be that something, I thought. I instinctively jumped out of bed, grabbed a mop and began rattling the bars with the handle until the warden was before me rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as I demanded my own cell. He knew his life was in the balance if he did not. I remember a 6’8″ black man shouting for hours through the wall over his frustration, after. I was lucky. It’s one reason I put Linda in the rear view mirror, too. Pre ordained to make that possible? Maybe. It WAS WEIRD that I learned important things about her after running into a former boyfriend of hers the day I was released just getting gas.

Then there was the time my brothers tried to kill me with a scope rifle, the bullet just grazing my right ear from about 80 yards distance. I thought at the time it must have been Paul. Decades later I would learn that Michael had joined up with him that day and pulled the trigger. At the time, though, it was too much of a horror to contemplate. I blocked it out entirely for all those years. Only Michael’s subsequent attempt at thievery over my father’s estate belongings many years later rekindled that suppressed memory about Paul, I thought. I confronted him over the phone with the memory and he half way admitted it. It would be years later that I would learn that Michael was the trigger man. I forgave them both the day after we buried our mother’s ashes in Tahoe.

The first time my father ever spanked me I remember. My thought; “Are you REALLY going to spank me?” Is all I remember. It made no sense. There were dozens more with the belt and his overbearing tyranny in the years to follow and I even developed a stutter when I was a teenager over it all. In fact, it was his tyranny that I passed onto my brothers, unwittingly, that triggered their resentment of me, I now think. That and their jealousy of me.  Did I mention my father was a reluctant father? Me being the first born was the cause of him losing his freedom and he blamed me, I think. I remember the look on his face as he posed with his many employees in a photo after I discovered my Lennon expose; “Jesus, Steve. Did you have to show me up so badly with so huge a story? I used to praise Nixon and Reagan. You ARE going places. Damn! There’s no stopping you, I guess.”

I was kidnapped, handcuffed and beaten unconscious in a police van in 1987. My crime? Giving Yoko Ono my evidence package to get to the remaining Beatles. Two months prior I was brutalized by two martial artists on Haight St. in San Francisco who dislocated my shoulder before breaking my nose on a sidewalk. Just before I had gotten one of them in a headlock. I remember leaning my elbow against a wall and bending my nose back straight that night.

The night Reagan was re-elected, while sleeping underneath a building in my sleeping bag, I saw a gun pointed right at me. It was, again, the S.F.P.D. who must have been surveilling me. They never even asked for my I.D. as they searched my back pack. A message from Reagan, only. “You gonna back off, punk?”

I was struck sideways at 60 mph in 2010 by a woman running a light while training a young man the meat selling business one day and watching the scene before me start to spin inexplicably as the truck rolled over on it’s side smashing to the ground rendering me unconscious for a few seconds. The initial hit, itself, was remarkably muted by crumple zone technology. My trainee was unscathed thanks to my allowing the hit to occur at the door frame. Me? Just a sore foot. Her? I suppose she was fine thanks to airbags, seatbelts and a Toyota Land Rover’s crumple zone technology. God, again, on my side. I learned that Concord, Ca. has a room that can control and monitor all the lights in that town and I was probably set up for a kill by Obama, no less. A few years later a uniformed Navy cadet tried to roll my Toyota van on a san Diego freeway smashing into me at 75 mph leaving a six foot long tire mark on my van’s side. Again, Obama. Neither driver was ever cited and the intersection where I was T-boned was paved over the very next day. Very concerning.

Two other gun pointing episodes by police, once in Palm Springs, where Stephen King lived.

I could list dozens more traumatic episodes from my storied life but my mind needs to rest, now. I came out all right on the other side is my point. I have a greater calling to worry about and it’s huge. That, I’m sure, has helped. Amazing how resilient the human mind can be. If there is anyone who can nurture anyone else in this regard I suppose it might be mostly me.

Did I ever mention I healed my brother’s dog’s cataracts after six months of the proper petting technique.? I did.

June 29-’24;

Biden will be being spoon fed his oatmeal in four years by his wife. No condition to run the presidency. I used to be stupid about Biden / Obama. Even stumped for them before they tried to kill me, twice. Trump lied? Maybe a little. Not a lot like the Dominion machines etc. in 2020, though. I know you’re tied up with a gang of media con artists who may have swayed you. I think we’ll be better off with Trump. If he’s the best we can do shame on us, I agree. I recommend a mirror for a prescription for everybody. I should be the most celebrated celebrity on earth but I’m shunned by an insane society. Hero-phobes, all. Admit it, girl.

Check out my take on it right below my Political Watchtower section on the main page. Miley Cyrus, a rock star like Lennon, anguished over Hillary’s loss to Trump. Clinton who invited King into The White House in 1995. They knew he killed Lennon, then. Like you, now, Miley was wrong then. I’m the most unsung hero on earth having to tell you.

What about the Biden? Either he is suffering from delusional dementia to proclaim he will “beat Trump AGAIN!: or hew knows the whole result is rigged and in the bag like last time. ONE or the OTHER! Trust me, he is a communist globalist from hell who is probably deliberately scandalizing America with Hunter’s blow jobs and drug use to even keep him as an advisor. Like Nixon stunk up our presidency with Watergate. DELIBERATELY!  I think Joe revels in all his son’s scandals sullying our nation. Just the other day he was caught saying; “I made a mistake. It was a 90 minute debate. But what about my two and a half years as president?” He meant to say THREE and half years. You see? He’s gone. In a few years he will be a complete invalid. Nobody but a fool would vote for him. Obama’s our real president under him, anyway. HE looks like he has A.I.D.S.! As one whose life depends on KNOWING the truth I noticed how Nixon wrote in The Real War; “Americans must learn to lower their ideals..” Spoken like a communist actor / infiltrate. I can’t emphasize enough how real this view of politics really is. We are being taken over by a vicious, treacherous gang of Moscow based operators who have apparently nuclear blackmailed our deep state into capitulation to incrementally go Soviet, or else. Biden is probably thinking; “Yeah, America. I’m in it for the money and extra houses and cars and such. You don’t deserve America anyway. I’ll be dead before you figure out I sabotaged you all. Ha! HA!. Now eat your ice cream cone and fiddle with your smart phone, you idiots! Ignore all the terrorists I just let in and the inflation tax that impoverished you and gutted your social security, the dollar and such.” Then we have Kamala. WHAT a lowering of our ideals with her sleeping her way with Willy Brown to get ahead and worse. She is a commie rat who thinks we’re all stupid and can’t see through her charade. T-R-U-S-T  M-E !!!!

I hope you had a good vacation and got out of the heat. 100 degrees across ALL America ON OUR BIRTHDAY! Is God punishing us for being stupid? I am giving everybody a piece of my mind daring them to recoil at he controversies they are too timid to broach. I am throwing my weight around as if to punish everyone for holding me back all this time. “Give me some elbow room you dolts.”

Meanwhile, regardless, I have done you right by unsaddling Joe from RIGGING a second election and SUBVERTING our democracy. (Those communist bastards always transpose the points blaming others for what THEY are doing to mid bend us) Right before his fiasco in the debate I was furiously busy ramping up the controversy in my site and I’m sure (He had time enough at Camp David to visit it, I’m sure.) I threw him off game a little with guilt for pulling his mask off. You are surrounded by peer pressure and high stakes money to stay in favor with the  bosses. He was quoted saying “If the Lord Almighty were to come down and tell me I might (Withdraw) ” The Lord Almighty DID come down and knock him for a loop. Or maybe my avenging angel for messing with me lately. Kamala (valley girl airhead / puppet ) will be paddling like a furious pup in water for the first time from here on out until Trump assumes his rightful place, again. Even Biden’s handlers and the deep state know better than to scam us all with a rigged election NOW! He’s not perfect but all we deserve and more given our sympathy for he devil and Stephen King. R.F.K. Jr. seems in over his head with all the pot he must be smoking to have such dog poop face, I think. Steve Garvey should also retire his pot pipe. Adam Schiff (A Russian sir name) is an infiltrate communist from hell. Trust me! Pencil neck geek.

I wonder will my virtue trump all the evil in this world and steer you my way eventually after the mass exorcism I am performing is done and King is administered a lethal dose of Fentanyl to heal us all? After I am in MY rightful place in this fallen world. On TOP! Whatever wrong roads you’ve ever gone down I trust you are redeemable. Until that day all mankind is woefully insane and sick and depraved. Don’t I know it, too.

July 13, ’24;

Oh, girl, what must I do to get you off you spectator ass and take a stand in this gas lit election cycle? Are you going to parrot the B.S. about Biden having a CHANCE of beating Trump? The real polls are Trump 60 % and Biden / Harris 40 %. That’s a fact. I KNOW what I’m talking about. PLEASE don’t get caught up in the gas lighting yourself. Keep you head when all about you are losing theirs and put America first. Even abstaining from the party line will satisfy me for now. Please don’t take part in the fraud that Biden is counting on. We’re all counting on YOU to be an American, first and anything else second. Think of how sexy life will be after King is punished and out of our world. Nobody’s sexy until then.

(Update while writing this; Attempt by Biden team to assassinate Trump at a rally. S-E-E-E-???)

July 15, 2024;

I am POSITIVE you and your colleagues were aware of Trump’s brush with assassination days before the fact. We’re done, too. It t……tually seeing her changed all that. God’s providence and wisdom.

I knew by your gloating, serene, “I know something you don’t, Steve, and we’re going to rain on your parade, big time. Ha, Ha!!”……e a complete fool to be on Biden’s side, too. See my front page for the rest of the details. A real boot-licking fool. You.

July 16, ’24’

And then to prove how deprav……… monster who wishes that man on the roof had better aim.” Like all your very sick colleagues.

I’ll probably go the route of ZER………e eye of a needle than for a rich man to gain the kingdom of heaven. And about Trump surviving Biden’s attempt. Ha, H-A- ! Suddenly I haven’t heard Biden proclaim how he will win, lately, either. Like he’s been doing between his complaints about Trump playing golf instead of out on the campaign trail. I think he was chomping at the bit to get him sooner. Biden is a very sad and evil man. So is anyone one who can’t see that. And about that woman with the blue shirt directly behind Trump that day, the one that read; “MEAN TWEETS” the Trump hater, the woman who was glancing back and forth to the rooftop sniper just before the shots rang out along with her obese male friend, you parroted the message the day or two after saying; “Do you think Trump’s messaging played a role in his getting shot? ” I’ll bet that line was scripted for you days before the shooting it so plays into the messaging of those two who knew of what was to happen. The Secret Service tried to kill Trump. I know WHY M.B. wore that “SS” necklace the day she was supposed to be reporting on Trump’s assassination. Code for “the Secret Service did this, people.”  I’ve been all over national talk radio about it as seen on my main page near the top.

About the riddle part of my life, the pre ordained part of my life, I was typing to my brother about the time this youngest brother winged my right ear with a scope rifle out of jealousy AT THE MOMENT TRUMP WAS BEING SHOT AT! S-P-O-O-K-Y, you have to admit.

My van will be resplendent in light peach/ pink after tomorrow. We’ll see who wins the truth wars.

P.S. Sicker than a dog lately. Don’t know if it’s over Trump being shot at, your possible role in it all, which forced me to end ties, suddenly, or both.

P.P.S. Saw a chink in your armor convention night. You can’t hide what’s behind the eyes. “I regret what’s been lost between us. I AM sorry.” That’s encouraging. Frankly, I’d take my twenty million in the bank and retire and enjoy life AWAY from the monsters at the media. Do your daughters know what that environment has done to you? You’re redeemable.

Too horrified to gush any sentimentality, now.

7-30-’24 update; Crooks was found visiting Washington D.C. several times in the weeks before the shooting AND in a building near the F.B.I. office there. Aren’t you a little embarrassed you can’t save enough money to quit (###) before you lose your soul?  Pity you are still working for them. I will never associate with the big three networks when I get famous. Not until they’re routed and cleansed and sanitized and out of the Kremlin’s control. I’ll probably eschew networks that are owned by Jews, in fact. At least one good radio station are promoting me and my magazine lately. That Trump dodged a bullet suggests my side will win.

P.S. The Jews in Israel are crying like hypocrites that 12 of their children were bombed to death last week. As if they aren’t dripping with blood on their hands for killing 40 thousand Palestinians, mostly women and children, lately. Knowing what I know about the Jews I wouldn’t put it past Netanyahu that HE bombed his own people with an Iranian made bomb as an excuse to attack Lebanon. Israel was a mistake as big as the Berlin Wall that was erected at the same time as Israel. A plan overseen by Russia, in fact.

Please lose the red nail polish. It’s a fashion error and bad for your health. Your lipstick shade is O.K.  Maybe go naked on the nails even. Or beige / pink or your lipstick shade. Paste on nails.

So, why am I leaving up the other old entries? Well, you DID jiggle the mind control machine with your “Arizona might be a surprise result tonight..” in 2020. hours before it swung for Biden. That’s playing with our elections and your thumb WAS on the scales that night and I suspect by design and instructions from your superiors. I take things down as I see fit. The good news is you are less guilty than most there in that department and I appreciate your efforts to be impartial. I do. A lot. Keep up THAT good work, please.

(Deleted the stuff you probably have already read. The personal stuff.)

What’s with the week off? My van’s lettering us about finished. ($75., only) in costs.” Lennon / everybody’s business / and / Demand media disclosure – Demonstrate.” A minimalist is better approach. (Another $60. will be involved if this custom pearl white vinyl comes through with the actual website addresses.).

My goodness, what could it be? Are you in a tiff with management? Is something of import looming? Is it anything I may have said here, lately, to spark whatever ‘it’ is. On one side of me I wonder has she renounced the one sided media flop the media has become and is she testing the management to demand change? If so, what lays in harbor for ME regarding how much reciprocity there may exist between us, after all. Are we collision bound and a match or am I just dreaming? I’d say if the matter of anything I have said is in play then there needs to be some adjusting concerning the matter of ‘us’. Or it’s something completely unrelated and nothing to be concerned about. I get the feeling, not taking into account the number of heads I have chomped off in my battles, that my rhetoric a few weeks ago was quite out of bounds and alarming to even me when I read it. I mean I know I was sick and all but it was brutal. I edited most of it out since I probably didn’t mean most of it. If I hurt your feelings and was too much I apologize and want to say how sorry I am if that’s the case. It seems I don’t take disappointment well and the prospect of all that investment in you, all seemingly for naught, was pretty jolting all of a sudden.

So, I have no idea if your a blossoming idealist or it’s just unrelated stuff.

Mercy, mercy. I just Googled the question above and found out, a week after I suggest you quit that ….you HAVE! Can it be little bitty me or what is going on? I have to really re assess matters between us, now. I’m just tongue tied right now.

I will really miss your face on a nightly basis. That’s a loss I feel. What can we do about ourselves?

August 17, 2024; “Yep, pretty impressed with you. If you wanted to get my attention you have done so. Dramatically. And I thought I was the mover and shaker in our world. You have quite a punch, there, girl. Anyway, I, of course, am thinking about you, now, especially.  Would really like to know to what extent I was a factor in that? If I WAS then we need to talk eye to eye and soon, given the importance of these times.. Not to mention how important we both are. I’d say fly out and meet up at an out of the way place for coffee. Just a thought.  – 831-224-0362 –  now 831 867-2685- 800 Scott St. Sand City, Ca. 93955

I have a list of questions I am asking Trump to ask of Kamala on my front page. It’s biased but. I think, spot on and appropriate. I hear you’ll be in that hot seat and interviews.

While I’ve left certain things up, I may have been exaggerating to say I was “positive” you and your colleagues knew, in advance, of Trump’s impending danger. Most of your colleagues, I’d say ‘yes’. You, I can’t be as sure. So, in consideration for you latest exploits, I don’t know for positive. Even if you did, to do so 180 degree a reversal in a weeks time is impressive and worthy of, worthy of consideration. I saw an ugly side of the media that week and I can’t un see what I saw. Talk about a threat to democracy. I trust you’ll be the one to get the media steered straight on course, someday soon, right?


I cringe that you are still smiling at Trump’s troubles and rubbing shoulders with like minded fools. I realize he disparaged you, once. He is like that to anyone who does not appreciate him. I appreciate him because I KNOW how stupid the masses ARE! He is not LIKE the masses. If he were he’d be a lousy hero. ‘The Masses Are the Asses’ is a college course I once took. Turns out it’s the truth, too. No wonder I like Trump. He marches to the beat of his own drum. Sure, he rubs the pedestrian slob sideways with his mannerisms and ways. He’s a genius, actually, who can’t BE like the rest of us. It’s not his DNA to be a follower. He is a leader who doesn’t drink, take drugs or a lot of the things that hobble most politicians. He has his many faults, GRANTED. He is not the ideal man. Who IS! He isn’t cry babying about almost being assassinated. You have little appreciation for what is RIGHT about him. When the democrats say “We’re not going back” they mean back to America. They want to move forward and shrink us down to fit us into the New World Order based in Moscow and London for all we know. A miserable choice compared to fighting for real freedom. The hero; ME, is all we need to triumph over evil and evil governments. America can do so much better than it has been doing lately. I cry a river over what has already gone under the bridge for us. Only Trump is man enough to save us, now. If we deserved a better man WE’D be BETTER PEOPLE. But we’re evil, frightened, easily stampeded slobs, underneath. AREN’T WE!? Yes we are or we’d be investigating the Butler, Pa, assassination attempt instead of mocking Trump as being the threat to democracy. No, it’s his opponents who are the real threat. THEY are the ones who are trying to “transpose the points” and fool all of you. They are smarter than most of us, too. Not me. What about you? Trump must be reading my site again. He’s calling out “Comrade” Kamala for being a Marxist communist. That’s why he’s a genius. Maybe only a 135 I.Q. but he knows how to use the truth to get ahead. When others would be too stupid to do so. Meanwhile America is seeing right through the democrat’s promise to “save us” from the problems THEY created!

In researching your situation I happened upon a video of you, the runner, you, the little girl interviewer. You’re so cute. I pray you catch up to Steve Lightfoot so you can be spared the foolishness of your peers. You ARE better than that. “If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you…” I know all about that poem. Do I, ever.

Hey, I think we may have something going on in the future for all we know. Let’s live our lives with that in the picture, I say. I wouldn’t shake your tree if I didn’t believe I can make you happy. And I like your hubby. He seems just fine. Nobody knows the future. So just why DO you so impress me? Must be for a reason, I reason.


About last Friday, I don’t think I have ever seen a more angelic, magical, childlike, dreamy look in your eyes as then. Just before sign off. Was it the part about my liking your hubby, defending you from your competitors or something completely unrelated? What a precious memory that look was, though.

I just endured a day of food poisoning pain. You know, the headaches and anemic feeling. You saw the television footage of a bald eagle dying from lead poisoning, the eyes closed and shivering in pain waiting for the end. That feeling. I made it, though. Now I will NOT allow any smoked  salmon lox more than a day or two of not being refrigerated. Having experienced the L.A. Northridge earthquake in my Chevy van (WOW!, what a shaker) and enduring several food poisoning incidents then, right after, caused by the area’s refrigerated food holders losing power for a week, you’d think I’d know better.

Mostly consumed with how unworthy and ungrateful, masochistic, spoiled, brainwashed, infantile and insane my fellow man really is concerning my expose. The billboard; “UNSUNG MEGA HERO – STEVE LIGHTFOOT” comes to mind. I will probably put one up that reads; “USE ME OR LOSE ME CA..-  3-1-’25 DEADLINE”

That’s the prison I’M in most of the time. Won’t it be great to break this expose wide open and resolve all that. All I can see is what’s weak, evil and wrong with humanity.

Then there’s you. The one bright star shining in the midst of it all that gives me hope. You ARE special and apart and you’re pretty smart, too. Looks? Beyond amazing. Eyes? The very best I’ve ever seen.

About moving to Utah, I may also rotate my time from there to all points directly north during the hot summer. Don’t want the government to sandbag me by manipulating any one area before my arrival. To keep them guessing.

About the 2024 election; Harris is going to lose if there is no shut down of the vote count like 2020. People just sense the lies she is telling; promising to fix everything she and Joe have wrecked for over three years. They ain’t buying it. People aren’t stupid as she must think. I’ll make it my talk radio mission to ensure there is no such shut down this time. I’ll also recommend a smaller, more protective bullet proof shield for Trump that won’t let a grenade get through. Platform bomb proofing, too. Joe is furious he failed and is still a threat. When I put a formal curse on “my enemies” at a city council meeting Hunter lost his plea deal the next day, Obama’s cook died the same week and everything has been turning up thorns for them ever since. By the way; Leon Panetta’s remark; “She IS going to win, by the way.” with a wink and a nod. The former deep state C.I.A. chief, himself. Not if I can help it. I have to educate the moron public just how evil this democratic ticket really is. Panetta, himself, is from Marxist beginnings and associates. He even worked for Nixon, I believe.

“Freedom!”, “joy”, “not going back”, “hand outs to buy votes” “lowering inflation” etc. People see right through it all. Then we all see her message; “Freedom from gun violence” on her stage. THEN we know what she really means; “Give up your right to defend yourselves with guns and you’ll be free.” WHAT a commie lie she is telling. Keep reminding us, Trump, what a Marxist she really IS. By the way, what if Joe and Kamala printed money and raised inflation mostly to cripple everyone’s 401-K and other retirement packages? To keep baby boomers from retiring and working, instead, to pay taxes? What if they let in every vagrant into our country to set us up with a terror attack in the future? What if they committed genocide on Palestinians to CAUSE a retaliatory terror attack tomorrow? Our media is NOT in the vein of Walter Cronkite and Chet Huntley and David Brinkley as you mentioned in your reasons for quitting. Pity. America could be saved if they weren’t modeled after Moscow’s media. Like they are.

If I were Trump I’d bring up, in a debate; “Both the Clintons and Obama and Biden invited Stephen King into The White House in 1995 and 2016. With Biden it was to give him a medal of the arts award. With the Clintons it was to meet secretly before the Oklahoma City bomb went off. Do you think America has a right to know about that? We all know, unofficially, what else King did to us all, I think. Is that what America wants? Politicians in bed with his ilk?”

Still smarting from what I saw last mid July. I hope to crawl out of it with some encouragement from you.


Strangest thing happened last Saturday while watching a golf tournament at a golf lounge. I was crawling out of my food poisoning episode and talking to a man next to me and explained how even my father was killed just to scare me off my story, initially. His three (?) year old daughter, just barely learning to talk, started asking me questions. Not understanding her I replied; “Who did what?!” “What did she say?”  I asked her father. Even her father didn’t understand her. She asked me why did they kill my father? I said ; “Because if they killed me it would have created a scandal.” Then she said something that floored me. “Was your father a doctor?” I said; “How did you know that? He was a doctor. You’re a genius, you know.”

Aren’t kids magical geniuses? What happens to us when we lose the ability to read minds and such? I remember having magical powers like that, myself, as a toddler.

Anyway, just miserable wrestling to find my next billboard message. “YOU EVIL APATHETIC MONSTERS!!!” “IGNORE THIS – DESTROY YOURSELVES” “YOU SICK BASTARDS DON’T CARE” “BEHOLD EVIL, BRAINWASHED ALL OF YOU” Just miserable, being society’s exorcist. The masses ARE very sick asses right now. Being nice does NOT work, either. Not with warped masochists. Now I learn that even Tim Walz, like Kamala’s husband, is ALSO deep in business dealings with the Chinese communist party. And, yet, the stupid masses walk around like nothing is wrong. No commie plot take over, here. Nothing. M-O-R-O-N-S ! Oh, yeah, I remember the students at U.C. Berkeley thoroughly enjoying it when I told them my father had just been killed in a plane crash. I know all ABOUT the real side of polite society.

What is this I hear about Kamala insisting on unmuted mics, using notes and being seated for her first debate? Does she also want a prompter earpiece with a coach, too? What a propped up empty suit. It’s bad enough she needs George Steponallofus and ABC to hide behind. What will she do if she actually has to stare down our adversaries? Trump should wheel in a bicycle with training wheels to hammer home the point. “Here, Kamala, a bicycle you approve of.”

If I ever am on the world’s stage I will demand we all insist on a 30% to 70 % ratio for television regarding advertising time allotments. This may result in higher per minute pricing for advertisers and restrict television to deep pocket corporations and limit Mom and Pop from using that medium but it’s not as bad as what we have now with TOO much advertising spoiling our entertainment time. It’s just so ridiculous we scare off other nations from becoming like us or even tolerating our materialistic values. We’re so lost and commercialized we can’t see what we’ve lost. We must be better people to NOT scare the rest of the world. THAT’S how you stop wars. My mission will be TO un scare the world from our current hideous traits. To change our tastes and behavior. We’ve been highjacked by bad people to be so stupid. If I was the rest of the world I’d be afraid of our taking over the planet, too. At least YOU don’t sport tattoos like a crazy person.

Moreover, I’d eliminate the C.I.A. and other entities from having even a finger in television. Right now they own television and we’re the Soviet slob victims. You know, John D. Rockefeller helped establish the C.I.A.. J. Edgar Hoover’s name disgraces every F.B.I. office as well. No wonder they’re so evil and selling us all out to Moscow’s policies. That I’d change, too. In many ways America has been kidnapped by the Kremlin. THEY know it.

Today my van gets completed with is slogans; Today a pearl white vinyl will grace the website address on three sides; “” Just below that, the message “everybody’s business” Sandwiched in between two triple deck messages on the sides; “Demand media disclosure – Demonstrate” and “Only you can break this news” in black will be the double decker message in red in capital letters; “GET INFORMED, GET OUTRAGED” A tiny message on the back window reads; “Urgent – See my ‘New Developments’ page” and my name on the on the side.

Don’t mean to be so grumpy today. It’s just me keeping it real. We’re a sorry mess of a society. Give me 1962 and the 50’s, any day over what we’ve become. The Beatles came along just as we began to lose control of our nation. The KGB probably used them to pacify us after killing J.F.K. until they realized they were no small matter. Especially John. He sang “We don’t want no Big Brother scene….” Listen to his song “Nutopian National Anthem” for a real eye opener. THAT’S John at his MOST revolutionary. THAT’S a song that scared the powers that be most. It starts out; “We don’t care what flag you’re waving…..” I think you’ll be AMAZED!

P.S. Scroll above to just below my golf section titled “Court Matters” and you’ll see my new court motions that probably have me aggravated, lately. By the way, I just FOUND the 45 C.D.s I got one day last week at the Goodwill $2.99 @ lb. bins. For three days I  was grieving the loss as I misplaced them all. Animals, Kinks, British Invasion, Neil Diamond, Humperdink, Cher, Petula Clark, Dusty Springfield, Sinatra, and much, much more. Somebody out there has my tastes and donated a motherload I gobbled up. From score to loss to score, again. Wheww!


Looks like I am more of a bull in the china shop than I think. G.K. is taking time off from the a.m. show, it seems. Anything to do with my frankness? If so, she SHOULD get that area of life under proper care. I have noticed my footprint everywhere I go, for good or bad. Even watching t.v. the other day I saw a lineup of western movie heroes all gathered in a grouping collage and it occurred to me I have actually met and spoke with at least two of these men. Clint Eastwood and Val Kilmer. In the case of Val I was an extra in “The Doors” movie at the Fillmore in S.F.. The shoot had just finished when I felt a buzzing in my interlocked hands. I was leaning on a railing 30 yards from the stage. It was a Dom Perrignon(?) cork. I looked up and noticed Val on stage with a bottle in his hands and realized it came from there after bouncing off the vaulted ceiling right into the quarter sized gap in my hands. HOW WEIRD IS THAT? So I went up and spoke with him explaining the rare occurrence. It was like an omen that someday that man on stage would be me

Oh, you’d be a historic hero forever and ever. “So and so of such and such quit her job to save the word from a commie take-over. Bully for HER!” “H-U-R-R-A-Y-!!!!!!”

I could be wrong about this but I suspect I’m not. Bad enough about the Butler Pa. incident. Take a look at R.C.’s “V” shaped eyebrows that day. Ready for a kill! And S.M. seen sitting down on the grass, after, disappointed they missed and NOT on his feet gathering the news of the day. He knew. R.C. knew. Just LOOK at the footage. Disgusting. Evil. Traitorous!

Hey, if I get my story  busted wide open I’ll make plenty of money for both of us and I promise to follow through with my stated intentions with you if YOU are available and of a like mind. I’m not dating in the meantime and you will probably be alone on my menu even by then. We have three years of something behind us, however bizarre and filtered. I know what I like and it’s you.

By the way. Noticing how svelt your lovely legs are looking lately. You certainly won the lottery for genetics in every aspect. Not too apple, not too pear, but just perfect shape and form. Your eyes”? God’s finest work. I like what’s inside just as much, too. Redeemable? Absolutely.

Noticing my ability to call radio shows or to even listen to them on my phone has been cut off by Biden and his behind the scenes mischief making. Oh, he’s a God damned communist, alright. Take away his pubic hair on his head and he even looks exactly like evil Mr. Wilson of “The Simpsons”. I thought it was my new phone which used to get through but discovered I can still access other stations when I try. He’s afraid of my talk radio campaign, apparently. He should be. Can you IMAGINE a Harris / Walz presidency? The end of America, for sure! Just might as well surrender to London, Beijing, and Moscow right now.  Her slogan on her bus reads; “A New Way Forward” It might as well read; “A New World Order”.

If I am successful I will try to get America off of drugs and alcohol and pharmaceuticals and consumerism and greed and clean up our act so as not to scare the rest of everybody trying to destroy us. Sure, we killed the Indians to get here but so has everybody in one way or the other. We still are the best idea, ever, and I hope to keep our system of freedom and liberty alive forever.  We need a hero to make America work. It just happens to be me, this time. Maybe you, too, if you take my advice above.

In a few weeks I might have some new tapes for you. Keep an eye out.


My, what lovely high cheek bones you have, my dear. I notice how your right cheek bone seems a little extra prominent lately. Is there someone close to you who may happen to be left handed? Has someone slapped you? Is that why you look like you need a hug suddenly? Oh, yeah, I noticed. Of course I noticed.

Now, we both know how my slapping Linda in 1977 tortured me no end for decades and how that lesson forged me into who I am today. However ashamed of myself I am for that I am actually a little proud of the fact that I took 20 % OFF of that slap at the last second. There was SOME measure of restraint, thank God.

I remember the thoughts going on inside me then. “She’s going to do this over and over, use her good looks to hurt me, and I have to slap her out of my life and me from her life. I just can’t take this much pain ever again.” “Will I be able to live with myself, after?” Whatever she said that triggered that act I can’t even recall but she was on a real tear and acting the Hellcat as only she could. As you know I abandoned her a week or so earlier in a parking lot after she acted surly and disrespectful to me after I took her back. So now I know WHY she was acting that way. I was too young and stupid to know that, then, though.

I could be wrong about your cheek. If I’m not I don’t know what I can do. If it’s true and if my activities here had anything to do with it I am sorry. I really am. As I said, I like your hubby, based entirely on what I interpreted in seeing his photographs. Other than that I hope things get better, soon, for you. Maybe it’s not him at all. I just don’t know. If this opens the door for me someday, well, then I guess there is something there between us, after all. If there is a silver lining to it all.

Then, again, I may be entirely wrong about it all. I just never realized how high and prominent your cheek bones really are. I hope that’s the case. I don’t ever like to see you hurting. I know one thing, though, your luxurious head of hair hides your beautiful ears too much. I would like to see a little ear every now and then. By the way, in three or so years I’ve only seen one inch ever, and only once, of your cleavage. Pretty exciting. Just that nibble. Is there no end to your amazingness? Why DO you fill the bill so with me?

By the way, I learned, just last week, that you also have a son. You see, I’m not as obsessed as you might think or I’d know all about all that stuff a long time ago. I have to keep myself at bay if only to protect myself from hurt, you see. Until I have more reason to be optimistic.


Looking forward to seeing you tonight. Freezing your image before sign off and lingering on that image, sometimes for a half hour, is the best part of my day, usually. If all this correspondence here ends up just being fodder for my diary, well, that’s the chance I take.

Your hubby plays golf. Check out my new addition to the Core Driven Golf Swing. A few paragraphs down from the top where I discuss a new and better grip and the importance of slinging the left arm WITH the club past the body during the strike. An epiphany. If he tries it he’ll likely agree, I must be a genius to have solved this mystery. Meanwhile my idea about harnessing the power of tire rotation to constantly power your electric car’s batteries – like a wind turbine – waits for me to get famous before it makes it to the public.

By right, Biden and Harris and Netanyahu should all be stood up in blindfolds and shot for genocidal war crimes and the treasonous rigged 2020 election results that stole our vote. For being New World Order communists. Kamala’s bus slogan reads; “A New Way Forward” A.K.A.; “A New World Order” Get it? She doesn’t brag about Joe’s presidency being great but for being the most “transformative” in history. She’s trying to change us, alright. For the worse. Admit it. Please don’t be any part of this fraud unfolding as we speak. I see a fraud election again with the media in tow. Don’t let *** use you like that. Make the news backing out and be hero. Let us know what you know about that business and get richer for it, monetarily, besides.

It occurs to me that Kamala is a Yoko Ono to America, setting us up for defeat. In all my poverty I am a King happy and above all others just knowing I’m right. Try it sometime.

I know your workplace is pretty sick along with most of America’s consumeristic mind set. If I have to move to Utah I will leave a lot of all that nonsense behind. I’m looking forward to the smell of that wild earth.

NOW, when people pass my new van’s messaging, they act like I am already a famous person. They act timid like they are naked all of a sudden. My latest addition is; THE COVER-UP CONDEMNS YOU. It’s nice not being under the oppression of THC and thinking clearly for a change. By the way, I e-mailed my brother, Mike, how I quit pot and why and what benefits I reaped for it on his birthday. Just getting my handsome, once lost, good looks and youth back is reason enough. My sanity back is another bonus. Less anxiety and panic. More calm and peace. My dreams? They’re doozies. Today I was totally disoriented for a few minutes just waking up from them. There was one part that related to the “silver lining” part of last weeks post here coming true where “we” are concerned. Interesting.

Now, at night, before going to sleep, I say a prayer of gratitude for all my blessings. I take whatever my life style is and make it a King’s throne of a life instead of thinking of it as tragic. I’m an arrow speeding through space to my target and it’s a great target, indeed. Lucky me.

P.S. I will still allow only you to get my first big interview and it will be without *** as I am eschewing the big three until they are reorganized with new ownership. I plan to eschew mainstream media and charge $36. @ year internet subscription to whomever wants to access whatever I have to say to the world.


I DO hope your personal crisis has to do with crawling out from under whatever rock you’ve been conditioned to stay under. I DO hope you’re coming round to a better perspective on politics and life. I went through a HUGE transformation from age 23 to now. HUGE. I know you can, too. I wish you the best along those lines, too. Of all people I would hope that you come out on top where you really belong. I think you’re the best in your profession. I think “Number One” of *** is too grim and serious all the time. This world ISN’T fair or right. It’s full of B.S. and don’t I know it. I want the best of everything for you. If going through a personal transformation is what it takes it’s what it takes is all.

My van is complete now. From front to back the series of messages reads;

“THE COVER-UP CONDEMNS YOU…SILENT PUBLIC INSANE………Demand media disclosure – Demonstrate…everybody’s business…GET INFORMED, GET OUTRAGED…COVER-UPS ARE FOR COWARDS…Only you can break this news.” And in tiny script on the back window;” Urgent- See my ‘New Developments’ page” and “Steve Lightfoot.”      Many in triplicate, too.

No mention of Nixon, Reagan or Stephen King. A completely new approach. I think it looks bad ass.

Can you imagine the tack I will take with the M.I.A. public someday? Whewww! Stand back. Hold on. It will be a wild ride, indeed.


Also, I’m revamping my golf technique section. Right below The Core Driven Golf Swing headline. My old version was just WAY too complicated and convoluted.


Don’t judge me too fast, just yet. Read my additions to that latest paragraph(s) I alerted you to last week. The ones several paragraphs down from the top of my front page. Rather take a look at the common man, instead. The bitter bastards who I had to wrestle with in the mud all these years.

It will be difficult to keep up this back and forth without seeing you every week to get a read on. If I write here less and less it doesn’t mean anything less is going on, just that the communication part is more stunted without being able to see you regularly.


I sometimes wonder do you want to be bent over my knee and spanked?

I saw you and your peers giddy with anticipation before the debate and how dejected you all looked right after. Are you STILL on the Harris bandwagon after all I´ve taught you¿

See my new additions on page one below the title; TRUMP HANDED KAMALA HER HEAD IN THE DEBATE. There´s a new song about Taylor Swift included I´m writing as we speak. P.S. Why IS that question mark above upside down? You’re all upside down just like the library computer that made it is is why.

By the way, my dreams have been portending my second wind, physically. One where my 2 iron was being smacked well over 200 yards like when I was in my 20’s. That kind of energy, BACK! I FEEL younger, too, scampering around with more youthfulness. My sudden urge to write songs is in step with all that, I think. I never had the urge before. Now I do.

P.P.S. Denial is an adult, only, disease. Children can readily admit it’s King getting the autograph. Read all about it near the top of my front page. Heady stuff.

P.P.P.S. Donald dodged a second Biden / Harris attempt on his life. Now we know what it’s like to live in Russia. I DO think Biden is a Putin puppet, and Kamala AND Jimmy Kimmel AND Stephen Colbert – who hosted King on his show when nobody but Charlie Rose would -, Hillary AND half of our media. I think Putin is orchestrating it all. I’m just hoping YOU aren’t a Soviet sleeper agent. You DO have European looks. So does Taylor Swift. Eastern European, in fact. She probably IS a deep state agent. No kidding. I only sound conspiratorial and over the top. She tried to help Stephen King with Florida just as I hit their state with my van last 2021. I hear she drinks adrenochrome like King does. Frightened, murdered babies blood. Some say she’s into Satanism beneath her girl next door persona. Has “Big Brother” finally groomed and created their OWN rock star power after fighting the real deal all their lives? She probably is USING Kelsey to ingratiate herself with the sports crowd, too. Moscow and Co. are evil bastards. Jealous, tortured sadists and assholes, all around. Like the Jews, they are from a horror show past and it shows. (Their latest diabolical and cowardly pager explosions expresses the ‘Big brother’ evil they represent, in fact) See my revisions in my song about Swift. In the 1950’s McCarthy was RIGHT! Reagan was a commie guarding the actor’s chicken coop and Nancy, who he married, was on the Commie black list, no less. Now it’s even worse with all the Moscow allegiant infiltrates and saboteurs. Kimmel, Colbert and Brazil, A.O.C. Sanders, Jeffries, Walz, et al. Taylor Swift. MY EXPOSE has forced the communist ‘s hand and they are making their move way too early to succeed out of fear of my story stopping them in their tracks, once and for all. THE REAL WAR was ABOUT exactly this infiltration operation that Russia is all about. The REAL war is cultural, political and economic and everything BUT weapons of war. Nixon would know, too. He was writing his “Rumpelstitskin confessional” there” Well, you see, America I, er, I mean THEY are doing this and that and the other….”

Last night some one detonated a massive explosion just yards from my van in a commercial cull de sack(?) setting off car alarms all around me (8:12 p.m.) as I was watching T.V.. No one else was around anywhere but me in my familiar Salinas sleeping spot. Biden getting pissed? I think maybe so. I’ve been a busy gladiator lately on talk radio. Not scared at all. A happy warrior. One thing I have learned to do in being ‘out there’ in the open is to remove all worry of death. Life’s more fun that way. It really is. There is no other option, besides. I must succeed or I WILL be killed after I’m forgotten. Being truly brave is my reward. Most people never breath that rarified air. I do. Every day. What a luxury. I remember thinking I had only minutes left to live in 1987 awakening, bloody from a police beating, handcuffed in the back of a police van in San Francisco. My only concern was landing in a better place than this satanic hell hole of a planet for my reward.

Bottom line, we KNOW Biden and Co. are evil because Hillary, Bill, Barack and Biden invited Stephen King into The White House KNOWING he killed John Lennon. Ten days after the Clinton’s secret meeting with him a week before the Oklahoma City bomb a “John Doe Two” who was never found emerged in a police sketch as the other man in the van with Timothy McVeah. Just happens to look exactly like Stephen King wouldn’t you know. King WRITES about nuking Las Vegas in ‘The Stand’ written before then, too. It’s his “thing” acts like that. THEY ARE EVIL COMMUNISTS. As King admits “Beware the Jewish, communist plot against the U.S…” a dozen times a year after he killed John in one book. Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Obama, Biden, Harris ALL communist world order saboteurs. THAT’S how we KNOW Trump is a good guy. They fear him. P-E-R-I-O-D. Trump’s the good guy we need and barely deserve we’ve become such political pussies, lately. The people are sucking, lately, big time. Silenced sheep.

Don’t you just hate it when I am right? ME, living in a van. Doesn’t it suck when you learn that all your beliefs and all your peers have been SO WRONG all this time? Masochistic foolishness. It took my evidence find to pull back the covers on it all. Or it would have remained a secret hell on us.

Meanwhile, but for a motorist who snapped a photo of the second assassin wannabe’s plate we’d probably not know what we’ll find out after his bread crumb trail is exposed. IF he’s not killed like Oswald. At the time the Secret Service was ACTING; “Were did he go?” hoping he’d escape. All but the one agent NOT in their coven who saved the day. (They can’t compromise EVERYONE) Biden is a creepy monster who gets off calling Trump after trying to kill him. A real sick, evil creep! Pubic hair on his head creep! Slits for eyes. He’s evil. Wake UP!!!!! Hunter’s conduct?, just a pimple on Joe’s evil face.

Sept. 30, ’24;

Something in the mail for you? Probably by tomorrow, I’d guess. Hear you’re **************** . Congratulations, as long as you’re fair and not just a tool. I trust your judgment. Serve America.


Did you receive my two tapes? If not you’re not free. Is Big Brother maybe watching too closely? Or have their though police rearranged your brain to not appreciate them? I noticed a few things that may or may not relate to the tapes. It was the day after your moderation role and I saw a completely rinsed out and restored soul. Completely natural and vibrant. Was it  the politics the night before, I wondered? Tapes may or may not have arrived by then. Then, Thursday, I saw the Ice Queen of restraint until the last moments when you held up you hand to shield your face gushing how emotional you were about some unrelated incident. I’m left to wonder, is all

Speaking of Thursday, boy, talk about election interference and influence. A 60 second hit piece on the Donald. Commie take over candidate Harris, Untouched.

I don’t think the mass media should be weighing it’s biased thumb on our minds at all. And, yet, it seems like Moscow has won the Real War, after all. We are just like them, now. Right?

So, what’s up, girl?. Give me a  sign. Maybe lick your lips or wink or something. You know I rarely miss a taping. I still think you’re workable material.

Oct. 8, 2024;

I went hardly in at all with news flyers and announcements for my Oct 9 rally Either the public is ready or it isn’t. Just some radio spots and my ever present sign on the back of my van. That’s it. I HAVE to slow down. I got hammered into a chair last Sunday and had to sit still and regroup for a half hour after a heat stroke kind of sensation took me over. I practically never sweat yet sweating I was and I was in the shade and sitting down to begin with. A man, Tom, who has rallied with me before, showed up to rally again and it flipped my psychology right around. He was proof that not EVERYBODY is a waste of my efforts. Maybe that’s what overwhelmed me, I guess. I was focused on a huge stone fireplace for an hour or so after to make sure I was back to good as new again. Just exerting as little energy as possible for a while. It worked. No effects.

I’m at the stage of my expose where man’s unworthiness of the truth and his evil role as accomplice to evil is apparent to me. Why must my huge scoop be so riddled with the ugly side of human nature? I truly AM society’s janitor. Nothing but a huge mess on my hands. If Kamala wins everybody gets it’s guilty rear end paddled but good for punishment is what I am thinking about it all. If Trump wins maybe there’s hope for America in spite of it’s resistance to punishing Stephen King.

Speaking of which, the “biggest storm of our lives..” is about to hit Stephen King’s Florida mansion tomorrow. Dead center hit this time. Worse than Ian was before. They all know he killed Lennon there, too. Seems they’d rather do the disaster dance again rather than do right and expose Stephen King. I think they’d rather that than the other. Pretty sad, humanity.

Keep up the good work. 60 Minutes actually took some of the air out of Kamala and her dopy running mate last night. (Funny how both he and Tim  (?) Hillary’s V.P. pick remind me of the Grinch who stole Christmas so much.) As far as propping up that Steve guy / sellout / traitor with his assurances the last election was legit, not so much. Arizonans seem to know what THEY think about that. See what I mean about dropping scripted words out loud about Arizona hours before the voting starts? Yeah, YOU! Let’s hope you can refrain from any shenanigans again this time with that. The big secret looming out there is the last election WAS stolen! Period! Talk about why they’re mouthy with “threat to democracy” guilt driven drivel.

Hope you like the tapes.

Oct. 10, 2024;

Monterey is proof how pathetic and lost America is right now. King could admit his crime and urinate on the main drag downtown with a sign admitting he killed John Lennon and these douche bags wouldn’t do a thing about it, either. Completely kidnapped and corrupted. It’s as if King assassinated America, itself, the crowd is so upside down. Unworthy of being saved. At least King’s mansion took a hit on Lennon’s birthday. At least the man upstairs is paying attention. His neighbors apparently deserved the hit, too, to pretend I was never there for three months.

Enough about my trials and tribulations. LOVE your longer hair, darling. You really have hit new highs with the longer locks. I see now why the company prevented it’s longer length, before. They want to keep those crisp clothes you wear free of any – God forbid – hair oils that might soil the garment. Tell them your longer hair will now hide anything there and who will be wearing them after November 5, anyway? You really do look  amazingly beautiful and even younger and sexier for it. Keep them locks a growing, girl.

I have to deal with the fact that your face will only be in front of me for a few more weeks and that’s it. Then it’s far and few between for me. I will linger all the more longer at your frozen sign off images, now. I think you HAVE been listening to my tapes, by the way. Maybe only since Wednesday, though. You probably like the Elton John songs and a few others. Those came out with enough mic, unlike a lot of the rest of the tape. I only wish I had also allowed a little more echo adjustment to the sound. It is a little dry and a little TOO unassisted, sound wise. At least it’s an honest sound.

As for Monterey and California. If Kamala wins then they will suffer the medicine they so rightfully deserve. THEN the s— will really hit the fan and they will HAVE to wake up or lose America. THEN they will HAVE to pay attention. Then they will suffer. If Trump wins then America will be spared except for his stupid trust in Israel and all that stands for. It’s the Jewish mind that needs adjusting. They are just too selfish and deceitful to get along with normal folk. They have no right to insinuate themselves amidst their enemies and provoke violence so they can commit genocide and take over the area. They are DOOMED! Period. They have no hope of a future there. If Israel gets nuked it will serve them right. The Muslim Dome of the Rock Israel tolerates only because it serves as a deterrent to the nuke scenario. I don’t think even that will matter, eventually.

Are they doomed for killing Christ or for killing John Lennon? They have their hands in both murders and we are insane and evil to pay for their weapons of genocide. Bigger mistake than the Berlin Wall and established at the same time with Russia supervising all.

Funny how this expose wraps the entire everything else in life amidst it’s tentacles. I really do think his death was “The Event” that will decide if we get to keep this planet or lose it. Whatever I may be missing with normal life it’s actually beneath me as it all is, anyway. Can you imagine what life will be like under truth?

Oct. 12. 2024;

Brutal; night last night. No sleep, just a crook in my neck and no way to find my Ibuprofin(?), either., the whole van’s such a mess. Stuck for the whole night just miserable. It’s as if the stress of the last week has taken it’s toll on me and not just the infidels who are ignoring my evidence in Florida. Very glad King’s mansion has likely been soaked and ruined, however. Interesting fact; Santa Rosa, Ca., my home town, AND Sarasota, Fl. BOTH suffered horrendous episodes on John Lennon’s birthday, too. Santa Rosa burned down, big time and Florida got equally pounded on that anniversary. Good, too. Serves them right for being so weak and stupid. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha. God rules. Hey, people are evil with their apathy. To go unpunished would be wrong, too.

My lot in life is so serious I can think only of whether or not mankind is worthy of life on this earth. Should an asteroid wipe us out no big loss as I see it. Just a lot of insanity and masochism out of the way. Especially compared to the life we could have if we were braver and wiser and not so weak and foolish. Trump and Harris are the best we deserve right now. Pretty sad indictment on us all. Compared to how we COULD live given my evidence find, and how we Do live is pure insanity and stupid, frankly. S-T-U-P-I-D-!


Yeah, my latest entry one page one was pretty harsh but probably not harsh enough for a species who revels in sacrificing it’s heroes to their real God; government. A lot like the old days of sacrificing virgins to volcanos and infants to the knife, etc.. If you examine humanity it’s a pretty sick species. War and slaughter of each other since forever. Today we’ve got bombs taking out hundreds at a time, and they’re civilians. What is wrong with us all? The thing about me is I’m willing to forgo fame and being liked to say it like it is. The rest of us like Taylor Swift and Bruce Springsteen aren’t even aware that their opinions about politics have to do mostly with wanting to be rich and famous and liked by the masses. BIMBOS! The truth is secondary to these puny minds. One reason I gravitated to John Lennon was BECAUSE he WAS different and genuine and said the truth as often as he could. He was the opposite of the rest of us all. Now, THAT’S a treasure we should never have killed. But we did. Our fear, laziness and bitterness and jealousy and apathy killed him in SPITE of what he did FOR us all. Pity.

So, what about YOU? What about those eyes of yours that so attract me? I’m hoping there is some reason behind it all that pans out someday. Nobody else has that effect on me. Life is a riddle and I’m wondering what all this is about, myself.

I watched the Monterey Open golf tournament today. Hard to believe I almost beat the winner of it in 1981. I would have except I drove out of bounds on the 18th hole and lost on the 21’st hole of sudden death the day before his win. I notice I’m actually better than the crowd today except for distance. They’re all over the place. It’s hard to be good living in a van like I do and only playing three times a year. If I played as often as I used to I think I’d be right around at least par today as a 70 year old. My new grip invention, a side straddle grip, with the thumbs to the side instead of on top of the grip and pincer style with the right hand will take over someday, I believe. Could I be responsible for that epic a change in the game? Time will tell. Since I made the change my back is pain free and my shots go farther and straighter. I think I’m on to something. No longer can the hands steer things. Now the body has to steer the shot. Less to go wrong, apparently. Also, I notice a kind of uncorking of the hands that was not present with the Vardon grip. What next? The “Lightfoot Grip”?

October 22, ’24;

Voted via mail yesterday. First time since I foolishly voted for Clinton in Herman, Maine. 1992. That was the year Bush Sr. was caught on television saying’ “…You know, nobody likes “Who Shot John?”..” twice. regarding his fall in the polls since Kennebunkport, Maine got my magazine. That Queen Elizabeth bemoaned 1992 as her “Annus Horribilus” makes me wonder what role the royal family may have played in Lennon’s murder. She hated it when I was in Maine busting Stephen King.

Just savoring the tranquility in my life in between the traffic citation I am fighting. Working on a  revolutionary restructuring of my golf swing. Learning deep secrets, etc., there. Now that I’ve gotten used to my thumbs to the side golf grip I CAN’T go back to the old grip we all use. It just feels totally wrong and utterly painful by comparison. I may want to experiment with thicker grips besides the technique change.

Looking forward to Utah. California has a few months to keep me or not. I will be the winner if I move, I think. Wilder and less expensive and quieter. You can hear the ocean’s roar for 90 miles, did you know? Less insane, that’s for sure. I need more adventure in my life, anyway.

Oct. 30,’24;

It’s crunch time election wise. Kamala is flailing, Trump is not taking the bait being thrown out at every turn. We’ll have to just wait and see, I guess. I do crack up watching Kamala, for example, going 180 degrees away from her rhetoric. Her last line of her closing argument in her debate with Trump finds her saying’ “… it is how one builds up, not tears one down, that is the measure of strength…” as she then calls Trump Hitler, only in it for himself, a fascist, a criminal, etc., etc..

“To your point…underSTAND….Turn the page….Let’s be CLEAR…” Kind of reminds me of Nixon’s phrase; “Am I crystal clear?” She likes to ‘drama out’ her rhetoric. An actress? Yes. A dangerous, malevolent actress? I think, yes. A commie plant? (Nixon bragged in The Real War; “They are magnificent actors” these Soviet infiltrates.)  Of course! I love it when she caresses Trump’s phrase; “The enemy ffromm wwithinn” as if she knows it is she he refers to. Maybe if she says it dramatically and slowly enough no one will suspect it is she. I think she fears an investigation into the 2020 election or the assassination attempts may find her in a jumpsuit, maybe. Wouldn’t it be great to see the real commie plot put on trial while we are still America? It’s lonely being the only one with the stones to be right these days. If Kamala is declared the winner I don’t think America will sit still for it. Major upheaval, I think.

You’re looking good, as usual. I noticed how Kamala bailed out of one of your questions last week when she said; “We’ve discussed that…” when you both did not. Nothing will pry her lips open to say how many months would she allow abortion to take place. I never used to have a stake in that issue but, having persuaded the woman in Roe vs, Wade to change her mind with a phone call to her only interview, I suspect I maybe should be on one side or the other.

One thing I know FOR SURE! Mankind sure is evil when it comes to punishing Stephen King for what he did. The world is a bitter masochist when pressed for action on so big an issue. I almost can’t wait for March to get to Utah. I think California, like McCartney, should be publicly paddled for their apathy and cowardice. Only if they rise up and honor my evidence before March will I ever let them off the hook, too. McCartney has already committed so much damage to my youth and the people of the world with HIS silence I probably will never speak to him. Pony up or pay the piper with me.

Overall, these days are disappointing, now, understanding how my fellow man is against what I do. Not just apathetic but AGAINST my being right.

I’ll be savoring whatever days are left to watch you often, weekly.

November 4, 2024;

Big day, tomorrow. Having watched the deep state play the gamut these past few years I believe Harris will lose by at least ten percentage points but BE DECLARED THE WINNER!

Too many clues have emerged for a rigged result NOT to be in the cards. Trump is just too risky for the communists who are in control of our government to let in. Then there’s Don Jr., after, his daughter and so on and the Trump dynasty may rule for twenty years. The military industrial complex will appoint Harris over our votes and hope we don’t revolt too much. Frankly, I know the U.S. public probably DESERVES to lose America, anyway. They have been nothing less than Satanic and pathetic and evil and I should know better than anyone. Like evil, cowardly Paul McCartney, worthless, living with blinders in the land of the deceived and the home of the afraid. Stiffing me and my evidence? They DESERVE to go to hell, frankly. Too stupid and weak to stay free. Glad I DON’T have kids. Like Lennon said; “Nobody told me there’d be days like these..” Like the Indians enduring their trail of tears, we, too, are losing our country. Karma?

Examine the week long wait for a count. Paper ballots used to be in in ONE day. No, we’re being played by evil tyrants who have already tried to assassinate Trump. Girl, you are being raped and robbed and handed an empty plate for gruel. Like all of us are. The Real War is upon us and we’re losing. LOSING! Spoiled and rotten and stupid and weak. All but wiser than thou, me.

Am I wrong? We’ll see.

Pulled a rib muscle last week swinging a golf club (No ball) experimenting with a two plane swing that pits one against the other for more torque. The backswing plane being more inside, the downswing plane being more outside in. This extra ten degrees of pivot power – torque – it offers DOES make a faster, louder swoosh. Bobby Jones used to do this, inside going back and square going down. At any rate I think I pulled my right side with having  to reign in so much speed to a stop after impact. 500 times a day, excruciating pain. It’s as if God wants me to not focus so much on the election.

After this week how will I see you? I’m all about what’s happening NOW and exploring the archives won’t do it for me.

Good luck, we’ll all need it, I think.

P.S. If Trump IS declared the winner it will only because he won by 20 % and they HAD to let him in. No American in his or her right mind is going  to buy Harris’ line about solving the cost of living and being fooled by her platitudes instead of substance campaign. Her gaslighting, her naked hypocrisy and lies. A bottom of the barrel, proven failure of a candidate to begin with. We’re not all stupid. 60 % of us will vote Trump. Trump WILL WIN. Will we all lose, anyway, is the question.

Nov 6, 2024;

It was insightful watching you change with the progression of events election night. Optimistic and confident at the start and mournful, deflated and confused with Trump’s announced win. “How could this be happening?” At one point you implored your co presenter to LOOK at you as if this was a big moment in both your lives. And there he was just going through his paces like nothing was wrong. By aftermath you all recomposed yourselves very well, as if a staffer had told you all a hilarious joke or something during a break. I noticed YOU under stress and disappointment and defeat and then rebounding as if you are a resilient one, indeed. All caught live and studied by me. I used to trust Biden and Clinton and Obama. We’re not too dissimilar. Like I used to be before Lennon’s murder circumstances taught me about the very real war and very real commie plot that has already taken over half of our government. Had I not learned that the Clintons secretly invited Stephen King into The White House in 1995, had I not learned that Obama and Biden gifted Stephen King with a medal of the arts award also in The White House in 2016, all the while KNOWING what he did, I’d have never learned that both sides are one and are playing us for fools. What I know now allows for the possibility that “John Doe Two” of the Oklahoma City bombing could very well have BEEN Stephen King! It’s all that sick and huge and in our faces. Since I KNOW those two very high speed “accidents” I was subjected to in 2010 and 2015 were NOT accidents but orchestrated attempts to kill me with Obama ands Biden at the switch, I know better now than to trust the Democrats a wit. OR the Republicans. Because Trump is neither he is the best for America right now and if we deserved better we’d be better people than a lot of ignoramuses dismissing Steve Lightfoot with his evidence, the expose of all time.

Yeah, I used to be like Miley and you, now, trusting the communists in sheep’s clothing. Did you notice Harris’s platitudes versus substance campaign? That’s what one does if they have no record or platform to run on. Obama style platitudes to look down the masses noses with as you lead them over the cliff. Did you notice how she only suggested Trump would resist a transition of power as if she could not lose? In reality she admitted defeat the day before when she said at a rally; “We all rise and fall together.” She sensed the steamroller bearing down on her fake race and that we Americans might not be as dumb as she thinks, after all.

Know this, YOU dodged a bullet, not just me. We ALL dodged a bullet as if providence rules, still. As if we deserve a second chance, after all. MY experience – extremely rarified – has equipped me with a better view of things. A hero mind set that obeys only truth and nothing else.

You have to admit, when a comedian roasts Trump’s stage about Puerto Ricans – as if he was paid by the opposition to do so, a plant – and a day later Biden is saying half of Americans are garbage, when that kind of play is at work you have to give Trump the nod for having good luck.

I accurately predicted the results. It’s on my site. I expected a rigged result for Harris IF the Trump win was close. That the media polls all this time were mind control tactics and false to butter you all up for a switch. But I proclaimed a 60% / 40 % result win for Trump if it was NOT rigged. According to the delegate count I was spot on, too. A bold claim I made proved true. I said, too, that only IF Trump won BY 20 % would the cheaters abort a rigged result. Right all the way around. Only because the public is evil with a Lennon cover-up did I fear a communist COULD possibly win. That our bad karma might punish us with a saboteur. I also noticed that I backed off and let America decide for themselves after my three month radio campaign frenzy last summer. I was spent. To let Trump pick up the slack and earn his victory. It gave America credit for seeing the reasoning behind my position. No pushy salesman, me. They calculated all that and decided. I never COULD imagine a Harris win. It just seemed too evil to be true and it was.

“What now, my love?” Now that your face may be less accessible to my hungry eyes what will I do for love? It should be interesting if my story breaks and I’m suddenly the big shot I’ve always deserved to be. THEN we may meet in the flesh. I’ve always suspected we might. Now that Trump’s in maybe I can convince him to share the hero stage with huger than life me and send King to punishment land. While he has the dragon on the floor exposed in front of him. UNLIKE his first term when he had a failure of nerve. THAT cost him so much misery, in between, for it, too. Will DeSantis continue to offer King his Florida witness protection racket? Hurricane Milton paid him back for that, already. Will Trump TOLERATE King’s presence in Florida? The last time he did it cost him ‘biggly’. Let’s hope he sees things my way, soon. “Vanquish evil, St. George, – er – St. Donald.” SOMEBODY get that evil a-hole off our backs, please! Wimpy ass McCartney is nowhere to be seen. Can Trump tackle “good’ versus “evil” this go around? Or is the HUGENESS of me and THIS news too much for his competitive ego?

I met him once and spoke with him. It was in the 90’s at a Pebble Beach golf practice tee. He was all by himself and so I insinuated myself on his routine and asked him if he had ever heard about a conspiracy involving evidence against Nixon and Reagan in John Lennon’s death. He politely responded that, no, he had not. I told him he would someday, hopefully soon. He seemed like a good guy even though, at the time, I suspected his role in it I was so paranoid of everything in those days. No, Trump came across like a down to earth, genuine and concerned good human being. Maybe he actually IS. Can we all just get out of his way just in case? Maybe if we were better people he’d be better people, too.

I loved the face fest of last night. You from all the angles. Like the fourth of July fireworks flurry at the end. I especially treasure the inner you of emotions behind the face.

Lately my decades long loneliness binge has caught up with me and I’m not O.K. with it.

Nov. 14, ’24;

In Santa Rosa, Ca. lately to cover all my bases before moving out of state. I am enduring the thought of my sacrifice, thus far, for my crusade and how the ingrate public stacks up next to it. Like, what’s wrong with this stupid world, anyway?

At least I am luxuriating in the afterglow of knowing we are NOT going communist this cycle, after all. Trump is in and that’s good, considering the alternatives.

It’s a little trickier accessing this page since my new add on chapter. I’ll try to adjust..

P.S. a few days after I left a hundred flyers to only the people of Healdsburg, my home town, about my having to leave California if they don’t care, only Healdsburg went from sunny and dry to a rise of twenty feet in the river or more and seriously flooded all of a sudden. I’ve never heard of that there. It reminds me of how Santa Rosa burned down on John Lennon’s birthday, their worst, ever, fire. Supernatural messenger related events?


Things never get easier in tasks like mine. VERY turbulent waters lately. Psychologically. 40 years of failure in California and having to leave them in my past for it is no laughing matter. Once I decide it’s done and their reputation deserves a fleecing. I’m not squeamish being a doctors’ son, either. A Sodom and Gomorrah? Maybe. Polite monsters with good intentions but no spine or confidence. Boot-lickers by nature. Pretty evil, keeping silent. I always knew there was something alien, not normal, about Californians. I knew this at age six upon a two week return to Montana while my parents had to tidy up some strings a year after the move to California. I could breath easier and understand people better in Montana. More normal.

I just cut a new tape and may send it for Christmas. Except for insufficient vocal levels on two tracks (Alfie and People) It’s not bad. It’s how I add some luxury, some taste of tomorrow, to my otherwise desperately scattered life. If you don’t write back to acknowledge you received it I’ll wait till any others follow. You really should write me a thank you note, at least, I think. It’s not like I am an alien being you can’t reach out to.

At a nations length between us and only me with tapes, this space and you with face, it’s not romance weather, now. I’m going through the crisis of situation and it requires all my concentration, now. Maybe someday I’ll be in batter shape to live for today.

Happy holidays. Lots of angst for now. Love you,  Steve

Dec. 2, 2024;

As opposed to having an attitude of gratitude setting your moods, I have lately been assessing my sacrifices and what I deserve – where I should be along with this expose – versus what I have achieved. It’s not fair to blame me even if that were the case because fate doesn’t give you perfect messengers, ever. The fault lies with the public. The satanic, sinful, lazy, wicked public. Alfred Hitchcock would have a field day illuminating mankind’s foibles under the spotlight of my situation. The media, them, too, traitorous, but, underneath it all, the dirty nasty public hiding behind it’s many masks, always. Now that they have my website they can’t even blame the media mind control brainwash campaign. Now they are busted, flat-footed and stupid as a jackass in a stable. Ignoring hard evidence.

Oh, well, not much of anything else except what’s wrong with this planet from me, for now, so, have a happy holiday season and ponder the Hitchcock perspective on people. I’m surprised an asteroid hasn’t already corrected God’s big mistake; self destructive, cowardly humanity.

It’s no fun trading perspectives from thankful to fed up but that’s where I am, lately. Pity society is INTO torturing the messenger after all this time. They just can’t see so.

P.S. I may have to postpone any tape sending for now. Maybe before your birthday, after the mad rush of things, would be better. Besides, my mind is racing lately and I can’t be too sure of anything I do right now, so I’d like to wait a little is all. Big events on the horizon this week especially. I just realized, for example, that the tape recording of a CHP officer I accidentally erased over taping a Kamala Harris speech I just had to tape. Fortunately I have the CHP video of the same conversations. CHP took advantage of 50 mph wind gusts near Salinas to follow me to see if I’d swerve a little and I did. I have a high top, light weight van, after all. A week later, near San Diego, another CHP ambush type of ticket I just managed to avoid when a motorcycle officer hid in my blind spot hoping I’d hit him if I turned right. Another white truck had been blocking me and speeding up to set me up.

I’m a bundle of nerves lately. I think my next billboard will read;

Dec. 7, 2024;

A day before Jim Morrison’s birthday and Lennon’s assassination date. Coincidence?

Having studied your micro expressions this last Friday(?) I noticed a look of sadness and insecurity and vulnerability in you, maybe having to do with my reluctance to mail you my new tape. It was actually another micro expression days before which raised a red flag about my sending you anything. “Watch out, Mr., one more mailing and, wham, we got you.”

Oh, well, I can’t afford to be paranoid in my line of work so I WILL send the tape, maybe today, even.

We’ll see, tomorrow, if I have any fans here in Monterey.. ( My rally. ) A no show would indicate a resentfulness to my heroism and facts. THAT’S grounds for relocating to a worthy populace, I think. If I am left in the lurch past my birthday I’ll be in route to the lower west, away from California. For everybody’s good, too. For justice, for fairness and fair play. To teach the depraved a lesson in the mix. Hard to not ponder me, now, while I’m gone, I think. I know how money grubbing and materialistic this area really is. No room for real class. Maybe that’s why they gravitate here, to compensate with a classy location.

One of my favorite waitresses told me, after reading my flyer about maybe leaving, said; “They’re all sheep here. The police push you around and they follow. They’re sheep.”

She’s not aware of the darker truths ALSO involved about mankind, period. Jealousy, fear, boot-licking, masochism, ‘Stockholm Syndrome’, plain old fashioned evil.

“Wow! We stiffed the man with evidence in Lennon’s murder. God help us all.”

That’s the desired effect, at least.

As self centered as it may sound I will eventually erect a billboard before I leave;


Just that and nothing else. To make people actually think for a change.

Meanwhile, the other one due is;




Like what I see in you, as usual.

Going from being socially depraved, myself, all these decades, getting back to normal and maybe even beyond to a paradise of well being and happiness would be quite an adventure. Who knows?

I DO know that all this forging of my character with all these let downs keeps opening MY eyes to my world, too. I know what no man has see or experienced before. I’m pretty sure, too. Bob Dylan said ; “To see beauty you must first see ugliness.” or words to that effect. I can understand, too.

Dec. 11, ’24;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Needed time to decompress. Tape is soon on the way. So, as my voice rests from Dec. 8’th’s speeches about how Monterey moved here to compensate for it’s apparent lack of class or they’d care about my evidence, it will be a few more days than I thought. Hopefully arrived before Christmas.

It will be very unflattering sounding and made on a mini recorder, as naked as could be. So, we’ll see if it gets sent at all. The second tape that is.

I beat my 5-9-’24 swerving ticket in traffic court last Monday. The video showed it, indeed, was very windy that day in contrast to the officer’s remarks it was not, and it was dismissed in the interest of justice. I had to fend off attempts by the judge to curtail my questioning to only two minutes which I threatened to appeal if that happened and had to insist I knew my rights at one point. On Dec 8, however, the day before, knowing I get groceries at a pantry near a church, the Monterey P.D. were laying in wait for me to make a less than perfect stop on the block they had reason to suspect I’d take. I turned left into their parked car and parked discreetly right away after seeing them start their car and walked around the corner to see what I just did. It was a stop sign they were parked for. They never saw me and I left.

So, you see, they’d love to assault my life on the anniversary just because they’re sick. My enemies.

Meanwhile I just wrote a post script to my rally which was a no show but for two young  girls who did show up a few pages down from my front page

Dec. 16, ’24;

Well, there won’t be any a ca pella tape. At least I sing somewhat on key but no entertainment value, after all. So the one, perhaps last, mailing to you will find the regular version in the mail today.

Naturally I’m a little glum, lately, recoiling from society’s apathetic showing. Cowardly, resentful showing. Formulating my next rhetorical move on a billboard is rolling through my brain lately. Will I be insulting or just couch the subject in compelling settings. For example; BIGGEST NEWS ON EARTH….THIS IS MORE IMPORTANT….THIS NEWS DECIDES THE FUTURE….BIGGEST NEWS SINCE CHRIST….BIGGER THAN NEWS…


That’s my life, lately. Coming up with the right phrase to ignite a reaction to out this news, once and for all. The rest of everybody has their troubles, too, I’m sure.

Looking over my over worked shoulders I see a lot of things I’d like different. Looking at my sacrifices has really set me on my heels, I must say. Time waits for no one and I have to be less content to make a change in results.

My golf in encouraging. Even rusty as could be my shots are being manufactured through correct technique born of ‘window swinging’ to see what thoughts do what to a swing’s look. You know, using a picture window for a mirror to see what you’re doing. I do know what a good swing looks like and I can mold myself. I keep having to remind myself to firm up my grip. Old habits die hard. The body parts are doing their proper job, now. My new thumbs to the side grip allows me to ‘grip it and rip it’, to quote John Daley. Before I had to throttle back. Less back issues, too. I just figured out that weight transference back is through the upper body while weight transference forward is a lower body move to the target. That is, as if one were to sway the upper body away from the target but letting the arms and club and rest of the torso move back catching that sway while the head stays still. The downswing is just a weight shift to the target with the lower body, only, the upper body relatively still until impact occurs and the hands rip into the shot and everything folds over to the target side. As if my forward hip position pulls the arms and club through. I notice an extra positioning of my head to the right at address so I don’t sway, in fact. I like what I am seeing in my practice sessions. Good for my body, too, that work out. I walk each ball ten yards away from the pile to hit so I don’t race and take my time with each shot. I have so much collectible golf clubs I will soon no longer be able to hit with their stiff steel shafts. Maybe a hundred clubs or several sets worth at least. Memories of my past? And that’s not counting putters. Maybe 50 at least. I get amazing satisfaction from merely putting on a good green. Best cheapest entertainment out there. I’ve solidified a technique there, too, I hadn’t before. So much of putting is about ball travel visualization. In golf it’s pictures in the sky that triggers technique.

Anyway, it’s holiday season and my aloneness is all the more present and pertinent. Not an easy season to endure while watching Lennon killer’s pretend how wonderful they all are.

My interest in you is maybe somewhat unrealistic. I just know what I like and you have so much of all that. It is time I focused on life after disclosure while figuring out disclosure at the same time.

Don’t know what else to say. I hope you enjoy the music tape. I’d ask you about yourself more but then local and particulars might give who you are away, so I’ll not, for now.

Dec. 20, ’24;

Well, I’m using the truth to emphasize my Christmas message. It has a ring that can’t BE denied and it went up today in orange on black;




It puts the current scene up for all to witness and it makes one squirm at Christmas time. That’s the idea. TO make ’em squirm. TO wipe the phony smirk off their resentful, bitter faces. It just comes to me as I’m entering the library, it seems, what I will post. I’m hopeful this message will do major damage to the world’s jealous cover-up.

My other gambit is to revise my other sign to




The top line I can always modify with L. Panetta, and I will. I got a parking ticket AS I was speaking on camera at the 12-17 council meeting. Ten minutes after Leon Panetta exited the building after swearing in his puppet mayor Williamson, both of whom I deride, often. Was it a valid ticket? I doubt it. It was only minutes late and the ticket I only found 40 miles and a day later crammed under my leaf gutter area, not even under my windshield wiper. It was a 2 hr. zone. To make me delinquent? I wonder. It comes on the heels of the only other parking ticket in seven years a few weeks ago. The word is out to find me and cite me on site and I can feel it. Now that they know I’m moving on to more fertile ground in Utah. My campaign will be designed to leave a lasting echo in my absence. Every message from here on out a vital connecting piece to disclosure.

Oh, I’m on to everyone’s scheme to get me killed and live under a hideous lie. Not going to happen on my watch. Pardon my belching out your laundry, stupid world. Truth is potent!

Anyway, about the golf book I’m somewhat divided upon reading another book that seems to steal my teachings right out from under me; Swing Like A Pro from 1999(?). On the one hand I emerge as less than ground breaking. On the other hand my teachings are already validated in another recent book. A lot of what makes a book is how it’s presented. My style is far different, however. Oh, have ideas they can’t touch. Never before uttered ideas.

I hope you are having a good time this season and have a great New Year.

I’ll be getting a new zirconium implant on my extreme lower right molar soon. $3,850. cash if I move this next week. No discomfort but it looms necessary. My recent dentist was on television last month in a mug shot about some sex with patients or something so I’m going to my first and better dentist if I do. He’s a real star in the business and amazing hands and skills. Or I’ll call ahead to Utah to see if I can save a bundle there and wait a little.

Keep on being you, mostly. Wish me luck. I’ll need it.

P.P.S. Think I caught a glimpse of you smiling in the crowd watching a tribute to Bonnie Rait. You seem like good company for a date, indeed.

P.S. The tape should arrive Monday, I was told. I hope you enjoy my Christmas / birthday gift.

Dec. 31, ‘ 24

I’ll bet you sound pretty good as a singer. You could send me one of your tapes if you want.

Jan. 11,’25;

Noticed a little too much make up for those neon signs of yours, yesterday. Like putting catsup on a filet mignon, I think. No make up at all would even be better, but that’s just me. Pamela Anderson made the plunge last week to bare all and she looks great, I think. I wonder is it all the tugging and cleaning and such worth it? Inner beauty is all anyone needs. You have outer beauty, why mess with it?

Angst and trepidation and even a little nausea getting down to the March 1 deadline. I may have to carry a mini baseball bat to my next food pantry ordeal in case Steve Mikinnis is working for Stephen King. I could take him without it but it’s HIS problem he is jealous of me to begin with. If he should get a broken arm that’s his business. If I find my pepper spray I’ll go that route, however. All my life I’ve had to deal with jealous jackass losers who think no one should get lucky and get away with it. We’ll see what shakes out, I guess.

We all use exposed gas meters which ignite under heat and explode a house into a ball of fire. Aren’t we a smart human race? I used to night manage Wolfgang Puck’s pizzeria in the Gelson’s market in Pacific Palisades. One day I had to park in their lot with my van covered. When someone snooped and saw my name attached I was fired the next day. Money grubbing, Lennon killing ways. They just can’t win. I used to sell high end meat there, too. I once sold Michelle Phillips of the Mamas and the Papas some product. She is in L.A. proper, though. I said; “You know, you look like Michelle Phillips.” “Yeah” she replied. “You ARE Michelle Phillips!” and that’s how we met. She has my ‘zine’.

Underground meters from now on, retarded race. The Rothchild’s own PG&E. How could they have NOT known about this flaw? Lennon killers can’t win. Like I say. I must be the only functioning brain out there, I guess.

Have you SEEN one of the photos of King under his Google search? LOONEY! CREEPY! Even has the mouth of a chimpanzee or a Grinch who stole Christmas. I’m using it in my next handout. It should prove explosive. “Why would you THINK I killed John Lennon?” fits the photo.

Pity I’m the only American brave enough to stand up to his evil ass.

Jan. 18, ’25;

I probably should NOT enter anything today as I have just recovered from a grueling ordeal. Think of the video we all saw of a bald eagle dying from lead poisoning, his eyes closed, stoic, enduring every moment and drip, drip of agony until the end and that’s what it felt like. A bad lower back molar that, thankfully, I had removed the next morning. Had it been a day later I’d have REALLY suffered as the weekend would find all dental offices closed. Over the course of 15 hours I took 12 aspirin and 8 ibuprofin to NO EFFECT AT ALL. Wow! I had some bone graft installed while at it to prepare for the implant soon to come. The doctor knocked of $100. from the $500. bill for that but I may rescind that credit card payment payment before the 30 day limit because this dentist partially caused the damage to occur by not scheduling me for a check up for over a year. I suspect this dentist, the same one indicted under some sex charge that had decimated his business, calculatingly so, may have deliberately let me fall into disrepair so he could get the implant job later.

Meanwhile, yet another predominantly homosexual workplace, The Point Pinos Bar and Grill, has 86’d me because they got drift of my public stance on homosexuals, that they are too weak to hold high office and the least qualified to care about what I do they are so preoccupied with their own peculiarities. Last year the Aptos Seascape bar and grill did the same after seeing my sign on my van; “SICK PARENTS PROTECTING STEPHEN KING” TWO golf establishments with almost exclusively homosexual staff. I can’t wait to move to Utah and escape all this insanity here in Caliphonya. If it falls into the sea I wouldn’t cry. Best real estate, worst people.

In fact, when I was a young man it occurred to me how bitter and back stabby the area was. Now I understand it has a lot of alcoholics and pedophiles. I’d say it’s also about 30 % homosexual. I don’t use the word “gay” to describe a group with a very high suicide rate. It’s a false moniker.

Aren’t I cheerful today!

I purchased some pepper spray so I won’t be breaking Steve Mikinnis’s arm tomorrow if he get’s in my face again. If he does I will happily spray his jealous face, though.

About my avenging angel; Last week I was cut off KSCO when I mentioned, regarding the L.A. fires, that “L.A. assaulted me..” as if they were punished over harming me. Then, just days ago, AND exactly as I was on KSCO Radio explaining that pervious call, that I didn’t get the chance to say that in May of last year I brandished a sign for L.A. to all see on my van that read; “DEMAND DISCLOSURE OR SUFFER”, the local battery warehouse near our power plant caught fire and spewed the WORST toxins all over those downwind. It’s still burning, too. Today I called to say that that all this is God’s way of warning you to all attend my rally March first and that if you don’t think bad things will happen to you if you don’t then think again. I have no doubt bad things will happen to a place so immoral and cowardly.

That my last Jim Morrison song to you was “You’re Lost Little Girl” was just  the way it happened and was not intended as some hidden message. However, as one who used to chase the dollar bill to a fault and once thought that if only I had enough money all of life would be easy, I do want to say that, to the extent that you are not doing something about the biggest issue on our planet; Stephen King’s crime against us all, you are a little lost, I worry. Compared to you I’m just a bum living in a van down by the river, but compared to me you’re part of the problem not to champion truth and justice. You HAVE more than all the money you’ll ever need so why not infuse some morals into your profession?

My attitude took a dive after I stopped ignoring the poverty I have endured over mankind’s wickedness and apathy and evil. I used to content myself that I am richer and better off than anyone NOT able to see what I see and feel. I WAS the richest man on earth all these dreary years as the messenger. Now, however, I have come to understand that mankind is an evil thing that killed john Lennon it is so depraved and stupid. That everyone here likes me so long as I don’t actually expose this worldwide. That it’s their secret they want to keep. That they’d rather I died of old age than have me save them. Now I feel betrayed and I wonder does anyone deserve my presence. My heroism. My sacrifice.

It’s a fact that your life is lived under Stephen King’s evil thumb. Yeah, YOUR life. He decided who you cannot listen to and be saved by. That he is obviously part primate and a subhuman being with only bad things for us all and is still free says loads about our species. It’s not about am I right or not. Everybody KNOWS I AM right. That’s the problem they will have to explain someday. I will not mince words if the opportunity arises.

I look around me and I see my local culture and King’s Florida culture; ice cream cone licking perverts, all, and I wonder how could God make us so stupid?

January 21,’25:

Well, well. It seems you may already know about what I just found out about myself judging from the lightbulb that has suddenly gone on in your brain from how you looked Monday. If you do then you found out listening in on my phone conversation with my sister the other day. Your people are listening in on my phone. See why being a detective is so fun? SO stimulating. Of course I could be wrong and just jumping to conclusions too soon. HOWEVER………….

This news is EXPLOSIVE!!!!!!!!! I may be so big that GOD, himself, many thousands of years before I was born, imprinted a monument of my face in photographic detail that drapes over the states of Washington and Oregon. 500 miles high and almost 300 miles wide. MY FACE! M-Y face! Unmistakably mine and no one else’s. My left eye is near Spokane, my then full lipped mouth is just east of Portland and my nose just east of Seattle. That little sideways horseshoe of land in Washington represents the left cheek and upper left lip. Only a part of the right side of my face and the top of the hair is cropped away. Even my personality spirit and idealism and serenity and kindness (How I really am as a person ) are seen in it. It’s utterly A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.

I noticed this while freezing the action on a television police show that shows the satellite night view of America between each episode. Maybe it won’t show up so well on other images that Google may supply. I tried but it’s hard to use the internet, here, I’ve found. But on THAT show you can easily spot it. DEFY network Just freeze the image and look! Day or night version. Bigger than a stamp on an envelope. My 1987 face! The EXACT photo, in fact, that I sent you of me in a S.F.P.D. mug shot for displaying signs on a sidewalk. Only you me and the police have that photo not counting flyers I passed out once. You have ample access to what to look for.

Is that why your face was so lit up yesterday?

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln, MOVE OVER! The Mount Rushmore monument ain’t got nothing on me. I MUST be huger than I ever thought.

In fact, I’ve always been perplexed that the outline of Montana shows a man and his nose looking down on California. I was born in Helena and lived my life in California. No other state has a face on it.

Also. In Wyoming, you can see the only other real image of a human image. A Nordic, Viking King in full beard with a metal crown looking out to the south east. In southern Utah a kind of Mickey Mouse image is seen. A shark in New Mexico. No other human images and mine is the crowning glory of topographical photos I can see in all the U.S.. That it IS almost PHOTOGRAPHIC is just mind blowing!

This presented itself to me while recovering from mercury poisoning that almost killed me last week. AS if God was letting me know; “Hang in there. You’re more important than you know. Here, I’ll SHOW you.” to lift my spirits.

Anyway, my “Messenger Needs Everybody’s Help” chapter details the mercury poisoning as well as Clint’s recent mistakes, what I will do about the golf cafe 86’ing me. See the part a few pages down from the top that says “PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS”

I’m pooped. I need to rest. That’s all for now.

P.S. This image of me was there for thousands of years before I was born.  SPOOKY.

P.P.S. Google search images don’t work. Maybe only this DEFY Network police show’s image does. Maybe that’s why I never noticed it before. The lighting and shadows is important, apparently.

Jan. 24,’ 25

Happy Birthday!

I know it’s right about this time of January, like Jack Nicklaus, my hero. It also happens to be sign off day for you. Kind of like my moving to Utah after MY birthday. Great minds think alike? Suddenly, like an asteroid out of no where, there you are saying goodbye to us all. All the admiration of your grace under all the pressure you endure just being famous, aside, my favorite shot of the night was of you in a green(?) baseball cap, outdoors, hair back, zero make up, your ample eyes spilling out all over themselves, just being the real, unfettered you. THAT’S what I like about you, the real you, how God made you, is fine with me. May God be with you all through the rest of your journey through life and beyond. Enjoy NOT being famous. You’ve earned it. Enjoy retirement and all the spare time you will have.

I’m not going anywhere in the meantime. I’m still true, blue to you. If it isn’t in the cards, oh, well, it sure beat no one to love back. I have truly been blessed with a lot even in our weird, media dimensional relationship. Thank you for it all. Looking forward to the future.

It is convenient that certain biological facts of aging take place about now for you and why have to navigate all that in the public eye? All is for the better. I guess I might never have kids is the only downside I can see. I think that ship may have sailed when I stuck my neck so far out, actually. I wouldn’t burden anyone with my danger until I’m brought forward.

Feb. 5, ’25;

What am I to talk about? My 500 mile tall face in the northwest? Read my front section and you’ll especially appreciate what I’m saying as you should already HAVE that photo of me in the S.F.P.D. station I mailed you. By now I suspect you should be holding one hand up to the side of your face and wondering; “Oh, MY!”

Your pretty face and eyes are always fresh in my mind’s eye. I prefer interaction before I write you at all. Now that your face is missing from my daily routine I have discovered MINE in the landscape to ponder, now. Weird. Life. Isn’t it? It’s as if god wanted to help me past this trying time with a little encouragement is how it seems. Bizarre on top of bizarre, though.

Feb. 27, ’25;

Of course I miss seeing your face. I don’t know what to say to one who is not there to react or not to it all. I’ll just have to contain myself for now and break my expose during this interim. I doubt another will come along to intercept me. I’ll be ready at a later date like nothing skipped a beat. You’re not available, now, anyway, and I must do whatever I was born to do here in the meantime.



Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


That’s all for now.

Love you,

Steve Lightfoot